#those two are gnc af
thetentacleking · 1 year
Watched Inu Oh the other day, my brain is now fixated on it
Please watch it, it’s so good and the music is fantastic!
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relicsongmel · 3 days
Thinking about Ema's crush on Miles again as well as the line about her preference for "simmerous" prosecutors in AA4 and given that I'm also a fervent Franema shipper I have no choice but to take those ideas to their natural conclusion:
Ema Skye would probably also find Manfred von Karma attractive.
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blackthornass · 1 year
the funniest thing about afab puberty starting a year before amab puberty is that in like. sixth grade. most of the cishet girls have had the switch flip where they get actual real crushes on boys based on looks and personality and stuff that adults are attracted to other adults for. but the boys haven't had that switch flip yet. they're still in the stage where theyre like oh i know what attraction is! Attraction is when a Girl can Run Really Fast. so being a straight girl in sixth grade is like literally a war zone because you'll be like oh randy is so hot <3 meanwhile randy isn't interested in you he's interested in the girl who was the last girl to be disqualified during the pacer because thats literally the hottest thing a girl can do when you are an 11 year old boy
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squadrah · 1 year
So you had two asks about La Squadra being toddlers, but what about them being old/older men? Maybe in their 40-50's or as senile old people. And my mind ain't exactly wondering there, but what do you think they'd be like as dilfs?
I managed to find an old post where I was asked what they would be like as old man: here it is! You also reminded me that I had once written about them as parents in general, and I could have sworn I published it, but I ended up finding it at last in my drafts, so I'll make sure to queue it after publishing this ask!
That just leaves the question at the end, ehe... I will try to do these from the perspective of a young adult, probably a friend of their child(ren), while they themselves are in their forties and fifties.
Risotto: His sheer size and deep voice are already enough to set the butterflies aflutter, so the way he wears sleeveless shirts and dirty overalls at home is almost too much. He is best observed in the garage where he enjoys quietly working with power tools, and nobody can look at his work table without imagining him sweeping off the clutter to make room for them instead...
Formaggio: He ages so gracefully he looks like he could still be in his thirties, but the way he cracks open a cold one while giving clever responses and showing at least basic knowledge of just about any topic introduced hints at decades of experience in a variety of areas. Whenever he playfully manhandles his spouse in the kitchen, guests cannot help but chug their own cold beverages in vain.
Prosciutto: Never seen without his signature dress shirts and crisp trousers, and when he's around, the temperature always drops enough that all unnecessarily noise and frolic dies down. Most agree they would not want to live with him as their father, the bar is just too high in that respect, but nobody would mind him in a hotel chair with a bourbon in his hand and ordering them to get to work...
Pesci: At first he seems nothing special, especially because he's not much respected by his children, but as soon as he easily lifts something that he ought to struggle with at his size, and tells you how much he think it weighs by touch, the magic begins, and those who have gone on fishing trips with him on the weekend and watched him reel in that big bass are now smitten for life.
Ghiaccio: Whenever you meet him, he's either preparing to go for a run or has just returned from it all sweaty and glistening, and no real decrease of stamina to show for it. Going to the gym with him is a rite of passage; he will explain every machine and challenge you to various feats of endurance. Spotting is obligatory, and many hit the showers afterwards in greater frustration than they began.
Melone: That one anon ask of "your dad looks gnc af" sums him up perfectly, he is so impeccably and unabashedly A Look and An Icon that all his various issues are easily buried in a tidal wave of gender envy and lust. His children are so confident and well-educated when it comes to sex that their friends can only imagine what a wealth of experience could be gained from the fountain head.
Illuso: He always lets his luscious long hair down at home, physically and metaphorically, and exudes such minor soap opera antagonist vibes that his heckling his children and spouse come off as almost entertaining, a good example of how much people forgive to a pretty face and a nice tall figure. He's not above teasing his guests either, and you will either hate him for it or want to kiss him.
Sorbet: He's not conventionally attractive and seems to love his plants more than his children, but he has a certain Addams Family aesthetic about him that carries his dry wit and odd ways perfectly, especially when he's trimming his bonsai or is outside gardening in the shade in special gloves and up to his neck in dirt. You are welcome to indulge his obscure opera obsession, but watch out.
