#three chamber
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Ďalší návrat k zbraniam z Báthoryovského cyklu. Tentokrát strelným.
(Diablova pevnosť, kapitola 11, strana 275-6)
Ó áno, v dobách, kedy streľba spočívala v zdĺhavom nabíjaní po každom jednom výstrele, je zbraň s ktorou možno páliť dva razy za sebou, či už na ten istý cieľ, alebo úplne iný v opačnom smere, naozaj darom z nebies. Hlavne keď protivník čosi také vôbec nečaká.
Nejde o prvý kus na svete. Tie spadajú ešte do storočia predošlého a azda najslávnejšia je krásna slonovinou a zlatom zdobená 0,5 metrová a cez 2 kg vážiaca dvojhlavňová pištoľ s dvomi kolieskovými zámkami venovaná Petrom Peckom cisárovi Karlovi V v 1540. Šlo o naozaj náročnú konštrukciu a ozajstný dar pre najvyššie postaveného muža Európy. Kým kresadlová zámka sa vďaka lacnejšej výrobe, nižšej poruchovosti a menej náročnej údržbe počas 17. storočia stala široko dostupnou a kolieskové zámky vytlačila, dvojhlavňové zbrane sa začali hromadne vyrábať až v storočí 18. a 19. Slávu si vydobyli takéto brokovnice počas Sedem ročnej vojny v kolóniách na východe Nového sveta, bitke o Alamo počas Texaskej revolúcie, či v rukách moreplavca Jamesa Cooka. Ich sestry so spílenými hlavňami bolo počuť po celom Divokom západe. A predchodkyne perkusných howdah pištolí so sebou nosili lovci v Indii a Afrike. V Kornelovej dobe by ešte stále šlo o vzácnosť a majster, ktorého pracovnou náplňou bolo vyrábať takéto kusy, patril medzi ozajstnú špičku.
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Ako autor priznáva, je to jeden z prípadov, kedy si históriu trochu prispôsobil, keďže nizozemský vynálezca Ondro sa narodil roku 1648, takže v čase Diablovej pevnosti sa ešte len učil na nočník. O jeho mladosti sa mi nepodarilo nájsť nič, ale k jeho kariére sa viaže nejaký ten míľnik.
Celým menom Andreas Rheinhold Dolep, prezývaný aj "Holanďan", sa podľa viacerých zdrojov uchytil na dánskom kráľovskom dvore, kde slúžil princovi Jurajovi (Jørgenovi).
Dánsky trón zdedil jeho starší brat Kristián. Jurajovi bola pridelená úloha v upevňovaní anglicko-dánskej aliancie voči Nizozemsku. A tak sa v 1680 oženil s anglickou princeznou a neskôr kráľovnou Annou (k veľkej nechuti Viliama Oranžského, manžela jej staršej sestry Márie a rodeného Nizozemca). Nie je preto s podivom, že kráľovský choť zavítal aj na britskú pôdu, kde mu bol udelený titul vojvodu a neskôr aj veliteľa námorných síl. A z domoviny si so sebou priviedol aj početný sprievod, ktorého bol Dolep zjavne súčasťou.
Kým Juraj bol Viliamom vytlačený na okraj diania (čomu sa nijak dôrazne nebránil, uprednostňujúc jednoduchý domácky život), zrelý puškár čulo nadväzoval nové obchodné styky. Medzi jeho klientov patrili Phillip Howard z Charing Crossu v Londýne - veliteľ kráľovninho jazdeckého oddielu (Troops of Horse Guards), Browni z Blackburnu, William Legge - gróf z Dartmouthu, Kosimo III - veľkovojvoda Toskánska aj samotný anglický kráľ Karol II.
