#three days to live au
kiisaes · 1 year
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everyone loves sunny! (but are too repressed to do anything about it)
(catholic school au)
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wowa-bublord · 6 months
Does your Zack ever get to his true breaking point where everything is just too much to push away and he can't help but show his true vulnerability? And if so, what or who is the catalyst?
OMG I RRRRR I LOVED DRAWING 4 THIS ONE OKAY SO. with the au, zack will reach a breaking point with the way he's handling his emotions by blocking them off/bottling them up. It's inevitable. The question of what/who is the catalyst and not when or if it happens hehehe AND IM SO EXCITED TO ANSWER. Through out the au story, zack is stuck in this sorta mentality.
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he's so reliant on Cloud being okay, that he can't focus on anything else (for reasons i can discuss another time). My instinctive reaction, it to think that Cloud waking up would give him enough emotional relief to let down some of those walls. But, then I thought that if Zack bases his emotional wellbeing so heavily on cloud...
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then theres not going to be a point where Cloud is suddenly 'okay' enough in Zacks brain to let it out. Life has its ups and downs, recovery from physical/mental trauma like cloud went through especially has its ups and downs. Theres always going to be some excuse for Zack to close up even further, particularly since he chooses to be in a caretaker role for Clouds early recovery when he needs it.
So then my mind hopped over to Tifa and Barret, his two closest friends in this au. But I thought that also could only go so far, Zack wants to appear strong for the people he cares for, and in his mind, he's somehow 'tricked' Barret and Tifa into thinking he's stable and tough enough to be their friend, he doesn't want to risk suddenly being too much. (IMPOSTER SYNDROME GANG RISE UP) And since Zack is so numb to violence and battle, I think it'd take a lot to push him out of that even in physically violent scenarios (u could still try though. whump writers i am on ur side 4ever) And not only that, but Tifa and Barret have only known Zack as he is now. They know that he's definitely a bit weird, but they don't know how far that goes, as this is the only version of Zack they've ever met.
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BUT HE OBVIOUSLY will still have his own explosion. It's necessary, it's inevitable. Just look at that guy. So I thought, who else?
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and who else could it be if not her?
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head---ache · 1 year
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
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I imagine in the royal au this would be their first introduction, where Neil/Abram doesn’t try hiding his name because advisor Day has already recognized it from his time at Evermore, though he doesn’t recognize Nathaniel any other way. The only people that aren’t as confused as you by the proceedings here are Day and Wesnisnki themselves 🤔
part 1 / part 2
rough ideas for context:
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omglescubes · 1 year
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Etoiles just announced his next cultural landmark visit stream!!! this time it's the Paris Opera House, l'Opéra Garnier!
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He and Zerator will visit it with his usual guide Phillipe (the goat) and have access to places that arent open to the public!! it's going to be incredible!! :D
Thursday 31 August - 20:30 (UTC +2)
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autism-swagger · 4 months
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Lol what if we loved each other so much it rewrote the narrative and un-doomed all three of us haha
Kinda sorta redraw of this.
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bruhstation · 1 year
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goodoneguys · 4 days
so I just watched tape (2001) and what thE FUCK was that movie??????????
honestly one of the best real time movies I’ve seen in a long time
I loved the yelling
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kartoffelstern · 8 months
modern day AU
the two most important people in Cora's life - his older brother and the young adult he took care of - are hellbent on hogging all his attention
small snippet under the cut
Cora: bursts into the room Guys, I've got news! Doffy & Law at the kitchen table: *no reaction* Cora: presenting his phone with a pic of Belle-mere I've got a girlfriend! :D Doffy & Law: necks audibly cracking from turning to Cora so fast Doffy: You've got a WHAT. Cora: A girlfriend! I asked her out…uhm, well, actually it was her that asked in the end, I got too nervous Doffy: That one chick from your work? Really? Law: glares And you…said yes? Cora: nods of course! I like her! She's pretty and nice, and she's really tough too! Doffy: Rosi. grips him by the shoulders What the fuck are you talking about, you're way too young for this. Cora: …Doffy, I'm 34. Doffy: waves Yet still inexperienced. So you really think you could handle a woman like that? She'll just walk all over you, use you as a doormat! Cora: What? No, she's really sweet and caring and- Law: I agree with Doflamingo. For once. Doffy & Cora: both look in surprise down at Law What!? Law: Corasan, you should dump her. She doesn't deserve you, Cora: Wait, hold on, wait, wait- Why are you two so against me having a girlfriend? Law: I'm not against you having a grimaces…partner. I just think she's not good enough for you, Corasan. Doffy: What the brat said. grins Trust me, Rosi, I know a maneater when I see one. [he might or might not be thinking about a certain crocodilian lady…] Doffy: And you, my dear baby brother, are NOT cut out to handle that kind of woman Cora: Wh…why are you two teaming up against me all of a sudden!? Law: That's not it, Corasan! We - well, at least I - am concerned about you. Cora: Concerned? Doffy: That bitch is gonna break you, Rosi. Law: nods You don't need a girlfriend at all, Corasan. That's just gonna end in heartbreak. I don't like that. Cora: sighs This is ridiculous. Are you two even listening to yourself? I'm old enough to make my own decisions! I'm an adult!