Gelato: That one extremely friendly dad that claps you on the shoulder and shoves a drink into your hand as soon as (and even before) you hit drinking age, and is always two seconds away from hugging you and kissing you on both cheeks in a fit of camaraderie and general mirth. Watching him grill sausages and cook in a big outdoor cauldron permanently changes your brain chemistry.
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perotovar · 11 months
Okay but…pretty please share your Pedro boy sexuality hcs?? My toxic trait is headcanoning every character I love as enby tbh
GIDEON, YOU JUST MADE MY DAY. that is so god damn real of you, bless.
also as an lgbtqia person, i'm not perfect so if there's any language/terms that i use that are harmful/incorrect, please tell me!!
also these headcanons don't stop me from reading fics/headcanons that go against anything i state here. i'm always open to different thoughts/interpretations of these boys and always down for queer representation, no matter the form it comes in.
i am more than happy to share these headcanons with you!!! i'm gonna try and remember as many as i can:
obviously we've got the canon boys - dieter (i see him not giving two shits about pronouns and is happy to be referred to in any way) and oberyn being bi, and silva being gay. i love that he's played multiple canonically queer characters, and i never see people taking advantage of that?? ok not never, there are a few that acknowledge these three love men and i love those writers to death, thank u for your service lol
i'm gonna put all the bi/pan boys here:
marcus p (pan, prefers women/fem aligned people) frankie (bi, loves equally) javi g (pan, prefers men/male aligned people)(i could also see him questioning his gender a little? might start liking "they" once in a while) jack (bi, prefers women)(might be demiromantic given that he's still in love with his wife) nico (pan, loves equally and is a bit of a slut and we celebrate that here) max p (pan, loves equally, but probably said/did some things that were harmful in college to impress his bros. he was in a frat, wasn't he? was 100% closeted until being turned.)
ezra is nb/gnc and is pansexual. i see him using he/they pronouns. every time i see your icon i do a little happy dance lol
din is demisexual and really only has feelings for cobb
marcus m is straight and demisexual, really only loved his wife and is content to keep it that way
shane/dio is gay and is very closeted/overcompensates a lot
ok and we've got the ones i believe are straight, however:
joel is straight, but is completely comfortable with himself. has gone to a gay bar or two in his time and was very flattered when men would hit on him/buy him drinks. also, i could see him just like, not feeling anything sexual/romantic after tess. i do think he and tess were romantically involved; i don't think it was just sex/physical. it's really not something i see him caring about after her. so he's gotta be somewhere on the ace spectrum.
i'm kind of on the fence about javi p, because i could see him going one of two ways; he's either experimented and came to the conclusion that he's just more attracted to women than anyone else, or he's near violently straight. and that's either a combination of the time period he's in, or some other reason. but ultimately i think he's straight.
pero is straight, but like, probably in denial about himself. it gets lonely as a merc and when you're traveling with a bunch of men all the time? i could see him just like, not caring one way or the other. a hand/mouth on his dick is still a hand/mouth on his dick y'know what i mean? lmao
maxwell is straight, and is the only one i can see being a tad homophobic before either someone tells him hey, maybe that way of thinking is bad, hm? it's the 80s, it would make sense, but i can see him having a complete turn around and being a total ally. probably a little cringey, but he's got the spirit! lol
(juan diego)veracruz and omar are straight af and probably never questioned it.
dave is straight and loves carol only. i could also see him being one that experimented but decided he only loves women.
ok phew! i think that's all of them. if i think of any others i'll add them lol thank you again for asking!! i'm glad someone was just as interested in this topic as i am lmao
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lesbocs · 1 year
CORE (she/hir/sir) (@pastelstarpieces)
"Ghoul loving ghoul, the true gay emo who likes Halloween, because she’s the personification of it!! What’s a vampire to do when girls are so very very pretty? K-kiss them?????"
you can learn more about her here or on her character blog @vampirecatcore !
