#three time travel wip
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ilovedthestars ¡ 1 year ago
Three for the ask game? :)
Hey there, anon! Thanks for the ask!
(Send me a character ask game)
First impression
So I'd heard that SecUnit Three was the second rogue SecUnit we met, and when I got to the dock fight in Exit Strategy i thought that Hostile Three, one of the two SecUnits deployed with the CSU, was the Three everyone was talking about XD
When I got to Three for real, i was like HEYY HERE YOU ARE!! I think the thing that hit me the hardest in its first conversation with 2.0 was that little pause before "Thank you for that information" when 2.0 tells it Two is dead. That was an Oh. moment for me. It's doing it's best but it just lost someone it cared about :(
Impression now
Precious!! Sweet!! Sad :( It is having SUCH a time. It lost its two best friends, its entire world, and any semblance of protocol to guide it in one fell swoop. Given all that, it's doing an admirable job, but It's gonna be a while before it really settles into itself. I think even underneath the people-pleasing search for protocols to follow, it's sweet and wants to be helpful. It wants to be friends with Murderbot (more than Murderbot wants to be friends with it). It misses One and Two.
Favorite moment
"There is a lot going on here that I don't understand, but I am participating anyway." Iconic line, sums up its character in a single sentence. Confused, but wants to help. Also, a mood.
Idea for a story
Ages ago, I started writing a time-travel fix-it where Three gets thrown into the past just in time to save One and Two. I needed the pure catharsis of it getting a second chance to protect them <3 I stalled out on it a while ago, but System Collapse did give me some new ideas....
Unpopular opinion
When SC came out everyone jumped on that one line at the end where MB tells Holism to talk to Three! I did not read anything significant into that when I saw it, and was pretty startled when I found so many people taking it as "MB set Three up with Holism and now Holism is gonna have its own rogue SecUnit companion." I will admit that that's probably where Wells is going with it, more or less, but honestly it doesn't excite me like it does other people. I knew Three was likely to get written off-stage, but I'd rather have a bit more time with it interacting with characters we know!
Favorite relationship
One & Two & Three :') I love speculating about what their interactions were like. The tension of caring about someone but being literally unable to tell them...losing them right before gaining your freedom, and knowing you'll never know who they would have been if they were free....this is why I had to write the time travel fic!
Favorite headcanon
The friendship was mutual!!! I go back and forth on whether I think One, Two & Three were able to communicate that to each other in small ways, or if they each had to live in the tension of not knowing. Even though the latter is now confirmed by canon (on Three's end), I'm still partial to the former.
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charmwasjess ¡ 10 months ago
6, 13 and 18 (Dooku) for the fandom ask, please :D
6) Show us a bit of a WIP!
:D You get the Sifo + Dooku + Time Travel Piece that I'm "definitely" "not" "writing." Some Asajj + 20 year old Dooku team-up nobody asked for. Especially not Asajj. -
Asajj studied him again, more appraisingly this time. He did look disconcertingly familiar.
Did Dooku have an heir that she’d never heard about? She’d clocked the boy as younger, what with all his naivete and whining, but now that she really looked at him… Nineteen? Maybe twenty years old? The age lined up disconcertingly well with Dooku’s first days as Count. A hereditary title, after all, passed from father to son. The idea of Dooku reproducing was nauseating, of course, though it was at least a little funny to imagine the former Jedi’s face upon being informed that House Serenno required his “gift” to ensure the bloodline’s survival.
But no. Why would House Serenno surrender an heir to the Jedi? She didn’t need to see the long braid to recognize that this was clearly one of their Padawan Learners; he reeked of a sheltered Temple upbringing. She could practically smell the refectory milk on his breath.
“Why do you want to be the one to kill Count Dooku so badly, anyway?” she asked, instead.
“He killed my best friend!” His voice broke on the word best, but his fury streaked, vibrant as a comet in the Force.
Asajj almost choked on her laugh. It was so melodramatic. Cliche. Like a line from an overwrought holonovel, spinning out in predictable plot hooks before her eyes. This Jedi child was pathetic. She ought to get them into space and send him to look for Dooku out the airlock. It seemed like it would save her and the Jedi both a lot of trouble.
She thought of her sisters.
Vengeance. Thick and sweet and tangy, like spoiled cream clinging to her tongue. It belonged to her, but no less to the others whose lives Dooku had crushed out for no better reason than because he could. She was here to glut on the Count’s blood. Who was she to deny this hungry child his own right to the feast? Dooku made a big corpse. There was plenty for all.
“Do you know how to sit down and shut up?” Asajj turned briskly to the ship controls. They had already wasted too much time.
“Yes.” A lie. She could tell that without even looking at him.
“Yes, what?” She prompted, glancing back. Maybe she just wanted to hear him try to call her “my lady” in that ridiculous, overformal Coruscanti accent of his.
He swallowed audibly, clearly uncertain. He glanced again at the twin lightsabers at her waist and seemed to decide. “Yes, Master.”
Asajj couldn't help the small, startled laugh that broke from her chest. That hadn’t been what she was expecting. No one had ever called her that. She felt surprised at the strength of her own reaction. Perhaps this would actually be amusing. At least, for a little while.
“What is your name?”
“My name?”
Asajj rolled her eyes. “You have a name? Or should I just refer to you as ‘idiot’?”
She watched his hesitation, saw those big, guileless brown eyes drift and refocus. Black fucking stars, he lied artlessly, like a child.
“Sifo-Dyas. My name is Sifo-Dyas.”
13)What's a character or ship you haven't written/drawn yet but would like to some day?
I know I went backwards here writing the most unknown/unpopular character in the series with Sifo-Dyas to the most popular, but I'd really like to spend a little bit more time with Obi-Wan. He's got a large role in the next chapter of Twelves Months to Murder Count Dooku and I'm really excited. I really like the character. Kenobi changed something for me about him.
18) Type [charater]'s name and tell us what the autocomplete suggests as the next word
Lolol. "Dooku FOUGHT." "Dooku only" and "Dooku Nu" were other suggestions. Yeah, that really says it all. No notes, google.
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gen4grl ¡ 7 months ago
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from artistic mental breakdown to 5 wips simultaneously lmao
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eriquin ¡ 1 month ago
The Trolley Problem, Part 79
Steve still has to sign an NDA. He's not going to sign it without a fight, though.
(master post)(also posting to ao3)
No matter what kind of story they thought they’d tell to explain what had happened, it was always going to have holes in it. When all the parents finally showed up, they had so many questions. Some of it was covered by the fact that Will was back, and that Carol was still in surgery. Nancy was going to stay overnight in the hospital for observation, so the Wheeler parents were beside themselves with worry. All Mike had to do was play up his very valid fear and anxiety and his mom folded immediately. The other parents took a look at the state Joyce and Will were in, tired and filthy from everything that had happened, and they all decided that their kids had gotten off lightly. They were all still grounded, of course, but likely not much more than that. 
As it turned out, the agents from the lab had gone straight from the school to their houses and started making demands on what their kids had been doing the whole time. Now that everyone was back in one place, Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Sinclair both wanted to know what they’d been after. That was about when the new set of agents swept into the hospital, talking about all the paperwork that would be needed to clear things up.
Steve had warned everyone not to sign anything right away. Before all this went down, he told them how the agents had bullied him the first time around, and how he’d been afraid of them for a year. Things were different this time, but everyone was tired and worn out. He didn’t know if his friends would remember what he said, or listen. 
These agents weren’t the same ones that he’d dealt with the first time around. He didn’t know what had happened to the first set. Maybe some decision he’d made in the past few weeks meant they were assigned somewhere else. It didn’t matter, though, because they still acted the same way. With the younger kids, they talked to just them and their parents, and Steve could tell that their parents were going to sign whatever the agents wanted them to sign. 
Neither Robin nor Tommy’s parents had shown up by the time the agents wanted to talk to them, and Steve’s parents were nowhere to be found, either. Jonathan’s mom looked like she was ready to tear them apart, government or not, but the rest of them wouldn’t be so lucky. When the agents came in with their clipboards and looked at the three of them huddled together, Steve got up and crossed his arms. 
“And I suppose you’d be Steve Harrington. Is that right?” the lady agent asked. She clicked her pen and looked at him expectantly.
“That’s right,” Steve said. He kept his back straight as he stared back at her. The hallway was cold, but he wasn’t going to let it get to him. 
“I’m Agent Stinson,” she said. “My partner and I would like to talk to you about what happened here tonight.”
Steve studied her face. The name was familiar. He pictured her older, and with a shorter haircut, and recognized her as one of the agents from when the earthquake hit. That didn’t make her trustworthy, exactly, but at least she’d always been reasonable then. 
He glanced back at Tommy and Robin. “Do you want to talk to all of us?”
“Eventually,” Stinson said. “But let’s start one at a time, shall we?” She gave him a tight smile and gestured for him to follow the man beside her. He was a big guy in a suit that looked too small for him, and Steve didn’t recognize him. 
They led him down the hall to an office. It clearly belonged to one of the hospital doctor’s, but had been repurposed for the agents to use. This room was cold, too. He didn’t remember the hospital being this cold the first time around. 
He took a seat in one of the hard-backed chairs in front of the desk. Stinson sat down behind the desk, and her partner stood by the door. It felt like he was just there for decoration, or maybe intimidation.
Steve leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, stretching his legs out. “Okay,” he said. “What do you want to talk about?” 
Stinson sat back to size him up. She took a long look before she started talking. “You were with the group that tried to break into the lab tonight, weren’t you?”
He shrugged. “What about it?”
She shook her head. “I’m not here to arrest you, if that’s what you’re wondering.”
“I wasn’t,” he said quickly. “I’m just wondering why you’re asking a question that you already know the answer to.”
Stinson gave him another tight smile. “All right. Why were you with the group that tried to break into the lab tonight?”
He blinked at her a few times, then shrugged again. “I dunno. Why were any of us there? It seemed like a good idea.”
She tapped her nails on the desk. “See, for the others, it makes sense. Mrs. Byers was looking for her son. Mr. Munson was looking for his nephew. Chief Hopper is hardly the type to let something like that happen without being involved himself. But you, Steve? You’re sixteen years old. A popular high school athlete. How did you even get involved in this?” 
Steve wanted to continue to stonewall her, but he also didn’t want to sit here and dig into every one of his decisions over the past week. “Right place at the right time, I guess,” he said. “Look, why don’t we just get to the point? What does it matter how I got involved? It’s over now, right? The monster is dead. The town is saved. Hip-hip-hooray, and all that.”
Stinson raised her eyebrows. “There was no monster,” she said slowly. “It was just a wild animal.”
He smirked a little. “Lady... I’m sorry, Agent. What’s the word for when the word matters, but it doesn’t really?” He shook his head. “It killed a bunch of people. Even if you come out and say it was a rabid mountain lion with mange, people are still going to think of it as a monster. They’re going to use it to scare their kids into coming straight home from school.” 
“It’s ‘semantics,’” Stinson said. “And I see your point. But I’d also like you to see mine. What the general public knows, and what those parents say to their children, it does matter. We have to be careful about what we say about this event.”
“Right, like, if I was to go to school and tell everyone about the portal to an evil hell dimension under the lab, you think they’re going to believe me?”
She cleared her throat, and the man behind him shifted his weight. “It isn’t about if your fellow students believe you, or your teachers, or the office secretary... It’s about someone finding out the truth later and then realizing that you know it as well.” She leaned forward on the desk. “This is all to protect you, Mr. Harrington.”
Steve grinned and leaned forward as well. “See, that almost sounds reasonable,” he said. “Okay, let’s talk about protection. My friends that got hurt, let’s start with them.”
“Yes, it’s regrettable. They’re victims of a terrible animal attack.”
“Yeah, except for Carol, who got shot.”
“Caught in the crossfire. A terrible accident, but I believe she’ll pull through.”
“They’re all going to pull through, and then some. Your group is going to make sure of it.”
Stinson raised her eyebrows and sat up straight. “Oh, are we bargaining now? Is that what we’re doing?” 
“I just want to make some things clear. I don’t want any bullshit about anyone missing out on the best care because you think you can sweep this under the rug. You have to follow through on cleaning up everything that went on here.”
She smirked a little. “Is that your request? Your friends’ health for your silence?”
“Hardly,” Steve said. “I’m just setting the stage for what needs to happen next.”
That got him a set of raised eyebrows. “Oh? Feeling a little prescient, are we? Why don’t you tell me a little more about what happens next?”
Steve took a deep breath, and laid it out for her. “My friends get their medical bills covered. All of them. Anyone whose parents aren’t in the know are given good reasons for what happened, something that has them coming off as heroes or good Samaritans or whatever. Some of them are going to be, like, traumatized and shit and probably need counseling. They get that, too.”
“That’s going to be difficult, given that we don’t want them talking to anyone about what happened here.”
“Then I guess you have to find someone with clearance who can do it.” He crossed his arms, trying to think of what else went wrong the first time around, what else he might be able to fix now. He snapped his fingers. “Oh, and you need to take care of the adults, too. None of this weird spy crap like what they did with Hopper. Mrs. Byers and Mr. Munson don’t need you breathing down their necks while they’re worried about their kids.”
The edge of Stinson’s mouth almost turned up into a smile. “I see that you’ve given this some thought, but I’ve been wondering something.” She drummed her fingers on the table again. “What makes you think you have the leverage to make these demands?”
He sat back in the chair and shrugged. “You don’t want information about the monster getting out, right? It’s not just that we shouldn’t talk about it ‘for our own good.’ It’s for your good, too. Right?”
“It’s a matter of national security,” she said. 
“Right. So it’s in the nation’s best interest to clean up its damn mess,” he said. 
She got up from her chair. “Mr. Harrington, let me be clear. There will be no bargaining here. You and your friends aren’t going to breathe a word about any monsters, or there will be serious consequences.”
He sighed and relaxed a little. “There it is,” he muttered. “Your ‘serious consequences’ are so vague. You’re going to do, what? Threaten to ruin our families? Get my dad fired, maybe? You’re wasting your time. None of that will make any difference.” 
“And why is that, Mr. Harrington? Because you took some photographs?” She picked up a folder and opened it to show the photo from his backyard. He wasn’t sure where they’d got it from, but there it was. “If this was what you planned on showing people, I’m afraid you’re out of luck.”
He stopped and stared at it, but only for a second. Then, he gave her a little smile. “And how many copies did you find?” he said. “Are you sure you got all of them?”
She frowned at him. “That hardly matters. You won’t be showing these to anyone, because the ‘monster’ is gone now.”
“Right. All you’ve got left is that big, ominous gate under the lab,” he said. “You’re going to have a harder time covering that one up when people start looking for it.”
She crossed her arms. “That won’t be a problem for much longer.”
“Really? You think so? Because it’s going to be harder and harder to hide the longer it stays open.”
“It won’t stay open for long.”
“Want to bet?”
It was a risky move. He knew that El was the only one who could close the gate, and there was always a chance that they’d managed to recapture her despite what the kids said, but they hadn’t done that the first time around and this visit to the hospital felt almost the same as that one had. The only difference was that he knew a lot more about what was going on this time around, and he wasn’t as scared. And it paid off a little, because Agent Stinson looked unnerved by the fact that he wasn’t intimidated.
“The existence of the gate is precisely why we need you to be quiet about this,” she said. It was like she’d evaluated him and shifted tactics towards more gentle persuasion. “This is about the safety of your country, Steve. We can’t have the Russians finding out about this.”
He flinched. He couldn’t help it. “Jesus Christ,” he said as he put his hand over his eyes. “You can’t really think that me and my friends are a bigger risk than, like, literally anyone at that damn lab.”
