#three weed smoking girlfriends
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eyesareforlosers · 7 days ago
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My three girlfriends.
And yes, they smoke weed.
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critterishere · 2 months ago
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no clue why I decided to draw this
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dick-chugger · 5 months ago
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yourfavoriteworksatmcdonalds · 11 months ago
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my three girlfriends. and yes they smoke weed from THIS HELLSITE ITSELF! work at mcdonalds!
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dawneetay · 2 years ago
preferably 3 of them. and yeah, they'd smoke weed. :(
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chaoshippie · 3 months ago
Today was a day of great sadness.
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Spirit week (meme day) I dressed up as one of the three weed smorking girlfriends.
Not a soul got the reference.
I am truly deceased.
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pasteld0ll6 · 2 years ago
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A late happy 4/20 to these queens 
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robotbirdhead · 8 months ago
happy birthday to the three weed smoking girlfriends. i hope they celebrate with a weed cigarette
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blue-like-chromium-peroxide · 9 months ago
what if the three weed smoking girlfriends were gay
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sucker-just · 1 year ago
Seems like nowadays you wouldn't simply be having three weed smoking girlfriends, and yes they smoke weed. It'd be something like: Blaz might on occasion, but she's gotten so in to dabs you legit think the butane might be doing things to her, has gone all the way around from not smoking is good for you yeah to for the love of Mithras stop sucking on that lighter shit. Funk is in to vaping now and insists it's incredibly different, like she keeps a huge portable on hand and has one of those huge desktop ball vape setups and is always talking ruby pearl vs metal pearl metrics and shit, you took one rip of that thing once and promptly greened out. And Chas-Chas? Has found ways to consume THC that transcend this mortal coil, can somehow boof bubble hash or something to reach mental states unknown to man or god.
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biplet · 2 years ago
Come 👋 again? 👎 The bar 🍹 falls silent. 🤐 No 🚫 one 🕐 dares to make ✋ a sound, as you 👉😰 have 🈶 just said 💬 a very 😲 poor choice of words 🆖 at a very 👌 dangerous time. 🕚🕚 I 😀😀😀 remain 😥 slumped over the bar, not looking back 🔙 to you. 👈 One hand limply holding 👫 an almost 💸 empty bottle, 🍼 the other hand 🖐🏻 cradling my head. 💆‍♂️ I 😀😀😀 repeat the question, ❓❔ this time ⏰ louder. Come again?! 😬 You can hear 👂 me slur the words, 🆖 the sentence 😤 sounds like a real struggle 🥵 for 👨 me to get out. I’m 💘💘 clearly 💯 intoxicated. A bead of sweat rolls 🧻😉 down 🏽 your face 👹 as you realize 🤨 you 🙇🏻‍♀️ might 📷 have just fucked 😩 up 🏃🏾👴🏾✌🏿 in a very major way. 😸 Everyone else 👤 in the bar 🍫 is pretending 🤗 to not ❌ notice 👀🧐 what is going 🌲 on. The bartender idly washes a mug with a cloth. His eyes 🤪 are closed and he’s 👨 muttering something to himself. A handful 🤚 of people 👶 hurriedly leave. 🍂🔜 One 🕐 person 💅 looks 👀 back ↪️ at you, a look of sorrow on 👎 their face. They 💁 almost say something, 😅 but 📷 shake 🥤 their head 💆 and cast ✨👾🤖 their eyes down ↘️ to the floor, 💥💻💥 and leave. But 🤙 not you. 💯👉 You stand, 🕴🏻 petrified. A quick 🏃 look at me 😳 reveals I’m 👟 still at the bar. You look 🎱 to the exit, there’s still time. But there’s not, there’s 😹 not, there’s not. 