#those movies had a chokehold on me as a child
fizzigigsimmer · 3 days
I literally have to be up early tomorrow * (today lol), but I am laying in bed consumed by the realization that Billy is Jesse Greenwood from Free Willy, if Neil had fucked off earlier and his mom had abandoned him when he was still young enough to be considered precious and worth the effort of saving.
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thelostboyslove-ect · 19 days
Tour Mates (The Lost Boys X Fem!Reader) Chapter 1
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(Hello, Hi, How ya goin. So I have been lurking in the Lost Boys fandom for over a year now and have been feral for these boys for far too long to not have an insane amount of ideas about them. So as if this movie didn't have a strong enough chokehold on me already, it led me to write my first ever fic. I have no idea if it's any good, but I hope someone out there at least enjoys the vision. This will be multiple chapters cause I can't shut up. Behold! Whatever this is!
P.S. I know Dwayne and his actor aren’t actually 6’7. But ya girl is 5’10 and may have a small size kink and this is my fic😤So let a girl live.)
Pairing: The Lost Boys x Fem!Reader (Poly Lost Boys implied)
Work count: 1208
Warnings: Darker Fic, misogyny, sexism, allusions to sex, allusions to murder, the boys being whores. Smut in future chapters.
Summary: You had always wanted nothing more than to be in a band and share your music with the world, and you were finally on your way to doing so. If only your band was big enough to do it alone.
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You had always wanted to be a musician. Always. Ever since you could remember. From a child when you would sit and listen to whatever music your dad loved, making you guess titles and quiz you on the bands. From when you were a preteen and had the freedom to branch out to whole new styles of music you had never heard, buying records with what little money you could save. From when you got a guitar on your thirteenth birthday and played every moment you could after school and every chance on the weekends. From when you were fifteen and your friends made the choice to form a band. And from when you made the promise that very day that you would be the most legendary band in history.
While you were yet to be the most legendary band in history, for now, you were finally making moves. You were nowhere near Motely Crue, but you were getting somewhere. After years of writing, months upon months of being in studios, and all the savings you could muster. You finally had the money, the managers, and the following to go on tour. Your dream was coming true. If only there wasn’t one slight, incredibly frustrating, and immensely infuriating problem.
While you had the monetary ability to tour and quite the following, you weren’t quite big enough to tour on your OWN. Enter stage left the current bain of your existence—The Lost Boys. A Californian glam rock heavy metal band just starting to find their feet os so luckily at the same time as you. The band consisted of David the lead singer, a dominant man who truly embodied the idea of a frontman. Marko the bassist - the secondhand man to David as they had said themselves which had been proven multiple times with the way Marko seemed to wait on David hand and foot, never seeming to be too far behind him. Paul the lead guitarist, a wild chaotic lady’s man who always smelt of weed where it may be his erratic behavior took him. And last but DEFINITELY not least Dwayne. The drummer, an imposing 6’7 man who seemed to be made of muscle, with an intense gaze that could make anyone feel immense fear or simply melt depending on his mood.
At first, it had seemed perfect. They were nice, if not slightly flirty (aka clawing to get into your pants from the get go) and your bandmates got along brilliantly with them. You loved their music and it matched your sound really well. It was the ideal situation. That was until maybe a month into the tour. You could understand the excitement for a while, the booze, the drugs, the women, the partying. You’d be a hypocrite if you had blamed them for enjoying those things seeing as you had partaken in them yourself. But you thought that maybe after a little while that they would maybe calm down a bit. But they seemed pretty dead set on sticking to their band's slogan of sleeping all day and partying all night. Which you would respect if it wasn’t for the fact that it was impacting your ability to sleep at all, and in turn, your ability to play.
Now it was already hard being a woman in the rock industry, but being the only woman on an otherwise all-male tour? That came with a whole nother set of problems. You had been called every misogynistic name under the sun. Constantly told you couldn’t play, which your predicament was only adding fuel to the fire. Even more, you had your fair share of being told that the only reason that any of the boys kept you around on the tour, is so that they can have someone around as a backup to fuck on the nights they can't pull any groupies. A sleazy stand-in kept in reserve for desperate nights.
This is where the resentment began. You obviously didn’t care about anyone on tour sleeping around or bringing people back to the hotels, it came with the territory, and your boys did it pretty regularly. But the lost boys were seemingly insatiable. Bringing groups of fawning girls back to their (weirdly) shared hotel room every single night. Of course, this word spread and they inevitably got nothing but praise for their man whore behavior. As where you had been branded a slut for so much as picking up a guitar and being in a band. You had even only made out with one man on the entirety of the tour! The opportunity to go any further being ruined by the band in question themselves when they stumbled across you and refused to leave, glowering at the man till he took his hands off of you and left. A strange situation but nonetheless frustrating. The resentment only grew as the situation began to affect you in other ways than just your image and reputation.
When the boys would bring these girls back to their room it would always go the same. At some ridiculous hour of the morning you would hear the drunken love-struck giggles of the group of girls they had chosen for the night, followed by the strong voice of David beckoning them into the room, insisting for them to make themselves at home, to even shed a few layers to get comfortable, which would inevitably be followed by whooping and hollering from the other boys and then the music would start blaring. But no matter how loud they would blast the music you could always still hear the giggling, which would turn to moaning, which would turn to shrieking. You had to admit the first few nights, hell even to this day, it sometimes frightens you. Sometimes the screams just don’t seem as pleasurable as they should. Sometimes they are…almost blood-curdling. Like someone losing a fight for their life. But you know that’s just your imagination running wild, because just inevitably as the girls being there every night, the moaning would return. Always just the boys though, but you always imagined they had just fucked the girls out so much that they didn’t have the energy to make much noise.
These nightly occurrences would not bother you if it weren’t for the fact that while they were up and causing chaos, you were up and unable to sleep. Which for the first few weeks, was fine, but now nearing a month and a half of borderline sleepless nights due to the proclivities of your tour mates, you were starting to come undone. You didn’t have the luxury of sleeping all day, so naps in your dressing room were having to suffice and that would inevitably have an effect on your performance. You can't remember the last time you got through a show and didn’t mess up at least a segment or two from a few songs.
But after all of that what had been your final straw, was the boys being AWARE of the effects their actions had on you. They HAD to be from the way they had taunted you, teased you. The acts had become more frequent as the days went on. And ton your aggravation, harder to forget about.
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luciusime · 9 months
Crawling Through: The Death- Part 1
I posted this on accident and am now to nervous to delete it, so if anyone fancies seeing the rest of this let me know.
Contrary to popular belief, Bruce is not wholey unaware of the effect he has on his children. He knows he's the reason for most of the issues they encounter in life, the flaws they see in themselves. And even that is giving him far too much credit.
Dick is a phenomenal leader, rock steady in a way Bruce has almost forced him to be ever since Tim first came to live with Bruce. Dick needs to be steel, because he's one of the few things holding their mismatched family together at this point and if he goes down then everything Bruce had seen him work to maintain would fall apart at the seams.
Jason has slowly come back to the family, but he still doesn't talk all that much to Bruce. He cooks for his siblings on Saturdays when they have movies nights, he willingly converses with Tim in more then veiled and outright insults, and he spars with Damian "like they used to in the league", and Bruce had nothing at all to do with that change. If anything it has more to do with Cass than him.
Cass, who even after growing up like she did, has more of a grip on emotions and how to encourage them in others and express them herself than he does. She functions as another piece of the glue that holds their family together and Bruce could never be more grateful for his eldest children(subject to change like every other Wednesday when Jason and Cass decided to switch).
Steph straight up refused to interact with him anymore, and every time his not-child noticed Dick or Cass doing a job that arguably should have been his, she gave him a look so dry it surely would have set him on fire if she had the ability. Those looks of fury and venom are the only times she looks at him anymore.
Barbara is another not-child that avoids him like the plague is part of his very bones. And since she runs basically all of the tech the family uses, she had even less reason than Steph to come around the manor, and so she simply doesn't. If she needs something from the building, she simply asks Tim.
Tim, who hasn't said a word to him in a week outside of patrol check ins and after action reports. Tim, who overworked to ignore him, and slept to avoid him. When he was around he was in the cave, and when he isn't he's no where to be found. Bruce is sure that if Alfred didn't keep the manor to a standard so fine it was almost ridiculous, there would be fine layer of dust over the entirety of Tim's room.
With Damian it's different, not because Bruce hadn't messed up with his youngest, but because of Damian's league conditioning. Thanks to Talia, Damian practically worshiped the ground Bruce walked on. He was on a pedestal so high he was less of a father and more of a boss in his youngest son's eyes. He held himself with a professionalism unbecoming of a 12 year old when Bruce was in the same room.
