#those gay bastards
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amaizified · 28 days ago
my sister brought up that gillions favorite color is brown and chips eyes are brown. gonna go cry now 😁😁😁😁
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estrel · 11 months ago
watching jim pass the kobayashi maru in star trek 2009 and then the camera panning over to reveal that SPOCK had designed the test in this timeline was one of the most influential moments in my childhood. i'm not autistic you are
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apa-zapa · 11 months ago
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Iva needs a good fucking drink after this one.
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jat-a-fan-of-stuff · 5 months ago
Im not THAT obsessed with Coalecr-
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iwillbefamousonedayipromise · 2 months ago
I love when characters who are not canonically (confirmed) into eachothers but litterally everyone sees the tencion, especially when those who never ship characters toghether are like "ok I see the tencion"
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mairon-goth-minion · 6 months ago
Once more, please hear me out:
Barty Crouch who hated the world
Barty Crouch who, despite his famous bravado, couldn't even look his father in the eye
Barty Crouch who preferred to be hated than loved, because that's all he ever knew
Barty Crouch who was terrified of losing himself to drugs yet who took them anyway, because they blurred everything
Barty Crouch whose heart skipped a beat the instant he saw that tall, blond and haughty looking boy from across the common room
Barty Crouch who became obsessed with that boy, to the point where he knew every detail of his life
Barty Crouch who would've burned the world down for a kiss
Barty Crouch who, when he finally receives that kiss, at a Halloween party, both of them drunk out of their minds, feels like someone's lit a brazier within him
Barty Crouch who begins to realize that this boy might be just as insane as him
Barty Crouch who falls in love with that boy a bit more every passing day, feeling love for the first time instead of hatred
Barty Crouch who died the day he learned that his love had been killed, becoming only a husk of his formal self, losing all that made him him, not to drugs, as he'd feared, but to heartbreak
Barty Crouch whose last thought as the dementor sucked his soul out was that he'd welcome death because it meant he'd see Evan Rosier again
"My love, my only one. I miss you so, so much. You left me all alone. I forgive you, love. Fuck. Maybe if I’d been there, I could’ve saved you. Too late. For both of us. I miss you so, so much. At least I’ll get to see you again. See you in hell, Evan."
part 1
part 3
part 4
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quinn-fucks-shit-up · 2 months ago
just finished arcane, and all I want to say is
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mahi-wayy · 2 months ago
I just finished s4 of spn :
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pawl3ss · 11 months ago
Little two critters doodles <3
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depressedhatakekakashi · 3 months ago
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Since When?
Words: 2,262
Prompt: Eight Gates
He couldn’t believe his eyes.
Certain he was dreaming; Gai took a minute to pinch his arm. To do so he’d had to avoid a punch directed at his face from the enemy, but that hadn’t proven to be a difficult task. Although there were at least twenty of them, the enemies were basic jonin at best.
When he didn’t wake up Gai tried again, this time pinching his cheek and twisting his fingers, so a sharp pain radiated from the point he’d pinched all the way back to his ear.
Still, he didn’t wake up, which meant this wasn’t a dream.
“What the hell!?” Everything around him came to a stop. The enemy shinobi stood there, glancing between each other as they tried to assess the situation. In front of him, Kakashi stood with one arm wrapped around one enemy’s neck in a choke hold, and his other hand gripping the front of another enemy’s uniform holding him mid air.
Had Gai not interrupted he was certain Kakashi was about to chuck the enemy dangling with his feet kicking wildly in the air. As it was, though, his rival simply stood there staring at him with a board expression.
“Something wrong?” he asked as if the two of them were sitting calmly at the dango shop enjoying a sweet treat instead of standing in the middle of a battlefield with enemy shinobi surrounding them.
“You!” Pointing at his rival, he narrowed his eyes. “I saw that! You just opened the first gate!”
The calm facade almost broke. For a split-second Gai saw a look of panic shooting through Kakashi’s eyes, but before it could really settle in, he’d gathered his emotions back under his control and stuffed them down.
