#pink talks
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pinksepia · 7 months ago
Thinking about the asl brothers and how they all have hats
Sabo and luffy having a hat when they were younger and ace didn’t, and being the last one to get a hat (when he gets older)
Then all of them having hats when they were older
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pinkcocoapowder · 4 days ago
i forgot how much i liked gabriel. gabe. HES JUST A FUCKING ATTACK DOG. the lord he loves so much disappears one day and the council comes skating in covering it up like hi we're in charge now. do not look behind our curtain. maybe there was an election within their group wouldnt that be fucked up or what.
but these guys suddenly take charge of what used to be the lords and gabriels one of the assets left behind. and hes a damn good one !!!! he beat minos and sisyphus to win their war and now and guards hell. it doesnt matter how good of a job hes done in the past though because his first mistake, first fuckup, only fuckup, even if it WAS against an object, is automatically grounds for removal of the light. its so crazy to me because even if i know that its supposed to reflect how hypocritical a religious group can be from the inside, its just one loss that EVERYBODY dogpiled him for. gabriels been their champion/attack dog forever and ever and at his first mistake hes just tossed aside !! like YES being beaten by an object is EMBARRASSING for their image but this is again, THEIR CHAMPION.
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like they just did this for fun. i thnk they just dont want him anymore. theres no one dying anymore cuz mankind is dead and even with hell full its sort of self sufficient. i think they just wanted an excuse to get rid him. theres no way it isnt. EVEN IF he managed to beat v1 the second time theres no guarantee that the council would just, give him the light back. both v1 and gabe dont want to die but im the end its just what awaits for both of them. this fuckass machine has stomped everything on its descent and for what. because it doesnt want to die ? its being spurred on by the greed known as wanting to live ??
i dont think v1 will live forever btw. it will run out of blood eventually and she'll also like. wont be able to fix itself up anymore because all things must come to an end. it will simply stop processing the blood that generates its body back or it will starve. it still doesnt want to die though. does it feel like its impossible to die at times ? its shielded by the fact it can regenerate health and only needs blood but again. its so sure of itself she wont stop for a moment and think that theres nothing that waits for her in the end. it will kill everything before it dies and it will have to live with that fact until it finally dies aloooone. like at least by act 2 gabe's confronted the fact that he will die and gives it his all. SORRH THE WAY HE COMES TO TERMS WITH HIS IMMINENT DEATH. ATTACK DOG TURNING ON THE ONES THAT FED HIM. FUCKKKKKK I NEED HIM TO KILL HIMSELF GENUINELY. do you know how raw this would be. that or beating the shit out of him no guns no coins just the feedbacker in a fistfight. gabe dont let that timer be the thing that ends you make a statement. you did this once already i believe in you. i really hope he kills himself though
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rozetheeuwu · 2 months ago
Since Ttar is now playing Rejuv I would like to thank him for getting me into Reborn to begin with. The whole reason I started playing myself is because I got frustrated with his choices and some of the things he did so I chose to download the game myself on my shitty but beloved laptop.
Now here I am.
I'll probably... Won't watch him play rejuv for the same reason I stopped watching him play Reborn (frustration) though.
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thatpinknerd · 1 month ago
Starting the semester off great. It’s 17 degrees out and my dumbass decided it was the perfect idea to not bring my inhaler bc who needs that.
My fucking class is ACROSS campus??? And I had an asthma attack. I’m okay boys. But it was so scary I texted my mom LMAO. Now my lungs hurtttt
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pinkcupboardwitch · 4 months ago
Re: that previous post also like…. If “all you hear from the left is hating [men] for their immutable characteristics and blaming them for the world and wanting them dead” then I have to wonder whether the “leftists” you think you’re following are actually all radfems and you just assume they’re leftists because they claim part of the feminist lineage, or else whether you’re still stuck enough in conservative ways of thinking to assume that critiques of patriarchy by either a political thinker or a woman venting on social media are personal attacks on you
Like, my guy, I promise you, the left actually spends a lot of time talking about things other than cis men
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There’s a weird store near where I work that’s not at all a comic store, but they do sell comics. Basically, if someone born in 2000 or earlier looks at a thing and says, “I remember that from when I was a kid,” then it’s probably something this store sells.
