#this was supposed to be for claudia but you know
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virginiaisforvampires · 22 hours ago
There is something I think the creators of the show never really thought when it comes to the change other than the obviously ugly ones: Lestat being a vampire for so long in the show as opposed to a few decades in the book kind of seemed deliberate to up the power-dynamics between him and Louis. There is a line Louis says in the first book about how Lestat had human problems (his dad needing csre and how it was difficult for them to live in NOLA according to Louis), which quite the opposite from Show Lestat being all suave and flaunting his riches a lot more. This is why Louis' supposed fear of him in the book was contradictory, he kept repeating he couldn't escape him him and yet at the same time he threatened to kick him out of the house like five times per day 😂.
I wonder if it was to give a true appearance of malice, despite further books. As if since he is a century older he would look like he was 'trapping them' or holding information out of malice instead of well-intentioned but failed protection (also the fact that Louis and Claudia thought he was an idiot at the time and weren't really afraid of him). What do you think? For me it feels like Lestat being an older vampire took a lot more from his personality than him being physically older.
Not exactly.
@nalyra-dreaming has already discussed Lestat's age in the show in relation to his behavior here, and I concur with all of her points.
The thing is the writers didn't appear to think that aspect completely through either, because Lestat's age isn't actually the factor when it comes to the alleged power dynamics between Louis and Lestat. Again, not exactly, and that gets into the constant arguments about Lestat, as you mentioned, seemingly trying to deliberately wield power, and that was never truly the case.
The writer's demonstrated Louis holding the power and demonstrated Louis and Claudia were not afraid of Lestat at any point. Those elements are always forgotten, because the tale attempts (and fails) to gloss over them for a very specific effect i.e. why Lestat was the monster who needed to be "inevitably" killed.
So no. I don't think the writers were trying to make any statements about the relationship itself by aging up Lestat, because everything they subsequently wrote pretty much contradicts that notion. The only time Lestat's age was a true factor was during Claudia's turning and like Nalyra pointed out, it was meant to depict Lestat as no longer being the naïve youngster fledgling who just "wanted to see what would happen" and to serve as the motivator for Lestat warning Louis of what Claudia would be, because the writers wanted to give more culpability to Louis — not Lestat — in Claudia's turning. That was one of their big gotcha reveals of S2, and it's unfortunately flown right over people's heads.
Now it could be argued Lestat is older and therefore should know better, but that isn't the point the show was making with that revelation. It was about Louis and how he wielded power and how it wasn't ever about Claudia and how Louis downplayed his hand in everything. It went hand-in-hand with the revelations about the fight and again, people missed the point(s) entirely.
It's another creative choice by the writers with which I'm not completely thrilled, because it's also led to drama and accusations due to the fact people are stuck on the filtered tale and can't engage with what the writers are truly saying.
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ruthariandbluecookies · 7 months ago
~DiScUsSiOn TiMe!~
I know how people are voicing speculation and concepts and stuff about how Leola might come back because of how Startouch Elves are "immortal beings of the cosmos" and just, like, exploded.
Like, IF she did come back, would she fall out of the sky like a shooting star and her star, the brightest star in the sky, "Leola's Last Wish" would just... disappear? 'Cause that'd be a catastrophe for navigation. Or would she just appear/spawn like... BAM! Would Aaravos sense if she came back or be entirely ignorant to it?
On the topic of Aaravos, if Startouch Elves DO come back, why wouldn't he want to join her in the stars so that they could rejoin the world together? Why wouldn't he spare himself having to mourn his literal CHILD? Because he doesn't want her to be forgotten? Because he wants to AVENGE her? He could do that even if he came back with her, so I don't know.
Back to her coming back, wouldn't it be funny if she just-so-happened to come back, say, near The Silvergrove. And Ethari, who had been going to pick moonberries or something, just-so-happened to find her?
So, we have a lost little Startouch Elf and a depressed Moonshadow elf who thinks his husband is dead and all he knows about his daughter in all but blood is that she's alive (because of the lotus). Obviously, he'd take her in, he's ETHARI.
Would he tell the rest of the village or hide her away? That, I don't have an answer to.
If he told the village, I doubt they would do anything besides kill her or something. I mean, look what they did to Rayla. They GHOSTED (a fate worse than death to them, I'm sure) a fifteen year old with no clear evidence besides the fact that she was the only one alive from a practically SUICIDAL mission (it definitely goes deeper than that and I might make a post about it, but don't count on it). I wouldn't call people like that the voice of reason.
So, it'd probably be better if he didn't tell them and instead hid her away.
However long he takes care of her, I'm sure they talk and grow closer. Leola comes to see him as at least a bit like her father after getting over her panic of appearing in an unknown place, which was definitely by no means terrifying.
And Ethari? He has something to live for again. A person to take care of. And maybe Leola reminds him a bit of little Rayla (minus all the sharp bits).
Meanwhile? If Aaravos CAN sense Leola, then let's say he can also sense where she is. After finding out his little girl, the whole reason he's doing all of this is alive, I'm sure he drops everything and goes after her (of course, Claudia and Terry will go to).
Once he gets there, since he's a Startouch Elf, and one of the "Great/First Ones", he'll easily get past the illusion shielding The Silvergrove.
With Claudia, he probably razes down The Silvergrove, kills some elves until he finds her. When he does find her? He sees a Moonshadow Elf standing over/shielding her. I doubt that goes over well. To Claudia, it'll probably look like the Moonshadow Elves kidnapped her, so she'll 100% be on Aaravos's side.
Anyways, since Claudia is a dark mage what if she puts them all into a coma or sleeping trance, or turns them to stone, or they just all evacuate and no one knows what happened to them, or something else entirely?
Staying true to the "turning your enemies to stone" thing, after Aaravos gets Leola, wouldn't it be cool if Claudia turned all the elves to stone like her father did to Avizandum? And Ethari, while turning to stone, brings a hand to the sky and casts a spell that's like a flashbang that brings attention, and promptly turns to stone completely while a singular tear falls from his eye (Avizandum parallels, anyone?).
After that, they leave to continue the plan (no matter how much Leola pleads for them not to and tries to stop them even though she doesn't really know what's going on because that's her DAD).
Then, when Rayla and Runaan are close to The Silvergrove to tell Ethari that Runaan is alive (which they won't get the chance to do now), they see the words "Silvergrove has fallen" blazed into the ground (because Aaravos is dramatic) and are both horrified. Then they get there and see Ethari's statue (and just AAAAAGGHHHH). I need to see their faces and how they'd react to that.
They both think in their own ways. Rayla probably blames herself (she just lost one of the two parental figures she has left after saying goodbye to the other two and most likely thinks this happened because Aaravos and Claudia were trying to get at her (maybe Runaan even blames her a little, if subconsciously).
Runaan on the other hand? It's terrifying for him. HE'S the assassin, Ethari knew when he married him that Runaan would probably die on a mission. But Runaan? It's HIS job to be in danger. ETHARI'S supposed to be SAFE in The Silvergrove. Runaan's not prepared to lose Ethari because he always knew/thought that he'd be the first to die. He's not prepared to live in a world without him (so now he's going through the grief of his partner dying, the exact same thing Ethari was/is, but Ethari had been prepared for it (not that it made it hurt any less)).
Obviously, they're frustrated because they can't do anything right now because of Aaravos and swear to find something to free him and everyone else afterwards (maybe even get so angry that they try to do/do something rash like go after Aaravos?).
And that isn't even going into how Terry feels when Aaravos and his girlfriend raze a whole VILLAGE to the ground and turn EVERY ELF into stone, including the CHILDREN. That's bound to make him think over some things and which side he should really be on.
Or, what if we move onto a new concept. Everything still happens like this, except Leola's not in it. Like, Aaravos burned down Katolis, which was Callum and Ezran's home, so what if he tries to burn down The Silvergrove since it's Rayla's home (even if it's not really anymore, she'd still be devastated). I doubt he knows that she comes from specifically The Silvergrove, but he's Aaravos, so I'm sure he'd find out easily, adding the fact that he has a dark mage on his side? Piece of cake (now I want cake, specifically chocolate).
Anyway, I know this definitely won't happen in season 7, but, it IS a cool concept, at least to me (and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!).
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froschli96 · 6 months ago
you know, i always find it really funny when dudebros complain about syndicate and odyssey being too "jokey" or not "taking its characters seriously" or whatever…
like, did y'all collectively sleep through "it's-a me, mario!", "i meant besides vaginas", ezio inventing the latte, bartolomeo's... just... *gestures vaguely* entire character, etc?
like, it's fine to have preferences of course, i myself prefer a more serious and grounded tone, but these are usually the same people who tout the ezio trilogy as "peak assassin's creed", call ac1 a glorified tech demo and hate on connor for being "too serious and boring", like? make it make sense!
#asscreed#ac syndicate#ac odyssey#dont get me wrong#i do have problems with syndicate and even more so with odyssey#but it's not the tone lol#honestly i think kassandra is the protagonist that's the most similar to ezio if you really think about it#but bc she's a woman she's suddenly 'overpowered' and 'unrealistic'#yall don't remember the insane things that ezio survives in revelations do you#speaking of which#been replaying the ezio games lately#and i have something to confess...... i really don't think ac2 is good#ac brotherhood was a BIG improvement#in terms of story pacing for one (none of those insane unmotivated time jumps... well aside from the strange montage at the end)#and the characters are a lot more fleshed out (probably bc there aren't like 20 of them)#and the handling of female characters is MUCH less egregious#maybe bc there's only really claudia and caterina left LOL#lucrezia is a little annoying i guess... but she gets a pass bc she's cesare's sister and really they're the same kind of crazy lol#and hey we actually get to see how dangerous sex work can be and how it's not just a way for sexy nuns to give inner peace to men#even cristina gets fleshed out!#and i like that we get so see ezio being a little bit of a selfish prick in her missions#and making bad decisions in interpersonal relationships#at least i THINK that's what we're supposed to take away from it... but who knows maybe it's just supposed to be a tragic love story...#i hope not.... i hope the player IS supposed to think that ezio's treatment of her is bad. otherwise.... :/#sorry for rambling#guess im just kinda surprised by how much i enjoyed brotherhood#it had been a long time since i last played it#also the modern day is really good!#that you can talk so much to everyone and also being able to read their emails and the mundane banter... idk i just think its neat :)
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b0nk9 · 8 days ago
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bereft-of-frogs · 9 months ago
Me: wow I’m looking forward to getting back to the main timeline and getting answers to some questions, including but not limited to whether Indeera recovers and her reunion with Bell, something that is explicitly discussed as something he hopes for and looks forward to in Fallen Star…
Phase III: who?
Like did I get that that wrong? Did I read Fallen Star that wrong? I don’t get it, I feel like I’m going a little crazy with this someone tell me I’m not insane
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Like I am not insane right? I did hallucinate this? You are all reading the same thing in the highlights? Did something happen between writing phase I and phase III? I vaguely know the comics sort of answers the recovery question but like what happened with the book authors? Why is the only mention of her name drops as if they’re strangers? This is a genuine question I am really puzzled (and kind of disappointed)
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anthotneystark · 7 months ago
I wanna reach out and grab ya
(edit: now on ao3!)
In the aftermath, as the dust settles, the world shakes.
He expects it, but it still catches him off balance.
He leans against the ambulance, brushes off Nancy’s comment about him needing medical care. Jonathan gives him a look like he wants to call him out on it, but he lets it go. He’s not sure how long he’s been awake, but he knows that if either of them really pressed him, he’d fold like a paper bag.
You know, easily but with a decent amount of noise.
It’s all he can do to keep upright, using the cool metal door to help. The world doesn’t exactly feel steady, but he took a few hits to the head and he’s sure that’s not helping. There’s a ringing in his ears, his sides ache, his face burns, and he’s not altogether sure how long he’s been awake. He’s sure it’s been somewhere along the lines of too long. He’s not looking forward to going home, not when all he’s got waiting there is a cold, empty house. His parents won’t be back for a few more weeks.
Even if there’s a part of him, a big part if he can admit it, that desperately wants his mom to be there, he’s not going to call and ask for her. He’s supposed to be an adult now, he’s supposed to be growing up, he can’t call for her.
Even if it stings a little, watching other people reuniting with their families.
He loses track of time a little, and is only snapped out of it when he’s dragged into a hug. It’s tight, warm, and so gentle for how fierce it is. He reflexively hugs back before he puts it all together, before he recognizes that it’s Claudia Henderson. She’s saying something, but he can’t really hear it because he’s too busy trying to catch up on what exactly is happening. When she pulls back, she either repeats it or it’s a different question.
Robin answers before he can.
“Yeah, Steve’s gonna stay with me tonight.”
“I am?”
“Yeah, dingus, remember?”
“Right, yeah, I’m staying with her tonight.” Except. “How are we getting to your place? I lost my keys,” he adds.
“Oh, don’t worry about it, I’ll take you,” Claudia says. A godsend, really, always. He’s going to need to get new keys entirely given that his have probably been melted by the fire, but he can’t tell her that.
Robin sticks to his side as they go to the car, her hand slides into his and he holds on tight. He doesn’t let go until they’re in her house, after the quiet car ride where he almost dozed off a dozen times. Her parents are at work, both on the night shift at the moment, so it’s just them. Convenient, given that they’re probably going to wake up screaming at some point. She shoves him into the bathroom first and he uses her strawberry shampoo and doesn’t bother to even attempt anything resembling his usual process for cleaning up.
While she takes her turn, he pulls on the clothes she set out. A Hawkins Band tee shirt that’s a little tight and a pair of gym shorts that are probably bigger than his own. He’s almost dozing when she starts messing with his hair, helping to dry it without him even noticing she’d finished her shower. It’s more a nervous movement than anything, but it feels nice.
“We’re going to need to keep some of your clothes here, you know.”
“So you have something to wear, obviously.”
Obviously. Because he’s going to stay with her sometimes. He should have her clothes at his place too then, even if he’s perfectly willing to let her raid his closet. He likes the idea though, the plan to mesh themselves together already. He’s never had anyone in his life who’s made themselves at home in his heart this quickly.
He’s not sure when he drifts off, when she tugs him the rest of the way onto the bed, when she pulls the blanket up, only distantly feels the way she leans into him, the way he reflexively curls into her.
She feels like she’s always been here with him and he can’t figure out how he lived without her.
Robin is perfect.
Not like, literally, and it’s not the same as when he’d say it about Nancy.
That’s the other thing that he figures out with her. He’s really not in love with Nancy. He’d said it, but it really sinks in later. It sinks in the first time they talk about romance, as he tries to give her flirting advice while she laughs at him and asks if he needs a new whiteboard.
They do mingle their closets too, as planned. She still steals his clothes, and he ends up wearing her tee shirts more than his own. She takes him thrifting and shows him all her secrets and he teaches her the art of negotiation in stores.
(She’s in awe when he talks down a sales clerk over a stain that he then magics away in the laundry room at his house.)
He shows her how he learned to cook and she helps him to get creative with new ideas. She demands the first bite every time, and he’s happy to share it.
Her parents welcome him though. Her mom teaches him more about first aid than he learned lifeguarding, and her dad teaches him more about cars in his spare time. He’d known some, but it’s nice, being taught instead of just figuring things out on his own through trial and error. It doesn’t take long for him to get fully intermingled in the Buckley family and it’s the most love he’s ever felt.
Somewhere between the whiteboard and that first night spent sharing a bed, they become SteveAndRobin. Somewhere between her mom finishing her shift and finding them curled up on the couch watching cartoons (because after being exposed to terrifying monsters and soldiers, cartoons are necessary) and her dad coming home to find all three of them wrapped up in it, he finds out he fits perfectly in this space.
Somewhere between the first family dinner and the start of the school year, he unofficially becomes a Buckley.
Sitting there in the hospital waiting room, collapsed into a chair because he’s never felt this exhausted, with Robin at one side and Dustin at the other, with Erica and Lucas whispering with Nancy, with Eddie and Max in surgery, he feels it all building up. All the feelings he’d tried to push down, the fear and panic and pain, bubbling up to the surface. He’s not really looking where his eyes are aimed, not even paying attention until Robin is forcing his heavy, aching limbs up and toward an empty room. She gives him a look as she leaves him on the bed and he’s not even confused about her leaving him there to go back to the waiting room because it’s better if she stays with Dustin anyway.
Except then the door is opening again, with a familiar and welcome sight stepping in.
And then it’s all too much.
Those emotions bubble over with a half-sobbed “Mom” and then arms are around him, holding him together as he splinters into a million pieces.
His mother smells like expensive perfume, floral and chemical and strong. But Betty Buckley smells like antiseptic and cinnamon and it’s the most comforting smell in the world right then.
She doesn’t question the grime or blood staining his clothes, doesn’t try to get him to tell her what happened, just holds him because he can’t break in front of the kids, can’t let them see how much he’s struggling right now. He needs this, is the thing. He hasn’t really broken down yet because he has to be the strong one, he has to be tough, even if it kills him, but she’s safe. She’s safe enough for him to let go.
She lets him get it all out, and still doesn’t ask anything. It doesn’t really matter, not at the moment, so she just brushes his hair off his forehead, uses a damp cloth to wipe away some of the dirt, helps him to pull on scrubs before halting that process to treat his back and arms and sides and neck. He’s gone a little numb, but she moves quick anyway. And then he’s on his back, an IV hooked into his hand, and she’s pressing a kiss to his forehead and telling him to rest.
So he does.
It’s not a conscious decision, more like he was just waiting for someone to tell him he could.
When he wakes, Robin is in the bed next to him. Dustin is on a rolling cot against the wall. He knows without knowing that Max is down the hall, Lucas and Erica are with her, and Nancy is probably bossing around everyone in that way she does that he can’t help respecting. He doesn’t stay awake long.
He’s going stir crazy.
There’s a lot of mixed feelings. On one hand, he’s slept a lot. On the other, the town is a little broken. Robin and Dustin are volunteering, and he’ll join them when he can get out there, but Richard Buckley is under strict orders to keep him from making an escape. The plant has been temporarily shut down, and he’s a glass half-full kind of guy, but it’s really inconvenient for Steve’s desire to be out of the hospital.
He still loves him though, really.
He finally gets a window when Rich steps out for real food.
