#throw all our hangers in a couple bags
canisonicscrewyou · 1 year
In T-Minus 11 hours we will have the truck to Begin Moving. Excited and nervous. Might take a 20 minute nap before I get to it or else just rot here till my timer goes off
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wisewidow · 4 years
Hello, Your Parents Want Me To Have Your Babies
PAIRING: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
SUMMARY: Melina, my workplace’s neighbour, wants to set me up with her daughter.
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I'd only ever hear about Natasha every couple of weeks, when her adoptive father, the mechanic that owned the garage workshop beside my father's cafe slash bar, met up with my uncle for beers one day last year. Ever since then, our families have been loosely intertwined, friendly but not too close. Alexei fixed my mom's wrecked car for a cheap price, in return I let his youngest daughter Yelena have free coffees whenever she pops over.
From what my father told me, Alexei's entire family, including his wife, were all involved in the family business of repairing cars, except for his eldest daughter: Natasha, who turned out to be an FBI agent living in Quantico. Dad says they're proud of her but they miss her.
"(Y/N)," my brother calls from the kitchen. I put down my phone and find him balancing three plates of sandwiches and a salad in his spindly arms.
He opens his mouth to explain the orders, but I cut him off.
"Alexei," I say, pointing to the bacon and egg sandwich. "A salad for Melina. The tuna and tomato roll is Yelena's. Did they want drinks?"
Peter nods. "Four coffees and a large bottle of water, they already have them."
I ruffle his hair to thank him and grab the plates, balancing the third on my forearm until I can place it on a tray. I carry it outside, years of waitressing practice keeping it balanced, and head towards the garage.
"Melina?" I call. Moments later the raven haired woman slips out of the office and smiles. She yells something in Russian that causes Yelena to slide out from under a silver BMW, covered in black grease. Alexei appears moments later wielding a spanner.
They hound me for their orders, gratefully patting my shoulder and carrying their food away to their separate stations. Yelena disappears into the shadows with her sandwich, and her father to his desk, but Melina simply brightens and says, "(Y/N), have you heard? Natalia is visiting."
"Yes!" Alexei yells around a mouthful of bread. "Family, reunion! Grandbabies!"
Melina hisses something in their mother tongue. I laugh, and then ask if Natasha was bringing her kids, though I wasn't aware she had any.
"He means nothing of it, Natalia is focused on work at the moment. Too focused, I think. No babies. No partner."
"Tell her about her penthouse!" Alexei encourages.
Melina flaps a hand at him in irritation. "Yes, well, she has broken up with Bruce, the shy scientist from work. And then Sharon, charming field operative, also from work. And now she refuses to date. Because of work."
I chuckle nervously. "Where are you going with this?"
Melina smiles innocently. "Nowhere. What happened to your last girlfriend, again? Your father mentioned something about . . ."  The look in her eyes is enough to egg me on, though the subject is one I rarely speak of these days.
Rubbing the back of my neck, I say, "Carol left to travel Europe."
"Shame," she nods sympathetically. "You don't seem bothered. Are you not looking for a relationship?"
"Not actively, but I'm sure another troublemaker will find me. I don't have a good track record of steady relationships," I admit.
"Neither does Natalia!" Alexei shouts.
"Oh!" I say. "Does she want Carol's number? Or my friend Harley, she's not looking for commitment."
Yelena snickers. Alexei frowns. Melina chuckles. "No, no, Natalia needs someone she doesn't work with, and you need someone serious, and we need grandbabies before we die, since Yelena neglects it."
I flush a bright red. "Grandb— I'm— okay, first of all, neither of us have the equipment for that—"
"Neither did Dad," Yelena pipes up, referring to the fact that she and her sister were adopted.
"(Y/N)!" Peter calls, rounding the corner. "Ned's coming over to pick me up, we need to finish our physics project. Uncle Ben should be here soon, can you manage the bar until he gets here?"
I jump onto the excuse and yell back affirmation, say a quick goodbye to Melina before speed-walking back to the cafe.
Peter leaves with Ned soon after, and Ben arrives at around the same time. I move to the kitchens while he takes over serving our regulars, as he's friendlier with them than me.
I work on making more sandwiches and tapas meals until four, when my shift ends. I kiss Uncle Ben on the cheek and head home.
The smell of paprikash greets me as I unlock the door to my apartment, which I guess means that my roommate is home. I call out a hello to her and head to the shower.
I groan happily as the hot water rains down on my front. I close my eyes and lean my head back, thinking over how strange the day had been, and lose myself in a trance of relaxation.
"(Y/N/N)!" Wanda barges in. I jump and almost slip grabbing the shower curtain to cover my body as I peek out at her.
"I'm naked," I hiss.
She ignores me and holds up two clothes hangers. "Pantsuit or dress?"
I push my wet hair out of my face. "Uh, are you bar-hopping with Vision or going to a family dinner?"
"Get together with some friends," she explains. "Vis, Sam, Steve and some guy named Bucky who I'm informed we're supposed to be pretending Steve isn't in love with, do you know him?"
"Okay, well, he's bringing some friends, so I'm bringing you. Don't make that face, you know almost everyone."
"I don't feel like getting drunk," I complain.
"Good! You can be the designated driver. Pantsuit or dress?"
Grumbling, I tell her, "Dress."
"Okay, thanks, you wear the pantsuit, be ready by seven. May the Force be with you!"
She ducks as I throw my shampoo bottle at her. We bicker and mock and tease as I pat myself dry and she changes into the scarlet dress.  While she braids her hair, I carefully slip into the navy and white striped pantsuit, and we move into her bedroom to make use of her vanity, since the sun's lowering position in the sky shone straight into the window while my room would be encased in dimness by now. I sit in the chair and she leans over me, brushing her eyelashes with delicate mascara.  We fall into our normal going-out-getting-ready rhythm, periodically handing each other different brushes, comparing lipstick shades, and commenting on our days. She tells me about her brother's latest shenanigans and I make the grave mistake of commenting on Melina's attempted set-up earlier today, much to Wanda's entertainment. The two had never met but they both shared the pure ecstasy that came with matchmaking involving me.
"Do you think she's pretty?" Wanda wonders.
"I've seen photos," I shrug. "She's a redhead. Yelena says she changes hairstyles often."
"That doesn't answer my question! Pretty redhead or no?"
"They were baby photos, Wanda! I didn't have an opinion on her looks past the Wonder Woman pajamas."
She hums, and turns to draw a small heart under my left eye with her gel liner pen. "It would be nice if you wound up with her, but if you do fall madly in love with her beautiful red locks and decide to move to Washington to marry her and have her babies, I will murder you. You pay your rent on time and you're fun and please, please do not make me move back in with my brother."
"Why does everyone keep bringing up babies?" I yell.
An hour later we're pulling up to the bar in the back of  a cab arguing about getting a cat. The debate of whose bathroom would host the litter tray is interrupted by Wanda spotting Vision through the window and quickly smacking my arm and hissing at me to hurry up and pay so she can sneak in and scare him. Unfortunately, I can't locate my purse inside my bag.
"(Y/N), (Y/N), go, go, go . . ."
"Wanda, Wanda, going, going, going . . . Aha!" I pay the driver and find myself being ushered inside before I can put my purse back in my bag.
Sam, a friend of Wanda's from college, ends up foiling her evil master plan by pointing her out as soon as she walks in the door. Vision, being a good sport, pretends to be startled when she yells "BOO!" in his ear. As she cackles manically before sliding into the chair beside him, I notice the only free space is by the pretty blonde woman beside a man with brown hair pulled into a bun.
"Oh, look who I dragged out with me!" Wanda exclaims, taking a sip of Vision's drink and making a grand gesture with her hands. "(Y/N)!"
I'm greeted with a chorus of hello's. I bow and grin as I sit by the woman and offer a polite smile. Steve leans over points to the brunet man. "This is Bucky, we were close as friends. As kids. We were close as friends, when we were kids."
Sam snorts into his beer.
Steve clears his throat awkwardly. "And this is his partner from work, Nat."
I get a closer inspection and my eyes widen in shock. "Natalia?"
"Her name is Natasha." Steve corrects.
"I thought her name was Natalie?" Vision frowns.
"She goes by Nat, who cares?" Sam shrugs.
"Natalia Alianovna Romanova?" Wanda yelps. "(Y/N)! You didn't tell me this was the Natalia!"
"The what? I— Do I know you two?" Natasha asks, bewildered.
"Not me!" Wanda says, and then makes a motion for zipping her lips shut.
Everyone turns to me. I chuckle nervously. "I should probably explain. Hi, I'm (Y/N), your parents want me to have your babies."
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Okay so in honour of Shadow and Bone and the super amazing cast which I have fallen in love with here is a Freddy Imagine! 🥰
Feedback is always welcome ✨💕
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“I found my home with you”
Freddy Carter x Reader
Warnings - None, Fluff 💞
I definitely regretted wearing pumps on my way into work this morning. As soon as I stepped outside of the hotel grounds, the wind swept violently into my hair and through my body, my fluffy overcoat doing nothing to protect me from the cold. Still, I pulled it tightly around me and headed towards the bus station.
By the time I got into the hair and make up trailer to get ready for our last day on set, I looked like a drowned rat.
Despite the usage of an umbrella, my hair had lost its volume and curled right up from the ends. My clothes were cold and clammy against my skin and my fluffy coat had matted, now totally unwearable.
Kit glanced in my direction as I slam the trailer down behind me. He takes a moment to take in my disheveled appearance before letting out a booming laugh.
My teeth where chattering rapidly and I couldn’t think of something witty to say, so I just threw him my best sarcastic smile, desperate to change.
“You know, if you needed a lift I would of offered” A familiar voice raises from behind me.
I spin on my heel, faster then I meant to and almost hit the floor. The man I front of me catches me with ease, a gentle smirk resting upon his face.
I grin up at him and regain my balance.
“Good morning to you too, Freddy”
Suddenly, a long arm swings itself around my shoulders and I look up to see kit back at my side.
“Come on. Let’s get you in the chair” he lets out a small laugh again and I swing my wet locks at him, damping him slightly.
“I’m not the only one needed in the chair” I tease as we laugh together, walking down to the other end of the trailer.
I look back at Freddy, I see his smile had disappeared. In a feeble attempt to have it return I give a quick wave before sitting down to transform into my on screen character.
Although it was our last day on set and it was indeed a very bittersweet moment, I still enjoyed myself fully with the cast and crew which I now how the privilege of calling my friends. My day was spent running around with Kit, Jessie, Archie, Amita and Ben. I didn’t really see Freddy until the end of day when I was stripping out of character. Fortunately my clothes from this morning had dried so at least I didn’t need to worry about that.
I was heading out when I heard his voice again.
“Need a lift?”
I spin again, managing to keep my footing to this.
“I didn’t see you today” I questioned him, but it make out more like a statement.
He smiles and offers me an arm.
He throws my question off with one of his own.
“Are you going to the after party with anyone tonight?”
I shake my head.
“No. Are you?”
We arrive at his car and stops to open the door.
I bow slightly. “I see chivalry Isn’t dead after all.”
A giggle falls from his lips. The sound was low but somehow soft.
I step into the passenger side and fasten my seatbelt.
Freddy copies my actions.
“In regards to the after party, I erm, I wanted to ask you... to go with me?”
I watched as he cheeks flared up and tried to hide my confusion.
Why was he blushing?
I tap his knee in response.
“I’d love to go with you”
We arrive back at the hotel and walk our separate ways in order to get ready. Freddy promised to collect me when it was time.
I walk over to the wardrobe where my dress hung. It took me weeks to find it. I tentatively run my fingers down the material. If you had told me this would be my life a couple years ago, well I would have laughed.
Working on set as an actor, working my way up to producing... it all seemed impossible back then. Now I’m here, about to attend my first wrap party.
I wipe my eyes, ensuring the tears don’t fall and bring the dress down from its hanger.
It was time.
Freddy was at my door as promised, just as the clock struck 7.
I take a deep breath in and pull open the door.
My dress swings slightly as a take a step towards the man waiting.
His mouth wide open as a gasp escapes him.
I panic.
“What? Is it to much? It’s to much isn’t it? I’ll go change. Just give me a -“
I turn and attempt to go back into my suite, still rambling as Freddy catches my arm.
“You, you look incredible” he gushes.
We stand there for a moment, lost in the sea of each other’s eyes before Freddy jumps back into action and offers me his arm.
I take it and notice of his own outfit. It was smart casual, light blue suit pants and blazer with a white shirt and matching shoes.
“Hey we match, see?”
I shift slightly to show more of my outfit, before resting my head on his shoulder as we walk down to the function room 3 floors below.
The night ran smoothly. I laughed and drank with friends while celebrating everything we had achieved other the past few months.
Towards the end of the night, when I was pleasantly tried I slipped off my heals And hid them with my bag under a table. When I lift my head I saw Freddy standing over me.
“Care to dance?”
“The reason?” I smirk, stretching my petite legs.
He matches my smirk and outstretches a hand.
“Kaz Brekker didn’t need a reason. I suppose I don’t either.”
I roll my eyes. He caught me there.
I take his offer and we make our way to the dance floor. People break away but I didn’t mind. As far as I could see, it was just me and Freddy.
The music slowed and the beat changes to something more classical.
His hands meet my waist as he pulls me closer.
I force myself to face him, looking into his eyes again.
“Thank you” I whispered.
His sharp brows lift in confusion.
“I found my home here. With this cast, with these people ... with you”
Our noses almost touched and I could here his heartbeat underneath my palms.
He leaned in, closing the final gap between us and his lips clasped mine. He was soft, caring, gentle; yet the kiss was anything but. It was cause for fireworks.
When we finally pulled apart, I realised everyone was staring. It was quiet for a moment and then the cheering and clapping begun.
I buried my head into Freddie’s chest as shyness took over, Freddy laughed and held me tightly.
When the party ended, Freddie accompanied me back to my room. Just as I was about to shut my hotel door, Freddy place one last kiss upon my cheek and whispered into my ear.
“I found my home with you also. I hope I can continue to do so”
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The Proposals
bucky barnes x reader
Word Count: 2,325ish
Summary: Bucky tries to propose to you, but nothing ever works.
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Bucky knew on the second date, that he was going to marry you. But he also knew, that it would freak you out that if on date three, he asked you to marry him. So he waited. But a man in love could only wait so long. By the time you and him had been dating for seven months, Bucky couldn’t wait any longer. He dragged Steve and Sam to jewelry stores across New York, in search of the perfect ring.
After losing hope for the perfect ring, Tony offered to design one. For free. Bucky struggled with Tony’s offer, but eventually gave in once Tony and Steve showed him the sketches and mock ups they’d put together. Wanda and Natasha helped put everything together when the night came. There were lights strung up everywhere on top of the compound, a small table was set up for the two to enjoy dinner, and Bucky and ordered your favorite meal. Bucky had been nervous all day, he got dressed in his best suit hours before you two were scheduled for your date.
You were suppose to be coming home from a long Avengers business trip tonight. You had been going to different countries, advocating for the Avengers Initiative. Bucky and you talked everyday, but that was not enough for either of you. You were currently on your way back to the compound, flying on a quinjet from London. Exhausted, you decided to put the quinjet into autopilot and get a few moments of sleep before your date with Bucky tonight. The blissful thought of sleep soon was far away when a call came in from Fury.
“I have an emergency assignment for you,” he stated.
“Sir, I’m just coming off a long assignment,” you explained. “All I want to do is see my boyfriend and sleep.”
“You’re the closest to the emergency. I’ve already got your quinjet rerouting to the location and the information of the mission is being sent to you.”
“And I have Rogers in charge of telling Barnes that you won’t make it. Good luck.”
You sighed, running a hand down your face before getting up and changing into your hero gear. All you longed for is a lazy night with Bucky but, as you skimmed through the information Fury sent, that seemed to be a few more days away.
Steve, on the other hand, was trying to pawn Fury’s assignment off on anyone else on the team. No one would take it. They were all hiding in the lab, trying to get someone to go up to the roof and tell Bucky the news. They had all witnessed his nervousness all day, and were even subject to some aggression from it. So they were all a little scared for their lives when it came to telling him that you wouldn’t be home for a few more days. Eventually, when the time came that you were suppose to be arriving home, Sam gave in and sat that he’d do it, as long as everyone else came as back up. They all agreed and headed up to the roof.
Bucky was pacing like crazy when they arrived. Tony had to suppress the urge to make a comment about wearing through the roof the closer they got.
“Hey, Buck,” Steve called. He had really tried to control his tone, but his best friend was an assassin. There was no hiding from him.
“What’s wrong?” Bucky quickly asked, fear taking over his whole figure. “Did something happen? Please tell me that Y/N’s okay.”
“She’s okay, Barnes,” Sam stepped forward. “She just won’t be able to make it tonight.”
Bucky’s face fell. “What? Why?”
“Fury called her in on another assignment. Looks like she won’t be able to come home for another couple of days.”
The team all flinched as Bucky’s metal hand hit the table, making the objects on it go flying. They all took a step back as they watched the anger in him grow. He suddenly flipped the table over before stomping to the roof stairs. The rest of the team stood their watching, feeling bad for him. They all knew that Bucky was nervous about this and that it was hard for the man to be open like this, but there was nothing that could have been done.
Bucky was moody the rest of the days you were gone. No one could stand to be around him, mostly because they were a kind of afraid for their lives. When he wasn’t taking his feelings out in the training room, he was locked away in your shared bedroom. Four days after the planned proposal, you stumbled out of the quinjet. The mission had not been as easy as Fury made it out to be. You were successful, but you were now more exhausted than you ever thought possible, had a bleeding cut down your leg, and you were pretty sure your ankle was sprained.
Everyone was there waiting for you in the hanger and were not happy to see your condition as you stumbled from the quinjet. Bucky was the least amount of happy about your condition. Anger was again his best friend. But the more he watched you move closer to him, the more worried he became. Bucky rushed over, immediately sweeping you up into his arms, bridal style.
“Oh, doll,” he whispered, his eyes worriedly raking over your wounds.
“I’m fine, Buck,” you said quietly, clearly worn out. “Just tired.”
“Let’s get you to the med bay.”
The proposal was long forgotten in the midst of taking care of you. Yes, Bucky wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. But it was more important right now that you get healed. You were ordered off your leg for at least a month. Not making you very happy, but Bucky was. That meant that you were kept safe from harm and he could take care of you whenever he wasn’t away on missions.
Both Natasha and Wanda pushed Bucky to try and propose several times while you were benched and he was taking care of you. But nothing ever worked. He’d get called away on a last minute mission or you’d be too exhausted from physical therapy to do anything. He tried 4 times during the time you were benched, nothing worked. And Bucky was getting frustrated.
After about two and a half months, you were given the clearance to train and put weight on the leg again. And Bucky went back to planning another proposal. He knew he didn’t want to do the same thing he had planned to the last time, bad luck and all. So this time, he was going simpler. He planned a movie night, just the two of you. Bucky bought all your favorite treats and your favorite pizza. The only thing he forgot to mention, apparently, was the fact that it was a date. He was getting everything set up when you walked in with Tony, Bruce, and Sam.
“Hey, Bucky,” you smiled, coming up and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Theses guys told me that they were bored tonight. So I invited them to our moving night. Is that okay?”
Bucky’s hands clenched into fists as he looked at the men behind him. He immediately reprimanded himself for not letting the team in on his plan. When his eyes came down to look at you, he was met with your best puppy dog face and he could never say no to that.
“Sure,” he grumbled. “Why not.”
“Thank, babe!” You gave him a peck on the lips before helping the others get settled.
The rest of the night, Bucky was constantly crumpling things in his hands while he felt like the small box in his pocket was burning a hole into thigh. You were too engrossed in the movie and talking to Tony to notice Bucky’s irritation. But Sam did, and simply just smirked at the man.
When the others had left and Bucky and you had started cleaning up, you began to notice his mood by his silence and way he was throwing things away.
“What’s wrong, babe?” You asked, folding up a blanket.
“Nothing,” Bucky answered, far too quickly.
“Are you sure?” You moved to stand in front of him, curling your arms around his waist. “Did Tony say something to upset you, or Sam even?”
“None of them said anything. I’m fine.” He pushed away from you, moving into the kitchen with the trash.
“I don’t believe you.” You followed him closely. “Why won’t you tell me the truth?”
“I am!” Bucky yelled, turning sharply to face you.
You jumped back, taken back by his reaction. Bucky had never raised his voice at you, ever. Tears pricked your eyes as you tried to calm your racing heart. Bucky’s anger slowly faded, being replaced by guilt as he watched you shrink into yourself.
“Doll, I—“ He went to apologize and reach out for you but you took another step back.
“I don’t know what happened tonight to make you mad,” your voice quivered as you spoke, “but that reaction was not okay.”
“I’m so sorry, babe. I didn’t mean to shout.”
“Yet you did.” You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. “I’m going to go sleep somewhere else tonight. Let you calm down.”
“No,” Bucky frantically shook his head. “Please, don’t.” He tried to reach for you again, but you walked away.
“Some sleep might do you some good, Buck. We’ll talk in the morning.”
And then you were gone. Bucky fell back against the fridge and slid down it, head buried in his hands. He’d really done it now. You were never going to accept his proposal now.
You spent the night in Natasha’s bed, since she was away on a mission. Though, you didn’t get much sleep. You never did when you weren’t with Bucky, and same with him. And it clearly showed on the both of you in the morning. Dark bags under the eyes, slow movements, blood shot eyes, and solemn expressions. To the rest of the team, it was clear that something happened last night. They were just all too scared to ask what.
Bucky spent most of the next day in the training room, taking out his aggression, while you spent most of the day in your and Bucky’s shared space in the compound. You were trying to rack your mind around why Bucky had been acting so ornery lately. You were in your room when Steve called you in for a mission. It was going to be a smaller mission with just you and Steve. You were getting ready when Bucky walked into the room.
“Y/N, we need to talk,” Bucky stated.
Those words cause your heart to crack a little. Those were never good to hear. “Yes, Buck?” You replied, still getting ready while trying to keep yourself together.
“There’s something that’s been on my mind lately and I— wait. Where are you going?”
“Steve’s asked me to join him on a mission.”
“Already? I know you were approved, but are you sure? I’m worried that you—“
“Well you don’t need to be. I’ll be fine.” You flung your backpack over shoulder. “Will you be?”
“Will I be?”
“You’ve been acting strange lately. And then you come in saying that we need to talk… Bucky…” You sighed. “Did you come in to break up with me?”
“Break up with you? No!” He shook his head. “I would never.”
“Then what’s going on? You’ve been so aggravated lately and yesterday… well… you’ve never shouted at me like that before… it honestly hurt.”
“Baby…” He walked up to you, setting a gentle hand on your cheek. “I’m so sorry about last night. I just… I’ve been trying to…” His hand fell down to his side with a sigh. “I was going to propose,” he mumbled.
“What?” Your jaw dropped.
“And it hasn’t been the first time I tried… I’m sorry for taking it out on you. I was just so frustrated that none of my plans have worked.”
“Y-you…. You’ve been trying to propose? For how long?”
“My first attempt was when you were suppose to come home after your long business trip. But then Fury sent you on a mission and you came home injured… I tried multiple other times, but then I was called away or you were too tired. Then last night, that’s why I ordered your favorite pizza and snacks. I just wanted it to be you and me and—”
“And then I invited the boys. Oh, Buck.” You engulfed him in a hug. “I’m so sorry. Will you ever forgive me?”
“I would always forgive you.”
You and Bucky let your lips meet for a kiss. Upon parting, you decided to be brave.
“So,” you whispered, “are you going to ask me?”
Bucky quickly retrieved the small box from his pocket and opened it as he got down on one knee. “Y/N L/N, I love you will everything I have. I can’t picture my life without you. Will you—“
“Hey, Y/N,” Steve called, barging into the room. “Are you— woah.” He froze, studying the situation in front of him. “Am I interrupting something?”
Bucky groaned, allowing his head to fall against your stomach. You laughed as you set your hands on Bucky’s head.
“You think?” You giggled.
“I’m just gonna— yeah,” Steve rushed as he ran out.
“Is he gone?” Bucky said into your stomach.
“He’s gone. Now hurry before the team shows up.”
He leaned back into his original position. “Y/N, will you marry me?”
“Hallelujah,” Bucky muttered as he slipped the ring on your finger.
“Hurry up and kiss me so that we can escape before we’re never left alone again.”
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cutethingstolove · 4 years
Shopping With Friends
Photos From @little-stephanies-diary​, Part 10
Stephanie and Courtney started walking around the mall chatting about winter break and the first week back in school. They had already decided that they would make a loop through the whole mall before stopping by the food court to grab some lunch, and they would do their shopping after eating. They were also planning on making the matinee movie at the theater in the mall, which was scheduled to start at 4:30 leaving them only five and a half hours to finish their shopping. As they wandered the mall, Stephanie noticed a toy store with a big pink teddy bear marked down 70%! She didn’t want to say anything in case Courtney thought it was too childish, but she planned on stopping back there after the movie to see if it was still there.  Even at her age, Stephanie still loved cute things like the teddy bear and her Aladdin nightshirt.
After making their lap around the mall picking out the stores they would visit, the girls stopped at the food court and decided to order some Chinese food. As they were standing in line waiting to place their order, Stephanie realized that she had hardly noticed the bulky diaper her dad made her wear. She was still mortified at the idea of having to use it instead of the bathroom, but that hadn’t been a problem yet. Reaching the front of the line, Stephanie ordered some fried rice, orange chicken, and an eggroll with a medium Diet Coke to drink. Courtney ordered the same, and the two made their way to a nearby table to enjoy their lunch.
They finished eating quickly, hardly saying a word, as they really wanted to finish their shopping before the movie. As they were throwing away their trash, Courtney piped up, :So where do you want to go first Steph?”
“Let’s go to Forever 21 first,” Stephanie replied, “They always have cute stuff on sale after Christmas, and I love their jeans!”
“Me too!,” Courtney agreed, “That’s our first stop then!”
The two girls walked down the corridor to the store, and went to rummaging through the racks looking for things to try one. They stayed together as they moved through the store, talking about the items they were going to try on. Stephanie ended up grabbing a couple of pairs of jeans in her normal size, a forest green dress, and a bright blue long sleeve t-shirt along with a few accessories. When they had both picked out the things they liked, they headed towards the fitting rooms to try everything on. Once in her room, Stephanie took off the pink shortalls she had on, and started to pull one of the pairs of jeans on. The jeans were going on like normal until they ran into the bottom of her diaper. Unlike with her Goodnites, these bigger diapers made it impossible to pull the jeans up to her waist. Realizing she wouldn’t be able to try on her jeans with this diaper on, but still wanting to hide the fact that she didn’t tried everything on, she pulled the hangers off the other pair and tossed them on the ground.
At least she still had the t-shirt and dress to try on, and she thought the diaper wouldn’t get in the way of either of those. She pulled off her white t-shirt, standing there in just her bra and diaper, before grabbing the blue shirt and throwing it on. She loved the color, and thought it would look great with the dress and the black thigh highs stockings she had grabbed. She pulled on the stocking before putting the dress on over her head. One glance in the mirror and loved the combination she had picked out, she couldn’t even see the diaper poking out! Curious just how well her diaper was covered, she lifted the front of the dress to see that it wasn’t by much, so she would have to wait until her ‘potty training’ was over to wear these again.
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It was just then that her Diet Coke from lunch hit her, and she had the sudden urge to pee. She knew she couldn’t use the bathroom today, but wasn’t going to be in trouble for wetting her diaper, so she relaxed and let her bladder empty slowly into the diaper. It was just as she was finishing that she heard Courtney call out asking her to step out into the hall to ask Stephanie’s opinion on an outfit she picked out. Realizing that she had just wet her diaper, and still the green dress that didn’t hide her diaper well enough, she sank to the floor in humiliation.
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She yelled out that she would be just a minute as she wasn’t fully dressed as she quickly stood up and pulled off the dress and pulled her pink shortalls back on, though they fit a bit tighter with the wet bulge between her legs. As soon as she was redressed, she stepped out into the hallway telling Courtney how much she loved the outfit. Courtney asked if Steph had found anything, and she said she loved the shirt she had on but still had to try on the green dress. Satisfied with the answer, Courtney went back into her room, and Stephanie did the same. Stephanie took off the blue shirt and put her white t-shirt back on, but waited for a couple of minutes before emerging from the fitting room to make it seem like she was still trying things on.
After buying the blue shirt, the forest green dress, and the black thigh highs, she waited patiently as Courtney finished buying a pair of jeans and the outfit that she had asked Stephanie about. After leaving Forever 21, the girls stopped by a couple of other stores, but having no luck finding anything they wanted. Walking back towards the entrance to drop off their bags in their cars before the movie, Courtney pulled Stephanie into a new store that had only opened a couple weeks earlier. It was the same store that Stephanie had seen the pink teddy bear in earlier, and to she shock the rest of the store was filled with some of the cutest clothes she had ever seen! They were all adult sized cloths, but with cute cartoonish prints like rainbows, unicorns, and teddy bears on them! Stephanie had just grabbed a snap crotched set of pajamas with clods and rainbows on it wanting to try it on when Courtney began to laugh a little behind her.
“Can you believe people actually buy this stuff!,” Courtney exclaimed, “It’s all so childish!”