“The men and women who work in the lab all have security clearance,” Stinson said. “They’re all loyal to their country.” 
Steve rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I’m sure the people who ran experiments on little kids are really the picture of morality here.” 
She frowned and crossed her arms. “Maybe we should be establishing exactly what you think you know about what went on in that lab, Mr. Harrington.”
They were interrupted by someone shouting in the hallway. The second agent, who still hadn’t uttered a word, looked to Stinson for orders. The commotion came closer, and Steve thought he recognized the voices. 
“You will let me in to see my son or, so help me, I will personally sue this entire hospital into the ground.” That was definitely his dad’s voice, and he was right outside the door. 
Someone was trying to talk him down, but they didn’t manage to quiet him at all, because the next thing he said was, “I don’t care what he’s done. He is sixteen years old. You do not have our permission to talk to him without us present.” He started going on about how they should have called him the moment Steve was located, and he could just barely hear his mother chiming in with her own thoughts on the matter. 
Steve sunk into the chair, groaning at the thought of the scene his parents were making. Stinson looked uncomfortable, too, but she gestured for her partner to let them in. Mom came straight to him, checking him over for injuries and fussing about how filthy he was. Dad just started to pace.
“Has he been seen by a doctor?” Mom asked.
Stinson shook her head. “He’s not injured,” she said.
“He’s been missing for two days. He needs to be seen.” She stood up and tugged at his arm. “We’re getting him looked at.”
“Mr. and Mrs. Harrington, Steven is in some serious trouble for his actions over the past few days.”
That set his dad off. “If he’s being charged with a crime, then I’m calling our lawyer,” he said. “You’ll talk to him about it, not to my son.” 
She waved her hand and gestured for them to sit down. “Please sit down,” she said. “We’re not charging him at this time. We just need to impress upon him the consequences of his actions.”
Mom took a seat, but Dad refused. He crossed his arms and glared at Stinson. “Really? All I’ve heard is that he helped rescue two missing kids. What, exactly, do you think he’s done to warrant this interrogation?” 
Stinson sighed and took a seat. “I’m not sure I can disclose all of that, Mr. Harrington. Some of it is a matter of national security.”
Steve made a snap decision. “Just tell them,” he said. “No, I’ll tell them.”
She looked up and glared at him. “Excuse me?” 
“I haven’t signed anything yet,” he said. “What’s stopping me?”
“I can still have you detained indefinitely.” She looked at his parents. “All three of you.”
“Except that half the town saw me come in here with Chief Hopper and Mrs. Byers and her missing kid.” He held up his hand and ticked a count off on his fingers. “And Eddie Munson, too? He’s been missing since Sunday, and people knew that. And then there’s the bloodbath at the middle school...”
“Bloodbath?” His mom’s voice sounded faint.
“At least, there must’ve been, with all the cops that showed up. And the kids were involved in that, and Carol Perkins is still in surgery.” He spread his hands out as he finished counting. “Not to mention that Tom Holloway is out for blood about whoever or whatever killed his daughter. Nice job on the fake body there, Agent. I saw the real one down in the Upside Down, but hey, at least he’ll get some closure.” 
The muscle in Stinson’s jaw twitched as she stared at him. “What, exactly, do you think you’re proving with this little rant?” 
“It’s too big,” Steve said, letting his hands fall into his lap. “Too many people know what’s going on. If you try to start shutting us up, people are going to notice.” He gave her his best angry glare. “Like how people noticed that you sent Barb and her parents away.”
Stinson grimaced at that. “I will concede that the previous administrators of this project were shortsighted in their actions,” she said. “However, I didn’t bring you in here to bargain with you.”
“No, you brought me in here to sign an NDA about everything that happened in the lab,” Steve said.
Her eyebrows shot up a little. “And you haven’t signed anything yet.”
She propped her elbows up on the desk and peered at him from over her hands, like she was studying him. “Actually, Mr. Harrington, I haven’t mentioned anything about signing an NDA. Not yet, anyway.”
He shifted in his chair. “I mean, that’s what happens in these things, right? I have to sign away my right to talk about stuff. It’s, like, a legal vow of silence or something.”
She smiled then. “Indeed, it is. Quite the lucky guess about what happens next, though you seemed pretty confident in it until just now.”
Steve shrugged again. Dad came to stand next to him and put his hand on his shoulder. “What are you implying?” he asked.
Stinson looked up at him, then back down at Steve. “Your son was involved in an incident that could compromise national security, if it got out. This is, of course, through no fault of his own. He was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Isn’t that right, Steven?” 
This time it was Steve’s turn to tense up. He didn’t know what she was implying, but he felt like he’d misstepped somewhere. “Yeah,” he said. “Pretty much.” 
“Unfortunately, since he and his friends witnessed activities that are classified as state secrets, we are going to have to forbid them from discussing those activities and have him sign a non-disclosure agreement to that effect.” She picked up a stack of papers and tapped them on the desk. “The alternative would be to confine him to a government facility until such a time that the information is declassified.”
“What did he see?” Mom asked. Her voice was quiet, but they heard her clearly. She looked over at him. “Steve, what in the world happened?”
“I’m not at liberty to discuss—”
“Have them sign it, too,” Steve said. “Just make up some copies for them, right?” 
Stinson glared at her. “It’s not as simple as all that.” 
“You know what? Here.” He reached forward and plucked the picture of the demogorgon out of the stack of papers before she could stop him. He held it up for his parents. “I’m making it simple. This is what I saw.” 
They gawked at the photo. It was one of the clearer ones, at least where the monster was concerned. He knew the figures in it were him, Robin, and Tommy, but they were harder to make out. Also, it was obviously in their backyard. Stinson sucked her breath in through her teeth and snatched the photo back.
“That’s why there’s a patch of burned grass,” Dad said. “Because of this thing?” 
“You weren’t supposed to see that,” Stinson said. She glared at Steve. “That was very foolish.” 
He shrugged. “So I’m an idiot,” he said. “Get them to sign some papers, too. Too many kids were involved in this, and not enough adults.” 
Stinson kept glaring at him, but she gestured again for Dad to sit. Steve got up to give him his chair. He finally sat down, and he looked a little shocked by everything. Steve hung back to listen as Stinson caved and gave them a very abbreviated version of the events. When they looked at him to confirm it, he just shrugged and nodded. 
“You’re with the same people who came by the house,” Dad said. When Steve looked confused, he waved his hand. “Today, after we reported you missing, a bunch of men in suits came by and asked what you’d been doing all week. They had pictures of a kid with a shaved head, asked if we’d seen her... It was bizarre. That’s what this is all about, isn’t it? Who was that girl?” 
“I’m afraid I can’t go into that,” Stinson said. She glared at Steve. “And no matter what your son tells you, I promise you that he doesn’t know the whole story about what goes on in the lab.” 
Steve rolled his eyes, but he kept his mouth shut this time. His parents just looked frustrated by everything. “Just get to the part about what we’re not allowed to talk about in public, and then we can figure out how you’re going to make that worth it to us.”
“Steven,” Dad scolded. 
“David,” Steve said right back at him, in the same tone. Dad clenched his jaw. He didn’t yell, but he looked like he wanted to. Steve stepped back and sighed, letting his shoulders drop. He was getting too wound up about all of this. Nothing was going the way he wanted it to.
“Let’s be reasonable here,” Mom said. “We understand that people can’t know about that... Whatever it was. And they can’t know that it came from the lab. It seems to me that it’s perfectly believable that there was some kind of wild animal out there. I mean, that certainly made sense to me.”
Like a switch had flipped with Stinson’s mood, she and his parents started talking about what would need to happen next. Steve watched it happen without saying anything more, and he felt drained. He had to lean on the back of the chairs to stay upright. His arms were shaking, and he felt a little dizzy, too. A wave of chills came over him all of a sudden, and he gave a full-body shudder.
“I think you were right earlier,” Stinson said. “He might need to see a doctor.”
Mom looked alarmed. They’d just gotten to the part of the story that they were going to tell about him being missing. “I thought you said he wasn’t injured.”
“I’m not,” Steve said. “I’m fine.”
“You might be in shock,” Stinson said. She gestured at the other agent, who stepped out of the door and called for someone. “It can take a while to set in.”
His hands were still shaking, and he hugged his arms to his chest and shivered. “Yeah, maybe,” he muttered. The other agent brought a couple of orderlies. One had a blanket and the other had a wheelchair, and that made Steve roll his eyes hard enough that he almost fell over. But Mom made him sit in the wheelchair and then came with him as they pushed him off to another room. Dad stayed behind to talk to Stinson.
They took him to a room with an exam table and he managed to climb up onto it while they went to get a doctor. Mom fussed at him for a while, then sat down in the other chair. Steve sighed and slumped over, running his hands through his hair. It was greasy and he felt gross all over. “I’m sorry about all this,” he said.
“Oh, stop,” she said with a shake of her head. But she went quiet and thoughtful for a moment before she spoke again. “The people from the lab asked so many questions about you today, Steve. We thought they were with the police at first, but then they wanted to look around the house. David got upset. He’s been suspicious ever since.”
“Yeah,” Steve said. “They’re not good people.”
“Yes...” she said carefully. “But Steve, some of the questions they asked... They wanted to know how you got involved in this. They wanted to know how long you’d been acting strangely. It’s like they assumed that something had happened to you before all of this.” She frowned. 
He gulped. “What did you tell them?” 
“Well, frankly, I got a little defensive that they seemed to want to blame you for disappearing,” she said with a huff. “But we talked about it after, and it sounded like they’d been investigating you, honey. And, well... You have been acting weird.” 
“Mom...” He sat up and looked around, wondering if the doctor was about to walk in.
She frowned and looked at the door, but seemed to get what he was worried about. She lowered her voice. “We were wondering if it was related to your baseball thing,” she said quietly. When he looked confused, she sighed and rolled her eyes. “You know what I’m talking about honey. I know you and your dad bond over baseball.”
It all clicked at once. They were talking about the prediction he’d made, and the bet. He didn’t get a chance to confirm it, though, because the doctor knocked and walked in. He was obviously tired from all the things going on in the hospital that night, but the annoyance vanished off his face when he took a look at Steve. He came right to him and started talking about shock symptoms and checking him over for trauma. 
“He’s very pale,” the doctor said. “Heart rate is elevated, too. Were you one of the kids out there when they hunted down that wild animal, son?” 
Mom spoke up. “He was out there,” she said. “He was with Chief Hopper. He helped rescue those kids who’d been missing.”
The doctor looked impressed. “You must’ve had quite a shock, then,” he said. “The older boy has a lot of injuries. It must’ve been hard to see.”
“That’s Eddie,” Steve said quietly. “How’s he doing? Is he okay?” He tried to keep his voice level, but a crack snuck through.
“He’s in surgery,” the doctor said. “I can check on him. They brought in some specialists for him because of the head injuries.”
Steve gulped. “You should tell them to check his ribs, too. I think I broke them,” he said. “When I... He wasn’t breathing, so I...” He put his hands together and mimicked the action of chest compressions.
The doctor looked taken aback for a moment. “That’s all right, son. I’ll let them know,” he said. Then he turned to talk to Mom. He told her how Steve was definitely in shock, possibly dehydrated, and that he was going to set him up with a room and have the nurses monitor him for the night. 
Mom just nodded and waited until the doctor was gone before she said anything else. “You didn’t mention that you saved that boy’s life, Steve.” She got up and came over to smooth his hair back.
Steve pulled the blanket tighter. “It wasn’t just me,” he said. “We all went down there.” 
“Steven,” she said, holding his face in his hands. “What happened to you, honey? How did all this happen?” 
He stared at her. In all the time since this had started, he hadn’t ever thought about how his parents would react to everything. He’d only spilled the secret because they’d been there and he’d been out of his depth with Stinson. He hadn’t expected them to react like they did, with both of them leaping to his defense. In his past life, they’d never found out about the Upside Down. They’d just wondered what happened to him as he became more and more withdrawn. 
But now, with his mom holding his face, he wondered how they would’ve reacted if he’d told them. Maybe they would have been on his side the whole time. He didn’t even realize that he was crying until she wiped the tears from his cheeks and pulled him close.  
“Oh, honey,” she said gently. “What do you need? What can I do?”
Steve didn’t answer her. He just sobbed as he leaned onto her shoulder. Everything was hitting him at once and he couldn’t think anymore.
Taglist: @neonfruitbowl
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whumpty-dumpty-doo ¡ 3 months ago
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Just thinkin' about and missing writing ~the boys~
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smzeszikorova ¡ 2 years ago
OC Crossover Art Compilation.
Thanks for doing this with me, everyone. This was so much fun, and infinitely better-constructed on my part than the last game. Excited to share these with you.
Here we go!
The First One: In which Winson, Levi, and @thatonecrowguy's OC Scott from Dog Days are stranded in the middle of nowhere together after Scott's van breaks down.
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The Second One: In which Catherine and @aether-wasteland-s's OC Blake from A Time Travel Conundrum have a piney conversation about their loves.
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The Third One: In which Victoria and @royal1asset-if's OC Serena from Royal Asset try to break into a locked safe.
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And the Fourth One: In which @dogmomwrites's OC Jimmy from their currently untitled WIP takes a bug-eating joyride with fellow creepy crawly connoiseurs Eva and Rolyn.
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All participants, thanks again! And thanks for your patience. I was planning on making some effortless scribbles, but your OCs were just too fun to draw. I couldn't resist putting in some time.
Hope it was worth the wait. :D
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orcelito ¡ 2 years ago
Ok I gave up and added a hiatus tag to discacc 😭 I don't wanna but I also would prefer to be up front with discacc readers. And we r now at nearly 6 months without an update (HOWWW DID THAT TIME PASS) so. Yeah.
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oflights ¡ 1 year ago
chapter 17 is up!
we are SO back!
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The Star Splitter, a Harry/Draco fic by oflights, chapter 1/?
Summary: On a routine time travel assignment to the past, Draco stumbles upon 7-year-old Harry Potter and witnesses his neglect and mistreatment by the Dursleys. In the moment, there is only one solution, even if it goes against all his training as a Time Agent: he has to bring Harry back to the future with him.
In which Draco burns his life down for the sake of his former school rival.
Notes: chapter one of The Star Splitter is now up! i'm so excited to start posting this; it's probably one of the most tender and heartbreaking things i've ever written (happy ending guaranteed!!) note the tags, and note that i'll be adding additional tags/warnings as we go. also check out both playlists, if you'd like: regular playlist | orchestral playlist
thank you to everyone who was excited about the snippets and voted in the poll!! i hope you like this, and let me know what you think!
read chapter one HERE.
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obsessivevoidkitten ¡ 7 months ago
Male Triceratops Hybrid Alpha Yandere x Gender Neutral Capybara Hybrid Omega Reader
CW: Noncon, painful to pleasureable sex, mild violence (not towards reader), time travel, sexism, breeding, impregnation, pheromones, a/b/o, musk, scent marking, scent kink, sucking on dem big man titters, biting, bite marking, claiming, exceptionally huge dick, reader inflated with copious cum, knotting
Word Count: 1.9k
(Sometimes I get stuck on WIPs and have to do something new to write again. I wrote this in two days. Hope y'all like it! Please feed me with comments ❤️)
You were an omega demi-human. Part capybara, though the only evidence of this was your soft ears. More importantly, you were a quantum physicist. Currently, you were studying and recreating what you thought to be a time travel device. Your thoughts and theories had been dismissed entirely by your peers. It didn't help at all that you were an omega. Omegas working in academia were almost universally harassed, derided, and treated with condescension. As if their omega brains couldn't work at the same level as betas and alphas.
