#this was such a good template for helping me put down the relationships
kittiofdoom · 2 years
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Avery Beckett x Relationships with the Seed Family.
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2soulscollide · 2 years
Write your book STEP BY STEP
hello hello, it's me again!
today i'm bringing you a step-by-step / checklist to finally get your book done. i know it can be a bit complicated to put everything together to make your idea come to life (you're definitely not alone!)
that's why i compiled some tips and made this post, in hopes to help some author out there :D
let's get started.
assuming you already have a good idea in mind, you should start by writing a premise. to help you with that, try to answer these questions:
who is the main character?
what are their goals?
which troubles will they face / what's stopping them from achieving their goals?
do they have an opponent? if so, who?
now that you know the answers to these questions, it's time to write the premise. the premise consists in a sentence that summarizes your whole idea.
there are infinite ways to plot your story. you can do it by writing down ideas and linking them together, following a scheme, or any other method.
the most common plot outlines are these:
synopsis outline: one to two pages, where you hit all the major beats of the story
in-depth outline: outline each chapter/scene
snowflake method: develop the premise into a bigger paragraph, and that paragraph into a page (etc.) until you have the whole outline of your story
booken method: plot the start and end of the story, and the main characters
the novel factory created plot sheets for free, and you can choose from eight different templates. you might want to check it out!
having your outline defined, you should start developing your characters now. the main character's profile might be more detailed than the others, however, it's up to you. there are many character sheets out there on the internet that will help you create flawless characters.
i have a post with resources that might be helpful when creating a character, check it out!
and here you have some prompts and sheets to create a character:
Quick Character Creator - EA Deverell
Extremely detailed character sheet template - @hawkasss
The Best Character Template Ever - Dabble
Character Twenty Questions Worksheet - The Writers Circle
at this point, you should also define the narrator's voice, tone, etc, as well as the pace of your novel.
define the principal locations of your story, the settings, and where the story is taking place. it's important to know how the environment looks, and how your characters feel about it.
for this part, you might find it useful to do some research about some locations, if you're not familiar with them. find inspiration on Pinterest, Tumblr, or even on books, paintings, and art. everything is valid.
if your story takes place in a fantasy environment, you might need to fill out a template to create it or write down the way you imagine it to be. try to get as many details as possible, so there are no holes when developing the novel.
you might want to give more depth to your novel by developing a subplot (or more than one). make sure it doesn't get too confusing or that doesn't take the focus away from the main action.
the subplot can be a romance, another character's relationship, a character's arc, a backstory, etc. this will make your story more real and 3D, more realistic.
develop it as a side story and mix it with the principal plot but don't make it as important as the main story, otherwise, none of the plots will make an impact.
write a synopsis as long as you wish, covering every important part of the story. this will help you to really know your idea, and have a solid structure for it. it can range from 500 to 2,500 words, but you don't have to restrict yourself to a number.
things the synopsis should cover:
the status quo
the complication
initial challenges
further challenges
the low point
the climax
the resolution
and we get to the best part which is writing! now that you know everything about your story, characters, locations, and scenes, all you have to do is to put all that together in words. don't feel pressured to make everything look perfect already, just write what comes to your mind. if you have a new idea for the plot, good, write it down! if this character doesn't make sense anymore, okay, get rid of them. just go with the flow, following the structure you've planned, and everything starts to come to life.
i know it's so tempting to go back, read what you wrote, and start editing and polishing, but trust me, don't do that! it's a waste of time, and you will take so much more time to finish your first draft. in fact, i've given up on so many stories because of that...
just when you finish the first draft, you will re-read everything and start editing, fixing plot holes, changing what doesn't fit well, etc. but for now, just write, get the first draft done. enjoy the process, don't rush.
thanks for reading!
i hope this post was helpful!
also, you might be interested in this free workbook with over 90 pages and many exercises! check it out here: THE WRITER'S WORKBOOK
resources for this post:
How to Choose a Plot Outline Method: 4 Techniques for Outlining Novels
How to Write a Novel: A Step-by-Step Guide
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rf-interactive · 2 years
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You typically think of yourself as a person with good morals but the blood staining your clothes and the man currently locked in the boot of your car has you reconsidering that assessment.
You are Atrax. Previously referred to as the best agent I-DIE - the International Directory of Intelligence and Espionage - had to offer. Now known by your colleagues as nothing more than an occupational hazard. You're far from the agent you used to be and even then, it's taken you years to piece back together some semblance of your old self.
You've been out of commission longer than not, all of your time being dedicated to your rehabilitation which, honestly, was for the best. So why now, riddled with PTSD and more baggage than you know what to do with, have you been thrown back into action?
Whatever the reason, it might be what finally breaks you.
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Play as Atrax, an agent of once great renown, and customise their gender, appearance and sexuality.
Choose your tragic backstory and the moment that changed you forever.
Further tarnish your reputation or work to rebuild it.
Build and repair relationships with a cast of characters.
Make questionable choices that both challenge your morals and break several laws.
Respice Finem is my first ever big project and I'm still learning how to create an interactive novel so my progress on this will slow. But I'm very passionate about it and I look to seeing where it takes me.
Demo - Character Descriptions + Keaton - Dossier Template + What To Add
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Roman Hensley | The Politician (male, he/him, 36)
Roman Hensley is a politician of the people, for the people. He's put forward an award winning campaign, coupled with some big promises that he's already proved he's able to fulfill means there's an election win well within his reach. He's got a calm, controlled aura to him but despite the air of invisibility that he puts forward there are whispers of a scandal, a plot, an attempt on the man's life. Good thing you're there to protect him... right?
Nadia Richmond | The Psychiatrist (female, she/her, 37)
After everything she's seen and done working as the top psychiatrist for I-DIE, Nadia is as jaded they come. She has a tendency to be pessimistic in her views of the world and a bleak outlook on her own personal life, yet the care and compassion she shows for her patients never fails to shine through. Her dedication to helping your fellow agents is the only reason she hasn't quit but with you as her number one priority, that dedication is wearing thin.
Carina/César Santos | The Ex-Best Friend (gender selectable, 37)
More professionally known as Agent Redback, C was once the only person you could count on. Kind and charming, full of excitement and equipped with an infectious smile, you were drawn to them like a moth to a flame. The exact reason for your drifting apart is lost amongst all other reasons you're careening closer to the edge of the line but they never once stopped caring about you and they'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, even if that means taking them down with you.
Ailbhe Townsend | The Boss (non-binary, they/them, 39)
As the head of I-DIE, they are a constant intimidating presence in your life. Their stoic silence is sharp and intense enough to put even the most fearless of agents on edge and you are no exception. You're not entirely sure why they still put up with you or why you still even have a job but you're not going to start questioning them now. After all, you get the feeling that this your last chance to get back in their good books and if you fail... well, being unemployed will be the least of your worries.