(It had been hilarious when he and Robin established their dads are both “Richard”, but while Steve’s dad thinks shortening it sounds ridiculous, Robin’s dad loves to give himself new short names at every opportunity. The week he wanted to go by Chard was a fun week.)
He goes for the door, playing nonchalant, and is dismayed to find someone sitting outside.
���He told me you’d try and escape,” the man says, not looking up from his newspaper.
“I’m not escaping,” he lies.
“Humor me.” The man looks over at him then and Steve has to bite back his surprise. “Huh. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say your last name isn’t Buckley.”
“It’s not.”
“Then why have I been hearing for months about Ritchie’s boy?”
“Technically I am that.”
“Not the right one though.”
“No, but that’s sematics.”
“You’re missing an ‘n’ there, son.” The correction is gentle, carrying the tone of someone who’s used to reminding someone else of little details. For some reason, it doesn’t sting like it did when other people corrected him.
“Right, yeah.”
“You had a bit of blood loss, I hear. Maybe you should lay back down again.”
“I can’t. There’s…people are out there and need help. Other people got hurt worse than me. I can’t just lay here and do nothing.”
“You’re not doing nothing, you’re recovering.”
“I’m fine.”
“Doesn’t sound like you are,” he half mumbles, and god, it’s so familiar it aches.
“I don’t know why you’re focused on keeping me in bed. You of all people should be fine with me going out there to help out.” There’s a beat of silence, where Steve thinks he maybe overstepped, getting just a sigh in return.
“Maybe. But I know damn well how important you are to a friend of mine and he asked for a favor. I’m not about to let him down.”
“Mr. Munson –”
“…Wayne. You should go back to Eddie. He needs you more.”
“He’s got a visitor already. I’m not hovering.”
“I think you’re hovering a bit here.”
“Well opinions are like assholes, son. Everyone’s got one.” It’s enough to startle a laugh out of him, as Wayne stands up and ushers him back into the room. He didn’t notice while he was standing there as the pain in his muscles, the itching of the scabs, the exhaustion in his bones, creeps back up on him. He protests, but doesn’t really fight as he’s nudged back into the too firm mattress.
“Get some more rest, kid. Long days are coming, take advantage while you can.”
“I just don’t get it!”
“Is he still talking about this?”
Robin’s groan is the only answer he needs. Dustin, back on his usual arguments after saving the world again, is expanding his hobby. Now he’s not just bugging Steve and Robin about their love life (love lives?), he’s dragging others in on the argument too.
“Dusty-buns, you seem to be awful involved in this,” Eddie teases. “Maybe you have a crush on Robin.” She makes a face, throws a marshmallow at him, and Steve snorts as he cackles.
“No! I just don’t know why they won’t date! Eddie, back me up on this,” Dustin says. “They’re perfect for each other! They laugh at the same jokes, share clothes all the time, and don’t even argue, Steve, I’ve seen her wear your jeans before and you’ve worn her sweaters. They share food with each other, spend all their time together, and they share chapstick!”
“Hey, we don’t spend all our time together! Sometimes I wait for her to bike to my house.”
“Not helping, babe.”
“See!” Dustin is probably seconds from losing his marbles, and Steve really should put him out of his misery, but it’s too funny still.
“You’re missing some key information, boy-genius,” Eddie says.
“Like what?”
“Like the fact that they’re never going to date.”
“That’s what doesn’t make sense!”
“Robin, pass me our chapstick,” Steve says, just to make Dustin a little more insane.
“You had it last. Steven, did you lose our chapstick?”
“I definitely gave it back to you.”
“Here you go,” Eddie says, tossing the little tube to Steve with a grin. Dustin’s eyes dart between the three of them like he’s just gotten new information.
“Eddie. Are you…dating Robin?”
It’s Steve’s turn to groan, and he doesn’t need to look to see the face Robin is making.
“Jesus Christ, Henderson, Eddie is dating me!” Now he’s silent. And Steve is going to panic if he stays silent.
“Huh. That makes a lot of sense. You were weirdly jealous.”
“I was what? No I wasn’t!”
“You kind of were,” Robin adds.
“And it makes sense why you wouldn’t date Robin, who is literally perfect for you.”
“How many times do I have to tell you we’re just friends.”
“Yeah, and I could be literally perfect for him, pipsqueak,” Eddie says, grabbing one of Robin’s marshmallows to throw at him.
“You and Robin are still weirdly codependent, it has to be said,” Dustin insists, batting away Eddie’s attempts to ruffle his hair.
“Yeah, well, that’s what happens when you get psychically linked to each other. Get used to it, Henderson.”
“You’re what?!” Eddie and Dustin’s voices overlap, but they’re both drowned out by his and Robin’s laughter.
Their expressions alone are worth the lecture they’re going to get about keeping secrets.
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cece693 · 7 months ago
Fun (Lestat de Lioncourt x M! Vamp Reader)
Summary: You found this whole thing amusing—it was Lestat who pushed for an open relationship, not you—so how was it your fault when your companion became jealous?
tags: jealousy, typical Lestat, no mention of Louis or Claudia, reader doesn't really care, he loves seeing Lestat come undone, does mention Antoinette, fluffy/happy ending
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You struggled to hold in your laughter, watching as Lestat paced the parlor of your home after scaring off your latest lover. "I don't see what's the problem." You drawled, crossing your arms as you leaned against the doorframe, enjoying the spectacle that was a non-composed Lestat.
"You were the one who said we could see other people, fuck whoever we pleased, as long as we returned to one another. So, what changed?"
Lestat whipped around to face you, his eyes blazing with a mix of anger and something deeper—something almost vulnerable. “What’s changed?” he repeated, his voice low and dangerous. “What’s changed is that I didn’t expect to find someone draped all over you like a cheap coat, looking at you like you’re theirs to keep!”
You raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at your lips. “Isn't that how Antoinette sees you? A man who'd given her everything—even the Dark Gift?
The moment you mentioned Antoinette, you saw something flicker in his eyes, a brief flash of guilt that he quickly masked with renewed anger. “That’s different." Lestat shot back, his tone harsh, almost desperate. “I never let her think she had all of me. I never gave her what’s ours. She's just—”
“Just what, Lestat?” You interrupted, "Just a convenient distraction? Someone to keep you entertained when you’re bored with me? Or is she something more, something you don’t want to admit?”
“Don’t twist this around!” Lestat snapped. “You’re the one who brought this on! You’re the one who’s been pushing the boundaries, flaunting your little affairs in my face, acting like it doesn’t matter—”
“Maybe because it doesn’t!” You shot back, the words slipping out before you could stop them. "I asked you many times, Lestat, if this was what you wanted, and you said yes every single time. Why should I feel guilty when I'm finally enjoying myself?"
"Because I never thought you would!" Lestat roared, his voice echoing through the parlor. His eyes were wide, as if in disbelief at what he said, but there was no taking it back. “I didn’t think you’d actually let someone else get close to you—close enough to make me feel like I’m losing you.”
The parlor grew silent after Lestat’s revelation, and while you wanted to comfort your companion, a grimace tugged at your lips. He spoke of his fear of losing you, but you couldn’t help but think about his ongoing relationship with Antoinette. Despite being a distraction, Lestat had returned to her for a century. Meanwhile, none of your lovers had even lasted a week.
"You're a hypocrite, Lestat. You truly are. Just admit it, you don't want to lose control over me. I'm to stay at home, waiting at your beck and call while you're out fucking anything that catches your fancy!"
"That's not true—"
"Stop lying!" You interrupted him, patience wearing thin. This conversation wasn't supposed to go this deep, neither you nor Lestat were good at conveying emotions, but perhaps this was the time to put aside shame and bear it all. "Just tell me if you want to continue this arrangement or not. Be honest for once."
Lestat’s eyes widened, his struggle evident as he searched for the right words. “I—” He hesitated, his mind racing but his heart already knowing the answer. “I want you.” Seeing the confusion on your face, he took a deep breath and continued, his voice steady but filled with emotion.
“I want us to be together, without these complications and uncertainty. I'll end things with Antoinette, even dispose of her, if you desire, to prove my sincerity and love."
Smiling, you abandoned the doorway and walked toward your companion. While it had been amusing to see Lestat angry and out of his element, this display of vulnerability was even more compelling. Gently tracing his jaw with your fingertips, you leaned in and kissed him, your lips brushing against his in a tender, reassuring gesture.
Lestat's eyes fluttered closed, his initial surprise melting into a soft, almost relieved expression. “I hope you keep to your promises.” you whispered, your breath warm against his skin as you broke apart. Your arms were still wound around his waist, tightening when the vampire laughed with joy.
“Oh, for you, I’m willing to do anything.” 
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bookshelf-dust · 1 year ago
kiss it better
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steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 3,176
warnings: swearing, sick fic (sorta), steve not taking care of himself, anxiety, stress, mental breakdown?, best friends to lovers deal (let me know if i missed something)
a/n: hi! it’s been awhile. i’m sorry about that. this has been a very slow process for me. my mental health is shit, and that’s probably obvious. i hope it hasn’t seeped into this too much, but it probably will with the next few things i write. i apologize for taking so long to post, for disappearing, for not really making this the blog it once was. but i’m not the same person i was then. so we’ll see where this goes. i hope you enjoy this one a little. i love you.
The shrill sound of a phone ringing scares you awake, eyes flying open, heart pounding so aggressively you fear for a split second that it might burst. 
You sit up quickly, enough so that you make yourself dizzy trying to get your bearings. You roll onto your side, and reach blindly across the edge of your nightstand, grabbing for the green plastic that’s shaking with the force of which it’s ringing. 
You almost fall out of bed, just managing to catch yourself as you bring the phone to your ear. 
Your voice comes out weak, thick with sleep and the longing for more rest. It startles you and makes you clear your throat. 
“Hey, it’s me.”
The voice on the other line is even weaker than your own. It’s quiet.
Your eyes find the alarm clock on your dresser, bright red letters telling you it’s just after one in the morning. You might be half-asleep, but you’re conscious enough that your heart rate picks up, registering that this isn’t when your best friend normally calls. 
You hear him breathe, along with some shuffling. He’s nodding his head, but realizes you can’t see. 
“Yeah. Listen,” he drags a shaking hand down his face. “I’m sorry to call so late.”
“Hey, it’s okay. What’s the matter? Is something wrong?”
He goes quiet for a moment, but you wait patiently for him to continue. He must be trying to get something out, and you don’t want to pressure him, or cause him stress in any way. 
Steve huffs, frustrated with himself. 
“I-I’ve got an insane headache, and we’re out of goddamn medicine. My parents were here, and my mom was hungover and I guess she must’ve emptied us out, but it hurts too bad to drive, and…” He trails off, breathing heavily. 
His pause lends you a moment to process, and you decide to speak up. If his head is killing him, you know finding the energy to speak to you, let alone call, has to be draining. You wouldn’t want him to suffer anymore than he already is. 
“Stevie?” you start, happy to hear a small hum that encourages you to go on. He registers what you’ve called him, something you don’t call him often, and his chest aches. “I’ve got some I can bring you. I think all the drugstores nearby are closed.” 
You swing your legs out from under the covers, pushing yourself off the mattress. Pressing the phone between your cheek and shoulder, you pull on the pair of sweats slung over the end of your bed, trying not to bust your ass as you hop into them. 
“Is anything else hurting you?” you ask, gently as can be. 
“Honestly?” he responds. “I think I’m sick. I can’t be sick, can I?”
You stand upright once again, taking the phone firmly in your hand. 
“I think even King Steve can get sick from time to time. I’ll be there soon, okay?”
Steve’s not sure you understand him. He can’t be sick. He’s got shit to do. He has a shift tomorrow, and he’s pretty sure Dustin needs a ride one day this week because Claudia is on a “girls trip.” He has to keep working on his college essay, because he’d told you he was almost done, but really he isn’t. 
Steve doesn’t have the time to be sick. And he can’t have you ruining your own schedule to come and babysit him. He’s supposed to be the babysitter. Not the charge. 
He should be able to take care of himself, but of course, the one time his parents come home they clean out his mediocre supply of medicine. Something he’s always stocked up on, given his tendency to get the shit beat out of him, or the nasty string of tension headaches that just won’t quit. 
And his head is killing him. He has his palms pressed to his temples, trying (and failing) to dull the ache. There aren’t any lights on in the kitchen, where he’s sitting on the floor, back pressed to the cabinets. 
He’s trying not to move too much either, because he’s dizzy. This probably has to do with the fact that he skipped dinner, feeling too nauseous to eat. Now that Steve is hungry, he fears he won’t be able to get up and fix anything. 
Maybe you’ll be able to help, he thinks. But that voice is quick with a counter argument. No. I need to do it. 
He perks up at the sound of the front door opening. “Steve?” you call out, careful not to slam the door or yell too loud. It’s also why you hadn’t rung the doorbell. 
Steve raps his knuckles softly against the countertop, hoping it’ll be enough to clue you in. He can’t bring himself to shout right now. You follow the sound, taking the few steps toward the kitchen. 
When your eyes lock on his figure, see the way the heels of his hands press into his eyes, you realize how young he looks. He almost looks small, legs pulled up to his chest, big, lanky body compacted as much as possible. He looks vulnerable. You’re sure he hates that. 
“Hi, Steve,” you say, keeping your voice low. 
He looks up at you, and his face splits into a sweet grin. He’s happy that you’re here, even if that voice is screaming at him, wanting to punish him for asking for help. 
“Hey, honey.” You smile back at him, and his heart rate picks up. Sometimes he forgets how beautiful you are, and then you’re standing in front of him, snatching every last breath from his lungs. 
You set your bag down beside him and reach out, brushing his hair back from his forehead. He feels a little warm, but not feverishly so. 
You move away from him, grabbing a cup from the drying rack. You fill it up with water and crouch at his side. Steve takes the glass from you, head resting against the cabinet to watch as you grab him some medicine. You hand him a few pills, and he takes them quickly. If he doesn’t get this headache calmed down soon, he thinks he might just die. 
Steve keeps drinking the water you gave him, and you push his hair back again, watching the way it curls around his ears. 
He drinks about half of the water before he pauses, taking a deep breath. He looks at you then. It’s mostly dark in the kitchen, but the lamp on the table by the front door is on, so you’re a little backlit from it. Not to mention the moonlight seeping in from the window above the sink.
You look gorgeous. And you came over to take care of him. You got up, at one in the morning, and drove to his house, just because he asked you to. Hell, he hadn’t even asked. He hadn’t gotten the words out. But you’d known. You’d known exactly what he was trying to ask, and you’d offered your help with no qualms. 
Steve’s nose starts to sting, and that pressure from behind his eyes—it starts to release. Before he knows it, his vision is getting cloudy, and he’s crying. He can’t be crying, can he? 
You carefully remove the glass from his hand and move in between his spread knees. 
“Steve, it’s okay. I’m here, and I’m gonna take top notch care of you.” 
“I know you are,” he says, voice breaking. “But I should be able to do it myself. I always do it myself.” He presses his hands against his face, but you catch his wrists and gently pull them away. 
You hold your arms out, and Steve practically falls into you. He buries his face in your neck. He can feel the warmth of your skin, the cotton of your sleep shirt. You smell like soap, that fancy conditioner you use. 
One of your hands finds the base of his neck, nails scratching gently over his scalp, thumb dragging over the top of his spine. Your other rubs soothingly up and down his back. 
“But the thing is, Stevie, you don’t have to.” 
He’s not a loud crier. But he is sort of panicky, breaths coming quick and short, chest heaving against your own. “I know you’ve always had to do a lot by yourself, but you can ask for help, and you don’t have to punish yourself for it, either.”
You feel him nod against your collarbone. His hands are fisting the back of your shirt. Eventually, he pulls away, but keeps his eyes closed. He tries to keep his head turned from your gaze. 
“Hey. Look at me.”
He does, albeit reluctantly. Steve’s cheeks are flushed, lashes clumped together and lips parted where he tries to suck in a good deep breath. 
You reach up, fingers gently sweeping away the remainder of the tears on his face. He leans into your touch, and you let him. You lean forward and press a sweet kiss to his forehead. You’ve never done that before.
Steve recognizes that you’ve never done it before, even if it’s sort of fuzzy. Sure, he’s kissed the back of your hand and you’ve reciprocated, but he’s usually the one to initiate physical affection. You’re too shy most often, even if you ache to do it. 
Fuck, he wishes he were a little more coherent right now. 
“Can you stand for me? It’s late, and I think you need to rest.”
He runs a hand through his hair. “Yeah, sure.” Now that he’s thinking about it, getting in bed sounds so nice. 
You stand first, and watch as Steve pushes off the floor, gripping the countertop on the way up to steady himself. 
“Come on. The stairs are gonna be a pain.”
He reaches out for you, and you let him take your arm. He pads out to the staircase, and you watch each precarious step he takes, hoping he won’t get too woozy and trip. 
By the time he finally makes it up there, he’s wrapped both arms around your waist and buried his face between your shoulder blades. You soften beneath his hold. 
You walk slowly towards his bedroom, and he waddles behind you. You push the door open. “M’kay, Steve. Wanna change clothes and hop into bed?” 
He pulls off of you and grabs hold of his dresser. “I’m not givin’ you a free show.”
You snort. “I’ll go get some more water and be right back.”
His grin fades. “Please be fast.” He doesn’t want you to go. He doesn’t want you to leave him. 
“Steve, I’m practically The Flash.”
He laughs, pulling a pair of sweats and a t-shirt out of the drawer. Usually he’d sleep in less, but with you here he feels he should keep his modesty.
When you return, he takes the water from you, drinking it faster than he probably should. Steve feels like he’s had the shit beat out of him, and for once—he hasn’t. 
You’d sat down on the edge of the bed, not noticing the way he’s staring at you. You look up when he sets the glass down. He drags both hands down his face. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask.
He exhales. “I want you to stay here with me, but I don’t want you to get sick. The idea of you being on the couch, which is like, miles away, is driving me insane.”
“Can’t I just sleep on the futon?”
His eyes move towards the other side of his room where said piece of furniture is pressed against the wall. He’d bought it when group sleepovers became a thing after all they’d dealt with. Jesus, his brain really isn’t working. 
“Oh. Yeah, honey. Just don’t want you to go far.” 