So yes, Bruce knows what effect he has on his many children. He tried to fix it over and over again. Therapy, self help books, single parent groups, enger management classes. Nothing worked. His words fell like punches and his hands hit like rocks. Hugs turned to chokeholds, pats on the shoulder turned to slaps across the face, head pats turned to shoves. With every moment he spent failing to change, he watched the affection once shared between him and his children fade.
And as he sits here, watching the life drain from their eyes one by one, he knows he will continue to regret these facts for the last few moments he is alive.
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mobirights · 1 month
MOBI DEAD GAY WIZARDS (not really but still) RANTTTT
I have major writers block, so for anyone who cares, I'm gonna talk (rant) about the Descendants movies/books while I write a chapter for my Descendants AU jegulus fanfic (the children are innocent linked here).
We DO NOT talk enough about how in the first Descendants book (don't talk to me about how canon or non-canon those books are, they ARE to ME, OKAY?) Ben and Mal had dreams about each other before the VK's got brought to Auradon??? like WHAAAAT. It adds SO MUCH to their relationship and those layers WILL be included in my fic. Like it makes so much sense???
Cause, like, even though we love Ben and Mal, we can all collectively agree that it was crazy how he just left Audrey, right? Like love potion, I know, I know. But my girl had every right to be upset because her boyfriend doesn't even break up with her, but just declares his love to the new girl who is a VILLAIN KID, through SONG, during a sports game where AUDREY was cheering for him??? And was low-key being weird (flirty, awe-struck?) with Mal from the second they met??? Like. Queen of Mean was so valid (and personally one of my fav songs).
BUTTTT if we think about it with the knowledge that he was DREAMING about Mal months prior, it makes so much sense. When he first met Mal when the vk's came to Auradon, that was the moment it clicked for him who he'd been dreaming about and he was down bad from there. I still think the whole love potion fiasco was unfair to Audrey, especially after Ben jumped in the enchanted lake and realized he was under a spell AND I refuse to believe that the scene at the end of Descendants 3 was the only conversation Ben and Mal had with Audrey about it. Like that apology wasn't even a real apology??? I head-canon that they had a much deeper conversation where they THOROUGHLY apologized to Audrey, her to them, and they ate strawberries and lived happily ever after friendship. But anyways.
It makes so much sense. Even though I hate what Ben did to Audrey, we also find out in the books that he had been questioning their relationship before he even met Mal or considered bringing the VK's to Auradon. He had been questioning EVERYTHING about his life in Auradon. (so James Potter coded of him honestly) Like we learn so much in the books and it's fucking crazy (I could make whole other post about THAT btw).
AHHHH. Like guys you don't understand, that children's book has me in a CHOKEHOLD because of... everything?? Like ugh.
But back to the dreams. That's so destiny, fate, soulmates coded of Ben and Mal. How did they dream about each other? THEY NEVER MET. We learn from Ben that he feels trapped in Auradon. Bro barely even leaves his castle??? Like at all??? (The United States of Auradon is an insane place when you think about it after reading the book) SOULMATES. IT'S THE ONLY EXPLANATION. He couldn't stop thinking about her after the dream. And at the end of the book, surprise surprise, he gets his idea to bring the VK's to Auradon after thinking about her. Like, of course he's doing it out of the goodness of his heart and because he wants change in Auradon, BUTTT.
It's also because of Mal.
He was thinking about her before he had the idea, thinking about how she is a poor unfortunate child trapped on the Isle. LIKE the way he stared out at the Isle before he made his proclamation (very much included and expanded upon in my fic) is so yearning, longing, 'I need you now, but I don't know you yet' core like- GUYS. you don't UNDERSTAND. They're everything to me. Soulmates, I tell you, SOULMATES.
The Descendants series has been all I can think about since starting this fic. Primary school me is having the time of his life because he too was obsessed with it. He didn't understand the NUANCES back then, though. I do. And I'm gonna share with it with the masses.
Everyone read the Isle of the Lost books by Melissa de la Cruz because so far it's so good! I'm only on the first one, but I love it. The writing style is amazing and also hilarious, and one thing you guys should know about me is that writing style means EVERYTHING to me. It's unfortunate because I've missed out on really good fanfics and normal novels because I just couldn't stand the writing style. But alas.
Expect more rants because talking about it inspires me to write and, as we've already established, I like to talk A LOT.
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yeetmysins · 2 months
I now present, every actress I had a slight obsession with (unaware that it was gay coded) as a kid
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starting off strong we have
christina ricci
the enormous amount of times I watched Casper, Now and Then, That Darn Cat, Penelope, etc as a kid is unparalleled. also roberta in now and then is 110% gay coded. the duct taping her bra?? the whole softball scene?? the grown up version of her was rOSIE O'DONNELL?!
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next we have my favorite redhead,
lindsay lohan
the fit that she wears in Freaky Friday when she wakes up as her mom in the band shirt and plaid pj pants??? 👀 from Freaky Friday, The Parent Trap, Life-size, Get a Clue, Confessions of a Drama Queen?? those freckles 😭
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abigail breslin
I remember having an unusual obsession with the movie Kit Kitredge as a kid 👀 slaying both hair colors 😭
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this one's a little niche but I feel like I'm not the only kid in the 2000s that was obsessed with My Girl
anna chlumsky
I didn't fully realize this one until I saw her in an SVU episode this past year and immediately recognized her and was like good god she's so pretty 👀 and not in a straight way lmfao I watched My Girl so much as a kid that I scratched up the DVD 😭 speaking of which,
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this image is burned into my brain
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last but not last we've got the love of my life,
miley cyrus
the absolute chokehold that miley cyrus/hannah montana had on me as a child, I defended her to strangers 😭 my grandma brought up a video of her smoking from a bong in 2010 and said something along the lines of "this is your idol!!” yes? and? (funnier to realize retrospectively that my dad-her son-has been a stoner my whole life) I had Hannah Montana everything; all the CDs, posters on every wall, notebooks, folders, binders,
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this was my cd player for at least 4 years of my childhood
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Sing 1 Commentary and Review Pt. Final!!
Welcome back to the madness loves!!! Also, I tried to tone down the commentary so I get further in the movie this time. Is this an elaborate plan to distract me from my fic being with my beta reader? Yes! Am I using it for content? Also yes! Enjoy!
This is mainly just the performances this time but it's the last one!!
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Ok, when the curtains open you can hear all of Rosita's kids cheering for their mom and it's so cute I swear.
Also, they built this entire set in ONE AFTERNOON?!?! That's just impressive mate. Like seriously impressive.
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Coolest on stage costume change in the series and I will stand by that. The lights and everything? Perfection.
Mike puntable moments counter: 35
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The piglets immediately swarming Rosita because they liked the show and to hug her is just... so sweet. I love them.
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Also love the immediate havoc they start causing backstage.
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Before going on Johnny does a few bouncing steps like boxers do before fights and I can't believe I never noticed that before.
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Ok ok ok, I know I've mentioned that Johnny's story can easily be read as a queer allegory but he's literally playing a song known for being a queer liberation song that was written by a queer British singer.
And the people who would likely pick up on that? His British family. Just saying. Elton John is pretty famous after all.
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Our favourite supportive uncles!!!! <3
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Look at Marcus in this moment. He's seeing his son that he's apparently had no contact with in weeks doing what he loves and is good at, existing healthy and happy and in a much better place physically than he is. He's happy for him. He's happy for him because he loves his kid.
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And then we get to see him panic because he messed up and he misses his kid and wants to fix things. He wants to tell him how proud he is. So he decided to fix it in his own way. Is that way legal? No. But should that surprise us? Also no.
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Stan and Barry being supportive brothers in the background. I love them, they're so silly.
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Girlboss moment. <3
Also, new guitar!
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Excuse me you two, I was vibing, why are you here?
Lance puntable moments counter: 32
Becky puntable moments counter: 4
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So... Ash is amazing. Just straight up. She's awesome.
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Marcus's smile when he realizes he's about to see his son again. I'm sobbing.
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Gunter and Rosita are me rn I swear.
Also, this is on live tv Mike, a gang wants you dead, not your smartest decision in this movie and that's a low bar to trip over mate.
Mike puntable moments counter: 34
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But the way Marcus hugs Johnny like he's the most precious thing and the world and is scared to break him has me in a chokehold rn. Like one of those hugs and I'm 100% sure all my problems will be solved.
