#this. took. so. l o n g.
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monster-noises · 1 month ago
I'm going
To go Insane
This got long so i'm putting a cut on it, i'm yelling about my extremely annoying experience with my pharmacy it's not very coherent but i needed to deal with it.
Can my pharmacy experience be like... Basically Functional ONE T I M E
can i get what i need and be able to take my medication ONCE??? ONE TIME?????? PERHAPS????
Like fucking hell!!! I already had to delay my shot once this week because this fucking place was like 'oh sorry they discontinued both kinds of testosterone :/'
And thank fuck i already an appointment with my endo so she could send a message off to get them the right brand like That Week only for them to fill my prescription but Not Notify me!!!! Like fucking CHRIST A L I V E!!!!!!!
But now i've gone in to pick it up, and I've asked for the syeringes I usually get with it, and I describe them, gauge size, syringe size, the fucking colour of the package, I've used the same ones for as long as I've been on T I know what they look like, and Both Employees look at me like i've grown a second head and go hesitantly look at their needle shelf only to come back and tell me they Don't Carry Those but they have the Next Size Down, with No Sryinge... BECAUSE THEY ~DON'T CARRY SYRINGES~ (and like I don't want to be petty but i can't use the fucking needles if I don'T HAVE A SYRINGE HELLO?????)
I've gotten the Exact Same Syringes every Month Or Two from this place for THREE YE A R S
Why does no one ever have a fucking have a CLUE what i'm talking about??? Why do they have a bunch of needle heads but """don't carry"""" any syringes?? Which is emperically Not True
Because i've been getting syringes there
And like what am I supposed to do now?? I at least Have my T but I can't Fucking Take It. Where do i get Just Syringes????? It feels very suspicious to just walk into a place and go 'hey i need syringes, I know I don't have a perscription with you but like... Gimmie' like w h a t do i do. I don't KNOW but I need to take my T.
And I cannnnn't
Because my pharmacy is run by CLOWNS!!!!!!
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ghostsandmirrors · 9 days ago
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i don't wanna know who i am, 'cause heaven only knows what i'll find. i don't wanna know i'm not capable of coming out alive. i don't wanna see what's inside. i think i would rather be blind. i don't wanna know i'm not capable, i'm capable.
- it's alright by mother mother —
@superboyandtheinvisiblegirls sent 🎨for a bucky and catalina aesthetic or mood collage.
— original images catalina: [x] | [x] | [x] | [x] | [x] | [x] bucky: [x] | [x] | [x] | [x] | [x] | [x]
texture credits! n/a
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vaedar · 1 year ago
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Friendly reminder that this headcanon specifically applies only to this RP blog and character, it's not meant to be used as a theory for the series as a whole.
It's widely known that only those with the 'blood of the dragon' are able of riding dragons, though the reason behind this is up for debate, but it hints to some kind of connection ( be it to the genetic level or through bloodmagic sorcery, which I expand on over here ) between Valyrians ( specifically, Dragonlords ) and dragons.
What is also known is that Dragonlords did use magical objects such as horns, to more effectively control their dragons. These were intelligent creatures with their own wills and whims, so they did disobey their riders often enough, especially if the bond was still weak. In time, as the bond is fortified, then these instances occurred less. Horns and spells were sung in an attempt to fortify that bond and prevent this 'disobedience' through magical control. However, it was not necessary, as Targaryens and their 'dragonseed' could bond with dragons without the use of them. 
A dragon bond is in itself a magical connection, which is why Valyrian Dragonlords practiced incest to preserve the magical quality of their blood as pure as possible, to maintain that ability to bond with and ride dragons ( aside from political reasons, of course ). The bond does not only involve the rider but the dragon, so this means that the dragon also must 'choose' the rider, and this depends on each of them individually. For the rider, the bond may begin first as an allure of sorts, an affinity to a certain dragon or even a developed interest, which can happen when they have been exposed to the frequent company of one. An example of this can be how Targaryens placed dragon eggs in the cradles and the dragons that hatched ( if they did ) were bonded to the babies. 