But even if it wasn't some type of device for traveling through time it was certainly alien to the time period from which it originated. It was made of advanced alloys and components that had been flattened, buried, and heavily corroded over time. The rock in which it was embedded in was older than any ancient society.
You had been working on manufacturing a functional copy of the artifact for years. Shmoozing up eccentric rich fucks, getting help from the exceedingly few colleagues who would help you in any way, slowly analyzing every detail and carefully bringing it all together. And at long last it was complete. The zenith of your career was at hand. And after some cautious testing that you conducted privately, it was ready to show to others.
You managed to get a spot at a small conference, though you had lied about the subject on which you would be speaking, and by the time it was your turn most of the audience had left. Not many academics cared what an omega had to say. Let alone one with a reputation for being a crackpot. But there were still enough of your fellow scientists and this would all be on video.
Instead of introducing the topic of your presentation, which would be a surefire way to lose what people were still watching, you opted for wheeling out your machine onto the stage and stepping in. With a deep breath, you booted it up and the entire contraption disappeared with a flash.
When you exited the machine there was an immediate problem. You stepped out of the machine into a forest with giant trees and flowers. You had only intended to go back a minute to when your presentation started but had made an error. You turned around to step back in but something pulled you backwards by your rear. You fell back and saw before you a humongous man charging at your time machine. He wore only a ragged fur loincloth and swung a massive club. He looked human except for his size, thick tail, scaled arms, and three horns on his head. One large horn from each temple and a small one extending from my nose.
You looked on in horror as he swung a mighty club down upon your only way back to your own time, repeatedly smashing it down until it resembled the exact shape of the artifact that had been excavated in your time. The relic that you had fashioned your own machine after. That wasn't what your attention was on, however. You were much more focused on getting away from the raging beast of a man who could flatten metal so easily.
Though with his task of destroying the frightening affront to nature that had appeared from nowhere now complete, he turned his attention to you. He shouted at you in a language you didn't understand, though his intent was clear. He had a massive erection sticking out from his loincloth and aggressively sniffing at your neck after picking you up with unexpected care.
With exertion of great willpower, the trike-man managed to not breed you silly right there in the forest. Your pheromones were driving him nearly feral. Modern-day omega pheromones were many times more potent than any prehistoric omega. They had evolved through millennia to pique the interest of choosy alphas despite the steep competition, an evolutionary arms race to try to snag an alpha.
That wasn't the only appealing trait. You were exotic, had cute little furry ears on your head, and you were so small, couldn't fight back and act all defiant like the omegas from his time.
You did struggle though. You had seen his arousal and could still smell it. Almost anything would be better than being violated in such a manner by such a hulking brute. He chuckled at your struggles, they were successful only in tiring you out. On the long way to his lair, between your squirming, kicking, and punching, you had gathered that his name was Orryg. At least you thought it was. He did not speak English, but he gestured at himself and seemed to be trying to give you his name.
He found your struggles kinda cute, mistaking them for an eagerness to escape his grasp and get on with taking his cock already. Omegas were so silly.
"Don't worry. Going to breed you plenty. Better in a secluded place."
You had no idea what he said, but his voice was deep and sounded angry so you could only assume it was something in annoyance at your struggles so you went limp. The giant man could snap you like a twig if he wanted to, best not to make him too upset. And honestly, even if you did escape, where the fuck would you go? What if Orryg wasn't the worst thing prowling about in the time period?
The walk went on for a while, with Orryg giving you an occasional lick or mumbling out some words you didn't have any hope of understanding. After a fair amount of time, Orryg stopped to sniff the air. Suddenly there was a roar from behind.
Orryg turned the two of you around just in time for him to take his club and smack it into a man who was every bit as huge as he was. Swatting him away easily despite being similar in size and build.
This one had sharp teeth and clawed fingers. He spat blood and growled. Orryg regarded him with a scowl.
"Udvik! You know this is trike territory!!"
"Omega smells good, not claimed yet. Thought I'd try..."
"Go before I smash you! This is MINE!"
Udvik spat again and hobbled off. But your suspicions had been confirmed, there were definitely things other than Orryg to be worried about in this time period. You were pretty shaken up seeing a half-dino man jumping at you and watching your captor fight him off. With those teeth it had clearly been no herbivore, it probably would have slaughtered you. Your fear must have been evident in your scent because Orryg held you tighter and nuzzled you.
"That battle got my blood flowing, really need to fuck you. Sorry if it scared you, I'll breed you all better. Almost home."
You continued to have zero idea what the hell he was saying. But you figured with the nuzzling it was something comforting. Though your ability to figure anything out was pretty absent by this point. Your brain was soup. All the anxiety and adrenaline and alpha pheromones had finally gotten to you. You looked at the ground in a stupor as he continued to carry you over his shoulder.
The next thing you were consciously aware of was him entering the cave with you and placing his club at the entrance. He laid down on a slab of stone covered in thick layers of soft furs and placed you on top of his muscled body. Before you had any chance to react he began administering attention to your sensitive neck. You squirmed involuntarily, writhing in pleasure on top of him from the neck stimulation alone.
If that wasn't enough, you were practically drowning in his musk. You had been since you entered his dwelling, the cave was saturated in it, but now he was forcing your head under his arm and making you drink it all in. Smearing your face with it and marking you with his smell. Slick was leaking out of your needy hole and pooling on his abs.
"I knew this would make you feel better."
The trance you were in was only partially broken once you felt the blunt head of his much too-large member press against your hole.
"W-wait! I don-"
But he had no idea what you were saying, and even if he did he knew you'd love his dick so much that you wouldn't protest for long. At this point, you were going to be his... no matter what.
You yelped in pain as he pressed into you, spreading you like none of your toys ever had. He swallowed your shout by pressing his mouth into yours, trying to distract you from the pain with a sloppy kiss before attending to your neck again. Despite every instinct telling him to just ram in and ravage you he restrained himself knowing that doing otherwise could seriously injure you.
Even with his care it still hurt as he slowly eased his prick all the way into you, he rubbed the outline of his cock through your tummy. Lucky for you omegas were extremely stretchy and pliant.
Orryg slowly thrust back and forth inside you as he hungrily took in your scent. As more precum dribbled into you and mixed with your slick you took him easier and the pain slowly began to ebb away and was eventually replaced almost entirely by pleasure. You moaned softly into his chest as you bit at his pec and sucked his nipple while he kept digging his cock into you.
Your whole body shook and spasmed for a solid minute as you came more intensely than you ever had before. Orryg grunted as the feeling of your body convulsing around him brought him nearly to his climax. The trike man upped the pace just a bit, his heavy balls smacking into you before he started knotting inside you and pumping you full of his virile spunk. One small mercy was that his knot was only a bit thicker than the rest of his cock, not over two times as wide like a modern alpha.
The volume of semen was such that it made you look heavy with child, which you certainly would be after lovemaking like this.
Now that you had been well and truly fucked there was only one thing left for your brand new "husband" to do to really seal the deal. He, with great caution, buried his fangs into your neck to mark you permanently as his to everyone who might see you. Which would be more than you might expect. This was Orryg's outpost, he stayed there while on patrol, but he usually lived with his herd.
It would be a hard adjustment for you to make. You would constantly be under Orryg's watchful gaze or the guard of his tribemates when he went to go hunt or if he went to do things too dangerous for you to be with him. You'd never be alone. Even in the safety of the herd, Orryg would obsessively treat you like something fragile. You would have to adjust your diet to what they ate, mostly fruit and vegetables though they ate meat too, though nothing was familiar to you. You would have to slowly learn their language so you could eventually communicate with the new society that "adopted" you.
But it was okay if it took you a while to get settled, you had all the time in the world.
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vampywriter ¡ 2 years ago
I want to. see what stories I've got at the moment in my brain.
Dreaming of you: first draft written. Soulmates who share dreams of alternate universes.
That Magic World series:
That Magic Quest: Started the first draft during Nanowrimo 22. This has been described as HP meets Percy Jackson.
Patchwork Family: first draft written.
Best Friend's Dad: first draft written.
Deaged (Will and Charlie): started writing it.
Past Rewritten: started writing it.
Keeping You Safe (three real dudes and a chemist): started writing it, changed my mind about the plot and the characters, so I'm Thinking.
The Time-Travel Story: I've started writing it and making a game out of it!
And... am I adding the two I've been thinking about? yeah guess I am. But they haven't got names yet hmmmm. tough one.
The Powers Story: Under Construction. There's a school, orphans, and dragons. and elemental magic / superpowers. I'm vaguely inspired by Sky High, Carmen Sandiego (with the school of VILE) and Tara Duncan.
Treasure and Family: Under Construction. I'm thinking vaguely inspired by Assassin's Creed, the Templar Knights, Uncharted (the movie, haven't played the games yet), HP, and ASOUE.
I haven't really written in a while, so the stories are really just rotating in my brain.
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ilovedthestars ¡ 1 year ago
trick or treat... something spooooky :3
if only i'd ever written a single word of that Frankenstein AU idea...alas! i spent so long mulling this over, i don't really write horror and even like, suspense is rare for me and i think i've shared all the best examples of it.
so here is a more recent wip that i hope is written suspensefully!! to set the scene: a ghost ship has just been detected on the edge of Preservation space. It's drifting under no engine power and not responding to comm contacts. Murderbot goes with the station responder to check it out, and when they get close they pick up a short range "assistance needed" signal. Here's two snips, since they're short:
“So they were desperate.” “Yes.” “Why couldn’t we pick up the signal until we got this close? It’s not very good as a distress beacon.” I had also wondered about that, and I had an answer from my analysis of the signal. “It isn’t coming from a bot pilot. It matches the signal strength of a planetary rescue marker. We had similar ones on surveys. It’s meant for a hopper flying over an area to be able to locate a single lost human, not a ship in the middle of space.” “So the bot pilot is probably down, or it would be broadcasting a stronger signal.” “Probably. Or it’s playing dead.” “What’s your assessment?” “We can’t rule out that it’s a corporate decoy.” Indah made an I know, you’ve said that already face, but I wasn���t done. “We shouldn’t stop treating it as a potential threat, but I don’t think that’s the most likely scenario. I think a system failed, some panicked human managed to set off an emergency beacon, and then the ship lost power completely.” “So you think when we board it—“ “We’re going to find a lot of dead humans.”
[they board the ship, and find a lot of dead humans. they go exploring a little bit....]
The size and layout of the room was familiar. Just big enough for Indah and I to both squeeze in without her getting too close to me, but not much bigger. A cabinet in the corner that was tall enough to hold a set of armor. A locked crate to hold weapons and other security equipment. And in the corner— Indah took a step towards the chest-height white cube, looking puzzled. I said, “That’s a cubicle.” She froze. “For?” “For SecUnits.” Indah cursed under her breath. “Is there one inside?” “It’s shielded to scans.” I moved towards the cubicle, and she got out of my way. I had an unpleasant guess about what was still drawing power even before I put my hand on the casing. There was a faint buzz. It was running. I grabbed the handle and pulled the door open. There was a SecUnit inside. My threat assessment spiked, even though I had anticipated a high probability that the cubicle was occupied. The SecUnit had its eyes closed, and it didn’t move when I opened the door. I watched it for a few seconds, and then said, “It’s in stasis.” Indah had one hand on her baton, like that was going to do anything against a SecUnit. “What does that mean?” “It’s like sleeping. Or…cryo pods, like on the generation ships…?” I wondered if those actually worked the way they did in the dramatization of Preservation’s founding that I’d watched with my humans once. “It’s partly offline. It will only wake up if a system tells it to.” It still hadn’t reacted to me opening the door. The cubicle didn’t seem to be kicking it into a restart. “It probably disabled the automatic restart and sealed itself in here. It was trying to escape the contamination.” “Clever,” Indah muttered.
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felixandresims ¡ 10 months ago
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Hello again :),
It is finally finished, and I am so happy to receive all your replies to my WIP Post.
As I had shown you before, for this month, I was working on a Bedroom Set and created a walk-in wardrobe, too. This collection consists of 36 items.
I based The whole Soho Set around a loft apartment, and I was thinking of a bedroom that could be built into an open space. Of course, I wanted to create modern items, but there are slight retro and Art Deco hints, mainly through patterns and backdrops. I thought it was time to make new bedding; I got a bit bored of the Berlin and Fayun ones :D. you can combine it with a separate bed base and a headboard with plug details. For the 'Livin Rum', I created a wooden Eames chair; for this collection, I made the metal frame version and added a bedside table in a similar style.
As mentioned, I added a modular walk-in wardrobe with four shelves. I added 16 different garments, three luxury handbags inspired by Louis Vuitton, Bottega Veneta, and Hermès. There are lots of customizing options. You can either place those items into the open space and cover them with mirror walls or against a wall.
This Set is on Early Access and will be released at the beginning of July. and you can find it here
A small gimmick: I bought a Cardboard VR Goggle because I created 3D images of my travels and tried the same stereoscopic technique with my sims interiors, and it worked; the sims look so so cute in actual 3D :D, in case you have VR glasses I wanted to share my Promo images in 3D too if you concentrate on the pictures you can also see them in 3D without goggles :)
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This is the second to last iteration, and I will work on a Living collection for the coming month.
I hope you like the new items. Again, thank you so much for everything!!!
Lots of Love,
Felix xxx
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inkwell-chronicles ¡ 7 months ago
Three (ish) Words for story/WIP Inspiration:
Friends, lovers, death 
Travel, night-drives, rain
Illness, death, grief 
Forest, music, teen-in-love
End-of-world-feeling, drowning, chaos
Lovers, free-time, romance 
Boy, power-hungry, animosity 
Boy, grieving, pain
Turn-back-time, danger, travel 
Artist, financial-trouble, survival 
Friend-betrayal, danger, resolution 
Dark-academia, life-changes, romance 
Thunderstorm, enemies-to-lovers, dancing 
Books, small-shop-owner, romance 
Financial-trouble, girl-in-need, friend-finder
Sand-dunes, teleportation, action-packed 
High-school-drama, mental-health, romance 
Internal-struggle, finds-peace, hard work
Magical-object, strange-place, new-abilities 
Unlock-knowledge, new-world, dangerous 
Fire, girl-in-red, kill-or-be-killed
Past-trauma, mental-death, moving-forward 
Graveyard, sea-of-flowers, overwhelming-grief 
Lost-girl, wandering, meaning-of-life
Coffee-shop, forbidden-romance, love-at-first-sight
(I know I used dashes weirdly but shh... it makes sense lol)
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addledmongoose ¡ 2 months ago
Best of 2024 Good Omens Fanfiction
Welcome to my list of the best Good Omens fanfiction I’ve read in 2024! These are my favorites of all the novels, short stories, and series I’ve read this year, and they’re the ones I have or am most likely to read more than once. There’s so much amazing talent in the Good Omens fandom, and I will never be able to read every great story, but I’m happy to have found these fantastic works. (FYI, I added up the word counts of all the stories on this list, and it’s over three million!)
First of all, if you haven’t read the stories on my 2023 Best Of list, be sure to check out the amazing works there. There are a lot of older classics, like Or Be Nice, Slow Show, and Pray For Us, Icarus and some stories written after season two released, like Factory Setting and Married At First Sight. 
Secondly, here is the entire list of every recommendation I’ve made in 2024. There are far more great stories than can fit in a single year-end list. I’ll be unpinning that list and pinning up a new one next year.
Last year, I was able to split my list up more evenly into canon adjacent/compliant and human AU. This year, I read a wider variety of stories, many of them quite long, and more series. I’m splitting the list into three categories: canon, human AU, and non-human AU. There's no order or ranking to the list; they were mostly just added as I read them.
