zoe-oneesama · 3 months
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You're a Catch!
Bonus...so many bonus:
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ryllen · 8 months
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summary of me playing love & deepspace
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teethlordd · 9 days
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Putting some guys in some fancy outfits
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 220
Danny has made a delightful discovery. Blob ghosts can in fact change their shape! Sure it’s simple shapes, but still! He has a school of flying blob fish and blob cats following him around and they’re adorable. And it’s not like most people can see them outside of Amity anyway, so they’re fine to follow him around as they like. 
Though maybe he should have remembered that the most doesn’t mean no one can see them. Um, hello? Feral stabby child?? No you can not steal some of his friends??? Where are your parents???? 
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nonbinoclard · 20 days
trying to draw this cunoesse comic but its... really tricky, bc if i think too hard about it at all i just start crying immediately
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shouts-into-the-void · 3 months
People characterizing cats as Minions of Evil Who Hate You really know nothing about cats, because I know for a fact that mine do not have an evil or hateful bone in their bodies. They are fluffy little dumbasses who love me So Much and need to let me know All The Time.
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ikuneko · 1 month
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Kitty boys~🩵💛 Careful, one of these kitties is quick to use his claws Made with this picrew: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/35494
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lightningwaters · 4 months
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readingfolklore · 2 months
Your blog hasn't been as nice to look at as it usually has been today.
oh hi anon <3
thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. i shall work on my reblogs / posts for you in the future and hopefully you shall not be disappointed again. :)
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that ^ is the nice version of me, however, i am like wednesday addams and i don't care if you like my blog or not. it's the secret garden in my mind, you are a guest here. be respectful, or i'll nail gun your heart. 😼
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honey-snap · 1 year
more late night ms paint doodles
war criminal
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i will be completely honest, this guy made me good at anatomy. not by studying, but by THINKING ABOUT HIM.
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alxndryngs · 1 year
Alcina after Tabitha called her kitty because of her claws: It is Lady Dimitrescu to you, you filthy peasant.
Tabitha: This filthy peasant is trying to help you, per your request. Show some gratitude, you old bat!
A/N: you can imagine what happens next. Here’s a small snippet from my next chapter that I am working on!
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aparticularbandit · 26 days
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Two needy kitties.
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spllcat · 8 months
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“cats  are  marvelous  creature   -  they  either  adapt  to  circumstances,  or  decide  to  make  circumstances  adapt  to  them.  Either  way  -  they  WIN. ”
          indie fandomless oc. BLACK CAT / FAMILIAR.             revamp dec. 2023     ———       loved by julia.
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wyrmsbloods · 6 days
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5000 years and bozo still wants to smash one last time
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royalreef · 2 months
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(( As a kinda silly OOC thing: I like conceiving of Miranda (and her connections through the Merkingdom) as being an anti-OP muse.
As in, I like the thought of, the more OP someone or something else is, the worse of a time they have being able to do anything to Miranda. She is, very intentionally and within the logic of her own universe, designed to be able to handle those with extreme power and authority and to be able to undermine everything they can throw at her and counteract anything that they try to do.
She's already a royal, next in line to her throne! She has to be able to fully handle other people in similar positions without risking any damage to her own, and this is something that she's dealt with her entire life. She very much knows all the risks associated as a part of her job, her title, her entire reason for being born, and she's well-trained in the formal and informal methods of striking down anyone else who might even come close to a position to her own.
Which, of course, means that muses that very much aren't OP, that are just normal people or much closer to it, are much, much more capable of threatening Miranda and the Merkingdom both as a point of intention. This is something that I very much want and very much want to encourage. Especially because the reason this is such a problem is the way that the Merkingdom and, thus, Miranda, entirely overlook and ignore such threats and treat them like non-issues. The fact that most Merkingdom royals, upon actually encountering a landfolk, have a range of responses from discomfort to dismissal to ignorance, is one that is very purposeful here. The ones that they're most likely to pay attention to are the ones in the most danger, and the ones that they aren't likely to care very much about beyond petty malice and as another means to inflate their own egos. And, as it is, the ones they're most likely to pay attention to are those that have decided to pose a risk.
And it's a thing that I've been dealing with from the beginning too. From the start of this blog I was very bothered by the idea that some OP character would decide to singlehandedly "fix" or destroy the Merkingdom from a position of equal or greater authority. Which is not to say that I didn't want it to be changed or that there weren't ways to dismantle it. But rather, I wanted it to be more organic, and I wanted to deal with the actual question of how that even happens, and I wanted to ask the question of what could measurably improve this situation and Miranda's life both.
Which meant that, yeah, the more OP a muse is the more intentionally destined for failure they are, and the closer they approach "some guy", the more they'll be able to achieve. Which is not to say it won't be difficult or hard to do, or that there's not the possibility for failure (again, even at her most basic, Miranda is a macropredator that can easily maim someone, but more typical "normal" muses are more likely to possess caution and try to read her body language before pressing her), but the fact remains, very intentionally, that they are the only ones who will be able to do it.
#Most secret royal advisor || OOC#(( miranda is like the non-newtonian fluid of muses#(( the harder you try to hit her the less youll be able to do and the harder you get hit in turn#(( again: the correct way to handle miranda is to fuss over her like a kitty cat#(( she likes it when people are just silly and affectionate with her#(( and you can go VERY far if you stay within that non-threat range#(( its also why miri is a chronic oversharer with her friends#(( and constantly will say the most concerning things to them that she might not even be mentally registering herself#(( and cant lie very good to them and feels an urge to give away her secrets#(( but if you actually try to pull those secrets out on your own then Good Fucking Luck#(( its also why i often take mental account of#(( if miranda is ACTUALLY registering someone as a threat or if she thinks theyre annoying or frustrating or feels hurt#(( if shes actually being threatening intentionally in any given scene or if shes just. playing.#(( because shes dramatic and she likes to do the cat thing#(( where she acts all menacing and scary because she wants to chase and be chased#(( its why i specify if shes actually hitting someone with her claws or not or how hard she bites when she does#(( if blood isnt drawn then shes not trying to hurt you#(( because all of this matters!!! miranda has her secret affinity scores that no one else is privy to!! you just have to guess!#(( (i will also say the vast majority of them are neutral or that miranda finds them boring.)#(( (most likely she just doesnt care rather than hates someone)#(( this also applies to positive relationships tbh........#(( see: how easily miranda will get into relationships but just thinks of the other person as a fun toy to use and dispose of#(( they have Not actually gotten as close to her as they might feel in the moment#(( shes just funky!!!! i love having a muse who is so much not what she seems!!!!!
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this line always makes me so soft!! he's such a Dad I love him so much
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