“Yeah,” Stephanie begrudgingly agreed, “It’s so silly anyone would want any of this.”
It really is,” Courtney replied, “We should get going though. We still need to drop these bags off and still have time to buy snacks and use the bathroom before the movie starts.”
Leaving the store, Stephanie looked back longingly at the oink teddy bear and the cute clothes she really wanted to buy. Knowing her friends would laugh if they saw her buying any of the clothes there, however, she had to find another way to buy the things she wanted. After dropping their bags off in their cars, the girls went into the movie theater which usually showed older movies for their Saturday matinee. Stephanie was really excited when she saw Toy Story 3 was the movie this week and went with Courtney to buy their tickets. Courtney suggested the go to the bathroom before grabbing their snacks for the movie and dragged Stephanie with her. Stephanie really didn’t need to use the bathroom, but entered a stall and sat down on the toilet as to not raise Courtney’s suspicions. When they were done in the bathroom, they headed to the concession stand and each bought a large soda and decided to split a large popcorn.
They found some seats in the middle of the half full theater, and sat back to enjoy the movie. Stephanie had seen it so many times she could nearly quote the movie by heart. It wasn’t long before the girls had finished off their popcorn and drinks, so they just relaxed and watched the movie whispering from time to time during the more boring scenes. Just as the toys were being hauled off to the incinerator, Stephanie had the sudden urge to pee again. Knowing from experience that this diaper could hold at least two uses, and not wanting to miss any of the movie, she left loose and filled her diaper even more. As soon as the movie was over, the girls left the theater and headed to their cars to go home for dinner. Once they reached their cars, Courtney called out, “We had fun today! Let’s continue the fun and have a sleepover tonight!”
“Sounds awesome!,” Stephanie absentmindedly replied, “I’m sure my dad would be ok with doing it at my house!”
“Perfect!,” Courtney replied, “I’ll see you in a couple of hours!”
Still wanting to go back in and at least buy the pink teddy bear that was on sale, she pretended like she had left her keys in the theater and excused herself to go grab them. Courtney understood, and hopped in her car and drove off. It wasn’t until that moment that Stephanie realized the mistake she had made by agreeing to the sleepover; her dad was still going to make her wear a diaper. Mortified, her face grew red, but it was too late to cancel so she ran back into the mall to buy the teddy bear. She went as fast as she could so no one would see her, bought the bear, and raced back to her car to head home and plead with her dad to not have to wear a diaper during the sleepover. She just hoped she could be convincing enough.
 To Be Continued…
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cecesunshine · 3 years
Could you please write 7 with Axel
Thank youuu ^^
Hi, here it is! I decided to take an sad turn to the story because I didn't know how to make this fluff lmao. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!
Summary → Axel and Scholar discover that people can be unfair to each other, even when they both love each other.
Pairing → Axel x Scholar
Warnings → Allusion to cheating but no actual cheating + doesn’t have a happy ending
Word Count → 1495
Prompts used → 7. You never had a problem with it before.
A/N → English is not my first language, so I’m sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn’t make sense!
No matter how long Axel and Scholar had been together, there was something that was always in the back of the couple’s mind. Distance. They had been together for nearly a year now but every time they were away from each other due to Axel’s schedule. He was always at the studio, touring or busy with something else, which affected his time with his significant other.
Scholar stared at their laptop’s clock, looking at the hour. 2 am. He was going to miss their weekly video call. They sighed, running their hands through their hair. The call was scheduled for 1 am. He promised that he was going to show up. They hadn’t really spoken to each other since the beginning of the winter break.
Feeling sleepy, Scholar closed their laptop and left it at the desk.
The only thing that was going to comfort them tonight was their bed.
The next days were filled with Scholar packing their things, ready to go back to Arlington after the winter break. Somehow their room didn’t seem like it was theirs anymore, which gave Scholar more motivation to pack their things. Besides all the pressure, Arlington felt more like a home than their childhood house.
Carrying their bags downstairs so they would be all set for tomorrow, Scholar saw their father sitting on the couch with a worried look on his face. He was watching some type of gossip program, which was odd.
“Since when do you like this type of show?” Scholar said, sitting next to their father.
“Jesus kiddo, don’t scare your old man like that.” He replied, putting his hand over his chest. “I was switching channels but saw this.” He pointed at the tv, which was playing a video of Axel on a loop. “Isn’t this your...uh...boyfriend?”
The video was of Axel with his hand over a girl’s shoulder. The girl in question being Gianna Portinari, a famous Italian model. According to the show’s host, the video was taken by a fan of the show who was on vacation in Italy and saw the “couple” walking through the streets of Milan in the early morning.
Scholar quickly connected the dots. There was a six-hour difference between their city and Italy. 2 am where they lived meant 7 am in Italy. Axel ditched them so he could hang out with a girl.
Scholar ran to their room, grabbed their phone and hit call. Nothing. They called seventeen times until they were finally tired of calling. It was going straight to voicemail.
The teen felt like throwing their phone across the room, but they knew it wasn’t worth it. They would also not have money to replace it.
The day they were desperately waiting for finally arrived. It was time to go back to Arlington. The flight had gone well, as Scholar slept during the entire trip. As they landed, anxiety started to grow on them, they would have to face their boyfriend and probably the end of their relationship.
At the airport, Scholar got in a taxi that would drive them to Arlington. Car drives aren’t as relaxing when your mind can’t stop creating scenarios of how your relationship will end.
After paying the driver and taking their bags from the taxi, Scholar found themselves in front of Arlington Academy, ready to start another semester. They spotted Claire and Raquel talking near the dorms and walked to them.
“Scholar! Nice to see you again! How was the break? Did you and your dad have fun?” Raquel said warming her friend into a tight hug.
“Yeah, we had some fun. The break was normal I guess, I had time to recharge batteries.” Scholar replied trying not to sound sad.
“We saw the thing about Axel.” Claire announced. “And we’re here for you if you need us.”
“Thanks girls.” Scholar thanked their friend, wanting to end the conversation there.
The cold wind of January made Scholar hold on tight to their coat. They said goodbye to their friends and walked to their room.
The room seemed empty, as they weren’t there for a month. Scholar opened their bags, ready to unpack their clothes and put things where they belonged.
As they were going to start to put their jackets in the clothes hangers in the wardrobe, someone knocked at the door.
Opening the door, Scholar was greeted by their boyfriend, who was holding a rose bouquet.
“Hi.” Axel said, ready to enter the room.
“No.” Scholar closed the door on his face, not wanting to deal with that in the moment.
“Oh come on! Don’t be like that, corazón!” He yelled from outside, knocking at the door again.
Scholar rolled their eyes. They knew how their boyfriend was and knew that they weren’t going to give up until they had want they wanted. Scholar opened the door again and motioned for him to come in.
“First of all, thank you for letting me in.” He said, earning a bored look from his lover. “And second, I bought you this.” He gave Scholar the bouquet, not receiving the energy he was expecting. “You look nice.”
“You’re not getting out of this with flowers and compliments, Axel.” Scholar said putting the bouquet in the desk.
“What did I do now?” Axel said, massaging his temple with his fingers. “It’s about me and Gia, right?”
“Gia? God, you even have a nickname for her.”
“Scholar, baby, Gia and I are just friends.” Axel walked to his partner, who stepped back. “And why are you acting like this all of a sudden?”
“Why? Because I’m the one dating you! I shouldn’t have to compete with your supermodel flings!” Scholar screamed, grabbing their phone and searching for photos of Axel with other people. “Look! If I search Axel the suggestions are either your songs or you with other girls and guys! Axel and Gianna Portinari, Axel and Taylor Covington, Axel and Rowan Harvey, Axel and Peyton Easterling...do you want me to go on?”
“I get it, I get it, I go out with a lot of celebrities, so what? I’m not even friends with them! It’s called a publicity stunt!” Axel yelled back. “You never had a problem with it before.”
“I didn’t, but now I have! You are always seen with someone new acting all lovey dovey and…” Scholar felt their eyes get watery. “and I get jealous. You ditched our last video-call.”
“Because I was busy! I have a career, Scholar! I’m sorry can’t dedicate all of my time to you!”
“Busy walking down the streets of Milan with a supermodel? Give me a break!” Tears fell down Scholar’s cheeks, exposing their vulnerability to their significant other.
“Scholar, come on. You know that I love you. And what does it matter if I spend time with other people? I don’t kiss them, I don’t even know their names sometimes! I’m a performer, I perform to the paparazzi.” Axel himself was starting to cry.
“It’s just hard. You’re never here. I’m competing for your attention with other people all the time and I keep losing. It’s unfair.” They confessed.
“Unfair? Scholar, I always come back to you.” Axel put his hands over Scholar’s shoulders. “You don’t need to compete with anyone, I’m yours. I’ve always been, since day one.”
“You’re mine when it’s convenient to you. You’re mine when you have the time.” Scholar pushed him away gently. “It’s tiring. I can’t keep pretending that you having dates with other people doesn’t affect me, even if are just publicity stunts.”
“I’m sorry. I’m going to stop, I promise.” The words escaped Axel’s mouth almost instantly. Even himself knew he was lying. He had no control over his public relationships.
“Don’t lie to me, please don’t lie to me.” Scholar whispered, their heart beating faster and faster every minute. “I think you should leave.”
“Corazón.” Axel tried to reach for his lover, who couldn’t even look him in the eyes.
“Leave. Just leave, Axel.” Scholar muttered, not wanting to deal with him or the situation.
Axel sighed, walking towards the door. As the door closed behind him, he knew that he had lost them. He wanted to scream at them, for not understanding his side but deep down he knew Scholar was right. Axel should have thought about they felt. That didn’t matter anymore, he had already lost Scholar. He had nothing to lose now.
Scholar fell to the ground as they realized what just had happened. They wanted to blame Axel for being selfish and prioritizing his career over his lover, but if they were in his place, they would do the same. He had much to lose.
Both of them could say that they were unfair to each other, but at the end of the day, we all make sacrifices, either for our careers or for our feelings and mental health. Unfairness is part of the world, neither Axel nor Scholar could run away from it.
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cacoetheswriting · 3 years
champagne problems, ch.14
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Chapter Fourteen: Sunflower: Things are really looking up. A/N: chapter is titled after this song if you want to listen while reading. Word Count: 2k Warnings: maybe a swear word or two, but really just fluff
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A/N: i know i probably sound like a broken record, but thank you for your continuous love and support! i probably wouldn't have finished this fic series if it wasn't for y’all, and now we are almost at the end! after this chapter, there is only the epilogue left omg!!! also, shout out to @ellesgreenaway​ for the song suggestion that titled this chapter! 
Spencer’s arms were wrapped tightly around your frame, reminding you without the use of words that he will never let you go again. His hot breath hit the back of your neck. It sent a gentle shiver down your spine causing you to flutter your eyes open. As you adjusted to the bright morning hues, you could feel his heart beating against you and a sleepy smile circled your lips.
There was no better feeling than waking up next to Spencer.
With him by your side, greeting the day was easy. It came slow and relaxed, as if the universe was commanding you to bask in this comfort for just a little while longer.
This is what harmony really felt like.
The second you stirred in your comfortably warm spot, and turned so you could admire the sleeping man next to you, he also opened his eyes. A smile instantly graced his features.
“Good morning, doctor.” You whispered and leaned over to peck his soft lips.
“Hmm... Good morning, how did you sleep?” The handsome doctor asked, his hand travelling to your face and brushing away any signs of sleep. You swayed into his touch like a magnet before replying; “Would you believe me if I said it was the best sleep I’ve had in months?”.
Spencer chuckled airily, his hand still caressing along your cheek. “I don’t know if I believe you, but I definitely am flattered.”
“As you should be, doctor.”
In a split-second, his lips slanted over yours in one of those open-mouthed kisses, tender yet extremely passionate. His fingers tangled in your hair, as he pulled you in as close as it was humanely possible. It always amazed you how your lips fit so perfectly together like two puzzle pieces.
After what felt like a glorious eternity, the brunette doctor slowly drew away. He placed a gentle kiss to the tip of your nose before rolling onto his back, one arm draped beneath your neck and hand resting on your shoulder.
“What would you like to do today?” Spencer asked, looking up at the ceiling. You contemplated his question for a moment, but before you got a chance to answer, the sound of your phone ringtone caught your attention.
Sitting up, you reached over to the bedside table and quickly answered the incoming call, “Hello?”
“Oh thank god, you’re alive!” Penelope breathed a sigh of relief on the other line. “We were all worried sick! I even stayed with Tara last night just in case you came back here.”
“I’m okay, don't worry guys.” You replied, glancing briefly at Spencer who has since gotten out of bed. He leaned down to kiss your cheek and exited the bedroom to give you some privacy.
“Well, you’ll get a talking to about not calling or texting later. But for now, how did it go? Tell me everything!” She asked and you couldn't help but giggle, “It went well, Pen. Like really well.” You replied.
Garcia squealed. “AHH! I am so happy for you, sugar plum! You and our lovely resident genius are just meant for each other. A match made in heaven!”
The smile gracing your features grew wider by the second. “Yeah, I’m glad it worked out in the end.”
“Like I knew it would! Now, you get back to whatever it is you were doing and I’m going to update Tara with this wonderful news. Should I tell her she needs to start looking for a new roommate?” She teased, and you rolled your eyes.
“Firstly, nothing untoward is happening.” You began, but Garcia was quick to interrupt you,“Riiight... I’m gonna pretend like I believe you, honey. Love you, have a great day and we can catch up on Monday.”
“Love you too, Pen.” You giggled back before the call ended.
Gradually, you scrambled out of bed and with a light bounce to your step, you joined the hazel-eyed doctor in the kitchen - where the smell of freshly brewed coffee overpowered your senses.
“So, how much trouble did you get in?” Spencer teased, as you rested your body weight against the counter next to him.
“Surprisingly, none at all.” You replied with a shrug. “She’s happy for us.”
Spencer glanced at you briefly, a smile circling his lips. “That makes two of us.” He stated in a low tone and you blushed ever so faintly.
“I forgot just how charming you can be, doctor.” You reacted, earning yourself a kind-hearted laugh. The melodic sound caused your heart to flutter, and you proceeded to tilt your head up and attach your lips to his.
The kiss was short and sweet, reminiscent of many you’ve shared previously. When you pulled apart, Spencer handed you a cup of coffee, and the two of you made your way to his couch.
“Have you given any thought as to what you’d like to do today?” He asked before pressing the mug to his mouth and taking a sip.
“Well, we’ve a lot of catching up to do, doctor.” You replied, throwing your legs over his lap. “I honestly wouldn't know where to start.”
“Y/N, we’ve our whole lives to make up for lost time.” He retorted, and you couldn't help but smile at the thought of growing old with him. “Let’s just take today to enjoy each others company. The sun is out, maybe you want to go for a walk? Or we can stay in and watch a movie?” He suggested.
You took a quick sip of your coffee. “We could actually do both of those things today, doctor. And if you’re good, I can even cook us dinner later.”
Spencer smirked. “If I’m good?”
You nodded, a stupid grin plastered across your face.
Truth be told, you had forgotten just how effortless everything was with Spencer. Your mind was continuously flooded with memories of your time with him. Even when you were apart, you’d get bombarded with thoughts of how uncomplicated the most menial tasks were with him. Although those memories didn’t compare to the serenity you were experiencing right now. Nothing compared to living in the moment with him, again.
The day you spent with Spencer had an unsurprising natural flow to it.
The brunette doctor first drove you to Tara’s, so that you could shower and change out of the pyjamas he lent you. While he waited for you to get ready, he enjoyed a conversation with Tara and Penelope. A conversation about the diamond ring he still carried with him everywhere - but that wasn't for you to know.
The four of you enjoyed a nice breakfast before the girls waved you off for the day. Spencer took the liberty of choosing the park for your walk. Hand in hand, the two of you looped around the paths for hours. Hours of laughing, chatting, and reminiscing. Hours of pure unfiltered joy.
Next stop on the unspoken agenda was the grocery store. Arguably one of your favourite places to go to, especially with the handsome doctor. While you picked out what you needed, Spencer guessed the ingredients of each item you placed in the metal cart. It was no surprise he was always correct, but honestly, that almost made the game more fun.
Back at his apartment, he helped you unpack the bags and proclaimed himself your sous chef. You wanted to protest, tell him to sit down and to let you cook alone, but Spencer wasn't having any of it - “My kitchen, my rules.”. The statement earned him an eye roll because you were sure the last person to actually cook anything proper in his kitchen was you, years ago.
With his... assistance, it took about three hours to make a simple recipe. And once you were finished, the kitchen looked as if a tornado had passed through it.
“Looks like we’ve an evening activity lined up.” Spencer joked, analysing the mess around, and you couldn't help but let out a laugh.
“Can’t wait.” A detectable hint of sarcasm in your voice.
The two of you ate in congenial silence - the first one of that day. It didn’t bother either of you, however. If anything the moment proved just how comfortable and at home you felt around one another.
The move to the couch after dinner was effortless. Spencer picked a movie, one you’ve both seen before so you could cuddle up to one another and talk about random topics without worrying about missing the plot.
It wasn’t until Spencer’s phone rang that you realised how disconnected from the outside world you’ve both been all afternoon.
“I’ll grab it for you, doctor.” You quickly jumped up on your feet before Spencer could do anything. You briskly shuffled around the sofa until you reached the coat hanger by the front door. As you searched the pockets of his jacket for the phone, your fingers brushed against something else.
The ringing stopped when you retrieved the item.
“Spencer, what’s this?” You asked, brows furrowed together.
The brunette doctor turned around. His gaze travelled to the small box you were holding up and he swallowed his breath. Shit. He completely forgot that was inside his jacket, which was ironic considering his eidetic memory. Not to mention the fact he’d been carrying it everywhere he went.
Spencer immediately jumped up from his seat. He appeared in front of you in a flash, his hand wrapping around yours and the box.
“This is definitely not how I envisioned this moment. But then again, when it comes to us, nothing ever goes as planned.” Spencer began, looking into your eyes. “I don’t think I’ve ever told you this, but ehm, I’ve known I wanted to be the man you marry since before we even started dating. You’re the most patient, caring, loving, and not to mention beautiful person I’ve ever met. I am extremely lucky to have you in my life.”
Your eyes glossed over with tears as Spencer continued, “I’ve loved you for a very long time, Y/N. The journey you and I have been on so far is more than your average couple goes on. Which proves that together we are extraordinary.”
He took a deep breath before retrieving the box from your grasp. He slowly got down on one knee and proceeded to open the small box, causing a gasp to escape your lips.
“You’ve been through a lot, Y/N. I understand that you may not be ready to take this next step with me yet, therefore this is more of a promise rather than a question.” He licked his lips, fighting back his own happy tears as yours trailed down your face.
“Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me, one day?” Spencer asked and your heart soared at the question.
“Of course, yes. Yes, yes, yes! Yes!” You squealed, holding out your hand. The hazel-eyed doctor didn’t waste any time to put the ring on your finger, a goofy smile visible on his features. He then stood back up and kissed you with all his might, as you wrapped your arms around his neck and melted into his embrace.
“I would marry you in a heartbeat, doctor.” You mumbled against his lips.
Effortlessly lifting you off the ground, Spencer spun you around. The two of you laughing uncontrollably, basking in the love you were both experiencing. Your fingers tangled in his brown hair, as he trailed sloppy kisses across your jaw and down your neck.
“I love you.” Spencer whispered in your ear before pulling back to look at your face, his hazel gaze locking with yours. “I love you too.” You exclaimed in a hushed tone and pecked his lips.
Gently, he lifted your hand to admire how the ring looked on your finger. His lips twirling upwards even more, as if that was even possible. Both of you felt as if you were on cloud nine.
This is what the rest of your life felt like.
I promise I'm the one for you Just let me hold you in these arms tonight
A/N: ahhh we’re almost at the very end, i can’t believe it!! as always i’d love to hear your feedback! thank you for your continuous support. with love, mal. x
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story taglist: @girloncorneliastreet, @haylaansmi, @rexorangecouny, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @obsssedwithjustaboutanything, @aperrywilliams, @sassy-hades, @rainsong01, @reverdevivre, @dracomikaelson, @softieekayy, @lunaofcrows, @andrewhoezierbyrne​, @blameitonthenight21, @lyl-26, @do-yr-research, @nazifa94, @stepsofthefbi, @chatterbug2-0, @calm-and-doctor, @halseysunset, @ellesgreenaway, @chipot-lol​
tags not working: @radtwinkie
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Dean Winchester: New experiences
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*not my gif*
Pairing: Dean X Reader/Y/n, Mention of Sam X Eileen 
Pov:  Deans 
Warning: fluff, cuteness, protective Dean, Domestic Life, Painting skills 
Summary:  With Y/n being pregnant Dean and her need a room for the new life that they are bringing into the world. That includes painting the walls, a task that Dean has given to himself  “Honey, where are you?” “Oh hey sweetness.” “No you can’t help!” “And no buts just sit in the rocking chair” “It’s amazing. I love you and the walls.” 
Word Count: 1,745 
Tag List: @akshi8278​
After finding out that Y/n was pregnant the preparation for the new arrival came in hast. Y/n was only a few months pregnant, but my need to protect her and the baby was more than instinct.
I had promised Y/n that she wasn’t going to have too much but keep growing our child. I’d do everything else, which included going out late to pick up Y/n cravings, not going hunting when Y/n needed me to be around, giving Y/n massages.
Y/n was everything to me. She had brightened up my world 5 years ago. She was another hunter, her family had all been killed over the years by the job. We met and I had a hard time at first expressing my emotions, and feelings to her. She was so easy to talk to. Sam teased me about having a soft spot for her, which in hand I teased him about his soft spot for Eileen.
When Y/n had told me that she was pregnant it was a slap in my face, reality that had slapped me in my face. Sam and I were sitting in the kitchen we’d had been talking about Eileen coming and staying in the bunker.
“Dean? What do you think about Eileen staying here with me?” Sam asked me. I looked up from my cup of morning coffee. “I don’t see why not. It would probably be good to have more than just the 3 sometimes 4 of us.” I said.
“Defiantly would make it less scary” I heard Y/n say as she walked into the kitchen. She came over kissing my forehead, I put my hand on top of hers on my shoulder.
“I need to tell you boys something important,” Y/n said sitting down next to me. “Did you find another hunt?” Sam asked eyebrows raised in anticipation. “Dumb ass let her talk!” I said. my hand going to rest on Y/n thigh. “Well, it’s more like a surprise. For both of you.” Y/n said. She was stalling, she’d say pretty much the same thing just a different way.
“Y/n, just say it. We can take it.” Sam said I kicked in his shin. “Well since you insist Samuel. Are you ready to be an uncle?” Y/n said and then looked over at me “Dean are you ready to be a dad?” It was quiet for a minute the both of us progressing what she had just said.
“Huh?” Sam said. “Bun in the oven?” I said. Y/n shook her head up and down. “So let me ask again. Are guys ready for a little kid hanging around the bunker?” Y/n said.
I sat up real quick. I hugged Y/n and whispered in her ear “I’m gonna be a dad.” I hugged her once more before looking over at Sam “Sammy, I'm going to be a dad...holy shit!” I said.
That was five months ago. Since then Eileen moved in bunking with Sam. Y/n baby bump only grows she was having a harder time fitting in her clothes. One day I had caught Y/n looking through my draws. A pair of panties on and she already had one of the lounge t-shirts I wore during the downtime. “Baby what are you doing?” I said leaning up against the door frame.
“I can’t fit into any of my pants. This is a lot more frustrating than I thought it was going to be.” Y/n said sitting down on the bed. A small whimper falling from her lips. “Baby... You can borrow my sweats.”  I said sitting down next to her.
She smiled up at me and rested her head against my shoulder. “I know that this is frustrating and hard for you, but think of the outcome baby,” I said. “I know I can’t say I completely understand your pain, frustration, or mood swings, but I do know that you and I will have a beautiful child that you helped grow,” I said placing my hand on her stomach.
She then placed her much slender, and smaller hand on top of mine. “Ya know I think he’s gonna love her daddy! I know I do.” Y/n said kissing my cheek. “You still think it’s gonna be a boy?” I asked. “I think it’s gonna be a girl, with your eyes, and a soft smile,” I said.
When we went to figure out the gender of our baby and at the last minute Y/n decided that it would be a surprise and we would find out on his or her birthday. I really didn’t have any say seeing as she was the one carrying our child.
When I was sitting with y/n I had an idea. “Honey, why don’t we go get you some maternity clothes, and then we can go get some paint for the baby's room?” I asked her. “Well, I can’t go anywhere without pants on!” Y/n said.
So I got up, walking over to my side of the bed. I throw over my shoulder my gray sweats. “Here baby. I’ll grab your flats, so all you have to do is grab your phone and not bother with shoes till we get to the car.” I said kissing her temple then leaving our room.
“Dean, I’m ready” I heard from the garage. We spent what seemed like hours in the shops, finally after finding what Y/n said was enough stuff. We left and went to the hardware store, and since we didn’t know the gender of the baby I had a feeling that this was going to take a few hours. “What color are you thinking about baby?” I asked Y/n as we both looking through the color cards.
“How about a light green?” She asked. “Green, okay. With an orange accent wall,” I said with a stupid accent. “Yeah, I heard that orange and green are actually really good for the beginning of your child's life!” She said.
“If our kid doesn’t like the color as they grow up then we can always go get the color they want and repaint the room. Big family experience.” I said in response.  
After a long day out, it had tired Y/n out. When we made it home Y/n was out cold in the passenger seat. So I carried her to our shared bedroom, slipping off her flats and pulling the covers over her body.
I slipped from the room and went back out to the garage grabbing the bags of clothes, and paint. It wasn’t late seeing as I could still hear Sam and Eileen’s TV throughout the hallways.
I dropped the bags of clothes into our room and shut the door slightly. I figured that Y/n would wake up in a few hours since I wasn’t in bed with her. I went to the closest room to our, the number door was 13.
I walked into the room, and noticed that I was probably going to need help from Sam about moving all of this furniture. So I left that room and knocked on Sams door.
Sam opened his door, his annoyed tone telling me either that two of them were about to get it on, or they were about to fall asleep. “I know it’s late for you too, but I need your help Sam! I need you to help me move some furniture in room 13.” Sam ran a hand through shrugging, before turning to give Eileen a kiss on the forehead and walking out with me.
“This better be quick Dean.” Sam said. “It will be I promise you. I’ll get you back to Eileen in a few.” I said.
As we walked into room 13 I explained my plan on painting the room and just moving all the furniture into the middle of the room, so it wasn't in the way of everyone. Sam pushed the bed from the back wall into the middle of the room while I grabbed side table and other small shit and placed it all on top of the bed.
And before I knew it we were done with moving everything. I had also ought a few things prior to our outing. A rocking chair, a few hangers for their clothes, and a bookcase. “Goodnight, Dean. I love ya.” Sam said before walking out of the room shortly after I heard his bedroom door shut.
I ended up putting together the rocking chair first, testing it out a couple of time to make sure that it didn’t fall apart under Y/n. She was already feeling self-conscious about her extra weight that she has already gained.
Afterwards I started to mess with the paint containers. Pouring some of orange color first wanting to get the accent wall done first. I ended up choosing the back wall for the accent wall, which meant that all the surrounding walls were going to that light green Y/n had thought of.
I thought I had heard the door creak, but wasn’t sure until I heard Y/n’s tired voice come from the hallway. “Honey, where are you?” I peaked my head out of the door frame “Oh hey sweetness.” I said with a cheery smile.
I grabbed her hand softly dragging her into the room, I had already put 3 coats of the orange on the wall. “You know this would probably go quicker if you had more help!” Y/n said hugging me
“No... You can’t help me.” I said stubbornly. “You’re already doing everything I can’t you know.” I said. “Dean, I was just saying that because it’s 2 in the morning right now.” Y/n said and she went to go sit on the bed, a few things falling.
“I know that, but no more buts how about instead of sitting on the bed with all that stuff on it, you go sit in the rocking chair in the corner!” I said a little bit of excitement seeping through my voice.
“Aw, when did you get this Dean?” Y/n asked as I helped her sit down. “When you weren’t with me a while ago actually.” I said having to really think about it. “You know it looks amazing! I’m really happy with the way this is turning out, baby.” Y/n said.
“I love you too Y/n!” I said. Y/n pulled me down by the collar of my shirt and wiped some remnants of paint off my nose. “What were you doing saving this for later?” She said. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.  
Completed 01/18/2021
137 notes · View notes
purrincess-chat · 4 years
Kill Em With Kindness CH5
So, I know I said I wasn’t going to update again until I finished the rest of this, but my secret MDCSP project is taking up a majority of my writing time now, so I haven’t been in the mood to work on this one, so rather than keeping you all in suspense even longer, I decided to go ahead and post chapter 5 since it’s finished. But for reals next time I update, I will be finished. There are only 2 chapters left, so I’ll get to them eventually so the final two updates can be close together.
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Chapter 5
Marinette laid back on her chaise, humming along to Jagged’s newest single Liar. Adrien’s interview had just ended, so she kept her phone nearby for his inevitable call. While she knew about the rumors spreading about them, she still hadn’t been prepared to hear Adrien tell the world they were just friends on live TV. Part of her hoped that this thing with Lila would bring them closer, and it had—just not in the way she wanted. No matter. There would be plenty of time for flirting after Lila was taken care of.