Law: Yeah, on paper. Cora: Law…frowns Doffy: grins Look, Rosi, nobody knows you better than I do and what I do know is that this woman is gonna make you unhappy. You should just stick with the life of a bachelor, it suits you better. Cora: grumbles Just because that's what you like… Doffy: What was that? I just value my freedom, you see? And you should enjoy yours as well, don't tie yourself down with something as flimsy and fickle as a "relationship". If you need some release just pay for it! Be free and live your life, little bro! Cora: Well, I don't really feel all that free with you two breathing down my neck once I've finally found a cute girl I wanna date! Law: Corasan, I just mean well. Really. So please. hugs Cora and looks up at him with big eyes Dump her. For me. Cora: Nghh…not the puppy eyes…too adorable, can't resist…. Doffy: Rosi, really, dump that bitch hugs Cora and looks up at him as well For me? Pretty please? Cora: You know, it's a lot less cute when it's you who's doing that… Law: Corasan! Doffy: Rosi! Law: Corasan! Doffy: Rosi! Law and Doffy both tug on him, pestering Cora: S-stop! Hey! What's gotten into you two!? Law: Why do you even need someone else!? It's already a chore having to share you with Doflamingo of all people- Corasan, you should just get your own apartment, you don't need to stick with that asshole… Doffy: Rosi, after all that I have done for you? Let you live at my place? Borrow you money? Practically raised you all by myself?? Even let that stupid brat you picked off the streets live with us??? And that's your thanks!? Cora: overwhelmed What do you want me to do!? Split myself up in half!? I'm not living just to please you both! Law & Doffy: silent for a short moment Law: All we're asking is for you too leave her. That's all! Doffy: You should know where you belong. Cora: …sighs Cora: I hate it when you two agree on something. It's the worst. Alright then. I know you two just worry and I appreciate it. I just got together with her and this will be messy, but if it matters so much to you… Law: It does. Cora: …I will break up with her. his expression solemn Happy now? Doffy: grins & throws an arm around Cora That's a good boy! You finally came to your senses! Law: visibly relaxes, even smiles a bit Corasan, thank you. Cora: … [this is by far not the first time he has had to do something like this for the sake of the two]
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embers-archive · 2 years
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Beeduo underground fighting ring au my beloved
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snail-of-fire · 1 year
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ophelia and ruby constantly steal jane's clothes, they're just so comfy and they do miss her a lot when she's at work for long hours.
yes this is yet another fanart for my OT3, this time i'm on domestic JR poly brainrot so.... here we are. it's sketches cause i got too lazy and tired to do anything else to do it so... sorry? ANYWAYS LOOK AT THEM!!!!!
jane and ruby both belong to the wonderful @lacunafiction
Bonus under the cut:
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Jane got home late and fell asleep next to them (not the most comfortable though miss-back-pains 🙄)
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resolutepath · 1 month
Tranquility permeates the air in this languid, idyllic landscape, the soft sounds of what little life remains awake upon the reef travelling like whispers through alleyways, filtering into the air in silence. The stars glisten off the waters in a Child's Moonlight Dream, the veranda awash with their ethereal, subtle light. Now even the gravekeeper sleeps, a strange concept in a dream, but when that dream has become your life what else do you do but return home when the working hours are done.
Starlight dances off the stained glass canopy that shields the once great Father of Penacony, The Watchmaker, the once Nameless - Mikhail Char Legwork. His legacy unveiled he slumbers in permanent ease, resting for his work is done. Around him nothing moves, as still as the figure who once created the Penaconian Dream, marking his passing with a silent vigil.
In his hands the azure orb flickers, light dancing off its surface, then settles into the soothing repose. Then a white-gloved hand slips from it's surface casting ripples like waves, swirling its colours in a myriad of glitter and galaxies, so very alive from the muted glow it had previously held. Slowly, ever so slowly, the form emerges, curled up and cautious at first but eventually throwing oneself out into a crumpled heap upon the floor, a soft groan breaking the lingering silence.
Tentatively the form rises, gloves brushing dust off the crisp uniform as blue locks shake with a twist of the head. Purple hues with the world locked inside them open and for the first time in a long time, Misha breathes a fresh breath and turns to the world his former self helped create. A smile slips onto his face as he laughs at his predecessor's genius, taking inspiration from the tales of the Nameless' friend, the Vidyadhara fellow and their hatching rebirth to give him a chance. To let Misha have a life that was not born to die.
"Thank you..." he breathes into the ear of the man at rest, one glove resting on his shoulder before he turns away, attention instead caught on the statue of the faithful hound, even now ever watching over him, his loyal companion, his confidant for this life and the last. He draws close and rests his forehead against the cool statue, smiling as lids descend over eyes, arms wrapping around the dog's body just for a brief embrace. It's a comfort, an indulgence just for him.