Just as he always did when he didn’t want to be caught having feelings, which was eighty percent of the time he was awake.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“don’t lie to me!” Seeing one of his opponents charging toward him, Gai threw a punch at just the right time, clocking him in the jaw so that he stumbled backwards with a groan and collapsed into an unconscious heap right in front of his friends. “You think I don’t know what opening the gates looks like? I have been teaching Lee about them for two years now, I know every little facial expression made when it comes to unlocking one of the gates, and that was the first gate!”
“We’re in the middle of a fight,” as if making a point, Kakashi moved the shinobi he was still holding mid air in front of him and promptly dropped him to the ground before delivering a hard kick to the face. “Why are you paying attention to the facial expressions I’m making?”
“Why are you opening the first gate?” Gai fired back, pointing at the shinobi who had just gone limp under Kakashi’s arm. “When did you even learn it? You hate the gates!”
Kakashi learning the gates wasn’t the upsetting part for him. It hurt a little to know his rival had kept this ability hidden from him, and there was a very slight injury to his pride knowing that even the thing he excelled at Kakashi could seemingly do without issue.
“Stop that,” Kakashi scolded, his arm releasing its victim so that he fell to the ground unconscious beside his friend who’d just been knocked out a few seconds before him. “The gates are yours. I can’t open that many and even if I wanted to learn, which I don’t,” he clarified with a hard look as if he was trying to stamp out any doubts Gai might have about his words. “I wouldn’t be able to learn as many as you. The eight gates are still your thing.”
“Except they’re not,” crossing his arms over his chest he huffed. Deep down he wanted to stomp his feet and whine about Kakashi stealing his thing, but that would be childish and silly. Not only was it not just his thing, but Kakashi was known for that.
Even before gaining the Sharingan and officially being recognized as the ‘copy ninja’ his eternal rival had gained a reputation inside of Konoha of watching people practice their jutsu’s and learning it on his own just from copying their hand signs.
“Do you really think I could open the eighth gate if I wanted to?” Kakashi asked, his eyes focused on Gai but glancing every few seconds to the shinobi still standing around them watching them with cautious eyes. “Even if I could, what good would they do me?”
“No,” he stopped Gai with a firm look. “Really think about it. At base level you’re twice as physically strong as me.” At that, Gai pointed at the two unconscious bodies laying at Kakashi’s feet. “I said you were stronger, not that I was weak.”
“The eight gates improve your physical strength and speed,” Gai reminded him. “Enemies that you’re strangling under your arm right now would be taken down twice as quick.”
“And my body would hurt more,” Kakashi fired back, a firm reminder of all the pressure his body already existed under. Sometimes Gai made the mistake of forgetting just how much pain Kakashi was in every day.
Not always physical pain, but exhaustion. The pain of fighting to keep moving when his body just wanted to crumble in place.
He held himself so well, fighting with ease and always putting on a show of being well put together, that even Gai could forget sometimes what kind of pressure his body was under with the sharingan.
“Still,” averting his eyes, he thought about it. If Kakashi could learn to open the first gate what was stopping him, really, from learning others? If he wanted, could he learn to open all eight gates?
If he could, what was the point of someone like Gai existing with his skills when someone like Kakashi could learn them as well?
“Stop it,” lifting his eyes off the ground he met Kakashi’s gaze and immediately felt the overwhelming pressure behind those deep black eyes. “I can’t learn the eight gates Gai. It takes a genius in hard work to learn them.”
“you’re a genius-“
“In tactics and Ninjitsu,” Kakashi fired back. “In hard work…well I’m certainly not lacking but I’m also not you.”
“Look at this,” using his head to gesture to the shinobi standing around them, each of them eying them as if they were preparing to attack, but none of them moving an inch. “Do you think it’s just me they’re afraid of?”
“Well…no,” his pride swelled when he met one of the enemy shinobi’s eyes and he took a cautious step back, creating a bit more space between him and Gai.
“And why do you think they’re afraid of you?”