You lean forward and push his hair back from his forehead. You’ll need to remember to take his temperature come morning.
“I’m not going anywhere, Steve. I promise. Not until you’re all better.”
When Steve wakes up, you’re not there. He starts to panic, thinking maybe he’d been too much, maybe he’d shown you a side of himself he shouldn’t have, that maybe you left. 
But you return to his room just as he’s about to start looking for you. There’s a thermometer in your hand. 
“Morning, sleepy boy. Are you coherent enough for me to check your temperature? Or no?”
He yanks the covers off of himself, and his shirt has ridden up. You catch a sliver of tummy before he sits up fully, and you miss it the second it’s gone. 
“Hit me, I can take it.”
You roll your eyes but stick the thermometer under his tongue when he opens his mouth. When you pull it away, you’re happy to see he hasn’t got a fever. He was warm last night when you kissed his forehead, but you’re thinking it was from stress or just overheating. 
“No fever. What’s buggin’ you today, Stevie?”
He flops onto his back, and his shirt rides up again. You mentally slap yourself for being so enamored by it. All your brain can compute is tummy. Steve’s tummy. “My head still, and my stomach. I feel like I haven’t slept in four years.”
His words snap you out of your reverie. “Four years? That’s incredible. When’s the last time you ate something?”
Steve stares at you for a moment, though it looks as if there isn’t a single thought behind his eyes. “Yesterday…morning. I think. Yeah, I had a banana.”
You stare back, rather appalled at his statement. “Steve.”
“All you’ve had to eat in the past twenty four hours is a banana?”
“Jesus christ. Get your ass up and come with me.”
Steve doesn’t move. Rather he watches you move, right out the door and towards the top of the stairs. You pause and turn around, crossing your arms. 
He huffs. And then he slides down the side of the bed like a child before crawling up and following you to the kitchen. 
Over the course of the next few hours, you manage to get Steve to eat, shower, and go for a short walk, weather permitting and all. He’s looking astronomically better than he did last night. 
Steve sits opposite you on the couch, his socked feet in your lap. “What do you think my deal is?”
You rub your hand over his calf. “I think you just had a little bug. Or maybe you let yourself get too stressed out and your body couldn’t take it.”
He blinks. “Is that…that's not a thing? Is it?”
“When’s the last time you gave yourself a fuckin’ break, Steve? When you just took a day for yourself rather than worrying about who needs to go where, or if you’ll have to cover a shift? You have to take care of yourself, or this is the kind of shit that happens.”
“Being overwhelmed about your parents, not eating, worrying about that application, all of that is fucking with you. That headache was probably a stress headache. They’re killer. I want you to be healthy and comfortable, Steve.”
You exhale, and close your eyes. When you open them, Steve has sat up, scooting towards you on your end of the couch. 
He might still be tired, but he can’t believe this. He can’t believe you. No one has ever worried for him in this way. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you ask. 
He barely even registers your words, too busy memorizing every line on your face. You look so fucking beautiful. It almost makes him angry. 
“I’m thinkin’ about how bad I want to kiss you.”
Your face starts to burn. You shove his shoulder. He looks at the place where you’d pushed, quirking a brow, but grinning nonetheless.
“Steve, you can’t say shit like that.”
“How come?”
“Because we’re friends.”
“Best friends.”
“Well yeah, but best friends don’t say that to one another.”
His grin widens. He looks more awake than he has this entire time. 
“Oh, but you haven’t said it.”
You blink. “Huh?”
Steve gets his voice up that little bit higher, doing a cheap imitation of you. “‘Best friends don’t say that to one another.’ Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but that implies you want a kiss too, doesn’t it?”
You drag your hands down your face and flop back against the arm of the couch. 
“So you gonna say it, or what?” He’s shifted, and you can feel him hovering over you, but you refuse to move your hands. 
“Of course I’m thinking about kissing you, Steve.” You suck in a breath and open your eyes, locking with his own. “But you’ve got cooties.”
Steve rolls his eyes before he backs up and yanks on your ankle so that you’re flat against the couch. 
“You did not just lecture me about self-care just to tell me I have cooties. I didn’t even have a fever.” 
“I didn’t even have a fever,” you mock, lowering your voice in what is quite possibly the worst impression of him you could do.
He’s quick about it. Almost stealthy, not that you’d ever boost his ego by telling him so. But his fingers are reaching for your sides, the tips dancing over your shirt, that tiny sliver of hip showing where it’s ridden up. 
Steve is practically drunk off of your laugh. It’s the sweetest sound he’s ever heard, and when he goes for your neck, when you tilt your head and trap his fingers between your cheek and shoulder, he thinks he could die. 
You and your laugh. The fact that you drove over at one in the fucking morning, without even thinking about it, just because you care. That you stayed the night, listened to his pitiful thoughts, took care of him…it’s too much. 
Never in his life did he think he’d find someone like you. Someone who makes him feel like he matters. You’d made him realize how smart he is, how capable. That he could do things for himself and not just to please his dickhead father. 
You have made him whole. 
He lets up when you start breathing extra heavily, only to tickle the underside of your foot before he quits, just to piss you off. You kick him in the side. 
“I think a kiss from my very favorite person might be the best form of self-care there is, honey.”
You sit up. “Wow. King Steve really never died.” He raises his hands like he might tickle you again, but you catch them before he can do any damage. “Okay, sorry!” 
Before he can register it, you’ve leaned in and pressed your lips to his. When he does realize, he lets out a surprised hum, and you can feel that smartass smirk forming on his face. 
When you pull away, he whines. 
“All better?”
Steve falls back against the couch, pulling you with him just to get that laugh out of you again. 
“I’m healed.”
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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ghouldump · 8 months ago
God Complex | Lestat x Reader x Louis
ෆ you want out, realizing your little family isn’t as perfect as you thought, but they would never let you slip away so easily.
i definitely went overboard 😅
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“Lestat, you don’t have to do this,” Louis stressed.
“She has to learn, it’s either this, or we are exposed,” Lestat said, shutting the coffin. Under the pebbles you laid, crying, begging for forgiveness. Despite your attempts to break free, the coffin wouldn’t budge.
“Louis, please, Lestat, I’m sorry,” you screamed, your voice falling on deaf ears, as he shut the door of the basement, leaving you alone at the bottom of the townhouse.
“Neither of you are to let her out, a few days will teach her a needed lesson,” he pointed at the two. Louis looked distressed, knowing his companion was right, despite his desire to argue. While Claudia frowned, saddened by your cries, but knew better than to go against her father’s words.
“I’m sorry,” you kept crying. If only you could take it back. This was your second time acting so careless, and you knew better than to think Lestat would let you do this a third.
From the moment Lestat turned you, you were a wildflower. He loved how animalistic you became, while Louis enjoyed how sweet you remained. Claudia was happy to finally have someone new in their lives, other than the two.
You were exceptional at hunting, and Lestat became lenient, oftentimes letting you wander. You’d find your meal, and quickly and efficiently discard the mess. However, when the arrogant salesman came into the bar, speaking to everyone as if they were beneath him, your tongue tingled at the sight.
The thought of him submitting and begging for mercy turned you on beyond comprehension. Biting your lip, you stood, approaching him, intentionally bumping his shoulder. His hand went to your waist, as he began to apologize, while his eyes not so discreetly roamed.
“Garret Anderson, darling,” he introduced, as you shook his hand.
“Hi,” you smiled, mischievously.
“Not him, choose someone else,” you heard Louis’s voice. Usually, you’d listen, but you couldn’t this time, not when the smell of his blood made you feel feral in the best way.
“Would you like to dance-
“Come with me,” you ignored him, grabbing his hand to pull him out of the establishment. He grinned, thinking he had won a prize when he was walking straight into the trap.
Pushing him into the dim alley, you slipped your tongue into his mouth, pressing your body against his own.
“Oh, I don’t think I got your name”
“You don’t worry about my name, sugar, just focus on my voice,” you told him, as he looked into your eyes.
“Ok,” he nodded, hypnotized.
“Y/n, Lestat doesn’t want you to choose him,” Claudia said, as you bare your teeth.
“It’s too late,” you spoke, biting his neck, drinking his life away.
“Please,” you heard him inaudible beg, his grip loosening from your arm, as his form began to weaken.
“What part of not him did you not understand?” Lestat asked, snappily, standing behind you, as you released the man, watching his corpse sink to the wet ground.
“Was I supposed to play with my food?” You pouted, the action usually worked, but this time he kept the harsh gaze.
“This man is related to Tom Anderson and the last person he has been seen with, was you,” he said angrily.
“I didn't know, and I always clean up after myself,” you defended.
“That isn’t the point, you get the order to choose another and you still chose to disobey, putting all of our lives at risk, again,” Lestat said, trying to keep his composure, feeling himself about to yell.
“We can talk about this when we get home, Claudia and I will clean up,” Louis said, hoping to de-escalate the situation.
However, after the body was burned, Lestat continued to yell, before deciding to bury you in the rock-filled coffin, as a punishment. 
You weren’t sure how long you were locked away, starving. It could have only been days, but on an empty stomach, it felt like weeks. You cried for too many hours, begging, trying to communicate with Louis and Claudia - but no one ever came. No one would come, you’d be left here to starve to death until Lestat was ready to release you.
You began to dream, imagining yourself on all kinds of adventures. Traveling to different countries, tasting the different people, none of which Lestat planned on doing soon. He made the rules and you all went along, occasionally finding compromise. Finally, after what felt like forever, the coffin was opened.
Louis worriedly pulled you out, Claudia dusting the rocks off of you. Lestat didn’t say a word, standing behind the two, watching as they tended to you. Slowly approaching you, he placed his hand under you jaw, making you look up.
“I hope you’ve learned your lesson,” he said, before making his way upstairs.
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“Y/n,” you jumped, snapping out of the trance as Louis opened the coffin, holding his hand out for you to grab.
“Sorry,” you smiled sheepishly, as he grinned, helping you out.
“It’s alright, why don’t you get dressed, and we’ll be waiting on you,” he winked, leaving you to change.
As you made your way down the stairs, you kept your eyes down, feeling his gaze.
Claudia was first to swing the door open, excitedly skipping out of the house - Louis not too far behind. Gulping, you went to follow him, when Lestat grabbed your waist, stopping you.
“You look nice, ma chèrie,” he complimented.
“Thank you,” you smiled, rushing to join Louis.
You didn’t wander, staying close with the group, choosing the easiest target. You’d always preferred your meal flamboyant, the loudest in the room always had the sweetest blood. However, you were too afraid to upset Lestat, ending up in the cramped coffin again.
Cleaning your mouth, you sat on one of the many benches in the park. You were still hungry, starving actually. The pathetic excuse of a human was no where near filling. As Lestat and Louis approached, their meals close behind like lambs being led to the slaughter, you got up.
Entering the house, you were about to follow Claudia upstairs, when Lestat grabbed your hand, leading you back down.
“I want you to be more vigilant about prey, not neglect and starve yourself, come, we have a plus one,” he told you, before announcing to the trio of men you’d be joining them.
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“Do you think there is more to life than New Orleans?” You asked your coworker, Carol.
“I ain’t got time to think about that Y/n, I’m 24 and already a widow with an infant,” she huffed, wiping the table.
Opening your eyes you stared up at the coffin, trying to think back. You didn’t remember too much about your mortal life, not even your family. You worked at a bar when you met Louis and Lestat, both incredibly charming. You were interesting to them, this wasn’t anything new for Lestat, he had no problem admiring multiple people. Louis on the other hand, was surprised by his interest. You were easy on the eyes with the kindest soul, lighting up the room with your presence.
You ended up getting pneumonia and despite taking the needed medication, you began to succumb. On the brink of death, you saw him, was he a god? angel of death? You didn’t know, tiredly watching as the two men exchanged words of agreement, before he lifted you, biting your neck.
You remembered the agony, throwing up as your body rejected your soul, killing itself. Louis carried you, while Lestat led the way, and the rest of your memory was gone.
Opening your coffin, you looked around the room, each side of you was a black coffin, empty. Noticing the small note on Lestat’s as you climbed out.
‘Louis and I have business to attend to this evening, I trust you will hunt with Claudia, ma chèrie’ - L
Sitting the letter down, you walked down the stairs. Knowing Claudia, she had already left. Slipping on your shoes you began to walk the streets. The memories replayed in the back of your mind, as your feet aimlessly moved. Recognizing your surroundings, you slowed down, staring into the bar you’d plucked the Anderson relative from.
Suddenly, someone bumped your shoulder, catching your attention. An older woman, holding shopping bags.
“Oh my, I’m so sorry-Y/n?” You were stuck like a dear caught in headlights.
“God has brought my baby home, don’t just stand there and give your mama a hug,” she sat the bags down, as you cautiously approached, letting her tightly wrap her arms around you.
You were thankful for the times you practiced restraint and self control. It had been nearly three years of being a vampire, stuck at 26 and you grew better and better at controlling your urges around mortals, despite the occasional slip ups.
“Oh baby, I knew you’d come back eventually, how was New York?” She asked, wiping the tears from her eyes.
“New York?” You questioned, confused.
“Why don’t you come home, just for tonight?” She asked, hopeful. Slowly you nodded, letting her lead you to her car, handing the bags to her driver, you sat in the back seat next to her. Looking around, you hoped your surroundings would seem familiar but you had no clue where you were headed. After nearly fifteen minutes of driving, and your mother gushing about how much you were missed, the car began to slow down.
As the large house came into view, you frowned, unable to remember living there. The driver parked, and the front door opened.
“Did you get-Y/n? Y/n is back,” the younger boy who was exiting the house stopped, jumping for joy, screaming inside. A few more people came out, a familiar face catching your attention.
“Y/n,” the woman screamed, running to you, colliding into you, as she wrapped her arms around your waist.
“Carol, can you make sure Y/n is made comfortable,” your mother asked.
“Of course, mama,” she nodded, grabbing your hands, leading you into the house.
“What’s with your eyes?”
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing,” she let it go, as you stopped near the stairs, seeing all of the portraits. Family portraits. You stood amongst them, in the photos, even a painted portrait of yourself, along with your siblings.
“Daddy is going to be very happy to see you,” she smiled, pulling you up the stairs to a bedroom.
“Where is he?” You asked, eyeing the room before you sat next to her on the bed.
“At the sugar mill, duh, you know he’s a workaholic,” she laughed, before sitting up.
“So how have you been? The last time I saw you, you were going on and on about that De Pointe Du Lac,” she smirked, biting her lip.
“I’m fine, Louis is fine,” you nodded.
“My god, you married him? I hear he has a popular business in the quarter-
“No, we have a…companionship, if that makes sense,” you mumbled, as she raised her eyebrows.
“Oh? That’s nice-
“Daddy’s home,” the younger boy burst into the room, his eyes focused on you.
Standing up, you followed Carol from the room, down the stairs. Seeing the men and women standing downstairs, you stared plainly. These were your siblings and yet you couldn’t remember or feel a thing.
“It’s good to see you,” the man, your brother, smiled, pulling you into a side hug before you followed them into the dining room.
Your father sat already, at the head of the table. Turning to face you, he stood up, you could hear his heart pounding, trembling. Slowly approaching you, you spoke up.
“Daddy,” you tried to sound as normal as possible, when he slung his arms around you. He began to cry, while you listened in on his thoughts. You were his favorite.
“You two come sit, stop crying before I start too,” your mother laughed, as your father pulled away in agreement.
“So how was New York?”
“Yeah and why didn’t you say goodbye, like you send a letter and disappear for three years,” your younger sister interrupted.
“Deloris, stop it, I’m sure Y/n wanted to stop by but couldn’t,” your mother interjected.
“I-New York was fine, very beautiful,” you said, accepting one of the many bowls of food being passed along. Taking a small piece of meat, you sat it on your nearly empty plate.
“You came just in time for Joseph’s engagement, he’s met a fine young lady from Gretna, Sarah, she’ll be here in a few days,” your mother pointed at your brother.
“Finally, he’s nearly 30 and we never thought he’d get married,” your younger brother said, making everyone laugh.
“Congratulations,” you told Joseph.
“Thank you, and have you married, or are you with someone?”
“I have companions,” you smiled, nervously.
“Multiple?” Your father asked, stunned.
“One of them is Louis,” Carol clapped.
“The De Point Du Lac? I hear he lives with that French man-
“Lestat De Lioncourt, god to be under him for a night”
“Deloris, watch your mouth”
“You managed to stay in contact with him, but couldn’t reach out to your family?” Your father spoke, a saddened expression.
“It’s complicated,” you mumbled.
“You don’t think it’s a bit…scandalous to have two lovers, who is the other?” your mother asked.
“Lestat,” you said, clearing your throat, bracing yourself as nearly everyone gasped.
“Lucky,” Deloris snickered.
‘Y/n, where are you?’ You heard Clauia’s voice, but you didn’t respond.
“Y/n, please tell me you're joking,” your father shook his head.
“I don’t think this is a laughing matter,” you said, straightening your posture.
‘Y/n, where are you at?’ Louis asked, making you clinch your jaw.
“You kept in contact with those peculiar men, but it never crossed your mind to come home,” he slightly raised his voice.
“I said it was complicated,” you screamed over him, stabbing the fork into the meat, breaking the plate, before standing up, going to storm out of the house.
“Y/n, wait,” your mother chased you, stopping you before you could leave.
“I’m sorry I came here,” you apologized.
“No no, everyone is handling you being home differently, stay, you can go up to your room, here, I have something for you,” she reached for your cold hand, her warm thumb brushing over your veins. Leading you upstairs in the room, she went to the nightstand, pulled out a diary, handing it to you.
“I kept it, in case you ever came home, and I made sure no one read it,” she smiled sadly, kissing your forehead before she turned to leave.
‘Ma chèrie, enough of this, come home’ Lestat said. You knew they were probably worried, for him to also use his powers to reach out to you.
‘I won’t be home tonight,’ you spoke, sending the message.
“Did you say something, honey?” Your mother stopped, turning to face you.
“No, ma’am,” you shook your head, watching as she exited the room.
Opening the book, your fingers traced down the words, the minor annotations, and little drawings on the side. You could still hear your vampire family faintly in your head when the room door opened.
