#throwing stones;memes
teraluceo · 4 months
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Did I do it right
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lady-disdain221b · 4 months
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cynicatalyst · 2 months
I love these two 😭
Video idea was @lovedeathandyautja’s
I love how tired Ahab gets of Galgo sometimes in the comics for being a professional yapper.
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atopvisenyashill · 10 months
so there's an aspect of this one i don't think has really been delved into that I think may be important when it comes to canon jonsa and I wanted to do my own lil analysis, along with maybe some tin hatting at the end here.
this is what the pact is (or what we know of it at any rate, Munkun is not exactly a good source of information):
Cregan Stark and Jacaerys Velaryon reached an accord, and signed and sealed the agreement that Grand Maester Munkun calls “the Pact of Ice and Fire” in his True Telling. Like many such pacts, it was to be sealed with a marriage. Lord Cregan’s son, Rickon, was a year old. Prince Jacaerys was as yet unmarried and childless, but it was assumed that he would sire children of his own once his mother sat the Iron Throne. Under the terms of the pact, the prince’s firstborn daughter would be sent north at the age of seven, to be fostered at Winterfell until such time as she was old enough to marry Lord Cregan’s heir.
There's two parts to this that I think are important here. Here is the first, which is the basics of the pact, and that most Jonsas are familiar with:
Jacaery's First Born Daughter Is Fostered At Winterfell -> She will marry Cregan's first born son and heir.
Obviously, this never happened for several reasons and the pact is forgotten but perhaps it will be fulfilled anyway by...
Jon, a secret Targaryen bastard, is "fostered" at Winterfell -> he will fulfill the pact by marrying a Stark Maiden aka Sansa.
Basically, it's a genderswapped version of what the pact entails. I think given George's fondness for how Tolkien was a hater of Macbeth because he thought the "no man of woman born" should have indicated a girl and not just a man born via c-section, I think the genderswap aspect fits George's style.
The second part however, has more to do with Jacaerys and Sara and I feel like it's glossed over a bit. See here:
They had spoken their vows in Winterfell’s own godswood before a heart tree, and only then had she given herself to him, wrapped in furs amidst the snows as the old gods looked on.
Jacaerys, a "secret" Targaryen bastard who gets his family name and allegiances through his mother, not his father -> Rumors of a secret marriage in front of a Weirwood with a Stark bastard, Sara
Listen. It doesn't matter whether Sara Snow is real, you believe whatever makes you happy! But what IS real and relevant is that this part was included in F&B for a reason, and is indicated to be the catalyst for the pact. Jace and Sara get secret married in front of a Weirwood, and this is what calms down Cregan so they can make their pact. And here is how (I believe) it applies to Jonsa:
Jon, a secret Targaryen bastard, but who gets his look and his allegiance not through his father but Lyanna's blood -> Jon, a Stark bastard, will marry an Heir in secret in front of a Weirwood tree.
THAT is, imo, the most important aspect of this scandalous story from Mushroom - that a secret bastard, a targaryen and a stark, secretly marry in front of a Weirwood tree just before a bloody war kicks off. People tend to make Sansa the Sara in this part, which is valid, but I think Sansa's role in this is not just to be the pretty Stark maiden, but to be the HEIR that is secretly marrying for love, like Jacaerys is, and that Jon's role will be about his status as a bastard, so that both parts kind of apply to both characters. And given that, if Jace and Sara had married, their daughter would have been a Starkgaryen with "secret" bastard heritage (from both her parents), marrying a Stark Heir, it does make sense (at least in my mind) that this may apply to Jon and Sansa's future plot. the That's something I touched on here in my "what will Jon's endgame" post.
Then there's the Vermax of it all...
Mushroom also claims that Vermax left a clutch of dragon’s eggs at Winterfell, which is equally absurd. Whilst it is true that determining the sex of a living dragon is a nigh on impossible task, no other source mentions Vermax producing so much as a single egg, so it must be assumed that he was male. Septon Barth’s speculation that the dragons change sex at need, being “as mutable as flame,” is too ludicrous to consider.)
This brought to mind the ole' Jonnel and Sansa (the first) thing - beyond the J&S similarities (Jacaerys & Sara, Jon & Sansa, Jonnel & Sansa), I think it's also important that Jonnel and Sansa never have any children, though they're married for several years. Jacaerys and Sara also never have children, yet there's the rumor Vermax laid eggs in the crypt, with some believing this may have meant Sara was pregnant (but perhaps miscarried) when Jacaerys left. I think however, the fact that both J&S couples kind of mysteriously do not have children of their own, and that their Houses descend from someone else to be important.