They have an entire, absolutely huge section of comics, bagged and boarded and…in no way organized whatsoever.
They are not sorted by line, character, age, or publisher. They took a bunch of comics, stuck them in bins, and said “go nuts, kids.”
So I went nuts. The selection rules were simple: i had to either like it to be pretty sure there would be a wheelchair in it. I was looking with a friend and we spent about 3 hours looking through books.
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Neither I nor my friend could tell if the thing in the very bottom left of Amazing Spider Man was a stylized wheelchair or a Zamboni, so I got it just to be safe (please disregard any price tags you see on these; that’s not what I paid). I don’t know anything about X Men but I was told that I’d have to review them eventually, so why not get some while it’s right in front of me.
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Robin II: The Joker’s Wild was a complete little set and was also ordained with these shiny little pieces on the front and I’m a sucker for a shiny thing. I’ve also been enjoying Chuck Dixon’s writing and I find the art style in these to be really appealing, from what I saw going through them a bit while sitting on the floor of a variety shop pouring through unsourced comics.
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Birds of Prey because the requirement was that if there’s a wheelchair on the cover, I buy it. Also I started my current aggressive comic binge in 1998 and am now in 2002, and we’ve had Oracle and The Joker face to face like …3? times now. So that was just amusing enough of a cover for me to grab it.
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Sorry for bad photos, it’s late and my iPad doesn’t have a flash on the camera.
This one’s Batman and Robin: Future’s End. I got it because it’a a one-shot and because the cover’s a fun image-changing cover that looks different from different angles.
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I know a single thing about this book and it’s that the cover is cool. Everything else I’m going to have to find out when I read it. But very cool cover.
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Devil Dinosaur from 1978. You can’t put both those words next to each other and then expect me to roll away from that. You can’t.
I also got some Stargate SG-1 comics but I probably won’t come back to talk about those. I just know some peopl who would be interested in owning them when I’m done reading them.
Also because Stargate fucking rocks so.
Anyway, I’ve been getting back into comics again, and if you want to know more about my opinions on comic wheelchair accuracy, I’m over on @wheelchairbatgirl
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pinksarchive · 7 months ago
This is the art archive for @rozetheeuwu
There will be no text posts (besides this pin) so you can scroll through without clutter.
Main tags personal: pink's art, pink's characters
All fandoms, charas and ocs are tagged (with the exception of my discontinued fancomics, they're still tagged but not all charas)
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pinkdreamscape1 · 4 months ago
I LOVE the new fullcontrol password.
It makes the fights so much more easier and I also feel like I'm really teaming up with the character I'm fighting with. (Strategizing wise)
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pink088 · 10 months ago
The power is out where I live LOL
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pinkgirl78659 · 2 years ago
GMA Voltes V Legacy Criticism
I can’t say how long I’ve wait to watch this series and i have high expectations of it. So out of love i just want to share my opinions and criticism. I am no way hating on this series but i care for it so much that i just had to critique it. KEEP IN MIND this is only covering the Frist episode that premiered today on GMA may 8. THIS IS MY OWN OPINION.
The fact the Voltes Team is training on the Camp Big Falcon Base. I want to say this is a huge change mostly because the Anime series starts off with the Voltes Team not know what exactly they are training for and are completely unaware of the Camp Big Falcon base and the idea of the robot Voltes V.
The Legacy series however has them training near base yet they do not know what they’re training for but some how know of the exist of the Voltes V robot. I’m hoping future episodes clear this up because i feel like this is a huge continuity error.
Little john’s lack of training. This is something i actually hope to see develop in the later episodes. I like the new take on his character and i can see this choice was mostly likely inspired by the later episodes of the anime involving Dr.Hook. I am only hoping his character isn’t downplayed to just be the kid of the team since they do acknowledges him as an engineer.