DONNIE (she/her) (@corvusossifragus)
"Well firstly she's tall and really strong and hot and gnc af also. She is her setting's equivalent of a vampire, that might sway someone to vote for her. Her two biggest hobbies are hunting and fishing, she's an adept fighter with and without her knife, and though she can't read well she's fluent in two languages and can carry basic conversation in two more. She has a violent streak, is very impulsive, and is often rude and inconsiderate towards others, but she is very family-oriented and when she deems someone family she will do anything to keep them safe and fed. She is very confident in herself, but she doesn't buy into the "chosen one" type story being fed to her. She ignores every step of the hero's journey and returns to an unchanged home, instead having spent the story changing those around her (usually for the better, but, well…)"
you can learn more about her here!
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🌿how does creating make you feel? and 💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
🌿how does creating make you feel?
I answered this question here!
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
Ok you are going to regret asking this because there’s a Star Wars fic I’m working on at the moment that has been living rent free in my brain for several months now, and given the opportunity I will yell about it in great detail to anyone who asks. Only @nebulouscoffee can attest to how insane I am about this WIP (and shout out to them for helping me flesh out this AU, and for coming up with so many great ideas for it!!! Bugs bunny *our* self-indulgent Star Wars AU etc etc)
Basically, it’s a fic/fic series that’s set in an AU where Padmé is force sensitive and Anakin isn’t, and I’m planning on retelling the entire story of the Star Wars based on that premise (well, the first six movies + The Clone Wars, at least. But I am eyeing the sequel trilogy like a vulture let me tell you because I’m desperate to give those films the AU treatment). It also ends up as a role swap for Luke and Leia as well, with Leia being raised on Tatooine and Luke on Alderaan (Leia gets to be a Jedi too, basically). But other than those role swap changes, I’m also going to address a bunch of things I wish the films had explored more/done better. So, rather than writing paragraph after paragraph elaborating on these changes, I will now present you with a bullet point list of “Things about the Jedi Padmé AU that make Fancy go insane”
Excessive Padmé character analysis
Explorations of the ethical issues of Clone rights (feat. A Clone OC that I’m incredibly attached to, his name is Tatao and I’m love him)
Said Clone OC is GNC af and is kind of punk rock about it
Slavery on Tatooine is kind of a much bigger deal
Maybe Naboo’s political system is kind of messed up??? Did you ever think about that George?????
Padmé’s handmaidens are important now!!! Because my favourite hobby is plucking female characters with no lines out of sci-fi properties and giving them ✨Depth✨
The destruction of Alderaan has much more weight than in the films
Han Solo cringefail compilation
Anakin still has no father, he just has two lesbian mums now (one of whom is trans 🏳️‍⚧️)
Obi-Wan actually facing the consequences of his actions for once
Luke dressing like David Bowie, Prince, Freddy Mercury, Elton John, and all the members of ABBA combined. Think disco Mark Hamill on German television
Explorations of whether the Jedi Order is actually a corrupt organisation (spoiler alert, it kind of is)
Obi-Wan getting to raise chaotic bantha child Leia
Skysolo for real ☀️
Ahsoka getting to be the cool Aunty to the twins like she always deserved
Trauma and violence and blood and killing and darkness and torment and hatred and guilt and improvised surgery on your boyfriend
The power of a childhood lullaby is something that can be so crucial to saving the galaxy, actually
And, just for good measure, here’s a preview of the very first chapter (which I will put under a ‘read more’ because this post is long enough as it is):
She had first felt it long ago, in the dark, in the nighttime, when she had woken from a nightmare to the sense of a soothing energy coursing through the air and stroking her cheek and drying her infantile tears. Good - it was always supposed to be good, pleasant and oh so very helpful, to reach out and make itself known to the little girl who lived so lonely with only her ambitions to guide her. Secret, a lovely secret, all to herself. If she shared it, it might leave her, and so she hid it in her heart night after night and day after day, even as she felt it in her blood and her bones and in all the little cracks and crevices of her thoughts.
Everywhere. The feeling is everywhere. And it is yours to treasure.