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Nancy, come rescue you idiot boyfriend. Also, Mike's performance was only so visually cool because of the helicopter so I'm deducting performance points.
Mike puntable moments counter: 35
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They're both so awkward, I love them. <3
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Mike. Stop. Bullying. A. Literal. Child.
Mike puntable moments counter: 45
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The cute thing here is Eddie picked all the stage hand stuff up from Meena apparently so he's helping out his former mentor and I just think that's sweet.
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I love how everyone who showed up just completely are vibing with every song, no matter the tempo, mood, or genre. They're just supporting the singers whole heartedly.
Also, why is like every gorilla in the crowd wearing beanies? It's only the gorillas. What's with the beanies?
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Awww, they look so happy!!
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And with that, all the troupe's problems (and Eddie's inheritance) are gone!
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Nana looks like a cat being held and loved against her will.
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I love this movie. I so love this movie. <3
Ok! So that took way longer than planned. But Next I get to watch a ton of shorts!!!
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asteral-feileacan · 6 months
☁️, 💌 and 🪐 please!
Thank you! :D
☁️ - What made you choose your username?
I love this one, and I finally get to drop my username lore! This is actually quite a bit of history, so buckle up.
As a child, I was obsessed with Lassie, which is something that not a lot of people seem to really know for some reason. Anyway, my Lassie is actually split between the 1994 and 2005 movies, although I only saw the 1994 version later in my childhood and grew up with the 2005 one.
This obsession was so much so that whenever little me played make-believe, I would call myself Lassie and, well, it just kind of stuck and wouldn't go away. So when I eventually joined the internet at a once-questionable age(which started out fine because I was only using educational sites, but I still ended up on Discord just under the age requirement a couple of years later XDD)
At this time, "Lassie" for some reason morphed into "Lasspeep" and "Lassie Peep" - I think this was because of my parents, but I have no idea why XD So those variations were my usernames as I started to use the big scary internet. Eventually I did drop "peep", but Lassie has such a chokehold on me that I still use it, especially on Discord.
Fast forward to about a year or two ago, and I was looking for a name with more oomph behind it for my profiles on Tumblr, AO3 and FF.net. I had been going by Kit-Kat-of-Midgard, which I didn't really like, and so I started trying out a lot of things - username generators, random word lists, etc, but nothing was clicking. Then in a stroke of inspiration, I decided to go back to my roots, as it were. I used to use Google Docs as a kind of social media before I joined Discord, and to differentiate between the people in the group, we all picked colours and fonts to type in. Mine was cornflower blue, and that led me straight to the cornflower. While I was on that topic, I found its family name, Asteraceae, and that piqued my interest, but it still wasn't quite right. When I kept reading, I came across the order Asterales, which IMMEDIATELY made me go, "yep, that's the one."
So I had the base, and at some point I shortened it to simply Asteral. I really loved that, but I also wanted a second part, to get a message across that showed more of who I am. This one was a LOT easier, I have to say. I'm Irish, so I decided I'd go for an Irish word, and the struggle was just to figure out what word that would be.
SO I grew up being brainwashed into loving the band a-ha(I still love them), and it was a known fact that my favourite song of theirs is Butterfly, Butterfly. So my brain gremlins picked up my last remaining braincell, and translated "Butterfly" into Irish, which Google Translate(I don't speak Irish, sorry) told me was "féileacán". So, boom. Asteral Féileacán. Unfortunately, for the most part, the sites I'm on don't allow me to include the fadas, so it shows as Feileacan instead. Rest assured that the correct way is lurking somewhere behind there! But that's the admittedly long-winded explanation behind my usernames and why they're connected by a string.
💌 - How many unread emails do you have right now?
Oh. Oh no. I have several email accounts... in total, I have 337 unread emails spread out across four different emails, though they're mostly from automatic mailing lists from YouTube or AO3. My professional email account is paid much more attention, so it has no unread emails. >:) Rest assured that I will now be clearing out all my emails.
🪐 - Name three good things going on in your life right now.
Aw, this one is sweet <3
Theatre. I'm having a lot of fun engaging in theatre for the first time in my life through King Lear - I know I won't shut up about it, but I'm honestly really excited, and rehearsals are honestly the highlight two days of my week.
My writing spark. Writing has become fun again, and because of that, I've been able to post what I'm working on with less fear. This is huge for me because I stopped posted for years, and even though I was still working on things, I wasn't working on them in a capacity that was satisfying to me. I'm doing much better now, and a lot happier with what I'm doing.
Being connected outside of the internet. I have to say that this past year('23, so far '24) has been amazing. I got the chance to meet people IRL and make friends, I've been changing my very hermit-like habits and getting out more, and while it hasn't always been easy and I'm still struggling a lot with numerous things, I think I'm in a better place than I would have been two years ago. <3
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renlyslittlerose · 2 years
Tag Game to Better Know You
Send this to people you’d like to know better!
I was tagged by @ragnarlothcat and @bi-wan 💖
What book are you currently reading? Currently reading through ‘The City and the City’ by China Miéville! I’m going through his collection of works at the moment and enjoying myself.  
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? I only went to see the re-release of Rogue One so... I guess that! 
What do you usually wear? At home it’s a t-shirt, a sweatshirt, and leggings or sweats. At work I look like a librarian from the 1930′s. 
How tall are you? 157 cm or 5′2. I’m short stuffs
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? Aries! Share my birthday with Eric Idle, Marina Sirtis, and Lucy Lawless. And according to Wikipedia it’s also the day that the Royal Albert Hall was opened, and the first batch of Coca-Cola was produced! 
Do you go by your name or a nick-name? Full name irl, nickname online. 
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? At first I wanted to be an ancient Greek warrior. Suffice to say that didn’t work out. Then I wanted to be a vet but then I realized I sucked at math and science and faint at the sight of blood. So. No, I did not.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one? I’m aro/ace
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?  I’m good being stupidly stubborn and sticking to things, even when I’m at my wits end. I’m bad at maintaining contact with people, even those I really care for. Sometimes its because of medical stuff, other times it’s because I just keep forgetting and don’t make the effort to send a message and check in. 
Dogs or cats? Kitty-cats 😻 I like visiting friends’ dogs and meeting them on the street, but I could never care for one like they’d need. 
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year? It’s not been posted yet, but it’s an upcoming section from my WWII AU Obikin fic ‘Moonlight Serenade’
“I love this song,” Padmé said. Her voice sounded distant. Hazy, like the setting sun on the horizon.
“Me too,” he said, resting his chin on the top of her head. He closed his eyes and thought of Obi-Wan, freely and without shame. Thought of his smile, his voice, the tender touch of the fingertips as they brushed together. Thought of how important he was to Anakin, to his identity. His heart ached and he held on to Padmé a little harder - a little more forcefully.
She didn’t even flinch.
What’s something you would like to create content for? I’d like to get back to working on my original novel. It’s been on hold since the summer when I was put into an obikin chokehold and slammed into the wrestling mat. 
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with? Star Wars. Formula 1. My cat. My upcoming trip to Disneyland. 
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? Nothing! I was lucky this year; even the shitty stuff had a silver lining. Let’s hope that holds over for 2023...
What’s a hidden talent of yours? I’m really good at forgetting names and forgetting my keys behind locked doors. Do those count?
Are you religious? Nah.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment? Certainty about the future of my health. And a pair of really warm winter boots - all my boots are more fashionable than practical because I’m vein and dumb.
I tag: @moitey @vulpesarctica @kyberkenobi @the-nuup @voidsteeth @gray-sparrow @dininginspace @benegesseritwitch (no pressure if you’re not feeling it!)
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sofipitch · 2 years
iwtv movie feels tainted for me of late :/
tw: domestic violence a la brad pitt
For those who hasn't heard about this case, let me educate. This is information from the FBI report, The New York Times reporting and the LA Times.
According to the FBI report, Jolie, who was interviewed in her Malibu home in October 2016, told FBI agents that the flight back to the U.S. had gotten off to a bad start after Pitt and their child Maddox had some sort of disagreement when the family took separate cars to get from the terminal to the plane.
Once they boarded, she said, she tried to talk to Pitt, who told her that their son “looks like a f— Columbine kid.”
About 90 minutes into the flight, Jolie said, Pitt asked her to come to the back of the plane to talk to him. He had been drinking, she said. They went into the restroom area at the back of the plane, where the kids couldn’t see them, and Pitt allegedly began yelling at her and “grabbed her by the head, shaking her, followed by grabbing her at the shoulders and shaking her.”