When her phone buzzed, she lowered the volume on her playlist and answered. “Nice job on the interview.”
“Thanks. We’re in good shape for tomorrow. Clara told me she’s really looking forward to our shopping trip,” Adrien said. “I can’t wait to see the look on Lila’s face when Clara posts about her new fashion advisor.”
“Do you really think she’ll do it? I mean, I still have to impress her with my choices tomorrow. What if she hates everything I pick out?” Marinette bit her lip.
“Relax. You’ll do fine. I know you will,” he assured her. “Clara really respects you. She told me earlier that she’s hoping you two can be good friends.”
“For real?” Marinette shot upright.
“Yeah, for real,” Adrien laughed. “Funny how almost everything Lila lies about is coming true for you now.”
“Well, she has one thing on me. Jagged did write a song about her…” Marinette turned the volume up with a smirk.
I see through your disguise. Can’t touch me with your little lies.
Adrien chuckled at that. “Maybe we’ll make an honest girl out of her.”
“Doubt it. She loves the attention too much,” Marinette said with an eye roll. “But we’re the ones with the real connections, so we still have the high ground.”
“And we have each other. I promise I won’t let her get you ever again, Marinette. If she tries to hurt you, she’ll have to go through me.” Marinette’s cheeks warmed, and she leaned back against the pillow, trailing her thumb over her lucky charm.
“Thanks, Adrien. It means a lot to know you’ll always be there for me,” she said.
“Of course. You’re a dear friend, Marinette, and I know you’d do the same for me.”
She smiled up at her ceiling, pressing a soft kiss to the lucky charm as if it were his cheek. “See you tomorrow?”
“Let’s make Lila regret coming after you.”
Raindrops pattered against Lila’s umbrella on the abandoned street corner. Most citizens had moved inside to avoid the downpour, but Lila barely batted an eye. She had business to attend to.
Her mental clock ticked away the seconds until a silver car rolled to a stop to her left. She kept her eyes forward as the window rolled down, and Gabriel glared out at her. It wasn’t that he held any personal disdain for her. Gabriel glared at everyone.
“I’m growing impatient, Lila. Every time I turn around, I see my son with Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I thought you said you could handle her,” he said, and Lila’s jaw clenched.
“I’ve run into a few hiccups, but I assure you, I can take her out for good. I just need more time,” she said, watching the droplets splatter against the ground.
Focusing kept her from losing her temper. While it was incredibly tempting, Lila couldn’t afford to lose Gabriel now. She wanted to scream about how Adrien was plotting against her. That Marinette had been playing dirty. But Gabriel didn’t care for excuses. He needed results, so if Marinette was taking low blows, Lila would throw a few of her own.
“Perhaps it might help you to know that she and Adrien will be out shopping with Clara Nightingale tomorrow afternoon. Clara hopes that Marinette can give her fashion advice. She has dreams of being a designer, you know,” Gabriel said. “It would be a shame if something got in the way of those dreams.”
A smirk curled on Lila’s lips, the calm reassurance of Gabriel’s support relaxing her shoulders. “Understood.”
“Don’t be nervous.”
Marinette ripped her gaze away from the window and removed her fingers from her mouth. Wiping the chewed nubs on her pants, she let out a breath and began tapping her feet instead. Adrien gave her a soft smile and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“You’ll do great. Just relax,” Adrien said as they rolled up to Gabriel’s boutique.
Nathalie climbed from the front seat and opened the door for them, and Marinette took a deep breath.
“You’re right. I can do this. Clara wants to be my friend, so everything is going to be totally fi-” Her voice trailed off as they climbed from the car, blood running cold.
“Marinette? What’s wro- oh, no.” Adrien stopped in his tracks as Clara approached with the only person on the planet who could ruin this trip.
“Hey, Marinette, Adrien.”
“Marinette, it’s so good to see you. This girl says she’s a friend of yours too,” Clara said, pulling her in for a hug.
“Thank you two so much for inviting me to come along on this trip. I’m such a big fan of yours, Clara, and when Marinette told me she was nervous about picking out your outfits today, I was happy to come along and assist,” Lila said with a sugary grin. “Marinette and I share a love of fashion, and we bounce ideas off each other all the time. Isn’t that right, Marinette?”
“I wouldn’t say all the time,” Marinette grunted, crossing her arms over her chest, and at Clara’s curious expression she added, “because you travel so much, right, Lila?”
“It’s true. There are so many countries out there that need our help. I’m just doing my best where I can,” Lila said, pressing a hand to her forehead in a ‘woe is me’ fashion.
“How very noble of you. I can sense a deep bond between you two,” Clara said, and Marinette suppressed an eye roll. Nothing bonded people more than mutual hatred. “Well, there’s nothing to stand out here for, so let’s go in the door.”
Lila shot Marinette a pointed grin the moment Clara turned her back, and Marinette exchanged nervous looks with Adrien. This trip had just gotten a lot more complicated.
An employee let them in, the boutique having been closed for their private shopping spree, and Clara twirled around with a cheery squeal. “I’m so happy having you all here. Nothing’s better than spending time with friends so dear.”
“The pleasure is all ours,” Lila said, linking arms with Adrien.
“Ya know, I’m kind of in the mood for coffee. Why don’t you and I go get some, Lila? Nathalie can accompany us,” Adrien said, tugging her toward the door, but Clara’s bodyguard stood in the way.
“There’s no need for that today. Mme. Nathalie, will you fetch some straight away?” Clara said, and Nathalie nodded.
“Of course. You all carry on,” Nathalie said, oblivious to Adrien’s pleading look.
Adrien shot Marinette an apologetic wince, but she didn’t blame him. They should have expected something like this from Lila, so they would just have to navigate this one on the fly. It was risky, but Marinette had a plan.  
“Clara, why don’t we make this a little more fun? Why don’t Lila and I could both pick out outfits for you, and you could choose the one you like better. That way you have more options,” Marinette suggested, and Clara took her hands, twirling her around.
“I have been wanting to change my style, so let’s see what you two compile. For my first look, let’s keep it easy, an evening dress that’s not too cheesy,” Clara said before shimmying off to the dressing rooms.
“Not so fun, is it?” Lila said, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I don’t know how you got in, but-” Marinette held up a hand to cut Adrien off.
“It’s fine. If Lila wants to play designer. We’ll let her,” she said before turning and stalking toward a rack on the other end of the store.
She shifted through hangers as Adrien fell in beside her. “Are you sure about this?”
“Look, Clara asked me to come on this trip, so obviously she respects my opinion. Not to mention your father, Audrey Bourgeois, and Jagged Stone have all praised my work in the past. I can beat her,” she said, meeting his gaze, and Adrien blinked in surprise.
“Anything I can do to help?” He asked, but Marinette shook her head.
“No. I have to do this on my own,” she said, grabbing a couple dresses from the rack and heading for shoes.
“You’ve got this, Marinette,” he said with a grin.
Marinette’s heart pounded as she assembled her outfit, but the adrenaline coursing through her veins only fueled her determination. Lila could challenge her in a lot of things, but fashion was hers. No amount of lying or deceit could take that away from her. She would beat Lila no matter what.
“I have your coffee.” Nathalie reappeared with two cups in a paper tray.
“Thanks, Nathalie,” Adrien said.
“Have you picked out your outfit, Marinette? I can take it to Clara for you,” Nathalie offered, and Marinette nodded, exchanging the garment bag for the tray.
“Thank you!” She bowed, and as Nathalie sauntered off, she let out a breath.
“Don’t worry. Clara will see the one with real talent in just a few minutes. No way Lila beats you,” Adrien said, and Marinette offered him a smile, taking a swig of her coffee before they made their way to the platform outside the dressing room to wait.
“She’s trying on Marinette’s pick first,” Clara’s assistant announced, and Marinette held her breath as the curtains parted.
Clara stepped out in a lime green skirt, a neon orange tiger-print shirt, a pair of red heels, and a black feathered hat, and Marinette’s jaw dropped.
“Marinette, your choices are a little off the wall. I’m not sure I’d have paired these at all,” Clara said, examining herself in the mirror.
“But that’s not-” She stopped short, shooting a cutting glare at Lila. Her fists shook, angry tears burning her eyes. Accusations formed on her tongue, but she bit them back.
Of course Lila wasn’t going to play fair. She should have known better. Without even realizing, she’d played right into her trap. There was no way to win because Lila already stacked the odds against her.
“This must be a mistake. Marinette didn’t pick any of those things,” Adrien said, stepping forward. “Her bag probably got switched.”
“Well, I certainly didn’t pick that outfit,” Lila said, pressed a hand to her lips to hide her smirk.
Clara tapped her chin with a hum then turned to Nathalie. “You brought Marinette’s bag to me. Do you know where the real one could be?”
“I placed it on the rack for you, and then I brought your coffee. I’m not sure what happened after that,” Nathalie said.
“Hmm…This is quite the mystery, but this outfit not being Marinette’s is something I’m glad to see,” Clara said, giving it one last disgruntled look in the mirror. “Having you come on this trip was such a delight, so I’ll give you one more chance to get it right.”
“Thank you, Clara!” Marinette breathed a sigh of relief.
“In the meantime, why don’t you try on my outfit, Clara?” Lila said, casting an impish smile over her shoulder at Marinette.
“It would be my pleasure. Let’s see how your picks measure.”
Marinette crossed her arms over her chest as Clara retreated to the changing room and turned to Adrien. “I should have known she’d try something underhanded like this to make her outfit seem better. I can’t believe I fell for it,” she sighed, flashing Lila a sardonic grin when she waved to them.
“Don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye on her next round so she can’t switch your outfit out for something lame,” Adrien whispered as Clara emerged from the stall.
“Now this is what I’m talking about. This outfit is totally me, no doubt.” Clara hopped onto the platform and gave a twirl, and Marinette nearly blew her top.
“But that’s-” Marinette started, clamping a hand over her mouth. “A great choice. I would have picked the same thing.”
Only she had because it was hers. Lila hadn’t just swapped her outfit for a ridiculous one—she’d outright taken it. Marinette could beat her easily, and Lila knew that. Rather than just make Marinette look ridiculous, Lila took it one step further and used Marinette’s talent to make herself look better. If there weren’t so many other people in the room, Marinette would have transformed on the spot and ripped her head off!
“Lila, your understanding of my style is quite profound. Marinette will have to try harder next round,” Clara said, admiring the stolen red dress. “For my next look, I want something more hearty—an outfit that will make me the life of the party!”
Marinette stormed from the dressing area, and Adrien followed her to the men’s changing room on the other side of the store. Pulling the curtain closed behind them, Marinette leaned against the wall with a huff, cupping her cheeks.
“Lila was ready for that. She’s catching up,” Adrien said, taking the wall across from her and crossing his arms over his chest.
“She’s already caught up, and now she’s ahead of us.” Marinette shook her head. “We need to gain back some ground.”
“What should we do?”
Marinette drummed her fingers on her jeans before digging out her phone. Adrien didn’t question as she dialed furiously then pressed the phone to her ear. She answered on the third ring.
“Hey, girl, how’s your shopping trip going?”
“Alya, I need you to do me a favor.”
Adrien paced across the floor to where Lila sifted through a rack. She didn’t look up as he approached, but an amused smile curled on her lips.
“Marinette has such strange taste, don’t you think?” She asked, holding up a bright green blazer.
“I told you to leave her alone,” Adrien said, and Lila rolled her eyes.
“And yet every time I mess with her, you do nothing,” she said, returning the jacket to the rack. “You could end this whole charade right now by telling Clara you didn’t really invite me, but you’re not going to do that, are you? Because that wouldn’t be very nice.”
“I mean it, Lila. You’re messing with Marinette’s dreams, and that’s not okay.” She examined his stern expression with amusement.
“So, what are you going to do about it?” She asked, and Adrien held her expression for a long moment before stalking off.
Marinette was finishing her second outfit when Adrien rejoined the group by the dressing room, and this time, Marinette personally handed Clara the bag. Adrien stood guard by the curtain, shooting daggers at Lila the moment she approached which only made her chuckle under her breath. He wasn’t taking any chances. Lila wasn’t going to ruin Marinette’s dreams. He’d see to it.
When Clara emerged, she skipped onto the platform and gave a twirl. “Now this is a party outfit that’ll make me dance! I’m so glad I gave you a second chance.”
“You look awesome, Clara. Marinette is super talented when her actual picks don’t get switched around,” Adrien said pointedly.
“I couldn’t agree more. This outfit is one I simply adore!” Clara said, stepping down to take Marinette’s hands. “Your style is simply the best. When it comes to fashion, there’s no contest.”
“Thank you, Clara. That means the world coming from you,” Marinette said, that spark of confidence returning to her eyes.
Lila’s jaw clenched, and Adrien high-fived Marinette. For added insult, he draped an arm over her shoulders as Clara tried on Lila’s outfit. It didn’t matter what Lila had picked; she was no match for Marinette when they were competing honestly.
“Hmm,” Clara hummed, twisting in the mirrors to see the dress from all angles. “A lovely choice, don’t get me wrong, but this outfit just isn’t my song. Your first choice was far more on the nose, and I’ve got to be honest, these shoes are hurting my toes.”
“That’s okay. Marinette is incredibly talented. The only reason I won the first round was because of that mix-up. I’m sure she’s got something amazing up her sleeve for this next round too,” Lila said, curling her shoulders in the fakest show of humility Adrien had ever seen.
“Then let’s not waste any more time. I can’t wait to try on an outfit so divine. Tonight I will be Nadja’s TV guest, so let’s see which one of you is really the best!”
As Marinette took off, Adrien shot Lila a warning look before following after her. It was cute that he thought he could intimidate her into being nice, but Lila had direct orders. Things were going exactly as planned, and those two idiots were falling right into her trap. Soon Marinette’s aspirations would be nothing more than a pipe dream.
When Nathalie emerged from the back with a garment bag, Lila sauntered over to meet her. “Is this my dress?”
Nathalie responded by offering Lila her phone, and Lila pressed it to her ear.
“Nathalie tells me everything is going according to plan,” Gabriel said on the other line.
“Of course, Mr. Agreste. Marinette thinks she’s getting ahead, but with your help I’ll make sure her dreams are crushed for good. Then she’ll be sure to stay away from Adrien,” she said like a dutiful student.
“Good. I’m counting on you,” Gabriel said before hanging up, and Lila lifted the bag with a smirk.
Marinette chose the wrong opponent to challenge, and Lila was about to prove that she didn’t lie about everything. She really was going to take everything from Marinette. Clara was just step one.
“I still don’t trust Lila,” Adrien whispered while Marinette browsed the wall of shoes.
“Don’t worry about her. We’re onto her little game now, so it’s impossible for her to steal my outfit again, and we both know Clara prefers my picks to hers now without a doubt,” Marinette said, sounding confident, and under normal circumstances, Adrien would have been proud. Lila, however, was not normal circumstances.
“I know you’re better than her, but I just have a bad feeling. I don’t trust her,” Adrien said, glancing at Lila in accessories out of the corner of his eye.
Marinette zipped her bag up then turned to look him in the eye. “I’m not asking you to trust her. I’m asking you to believe in me.”
Her bright blue eyes glowed with determination, and although he couldn’t shake the sinking feeling in his gut, he nodded her on. Marinette was brilliant and amazing—Adrien knew that quite well. She had a bright future ahead of her so long as nothing got in her way, and one thing was certain: if Lila even tried, Adrien would never forgive her.
“Alright, chickadees, let’s see what you’ve got for me,” Clara said, bouncing in anticipation.
Marinette didn’t spare Lila a single glance as she paced over to Clara, but Adrien hung back to make sure she behaved. Lila seemed to all but ignore him until the last moment when she shot him a playful wink that sent his blood boiling.
“Oh, Clara, since I know Marinette is probably going to win, will you try on my outfit first?” Lila requested innocently. “Naturally, mine will pale in comparison, so I want you to give it a fair shot.”
“Lila, that’s quite the humble stance. I’d be more than happy to give yours a chance.”
Adrien instinctively bristled when Lila passed off her bag. What was she up to? His stomach churned in knots, and he stepped closer to Marinette, gleaning comfort from close proximity as if he could protect her from whatever scheme Lila was trying to pull.
When Clara emerged again, every jaw in the room dropped, and Adrien’s mind whirled with a thousand thoughts at once. That dress wasn’t part of the normal collection—it was one of a kind. Adrien had overheard his father and Nathalie talking about it a few days prior. He wasn’t entirely sure how Lila got her hands on it, but it wasn’t by accident.
“This dress is so…so…” Clara gasped, abandoning her riddles and rhymes as she stared in awe.
Lila beamed, clasping her hands behind her back. “I really wanted to impress you this round, so I asked the staff if they hand anything special in the back. I truly care about your style, Clara, and I wanted to prove that to you.”
“Your attention to detail and willingness to go the extra mile certainly make you standout, Lila. I’d love for you to be my new style consultant,” Clara said, clasping her hands together over her heart.
Adrien’s heart snapped when he turned to Marinette, her once confident demeanor now shriveled in defeat. Lila caught his gaze, tilting her chin up with a smirk. I win. She seemed to gloat, and Adrien’s hands clenched into fists.
“Clara, I know this dress is beautiful, and I’m not entirely sure how Lila found it,” he started, shooting her a quick glare. “But designing is Marinette’s true passion, and in my professional opinion, I think she would make an amazing personal stylist.”
“It’s fine.” The voice was Marinette’s, and she turned to Lila with a small smile. “I’m really happy for you, and I know you’ll do an amazing job.”
She held her head high and threw on a smile despite the anger and humiliation she must be feeling. They were committed to being kind to Lila in front of everyone, but Adrien didn’t care about that now. Lila had taken something from someone who deserved it, and more importantly, she’d done it to someone Adrien cared about. If Lila was going to ignore his warnings, then he’d have to repeat them a little louder.
“Clara, why don’t you try on Marinette’s pick just for fun. She worked really hard picking it out,” Adrien suggested.
“While my search has come to an end, I’d be more than happy to wear something picked by a friend,” Clara said, brushing Marinette’s nose with her finger before climbing back into the changing booth.
Adrien marched over to Gorilla, yanking his collar down to whisper in his ear. Lila was going to learn the price of hurting people precious to him. He didn’t care if it wasn’t nice. Lila wasn’t a nice person, so just this once, he wasn’t going to be either.
With everyone focused on Clara, no one noticed when Gorilla clamped a hand over Lila’s mouth and carried her to the back. A single employee followed, opening the door to the private bathroom as Gorilla tossed her in.
“What do you think you’re-” Lila’s voice trailed off when Adrien approached, hands shoved in his pockets. “Is this the part where you try and intimidate me? It’s not going to work. I know your little niceness scheme is all an act, and I’m about to leave you both in the dust.”
“Maybe,” Adrien said, leaning against the doorframe with a shrug. “But you seem to have forgotten where you are. Did you really think you had the advantage in a shop named Agreste? In case you didn’t realize, everyone here works for me.”
“You’re too late. I’ve already won,” Lila shot back, crossing her arms over her chest. “Clara picked me, and Marinette will never make it as a designer.”
“Marinette is going to be just fine. I’ll see to that,” he said. “Clara respects my opinion, so she’ll listen to me.”
“And why would you convince her to pick Marinette over me? Doesn’t that contradict your whole plan to nice me into compliance?” Lila asked with a smirk. “As soon as we go back out there, Clara will still have picked me, so this whole conversation is pointless.”
“Who said you’ll be going back out there?” Adrien quirked a brow. He stepped away from the door, and an employee stepped in to lock it from the outside.
“Hey! What are you doing?” Lila beat against it, furiously tugging the handle.
“It’s such a shame you’re so busy, Lila. Clara will be disappointed to hear that you’re too busy volunteering to clean public restrooms to devote time to being her personal stylist. I’ll be sure to send Marinette your best,” he called from the other side. “Don’t worry. Someone will let you out after we leave.”
“Adrien! Let me out!” Lila screeched, but he was already walking away.
Clara was admiring Marinette’s outfit in the mirror when he returned to the dressing area, and he draped an arm over Clara’s shoulders. “Marinette did an amazing job, don’t you think, Clara?” He asked, shooting her a wink.
“It’s true that Marinette has good taste. Not picking her would be a waste…” Clara hummed, tapping her chin. “But Lila’s pick is still on my mind. A dress like that deserves to shine.”
Marinette’s shoulders slumped, and Adrien pursed his lips. “I know you picked Lila, but I think you should reconsider.”
“Where is Lila anyway?” Marinette glanced around, and Adrien bit back a smirk.
“Oh, uh, you see, Clara, Lila has a very busy schedule. Her parents are ambassadors, so she is always traveling. She pulled me aside while you were changing and expressed worry over being able to devote the time to being your stylist,” Adrien explained smoothly. “She was absolutely thrilled that you wanted her for the opportunity, but she just has so much on her plate right now.”
“I see. Well, that’s a real pity,” Clara said, and Marinette eyed him curiously as Alya burst into the room.
“Sorry I’m late,” she panted, doubling over to catch her breath.
Adrien stepped down to retrieve the pink sketchbook tucked under her arm. “Designing is Marinette’s true passion, and while she is good at pairing other people’s designs, creating her own is where Marinette really shines.” He offered Clara the sketchbook and nudged Marinette forward. “I know you had your heart set, but Marinette is incredible if you just give her a chance.”
“Wow, Marinette, your skills are certainly plain to see,” Clara said, admiring her sketches. “So, what do you say? Will you design clothes for me?”
“I- Yes! I would absolutely love to! Thank you, Clara,” Marinette gaped, and Clara took her hands.
“The pleasure is all mine. Your designs are so divine! This deal is all set. I’m so happy that it’s you, Marinette,” Clara said, giving her hands a squeeze.
“What’s happening?” Alya asked, quirking a brow, and Adrien smiled.
“Marinette just became Clara Nightingale’s personal stylist.”
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stecesworld · 3 years
So! I am going to call it right now. The reason Bakamaru is so badly injured in whatever episode he is supposed to be brutally injured in. Is because he is protecting Rin. Like I said, now that she's out of the tree she is going to constantly be in danger. (( Sadly that was something that carried on from The OG. She was always needing to be saved in that too.)) Shitshomaru is going to come to her rescue like he always done. Then get his ass beat so hard that he will be close to death. (( To be honest I hope he dies in this anime to put his assassinated character to rest but I know they won't do that.)) Then three things will happen
1: After he is beaten so badly Kirinmaru will then go after Rin again. But before he can kill her Inukag, Moroha and the Wounder Twins break free of the pearl and stop him in his tracks.
2: There will be a fight, Inuyasha will do a couple of "Uhahas" and "Zubabas" to the Squees of Inukag fans. But the main fighters will be the three girls...well mainly Towa and Setsuna because you know Moroha is going to get knocked out in round one. Kagome may or may not do a "Take that!" Or a "Hit the mark!" depending on if sunrise decides to use her or if she is going to try and heal idiotmaru but fail. To a crying Rinse despair. Then!
3 : Either Rin will cry her eyes out over his dying body and her tears will heal him with the power of love! Or The most likely of scenario. The battle will end and Towa will use the broken Tensega to bring him back from the dead. Like she did with her sister. With a possably of a speech of your our father and we love you. You protected us,we don't want you to die! Or something along those lines. He will then wake up fully healed to everyone's crying yet smiling faces. Inukag will forgive him for being a dick bag and all will be well after Rin screams "Lord sesshomaru!" And possibly throws herself into his arms.
End Episode
Now like I said I don't watch this show any longer. I have been getting all my info from here on tumbler. But from what I know of this kind of show I can see this happening. All of my fellow Antis who read this and watch the next episode or two depending of is Sunrise decides to make it a Cliff hanger to milk everything out. Let me know how close I got I gotta know. Lol.
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atinydise · 4 years
Ateez reacting to their s/o flinching
❦ Genre: Light Angst/Fluff.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 11k7.
❦ Masterlist.
❦ Warning: ⚠️I don’t describe a lot of harsh abusive thing but if you feel uncomfortable, don’t read this!
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You spend the whole morning arguing with your boyfriend. Yesterday, he was supposed to be present to meet your friends for the first time. But he never came and even didn’t text you to apologize. So, you were upset and worried the whole night. “Do you know what ‘busy’ means?” He asked you sarcastically. “Were you really too busy to at least send a simple text?” Hongjoong rolled his eyes, annoyed and turned around to pick a bottle of water on the fridge. “Yes, I was too busy.” “Yes sure. That’s why Jongho has enough time to post on Twitter.” You added. “Oh wow, Jongho posted so it means that I’m free?” “Don’t talk to me like I’m an idiot.” You let him know angrily. “How I’m supposed to talk to you when you can’t understand that I’m busy?” He put the bottle on the counter angrily. The loud sound was still resonating in your head.
“I just don’t believe you.” You raised your voice. Hongjoong bit his tongue angrily. His fists were clenched, and you could see the vein on his neck. He was getting really angry. But you too. He grabbed a glass on the cupboard and turned around. You didn’t know if it was the way he faced you, or the way he held this glass, but you hide yourself behind your arms, to protect you. Hongjoong froze. You really think he would be able to hurt your physically? “Y/N?” Why are you covering your face?” He asked. “I-I don’t know... I thought you would throw me the glass.” You muttered. Hongjoong put back the glass nicely and walked toward you to pull you in a soft and warm hug. “No matter how hard our argues are, I would never touch you this way.” He looked right into your eyes. “Never.” “Okay.” You nodded. “I’m sorry.” “I’m sorry too...” he apologized, hugging you tighter.
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“Are you going to stay quiet the whole day?” You ignored him; hands full of clothes. You slammed your bedroom door in front of his face. He clenched his fist. Since this morning, you completely ignored him. Usually you eat together but you didn’t even cook for him. “What have I done wrong?” He entered the room. “How I can fix something I don’t know?” You continued to tidy your clothes on your wardrobe still unbothered by his presence. “Tell me why you are mad at me Y/N!” He yelled. Once again, you didn’t reply. More than upset, he grabbed your shoulders a bit too strong for you but not too harsh. “I’m talking to you. If you are polite enough, you should answer me!” “Ah really? Were you polite when you asked me to let you breathe enough yesterday?” You finally said, “in front of everyone?” Seonghwa’s face decomposed. You were really mad for this? Your boyfriend scoffed, not believing that you ignored him just for that. “You are unbelievable... why-” He stopped when you flinched. For a second, you thought that he would hit you, but he was just passing his hand in his hair. “Did you just-” he realized. You blinked dumbly. “Y/N. Do you really think I was going to hit you?” You shrugged, “I don’t know... maybe?” “What? Wait no!” He claimed. “I would never do that! And nobody should.” You looked away, ashamed to think that he could hurt you physically. “Listen.” He wrapped his arms around your waist. “I would never do that. I promised you I would never hurt you. Do you remember?” “Yes,” you nodded shyly. “Good.” He smiled. “Now can you explain why you were SO mad for this?” He asked, not giving up.
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Yunho and you entered the empty room. You went in the supermarket to buy some snacks for Mingi’s birthday. But it turned bad when you bumped on your ex-boyfriend. To be honest, you broke up in a good term and stayed good friends. Even if Yunho knew about it, he hated to see you smiling and laughing with this guy. You careful settled down the bag on the table. “Are you done? You are being jealous for nothing, babe...” “Nothing?” He repeated, putting down messily the 2 other bags. You jumped a bit because of his brutality. “Yes! We were just talking! And we are both in a good and healthy relationship.” You tried to calm him. “I don’t believe he is. I saw how he was looking at you.” “Yunho... it’s not like I would see him again anyway.” You stared at your boyfriend. He seemed taller and scarier than usual. “I don’t want you to see him again.” He added. “You don’t have the right to tell me what I can do or not.” You faced him. He was looking intensely at you. His ears were red because of the anger. “Y/N.” He called you seriously. “I don’t like him at all.” He stepped forward you. His eyes widened when he saw that you stepped back, almost bumping on the table behind you. You suddenly seemed terrified. And the worse thing is that it was because of him. “I-” he started but finally stayed quiet. He stepped back too and left the kitchen to go in his room. You followed him slowly. He acted differently suddenly. You knocked at the door but entered by yourself when he didn’t tell you to come in. “Yunho? Are you okay?” You whispered, sitting next to him. His back was facing you. “You really think that I could hit you?” You blinked twice, unsure to understand. “No, it’s just that I- you looked so intimidating suddenly.” “I would never hit or try to intimidate you.” He said sadly. You lay down behind him, wrapping your arm around his waist. “I know. You would never do such a thing.” You kissed his shoulder. “I’m sorry,” he apologized, rubbing your hand gently.