There were people out there in this wide world who shared her secret, or so she learned as she grew. The stories said that they were brave and strong and kind, good people with good powers and she could share her secret with them if she wished. So many times she had been tempted, to call upon the knights with their flashing swords and words of wisdom, to seek them out from their hiding place. Hiding place.
People suffered. People passed away. People rotted. People wept. So where were those knights with their flashing swords and their words of wisdom and their beautiful little secret now?
Nowhere. They will not come to aid you. Aid yourself, you do not need them.
Secret. A good secret. To keep it or not to keep it - yes, she would hide it. She learned that if she shared her secret the stagnant knights would find her, and now nothing could be worse than being drawn into their web of passivity. Yes, she would hide it. Keep it to herself. Grow her power inside of herself, practice and practice when no one was around to see her, in all the dark places that nobody would think to look.
Elsewhere. Find your power elsewhere. With me, my dear, plant the wretched seed and let it grow.
Someday soon, a beloved voice will call her name, and her secret will destroy the love and the life in him and return him to dust. Someday soon, a shattered heart will cry out vengeance and use her undead name as a battle cry for his own death wish. Someday soon, a girl of the sands will see the history inside her eyes and resurrect her withered and atrophied compassion.
All that would come to pass would be hers to create. But as that little girl settled back into sleep with a secret to keep her safe, all of it was a dream to her.
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superbcandyangel · 5 months
Ooh I liked those! Okay i gotta ask about more!!!!
- hanamiya, your power forward looks gnc af [GOTTA know]
- dissecting the bird (trying to find the song) [where is the bird dissection coming in, please, connect these 2 thoughts for me]
- substitute [cant tell if this is an unassuming placeholder name, or a hint at something REALLY angsty]
hell yeah you managed to hit some of my absolute favorites <3
hanamiya, your power forward looks gnc af
the fucked up KNB ImaHana fic I was working on long before the one I actually posted, which started as a fluffy little throwaway about Kazuya Hara wearing skirts and KiriDai being protective of him and ended up turning into a fic about Imayoshi being an absolute creep and sexually harassing him to get a rise out of Hanamiya
And so Chekhov's other shoe dropped. Imayoshi caught up in an instant, caging Hanamiya against the doorframe. Hanamiya barely squirmed. He tipped his chin up in a performance of defiance, but Koujirou knew his captain. If he really wanted out, he was plenty capable. Imayoshi knew that too.
If Hanamiya wasn't acting now, there had to be a reason he <i>wouldn't</i> knock Imayoshi's teeth in.
"You enjoy making a fool of me, Makoto. A lovesick one, sure, but a fool nonetheless." He spoke slowly, softly, leaning impossibly further into Hanamiya's space. "I've been very patient with you all these years. I think we can at least be honest with each other."
"<i>Honestly?</i> You're not lovesick, senpai, you're just sick."
A weary hum, with too much familiarity, too much affection for Koujirou's liking. "Such a pretty mouth saying such nasty things."
Hara shifted behind him. Voyeurs or bodyguards. Victims or bait. Imayoshi's hands traveled down, down, and Hanamiya was letting him. Visibly gritting his teeth, but letting him all the same.
"If you're so <i>envious</i>, I'm not the only one who's sick."
2. dissecting the bird (trying to find the song)
DabiHawks fic!!!! and the only multichapter I'm working on. the title comes from a John Craigie song (which is barely relevant unless you squint So hard) and it started in the same collection of BNHA BFRB fics as some (most) of the others on the list
Hawks has dermatillomania (hence dissecting the bird) and refuses to take his uniform off during sex with Dabi on his infiltration-turned-honeypot mission bc of that, partially due to Commission PR training but particularly bc he's afraid Dabi will think he's taking his non-burnt skin for granted
the first two chapters are Hawks' own perspective, and the third gives more insight into how Dabi feels about it
Frankly, he'd resigned himself to a lovely, bitter, sexless marriage to his own right hand before the asshole had sauntered into his life, wasn't sure his medical miracle of a body could handle much more than that. Hawks seemed dead set on proving him wrong. Not sweet, rarely gentle, seeming to sense the hell that Touya would put him through if he treated him like he was made of glass, but a certain respect, reverence even; an acute awareness of some line he couldn't cross, the stupid fucking limits of his stupid fucking body as it ate itself alive. Damn hero.