Three ticks he allows then unfurls himself, instead coming to rest on the wall, following the hound's field of vision, leaning in as if whispering to an old friend. "I think this makes me have the winning move, don't you think..." he murmurs, thinking of all the games that Gallagher taught him, the cards they played and hands they dealt. He wonders still if there will be another hand to play yet, but he won't force it. For now, he intends to keep the circle small as he wanders the Dreamscape, breathing in the atmosphere. Every few days he must return, he can feel the pull to that dream bedroom that beckons him home, but it is a fair price.
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"Where do you think, old friend? Perhaps the bar first... should you ever return... your first drink is on me." Gone is the stammer as he speaks, now Misha and Mikhael all the same, but free to make his own choices for this life until the memoria wears thin. He does not mind, glad that this time his life is not a duty but his own choice to make even if he is to wander like a ghost. There is always the chance old friends reappear and there is always a certain barkeeper who makes for good company, the statues of old friend and the one with the angelic voice.
He'll make do, he always has done, and in this there will be no difference. A smile lights his face as he turns to begin his journey, glad that in death, he has simply found the next big adventure, and wonders what the road ahead will bring.
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maybeamiles · 3 months
Well. For the first time since like, christmas, I have not cooked and eaten a single one of my meals. And I still ate 3 whole meals. Cause I'm awesome like that.
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omgomgomg okay. ralbert dickensian era au where albert is the son of a rich family and race is a street kid
so i'm thinking when they're both young, 13 or so, race pickpockets this expensive watch or something from albert's dad and nobody sees him do it except albert
albert has an extremely rocky relationship with his parents and hates how restricted and tied back he feels being forced to live in high society. he has a singular kind-of-friend finch, who's the son of a family friend but is nice to him and seems to understand him. so as he sees this random street boy's hand slip into his father's pocket and pull out the most expensive item he has on him, he meets this kid's eyes and they have suddenly this unspoken moment of solidarity
and this memory follows albert everywhere as he grows up, even though he never sees race again. because the idea that someone who he's always been told he's supposed to scorn and look down on was able to so easily fuck his father over gives him hope that maybe he's not as trapped in this life as he feels.
(also he always remembers the way they seemed to click together when their eyes met. he hasn't ever really been exposed to proper free interaction with other boys, but for some reason this just felt right)
fast forward to when albert turns 18. his parents are sending him to university and on the day he leaves, he has a huge argument with them. so the second he gets off the carriage and arrives at college, he just goes for a walk to clear his head because everything just feels like too much
and as he walks down the street he bumps shoulders with someone who's walking with their head down, and he feels their hand slip into his pocket and grab the pocket watch that his little sister smalls gave him. he yells at the person, but they sprint off before he even gets a chance to see anything except a flash of blond hair. he's heartbroken that he lost this object, and his bad day just got worse.
only that night he hears a knock on his window, and when he goes to investigate he sees none other than the person with blond hair who robbed him earlier, who he suddenly recognises as boy he met all those years ago. race holds out his hand and in it is the pocket watch - he tells albert that he only recognised him after he stole it, so he followed him back to return it. 'i couldn't just leave you, it's been years since that day and i ... i just wanted ...' the 'to see your face again' goes unspoken.
race finds himself knocking on albert's window more and more. he doesn't really mean to, but he can't stop himself from going back again and again and again. both he and albert see a lot of themselves in the other, and as they get closer and closer (and fall in love) it feels like they were made for each other.
unfortunately when the two bullies of the college, oscar and morris, discover albert's relationship with this street boy, they take great delight in letting his father know personally. of course, since this is set when it's set a lot of people are super homophobic, and albert's father is definitely included in that, so he immediately pulls albert out of his university studies and brings him home, giving him a very angry and probably physical telling-off about how he's brought shame upon him. albert knows that if he stays put and goes along with it, he won't ever have agency over his life, so he wastes absolutely no time in locking his bedroom door, grabbing the few things he needs, climbing out the window, and going to find race, before taking him to finch's house, who hasn't seen albert in several years but was always kind and is now able to pass them on to jack and davey, who help them disappear. albert and race are able to escape, running off to a different country where they are able to live privately, finally happy in their lives.
they finally feel like they don't have to run anymore. albert's family erase all record of his connection with them, and he can't really bring himself to care. finch visits albert and race from time to time, and they actually become really good friends. they're safe and happy ... and they all live happily ever after 👍
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Graham looked himself in the mirror.
The veins hadn't gone away.
They were on his chest, over his heart.
He knew it was from making nuke.
It had to be.
They were a subtle silver color, just noticeable in the light.
He always felt a little too close to manic, a little unstable, even when he hadn't been down to the lab in weeks.
In the back of his mind, he feels like he is living on borrowed time.
I can't confirm or deny if he is.
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flashhwing · 1 year
oh we're in it now (crafting an outline for warden!hawke au)
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