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come-away-with-me87 · 20 days
The Art of Love Chapter 12
Chapter 11 here
The next couple of weeks went by in a blur.  You always put on a smiling face at school as you never wanted your students to see you in any other mood...even if your heart was hurting.  Even though you were the one to break things off with Shouta, the fact of the matter was: you missed him.  A lot.  That said, you were still nervous about seeing him during drop off and pick up times at the school, but he must have made an agreement with everyone else, as you never saw him drop off or pick Eri up throughout the course of those few weeks.
You saw everyone from Mirio, to Izuku, to Hizashi, to Toshinori; but never Shouta.  One day in class, you were walking around taking a look at everyone's color wheels, and for the first time, you noticed that Eri's was on blue for sad.  Hers has consistently been on green for happy, so it was jolting for you to see this.  You pulled Eri to the side that day while everyone else was working on their art projects that you assigned, and you asked her why her color wheel was on sad.  She looked up at you with her big eyes and said, "'cause Mr. Aizawa has been sad.  He's still training me, but he has a sad look in his eyes. Why don't you come around anymore, Miss L/N?"  These words hurt you to your very core. Kids really picked up on adults' feelings, more than you realized.
"Oh, Eri..." was all you could say, voice thick with guilt.  You truly didn't know how to respond to her question, but you tried your best. "Sometimes adult things happen, and people just have to do what is best for them.  Maybe what you could try to do is be even extra happy for his sake, do you think that will help?"  She looked unsure, but she said she would try.  She then went back to her seat and continued to work on her art project with the rest of the students.  While they worked, you took this opportunity to sit down at your desk and think.  You looked over at the picture of you and Kento you had sitting there and sighed.  
What he would think of your predicament if he was still here.  You could hear him now, "you ended things with a great man because you're scared and trying to protect your heart?  That's just part of being in a new relationship, babe!"  Logically, you knew this was right, however, the other part of you was still adamant about protecting your heart; you couldn't lose someone with the way things were in the world right now.  But god, did you miss being around Shouta, kissing him, talking with him about life...
Suddenly, the bell rang.  The students all came forward and handed you their completed projects.  That day, you had them create a puzzle using a blank puzzle template you had found on the internet.  You had instructed them to decorate each puzzle piece in a way that represented them, whether it was a color, a drawing, or anything their imagination could come with.  You were really looking forward to seeing what each student came up with, and planned to look at each one after all of the students left.
As usual, all of the students left besides Eri; she was usually the last to be picked up as your school ended around the same time that the U.A. High school did.  You didn't mind at all, though; it would give more of a chance to bond with her.  You pulled out her puzzle; she primarily used bright colors for hers.  That was a good sign.  However, one of the puzzle pieces was all black with a sad face in the middle of it.  You suspected that had something to do with why she was feeling sad today.  Just as you were about to ask her, Hizashi and Toshinori came into the classroom together.  
"Mr. Mic! I thought Mirio was picking me up today?" Eri asked with a smile on her face.  "He will tomorrow, little lady. I'm taking you back to Mr. Aizawa now so Mr. All Might could have a word with Miss L/N."  What was this now?  With that, Hizashi gave you a wave and took Eri with him, leaving just you and Toshinori there.  You looked over at him as soon as they left, "how can I help you, Toshinori?"  "Well, young Y/N, please tell me to stop if I am out of place, but I came to talk about you and Shouta."  "Toshinori, I like you and respect you, but I think what happened or happens between Shouta and I is just that: between him and I," you replied back to him.  
"I respect that, but would you at least mind hearing me out?  I promise, I won't take up too much of your time."  You sat back in your chair and thought about it for a moment.  Toshinori has been nothing but kind to you during the times he's coming to pick up or drop off Eri.  Perhaps it wouldn't hurt hearing him out; what's the worst that could happen?  "Have a seat, Toshinori," you motioned to the chair across from your desk.  "Let's talk."
To be continued...
Tag list: @lili-pond ; @jaguarthecat ; @big-denki-energy ; @ivydoesit23 ; @salientseraph ; @dreamofkaty ; @simp-hub ; @bluebreadenthusiast ; @fuzzyfestcat
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heyhihellosworld · 2 years
𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁
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Rúben Dias x reader
Word count: 2.3k
Summary: You and Ruben where adamant to keep your relationship out of work but things don't always go according to plan.
Warnings: Smut, fluff, angst
Notes: First one I post about Ruben but kinda liked it even though it's kinda messy and all over the place.
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"Is Y/N in today?"
Lucy shook her head with a crooked grin, trying to bite in a smug smile "She will come in an hour or so" she proceeded to tell the Portuguese who nodded.
"Don't make things up Lucy" he muttered but a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.
"Oh I am surely not Mr Dias" she smiled back, sitting back on her desk chair as he straightened up "Well, have a good day" he mumbled before hurrying up the stairs.
You knew you were late as you rushed through the entrance of the building, out of breath and stressed out.
"A certain someone asked for you this morning" Lucy grinned as you stopped at her reception desk. Hands full of your working bag, gym bag and files that you needed to go through after failed attempts at doing it during the weekend.
"Who?" you questioned, putting the bags down on the ground as you breathed heavily, being late to work was a bad habit but it did make your fitness better.
"Who do you think?" Lucy chuckled, folding her arms over her chest like it was the most obvious answer.
"Uh-uh Ruben?"
"Ding ding ding" she grinned, tapping her finger on the desk in tact with the sounds she did.
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help the little smile that tugged at your mouth. "Don't give me that look"
"I'm not giving you anything I am just asking you a question and pointing out something obvious"
You shook your head, warning her to continue. "I'm gonna go work, see you for lunch?" you hummed, picking up your bags and starting of to the stairs while she laughed at you "Don't try to hide the truth!" she shouted tempting you to flick her off behind your back but you held back and settled in your office. Putting the bags on the small chair by the door before settling in the spacey room which you proudly called your office.
Working as a PR manager for Manchester City had been a dream so far. Only being on the post for a month short you still had a lot to adjust to and a lot to learn but it had all been going great so far. Finding new friends by the staff and also befriending a few of the players. It was your dream job and landing it at your age was a dream in itself.
You spent the morning working through files of different events and matches. Writing player profiles and interview-templates.
The clock was about eleven when a knock made you stop and welcome the person inside.
"It's open" The door shot open and Ruben appeared, his small smile and two coffee cups in his hands making you smile widely.
