#those make the best noises
majorproblems77 · 4 months
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*runs away giggling*
This made me chuckle
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21stc3nturyd1gitalb0y · 2 months
not sensory seeking, not sensory avoidant, but a secret third thing (both at the same time)
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english-mace · 2 years
sometimes I just feel so joyful & cozy when it is 4pm & getting dark & the rain is making noises against my window. time to go put on a soft sweater & make a hot water bottle & put on one of those Cafe With Fireplace jazz YouTube vids to read to!! honestly my favourite state of being. can't top it. except maybe with mulled wine.
anyways morel of the story some of us are mushroom people & should never ever live in California or anywhere else without proper annual night-length shifts lest we Wilt
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hephaestuscrew · 1 year
Sometimes I think there are certain parts of Wolf 359 that feel so familiar to me that I almost forget what they are like the first time round.
Like, I've just been thinking about how in the finale, after Minkowski gets shot, we don't hear any noise from her all through Cutter's gloating speech. We hear her gasp as the bullet hits and the show immediately cuts away to a different scene. Then when we rejoin the confrontation with Cutter, we don't hear Minkowski make any noise - not even a groan of pain or a laboured breath - for over a minute. And because it's an audio drama, this means that we don't have any direct indication of just how injured she is, of whether she's fully conscious, of whether she's even still alive. Lovelace's reactions can't tell us much while she's struggling against Cutter's control. And I wouldn't put it past Cutter to gloat to someone unconscious.
The first noise we do hear Minkowski make after being shot in the stomach - the first proof we have that she's still with us - is her gathering her strength and declaring "Renée Minkowski... and that is more than enough to kick your ass!", before punching Cutter. Which is always an incredibly powerful moment. But there's a particular power to it when it also serves as the reveal that Minkowski is still conscious and able to put up resistance. The moment when she asserts her ownership of her own identity feels almost like a moment of rising from the potentially-dead.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 7 months
also was revisiting a little bmc bway interview ft. william last night & him saying his favorite part of the show was probably doing the agtikbi reprise scene on the couch at the party & mentioning the Nonverbal aspect of jeremy & christine's interacting / communicating there & a way of exploring/depicting Love & Affection in a way you don't always see everywhere and like aaaarghhhhh so true good lord that specific scene. and Again the bway obcr version Existing and being like that, it's just like. winded exhale yeah obsessed 5ever thank you all
#sooo true so true....#bmc#love putting it right in like the eye of the storm#both of them basically just having had these breakups & with jeremy that means mitb scene And [all of that A Time he had prior]#also now reflecting on how you know obviously he was Not ready to hear it w/michael & ofc he was affected by what all Just happened#but it's also like probably the worst time to be very pushy even with the best intentions & thinking it's Urgent & right abt all that lmao#but jeremy's Just had like whoops autonomy revoked ten ways to sunday from two different squip figures like#even [being correct! having jeremy's wellbeing in mind!] behind trying to yank him into some outcome; he's gonna be like Not Again#& ofc the sunk cost re: his squip & he has not had time to catch his breath like literally; not in a place to Confront Shit#if even his missed bestie is; from his perspective here; not at all comforting & not giving him what he feels is a real option....#& anyways ofc we can sympathize / understand them both b/c that's what the show is giving at all moments re all characters#all this to say like jeremy & christine like having such a time being very at sea very uncomfortable but then having This moment#and the refreshment & relief finally of having this successful genuine connection & relative security being with this person rn#love & affection for sure....just say what's on your mind....lord first of all that they improvise those Noises every night. i'm gonna cry#second of all imagining not knowing how that scene goes & the pause & jeremy like [augh] & then christine just Yes Anding. aaaugh#head in hands haven't even relistened for a moment despite all this reflection. the downtempo quiet reprise waaah#it's Pretty killer to sit & chat with you....it's pretty killer for me too....sooo true Not getting this everywhere always & Waaugh ;;m;;#and wasn't even thinking of it as a joke like [and talking about devote specific focus on the Nonverbal aspect of such a scene: im putting#my hands on the shoulders of that & keep drawing a deep breath to start talking abt it but instead going Whew & making Expressions]#i.e. the significance of my nonverbal response as per conveying emotions & thoughts lmao. and just....You Know
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stardestroyer81 · 1 year
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Pizza Tower, a game whose development I've been following since mid-2020, finally releases on Steam today! To celebrate, @tondemo-sliceuu and I drew artwork of Pizza Tower's most iconic characters— Peppino Spaghetti and the Noise! 🍕✨
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wildgeese98 · 3 months
Humanity really lost its way when we started making true wireless earbuds.
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yaminerua · 1 month
I think it’s incredible that my mum went to a place called Dykehead when she was young.
That coupled with the fact she turned up to my uncle’s wedding in the 90s looking like she was part of a lesbian biker gang in lots of leather… Amazing.
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riverwithoutbanks · 1 year
Cas and hunger and love and how he cannot differentiate except because when he was under Famine influence, the body prevailed (hunger as in food), but the confused mind/grace wanted reciprocation/concordance (hunger as in desire— him asking Dean whether he’s affected).