There are also no WIPs here; all of the stories are complete. The series are also complete at the time of this list or are a series of standalone shorts that don't need to be read in order. My preferences lean toward funnier, lighter stories and are often heavy on plot. If you’re looking for dark stories with a lot of angst, you won’t find as many here as other blogs might recommend. It’s not that some of these don’t have dark, sad moments or moments of angst, but Aziraphale and Crowley must have a happy ending, and I prefer stories that don’t make me cry or cause a lot of stress.
If you like these stories, don’t forget to leave kudos and comments for the authors! 
If you hit that "Keep reading" button, strap in! This is a very, very long post.
They’re still angel and demon. I’m counting Reverse Omens in this category.
The Seventh Prince of Hell (56K; Rated M) by @evilasiangenius
Reverse Omens. This is actually part of a series, but I’ve only read the first book, so I’m not listing it as a series. Aziraphale is the Seventh Prince of Hell. His animal aspect is the octopus. Crowley is an ordinary angel. Both are assigned to Earth. They have adventures!
Genesis 3:(-7)-5.5 -7   And they assembled all the Lords, the Princes of Hell into a congregation together sometime after the seventh day, but not on a day of rest because even the Dark Council has a day off. -6  When it came to pass that all grew weary of the powerful pointing presentations, Lord Beelzebub spake with a loud voice, saying unto them, One of uzz brotherzz muzzt go to Earth as Hell’s Represzentative and thwart the doings of Heaven; there izz no choice now that the Almighty has created humanzz. Who amongzt uzz shall take up the project? It comezz with a great deal of extra paperwork, much travel, and no overtime pay. And we shall not reimbursze anything and there shall be no per diem. [...] -3  And of the seven Princes of Hell, three stepped forward, and only three; not two nor five, which are the other prime numbers near three and definitely not one, which is not a prime at all but the unit. The first was the Second Prince, who is called Asmodeus and is a demon of lust. The second was the Seventh Prince, who is called Aziraphale and is a demon of collecting stuff. And the third was the Fourth Prince, who is not worth talking about because they only appear in this one scene and for no other reason than to have three characters. I think that Prince is the demon of executive dysfunction or erectile dysfunction or something like that. Maybe both.
Nice And Ominous: a reluctant eschatology of the Second Attempt (series) (117K; Rated T/E) by @e-rated-beardo
A three-part, post-s2 series with gorgeous art by the author. Part I is Crowley’s POV as he deals with the loss of his angel. Part II is from Aziraphale’s POV as he tries to stop the Second Coming and deal with the loss of his demon. Part III is the thrilling finale (and the happy ending). Expect a lot of angst but great characters and plot.
It was a shit day. All the days had been shit, and there had been rather a shitload of them so far. Tucked away in a disused corner of a car park in a retail park in Croydon, a lanky man cracked his eyes open and scowled out the side window of his car. There were raindrops hitting the glass and clouds massing towards the eastern horizon suggested a storm was on its way. He had slept uncomfortably across the front seats for a good amount of time (it didn’t much matter what exact amount), and despite the car being a vintage and exceptionally attractive specimen, nobody had paid it much mind—and the few people who had had the idea to come over and have a look at the ostensibly abandoned vehicle had all suddenly realised how much they actually needed to go buy a sofa or something at that Ikea over there, right about now, in fact. Untangling his various limbs, the man in the car—who wasn’t exactly a man, as such, but close enough for government work—reluctantly sat up, his boot brushing against one of the empty bottles on the floor. He had neglected to sober up before going to sleep.
Too Hot for Heavenly Handling (2.4K; Rated E) by @hollybennett123
Crowley says yes to returning to Heaven. The two enjoy three fornication-fueled weeks before they’re hauled before the Metatron and the other archangels for a disciplinary hearing. Rating-aside, there’s not any actual sex in this story. It’s implicit; not explicit.
I’ve read this story more times than I can count (ok, it’s seven). I nearly choked the first time I read it, because I was laughing so hard. Every sentence is a gem. The timing of the jokes is impeccable. There’s not a single bad line in this entire piece. 
“No angel shall pretend to be of a lower status than their actual ranking,” Aziraphale reads aloud. “What does that have to do with — ohhh,” he says, wide-eyed, remembering their ongoing little roleplay. Crowley, an angel of the lowest ranking in their little game, seeking favour from an Archangel; offering to service him in secret so he might earn a series of Heavenly promotions. It had been jolly good fun, actually. “Misuse of Heavenly furniture,” the Metatron continues. “One count. Again, the actual number is unknown. Quite frankly, no one here is willing to research it further to gather any more evidence than the minimum required to bring you before this Council.” Looking back, Aziraphale’s desk has seen quite a bit of action in recent weeks. And the chair. The walls, too, if they count.
Aziraphale’s Diaries (series) (11K; Rated T) by @fellshish
A series of standalone fics written as Aziraphale’s diary entries. They don’t need to be read in any order. All of them are fantastic, but I probably laughed the hardest at “Adventures of a mystery shopper in the bookshop.” Aziraphale decides Crowley must be bored after the Nomageddon and in need of work and decides to “let” him take care of his bookshop while he’s away, but then he worries the demon might sell some of his books.
29 August 2018 I’ve informed Crowley I’ll be going away for about three weeks, to perform an exciting and complicated blessing abroad. In reality, I’ve booked the Ritz for myself, where I’ll be forced to act human and eat breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Anything to keep a close eye on Crowley!   30th August 2018 It’s my first day away. I decided to go by the bookshop in an “old and confused man disguise” so I could look through the window. I was just in time (a three hour window between lunch and afternoon tea at the Ritz) to see him read the letter I’d posted a few days ago so it would arrive just as I’d left.  It was cleverly addressed “To the owner or the current guardian of this bookshop”. I used all my knowledge of humans, gathered via the cleverest of ways (a lot of reading), to write it. 
A Special Place In Hell (50K; Rated T) by @hotcrosspigeon and @mirach
When Adam shifted reality and caused Satan to disappear, the nearest supernatural entity became the new King of Hell. As it so happened, a certain angel was standing just a little closer than his demon.
Aziraphale, while not Falling, becomes the new ruler of Hell and must navigate Hellish politics, find a role for the love of his life, and maybe bring some proper tea time to the infernal realm. I stumbled upon this story purely by accident one night, and it was a pure joy to read. It’s one of those stories I wish was a series, because I could read so much more in this world.
"Hello, Crowley, my dear fellow. I would like to discuss a certain issue with you. You see, I somehow got into a very peculiar predicament..." Aziraphale sighed in frustration, pacing in his bookshop. "No no no, that sounds like I got my hand stuck in the sweets vending machine again." He cleared his throat. "Hey Crowley, what's up? Better sit down because I have some news to tell you... And by some news I mean... errr..." The angel groaned. "Oh Heavens, there's just no proper way to say this. Ugh, come on, Aziraphale, buck up! You just need to get to the point, that's all. Say the things as they are. No going in circles around the matter. Nice and accurate, right. Just tell him..." He turned at the sound of the bookshop doorbell. "Hello Crowley! Nice weather, isn't it?" "Wha..?" Crowley raised an incredulous eyebrow over the top of his sunglasses, a drop of water running along the edge of his nose. His red hair was plastered to his forehead. He turned to look out the window, jerking a thumb at the onslaught of vicious hail and rain that pelted the glass and plinked against the pane. "Oh, ha ha , very funny. It's bloody bucketing down, angel! I legged it in here before I got clonked on the head with a hailstone the size of my fist." He stopped and frowned at the angel in concern. "Er... you all right? You're looking a bit peaky."
Flowers From Hell (42K; Rated T) by @entanglednow
Crowley creates a hybrid demon flower that turns out to be a little more than he intended. This was such a sweet, beautiful story of found family and love, and you’ll absolutely fall in love with Ivy and want to do everything to protect him.
There's a low, quiet rustle from the atrium, where Crowley keeps his finest plants. The beautiful and often terrified rows of them are always so tall and glossy, and fantastically well maintained. Aziraphale regrets that he hadn't taken more of an interest in Crowley's hobbies. It wouldn't have been too difficult, he imagines, to seek out rare specimens to offer the demon. When he's been given so many long sought after volumes, and unpublished manuscripts in turn. Perhaps he could encourage Crowley to open up more, with a few well thought out questions pertaining to his plants, and their various needs. He knows Crowley has been absorbed in a special project recently, he'll make a point to ask about it today. Aziraphale heads into the stretch of greenery, following the tap of feet on tiles, and the quiet swish of foliage. He catches a flash of red hair at the end of the room, behind a messy spray of deep green leaves, then another flash, of what might be the long, pale curve of a shoulder. "Crowley?" The whole room smells damp, thick with fresh soil and crushed plant matter, and it grows stronger the deeper in Aziraphale ventures. He's sure the room wasn't quite so large before, it's clearly been expanded since he visited last, a deep bed of soil is now packed at the back of the room. "Crowley." Aziraphale eases a large spray of damp leaves aside. "I hope I'm not too early, I was -" Crowley is standing by the far wall, carefully touching the valley in the middle of a large leaf with curious, repetitive motions. He's also quite naked. It's - it's unexpected to say the least.
Time Marches Forward (129K; Rated M) by @bellisima-writes
While Aziraphale is in Heaven trying to thwart the Second Coming, Crowley is trying to help a frightened 15-year-old Adam learn to deal with his powers. I consider this the definitive S3 (even having written a post-S2 myself), regardless of what the upcoming finale gives us. Every character is wonderfully fleshed out. The plot is intriguing. I read it as fast as humanly possible, barely stopping to do anything else.
Crowley felt the air in the Bentley shift slightly. “What are you doing here?” Crowley jumped in shock, hitting his head on the roof of the Bentley so hard his sunglasses fell off. Adam was suddenly in the passenger seat, studying him cautiously. “Hey! You can’t just come into my car, uninvited,” Crowley hissed, grabbing his glasses and placing them back on his face. He realized he was still slouching, making Adam appear much bigger than he was. He sat up straight and crossed his arms in an attempt to look more intimidating and less drunk. He wondered if it was wise to try and glower at the Antichrist. “He can, actually,” Pepper said from the back seat. Crowley turned and snarled as he noted the three other teenagers in his car. Wensleydale and Brian sat beside her. “He can do anything.” “Yeah well, that may be so but that doesn’t make it right. Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should,” he looked Adam directly in the eyes as he said this, assuming no one else around him would ever be so blunt. “What are you doing lurking around my house?” Adam asked again plainly. Crowley’s glowering was not working. “Ngk. I didn’t come to see you, if that’s what you're asking. I’m as shocked as you are to find myself here. I was asleep for a few days. The bloody car did it; blame it for the lurking”
The Last Angel (162K; Rated E) by @bellisima-writes
Crowley's been Hell's Grand Inquisitor for millennia now. Ever since the Apocalypse, he's managed to carve out a relatively cushy life for himself. Hell won the War, Angels were essentially eradicated and all human souls were Satan's. Everything was fine. Until one day he hears a rumor that the Last Angel in the universe was finally captured. Until Beelzebub is suddenly ordering him to get information from said Angel, information that's critical for Hell's survival. Until the moment he first locks eyes with the last Angel, and everything he's ever known starts to crumble around him.
I can’t come up with a better description than the summary. Much like the author’s previous work, Time Marches Forward, this is plot-heavy, exciting, action-packed, and gorgeous. The characters are detailed and realistic. The plot sings. And you won’t see the surprise until it’s already there.
“What kinds of rumors?” he asked, shifting in his seat to properly face Eric. Words were one thing, but body language was another. As Grand Inquisitor, Crowley learned early on to weigh both when evaluating information shared by a source whose reliability was questionable. Eric was a nice kid, sure. But their reliability would definitely be categorized as questionable . Eric’s mood shifted as they glanced around the corridor. Crowley hadn’t realized how quiet the cells had gotten. The bloody humans were eavesdropping again. He dug deep and pulled up a hiss so loud and laced with demonic power that it rattled every cell door in the entire block. Eric motioned with their hand for Crowley to follow them into a corner and out of earshot of everyone else. As Crowley pulled himself up and started walking he sent searing looks down each row of cells around him. They were all going to have a talk about this later. “What?” he asked when he got close enough to Eric. Still eyeing the cells behind them, Eric leaned in closer and whispered, “Hastur finally found him."
Crowley shook his head. Eric’s shiftiness was starting to annoy him. “Found who?” “The one who killed Ligur. Crowley, Hastur’s finally captured the last Angel.”
Kidnapping A Supreme Archangel For Fun And Profit (series) (31K; Rated T) by @waitingtobebroken
Mostly outsider POV. Four short stories told mostly from the points of view of Agiel, the Supreme Archangel’s assistant, and Kric (Eric with a K), the Grand Duke’s assistant as they try to figure out why the Supreme Archangel is so unworried about all the times he’s getting himself kidnapped by the Grand Duke. In the meantime, the two assistants find that maybe they have more in common than they would have expected, being hereditary enemies and all.
Being Lord Beelzebub's demonic assistant had been easier than overseeing the third circle of Hell. Just stay out of the way, don't make eye contact, not that Kric could, having been blessed with a distinct lack of eyes, and do not talk to the Prince of Hell, unless it was a 'Yes, Your Highness' or... No, that was pretty much it. You did not go around saying "No" to Lord Beelzebub. And of course, just as they had finally grown comfortable in their position, had even found the perfect time to ask for an assistant of their own... There had been a change in leadership. And Kric had found themself serving Crowley. The Original Tempter, the Snake of Eden, the Earth Walker. Kric was not impressed. Flash bastard. And suddenly, they were expected to be in the throne room at all times. To answer when addressed. Proper, actual answer. None of that automatic 'Yes, your Highness' they were so used to. The first time His Rottenness had held up two sashes, before the monthly meeting between Heaven and Hell and had asked which one made his scales look more iridescent and Kric had answered in the only way they knew how... Well, let's just say that hadn't gone well. They had been sent to something called Fashion Week. To better their understanding of clothes and colour theory, something they could sense had been invented by a fellow demon. Lord Crowley, most probably, judging by the way His Wickedness had grinned when he had told them that.
Human AU
Fully human characters. No supernatural/magical elements.
Waking Up Slow (88K; Rated E) by @themoonmothwrites
After both being exposed to covid, strangers Crowley and Aziraphale wait out their isolation together (there’s only one bed!) at a cottage by the sea. This is complete cosycore fluff with just a touch of angst (and a happy ending) near the end. This gorgeous story has stuck with me for so long. If you want something that’s just plain pleasurable to read, this is it.
“Lovely view.” The voice was low, with the slightest hint of gravel, and right next to Aziraphale’s ear. He made an undignified noise and spun round in fright. “Where the devil did you-?” he started, high-voiced, before his foot caught on a stone and he lost his balance. The stranger was standing so close that Aziraphale toppled right into him, and the pair of them went down together in a tangle of knees and a solid thunk to the forehead. “Ow,” the man said, squinting up at Aziraphale, gaze unfocused, before his eyes fell closed. “Oh no!” Aziraphale breathed. “Oh dear. What do I-?” He’d left his blasted phone at the cottage, now of all times when he actually needed it! With an unconscious man lying before him! And it was all Aziraphale’s doing! “I can-- I can-- I know what to do!” he told himself, attempting belatedly not to panic. The best thing to do was not to think too hard. Tipping up the stranger’s chin, Aziraphale pinched his nose and lowered his face until his mouth closed over the other man’s.
