#if they become shippy that is simply a bonus
superbcandyangel · 5 months
Ooh I liked those! Okay i gotta ask about more!!!!
- hanamiya, your power forward looks gnc af [GOTTA know]
- dissecting the bird (trying to find the song) [where is the bird dissection coming in, please, connect these 2 thoughts for me]
- substitute [cant tell if this is an unassuming placeholder name, or a hint at something REALLY angsty]
hell yeah you managed to hit some of my absolute favorites <3
hanamiya, your power forward looks gnc af
the fucked up KNB ImaHana fic I was working on long before the one I actually posted, which started as a fluffy little throwaway about Kazuya Hara wearing skirts and KiriDai being protective of him and ended up turning into a fic about Imayoshi being an absolute creep and sexually harassing him to get a rise out of Hanamiya
And so Chekhov's other shoe dropped. Imayoshi caught up in an instant, caging Hanamiya against the doorframe. Hanamiya barely squirmed. He tipped his chin up in a performance of defiance, but Koujirou knew his captain. If he really wanted out, he was plenty capable. Imayoshi knew that too.
If Hanamiya wasn't acting now, there had to be a reason he <i>wouldn't</i> knock Imayoshi's teeth in.
"You enjoy making a fool of me, Makoto. A lovesick one, sure, but a fool nonetheless." He spoke slowly, softly, leaning impossibly further into Hanamiya's space. "I've been very patient with you all these years. I think we can at least be honest with each other."
"<i>Honestly?</i> You're not lovesick, senpai, you're just sick."
A weary hum, with too much familiarity, too much affection for Koujirou's liking. "Such a pretty mouth saying such nasty things."
Hara shifted behind him. Voyeurs or bodyguards. Victims or bait. Imayoshi's hands traveled down, down, and Hanamiya was letting him. Visibly gritting his teeth, but letting him all the same.
"If you're so <i>envious</i>, I'm not the only one who's sick."
2. dissecting the bird (trying to find the song)
DabiHawks fic!!!! and the only multichapter I'm working on. the title comes from a John Craigie song (which is barely relevant unless you squint So hard) and it started in the same collection of BNHA BFRB fics as some (most) of the others on the list
Hawks has dermatillomania (hence dissecting the bird) and refuses to take his uniform off during sex with Dabi on his infiltration-turned-honeypot mission bc of that, partially due to Commission PR training but particularly bc he's afraid Dabi will think he's taking his non-burnt skin for granted
the first two chapters are Hawks' own perspective, and the third gives more insight into how Dabi feels about it
Frankly, he'd resigned himself to a lovely, bitter, sexless marriage to his own right hand before the asshole had sauntered into his life, wasn't sure his medical miracle of a body could handle much more than that. Hawks seemed dead set on proving him wrong. Not sweet, rarely gentle, seeming to sense the hell that Touya would put him through if he treated him like he was made of glass, but a certain respect, reverence even; an acute awareness of some line he couldn't cross, the stupid fucking limits of his stupid fucking body as it ate itself alive. Damn hero.
Probably something they taught at those boot camps they were calling hero schools, right before handing out baby's first phone book and a license to use it as they deemed fit. He hadn't been able to find records of Hawks attending one, strangely enough, but it was a safe bet all the same. He'd be lying if he said he weren't getting something out of it. Lying if it didn't stir something dim and deep and prone to groveling that he thought he'd stomped out decades ago, being treated like this. Seeing something almost like remorse for watching as Touya crossed that line himself, of his own free will.
Well, if Hawks really wanted to even the playing field, he could think of one way.
3. substitute
100% something angsty lmao, it's a fic exploring Naruto's grief over Sasuke leaving the village for Orochimaru (and his denial that it even qualifies as such) and why he reacted to Sai the way he did — he represents a direct, active, intentional threat to the sanctity of Team Kakashi as he knows it
Sai is my absolute favorite character in the series but I simply never pass up an opportunity to write about agonizing grief
Kakashi-sensei had gone on to talk about how you just can't win after a loss like that — every change hurt, good or bad. So did staying the same. Anything that reminded you of the time you spent with them also reminded you that nothing would ever bring that back. The more you clung to scraps of familiarity, passed up opportunities they'd never get to have, the more you alienated yourself from who you were with them in the first place.