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It was probably the worst argue you had. Bad and harsh words were said. You ended by crying of anger, but it doesn’t stop anything. “I know that I’m not perfect, but could you at least be indulgent with me?” He stood up from the couch. “I’m indulgent with you! I’m spending my whole damn time being indulgent with you!” You replied harshly. “Can you think with your brain that I am an idol. I have so much more responsibilities than go to the cinema with you?” “Oh sorry sir.” You did a reverence. “It’s true that spend time with your girlfriend is lame and make you waste your time. Really sorry.” You added sarcastically. “I have a schedule. A schedule-du-le.” He spelled. “I’m more than done with your schedule.” You yelled. “Thank let’s break up because I’m done with you.” He threatened back. “Okay perfect!” You agreed. “That’s really what you want?” He asked you. “Yes!” “Then great!” He stretched his arm near you to grab his jacket on the coat hanger. Unconsciously, you flinched, thinking that he was going to punch you. Yeosang was staring at you in horror and shock. “Did you just... flinched?” He whispered. You avoided his stare, wiping a tear. “I wouldn’t if you were not so mad!” Yeosang cupped your face on his large hands. “Nobody has the right to hurt you okay?” He insisted seriously. “I know that you wouldn’t. But you seemed so mad.” “I would never hit you even if I’m very very very very angry.” He insisted. “Okay...” He kissed your forehead before pulling you in a tight hug. “Never never never never never never never-“ “I got it Yeosang.” You giggled. “Never never never never never never never-“ “You can stop.” “I wanted to be sure you understood.” He smiled.
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You were waiting San on the couch of your shared apartment. You know that you would argue with him tonight. And it wasn’t the first time this week. You were kind of angry because of his behavior with this new girl. She was hired as a staff member, but she was a little bit too touchy with your boyfriend. And even all the members but you didn’t mind. Everything went down when you let her know about her behavior in front of everyone.
As expected, San entered the apartment angrily, slamming the door behind him. He was wearing his Taekwondo outfit. Things that he does only when he needs to calm down. “What was this Y/N?” He confronted you right away. “I told you I don’t like the way she is with you.” You replied straight. He stepped forward, “and this is a reason to act like that?” “Yes! You did worse to me with other guys than what I did to her!” The members were right, San was the scarier one when he’s angry. “Just a talk with a her apart wouldn’t be enough?” He asked, tightening his black belt. “I tried but she- she just laughed at me.” San lifted his arms to rub his temples, but you were thinking that he was about to slap you. You flinched trying to protect your face and let out a little gasp. “What-” he grabbed your arms. “You thought that I would hit you?” “I don’t know... I guess? Y-You looked so angry and this outfit...” you stuttered. San shook his head. “I would never touch you in this kind of way.” You just stared at him. “Believe me. This outfit and every Taekwondo lessons that I took are for these people who would try to touch you.” He said, punching the air. You smiled awkwardly. Seeing that you were speechless, he rubbed your cheeks gently. “I will never do that. I’ll protect you not hurt you.” You nodded, holding your hands on his. “Okay...” you stared at him and added, “then fire her.” San rolled his eyes and pinched your cheeks playfully. “I can’t do that baby girl.”
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“Where are you going?” Asked Mingi, seeing you with a bag obviously filled by clothes. “I’m going back to my apartment.” You said, grabbing your coat. “Are you serious Y/N?” He stood up, “just because I made fun of you?” You turned around, looking at him next to his bed. “This is not only because you made fun of me, Song Mingi.” “Then what?” You held tighter the bag handle. “Because you used one of my biggest insecurity! Just for fun.” You exclaimed. Mingi stayed quiet a bit, ignoring what to say. But finally he said: “And why do you need to leave? Can’t you just tell me that I hurt your feelings?” “Do I need to tell you everything all the time?” You throw your hands in the air. “Yes! I mean we are a couple! Tell me when I do something bad okay?” He pointed at his chest furiously. “You know that I’m not comfortable enough with relationship yet. You are the first long one that I had. Don’t expect me to guess everything!” He stepped forward; eyebrows completely furrowed. “I’m just a human and human make mistakes.” He raised his voice. You stayed quiet and extremely anxious. You never saw Mingi so mad. His ears were red as his hair. Unexpectedly, you started to sob. Probably exhausted of this entire situation. He was looking at you, crying, your boyfriend couldn’t help but to feel bad. He just stepped forward to comfort you and apologize, but you flinched. Mingi was shock. “Y- Y/N.” You stared at him too, surprised that your body reacted this way. His arms stayed open, completely froze, too afraid to touch you now that you were scared of him. “I need some fresh air.” He claimed, exiting the room, taking care to not touch or bump into you. “Mingi...” you whispered looking at him rushing outside. You know he would never hurt you this way.
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Wooyoung gets angry easily. He always denies it, but you noticed it a bunch of times. Simply by talking with someone else, from the opposite gender, of course. Or when you don’t do something even if he asked you too. Today, you forgot to bring his tuxedo that he needed for his international interview. He called you this morning so you could bring it after the lunch. But you accidentally fell asleep the rest of the day. When you woke up still sleepy and saw a dozen of missed calls and texts, you knew he would be mad at you. So right now, both of you were fighting, trying to prove that one of you were wrong. “Okay sorry! Yes, I fell asleep, but you could just prepare your stuff before sleeping. Instead of rushing the next morning.” You scolded him. “I was too tired.” He excused. “As you obviously!” He mentioned your long nap. “Sorry to work and study the whole day.” You rolled your eyes, walking next to him to go in your bedroom. Ready to fall asleep to avoid this argue. “Y/N! Don’t leave when I’m talking to you.” He claimed, following you. You almost jumped out of your bed when he opened the door loudly. “You can’t just leave when we are talking.” He raised his voice. The tone he employed scared you. He was really angry. When he raised his voice, it took you by surprise. You flinched and rolled in your bed, bumping your back on the whole behind you. “Oh my- Y/N are you okay?” He rushed to rub your back gently. You nodded quietly. “Why did you flinch? I’ll would never-” “Yes, I know.” You cut him straight. “I don’t know... you just looked more aggressive.” You stared at him, biting your lip nervously, “Sorry.” He wrapped his arms around you and put his forehead on yours. “It’s okay... sorry. I raised my voice on you. I shouldn’t...” You giggled, “that was pretty sexy to be honest.” Wooyoung smirked, pulling you in a passionate kiss, “oooh really?”
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“No, you shouldn’t act the way you did.” You said. “Then what I was supposed to do?” Jongho and you went to see his family for the weekend. Everything went well until one of his aunts came and started to diss you. She mentioned your weight, the way you were sitting and that you weren’t the type of girl Jongho likes. Your boyfriend stayed quiet the whole time she was mean with you. Everybody knew that she was saying a lot of inappropriate thing, but nobody stopped her. “You could have asked her to stop.” You sat on the chair of the kitchen. “She’s one of our more important aunts. I can’t do that.” “So? I need to endure this for rest of my life? No way.” Jongho’s back was facing you but you could see that he was upset. The way he was cutting the onions and vegetables angrily, made you a little bit nervous. “Listen, I can’t talk to her. I’m not allowed to.” He added. “You are not allowed to? Is she a queen? A goddess? Come on Jongho!” You facepalmed at how ridiculous it was. “Y/N. I really-” your boyfriend turned around so fast that you thought he would throw something at you. The moment he noticed that you flinched, he stayed still, unsure that his brain understood the situation well. “Did you- I- flinch?” He stuttered. You looked away, too ashamed to think that he would hurt you. “Wait. I knew that what my aunt did is wrong.” He sat next to you and held your hands. “But can we talk about this before? I would never hurt you in any kind of way.” “I know that but...” you paused. “But what? Tell me.” You seemed so different. He pouted, “you know that I wouldn’t hurt anyone. Except Mingi because sometimes he deserves it.” He smiled. “And with these hands I only can-” “Okay okay!” You stopped him, blushing furiously. “I was going to say cuddle, but I guess your thought works too.”
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doctorthreephds · 4 years
Synapses: Part 2
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
WC: 3.3k
TW: Again, nothing, except excess amounts of knowledge about forensics. Also the books suggested are great reads.
Summary: Your not-so-date date with Spencer arrives and you prepare for the worst to find out that the two of you have more in common than you realize. It is then when you begin to find feelings for the resident genius. 
Taglist: @obsssedwithjustaboutanything​ @green-intervention​
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The next couple of days are a blur, with the signing of paperwork at the Bureau and enjoying your time off before you’re officially hired. Your lack of excitement was confusing. Usually most are nervous or excited to start a new job. But, for you, seeing Spencer was the most nerve-wracking thing you had experienced in a while. 
That Saturday, you wake before your alarm. Even though the night before you had a hard time getting to bed, you wake once the light shines in through your window. It streams in and baths you in a golden glow. You had told Spencer to meet you at the bookstore around nine in hopes of checking out some books and then grabbing a bite to eat together, but you knew little to nothing about how flighty he would be. Would he take the books and leave? Or would he want to stay and chat? Perhaps you were overthinking a little bit.  
A startling ring comes from your phone, forcing you to sit up and grab at it to silence the loud alarm. You groan as you throw your legs over the side of the bed, walking over to the closet to look through the hangers of sweaters and blazers amassed from years in academia. You think back to that night, what Spencer was wearing. His usual get-up was a blazer over a sweater vest and a button-up, at least it was for that night. It was cold then too. A beige sweater over a white button-up and a thick wool coat would do for today, it was rather chilly in D.C with the recent snowfall. 
Your stomach bubbles with butterflies as you walk into your bathroom. After splashing some cold water on your face, you brush your teeth and try to calm your shaky hands. The blood rushing through your ears is like an anthem playing to your every movement. Was your heart pounding that loudly? You pause and take a deep breath before walking out of your room and into the kitchen. Opting for decaf so that your hands don’t shake as violently, a splash of milk and a teaspoon of sugar drop into the blue cup before you sip on the warm drink and stare out at the cityscape through your window like the calm before the storm. It was peaceful to see the bright white snow stand out against the brick and concrete as people pass by and get on with their Saturday morning. The steam from the drink tickles your nose as you take small sips, trying to pass time in an effort to not show up too early. You didn’t want to appear as if this was the only thing you had been thinking about for the past week, even though it was. 
“You can do this,” you whisper to yourself, the phrase playing over and over in your head like a mantra, before grabbing your bag off the island countertop and typing in the code to start the security alarm. Rushing out the door, you close it behind you, the blanket of safety falling around your shoulders. Just another one of your father’s little things. At least you always felt safe. 
Making your way down the stairs, you get down to the lobby and then out the glass doors into the rushed city streets. The chill relaxes you, calms your warm clammy skin as you walk down the sidewalk to the bookstore. A small smile grows on your face as puffs of air are made present with each breath. Your apartment was perfectly located, close to both the metro and the bookstore that you loved so dearly. It killed you to leave it behind when you got your Ph.D. but you were determined to be near it when you moved back. 
A familiar ringing of the store bell engulfs you in a feeling of comfort as you near the store. It had been years since you went on a date, not like this was one, but you were definitely interested in Spencer and feared scaring him away or just not being interesting enough for him. 
Walking through the door was like being transported into another world, The walls were lined with books, floor to ceiling. It was like a palace and you knew that every single book had a different world you could escape to when you needed to, when reality got too much. Every time you brought your dad here to sign some of Shelby’s collection of his books, he too had a similar face of awe. His job was stressful enough, it was the least you could do to help him gain some sort of escape.  
“Hey there!” Shelby, the owner, calls out. 
“Hi, Shel! How are you today?” you ask, glancing over at at the wall of candles next to her and checking to see if any of your favorites were restocked. It was one of the most alluring parts of the store, the book-themed candles with matching scents.
“I’m doing great, how did your last interview go? I know you were on the last one of the whole process,” she asks.
“It went great! I actually got the job and celebrated that night with my dad and his coworkers. There was actually this one guy--”
You hear the bell ring behind you and twist around to see Spencer standing there, an awkward smile across his face.
“Hey, Spencer! Welcome to the best place on earth,” you swing back to wink at Shelby and then walk forward to stand next to the young doctor. It makes you smile to see his crooked tie sitting underneath his maroon sweater vest and navy blazer. Out of instinct, you reach forward and adjust it before pulling back to realize what you had done.
“I am so sorry, it’s just a force of habit from when I do it for my dad,” you mumble and look down to the floor bashfully in an attempt to hide from the awkward shame.
“No worries. Shall we get to the books?” he asks and looks out to the bookstore. It was mostly barren due to the early hours, but it was perfect in your eyes. The overwhelming smell of paper and ink fills your senses as you direct Spencer over to the true crime section.
“I remember when I first found forensics books in the true crime section. It makes sense, though, forensics is all technically up to interpretation as anything but to me, it’s an interesting way of looking at science,” you state and begin pulling out books from the shelves. The Poisoner’s Handbook by Deborah Blum, Forensics by Val McDermid, and All that Remains by Sue Black. It wasn’t the heftiest stack of books you had walked out with, but you were sure it would tie Spencer over for at least a couple days. 
“The same thing could be said about profiling, a lot of people show hesitation when it comes to our profiles, but we haven’t been wrong yet. It was only really in the last 50 years that people started to take it more seriously, although some still don’t believe it to be helpful” he states and you look up at him.
“Alrighty, there are three of my favorite ones. And honestly, if anything I can get you my college textbooks if you really want to enrich yourself, but I doubt those will be as entertaining as these,” you say and let out a little laugh.
“I’ll probably get through these today,” he glances down at the stack of books as you stare in awe.
“How? No way,” you mumble, your eyes widening.
“I can read 12,000 words per minute,” you pause in place, staring in awe as he speaks.
“I stand corrected, I wish I had your mind when I was working on my dissertation. God, I spent hours reading research papers and textbooks that I thought my brain would melt. For you? Light reading,” you state and shake your head. “Spencer you’re incredible.”
“Hm,” he hums and looks down at the floor, almost like a resignation. It was sad to see. Did he not know how amazing his mind is?
“What?” you ask and frown.
“Most people don’t say that when I tell them about me. They usually look at me in awe or like I’m a freak of nature,” he mumbles and huffs. You pause and stare at him for a moment before speaking.
“Well, you shouldn’t listen to them,” you boldly state as he looks up. “Growing up, knowledge and education was the one thing that no one could take away from me. Spencer, I think you’re the coolest person I know, and my dad is pretty famous.”
He lets out a small laugh at that as you take a moment to look at him, really look at him. His hair was a plop of messy curls on top of his head, smoothed down to try and look somewhat put together, and his eyes were a deep brown although slightly dull from lack of sleep. He carried himself a little bit timidly, but he carried the books in his arms like they were the key to unlocking everything. And for that? You adored him. 
“Do you wanna go grab some lunch? I’d love to get to know one of my new coworkers,” you tell him and begin walking over to Shelby.
“Sure,” he says, a slight flush on his cheeks appearing as Shelby rings him up and you go through a couple of the candles, taking a quick whiff of the ones that look interesting. You take one that smells like butterscotch and place it on the counter, reaching over to your bag to bring your wallet out.
“I got it,” he mumbles and smiles as you frown, shaking your head.
“No, it’s okay,” you tell him as Shelby takes his card, looking at you pointedly.
“No, it’s alright, I got it.” he responds and takes the small receipt back from Shelby along with his card.
You narrow your eyes, a playful smile appearing on your face as you stare at him while Shelby bags up the books and then hands you the candle.
“I’ve got lunch then,” you tell him and gently nudge his shoulder, a smile spreading over your face. He nods and the two of you walk out of the bookstore into the cold D.C. street. The cafe you had in mind was only a couple stores over and the irresistible smell of freshly baked pastries was unmistakeable as the two of you walked closer. As you approach, Spencer speeds up and holds the door open for you as you mutter a small thanks to him. 
The cafe itself was rather small but full of people who were enjoying their mornings out. The menu was littered with several different drinks and food in French. Glancing into the case full of food, you set your eyes on a spinach and cheddar cheese quiche as well as a warm mug of tea. When you walk up to the counter, you look over at Spencer for a moment as he too stares up at the menu. He suddenly looks back at you and you feel like you get whiplash from how quickly you look back to the woman behind the register.
“I’ll take what she’s having and a coffee with room for cream and sugar,” he responds as you quickly hand over your card, ensuring that he has no time to take out his wallet. When the transaction is finished, the two of you move off to the side to wait for your food and drinks. 
“So what else do you do besides working and reading? Although, I’d guess work takes up a majority of your time,” you ask, looking over at him as you rub your hands together to help warm them up a bit. You should have brought your gloves, but it had slipped your mind this morning in the midst of all your chaotic thoughts about the day.
“I play chess in the park when I find the time. I also like to watch foreign movies and knit occasionally, although I haven’t really found time for it recently. Most of my time outside of work is dedicated to reading,” he responds.
“Oh gosh, I could never knit. I tried it once and it went very poorly, I just have really bad coordination with my non-dominant hand. Crocheting is my personal favorite type of fiber art, it only really requires one hand,” you smile as your name is called out and your drinks are put on the counter alongside your food. Quickly, you grab the mug full of tea with one hand and feel relief as it begins to warm your cold fingers. With the other hand, the two of you grab your quiches and walk over to the condiments section where you watch as Spencer proceeds to dump several sugar packets into his coffee. 
“Not a fan of the bitterness?” you ask and laugh as he dumps the sugar in, stirring it around with a stir stick.
“Just a sugar addict,” he smiles up at you and your heart almost skips a beat in your chest as the two of you maneuver over to a table.
“I remember, sugar over alcohol. I hope the cake that night was to your satisfaction,” you say and begin digging into your food after a quick sip of tea to warm your insides. 
“I think it could have had more sugar,” you bark out another laugh and take a bite of the quiche.
“I’ll keep that in mind next time,” you mumble.
“What about you? What do you do in your free time?” he asks and you pause your eating to warm your hands with the mug of tea.
“I like to read as well, although I usually read science-related books. I’ve been trying to broaden my horizons and read some classical literature, I think there’s a lot to be learned from fiction that most scientists fail to recognize. There’s often a gap between humanities and science-related majors, but I think that they’re a lot more similar than they realize,” you speak and feel your hands sweat as you look up at Spencer who appears to be watching you as you talk. “Sorry, I’m rambling, aren’t I?’
“No, you���re fine. It’s not often that people think the two are connect when, in fact, there is a lot that can be bridged between the two. Science can only be progressed if information is shared and made available for people to read, that’s why papers are only accredited if they’re peer-reviewed. I’d like to think psychology is a marrying of the two, both humanities and science. Without the knowledge of human nature, we cannot predict and better ourselves as human beings but without the scientific process, we are left unable to process experiments and theories. So, you’re completely correct,” he says and the two of you are left staring at each other as you soak in the information. Your heart soars at his response and you can only smile as you bow your head slightly to try and hide the warmth in your cheeks.
“Very astute analysis there, Dr. Reid,” you mumble, hiding your smile in your cup as you bring it up to take a sip.
“Thank you, Dr. Montgomery,” Spencer does the same with his coffee and you feel your cheeks stretch even further than imagined, a warmth growing in your chest. 
The rest of your “not date” is spent talking about similar things, the disparity that people seem to observe between humanities and science as well as fun facts thrown around to keep the atmosphere light. 
“I mean, before photographs, people had to draw crime scenes to keep track of where everything was. The procedures for crime scene investigation were very poor then, though, but they did what they had to do. I find that facial reconstruction is one of my favorite connections between art and science, the fact that scientists learn how to sculpt faces in order to make an identification,” you state as you finish the last bite of your quiche and drink the rest of your tea.
“It goes hand and hand with forensic anthropology to help identify victims. It’s moreso for the family than it is to help find the unsub, but it can add to victimology and help understand how the victim died,” he responds, also finishing the last of his sickeningly sweet coffee.
“But it’s so cool how science and art really are married. To be good at figure drawing, you have to have a good understanding of anatomy and to successfully construct a face, you must know how to sculpt,” you finish and look down at the finished meal, you feel a bit sad to find your time with Spencer coming to an end. “I’ll bring this over to the trash.”
You stand and take the plates with their respective mugs over to the tub of used dishes and discard your tea bag and napkins used. Walking back over, you find Spencer standing next to the table grabbing his own bag, slinging it over his shoulder. 
“Shall we?” he mutters and you nod, following him out the door. 
“I’m going this way,” you tell him, pointing back in the direction of your apartment and the bookstore.
“You didn’t take the train?” he asks, hugging his bag close as he furrows his brow.
“Oh! No, I live just a couple blocks down from the bookstore. I chose my apartment for that reason,” you clutch your bag close as well, almost a sort of object to ground yourself so the endless nerves are redirected some place other than your brain.
“I’ll walk you down, then,” he states and moves to stand beside you.
“You don’t have to, it’s just a couple blocks,” you state and shake your head.
“I insist,” he smiles and you can feel your heart jump in your chest. Maybe it was the bright blue cloudy sky behind him or the chill in the air, but something about him felt a bit unreal.
“Al-Alright,” you mumble and begin back down the street, a calm silence settling as the two of you walk in tandem and allow the noise of D.C. to fill the air. The walk is short, shorter than you remember, but the warmth of Spencer next to you is distracting so perhaps the fact that you can’t keep track of the streets is enough to make it feel like no time has passed. In fact, you almost walk past your apartment building, but the glass doors swing open and stop you in your place as someone else walks out.
“This is me,” you glance up at the building and look back at him, unsure of what to say. 
“We should do this again some time. I’ll bring you some of the classics that I have so you can have more to read,” he suggests but takes a step back, almost like he regrets the words coming out of his mouth as they do so. “Only if you want to, you don’t have to--”
“I’d like that,” another pause as your heart begins to pound faster. “I’ll text you.”
You lean forward on your tip toes and press a kiss to his cheek before spinning around and walking into the building, attempting to catch your breath and not turn to look at his reaction. Hoping and praying you didn’t overstep, you head into the elevator and look out at the street where you see Spencer staring in a sort of awe, a silly smile on his face. The doors close in front of you as you ponder. Maybe it was a date.
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mermaidsneedwater · 4 years
you see him after the break up
This was requested as a part two to this post. They can be read seperately! I hope it came out okay :)
⇒ jaebeom
Oh no no no. This could not be happening to him. Jaebeom panicked when he saw you and some guy walking towards him by the river walkway.
Should I turn around and run? Or maybe I should crouch down and hide? Whatever Jaebeom was going to, he needed to decide quickly because here you came.
Walking hand in hand with a guy he didn’t recognize, Jaebeom awkwardly smiled when you finally came face to face with each other.
“Hi Y/N.” He said.
You still looked beautiful. Damn this was going to be hard. He wondered if you were happy with the other guy. He pondered the possibility of you missing him as much as he missed you.
“Hey.” You replied awkwardly. “Honey, you know the guy I mentioned before? This is him, Jaebeom.”
The stranger looked him up and down, seemingly sizing Jaebeom up before reluctantly shaking his hand. “Hey. I’m Chris.”
“So how have you been?” Jaebeom asked turning to you, “I haven’t seen you in... what a year?”
“Yeah I think so.” You nodded. “I’m good, how about you?”
“Same old, I just got back from an overseas tour.” He replied. He cringed internally, way to bring up a touchy subject Jaebeom.
“Oh that’s great. I’m glad things are going well for you.” You politely smiled.
Jaebeom noticed that Chris was holding your hand a little more tightly as he spoke. “Baby, we should get going, we have that thing.”
Jaebeom winced at Chris’ nickname for you, that was his name for you. You were his baby. Were.
“I should get going too. It was nice seeing you Y/N” Jaebeom said, trying to relieve the awkwardness of the situation. Turning to Chris, he joked “She’s a great girl Chris, don’t screw it up like me.”
“Trust me I won’t.” Chris said with condescending smile. “I’m never letting her go.”
“Good. I wish I had done the same.” He muttered in response.
Jaebeom waved goodbye to you both as you walked in opposite directions. He turned around to see Chris’ arm around your waist, whispering something in your ear. You laughed and smacked his chest lightly.
Even after a year, Jaebeom could feel his heart break in two all over again, with no one to blame but himself.
⇒ mark
“Y/N? Y/N L/N?” The voice on the phone spoke.
“Yes?” You answered.
“I’m calling because you were listed as an emergency contact for Mark Tuan. He’s been in a car accident.”
Your heart sunk in your chest. “I see. I’ll be there as soon as possible.”
Walking into the hospital, you stopped at the reception desk. A young lady greeted you with a small smile. “Hello miss, how can I help you?”
Frazzled, you ran a hand through your hair. “I’m listed as an emergency contact for a patient here, Mark Tuan?”
“Okay let me check for you.” She looked to her computer screen, pulling up his file virtually. “Yes, he is in room 241.”
“Is he okay?” You asked, praying that nothing bad had happened to him.
“You’ll have to discuss that with the doctor miss.”
Thanking her, you walked to room 241. With each step you took, you could feel the air leave your lungs. Though you’d only left him last week, you’d never be able to live with yourself if something had happened to him. Your hands trembled as you reached for the door, before you could touch the handle, you were stopped by a woman.
“Who are you?” She asked, holding a clipboard at her side.
“I’m Y/N, I was listed as an emergency contact for Mark Tuan, I heard he was in an accident.” You explained nervously. “Is he ok? What happened?”
“So you’re Y/N. The patient was asking for you when he arrived in the emergency room.” The Doctor brought her clipboard up to tell you the situation. “He is okay. Mr. Tuan was in a minor car accident. Though his blood alcohol level was .087%, which means he was drinking and driving. Injury-wise he’s going to be alright, we did a CT scan and found that he broke a couple of ribs.”
Exhaling a breath you didn’t know you were holding, you responded. “Oh okay, thank god. Thank you so much doctor.”
“He should recover in one to two months, I’ll prescribe some medication for the pain.” She continued. “You can see him.”
Nodding, you took a breath and entered the room. Mark laid in a hospital gown on the bed, looking out the window. He was hooked up to multiple wires, the room silent except the dripping of his IV bag. As you took in the sight of him, your blood began to boil.
“What the hell is wrong with you!” You shut the door behind you. “Are you insane? Were you trying to get yourself killed?!”
Mark turned to see you at the foot of the door. Overcome with relief, he could only whisper “Y/N.”
“Drinking and driving? How stupid do you have to be!” You continued yelling.
“Y/N.” Mark spoke again.
“You look good.” He said, taking in your appearance. “How have you been?”
Your face softened at his words. His antics had accomplished his purpose, bringing you face to face with him since your break up. This was exactly the kind of thing you had hoped to avoid, as you’d left him a note explaining that your relationship was over.
“You can’t do this Mark.” You told him.
“Do what?” He replied innocently.
“Things that are endangering your life. You need to stop being so reckless. It won’t bring me back to you.”
He grabbed your hand, begging “I realize I was wrong. It took me a little bit, but I know. I don’t want to be with anyone but you. Please reconsider.”
“Change your emergency contact.” You told him, taking your hand out of his. “And please take care of yourself. I’ll call your friends to come take care of you when you’re discharged.”
⇒ jackson
I want to see you. it’s been two months and I can’t get you out of my head. let’s meet for lunch.
Jackson had sent you this message this morning. Unsure of what to say, you decided it was simply best to say nothing. But when you checked your phone that evening you were greeted with one more.
meet me for one coffee. i won’t bother you again.
Unable to decline his invitation, you texted him back. tomorrow at 1.
thank you
That was how you found yourself face to face with Jackson once again.
“What can I get for you two today?” The waiter asked.
“I’ll have an iced coffee and she’ll have a latte with an extra shot of espresso please.” Jackson ordered for the two of you.
You had both forgotten the comfort and familiarity of your relationship. Sitting at the table felt like old times, almost.
“I’m sorry for ordering for you, force of habit.” Jackson apologized.
“It’s fine, at least you got the right order” You joked.
Half smiling, Jackson fiddled with his rings. “So you’re probably wondering why I asked to meet... And honestly I’m grateful you came. I know after what I did, I wouldn’t have if I were you.”
Silently nodding, you were curious as to what he would say.
“I just– I miss you. It’s as simple as that. I daydream and I think about you, I can’t eat without thinking if you are too, when I wake up in the morning I still reach out for you in our bed.” Jackson rambled. “What I’m trying to get at is, I think we should–“
“Wait.” You stopped him. “I have to tell you something.”
“Oh– okay. What is it?” Jackson asked.
“I’m moving.”
“Like across town?”
“No. To New York.” You told him. “I leave in three days.”
Jackson sat back in his chair. He ran a hand through his hair. “Okay, I can do long distance. We can make it work.”
“No Jackson. I don’t want to. And I don’t think getting back together is a good idea.” You told him. “I’m moving because I need a fresh start. There’s nothing left for me here”
“But what about us?” He asked.
The waiter came back with your coffees, setting them down in front of you.
“Jackson, I can forgive what you did, but I can’t forget. Every time I look at you all I can think is back to that moment.” You admitted. “I’m not saying I don’t love you. I’m saying I need space from you.”
You watched as his fell. The goal of this meeting for him had not been accomplished. You signaled the waiter for the check. Leaving cash for both your coffees, you stood up. “Goodbye Jackson.”
⇒ jinyoung
You turned the key to your apartment. Former apartment. It had been a week since you’d last spoken to Jinyoung.
Slowly walking in, you grabbed the boxes you’d brought and pulled them inside. You turned on the light and were startled by the figure hunched over the couch.
“You scared me.” You exhaled a breath of relief.
“Sorry.” Jinyoung grumbled. He sat up on the couch and looked to you at the door. “I guess you were serious.”
You watched as he stood up from the couch. He looked disheveled. You could see the dark circles on his face, his hair messed up and his scruff had been unshaven for what seemed like days.