“Hey, Daddy is sorry, he’s too ashamed of how he acted to face you right now, but I’m just letting you know, that Joseph, Antony, and Loretta left,” Carol spoke.
“Ok,” you chuckled.
“Also, I apologize in advance for the noise, Frankie is coming home soon and he is still a handful,” she laughed.
“Yes and he is going to be so excited to see his favorite Aunt,” she said, before shutting the door.
Closing the curtain, grabbing a pillow, and climbing under the bed, you read the diary. Entry to entry, you consumed the thoughts of your former self, your heart growing more confused as you began to remember. By the time you finished, Claudia and Louis became silent while the sun was peeking into the room.
Slamming the book shut, your mind ran wild, questioning everything you thought you’d known. Your nails digging into the floor. Feeling the bloody tear slip down your eye, you quickly wiped it, as a you heard a soft knock.
“Y/n? Y/n?” Your mother called out, a bit of panic in her voice.
“I’m under here,” you called out, waving from under the bed.
Lifting her dress, she moved to the floor, her eyes widening seeing you.
“What are you doing under here, honey?” She asked.
“I…I recently was diagnosed with a disease, my skin doesn’t react well in the sun anymore, burning, irritation, the doctor says I should avoid it altogether,” you said, almost feeling guilty for lying, hearing how much it saddened her thoughts.
“I see, give me a few hours and I’ll make sure things are more comfortable around here, you try to get some sleep, love you”
“I love you too,” you said, watching as she left the room.
‘Y/n, please tell me you are okay, we can’t sleep’ you heard Louis’s voice.
‘I am fine’
‘Where are you?’
‘That is none of any of your concerns’
‘Don’t be like that, what's the matter-
You shut your eyes, blocking out Louis’ voice, taking deep breaths, you thought about the words from the diary, as the sleep passed over you.
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‘Mama and daddy have been arguing as of lately. I’m 25 with no boyfriend or engagement, still living with them. Daddy doesn’t see a problem with it, I have more time to find the perfect husband he argues, while Mama thinks I’m not even looking. I haven’t been, but that’s because as special as New Orleans is, no one seems special enough to catch my attention. Since the issue has come up, I’ve found myself with Carol more. She is trying to find a new husband, a new father for Frankie, since his dad died in the Navy’
“All of the bachelors come here, you just might find yourself a treat,” Carol giggled, as the two of you sat at the table. The fancy restaurant in the French Quarter wasn’t too interesting to you. You were already wealthy, and guaranteed quite the inheritance, while all of the women stood around, almost looking as if they were waiting on their lottery ticket.
“Do you ever wonder if there is more to life, than New Orleans?” You asked her boredly, as she made eye contact with the banker, waving at him.
“I ain’t got time to think about that Y/n, I’m 24 and already a widow with an infant,” she told you, standing, before walking to the man, sure to sway her hips, reeking of seduction.
Now alone, you sipped your wine, leaning back in your seat. The few men who looked your way eventually backed away, as you kept a scowl on your face.
“If you keep your face like that, it might get stuck,” you heard, making you turn to face the crèole man.
“If only I could see the appeal of this restaurant, then I wouldn’t frown,” you told him, as he sat down.
“I agree, everything is so tasteless and looks so-
“Cheap,” you and the blonde-haired man said at the same time, making you smile.
“I’m Y/n,” you held out your hand.
“Louis de Pointe du Lac,” he accepted your hand, his thumb brushing against your knuckles.
“And you, do you have a name?”
“Lestat De Lioncourt,” he said, taking your hand from Louis, kissing your knuckles.
“Would you like to get out of here?” Louis started.
“Sorry boys, I hope you didn’t think I was that easy,” you pouted, laughing as Carol approached.
“You ready to go?” You asked, seeing the look of disappointment on her face.
“Yeah,” she said, crossing her arms.
“It was wonderful to meet you both, goodbye”, you told them, standing up, and walking with Carol back to the car. Looking back, your eyes met theirs once more before you were on your way.
‘Lestat and Louis, there had been plenty of rumors that the two were lovers, even I was sure they were. However, they continued to reach out, inviting me to spend time with them. Carol’s friend, Lucy, thinks they might be competing to win my hand in marriage, but I think it’s far from that.’
“Mr. De Lioncourt hasn’t taken his eyes off of you all night,” Lucy bumped your shoulder, as you stood amongst the women. You were trying to not be “shameless” keeping your contact with Lestat and Louis to a minimum. However, their eyes had been glued on you from the moment you entered the party, and they weren’t even hiding it.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” one of the women rolled her eyes, perking up, as they approached.
“Ma chèrie, you never responded to our letter,” Lestat told you, as you stared at the two of them surprised but confused.
“With your flowers,” Louis said, as you gasped.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t even notice a note with them, they are in my room, I’ll look when I’m home”
“Please do, we’re dying to know your response,” he told you, slinging his arm around Louis as they walked away. All of the women frowning in jealousy, while Carol laughed at them.
‘They are together, Lestat and Louis are together, but they like the idea of sharing? After a night of passion, I think it’s best that I stay away from the fabulously handsome men. I could never explain what happened to anyone without being judged, and so I will keep it to myself. They have been trying to reach out, but I am throwing every letter away. I hope they can understand.’
“I’m assuming you’re not a party girl?” Louis asked you, making you jump, swiftly turning around.
“This kind of party isn’t my thing, all of these people, hoping to get on my father’s good side, it's pathetic,” you crossed your arms, as he approached.
“How did you find where I was?” You asked him, tilting your head. You were hidden in your mother’s miniature hedge maze, sure no one would find you.
“I followed your scent, you always smell nice,” he grinned, while you rocked back and forth on your heels.
“You shouldn’t have followed me, what if I was a monster? luring you away from everyone,” you smirked at him.
“Trust me, you wouldn’t be the monster”
“Why do you think that?” You squinted at him, making him laugh.
“You’re too cute, too precious, you should be more careful, you could’ve been being followed by a big bad wolf,” he taunted.
“I can defend myself perfectly fine”
“Is that right?”
“Of course,” you smiled, watching as he leaned forward, his lips pressing against your own. Wrapping his arm around your waist, you moaned, before he pulled away.
Gasping, you noticed Lestat standing only feet away. Taking his usual confident strides, he stopped in front of Louis, the two sharing a passionate kiss. As the kiss broke off, he walked around to you, his hand softly going to the back of your neck, before he pulled you into a kiss.
“Be our companion…”
“Our’s alone…”
“Ok,” you agreed, not understanding at the time, the situation you'd put yourself in.
Standing in front and behind you, they took turns, kissing from your neck to mouth, slowly removing the articles of clothing. By the time you were finished, they laid in the grass, smiling, praising you, while you hurriedly dressed.
“I have to go,” you told them, running away, your hand going to your neck, where a bite mark resided.
‘My intuition was wrong about the two, Lestat and Louis are dangerous. Lestat seemed possessive, he didn’t like the idea of me entertaining another man besides him or Louis. But Louis, he seemed convinced I was perfect with the two of them, they both just seemed delusional. I recently caught the pneumonia virus and I’m trying to heal, and get over the fact that I was sick for my birthday but their constant sending of gifts isn’t making me feel any better.’
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“Y/n, honey,” your mother called out, making you open your eyes.
“It is safe to come out,” she said, as you slowly made your way out, noticing the windows covered by a board.
Leading you down the stairs, you felt uncomfortable seeing your siblings stare at you like an animal in zoo.
“Mama told us about your skin condition, I’m sorry, I-we can have the engagement at night,” Joseph offered.
“I couldn’t do that to you-
“It would be a pleasure, I want you there, and Sarah won’t mind, she’ll be here tomorrow”
“Then I’d love that,” you smiled, nodding.
“Wonderful, I have something you can wear,” your mother clapped.
“I was hoping I could talk to you, about something,” you told your mother, as she sat on the sofa.
“Okay, what’s on your mind?”
“Do you remember when I was sick, with the pneumonia?”
“When I was staying in the hospital-
“Hospital? You didn’t stay in a hospital, you were in your room. We were so worried, when you first caught it, but your body fought hard, you were better in no time,” she said, her hand on her heart.
“How long was I here before I left, for New York? Reading the diary has my brain a little foggy,” you told her.
“Only a few days after, I believe, before you left your letter,” she said, looking away at the memory.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, trying to remember what happened. The fuzzy memory slightly coming back.
“It’s okay, honey, you’re here now,” she waved.
Sitting up in bed, pillows propped up behind you, you listened to the vinyl jazz music. Playing low in the room you hummed lightly. Everyone had left the previous day, going to see relatives, but you were still too sick to go. Although you were already feeling better, no longer bed-bound with a nasty fever. Hearing the sound of the front door opening, your ears perked up, as you climbed out of the bed. Stopping the music, you slowly tiptoed out of the room, stopping at the top of the stairs
“Ma chèrie, it isn’t nice to ignore people who care about you,” Lestat said from the bottom of the stairs.
Shaking your head, you went to run, bumping into Louis. Who also, didn’t look too happy, backing down the stairs, you froze, seeing Lestat slowly walk up to you. You were trapped, dropping to your knees, you shielded yourself.
“Please,” you covered your face, gasping in confusion as you were lifted, carefully brought to the sofa in the living room.
“You haven’t seen any of our letters?” Louis asked angrily before Lestat spoke.
“You ignored us out of society-inflicted shame,” Lestat started.
“No, it was nothing more than casual sex,” you said before he squished your cheeks together.
“If you weren’t so afraid of being judged by society, would you continue to deny yourself the pleasures you deserve?” Lestat asked, sitting next to you.
“One of you bit me, I don’t think I want either of you,” you told him as he chuckled before you noticed his abnormally sharp teeth. Fangs.
“She doesn't want us, hear that Louis, we’re being rejected by our companion,” Lestat laughed loudly, as Louis stared at you as if you had two heads.
Suddenly, the front door opened, and your parents and your younger siblings entered the house. Doing a double take, your father frowned.
“What's going on in here?”
“Nothing Daddy, we're just talking,” you stood up, moving in between him and the two peculiar men. Looking at them, you noticed the fangs in Louis's mouth.
“I don't think so, you two boys need to leave my house,” he said, the look on their faces showed they were highly offended at the choice of words.
“I am no boy, I am much older than you…” Lestat stood up.
“Don't hurt them,” you told them, your eyes going from Louis to Lestat.
“Perhaps we can get to an agreement, they are spared, in exchange for your companionship,” Lestat offered. You searched for his face, trying to see if he was serious, while he stood, waiting on your response.
“Fine,” you sighed, watching as Louis approached your family, putting them into a trance.
“You came home and went straight to bed, Y/n was feeling better and decided to spend time with some friends tonight-
“You should grab your things, ma chérie, and don't worry, that shame and fear instilled into you will be no more in a short while,” he told you, ushering you to go upstairs, while Louis made up a story to your family.
By the time you finished packing, they were gone, only Louis and Lestat waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs. Not saying a word, you followed them to the car, trying to let the realization sink in, but it still all seemed surreal.
Entering their home you nervously followed them, into the bedroom.
“You can meet Claudia later,” Louis said, as they stared at you.
“Your daughter?”
“Our daughter,” he corrected you, but nodded.
“Y/n, the love that we’ve grown for you, it’s inhumanly, meant to be shared for an eternity, we can give you that,” Louis told you.
“You’re scared, I can make sure you don’t feel any pain, I can give you a piece of everlasting life. None of the things you have in this life hold any value to you, but I can give you something you will cherish,” Lestat told you.
“Choose us and we’ll choose you for the rest of eternity,” Louis said, before you hesitatingly nodded.
“You won’t be in pain for long,” Lestat told you, before he pulled you close, biting into your neck. Falling limb in his arms, he laid you on the bed, cutting his wrist, feeding his blood to you.
Shortly after, your body felt like it was on fire, your vision blurry. The two men stood over you, talking, Louis asking for a favor and Lestat debating on if he wanted to give in.
“Do it, before it’s too late, please,” he said, before Lestat looked at him, nodding, and facing you.
“Look at me, ma chèrie, you used to be a waitress at a bar…we were frequent customers when you met us….” As Lestat told you the fabricated story, he made sure to completely conceal your memory of your mortal life, as Louis requested.
As the memory came to mind your hands went to your eyes, trying to stop the bloody tears from leaking. The memory that changed the way that you viewed your maker and companions.
“Are you alright dear?” your mother asked, worried.
“I'm fine, mama, just happy to be home,” you told her, making her smile.
“Awe, honey, I'm glad that you are home, we all are,” she gushed, pulling you into a firm hug, before continuing with her conversation with your sibling.
‘Y/n’ Louis called out to you.
“Excuse me,” you said, getting up, going to the bathroom.
‘Leave me alone, please’ you told him.
‘Where is this coming from?’
‘I just need this time away, it’s just me time’ you told him, staring at your reflection.
‘Y/n, are you coming home?’ You heard Claudia.
‘Alright, love you’
‘Love you too’ you told her, before leaving the bathroom.
“Y/n, I just wanted to apologize for my outburst last night. What you do in your private life is your business, and I’m happy you’re home,” your father said, nervously, as you came back into the living room. Smiling, you didn’t say anything, approaching him, pulling him into a hug.
As night fell, everyone turning in for bed, you went to the backyard, thankful to find a few rodents to feed on. With your hunger satisfied, you went to your room. Sitting at the desk, you ripping a piece of paper from the diary, grabbing an envelope from the drawer.
‘I don’t think this companionship will work out anymore. Lie after lie, neither of you have been honest or truthful with me. I thought relationships were built and thrived on trust. Not ours, a big lie to feed both of your delusional obsessions. Stay away from me. I will be leaving New Orleans soon, probably headed back to New York’ you wrote, placing a stamp on the envelope.
“Hey,” you called out, as you went outside stopping the teenage boy on his bike.
“Bring this to Lestat De Lioncourt, his address is 1132 Royal Street,” you hypnotized the boy.
“But that’s all the way in the French Quarter,” he said in a monotone voice.
“I know, you will go right before the sun rises and it is okay because you were paid to do this,” you told him, watching as he smiled.
“You’re right,” he nodded, accepting the letter, before taking the money in his other hand, stuffing it into his pocket.
“Go on now, it’s getting late,” you told him, as he nodded, riding home to his house as you went inside.
“Y/n, you okay, darling?” Your father stood at the top of the stares.
“I’m ok, daddy,” you smiled, going upstairs to your bedroom.
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Just as the sun began to rise, the young boy peddled his bike, careful to stay out of the way of any cars. For a second he wished his dad could have driven him, the 30 minutes bike ride would have been much shorter in a car.
Finally, he arrived, panting, he approached the townhouse. Opening the gate, he approached the door. Knocking softly, before speaking.
“Mail for Lestat De Lioncourt,” he said, pushing the letter through the mail slot, before he left to peddle home.
Still wide awake, Lestat stood from his piano, approaching the door, stopping. He watched at the young hand slipped in, the letter floating to the floor, before the sound of the footsteps became distant.
Reading the letter, he felt a series of emotions, sadness, rage, disappointment.
“Louis,” he called out, his companion jogged down the stairs in confusion.
“Y/n remembers,” he gulped, as the two looked at each other.
“Looks like we’ll have to make a stop tonight,” Louis said, before going back to his coffin.
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“You’re just as beautiful as Joseph said you were,” you gushed to Sarah. The house was filled with guests, the sun had set not too long ago, and the night was still young.
“Oh my, thank you, he talked about you all the time, I never thought I’d meet you,” she said.
“Y/n, come here,” Carol called from the kitchen, before you excused yourself, joining her.
“Mr. Alexandre is asking to see you,” she lightly pushed you in the direction of the living room.
“He’s one of Daddy’s associates, he’s young, rich, and handsome,” she said.
“And why don’t you talk to him?”
“He wants to speak with you and I’d prefer his brother, I hear he’s a widower,” she whispered, as you turned, walking towards where the man stood, amongst a few other businessmen.
“Miss Y/n,” the man called out, stepping forward.
“Mr. Alexandre,” you said, accepting his hand.
“If I could have a moment with you…”
“You may,” you said, walking into the hallway with him, near the stairs. You could feel his colleagues staring at the two of you.
“What is it?”
“I was hoping I could take you out for dinner, perhaps the steamboat, there is a nice band that plays-
“I am sorry, but no thank you,” you shook your head, about to leave, but he gripped your forearm.
“A little birdy told me that you have a thing going on with the European and crèole man in the quarter, I thought they were homo-
“Mr. Alexandre, my personal business is none of your concern”
“Then to have that little girl with them, like she’s their daughter, it’s twisted. You don’t need to get involved with them, tarnishing your reputation,” he said, making you think back to the society-inflicted shame Lestat spoke about.
“Do not speak about my reputation or any of them,” you shoved him, watching as he collided into the wall. A few people gasped, coming to see what was the commotion.
“Y/n, what happened?” Your father asked as the front door opened.
Along with a gust of wind Lestat, Louis, and Claudia all walked in, heads turning as everyone murmured about them. All of the eyes were on them and they never looked their way, solely focused on you.
“Y/n, why haven’t you come home?” Claudia ran to you, pulling you into a hug. You could feel how tense she felt, you frowned at the thought of her being upset.
“I’m sorry,” you told her, closing your eyes and taking in her usually sweet scent.
“Y/n,” your mother called out, now standing next to your father, a confused expression in place.
Before you could say anything, Lestat turned her way, gasping, you stepped up, when he turned facing you. Immediately you stopped, your eyes going down, while he moved closer.
“Madame,” he held out his hand, accepting hers, before placing a soft kiss on it.
“Get away from my wife,” your father said, taking her hand back.
“So you was gonna leave home?” Louis asked you, taking off his glasses.
“You lied to me, both of you did,” you told him.
“Louis, what is she talking about?”
“Nothing, go wait outside Claudia”
“It’s okay, go wait outside,” you told her, watching as she walked away, bumping the shoulder of a few guests, scaring them.
“You…both of you, did this to me, and for what? to satisfy your fantasies-
“To save you, you don’t belong with these people, their rules and principles, your nature goes against all of it. You could have never been happy with the way they wanted you to become,” Lestat told you.
“Y/n, it’s not safe to be around any of them, how long do you think you’ll be able to resist your urges, it’s best to leave them where they’re at,” Louis told you.