"Hi, I know it's pretty late but thought you might want some coffee" You couldn't help but smile foolishly big as the Portuguese sat down the coffee at your desk. "Thank you Ruben, it's very nice" "So.... what are you doing?" he questioned, peeking over your shoulder to get a look at your files.
"Well, right now I am writing some files for Nick to pass on to Lucy and Pep regarding the Christmas event and this is your player profile template" "Wow okay, didn't really get that.. wait, that's mine?"
"What does it say?" he questioned and you chuckled at him, turning to look at him briefly before opening the file up to full screen, showing him the template.
"It's basically empty. I'm gonna have to go around and fill in this information later on, some of it will probably be filmed and all but I have just filled in the basics so far, like your name, birthday, birthplace and so on"
"Mhm" he hued as his eyes scanned the document. He looked ridicolously good regardless what he was doing, it was beginning to become almost a little bit annoying, like how could someone be so beutidul only doing something so simple as reading.
"Are you supposed to know my favorite movie?" he grinned at you, meeting your eyes. "Well I don't know Mr Diaz, are you supposed to know how I look naked? I don't think so but still you do" you mused back, grinning at him as he huffed. His hands rested on the desk, next to you as he leant forward, head tiling to the left to watch you.
"Don't put those images in my head" "You are not getting anything here, it's workspace" you muttered, turning back to your computer and continuing filling in some information in his profile.
"Favorite snack?
"Isn't this supposed to be filmed?" he questioned, "Well maybe but I should start posting this before we can even proceed with the filming so I need to get a few done before, well most of them plus these are not great interview questions"
Ruben hummed, reading through the page now open on your screen as you were thinking.
"Is Jack still here?"
Ruben tilted his head and tutted in disapproval "why would you want him?" You couldn't help but to chuckle at him "Because I want to post his profile?" "Why not mine?"
"Well because I think it would be better to post his first. He is a very popular player and his transfer was a really big publicity thing so I feel like it would get attention to the series of profiles that will occur"
"Post mine first" he grumbled, shaking his head at you while you chuckled "Come on, let me do my work and go find Jack for me"
"I will not"
"Okay, fine. Then I will go myself" you said, standing up from the chair and walking around the table, looking over your shoulder to smirk at his grumpy expression.
"Stop" he grunted as you reached the door, you stopped and turned to him with a smirk. "What? Can't I do my job?" you teased but he only shook his head at you, beckoning you over to him. "You can but right now you can not go and look for Jack" "Why not?" You laughed but still walking to him until you stood chest to chest.
His eyes had that fire they always held when he was in the mood but you had been strict in your rule that no sexual acts where gonna take place at work.
You had already broken that rule twice, once in the changing room after a red-card and another time in the media room after a dinner party.
But you were still adamant on trying to keep it as much as possible. "You shouldn't be so bratty" he murmured. You looked up at him with a chuckle "I am not bratty Ruben, I am trying to do my work and I think Jack is a great player to start with for the profiles and people love him. He is hot, strong and a great player" you teased.
He grunted at that, pushing you against the desk. "Don't stand here and say Jack is hot or you will have a problem"
"Hmm" you hummed as response, feigning thinking. "He is" "Stop"
You couldn't help but to chuckle at him as you patted his chest reassuringly.
Ruben didn't find it funny though. Grabbing your thighs and hoisting you up on the table, standing in-between your thighs and pressing up against you.
"You say one more thing and you will be in trouble" he hissed, pressing his fingers into your thighs. You hummed slightly mockingly, sticking your tongue out from the corner of your lips with a smirk on your face.
"You're just such a brat sometimes" he muttered, pushing your skirt up until it pooled around your waist. He roughly pulled your legs apart and pushed his hand into your panties. You let out a gasp at the rough treatment but you loved it.
Ruben stood with his back against the door, blocking what he was doing with his fingers from any intruders.
"Gonna make you cum in your office and then maybe you will stop being such a brat and maybe stop talking about fucking Jack" His fingers started to rub at your clit. You bit your lip tightly, trying to conceal any sounds that threatened to come out.
Two of his fingers plunged into you starting to pump furiously and making it impossible to stay quiet.
"Ruben" you whined, begging him to slow down. Pressing your face into his chest to try to conceal your moans and whines when he didn't. "Please stop. I can't keep quite" you whined, rocking against his hand.
"Try harder Gathina" he murmured against the shell of your ear, his hot breath trailing down your neck.
He switched between slamming them in and out of you and hooking them against your spot, his thumb never leaving your clit. It felt electric and you knew you would be close within minutes.
Your legs started to shake as you neared your orgasm, the sounds being louder and louder and in the end even Ruben decided it was too much, trying to muffle them with kisses. Swallowing all of your sounds. "You're so close aren't you" he smirked at you chuckling as all you could do was nod.
Just as you were right there a knock echoed through the room before the door swung open. Ruben detached his mouth from yours in shock making you let out a loud moan as you were so so so close to orgasm. Desperately trying to move away from his fingers as you heard the door open.
"Oi! What the fuck!" Jack screeched out quickly exiting the office and closing the door, standing outside the door, waiting until you were ready.
"Ruben stop!" you whined but he continued, only a few more pumps of his fingers was all you needed to release biting your lips so hard they almost bled to not moan too loud for Jack's ears.
You tried to calm down, get your breathing under control and when you did you panicked. "Ruben what the fuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" You whined, watching as he licked his fingers clean before placing his hands on your shoulders to calm you down.
"Calm down y/n it was only Jack it's okay" "It's not okay! You are not gonna fired for this but I am!" You argued, gathering your bag and computer before hurrying out of the door. ignoring Rubens call of your name.
You opened the door to find Jack scratching his neck but a grin plastered on his face. You turned to him, pointing a finger at him "One word about this Grealish, and i'm talking about anything. One fucking word and you are dead"
Jack's eyes wiedened as you stormed off down the halls.
He whistled as he walked into the office where Ruben still stood, closing the door behind him.
"Soooo" Jack chuckled, pursing his lips at his teammate who mirrored his smile and chuckle. "What did I interrupt" "Nothing" Ruben hummed, shaking his head. "Nothing pft, that's bullshit you were fingering her on her office desk!" Jack burst, eyes wide and voice high.
"Okay okay, but seriously. You cannot say anything to anybody. If you do she can honestly loose her job"
"Hey, I won't but if you wanna keep it a secret ya know, maybe don't finger her in the office" he advised, walking towards the door. "Tell her I will meet her tomorrow and talk about the module she have done" he tilled, grinning as he walked out of the door.
Ruben sighed, taking the spare key from the drawer and locking the door behind him as he made his way down the stair. He was done for the morning, having a break until three when training was taking place again. "Hey Lucy have you seen y/n?" he questioned as he walked down the stairs.