The Prince’s Consort (142K; Rated E) by @ineffable-toreshi
Aziraphale is the crown prince of a fictional nation. Crowley is a Lily, trained in one of Lucien’s brothels and kept a virgin for the eventual sale to a wealthy master. Against the brothel owner’s wishes, Crowley is purchased by the prince’s adviser, Gabriel, as a companion for Prince Aziraphale. Aziraphale didn’t want a purchased mate, however, and decides to court his new consort the old-fashioned way. 
The description makes this sound like a darker story than it is; it’s actually a really sweet story with only one bad guy (and it’s not Gabriel).
I wrote a much longer review here if you’d like more details.
“I...I was just wondering, my Lord,” Anthony said, nervously nibbling on his lip and twisting his fingers in his lap. “Why did you choose me ?” Gabriel cocked his head to the side. He leaned back, reclining with his arms thrown up over the edges of the bench, and seemed to think about the question. By the time he finally opened his mouth to answer, Anthony was practically vibrating with curiosity.  “There were a few factors,” he explained thoughtfully. “I’ll admit that your appearance was the first and foremost. I prefer women, myself, but I know beauty in a man when I see it. And I’ve seen the types who’ve caught the prince’s eye over the years. I’m quite confident that he will find you more than pleasing, from an aesthetic standpoint.”
Keep Digging (7K; Rated T) by Appleseeds
After panicking and losing his nerve trying to ask out Aziraphale, the co-worker Crowley has an enormous crush on, he tells a little white lie that ends up completely spiralling out of control since he can't seem to stop digging himself into a deeper and deeper hole. Now he's obtained plans to help him break into a school, inadvertently funded the purchase of explosives, and, knowing his luck, the fake blood will end up permanently staining the tiles. Who knows though, maybe in the end, it'll all turn out to be worth it.
Another one of those stories that are so funny tears stream down my face every time. Even going back through it to find an excerpt had me choking down laughter.
“I actually used to be a music tutor. That was one of the little jokes I liked to tell.” Aziraphale giggled again. Nhhhhh. “Wish you could tutor me…” Crowley muttered under his breath. “Oh! Are you wanting to learn to play a musical instrument?” Aziraphale asked brightly. Crowley’s eyes widened. He wasn’t supposed to hear that. Of course, he wouldn’t have heard it if Crowley had just kept his big mouth shut. “Um. Yeah.” “Wonderful! Which one?” FUCK. How the hell was Crowley supposed to answer that? Whatever he said, he might end up having to get one of said instrument, and he didn’t know much, but he knew musical instruments could be incredibly expensive. There must be something that would be cheap enough to procure if needs be, right? And with that thought, Crowley responded. “The triangle.” Oh Jesus Christ.
Temple of the Muses (241K; Rated E) by @ajconstantine
It’s the start of the Season in 1841 Victorian England. Mr Anthony Crowley has left a life of working at a luxurious high end bordello in Paris behind him and is now a courtesan intent on climbing the social ladder in London to increase his status and social connections. After unexpectedly inheriting the title of the Earl of Eastgate, Aziraphale finds himself trying to navigate the complicated world of the aristocracy. Duke Gabriel purchases a month-long contract with Mr Crowley for Lord Fell as a surprise gift to Aziraphale’s astonishment and dismay. He declines to take full advantage of Crowley’s charms but agrees to an arrangement of pretending to be Crowley’s paramour in exchange for lessons on the etiquette and expectations of Society. It’s a practical arrangement, nothing more. Certainly no feelings will be involved...
One of the best, most well-researched stories I’ve read. The historical elements are fascinating, and the world-building is top notch. Set in an alternate 1841 where there’s no stigma on same sex relationships, but same sex marriage is still not allowed. The story alternates between the present time, with Aziraphale and Crowley navigating their growing relationship, and Crowley’s time being trained at one of the most elite bordellos of Paris.
Crowley has a lot of autonomy in this story. He actively chose to become a sex worker. Once he leaves the bordello and becomes a courtesan, he can refuse to sign with a client. And while there are consequences for breaking a contract, a courtesan can walk away from a troublesome client.
“Exactly what position do you think I was hired for?” Crowley interrupted, pulling the shoulder of his robe back up. The Earl looked at him as if he’d asked a ridiculous question. “Valet, of course.” Crowley barked out a disbelieving laugh. “Duke Haven didn’t tell you about me?” The Earl pursed his lips, tilting his head in puzzlement. “Not you precisely. I was at his house last week, and he chastised me when I mentioned that I didn’t have a valet, insisting I needed one even though…” His eyes widened. “Oh no. What… what did you think you were being hired for?” Struck by the absurdity of it all, Crowley fought the strong urge to laugh outright. Instead, he gave the Earl a roguish grin and bowed with a flourish.  “Mr Anthony Crowley, at your service, sir. Duke Haven procured a contract for me to be your... courtesan.” Lord Fell's mouth dropped open as he gaped at him in apparent shock. “You— I—” He floundered, at a loss for words as he looked away from Crowley. His eyes landed on the bed. To Crowley’s growing amusement, the Early actually blushed, red staining his cheeks as he swiftly averted his gaze.  
#RAINBOWROAD (series) (407K; Rated T/E) by @nieded
If you haven’t heard of this one yet, you’re one of today’s lucky 10,000. This is one of the best, most well-written human AUs that anyone has produced for Good Omens (or really, of any romance). It’s a three-book, three-short series set in the world of Formula 1 racing. You heard that right. You don’t need to know anything about F1 racing. You don’t even need to like F1 racing. You just need to want to read one of the best romances ever written to enjoy this series.
Ezira Phale is a rookie F1 driver. AJ Crowley is an F1 veteran and an idol of the 25-year-old racer. Everything changes when Ezira meets and falls in love with Crowley, and the older driver (by about 10 years; there’s not a massive age difference here) seems to return his feelings. I wrote a very long review of the series here, so I won’t go into a ton of detail again except to say, if you love human AU, this should be on your list. The author adds notes at the end of the chapters explaining some of the more technical aspects of the sport, or talking about some of the real racers, and it’s fascinating. 
Ezira makes his escape from the after-party after stealing a handful of fig tartlets from the hors d’oeuvres table. He ducks out the service exit before looping back to the front of the hotel. God, he wants to sleep off his tipsiness. It’s significantly cooler at night, and he wraps his arms around his shoulders before slipping inside, making a dash for the elevator. Punching his floor number, he leans against the wall and closes his eyes, waiting to be taken to his floor. Then the elevator jerks as someone jabs their hand between the sliding doors, forcing it back open. Ezira lifts his head and glares at the newcomer before his eyes widen, flushing when he recognizes the red hair and black Renault polo. AJ Crowley throws himself into the opposite corner of the elevator and pulls the brim of his hat down. He turns to look at Ezira from under his cap. "Tough luck out there today, huh?" he asks. Ezira frowns and blinks. And because he’s a little drunk and high on adrenaline, he says, "Didn’t you place seventh? I thought that was fucking brilliant." This earns him a snort, and then a bit of stifled laughter. "You can’t say fuck." "You say fuck in almost every interview you do." Not that Ezira has watched every single post-debrief involving AJ Crowley. This makes Crowley laugh harder, and he wipes at his eyes. "You just look like you should be in a painting or something. You’re like a Hummel." Flabbergasted, Ezira stares. His cheeks grow hot when he realizes AJ Crowley is taking the piss. "I don’t even know what that means." Crowley wipes his eye with the back of his hand and then presses his lips together in a feeble attempt to hold back another fit of laughter. "I’m sorry. I’m just very, very drunk, and was not expecting you to say ‘fuck.’ You look like those cherubs from Italy."
Lunacy (57K; Rated E) by @snae-b
@snae-b writes some of the best sci-fi GO stories you’ll ever read. This is hardly the only great story of theirs I’ve recommended; it just happens to be my personal favorite. Crowley is the crew chief of a mining operation on one of Pluto’s tiny moons. Aziraphale is a geologist there to study the structural integrity of the moon. But something seems to be alive, something that shouldn’t be there. This is pure psychological horror, the kind of story where you’re never quite sure what’s real and what’s a hallucination. You’ll find definitely NSFW artwork throughout, so take note not to read it around people you wouldn’t want seeing porn on your screen.
Crowley zones out as they continue their conversation. Things had been weird in the mine today. For the past month really. Tech malfunctioning. Batteries draining when they should have been able to hold a charge for days. Half the lights were on the fritz. As if it weren't dark enough in there already. He'd had to trek nearly a mile into Sheol with only the lights on his helmet to repair them. And his crew had their hands full with extraction, so he’d had to do it alone. The darkness really starts to play tricks on you in there. He spent as much time looking over his shoulder as he did working on the lights. Kept thinking that he was seeing something. Something hiding in the shadows. Something that lived in his peripheral vision. As he tugs a beanie on over his head there’s a light rapping on the wall and everyone glances up to the figure in the doorway. “Excuse me, Mr. Crowley. If you have time in your schedule, I really need to discuss the most recent surface scans with you. Could you come by my quarters before dinner?” Crowley sighs as he snaps on his mag boots. “Yeah. Sure thing doc. I’ll be by in thirty.” The scientist only nods before he disappears down the hall. Dr. Aziraphale Fell. He doesn’t wear the standard issue jumpsuits. He wears thick sweaters and wool trousers that look ridiculous with his mag boots. And when he isn’t wearing them, he can hardly get around. Bumps into everything and everyone. He’s never been off planet before and it shows.
Miracles on Ice (131K; Rated E) by @henriettarhippo
It’s the “Blades of Glory” AU you never knew you wanted. Crowley and Aziraphale are men’s figure skaters who get banned from the sport after a fight on the podium. Years later, Aziraphale’s coach, Gabriel, suggests the two of them team up to compete in the Olympic’s pairs event. Only problem is, the two skaters hate each other. 
This is very much an enemies-to-lovers story, and Gabriel as their coach and sponsor is the perfect combination of asshole and good guy. He genuinely does care for his two skaters, and he’s generous with his money, but he also has that rich guy attitude of being used to getting what he wants, and he’s not afraid to tell them to stop being dumbasses either.
“Hey angel, was that your routine? Because it looked to me like a lot of swanning about on the ice with a few pirouettes thrown in.” The mocking drawl came from the figure making his way towards Aziraphale on a pair of sharp blades. Clad in skintight black velvet trousers and a black turtleneck adorned with glittering red crystals—to match the striking red curls that stopped at his shoulders—Aziraphale’s skating rival Crowley beamed down at him with a malicious grin. “Also, you’re a bit late. They handed out the women’s medals earlier today.” He pulled down the dark shades he always wore to give Aziraphale a wink. Aziraphale bristled and sat up straighter. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. That was textbook precision, and I think you’ll find it was the same scores I beat you with last year in Oslo.” “The hotel had a free bar I don’t even remember Oslo,” Crowley said dismissively as he approached the entrance to the rink. He turned back and gave Aziraphale a grin. “But I do remember Boston, and that victory was almost as sweet as the look on your face when you botched that triple loop.” Crowley let out a laugh at the scandalised look Aziraphale gave him. The loudspeakers started up with the first booming notes of a rock song and Crowley hopped up onto the ice and skated away from him before Aziraphale had the chance to reply.
Friends Don't (33K; Rated E) by @missunderstoodlyrics
Human AU. Another fantastic enemies-to-lovers by MissUnderstoodLyrics. This is the newest story on this list.
Aziraphale and Crowley are rival advice columnists whose companies are merged. The CEO, Gabriel, tells them they now have to do a joint video podcast together. The snark and bickerflirting are top notch, and this story kept a smile on my face. They have to keep their romance a secret, because the whole schtick of their podcast is their very public rivalry, but it gets harder and harder the closer they become.
Aziraphale attempted to drown his mirth in his wine glass, which was precisely when Crowley decided to position his mouth millimetres from the angel’s ear. “Blair. Have you met him? Worst. Comb-over. Since. Thatcher,” he whispered and then found himself helpfully patting Aziraphale's back as the man choked and spluttered, his cherubic face turning a delightful shade of pink. “Absolute fiend,” Aziraphale managed once he’d caught his breath, but the corners of his mouth were twitching traitorously. Crowley clocked Michaela out of the corner of his eye; she was leaning forward to shush them. Aziraphale escaped her wrath by standing and marching to the stage, his back straight and shoulders squared. He planted himself solidly in front of the microphone and proceeded to destroy what was left of Crowley’s sanity. “I once met a man-shaped snake,” he stated, his gaze firmly locked on Crowley. “Whose snark was taxing to take With swagger and pose He turned up his nose But his wisdom was rather half-baked.”
Non-Human AU
One or both of them are non-human, or have some sort of supernatural abilities (like magic) but aren’t angel or demon. I’m including omegaverse in this category.
Mark of the Serpent (150K; Rated E) by @naromoreau and @summerofspock
Prince Aziraphale is about to be crowned King of Angelhaven when he's taken captive by pirates. When he's sold as a pleasure slave to King Crowley, ruler of the nation readying for war with his, he is forced to keep his identity a secret as he tries to find a way home and keep peace. But not everything at King Crowley's court is as it seems and Aziraphale will have to face machinations of a Royal Court that are far more complex than he had thought. A Captive Prince AU with an omegaverse twist.
The first omegaverse story I genuinely liked, even though Crowley is pretty awful toward Aziraphale at first. Since then I’ve come to enjoy more of them, but this is the one that got me into the genre. This is another one I’ve written a much longer review about here including an explanation for the “extremely dubious consent” tag.
"What about this one?" the omega king asked, eyes fixed on his face, a strange curl to his mouth. "He's an Angel," Hastur sneered. "Pretty, isn't he? We were trying to pick a variety for your majesty to choose from since you didn’t deign to accompany us, but we didn’t find out his origin until after we brought him. He probably doesn't even speak the language." The words manifested in Aziraphale’s mind, and he immediately saw the genius in them. If he didn't speak the language, he could hardly be appealing as a consort to the king. He would be dismissed, sent back to Tracy's, and given time to heal before making his escape. "An Angel?" the king repeated, something passing over his face that Aziraphale didn't like. "What's your name?" "I’m sorry," Aziraphale stammered in Angelic, sticking to his hastily made plan. "I don’t...I don’t know what you're saying." King Crowley smiled and said, in perfect Angelic, "I asked what your name was." "Oh, um, I- you can call me whatever you wish," Aziraphale said, not wanting to risk even a part of his name. The king laughed. "I'm choosing the Angel. Send him to my quarters." "But your majesty-" The omega king turned on Ligur. "You wanted me to choose a pleasure beta and I did. It's done. Were there any other highly important council matters or can I get back to my day?"
Saltwater on Skin (186K; Rated E) by @candyqueenblog
Another one with a longer review here. Ezra Fell is an award-winning novelist celebrating the millionth sale of his newest books with his friends and baby brother, Gabriel, on a rented yacht. He falls overboard and washes ashore on an uncharted island, and while awaiting rescue, he gets the strange feeling he’s not alone.
This is a low angst love story between the human and the naga who rescues him, and you’ll fall in love with the island and Crowley’s four sisters. Gabriel is a peach here, much younger than Ezra and very much the caring baby brother. 
And if you’d prefer an Ineffable Wives version of the story, you can find that here. I haven’t read it, but I assume it’s equally good.
Ezra couldn’t stifle the flood of tears as he threw his arms over his head with a scream. Then a pair of rough, but blessedly human hands, covered his wrists. “You… scared?” The stranger’s voice was gravelly, most likely from disuse, but to Ezra it sounded more beautiful than all the angelic choirs. He sobbed in relief. “Oh thank heavens! I thought for sure I was going to-” His words sputtered and died when he opened his eyes to look at his rescuer. It was a man… ...from the waist up. The man’s bare torso was thin, but well defined with long arms lean with muscle. His face was all angles framed by a shock of red hair that curled down his back. His eyes were captivating. They were human enough, save for the iris being the color of spun gold and sliced right down the middle by a slit-shaped pupil. That was about where the human similarities ended. From the waist down the man’s skin melded into a massive snake tail that was wider than Ezra’s entire body and covered in black scales with a red underbelly that matched his hair.