The opening training scenes with the Voltes Team training. Oh boy. I have so much to say for this since i literally think the only people who had accurate scene to the anime were Big Bert and Jamie Robinson.
Steve’s intro is flat out boring. He’s supposed to be a marksmanship. that opening shot did not give you any idea that he was even training. I was so hoping they could emulate him driving on a motorcycle while shooting. If not focus more on just his skills as a marksman.
Mark’s intro is also extremely boring. Maybe it was the environment he was horsing around in. The scene looke so empty there were no trees and even it if you didn’t want tree don’t make it a continuous wide shot have more close up shots following him on the horse. I can kinda see they’re leaning more to the cowboy side of Mark and even so he was just raiding a horse no whip or even making the horse jump.
I really like Big Bert’s training scene. I felt it accurately portrayed his scene in the anime. I have no idea why they choose to do his outdoors and not indoors like the anime but regardless it was good.
Little johns’s is extremely confusing form an outsiders perspective. Why does he have a dolphin. Does he like dolphins?. What is point of the scene. I get that making him kill a shark is a bit extreme to do in live action but that shows something of his character at least in the anime. At that point they should have made the scene of him being an a great swimmer or have him fixing one of battle ship boats that he does for the ship races. They could even done something more because that scene straight up does not make sense.
Jamie’s intro was amazing only confused why she had firearms. I know all of them are suppose to be good with firearms but the fact have she was duel welding pistols and not Steve was confusing.
Finally my last complaint I truly believe the actors could have done better if given better guidance. I mostly have an issue with line delivery regarding the “weapons call out” to me most of the lines seem devoid of enthusiasm or just lack intense. Also slight nit picking weapons name its “Frigate Missile” not “Frigate Rocket”.
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pinksepia · 5 months ago
I just need franky and Robin to get to get her at the end of one piece
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pinkcocoapowder · 3 days ago
killing is a game to v1 and bro does not want to be it
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rozetheeuwu · 6 months ago
Posted this in discord, but fuck it. Y'all get this too.
A bit of a long ramble about Saphira and Laura.
Since we're talking about Saphira I want to talk about her and Laura for a second.
Thinking about how Saphira and Laura are like, complete opposites in their views of people and the world.
Saphira doesn't trust anyone (besides her sisters) and doesn't think bad people will change. She believes the world is cruel, unfair and corrupt and she has to fight everyday of her life to keep herself and sisters alive.
Laura has faith in people and believes anyone can change when you give them the chance. She believes in a world where people can work together if we just give each other a chance.
The best part is that neither of them are wrong.
The world is cruel and unfair. There are people who misuse others for their kindness, there are people who use their powers and status to harm others for their own benefit. If you don't have power and status then you're a victim to those who do. If you're not careful you're going to get hurt.
Yet, there are people when given the chance *will *change. You can put your trust in others and they will have your back, blood or not, family or friends. If you look out for someone they will look out for you. When you give someone the chance to learn and grow they can become a better person.
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thatpinknerd · 1 month ago
This is awkward.. Hello.. Hi.. Its me :) Many of you probably don't remember me because I'm never here anymore, well, maybe sometimes. Not often. I've said this like 50 times that I'm going to make my tumblr comeback and it just... never happens?? This time I plan to change that? All that talk to say I fully intend within the next year to make tumblr my main social media? I've debated just fully restarting/retiring this account but like.. that's a whole ass hassle and this account essentially watched me grow up. So yeah.. here I am. Sorry for such the awkward welcome back lmao.
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pinkcupboardwitch · 4 months ago
Tonight rather than drinking I am going for hotpot and s’mores.
I am going to dunk my feelings into boiling hot soup broth or set them on fire and burn them to a gooey black mess.
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pink-yandere · 2 years ago
I missssed this blog!
Hi lovelies, how is everyone?
I'm seething with rage and drowning in sorrow myself !
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