Probably something they taught at those boot camps they were calling hero schools, right before handing out baby's first phone book and a license to use it as they deemed fit. He hadn't been able to find records of Hawks attending one, strangely enough, but it was a safe bet all the same. He'd be lying if he said he weren't getting something out of it. Lying if it didn't stir something dim and deep and prone to groveling that he thought he'd stomped out decades ago, being treated like this. Seeing something almost like remorse for watching as Touya crossed that line himself, of his own free will.
Well, if Hawks really wanted to even the playing field, he could think of one way.
3. substitute
100% something angsty lmao, it's a fic exploring Naruto's grief over Sasuke leaving the village for Orochimaru (and his denial that it even qualifies as such) and why he reacted to Sai the way he did — he represents a direct, active, intentional threat to the sanctity of Team Kakashi as he knows it
Sai is my absolute favorite character in the series but I simply never pass up an opportunity to write about agonizing grief
Kakashi-sensei had gone on to talk about how you just can't win after a loss like that — every change hurt, good or bad. So did staying the same. Anything that reminded you of the time you spent with them also reminded you that nothing would ever bring that back. The more you clung to scraps of familiarity, passed up opportunities they'd never get to have, the more you alienated yourself from who you were with them in the first place.
Meanwhile each new development, no matter how petty, how small and stupid and insignificant, carved the knife a little deeper. It showed that the world was forgetting, piece by piece. It put the responsibility on you to remember, if no one else would. To plant your feet and refuse to betray their memory. To keep them alive, in some form, whatever the cost.
Naruto thought that a double-edged sword sounded way too cool to describe what he was feeling.
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ambreiiigns · 11 months
Ok then now tell me about these sk8 big and little boyfriends? I'm interested by the distinction of big and little, you know? :P
ok after Thee category 5 doubleblack moment and watching tristamp w my brother i'll answer this sk8 ask. then i'll go look at deathnote images saved to my phone to complete the collection of anime i care about
so you will never believe me but sk8. is about. a bunch. of skater boys. we have langa who moves to japan from canada after his dad dies bc his mom's japanese. him and his dad used to do snowboarding together but langa got lowkey depressed after his death and doesn't feel much passion for snowboarding anymore. plus he lives in beachy town now so it'd be impossible anyway
he meets reki there tho. and Oh reki is just like. the sun. they're in class together but didn't really talk (langa doesn't talk much) but they bump into each other while reki's out skating and he gets langa to try it and it just. goes downhill from there
reki takes him to S !!! which is this like super secret skaterz place that opens at night on some mountain where they have races and place bets and stuff. long story short langa finds that Spark he's missed ever since his dad died in reki and skateboarding - as in, yeah sure skating's fun but it's reki that makes his heart beat fast and not the adrenaline or whatever. it's not Skating itself that makes him happy but it's skating With Reki. they're so fucking SWEET. they have a bit of a fight halfway thru the series bc reki has some inferiority complex and langa almost loses the Spark again. it's really sweet. at some point he vaguely talks to his mom abt this fight and she assumes it's about a girl he likes so she asks him. "you LIKE this person don't you" and langa BLUSHES HE'S SO CUTE and says yeah :// so she hypes him up to go talk things out and says. good lird. "show her she's a lucky girl!!" and langa. i am quoting word for word. answers. "what girl." gay people real