“Is this the brainwash they both feed you, two queer men trying to destroy and isolate everything you’ve known. I wouldn’t burden you with such ideologies,” Mr. Alexandre said, standing up, limping off the pain.
“And what are those ideologies, you speak of?” The tension thickened in the room as Lestat was in front of him within a flash.
“I-I-“ he began to stutter.
“These ideologies include being unapologetic even if it goes against society, not putting limitations on yourself, and redefining what family is. None of these things you know anything of because you think Y/n is as brainless as the rest of these women,” Lestat said before roughly grabbing his jaw.
“You could learn a thing or two before you let your mouth run so loosely,” he said, shoving him, watching as he collided with the wall, breaking through the wallpaper.
“Now you-
Lestat raised his hand, freezing everyone in the room, as your father began to yell.
“Your memory was wiped away, but everything has been real. Our love, Claudia’s love, nothing was forced. These people have caused you nothing but anxiety and shame, but if you want to throw us away, for them, I won’t stop you,” Lestat screamed, storming away, as the bloody tear slipped from his eyes.
“I thought I could balance both lives, it isn’t possible,” Louis told you, as you kept your head down.
“Is it possible to take away their memory, I won’t kill them, if they could just go on with their lives like before I was here,” you asked, while he immediately nodded.
Lestat had been right about so many things, how different you were, the restrictions you felt in your previous life. You weren’t ready to be on your own, you still needed your family. Perhaps it was better for you to not have been aware of the truth, to begin with.
“That can be arranged,” he said, motioning for you to go outside with Claudia. Stopping in front of your mother, you kissed her cheek, before leaving the house.
Getting into the backseat of the car with Claudia, she intertwined her fingers with your own. Lestat didn’t say a word to you, walking back into the house, as everyone unfroze.
After nearly 15 long minutes, the two left the house. You could see the party continuing, Carol could be seen with a small boy in her arms, accepting him from an older woman. The entire ride home was painfully quiet. The faint music from the locals could be heard as the house came more into view.
Claudia went to her room, while you meekly followed the two to your shared room. Stepping out of their clothing, they were preparing for rest, when you stopped.
“Lestat, I-please make me forget again,” you asked, making them look at each other, before staring at you.
“After all of this-
Moving to your knees, you crawled to him, prepared to beg to him, as if he was your god. Raising his eyebrow, even he looked surprised by your actions.
“Please make me forget, and we can go back to how we were,” you told him. Reaching for his hand, your head laid upon it, begging for your wish to be granted.
“Stand up, ma chèrie”
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“How was the hunt?” Louis asked as you and Claudia both entered the house.
“Wonderful,” you laughed, plopping next to him. Lestat sat at his piano, idly pressing the keys that still managed to sound effortless.
“What are you doing?” You asked Louis, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Catching up on the paper, gorgeous,” he smiled, flipping the newspaper.
Your eyes widened at the image of the article, L/n Sugar Mill family home is burned down, leaving no survivors after an extravagant engagement party.
“Wow, and that was such a nice house,” you said, pointing out the picture, before picking up a nearby book.
“It was,” Louis agreed lowly, the trio briefly making eye contact.
With your memory wiped once again, the last thing any of them wanted was another situation that could cause you to want to break away from them. No one could ever come close to loving you like the three and they made sure there was no would who would awaken your memories, tearing you away from your little family.
this may or may not be deleted later …
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m0chisenpai · 5 months ago
Louis x reader x Armand
The reader is a witch and she meets Armand and Louis and Claudia when going to watch a vampire play. They are mesmerized by her enchanting presence, wondering what and who she is
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˚。⋆ louis de pointe du lac x black!fem!reader x armand
˚。⋆ platonic!claudia x black!fem!reader
in which the missing piece fills the gaps
author note: We're gonna play with the idea that Louis has somewhat integrated into coven life
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Another night of plays. And a new role for Claudia. A nod to the past, Claudia plays the maid to Marie Antoinette who witnesses both affairs and murders of the king and queen.
The role is silent, but it is better than falling out a window every singe night in that godforsaken blue dress. At least she could be a woman for the many nights to come. She'll give Louis that little credit due.
As always, Louis assumes his usual spot, watching his sister perform while his companion sits above. There is peace between all three. And at the same time, a feeling of lonesome resides. Like there is something missing. He assumed Madeline would fill it, a fledgling that he felt such pride and dare say love.
But the loneliness remained. She could feel it in him. But Louis would brush her curious gaze aside.
Until that evening when she enters.
Armand smells her before she even steps foot into the theatre. It is rich, it is new. It almost smells familiar of his previous years abroad. Whoever is here, their blood sings to his dead heart. It begs for him to consume it, to be bathed in it.
Had an ancient one found their way back? He looks down into the seats. Soldiers, husbands and wives, students fill the house. But he sees nothing.
Louis catches Armand's gaze, he sees his gaze, 'what is it?'
'Something is here. An ancient thing or being. I do not know what it is. But there is power in it.'
His gaze shifts to Medline, 'keep watch over yourself and your companion.'
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"One ticket please!" The dressed up vampire hands the young woman her ticket which she holds between gloved hands. She felt out of place in her softer colors against the dark theatre, but she always did stick out. Perhaps the vampire assumed her to be a child, she certainly exuded such child like excitement as she skipped into the theatre
"Vampires pretending to be humans pretending to be vampires," you whisper to yourself in awe finding your seat. "How dramatic, Prudence was right. But when is she never?"
The act begins. Murder marks the end of all the scenes and your laughter is like a bell in the vampires ears. Armand searched but can not find you nor can Louis pinpoint your presence. But a magnetizing feeling washes over their bodies.
Then the final act happens. The vampire troupe feast on the woman and silence fills the theatre. But you stand in loud applause shouting your praise in French. And it is as though the world ends when all three look upon you. Even though the applause thunders over your praise, they hear it so loudly.
How your eyes shimmer in praise, how your pearly white smile lights the room. Claudia freezes with the blood dripping along her lips. Trying to remember your face as the curtains pull shut. Armand watches as you look up, nodding your head giving your applause to him now.
But Louis, oh he wants you then and there. But the crowd keeps him from meeting you in the aisles as you quickly move out.
You may appreciate the arts, but you know not to engage those much farther up the food chain.
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"Oh sisters it was wondrous as you said!" you whisper in awe as you tie your scarf looking in to the mirror of your flat.
"Did I not tell you it was a delight, though in their early days they were more Shakespearean. I suppose they choose to cater to their English crowd now."
"And times are changing sister dear. some of us have not graced this land as long as you have," you smirk as she gasps at your retort.
"And did you see the leader? Is he not handsome!" Your fellow sister Urydice exclaims moving Prudence aside to stand in front of the mirror. Her milky white gaze grounds you as she press forward closer.
"He was..beautiful." you shyly whisper and the girl squeals.
"Oh you must approach them! you must! if not for you then for romance my sister!" She was always the most romantic of you all. Each of your sisters had their areas of the arts they adored. And your dear sister favored love above all.
"Enough girls return to your chambers."
"Yes Mother." You whisper your goodbyes to all the girls until she sits in front. Your leader, the mother of your group. She is old and wise from the many lifetimes she has survived, but no age touches her complexion. Her hair large and thick is braided back and you realize how much you miss your mother.
"My darling," she whispers with a smile on her lips "I see you are adjusting well to the city of love." You quickly nod, folding your hands tight in your lap. "Be safe. These vampires hold great power. And they have numbers. Until we have arrived you are to not engage them, please my dear."
"Yes mother," you bow your head and press a kiss to your pointer and middle finger pressing it to the glass. And as soon as she does the same all that is left is your reflection.
You should listen to her, but you don't. You ponder and mull over the many protection casts that could offer you a chance to possibly approach. But in the end you toss any ideas aside and blow all the candles out and raise a hand to dim the lamps as well.
And as you shed your robe to slip into your bed. The golden eyes that watch from your balcony disappear into the night.
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That next night you sit at the cafe writing letters to your scattered sisters. Some in English, three in French and the one in Italian you work on slowly, whispering your thoughts to yourself.
"You're not from here ma'am? Haven't heard Italian before," the young girl sitting in front of you startles you, but you keep your face neutral. The younger ones are far more dangerous. Quick tempered, more fierce.
You smile at her and shake your head. "No, I am not. But Italy is not my home unfortunately." You sip from your glass of coffee. "I must say you are an exceptional actress. The breath was taken right out of me, especially at the end."
"Thank you, years of practice led me here."
"From...America?" you guess, no you know.
Her eyes widen as does her smile, "how'd you know?"
"Southern accent. Heard it growing up when I was a bit younger than you, course till we moved and such."
"Claudia, what'd I tell you bout disturbing folks?"
You hate to admit how the man who joins you both at the table makes your eyes widen. The way he places his hand on the back of her chair, appearing from the entrance inside the cafe to sit beside her. Your cheeks feel hot as his gaze settles upon you. You seem to have some affect as well because he is no longer chiding at the girl.
"No, she is fine sir. Just some simple conversation is all" you tilt your head, "your daughter I am assuming?"
"Ah well...yes" he fumbles his words. "Lost her mother and wound up here for some time."
"How sweet," you smile at the two now bundling your letters to drop at the post hoping the tremble of your hand is unnoticeable. "I should be taking my leave now. It was lovely to speak to you both."
"Claudia," she quickly shakes your hand when you step to her.
They wish you could stay. But you toss the necessary amount by your cup and leave the two behind to watch you walk down the stony path. You move slowly, hoping the urgency in your leaving goes unnoticed. Where two are gathered surely a secret third will try and interceded. To make you a meal.
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One night turns into two, then three when you return again it has been a challenging week. A week of you trying to avoid that theatre, but they call out to you in the night. "Come, come to us." It's as though they sit by your windows whispering, begging for you. But the leader requests your presence tonight.
One of the women leads you to where he sits. The only empty seat beside him is where you situate yourself.
"When did he turn you?"
"Don't have a creator." You whisper, eyes remaining on the stage. They flicker to Louis who looks up, giving you a smile which you quickly return along with a small wave.
"You know we are not human, yet you yourself are not one of us," now his head turns to look at you. "But you do not smell mortal. And your presence...it is unusual."
"I smell?"
"Nothing like the boys of war I can assure you, it is not unwelcoming" Armand can not help the smallest of smiles when he hears your sigh of relief. "But I must ask you again. What are you if not human?"
You hesitate, remembering the words of your mother. "We are not human. In the past humans maddened by thoughts of God and Satan killed us one by one. They stopped it from being publicized but they still hunt us to this day running us into the shadows of the night and to all corners of this world."
"You are a witch?"
"We refrain from calling ourselves that," your hand rests against a necklace. The very one all of you share engraved with an ancient sigil, the metal untouched by the years you have owned it. "We are scattered across the world to avoid any more unnecessary murders."
You pause to clap for Claudia, smiling as she grins up at you at the end of her act.
"Will you be in France for long?" Armand asks once you sit back down.
"I would like to be. Rome was for a moment. And I am not sure I wish to return again to Greece, though I miss the waters." Armand returns his gaze down to Claudia and Louis both steal glances at him.
"If you stay here, I can gurantee your safety."
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Claudia adores you and spends any moment she can to hear about your travels. Taking you to Madeline's shop where the young fledgling happily dresses and styles you and around the city while Louis walks around the city with you. Taking shots of you facing the moonlight or along the river. They are some of his best work.
Armand shows you artwork from the world. And some of his older works of plays dating back to the theatre's founding days.
Each of them can not help but feel you fill the gap in their hearts.
They feel dizzy just being in the midst of your presence.
Then one night, as you sit atop Armand's lap. Louis' hand settles at the back of your neck, squeezing it gently to pull your head to look up at him. Your bare chest heaves as Armand lays kisses upon it. There is something electric in the air, something magical in your eyes.
The candles burn brighter with each kiss. Flickering with your breathing, as though they are breathing with you.
"Stay with us," his voice a whisper. Your eyes remain on his. He whispers it again, "join us."
Your mothers words are drowned from the two. Their warnings are nothing but a fly in your ear which you swat away.
"Yes, please." Armand lets a soft hiss as he bites into the juncture of your neck while Louis bites into the other side. And it is like liquid fire fills your vein and fills theirs.
The candles flicker out at that very moment.
It is as though you are bonded to them in that moment.
Theirs for an eternity.
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steddie-island · 8 months ago
Written for day one of @steddie-week | Prompt: Secret relationship Rating: T | WC: 1,757 | Tags: Hurt/ Comfort, secret relationship, (referenced) canon-typical violence, coming out, slightly altered timeline ao3 | divider credit
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No one was answering the phone at the Harrington house. There were no cars were in the driveway. There was a light on in the pool house, but Eddie knew that Steve left everything by the pool lit up as much as he could, though Steve had never explained why, and Eddie hadn't asked.
Eddie was starting to panic. No, that wasn't right, because he'd passed starting to the second day Steve hadn't shown up at school.
By day three, the radio silence had him chain smoking as he drove around town, looking for any sign that Steve still existed.
The fucked up thing was that Eddie wasn't supposed to notice. He wasn't supposed to care whether recently dethroned King Steve was okay, or whether he'd fucked off out of town. They weren't supposed to know each other beyond picnic table transactions while Hagan tried to get Eddie to give him a discount.
No one knew about the detentions they shared. They didn't know about Steve pulling up beside him when his car wouldn't start, didn't know about the hour they'd spent together figuring out what the fuck was going on. Or about the Saturday Steve volunteered to help him actually fix it.
They didn't know about the lunches spent in the back of Eddie's van, about the nights they watched the stars together through the open back doors.
They didn't know how soft Steve's voice had been when he'd whispered Eddie's name before they'd shared their first, and then their second, kiss.
Now the beautiful boy he cared about had fucking disappeared, without a goddamn trace, and Eddie was losing his mind.
One more sweep. One more sweep, and then I'm going to the police. Not like they hadn't ran into each other plenty, only maybe this time Eddie wouldn't end up in handcuffs.
The sound he let out at seeing Steve's car in the driveway was between a laugh and a sob. He barely had time to park the car before he was tripping over his feet all the way to the door.
"Steve! Steve, let me in!" His palm pounded on the door, and he knew Steve would yell at him for not even trying to be discreet when he'd warned about nosy neighbors more than once. "Ste—" The door opened, and Eddie stopped in his tracks. 
Steve's face was swollen and turning several varying shades of yellow and green, purple and red. Eddie's stomach dropped.
He'd expected a lot of things, was ready to be angry for being ignored for three whole days. There was anger, but it wasn't directed at Steve.
"Fuck. Fuck, sweetheart." Eddie slipped inside, closed the door, took Steve's face carefully into his hands. "Who did this to you?"
Steve winced as Eddie's thumb brushed against a fading bruise on his jaw. "This is really not a good time," he murmured. He meant to pull away, but he couldn't. Not now that Eddie was here, holding him, tugging him closer and tucking Steve so carefully against his chest. "Are you okay?" Eddie whispered. "I've been so worried, tried calling but no one answered…" "I've been staying with the Hendersons," Steve murmured. "Dustin's mom is a nurse, she was taking care of me. I haven't been home long." He turned his head to kiss Eddie's palm. "You should go, I'm okay now. I'm—" "I'm not leaving you." Eddie tipped Steve's head up and hissed softly at the discoloration on Steve's eye, where the white wasn't so white anymore. "Who did this, Stevie?" "Eddie, stop. Doesn't matter, it's been handled. It's fine. I'm fine. I don't have a concussion anymore. Claudia wouldn't let me leave until she was sure of that. I just need to sleep some more." Steve folded his fingers around Eddie's. "Go home. I'll call you in a couple of days." "No." Eddie pulled Steve in with an arm around his waist. "You're hurt, I'm not leaving you." He oh so carefully pressed their foreheads together before kissing the good corner of Steve's mouth. "I'm not going anywhere." "Dingus, you said it would be a second, but it's been— what the fuck—" Eddie looked up, his eyes wide. A girl Eddie had seen around school stood in the entryway to the living room with her arms over her chest. Her face was red, her mouth an open o of surprise.
Eddie's heart sank. This thing couldn't have lasted, he should have known that. Steve had someone else here, someone else taking care of him, why would Steve have called when he wasn't needed? When he wasn't wanted?
Before Eddie could drop his hands from Steve's face, though, Steve was gripping his wrists. "Eddie, wait, it's not like that. Robin's—" "Oh my god!" The girl— Robin— had both hands in her hair. "Steven, if you were not coming off of the assbeating of a lifetime I would give you another one. You made fun of my crush, but you didn't tell me you're screwing around with Eddie fucking Munson?"
The pink that flooded into Steve's face added to the rainbow painting the rest of his skin already. "God, you're as loud as Henderson." He shook his head, hissed when that made the world spin, then caught Eddie's fingers instead of his wrist. "Guess the cat's outta the bag." "Don't you mean you're out of the closet?" Eddie joked. He was staring at Robin, who didn't look pissed, or disgusted, or jealous.
Okay, maybe she was pissed, but not because he'd been kissing Steve.
"Is this why you kept asking for the phone?" Robin demanded. Even with sounding annoyed there was still a softness in the way Robin spoke to Steve as she adjusted the couch pillows for him. Eddie guided Steve directly to the spot Robin had made for him before sitting pressed tight against his side. There was a bag of frozen vegetables on the coffee table that Robin picked up and pressed into Steve's hand, meaning for him to cover his face again.
"I couldn't out Eddie to you," Steve pointed out. "But… yeah." He looked at Eddie. "I'm really sorry, but… I couldn't remember your phone number?"
"Concussions do that." Robin folded herself on Steve's other side and pressed the bag of vegetables into his hand, clearly ordering him to put them back on his face. "And this isn't his first one. I'm Robin, by the way. Buckley. I'm in band."
"Munson. I'm in a band." Eddie scratched lightly through Steve's hair, as if searching for any other places he was hurt that all that hair was hiding. "What the fuck happened?"
"Nothing," Steve said at the same time as Robin said, "Billy."
"Billy." Eddie looked at Steve and felt his stomach twist. "Fucking Hargrove did this to you?"
"Eddie, it doesn't matter," Steve said. He could feel an Eddie rant coming on— or worse, he knew Eddie, knew he didn't like fighting but he would fight for the people he loved. And he couldn't let Eddie get hurt on his behalf. "It's been taken care of."