Meanwhile each new development, no matter how petty, how small and stupid and insignificant, carved the knife a little deeper. It showed that the world was forgetting, piece by piece. It put the responsibility on you to remember, if no one else would. To plant your feet and refuse to betray their memory. To keep them alive, in some form, whatever the cost.
Naruto thought that a double-edged sword sounded way too cool to describe what he was feeling.
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prince-liest · 6 months
the fact that alastor was able to bullshit himself through so many explicit kinky situations without revealing his inexperience (and not even /trying/ to cover up insecurity, like it's never actually on his mind) says so much about his character. like it's such an incredible piece of characterization. I think this is one of the biggest reason I can't read a lot of shippy alastor stories whether they acknowledge him being ace or not, because him acting like a bumbling virgin feels SO OOC haha
Ahahaha, I'm so glady ou sent an ask about this specifically, anon, because: funny bonus crisis for Vox aside, this is actually one of the facts about their situation that I've had in mind since day 1, and I'm glad that you highlighted this particular aspect of it.
Like, yes, Vox definitely has some "deflowering the virgin" fantasies that he missed out on (being humiliated over, honestly). Alastor's inexperience is there once you know to look for it! But it's not accompanied by insecurity, because it didn't strike me that the 100+ year old demon that lived and died a whole life before becoming the scourge of the pride ring would, like. Care much. It was a new experience. So was swimming, at one point. Obviously there's more to the vulnerability of intimacy than that, but there wasn't anything anxiety-inducing about it for him when Alastor genuinely just did not care about Vox's opinion in that way.
Virginity is a social construct that weighs exactly as much as you think it does in your mind, no more, no less. That can be quite a lot! For Alastor, it simply wasn't. (Though it was still an emotionally riskier moment of vulnerability than he admits to himself.)
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sunnysideprincess · 6 months
hey, beloved :) and one last boop for good luck. 💗
Liv, hun thank you for the ask and the extra boop 🩷🤭
🤲what do YOU get out of writing?
It's like emptying an overflowing garbage bin, I guess? 🤔 I have tons of AU and wips in store, and writing them lightens the load. It's a bonus that everything I write is also what I'll like to read and keeping the habit has eased some of my anxiety regarding taking up new projects (both in my day job and fandom events)
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen ??? It was my most self indulgent fic ever and I can't believe it went on to become so loved when I was thinking it would most definitely flop 🙈 It makes me super happy when I still get kudos notifs for it.
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
There's two actually. One's my most gruesome and dark fic The Clock Strikes Out . I get that the dead dove tag and the no shippy thing is a turn off for a lot of people but I still wanted the fic to do well. The other fic is Unfinished, Unending - that AU and OT4 is something just so special to me! 🤭
For this writers ask
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lady-starbind · 2 years
AU Ingo and AU Emmet
So for anyone who knows me, knows I make a butt ton of ocs as well as enjoy creating AUs, fanon and such for whatever media I may currently be in. I wanna write some ideas for AU counterparts to Ingo and Emmet from my oc Cryo’s dimension! Since I don’t know what names the AU train boys have, they will simply be referred to as AU Ingo and AU Emmet for now.
(Also Blankshippers please do not interact or tag this stuff as shipping... Otherwise expect a big fat block from me and judgement from the Arceus of this AU. WE DON’T SHIP SIBLINGS IN THIS HOUSE!!!)
AU Ingo:
He’s a proper, formal, kindhearted gentleman like the canon Ingo we all know and love.
Unlike canon Ingo, he’s left handed.
Passionate about trains and Pokemon battles like canon Ingo.
Can lowkey be more of a pervert than canon Ingo when it comes to matters of sehks. (He won’t do anything to his crush or sweetheart without their consent though).
Could never smile before he was yeeted into Hisui.
Looks after AU Emmet like canon Ingo does for canon Emmet.