Lucy looked up at the man, a slightly nervous look on her face "Uh, she, I"
"Lucy" Ruben deadpanned, knowing she knew exactly where you were.
"She just left home but she didn't want me to tell you that"
Ruben sighed "Thank you Lucy, I won't tell on you"
She nodded in appreciation as he quickly walked towards his car.
When Ruben unlocked the door to your apartment you were sitting on the sofa, lazy watching tv as you worked with your files. You knew who it was the second you heard the lock rustle.
"I don't want any visitors" You shouted towards the hallway but you couldn't help the small smile that tugged at your mouth. The time on your sofa had made you calm down slightly, knowing Jack would never tell on you.
"Shut up" Ruben chuckled, stopping in the doorway to look at you, his arm resting against the frame and a crooked grin on his face. "Sorry for running" you hummed, settling your computer aside as he approached you. Leaning down to kiss your lips softly.
"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't risk your job like that"
"Well I appreciate that but it's not like I didn't willingly spread my legs for you" you hummed jokingly. "Well no but still" Ruben smiled, settling down next to you on the sofa.
"It's all okay, we just need to talk about a solution. I don't wanna have to hide us forever"
"We will find a solution" he nodded in agreement, kissing your lips again, just as soft and loving.
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Do you have any advice for systems who recently had a massive influx of new members? Especially when these members present as their own system (essentially like a sidesystem I guess?) We're trying to work together, but it feels like two strangers were suddenly thrown into a living situation together and we're struggling to connect and work with each other (it's a lot of "us vs. them" right now)
We're also confused and somewhat struggling because the main system (A) is non-disordered, but the introjected system (B) has a lot of really awful trauma from exomemories and this exotrauma still affects them (one of them was in front recently and was getting flashbacks of something that happened within their exo/source life) and because of this and exomemories, system B describes their plurality as being disordered.
How do we go about all this? Any advice is useful
hey, so your situation sounds kind of complex - we’re sorry in advance if this response gets a bit long!
first of all, strangers quite often do get thrown into living situations together. this is something that happens quite regularly in real life. it can certainly be uncomfortable and a bit intimidating, but there are things you all can do to slowly start getting to know one another. perhaps try to set aside some time every day to try and get to know each other. you can ask each other questions, or try to find some kind of activity y’all can do together that could help y’all bond and learn a bit more about each other.
maybe try passing around this headmate form created by a part in our system for everyone to fill out as they wish:
getting to know everyone may take some time and energy, but that is absolutely normal and something to be expected. also, if not all headmates are able to click and jive well together, that’s okay. not every system member has to have familial or friendly relationships. maybe viewing each other as roommates, acquaintances, or coworkers could help tone down relationship expectations and help everyone feel a bit more comfortable with each other.
and, as y’all go along, as conflicts and arguments do arise, we also have a post on dealing with these sorts of things which may help you:
regarding dealing with trauma from exomemories, we truly feel that healing from events that the body did not physically experience may look incredibly similar to healing from real world trauma. so getting therapy, learning grounding and coping techniques, journaling, creating art, and allowing yourselves time to process at your own pace are all good things to consider.
often with exotrauma, there very well may be real-world trauma at the root of it, so be careful and ready to help each other if and when a memory of a real-world event surfaces. maybe come together to create a safety plan to keep your whole system safe in the event of certain headmate struggling to cope with a traumatic exomemory. be open and honest with each other, and try to provide support to the best of each of your abilities.
disordered vs. nondisordered does not have to be a black and white experience. it’s possible for systems to be complex, with varying levels of impairments caused by their plurality, and even to have headmates who may find their plurality disordered while others do not. it also doesn’t have to be set in stone - it is possible for a disordered system to become nondisordered later in life and vice versa. we understand that this may be a difficult new thing to come to terms with, and we hope that, as your new side system is able to access healing and recovery, life may become easier for all of you. again, things like therapy and healing/recovery tools may be beneficial here.
we hope something we’ve said here will prove useful for you. rest assured, with more time spent together, you all will start to feel less and less like strangers. good luck to you folks with dealing with this in the future though.
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sweetflanfiction · 2 years
smutty ABCs
Author's Notes: Sorry nonny I am not a very good smutty writer (go over to @proseinborderland side of tumblr, she now has the smutty ABC's requests open!)
But, I am sort of good with fluff, so...how about SFW ABC's for Chishiya? I don't know where the original template came from, but if anyone knows please tell me so I can credit them!
Acknowledgements: @proseinborderland because she reviewed this when it was just a tiny baby and let me adopt some of her great writing into some of the headcannons.
~~ Fluff/ SFW ABC's headcannon's for Chishya ~~
A = Affection. How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?
Chishiya's love language is definitely "acts of service". You would never have to ask for anything to be made or taken care of. He would show you that he cares more than he tells you.
If he had a morning shift, you'd wake up with half of the breakfast done and a note "just heat it up." 
B = Best friend. What would they be like as a best friend? How would friendship start?
It would start as a competition to out-sass each other. Sarcasm would be your language and he would answer you in kind. If you were ever in an unpleasant mood he would bring you cookies and a cheeky remark about something that would make you roll your eyes. You would never know how he figured out you were sad/angry but he'd know.
Even though his ways of reading you were mysterious, you would slowly begin to understand him. After some time you could read his micro expressions like a book. Small twitches of his eyes, eyebrow raised, and mouth curling begin to translate into language.
C = Cuddles. Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?
Chishiya isn't much of a cuddler. Whenever you're sitting down next to each other he'll relax and place a hand on your leg or an arm around your shoulder. But if you put your head on his legs or his shoulder, he would gently stroke your hair. He'd get as far as giving you a small kiss on the crown of your head. 
On the other hand, and even though he doesn't tell you this, he adores it when you wrap your hands around his waist. This is when you gently move his head to your shoulder. He is usually relaxed around you but when he is on the receiving end of cuddling, he silently melts.
D = Domestic, do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?
Chishiya would clean, do the dishes, make the beds even go as far as disappear into the bathroom for a while and clean it top to bottom. However, he wouldn't cook full meals. He can cook anything that is quick. A mid-afternoon snack and breakfast are his favorite meals. Dinner and lunch though? He avoids that like the plague. Even though he is always in the kitchen with you, and he helps with whatever there is to do, you will not catch him in the kitchen cooking dinner by himself.
I think he'd settle down, but definitely not marry. Chishya's childhood put a big stop sign on marriage. He doesn't need a paper to have you as his partner forever. If anything, in his opinion, that would be forcing both of you to settle down and to him forcing anyone to do that is a no.
E = Ending. If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?
"We're done" walks away.
F = Fiance(e), how do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?