Vysokopostavení priatelia sa mu naozaj zišli, pretože sa dostal do maléru s predajom neodskúšaných zbraní. Na ich distribúciu totiž dozerala Puškárska spoločnosť (Worshipful Company of Gunmakers), jeden zo 111 livrejových korunou posvätených londýnskych cechovných spolkov, autorita s právomocou zhabať všetko, čo neprešlo ich schvaľovacou procedúrou. Voči Dolepovi sa stavali odmietavo, podľa jedného zdroja spor tkvel v zamestnávaní cudzincov. V 1686 si naň za faktické pristihnutie pri porušení zákona tvrdo došliapli. Trvalo dvanásť mesiacov, než ho z mastnej pokuty a sprievodných trampôt jeho konexie vysekali (pomohlo patriť na výplatnú pásku šéfa zbrojného predstavenstva koruny (Board of Ordnance)). No s obchádzaním kontroly neskončil a viaceré z jeho kúskov datovaných do neskorších rokov taktiež nenesú značku Puškárskej spoločnosti. Údajne si tak strážil výrobné tajomstvo.
Šťastie mu prialo a v 1691 podarilo obdržať titul trvalého čestného rezidenta (denization). V Anglicku sa aj oženil (Kostol sv Martina v Londýne) a zomrel (mestečko Barrow nad Soar), dosiahnuc vek 65 rokov. Jeho syn George Edward Dolep v remesle pokračoval.
(Princ Juraj, erb Puškárskej spoločnosti, miesto Dolepovej smrti)
Dolep rozvíjal zrýchlenú a viacnásobnú streľbu hneď v niekoľkých smeroch.
Medzi jeho chuťovky patrila mušketa s krátkou hlavňou, známa ako "blunderbass", masívna to ručnica s neveľkým dostrelom, zato rozšíreným otvorom, ktorý sa poľahky nabíja (užitočné za jazdy na koni, či v koči). V 17. storočí zažila rozmach (od civilistov, po námorníctvo, najväčšia priazeň u kočišov) a ustúpiť ju donútilo až storočie 19. a masová produkcia zbraní s vývrtmi (spresnenie mušky). Anglické pomenovanie je odvodené z holandčiny - "donderbus", alebo hromová nálož (bus - buxus - škatuľa). Na ostrovoch zaužívané "blunder" miesto správneho prekladu "thunder" sa zvykne vysvetľovať ako popis zmätku, ktorý takýto výstrel zvykol vyvolať. Mňa osobne by neprekvapilo ani to, keby takýmto pomenovaním Briti naznačovali, že je to zbraň pre tých, ktorí nevedia poriadne mieriť a zakopávajú aj o vlastné nohy. Mimoriadne široký rozptyl viacerých projektilov totiž v takých prípadoch padne vhod. Existovala aj menšia, pištoľová verzia, ktorou boli často vybavované jazdecké oddiely. Označovala sa ako "dragon" (jeden z predpokladaných pôvodov výrazu dragún) a dokonca aj bývala zdobená dračími motívmi. Ústie chrliace plamene a olovo dojmu napomáhalo. Exemplár - https://www.rockislandauction.com/detail/85/1257/andrew-dolep-brass-barreled-flintlock-blunderbuss
Okrem toho experimentoval so vzduchovkami. Síce náročnejšie na konštrukciu, no oproti vtedajším palným zbraniam mali niekoľko výhod. Vďaka využívaniu tlaku vzduchu miesto pušného prachu fungovali aj vo vlhkom počasí. Streľba a pomerne často i nabíjanie boli rýchlejšie než pri klasických palných spredu nabíjaných zbraniach. Hlaveň nebolo potrebné čistiť od zvyškov pušného prachu. Zároveň boli o trochu tichšie a výstrel nesprevádzal ohnivý záblesk, ani kúdol dymu, takže strelcovi ostal čistý výhľad a aj on sám zotrval menej nápadný. Najstarší dochovaný kus máme z 1580, v 17. a 18. storočí už šlo o pomerne rozšírenú hračku, populárnu hlavne na poľovačkách. Postupne sa stala aj výbavou špecializovaných vojenských oddielov. Dolep sa zrejme rozhodol, že to nie je dostatočná výzva, pretože skonštruoval rovno pušku s kombinovaným strelným mechanizmom. Doložený kus má panvičku s vývodom ústiacim do hlavne netypickým pre zbrane vzdušné, zato typickým pre palné. K skrutkovateľnému guľatému mosadznému rezervoáru na stlačený vzduch patrí aj mosadzno-drevená pumpička. Cieľom týchto a pažbových rezervoárov bolo uskladniť dostatok vzduchu na hneď niekoľko výstrelov. Pri panvičke je ešte jedna súčiastka, ktorej účel nie je známy. Nie je vylúčené, že k nej patril ešte nejaký odnímateľný komponent, ktorý sa stratil.