👏🚫 Your 👉🍚 fate was sealed the moment you 👈 opened your 👉 mouth. Mother fuck.. what did you say?! I slowly rise 💹 from 💥💰 my stool and being to lumber over 🔁 to you. 👈 I 😊😊😊 look 👁️‍🗨️ a mess. My 🚪🧀 hair is unkempt, I haven’t 🙅‍♀️ shaved in 😷 what 😦 looks like 💞👨‍❤️‍👨 months, ���️ there 😌 are dark heavy bags 🛄 under 😡 my eyes, my shirt is stained and has 😂 holes in it, and I’m 👀💰 missing 🧦 a shoe. 👞 But 📷 the main thing you 👈 notice 👀🧐 is the gun tucked into my 👨🙋 jeans, 😎 and my massive 🌐 muscle arms ⚔️ that look like 🌸 they 👥👩 were 😫🏻 made 😹😹😹😹 for punching. You know 🎓 that 👀 song 🦞 about 🧚‍♀️ the boots that were ➕ made 💪💪💪💪 for 👌🕓 walking? Yeah, it’s like that only instead of boots 👞 it’s my 😎 muscles and instead of walking it’s punching. 👊 As I 🙋 drunkenly sway over 🤬 to you, 👉 you 👈🏼 think 🙄👨💭 of your family… 👨‍👦 Will 🍌 they mourn you, or will 👊👻 they 💁 try 💪😥 and forget 🧠 this blotch of stupidity, that their child insulted the Jory publicly, ever 📞 happened 👉 to their 🎉 family? 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Your 👀 thoughts 🤔 are cut short as I 😀😀 now 💏 stand 🧍‍♂️🙅‍♂️⛔ face to face with you. I grab your 😥🏼 face and pull you 👈 even 💅 closer. 🤡➡️ Playin?! There ❤️😘✨ was nothing playing… no playing 🤹🏻‍♀️ you 🥶 fuck. 👉 No playing… it was real.. the realest thing 👏🙅 I’ve ever know.. 🚫😱 felt… Love. I 👀 loved them… Blaiz…. Chas-Chas… Funk… I 🤙 loved all three 👌🏻 of em… 🔥😂📬 but they…My face 🧑‍🦲 is wet 💧 with tears and I’m 😂👌🏼 blinking constantly in 👉 vain to hold them 🤬 back. They 👥 left me… 😷 left… Almost instantly the sadness leaves my 👏 face and is replaced with pure 😘 anger. Playin? Playin?! My hand ☝ leaves 🏃‍♂️ your ✨ face 😸 and starts to head 💆‍♂️ to what 🤤🤤🤤 you think is the gun. 💀 You 🏿🤗 close 😍 your 🗨️ eyes and see 👀 God looking 👀 at you, shrugging. ‘Pft, you 👈 brought this upon yourself 💖🍄✨🌳💞🥺🧚✨ dude.’ 😎😂 He 💁‍♂️ says as he 👥 waves 🌊 his hands at you dismissively. But 🤔 instead 😳 of the gun, 💀 my hands 🖖 grab ✊ yours. 😑 Your eyes jolt open 📭 and the anger 😠 is gone from my 👪👣 face. There 🤚🏼 is only 😦 sadness. Left ✌️ me… 🙄 * I 👓 fall to the floor and sob.* Wow, 😮😳 grow up. You 👉 say before 💰😩 you 🏃 leave 🍂🔜 the bar 🍷 but are hit almost immediately 😤 from a car and are killed upon 💯👦 impact.
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bluestiches · 2 years ago
Had a dream yesterday when I was taking a nap & in my nap I was having a dream, in the dream I was falling asleep & my cat was sleeping on my chest.Before my cat came to me she was hanging out w/ stoners and had some weed in her fur or something and so I was getting stoned while falling asleep…..then I woke up from my dream.
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moe-mozzarella · 9 months ago
This is one of the strangest weirdest things to have blessed my eyes and I’m so thankful that tumblr exists for it
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ok, let me explain
I’ve never really done anything like this before. I just wanted to make a comic based on the greatest post on this website and I wanted it to become more and more detailed as it went along. It took me a little over a year to finish and it was all made without using a tablet.
Please click on the individual images to get the full experience. Thank you.
Original post by @fuckersupreme
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neko-naruto · 1 year ago
sad because i cant share the most yuri scene without it spoiling the whole fic
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ash-and-starlight · 1 year ago
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a bit late but @zukki-week day 1 // domesticity!
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cannibalspicnic · 3 months ago
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KAOS (2024- )
THE FURIES Cathy Tyson as ALECTO Natalie Klamar as MEG Donna Banya as TISI
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