He will commit to you, but he will not ask you to marry him. At some point in your relationship he will ask you to move in together and that's when you know you have him for life. He would give you some trinket to wear, something small, probably without much value other than sentimental. A small ring or a pendant for a necklace, nothing flashy, something that he would know you have.
G = Gentle. How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
Chishiya is a bit emotionally stunted. As much as he tries to be less abrasive with you he will occasionally just blurt anything that comes to his mind about a particular thing you did. It hurts you at first that he can sometimes feel distant, but over time you notice he tries to say what's on his mind more gently. 
Physically he is surprisingly gentle. He never grabs you roughly, even if you are fighting. Whenever he touches you, he is never forceful. It surprised you at first how sharp and rough his mind was, yet his fingertips were so soft and gentle with you.
H = Hugs. Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?
He will let you hug him and he will hug you back every time you do it, but he won't initiate a hug. He will place his hands on your hips and touch your foreheads though.
I = I love you. How fast do they say the L-word?
Chishyia shows his love, but he doesn't say it. Whenever you tell him "I love you", he'll reply to you, especially if he knows you need to hear it. 
Occasionally, he will say it at the most random times and places. Getting up the stairs to your house? Say it. When you're grocery shopping? Said it. Mid-movie session? Said it. It will always leave you with a surprised expression.
J = Jealousy. How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?
Chishiya is the jealous type, but not to the point of being noticeable or distrusting you. If he notices another person looking at you he will stand slightly closer, or place a hand on your shoulder. Whoever was looking at you though will be on the receiving of a very telling eyebrow raise and tilt of the head.
K = Kisses. What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?
Chishiya is very unfamiliar with physical acts of love, so he is always pleasantly surprised when you kiss him out of the blue. Whenever he leaves for the hospital and you kiss him goodbye he always does a small pause until his brain processes the kiss.
He will kiss you though, quick and soft pecks on the nearest patch of skin he can find. And if he finds a ticklish spot he will kiss you again and you can feel him grin into your skin.
L = Little ones, how are they around children?
"Just no." And walks away. (Comes back with a cat and/or a puppy "that's as far as I go.")
M = Morning. How are mornings spent with them?
He'll either be there or not, depending on if he has to work morning shifts. When he's there, he's just snoring softly next to you, his belly on the mattress, his hair tangled, and one arm securing you to him. Whenever you try to move he squeezes your midsection and turns his head.
Sometimes he'll wake up before you and just sit on the bed reading the news on a tablet waiting for you to wake up too.
N = Night. How are nights spent with them?
Whether Chishiya is tired from the hospital or not, he will find time to do something with you at night. Sometimes it will be watching a movie with a zero effort plot (otherwise you will hear him scoff at every plot hole or dumb decision made). Sometimes he'll ask you to play a board game, but what he really enjoys is just sitting down on the floor with you, hearing the sounds of the city outside without doing anything.
O = Open. When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?
Chishiya will drop some bombs about his youth when you least expect it. You may be doing something mundane and he'll blurt out a memory he has from his childhood, which ultimately makes you understand some of his behavior about certain things.
You once tried getting him to tell you more, but it only made him shrug his shoulders and shut down the conversation. So now, whenever he does drop a bit of info you nonchalantly try to get more from him. Sometimes it works, and although he seems unaffected by some of the things he says, you know it hurts him to remember.
P = Patience. How easily angered are they?
On the outside he seems like the most patient man on the face of the earth, but you can tell when he is about to lose it. It's a twitch of his brow that gives him away.
To you he has the patience of a saint, he'll put up with most of what you ask or say, it's usually other people that are the problem. And depending on who it is, you'll gently squeeze his arm to give him some of your own patience. Or you'll let it be and see how far it takes him to blurt out something obnoxously disapproving.
Q = Quizzes, how much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?
Chishiya will remember everything about you and your habits. For better or worse, he will know something you've only told him in passing once before. At first, it can be a bit creepy how well he remembers every tiny thing. Things you only mentioned briefly to him in passing. It's also sweet because sometimes he will do something because of his attentive memory.
R = Remember, what is their favorite moment in your relationship?
Probably when you called him out for wanting to be with you, but not telling him about it.
In a blink of an eye, after you finished your rant, he had pulled you against him and showed you exactly how much you meant to him. He's not a very frequent kisser, but when he does, he does it well.
He'll remember you both standing at the bus stop with you looking absolutely pissed off at him. This is because he had shown you what/who that date you had last week was doing this week. 
"Something bothering you?" He asked.
"You're bothering me." You told him.
"I can leave…" He teased me.
"Stop Shuntaro." You turned to him. "You showed me what you wanted to show me, but you haven't told me why."
"You need to know."
"You needed me to know, but not out of the goodness of your heart Shuntaro! You needed me to know, because you needed me to be available to you whenever you want! You like me! I know it and you know it! But you don't have the balls to tell me yourself! So stop being an asshole and grow some? Tell me you like me, so I can stop going on all of these dates with people who clearly aren't up to my standards."
S = Security. How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?
Chishiya won't be clingy or controlling, but you do know that whenever you two are anywhere, he'll always have a watchful eye on you. If he even thinks you might be uncomfortable with anything, he'll be by your side. If you're not in sight, he will text you and ask if everything is OK. If you ever answer no, he will come for you no matter where you are.
And, even though he won't come out and say it, he thoroughly loves whenever you place a hand in his arm and squeeze. This is just to tell him you are there for him and you will kick someone's ass for him.
T = Try. How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
Chishiya puts a lot of effort into the relationship. He knows he is not the most bearable or easy person to live with or to have a relationship with. Therefore, he'll try to make you feel appreciated and loved. Even if it's very foreign for him to take you on a romantic date, he'll do it and it will be the most romantic thing you'll ever see.
His gifts, however, are always small, subtle, and have no monetary value. Even though he may have money to spend, he values sentimental trinkets more than anything. 
U = Ugly, what would be some bad habits of theirs?
Shutting himself out. Sometimes when a day doesn't work his way or if he's in an unfavorable mood he will shut everything out. It doesn't matter how much you try to make small talk or make him do something, he won't budge no matter what you do. He'll grab his tablet or a book and you won't hear from him until he has figured out whatever he needs to figure out.
To others though, you've seen him be downright cruel with his words, so much so that you gave him a piece of your mind when you two were alone.
V = Vanity. How concerned are they with their looks?
If it's white, gray or black, he'll wear it. Tennis shoes and hoodies are his go-to items, though he also has a very extensive and monochromatic wardrobe.
Now, his hair is another beast. When you met he had his hair bleached to the bone and it looked good on him. However, you noticed when he stopped bleaching it soon after he met you, letting his black hair come through. When you asked him why he did that he just told you he didn't need to be that person anymore, that he was comfortable now to be himself.