"Taken care of. By the sheriff?" Eddie demanded. He looked at Robin, clearly expecting for her to answer as the person who didn't have the concussion.
"Max almost took out the Hargrove family line with Steve's bat," Robin said. At Eddie's confusion she made a swinging motion that landed between her own knees.
"Max is his little sister," Steve explained. "She stole my car, too."
"Hey, she did a better job than I would have," Robin pointed out.
Eddie shook his head— none of this made a damn bit of sense. "Why was Max driving your car?"
"Because I was in the backseat with Steve, trying to make sure he didn't die," Robin explained. She winced and reached out to take Steve's hand. "Billy broke a plate over his head."
"Jesus Christ." Eddie pulled Steve closer, kissed his temple gently. "How the fuck are you alive right now?"
"Spite?" Steve joked weakly.
"It was bad," Robin murmured. "Like… really bad. I didn't think Steve was going to wake up, and when he did wake up he kept getting sick…" She turned slightly green at the memory. "Claudia— Mrs. Henderson— she barely let him leave the bed for two days. He refused to get a CAT scan, but he listened to that much, at least. Stubborn asshole."
"Wouldn't have helped." Steve rested his head against Eddie's shoulder and closed his eyes. "We knew what happened, and we could guess how bad it was."
"Stubborn asshole," Robin said, waving at Steve with one hand while looking at Eddie as if to ask what to do with him.
"Claudia says you're okay?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." Steve looked up at him with his one good eye. "I just… have to be really careful. No more concussions or I might not be so fine next time."
Once again Robin held on to his hand tightly, like they were anchoring each other together, keeping the Billy Hargroves of the world away by pure force of will.
"How long has this been going on?" Robin asked suddenly. "The two of you I mean."
"Few months," Eddie said, like he didn't have the date circled on his calendar, like he wasn't ready to get it tattooed over his heart.
Robin lightly punched Steve's thigh. "You could've told me," she said. "You can tell the rest of your kids, too, you know. They love you, too."
Steve smiled softly. "Maybe I wasn't ready before," he said. "But after seeing Red go after Billy… there's nothing those little shits can't handle."
"I need to know what happened," Eddie said. "There's still so much that isn't adding up."
Steve winced as he sat back up. "It is a… really, really long story. And it's not a pretty one. I'll tell you, but… maybe later? For now, can we just put on a movie and… and you two hold me?"
"Whatever you need," Robin said without any hesitation. She jumped up to grab the remote and to push the table closer to the couch.
"You'll tell me later?" Eddie asked.
"Promise." Steve kissed Eddie's cheek gently, then snuggled to him so Robin could take her place, too.
Anyone who looked at Steve could figure out this was a sad story, an angry story. It was a fucking horror story.
As the opening credits of Grease started playing, Eddie promised himself that he was going to make damn sure Steve got a happy ending out of it.
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 months ago
Twelve Days: Part 2^**
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In days 5-8 Y/N confronts her sister about her behavior. The tension between Harry and Y/N starts to grow as they continue spending more time together after hours until it's just impossible not to address it. READ PART 1 HERE
Warnings: infidelity, break ups, mentions of depression and anxiety and their symptoms, mentions and use of alcohol and drugs, breast/ nipple play, dry humping
WC: 7.1K
Day Five:
When you woke up the following morning you were alone in the bed which definitely was for the best because you felt really guilty for the night before. Yeah, you hadn’t actually gone through with anything terrible, but you two had crossed a boundary that shouldn’t have been crossed. Maybe it was because you were both a little heartbroken over the things that you were going through personally, but ultimately, that didn’t really justify anything. 
Despite the very successful night of sleep you’d had, you felt a little unwell. Your stomach felt funky and your thoughts were going a hundred miles a minute. You didn’t want to get out of bed today even though you knew that a walk around the neighborhood would help you feel a little less gross, both physically and mentally. It seemed like a great day to just be lowkey and rot and then your door creaked open and you sat up to see your mom peering in.
“Sorry, I thought you’d still be asleep. Was just seeing if your sister had stayed with you or something.” She explained with a worried expression on her face.
“No. I was alone. All night.” You added with a nervous lump in your throat.
“Hmmm…did she say anything to you last night?”
“No. But she was out with Claudia, she’s not here?”
“Claudia is, but she said they came back together. She hasn’t responded to Harry.”
“Maybe she went out for a walk or a run. I saw her the other day when I went out.” You explained and she nodded and left.
The logical thing to assume was that she had spent the night with that guy she was sleeping with. Doing this on a family trip was a new low. Suddenly, you didn’t feel so bad for having the hots for Harry because she was out with another guy! That alone was enough to motivate you to get out of bed and you called your sister while you paced around your room back and forth waiting for her to pick up. 
“Hello?” She hummed happily and you sighed.
“Where are you? Everyone’s freaking out!” You whisper shouted, trying not to sound too angry with her because you technically weren’t supposed to know what was actually going on.
“I went to have breakfast with a friend! I left a note by the door!” She said and you sighed, “I’ll be back in like an hour tops.”
“Why didn’t you text Harry back then?”
“I didn’t want to text him and wake him. You guys did a lot yesterday and he was pretty tired. I got back late and slept in Claudia’s room.” She fibbed and you hummed.
“Well just…hurry back.”
“Yeah. Bye!” She said and hung up quickly. 
You got your slippers on and headed out to the kitchen where your mom was making coffee for everyone.
“She answered my call. She’s out at breakfast with a friend who’s also here, I guess.” You said and just like that, the crease between your mother’s brows was ironed out. 
“Oh, thank god.”
“She said she left a note by the door.” You said and your aunt hurried over and was soon back in sight with a piece of paper.
“I may have missed it in my panic!” Claudia chuckled and your dad rolled his eyes.
“Well, what do you guys want to eat?” Your mom asked.
“I don’t care, I just want some mimosas.” Harry said and headed to the fridge to get the champagne.
“Excellent idea!” Your dad exclaimed happily and you smiled and started heading back to your bedroom.
“Hey, where are you off to?” Harry asked.
“Just gonna wash up and get dressed.” You informed and he smiled and got back to his task. 
Despite her promise to return in an hour or so, your sister was not back until nearly two in the afternoon. Your parents were inside watching a movie with your aunt and you and Harry were pretending to play tennis. Pretending because you had no idea what you were doing, you were just winded from all the back and forth. It wasn’t as easy as it seemed. You and Harry were laughing about you accidentally hitting the ball over the fence when your sister came out to the back and towards the pool house. Suddenly the laughter died down and Harry headed towards you.
“I should go talk to her.” He said and you bit your lip for a second.
“Ummm…let me.” You said, “I can get her to tell me the truth and then talk a little sense into her.”
“You shouldn’t have to…”
“I know. But this is super fucked up and everyone’s all confused and she’s just going to yell at you, so let me try.”
“Alright.” He agreed and you nodded once before heading towards the pool house.
You did feel extremely nervous as you reached for the door handle but you had to talk some sense into her. It seemed that she was just over pretending to be happy and didn’t care how it all came out. However, you knew that your sister actually really cared for how she was outwardly perceived, so this was extremely out of character for her. As soon as she heard the front door open she sighed.
“Spare me the argument, Harry. He’s gone.” She called out as you rounded the corner.
“Who’s gone?” You asked and she quickly turned around from walking over to the bathroom.
“No one. Just a friend Harry’s jealous of.” She mumbled with a shake of her head.
“Mmm…some friend that must be because Harry’s not the jealous type.” You said as you sat on the corner of the bed. Showing her that you had no intention of leaving any time soon.
“And how would you know that?”
“Because I’ve known the guy for almost 10 years, Julie! It takes a lot to upset him. Him not being the jealous type was one of the things you really liked about him when you were dating. You told me about it many times.” You reminded her. “You’ve got everyone thrown for a loop with how you’ve been acting.”
“Oh my god…don’t make this a thing.”
“I’m not! This is very much a thing already. What is going on, huh?” You pressed and she sighed.
“Nothing, Y/N! Just mind your business.”
“What’s really going on?” You pressed and she groaned.
“You wouldn’t even understand so just stay out of it, Y/N!” she raised her voice.
“Try me.” You said simply and her anger seemed to dissipate and she just stood there for a second, genuinely giving it some thought. And then her eyes started welling up.
“I can’t.” She said and you frowned.
“Why not?” You questioned.
“Because you’re going to think so badly of me.” She said and you frowned.
“Jules, I’d never judge you.” You said sincerely and she sighed. “Look ummm…Harry, h-he told me about you.” You said carefully and her jaw dropped as her tears started to fall. She quickly sat beside you and started sobbing, so you pulled her into your side. It was strange for you but you wanted her to know that this mistake she had made wasn’t enough to make you not love her. Despite your slightly complicated relationship, she was important to you and you wanted nothing more than the best for her. “It’s okay…” you assured her. 
After she calmed down some, you grabbed her Stanley for her and let her drink a bit as you grabbed some toilet paper so that she could blow her nose. She let out a long exhale and then let herself fall back onto the mattress.
“I’m a major demisexual and I’m in love with someone else and yes, I’ve been…having an affair with him.” She confessed.
“For how long?” You asked.
“There’s been three separate times.” She explained, “The first time Harry and I had been dating a few months and ummm…it happened after a work party and it went on for about a month. It ended because Harry caught us a friend’s wedding and he dumped me for a few days for it. Then again, right after Harry and I got engaged.” You frowned as you heard this, “And that one lasted like four months.” She explained and your jaw slightly dropped upon hearing this. “I know…and it just…it fucked me up! I started to doubt and was sort of on the fence until we were like three months away from the wedding! I just, I was trying to find the courage to end it with Harry.” she cried and you nodded as you listened, “And then it was the month before the wedding and I missed my period.” Julie explained and you nodded. “By that point Joey and I hadn’t seen each other for three months! Because he had given me an ultimatum and that’s what made me decide to leave Harry. But yeah, then that happened and I just…felt like it was a sign to stay.” She shrugged.
“So…what happened with that?” You asked carefully.
“Nothing. I mean, I was just late. Probably stress from the wedding and the decision I was making with Harry…and I think I had started on birth control a few weeks prior, so yeah, it was just late. But I still took that as a sign, you know and I stayed with Harry. I didn’t talk to Joey all this time until last year. I decided that maybe being friends on social media would be alright after all those years. Like we were such good friends and I did miss that. But obviously, that was a slippery slope and here we are… and I mean, I’ve loved him all this time. But I’ve also loved Harry enough to stay. But then when Joey and I started talking again that love for Harry was gone.” She said sadly. She brought her hands up to her face and groaned into them. “I’m such a horrible human being! I’m a piece of shit!” 
“You’re not, Jules. You did a horrible and shitty thing, but you’re not that.” You assured her. “If you don’t love Harry anymore then why don’t you just get divorced?” You asked.
“This is what I hate myself for most!” She cried. “I just know that…leaving Harry is not the best option for me. Joey is flighty and kind of a fuck boy! But he still cares about me. So then I think if I show him that I am that committed to him he won’t be so afraid of trying with me for real.” She explained and you wanted to laugh. That was maybe the most delusional thing you had ever heard in your life. You felt so bad for her.
“I know how fucking delusional that makes me sound! Trust me, I know! That’s why I haven’t left Harry. Because logic is completely out the window right now! And I mean, m-maybe with time I’ll fall for Harry again? I mean, I did once before…” she explained as the tears streamed down her face.
“I’m sorry.” You said lowly. 
“Don’t be…I did this to myself.” She sniffled. “And now I’m dragging one of the best persons in the world down with me.” She whimpered before she started to cry again. “I know I’m being selfish but I’m so scared!” She broke down again and you pouted. 
“I know how scary it is to be alone, but you’re going to punish Harry for it and I don’t need to tell you how unfair that is. You get both things and he gets nothing? I mean, you both deserve the chance to be with people that make you happy.” You reasoned.
“Yeah…I know.” She whimpered before letting out another sob.
She continued crying for several more minutes before she had calmed down. You were gently rubbing her back as she was turned away from you. You could sense her shame, is was so great that it was suffocating the both of you. 
“Look, I think you need to have a nice relaxing shower. Wash the day away, yeah? And I can make you a really great cocktail and then we can watch Mean Girls.” You suggested and she rolled over and gave you a confused look.
“That’s not a Christmas movie!” She exclaimed. Your family also had a rule that during the Christmas season you could only watch Christmas movies with another member of the family.
“I’m talking about the real, iconic version. Like it’s not entirely Christmas-y but it does contain one of the most iconic Christmas scenes in cinematic history and that alone makes it Christmas-y enough!” You defended and she smirked.
“You’re right. Love that movie.” She hummed and you smiled.
“I know.” You responded.
“Well, it sounds like a plan.” She said with a smile.
“Alright.” You confirmed. 
“On your way out can you send Harry in? I should apologize.” She decided and you nodded and got up to go. 
Harry was sitting on one of the pool chairs when you emerged from the pool house and he instantly sat up and glanced around to see you approaching. He looked a little nervous and you offered a small smile to reassure him some.
“She told me the truth.” You said and he looked surprised, “I know. And ummm, she asked if you’d give her a few, she wants to apologize.” You said and his features softened.
“Yeah, of course.” He said and immediately sat up.
“Good luck in there.”
“Thank you.” He smiled as you went your separate ways. Despite how badly you wanted to eaves drop in hopes for some indication of how the supposed apology was going, when you got to your bedroom you decided to have a shower instead. 
By the time you were out and making the cocktails, Harry was also arriving at the kitchen from his bedroom, freshly showered.
“Can you add a bit more f’me? I’m gonna watch the film with you two.”
“Oh, sure!” You agreed easily. “So it’s good with you guys?”
“Yeah, we’re good.” He assured and you were pleased with that.
And truly, for the rest of the day everything was great. It honestly felt like the tension between them that you’d sensed this entire time had evaporated and you hoped that it would stay that way for the remainder of the trip.
Day Six: 
It had been a really fun day with your family. You’d decided to go to the outlets, and on the way back stopped at the casino where you’d actually won nearly $1,200, just your luck. And then had an excellent dinner with everyone before you got back to the house. Despite your busy and exciting day, you found yourself staring up at the ceiling. To be fair it was only around 10pm, but you’d had a very long day. And then, the sound of a few quiet knocks on the door made you smile.
“Yeah?” You spoke up and Harry peeked into the bedroom with a smile on his face as well.
“Can’t sleep?”
“No.” You mumbled. “Come in.” You said and he hurried in and closed the door quietly.“Wanna smoke a bit?” You asked and he nodded.
“Yes, please.” He hummed with zeal and you chuckled as you got out of bed. You tended to get hot in bed, so you always wore something more revealing on top and some long bottoms. It was currently cool in the room though and the thin, baby blue tank you were wearing was leaving nothing to the imagination, so it was no surprise that Harry did a double take before quickly looking down at his phone.
“I’m gonna grab a sweater, s’cold out. Can you grab the weed? There’s a little black bag from the dispensary in the bedside drawer.” You instructed and he nodded. You hurried into your closet and grabbed the first one you saw and grabbed your lighter from your purse as you hurried out. And soon you and Harry were positioning the chairs so that the edge of the roof didn’t obstruct the view of the starry sky. 
“Just pick what you want.” You said and he started looking through the bag and pulled out a more indica heavy blend. “Ooh, good choice. But we’ll definitely need snacks. And water.” You said and he grinned. 
You made a quick trip to the kitchen and grabbed some cereal and milk because you figured that it would satiate the munchies and also hydrate you to counteract the cottonmouth. And with that settled you were finally passing the joint back and forth and staring up at the sky. You had been talking about TV shows and things you’d read, music you were into at the moment, it was really nice and comfortable with him. And after a moment of silence Harry turned to you.
“I have to ask…” he said and you turned to look at him and nodded, “Ummm, the day when you…walked in on me?” He asked and you nodded nervously, “Did you see everything?” He asked and your groaned and looked away bashfully and he chuckled. “No point in lying about it…” he said and you turned back, face beet red as you faced him.
“I didn’t. I promise!” You insisted.
“Okay…” he hummed, still in slight disbelief. 
“It’s true!” You pressed once more.
“I’m just teasing you.” He grinned.
“Well stop, it’s making me feel bad all over again!” You chuckled and he chuckled along with you.
“Don’t feel bad. I understand the curiosity just gets you sometimes.” He said and you hummed and shrugged in agreement. 
“So…what’s next for you. I-if you guys end things?”
“I don’t know…I’ve been approached about a tenure track opening at the university and I’m trying to decide if it’s worth it.” He said and you nodded in agreement.
“I know I could go back home…work at my alma mater…be closer to my family…”
“In a way, going back would feel like defeat. Like I just wasted all of this time.” He said and you felt sad for him as he confessed this.
“Well, you got offered a tenure track position! Clearly you haven’t been wasting your time.” You encouraged him and he smiled.
“That’s true…”
“But I mean, if you decide to go back then at least you’ll be closer to your family.” You said with a smile.
“Well, my family is kind of a mess so…things are better with us when we have some distance between us. That’s why coming here was an idea to begin with” He explained.
“Oh, I didn’t know that. Sorry.” You said.
“It’s alright.” He assured you. “Let’s talk about you… I know you’re a caring person but you’re just deflecting at this point.” he said and you smiled a bit and shrugged.
“It’s just…when I think about it I still get really sad.” You explained, with a sad smile on your face and his gaze softened.
“I saw the depression meds in the drawer. You know, you really shouldn’t smoke while you take them. You could get serotonin syndrome.” He said with concern.
“Oh, I haven’t started them. I was supposed to a few weeks ago and well, I had brought them to start on Sunday but I forgot.” You explained.
“Why haven’t you started them?”
“I don’t know…not any good enough reasons though.” You shrugged.
“Like?” He pressed and you sighed and just straightened out and looked at the beautifully starry sky. You hadn’t seen that many stars in a long time.
“My pride…” you chuckled dryly and he sputtered out a laugh as he tried to keep quiet.
“Okay…in what way?”