“That’s easy,” a smile, triumphant and proud, stretched across his lips. “I can beat them without breaking a sweat.”
“We’re standing right here.”
“Shh,” glaring at the one who’d dared to speak, Kakashi raised an eyebrow. “Real shinobi are speaking right now.”
“If they can land a punch on you then I’ll give them some respect.”
Taking the challenge, one of the shinobi crouched down and burst forward, his hand diving into his weapon’s pouch and coming out with a kunai. Before he could even think of attacking, though, Gai rushed forward and slammed his arm right into the man’s stomach.
His opponent hit the ground with a hard thud and immediately turned onto his side as every bit of food he’d eaten in the last day came flooding out of his mouth.
“See? Respect has not been earned.”
He wanted to scold Kakashi for being an arrogant little prick, but it was hard when that arrogance was so damn sexy.
“When did you learn?” he asked, returning to the topic that had caused him to start this conversation in the first place.
“About…” tilting his head back, Kakashi thought for a moment. Meanwhile, the rest of their opponents examined the situation in front of them. Four of their allies now lay on the ground either unconscious, cradling a broken and blood jaw, or puking their guts out. “when we were fifteen I think. During that time I was benched from missions for chakra exhaustion.”
“Which time?” Gai pressed, remembering well that Kakashi had been benched from missions five times that year, though never for enough time to fully recover.
“Before your birthday,” he answered with a playful smile, as if that adorable smile of his would wash away all of the anger Gai felt boiling up inside of him. “Remember when I asked you about the first gate?”
Thinking about it, he frowned when the memory popped into his head. he’d been training in field C when Kakashi approached him asking about the gates and how to open them. If he’d known back, then just what Kakashi wanted to do with that information he would have-
Actually, he wouldn’t have changed a thing and knowing that was even more annoying to him than finding out Kakashi knew how to open any of the gates.
If he’d known Kakashi wanted to learn the gates, he would have supported it fully. Possibly even tried to push for Kakashi to learn more, because if Kakashi got even stronger it would raise the bar that he had to reach for to become as strong as his eternal rival.
Instead, he’d unknowingly aided Kakashi in learning how to open the first gate on his own. Provided him with detailed explanations about how to do it, and even more details about what exactly he was searching for when reaching into the depths of his chakra networks in search of the gates.
“But you hate the gates. You’re always getting on my case about using them unnecessarily.”
“Not the first two,” Kakashi corrected him. “I get on your case about using the third gate and up if you don’t need to. That’s when you start hurting your body needlessly.”
Thinking about it, Gai found that Kakashi was right.
Whenever he used the first or second gate his rival had kept his opinion to himself. If he used the third gate or up he’d always receive a lecture about taking better care of his body and not being so reckless.
So Kakashi clearly didn’t hate all the gates.
“So do you know both the first two gates?”
“I can open them,” Kakashi confirmed. “And before you get your ego bruised by that, it took me three years to learn to properly open the first gate, and three months for the second one.”
“is that because you had so many missions to do all the time?”
“…Partially,” he admitted. “But my point still stands. It wasn’t an easy task. Don’t go thinking I just learned this in a day. I learn Ninjutsu faster than I learned to open any of the gates.”
Gai couldn’t help but let his pride swell at that. If the gates were difficult for Kakashi, a genius, to learn, then it was even more of an accomplishment that he had succeeded in learning all of them.
Him and Kakashi shared a skill, but it was one skill he would always surpass his eternal rival in.
“In that case,” finally he redirected his attention to the rest of their enemies. The shinobi who were still, stupidly enough, standing around watching them. “What do you say to the two of us opening the second gate and seeing who can take down more enemies? We’re tied at two a piece right now.”
“We also still need that scroll,” Kakashi reminded him while stretching his arms up above his head, preparing for the moment when he’d strike. “One point for whoever gets the most shinobi, one for whoever finds the scroll?”
“That could end us up in a tie.”
“Mmm, true,” examining the shinobi in front of them, Kakashi let out a small, amused huff. “Alright, one point for whoever takes down the most, one for whoever finds the scroll, and one for whoever does the coolest take down. Deal?”