W = Whole. Would they feel incomplete without you?
Chishiya wouldn’t feel completely lost without you, but he would feel like something was missing. It's the little things he notices more than having a big hole in his existence.
In the long run, he will realize how cold the sheets are; how the night doesn't sound so relaxing without you. He will pause whenever he enters the house and you're not there sitting on the couch watching something. The fact that he leaves the house without giving you a kiss on the head starts to bother him as time passes by.
X = Xtra, a random headcanon for them.
Chishiya is an observer. He will watch you do stuff and commit it to memory, even if it won't be useful in the future.
He will be cleaning the dishes and looking at you putting them away, burning into his brain how careful you are with the glasses. If he's helping you cook, he will be stirring a pot and leaning against the counter. He will be looking at you cutting the veggies with a focused look on your face. He will remember how you will start to cut them perfectly and then lose your patience and do it faster. He'll watch you as you sip your tea and he will store in his memory how you smiled at the sweet flavor of the warm drink.
Y = Yuck, what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?
Chishiya does not tolerate lies, especially from his partner. Little, insignificant lies don't hold much weight with him, although big lies are deal breakers. Cheating is the hard line he will never forgive. He will tell you that you are more than free to go and leave him for someone else as long as you leave him. He tells you, in a very casual manner, that he is too intelligent not to figure out if there is cheating involved.
Z = Zzz, what is a sleep habit of theirs?
Chishiya doesn't sleep much, but when he does, he enters into a coma. 
You know from years of experience that there are only two things that can wake him up, the sound of his alarm going off or direct sunlight to his eyes. Sometimes, you wish he could be the kind of guy that could wake up with your kisses; but no, he will sigh happily and pull you closer, but he will not wake up. Even if you promise him a good time, he still won't budge from his slumber.
Thank you for reading!
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polutrope · 9 months
End of Year Fic Recs
Thanks @sallysavestheday for starting this template, and for the tag!
Recommend up to 5 series or multi-chapter fics from 2023 that everyone should read (multi-year WIPs count, if the last update was in 2023).
Recommend up to 5 single chapter fics/one-shots (long or short) from 2023 that everyone should read.
Recommend up to 5 fics NOT from 2023 that everyone should read (oldies but goodies).
Recommend up to 5 of your own fics (completed or WIP) from 2023 that everyone should read.
This was so hard. I need time for ten more rec lists because I read so much good stuff this year. If you are not on here but I commented on your fic this year, know that I sincerely wanted to put you on here. If you are not here and I didn't comment on your fic this year, please help me find it next year!!
Such a Marriage by DifferentSong (M, 29k, WiP). f!Maedhros/Maglor. Beautiful and unique treatment of these characters and relationship in the years after the second kinslaying. If you’re uncertain about this ship but curious, I highly recommend giving this story a try. 
Droit du Seigneur by destinedatoms (E, 6.4k, WiP). Various elven kings hook up with their mortal vassals. Each chapter is so funny and hot, and features povs from very underwritten female characters. 
Loyalty: A Tale in Three Voices (not rated, 10.1k, WiP) by @grey-gazania. Caranthir, Uldor, Easterling OFC. Compelling story, characters, and incredible worldbuilding following three unique POVs as an alliance is forged between the Easterlings and Feanorians. Great use of first-person. 
Price of Eternity (series) by Encairion (E, 1.83 million, WiP). The novels and stories in this series are not going to be for everyone. They tackle basically every difficult topic you can imagine. They include takes that would probably make some of my mutuals torch the swanships. But Encairion does it all so skillfully. She’s like an artist who has mastered the techniques (i.e., the canon) and then does something radically original that only works because she has that foundation down. Some of her characterisations rewired my brain. I’m still far from done reading the series, but it’s truly a monumental achievement and so worth diving into with an open mind.
Celegorm by @dawnfelagund (reference work). Dawn’s bio of Celegorm for the Silmarillion Writers’ Guild is meticulously researched and engagingly written. Definitely worth a read for any fans of the Fëanorians or just how Tolkien’s characters evolved over the course of the legendarium’s development.
The dining room by @ettelene (T, 8.8k). Ettelene kills it with group scenes and dynamics and this riotous fic about a Feanorian family dinner at Formenos from Celebrimbor’s POV showcases it beautifully. 
Against His Wisdom by @melestasflight (M. 3.7k). Fingon/Fingolfin. A stunning, insightful look at the complexities of this relationship. Melesta handles the nature of the relationship so artfully. As always, their prose is so satisfyingly economical and impactful. I know the pairing may make some wary but I really encourage people to give it a try.
stardrop by @welcomingdisaster (T, 0.7k). Daeron/Maglor. I almost wept when I read this fic because it's so perfect. Lena somehow managed to get everything I love about this ship into 700 words. Doom, deceit, cultural misunderstandings, telling the narrative of your own life, immortality/mortality… if you want to know why I love Daemags, read this. 
As Little as Might be Thought by @imakemywings (T, 2.9k). “Kidnap fam”. Rocky is a master of the argument and this spat between Maedhros and Maglor over the peredhel’s upbringing showcases it. So much characterisation and complicated relationship dynamics packed into this short piece. 
Memories, Like Grains of Sand by @cuarthol (G, 1k). Elrond & Elros. cuarthol wrote some beautiful, complex works this year but this short piece stood out for me. The peredhel twins return to Balar and try to piece together their memories of Sirion. Showcases cuarthol’s talent for little moments of intimacy that will make you cry, not because they are particularly tragic (though they may be), but because they feel so real.
Maglor and Daeron Sing the Blues by Voidflower (G, 5.6k). Maglor and Daeron meet in the Mississippi delta in the 1920s. I want to pour this fic in a crystal glass and sip on it on a rainy evening. Gorgeous prose and deeply satisfying character dynamics. 2018.
Dancing with my punchlines by LiveOakWithMoss (M, 321k). I know this Modern AU is fandom-famous already, but by god there’s a reason. I could not put these dramamonsters down. It was funny, it was touching, and it was spicy. I want to rip this fic open like a bag of chips and shovel it into my mouth in great handfuls. 2016. 
What We May Become by @naryaflame (M, 8.8k). Caranthir/Finrod. Narya’s prose is delectably crisp and sensuous and I just loved reading this well-constructed nonlinear story of a fascinating rarepair. 2020.
The Redemption of Daeron by Rhunedhel (T, 7.3k). Daeron/OFC. I actually just found this and have not actually finished it, but I’ve read the first two chapters and it’s such a beautiful alliterative verse poem (!!) and original story of Daeron among the Avari. 1997.