“Just in the most obvious way…like this person affected me so much that it broke my mind and unbalanced by brain!” You whisper shouted and then sat up straight and brought the joint to your mouth and took a small hit before blowing out the smoke. “How could I let someone hold so much power over me?!” You chuckled in disbelief as your eyes welled up with tears and handed over the joint.
“This is not your fault. You loved and trusted, that’s not wrong.” He reassured you and you sighed. You watched him take a hit and then sighed.
“You’re right. But I still feel weak for it, you know? So ummm…yeah, not taking those meds yet and still surviving and finding joy every now and again, it makes me feel a little bit better.” You confessed.
“And you feel alright?”
“Yeah and getting better too. Slowly but surely.”
“Okay. Promise you’ll take them when you start to plateau.” He requested as he handed back the dwindling joint.
“Promise.” You assured before taking the last hit and then smashing it against the ashtray to completely extinguish it. “Should we put something on and eat our cereal?”
“Yeah, lets do it.” He agreed and you smiled.
Before you knew it, the both of you were reclining against the headboard with your cereal bowls and watching SNL highlights.
Day Seven:
Once again, you had woken up alone. You had gone on your walk and when you returned Harry and Julie were already in the kitchen.
“Great, you’re back! Guess what!?” Harry exclaimed.
“What?” You asked as you put your AirPods back into their case.
“Save Ferris has a show at Pappy and Harriet’s tonight!” 
“Oh, no way?!” You gasped in disbelief and your sister turned to you.
“You know who that is?” She asked and you nodded.
“I had a ska phase in high school.” You shrugged and she knocked her head back and laughed.
“Oh, right! God… glad you got through that.” She said and you flipped her off as you started to head to your room to shower. “So what? Do you want to go?” Julie asked and you stopped and turned towards her and then glanced to Harry who was smiling expectantly.
“Ummm…yeah! I’d like that actually.” You confirmed.
“Perfect! We’ll get the tickets, don’t worry about it. Merry Christmas.” She said to you and you smiled, “And well, I’m just going to get drunk because I don’t know what the fuck that band is.” She added and you chuckled.
“Well I think you’re going to have fun. And this is like a huge dream come true for me because I never thought I’d ever get to see them!” You said excitedly and she chuckled, “Thank you! I love you.” You said pointedly and then hurried off to shower.
All day the anticipation for this show was building up and building up. By the time you were leaving the house Julie was already tipsy. You were driving since they had paid, it was the least you could do, and you were actually glad you had driven, it was a nice distraction from just wanting to talk to Harry about anything and everything while your sister just laughed at TikTok’s in the backseat. You were also kinda worried that she might make herself car sick, especially as you started going up the winding roads to Pioneer Town.
You guys had intentionally arrived early to take a walk through the historical little western town. You looked through a few shops and then made your way to the saloon next door to the venue and had some tacos while you guys drank and chatted until it was time to make the short walk back to the venue. You guys waited in the merch line for a bit before heading over to the outdoor stage area and finding a spot to stand. Despite this not being a genre that your sister enjoyed, she was having a pretty decent time. And you and Harry had enjoyed the opener and also Save Ferris. You guys were bopping along and singing the songs. Your sister had a few more drinks during the show and by the the time it was all over she was draped around you as you guys headed to your car. 
“Want me to drive?” Harry asked as he opened the back right door to help you get Julie inside.
“I’m alright.” You assured him. Your sister groaned as she dropped down onto the seat. “Jules, seatbelt on please.” You said and she hummed.
“M’going, m’going…” she slurred. Once she was all strapped in you and Harry got settled in and you were making the drive back. It had only been a few minutes before you heard your sister slightly snoring from the back.
“Did she pass out?” You asked Harry and he glanced back and smiled.
“Yeah, she’s out.” He confirmed and you chuckled.
“Thanks for mentioning this show. It was super fun.” You smiled at Harry quickly before turning back to the road.
“I’m glad you had fun. You deserve it!” Harry explained with a smile, “Also, are you generally this great to go to shows with?” He asked and you giggled.
“I don’t know…I guess?”
“It’s just so nice to be present isn't it?” He asked and you nodded.
“Definitely. I get what you mean.” You agreed, “But specially here. It’s such an intimate venue. We couldn’t haven’t seen Save Ferris in a better place.” You gushed and he nodded with a wide smile. 
The rest of the way you guys were exchanging brief but charged glances. Even if you were just talking about the show and music, the air between you two was once again tense and you finally got a break from it when you arrived. You were giggling as you tried to get Julie inside as quietly as possible on your own since Harry had to pee. While you struggled with the task at hand, you had eventually made it to the pool house. She trudged in and just dropped herself on the bed and you chuckled before letting her be. When you returned to the main house Harry was in the kitchen, grabbing himself a glass of water.
“Want one?” He asked and you nodded.
“Please.” You confirmed and he handed the glass over to you before grabbing another for himself. You quickly drank it down and washed it before setting it back on the drying rack and then asking for his glass and washing his as well.
“Of course.” You hummed.
Moments later you were both walking down the dark hallway to get to your bedrooms. When you reached his door you stopped and he turned towards you.
“I also wanted to say that you look very pretty tonight.” He said softly and you smiled.
“Well thank you.” You responded bashfully.
“Of course.” He smiled nervously. You both looked at each other for a moment, the tension from before was rising between you again.
“Ummm, well…I should get to bed. Thank you again for finding this. I really did have the best time. I needed it.” You stated with a genuine smile as your gaze met his own. It lingered for a few more seconds before you felt all bashful again and you blinked away quickly. “Anyway, good night!” You chirped softly before he bid you a good night and you hurried into your room. 
You got changed and got ready for bed, but before you could get into it you felt a funny tug in your tummy. Yes, you had spent a whole afternoon basically with Harry, but having him in your room at night, it helped you sleep through the whole night. Which as you’d mentioned to him before, was a current struggle of yours. And more than that, you liked the warmth of him beside you. You loved how deep and raspy his voice got as you spoke late into the night. You liked that one of your pillows smelled like him from how much of a habit it had become to have him come see you and you were working up the guts to go ask him. You hurried to your bedroom door and swung it open only to see Harry already a few steps away from your door. 
“Hi.” He smiled as he came closer.
“Hi.” You smiled up at him as he stood before you. “Wanna come in?” 
“Yeah.” He smiled and stepped inside. 
Before long you were propped up on the pillows side by side, TV on some old reruns. You were barely paying attention because you were using all of your will power to try and not turn to face him. If you did, surely you’d lose all self-control and do something stupid like lean over to kiss him. Already, the warmth coming off of him was enough to make you want to close the small gap between the two of you. But then, from your peripherals you saw him steal a glance quickly. Your heart started to race, you were buzzing from head to toe as you debated whether to glance over as well. Your heart won that battle as you turned towards him and he smiled slightly.
“What?” You asked and he shrugged.
“Nothing just…we get along too well.” He shrugged and you smiled.
“Too well?” You asked and he hummed. “Maybe our personal situations are influencing a lot of the…vibes, you know?” You asked.
“Why do you say that?” He asked.
“Because, we’ve both been a bit neglected and disappointed by the people we loved. Like…for lack of better terms I think we’re both a little…thirsty.” You said as you giggled away the nerves and he smirked.
“Yeah…That’s true.” He verified.
“And well, then with like the underlying sadness, sometimes you just aren’t thinking all that clearly about things that you’d normally just… push aside.”
“Like what?” He pressed and you sighed.
“Like why we suddenly have the hots for each other!” You whisper shouted and he chuckled. “Like I’m suddenly very aware of you.” You explained.
“I think that was from seeing me half naked.” He said and you groaned in embarrassment as you let yourself fall onto your pillows. “Hey, hey…” Harry giggled as he turned onto his side to face you, “I’m teasing you.” He assured as he glanced down at you.
“I know, but still not my finest moment.” You reminded him with a playful roll of your eyes. But then he reached for your face and tucked your hair behind your ear. 
“I almost kissed you the other day, which…is equally as bad so I’d say we’re both on thin ice. And well, it’s not like I don’t want to now or something…Like I know that no one would find out about it-”
“What if they do somehow?” You asked nervously.
“They won’t. But if they did, it’s not like I was gonna be around you guys for much longer any way, with the divorce an all…” he said with a small shrug.
“So you’re going to get divorced?” You asked and he nodded.
“Yeah. Gonna get it going when we get back home.” He said and you nodded. 
Your eye contact with him didn’t waiver for another few seconds and before you knew it, you were both leaning in slowly. He exhaled shakily before you finished closing the gap between your lips. It was just a small and quick touch of your lips together before you both pulled away. Your noses were nearly touching as you just hovered near each other for a few seconds. But from one second to the next, his will power snapped and he was kissing you again gently. Over and over, in quick little pecks, lips smearing together for seconds at a time, both too scared to kiss with a bit more fervor as to not find out just how far it could go. But like he said, no would find out…
“Fuck it then.” You whispered as you reached around his neck and he pulled you in closer by the waist. Your kiss deepened quickly, you moaned at the taste of his mouth, feeling his tongue smooth over your own and for his teeth to nibble at your bottom lip… you were reeling. Falling blissfully into a state of non-worry as you sunk into the delicious mattress and were blanketed by Harry’s warmth and weight over you. His constant squeeze at your hip was telling you that his body was screaming to do more with his hands, but he was trying not to do too much. You pulled away from the kiss quickly, smiling as he chased after your lips, “Just wanna tell you that you can…” you trailed off as he smooched over your lips quickly, “Y-you can touch me more.” 
As soon as you gave him the green light he slid his warm hand down the side of your thigh and to the underside where he hoisted it up around his own hip. Then he smoothed his hand back up your thigh, then up your waist, but from under your shirt. And slowly, he covered more skin until he was sliding his big, warm palm over your breast. You moaned as he gave it a gentle squeeze. The curiosity with which he was feeling you out was reminiscent of a very early sexual experience you had with some guy at a birthday party in the 8th grade, with all that seven minutes in heaven shit. 
“So you’re a boobs guy…” you giggled as he swiped his thumb over your hardening nipple.
“Definitely a boobs guy.” He mumbled into your lips before kissing you a few more times. “Can I take your shirt off?” He asked and you bit your lip as you weighed out your options. But who were you kidding, the thought of having those same lips all over your breasts had you slicking up your underwear even more than they already were. 
“Yeah.” You consented verbally and you sat up as he helped pull your body free from the shirt and then dropped it on an empty part of the bed. 
Harry’s warm, smooth lips started to kiss down your jaw, nibbling a few times on his way down to the column of your neck. You held in your giggles from his stubble tickling your sensitive skin. He had both of his hands on your breasts now as he sat over you, he was teasing your nipples, being so light and airy with his touches, it had you squirming. You knew he’d get there soon, but soon wasn’t happening as fast as you wanted.
“Please!” You whimpered and he glanced up at you and smirked.
“I’m going.” He assured you and he lowered himself until he was face level with your breasts.
He wasted no time in parting his lips and sucking your nipple between them. You whimpered and wove your fingers into his hair. He sucked harder and you gripped at his hair harder. His other hand kneaded over your other breast as you writhed beneath him. And as you wiggled around trying to part your legs to wrap around him, he pulled one out from under him and lowered his hips a bit as you ground up and that’s when you felt the bulge in his pants. He was so fucking hard.
“Fuck.” He sighed as he kissed back up your neck and finally back at your lips as he started to grind his cock against you. One of your hands slid up his arm, feeling at his bulging muscles. The other slid down to his backside, encouraging him to keep going. It wasn’t so much the feeling of the dry hump as it was the desperation that existed between you two. It would feel wrong to fuck so quickly, but you wanted to so badly that you were both willing to settle for this. It was a little bit sick and a lot pathetic, a true reflection of you two as you made out sloppily while rubbing fronts. 
You’d been struggling with your sex drive since the depression and you really hadn’t needed to be in tune with it, seeing as you had planned to steer clear of anything with another person for the foreseeable future. But now here you were, wetter than you’d been in months, feeling the fabric of your underwear clinging to the skin of your pussy. You needed more if you were going to come and you really, really wanted to come. 
“Harry…Harry…” you mumbled against his lips, “Take these off.” you panted as you tugged at the band of his pants and boxer briefs.
“Sure?” He asked and you nodded.
“It’ll be easier to come like that.” You said and he smiled. “What?”
“I just…hadn’t really thought about that, I was just kinda happy to be here.” He chuckled and you giggled.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just got a little carried away, s’been a while.” You explained.
“For me too. I want to…I just want to make sure, you know?” 
“Well, thank you for making sure.” You whispered and he smiled down at you before kissing you again. You two struggled for a bit as he tried to get his pants off without stopping the kisses, but eventually you had to and you watched as he knelt up onto the bed. His cock was so fucking pretty, it made you salivate. He wasn’t shaved clean but he was definitely trimmed. You also wanted to get his balls in your mouth and make him squirm with pleasure. You also started to get your pants off and he helped you pull them off of your legs. Your underwear matched with the sleep tank you had on, a nice baby blue color, but they did nothing to hide how fucking wet you were. 
After tearing off his shirt, Harry had your legs spread, holding you down by the backs of the thighs as he slid his cock over your clothed crease. Back and forth, over and over, the head of his cock was colliding with your clit. His foreskin was starting to pull back to reveal his tip, meaning that despite how hard he already felt to you, he had more to go. You were trying to keep your sounds at a minimum, but you were starting to get close to the edge. The steady pace Harry was going at, plus the weight and warmth of his cock gliding over you and between your sticky pussy lips were all pushing you to fall apart quickly.
“You’re gonna make me come so hard…” you moaned and he groaned and kissed you.
“Good, baby. Come for me.” He mumbled against your lips and you nodded. You were inhaling his exhales as you kissed sloppily. You could feel your legs starting to tense up and your walls starting to tighten inside of you as the pleasure started to become more concentrated in the pit of your core. It was so hot and tingly and lovely, it was starting to ache, you could feel your slick starting to pump out of your needy little hole. If Harry decided to try put it in you’d let him do it. Just processing that thought and how possible it was had your orgasm overcoming you. Your breath hitched and your whole body went stiff for a second before the pleasure just exploded. A gratifying moan slipped past your lips and Harry was quick to cover your mouth, chuckling lowly as you got lost in the pleasure of the orgasm. He watched your breasts bounce and jiggle beautifully as your body rolled gently with the waves of your orgasm. You were gripping the sheets so tight that your fingers slightly ached but it just felt so good. Even as he kept going, you welcomed the sensitivity. He pulled his hand from your mouth and reached for one of your boobs again before glancing down at his cock all slicked up with your slick and cum.
“Fuck I’m gonna come!” Harry mumbled and you bit your lip in anticipation. Opposite of what you expected, he slowed his pace and then grabbed the crotch of your panties and pulling it to the side. He moaned as he saw your whole pussy and then laid his cock over it again a few times and then very intentionally, he pressed against your entrance, it was making you tremble. “Fuck…gonna let me come all over your pussy?” He asked as he looked up at you and you nodded, mouth agape, eyes nearly closed from the insurmountable waves of lust.
“Please, need it so bad.” You encouraged his orgasm. And moments later he was groaning lowly as you felt his thick, warm load start to spill all over your pussy. His slow ruts against you were making you melt and you propped your self up on your elbows to see the mess he was making against you. “Do you always cum that much? Fuck…” you chuckled as you glanced up at him and he just smirked at you as he came to a slow stop.
“Do you feel bad?” He asked and you shook your head.
“Not yet at least…” you added and he nodded.
“Okay, me either.” He assured you. “Just wanted to check before I kissed you again.”
“Oh, okay.” You whispered as he leaned in and kissed you slowly again.
Eventually you got cleaned up and back into bed with him. You knew that you would wake up alone, but still weren’t sure if you’d be happy about it or not.
Day Eight: 
When your eyes opened the following morning you felt fine. You weren’t afraid to face Harry, you weren’t regretful of what you’d done. However, you did find yourself wondering when you’d be able to get away with it again.
What did concern you is how he would feel about it this morning. He was eager in the heat of the moment but what about now, after the post nut clarity? The more and more you gave it some thought the more you psyched yourself out and were avoiding joining everyone for breakfast. You were in your patio, smoking a joint to help you build up some appetite, but also to help you relax and be normal when you were in the same room with your aunt, parents, and brother in law who had just come loads over your bare pussy, and of course, your sister, his wife. Well, soon to be ex-wife, but still! It wasn’t official yet!
Finally you decided to bite the bullet and headed towards the kitchen. You greeted everyone good morning and then glanced to Harry who flashed you an easy smile. 
“You alright?” He asked. What sounded like the most casual question to everyone else was the most charged question between you and him. You smiled and nodded.
“Yeah. All good.” You reassured him and he smiled and nodded silently before continuing to eat his breakfast.
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yamumsyadadd · 2 months ago
We meet again
a/n: talks of homophobia, ignore this if that isn’t your thing.
happy New Year’s Eve, it’s 9pm where I live so this will be my last fic of 2024 ;) stay safe, have fun!
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It was a warm evening in Barcelona when I saw you again. I still loved you, not that you ever really knew, or maybe you did. 
You were sitting there in the restaurant with your friends. I was there too, waiting for a guy I barely knew but was giving a chance because my father had begged me to. 
It was the same routine. Giving them a ‘chance’ knowing I’d stopped talking to them. I started to realise that I was waiting for you. A forbidden love. 
You hadn’t noticed me yet, I of course noticed you, I always did. My date arrived and we sat down. He was different to you, they all were. Blonde, clean cut, men. I tried not to glance over at you. 
I engaged in conversation, I smiled, I laughed. I did everything you’re supposed to do on a date. But I couldn’t help stealing glancing at you. 
You got up to use the bathroom and as you walked by my table, that’s when you finally saw me. You stopped dead in your tracks, then slowly made your way to me. 
“Hey I’m sorry for interrupting, I didn’t see you walk in. How are you?” You asked, eyes genuine, truly curious. 
“Oh I’m good. I didn’t see you either!” I laughed even though it was a lie, somehow I find you in every room, every stadium. 
You look at my date and introduce yourself, you never need an introduction, everyone knows who you are but you do it anyway. “I was just heading to the restroom but let’s catch up soon.” You smiled, the kind of smile that isn’t real, just polite. 