AU Emmet:
He’s drearier than canon Emmet, in a constant state of melancholy, however he always sports a smile so people assume that he’s the happy-go-lucky twin.
Unlike canon Emmet, he’s right handed.
Still passionate about Pokemon battling and trains like canon Emmet though.
Is a prude when it comes to things relating to sehks. (he’ll be with his sweetheart when he’s ready, he’s just very prim and proper about the whole matter.)
Couldn’t frown even if he wanted to! That is... before his brother disappeared.
Looks up to AU Ingo like canon Emmet does to canon Ingo.
Becomes extremely clingy when his brother returns from Hisui... So much so that Ingo can’t even use the bathroom by himself.
Eventually has to go to therapy to regain his sanity.
After therapy, Emmet allows Ingo more space.
bonus self indulgent shippy crap because I want to:
AU Ingo also gets a crush on Cryo... He doesn’t act on it at first because of the big age gap between the two... Eventually, he does begin to act on his feelings and flirt lowkey with her. (This goes over Cryo’s head 9 times out of 10)
Cryo also gets a crush on AU Ingo, but instead of acting on her feelings she runs various odd errands for the lake trio in exchange for relieving her of these unwanted feelings. (Cryo hates romance and crushes) Also Mesprit is the Pokemon of emotion, I don’t see why she couldn’t help Cryo with hers x’D
AU Ingo eventually asks Cryo out... just to be turned down from the icy woman.
AU Adaman probably also gets feelings for Cryo, but his confession is brutally rejected.
Despite the romance objections... I think Cryo and AU Ingo might end up as friends or at least acquaintances with mutual respect for one another lol.
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charlie-bradcherry · 7 years
"Why do I love you?" With Lucifer and Michael please? Shippy or not, up to you. (Bonus points if it's a sad Mad!Michael). Thank you, you wonderful person!
Lucifer is so baffled by the fact that his unbelievably demented older brother has found out how to somehow escape the cage. He finds a way to turn up into the throne room with his garments ripped and his face covered in spots of dirt like a peasant. He looks like he’s out of breath, probably has been smiting a number of demons on his way here, his eyes shifting to every corner of the room with uneasiness and completely ignoring his brother, who’s sitting on the throne staring at him in utter confusion.
He means to ask how in the hell he got out, but he doesn’t. He’s stunned by the way Michael looks right now even if it shouldn’t be much of a surprise – he looks awful. Still, Lucifer doesn’t have it in him to make any witty remarks right about now.
“Do not,” Lucifer warns and raises his hand when one of his demons moves a step to take action and handle Michael–even though there is no way one would stand a chance against an almighty archangel as him.
The king doesn’t say more and relaxes back into his throne, cautiously watching the ‘intruder’ that had burst into his room uninvited. However, he decides that he isn’t running low on patience today, studying him from afar with squinting eyes and waits for Michael to catch his breath and become accustomed to his surroundings.
Once he does, he speaks.
“You,” Michael points at him with a shaky index finger. “You savagely cruel beast!”
“Good to see you too, brother of mine,” Lucifer jests and smirks.
“Hm, heard that one before. Lacks originality.”
“You abandoned me in the cage, left me to rot mercilessly in there with nothing but endless torment. And I, the stupid fool that I was, thought you’d come back for me when you left but you didn’t. I despise you.”
“Now, see–I had a pretty good reason for doing that, didn’t I?” Lucifer stands up from his throne, feeling up for debate and slowly walks down the stairs to meet Michael face to face. “If memory serves, all those years ago you said that it was your destiny to slay me just as Father said. And when the time came and we stood toe to toe in that cemetery, and I offered you a chance to stand by me, you refused. You simply paid your debts.”
“How dare you speak to me this way. Have you forgotten who you are, Lucifer? What you planned to do to this world?” Michael says bitterly, fuming from the inside. “You plotted an apocalypse! Total demolition to something that Raphael, Gabriel and we both worked so hard on along with our Father! A legacy of our family!”
“And that was supposed to stop me from destroying it because…?”
“So you really are that cold-hearted!”