Aside from being able to ride dragons, the bond allowed for the pair to be connected on an emotional and subconscious level. Dragons learn commands initially through the emotional communication with their riders as they are being taught/trained, associating the words with what they can subconsciously perceive from the rider ( their 'will' pretty much ) when the word is spoken. Afterwards, as highly intelligent ( in ways people cannot understand ) creatures, this will enable them to better learn and understand the human language of their rider. They would also grow aware of where the other is and call for them ( though very large distances may hinder this to an extent ), if they are in danger or alarmed, as well as feel their pain as their own. This merger also seems to benefit the rider's health, perhaps triggering magical properties in their blood, which could render them resistant to diseases or illnesses. They can even feel as the other passes away, which would be an incredibly tormenting and traumatic event.
From this subconsciously emotional connection can also come new challenges for both of them. When the bond is being developed, there is a clash of 'wills' so to speak, in which one part may push against the subconscious of the other, influencing their actions or even moods. For example, while a dragon is in the middle of the hunt, its rider may feel hunger, a surge of adrenaline, more violent tendencies, or altogether be repulsed by certain foods due to what the dragon is eating. If the rider is upset, the dragon may become violent and prone to 'disobedience', as it may confuse the emotional turmoil and act on it or against it. As the bond develops and solidifies, a balance will eventually come in which both dragon and rider will be able to distinguish their individual 'wills' by consolidating them into the bond. It will form a more effective communication, to the point where those more deeply forged bonds will allow for the rider to fly upon the dragon without even needing to voice instructions or commands of where to go or what to do. 
Usually, the stronger bonds are formed when both rider and dragon have grown together, since they were an infant and a hatchling, respectively. But there have been instances where older riders have bonded to mature dragons, and developed a strong and deeper connection quickly. Since the bond tends to depend on each individual rider and dragon's character and circumstances, then it's near impossible to set a standard for its intricacies. But what is known is how a rider may not claim another dragon, even if their own has perished, although a dragon may accept another rider if their previous one died. This may be due to the differences in the lifespans of human and dragon, the former expected to not reach old age and the latter being able to live over two centuries ( likely longer still ). Or it could also have to do with how the rider's blood has already forged a connection with the one dragon, and is unable of doing so again with another. It's yet another of the mysteries surrounding this bond.
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hikari-m · 9 months ago
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{P E N D I N G T R A I N} ~ Eps. 04 x Ep 09 + D A I C H I YONEZAWA (& N a o y a) Kayashima (as Support)
"'You' SHOULD BE T h a n k i n g
'That' 'ONII-chan' from KANSAI."
"WE Came all the way FROM O S A K A !! !" - Yonezawa's F a m i l y (O s a k a is in K a n s a i)
{Cap'd by Me} {DO NOT C O P Y} {DO NOT R E P O S T} (Please A S K to U s e / S h a r e!)
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an-inky-fingered-lass · 1 year ago
Jemma and May, and a story for a home and its memories; for lives lost and the still living, and for a different sort of joy than you ever imagined.
A story inspired by this snippet by @meanderings0ul.
They’d finally shared details of their plans once the team was all together, lights strung up all over the Lighthouse for New Year’s and the old base so much warmer than it had once been.
May had flown them out here two days later with nothing much more than a I know a place. She’d borrowed a jeep from a hangar whose elder occupants greeted her with startled recognition, tugged the keys from her pocket upon arrival and opened the door for them in silence.
The house had been dusty inside, in almost perfect condition otherwise. It had that quietly melancholy air of a house long since empty, the faint scuffs on the wood polish and memories of warmth that meant it had once been lived in, loved. It wasn’t until Jemma saw the absent way May leaned her hip against a cabinet that wouldn’t shut properly unless you shoved it just right, the way she watched them walk around more than she looked at the house, that it finally clicked.
Read the rest on Ao3.