FAETED (series) (251K; Rated G/T) by @ineffably-good
The only story in this category that’s not rated E. A three-book, one-short series where Ezra, an English teacher at a public school accidentally ends up in the Fae realms and in the hands of the Unseelie king, Crowley. The world-building is fantastic, and the books use some of the side characters so well, especially Hastur and Ligur, two of Crowley’s most trusted advisers. Crowley is good to Ezra, but he’s spent a thousand years ruling over the chaotic and dangerous unseelie fae, and he doesn’t always know how to handle being in love with a human. And Ezra doesn’t understand the difficult and often prickly politics of the fae, so the two have a lot of misunderstandings to work through. It leads to several fights, but they are usually resolved within the chapter.
The stories are heavy on plot, mostly around the world of the fae, which is one of the things I love most about this series. I could easily read dozens of books set in this world.
Lord Crowley watched as Ezra emerged from the coach, curious to see how this strange mortal would react to his first sight of the Dark Court. Would he blanch in terror? Would he be curious? He didn’t know or understand the creature across from him, but he knew one thing— his reactions, to date, were not what the Prince expected. This was oddly refreshing. It had been so, so long since anyone had managed to surprise him. He watched as Ezra emerged, his fluffy golden hair sticking out in all directions above the dark gray travel cloak he’d donned. He smiled faintly and with studious politeness at the horrifying gremlin who helped him down the steps, brushed the nonexistent dust off himself, and  took in his surroundings. Crowley was gratified to see his eyes widen as he looked around. They were standing in the center of an immense cavern, almost as if a mountain had been hollowed out inside by an immense blast. The rock walls climbed up above them and came together at an unmeasurable distance overhead and were dotted everywhere one looked with cavernous openings, some of which flickered with the light from a fire further inside. Creatures here and there, too murky to make out fully, hovered near the openings of some of them, peering down at the return of their Prince with eyes he could not read. Further ahead, the floor cracked into a massive chasm which ranged across the rest of the cavern and was crossed here and there by rickety-looking bridges. It was lit from below by the light of flames and the scent of sulfur. Stalagmites rose from the floor at irregular intervals, some of them paired with stalactites dropping from the ceiling like large, rocky icicles. Their surfaces glittered here and there with what looked like mica or gems. Crowley watched as Ezra took all of this in at a glance. “Thoughts?” said Lord Crowley, sidling up to him. Ezra turned astonished eyes the color of blue sky to him. “It’s beautiful! I’ve never seen anything like this.” Crowley searched his face for mockery or insincerity but found only earnestness. The Prince felt a tingle of pleasure at this, at least for a moment, until he ruthlessly slammed that feeling down inside himself and returned to his usual sardonic detachment. He hadn’t brought the human here to be his friend.
If He’s Your Cleric, Why Is He Putting Me In His Bag of Holding? (300K; Rated E) by @noodlefrog-omens
I read this twice in a row. Literally. I stopped it and almost immediately started it again. I played D&D 3.5 for many years, and I absolutely loved seeing a D&D adventure played out in the GO universe. Aziraphale is the cleric of an adventuring party that stupidly decides to abandon him in the dungeon (you don’t abandon your healer!). Crowley is a very hungry mimic who ends up nearly dying in Aziraphale’s bag of holding before the cleric rescues him. (Look, if you’re going to look like a fancy book, don’t be surprised when the man tries to steal you).
Aziraphale still needs to find his adventuring party again, and the mimic decides to travel along with him. Along the way they find kobolds, a doppelganger, traps, and the obligate dungeon maze, all the while getting to know each other. Aziraphale recognizes his feelings toward the mimic fairly early on, but it takes Crowley longer to even understand what his feelings even mean. 
The porn doesn’t start until chapter 33 (of 40), and only covers maybe three of the remaining eight chapters. You can read the entire adventure and stop once they leave the dungeon if you don’t want any monsterfuckery, or you could skim past the smut to the ending. I don’t know if the author has any plans for sequels, but if he does, I’ll be right there ready.
In that moment, Crowley knew that he had found the right bait to lure this human right to his doom. He waited as patiently as he could while nearly vibrating himself into a puddle, watching as Aziraphale puttered around the room cooing over all the books and scrolls in the room as though they were living creatures. “Just you wait,” Crowley thought to himself, inordinately pleased to have figured out what made this stubborn human tick. “One of them will be.” “There must be centuries’ worth of knowledge collected in just this one chamber,” Aziraphale said in a reverent whisper. Finally, finally he started touching things in this dungeon. He even took his heavy leather gloves off, tucking them into his belt before running a fingertip along the spines of the books chained to the shelves. Crowley watched him take one right off the shelf and thumb through a few of the pages. “We must have walked right by this room. I don’t know why Sandalphon told me there wasn’t anything behind this door. He must not have looked closely enough.” Aziraphale turned his back to the shelves to glance back at the door, and Crowley took his chance to crawl up the side of the bookshelf and arrange himself in front of the chained tomes in pride of place. It wasn’t difficult to change himself into the shape of a book, but this was always about the details. It was an art form. Which books, exactly, had Aziraphale been drawn to? Old ones with leather covers, mostly. Ones with bits of fiddly decoration on the spine. Ones with a bit of mystery. Aziraphale was a cleric, so he was probably interested in talking to the Gods and shite like that, or at least understanding them. That was an angle Crowley could work with. He gave his skin a supple leather texture, inky black and vaguely shimmery in a way he knew would catch the flickering light being thrown out by that sword. Gold edging and lettering crept across his cover and spine, promising divine secrets and cosmic mysteries to anyone who would just reach out and touch. He couldn’t see himself, but Crowley knew that he was a very sexy book right now. Aziraphale would have to be mad not to notice him.
Crowley And The Chocolate Factory (55K; Rated E) by @entanglednow
Crowley has to step up for his nephew Adam when he wins a ticket to tour the famous chocolate factories, run by the reclusive and deeply strange Zira Zonka. It doesn't take Crowley long to decide that he wants nothing to do with the man, who's clearly hiding dark and mysterious secrets.
Do you like your Crowley grumpy and cynical? Do you like your Aziraphale weird? Did you think the one thing missing from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory was sex between Wonka and one of the parents in a vintage Bentley? Then this is the story for you!
Crowley doesn’t know what to make of the definitely strange Zira Zonka, but he finds himself drawn to the man nonetheless. The story is set in modern times, but if you know the original (at least the movie version; I can’t speak for the books), you have a general idea of what’s going to happen to the children. 
Zonka releases the arms of his partners for long enough to jerk his cane towards the sky, which erupts in a shower of flower petals and candy - a large proportion of which fall on the immediately excited crowd. Crowley's fairly certain he gets hit on the head by a soft fudge. God, this is humiliating. Zonka dances right and then left while the audience cheers in appreciation. He does another circle, separates from the row to do some unimpressive spins while trying - and failing - to find a good rhyme for liquorice. "My candy emporium has so much in store. Just step right up and walk through the door!" Zonka's gold and white cane snaps up into the air again, this time leaving a burst of light and his name written across the sky in sparkling gold calligraphy. It seems to be a dramatic ending, Crowley certainly hopes it's a dramatic ending. "Half of those lines were a stretch," he complains, but quietly and mostly to himself, because the audience seems to have found the whole thing captivating, Adam included. "And there's only five kids, not six, he can't even count." The Erik's all unlink arms, to thunderous applause from the crowd behind him, and Zonka gives the widest grin Crowley has ever seen. His hands flung on his hips, like the world's most enthusiastic children's entertainer. Crowley half expects him to ask who wants to see a magic trick. "How has this man possibly managed to stay out of the limelight for twenty years?" he wonders. "Or twenty minutes."
Villainous (217K; Rated E) by @ineffablepenguin
Once Upon A Time… There was a red-haired sorcerer who lived alone in a high tower, and a blond prince who lived in a palace full of people. And they were both of them desperately lonely. The Kingdoms of Empyrion and the Sorcerers of Apollyon have hated each other for hundreds of years, ever since the Great War. They do not interact, other than to occasionally try to kill one another. And they certainly do not make friends. Crow is an exhausted sorcerer who just wants everyone to leave him the hell alone: for the Sorcerer’s Council to stop harassing him to live up to his potential, and for wannabe Empyrion Heroes to stop attacking his tower to try and kill him. Until one day when he meets Prince Azra of the High Fells, who doesn’t behave anything like he’s supposed to…
This is one of those stories a lot of people recommend for good reason. It’s a fantastic fairy tale full of love and romance between two people who seem destined for one another. The writing is gorgeous, the world-building is fantastic, and there’s really great artwork scattered throughout. Some of the artwork is fairly suggestive, and all of it is stunning.
Crow slowed to a stop, and his gaze flickered bemusedly over him. The man was…not tall. Or remotely intimidating. He stood a couple inches shorter than him, even with the thick boots. Wide eyes shone resolutely grey-blue, the precise shade of his doublet, under a tumble of feathery white-blond curls cut a bit too short to be fashionable. And... his stubbornly-set jaw was rather less chiseled than Crow was used to seeing. No conveniently placed scars, no gritty dents or smudges on that immaculate armour. Heroes usually had cheekbones that could cut glass, but this one’s were rounded, and slightly rosy to boot. Cherubic was the word that came immediately to mind, and Crow nearly snorted out loud. He looked to be roughly Crow's own age, and was staring determinedly, if anxiously at him from behind that enormous broadsword. There was a long, tense silence as Crow and the armoured man sized each other up. The Hero spoke first. “Now see here, villain, I don’t want to have to kill you, so just turn about and head right back where you came from.” His voice was precise and educated, nearly fussy, and while self-assured was lacking in the usual bravado. Crow blinked, taken aback, and the flames in his hand faltered. “You don’t want to kill me?” “Well…no, not particularly.” The confidence wavered for an instant, then solidified. “Which is not to say that I won’t! Rest assured I will if you cause trouble!”
The Crawly Chronicles (series) (179K; Rated T/M/E) by @theladydrgn and @sylwritesstuff
When Aziraphale Fell, reporter for The Daily Messenger, is tasked with a simple story on smuggling, he isn't expecting to find out that Lightbringer, Inc. has been experimenting on something that could be an animal, an oil slick, or something else entirely. He especially isn't expecting that being to come home with him and change his entire life.
I’m a fan of the Tom Hardy Venom movies, which made this two-book, two-short series perfect for me. The books follow the plot of the first two movies, though book 2 also starts with the sexual relationship between the two characters. 
My favorite parts of the story are of the two learning to live together while sharing a body, and Aziraphale trying to figure out how to handle having feelings for a creature he’s permanently attached to who is so completely alien (literally) that he’s not even sure that romantic and sexual love are even an option.
The food the human was making already smelled good enough to eat to them, and they did not want to wait twenty minutes. This time their control of the human's hand was less subtle as they dipped fingers into the leftover batter and brought a generous scoop of the chocolate mix to their mouth. “Nasty human's is what they were.” Aziraphale froze or at least tried to. His mouth seemed to have other ideas, cleaning the mixture from his fingers. “What- Who said that?” he demanded messily, looking around. “I did.”  Aziraphale took several steps back, grasping for the cane he'd left leaning against the counter. The voice sounded as if it were everywhere around him or- or in his own mind somehow. “That's hardly reassuring. Who are you? How did you get into my home?” “Got in the same way you did, human.” They grabbed the bowl of chocolate mixture before the human stumbled too far from it, fingers scraping the last dregs of it to not waste a single bit. The cane fell to the floor.  Aziraphale tried stopping himself, but he couldn't seem to make his hands do what he wanted them to do. “Stop! How-” What in the world was happening and how did he stop it? “No. I'm hungry.” “That doesn't make any sense! Stop!” he demanded, struggling to keep his chocolate covered fingers away from his own mouth. “Fine.” They still felt so weak that fighting this human for control was a struggle and a challenge that they did not want to have. It was just so much easier to slip out between their cells and wrap a long tongue around their fingers instead.
And finally, if you made it all the way to the end, thank you!
I have three Good Omens novels of my own I hope you’ll check out, a post-S2 with an upcoming sequel; a “they never met”/fake marriage adventure; and a reverse omens (a WIP as of 27 Dec, 2024; chapters are released on Fridays, and it should be completely posted around mid-February 2025).
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minhosimthings ¡ 8 months ago
The Fallen One || 18+
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Synopsis: For the final day of the pact, you find yourself intoxicated by the man you've yearned for, forever.
Pairings: detective!Jay × fem!reader
Warnings: smut minors Dni, fingering, cock riding, p in v sex, unprotected sex (not for you), reader has like three orgasms?, Jay's just really obsessed, Fluffy in the end, swearing, mention of food and alcohol, final fuck you to Heeseung yay
A/N: I haven't been able to carry out with my og plot in this fic because I, like an idiot, forgot I included bondage and i just wrote everything and now I neither have the heart nor the energy to write anything else, so to all my babies who wanted bondage, there's a fic in my wips for y'all. Anywho I had fun working on this series! Thank you for all the support that got me through writing everything and I hope next time my brain remembers to write WHAT WAS INTENDED IN THE FIRST PLACE-
Series Masterlist
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Jay's calloused fingers nudged a mauve hued record back into its place, near and tidy on an oak shelf slightly shorter than him. His eyes travelled to another section of the shelf, where his hands picked up an olive green record, silently sitting at the back, overshadowed by the bright blues that surrounded it.
His mouth stretched into a thin quiet smile as he gently took the vinyl out, admiring its sleek look in the faint light of his bedroom, before he set it to it's position on his record player. Picking up his glass of dark red wine, Jay toyed with the sharp needle of the nostalgia emitting record player, before setting it onto the spinning vinyl.
The sound of stiff bones cracking was heard as he plopped down on his armchair near the warm fireplace, wine in hand, with hypnotising music playing in the background. Sipping his wine, he stared at the fire place, watching as every flame danced to the music, some did the tango, while some did the ballet.
Don't think about her, he thought to himself, anything but her.
Jay sighed heavily to himself as he twirled the last remnants of the wine in his glass, he had no idea how fast he had drunk it. He could hear rain pattering away mercilessly outside whilst the hours ticked away as he waited for tomorrow to come and whisk him away.
The second sigh of the evening dropped seethingly from his mouth as his eyes fluttered over to the picture frames on the wall. He smiled as he ran his eyes over the memories of old, forever remembered in hues and colours, lest they ever leave his mind.
A picture of him and his parents stood proud next to a ridiculous picture of him, Sunghoon and Jake standing next to a lake. He laughed as he recalled how they had fell into the murky water that day, pushing each other in, until everything ended in dirty clothes and raucous laughter. Another picture stood rather drab next to the bright coloured photos of Jay with his boss, recieving an award. The picture was dusty, as if it has been avoided by Jay when he was cleaning it.
Jay's eyes paused at the dust spiders on the picture and he walked near it, peering to see the picture that was held inside the carved frame.
Him, a woman and Heeseung, with smiles imprinted on your faces, against a backdrop of what looked like a school building. Jay gently took the picture of of the wall, it slid easily off the wallpaper, and set it down on the table. If anyone had asked him later on for how long he had stared at it with confused thoughts, he'd have responded with a confused look.
If only she had chosen me, he thought, if only....