“In my defense, you’ve all betrayed me!” Lucifer yells, throwing his hands up into the air. “You expect me to stop and reminiscent of the past and then decide not go through with it because we were such an apple pie family back in the day?”
Michael glares at him and sneers angrily. He wants to lunge forward and kill him with that bit of excitement pumping inside of him, Lucifer knows his brother better than anyone.
“Maybe if you knew what love was, you would’ve.”
When the last word tumbles from his mouth, he gets shoved back so hard by an invisible force of energy that he nearly falls backward. Lucifer growls, breathing erratically when Michael dusts himself a little.
“Like you were ever that warm-hearted, Michael. After my fall, I prayed to you when the cage tormented me, I sat on my knees with my head between my hands, not knowing what to do but thinking about you! I gave you my trust and you stomped on it, even after I had offered definite peace on that field,” he reminds him, his finger sharply pointed in his big brother’s way. “And after all that time I thought you’d changed, but you hadn’t. Not a single bit, big brother.”
“Admit it. You only wanted me back because you wanted revenge on Father, nothing more.”
“That is not so.”
“Quit lying, you know it’s true,” Michael speaks gently this time, slowly walking back to his previous place after having been pushed back by Lucifer’s grace. “You would have continued bringing the apocalypse… even me being on your side wouldn’t have changed your corrupted mindset.”
The ruler of Hell bows his head, and sniggers. “Oh, we could do this all day.”
There is nothing funny about this, nothing at all. This had been weighing down on the both of them for ages and there would come no end to it, no matter how long they argued about it. The feeling of betrayal would stay for centuries. To scream at it each other about their anathematized lives was like a hunger, and they could only be satisfied for a moment only to feel the need to do it again later on because it was like an instinct. That they could cope with what they had endured for so many years. They’d done this so many times in the cage before—it was an endless loop of arguing and thrashing.
“If you really think that I am the monster, then think again,” Lucifer says, raising his chin defiantly. “Did your so-called lord and savior save your ass after having been so obedient and righteous as He wanted you to be?”
Michael avoids his gaze then, and Lucifer thinks his patience is starting to fall off the radar after all.
“He leaves you behind like you are nothing but an obsolete toy to him and you are left with the blame because you think it is right to punish yourself. How half-witted do you have to be to not be able to see how wrong that is?”
“I failed to execute my duty. Maybe I just lacked the discipline… It is not His fault. It is on me.”
“For Heaven’s sake, Michael! You fucking idiot!” Lucifer bows back and laughs maniacally, bitterly, like he’s beginning to lose his mind. “I seriously am starting to think that the cage guided you into retardation – I defied my fears, you must defy yours! The first step you take is acceptance. The blame isn’t on you, it is on Father for being an irresponsible douchebag and we deserved better than this.”
“Defy my fears?” the elder archangel whispers to himself. “Deserved better?”
“You must believe that!” Lucifer all but screams and the walls tremble with vehemence. “For me.”
And suddenly, it’s all just a little bit too much to handle, way too much – perhaps the temperature in the throne room is getting higher, or he himself is glowing like the sun. Either way, Michael doesn’t know, but he teeters on spot and he can’t think straight anymore because there is a sudden dizziness to him; he hears voices, the tittering of lost souls in the ninth circle, he’s losing vision and it’s like he’s falling into a void of confusion.
Lucifer loses all of his anger and narrows his eyebrows at the way his brother sways a little and looks into the empty. There is an odd change to him, that is obvious.
Michael bares his teeth in frustration and forces his eyes shut, puts his hands in his disheveled raven hair, nails clawing at his skull to draw blood at the sensitive skin and Lucifer watches intently for a moment because it is such a familiar act. No–he has done it several times himself. He understands that feeling of dread and desperation, the need to know if this is still reality and to simultaneously punish himself by perceiving pain. It is like a curse.
“You are mad, brother,” Lucifer murmurs, his voice tranquil and his eyes soft. He carefully reaches out and grabs one of Michael’s arms to make him stop doing this to himself.