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jacklesraised · 1 year ago
the fnaf movie novelization is ofc v different in multiple ways to the movie itself bc it's shows inner thoughts and things, and alternative versions of scenes (Aka some lines are like what the test audiences didnt like so they cut) but its also a lot funnier in certain aspects
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deus-ex-mona · 7 months ago
rip nagisa you’ll get your mv soon™️
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oh-meow-swirls · 1 year ago
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thank god.
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imoutoni · 2 years ago
Shinobu: "my work is my life". To start our Nezuko & Shinobu thread~!
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Whenever Shinobu spoke like that, the young Demoness couldn't help but get excited! The ethereal butterfly was constantly teaching her new things, whether it be something she read in a book, or wise words of advice. They had a very amicable relationship despite the burning rage the Insect Hashira held toward Demons. The only time Nezuko properly felt threatened was the foreboding smile Shinobu would give her when she was scratching up the wooden tables or stealing her goldfish bowl without permission. In her defense, Zenitsu was to blame for pointing its existence out to her.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀It wasn't only that the shorter female was smart, she had such a passion for chemistry, always showing the girls what herbs to grind and coming up with new ways to weaponize wisteria. What was lacked in strength was made up for by resourcefulness; Nezuko respected her greatly for being both small and scary all at the same time.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀There appeared to be something specific and deliberate about her words this time. Did the grinning butterfly want to talk to her? Not that she didn't love company, but due to her piqued curiosity, she was caught up in suspense as to what she had to say. With a hum and a head tilt, she prepared to listen.
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ghostsandmirrors · 5 months ago
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Warrick 'Wagner'/'Wag' Himura
— original images: [x] | [x] | [x] | [x] | [x]
texture credits! n/a
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katetcake · 2 years ago
Finally got to Zora's domain. And uhhhhh
That's very gay my guy lmao
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pastelaspirations · 9 months ago
Okay, I... I don't know what, I can't- W a i t, o k a y. I'm not even screaming right now or. Even in the process of losing my mind. I have already lost it. It's gone. My mind has left me, a shell of a person, as I ascend into the heavens as I am essentially dead in all manners but physical.
Would even saying "I'm not okay" be accurate to my situation??? It would be more akin to holding up a severed arm at the scene of a car crash, giving a skeptical look to said car crash, then addressing every horrified and disturbed individual that you, in your professional opinion, think that the person who used to own the severed arm is in fact, not okay.
Can I. Come back maybe. Reblog this when I have found my lost mind somewhere and can be more coherent.
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O k a y. How do I. Even express what I feel right now.
My heart is in shambles. Utterly d e s t r o y e d, I tell you. I don't think there is a way I will ever possibly recover from this.
We laugh and we laugh at my lighthearted jokes of me crying over fan art. And while I was over the moon, delighted beyond the words that I so poorly tried to use and express the absolute joy I felt, I wasn't actually crying. Of course, there were times I came c l o s e, just from the sheer overwhelming joy that my tiny heart is not accustomed to feeling, but I usually was able to contain myself. The happiness cancelled out the tears that would have fallen. I'm sure this isn't a surprise, very often things said in full capital letters and repeated instances of the same letter at the end of words are said in hyperbole.
T h a t s a i d. I did actually cry from this. I promise, I am telling the full truth right now. To make matters brief, I had a very rough awakening due to an emergency and I had been stressed the majority of the day. S o, uh, I suppose that weakened the usually fortified walls I have up that prevent me from actually crying at things.
I know how incredibly difficult animation is, even if I haven't attempted it myself yet. It takes so much practice and patience, and there are many who give up before they become better at it because of the unforgiving amount of time and perseverance it takes. So, that may be partly why I am so incredibly honored and humbled to have someone do all that for a story I made.
It just means so much, I don't know how else to express it. Never, in a million years, did I think when I created this fic three years ago, that I would be getting fan art, let a l o n e fan animations. If you were to tell me that three years ago, I would have looked at you like you had lost your mind.