The third exhausted sigh came as Jay realised he should probably sleeping, glancing at the clock to notice that it was 3 am in the morning already. He'd only get a few hours of sleep, but something was better was nothing, and for him, three hours of sleep was more than enough. And if it was on his beloved armchair next to a cozy fire? He might as well have announced Christmas dinner.
Jay plopped onto his armchair once more, now folding up his legs to snuggle into the seat, all warm next to the crackling fire, with the sound of rain making him drift off to sleep.
He made sure, by whatever ill will, to glance at the dusty picture he set on the table once more, peer at the intoxicating smile of the woman, and the man next to her, his arm wrapped around her waist protectively. Jay thought his face looked rather sour in the picture, the memories of it were even sourer but dawn was no time to think of them.
And so he went off to sleep at last, fighting off troubled thoughts and an uneasy heart.
If only she had chosen me.
"Where did you say Y/N was staying again?" Sunghoon looked up from his pile of paperwork to answer the questioning voice.
"Baker's Street." He answered in his usual condescending voice, "Why do you ask?"
Jay shrugged in response to his friend's question, quickly pretending to be interested in his own pile of paperwork, though Sunghoon was quick to notice the tiny smile dancing on his lips. "Jongsoeng don't tell me you're going to do anything stupid."
"You're telling that to me?" Jay laughed, which came out more like a scoff, "I'll be fine."
"Don't buy her cake like I did." Jake commented from the other side, a pen stuck behind his ear, "Unless you want Mr Fuck Up over there to intervene." He lowered his voice with the last words, glaring towards Heeseung, who was working on the other side of the office.
Jay hadn't exactly been careful all day around Heeseung, treating him normally, though he did make sure to amplify his voice when speaking your name. Such as now, when he had asked Sunghoon where you were staying. He had no intention to make Heeseung jealous or anything. No, he had a firm desire to make Heeseung jealous and angry.
"Jay can I talk to you for a second?"
Speak of the devil.
Jay looked up from his paperwork (quick to change his expression from annoyed to normal) to see Heeseung staring at him with a weird look.
"I need to talk to you." Heeseung repeated, causing Jay to internally cringe. "What about?" Jay asked, to which Heeseung looked around before grabbing Jay's arms and dragging him (against his will) to the empty break room.
"I need to talk about—" Heeseung paused, taking a breath, "—about Y/N."
"What about her?" Jay asked, voice remaining calm, though his knuckles were certainly gripping the edge of the table he leant on, very tightly, "She's doing well, if you wanted to ask."
"Jay come on." Heeseung sighed, "I know about this little pact between you guys and Y/N and–" he fiddled with his fingers, "I know I've had some downs, but I really need to apologise to Y/N. I've ditched Yeo-Hee anyway, and–" he chuckled, "–can we not let bygones be bygones?"
"Bygones be bygones?" Jay let out a cold laugh, the expression on his face was terrifying and though Heeseung wouldn't have admitted it, he was scared, "Since when have you been using that phrase? Since high school I reckon?" Jay laughed again, "Ahh fuck I don't even understand why she even kept up with your cheating ass for so long. Tell me Heeseung," he leaned forward to look Heeseung menacingly in the eye, "Did you ever really love her?"
"Love her?" Heeseung responded, "Of course I love her, she's my wif-"
"Then will you tell her about Ji-ah from the other section or should I?"
"You wouldn't." Heeseung stared Jay down, though he was taller and older than him, he felt as if a hurricane was interrogating him, "Jay you can't. You know she'll never forgive me."
"She shouldn't." Jay laced his words with venom, "She should never forgive a fucking bastard like you."
"Ok fine." Heeseung sighed, "Can you atleast tell her I'm sorry?"
"Tell her yourself, coward." Jay quipped, which perhaps was a mistake, when he looked at Heeseung's angry expression.
"Coward?" Heeseung laughed, "Wouldn't that be more fitting for you, Jongsoeng?" He stepped forward, "If you hadn't been a coward with poor heartbroken 16 year old Y/N, we probably wouldn't be here and I'd be thankful I hadn't ever dated that bitch."
Heeseung couldn't comprehend what has happened in the next few moments. All he could recall if you had asked him now what happened, was a loud thud, his back against a wall, Jay's cat like eyes becoming deadly and Jake and Sunghoon's shocked faces.
"Don't you call her that, you insipid jackass." Jay snarled at the older man, with his hands gripping the collar of Heeseung's shirt tightly, whilst pressing him to the wall, "Don't you ever call her anything less than what you fucking are. A coward, and a cheat." Jay released his grip on Heeseung's shirt with a guffaw, before stepping out of the room, leaving behind an air of tension and fear.
Your eyes scanned the room nervously, as you eased into the maroon hued armchair. The anxiety you held within you at the moment, was easily captured by the way you were fiddling with your fingers and biting your bottom lip until you tasted iron in your mouth.
It's just Jay, you reminded yourself, the man you've had a crush on since forever, it's just him.
"Keep biting that lip of yours and you're going to lose it." Jay chuckled, walking in with mugs of tea in his hand, "Still haven't lost that habit have you doll?"
"Well with you no longer there to remind me–" you graciously accepted the mug, noting carefully how his fingers brushed against yours, "–its become an addiction."
"Well, I'll make sure to write to you everyday not to bite your lip." He joked, making you laugh. God he looked heavenly, you thought, figure clad in his loose white button up, the one he wore to work, combined with a blue trouser which framed his thighs perfectly.
"You-you look good." You said, in a timid fashion, making Jay look up from his mug and smile at you.
"As do you, doll." He grinned. The cocoons in your stomach erupted into a thousand butterflies at the nickname. It was what he used to call you in high school, mainly to tease you, and partly (or rather secretly) to compliment your beauty.
"Heeseung asked me to apologise to you." Jay chuckled coldly, interrupting your train of thoughts, "Bastard came up to me at work and just bombarded me with requests." He looked up at you before continuing, "He wants you to know that he's broken up with the other girl, Yeo-Hee or whoever."
"Oh." You responded, not exactly knowing what a good response would be, "Well—good, I guess." You said, not adding anything until a few minutes of silence passed, "Does the idiot really think he can get me back with a simple apology?"
"He does." Jay set his mug down on the table, easing into his chair, "If it were me, I'd have written a thousand pages of poetry for you."
"You wouldn't have ever done what he did."
"Wouldn't I?" Jay's eyes perked up at you, shadowed with a kind of darkness you've never seen before.
"No you wouldn't." You responded, "I know you wouldn't, you're too...perfect for that."
"Perfect?" Jay laughed mockingly, "Y/N if I were perfect, we wouldn't be in this situation–" he didn't know where his words were coming from, "–and you'd have never married that fucker!"
Jay's sudden amplified voice made you flinch, you had heard that voice on only one occasion before and it was not a pretty thing to hear at all.
"I'm sorry." Jay sighed, running his hand through his hair, "This is a mistake–I'll drop you off at home if you don't want this anymore-"
"Oh my God, you're an idiot." You said, stopping Jay's rambling and causing him to look up at you with confused eyes, "Do you really think I'll skip this just because you raised your voice?"
"No I meant–" Jay sighed again, getting up from his armchair suddenly and packing around the room, a habit he had from childhood, "–I know things aren't really sunshine and rainbows between us, and you probably don't feel comfy fucking someone who's been with you since high school so–fuck I'm rambling." He mumbled the last part under his breath, taking a deep breath, before continuing, "Y/N, what I want to say is–I'm sorry." He looked at you again, "I'm sorry for not being good enough for you, but please–" he knelt down in front of you, so you could be at eye level, "–forgive me, if you still can."
"Oh my god you idiotic dunce." You laughed at him, causing his expression to change to one of confusion.
Jay didn't have time to register what happened next, the only feeling his mind knew was the touch of your soft, familiar lips on his, the mere atoms that existed between you, now faded away as you ravaged each other, each attempt to get closer, an attempt of love and confusion.
"Fuck, doll," he groaned, your foreheads leaning against one another, his hands gripping the fabric on your waist. You looked up into his eyes, witnessing the inner battle reflected in his gaze as he grappled with the decision to restrain himself or not.
"Fuck it." He finally said, grabbing your face with his hands and pulling you towards him for yet another kiss.
He kissed you like he was dying, his body subconsciously reacting more to the kiss then he’d wish it to. He pulled your flush against him, his strong hands coming to cup your face, his shoulders shrugging in a futile attempt to have you closer. Jay opened his mouth, causing you to gasp at the feeling of his tongue against yours. Your mouth moved with his as if it was known to you; As if this was a dance you had practiced for years to perfect, as if the dance of your lips was a song that Jay had mastered just for you. 
"Jay I-" you hesitated for a moment, what if he didn't say it back?, "I love you." His eyes—the color of an intoxicating champagne—beckoned you over with nothing more than a tired smile.
"Oh sweetheart," Jay's hand brushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear, "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to hear that."
His mouth hesitantly chased yours until you brushed your fingers through his hair and pulled him towards you, finally connecting your lips again. His touch was gentle, almost like he wanted to be careful with you. Yet, you wanted to breathe him in—lustfully addicted to the taste of his lips.
His palms laid flat against the curvature of your back whilst your hands grabbed at his collar, pulling him flush against you—the throbbing between your legs did anything but lessen with the close proximity.
Jay had never before tasted something sweeter; your saccharine lips fit so perfectly against his—he was convinced that they were made for him to kiss and caress. His cock stirred in his pants for he could only wonder how divine your cunt would taste on his tongue. Jay needed it all. he trailed his fingers up your front, pinning the fabric of his shirt over your tits. His fingertips dance across your skin as he detached his lips from yours.
"Wait Y/N–" Jay pulled away, leaving you chasing after him, "Are you sure you want this?"
"Yes," You breathed, pressing a kiss to his lips, "Fuck yes I want this."
Jay needed no more words from you as his fingers tangled in your hair, pulling you closer as he deepened the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, as you kissed him back, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Wait a minute love." Jay mumbled into your ear. Slipping his arms beneath you, he lifted you into his arms, his hands squeezing your ass as you wrapped your legs around his hips and your arms round his neck for support. Jay led you to the adjacent room, presumably his bedroom, setting you down with care on his bed.
As soon as you were settled on the mattress, Jay's senses ravaged on you. His hands grabbed your face, pulling your lips against his in a passionate kiss. You could taste the bitterness in his mouth, perhaps from an afternoon shot of bourbon, the familiar scent of his cologne filling your senses. Jay's hands moved down your body, tracing the curves of your hips as he pulled you closer. As Jay's hands continued to explore your body, you couldn't help but sigh. "fuck Jay."
"Shh doll." Jay shushed you, "Let me take care of you, yeah?"
Your clothes quickly fell to a pile on the floor, and Jay's lips found your neck, leaving a trail of sweet but rough kisses. His touch was urgent and passionate, a release of the pent-up energy that had been building up all day.
Soon, he was pushing your underwear to the side, revealing your slick folds to him. The warm atmosphere of the room kissed your cunt with a breeze, eliciting a shallow gasp from you.
"Wet for me already, doll?" Jay smirked, his eyes travelling up and down your body, as if he was a saint worshiping his patron goddess. His low chuckle vibrated throughout your entire being, sending you into that same state you were in when you drank the aphrodisiac at Sunghoon's house. It was pathetic on your part that Jay had managed to get you like this without so much as sticking his fingers in you.
"Jay stop teasing-“ the words die on your tongue and you gasp for air, fingers pulling at his soft locks as he prods his fingers at your entrance. Your cunt sucked him in with ease—his long fingers fucking deep into your pussy. Your hand swiftly gripped the edge of the bedsheet until he placed his hand over yours—gently intertwining your fingers while you arch your back in pleasure.
Jay leaves one final kiss to your lips before leaning back and forcing your knee down with his left hand. He was locked in a trance, watching the way your pussy would gush every time his fingers would pump inside of you. His fingers rapidly disappeared past your folds as you cried out.
Your hands frailly clawed at his wrist, only to be swatted away while he kept his pace—eyes trained on your precious cunt.
With parted lips, you brought your gaze down to glance his fingers as they were buried knuckle-deep inside of you, you couldn’t even hint for him to stop, not that you wanted him to anyway. How could you? With the way he was beginning to curl his fingers forward, pushing against your slick walls, it was nearly impossible to push him away. The feeling alone forced a chain of whimpers from your mouth, only encouraging him to do more.
He continued to fuck you with his fingers, pushing and pulling them out of you with a growing sense of urgency. Eventually, he was leaning down to connect his lips with your nipple before beginning to suck on the sensitive bud with haste.
"Jay—ahhh." You draw out a raspy moan, feeling his tongue circle around your nipple, "Jay I—"
But before you could even finish your sentence, your larynx was screaming out his name like it was gospel, as you came messily all over his fingers. Jay smirked, as he gazed at your beautiful, fucked out face, his dick positively bursting from how much he wanted to absolutely ruin you.
"Eyes on me, doll." Jay commanded, you moved your pupils to face him. He looked absolutely breathtaking, towering above you. You winced as his fingers dug deep into your waist, he lifted you up with ease and propped you on top of him. Your positions were now switched, and you had no idea what to do.
"Go ahead and take my pants off." He told you. You happily obliged, your fingers were practically scrambling to unzip his pants, as you tore them off of his legs, revealing the cause of his earlier bulge. You hum at the sight of his cock, licking your lips as you swipe a thumb over the angry red tip, spreading a bead of precum over it, causing Jay to let out an almost inaudible moan.
"Now—" Jay sighed, hard enough from the feeling of your fingers on his length, "Be a good girl and ride my cock."
Your eyes widened at his words. You were delighted, of course, at the mere prospect of having his dick to yourself. Unfortunately for you, you had no idea how to tell him you didn't know how to do what he wanted you to do.
"I can't." You mumbled underneath your breath, causing Jay to chuckle.
"Speak up sweetheart, I can't hear you."
"I don't know to do it!" You said, more agressively than you had intended to say it. But Jay just laughed again, this time it was more of a mocking one than amused.
"Oh sweetheart." He extended a hand up to your face, cupping your cheek, his hand was warmer than your face so you melted into his touch, "Want me to help you?"
You did nothing but simply nod, feeling slightly ashamed and slightly insecure about the fact that your brain was telling you, you've disappointed him.
"What's going on in that brain of yours hmm?" Jay grabbed your hips pulling you down onto his stomach, "Scared, doll?"
"No—no!" You panicked, "It's just that—what if I don't...do it correct?"
"Doll, do you really think I'd be mad at that?" Jay raised a brow at you, which quickly turned into a expression of concern, "Did Heeseung ever do that to you?"
"Sometimes." You mumbled underneath your breath, "He'd get mad at me if I didn't know."
"Fucking bastard." Jay said, his hands gripped your hips tighter, as his eyes wandered all over your body. He couldn't bring himself to even comprehend how Heeseung could have behaved like that with you.
"I-I do know some things." You started, adjusting your body on Jay's stomach, "I know how to—" you paused, "—get on."
You felt your cheeks heat up rapidly as you internally slapped your forehead. Jay chuckled at your embarrassed expression, hands still digging into your hip.
"Alright then." Jay said, freeing his hands from your body, "Go on."
Sighing, Jay lies back down, hips going still. You shift yourself so that your pussy is lined up with his cock, using a hand to brush the tip against your folds, never going further than that. Jay lets out a whimper at the teasing sensation.
"Fuck doll—don't tease..." Jay sighs in pleasure, as you lift yourself up, hands on either of his shoulders. Both of you let out a collective, satisfied moan as you slowly sink down on his length, feeling it stretch open your cunt slow and steady. Jay groaned again as you gripped him tighter to balance yourself. His hands found their way back to your hips.