Exemplár - https://www.rockislandauction.com/detail/86/221/combination-flintlock-and-ball-reservoir-air-gun-by-dolep
Ďalšou z vychytávok v jeho repertoári boli zadovky. Zbrane pýšiace sa mechanizmom známym ako "breech loading", spočívajúcim v tom, že hlaveň je odklápacia a istená záverom. Zbraň teda možno nabíjať zozadu miesto spredu a nestrácať čas s nejakým zasúvaním projektilov za pomoci nabijaku. Najstaršie exempláre zadoviek sú niektoré experimentálne delá zo 14. a 15. storočia. V 16. storočí máme doloženú už aj ručnú zbraň, u anglického kráľa Henricha VIII, ktorý ju nosieval na poľovačky. Ale dobou plošného rozšírenia je až storočia 19. s nábojmi, ktoré majú vlastnú prachovú nálož. V storočí 17. by ešte stále šlo o luxusný artikel a ich konštruovanie, účinné uzatváranie proti zadnému úniku spalín (či iným trampotám) a dosiaľ vysoká zachovalosť svedčia o Dolepovej nadpriemernej zručnosti. Táto konkrétna má navyše zásobník pušného prachu na tri až štyri výstrely, takže za vyššie uvedeného zrýchleného nabíjania umožňuje čosi blížiace sa súvislej paľbe.
Exemplár - https://www.poulinauctions.com/very-fine-and-extremely-rare-circa-1690-cartridge-breech-loading-flintlock-magazine-primed-holster-pistol-by-the-esteemed-andreas-reinhold-andrew-dolep-of-london/
A napokon kúsok, ktorý je tak trocha na polceste k revolveru. To, čo si zvykneme predstaviť pod pojmom revolver, je výtvor Samuela Colta, ktorého prvý patentovaný model (colt paterson, 1836) mal hlaveň s vývrtmi a päťkomorový samotočivý bubnový zásobník na západku (proti točeniu v nesprávnom smere). Predchádzali mu rôzne ručne otáčané niekoľkohlavňové "koreničky" s pôvodom v luntových (zapaľovanie na tlejúci knôt) viachlavňových ojedinelých experimentoch z 15. a 16. storočia a už trochu hromadnejšie vyrábaných kresadlovkách prevažne podľa vzoru Nock, prípadne Segallas zo storočia 18. Dolep to ešte v tom 17. skúsil s takouto zadovkou vybavenou trojkomorovým zásobníkom. Keďže zásobník je spojený a hlavňou a otáčajú sa spoločne, ústie hlavne je zdobené troma listami, každým presne v línii pohľadu. Otáčanie je tak ako pri neskorších koreničkách manuálne. Exemplár - https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/13738/lot/93/
Najčastejšie spomínaná publikácia Great British Gunmakers 1540-1740 od W. Keith Neala a D.H.L. Backa vraj obsahuje hneď deväť príkladov Dolepových výtvorov a internet s aukčnými webmi a nadšeneckými blogmi za ňou nezaostáva, takže komu sa máli, môže vyraziť pátrať po ďalších.
Ja som už ale svoj zásobník vystrieľala a túto sondu do nizozemského puškárskeho umenia uzatváram.
#juraj červenák#Dobrodružstvá kapitána Báthoryho#Diablova pevnosť#Andreas Dolep#early modern#late modern#fire arms#guns#air guns#blunderbass#revolver#breech loading#gunmakers#history#Great Britain#Denmark#Netherlands#flintlock#multishot#three chamber#historical weapons#rifle#pistol
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insane ass tomarry book quotes we dont talk abt enough
#first one is from CoS next three are from HBP and last four are from DH#the chamber one is so cute to me#also describing the horcruxs EYE as hot girl get a GRIP🗣️#tomarry#harry potter#tom marvolo riddle#tom riddle#lord voldemort#voldemort#🖤.txt
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promowest pavillion columbus, ohio 9/15/2005
stacy chambers on flickr
#mcr#my chemical romance#obsessed with the patch#stacy chambers flickr#frank iero#gerard way#ray toro#mikey way#three cheers for sweet revenge#2005#revenge era#shows
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Twelve, to Bill: “I’ve never had time for the luxury of outrage.”