But there is an expression so innocent and heartbreaking on Michael then, when his eyes open and they shimmer, his face flushed and wet from the warm tears cascading down his cheeks that are eventually being wiped away by one of Lucifer’s cool hands. He looks so naive this way, so young and afraid and lord be damned – he has a strong desire to lean in and kiss his kin until he’d crumble into his arms.
He doesn’t, though. The Morningstar just stares at him, eyes brimming with warmth and the much reassurance that he has left, and Michael’s breathing slows down to normal as they keep their eyes locked on each other.
He asks, still a little out of breath, “Why do I love you?”
Lucifer smiles genuinely at him for the first time in forever.
“Because, that was our destiny. It always was.”
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lady-proudmoore · 7 years
ALL shipping questions for dragon dad (≧ω≦)
Lol anon I respect this tbh. 
Meme: Shippy Questions (accepting for all but Kalec lol)
1- Who is the most affectionate? Ooo, goodness it’s close. Kalec, just barely. And the only reason for this is bc Jaina’s moods still get to her and she will go through bouts of pushing away affection. These episodes don’t last too long, but they happen.2-Big spoon/Little spoon? - Jaina is always the little spoon :33-Most common argument? - Jaina’s healing progress. She’s not healing fast enough for Kalec. As a dragon, an exceptionally wise being with higher level conciousness - Kalec fails to understand/relate to how humans feel, experience and work through trauma. Kalec loses patience with Jaina, Jaina loses patience with Kalec. It isn’t either of their faults - but it’s a complication in the relationship.4-Favorite non-sexual activity? - For Kalec, it’s learning more about the “amusing traits” of humans, which he learns through Jaina. Jaina shares her human world with him and he soaks up this knowledge and experience like a sponge. For Jaina - she loves their intellectual discussions on magic and magical theory. Kalec is a well of ancient knowledge on the subject. She also enjoys learning about dragon culture as well.5-Who is most likely to carry the other? - Kalec. He’s playful and this may happen from time to time.6-What is their favorite feature of their partner’s? - Kalec loves Jaina’s eyes. He could stare into them for hours, even if they’re often sad. Jaina loves his dragon form. It isn’t sexual for her - she’s not sexually attracted to this form, it’s just that it’s so fascinating to her that a creature that looks on the outside so predatory could be so wise and gentle. The magic of the dragons - all the dragon flights - is something she holds a lot of respect for. And the sapphire blue hues of Kalec’s dragon form is beautiful to her. He’s just a beautiful creature through and through.7-What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? For both of them it would be intimacy. Not just physical intimacy but emotional as well. They begin to get *closer* to one another in all ways. They hold hands, walk close together bumping into each other they’re so close. They share personal feelings and stories. They allow themselves to become vulnerable with one another. They begin to build intimate trust.8-Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate? No nicknames.9-Who worries the most? Jaina. She still suffers from a lot of anxiety and fear based emotional problems.10-Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? Kalec. As observant as Jaina can be, there are some things about her loved ones that her brain just doesn’t feel is important enough to retain to memory lol. Kalec’s dragon brain however….remembers all about his love Jaina. :311-Who tops? They switch pretty equally. Both enjoy this position. This pairing is very ‘balanced’ in many ways.12-Who initiates kisses? Oh please, both equally. :313-Who reaches for the other’s hand first? - Kalec. This is another area where Kalec leads bc of Jaina’s tendency to push away affection when her moods are sour.14-Who kisses the hardest? - Jaina. She can be very passionate. Kalec is as well, but he tends to hold back bc he’s afraid he may hurt her. I headcanon that even in his human form, as a dragon Kalec is very physically powerful.15-Who wakes up first? Jaina, actually. She’s always been a morning person, and sometimes she simply cannot sleep due to nightmares and may already have been up through the night. Kalec can be a bit harder to get out of bed if he’s with Jaina or at Jaina’s. He enjoys the feeling of being there in her bed and especially with her in the bed with him.16-Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? Kalec, see above lol. Jaina is very prone to this as well if she’s feeling intimate and/or generally affectionate. Both of them are prone to pulling the other back to bed should one try to leave before the other is ready for them to.17-Who says I love you first? Kalec. Since Theramore Jaina is now even more guarded in her emotional vulnerability.18-Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?) Kalec is more prone to doing so that Jaina, but both these dorks would do this. Jaina’s note would say “I Love You.” Kalec