You walked past him and went straight to your bedroom, intent on getting your things out as quickly as possible.
As you headed to your closet, you set the box you were holding down and began to take your clothes off the hanger.
Jinyoung quietly came into the bedroom and watched as you packed.
“So this is it?” He said. “We’re really over?”
Ignoring his voice, you continued with your packing.
“Just do something. Yell at me. Throw something. Scream. Cry. Anything. I can’t take this silence.”
Not looking back at him, you placed a pile of your folded clothes into the box. “I don’t want to do that. I want my stuff and then I’m leaving.”
Jinyoung got up from the bed and held your hand, turning you to face him. “Don’t do this. Don’t end something good.”
“What do you want from me? You think I want this? I never asked you to cheat on me. You did that all by yourself.”
Shaking his head, he pulled your hand to his cheek, “Tell me what I can do to fix this. I made one mistake, I can do better.”
You took your hand out of his and turned back to the closet. “Please don’t make this harder than it already is. You want to fix things? Let me go.”
Jinyoung watched you, dejected and drained. He slowly watched as the apartment transformed from your home to just his apartment.
Taping the last of your boxes, you began taking them to your car, one by one. Jinyoung watched from the window as you shut the trunk of your car and drove away.
Now he was left with nothing but an empty house and the consequences of his actions.
⇒ youngjae
You sat in bed, scrolling through the articles about Youngjae and Mina’s relationship. It had only been 3 weeks since you’d broken up.
They’re so cute!
This is my dream couple xoxo
Youngjae looks so happy with Mina
Frustrated, you threw your phone against the wall. Leaning over to your bedside table, you grabbed the can of ice cream and dug your spoon into it. You contemplated for a brief moment whether you should get out of bed to get a real bowl, but at the moment you couldn’t be bothered with such things.
You’re roommate walked in to find you holed up in your room. “Y/N when was the last time you left this room?”
“I don’t know maybe a couple days ago?” You shrugged, having another bite of the ice cream.
“Okay just give me the ice cream and we can talk.” Your roommate said slowly.
You frowned as she successfully pried the pint out of your hands. “Leave me alone. I just want my ice cream, I think I deserve that much.”
“Okay, that’s it,” your roommate said setting the tub down. “You’re going to shower and get dressed, tonight we’re drinking.”
“Oh no. I have plans with another pint of ice cream and the new Scream movie.”
“Y/N, you’re going out and that’s final!” She insisted.
A few hours later, you stood at the bar of some club your roommate had taken to you. Sipping on a gin and tonic, you scanned the room sullenly.
“Can you at least try to smile?” You roommate nudged you. “You have to put yourself out there. Have you ever heard the saying, in order to get over someone you have to get under someone else?”
“I’m sorry. I’m just really not in the mood.” You said, taking another sip of your drink.
“Fine, do what you want but I see a guy checking me out so I’m going to go talk to him.” She huffed.
Raising your glass, you signaled the bartender for another drink. “Okay, have fun. I’ll be here. Sad and alone.”
Tracing the rim of your glass, you sat alone. Before long, you heard a voice speak.
“One soju please.”
Oh god. You knew that voice anywhere. Turning the other way, you attempted to hide your face.
“Y/N?” Youngjae asked. “Is that you?”
Oh shit.
Turning around you saw your ex-boyfriend, he stood tall in a sleek blazer and some jeans.
“Hey you,” you said awkwardly. “What brings you here.”
“Oh, um. It’s Mina’s birthday.” He said. “She wanted to go out with some friends.”
“That’s great.” You said bitterly, downing the rest of your drink. “I’m glad you guys are happy.”
You left some money for the drink and began to leave the bar.
Texting you friend, you headed out the entrance of the club. don’t feel well, going home.
You pulled out your phone to order a car.
“Y/N! Wait!” You heard a voice call behind you.
Youngjae ran, coming to stand in front of you. You looked down at your phone ignoring him.
“Let me take you home.” He said. “Please,”
“I’m not really your concern anymore.” You said defiantly. “I think I can get a cab on my own.”
“Please Y/N.” He said, holding your wrist. “I’m just trying to do the right thing.”
“Like you know anything about what’s right.” You rolled your eyes. “Just go back to your new girlfriend. You guys make a great couple.”
“Y/N,” he started again.
Your cab pulled up in front of the club. “Just do me favor? The next time you see me in public let’s just avoid the pleasantries and do our own thing.”
And with that you shut the door of your cab and watched through the window as you drove away.
Youngjae could only watch and let you go, what right did he have to do anything else anyway?
⇒ bambam
“And she just laughed when you told her?”
“Yup.” Bambam nodded.
Yugyeom sat in disbelief. “Wow. Maybe you guys are better off broken up.”
“What? No.” Bambam refused. “I just need to go apologize to her and we can work through this.”
“Why are you trying so hard to put this relationship back together? Clearly you didn’t want to be in one since you were cheating on her. Most guys would be out celebrating right now!” Yugyeom replied.
“I don’t know, I just feel like I’m missing a piece of myself without her.” Bambam hadn’t admitted that out loud before. “I need to make things right.”
“Yeah but does she want to make things right?” Yugyeom asked. He paused for a few moments to let his best friend ponder the question. “Anyway, I should get going. I’m sorry about your eye again.”
“I deserved it.” Bambam muttered. They were of course referring to the fact that Yugyeom had punched Bambam two weeks ago when he refused to tell you that he was cheating on you.
That night Bambam found himself awake and restless. When he closed his eyes, his mind would run wild with thoughts about you, making it impossible to actually sleep. He got out of bed and put on a sweater, intending to take a stroll at night.
Walking along the street at night, he watched as a couple passed him by. Were they in love? Were they doomed to fate like you and him? As he crossed the street he didn’t even see the car turning the corner until it came to a screeching stop.
“Hey!” He called out looking to the driver.
He was shocked to see that it was none other than you. Walking to the side of the car, he knocked on the window.
“Care to tell me why you almost ran me over?”
“The light’s about turn green. Get in the car.” You told him.
Weighing his options for a brief moment, Bambam sat in the car. “Where are we going?”
You turned to him, laughing a little, “Nowhere? Everywhere?”
Bambam shook his head, “I feel like I don’t understand you anymore.”
“I couldn’t sleep. Can’t really walk around alone at night, so I thought a drive might help.” You explained.
“Me too. Until you almost ran me over.” He tried to joke.
“I’m sorry. But in my defense you came out of nowhere.” You told him, merging onto the road overlooking the river.
You pulled the car onto the side and sat with water moving in front of you. Slowly coming to a stop, you drummed your hands on the steering wheel.
“Why couldn’t you sleep?” Bambam asked.
“You first.” You said, looking straight ahead.
“I was thinking about you. I miss you. I miss what we had.” He admitted. “Now you.”
You leaned back in your seat, taking in his words. “I was thinking about us too. And if I’m being honest, I was scared. And that’s because I felt so free when we broke up, like a weight had been lifted off my chest. I couldn’t sleep without feeling like our entire relationship had been a waste of time.”
Bambam was taken aback. Our entire relationship had been a waste of time.
“Look, if you’re here to try and get back together, then you should just leave. Don’t make things more complicated than they already are.”
He slunk in his seat, he could now see the writing on the wall, you were done and better off without him.
“And if I’m not?”
You turned to look at him, sadly smiling. “We drive around for a bit, I drop you home, and then we go on with our lives. We never hear from each other again.”
⇒ yugyeom
Yugyeom knew this was a idiotic idea. His friends had told him it was an extremely dumb thought. But still he couldn’t help but do it.
He sat at the café by the JYP building that you’d often visit him at. Yugyeom figured that if the café was the place your relationship had gone wrong, it had to be the place to make things right.
Since your break up, it had been like you’d vanished off the face of the earth. You’d effectively blocked him out of your life, changing your phone number, secretly moving into a new apartment, he couldn’t even look up your profile on Instagram to cyber stalk you. Yugyeom only realized when you were gone how much he loved you. One moment you were together, and the next every trace of you had disappeared.
So for the last 3 months, he’d been hoping to ‘accidentally’ run into you at the café. Yugyeom figured that when the moment finally came, he’d apologize and convince you to take him back.
At first he’s told himself that he’d wait for you a week, then two weeks, a month, and now three months. He knew nothing about your life without him, so he could only guess your routine.
Yugyeom was sure that for the ninety-second day in a row, you wouldn’t show. That was until he unmistakably heard the sound of your laugh.
Following the sound, He looked to find you on the phone entering the café. Overwhelmed with the sight, he quickly stood up to take a peek at you.
Surely enough, you were even more beautiful than he remembered. Your hair had grown a bit, and you’d walked into the café radiating a kind of confidence he’d never seen before.
Nervously running a hand through his hair, it was time to act on the plan he’d been concocting for the last 3 months.
He waited at the table, until you’d finished ordering your drink. When he saw you step up to the counter, Yugyeom brushed against you.
“I’m so sor–“ you started before realizing who you’d bumped into.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Yugyeom asked, pretending to be shocked.
“Oh, I was just on my way to meet someone and thought I’d stop for a coffee. How about you?”
“Lunch break. Just picking up a quick bite before I go back to practice.”
“Right! What are you doing nowadays?” You asked, suddenly remembering.
Has she really forgotten that I’m in an idol group? Yugyeom wondered. She used to know my schedule better than me!
“We have a comeback soon. But anyways...” grasping for a topic Yugyeom panicked, “the weather has been so nice lately right?”
When you chuckled at his question, Yugyeom was confused.
“This is so awkward.” You said blatantly. “Of course this was bound to happen to us.”
Relieved that you’d broken the ice, Yugyeom laughed with you. “I guess so.”
“It’s okay Yugyeom. It doesn’t have to be like this.” You reassured him. “I’m not angry with you anymore.”
“Y/N, I just have to let you know how sorry I am.” He admitted. Placing a hand on your shoulder, he continued “I never meant to hurt you. I was so stupid, I didn’t realize what I had until I lost it.”
“I forgave you awhile ago. We just weren’t meant to be, it happens.” You shrugged. “You deserve to be happy. And so do I.”
Taking your coffee from the counter, you took out your wallet to tip the barista. “Be well Yugyeom.” Waving to him, you left the café.
Yugyeom watched as you walked out the door. He couldn’t help but feel an ache in his chest, realizing that he’d now lost you for the second and final time.
return to masterlist
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ve1vetyoongi · 4 years
better with you | 02
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Chapters: index
Pairing: Seokjin x female reader
Genre: fake dating/arranged marriage!au, smut, angst, humour.
Word count: 18k
Summary: A part time job as a chef at Paradise Resort seems like the perfect way to spend your summer and save up some spare cash to open your own restaurant back home. That is until you cross paths with the CEO’s son who threatens to fire you if you don’t help him inherit his trust-fund-baby-fortune. How? By making you his fiancé. Well, his pretend fiancé at least.
Warnings: (mostly) fluffy smut, unprotected penetrative sex, handjobs, oral (f recieving), creampie, spanking, lots of pining hhhhhh.
A/N: HELLO omg it’s literally been so long since i updated this fic and let me tell you it was so fun to finally write for these characters again!!! thank u for everyone who has sent lovely asks about the first chapter and for waiting so long for the next one! ily and i hope ur all staying safe and well during these crazy times my honeybuns <3<3
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"Seokjin," You gasp. "N-not here."
Fingers toy with the hem of the expensive sequin dress you found wrapped up in tissue paper on your bed that morning, edging agonizingly closer to the damp throb between your legs that under normal circumstances would require immediate attention from Seokjin -- if only you weren't in the back seat of one of the Kim's private cars.
"Why not?" Seokjin mumbles against your neck, the way his plump lips nibble the lobe of your ear making you shiver. "I know you're wet for me. Nobody has to know if I just..."
His palm cups your heat brazenly, and you have to bite back a moan, cheeks flushing when Seokjin chuckles low and gravelly against your ear. Your arrangement as you've taken to calling it has been going on for a few weeks now, Seokjin dragging you along to family outings and fancy dinners as his fiance and rewarding you with sensual rendezvous and get-to-know-me time in between.
"I know you want it, sweetheart." He drags a finger down your panties and you whimper. "Just say the magic word, and I'll give it to you."
Oh god. You are so weak for his touch, and he knows it. The things Seokjin's tousled hair and cocky smirk make you feel should be illegal. Anyone would think you have the sex drive of a teenage boy, constantly eager to jump his bones just looking at him. But not now, not here. The windows might be tinted, but you are sure you spot the chauffeur's eyes drifting to the backseat in the rear view mirror.
"Sir," The driver coughs, eyes trained politely to the steering wheel. The car has stopped at some point, not that either of you noticed. "We have arrived."
Seokjin flashes you a satisfied look as his hand reluctantly slips out from beneath your skirt so he can fish around in his back pocket for his leather wallet, throwing a couple fifty dollar bills on the front seat as a tip. "Thanks, Pierre."
You're still busy straightening your skirt when the car door opens and a black-gloved hand helps you out onto the sidewalk. You can't help but blush ferociously when you meet the driver's knowing gaze, a smirk playing on his lips. "No problem, sir'"
"I'll take it from here." Seokjin nods to the driver and slips his elbow through yours. Pierre lifts his black cap, before getting back into his shiny Mercedes and whizzing off into the city traffic.
Your legs shake in your stilettos, partly because you're not used to walking in anything other than your beat up converse but mostly because of the reassuring smile Seokjin sends your when when he see's you glancing around nervously.
You're in a upper class part of town, the street lined with shiny black cabs and designer boutiques with French names you can't even pronounce. You can't help but feel out of place, like the eyes of every passerby see right through your immaculate rich facade and see you for the ordinary kitchen girl that you really are.
"Don't worry," He leans down, pressing his lips to your ear so only you can hear as he pretends to adjust your diamond necklace. At least you think its diamond...what would you know? "You look beautiful. Just relax."
A small smile plays on your lips. Beautiful. It makes your heart flutter like a butterfly between cupped palms, even though you know it shouldn't. That's been happening a lot lately, and you don't like how easily he can make you melt. Snap out of it!  You tell yourself.
Still, his reassurance makes you feel more at ease than before, and you straighten your shoulders with a new found confidence as Seokjin takes your hand in his, even if it is just for show. You have to make the fiance thing believable, after all.
"You still haven't told me where we're going." It's true -- Seokjin is good at keeping secrets. Probably because he knew that you'd say no to most of the crazy situations he seemed persistent on putting you in.
"Don't hate me," Seokjin eyes you carefully. You narrow your eyes, with a nod that says go on. "Hyejin wants us to go dress shopping."
"You bought me this new dress this morning?" You smooth down the front of the floaty summer dress that hugs your figure.
He coughs, eyes averting yours. "Wedding dress shopping."
That's when you come to a stop on the sidewalk outside of an elegant white-brick bazaar, eyes widening at the glaringly white dresses styled on mannequins that stare at you from behind the floor to ceiling windows.
Seoul Bridal - For All Your Wedding Dress Needs.
Your blood runs cold. Oh no.
You grip his hand tighter. "I'm going to kill you."
Seokjin is already pushing open the door with a chuckle that mingles with the tiny tinkling bell that rings out and announces your arrival. Too late to kick off your stiletto's and run.
"After you, sweetheart."
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"Welcome to Seoul Bridal," A pretty lady with curly hair in a striped pant suit welcomes you inside with a hand shake. Her name tag says Wheein, and you can't take your eyes off the red lipstick on her teeth. "It's nice to finally meet you, Seokjin."
"The pleasure is all mine," Seokjin responds, voice deep with a suave charm that makes the girls behind the reception desk giggle unashamedly. For some reason you have to resist sending a glare their way, not missing the way your chest burns when Seokjin flashes them a dazzling smile. "Hyejin said you had some ideas for Y/N's wedding dress?"
"Of course. We have everything ready. We just need to get some measurements first." She smiles at him courteously, then whips a tape measure out of her trouser pocket which she wastes no time in wrapping around your waist. "Arms up, please." She murmurs as she slides the glasses balanced on top of her head behind her ears so she can get a better measurement of your shoulder width. You send an eyeroll Seokjin's way when you hear him snort bemusedly at the sudden man handling.
While Wheein bites the cap off a pen with her teeth and scribbles down the size ratio of your waist to your hips for future reference, you finally get the chance to take in the boutique properly. The sweet scent from the bouquets of white roses all over the room fills the air and the walls are painted a blush pink to match the faux fur rugs. Streams of sunlight pour through the chiffon curtains making the racks of blindingly white wedding dresses of all sizes and designs glow invitingly.
"Which one am I trying on?" You ask absentmindedly, nodding towards the sea of satin and lace hanging delicately from pink hangers.
Wheein looks up confused, then her nose wrinkles with distaste."Oh, none of these darling. You deserve the very best." She starts walking quickly towards a back room, heels click clacking as she beckons you to follow her with a crook of her finger. "We received some luxury designs from two of our best designers in London and Milan just this morning -- oh! And it looks like the dress from Paris just arrived!"
She shuffles you and Seokjin into a private dressing room, seating you on an elegant couch upholstered with grey velvet. Seokjin picks up one of the gossip magazines on the coffee table and helps himself to the complimentary cupcakes, all while you wring your hands together nervously, Wheein emerging from the large closet with three white garment bags.
"Here they are! Oh, how exciting." She claps her hands together with a beaming grin in your direction. With a flick of her wrist she removes all three bags, revealing three of the most beautiful dresses you've ever seen. You must look dazzled, because Wheein crosses her arms triumphantly. "Hyejin knew you'd like them. Just wait until you see the veils..."
She disappears into another room, and you're left gawking at the garments set in front of you like a goldfish. Fingers trembling, you reach out and touch the first one. It has a giant poofy skirt, like something you imagine a princess would wear, and you imagine how it would float down the aisle like a real life cloud. The second is more slinky, with shiny beads littering the bodice that glint silver beneath the glow of the chandelier and the third is made from gorgeous lace that shows skin in all the right places.
"How much did these cost?" You hiss to Seokjin, ripping your hand away like your touch alone might burn a hole in the fabric.
"Hm?" He says through a mouthful of cake, eyes widening when he takes in the dresses for himself." Too much, probably. Hyejin went a little over board but honestly, these aren't as bad as I was expecting." Seokjin runs his hand over the lace one, and nods approvingly. "You should've seen the rejects. One had a trail longer than my monster coc-"
"I can't try on any of these!" You splutter, arms hugging your torso. They're too beautiful for someone like me, is what you want to say, but you don't. "I'll look dumb."
"Just do it." He leans back against the wall with a roll of his eyes. Like this is all nothing to him. "It's not like you actually have to get married in one of them."
Ouch. His words sting, even though you know they're true, and you're reminded of the real reason you came here in the first place. It makes your stomach turn, how he can go from the sort of sweet Seokjin you know when you're alone to the cold, arrogant rich guy in the drop of a hat.
You turn away so he doesn't see your frown, when you catch a glimpse of something white in the corner, poking out from beneath a dust sheet. Your curiosity gets the better of you, and before you can help it you're crossing the room and ripping the sheet away to reveal another dress; except this one makes something in your chest flutter.
It's simpler than the others. Tiny white roses are stitched into the sleeves, the neckline dipping into a V shape where the bouncy chiffon skirt meets the satin waistband. It's straight forward, uncomplicated. Just how you like it.
"Have you decided which one you want to try on first?" Wheein's shrill voice calls, but it's drowned out by the blood pumping through your ears.
"That one." You breathe, pointing at the dress that you can't help but reaching out to touch.
"That one? Are you sure, darling, I'm sure we can find something more fancy--"
"No!" It comes out too loud, and you cover it with a cough, turning to send her a pleading smile. "I mean, no, no thank you. This one, please. I want to try it on."
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"You know, when Hyejin told me Seokjin was finally getting married I just knew you would have to be something special." Wheein says once you're safely alone in the dressing room, away from prying eyes and mischievous ears. "Suck in."
"Hm?" It's all you manage to get out as you're strapped into a boned under-corset that feels like its trying to squeeze every last breath out of you. You're so close you can smell her floral perfume.
"It's just that I've had so many wedding dresses made that never made it to the aisle. Honestly I was starting to think Seokjin would never settle down..." She trails off, lip tugged between her teeth as she helps you step into the floaty white dress, tying the belt into a bow at your waist before stepping back to admire her handy work. "But now I see what made him change his mind. You make a beautiful couple."
"Oh." You realise she's looking at you, a blush creeping up your neck. "Right."
If only she knew the truth.
You start to turn towards the mirror, but she plants a hand on your shoulder hurriedly. "Nuh uh. No peeking yet." You feel your face drop. "Don't look so worried. It looks perfect. He's going love it."
"I...I have to show him? Now?" You shift uncomfortably. The shoes are rubbing your soles and the sleeves sort of itch. "Isn't it bad luck for the groom to see the wedding dress before the big day?" You ask sheepishly.
"This is just the rought blueprint," Wheein reassures. "It doesn't count."
"I..." Your voice breaks. The thought of Seokjin sat out there with his roaming eyes seeing you in this dress makes your stomach churn. "I'm nervous."
"Don't be. Save that for the big day." She bites her lip, stepping back to look you up and down like there's something missing. Her eyes light up, and she digs around in a leather trunk in the corner to retrieve a sparkly tiara which she tucks neatly into your hair. "There. Perfect. Now lets not keep him waiting, hm?"
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"Holy shit."
The words leave your mouth before you can think better of it.
Your reflection stares back at you, wide eyed and awe stricken, except it doesn't look like you at all.
The dress is beautiful. There's no denying it. It hugs your waist perfectly and the skirt waterfalls down to your ankles in just the right way. Wheein tugged your hair over your shoulders so the sweetheart neckline shows off just the right amount of collar bone, tiara sparkling beneath the soft light. A matching veil partially covers your face, and you've never felt more beautiful than you do now.
It's almost enough to make you want to believe that this is all real. That you're marrying Seokjin. That you get to walk down the aisle looking like...this.
"I don't see why I have to get all dressed up, Wheein, it's no big deal -- woah."
The door flies open, and your eyes snap up to meet Seokjin's in the mirror.
He has half of his seventh cupcake hanging out of his slackened mouth, his hair gelled back and tousled to reveal his forehead, and his piercing brown eyes that can't seem to decide where to look, glancing up over your exposed shoulders and down to your ass and back again, like he can't get enough.
He's lost his casual slacks from earlier, seemingly under Wheein's instruction, now clad in a black suit and matching shiny-toe'd shoes. His tie hangs slack around his neck, like he tugged it loose, and he fiddles awkwardly with his cuff links as he tries to get a grip over his roaming eyes.
"Y-Y/N you look--"
"Beautiful, right?" Wheein straightens his shirt, fastens his cuff links and knocks him beneath the chin to remind him to close his gawking mouth with a tut. He nods, speechless. "I'll leave you two to talk."
The door shuts behind her, and the room suddenly feels quieter than now you and Seokjin are alone, him on one side of the room, you on the other. You dare to meet his eyes and you find them staring straight at you, the glint that's usually there replaced with a wonder that's soft and gentle around the edges. You melt beneath his gaze.
He clears his throat, scratching a phantom itch at the back of his neck. It's the first time you've seen Seokjin seem sort of...awkward?
"C'mere." His voice is low, filled with something you can't quite put your finger on. "I want to see you."
You have to remember how to get your feet to work, hesitantly putting one in front of the other to cross the room. Seokjin stands with his palms clasped, a small smile playing on his lips as you close the space between you, and you swear you can hear the wedding bells already.
After what feels like ages, you stop a few paces away from him. He steps towards you carefully, flipping the veil out of your eyes like he's done it a million times before.
"Hey." You whisper. You don't know what else to say, but it makes Seokjin laugh and the sound makes your chest squeeze.
He looks dapper in his suit, like a real groom, and as he leans in closer, closer, until there's barely any distance between you, you can smell his cologne.
Your eyes fall shut instinctively. You almost swear when you open them there'll be a pastor and a pair of rings and Seokjin will be saying I do--
"You scrub up pretty well, huh?" His breath tickles your ear, and your eyes snap open to punch him in the chest playfully.
"I could say the same for you, mister."
A thumb grazes your jaw, tucks a piece of hair behind your ear. "Whoever gets to marry you is one lucky bastard."
The pounding in your chest is so loud you're sure the whole store can hear it. His lips are inches from yours, parted and plush. You've kissed them plenty of times before but only in the height of passion. Never like this. Not when his touch feels like a jolt of electricity running straight from his body and right into yours.
Just when you think he's going to give in and close the distance, he turns your face in his palm and plants a peck on your cheek. It's soft, careful. Like he's not really sure of it himself, his hand running through your hair before he takes a couple steps back with a shake of his head. Like he almost did something he shouldn't have.
"What time do you have to be at work?"
The question breaks you out of your trance. You realize he's staring at you expectantly, waiting for an answer. "Oh--not until this evening." You manage to choke out.
"Good. Then you're all mine for the afternoon." He grabs another cupcake from the stand and disappears behind one of the fitting room curtains. "Hurry and give the dress back to Wheein and I'll call Pierre to come pick us up."
"Where are we going?"
You hear him snort. "You'll see."
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"This is where you wanted to take me?"
The late afternoon sun sparkles on the surface of the Paradise lake like diamonds. It's peaceful here at this time of day, the gardeners already disappearing into the lounge for a late lunch, rows of pastel canoes tied up to the dock bobbing in time with the chirping birds.
"Well?" Seokjin huffs impatiently. He's stood in the hull of a dark blue canoe that he stole from the boat shed — or borrowed, as he put it, since everything here belongs to him anyway — hand extended towards you. "Aren't you getting in?"
You narrow your eyes and nod towards the sign that says NO BOATS ON THE LAKE AFTER 4PM in curly gold letters. "Isn't that breaking the rules?"
Seokjin raises a brow, jangling a set of keys. "I own this place remember? Besides, I stole the boat worker's keys so we can stay for as long as we want."
The breeze ruffles your skirt, a shiver running down your spine when you peer over the edge of the dock and see your sheepish reflection staring up at you from the water, rippling and watery around the edges. You never did like deep water, and the thought of getting in that rocking capsule of death makes your stomach churn.
"It looks cold," You point out, grimacing at the clear blue water. "What if we fall in? Do you even know how to steer this thing?"
Seokjin shoots you a look, like you just said the dumbest thing he's ever heard. "Pfft. Of course. I've been taking rowing lessons since I could toddle."
Of course he has. You roll your eyes. Rich kids, huh?
"Oh come on, it's fine!" He jumps up and down as if to demonstrate just how safe, but the boat just rocks manically side to side and he has to grab the dock to steady himself before he plunges straight into the lake. He flashes you a sheepish smile. "See?"
You cross your arms, unconvinced. "Yeah, I think I'll pass."
Seokjin slumps into the canoe with an exaggerated sigh. "Well goddamn, I'm sorry for wanting to do something nice. We don't get much alone time so I thought—" He waves his hand at you in frustration, starting to unravel the rope keeping the boat secured to the dock. "You know what, fuck it, I'll just go by myself—"
"Wait!" Something about the disappointed frown on his face makes you change your mind. Fuck it. "I'm getting in."
He pauses, and then his lips curve up into a small smile. Not his usual too-big-too-polite smile; the kind of smile you reserve for special moments. The glint in his eye is back, and if your legs weren't already jelly, they are now.
"I knew you couldn't resist me." He stands up and puffs out his chest, offering you his hand again, which you take this time.
"Don't be an idiot." You flush. "The lake just looks inviting today."
"Whatever you say, sweetheart." He chuckles, before his arm wraps around your waist so he can throw you over his shoulder and tip you into the canoe.
"Seokjin!" Your knuckles whiten with how hard you grip the edge of the boat that tilts left to right sickeningly with the impact of your limp body being man handled into the hull. "Be careful!"
"Okay, okay. Just sit back. Relax. Enjoy the view..." You wobble over to the wooden seat opposite him, grateful for the way the boat balances out on the surface of the water. "Let me take care of everything."
You have to admit the view is beautiful. Dangling your hand over the edge of the boat, you let your fingers swirl through the cool water, and listen to the hum of a speedboat nearby. The sun has turned the water a yellowish hue, like liquid gold.
When you look back up at Seokjin, the sight of his lightly perspiring skin glowing beneath the stream of light as he unties the left oar practically takes your breath away. You almost want to reach out and see what it would feel like to touch his cheek, run your hand down his chest where his flesh peeks out from the top of his dress shirt...
"Ah, shit!"
There's a light splash and you're snapped out of your trance, a pair of sheepish eyes staring back at you.
Yeah. Never mind.
Seokjin peers over the edge of the boat, watching as one of the oars floats into the middle of the lake. The canoe has already floated just out of reach of the dock, so without it you are stranded.
You let out a panicked groan. "I thought you knew how to steer this thing?"
"I do!" He grunts, a flush creeping up his neck. "Besides, I said I knew how, not that I was good at it."
He fumbles with the latch beneath his seat which opens to reveal a secret compartment, inside of which are a pair of life jackets, and, much to your relief, a spare oar.
"Aha! We're saved." Seokjin pulls it out and waves it at you with a look of satisfaction.
You roll your eyes and settle back into your seat as Seokjin grasps both oars and starts to row. "Wow, my hero."
"Don't thank me too hard." He snorts.