Babes. Your tenth self existed in a state of outrage. I’m fairly sure that by the end, there was more outrage in his veins than there was blood.
Your ninth self spent every day trying to get over it. Your eleventh self spent half his energy trying to hide it, desperately trying to escape it.
Babe your next self? She will marinate in it. Simmer in it like a pot on a stove, ready to boil over. You will invent a fourteenth self that is a copy of your tenth because you are so angry, so outraged, that it has burnt through your very soul. It is killing you.
Your fifteenth- eighteenth? Twentieth? You don’t even know anymore- self will see that outrage halved. Not the power of it, but the volume. The duration. For the first time in eons, it will recede to a level you may have the time to manage. To use.
#doctor who#the doctor#twelfth doctor#tenth doctor#ninth doctor#eleventh doctor#thirteenth doctor#fifteenth doctor#this started as me griping at#@shadowflame84#but then I waxed poetic#and figured#‘eh maybe the three people in the echo chamber will think this is something’
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Anyway I love the Resident Evil novels and nobody can change my mind
#resident evil#sd perry#resident evil 0#rebecca chambers#billy coen#I love the little details that get peppered in#and the way the POV changes between the main characters#my library system has three of them and I’m in love
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when elrond dragged maglor to imlandis (because he fucking did), he shoved (gently) his father into a bathtub full of clean and warm water and dunked a shit ton of well-smelling soap for the bubbles
#because lwts be honest i do doubt they had bathtubs with bubbles in the first age#or in the war time#and after that maglor was busy being a lonely wanderer lamenting about well everything#(he was being a sad wet cat for a good age or two)#and wellagoor saw the improvement of the bathroom stuff and wow#he absolutely liked the bubbles#and made a bubble things on his head#but that was not his first time in the bathroom when he was enjoying it thoughtfully#for the first time he just did a quick dunk in-out and thats it#after like#years#or just a month or two#or three#the very much little elronds children#got their granpa to play with them#and pretty much dunked him#maglor laughed#they reminded him of ambarussa#he then cried in his chambers#maglor#elrond#silmarillion#tolkien#and lotr i think#lotr
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tsukasa with a personality disorder. he based his entire life off of his sister he needs to question if this is what HE actually wants.
tsukasa resenting saki because their parents only focused on her. he feels so bad for it but he also doesnt. hes only human.
tsukasa realizing that his parents are ignoring him. theyre barely present in his life, and they barely ever were in the past. sure saki needed more attention, but they didnt need to ignore him like that.
tsukasa, a little younger, wishing that he would get sick so that his parents would pay attention to him too. not understanding why he's not as loved as she is.
tsukasa looking at the stark difference in the way they parented him and saki. wondering what he did wrong to make them act this way towards him.
tsukasa wondering if he was a girl, maybe he would get loved a little more. treated a little better.
#it is exactly three forty five am these have been cooking in the chamber for far too long#asher yaps#tsukasa tenma#pjsk headcanons#prsk#pjsk#wxs tsukasa#need him to be miserable and angry and upset and crying#god please let him have a cool focus evemt for once#please#need more than 'oh no how will i act as this character'#are these headcanons actually idk#WHATEVER!!!#so sorru i am NOT normal about him AT ALL#transkasa#i love you transkasa#he is transgender genderqueer to me#dont ask which transgender he is i couldnt tell you#totally not projecting my own gender onto himthat would be crazy!!