I've kind of briefly gone into the idea that Bran rules in a parliamentary style over (what's left of) Westeros, and while I'm not too committed one way or the other on whether he physically has children or whether they elect the ruler on the Iron Throne more often starting from Bran, the succession is significantly less of an issue because of the permanent Great Council/Parliament that will exist. Sansa (and Jon, for that matter), however, is the heiress to a long line of kings and lords and needs some sort of heir. I don't think it's out of the realm of possibililty that while in the Vale, she connects with some of Jocelyn Stark's descendants (the famous "Vale cousins" that Catelyn mentions as heirs for Robb) and makes one of them her heir, or even names the children of Arya her heir, and pulls a Queen Elizabeth, but then I thought of Vermax laying dragon eggs that are never found, and Jonnel and Sansa never having children, and George's love of threes and thought...perhaps Jon and Sansa will have an heir, but Sansa can't claim the child as hers.
In that same vein, it’s noteworthy to me as well that Serena and Edric (Sansa's younger sister and Jonnel's younger brother) have TWO sons but the line completely bypasses them. We have no idea how the Northerners felt about these marriages beyond the fact that they didn't like Lynara's sons because their rules were plagued by troubles. Is it possible that they chose to bypass Edric's sons because of the incest, and Sansa/Jon may be forced to reconcile with how the realm views him (as Ned's son) and what he actually is (Lyanna's son) when it comes to the line of succession? IE - Vermax is rumored to lay an egg in the crypts but no one ever finds out, Sansa is rumored to have have had a child with her “brother” but no one ever finds out the truth.
TO SUM UP: I think the Pact of Ice and Fire is a hint that Jon and Sansa will secretly marry in the godswood of Winterfell, and it's likely that when Sansa is named Queen in the North, her heir will be "fathered by a wolf" or a "wildling" and she and Jon won't be able to tell anyone that Jon is the father.
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transrevolutions · 2 years
hey. uh. we put your classic lit boyfriend into the tumblr fandom. yeah, he's gay now and being shipped with his homoerotic literary foil. no, we can't undo it. if it's any consolation, they're making posts about you too. you're the girlboss who is the only one with the braincell. um sorry about that.
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punch-love · 7 months
I'm sorry for the ppl pressuring you to update Love-Punch. Like, I understand that they enjoy reading it and want to know what happens next, I do too, but you're literally putting it on the internet for FREE. I think more people need to understand that, you don't owe them an update. I hope they don't discourage you too much from writing but you're entitled to take as much time as you want and or need to update, be this fic or literally any other you write.
Have a great day, an even greater life, and stay safe out there!
I was not expecting this message at all, and I appreciate you spending time to consider me like that. I will say, on average, the majority of my readership on this platform in particular have been really respectful of my time and also are semi-used to how many long hiatuses I've taken on the project, so I don't get messages pressuring me very often (comments, whole different ball game lol) I usually get the most pressure from new/casual readers and not people who have been with me for a while.
That being said, thank you for not only highlighting how I'm doing this for free, but also that I don't owe people an update? It takes me on average anywhere from one to three months to complete a single chapter and whenever people pressure me for updates I want to be like, this is a huge creative undertaking that you're snapping your fingers for and expecting words to appear. I also put a lot of pressure on myself to finish it internally, even when I am burnt out on it (which I am/have been for more than a few months) so that's nice to hear. I think when you're working on something with a bigger audience, it can be easy to fall into the pressure chamber and truly, you do not owe anyone anything.
In all honesty, love-punch a project that I don't really have passion for anymore. I've fallen out with the fandom/pairing for a while now and whenever I get comments (good or bad) it makes me feel even more disconnected from it. That being said, it is something I would like to finish specifically because there's a scene in the third act that I wrote the ENTIRE WORK to write, and I would very much like to write it. I try hard not to write things for the fans (the good or the bad) because if I did that, I probably wouldn't get anything done lol. If it gets finished - and it will - it will be for me.
Thanks for such an encouraging message! It's always nice to have someone be like "hey, human on the other side of the content."
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listen if youre online arguing about what "true punk' is youre already too far gone. ok now that being said i have a secret opinion to share ⬇️
#i know how lame it is to care about ''posers'' like literally who cares we're all adults just do yo thang#but.............. the more time i spend in my local scene(s) the more i become aware of ppl who are like aspirationally alternative#like you wanna be edgy bc you think its badass and counterculture#but you dont have the backbone to do anything for yourself without worrying about how others will see you#like youre so deadset on fitting in to this one subculture but you seemingly dont particularly like anything about it?#all you want is to look cool in front of your peers so you just absorb whatever is popular with them at the time.#opinions music attitude appearance all based on whatevers trendy. which we're all guilty of i know#but why try so hard to fit into this idealistic 'punk' label. it sucks and is so lame and everyone can tell how hard youre posturing#and not to throw stones in glass houses but these ppl r so awful to talk to#seemingly never attempted an original thought in their life. speaks exclusively in twitter/tiktok/tumblr memes or buzzwords#never really listens to you and only factors in your opinion after he's run it by the ppl he wants to fit in with#um i mean they 🧍#could be thinking of a specific guy i know. maybe#anyways i think im discovering in real time what a ''poser'' is and its making me feel like a cranky old man#always have to remind myself to be empathetic and not judge too harshly bc literally who am i and who cares#but it still gets my goat occasionally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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undead-potatoes · 10 months
10, 11, & 30? :3
10. What would your Tav consider to be their greatest skill? Is this accurate?
His ability to be helpful, in whatever capacity that he can. It's what he's always done, and he's surprisingly good at filling whatever hole needs filling (DO NOT! you know what I mean). I think his actual greatest skill is being able to see people, to empathize with them and meet them where they're at, to make them feel like the most important person in the world at that moment. The way he's able to connect with those around him and be genuinely liked and trusted is something special, I think.