That's what I wanted to do when I first started writing. I thought that if I inspired someone else with a little story that I created, then it would be worth it. ;_; So, to see all these incredibly talented people like you be so inspired to create something new means the world to me. It's just so incredibly flattering and overwhelming that it is over a story that I made. <3
OKAY, I'M SORRY FOR ALL THAT, I JUST. I'm so moved and touched and I'm not sure if I can even express how exactly I feel in words, but I tried. I promise, I will love this until the end of time and it means the absolute world to me <3 <3 ;_; ;_;
their first meeting . Based on the fanfiction "Perseverance" by: @pastelaspirations
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scealaiscoite · 3 months ago
⋆˚࿔ build a fic; forced proximity edition 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
➴ chose a space, an object and a line of dialogue (a number, letter, + creature), and write/request to your heart’s content!)
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𓂃 ࣪˖ a space
꒰ 1 ꒱ a broken-down elevator
꒰ 2 ꒱ a gas station bathroom
꒰ 3 ꒱ a dusty attic
꒰ 4 ꒱ a dimly lit storage locker
꒰ 5 ꒱ a ship’s brig
꒰ 6 ꒱ a bank vault
꒰ 7 ꒱ a wine cellar
꒰ 8 ꒱ an armoury
꒰ 9 ꒱ a hayloft
꒰ 10 ꒱ a shipping container
꒰ 11 ꒱ a holding cell
꒰ 12 ꒱ a firewatch outpost
꒰ 13 ꒱ a secluded cottage
꒰ 14 ꒱ a security hut
꒰ 15 ꒱ the foot of a massive redwood
𓂃 ࣪˖ a body part
꒰ A ꒱ thigh
꒰ B ꒱ palm
꒰ C ꒱ knee
꒰ D ꒱ pinky finger
꒰ E ꒱ ankle
꒰ F ꒱ eyebrow
꒰ G ꒱ nape
꒰ H ꒱ ear
꒰ I ꒱ calf
꒰ J ꒱ stomach
꒰ K ꒱ lower back
꒰ L ꒱ chest
꒰ M ꒱ hip
꒰ N ꒱ scalp
꒰ O ꒱ knuckles
𓂃 ࣪˖ a line of dialogue
꒰ 𓆉 ꒱ “… would now a bad time to tell you that i’m claustrophobic?”
꒰ 𓅨 ꒱ “i- “ “sh, honey.”
꒰ 𓆣 ꒱ “you’re not okay, you’re shaking! what can i do? please, just- just let me help you.”
꒰ 𓃰 ꒱ “shit, someone’s coming- in here, quick!”
꒰ 𓃗 ꒱ “i’ve never been so glad that you run hot.”
꒰ 𓃱 ꒱ “i’m gonna take my hand away, but you have to promise to stay calm, okay?”
꒰ 𓃟 ꒱ “just never figured you for a little spoon.”
꒰ 𓆟 ꒱ “your eyes are really pretty up close.”
꒰ 𓆈 ꒱ “i know you don’t like to be touched, but there’s not a whole lot i can do about that right now.”
꒰ 𓅫 ꒱ “we’re gonna need to talk about some things after this, aren’t we?”
꒰ 𓅟 ꒱ “don’t bullshit me, i can hear your heart pounding.”
꒰ 𓃵 ꒱ “you’re a real good hugger, y’know that?”
꒰ 𓃓 ꒱ “i like your perfume/cologne.”
꒰ 𓆌 ꒱ “of all the fucking people to get stuck here with, of course it had to be yo- “
꒰ 𓆏 ꒱ “i can’t believe that this is what it took for you to let me hug you.”
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r0-boat · 5 months ago
Please please I need him!!
Listen I know I'm writing for him before he comes out shut up!! Let me be Delulu and kiss him
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He likes to hold you close and feel up your body, lay his lips on your skin and tell you how good you were. He likes to talk about everything you did to make him cum.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your hips, something nice to grab onto soft or muscular he doesn't care He likes the feeling of his finger into your soft skin.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He likes to shoot his cum all over you and inside you but what really gets him off something he's kind of embarrassed about is seeing your face covered in his cum. It does things to him.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
One time the two of you play wrestled when you were being a brat and annoying him and he feeling his big hands grasped around your wrists and you're squirming body brushing against his Light got so hard.