would flip back and forth between “I Love You”, “Have a Great Day!” or both “I Love You & I Hope You Have a Great Day!” 19-Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? Kalec. Jaina tends to be very private about her love life since Arthas, and she doesn’t communicate with her mother anymore. Kalec may mention it to the dragons or others would find out and confront him about and he’d be open about it. I don’t think it’s something he’d hide whereas I feel like Jaina is more inclined to do so.20-What do their family/friends think of their relationship? Jaina doesn’t tell her mother, but if she did, I think Katherine would be…..less than pleased. But she hasn’t been fond of her daughter’s decision making skills in quite some time. Kalec’s dragonflight would also probably not be pleased. But more than anything I think they would consider him more odd than they already do.21-Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? Kalec with Jaina. But once he’s got her dancing, she typically gets into it pretty quick as she’s always enjoyed dancing with her lover.22-Who cooks more/who is better at cooking? Kalec. Jaina doesn’t cook but she’s amazing at ordering take-out :D23-Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines? Kalec but he’s such a dork about it that it just makes her laugh rather than annoy her. But he’s funny bc he hears things like this and takes it as a serious thing. He tosses her a cheesy line thinking it’s going to seduce her and she laughs and he’s like “What.....is this not the proper courtship ritual??” like legit confused why it’s not working lol24-Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times? Jaina but she’s more careful about it with Kalec than she would be with other ship partners bc she knows that Kalec is so new to human culture that he could take this from Jaina as being ‘normal’ and say inappropriate things at inappropriate times within earshot of others lol.25-Who needs more assurance? Jaina. She’s been a bit insecure ever since Arthas, but even more-so after Theramore. It’s still Arthas, plus overall trauma/emotional problems that does it. 26-What would be their theme song? So many. I like “My Love” by Blackmill27-Who would sing to their child back to sleep? Either would do this :)28-What do they do when they’re away from each other? They aren’t clingy, despite their affection for one another. When they’re apart they focus on their tasks, although they would think of each other and miss them.29-one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart. They break up after Jaina leaves Dalaran. It is a mutual decision. Jaina has often felt a bit insecure under the shadow of Kalec’s judgments on her emotional healing progress, and she feels like it’s inevitible as she knows her pain and anger has become worse after the incidents on the Broken Shore. Kalec doesn’t understand why Jaina “holds onto her pain” and he doesn’t like to see her suffer. For him, working through and healing trauma like this isn’t as difficult. It’s hard for him to understand how someone like Jaina could struggle with it so. To him, she must want to hang on to it, which isn’t the case - but again, hard to explain. Neither want to break up. They love each other. But sometimes that isn’t enough. “It’s complicated.” lol30-one headcanon about this OTP that mends it. After spending time apart, Jaina does heal enough to a point where she can love and be loved again. They get back together, it still has some complications (as a relationship like this would) but overall it’s extremely loving and heart centered. Jaina knows love again and she isn’t insecure in it - she’s at peace. They’re together until Jaina’s much shorter lifetime is over. She never leaves Kalec’s heart and he uses what knowledge/wisdom he gained from his experiences with her to better dragon/human relations (or what’s left of it as the dragons are dying out). Standard “happily ever after” story as much as it could be in a situation like this            
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noddytheornithopod · 8 years
I was tagged by @fryferbfringefan44. Now, I have to post 10 characters from 10 fandoms. I’m gonna take some liberties here and bend the rules by not necessarily picking top faves, but faves nonetheless and characters I want to talk about that I don’t really get to in other memes. Be ready, I’m gonna use this to let off some steam. :V
1. Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb): I can’t help but feel controversial here because while I’d hardly call her unpopular, I always get the feeling that most people either don’t care about her much or that the main reason they like her is because they ship her with Phineas (or Ferb, or some other character even). Meanwhile I’m sitting here cringing at my old Phinabella days, and am in that odd sliver that seems to really like her but don’t really focus too much on the Phineas aspect, even if I still have some dreaded Phinabella inside me I’m trying to suppress? I mean, I didn’t even realise she had a crush on Phineas until a year after I discovered the show (yep, I didn’t see crush episodes like how Linda never sees Phineas and Ferb’s inventions). So anyway, I just think she’s really damn cool. She’s hypercompetent like the rest of her peers, she cares about things that matter (in particular the Fireside Girls) as well as her friends, she’s not afraid to speak her mind (well, besides one thing), plus she’s funny, cute and while probably being the most “normal” out of Phineas and Ferb’s group of friends can still have her moments of quirkiness (just watch Return Policy or Face Your Fear, lol). I also find some of her flaws quite interesting, like a lot of her friends we actually see she cares enough about the Fireside Girls to the point where it has given her anxiety over potential failure, and sometimes she has a need for attention (I really like the episode where she’s competing with Candace over attention for Melissa the young Fireside Girl because of this). Granted her central character arc still revolves around Phineas and I understand why some don’t really care for that, but admittedly I like that kind of stuff too (in b4 “problematic fave” comments from people). On one hand I feel like we focused only on her crush at specific times and not nearly as much as some people make it out to be, but on the other hand her crush on Phineas is just super adorable? I think it might actually be because I kind of relate to her (I often remind myself of her at times admittedly, even if there’s other characters I’m more like XD), like there’s loads of characters that exist as love interests but Isabella actually managed to engage me probably because we actually followed her and her feelings instead of her just being some random girl for Phineas to try and impress (I guess I’m saying she was at least active in her own romance storyline, before then I had only really seen boys chasing after girls)? IDK if I’m making sense, but I guess I’m saying even if I think she’s able to stand on her own with her other attributes and is admirable in that regard I can’t help but really relate to the crush stuff too, which is maybe why I like her more than some people (and again, still not in the super shippy wants-her-to-be-with-Phineas-at-all-costs way). But yeah, as you can see I think Isabella is awesome and she’ll always have a special spot as a fave.
2. Jasper (Steven Universe): I choose Jasper because I feel like some people are being somewhat unfair on her? Like, I feel like some people are underestimating how complex she is and that she’s not going to be the “true villain.” Steven Universe never works that way, not even with characters like the Diamonds, you can even ask the writers and they’ll say they don’t do actual villains. Plus, lots of people have gone “true villain” on characters like Peridot when she first appeared, and now look at where she is! Anyway, Jasper’s story is honestly really gripping and also quite tragic. Sure, she works as a great antagonist against the Crystal Gems, but when we piece together where she came from we really get to see why she is the way she is, and she’s actually quite sympathetic. I mean, in her last appearance in Earthlings, I was on the verge of tears. She’s not just some thug, she has things she cares about and has experienced real hurt, and has become quite messed up as a result. Oh, and I can’t wait for her to come back. She’s gotta be back eventually.
3. CT-5555, aka “Fives” (Star Wars): I always enjoyed the clone troopers, but one of my favourites was always Fives. I was always invested in the Domino Squad storyline, and how they rose through the ranks and eventually became ARC Troopers. However, when things got really interesting for me was the Umbara story arc. Here, we not only saw Fives’ capabilities as a soldier, but with Pong Krell taking control of the 501st Legion he actually started to show more colours to his personality. In particular, we got to see that he cared more about what he thought was right than simply following orders without question. Unfortunately, even if that saved him and his fellow clones on Umbara, it would doom him when he learned about Order 66. Fives may have done the right thing, but when the entire Republic is against you for trying to reveal what they perceive as some conspiracy theory, you’re not going to go out well (especially if you have the Sith involved). I just really liked seeing a clone grow rebellious and then renegade but still cared about his duty because it’s either all loyalty or fuck the army, it was a nice balance. It was just committing the crime of asking questions that doomed him (and gosh his death is so sad). At least Rex seemed to listen to his warning though. :’)
4. Bradley Nicholson (Milo Murphy’s Law): IDK if I’ve talked about Bradley much, but he’s just such a blast to watch. Of course there’s the added bonus of Vincent Martella voicing a character radically different from Phineas, but even then he’s just really funny, the voice acting just enhances that. He’s also quite interesting, given that he’s jealous of Milo and the attention he gets, plus he seems kind of lonely. I really want to see him interact with Milo in the future and see whether he changes his opinion on him, or if he somehow grows even more envious while he grows on the others.