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OH also the yvenacht story as well i'm also gonna rewrite that
#what is the yvenacht story u ask because obviously u have never heard of it#1850. three dumbass young shepherds from inver with no money thought a marriage/inheritance scam would be a good idea#and they picked a lady called tessarin yvenacht as a target. she was a low-ranking noble looking for a husband#'that's great' said the three eejits‚ 'one of us will marry her‚ fake his death‚ and collect inheritance'#and they prepared for their con. but there's a problem. because each of the three boys thought that he was the prospective husband#mvf#setting: inver#(story is entirely narrated by them three in different interrogation chambers after the fact)
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Poe | This Road (The Dark Chamber) from Alan Wake II
And some say that It loops forever, this road That I lose you on every time
#good night#poe#(yes of Hello/Haunted fame Poe)#anne danielewski#alan wake#alan wake II#this road#poe this road#this road (the dark chamber)#songs of 2024#there's three other versions too but this is the most substantial one
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I love all of the 'quietly choosing the safety of his loved ones over his own comfort' moments Vegeta gets in Super, but especially when they're Vegeta comedically getting dragged into things he didn't sign up for
I'd forgotten that the three year thing was indeed in the manga too aklsdjas but Vegeta was so pressed about it and I need that version of the conversation with Bulma
'-So we're going to train for three years'
'Three years?!'
'It'll only be three days for you'
'Oh, okay have fun :)'
'I will not :)'
#dbtag#silly hours#bulma like 'three years? with goku? will you be okay?' and Vegeta like 'No! thank you so much for asking'#Bulma: If you didn't want to compete why did you agree to do the tournament?#Vegeta: I didn't.#Bulma: Then say no?#Vegeta: I can't. Beerus might blow up the earth if we lose#Bulma: ...Aw :) <3 Look at you and your priorities#Vegeta: Don't aw me yet. There's still plenty of time for me to kill Kakarot in the chamber.#Vegeta: Then *I* get to blow up the earth. As a reward.#Bulma: And you will have earned it#Vegeta: THANK you#asjfkla i just think their relationship is so much fun when it's got the 'you and me just us and your friend steve' energy#Bulma and Vegeta arguing over whose fault Goku is -- He's Bulma's bestie but he's Vegeta's rival so he's equally both their problem-in-law
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this has happened to them and im certain of it btw
#neurodivergent echo chamber#my art#milo murphy's law#i try not 2 post every little doodle but they are so real to me#i believe in the three of them echolalia with my WHOLE heart!!
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Suo's blood. Suo was bleeding. Suo was not supposed to bleed. --- Suo takes a hit during a fight, and Sakura takes it very badly.
actually posting my writing for the first time in ages. sometimes I just get really struck with an idea and can't rest until I write it down.
#wind breaker#wind breaker (satoru nii)#wind breaker fanfic#sakura haruka#suo hayato#suosaku#my writing#posted this yesterday technically but then i forgor#i have like 8 other fic ideas in the chamber for this pair#three of which are also partially written#yeah the brainworms are strong with this one
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reverse unpopular opinion for....aw heck, go ahead with Rhea for this one as well
This might as well be a part 2 to the previous Rhea ask so :D
I find Rhea to be so compelling for several reasons, one of the biggest being the inherent contradiction that she is very much capable of caring, loving and trusting others, sometimes with some insane gestures when you realize their meaning behind them (ie. Saving Jeralt's life by giving him her blood thus risking outing herself because of it, letting Catherine keep Thunderbrand despite the fact it's the one Relic she could safely recover- implicitly trusting her with one of her family's remains without any obligation to do so, risk angering a noble house to give Cyril a better life and treating him like her son in all but name)... And yet she cannot, for the life of her, bring herself to be honest with them.
Something fascinating I noticed about Rhea is that she ironically seems to prefer people who are blunt with her, because look at the people she's closest to - Seteth spends all of Part 1 openly questioning her, Flayn is constantly on the verge of accidentally outing herself, Cyril is so direct and honest he sometimes accidentally comes off as rude (Shamir too even if she's not as close to Rhea) and Catherine wears her heart on her sleeve.
Heck, all of them are either not that religious or outright non-believers, which ironically I believe helps reassure Rhea they love her because of who she is as a person and not because she's the archbishop, especially given how much she implies to find the position incredibly alienating.
And isn't that just so fascinating? That she is more than capable than loving others and caring for them risking her own personal safety, she appreciates people being honest with her.... But cannot, will not be entirely honest with them in turn.
Because make no mistake, that right there is Rhea's true fatal flaw: her compulsive need to keep everything a secret.