It took him hours to calm down. And now all he can think about is manhandling you and pinning you to the ground like a real villain taking you by force with pure strength. It's not something he would ever do to you obviously.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Lighter has had partners before. So he knows what he's doing but he'd rather know what you like come on you can tell him he promises he'll be gentle.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He likes when you sit in his lap His fingers digging into your ass or hips bouncing you up and down, where He can see your whole body and kiss you if he wants to.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He does goof off when he sees how stressed you are. He wants you to enjoy this as much as he is. To make you relax he'll make you laugh maybe crack a joke or two.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He shaves every now and then so he doesn't have to worry about his hair down there for a while when he's on the road or doing something else.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He doesn't do it often but when he does Your heart will be so full to the point of bursting.
His favorites include late night rides under the stars before taking you. Massaging your shoulders before His hands start dipping lower and lower. Drawing you a warm bath and then slipping inside with you when you're not looking.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Lighter masturbates a lot, a lot more than he should. He can't help how he feels about you. Be prepared for a dick pic.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I can see him like marking. Bite marks and hickeys and he'll make sure people see them. I can also see him liking restraints, Cuffs, rope or his own hands He wants to make sure you're nice and submissive.
He's a bit of a brat tamer as well.
He wants to degrade you but also praise you at the same time.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Doing it somewhere in public like an alleyway getting a rush at the idea of someone walking in on him taking you raw. But don't worry you're pretty little head He knows the outer ring like the back of his hand no one's gonna see you, The only person who gets to hear and see you like this is him.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Anything with risk involved. Something that really gets his adrenaline pumping. Whether it be fucking in public, breeding you, rough housing, or you sending a risky text. Catch him off guard and he'll be at your door in seconds.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He will not, under any circumstances. Share you with anyone. He doesn't like sharing.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers receiving, He would love nothing more than your pretty little mouth taking more than you can handle his cum running down your overfilled mouth.
But He does not mind at all watching you ride squirm and scream his name on his tongue.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He apologizes if he slams his hips to roughly and to you sometimes he doesn't know his own strength. When he gets so caught up and how much and tight you squeeze him, he might go a little harder than he wants to. Sometimes he'll get carried away and start moving his hips faster.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Yes. He'll mess up your guts then send you off to your friends.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Oh he experiments anything to keep you on your toes. And when it comes to risky sex... He lives for it! What an adrenaline junkie...
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He's a fighter, He's fit and he tends to have more stamina which is good for him since he likes to force orgasms out of you like it's nothing not so good for you...
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He's okay on toys. He understands that toys can be used to tease you more or heighten your pleasure but he rather be the only one inside you. Maybe he could use it to fill your other holes.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He can't help that such degrading words slip from his tongue. He doesn't try to use them often. And he'll tease you till you beg. He wants to hear those sweet words and those cute little eyes fill with tears and you're quivering little lips.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Pretty quiet The most you'll get out of him is grunts stifled moans or growls.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Lighter can be pretty possessive as a partner. Mostly protective. And it kind of shows during sex.
Almost exclusively calls you pet names. But every now and then on rare occasions when you got him so worked up he will say your name.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Big cock with heavy full balls, it's thick veiny and uncut.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He may not look it, He is always down to fuck you. He always wants to have you if he wants to he could use you everyday.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Can easily last a couple rounds and even then the first thing he does is shower after he waits for you to fall asleep.
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gothgleek · 5 months ago
Your Boyfriend’s Mom! Alicent x f!Reader- NSFW Alphabet
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You’re dating Aegon but when he’s being an ass, you’re fucking his mom.
TW: modern au with sexual situations and a little bit of dark!Alicent that includes brief mentions of non consensual nudes.
Border by @saradika-graphics
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Alicent is often wracked with guilt about sleeping with her son’s girlfriend until you roll over and cuddle her. Then she melts into your arms.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
She loves her hair and takes multiple steps to ensure it stays thick and healthy. Alicent also likes her neck because of the way you kiss her there.