He allegedly “pushed her into the bathroom wall and was saying things like, ‘You’re f— up this family,’” and “punched the ceiling of the plane approximately four times,” according to the report. After one of their kids asked if “mommy” was OK, Pitt yelled; "No, mommy’s not ok. She’s ruining this family. She’s crazy!"At that point, one of the children allegedly yelled, “‘It’s not her, it’s you, you prick.’” which enraged Pitt. The actress then alleged that she saw him run toward one of the children “like he was going to attack,” at which point she said she got Pitt into a chokehold that he tried to break by throwing himself back and pushing her into the chairs behind them. Amid the altercation, Mr. Pitt “choked one of the children and struck another in the face,” the suit said.
Pitt allegedly continued ranting and at one point spilled wine all over a chair on the plane, causing what Jolie said was $25,000 worth of damage. She said he later poured beer on Jolie and on the blanket that was covering her and the kids.
Pitt “would start up a new rant every 30 minutes and pace through the plane yelling at everyone,” according to Jolie. She said the ranting “felt constant.” Upon arrival in the U.S., Jolie suggested that she and the kids go get a hotel room and get some sleep and proceed to California the next day, but Pitt told them nobody was getting off the plane, according to the report.
He allegedly yelled at them, “F— you. I’m f— leaving you” and got off the plane, apparently to smoke a cigarette. Jolie told the agents she and the kids were “shell shocked.”
After Pitt returned and the family embarked on the second leg of the flight, the ranting started up again, Jolie said. This time he allegedly berated her for breaking up the family. “This did not feel like a drunken rant, but it felt angry, pointed, and specific,” the report said.
Jolie told agents that as they were about to land, she told the kids to get their things, then told Pitt that they were going to a hotel to get some sleep. Pitt allegedly yelled that she wasn’t taking his kids and jumped out of the bed he was in and pushed her.
“They began fighting and the altercation continued to the back door of the plane,” the report says. Pitt allegedly pushed Jolie down and told the kids they weren’t getting off the plane. Jolie estimated that they were there another 20 minutes.
Jolie alleged that she suffered injuries to her back and elbow as a result.
Black-and-white photocopies of the photos are included in the report, as well as handwritten pages provided by Jolie, from her children, containing descriptions of the incident.
After this, Jolie filed for divorce days after, and got full custody of their six children. Pitt only had supervised visits with his children for many years after that.
He got joint custody first in May 2021, but this was vacated in july 2021 because the judge had ties with Pitts lawyers.
Maddox has testified against him in court. There's no known photos of Pitt and his children together since, and when Pitt has been asked about them on the red carpet several times, he shows complete surprise about what's happening in their lives.
Either Maddox or Pax (sorry, I can’t remember right now) has called out Pitt on his private instagram on fathers day where he wrote over a photo of Pitt with his new Oscar; «Happy fathers day to this world class asshole!! You time and time again prove yourself to be a terrible and despicable person. You have no concideration or empathy for towards your 4 youngest children who tremble in fear in your presence. You will never understand the damage you have done to my family because you are incapable of doing so. You have made the lives of those closest to me a constant hell. You may tell yourself and the world whatever you want, but the truth will come to light someday. So happy fathers day, you fucking awful human being».
The decoupling of Ms. Jolie and Mr. Pitt has stretched on for years, drawn out by a court battle for custody of their children and, more recently, a lawsuit instigated by Mr. Pitt over the French winery, Château Miraval, that the couple bought more than a decade ago. Mr. Pitt’s lawsuit, filed this year, accused his ex-wife of violating his “contractual rights” when she sold her half of the company to a subsidiary of Stoli Group without his approval.
Ms. Jolie’s cross complaint said she only sold her stake elsewhere after talks broke down over his demand that she sign “a nondisclosure agreement" that would have contractually prohibited her from speaking outside of court about Pitt’s physical and emotional abuse of her and their children.”Her filing states that the F.B.I. agent who investigated allegations that Mr. Pitt physically assaulted Ms. Jolie and their children on the plane in 2016 had “concluded that the government had probable cause to charge Pitt with a federal crime for his conduct that day.”
“She has gone to great lengths to try to shield their children from reliving the pain Pitt inflicted on the family that day,” Ms. Jolie’s lawyers wrote in the cross complaint. “But when Pitt filed this lawsuit seeking to reassert control over Jolie’s financial life and compel her to rejoin her ex-husband as a frozen-out business partner, Pitt forced Jolie to publicly defend herself on these issues for the first time.”
:/ I had heard of some of this on the periphery but mostly headlines (I try to keep my celeb knowledge to a minimum). It sadly doesn't surprise me that much, a lot of celebs aren't good ppl, I think it is kind of hard to be when a person has so much wealth and privilege. Brad Pitt sounds like your typical abusive male, riding off his own privilege to get away with shit like this
This is also super common in celeb men and it doesn't hurt their career in the slightest :(
If anyone needs me to tag anything feel free to ask. I only use VC bc I'm lazy but if ppl would like me to tag things like the movie or show or anything!
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narispillstoomuch · 1 year
A Memoir on Music
The Beginnings
Rehab by Amy Winehouse. It’s surely one of the first songs I remember listening to. It would play every time we would get in the car. My mom had this compact disk my dad burned for her. You know, back when we used those. It was always the same songs playing repeatedly, and this one always found its way back to my ears. I found out much later who sung this absolute bop, and how much of a queen she had been in her short-lived career in Soul R&B.
But one singer I can’t stand anymore is Sting. He had come from The Police: incredible band, I must recognize. The influence from reggae just lights up the mood. But his solo career… it all sounds the same. I must say, I’m a bit more biased because I have heard those songs one too many times, mainly Fragile. And what an unlucky hardship it was that these songs were on my mom’s CD…
One artist I have grown to love is Phil Collins. My dad had this movie of one of his shows. There were also most of his popular music video. My favourite must have been Take Me Home. I would recognize landmarks being shown through the video. And I would also say my dad had the same haircut as Phil Collins.
My dad grew up with Genesis, it was his musical influence. I can’t blame him, their songs are rarely misses, if you’re just talking about the Phil Collins era. As for the Peter Gabriel era, let’s say it’s different, more directed towards a specific public. Gabriel’s and Collins’ voices both give me chills. They had power and emotion in their voice.  
And there’s La Compagnie créole, a French Creole group, the apogee of French culture from around the world. The rhythmic melodies make us sing and dance against our will. It is a joy booster, yet I would sleep on such songs. This was my sedative whenever we’d leave my grandparents’ house. As the poor emotional child I was and still am, I couldn’t stand leaving the rest of my family living two hours away. I would cry, blubber my sorrows away, much to my mother’s dismay.  And then, she found the trick: blasting Ça fait rire les oiseaux, C’est bon pour le moral and La machine à danser during the whole two hours she was driving so I could shut up. To my dearest mother, my sincerest apology to your sanity.
The Teenage Years
As a teenager, I developed multiple problems related to my mental health. Music partially saved me. Not even exaggerating, I have found so much pleasure in listening to albums and songs by my favourite artists. They made me feel alive, even if I wanted to disappear. If it wasn’t for school, I probably would’ve grown mushrooms in my ears from how much I wore my headphones. Now, I use it to escape, but also concentrate. I use it to be calm, mostly in overwhelming moments, but I use it also to waste accumulated energy. It’s omnipresent. I must listen to six to eight hours of music a day, whatever genre it may be.
I discovered artists like Japanese Breakfast, Lemon Demon, Rex Orange County, Ghost, MGMT, Frank Ocean, Car Seat Headrest, Queen, Prince, Teako Onuki, Childish Gambino, Mitski, Magdalena Bay, David Bowie, Elton John, Rainbow Kitten Surprise, Joji, The Cure, Kendrick Lamar, Siouxsie & the Banshees… and there’s Tyler, The Creator.
Now that I’ve mentioned a bunch of names that probably mean nothing, let’s go over some that resonated the most.
Rex Orange County and Joji are some of those artists I could not get out of my ears. They had such a chokehold on my silly sabotaging brain. With their sentimental voices, their relaxed beats and their unique lyrics, I felt in a way connected to their songs. And the biggest step up happened with Frank Ocean. He may have put out only 2 albums, but they are masterpieces. Oh, and let’s not forget Childish Gambino with “Awaken, My Love!”. This album made me live so many emotions at the same time when I heard it.
- Slow Dancing in the Dark, Joji
- New House, Rex Orange County
- Self Control, Frank Ocean
- Bad Religion, Frank Ocean
- Me and Your Mama, Childish Gambino
- Redbone, Childish Gambino
MGMT and Magdalena Bay are two rare cases of “Electronic music that doesn’t make me have a panic attack”. They have their own style, and each of their albums are unique for the way it sounds. I love them very much for their authenticity, and the creativity behind those songs. And to listen to their albums entirely is a treat!