From the big but understandable stuff that would get her and her family scrapped for parts if it became public to downright pointless shit to hide like not liking hot drinks, and it's the one trait that screws her over the most, between being the reason Jeralt left (since she didn't tell him ANYTHING about what happened with Byleth so he assumed the worst and fled) and the thing preventing her from making connections as deep as she actually wants (like even just telling her loved ones how much they mean to her), as well as getting the support she actually needs. And because she feels she has to bear everything on her shoulders, she crumbles under the weight because no matter how hard she tries, she will never be good enough.
In that sense the role of archbishop is a sort of mask to her. It's definitely a part of her, but also something she has sort of burrowed into like a safety net preventing her from being true to herself. Because that'd mean making herself vulnerable, in more ways than one. To say nothing about putting her surviving family and remnants of her dead kin to jeopardy.
If she were to open up she'd be... More lively, I think. Definitely sillier if Heroes is any indication, and arguably more willing to take a direct approach in helping people. And definitely more loved and happier.
And perhaps, one day she'd realize she doesn't need to bring her mom back to fix Fódlan. She's not doing it alone anymore, after all.
#ask replies#loregoddess#fire emblem#fire emblem three houses#fe16#fe16 spoilers#rhea#my rambles#is this coherent in any way? definitely not#i just love rhea as a deconstruction of the mikoto archetype#she wants to be like mikoto and lumera so bad but she can never measure up to them#and instead of seeking the help of others to compensate she tries to bring her goddess mom back#she's a foil to alear in that sense. i love them so much for different reasons#and i think they'd be great friends#like rhea's whole secrecy complex is definitely a product of her trauma#and i love it. i wanna put her in a test chamber and see how she functions#anyway again sorry for pretty much dumping words at random😅
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every episode of game of thrones | 1.07: you win or you die
now listen to me. the old man is the lord commander of the night's watch. you'll be with him day and night. yes, you'll clean his clothes. but, you'll also take his letters, attend him at meetings, squire for him in battle. you'll know everything. be part of everything. and he asked for you himself! he wants to groom you for command. i just... i always wanted to be a ranger. i always wanted to be a wizard.
#got#gotedit#tvedit#gotjonsnow#got1edit#everyepisodeofgot#well....it's been three years since the last episode i posted.#so that's something.#fascinating what having more than one day off of work at a time will do to me apparently.#three whole days not going into my torture chamber and i found the will to open photoshop.#this isn't good. but it exists. hazzah.
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gent boys my beloved 🥰 this is nearlyyyy all of them, the others will be drawn....eventually
#victors art#steve mcgregor#bill chambers#alan gray#eugene lloyd#scott tlo#thomas connor#bendy and the dark revival#bendy and the ink machine#bendy the lost ones#batim#batdr#batim tlo#q#im missing three#one day ill design the two that dont have designs
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Portal 2 replay review: Hrmnnngggngmngm 💕💖💝💞✨❤️💗
#WPP#WPP2#Portal#I've only just revived GLaDOS (obviously had to play at least that far lol) but like hhnnnrgng <3 <3#The graphics! The space! The levels from Portal 1! The cutesy Aperture animations and the three(!) voice actors!#I've completely fallen in love with GLaD's P1 design but honestly what could possibly compare to her P2 design she's so pretty <3 <3#Stepping over her corpse to wake her up I'm normal I'm fine#And that we start in Test Chamber 1 and then fast track to 19 and end up in the toxic goo ravine fjdlsakfjsdf#I'm Fine I Swear#I forgot so many little details like the floor falling out or the buzz of the portal device (don't like but! Learned a new thing! -#- If while you're carrying Wheatley and you want the buzzing to stop just ''set him down'' - since he can't be set down lol#It cancels the noise :) Much nicer on the ears)#And Wheatley's voice actor ♪ His little flusters and chuckles hehe he's quite personably#I am So excited to get to the audio commentary fdjsalkjfdsf I found it and I'm biting biting biting#I have taken so many screenshots don't even get me started#Like all told for Portal 1 I probably took what like maybe 50 total? I'm probably already at 20 lol#Oh and I picked up a turret and it exploded on me :( I'm so distressed#I only want to knock over turrets I don't want them to explode!! Weh#Hhhh looking forward <3 Yay finally <3 <3#WPVG
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