She loves your tits- I mean, smile. Just one look and her day is immediately better.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Alicent is a squirter, pass it on.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Those blurry pics she posts on her instagram story? Yeah she’s not bad with technology, she’s posting pics have been while you were eating her out.
Also, in a bit of Dark!Alicent- she has the nudes you sent to Aegon downloaded on her phone.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Outside of her husband, she has read a lot of vintage smut books but those pale in comparison to what the two of you get into.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
She likes to ride. Alicent likes when you’re in control but if you give her just a little power, she’ll have you seeing stars in no time.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Before she’s giggling at all your jokes, during she’s desperate, after she’s got that guilt setting in. And so the cycle continues.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Bush! Bush! Bush!
She used to wax because that is what her husband preferred but now she’s letting it grow free with the occasional trim now and then.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Alicent wants to be romantic but she knows you’re not the person she can do that with. You’ll both say sweet nothings to each other but that’s as far as the romance really goes. Sometimes she’ll fantasize about romantic and loving sex while she masturbates.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
You took her to the store to buy Alicent’s first vibrator and she uses it almost every night. She sends you pictures as well.
Sometimes when you visit Aegon, she will masturbate in the hopes you catch her.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
She is working up the nerve to invite you to a long weekend that will involve roleplaying as her favorite characters. Perhaps even having you hunt her down in the woods and taking her amongst the trees. She’s also into the idea of filming you.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
She’ll tell you it’s in her car by the lake outside of town but it’s really in Aegon’s bed. Something about the guilt makes it feel super sexy.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
She lets you hit it because you make her laugh.
Also, pictures of yourself in green lingerie and pearls. She likes you in all lingerie but green has a special place in her heart.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
She’s not into hair pulling or extreme bdsm. She still considers herself vanilla. Also, she won’t have sex in places that are too public because she doesn’t want the other PTA moms talking about her.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
She’s such a pillow princess, she’s never going down on you… unless you ask nicely. But even then, she’s doing it so you can eat her out.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Most of your encounters are quickies so fast and rough is the name of the game. Occasionally, she’ll ask you to be a little romantic but even then it’s gonna be fast.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Most of the time you two are having a quickie in the car, in the bathroom, or on Aegon’s bed. The two of you rarely have time to slow down.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Alicent isn’t a huge risk taker. Sure she’s fucking her son’s boyfriend, often in public, but those are in controlled environments like abandoned parking lots, empty parks, and her pool. She doesn’t have any interest in bdsm.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
She can cum 3-4 times with you in relatively quick succession. She had reached a number of ten orgasms in one day, just through the course of the day rather than all at once.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
You bought her her first vibrator and butt plug. Then she bought herself some nipples clamps to surprise you when you got home. Those are her only toys (so far).
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
If she’s feeling frisky, Alicent will tease you in public- running her hands over you, placing her hand on your thigh, and whispering sweet nothings. By the time you two end your in bed though, she wastes no time.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Despite being a secret, she is so incredibly loud- this is the first time she’s ever received pleasure and passion. Alicent will shout your name, beg, moan, and on a few occasions, knocked over loud objects so she can get fucked. You’re genuinely surprised no one has caught the two of you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Alicent went to the Sept to beg for forgiveness after sleeping with you for the first time. Then she went to the parking lot and had sex with you again.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Her breasts grew to an even C cup after having kids, she also has some softness in her arms and belly.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It comes in cycles. Ovulation horny has taken her to places she would rather forget about afterwards.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
She’s out like a light. But the slightest noise will wake her up so she’s caught you sneaking out to go back to Aegon’s room.