Me and Micheal, MGMT 
Time to Pretend, MGMT
You Lose!, Magdalena Bay
Mercurial World, Magdalena Bay
And these are some of my top tier artists. 
Mitski is an artist I discovered more on TikTok, and I just love her discography. Her themes are  unique and, whilst the beats are similar, they are comforting.  
Me and My Husband
First Love/Late Spring
I Want You
Japanese Breakfast is an artist I discovered because of the mysterious name. And hidden behind that name there is a indie rock band. From the sentimental slows to the upbeat tracks, there is everything for everyone. I love that band, and I love the singer’s voice.
Soft Sounds from Another Planet
Savage Good Boy
And the pinnacle of music to me is Tyler, The Creator. Listen to me when I say that this man alone made me live so many emotions all at the same time. He can change styles from one song to the other in ways I have rarely seen. I think he’s a musical genius.
See You Again
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p0pstars · 3 years
A compilation of different interviews Singer!Y/n does over the year.
A/N: I hope you enjoy this fic! It’s a bit different to what a normally write so I would love some feedback from you all, let me know how you liked it! Ceo!Harry Styles x Singer!Reader now have me in a chokehold.
༊‧₊˚. Press [X] for visuals and links to do with the fic
JUNE 2017
“Welcome back to the late late show! I’m your host, James Cordon and I’m joined today with former child star, turned up-and-coming singer, Y/n Y/l/n and marvels beloved Sebastian Stan!” James introduced Y/n and Sebastian who were both seated on the couch, they gave him and the audience a wide smile and a polite wave.
“Now, I’ll start with you Y/n, you’ve had some major success in the past from being in the film series, Harry Potter. What was that experience like for you?” James asked, a montage of moments from the Harry Potter movies playing on one of the many screens in the room.
“I guess you could say it was quite magical. All jokes aside, It was an experience of a lifetime. I made life long friends and also had a blast. I would do anything to experience that again” Y/n smiled as she answered the question, the crowd awing in the back.
“It sure looked like a blast. I felt as if I’ve watched you grow up into the amazing woman you are now through those movies. And now you’ve moved on from acting, right?”
“Well, my main focus right now is on music, I would love to get back into acting but maybe in a couple of years. If I could get to do a movie with Sebastian then that would be a great comeback” Y/n joked making Sebastian laugh, she giggled in return, nervously. She was after all sat next to her celebrity crush.
“I’ll see what I can do. I think marvel would love you” Sebastian replies and y/n gives him a smile.
“I would love to work with them. I’m available anytime” she states making James laugh.
“I thought you said you weren’t acting for a couple of years”
“It’s a different story with marvel”
“Understandable. Now, you released your debut single last week and wow, congratulations, it’s number 1 on billboard hot 100 making you the youngest artist to ever achieve that. How does that make you feel?”
“It makes me feel so overwhelmed with love and support. I genuinely can’t believe that this is happening seeing as I wrote that song so mindlessly about some stupid crush I had”
“Well, I guess that stupid crush made you a megastar”
“You could say that” Y/n replied with a giggle before James moved his questions onto Sebastian.
JULY 2018
“Welcome back to the Late Late show! Today, im joined again with Y/n Y/l/n. You’ve probably seen her face plastered on all the biggest magazines and billboards and last year she even won her first Grammy for her debut album. How have you been, Y/N, it’s been a while since I’ve last saw you and I can tell that a lot has changed?” James asked, he held some cards in his hands and a gentle smile was plastered on his face.
“I’ve been doing good, currently writing my second album so that’s been a lot of fun. How have you been James? I feel like none of your guests ask you that” Y/n questioned, a genuine look on her face as she saw James chuckle.
“Well I’ve been good thank you. You know, just catching up with a bunch of celebs on a daily”
“Sounds hectic”
“It’s a lot more exciting then you might think. Now about this new album, I’ve heard you’ve got a muse now, is that right?” James asked, a cheeky look on his face as Y/n felt her cheeks heat up. She knew there were pictures out there of her and her latest boyfriend but she didn’t think she was going to be asked about it in an interview.
“I wonder where you’ve heard that from James” she giggles, trying to hide the panic in her eyes. Harry Styles, her new boyfriend and also CEO of the beauty brand Pleasing, was a low-key kind of person, he didn’t like the public much so was always on the down low and if someone was to disturb his peace, let’s just say they would never attempt to do so again after.
“Well, from these pictures” James pulled out a card from his stack in his hands and showed the picture of Harry and Y/n holding hands as they walked, to the crown and Y/n. Harry was, as usual, in a white suit [X] and Y/n was dressed in a yellow summer dress [X]
“Well yeah, I guess you could say he’s my muse” she smiled, thinking it’s better to let the world know sooner rather than later.
“Wow so you’re going out with Mr.Harry Styles, the CEO of pleasing?”
“Yes James, I’m surprised we didn’t get caught any earlier” y/n chucked.
“Now this is a power couple if I’ve ever seen one, good for the both of you. How did you meet?”
“Thank you! My team rented out one of his buildings for a new music video of mine and honestly the rest is history”
“Sounds like a meet cute. I genuinely can’t wait for this new album now, I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of insight into your relationship”
“I guess there is” Y/n smiled as James started the next segment which required her to do the spill your guys or fill your guts challenge.
“Hello Y/n! A lot has happened since the last time we’ve spoken, how have you been? How’s lockdown treating you?” James asked, Y/n was sat in a room that looks like a study, she had to do this interview over Zoom due to not being able to travel.
“Hey, James! A lot has definitely happened, I’ve been alright though, I’ve escaped covid as off right now. Lockdown has been rough on everyone, I’m thinking of y’all watching at home! How have you been James? It feels as if it’s been forever since I’ve last spoken to you” Y/n replies, a smile on her face, she was wearing a bright red lipstick, it was Harry’s favourite.
“I’ve been doing well, glad I could provide some entertainment for all the people stuck at home! But I have one complaint to make”
“Uh oh, what is it?”
“How dare you not tell me that you’re now engaged! Congratulations, Mr.Styles seems to have put a ring on it” James chuckled, his eyes bright and sweet. He was genuinely happy for Y/n, especially since her last album which really put their loving relationship into perspective for everyone.
“Thank you, I guess it happened quite unexpectedly and I was just in shock. We kept it quite private, just a blissful time for the both of us, you know?” Y/n asks and James nods.
“Yeah, I get what you mean. Now can we see the ring? Twitter has been going crazy over it” James asks and Y/n giggles before showing off her left hand which supported the ring [X]
“Now, ladies and gentlemen, that is what you call a rock. Congratulations once again Y/n, I’m sending my congratulations to Harry as well. For a man that’s very low-key, he sure did go big with the ring” James joked making Y/n laugh.
“Grand gestures are his thing eventhough he’s a bit antisocial”
“Have you ever given him a grand gesture?” James asks, loving the dynamic between the couple.
“I guess you could say this is a grand gesture” Y/n slowly stood from her seat, so that the rest of her body came into the shot, showing a perfect bump. Her hand came to rest ontop of it and her soft chuckle could be heard from the mic.
“No way! Y/n, you’re definitely breaking the internet tonight. Congratulations! An engagement and a baby, I’m so happy for you. This definitely made my August a lot better”
“Thank you so much, I was meant to keep it a secret for longer because as you know, Harry loves privacy but that just seemed like the perfect way to announce this” Y/n replies as she took a seat again, her heart beating fast within her chest. It was scary announcing something like this to the world but she knew she had the support of not only her fans but of her fiancé, Harry, too.
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On Encanto’s Bruno - How He Compares to Coco’s Hector, and How He Should Have Had More Screen Time
[Warning: This spoils literally all of Encanto. And also, Coco, if you haven’t seen that animated movie. I’d recommend watching them both. Coco literally had me bawling.]
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If you’re not in the art community, or really any social platform lately that is scraping near any artists, you probably don’t understand how big “Encanto” is right now. You may be blind to the outpour of fanart, but I am hoping you have at least heard the “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” song. If you haven’t, I’m begging you to do so. This movie currently has a chokehold in every community that I’m a part of, and if you see this post, you’re probably in the same boat. And today, I decided to watch it.