An Education by @i-am-a-lonely-visitor (M, 49.4k). visitor has some of the most scrumptious, clever prose and most memorable characterisations I have read in the fandom and this first installment of his Elrondverse covering the early years is bursting with peredhel coming-of-age delights. 2021.
Scorched (E, 4.9k). Elrond/Maedhros, Maedhros/Maglor, Elrond & Elros. A psychosexual unfamily drama on Amon Ereb. Really enjoyed the experience of letting this tale unravel as I dipped into the minds of all four characters. 
First Contact (T, 2.7k). Daeron/Maglor. Post-canon (they both sail). Daeron meets Fëanor. It’s a silly bit of sitcom, but also it’s about healing. 
Who By Fire (M, 4.9k). Amrod/Fingolfin. A deep dark dive into the psyches of two hurting men in the early days of Fingolfin in Beleriand. 
If You Are the Healer (E, 4.6k). Maedhros/Maglor. Liege/vassal dynamics and heaps of angst surrounding Maedhros’ decision to abdicate to Fingolfin. It’s fucked up, but they love each other. 
Everlasting Darkness (E, 10.2k). Earendil/Maedhros, Elwing/Maglor (also Elwing/Earendil, Maedhros/Maglor). Canon divergence shitshow where Maedhros and Maglor are released from their oath on condition that they serve Eärendil and Elwing. My first fic of 2023, and it set me careening off the rails. No regrets.
[Bonus fic under my pseud: Played (E, 12.1k) by disastrousexpense. Maedhros/Maglor, Fingon/Maedhros. Absolutely off-the-rails smut between two asshole brothers in Valinor. It was SO FUN to write.]
Tagging the people tagged already and @curufiin @elentarial @lightqueer @searchingforserendipity25 @ladysternchen @tethysresort if you'd like to share your recs!
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pastryland · 9 months
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template by @mostlymaudlin
i'm going to try to put fics i've yet to put on my fic rec lists. i swear i'll update the fic rec lists soon there's just so many.
fic that made me laugh
second time's the charm - max/charles - @wanderingblindly
this fic is a treat and a feel-good in between all of the other angsty lestappen fics. adore the romcom vibes. i could also slam both charles's and max's heads into tables (or each other) from how stupid they are.
fic that made me cry
i will not put the end of the strain i will not put the end of the strain
we found wonderland (you and i got lost in it) - alex/george - @alpinelogy
the internal struggle that george goes through this fic is heartbreaking and so is his relationship with alex. it wretches at the reader's heart at how close yet so far alex and george are from each other and definitely made me feel things by the ending.
fic that gave me a story hangover
soft vanilla foreplay - oscar/lando
i could not stop thinking about this fic for weeks after i read it. lando's and oscar's personalities are shown off so well and their dynamic. it's so sexy yet tender and playful and- yeah, you should read this fic
fic i want to discuss book-club style
somebody else - oscar/max/charles - @piastrism on ao3
the relationships between the three are so complicated and deep and even a little bit twisted. they give a morally gray version of each of the characters which i absolutely love. also, the color imagery and symbolism is so beautiful in this fic. i would totally do a whole ass essay about the literary devices in this fic.
fic that got me flustered
spread before you like a picnic - alex/george - @janinaduszejko
anything explicit by this author is so good, but this fic in particular had my eyes wide. it is probably the hottest thing i've ever read.
fic by one of my fave authors
all the king's horses, all the king's men - charles/carlos - @7msc
slams hands choripan/7msc i swear is godly at motifs and imagery. the infamous carlos sainz sr. quote infects carlos, yet carlos's softness and love constantly combats it. carlos can't help that he loves—the racetrack, the car, charles. carlos's internal struggles and how he is affected by his father's parenting are done amazingly.
fic i reread more than once
only found - oscar/lando - @debrief on ao3
the vibes are immaculate in this one and i'm always down for a cute soulmate au. lando's attitude towards soulmates is absolutely hilarious to me and the oscar's quiet fondness for him is adorable as well.
fic i sent to everyone i know
on the faultline - lewis/nico - @eyes-likepilotlights
if you love brocedes, you need to read this fic. i'm an absolute for brocedes making up fic, but i can't help it. the tragedy and complexity of their relationship are so well-done in this fic. they're so perfect for each other though also the worst thing to ever happen to each other.
fic that made me fall in love with an author
bean water and bee spit - lando/daniel - @ocontraire
this is the first fic by leaf i read (and one of my first dando ones too) and she made me fall in love with the ship. it only got better when she also started writing landoscar as well. check out leaf's stuff it's all so good.
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In case anyone was wondering, why my nickname is Fareeha AND some Spaniards, answer is right under the cut! (Since Tumblr is basically a diary, and I REALLY want to describe, tell, write down, draw and even put it in my blog) Long post ahead! Many screenshots, personal stuff, memes etc.
So you decided to read... Good :'D
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It started with Dark Souls 3. The first game experience was very exciting. I spent for about 3 hours creating a character, dealing with a disgustingly made character editor, and they came out.... Simply terrible. Some chubby-cheeked femboy (I have nothing against it, even like it sometimes, but he looked really terrible) with a face like he wants to betray you right now, taking away your family castle and all your feudal possessions. What a waste of time… Also it was sad that I spent 3 hours in the game without starting it. Therefore, I deleted this character and hastily, literally in 5 minutes, created new one - I barely changed one of the in-game templates - slightly lengthened the nose (because big noses are an art); decided to take a hairstyle that would be a little feminine, but at the same time more or less practical - a bun :’D ; made a slightly more stern appearance and it turned out that he was very attractive! There was a problem with the name, but then I also took the first one that came to mind - Esteban. I took the Deprived class because I couldn’t decide who I want him to be and I also wanted to try the so-called “most difficult class,” which turned out to be the most comfortable.
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During the game I fell in love with him so much exactly the way he was - and he turned out to be a little frivolous, jester, Casanova, just a handsome guy in my favorite armor of the Black Knights (those devils look INCREDIBLE and make me squeal) and funny older brother of my husband's character.