and those ^ are the little boyfriends. now the BIG boyfriends ugh !! unsufferable. you got kojiro aka joe and kaoru aka cherry and we meet them at s. in fact they FOUNDED s when they were teens along w adam who's the bad guy in this show and i want him dead. joe is. built like a brickhouse and mildly italian ?? he runs a restaurant during the day and the Gang meets up there a lot he's the sweetest in the world and worries and helps the kids anytime he can i adore him. cherry's gnc af (you're insane) he's pretty as fuck and had a Punk Phase as a kid where he had a couple of piercings and emo bangs and NO ONE has ever looked better EVER but he's Mean but still Cares. when they met adam back in the day him & cherry had a lil somethin somethin going on but he ended up dumping them Both for being boring bc he's insane. i don't wanna talk abt him. so that leaves cherry & joe alone again - which is cool. they've been together since preschool they're the type to bicker and talk shit 24/7 while still always being glued to each other. they're so Horny but they won't fuck. everyone at s wonts them carnally. the kids (by this i mean reki & langa but mostly miya who's like a little shit pro skater they picked up along the way) (shoutout to the icp clown rockstar legend shadow who's the 6th and final member of The Gang) call them mom and dad Frequently and they call the gang "The Kids" an incriminating amount of times (they accidentally adopted two 16yos one 14yo and one 24yo. at age 26)
realizing i don't Know how to explain joe & cherry you kinda just have to witness them. there's this bit where cherry's explaining to The Kids how adam does one of his moves so he skates right up to joe and says "Hello..." in a. weird fucking tone and joe hisses back "You're Too Close!!!" threatheningly like he's gonna fuckin Jump him. there's this other bit during THEE beach episode where joe's flirting w some ladies (he's a manwhore) and miya grabs him pretends that he's his dad and tells him that Mommy's mad !! pointing at cherry who's like napping sexily. and joe actually looks at him and like fuckin whimpers and blushes like a virgin and all he can say for himself is THAT IS NOT YOUR MOM !!!! hello. what was that. also there's the bit where adam fuckin slams his board across cherry's face (?!?!?!?) and joe picks him up like a princess (which he calls him sometimes. princess and pinky and the likes) and gets him to the hospital and THEN cherry sneaks out of the hospital to go to joe's restaurant and falls asleep there and joe looks at him sooo tenderly and says something like "at least we aren't alone right kaoru?" and it's Sweet bc cherry has troubles sleeping but he feels safe enough to sleep around joe..... don't u wanna scream
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here look at them. the kids the parents the squad
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julie-su · 2 years
Team Chaotix for the ask meme !! Or just Vector if you wanna keep it short :p
TEAM! CHA! O! TIX! Alright, for clarification for those playing at home, I'm going for Heroes Team Chaotix, not Knuckles Chaotix, which is a different handful. Also doing all of Knux' Chaotix in one go might kill me XD .... Still, we are GOING to need a readmore after Vector. LET'S GYOOOOOO!!!
Vector - Sexuality Headcanon: That crocodile is an awkward bisexual if I've ever seen one! (Signed: awkward bisexual) Gender Headcanon: He's cis, but in a funky way A ship I have with said character: Well, in Preboot Archie, Espio and Vector XD basically everywhere else.. I don't really know! I suppose I like the idea of him getting crushes easily XD A BROTP I have with said character: Team Chaotix is just one big BROTP. So to make these fun, I'll branch out! I like to wildcard it, and make him be friends with Mina. They just hang out and listen to music, I think you can catch them going to concerts together frequently - I think that a strain is put on their friendship after Mina's exposé on Nicole, but after Mina makes it up with Nicole, and Vector and Mina have a discussion about the whole thing - he forgives her himself. He didn't really like her saying all that stuff about Nicole. A NOTP I have with said character: Swan Lady Hater Swan Lady Hater Swan Lady Hater A random headcanon: I really like the idea that Vector has ADHD, and needs some tunes playing in the background at all times that he doesn't just zone out fully. He concentrates better when he's got beats playing! General Opinion over said character: GOD, I love Vector. I love how often he has to become the adult of the group, it's just fantastic every time he's offering emotional support, even if he's not really.. Good at it. It's one of the things that I feel has been consistent amongst all iterations - hell, he even made peace with Julie-Su when she's in her hour of need in preboot Archie! I love when he consoles Shadow during the Semi Hero-Hero (? it's been a while) ending in Shadow the Hedgehog 2005. I love that it even carries on to more recent media, such as where he is comforting Belle in IDW! I wonder if that puts a lot of pressure on him, sometimes? I think he comes across as a jerk at first, but he really does have a heart of gold.