5. Makuta Teridax (Bionicle): Yeah, Teridax here is a pretty standard villain with standard villain traits. Selfish, arrogant, wants power, views his subordinates as nothing but tools, associated with darkness, etc. The reason he has left a mark on me is because he’s not only good at what he does, he’s epic at it. They could’ve just had him be some typical dark lord type, but he ended up developing into a character that is able to plan things out to a ridiculous extent. As a result, he would always find ways to be steps ahead of the heroes, and he would even go as far as letting himself be severely defeated and letting them win if it meant achieving his ultimate endgame. Everyone was being played like a puppet, he was powerful but his manipulation and planning is what made him so competent. Oh yeah, and he ended up winning. It literally took a moon to the head to finally take him down, but even then he had already unleashed so much terror on the world that was now his.
6. Keith (Voltron: Legendary Defender): I’m pretty new to VLD so I might not really be as in-depth here now, but Keith is definitely one of my favourite characters in the show. For starters, he’s just really badass. Seriously, he might be reckless at times, but at least he’s not to the point of being foolish, he’s really good at what he does. Also the whole storyline with him being Galra was really interesting, The Blade of Marmora is probably one of my favourite episodes of the show so far. I was already invested in his need for answers, but there he was willing to go to dangerous lengths to get what he wanted. At least the hell he went through was worth it.
7. Alister Azimuth (Ratchet and Clank): Most of the final bosses in Ratchet and Clank games are villains, but here it was literally the mentor character for Ratchet. Granted I’ve never been too savvy with video games, but this twist here when I first saw A Crack in Time blew me away. He’s one of the last of his entire species and has lost everyone who was ever close to him, but when he sees the chance to go back in time, he can’t help but take it. Problem is that he will rip apart time if he actually tries that. It’s actually really dramatic to fight him at the end because throughout the entire game Azimuth had been helping out Ratchet despite stuff from his past slipping into the open (oh yeah, he also feels personally responsible for unwitting helping the one to get rid of the Lombaxes), but when Ratchet and Clank tell him using The Great Clock to alter time would be dangerous, he decides to stop playing nice. He’s rough throughout the entire game, but now he’s not taking anything from anyone. He needed to go back and undo the mistakes of the past, but he had to end up fighting someone who is the son of his once best friend to do it. Granted he’s brought to his senses by the end, but he does end up dying to reverse the time travel process.
8. Connor Temple (Primeval): I don’t remember much of Primeval, but I always liked Connor. Sure, a lot of the time he was there to be goofy and provide comic relief, but he was also really intelligent and knew his stuff. It’s also cool seeing him grow more important with each series, even if in the end his technological skills almost fuck up the Earth since he was being played by the antagonists. Just a fun and cool character.
9. Max Jerry Horowitz (Mary and Max): Mary and Max isn’t a film for the faint of heart (...like me), but Max has always meant a lot to me. He was the first time I had ever seen an Autistic character that felt real, and not just some stereotype or gag. We get to know him and all of the stuff he’s been through, and you can’t help but feel for the guy. He also wasn’t afraid to be himself despite how much hell the world put him through, which is really great to see. Also yay for a character that actually supports neurodiversity in some shape or form!
10. Donna Noble (Doctor Who): Donna was the first companion I got to know on Doctor Who, and she’s still my favourite. I enjoyed seeing someone with a relationship with the Doctor that was platonic but still strong and obviously meant as much as any other kind of relationship, and she was a lot of fun. I understand some found her annoying at first, but if she didn’t start there she wouldn’t have had such great character growth, learning to grow more confident in herself and overcome her insecurities. She was really funny as well, not to mention unafraid to speak up about things. The way she left the show was absolutely heartbreaking though...
I’m not tagging anyone, but if you’re reading this an interested feel free to do this.
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