It’s not even dominance (‘you should show me some respect’ vs Godstiel who doesn’t seem to care for Dean on his knees). He’s infinite so it only stands to reason that he’d try to consume, but he’s not a leviathan. He feels hunger, but he won’t even try to bite.
He always seem so sorrowful until he makes it clear that he is a warrior, that he can destroy and kill — but then he’s playing along with the Winchesters.
He has seen most of history, the fish leaving the ocean, yet he’s been lobotomised again and again, which is almost comical. There is so much to him, and yet we see basically none of it. And it suffices. Because he’s trapped in a loop of rebellion and wisdom and forgetting. Until he isn’t. He’s infinity reduced to a singular point and that’s breaking my mind.
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funfactory-moved · 2 years
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they gave me a setlist last night btw <3
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sonippep-hohu · 1 year
I am so sorry Pizza Tower friends but I am one of those ppl who babify Feppi/Bruno, I'm so so sorry
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beevean · 2 years
Yakuza 0
Heartbreak Mermaid
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sherlock-is-ace · 1 year
#midnight thoughts before going to bed (feel free to ignore)#but today i realized two major things about myself and my mental illness#1. i was reminded that when you have an anxiety disorder your body has a hard time telling the difference between anxiety and excitement#and suddenly my whole life made sense lol#the amount of times i didn't do something that i really wanted to do because it caused me MAJOR anxiety#and it was probably excitement actually but my body went into full fight or flight mode#and 2. i realized that my masking is actually causing me physical pain#like this is of course of i am actually autistic. i still feel like i can't say i am cause i have no right you know?#but objectively i'm like 98% sure i have autism#ANYWAYS masking is usually just forcing eye contact or not stiming in public (as much)#but today i realized that when i hear loud noises or too many at the same time my instinct is to cover my ears#but i don't because that's ''weird'' or will make people ask questions that i don't really know how to answer#so i don't cover my ears i just sit through it in actual pain and hope for the best#and the worst part of this is that when i say ''masking in public'' i mean in my own damn home#because of my mom and the fact that she doesn't believe i have issues#i think it's my fault tho i shouldn't have mentioned my self diagnosis while we were watcing the good doctor (and later attorney woo)#because those two are her only reference for what autism is/looks like and i'm not like that#i mean for the most part... the good doctor was the reason i realize i might be autistic#and woo's struggle with revolving doors hit a bit too close to my heart lol#but anyways...#i need to deal with my out of control anxiety#and i'm pretty sure i am autistic...#those are the conclusions of this post lol#angel talks#personal
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trollbreak · 1 year
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silly-jellyghoty · 2 years
I have a mighty need to hurl myself into a soundproofed facility of any kind and go nuts with making all kinds of weird noises and mortifying shrieks. Not because there's something wrong with me, but because as of lately i've been missing my old school singing lessons where i could just go YYYYYYYYYYYY to my full lungs capacity. Also because i have found a free online course for learning to sing with rock disortions and grit as well as dead metal growl lessong and i just need to go full on DOOOOOOOOOMMMMHHHUUUAAAAA!!!
Send help
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vehxmence · 3 days
me seeing a well-trained small dog: ohlookatthalittlebaby i could put you in my pocket :)
me @ small dogs allowed to bark incessantly: hey put your fucking screechrat back in your purse
#zulu time // ooc#i LOVE little dogs.......i just hate a significant majority of Small Dog People(tm)#who think that because pupper is smol they don't have to train#or that the entire fucking neighborhood wants to hear precious little pookie shriek his fool head off because he's bored in the yard#EYEBALLING the neighbor next door rn#i am in a place with BSL and my amstaff mix is in her anne frank era for a couple weeks until we get out of this rental#and it makes me so goddamn mad that my dog who stands 6 inches from the fence while these shrill little terrorist scream at her#and does not react aside from a vaguely concerned thinkle or two#is illegal here but they're fine because they're little#mine also loves small dogs. her first friends when i got her were mini scotties and they were lovely#and one tiny weird mutt in her puppy class because his mom said 'i refuse to be one of those Small Dog People'#i hope they're both living their best lives they were wonderful and mango liked that dog a lot#anyway also 3 of 5 times mine has been attacked it's been someone's little fucking unmanaged purse goblin#'hahaha he's feisty' yeah and mine could fucking eat him and chooses not to so maybe handle your fucking dog?????#if i can handle 70 pounds of reactive amstaff you can pick up your crusty little fuckass#but yeah i hate shrill noises in general so these two obnoxious lawn decorations are driving me up the fucking wall#meanwhile my big scary vicious criminal menace goes out and looks at me like 'fuck's their problem' lmao#anyway........................periodic zulu psa to train your fucking dogs please for your own sake and everyone else's#they're as intelligent as young children and there's always a reason they're acting out and it's on you to help them with it#also nobody wants to listen to your fucking yappy little asshole no matter how cute you think it is#stares in 'violently resentful because i've sunk thousands into training my rescued and traumatized bully mix for the image'#'while little dog owners allow their purse terrorists to continue to be the problem'
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