Espio - Sexuality Headcanon: Gay Gender Headcanon: He's got some genderqueer swag.. Your chameleon is GNC af A ship I have with said character: -looks up and above- A BROTP I have with said character: Nicole and Espio getting to know eachother just really makes me smile! I think they're besties after that... Maybe with less 400-Year-Old Grandpa Floating Head Orb in the room XD ... A NOTP I have with said character: I have only ever really seen self-ships of Espio in the wild, which are all incredible. There's nothing for me to put here XD A random headcanon: I think he can still do the rainbow tone shift like in Knux' Chaotix, I think that he does it when he's sleeping. You can tell how good or bad of a dream he is having by the colour cycle. Charmy thinks this is hilarious! General Opinion over said character: I love when we get reveals that he's just a dumb goober. He IS a goober. He's really cool, and I love the whole espionage thing, and I wish he was around more. I love a failman who exceeds at what he does XD
Charmy - Sexuality Headcanon: Charmy Gender Headcanon: Also Charmy A ship I have with said character: I don't know if 'Ship' is the word, but I like that in later Preboot Archie, he's always with Saffron - sure, they're dating, but it feels like it's in a cutesy playground crush style.. adorable! A BROTP I have with said character: Mello- MELLO, NOOO! Okay, Mello's six ft under... Who's next on the list... /brick'd But for REAL - This would never happen in a canon-adjacent way, but I really love the idea of a playdate between Charmy and Kit. I think two evils (LOVINGLY said, but Charmy ABSOLUTELY doxxes people for fun and calls them rude things over voice chat) cancel out, and they end up working on these huge projects, like building an entire scale replica of the city out of toothpicks. Charmy has a new outlet for his overbounding hyperactivity, and Kit gets to put his mind elsewhere. They both focus on their own sections and talk for hours. A NOTP I have with said character: Most ships are no-go for me with Charmy >_> I just don't like 'em. A random headcanon: I think Charmy doesn't understand that he's being rude half of the time - he's just one of those 'say it how you mean it' blunt kids who giggles too much. I think that he also doesn't really understands that he's been rude, or that people are annoyed - he's low empathy, but full of boundless energy and joy, he interacts with most people in good faith and doesn't understand why someone WOULD say something in bad faith, so he just does not get that he's in trouble until he's being scolded, then he's just left confused XD THEN he gets rude. because it's not FAIR. General Opinion over said character: I LOVE Charmy! He's one of my absolute favourites, I used to pretend to be him on the playground. I just really meshed with his hyperactivity as a kid, and I thought he was so funny XD
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i actually always have weird dreams about whatever media im stupidly obsessed with and that acosf dream reminded of this one that i had that was actually so weird that it momentarily snapped me out of my obsession
so im a big fan of elisabth: das musical which is a musical about empress elisabeth of austria, idk how familiar your average presumably american tumblrperson is with her but shes a big cultural icon in germany and austria so obviously they made a musical about her. but whatever, all you really need to know for the sake of this post is that elisabeth has a son called rudolf and theres a gnc af personification of death/everyones suicidal thoughts kickin around. Death is my favorite character bc if im weirdly obsessed with him and him only thats technically not rpf, and then rudolf is my favorite non-death character even though he only gets 3 songs and a dance number during which he kills himself. and basically the main reason for that is that hes got a lot of homoerotic tension w/ death because death is a romqntic character and he has suicidal thoughts so obviously theres a spark there. Thats not actually relevant to my dream i just needed to tell you bc anytime someone talks about this musical i feel like theyre like "oh its about this woman having a romance with the hot and sexy grim reaper" "oh the emperor of austria gets cucked by a guy who looks like THIS" and thats all true but also, idk man go on youtube and type in mayerling walzer and watch some of the videos and tell me what you think, content warning for suicide, guns and gay shit