I was dazzled. Originally, I had wrote an entire paragraph on how fantastic the animation, the character designs, the lighting, the set pieces, the backgrounds, and even the SAND were, but for the sake of brevity, let’s just say that Encanto has set the bar high for any and all of those things. Because of this, my expectations were set high for a strong story to accompany a strong visual design, but I found myself disappointed by the end of it.
Make no mistake: I enjoyed Encanto. I will continue to rewatch it over the week by how dazzled I am by its animation and its songs. But as a professional writer, its story was lacking and it made me weep. To summarize a majority of my critiques, the ending felt rushed. The climax of the candle burning out and the house collapsing breezed by, with Mirabel fleeing in shame and her abuela following her, apologizing for her behavior. It’s too quick of a resolution, and while that is definitely my second biggest gripe, it is not my first. 
My first is Bruno, and how little screen time he gets for how much he was built up in the movie.
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Bruno is a big deal. He’s mentioned in the very first song, with the sharp hiss of, “We don’t talk about Bruno,” like he’s the Voldemort of this story, which only entices the viewer more. Then, they dedicate an entire song to how much you shouldn’t talk about Bruno, and how he has become a stain on the family – how his Gift has brought only pain to the Madrigals. Mirabel enters his tower, which is tall and spacious, suggesting that his Gift is a powerful one, requiring a large space for him to use it safely. He is set up as a second main character. An inverse mirror for Mirabel. He has a Gift but is shunned. Miraibel has no Gift and is ignored. They relate to each other, as they have similar dynamics in the family.
Much like Hector is to Miguel in Coco.
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Coco is very similar to Encanto, not simply culturally, but also through its shared theme of generational trauma. A child becomes an outcast in their family because they break the mold of what was established by the head of the family – in this case, the abuela. In Coco, Abuelita has banned music. Well, technically, her grandmother banned music, believing that her husband abandoned their family in pursuit of music and fame, not realizing he was murdered by his partner (yeah, I’m not sure what Disney has against poor Latino husbands). That abandonment transforms into trauma, and the trauma is carried down to each generation as long as the no-music rule persists. It prevents family members from breaking away from their designated roles and employment, resigned to being humble shoemakers. They are not allowed to try something independently.
In Encanto, Abuela’s trauma is carried through the presence of Gifts and the Casita. The moment they fade away, Abuela is back in that small valley, watching her husband sacrifice his life for her, and she feels scared. Unprotected. Vulnerable. So, Mirabel is ignored because her Giftlessness threatens that feeling of security. The pressure to maintain the strength of one’s Gift can be seen by every member of the family. They start to break down from the pressure, which carries down to their children, as seen with the youngest as he waits to get his Gift. And so the generational trauma persists.
And for both Miguel and Mirabel, they have an uncle who experiences the brunt of that trauma. Hector and Bruno. Hector is the cause of Miguel’s family for banning music. Bruno is the one man who reveals how much danger the candle is in, and in doing so, is shining light on how much danger Abuela’s security is in. Thus, they are shunned. And they are the main characters’ future selves, should they fail in saving their family. 
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Yet, Hector is given a much bigger role. He is by Miguel’s side from the beginning, at first, an unwilling guardian, and then later, a fiercely protective uncle, preferring to put his own safety aside to protect his nephew. And Bruno is so much more because he was a willing guardian to Mirabel, casting himself out from his family to protect his little niece, for years. And yet, when that is revealed, Bruno is all but forgotten by the writers, left in the walls of the house. He is not given a larger role by being a continued protector of Mirabel. You could certainly argue it’s due to his social awkwardness and unwillingness to directly counter the family, but it’s not enough of an explanation as to why he, as a character, is dropped from the plot from that point forward. Aside from Mirabel, he is one of the most important characters in the plot because he bears the most of the generational trauma of the family – again, aside from Mirabel. There is no reason for the writers to drop him the moment he is revealed in the flesh. He could have even been a force of opposition, insisting that Mirabel drop this crusade to save the family, for fear that it will hurt her in the end. It frustrates me, seeing so much potential wasted. How Mirabel and Bruno could have learned from each other simply by close approximation. How a fantastic relationship could have been shown between them, but was lost. Bruno, at the end of the movie, even overcomes his fear of his mother and rides in to stand against her. Why was that arc hidden from us? Why couldn’t we have seen that inner struggle in person?
Alternatively, Coco gives Hector the time we need to see how the generational trauma has affected him, and how much it crushes his spirit. And we also see that Hector’s pain affects Miguel and motivates him to break that trauma. Bruno could have had the same effect, but it was simply too short to feel effective as a viewer. I wish – God, I wish – Bruno had a bigger supporting role.
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bluuespring · 2 years
I was tagged by lovelies @ughbehavior​ & @ipegchangbin​ ♡!! thank you both
rules: share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then send this to/tag 10 people.
ajfpasf this took me forever to decide :’) so there are actually 12 and not 10 I’m so sorry. 
1. jane eyre / this novel got me into reading, writing and studying literature so I’m eternally grateful for it. jane is a badass. she will not be caged. also rochester is an asshole and doesn’t deserve her. 
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2. bucky barnes (marvel) / I’m not into marvel that much anymore, but bucky will always have a special place in my heart, he is such a fascinating character and I will eternally love him and devote my soul to him. even my dad knows him too well (he took me to see civil war and i cried a lot) protect him at all costs. also fuck me up long-haired red shirt civil war bucky
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3. jesse pinkman (breaking bad) / have I ever cried more tears for a fictional character? i dont think so. I couldve put anyone from this show (hANK SCHRADER????  MIKE?????? GUS???!?!! SKYLER???!?!?!!!!!!) but jesse... yeah. he’s my broken little dork and I still weep for him regularly. 
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4. joel miller (the last of us) / that goes without saying....w tf..... joel miller has had a chokehold on me since 2015 and he will never leave me. the tears I wept. the hURT I have felt. he is so special to me and his voice, his actions, his very being has influenced me to the core. I could write an entire thesis on this man. 
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5. elizabeth bennett / has a more badass mf ever existed in media? no. I think not. lizzie is the mvp. her and darcy are the originals. i dont care what you say.
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6. jack from marrowbone / those who haven’t seen this movie just watch it... you’ll never be the same. what the fuck. I’m still not over it. wtf. 
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7. violet baudelaire / my role model as a child. I wanted to be 14 so bad for so long because I wanted to be violet. she’s a star. now she’s like my child. forever in my heart.
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8. fred and george weasley / they come as a pair ok fight me.... but those two. oof. their writer is a piece of shit that deserves the worst but gred and forge deserve the best. I will never forgive and I will never forget™️. they were also the objects of my first official fanfic which gave me confidence in writing so yeah. they’re my soulmates. a part of me will always live above weasley’s wizard wheezes. ♡
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9. rengoku (demon slayer) / I know this must be a ~mainstream~ choice or whatever but I don’t care. the imprint that he has left on me. him and tanjiro remind me of the importance of kindness and I have embraced it fully since. 
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10. kaz brekker (shadow and bone) / I really hesitated with inej but kaz. that boy. that character............ I will always vividly remember reading him for the first time. like oh. OH. oh. And it was too late
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11. kang sae byeok (squid game) / I saw this girl and I knew... I knew we were going to have silent conversations. her portrayal. her vulnerability. her strength. she is it. 
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12. opie (sons of anarchy) / I havent even finished watching sons but .... fuck.... I saw ryan hurst who plays him at comic con bc my dad was a fan and he told a story about shampoo and I was never the same since.... he tugs at my heart strings and he’s everything the universe ought to look up to and i’m soft
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13. and finally matilda / if there is an origin story to who I am. it’s this.
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I don’t know who to tag so... anyone who wants to do it go ahead and tag me I’d love to see <333
Honorable Mentions (bc yes I have a long list) 
- Dean Winchester from Supernatural (don’t ask me about it.... don’t...) - Eun-tak from Goblin (aposfjasfasf) -  Hong Du-sik from Hometown Cha Cha Cha (husband material™️)  - Celine & Jesse from the Before trilogy (those movies fucked me up..... but I love them.............) - L from Death Note (my little weirdo.... never change.... Ive never looked at a phone the same...) - Susan Pevensie from Narnia (another original) - Marta from Knives Out (i lOVE HER bless her heart) - Dallas from The Outsiders (its been more than a decade since.....) - Wanda from Marvel (she deserves better) - Temperance Brennan from Bones (inspiration)  - Arthur Shelby from Peaky Blinders (a puppy. a child. i want to hold him.) - Frank Castle from The Punisher (hE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the excellence of morally grey!!!!!!) - Jaime Fraser from Outlander (i can’t deal with him....) - Cha-young from Vincenzo (a bADASS) - Glenn from the Walking Dead (no i will not talk about it) - Rip and Beth from Yellowstone (those two..... i’m.... *bites lip*) - The 12th Doctor from Doctor Who (don’t be lasagna will forever be imprinted into my brain) - House from House MD (a life inspiration. dont give a shit about people) - Connell and Marianne from Normal People (i wept) - Everyone™️ in the Haunting of Hill House (masterpiece)
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dubersbutt · 3 years
The three of you share a home and share a bed. (Real talk for a minute just imagine being cuddled between those two big bodies 🥵) I feel like Josh loves to sleep in a lot later than Boone, which would result in him getting woken up by you and Boone fucking in the morning.