"shhh." Jay's big hands continued to roam around your body, one landing on the small of your back and the other massaging and cupping your tits. He used his hand on your back to push you down further.
"breathe, love, i'll help you." when you finally sank all the way down onto his cock, when Jay was finally buried balls-deep in your pretty little pussy, it felt so amazing because you were so so full.
No one had ever been so deep inside you. His cock was kissing your cervix, and it had your pussy clenching down on him so tightly that you thought it might be a little hard to move.
“Fuck.” You lift your hips, and slowly ease yourself down again. Lustful whimpers and moans escaped you as you slowly repeated your motions, feeling almost dizzy at the way his big cock was stretching you out. His dick felt so fucking good; hot and throbbing and aching to burst inside you.
Throwing whatever scrap of inhibition you have left, you raise your lower body before roughly slamming your ass back down. The harsh movement makes you cry out in pleasure. You start to move eagerly, not holding back any of your movements.
Once you got started, you couldn't stop the rhythm — up and down up and down up and down — until your vision began to blur from how fucking good it felt. His cock hits deep inside you, stretching out your tight little hole with every bounce.
Jay's view from below you was incredible. tits bouncing, head flung back, and moans pornographic — it was all enough to drive a man mad. he couldn't keep his hands off of you. whether they were gripping at your thighs to keep you warm on his dick, or gripping and pinching at your nipples, or running them over your back hard enough to leave scratch marks, they were constantly in motion — worshipping your beautiful body.
"You're so—fuck—pretty." Jay cooed at you, ignoring the sharp pain on his shoulders with how you were digging your nails into his skin, "be a good doll for me now."
You were straddling him, your head thrown back with both hands on his shoulders as you tried to keep a quick pace. He had his hands pressed deep into your hips, helping you move in a fluid motion. You felt him hit your sweet spot every time you made your way down, letting out tiny whimpers at the feeling.
"Fuck doll—" Jay moaned, he was loving the way you were using him for you own pleasure, "G-Good girl, you're a good girl for me aren't you?"
You couldn’t hold in the loud moan you had been holding in for a long time, feeling your stomach flutter at his words. You felt a slight burning in your thighs and you knew Jay's shoulders held tiny crescent shapes from how tight your grip had become. You felt one of Jay's hands move to your clit, rubbing small circles on the bundle of nerves.
A pathetic whimper escaped your lips as you felt a familiar fire burn in your core, edging ever closer as you drove yourself to the end of the tunnel. It didn't help that Jay perked his hips up, practically slamming his tip into the deepest crevices of your pussy and driving you insane as you finally came down.
Your moans grow louder, echoing on the walls as you feel the impending climax. "I'm cumming! Oh god, don't stop!" Each word is punctuated by a sharp intake of breath and a quivering sensation throughout your body. Your pussy gripped tightly around him, milking his cock with every thrust. Your legs tremble and your body shivers, wracked with pleasure as your orgasm crashes over you. "Fuck, I’m cumming!”
Gazing at your drunken being, Jay took the opportunity to harshly grab your hips, and bring you down underneath him. Your back hit the mattress roughly, as you felt nothing but his cum still in your walls.
You were awoken out of your cock-drunk stupor by the harmonious taste of Jay's lips, as he kissed you, his hands circling your breasts
His neck muscles strained as he deepened the kiss. You broke the kiss as you looked down at him, your breathing uneven. The low lighting making him look absolutely ravishing. Freshly kissed lips made them redder as his eyes droopy from the lust behind them, looking at you.
"Jay please..." You trailed off, feeling exhausted from the expert riding lesson.
"Please what doll?" Jay chuckles into your neck, his tip teasing your labia. "Jay–need—your cock." You throat out. The room felt like it was spinning at a fast rate as Jay chuckled again. His cologne was like poison to you, wrapping you in tight corridors of pleasure and pain.
"Fuck, you're such a dumb doll for me aren't you?” he prompts, moving closer. He spits into his hand, pumping the moisture over his cock before positioning himself above you. You whimper as his tip touches your labia, he wasn't giving you what you wanted anytime soon, and you were getting impatient.
"Jay—" you say his name like a prayer your tongue had memorised, "—Jay, please..."
"Dumb fucking doll." Jay muttered under his breath, gripping your chin with his two fingers. He went in for a filthy, messy kiss, before you were cry out, the feeling of him pushing into you driving you mad.
Taking his dick between one hand, Jay slapped your ass in the other as he rubbed out the red imprint beginning to spread beneath his fingers. You vulnerably flinched at the feeling, letting a low moan out as you squeezed your eyes shut.
Rubbing his sensitive tip against your pussy, he hissed through his teeth at the feeling before lining himself up with your entrance. Holding your hips in his hands, he gripped his fingers on your skin as he pushed himself inside of you between your folds, equally pulling your hips back on his cock, your warmth instantly wrapping around him as your lips parted at the feeling, letting a moan out into the bed.
Waves of pleasure accompany the sting of the stretch, and your eyes flutter as he rocks slowly into you. He’s watching the way his cock splits you open, low grunts coming from deep in his chest. He shifts, one hand pressing on your lower stomach, thumb swirling over your clit. you cry out, head falling back onto the pillows. The other hand lifts one of your legs, pushing it towards your chest.
"Jay–ah-ahh" You moaned loudly, holding onto his biceps and burying your face into the crook of his neck. His hand slid in between your bodies, reaching down to your clit and rubbing rough circles, increasing the immense amount of pleasure you were experiencing.
Jay’s thrusting became faster, harder, like a man starved. His grasp on your chin returned to your hips. As Jay rolled back slightly, sitting on his knees, he brought your hips to meet his, your back still on the bed. From this angle he has full control over your body, not that he hadn’t before. But now he could control his thrusts, making them sharper, harder. Beneath him, your eyes screw shut in pleasure, consumed by his ministrations. You look beautiful like this, he thought.
Cheeks red, hair a mess, sweat glistening on your skin, he had been a fool not to have claimed you as his before. His wife, he thought, his and his only. "Ohh fuck!" You whined, feeling Jay's cock drill into you, hitting that perfect spot in your tight cunt. You were powerless underneath him, his balls slapping against your pussy with each thrust, his hands snaking around your thighs to wrap your legs around his waist as he pounded into you. He groaned in pleasure, leaning down and softly nibbling your earlobe,
"god, you're fucking amazing." His eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he picked up the pace, his cock slamming into you with increasing intensity. He was merciless, taking what he wanted, dominating your body perfectly.
Jay's fingers dig deeper into my skin as he pounds into you, his dick was slamming against your most sensitive spot with every thrust. His hands slide up your back, his fingers tangling in your hair as he pulls my head back
"you're gonna look so pretty when you're all full of me, doll," he moans out and grabs your hips tightly with his rough hands, holding you in place as he slams into you.
Jay's hand slides from your hip to your clit, his fingers rubbing against it in slow, deliberate circles. You moan, your body trembling beneath him as he continues to thrust into you, his thick cock filling you completely.
His fingers move faster, his touch becoming more insistent as he rubs your clit, his movements matching the rhythm of his hips.
You feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, your body trembling with every touch, every thrust. Jay's breath is hot against your ear, his voice husky with desire as he whispers sweet nothings against your skin.
You came hard and threw your eyes back, twisting your body and separating yourself from Jay's mouth in a desperate search for air. His chest was heaving, his skin was flushed and sweaty, your sex was still eagerly sucking the other's length that kept burying itself to the bottom in you, and then leaving and entering again as if it were predestined for that.
"Fuck, you're so hot." Jay moaned loudly, as he felt your pussy suffocate his length, "Fuck—you want my cum sweetheart?"
"Jay—oh fuck!" You gasped loudly, "N-Need your cum–please."
Jay groaned, you saw his Adam's apple protrude in his throat and you gasped, feeling him move slightly in your pussy.
"that's it doll, cum for me, fuck—just like that." He drawled out in a lazy whisper.
Jay rested his forehead on your collarbone and let out several low moans before cumming inside you. After recovering from the orgasm, he stood up again between your legs with a sigh, looked at your union dripping with fluids and came out of you, putting the semen that flowed from your entrance back inside with his fingers, making sure that everything stayed trapped inside you.
A painful emptiness was left in you when Jay slowly pulled out, with a train of curses escaping from his mouth, as he lay down next to you. You both lay in silence, with the only sound being the sound of your laboured breathing.
"So—" Jay broke the silence, "—what now?"
"What now?" You asked the same question back, with a slight chuckle as Jay smiled at you, "Do you want to get up or do you want to stay here for some more time?"
"I'd prefer the latter." He answered, scooting himself closer to you, "Unless you want to take a bath?"
You hummed in response, taking the invite to wrap yourself in his arms. Evidently, neither of you were interested in leaving the bedroom.
"I love you."
"I love you too doll."
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Taglist: @diorsyun @jaeyunluvr @hoondrop @mxxninthesky @alvojake @wondipity @blurryriki @lilyuwon @heeliopheelia @pshazez @heeslomll @seunghancore @shiningnono @deobitifull @luvitria @nyfwyeonjun @hwa-0403 @bubblegyu00 @sunpov @heeheeswifey @chartrucewhore @slut4hee @heesangs-blog @rikiwaify-blog @hirablackcat @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @kirinaa08 @heeshlove @seokseokjinkim @brownsugarbaybee @yzzyhee @anittamaxwynnn @kgneptun @penny44224 @ribbioniki @strxwbloody @immelissaaa @nshmrarki @yawnzzhoon @sousydive @yunhoswrldddd @whateverhoon @cloud-lyy @missychief1404 @ensaz008 @sunsunl0ver @binniesbabe @oneheart-break @skzenhalove
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aethon-recs ¡ 3 months ago
This Week (x2) in Tomarrymort (8 – 21 November 2024)
Hello! We have three multi-chaptered fics finishing this week, highlighted below. In addition, I made a rec list for Tomarrymort Necrophilia Fics 💀🤍 in support of the Tomarrymort Necro Fest hosted by @magical-menagerie-server, which kicks off in January.
Completed Fic:
Memories of a Killer by @chemfreak89 (M, 47k, complete) Age catches up with everyone. The infamous serial killer Voldemort now spends his time reading newspapers and making trips to the local library in search of a new crime novel. But one day he makes an interesting new acquaintance that shakes his quiet life and rekindles old flames and unknown desires. What quickens me is the violence in thee by @i-dream-of-libraries (M, 17k, complete) Harry is sold at auction to a man who is clearly in some kind of disguise - Lord Riddle isn't as charming as he looks, and the way he looks at Harry... A Regency AU inspired by the magnificent artwork of @stolenviolet. If I were you by @onehitpleb (E, 9k, complete) It is 1945 and Tom is eighteen, freshly graduated, and working a non-reputable job as a store clerk in Knockturn Alley. Somehow, he grows attached to the worst sort of person - an idiot.
In addition, a recap of the author notes from last week! (Please feel free to add some extra context to your fic update in the reblog, such as a little bit about the chapter(s) updated, and I’ll throw it in the update for next week!)
A Simple Request by @shyinsunlight (E, 70k, WIP) “As for the new chapter of A Simple Request, Harry tries and (unsurprisingly) fails to keep his personal life private. Some are having the time of their life, some others, not so much. Lifts can take you up, but going down is more interesting.” Wish by @sri-verse (E, 3k, WIP) “Wish is set after Harry's fifth year where he gets the ownership of Bellatrix's vault along side the Black vault. Looking at a gold goblet, he remembers his childhood wish of buying a gold cauldron and brings back Helga Hufflepuff's cup with him to fulfill that desire, unaware that he has freed the horcrux living in it.” To the Hilt by @izharmilgram (E, 28k, WIP) “To The Hilt is a royal arranged marriage au featuring nontraditional a/b/o, political schemes, ancient greek and abrahamic religion references, feral harry potter, and lots of power play and worship. It's neither only tomarry or only harrymort, but tomarrymort—meaning the core relationship is Tom/Harry/Voldemort. This includes Tom/Voldemort.” we made universes out of bitten lips and broken hands by @boyneptunee (M, 50k, WIP) “The consequences of Harry's Time Travel seem inconsequential, at first. Until they stare right back at him with vicious eyes. There's trouble brewing in every direction, and the Future is not as certain and set in stone as one might think.” Time Stumbler by @wintumnly (T, 102k, WIP) “Harry is stuck in 1937 and spends the holidays with almost-eleven-year-old Tom Riddle. On the first day of Christmas, they both anxiously wait for Tom's Hogwarts letter together. Fluff, humor, and Tom Riddle is not good with feelings." 7 by @moontearpensfic (E, 44k, WIP) “Harry goes back in time to raise Tom AU: the boys discuss what might have happened to make Voldemort go to "sleep."” Anytime, Anywhere, Always by @moontearpensfic (E, 22k, WIP) “Harry corrupts Tom AU: Tom and Harry celebrate Christmas--and something more! Your Wish, My Command by @moontearpensfic (E, 8k, WIP) “Hinny adopts Tom AU: Tom finally gets Harry to crack. 🔥”
Tomarrymort One Shots and Completed Fic
Complete | Chapters 8 and 9 of Memories of a Killer by @chemfreak89
Complete | Chapter 6 of What quickens me is the violence in thee by @i-dream-of-libraries
Complete | Chapter 4 of If I were you by @onehitpleb
Complete | Chapter 19 of Sits the wind in that quarter by @mosiva
One Shot | To be Imagined by @cyandenial
One Shot | god's hands by @curioushabitforarivergod
One Shot | bad behaviour by @milkandmoon-ao3
One Shot | two ways of being: the noun & the verb by cycloalkane
One Shot | set my soul on fire by @wynnefic
One Shot | Beach Episode by @crowcrowcrowthing
One Shot | First Duel by @being-luminous
Tomarrymort Ongoing Fics
Chapter 12 of Ills of Murder by @shadow-of-the-eclipse
Chapters 7 through 11 of in the silence by @satflesk22
Chapter 4 of friend of the devil (a friend of mine) by @shyinsunlight
Chapter 15 of Embryo by @cannibalinc
Chapter 4 of As It Begins by @duplicitywrites @moontearpensfic
Chapters 7 and 8 of Stygian by @crowcrowcrowthing
Chapters 15 through 17 of Saint Harry by @alenablack @chaos-bear
Chapter 1 of the night is cold in the kingdom by @girl-with-goats
Chapters 5 and 6 of you speak of the devil (like he's not your friend) by @amuria
Chapters 131 through 134 of Liquida Tenebris (Remastered) by @dymis
Chapters 1 and 2 of Small Mistakes by Crisis_Brewing
Chapter 5 of Hit 'N Run by @dragonaireabsolvare
Chapter 11 of Days always end in sunsets by @d00medbythenarrative
Chapter 25 of Time Stumbler by @wintumnly
Chapters 8 and 9 of Venom or Valor by @lightningant
Chapter 21 of Outrunning the Villain in You by @zenyteehee
Chapters 6 through 8 of To the Hilt by @izharmilgram
Chapter 9 of Do It Over by @marrythemonstersao3
Chapter 2 of Infinite by @moontearpensfic
Chapter 2 of Prizefighter by @dragonaireabsolvare
Chapter 8 of Fetters of the Damned by @sc0rpiflow3r
Chapters 13 and 14 of Hole in the Wall by tomrddle
Chapters 23 and 24 of Learning to love by @l-archiduchesse
Chapter 13 of He Who Shall Not Be Changed by @moontimefilter
Chapter 17 of Last Son of Black by @treacleteacups
Chapter 6 of Dreams Beyond Blood by @hikarimeroperiddle
206 notes ¡ View notes