anyway, so the dream that I had was a tv show, i wasnt like watching it, i did bot exist in that dream my mind was basically a streaming service. Its a full episode of a cw/abc family type show, for some reason i get once upon a time vibes from it even though ive never watched that show, but i only remember the very end, all I remember about the rest of the episode was that it was rudolf (whos the pov character btw i havent mentioned that yet) going around a bunch of places trying to solve some kind of mystery. And the very last place he ended up at the end of the episode was in front of my catholic elementary school, catholic in the sense that it was right next to a catholic church and was named after that church i dont think we learned much more about religion than your average "secular" elementary school. Now, the school was a little bit behind the church and between the two buildings theres this gap where the ground is all cobblestone and theres a fountain that doesnt work and some bushes and benches and irl theres a busstop there with one of those electrical signs, but since this dream took place in the 1880s there wasnt a busstop yet. so rudolf comes to this kind of inbetween space and goes up to this big person-sized copper jesus statue (which is accurate to real life btw) and Im sure this is meant to be some heavy-handed symbolism or visual metaphor or something but unfortunately i dont have the context of this tv show that my brain made up so i cant be sure. he stands there for a while, not really doing anything until an older woman suddenly approaches him. And that woman? queen victoria. yknow, like victorian england. whatever, shes like the catty woman antagonist of this show and she and rudolf have this really vague and passive agressive confrontation, i dont remember anything they said, just that it was passive aggressive bc thats how royals b like i guess. But somehow through the vague bullshit theyre saying the audience finds out aboutvthe big shocking end-of-episode twist: rudolf is not elisabeths child, hes actually victorias child. They did a baby switcheroo. for some reason. and then it CUTS TO BLACK
And I wake up and im like "huh. maybe i should stop thinking about that musical so much"
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Guess who my favorite MF character is
Yeah, it's him. Have you looked at him??? Look at him!! Gorgeous man. Precious, beautiful, handsome, pretty... He's just... So well made as a character, he's so deep... So tragic, so sad... He deserves the world 😭❤️
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boycannibal · 3 years
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im so obsessed with this painting (”dans le lit”/”in bed” by henri toulouse-lautrec)
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doppoorochisimp · 3 years
Today i realized Gouki is the only main character without an spinoff and it pissed me off, like, there's so much potential??? So much we barely know about this old man! We could see his young years, maybe when he was an assassin, even the fight where he lost his eye (thanks Yanagi)! God there's just so much potential.
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justlesbian · 2 years
This movie was my lesbian awakening
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I related, and still relate, SO MUCH to Michelle Williams character, Linda. Not just in her realizing she was a butch-loving femme lesbian, but in her struggles with it. The judgment from her friends, even those who were lesbian feminists, because they could not understand the attraction she felt towards a GNC woman like Amy (Chloe Sevigny)
I hated the scene were she mistreated Amy in front of said friends so much, and it scared me, because I knew it could easily be me. As a shy, socially awkward teen, I always cared way too fucking much about what people think of me, trying so hard to be pallatable to them, and a lot of that has stayed with me to this day. One example I can think of is when my gf got a very butch hairstyle and I thought it looked hot af, but my first gut reaction was to worry about what other people would think, and how they would treat her. This is a problem.
So many people literally do not understand how lesbians like us exist. I had a guy friend who was excited that I would be able to talk about girls with him, but later became exceedingly confused by the women I actually went for, completely unlike the straight girls he liked. Another is all the times I heard "but she looks/dresses/acts like a guy!" and how it made me feel so insecure and exasperated and not understood
We have made huge strides in LGBT rights and acceptance, but we still have so much work to do in terms of acceptance of GNC women and butch lesbians. Why is it that the accepted version of lesbians in media is usually two straight looking, femenine presenting women? Why does society still consider butches and more masc presenting women to be scary and unnattractive? And why are lesbians (femme or butch) who are attracted to these types of women SO invisibilized?
We need more movies like this. Stop being scared of "perpatuating dated stereotypes" or whatever. Butch/Femme stories need to be told. Butch/Butch stories need to be told. Butch women are still very much around and always will be, and so are lesbians who love them.
And that's on periodt
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lambentplume · 3 years
also listen. as a fellow left handed gemini, this is recognition of the self in another in the WORST POSSIBLE way skfndfjdjfj
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