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littlebearbun · 6 months ago
Ford Pines NSFW Alphabet
(Written for my best friend <3 I hope it makes you feel better)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Absolutely doting. Brings them a warm, wet rag to clean off, water, a fresh shirt, you name it. Very touchy, lives off the closeness and skin on skin contact. Asks a lot of questions about what they liked and what they didn't, if anything. Catalogues the marks he left. Sometimes draws them if they falls asleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part is mouth, I think. Knows what it's good for-talking and as a seat. (I do think he would grow to like his own hands after being with someone he loved)
His favorite body part of his partner is this one specific freckle/mole behind their knee. Oh, you wanted something like boobs/ass? Neither. The crux of their leg.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
His cum is a little more liquid than not. Comes a normal amount but it comes in waves. Whines through it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Thought about his partner sexually before their first time together and considers that a dirty secret for sure.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not very experienced. College took up a lot of his time, then he was paranoid as hell, then he was in alternate dimensions for 30 years. Did fuck around with aliens, partially for science and partially cause he was lonely.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary??? He's classic. That, or spooning, him behind them and lazily rocking against them. So much skin contact.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Definitely more serious, he's trying very hard and he needs to focus, dammit. Once he gets started it's hard to stop.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Takes very good care of himself, keeps it trim and neat. Has a happy trail and also grooms that.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Very romantic, I think, or tries to be. Sometimes he gets caught up in his head/too focused but most of the time he's very about his partner and he's so, so sweet.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Did in high school/college to see what the fuss was about. Did not when he was working on the portal. Rarely did when In between dimensions cause he wasn't often safe.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
If they wear his shirt. Or on the opposite end of the spectrum of tameness, making them come until they cry. Somnophilia, if they gave permission first. If he can't sleep it's a nice way to pass the time and feel close.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
In bed??? (Later they could convince him to do it in his study)
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Every touch is like electric to this man. Touch starved as hell. If they look in his general direction sometimes wonders why his pants got tight. It's a process.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He wouldn't want to hurt them at all. Would also not want to be restrained, triggers him to Weirdmageddon. Do not degrade him, he takes it too hard.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Preference to give for sure. Would stay down there for hours if they let him. Gets lost in it. He's greedy. Wants to see how many times he can get them to tremble for him. Tell him he's made for it and watch how red he turns.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He's half and half. Ideally he wants it slow so he can focus and commit it all to memory and slowly take them apart. Sometimes he just gets too caught up in it and then he's much faster.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He would much rather take his time. What's the point if he only gets to make them come once??
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Experiment, yes. He's definitely made an aphrodisiac/stimulating gel before. Has made an experiment about how many times he can physically get them to come (actually had to be begged to stop, he apologized with lots of kisses) Risky? No. Wants them safe and happy always
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He's so touch starved I think he comes pretty quick. Prefers lots of foreplay and for them to come at least twice before he gets his. Is a little embarrassed about it but makes up for it in spades.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Makes toys, but more for teasing than actual insertion. I mentioned the gel, but I could also see remote control vibrators or experimental stimulations.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He likes to think he can tease but he's too desperate for that. He can't tease for long before he wants more. Sometimes he breaks before his partner does.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
This man is loud. Whines a lot. Moans. Whimpers. He would try to talk through it and get cut off by his own sounds.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Listen I'm still on this-the mind reading helmet. Making them wear it and going down on them. In a less sexy note, is self conscious about all the scars and old tattoos. Lichtenberg scars are really sensitive, though. They can replace his self conscious thoughts with other ones. ;)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Hairy but well groomed. Has a little tummy. His arms are built but not as big as Stans-Ford is built more for dexterity and speed. His pecs make perfect pillows. Has “Flirty Girl” and “Hey now you're an all star” tattoos. Definitely had old Bill worship tattoos that he burned/scarred the eyes off of. Has Lichtenberg scars after Bill electrocuting him and has many scars from knives and bullets from his time in the portal.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Before he meets the love of his life, very low. (I headcanon Ford as Demi) After??? He can't get enough of the physical contact, though it's not always sexual. Just wants to be touching them. He yearns more for them sexually then he yearns for his own release.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Ford doesn't sleep very well anyway (cat naps or like, an hour or so increments) knows it's not healthy but he has nightmares and is not used to being safe when he sleeps. Anyway, after sex he stays up looking at his partner, memorizing every mark, freckle, mole, wrinkle, scar. He is very doting in aftercare and will absolutely cuddle. Draws them, like I mentioned. Sometimes reads in bed.
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