You shoot him a look, and he breaks into laughter, the sound melodic enough to have you joining in and before you know it you're both chortling uncontrollably. It feels easy, nice.
Your laughter dies out into a hazy giggle, and you shut your eyes, letting the sun caress your face.
"You're nothing like how I expected you to be, y'know."
Seokjin splashes you gently with the oar. "What did you expect?"
"Hmm, I don't know. Stuck up, selfish rich dude with an ego complex?" You snort, but Seokjin's chuckles have disappeared now. His brows are furrowed when you open your eyes, and you feel sort of bad for ruining the ease that had settled between you. You shift awkwardly. "Can you blame me?"
"Huh," The boat floats beneath the shade of a weeping willow, the scent of white blossoms and freshly cut grass filling your senses, and Seokjin hauls the oars into the boat so he can rest for a while. "You know, it pisses me off that everyone sees me that way. I don't want to be that guy."
"Why?" You're surprised by his honesty. There's a sincerity in his voice that you've never heard before.
"I just...I just try and fit in. To make everyone happy, I guess."
He avoids your gaze, looking out over the lake with his chin in his palm and his shoulders slumped. Your heart twists.
"If it helps, I don't see you as that guy anymore." You shrug. "When we first met I thought you were just like everyone else at Paradise. But you're...different from everyone around here. Nice. Underneath all the designer of course." That earns a snort from him. "Why do you hide that side of yourself?"
"You're hardly one to talk about hiding, kitchen girl." He crosses his legs and points a finger at you. "One minute you're calling me a douche and shooting arrows like an Olympian and the next you're getting all insecure when I call you pretty or something."
You feel a blush rise in your cheeks. Insecure? Is that how he sees you?
"Do not." You mumble.
"You act like you're so much better than me for being good, and then have a fit when I say something nice."
"Well, I never asked you to call me pretty. That wasn't part of the deal." You pick at an invisible piece of lint on your skirt. "I figured you were humouring me."
Seokjin's eyes turn serious. He leans forward, like he's about to take your hand or something but changes his mind.
"I know...that what we have is weird. I know I ask you for a lot, and we're supposed to be strictly friends with benefits but—" He sighs, trying to find the right words."I like spending time with you. Like this. Just us."
You feel giddy, suddenly shy beneath his gaze. "I do too."
"And I always mean what I say, Y/N." A breeze ruffles his hair, and he shoots you a grin. "Like I said earlier, whoever gets to call you theirs is one lucky bastard."
I'll be yours, you want to say, but you know it would be futile; someone like Seokjin could never belong to you, and that's exactly why you don't belong here.
"Oh shit."
Before you can respond, Seokjin's expression is turning grave as you both watch with matching horror as the spare oar splashes into the lake.
"Please tell me there's another one underneath there." You nod towards the storage compartment with wide eyes.
"Nope." He scratches his neck awkwardly and shrugs."That was our only one."
"Then shouldn't we call for help or something?!"
"No, I have an idea. You lean over the edge and I'll hold your legs."
"Me?! Why can't you do it."
"Because I'm heavier, duh? I'll tip the boat." He links his fingers together pleadingly. "At least try, or else we'll be stuck out here all night!"
You cup your hand around your watch face to block the glaring sun. Your kitchen shift starts in forty five minutes and you can't afford to be late. Namjoon will certainly fire you on the spot.
"Fine!" You wobble to your feet and slide over to his side of the boat. "But you better not let go, or I'll kill you."
Seokjin salutes. "Scouts honour."
Before you can change your mind, Seokjin has both hands wrapped around your thighs and you're sent hurtling head first over the edge of the boat, face inches from the water's surface.
With a grunt you extend your arm, and your fingertips barely brush the oar, sending it further away.
"Fuck!" You call over your shoulder. Seokjin is red in the face with extortion, and you feel the boat rock as you lean further out. "I can't go any more or we'll tip!"
"Just a little more!" Seokjin yells back. "You've almost got it."
"Okay...almost..." You shift a little more and aha! The oar is just within your grasp! Until you hear a low buzzing coming from behind you, and you hear Seokjin yelp, his grip on your legs starting to slacken... "Jin? what are you doing?"
"Get off me!" He yells, letting go of you in favour of slapping something on his shoulder wildly, and before you can give him a piece of your mind the canoe loses its balance and tips upside down, sending the pair of you hurtling into the lake.
You manage to hold your breath before you go under. The water is an icy shock on such a warm summers day, your limbs flying into action and scrambling wildly until you break the surface and take a heaving breath.
Wiping the tendrils of dripping hair from your eyes, you glance around for Seokjin, but he's no where to be seen.
"Seokjin?" You call, panic evident in your voice. "Where are you?"
Bubbles appear on the surface of the water, and before you can let out a sigh of relief, a hand grabs your ankle and yanks you back under the water.
When you surface, choking and spluttering, you're beneath the cover of the upturned canoe. Seokjin grins at you, whole and in one piece and perfectly alive, and you can't help but feel pranked.
"Hey, sweetheart." He drawls, running his fingers through his soaking hair. The shadow of the rippling water reflects on the underside of the canoe, turning his skin a pale blue. "Fancy seeing you here."
"Seokjin!" You yell and he jumps when you start splashing him wildly. "What the fuck was that?"
He shields his face with his hands."It was a bee! I'm allergic."
"So? I was hanging out of a fucking canoe!"
"Oops." He's chortling now, and it echoes beneath the canoe. "Did I let go?"
You splash him again, and he grabs your hands with his to stop you from sending another tsunami his way. His palms are warm compared to your clammy ones and his eyes are watching you fondly, but that just pisses you off even more. "Okay! Okay! I get it, I'm sorry okay?"
"You idiot! Now I'm all wet and I'm totally going to smell like trout at work and—"
"Just shut up for a second would you?" A hand brushes the tangles of wet hair from your cheek, and before you know it a pair of plump lips are crashing against your own.
You're surprised at first, but there's something so tender in the way his hand cups your chin to pull you closer, how his arm curls around your waist, and before you know it you're grabbing him by the collar and kissing him back wildly like the world is ending and you're the last two people on earth.
"You're kinda cute when you're mad." Is what Seokjin whispers against your lips when he pulls back, out of breath.
"Oh." You breathe, a smile beginning to play on your lips. "Okay."
It's like you're in your own little bubble. Just Seokjin and you. You and Seokjin.
Until it bursts.
"Holy shit! Are you guys okay?" The sun is glaringly bright when the canoe is ripped away from your heads, and you have to squint through your fingers to see the figure swimming towards you.
"M-mr Kim?"
Seokjin jumps back from your body at the sound of his title, his hand letting go of your wrist. It falls into the water limply.
"That's me." He coughs, straightening his tie, like he isn't soaking wet and it's somehow going to make him look more professional.
"I didn't know you were rowing today..." Your eyes focus, and you instantly recognise Taehyung, the Paradise lifeguard. You have met a couple times at staff meetings.
Shit. You turn your face to the side, and hope he won't look to closely.
"I wasn't." Seokjin deadpans, gesturing to his soaking appearance. "Y/N and I thought we would go for a swim."
"I— oh." You muffle a chuckle at Seokjin's sarcasm and the wide eyes of the life guard who seems utterly stunned.
It doesn't seem so funny when he turns to you suddenly, eyes scrutinising, and offers you his elbow.
"Here take my arm, we have to get you two dry."
You glance at Seokjin carefully, but he just nods for you to go ahead, so you take Taehyung's arm and let him pull you back to the dock, Seokjin leisurely kicking on his back behind you like he doesn't have a care in the world.
Once you're safely on dry land, Taehyung disappears into the boat shed before returning with a pair of towels which he drapes around your shoulders with a concerned look.
"Take these. You aren't hurt, miss?"
"No." Seokjin answers for you with a roll of his eyes. There's a bite in his tone. Is he...jealous?
"Good, this is why we say no boats after 4..." Taehyung sends Seokjin a stern look, and you feel the tension rise when he just clicks his tongue in response. "I should really report this to my supervisor."
"We won't do it again," Seokjin's eyes bulge when you grab Taehyung's forearm. The lifeguard seems surprised himself, looking you in the eyes for the first time. You turn on a sickly sweet tone and bat your lashes. "We can keep this between us, hm?"
"I...I suppose so." Taehyung coughs, but then his eyes narrow. "Hold on a second. Do I know you from somewhere?"
Your mouth turns dry. "I..."
"No!" Seokjin jumps in between you, wrapping a protective arm around your shoulder. "She's not from around here."
His face has turned a deep shade of red, and you can feel his heart beating rapidly against your back. Anyone would think he was embarrassed. Then again, what did you expect? You are just a kitchen girl after all.
You nod slowly. He sighs with relief. "No. We've never met."
Taehyung scratches his chin, stepping back to get a better look at you. "It's just you look super familiar..."
"We have to be going now!" Seokjin stands up suddenly and grabs you by the hand. He squeezes extra tight, swinging your interlocked fingers where Taehyung can clearly see them. "Thanks, uh...Taehyung?"
"My pleasure, Mr. Kim." The lifeguard looks startled by Seokjin's sudden departure, but steps back to let you pass. "Be careful next time okay?"
"Yup, we will kid."
"Thanks!" You call over your shoulder, as Seokjin is already dragging you away from the lake and up the steps to the grand veranda that lines the resort.
"Thanks?" He rolls his eyes. "Y/N, the lake is like a foot deep, it's not like we were gonna drown."
"He was nice..." You bump his shoulder playfully. "Why? You jealous?"
His cheeks flush pink. "No! Of course not, I just...didn't like the way he looked at you."
You reach the top of the steps, and Seokjin slows down to a leisurely walk once he's in the clear. From here you can see the whole of the resort, sprawling greenery and luxury living in all its glory.
"Speaking of, that was a close one." You laugh. "He totally almost recognised me."
"Yeah." Seokjin laughs too, but then his face drops. "You're right. That was close."
He stops, and turns towards you. His hand drops to your waist, lifting you up so you're sat on the balcony's edge, and then his mouth is capturing yours once again.
This time something feels different. It's desperate, but timid. Passionate but broken. It leaves you breathless.
He pulls away first.
"Jin, what just happened—"
"I..." He swallows thickly and looks away. "I shouldn't have done that. I've gotta go. I'm sorry."
It's then, as he turns and hurries down the back staircase towards the plaza and leaves you all alone on the veranda, that you realise you had never let go of his hand, not even for a second.
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"I had fun tonight." Seokjin says as he drops you off at the Paradise gates after an evening spent perusing high fashion wedding venue magazines with Hyejin over tea and finger sandwiches. "Hyejin looked like she was on the verge of a stroke when I suggested walking down the aisle to The Thong Song."
Seokjin boasts a simple T-shirt and tailored pants tonight, the turtle neck draped over his shoulder unnecessary on such a warm and sticky summer night blessed by the lingering caress of the day's blazing sun. The drive slopes downwards, Seokjin's angular shadow a contrast against the twinkling lights that blur Paradise into a picturesque backdrop of pristine white brick, and a warmth spreads through your chest as he beams at you.
"I thought it was a fine choice," You muse, suppressing a giggle when you think back to the way Hyejin dropped her teacup at Seokjin's suggestion, eye twitching in disgust. "We're not even engaged yet and she already has our entire wedding planned out."
Oops. Seokjin stiffens. Your laughter comes to an abrupt stop, face reddening with embarrassment at your slip up. Of course you aren't engaged. You never will be. At least not to each other.
He's been weird like that, lately. Ever since that day at the lake when he left abruptly, seemingly shaken up, you've been walking on egg shells around him. One wrong word could send him flying away with that same scared look in his eye. And honestly, you still don't understand why.
All you know is that things have been different since you almost got caught at the lake. Sure, you've continued to hook up like normal, but Seokjin seems to be making a conscious effort to be more distant around you. You haven't talked about what happened that afternoon on the veranda, but it's clear something did; Seokjin hasn't kissed you since.
If Seokjin notices your poor word choice, he doesn't mention it. "Pretty sure she has my entire life planned out too." He murmurs almost bitterly, despite his face boasting a smile that doesn't quite meet his eyes. You figure it's better not to press him further.
He walks beside you to the end of the drive in a relative silence that feels all too loud — not awkward per se but filled with a definite unspoken tension that has you hiding behind your hair, eyes trained to the ground because you don't know how you are supposed to look at Seokjin when it was just you and him.
Moments like this, not heightened by passion or under the watchful eyes of his family are rarities. You take a deep breath and try to savour the taste of geraniums which lingers in the air from the gardens and the closest thing to normal you have ever experienced around Seokjin.
Despite the the emotional distance Seokjin seems intent on keeping in place, every physical step seems to edge you closer to him, eyes trained to the way his shoes sidestep until you are practically shoulder to shoulder. Seokjin doesn't so much as look at you as he does so and you are content to think he is too deep in his own thoughts to notice the way your bodies cling to each other like magnets, until the tips of his fingers brush against your palm in a delicate touch that may have been perceived as intimate had he not ripped it away with a pained expression, like he touched an electric fence or something.
You have admit that you felt it too. The spark as they describe it in romance movies. It was more of a tingle really, warm and fuzzy as it fizzed all the way from your hand to a spot in your chest suspiciously close to your heart that was beating a little faster now as you imagine how it would feel if he took your hand in his.
Except he doesn't. And when you glance up at him he is no longer engaged with his own thoughts but rather staring at you with a questioning look, brows slightly furrowed, and embarrassment replaces the fuzz in your veins when you consider for a moment that perhaps he was reading your mind and the completely inappropriate thoughts for a fake bride to have for her fake husband along with it.
The flush that caresses your cheeks is nearly as vibrant as the rose bushes which line the drive, perfectly pruned and as beautiful beneath lantern light as they are in the day and a perfect reminder of your embarrassment as you create a relative distance between your body and his. That way you were sure you could keep your hands - and your thoughts - strictly to yourself.
Far too quickly you find yourself turning the corner onto the street where you always part ways, the stoney gravel evening out into the same boring old scuffed concrete that winds through the entire city, a clear indication that you were leaving behind the Paradise grounds and entering the not so pristine visual of reality.
Usually you were glad to be on your way, sick of talking about neck lines and lace types and the way your shoulders ached from nodding politely at people who got wine drunk on weekdays but tonight you feel like you could keep walking with Seokjin forever in this strange bubble of unspoken words.
But you know as soon as he stops dead beside you that the bubble has already burst, floating away just out of your grasp like the false reality you live at Paradise.
"I'll be going then." It's quiet out here, not a trace of the music from Jazz night at the bar or the laughter of couples crossing the plaza to their suites after a few too many Chardonnays. Seokjin opens his mouth and then closes it again while you fidget awkwardly. "Thanks for a good night."
The way you say it sounds like he took you on a real date, one that you were supposed to thank him for. It's too late by the time you realize that a boundary has been overstepped when Seokjin doesn't return the genuine smile you shoot him as you turn to leave.
"Wait!" The click of your shoes against the sidewalk halts at the serious husk in his tone, jarringly loud against the silence. "I need to ask you something."
His face is partially lit by the street lamp you find yourself beneath, casting half of his face in a golden glow that emphasizes the shadow of his lashes against his cheeks when he closes his eyes, as if to briefly collect his words.
Despite your better judgement, probably blinded by the normality you had fallen into, you press him further. "What is it?"
"Listen Y/N..." Seokjin scratches the back of his neck and you shift awkwardly in front of him, chest suddenly tightening with a niggling dread. "You haven't told anyone about us have you?"
"Us?" Your eyes widen. Since when did Seokjin start referring to you as a pair? You tilt your head quizzically. "I mean, your sister and your parents know —
"No, I mean the things that we...do in private." The summer evening suddenly turns chilly. Seokjin must notice when your face drops, the way you hug your arms to try and keep hold of the warmth that had practically singed each of your nerve endings just a moment ago.
"Things?" You splutter. "Is that all they are to you?"
You can't help it. The way Seokjin talks when you are intimate, the way he kissed you so desperately that day on the veranda -- it made it feel like those moments meant more to him. He was damn convincing - when he told you that he wanted you, you believed him - and you can't help but feel cheated.
Seokjin's brow simply furrows, flummoxed by your sudden outburst. "Yeah, I mean we had an agreement — isn't that all they are to you?"
An agreement.
The way he says it sounds like your relationship is strictly business. As if he's paying you for a service - which, in his own way, you suppose he is. Sure, you knew he wasn't really going to fall in love with you in the way he told his family he loved you but you thought he at least felt something — no, you were sure he had at the lake. Maybe you were just confusing pleasure with intimacy.
Still, the way his finger points at you accusingly makes a hot rage rise in your chest but you simply take a shaky breath and plaster the closest thing to a grin on your features as you can muster.
"Of course they are." The sweetness in your voice is a little too forced, but it goes unnoticed on Seokjin who lets out a sigh of relief. "None of this means anything. I know that."
"Good. Then we're on the same page..." He still looks slightly unconvinced - you can just make out the way he narrows his eyes doubtfully in the dim light - but he doesn't have time to press further before a black car rolls into the drive and he clasps your wrist to pull you across the paving and into the shadows. "Watch out!"
Seokjin suddenly yanks you closer to him, your chest nearly pressed up to his. You almost mumble a thanks, idiotic enough to think that his only motive is to prevent you getting flattened by a Mercedes Benz nearly invisible in the night if not for the crunch of tyres against gravel.
But then you feel his breath hitch when he catches a glimpse of your white kitchen uniform reflected in one of the tinted car windows, sending a salute towards the security guard in the drivers seat with fingers crossed behind his back, and you silently condemn yourself for thinking he cared about anything other than his reputation even for a second. You go numb.
You look between your bodies where your hand dangles limply in his grasp. Just a moment ago you were envisioning how it would feel for him to hold your hand in his, the way his skin brushed yours enough to give you shivers. Now it just made the hollow ache in your chest throb with a cold emptiness.
Seokjin strains his neck, only releasing you from his hold when the glow of headlights disappears around a corner and you are smothered by darkness again.
Seokjin's sigh of relief stings. The words never leave his lips but you can tell what he was thinking. Phew, now I don't have to explain why I, almighty Kim Seokjin, was conversing with a staff member after hours. Lucky escape!
A smile appears on his face, as if you were supposed to share his relief. "So, same time tomorrow?"
You feel yourself stagger away from him in shock. Seokjin is many things but you didn't think he was heartless. It's enough to send you over the edge.
"Clearly we are not on the same page." You spit. "Actually, you know what? No. I'm busy tomorrow."
Seokjin scoffs, running a hand through his hair. "Doing what?"
"I have things to do." Your emphasis on the word makes his eyes widen,
"Oh great!" He barely raised his voice before glances behind him warily, making sure there was no one around to see him getting heated. When he turns back his voice is nothing but a harsh whisper. "And what do you expect me to tell my family, huh?"
"Tell them that your fiancé to be had to go do the job they actually pay her to do." The way he laughs breathily makes your fists clench at your sides as you turn on your heels and stalk down the street before he can see the way your face reddens with a combination of hurt and anger, though not before you are calling over your shoulder despite knowing it would only fuel the fire. "Unless you're too embarrassed to tell them who I really am."
"You don't seem to mind when you're cashing in your favours." He calls after you, hands on hips with a bitterness lacing his voice that makes your heart twist painfully.
You hear the way your pulse quickens, the lump in your throat growing bigger and bigger as you stop dead. "What?"
"Y/N, I didn't mean that I —"
"So that's what this is? You are embarrassed of me?" Your voice raises incredulously.  "Is that why you've been so weird with me since Taehyung almost recognised me at the lake? You're scared someone will snitch on you to your rich friends?"
"No, I--"
"No what, Jin?" You let out a hollow laugh. "I thought I meant more to you than that."
Seokjin pinches the bridge of his nose. "It's just you and I...we could never be anything more, you know that right? I don't want you to get the wrong idea. We don't come from the same background and it would be..." He pauses. "Inappropriate."
"It's too late, anyway. Forget I said anything." Tears streak your cheeks hotly and you hide behind your hair, determined to hide your weakness from him. "This was a mistake."
You start to walk away, but then you're running, as fast as you can away from Paradise and all the hurt. The sound of Seokjin's tennis shoes hitting the concrete picks up as he follows you down the path, calling your name, and for a moment you think he's going to comfort you. Tell you that he was sorry and that none of this was meaningless to him after all.
But he doesn't.
"I'll text you!" Is the last thing he calls before you disappear around the corner out of sight. You want to sneak a look over your shoulder, see him standing there at the end of the street beneath the street light.
Instead you resist, letting the bitterness pooling in your stomach rise up and burn your throat like bile. "Don't bother!"
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Either he listened or he didn't mean it when he said he would text you.
The anger that ran hot through your bloodstream after your fight with Seokjin has faded to nothing but an indescribable emptiness and regret.
You haven't heard from him in three days. That is a long time where Seokjin is concerned and completely out of character.
Even on normal days, when you had a day off from pretending to be his fiancé, Seokjin would find a way to make you laugh by sending you a low angle selfie from the dinner table at one of his father's business conferences or a cheeky message to let you know he'd just seen you walk past the golf court wearing the red sundress that he liked.
You couldn't remember when Seokjin became a normal part of your day. Just like brushing your teeth or washing your hair, you had become almost expectant of a vibration against your thigh at work or the ping! of your ringtone before you went to sleep or even a heated make out behind the restaurant when you just couldn't wait any longer.
So when it all suddenly came to a stop, you were sure you were going crazy. All you were left with was a feeling of emptiness, as if something vital was missing.
It wasn't even as if he owed you anything, not really - it was true that the romance wasn't real and even the sex was just sex to him; but at some point you had to admit you had crossed some kind of invisible barrier. In between lying to his family, public "dates" flavoured by champagne and hanging off his forearm at celebratory cocktail parties, you and Seokjin had become friends.
(Sort of. If you ignored the parts where his lips made you lose your breath or the night's that ended with his head between your legs.)
So god forbid you expected something from him after your fight the other night. A sign that he cared, if even a little bit. An apology for the way he'd deliberately tried to hurt you.
That's how you find yourself checking your phone anxiously on your kitchen shift breaks, refreshing your inbox obsessively and trying to ignore the heaviness weighing down your chest with each passing hour without even so much as one of the cheesy emojis he used way too frequently to be ironic lighting up your screen.
He even stopped dropping by the restaurant under the guise of a casual lunch like he usually did. You found yourself on edge, breath fogging up the glass of the window with your disappointment every time you heard the door zip open and you rushed to greet him, only to be met with someone utterly not Kim Seokjin.
You thought you saw his broad figure dipping into one of the other restaurants across the plaza instead one afternoon as you left work and you couldn't help but wonder if he shamelessly flirted with the kitchen staff there, too.
It hurts knowing that it was so easy for him to cut you out of his life completely when he had become such a constant part of yours. It hurts knowing that he probably wasn't even thinking of you when he was the only thing on your mind.
And to make matters worse, it seems that the tight smiles and vacant nods you shoot Jimin as he divulges the latest and greatest Paradise gossip he overheard while serving at some fancy dinner party last night didn't do a good job at hiding the melancholy gloom which hangs over your head.
He's still talking as you swipe your cards to check out of work, charmingly holding the door ajar for you to slip outside the restaurant where you told Jungkook you'd wait for him to join you.
The air is cooler than expected against your face, the first time that summer where the sky is covered by splotches of grey cloud that refuse to let any blue peek through like an ugly patchwork quilt that mirrors your ugly mood.
"Y/N, didn't your hear me? Mr Kim's wife literally grabbed him by the balls and threw him out of the building when she caught him cheating with the waitress — wait, are you okay?"
Jimin is already half way down the limestone stairs, too caught up in his own dramatic storytelling to notice the way you stand rigid at the top. The phone in your palm is lit up with the same three words that have haunted you all day — NO NEW MESSAGES — but Jimin's question breaks your trance for a moment.
"Huh? No, I'm fine." You assure, slipping the device into your back pocket, swallowing thickly and mustering up a watery smile you hope will appease him before he can ask any more questions.
It doesn't work.
"You've been acting weird all day." Your legs feel wobbly as you close the distance between you, like the very foundations of your body are beginning to give in to the weight that has set up camp in your chest no matter how hard you try to ignore it.
"I have?" Jimin is peering at you with narrowed eyes, not malicious necessarily but inquisitive. They narrow further when you sigh shakily, averting your gaze to the shirtless gardener who mows the green lawns that spread out as far as the eye can see into perfect lines, counting the distant rose bushes as a distraction from the impending tears that have begun to well. "I don't want to talk about it."
Jimin throws an arm around your shoulder a little too roughly to be comforting, following your stagnant gaze. "Damn he's kinda cute." The lack of witty remark from you when he lands a jokey punch to your shoulder seems to finally perk Jimin's attention. "Tell me, are you and Mr Kim Seokjin having trouble in Paradise?"
Jimin lets out a snort at his own pun before he spots the sullen look on your face, covering his impending chuckle with a cough and releasing you from his grasp to sling his hands in his pockets awkwardly. "Oh shit, really?"
You simply sniff in response, allowing that to be confirmation enough, slumping down onto the grand staircase and letting your face fall into your hands.
Jimin plonks down beside you, sidling up until your knees touch, the simple act of comfort making the tears that had been threatening to emerge all day prick hotly at the corners of your eyes.
"I messed up, Jimin." Your voice is muffled by your palms but that doesn't mask the way it wavers slightly, Jimin's hand immediately rubbing soothing circles into your back. "I think he's mad at me."
"Because I basically told him that I kind of have feelings for him—"
"You did what?" Jimin grabs you by the elbow, alerting the atention of a guy in a velour tuxedo leaving the restaurant who gives the hot tears staining your cheeks a funny look. "Hold up, go back. You have feelings for Seokjin?"
Even with vision blurred by tears you can see the wide eyed expression on Jimin's face. You cross your arms in a pout. "Well you don't need to say it like that."
"Like what?"
"Like the idea is completely crazy or something."
Jimin runs an exasperated hand through his hair. "So you mean the truth?"
It isn't the way he says it so much as the realisation that he is right that stings. You bow your head, a few silent tears rolling down your cheeks until you can taste their saltiness. "I know, I know. I'm not good enough for a person like him, I was stupid—"
Jimin shakes his head gently, placing his palms firmly on both of your shoulders and forcing you to face him head on. "Listen up because I'm about to serve you a cup of piping hot real shit, okay?"
You wipe your nose noisily on your sleeve, giving him a curt nod. "Okay."
"The reason you and Seokjin will never work out has nothing to do with you so I won't accept any of that mopey shit." Jimin shakes you vigorously as if he is knocking some sense into you, and you offer him a tearful giggle. "Truth is, Seokjin can't see a good thing when he has it because there is no room in his rich ass heart for anything other than money and his reputation."
"No buts!" Jimin shucks up his sleeves until they cover his hands like paws, using the fabric to dab away your tears, unphased by the growing damp spots on both of his cuffs. "The sooner you realise that Seokjin's issues are not your issues the better."
Your tears are dry now. You're pretty sure Jimin's pep talk ended your momentary wobble but your voice still sounds slightly hoarse when you speak. "It just felt like more when we...you know..." You wave your hands around wildly hoping Jimin will fill in the blank, which he does with a click of his tongue.
"Then you need to stop sleeping with him immediately."
"You know what I think?" Jimin links his arm with yours, pulling you alongside him. "I think that you're confusing intimacy with actual feelings."
Maybe he's right. It's natural for emotions to be heightened when Seokjin is making you literally fall apart beneath him, probably for him too which would explain the intimate things he had said. Perhaps all this time you were just confusing loving the way he made you feel for loving...him. After all, you had always thought the regular Seokjin was kind of an asshat at times. Of course you didn't have feelings for him!
"You know what? I think you're right." Jimin raises his eyebrows in surprise, as if he was expecting you to be harder to win around. You slap a palm to your forehead. "I can't believe I actually thought I caught feelings for him for a second."
"Happens to the best of us." Jimin grins. "If I was getting dicked down by that beautiful god of a man then I'd want to have his babies too. Imagine how cute they'd be..."
"Jimin!" You smack him playfully before leaning across to rest your head on his shoulder, his chuckles vibrating against your cheek. "You just basically told me he's an asshole."
"And I stand by that!" He defends, letting his own cheek rest against your hair. "But you can't deny that he is fucking inhumanely gorgeous..."
"Are we talking about Kim Seokjin again?" A dry voice appears somewhere behind, making you jump and pause your laughter. A glance over your shoulder reveals none other than Jungkook, arms crossed and a sullen vibe emanating from the way his thick brows furrow so deeply they almost connect. Come to think of it, he always seems to be moody where Seokjin is involved. Huh.
"Why? Are you gonna try and tell me that he's not that buff again?" Jimin scoffed, stiffening ever so slightly beside you and refusing to even glance in Jungkook's direction.
"No, I just don't see why we have to always talk about him." Jungkook puffs, blowing his bangs out of his eyes bitterly. "Besides, I just saw him outside the kitchen and his body isn't that good. I'd hardly say 'sculpted'."
Huh? Seokjin? Outside the kitchen...
Neither of the boys seem to share your bewilderment, launching into a spat heavy with a tension that had been building long before. "And what would you know, anyway?"
"I go to the gym!" Jungkook flexes his arm, earning a scoff from Jimin to which he frowns. "Look!"