“Yeah let’s.” You walk away, and I allow myself to breathe again. I smile at my date and we continue on. I keep thinking about you, I must be a horrible person. A good looking, well educated man sitting in front of me and all I can think about is you, you with the tattoos, the long black hair and cocky smile. The fingers that can make me forget my name. 
When you get back to your seat, we make eye contact, you smile then turn back to your friends. I recognise them all, how could I not. Alexia sits with Olga, Irene with Lucia, Patri and Claudia huddled together listening to whatever drama Maria and Leila have to share. 
There’s this weird thing about loving someone who you never got to love openly. A frightening feeling that your feelings won’t be shared. And a harbouring desire to scream them at you. 
It becomes suffocating knowing it is everything you want but wanting to protect your heart because you’re tired of people not feeling them same or being ashamed. Jenni loved the same way you did, loud, unapologetic and all consuming. No man your father picks could do that. Because no man was Jenni. 
Because of that, it becomes easier to stay quiet. To love from afar, scrolling through her instagram late at night, the shared photos, the messages. To love from a distance is to play it safe. 
My date eventually comes to an end. We get up and walk out, you’re still there laughing loudly. I look back at you one more time and then leave with him. 
I say goodbye to my date, thank him for dinner. He’s a nice guy, and will make a girl happy but he isn’t you. No one is. I don’t know what I’m waiting for, I guess I’m always waiting for you, I shouldn’t though because you won’t come. You never do. 
As I continue my walk home, my phone chimes with a message. I pulled it out, expecting it to be from one of the girls asking about the date, but it’s from you. You texted me a simple ‘get home safe.’ 
I smile, eyes skimming past our last exchange. I text back a simple ‘I will thank you.’ I watch as you start to type more, then it disappears. I convince myself it’s nothing and continue on home and I think about you. I wonder if you think about me too. 
It was a tumultuous relationship. Plagued by fighting and jealousy. You were young, only 20 when you met her at some gala your parents were throwing. She was older, closer to 30 than you were to your teenage years. 
You’d seen her before, at one of the many parties your parents had through. She always excluded the same energy, she knew she was hot, and that made her cocky. Always with the same group of people, who you’d come to learn was the football team your parents loved. 
It was the third party they attended that you finally met. You were forced into conversation at the bar, you knew from that first interaction that you were doomed. 
Being gay wasn’t something that was spoken about within your family, they all knew but chose to ignore it. The phrase ‘you just haven’t met the right man’ was burned into your brain. Maybe you hadn’t, but you didn’t want to wait and find out. 
After the last party of the year, that happened to be the Christmas party, you left with her. the way her hand felt on your lower back, the grip her fingers had on your exposed skin, the way she made you chant her name like she was a god. It was addicting. 
Your friends hated her. While she was never outwardly rude to them, you’d always run to them after a fight. Telling them everything she said, leaving out how you were just as bad. But that’s what friends were for, right? 
Most of her friends discouraged the relationship, Jenni loved loudly and unapologetically, you did not. It was two different words, she was a star footballer, older and wiser. You were just some rich kid who had barely started their adult life. 
After a toxic and bitter end to the 18 month relationship, she left for Mexico. Not even bothering to say goodbye. Your heart shattered into pieces. The final words she spoke to you playing over in your mind for months. 
“I’m done loving someone who won’t love me back.” It’s not that you didn’t love her, the opposite in fact, it was that you never said it. She said it within the first few months, and every time it filled you with a sense of dread. 
How would you explain it to your family? The consequences of your love would outweigh anything else, so you kept quiet. 
The multiple parties a year continued on, the Barcelona players continued to come and you’d do everything in your power to steer clear of them. Occasionally it wouldn’t work and you’d be stuck with some of them for a photo or whatever. Alexia and Irene watched you sympathetically, you hated it. 
Jenni’s pov 
The air in the restaurant was charged. Like two magnets trying to join each other but I couldn’t figure why, until I saw you. 
At first I didn’t think it was you. It had been two years since I last saw you. You were older now, more elegant, still as beautiful as ever maybe even more. But then I realised you were with someone. 
A man, who was the complete opposite of me. He was blonde, no doubt rich, clean cut and probably reached of over priced cologne.
I realised, half way to the bathroom that I’d have to walk past you to get there and took a chance. 
“Hey, I’m sorry for interrupting, I didn’t see you walk in. How are you?” I asked. 
“Oh I’m good! I didn’t see you either.” You laughed and looked down. You were lying. Anytime you lied, you would look down and fidget. It was your tell. 
I introduced myself to your date, wanting nothing more than to be polite but I couldn’t help but feel jealous. For the entire 18 months of our relationship, this is what I wanted. To take you out on dates in the fancy clothes and enjoy the overpriced wine. But he got to instead. 
“I’m just heading to the restroom but let’s catch up soon.” I said, giving a small smile. 
“Yeah let’s.” I turned around and continued on to the bathroom. Gripping the sink tightly to calm myself down. It was ridiculous that after all this time, after all the girls, I still wanted you. I still loved you. 
When I returned to the table, I couldn’t help but look over at you and to my surprise you looked back at me. As I turned back to the girls, all I could think about was you. How it would feel to love you loudly like you deserved, to show you off to everyone. It wouldn’t happen though, it couldn’t. 
Most nights, from the comfort of my apartment in Mexico, I’d scroll through your burner instagram account. The one you parents didn’t know you had, it only had a select few on it and I’d like to think you kept me there for a reason, but it was likely you just forgot. 
I watched you leave with him, his hand sprawled across the small of your back like mine used too. You looked back a final time and then you were gone. Out of sight, but not out of mind. 
I took a few minutes before pulling out my phone, rereading the last few messages we had sent each other before sending a simple ‘get home safe.’ You replied quickly, you always did. I wanted to say more, tell you everything that had happened in the last 2 years, how much I still loved you, how no one was you, but I couldn’t. 
When Leila made a joke about me texting a girl, I shook my head and put my phone away. Alexia must’ve seen, giving my shoulder a squeeze and a sad smile. 
You were the one that got away. Maybe it’s better to love you from afar, I wish you nothing but happiness, even if that means finding happiness from someone else. 
The first party of the summer had arrived. As always it was a full on affair. Your parent’s house was decked out, over the top in your opinion. The older you got, the more insufferable these parties became. 
Other businessmen bought their wives and children, both the men’s and women’s team were there, celebrating the end of the season and their spectacle winning run. 
Tuxedos and ball gowns littered the main floor and the garden but you were stuck upstairs. A heavy weight weighing on your heart. You knew, the minute you went downstairs your father would try and introduce you to a man, your mother would be making comments about your appearance and your aunts would join in. 
The sound of knuckles on the door pulled you out of your thoughts. A few seconds later she was there, leaning on the doorway. Her usual cockiness was gone and replaced with what seemed to be anxiety. 
“Thought I’d find you here.” 
“What are you doing here? I thought you’d be in Mexico already?” 
“And miss this? Absolutely not.” She studied you with ease, reading you like a book, “your father is waiting for you. He has some guy he wants to introduce you too.” 
“Of course he does.” You stood up, smoothing down your dress. 
“Why don’t they stick?” Perhaps it was a thought she meant to keep in her head or she was actually curious. 
“The guys your father introduces you too? Why don’t they stick? You’re smart, elegant, attractive, so why don’t they stick?” 
“I don’t know.” You looked down towards the floor again. You knew, she knew, but she wanted you to say it. 
“You’re lying. Why don’t they stick?” She cocked an eyebrow, waiting for your reply. 
“Because none of them are you.” 
It was her turn to ask, and with bated breath she did, “what?” 
“None of them are you Jenni! You think I didn’t love you but I did! I do! My father can set me up with a hundred men but that’s a hundred people that aren’t you. So that’s why they don’t stick, because they aren’t you.” 
Her long legs crossed the room in what seemed to be milliseconds. Her lips smashed onto yours, hands holding your face tightly. It took a moment to register what was happening but when it did you couldn’t help up pull her closer. 
It could’ve been seconds or minutes that you were stuck in this battle of tongues and teeth but when the door opened you shoved her away from you, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. 
Your aunt Elsa was standing there, out of all the people she was the best one to catch you. Her own family, your father, considered her the black sheep of them family. Never fitting into the mould, wild and free. Loving whoever she wanted, loudly and unapologetically. It’s what you admire the most about her. 
“Your father is about to come up here and get you. You have two options.” You stared at her, confused, “option 1, you leave this room, separately and go enjoy the party. Option 2, you leave this room together, your father would be mad, your mother disappointed, the countless men waiting to meet you too. If you chose option 2, I have a friend in Mexico who can give you a place to stay, because you’ll need it. The fall out from this won’t be good. If you chose option 1, then we can walk out together, I won’t say anything ever and we’ll just pretend.” 
“I don’t want anyone else.” You blurted out, “I’ll have nothing. If I leave I have nothing.” 
“You’ll have me.” Jenni spoke up, “I can support us both, you can live with me.” 
“What if this doesn’t work out? What if it’s too good to be true?” 
“You won’t know unless you don’t try calabaza. If it truly doesn’t work out, then I’m still here. Being the black sheep.” Your aunt winked at you. “Take care of her Jennifer. I have a lot of money and can find you very quickly.” With that she left, you could hear her in the hallway, ushering your father back downstairs. 
“I’m scared.” It came out as a whisper. 
“I know. I am too. But we can do it together. If you don’t want to come to Mexico, you can stay at my apartment in Madrid or we can figure something out. Please just give us a shot. A proper shot.” It wasn’t often that Jenni begged for anything, usually she’d flash her charismatic smile and people would do as she asked. 
You left the room, together, hand in hand ready to face whatever was going to happen. The unknown is terrifying. You didn’t know how it would work with Jenni, what the future held, but she was there in your ear calming you down. 
When your father pulled you away she followed, when he exploded saying the relationship wasn’t right, she was there. She stood up for you against your parents, that’s when you realised you shouldn’t have waited so long. 
At the end of the day, all you needed was Jenni. It didn’t matter that your parents barely spoke to you, or that you were outcasted from your family. What mattered was right in front of you. 
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steviebunny · 5 months ago
I'm so tired of watching some of that interview with the vampire discourse. They are flawed characters for a reason they literally have eternity. Obviously they're going to be immensely flawed. You can both love lestat for his good moments, his affection, his ability to see beauty everywhere, and have empathy for his childhood , what Magnus did to him all while acknowledging that he was a toxic partner to Louis and guardian to Claudia. You can feel empathy for Louis, and acknowledge his rage and quiet resentment as a flaw. You can love Claudia and criticize that she murdered her parental figure. You can feel for Armand and want to give that poor boy a hug after the 500 years of suffering he's had at the hand of everyone who was supposed to care for him while also being upset he's a manipulative gaslighting bastard.
The only two least flawed characters internal struggles we even get a look at are Daniel and Madeline. Who are both remarkably human for the majority of the show.
Not to mention for a majority of the centuries each of these vampires have been alive. Therapy has not existed! For most of these characters, the peak of their own self-reflection is Claudia's journaling or finding themselves through art, be that music, directing, or photography.
We all know people in the year of our Lord 2024 who don't go to therapy because they think it's useless or just for the "crazies" If you thought your toxic gay vampire franchise would be beyond that you're delusional.
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mapiforpresident · 1 year ago
Hi writer, prompt number 16 with Barcelona femeni(maybe platonic)
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I'll Try to Behave
fcb femení x teen!reader
warnings: alcohol
The team bus was loud before you even got on it, but as soon as you made your way up the stairs the whole coach cheered. It was a couple hours after Barcelona had won the Supercopa in which you scored three goals.
"I knew I brought you here for a reason" Lucy yelled over the music Patri and Pina were playing on a speaker.
"You didn't do anything, it was mostly Keira and Ona. If anything you were on my con list."
"I'm taking personal offence to that," Lucy said as she slid into the seat next to Ona towards the middle of the bus. Ona was a good friend of yours having played with her during her two years at Man United. You were also close with Lucy and Keira from being on the Lionesses together.
As Lucy and Ona got lost in their own little world of staring into each other's eyes lovingly, you fake gagged at them and continued to the back of the bus where your closest friends Patri, Pina, Mapi, and Cata were all yelling some song in Spanish that you couldn't understand a word of. Alexia and Ingrid were also sat in the back although based on their frowns, you had a feeling they thought the music was a little bit loud.
You dramatically flopped yourself on Alexia's lap who was sat directly in front of Pina and Patri's seat. "Yo Pina play that one I like next please and Patri can you please pass me one of those beers."
"No, absolutely not. Have you lost your mind." Alexia exclaimed while she was trying to push you off of her onto the seat next to her.
"Ale I'm seventeen, I've drank a beer before. Mapi even gave me two at the last team bonding night after you feel asleep like a grandma during The Lion King."
"You were not supposed to tell her that y/n." Mapi angrily whispered at you from across the aisle. "Great now she is going to murder me and never let me within ten feet of you"
"I swear to god Mapi. Why are you corrupting the baby. And you," Alexia said as she turned to you, "no drinking or dating or anything of the sort until you are thirty."
"You do know me and Pina had a beer chugging contest in the locker room before we got on the bus right."
"Claudia Pina." You had never seen anyone glare with as much exasperation at someone until now. Claudia coward under Ale's gaze and pretended to be staring out the window until Alexia was called up to the front of the bus by Jana asking her a question.
Patri decided to break the tension by shouting "truth or dare anyone," down the aisle of the bus to which you immediately agreed.
"Truth or dare, y/n," Patri asked you. You decided to go with truth for the first one knowing if you chose dare already, Patri would mostly likely give you one that would end with Alexia dragging you to the front of the bus and not letting you have anymore fun.
"Have you ever had a crush on anyone on this team." Patri really wanted to know the answer because you rarely talked about crushes or your love life.
You smirked at her. "Yes. Truth or dare Mapi"
"Wait hold on who is it" Patri asked as Pina asks "Do you still have a crush on them."
"That was not part of the question. Truth or dare Mapi." Mapi decided to go with a dare much to the displeasure of her girlfriend sitting next to her.
"I dare you to call your mom and tell her your pregnant"
"You know she is never going to believe me seeing as I'm with Ingrid and all," Mapi replied, but still pulled out her phone and dialed her mother's number not one to back down from a dare.
As Mapi made the call, the rest of the team listening were trying their hardest to contain their fits of laughter, the alcohol already consumed not helping. You couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation, watching as Mapi put on her best dramatic performance, her eyes widening in feigned panic as she spoke into the phone.
"Mom, I have something to tell you... I'm pregnant," Mapi announced dramatically, her voice laced with faux distress.
The reaction on the other end of the line was immediate and intense, Mapi's mother launching into a tirade of disbelief and concern that had the entire bus doubled over in laughter. Even Ingrid couldn't contain her amusement, shaking her head in mock disapproval as Mapi continued to play her part until eventually Mapi's mom heard all the laughing and figured out Mapi was pranking her. After she hung up she asked, "Claudia, truth or dare."
"What’s your biggest turn-on?" Mapi asked.
"Um probably eye contact," Claudia replied as she blushed a little. "Ok Cata, truth or dare."
Just as Cata was about to reply dare. Alexia called out to the bus that they had arrived back at the parking lot.
As you stepped off the bus, the night air enveloped you. The laughter and banter of your teammates echoed around you, their voices a comforting melody amidst the bustling streets of Barcelona.
Patri and Pina led the way to Patri's car, the promise of continuing the celebration at a club with friends sparking excitement in the air. You were about to join them, already planning how many shots you'd take, when suddenly, Alexia's firm grip halted you in your tracks.
"Absolutely not, hermanita," Alexia declared, her gaze unwavering. "I already asked Olga to set up the spare room for you. We can watch a movie before you go to bed if you're good on the car ride home."
You pouted playfully, but deep down, you were grateful for Alexia's protective instinct. With a resigned sigh, you agreed, knowing that Alexia always had your best interests at heart.
"Fine," you relented, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "As long as I get to pick the movie."
And so, the night continued, filled with laughter, music, and the warmth of friendship that surrounded you like a comforting embrace. As you fell asleep that night, nestled between Alexia and Olga, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the football family you had found at Barcelona, knowing that no matter what the future held, you would always have each other's backs.
Let me know if you guys have any tips or comments to improve my writing. Also my requests are open so feel to request anything and I will get it done asap. Thank you!!
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alleyskywalker · 5 months ago
So, it’s of course ridiculous that people insist that the scene where Armand tells Louis about his background/life story is Manipulation. It’s a dumb take for a bunch of reasons, but I want to talk about a small detail just right now, but one that speaks to the genuineness of Armand’s intentions and vulnerability. So, these three shots:
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So, it’s been talked about before, and multiple times I think, how that first shot from the café/abduction scene has some metaphorical play with the light – Armand walking out of the yellow, warm glow of the café out into the blue-tinted darkness of the street, leaving behind the glow of Louis love, of the happiness he might have had with him and the family he might have built with him (and Claudia and Madeline through Louis) and into the darkness of the loneliness but familiarity of what he’s always known (the coven, obedience to the rules, not trusting anyone to love him enough or long enough to stay/choose him, etc).
The second shot is of Armand and Louis walking into the sewers during that scene where Armand was supposed to kill Louis – something he’d promised his coven, something that was his duty as coven master to do. Except…he doesn’t. He struggles with the decision for a while, clearly, even as they’re down there, but ultimately, walking in that warm yellow light with Louis, he chooses Louis and his love for Louis. The coven and it’s expectations and what Armand understands as his habits and duties that shield him, remain outside in that blue-tinted dark they’ve left behind when entering the sewers.
Are we sensing the pattern here? So, the last shot is when Armand turns on the light in the room with the portraits and walks, with Louis, out of the blue-tinted dark of the hallway into the warm yellow light of that room, where he tells Louis about himself. This is in response to Louis asking, “Who are you?” Armand doesn’t stay in the dark, he turns on that warm yellow light, drops his shields, his instincts to hide and protect himself, and trusts Louis to know this difficult, vulnerable part of himself, something that he may way feel shame or humiliation about (even if he ought not to as it’s not his fault, but people do often with these kinds of traumas). He chooses to love Louis enough to trust him to love him back, or at least to not hurt him. It’s not fucking manipulation, it’s one of the times Armand chooses to give love and trust a chance.
He tries several times, walks into the light, until the end, when he does the opposite.
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