So I may or may not have gotten carried away with this one (whoops)
Words: 1.7K
Josh slept like a log. He always had, as a child he once slept through the smoke alarm and only woke up once his mom had physically shaken him awake (there was no fire - just a malfunction of the alarm so he would have been fine but still). That didn’t change into adulthood.
It had been a decent sized problem early on in your relationship. Josh would put his alarm on full volume and the vibration at an annoying frequency but he would still sleep through it, waking you up instead. You could have lived with it if you had similar schedules but when they left for early flights you could throttle him. In fact, the only reason Boone started to wake Josh up himself was because you had gotten so annoyed one day you had grabbed your pillow and smacked Josh in the face with it twice, before throwing his phone into the closet.
But, ever since then, you and Boone usually decided to see how far you could push it.
Boone vacuumed the entire master bedroom and it wasn't until he dragged it on the bathroom tiles that Josh woke up, though Dyson vacuums are relatively quiet. You'd watched a Marvel movie with your surround sound speakers and gotten just until the end credits before Josh creaked open an eye. A bird had even hit the window behind Josh's head cracking the glass, and he hadn't even stirred.
Of course, there was your preferred method of messing with Josh.
Boone was watching something as he unpacked his suitcase from the last road trip, but you were focused on Boone's arms instead, watching the muscles in his bicep flex as he went through the methodical process of folding and putting away.
"Whatya looking at?" he asks, playfully flinging his shirt at you.
"You," you say, throwing him a wink, "You look sexy when you're folding laundry."
"What a strange kink you have."
"Buddy, if you think that's weird I'll show you porn that'll blow your mind."
Boone laughs, leaning down to kiss you, "I missed you."
By the time the boys had shown up at home last night you'd been passed out, star fishing on the bed, "you gonna show me how much?"
"Come here."
"I can't," you say, gesturing to where Josh has his heavy arm slung over your waist, "sleeping beauty's got me in a chokehold."
Boone rolls his eyes, lifting up Josh's arm so you can wiggle out. Josh doesn't stir, just continues his snoring. You lean up on your knees so you can wrap your arms around Boone's neck.
"Morning," you say.
"Morning," he responds, pressing his lips to yours.
As soon as you try to deepen the kiss, Boone pushes you down on your back on the bed. You land with a little bounce, Josh is none the wiser. Boone's kisses trail down your neck, necking the soft hollow of your throat. You let your nails run down his back as he presses kisses all over your body, taking off your clothes as he goes.
He spreads your legs, kissing from your calf up to your inner thigh. His teeth scrape against your skin, inciting a gasp as you try to pull him closer with your ankle.
Boone chuckles, warm air hitting your still clothed pussy, "Patience, princess."
You groan, "C'mon Boone."
He presses a kiss to your cunt, still barred by your panties, "Ask for it, princess."
Your hand leans down to his head, tightening at the back of his scalp, "Please daddy. I waited so long for you."
He sucks on your clit through your underwear and you let out a content sigh. His arms wrap around your hips, holding your legs open as he continues to tease you.
"Daddy," you moan, arching into him, "Eat my pussy."
Boone's fingers curl into your waistband, inching them down slowly.
"You gonna be a good girl for me?" he asks, slowly exposing more and more skin, "Are you gonna mess up my beard? Make me feel your pussy even when I'm done with you?"
You nod your head, digging your nails into his scalp, "Yes daddy."
"Hands up," he commands, and you lift your hands to hold the bars on the headboard, "If you move them, I stop."
And then the waistband of your panties snap against your skin and Boone's mouth is wrapped around your clit to soothe the sting.
"Fuuuuck," you moan, revelling in the feeling.
Boone eats pussy like a champ, if you'd let him he'd eat you out until you pass out only to walk you up and do it all over again. He licks a broad stripe up your cunt, taking his time to build you up. His beard tickles in the best way, adding to the sensations as he drags his tongue over you lazily.
"Please, daddy," you beg, pushing your hips into his face, "Stop teasing me."
He doesn't.
His grip on your legs tighten, fingers digging into the soft skin of your thighs, definitely going to leave a mark - something you will tease them with when they leave for their next roadie in a few days. He brings you to the edge three times, tears pricking in the corner of your eyes. Your fingers ache from how hard they're holding onto the headboard.
"Please, daddy," you bed, trying to grind against his face. Any time you get an ounce of friction Boone doesn't approve, he moves back.
You can feel his smirk against your skin, as you plead with Boone, loosing all control of what you're saying. He's teasing your clit with a subtle scratch of his teeth when you loose it.
"I-pl-pl-please, daddy," his arms are straining to keep your hips on the bed, "Let me cum. I-i've been s-s-so good, Boone."
His eyebrow arches at your mistake but lets out a low hum as you his tongue slides between your folds again. The vibrations are enough to make you cum with a shout, ankles digging into his back as you do.
Boone only relents a little, lazily lapping at pussy as you slowly come down from your high.
You let go go the headboard, flexing your sore fingers, "Can I -?"
He nods, kissing back up your body and kissing the trails the tears left. You can feel his cock between your folds, not quite teasing you, "You okay? Not too much?"
"No, Boone," you respond.
"Then what do you say?"
"Thank you for eating my pussy, daddy."
"You're welcome, princess."
Your hands end up by your head again, this time entwined with Boone's as he thrusts into you. His body cages yours, pressing you into the mattress. You're so sensitive, you wouldn't be able to stop hold back any whimpers if Boone's mouth weren't attached to yours, muffling the sound. His beard is damp, and you can taste yourself, but you don't care about either. Your legs wrap around his waist, rolling you body with his.
When he finally pulls himself away from you his breath is heavy, slamming his hips into yours, "I'm close, daddy."
He adjusts his grip so both of your hands are in one his. He grips you thigh with his free one, holding it open so his angle is a little better. Your toes curl as he continues, picking up the pace.
"Daddy, let me cum," you beg, voice hoarse and strained.
"You've been good, princess," he grunts in your ear, voice low, "Cum for me, baby. Make sure Josh can hear you."
You do. You cum with a loud moan as Boone continues his ministrations. He doesn't last much longer, spilling into you a few thrusts later. When you can finally breathe your throat is sore. Boone is peppering kisses on your neck as his breathing slows.
"No fair," Josh says from beside you, startling you, "I never get to join in on morning sex."
"Not my fault," Boone says, slipping out of you and taking his spot on the other side of you, playing with your hair
"How long have you been awake?" you ask, you weren't trying to keep your voice down, maybe you had beaten your record.
"About when you thanked Boone for eating your pussy," Josh says, rolling over onto his stomach. He eases you legs open, settling in with your legs over his shoulders.
"Be ready to thank me too," he winks, "I don't plan on leaving this spot anytime soon."
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smalls-words · 2 years
Ooh sweet here y'all go:
- If the sky could rain food, what food would you like for it to rain?
- If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
- If there was a movie about a you, what would it be called?
- Favorite disney princess?
- Rather have wings or a mermaid tail?
- Favorite flower?
most important question for you both : have you had some water and food today?
I love hearing about you and your little. When you first started to where you are now with them, how different is it?
These were some nice questions!!
Raining Food
Me: Well I've had a fixation for cinnamon toast lately, so I would loooove for it to rain cinnamon toast.
Munchkin: hmmm oooh dino nuggies orrrrr blueberri pancakies! yumyum 😋
Me: If we're talking a singular power... Hydrokinesis!! Avatar The Last Airbender (show, not that stupid movie) had me HOOKED as a child. Would have loved to be a waterbender and I used to copy the actions whilst I was in the pool 😁
Munchkin: i wan be lik wands!!! an den wands can teach me 'o use dem! orr teleports so can see squish squish 🥺
Life Movie Title
Me: Damaged, But Never Broken (😅 both figuratively and literally, since I've broken about eight bones including my knee cap) [it is also the name of one of my Wattpad fics lol]
Munchkin: sunflowr froggie! hehehe
Favourite Disney Princess
Me: Oooh, this is hard! Elsa, especially since Frozen 2, is a high contender. I haven't watched Mulan or Pocahontas, so I can't give judgement on that. Elsa's only competition would be Tiana, because I love her movie and her singing and everything (it might seem like I'm favouring Tiana, but those icy powers are sooooo cool)
Munchkin: mulan!!