"You saw Seokjin where?"  You breathe, butting into the squabble and drawing two startled looks when you jolt to your feet, wiping off the back of your leggings.
"O-outside the kitchen...why? I assumed he was waiting for you..." Jungkook is wide eyed, blinking with a lack of understanding considering his previous absence. Jimin has already wrapped his hand around your wrist to pin you in place.
"He is?" You nibble your lip.
You imagine him leaning up against the wall outside the kitchen, probably looking at his watch impatiently as he waits for your shift to finish. He never could wait for long so perhaps he'd even already left, storming off to go let his anger out in a game of extremely competitive table tennis with a retired CEO in the lounge.
But there's a chance he is still there and that he was waiting for you and even though every fibre of your being screams that it is a bad idea, you just want to see if it was true. If he really was thinking about you. If you'd misjudged him after all and a part of him did care.
"Y/N this is a bad idea." You're already bounding down the steps when Jimin tugs you back to offer a slice of reality. "Remember what we just talked about? Not catching feelings." He draws the last word out and wiggles his eyebrows which only makes Jungkook even more confused.
"It'll be fine Jimin," You brush him off though it sounds a little like you are pleading with him. Carefully dislodging your wrist from his grip, you plaster a reassuring smile to you face that doesn't seem to appease his anxious foot tapping. "I won't let him get inside my head. I'm not confused anymore, see?"
"Fine. Knock yourself out." Jimin steps back, gesturing for you to go forth which you do far too quickly for his liking, flashing him a thumbs up before turning your back and disappearing down the steps before he can protest any further. "But promise to call me immediately if you get horny feelings again!"
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The way your heart thumps in your chest as you speed walk around the building has to be unhealthy.
You slow down as you get closer to the corner that obscures the back of the restaurant from view, taking cover behind a bush pruned into a perfect ball.
There he is.
Your breath hitches. It's almost as if your brain tricked you into believing he was a figment of your imagination these past few days without him. Like you made the whole thing up. But no, here he is and he's breathing and he has blood pumping through him just like you and he's so real that it hits you like a freight train.
For the first time this evening, the sun pokes it's head out from behind the clouds, a small crack opening up in the sky that sends a stream of soft golden light cascading across him. And almost as if in unison, it feels like the light shines right through the Seokjin shaped cracks in your heart as you watch his eyes flutter shut at the kiss of warmth and his arms reach above his head to lean into the light in a leisurely stretch.
It almost feels like you are seeing him for the first time all over again.
If Seokjin didn't let out a sigh of impatience in exactly the way you imagined he would, shaking his head and throwing his hands into the pockets of his gym shorts in defeat, you would have been content to just watch from the sidelines like you promised Jimin you would.
Perhaps you wouldn't have rushed out from behind your camouflage of foliage, sending a garden gnome flying in a crash of broken china in your haste. And even more importantly, perhaps you wouldn't have found yourself calling out for him to stop.
"Seokjin!" Your voice sounds small but the word flies out before you can slap your hand over your mouth to keep it in. It's familiar on your tongue, like coming back home after a long trip, and you savour the taste.
Seokjin stills at the crunch of your shoes approaching him tentatively, shoulders squared as if weighing up his options - fight or flight? - and just as you think you are mistaken and he didn't want to see you after all, he's taking flight - straight towards you and drawing you into his arms in an uncomfortably tight bear hug.
His chest hits yours with a force that makes you literally lose your breath, hairs on your arms rising as you feel his warmth encapsulate you completely like a comforting blanket.
The sudden embrace stuns you to a shocked silence, arms pressed to your sides stiffly as he buries his nose in your hair and takes a deep inhale. Is Kim Seokjin smelling your hair?
You have to admit the scent of his cologne makes you giddy, a little woodier around the edges than you remember it to be which you put down to the still slightly sticky and sweaty gym clothes hugging his torso. Under normal circumstances you would've been grossed out but the heightened thump of your heart in your ears acts as an ample distraction.
For a moment you forget about Paradise and the argument and the door to the kitchen beside you that could open at any moment. It's just you and him again, and you're melting.
You could stay like this forever, if his grip didn't tighten considerably, as if he was trying to squeeze the breath straight out of you and hold that too, and you are pushing his chest away from your body with a cough. "Jin — can't breathe!"
Seokjin lets you go — reluctantly, settling for holding you at arms length instead — and you are sure you spot his neck flush at the nickname you used accidentally.
"Sorry." His gaze dips to your feet and then drags all the way back to your puzzled eyes as if he is taking all of you in, like you had changed since he last saw you or something as if that wasn't just three days before. A lazy smile appears on his face. "Missed you, that's all."
His words are slightly breathless and punctuated by a shake of his head as if he can't quite believe he's saying them either and the honesty is so unlike him it makes your chest ache.
"Then why didn't you call?" There's a snipe in your words that seems to jolt him out of his sunny disposition, mouth downturning into a frown, arms dropping from your shoulders and going limp at his sides instead as if he is coming to his senses. "You're the one that's been avoiding me."
His shoulders droop awkwardly. "I'm sorry."
"It just didn't make sense why you would stop talking to me—."
"No, not for avoiding you — well I am sorry for that," He explains. "I mean for the things I said. The other night."
You furrow your brows, stunned. "Why?"
"It was mean and...truthfully I couldn't face you because of it." He drags a hand down his face and presses his back to the wall in defeat, giving you a perfect view of the regret that makes his jaw tighten.
With a sigh you sidle up next to him, careful to leave enough space between you so that your arms don't touch. Deja vu masks the ordeal and you realise it's all too similar to the first time you met in this very spot, watching the very same plaza except today it's still bustling with life beneath the orange glow of the setting sun and you have to squint to see it clearly.
You clear your throat. "I thought it was because of the things I said. About us."
"No!" His exclamation is a little too quick, too loud, and he looks embarrassed, following it up with a gruff "Don't be stupid."
"Well don't worry. While you've been avoiding me I've had plenty of time to think it over and you were right after all."
His nose scrunches, a habit of his you've noticed before that gives him an air of innocence. "I was?"
"Yeah, I think I must have had a few too many glasses of champagne at dinner that night." Your laugh is hoarse with the effort it takes to force it past your lips. "I'm happy with our agreement how it is. You don't need to worry about me going all crazy on you again."
"That's...good." His adam's apple bobs. He seems unconvinced by his own words. "Good. I'm glad."
Then he smiles and your heart throbs so hard it could explode so you just smile back and join in with his nervous laughter.
"So we're okay?"
"We're okay."
There's nothing left to say; now it's clear where you both stand. So why is Seokjin opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish?
"Is that all you came here to talk about?"
His laughter stops, and then he coughs and puffs out his chest, returning somewhat to the cocky Seokjin you are used to.
"Actually I was thinking...it's getting kind of late. It would be bad mannered of me to let you walk home alone."
"Why? I always walk home alone?" Seokjin never seemed to possess the worry you can see in eyes before when he dropped you off outside the club and watched you disappear into the night multiple times a week.
"For protection. Just in case." He rolls his eyes, as if it should have been obvious.
"It's okay, I've got pepper spray in my bag plus it's like 5 PM—"
"No. Protection for me." He suddenly pleads. "My mind will start to wander if I go back to my apartment alone again."
Seokjin seems so serious you know you can't reject him now without your conscience taking a beating, so you choose to say nothing at all. You want to be there for him, but at the same time you know you're only going to get hurt. The toe of your shoe draws circles in the dirt. "I don't know what to say."
"How about you don't say anything and just come to my place instead?" Your neck snaps up. He's never invited you to his place before. It always seemed like an inappropriate boundary to cross considering you are hardly even friends let alone lovers. "That way we both win."
You smile and he seems relieved. "I guess, just for a little bit."
"Great! Think of this as you doing a favour for me."
"Again?" You roll your eyes teasingly.
"I repay you don't I?" He sees your face fall. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that—"
"I know." You butt in. "It's fine. Really."
A silence falls in the same way it did the night you fought and it seems neither of you know what to say next. Truthfully you're just glad he doesn't seem mad at you, his quiet company a familiarity that tells you nothing has changed between you.
That is until he leans in a little too close and his fingers brush your wrist. You swallow thickly and wait for him to push you away again, when you feel him hesitate.
This is supposed to be the part where he pushes you away again, looking at his hand in disgust or wiping it on the back of his pants like he touched something dirty.
Instead, he reaches between you to link his fingers carefully with yours. It's like you are suddenly filled with helium, at risk of floating away if the feeling of Seokjin's warmth beside you wasn't there holding you to the ground.
"Is this okay?" You ask with wide eyes, nodding down at where his slightly clammy palm smothers your own.
He nods. You melt.
"You were right, the other day." Seokjin squeezes your hand comfortingly. "I need to stop hiding how I really feel."
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You've never been to the residents part of the resort before. You never dared. But truthfully, by the time you realise you are walking not floating, you are already half way across the plaza.
Seokjin guides you around the circular fountain spitting water from the mouth of a cherub, carried by the breeze as a fine mist that feels cold and refreshing against your hot cheeks and marches you up a marble staircase to the resident lodge which rises up out of the ground like a beautiful half moon of white brick, stylish balconies decked with jacuzzis, chiffon curtains and a sea of people who fit Seokjin's class perfectly.
A tired looking doorman stands posted to the entrance and despite feeling Seokjin stiffen beside you, he never lets go of your hand. Not even when the doorman gives you a once over, an eyebrow raising at your casual attire.
You wait for Seokjin to force the doorman to sign an oath of secrecy when his eyes widen at your interlinked fingers, except the moment never comes. He simply rubs his thumb across your knuckles soothingly, striding straight past the doorman and holding the gilded door open for you to slip through himself.
You mumble a thanks, letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding and hope Seokjin can't feel the way your heart thumps against your rib cage uncontrollably. For what reason you can't quite decide — is it because you're conditioned to fear getting caught with Seokjin or because he doesn't seem to care? 
Seokjin doesn't let go of you until he has to press the elevator button, and it feels ten degrees colder when he does. Your curious eyes take in the perfumed lobby, grand staircase winding upwards as far as the eye can see, lined with a carpet that's intricately embroidered with gold thread. Paintings line the walls which makes the place feel like some sort of museum and you half expect someone to ask you for an entry fee.
Then the elevator's ornate doors open with a ping you thought only existed in movies and Seokjin's hand is back and shuffling you into the elevator at the small of your back, refusing to leave even once you are inside.
The elevator is lined with polished mirrors and you do a double take when you make eye contact with your reflection, nearly reaching out and tapping the glass to check they are real and not the kind you find at a carnival that make everything look distorted. The way Seokjin pulls you closer to his side makes you look like any one of the other normal couples who frequent the resort, if you ignore the way your baggy cardigan contrasts his head to toe designer outfit.
Seokjin's too busy humming along to the classical music which crackles through the speakers overhead to notice the way your gaze travels to him. You know he wants to make you think that none of this affects him like it does you and his unbothered attitude would have worked had you not noticed the way his cheeks have a pinkish tinge, even in the dim yellow glow of the elevator.
The elevator opens, and you follow him down the hall only to find out Seokjin lives in one of the penthouses. You shouldn't be surprised but when he swipes a shiny key card and the lock beeps with a little green light that tells you the door is unlocked, you can't help the way your mouth gapes. Almost as if you were expecting it to flash red instead, denying you entrance and reminding you that you didn't belong in a place like this.
"Aren't you coming inside?" Seokjin has already crossed the threshold, wiping his polished shoes on the gaudy WELCOME mat inside while you stand awkwardly in the hallway, peeping through the crack of open door. You suddenly feel self conscious in your cardigan and leggings, as if you should've dressed up or something.
Seokjin seems to sense your hesitation, fingers finding your wrist with a smile. "You'll catch a cold out there."
He tugs and you don't resist, letting your feet follow him inside. "It's summer. And we're inside, Jin."
"Well how would I live with myself if I took the risk?" The click of the door locking echos from the high ceiling and you swallow thickly knowing there's no going back.
Inside, the suite looks like a luxury hotel room, like every last penny from the royal Mint had lived and died there.
It's open plan, the grand chandelier glimmering in the evening sun casting miniature rainbows across a living room consisting of pristinely white sofas sporting an array of throw cushions that look as though they have never been moved, collecting dust in the same way as the open magazine on the marble coffee table and the empty coffee mug beside it that look like they were placed there to create the illusion of the space being lived in.
Everything feels a little too pristine, a little too perfect like it materialised straight out of a furniture magazine.
The far wall is entirely glass, floor to ceiling windows looking out over a view of the entire resort; with a squint you can just make out the soft lights of the restaurant you know well, reflection shimmering like gold dust on the surface of the undisturbed public pool. An array of caddy boys on the golf courts collect stray balls and haul clubs back into the lodge and beyond that the vibrant gardens, a blur of pink roses and green hedges from where you stand but still a pleasant sight against the evenings pale blue sky.
Seokjin hums to himself as he flicks on all the lights, disappearing around a corner until you can't hear the click clack of his shoes against the tile anymore. You don't know if you are supposed to stay with knees knocking in the living room or if he was expecting you to follow him; but you presume the latter is true when his voice rings out into the room, jolting you from your shameless study of his living space.
"Have you eaten?" You shake your head in a silent no even though he can't see it, somehow managing to get your legs to carry you beneath a decorative arch and into the kitchen where Seokjin stands with his head ducked into a fancy looking fridge - even the most basic of appliances seem high tech, a touch pad visible on the front for what purpose you don't want to even ask. "I don't know about you but I'm famished."
"I was on my way to find something to eat when we — when you saw me, actually." The correction is quick but it makes your stomach feel funny. Since when did it start to feel normal to refer to you and Seokjin as a "we", as if you are anything but his accessory?
"Perfect." He emerges from the fridge with an armful of tupperware boxes balanced beneath his chin, foot kicking the door shut before he dumps the entire load onto the marble kitchen island that separates you from him.
"How about you stay for dinner?" He flashes you a small smile, corner of his mouth blowing the bangs out of his eyes, and your heart practically skips a beat.
It's just a formality surely, the polite thing to do. The Seokjin you knew was usually eager to get you out of his hair.
He is looking at you expectantly, your throat suddenly dry as you try to muster a response, an excuse. The word that immediately crosses your mind is no. This is dangerous and you know it. But then the bite in your stomach is back and despite knowing an I shouldn't be here in the first place would have been more appropriate, your lips betray you with a simple, "Yes." And the way that Seokjin's face lights up in surprise has every regret falling away as you relish in the knowledge that he is actually happy to have you.
"I thought I would have to bargain with you. You're usually stubborn with me." Shiny bar stools sit tucked beneath the little kitchen bar set up beside him, a few expensive looking champagne bottles littered across the surface. He pats one of the plush cushions in a gesture for you to sit which you graciously do, even as you scoff at his words and silently wonder why someone who lives alone needs so many seats.
"Because you're usually trying to get me to do something ridiculous." You chide. "And besides, I'm hungry."
"So you're just using me for my cooking skills, huh? I didn't think you were that kind of girl." Seokjin eyes you cheekily, hands fiddling with the dials on the stove with a pout. "How do you turn this thing on?"
You let out a sigh of mock despair, joining him at the counter and turning the knob until you hear a familiar click as the gas ignites, basking the kitchen in a blue glow. "If your 'skills' end with me getting food poisoning I'll never forgive you Kim Seokjin".
"I think I can handle a simple pasta dish," He retorts, but not before sending a pot from the utensil rack crashing to the ground with a clatter. "Maybe I spoke too soon." He picks up the appliance, holding it out to you sheepishly, a flush caressing his cheeks now.
You click your tongue but in no way maliciously, instinctively filling the pot with water and pulling open a few drawers in search of some other equipment. "Where do you keep the spoons?"
"Top drawer." You hear him call, settling himself into the askew stool you previously occupied, kicking his feet up onto the opposite stool and making you internally wince when the soles of his shoes settle on the white leather cushion. "Can I ask you something?"
Something in his voice changes, a seriousness that you aren't used to with him. In fact the only time you'd ever heard it was last week on the lake, when he admitted he felt like an outsider at Paradise.
You dump the pasta and lean against the counter to face him. "Sure."
"Do you think I'm an asshole?" He asks quietly.
You pause. "Sometimes." Eyes narrowed, you let out a sigh. "Why?"
"I'm sorry." Seokjin sounds small, and he wrings his hands together awkwardly. "For making you do all this for me, and then acting like a douche."
You push his feet off the stool and take a seat opposite him. Your mouth is dry, so you say nothing. He looks at you expectantly. Like he's hoping his apology will make up for the stinging hurt that still lingers in your chest every time you remember the look of shame in his eyes when he almost got caught talking to you at the gates. You flash him a sad smile, and he sighs when he realises it's not enough.
"God, I'm so fucking lame. What normal guy has to get a girl to pretend to be his fucking fiance?"
"What normal girl agrees to pretend? If you're lame then I'm just as bad." You chuckle, somewhat bitterly. "If you're so embarrassed by me, why don't you just tell your family? Then you won't have to worry someone will find out who I really am."
There's a sharpness to your words that makes Seokjin wince.
"It's not that I'm embarrassed of you! I'm...embarrassed of me."  Seokjin rushes. "I just can't tell them. It would break them if they knew we've been lying."
Oh. So all this time he wasn't afraid someone would find out your real identity...he was just worried about disappointing his family?
"I always knew I was going to marry some nice girl from upstate and take over Paradise one day," He continues. "But now it's actually happening and I'm realizing I'm not cut out for this."
His head falls into his palms, forehead creased. You can tell this has been weighing on his mind for a while, and part of you feels thrilled that he trusts you enough to confide in you.
"I want to be the man they want me to be but I don't know how much longer I can pretend."
You slide your hand over the counter and cover his. He looks up, surprised, when you give it a comforting squeeze.
"I think you're just scared." You whisper. "I know you Seokjin, and you'll be an incredible CEO."
He puffs out his chest. "Pfft, I'm not scared."
"You're scared you won't be as good of an owner as your dad." You say. "And you're scared that you won't love the girl who you marry like you're supposed to."
Seokjin falls quiet, like what you said hit a nerve. He frowns. "I know what it's like to love someone. And those other girls -- the ones my parent's tried to set me up with -- they were nice and all but... I didn't feel it with any of them."
"You can't force love." You offer him a sympathetic smile. "Sometimes it just pops up in the strangest of places. It just happens."
"You're right." He smiles back, and shakes his shoulders like a weight has been lifted. His eyes soften fondly. "Hey. How do you always seem to know exactly what to say?"
"One of my many talents,"You laugh as you instinctively start to dish up your meal. That's what working in a kitchen does to you. "Including making incredible pasta."
The smell of carbonara wafts through the kitchen, and he rubs his stomach gratefully.
"God I love you." Seokjin says breathily, threading his hands through his hair and looking at you in wonder.
"What?" You go slack, the metal spoon between your fingers hitting the ground with a tinny crash.
Seokjin blinks twice before rushing to cover up his mistake. "You know what I mean."
You do know. But a part of you wishes that you didn't know, that you could pretend that the words that spilled from Seokjin's lips were real and true and meant something.
Not that it matters anyway. You aren't in love. You are just pretending to be. So why does it feel like a ton of bricks smushed your heart when you realise this was probably the only time you would ever hear him say those words, even if he didn't mean them how you wished he would?
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth before it can start to wobble and bend to your knees to retrieve the spoon. Seokjin is already ahead of you, leaping out of his chair to grasp the metal at the exact same time.
A gasp passes your lips when his hand covers yours tightly, the contact accidental but enough to send tingles up your spine like it always does. Except this time, it seems he feels it too, because when you dare to look up he is staring at your almost interlocked hands in wonder.
"Is now a bad time to repay one of your favours?" His voice is hoarse.
Seokjin's fingers hook beneath your chin, tilting your head towards him so that he can press his lips against yours in a tentative kiss, swallowing your words in transit.
The kiss is slow and languid, the way he slots his plump bottom lip between yours making you melt instantly. His cheeks are warm and soft in your hands as you cup them, the action feeling just as natural as the warmth blossoming in your chest when Seokjin moves his mouth in time with your own with an impossible tenderness.
He sighs into your mouth like he'd been waiting forever to do this, and you feel a similar satisfaction, finally able to curb the craving for him that has been aching inside you since your last encounter when he left you standing alone on the veranda.
Seokjin's fingers trace up your arms tentatively, hairs raising wherever they touch, before tangling them in the hair at the base of your neck and pulling you ever deeper into the kiss, not just with pure desire like you were used to but with a yearning to hold you closer. For the first time you let yourself succumb to your senses, protective guard over your heart shattering as you get lost in the scent of his woody cologne and the roughness of his simultaneously pillowy lips.
By the time he pulls back you are already breathless and he is too, lips parted slightly, breath tickling your nose.
"Sorry." The curve of his lips tells you he didn't mean it. He wanted to kiss you. You melt. "'S cause I missed you, that's all"
"C'mere." With a breathy laugh you pull him closer to you again by the collar, mouths crashing together in a tangle of teeth and tongue this time that makes you burn with a hunger to commit every caress of his lips to memory, blood running hot as he tugs your bottom lip between his teeth like he wants to devour you right then and there. "I want you."
His hands search your body making you shudder, swell of your chest pressed to his as he slips his burning hot palms beneath your thighs to hoist you onto the kitchen island, uncaring when the spice rack rattles precariously. His lips never leave yours, tongue sweeping into your mouth in a way that has you panting for more, suddenly desperate to feel his warmth against you without the damn barrier of your leggings between you.
"Wanna take you right here so bad." Seokjin breaks away, eyes glazed over and slipping from your swollen lips momentarily to take in your quivering body, slotting himself between your welcoming legs. "God, you drive me crazy."
His hair tickles your cheek when he lets his face fall into the crook of your neck as if accepting defeat, his self control hanging by a thread in the same way as yours.
"Then take me." It's hushed whisper but it makes Seokjin groan, his hands rubbing flat circles into the tops of your thighs but never getting quite close enough to the ache that pulses between your legs, as though he can't trust himself.
"Don't want you to do something you'll regret." Seokjin sounds pained as he nips at your neck, lips sucking marks into the flesh obscenely while his tongue soothes the burn, your eyes squeezing shut at the sensation.
"I could never regret you." You stammer between quiet whimpers when his teeth attack the sensitive spot behind your ear and in that moment you believe every word. "I promise."
Seokjin leaves one last wet kiss to your jaw. "Open your eyes. Look at me." His hands tremble when they take your face between them and hold your already damp forehead against his. You obey, biting your lip when his own lustful eyes stare into yours with a gentleness. "Promise. You want this — me?"
Your heart throbs. "I promise."
"Then how could I refuse?" With a peck to your lips Seokjin hoists  you over his shoulder like you are weightless, blood rushing to your head as you come face to face with his butt.
"Let me down!" You laughed as he carries you through the apartment, pounding your fists against his back playfully. He only tightens his grip, landing a sharp smack to your ass that has you quieting down quickly. "Ow!"
"Don't pretend you didn't like it." His voice is muffled as he lets you down but you can still hear his smirk before he even comes into view. Your back lands on top of a plush mattress, silken sheets a welcome cold against your skin which still burns from Seokjin's touch. You manage to glance around the room briefly, taking in the elegant matching silk drapes and the luxe gold trimmed furniture which makes it feel like a hotel room you probably could not afford.
But then Seokjin is hovering over you again and the way his eyes darken as they rake across your body captures all your attention.
"I wouldn't mind if you did it again." You hum coyly, enjoying the way his pupils dilate as he swallows a groan. Seokjin grips your ankles and lands another slap to the flesh of your ass that has you panting and choking on your own smirk.
"Such a slut, hm?" Your knees fall apart instinctively as he leans over your body, leaving a few lingering kisses across the expanse of your chest that peeks out of the top of your tank top, all while your fingers find the hem of his gym t-shirt. "God I love your ass."
"I'll fuck it myself if you don't hurry up." The way your hips buck up give away your impatience, never quite meeting the painfully visible tent in his crotch and gaining the friction you so desperately search for. Your panties are soaked through and clinging uncomfortably to your dripping folds by now, the heat between your legs pulsing unbearably.
Seokjin chokes at your threat, eyes rolling back as he pictures the image you painted. "F-fuck, I'd love to but maybe another time." Your lithe fingers manage to get his shirt over his shoulders, throwing the garment somewhere behind him and sucking in a gasp when you take in Seokjin's naked torso beneath the warm glow of his bedside lamp, toned and slightly damp with anticipation. "Gotta take care of this cunt first, hm?"
His palm cups your mound obscenely through your leggings and you whine at the first contact you'd received all night, eager to have him touch you without the barrier of your clothing. "P-please." The way you twist your hips needily, trying to grind your throbbing clit against the heel of his palm makes him laugh lightly.
"Sit back, get comfy." He helps you slide up the bed, arranging a selection of tasseled throw cushions behind your head until he's satisfied you are adequately supported, kneeling between your legs to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and press a prolonged peck to your parted lips. "Want this to be good for you."
"It's always good for me." You assure, fingers trailing fleetingly down his chest and feeling him tense above you at the ticklish contact. Seokjin makes quick work of your top, leaving you quickly in just your bra which you graciously save him the trouble of undoing by snapping the clasp open yourself.
The way he gazes in awe at your bare chest makes you self conscious, hands coming to cover the flush that caresses your face until he rolls one of your hardened nipples and lets out a sigh in unison with your own when your hands fall away, unable to focus on anything other than the tingle of Seokjin's touch and your own shallow pants.
"You're so pretty." His words make your chest blossom with warmth and you arch into his touch, air cold against your hard buds until Seokjin takes one of them into the heat of his mouth and reduces you to a gasping mess beneath him.
As soon as he comes up for air you manage to wriggle your hands between your flush bodies, latching on to the waistband of his gym shorts and sliding them down his thighs along with his boxers as soon as you catch his nod of confirmation.
His cock springs free, hard and already leaking against his stomach. Seokjin hisses at the cold air against his length. You wrap your hand around his girth, lidded gaze watching the way his face twists with a pleasurable agony with each flick of your wrist. He's hot and heavy in your palm, impossibly hard and your entrance clenches when his cock pulses against your palm, forcing him to swallow a moan and stop his hips from thrusting into your hand. You are suddenly hyper aware of how empty you are, another bout of lust pooling in your stomach as you anticipate how good he would fill you up, length enough to stretch you out perfectly.
When your palm twists around the angry reddened tip he just about looses his mind, falling forward to grip your shoulder with a bruising grip, uncaring when a few choked groans spill into your ear. You take pride in the way he falls apart so easily until his large palm covers yours and halts your ministrations all together.
"Stop, fuck—" He squeezes his eyes shut, letting out a hiss as he tries to regain his control, length twitching and drooling against your bare stomach. "Nearly came, shit." Seokjin's chest heaves with laboured breaths, cheeks flushed as he grips the base of his length firmly.
"I'm that good huh?" The teasing tone makes his eyes snap up, the scarlet tint to his cheeks deepening.
"No — I mean yes — but mostly I've been imagining this for a while." He seems slightly sheepish and you find it cute, feeling a little pang in your heart when his nose scrunches with shyness at his confession. "Got too worked up too fast."
"Guess you don't want me to suck you off for a bit, then?" You ask almost hopefully, your heat growing ever wetter at the thought of his girth fucking your throat mercilessly.
"There's plenty of time for that, princess." The glint in his eye is the same as the one he had that day in the locker rooms, except this time you trust his words knowing that nothing could stop you coming back for more.
"Guess I'll have to save my skills for another day, then." Seokjin chuckles at the pout that graces your lips, swatting your hand away before it could stroke his length again. "Unless..."
"Brat." The shake of his head is affectionate.
"Don't pretend you don't like it." You echoe his earlier words and he rolls his eyes to your amusement.
He holds your gaze for a little too long, the way his eyes soften at the edges and his lips part cutely too intimate for you to deal with in the moment so you focus on the neglected ache between your legs instead.
You interrupt the moment before you let a piece of your heart flutter straight into his hands. "Hurry up and get inside me, idiot!"
"Okay, okay jeez!" Seokjin raises his hands defensively before he shuffles down the bed, eye level with your crotch.
You can't help the way you arch off the bed as he peels away your leggings, whining shamelessly when your swollen folds finally hit the air.
Soon enough you feel Seokjin's hot breath hovering over your slit, making your clit pulse even more desperately if that were possible. Before he could devour your heat like you wanted him to, you are reminded of his own self control. "'S not fair, is it?" You slur, head spinning with lust as he spreads your lips with his fingers, taking you in completely.
"Not going to eat you out this time, don't worry," The sight of him looking up at you with pleading eyes from between your legs, lips inches away from your clit, is enough to have the coil in your stomach tightening, sure you could cum just from the visual alone. "Just a taste?"
You nod, too breathless to speak, and he runs a flat stripe up your dripping slit, the contact enough to make your legs shake and your head fall back against the cushions. He places a single kiss to your clit which makes you quiver before he climbs back up so you are eye level. "Can't get enough of your pussy," Your breath mingles, his lips glistening with your arousal just inches from yours. "Could taste you forever."
"You can." You whisper.
His tongue traces your bottom lip languidly. You can taste yourself just barely on his lips. "I don't deserve you."
Seokjin supports himself on his forearms, hovering over your body and taking his cock in his palm to line it up with your entrance.