11. What would your Tav consider to be their greatest flaw? Is this accurate?
This is a tricky one bc there are so many things where he feels like he falls short. His spellcasting is lacking. He's a terrible druid. He's not as smart or skilled as others in his field(s). He's never doing enough or all the he could. He's too loud and takes up too much space, yet doesn't take up nearly the amount of space he should. So his actual greatest flaw is his own self loathing. It drags him down, clogs his mind and keeps him from embracing all the things that he's actually good at. He could be so much more, have so much more, if he just learned to embrace himself as he is, and all the good things coming his way he's so sure he doesn't deserve.
30. What are your Tav’s intentions/goals after the end of the game?
After some deliberation he agrees to go live with Gale in Waterdeep, but has a few loose ends to tie up before he can go anywhere; to finish whatever business he left behind in Baldur's Gate when he was squidnapped (he's a man of his word after all), and securing a place for Nana to live safely. Much of his smuggling/procurer business is in tatters after everything that has happened, and he mainly focuses on getting everyone whatever's left of their goods and closing any open business before he leaves Baldur's Gate for the foreseeable future. As for Nana, she's become too senile to effectively take care of herself, especially after so much of her domain (the sewers) was torn apart by the Netherbrain. Not quite sure where you'd stash a senile spore druid, who can be a bit of a danger to both herself and those around her, but Jay is nothing if not resourceful so I'm sure he'll come up with something. (which means I have to come up with something lmao) I imagine there's also a few instances of helping out around the city as it tries to get back on its feet, in between everything else. If he can levearge his access and wider network of people to help rebuild his own city, he's more than happy to do it. But once he finally get his ass over to Waterdeep he doesn't really have any plans for the first time in his life. He gets to just exist and vibe for the first time in a very long time, and honestly he needs it.
From this Tav ask meme (Durge version)
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kil9 · 1 year
just had a dream that a cat came outside my house and I went out to talk to it and found out it was the world's first transmasc cat
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dcspiteevcrything · 1 year
tag dump: general blog things
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waugh-bao · 2 years
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teraluceo · 6 months
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naughtynoodle056 · 2 years
take some time to care for yourself. youre hurting rn, so take any and all time to yourself you need. dont be afraid to reach out, and try not to isolate yourself if it can be avoided. take care, sending my best
I wasn't expecting such a sweet ask but thank you anon that means a lot 😭❤️
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spruceoutoffive · 2 years
me, reading a fic: this character would not fucking say that!!!
me, rereading the line: oh wait, false alarm! this character absolutely would say that!
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whifferdills · 2 years
tumblr's telephone-game version of Scorcese is better than Scorcese
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invictarre-archive · 2 years
time to re-paste my tags and tag everything I’ve been getting lazy with  :))))))))
can’t wait for these to get deleted !!!!!!!!!!
#dear queen of hearts; let me grow you red roses so you can learn how to be kind | out of character#hard and fast shines the grin that we flash; but there's a vulnerable stripe or two on me | musings#you can learn a lot of things from the flowers; for especially in the month of June | inbox memes#let us together see how high we can fly before the sun melts the wax in our wings | dash commentary#pull the sword from the stone and start forging your own legendary stories | headcanons#I've found fame to be a fickle food; lying delicately across an ever shifting plate | aesthetics#all the parts combine to one with all of us around the sun; everything will fall away; make order from the disarray | worldbuilding#I can make it easy; I can take the lead. if you think they're looking at you; they're looking at me | answered ask#owo ??? what's this ????? *notices your post* | saved#there's no such thing as time to kill or time to throw away | dash games#every fight has its costs that we've had to pay; all won by the strength of the party we've made | muse relevant imagery#under a canopy of stars where thought and truth divorce; in that latticework of dreams we are guiltless | dani x leon#I think we deserve a soft epilogue my love; we are good people and we've both suffered enough | v: galar's golden boy#up where the mountains meet the heavens above; out where the lightning splits the sea | v: vientown ranger#through the rain and the storm and the flood I can feel their approach like a fire in my blood | v: treasure town trio#edge of glory; write your story; seize the moment with no regrets | v: my hero academia#and the cat's in the cradle with the silver spoon; little boy blue and the man in the moon | npcs: arthur brandt-muriell#and it feels like flying out of fool's paradise; I'll leave them in their cages and rise to shining heights | v: a new chapter#we can outshine the sun; we need only believe that two stars shine brighter than one | v: childhood
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