Wings Vs. Mermaid Tail
Me: Mermaid Tail. H2O (Aussie show) had me in a chokehold right next to ATLA. I also have about 20 mermaid books loaded on my Kindle (the Waterfire Saga is perfection, I do recommend)
Munchkin: ooooh wings! buuuut can' 'cides if tey be big lik dragons or lil like fairy!
Favourite Flower
Me: Middlemist Red
Munchkin: sunflowrs! so pretty pretty pretty pretty heheh
Important Question
Me: Yes, I have had lots of water and some food (I just finished my butter chicken/vindaloo mixed lunch)
Munchkin: i hads lots an lots watr an only lil bits of food tho 🥺 but i thinks am goods at tak care myselfs ☺
Munchkin would like to say that "da shell anon has been sooooooo nice!" and I completely agree. You seem like such a good, kind person 🥰
We started out mostly as just chatting on Tumblr, but then their little side showed and we only progressed from there. They wanted to give me a nickname since I have so many for them (munchkin, little love/dove, my sweet/darling/precious baby) and because I really really like jellyfish, they chose the name Squishy. So now, I get variations of that name like squish squish (that seems popular). There were some mental health days early on and I wasn't quite sure how to handle them, but the reassurance that they aren't needy, or annoying, or anything else but perfect was what they needed.
And to all of the littles out there that think they are 'needy', remember this:
Your needs were not met as a child. Because of this, you are doing your best effort to make up for that lost time, which (to idiots who don't have eyes) can seem needy. It is not. You are valid, you are human, and you are loved. (If nobody loves you, then you're wrong - I do 🥰🥰)
Tumblr media
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sillybub · 3 years
When you were first interested in cats? How did you come across it?
I hope like 1,433-word answers!
When I was but a child, naïve to sufferings and strife that existed outside the warm confines of the blankets that swaddled me in my bed, I had a favorite character. A dinosaur, infamously purple, with a perpetually friendly disposition. Barney, he is colloquially called.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. The real story begins years before I was even a thought in my parents' heads.
The year is 1998, and director Steve Gomer had yet to find his footing as a filmmaker. The few directing credits he had to his name were all flops, and were lucky to get even 6 stars.
Enter Stephen White, longtime writer for the Barney and Friends series. With the grace of a man who has seen his fair share of hardships in the tumultuous world of writing for film and television, White extended his hand and pulled Gomer into his latest project: Barney the dinosaur's very first feature film.
Spirits were surely high for the film's production. After all, Barney was a household name, and he was adored by children all across the world--surely it would be an automatic hit!
Alas, the film failed to make back it's budget, crossing only a little over $12 million out of the $15 million budget. It had even been torn to shreds by critics, having but 3.2 stars on IMDb.
But those are critics. Not the audience of young, starry-eyed children for whom it was intended. I can tell you that Barney's Great Adventure was actually a smash hit and wild success, because Gomer and White's whimsical creation had 6-year-old-me in a chokehold, 8 years after the film's release. I watched that movie damn near every night when I was a kid. My siblings hated me for it. But I was thriving.
However, there is a dark side to every tale. A shadow realm.
For every night, as I stuck the VHS tape into my tiny little TV, I would dive under my blanket until the reassuring sounds Barney's delightful giggles, coaxing me back out.
I'm sure I don't need to tell Cats fans what other movie came out in 1998.
But I will tell you that in the trailer, the first song they decided to showcase was "Macavity the Mystery Cat". Now, although this is now one of my favorite songs in the show, I want to take you back to my 6 year old self.
I see darkness. Then sudden flashing. A burst of music, and strange cat-human hybrids fill my screen. They are darkly lit, and I can't make out their faces, and they move inhumanly. They sing of some scary monster or fiend who's out to get them. It's more terror than I can take. Like a proverbial ostrich hoping to escape danger, I stick my head under the blanket. I don't watch long enough to see the friendlier songs. All I hear are strange voices saying nonsense words, because I grew up in rural Alabama and British accents may as well have been another language to me.
But I loved Barney. So I endured.
Cut to 2019, fall semester. I'm in the middle of writing a literary analysis on Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury. I need a break badly, because I'm digging my own rabbit hole and I'm going to die in it unless I decompress.
I scroll through Netflix, and some force of the universe tugs on the string of fate, and I am guided towards Beverly Hills Chihuahua.
But Beverly Hills Chihuahua. "Huh," I think. "That's a funny movie to blow off my Faulkner analysis to watch." So I watch it. And it was fine. Nothing special.
And then the next day, I mention to my friend that I watched Beverly Hills Chihuahua. She says, "Oh, what's it about?"
And because I have no self-control, I launch into a beat-by-beat retelling of the entire film. And as I describe it to her, I find myself deeply analyzing the symbolism of the film. I'm losing track of my own thoughts, so I write them up on the whiteboard. I'm connecting the dots. I've been stuck in an analytical mindset for so long because of my Faulkner essay that I can't turn it off, and Beverly Hills Chihuahua becomes an unfortunate casualty.
"Robin", my friend says. "You've been at this for three hours. Are you okay?"
I look at my phone. She's right. I'd been deeply analyzing Beverly Hills goddamn Chihuahua for three hours.
But I felt like I'd been struck by divine lightning. I have a purpose.
Cut to winter break. I sequester myself into the basement and watch three Beethoven (the dog) movies in a row, taking notes like a madman. This is my new personality trait.
It's so much fun. Everybody has a hot take on Citizen Kane, or Life of Pi. But nobody has deeper thoughts about animal movies for children, and I thought it would be funny to have these kinds of analyses in my back pocket. I consume dog movie after dog movie, because dogs are the easiest animal to train as an actor, so they have way more movies about them. Air Bud. 101 Dalmatians. Balto. Hotel for Dogs. I was hyperfixated.
But as I consume these dog movies like a ravenous shark, I begin to see headlines for a property I never thought I'd see again.
Tom Hooper directing. Starring Rebel Wilson and James Corden.
I hadn't given Cats a single thought since I outgrew Barney.
The reviews come in. It's a nightmare. People are saying that it has the plot and structure of some kind of art house film, that resists any kind of interpretation.
I felt like my entire life had been leading up to this moment. Cats became my white whale. My final boss.
"Let's go see it," I begged my siblings. "Come on, it'll be funny." They relented, for they had nothing better to do on December 26th.
We had the the entire theater to ourselves. My siblings roasted the hell out of it. They looked on in horror as Jason Derulo was fully about to suck toes.
But I? I was fascinated. I took notes. My mind was ablaze with trying to decipher and piece together these events. My task at hand was to prove that there was some kind of profound and deeper meaning.
The credits roll, and my brothers and sister are cackling about how awful that was. What a joke. Who approved this? Why would they let Tom Hooper direct this?
"Robin," my sister says. "What did you think? This was your idea."
Rebel Wilson peeling her skin off replayed in my mind. And memories of the 1998 trailer kept replaying in my head. Was Cats always this terrifying?
"I need to do more research," I told her.
The second I got home, I looked up Cats, and was delighted to find the entire 1998 movie up on YouTube. Steeling myself, I played the first part of "Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats".
This is... actually quite fun. Now that I have a more high def visual, these costumes are actually really creative. And these performers are incredibly talented.
...It’s over already? Well, let me just watch it again, since I know what to expect now.
I watched it five times in a row. I didn't take a single note because I had been completely distracted by how much fun I was having. I kept seeing new little details. I was learning their names. I was getting to know them.
Days later, my sister approaches me. "Do you have any profound and mind-blowing thoughts yet?" she asks.
"No. Did you know that Cats is actually really good? Come watch it with me."
She had a good time, too. And when I got back to college, I made my friends watch it with me.
As I do with every new piece of media I consume, I looked it up on Tumblr, and was pleasantly surprised to see that it had an active fandom.
I have long ago abandoned the need to deeply analyze Cats. I love it for what it is; I don't need to go digging for a reason to enjoy it like I did with dog movies. The wonder and magic of it is enough. I don't need or want it to have a deep and profound meaning.
"Robin," I hear you say. "Why did you write a fucking novel to answer this question?"
Because, my sweet followers. I needed you to understand that a cat movie is not a dog movie.
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