"Ready?" He scans your face for any concerns, any suggestion that you are having second thoughts. Even your small smile and the shameless twists of your hips as you tried to impale yourself on his cock wasn't enough to appease him, apparently. "Promise?"
The tenderness in his voice makes you lose your breath in a mixture of shock and warmth. This has to be a dream. "Promise."
Seokjin's lidded eyes light up and he finds your hand where it tugs on the sheets beside your bodies and carefully interlinks your fingers. The callouses on his fingers, the grooves of his palm and how it slots perfectly into yours is starting to feel familiar. You don't have time to dwell on whether the action was supposed to feel as romantic as it did before he's pushing the tip of his cock against your entrance which clenches with every inch until he bottoms out with a guttural groan of his own.
The slide is slow and languorous, allowing you to feel every ridge of his cock drag against your walls, the stretch burning a little as you tried to accommodate his girth.
"So fucking wet for me, huh?" It's true; you can feel your arousal dripping down your ass, his hips meeting yours with an audible squelch that was testament of his affect on you. You feel his cock twitch inside you, his nose scrunching as he resists slamming into you straight away to allow you to adjust. Instead he focuses on rubbing soothing circles with his thumbs into your hips, taking in your bare form with a fascination. "So fucking pretty underneath me like this."
"All for you." You manage to stutter between hard pants as he snaps his hips back until just the head of his cock remains at your entrance and you whine with the impossible emptiness. "I'm all yours."
"Promise me." It comes out as a command but it's tainted with a softness that makes your cheeks burn with more than just lust.
"I promise. I'm all yours."
That's all it takes to have him slamming back into you, hips meeting yours repeatedly with a loud slap which is almost drowned out by the soft moans that spill from his lips into the crook of your neck. He's more vocal than you were expecting and it drives you crazy.
"Fuck, I'm close." His breath hitches at your words, tongue snaking out to wet his lips as he shudders closer to his high. With a pained expression he pauses mid thrust, head barely inside you as he searches your face for answers with desperate eyes. "Where can I—"
"Inside me." You buck your hips, whimpering when he slides back into you to the hilt as if he can't help it. "Wanna feel you fill me up."
"Shit, okay." He stutters as your fingers move the bangs stuck to his sweaty forehead, his neck and shoulders glistening slightly in the deep glow of the room. "God, you're so tight."
By now you are clenching around him wildly, the heat between your legs getting hotter with every drag of his cock against your velvety walls. With his next thrust he hits your sweet spot deliciously, the mewl that leaves you alerting him of the fact and he watches with a dark amusement as your eyes roll back and you lose yourself to the feeling.
"Mmf — g-gonna cum." Seokjin's thumb rubs circles into your throbbing clit in time with his thrusts and the pressure is enough to have you falling over the edge, vision fading to black as Seokjin fucks you through your high.
"That's it, cum for me baby," He coaxes, thrusts turning sloppy as you feel him release inside you, the feeling of him coating your now sensitive walls almost too much. "S-shit."
You don't realise your eyes are squeezed shut until Seokjin's palm cups your chin, his face a picture of pure bliss when your lashes finally flutter open. There's barely any distance between your noses, his breath lightly tickling your parted lips and you're sure he can hear your heart thumping against your rib cage, loud in your ears as he closes the distance between you in a lazy kiss that feels indescribably intimate with him softening inside you.
"I don't deserve you." He says again, voice croaky this time. "You could do better than me."
"Shut up," His cheek presses to your chest, warm against your clammy skin. "Don't be silly."
"There's something I need to tell you..." He begins, cut off when you sit upright abruptly, eyes wide. "It's nothing bad. Well, it might be depends on how you respond. It's just that day on the lake, when I saw how Taehyung looked at you, and when I thought I lost you, it made me realise that I'm—"
"No, not that." You begin feeling around for your underwear. "I think the pasta boiled over!"
"Oh shit!" He joins your search for clothes, rolling onto his back beside you, though you don't miss the frown that appeared on his face. "Guess I can wait a little longer."
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youraveragebtsstan · 3 years
A Buddie FanFic: "The Things We Never Could Say" (A Season 4, Episode 13 Epilogue)
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Pairing: Buck x Eddie (Buddie), Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley & Edmundo ‘Eddie’ Diaz
Word Count: 2.3k (2,266)
Summary: Buck knew he would have to face his feelings sooner or later, but he never thought he might not get the chance. As his best friend lies in the hospital suffering from the wounds of a sniper, Buck struggles with the idea of losing the love of his life, without the possibility of saying the things he’s always wanted to say. (Events of this Fic take place after the final scene of Season 4, Episode 13. As of writing/posting this Fic, Episode 14 has not yet aired.)
AO3 (Archive Of Our Own) Link: Click Here
Night had come in a blur.
The sun had faded, smearing itself in the sky, until there was nothing left; not even the moon. The sky was simply dark. There was no need for Buck to look up just to know he was alone. Though, it was nothing more than a feeling… He knew.
For the past few hours, time swayed by drunkenly. Buck swore he was still standing under the sun. He breathed in the daylight, exhaling something of content when the first shot was fired. He didn’t recall hearing anything. Not the sound of the bullet rattling through the barrel nor the screams of those that cried out in a panic as they fled around him. His focus was occupied by more important things.
The look of confusion on Eddie’s face burned, etched in his mind. As his body jerked at the push, he fell limp. A fearful stare gleamed in his eyes as he laid on the ground; the hand that reached out as his blood pooled around him… his blood. Buck could still feel the warmth of Eddie’s blood as it splattered on the side of his face; soaking into his hair, it melted onto his shirt. The stains had already dried, cracking on his skin.
Blinking into reality, the sounds of the faucet drew him in. His head hung low in the bathroom mirror. Leaning against the sink, he watched the water flow down the drain for what seemed like an eternity.
How did he get here?
All Buck could remember was climbing in the ambulance, sitting by Eddie’s side. He remembered holding onto the gurney as they rushed him through the hospital doors. Chaos ensued as doctors and nurses shouted to each other, carting in other victims one by one. He remembered sitting in the waiting room, eventually pacing the halls as his adrenaline struggled to catch up with his surroundings. As he tried to trek through the mess that was his thoughts, he began to get overwhelmed. When did he leave the hospital? He was too afraid to leave; afraid he would miss something important. No, he wouldn’t have left on his own accord. He couldn’t have. Did someone bring him home? He couldn’t imagine driving himself, not in his condition. He was disoriented and absent-minded. Had he told anyone about Eddie being shot? Did Maddie know? Chim? What about Christopher?
Right, he still had to tell Christopher… He remembered calling Carla shortly after arriving at the hospital; blood smearing on his screen as he swiped to find her number. Thankfully, she and Christopher spent the day together, visiting the park and an ice cream parlor or two. Buck breathed a little easier, knowing Christopher had a few more hours of joy remaining. Carla, being the kind woman she was, assured Buck she would stay by the younger’s side until he went home to clean himself up and pack a bag for the next few nights.
Right, he needed to get moving.
Taking a shallow breath, he glanced toward the shower, eyeing the handle. Buck struggled as he tried to get his feet to move. Glued to the ground, he moved not a single inch. All he needed to do was turn the handle. He had done this countless times, hell he somehow managed to turn the sink on, so why was now so hard? Rolling his neck in frustration, he caught a glimpse of his reflection; he nearly jumped out of his skin. His hair was matted, shirt drenched in sweat and blood. His skin was dirtied in debris; eyes red and glossy, sunken into their sockets. He looked nothing like himself. In fact, he had made up his mind the man before him was a mirage. The pit in his stomach gaped deeper.
Pushing off the sink, he made his way up to his room. He threw open the closet doors, yanking a couple shirts form their hangers. Tossing them in a bag along with a few pairs of boxers and socks he plucked from his drawers, he left his room in disarray. Like a tornado let loose upon his home, nothing was done with care. He felt as if time were slipping through his fingers. Dropping the bag to the floor, he fumbled at the buttons of his shirt. He couldn’t wait to get this thing off his body. He found it hard to move with it on. It weighed heavy on his chest. Unclasping the final button, he crumpled it in his hands, throwing it in the trash can next to his bed. His breath trembled as he breathed in. Though the shackles had been removed, he still trapped; the metal rattling in his lungs. The dried blood on his skin cracked as it crawled along his face.
Buck tried to shake the feeling. It wasn’t real, how could it be?
Trotting down the stairs, he raced to the sink, wanting to drown the sensation in the water. With each step, it’s grip around his throat grew tighter.
Plunging his head under the bathroom faucet, he gasped for air. Cupping his hands, he scrubbed his face, mashing his nose and cheeks in abstract circles. It burned the blood away like acid. His lashes were heavy as they dripped, water falling from his hair, down his nose and back. Small puddles could be found along the floor. Buck braced himself on the edge of the sink. Blowing water past his lips, his breathing lay labored. He gripped the sink tighter; fingers turning a muted shade of white.
Soon, a cry burst from his lips. Through gritted teeth, it resembled a groan of agony. Shaking uncontrollably, tears breached their waterlines. Falling against the wall, he slid to the floor, curling his knees to his chest. He had been sleepwalking. Numb for the remainder of the day, his body functioned purely on autopilot. Finally, his emotions gave in; exhausted and overwhelmed, he cried.
There was no one around to comfort him. No one he could call to ease his racing mind. The one person he needed the most, was the one who left him here alone. He needed Eddie. After all, Eddie was supposed to be there. He promised to have his back, just as Buck swore to have his. He tried to think of Eddie. In a different moment other than today, he played any memory he could think of. Something that would save him from himself. As Buck laid his head against the wall, he stared mindlessly into the faucet.
Funny enough, his thoughts dragged him to another heartbreak. He remembered how he felt the night of the tsunami, ringing and twisting the bands of Christopher’s glasses in his hands. He had spent hours wandering various medical tents, calling out the boy’s name to the point of  blistered feet and a scratchy throat. Tears overflowed his eyes as he fought to look Eddie in his… those brown eyes he adored so much. His heart exploded with relief the moment he saw Christopher back in Eddie’s arms safe and sound; knees buckling underneath him. Wrapped in Eddie’s arms is where things seemed the safest.
He remembered how angry Eddie was when he filed the lawsuit against the department. How Eddie saw red that day in the grocery store. The hurt in his voice masked by rage, as he clenched his fists by his side- Buck swore he was going to hit him… He wouldn’t have mind. The rattle of a fist against his jaw would have felt better than the hole in his heart. The hole Eddie dug deeper the more he ignored him; declining his calls and leaving his texts on read. Though he never admitted it, he cried on occasion. While everyone else ran off on calls, Buck often locked himself in the showers, stood with his back against the door as tears streamed down his face. Drawing a wedge between him and his best friend, he hated his pride that led him to isolation. He hated being alone…
So when Eddie was there for him after his world came crashing down, it was no wonder he couldn’t find the words to describe his appreciation. After 12 years of deceit finally coming to light, Buck found himself in a screaming match with his parents. He felt like a child again. Betrayed and neglected, Buck rambled on and on for what seemed like days at a time- Eddie was there to listen. He made him feel heard. Listening to his various monologues through FaceTime, even as Buck began to blame himself, doubling back on his words and dismissing his own feelings, Eddie always made him feel valid.
Eddie was always there… except now. Why couldn’t he be there now?
Why was he laying in a hospital bed, fighting for his life with IVs and monitors taped to him? It seemed so minute, a shot to the shoulder. If only they had rushed Eddie out of there like he begged, like he pleaded, he would have been fine. There would have been no need for him to pack a bag preparing to spend countless nights between a couch and the hospital. He wouldn’t need to tell Christopher his father’s not coming home tonight, if he came home at all. If only they let him pull Eddie to safety, things would have been fine… But instead first responders hid behind their cars, piling on top of each other, holding him down while Eddie laid in the middle of the street bleeding.
God, he had lost so much blood… Why did they waste so much time?
Time… Buck began to think rationally for a moment, his hopes growing high. Maybe if he showered quick enough, he could go back to the hospital and sit for a while- not for hours like he had before, but maybe an hour or two before Carla went home for the night. Though, he would be wasting away in the hallway; knee bouncing, rattling the chairs next to him. He probably would have worn his nails down to nubs before the doctor came back with any news. Buck pulled his thumb from his mouth at the thought; an old nervous habit rearing its ugly head. He clawed at his jeans, finding other use for his hands. Another the image of Eddie came to mind. Reaching out his hand as he laid on his side, Buck reached further, hoping he could feel his touch only feeling the rough touch of denim.
If only this once, he could hold Eddie’s hand.
He wanted to be by his side, waiting until he woke up… He wanted to be the first thing Eddie would see- not just in the hospital, but all the time. On the weekends, when they were both rarely off from work, he wanted to wake up next to Eddie; seeing him roll over in the sheets, sun shining in his face. On lazy afternoons, when Eddie sometimes napped at the fire station, Buck wanted to see that moment again. The man curled up on the couch, arms crossed over his chest, face plastered in bliss. He wanted to wrap his arms around Eddie as he cooked; with music playing in the background, dancing as he often did when he made dinner. Buck wanted to hold him in his arms, his head laying on his shoulder. That would be his own piece of peace.
The more Buck thought, the more he realized the two men had created a special type of love. Sure it was undefined, maybe even unconventional, but it was love nonetheless. As the wise words of a man he once met ran in his ears, Buck found himself laughing. Tears dried on his cheeks, nose no longer running, he remained laying against the wall, his laugh deep and therapeutic. He used to long for a love like this. Hoping for the day he would stumble upon it, unaware such a sacred love could only be made, molded with one’s own two hands- and By God, they had done it! He loved everything that ever was about Eddie Diaz. He had known for quite some time, the feeling of being in love. Constantly hiding his true feelings and for what reason? It was times like this, he wished he hadn’t. If only he had told him before…
That’s it, he thought to himself. As the light bulb flickered on above his head, he wiped the tears from his cheeks. He cleared his throat with a start. Standing, he flipped the handle on his shower wall, water spitting from the head as a result. Staring in the mirror, reminisce of himself began to reappear. He raised his chin, breathing deep. You got this. There was no need in holding himself down, torturing himself with a nonsensical life without Eddie. He didn’t have time to marvel over ‘what ifs’ or hypotheticals. Reality was now; a breath of fresh air compared to the sadness he had been drowning himself in. From that moment on, he would only allow himself to think fact, for fiction was too painful.
Fact, Eddie was going to be fine. The surgery would go well, and he would return home in no time.
Fact, Eddie would tuck Christopher into bed again. He would once again read his son his favorite stories as he drifted off to sleep in his arms.
Fact, when Eddie did open his eyes, Buck was going to be there… Sitting by his bedside, he would be holding his hand, ready to say the things he never could say.
Completed On: May. 23th 2021
Written By: Carmen Feaster (YourAverageBTSStan)
Feel Free To Reblog- Just Give Credit
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
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warning: smoking, slight smut, drug use
Wendy and The Lost Boys
Sasha sat in class, her notebook open and pen in her mouth as she looked out the window. It had been two weeks since she had been back to the apartment.  After she had hooked up with Nikki she had tried to not be around the guys. Even when she worked at the club she’d call a taxi or Len would pick her up after her shift. She was aware that she was avoiding Nikki but she wasn’t sure what to do to fix it. After she had slept over a couple weeks ago she had worn so much cover up or scarfs to cover the marks Nikki had left on her. When she undressed she had seen the purple hickeys and angry looking bite marks. He had done it to show her not to make him jealous or he’d mark what was his. It wasn’t like she was hooking up with anyone at school. Len was a good boy towards her and she knew he was trying to take it slow before weaseling it to get her. He was one of the guys who were looking for a girl who came to school for a wife degree. But Nikki had made it impossible to even think about fooling around with someone else. All she could think about was the feeling of his mouth on her body and how when he kissed her she couldn't even think. She had known she had a crush on him but it was becoming apparent to her it meant more than she had expected
The sound of books shutting made her aware that the seminar was over. It was a Friday afternoon so everyone was hustling around campus heading home or off to get ready for the night. Sasha was working that night and was scheduled for an earlier afternoon shift the following day. She was only working two days a week unless she picked up other shifts but the money was better than most places. As she slipped into the blue costume she’d be wearing that night she looked around her dorm. With her schedule she needed to stay at the apartment. It made the most sense. She threw everything in her overnight back and headed to the bus stop. She’d need to call Tommy to give him a heads up about staying over.
“Sasha is staying over tonight. I’m going to grab some beers for her because she said she won’t come out with us.” Tommy said headed to the window to leave the apartment Nikki looked up from where he had been writing a song on the couch trying to process what he was told. After they had hooked up Sasha had vanished. She called Tommy sometimes but she wasn't around at all. He had thought about calling her or even driving the fifteen minutes away to her dorm room but there was nothing to really say.
Nikki loved the rockstar lifestyle. He loved the attention women would shower on him at shows or pretty much anywhere on the strip. He loved always having someone giving him booze or drugs when he wanted them and even when he didn’t. He loved all the eyes on the stage watching him and his band play the songs he created. The rush of it all was everything that he had dreamed of in his life. The problem with how much he loved the rockstar life meant that he wasn’t going to settle down. Sasha was a good girl and if there was someone who was worth settling down with it would be her but not now. Now when the band was putting out their first record and she was finishing her first semester of college; it wasn't the time for either of them to commit.
But Nikki hadn’t stopped thinking of her. Even though he knew he couldn’t be with her he still remembered every inch of her body and wanted more of it. He could feel her kiss still racing through him throwing him off balance. He could smell her on his sheets and feel her against him in his dreams. He was hooked on her with constant thoughts that no amount of alcohol or drugs seemed to numb. And now she would be in the apartment tonight and he would know she was there. How was he supposed to hit the Strip thinking of her in the house alone? He groaned, kicking the table sending bottles shattering onto the carpet. The fucking apartment was a mess and he was sure she would start cleaning it without anyone asking her to
They needed to move out of this dump. It was only him and Tommy living there now. Mick had moved in with a girlfriend; he was sick of the constant parting going on, never giving him a break to rest his back and the fact the place was always a mess. Vince had gotten married to his girlfriend Beth and they were renting a place together, playing family in the house well he would come out with the band most nights and run astray, Nikki didn't get the point of getting married and sleeping around like Vince did, They were too young to be worried about having old ladies keeping them in check. He even worried about Mick missing out and he was the old man of the group.Tommy was the youngest and he always managed to have a girlfriend because he thought he loved every other woman he met. Maybe, Nikki though, I’m just cut from a different cloth. He had been by himself for so long he didn’t know what value there was in love.
Sasha shook her head as she lit a cigarette. Tommy had told her that he was going to pick her up after her shift but it was 1120pm and he was twenty minutes late so she didn't expect him to come. She lit her cigarette headed down the strip to the apartment. She hated walking down the strip by herself, not that she was scared but more because she was so used to doing it with one of the Crue boys by her side. She was glad she had changed into her Keds before leaving but made a mental note that she would need to throw her bag at the apartment before her shift or take over one of Tommy’s draws. She yawned as she turned past the Whisky to the apartment hoping that there wasn’t some party going on. She was pleasantly surprised to find the house empty.
“Jesus fuck.” she gagged, her hand flying to cover her mouth at the smell. “I’m going to fucking kill them.” she said to herself. There was trash everywhere and it smelled like they hadn’t done any basic cleaning in months. A ripped up map was hanging outside of the bathroom and she peaked inside and wanted to scream. It had been two weeks since she had been there but a couple months since she cleaned the place. “Fucking children.” she moved into Tommy’s room stepping on a used condom and literally gagging. She was going to kill all of them.She changed into her pair of shorts, even though it was cold and tucked in a sweatshirt with the UCLA logo on the front. If she was going to sleep here she needed to clean it up.
The trash hadn’t been taken out since god knows when, and when she started moving the pile she ran with the cockroaches that came rushing towards her. It took her over an hour to get the trash into the apartment's garbage and by then she was crashing. Sasha took a half of one of her pills that she usually used to help her focus when she was studying. She wanted to get a few hours of cleaning done, not sure that it would actually really do anything to the house but at least someone should put in the effort.
It was three in the morning and she was still going strong, a warm bucket of water and bleach as she cleaned the walls in the living room. Hall and Oates were blaring on the record player as she danced around to the song. She had done all the laundry, dishes, cleaned the bathroom including buying toilet paper, made Tommy and Nikki’s bed, and was still going strong. She clapped her hands as she dropped the rag into the bucket. The sound of the needle skipping had her turning, looking at Nikki. She hadn't heard him come in so her heart had skipped a beat.
“Do you understand people know this is our apartment and we have a reputation to keep up with? You can’t be listening to this shit in the apartment.” he picked the record up, snapping it in half, watching the way her mouth fell open. She was shocked he had gotten so mad that he broke her record that he knew she loved. “Imagine if someone came by and here you are pretending to keep fucking house with your shitty disco music. For someone in college you should use hit fucking head.” she was staring at him, blue eyes watering. Nikki was notorious for being the asshole of the strip but he was never like this with her. Her mouth was open slightly as if she didn’t even know what to say to him yelling at her. She hadn’t been yelled at since the last night with her ex. Nikki moved over only stopping when he saw her flinch at him advancing towards her, her arm coming up like she was going to cover herself. He realized at that moment that he messed up. The tears were falling now and she wiped them with the back of her hands, noticing they were shaking.
“I’m sorry. “ she stepped back, fumbling as she picked up the bucket of water. She was moving to the sink, her heart racing. The water got dumped out and she placed the empty bucket under the kitchen sink. “Can I have my record?” she asked her hands out wanting the two pieces that he was holding. He handed them over not sure what to say. “Thanks.” Sasha stuffed them into the sleeve and headed to Tommy’s room, shutting the door behind her. She wanted to leave the apartment but she was afraid
He knew that he had fucked up as soon as he grabbed the record, snapping it like that and then yelling at her was overkill. The whole night he had been thinking of her back in the apartment. He had been so distracted that he barely realized what or who he was doing. He had thought about staying at the girls house who he had slept with but the idea of leaving Sasha alone in the apartment had him stumbling home. And when he saw her through the window, God she was beautiful. All her blonde hair and her ever present shorts drove him crazy.  The way she was so in her world as she cleaned up all the shit that they had left, taking care of them in a way that only she could care enough to do. He stumbled into his room stopping when she saw the bed made, the empty beer cans cleared out, clothes hanging on the hangers in the closet. So he had fucked up even more because she was just trying to help.
“Fuck.” he was turning to go knock on Tommy’s door before he could talk himself out of it. The door opened and she answered it looking up at him, “I’ll go to Tower Records tomorrow and get you a new record. I shouldn’t have broken it, even though it sucks.” He ran his hands over his head feeling the knots of Aquanet teasing not allowing him to run his fingers through it. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.” he didn't want to look at her and see her upset.
“You don’t have to buy me a new record. I shouldn’t have left it here.” there was a tension between them and it was just heightened with the fight they were just having. “And I’m sorry I cleaned the apartment. I just wanted to do something nice since you guys let me stay here.” Of course was doing something nice for him, that’s who she was.
“Are you going to be okay sleeping by yourself?” he looked at her, seeing the way that her eyes flashed almost annoyed at him when he asked that question. Sasha could see the lipstick down his neck and knew if he was coming back to the apartment at 3am that he had been with some girl.
“Yeah. I think I’m getting to be like you, Sixx.” the way her tone was turning bitter surprised the bassist, “I mean you didn’t have to come back here tonight But you like being alone and I respect your space.” She knew where he had been and now he knew she wasn’t going to be the one that acted like he hadnt been fucking someone else.
“I came back here because I knew that you would be here.” Nikki told her, his hand on the door to block it from closing. She was angry at him for hurting her feelings again and mad at how he always was. He thought he was speaking volumes to her but she just looked mad at him.
“So you decided to come here to start a fight with me and break my record. That’s good to know. Now I know where you stand with me.” she was mad at him and her stomach was turning. He was such an idiot and Sasha didn’t know why she liked this moron who never said the right thing. He reached out and she closed her eyes, “I don’t like smelling some other girls perfume on you.” She told him and that was true. Knowing what Nikki did and having to experience it was a lot different.
“So why don’t I go shower and you meet me in my room?” He asked her to look at him so he could kiss her. She shook her head stepping back from him. The fact he was so casual about if made her even more mad.
“We can’t, Nikki. I want too much of you and you don’t want enough of me.” Her words meant nothing to him, despite it being kind of true.
“I think we both want the same thing. Even if it’s just for tonight.” She looked at him giving Nikki the opportunity to kiss her. Once their lips were locked, it was like a free for all. He lifted her easily slamming her into the wall. Her legs were around his waist and her hands buried in his hair. This fire between them as they both were starved for the other.
“I can’t have sex with you.” She managed to get out, making Nikki chuckle his mouth on her throat well he used one of his hands to get up her shirt. The feeling of her breasts in his hands had him pushing into her so she could feel how hard she made him. Sasha was pressed against the wall with him rocking into her wondering if she was going to cum from him dry jumping , “Wait, I’m serious.” She moaned out watching as his green eyes held hers.As much as she wanted to there needed to be a shred of self preservation, “I won’t have sex with you if you’ve slept with someone tonight.” He knew she was serious now and rolled his eyes.
“It’s past midnight. I should get a do over.” She was already wiggling her way to her feet. “You aren’t going to do anything?” He asked, watching her. She shook her head and Nikki wanted to punch something but his temper had already flared once. “What am I supposed to do?” He asked as she moved to go back into Tommy’s room.
“Use your hand and imagination.” The door was almost closed, “Like I’m going to do.” She shut the door hearing him groan and smiling.
“Okay, angel.” Sasha heard him outside the door. “I’ll play by your rules, just for tonight. But I want to either see you or hear you explain everything you’re doing.” She gulped because she couldn’t play games like this with Nikki. He knew more than her and wanted things she didn’t know how to give to him. Nikki couldn’t look and not touch. She knew that as much as he did but she was opening the door anyway letting him pull her into his room already breaking his no touch rule. Sasha was vaguely aware at this point that her feelings were going to get really hurt.
His mouth was on hers, her clothes being discarded before she could even figure out what he was doing. It was like she was falling in a spiral. Nothing made sense and she would collapse if Nikki had his hands on her back pretty much keeping her steady.
“Why does everything feel so good with you?” She whispered as his mouth went lower. He was nudging her on the bed. “Maybe because I feel safe with you and I trust you.” She sighed out wiggling under his hands. His lips were on her hips but when she spoke he stopped looking up at her blue eyes.
“You trust me?” He asked her feeling frozen in the moment. Sasha pushed herself up on her elbows looking at him.
“Of course I trust you. You’re always making sure no one touches me at shows and during the summer you’d split your food with me. You always tell me how things are and don’t sugar coat it. I like that.” Nikki almost fell on his ass. His hands slid up her body moving to kiss her, this time slowing things down instead of rushing her. Sasha surprised him when she rolled on top of him pulling off his shirt. Nikki hadn’t had anyone trust him before. When she confided in him it was like it made something realer between them. There was no doubt in his mind that he wanted her but now he could lose something he didn’t know he valued.
“That’s just how you should treat people.” He said his hands in her hair. She was five years younger than him but they both evened each other out in areas the other didn’t. If he was going to settle down it would be with her. He just needed her to get college so she could sow all her wild oats. She laughed at him and he frowned, “What is funny about what I just said?” he asked her, his hands behind his back. There had never been a time where a girl was naked on his lap and he talked this much. Usually he saved the pillow talk for,...never.
“Nikki, you’re literally one of the rudest people I have ever met in my life. “ he frowned at that and she touched his cheek. The small motion had him looking up at her, redirected, “You literally pissed on someone outside of The Roxy the night of my birthday because you didn’t like his shoes.” he smirked remembering that night. “And I haven’t had the best track record with people so when someone is nice to me it just means a lot.” she seemed to realize that she was naked on top of him but the way his fingers were dancing over her back.
“Do you think I should be mean to you so people don’t know?” he asked her, his hands on her hips pushing Sasha into his body. He did try to be a little mean to her to keep her on her toes and he did have a shitty personality.
“Don’t know what?” she asked, licking her bottom lip as she leaned closer into him. She could drown in kissing Nikki and wouldn’t even ask for a life raft. He did his side smirk, his hand sliding down her cheek and into his hair.
“I think we’ve talked enough, Angel.” he wasn’t going to tell her he liked her and set her up to be hurt even more but Sasha wasn’t going to let him go that easy. Her hands on his shoulders as she looked down at him.
“Tell me.” she was giving him this look, “Or do you want me to guess?” she asked, cocking an eyebrow. His hands were running up and down her sides and she knew that she was getting distracted.
“Forget I said anything, Angel.” he laid her down moving so he could be on top of her. Nikki put his lips on her. She was wiggling again and he sighed. “Why don’t we just sleep if you’re not going to let this go?”he asked her. He rolled holding her in his arms. She was quiet.
“I like you too. Even though you’re a huge asshole. And sometimes you stink from not showering.” She whispered. Nikki listened to her, frowning. The last thing he needed was to hurt her. But Sasha was smart, ambitious, good looking, and Nikki didn’t want to be the one to ruin her shine. Yet he was pulling her closer burying his face in his his as he fell asleep. Everyone was going to get hurt by this.
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