Taking that as their warning, the rest of their opponents made one of two choices. 10 of them charged forward, kunai and fists coming up to protect them as they charged toward Kakashi and Gai. The other six turned tail and ran for it.
“I’ve got the runners!” Kakashi called out before closing his eyes. Echoing his rival, Gai shut his own eyes and concentrated. He reached deep into his chakra network, stopping at the second gate.
“Gate of healing…” he began, Kakashi’s voice joining his at the last word. “Release!”
Chakra burst around him, the healing energy soothing his aches and recharged his energy reserves. Feeling lighter than ever, Gai opened his eyes and smirked when he saw his opponents now just a few steps in front of them. All of them looked terrified, as if they were facing death head on.
Luckily for them, Gai didn’t need to kill them to win his competition.
In his peripherals he saw Kakashi charging straight past the enemy shinobi heading toward him. It was obvious his focus was on retrieving the scroll which would no doubt be on one of the shinobi now running away from them, so Gai focused on the other two targets.
Taking down all the shinobi currently charging toward him so that he won a point for the most taken down and doing so with the coolest move he could come up with.
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year ago
ok that wasn't entirely serious i Am going out tonight. the local arcigay group is holding a tabletop + pizza night and I'm joining in for the first time. I'm pretty excited! and nervous, too. I've lived in the countryside my entire life so this sort of queer community network was always outside my reach until now
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theunconcernedembalmer · 4 months ago
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I just so happened to have this shitty comic drawn because I'm currently insane over these two specifically
featuring my other bastard @the-bloodline-embrace
#identity v#aesop carl#identity v embalmer#identity v ask blog#victor grantz#identity v postman#unconcerned comic#did i do this comic to procrastinate my other comic? yes#i was looking for references for exorcist's outfit cos thats what bitch edgelord wears n was going through my exorcist comics#i missed those. i peaked with those. pls go n read them if u havent especially the 2nd one its on my pinned. shameless self promo /shot#anyway i was like Hey i kinda miss doing action scenes even though theyre hard n i have no idea what im doing#n then i wondered what if the bastard on this blog met the bastard on my other blog. n this happened. within a day#i was possessed by the two bastards to draw this at gunpoint /j#to be fair i was also like Since this is a comic done Purely for Fun it can be as shitty as it will be#so my brush is thicc n my words are handwritten n i removed a whole lot of details. pls excuse the quality#ive been thinking so much about exorcist n embrace. especially embrace. i would draw him more but. god that headpiece#anyway embrace is also a freak but hes my freak that i can throw at exorcist. lore wise aka according to the bullshit abilities#i gave to both embrace n bitch. bitch would win. because hes death personified. embrace is just some guy with spears speed n cosplay powers#i will not elaborate#anyway we are not gonna talk about how gay this became. i didnt do this they just started flirting in the middle of fighting its not my fau#“stop losing sight of me” is probably the gayest line ive written so far n ofc its fucking bitch edgelord that says it. stabs him with a pi#i am going insane over these two i think it shows#anyway im going to disappear for a bit unless theres something in the inbox. or i finish the other comic i was supposed to be working on
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justamathgay · 11 months ago
The Komahina brainrot is real. It's been years. They have consumed my mind and caused permanent damage to my brain chemicals
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photochoco · 1 year ago
Highlights of my Gortash fight
-He spent the entire battle hiding behind a pillar
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Making it really easy for my gals to surround him and rain hellfire upon his ass
-when it came time for Karlach to deal the final, symbolic and literal blow...
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His stupid incinerator trap behind him activated and killed him
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keen-eye · 6 months ago
Hello, Dean 🫵
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hotvintagepoll · 1 year ago
scrolled all the way through the find the cary grant poll on behalf of my mother who loves that gay bastard so much
Your mother is correct. Or is she? Claude Rains is some pretty stiff competition! Guess we'll just have to vote to find out!
Cary Grant vs Claude Rains
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