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Tbh now I see that I am making a kind of a doll game out of Fromsoftware games, as it was in childhood - all my characters have their own story, relationships, preferences and strong family bonds lmaooo Why not (I won’t stop)
Esteban was the first "Spaniard". Playing with him as my avatar was incredibly fun - numerous deaths were not perceived so hard, there were LOTS of funny moments, I was scolding Esteban, amusing my husband… In general - we became close, and for a long time finishing the game I could not calm down and was talking about him too much (I genuinely don’t know how my hubbo puts up with me). I was drawing, even wrote a fanfic. And since I LITERALLY CAN’T live without a romantic story, Esteban was the first simp of Prince Lothric and a little bit of Orbeck and Fire Keeper xdd
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After DS3, we started Elden Ring. There I created Miguel - also a spaniard, Wretch, cheerful, but more mischievous and feminine than Esteban. I couldn't stop changing his appearance for a very long time until I found something that suits Miguel and fully reflects his character. I really liked Gideon Ofnir, well, really, really liked, but Miguel didn’t share my interest, and I couldn’t really ship them (except for a few explicit drawings :’D). Miguel stayed with Ranni, whom I love dearly, and I started the game again, with a new character. I created a girl. She turned out to be french and received the name Fiquet, and she not only gave me inspiration to finally write a fanfic about her and Gideon, but also brought me mental satisfaction because I finally took the Sorcerer class and spent the entire game killing enemies so easily (except for Mogh and Malenia) with a few hits, without tactics, thinking or other crap. Fiquet, my girl Q_Q
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I miss them, enjoy the pics of them
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Hello, sir :^)
After Elden Ring we started DS1, where Ramon was created in the same way, and also Jose in DS2 (I didn’t go further than Majula, I can’t help it - I don’t like this game. The desire to continue appears only because of Jose, who is my funniest character I think)
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Ramon as his is. No screenshots of Jose, he jumped of a cliff and now looks kinda bad lol...
So it became a tradition to start the game with pathetic (I mean his class xd) spaniard and continue with girl (although I have only Fiquet for now. Others are not much remarkable). That’s how Guillermo was created for playing Bloodborne! I already did absolutely everything I could in BB (I even created a female character to come to Edgar so choir boy won’t be so sad :'D), but Guillermo remains with me - kind, sweet, a little nervous, like an angel from vintage postcards (I see him that way xD), caring, kind of mother figure, confident in his rightness, responsive and sensitive, but at the same time with an impenetrable moral shield (I mean, it’s impossible in any way hurt his feelings). I brought him together with Micolash (not surprising, I guess), came up with a tragic and romantic story for them and an AU with a continuation of the plot after the squid hunter ending for a happy end, endowed him with the blessing of Kos and gave him a backstory. There is something attractive about it when a man receives the blessing of a female deity who protects women - it says a lot about him as a more feminine person on the inside than he appears on the outside.
When I imagine any cool plot with Guillermo x Micolash, I feel like
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Guillermo in case if you hadn't see him already:
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You know, all my oc x canon look like that
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(my OCs are always sort of Sportacus for their loved ones lol And also their loved ones are almost every time evil and edgy)
With all this I want to say that my spaniards and Fiquet have probably become like children to me... I love them, I continue to write about them, they are an integral part of my perception of games, and yes, this is probably really a peculiar need to play with dolls at my age xd Maybe that's why Guillermo wears Doll's gloves, Esteban enjoyed wearing Zullie the Witch's dress and gloves (with ADORABLE manicure yknow!!!) and etc lol...
Thanks for reading! I love to tell stories (As you may guessed lol), tho it take a plenty of time to translate it. Love yall
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cartoon-buffoon · 6 months
I'm bored and sleep deprived so as the self proclaimed captain of this ship I decided to make this using a template I saw going around. More indepth rant/explanation below if anyone has a semblance of care about this stupid crackship.
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Now time for a more indepth explanation about the graph and how I head canon these two. Or what I like to call it: UNDERSTAND MY SHIP IN 20 MINUTES OR MORE!
(Warning: lots of head canons although I try to keep my head canons somewhat reasonable within each of the characters respective canons. Also this is a long winded explanation)
Height difference—Skitzo can seemingly change his size so I guess his real height is "it depends" yet I like to imagine he ranges from 6ft-8ft although I put down 8ft just because. As for Oswald, in Epic Mickey we see the statue he recreated with him holding Walt's hand and Walt was 5'10 according to Google and in the statue he goes up to Walt's waist. I'm sure one could do actual math on how tall he is yet to me he's 3ft with his ears giving him an extra foot.
Age—Oswald was created in 1927 and according to a comic where Skitzo gets a job as a janitor he was born in 1918. I imagine being with someone a bit older than him would actually make Oswald happy, it would make him feel like less of a relic and helps him be less self conscious about his age.
Sexuality—Oswald is bisexual yet leans more towards women, this would explain his relationship with Fanny and marriage with Ortensia. As for Skitzo I put down pansexual although truth be told I don't think he'd care about labels? He's a demon and is noted to be depraved, he probably doesn't care about labels of sexuality and he'll take what he can get.
Horny level—Oswald is a rabbit and has 420 kids. Skitzo is noted to be "the eye of the pervert" and he indulges in the depravity of humanity, yeah their levels are self explanatory. I don't think Oswald is overly flirtatious or forward or anything, yet I imagine when Skitzo is being overly forward Oswald would lean into it without a second thought.
Awkwardness level—Skitzo isn't really expressive considering he has the same blank grin 24/7 plus Oswald can't understand his "language". This communication difficulty would make Oswald worry sometimes because he can't get a good read on Skitzo's emotions, although Skitzo is pretty straightforward and despite being mute is rather good at communicating physically. Oswald's awkwardness stems from him overthinking more than anything.
Jealousy level—I don't think neither of them would be jealous. Despite Skitzo having anger issues and psychopathy he wouldn't be jealous if Oswald hung around other people at all. He'd still threaten/hurt whoever Oswald is hanging around with, although that's just because he's insane and has no relation to jealousy. Oswald also has no reason to be jealous of those who Skitzo hangs with, mainly because they are either victims or other demons. In fact Oswald would probably want Skitzo to make normal friends with other toons and to be more social although I doubt he'd have success in helping him.
Spooning—the size difference explains the levels well enough. Although I do imagine Oswald would love to cuddle, he'd constantly have to remind Skitzo to be gentle in the way he holds him because Skitzo is incredibly strong and forgets his own strength.
Clothes—they both wear a singular pair of shorts, Skitzo wears his shoes although he never really takes them off. If they needed to wear different things I'd imagine they'd pull new clothes outta thin air, they're toons, so yeah that's not applicable to this ship.
Pet names— I'd like to imagine Skitzo does use pet names, calling Oswald something like "bun-bun" or other cheesy rabbit related stuff, yet only demons can understand him so most of the time he doesn't even speak. Although if Skitzo were to ever introduce Oswald to other demons he'd refer to Ozzie as something cute. Oswald also has shown clear love for pet names in the way he talks to Ortensia so if he was with Skitzo nothing would change, he'd still think of cute stuff to call his boyfriend.
Introverted/extroverted—Oswald or at least his classic appearance screams extrovert to me so that's what I imagine. He still needs time to recharge after going out and isn't an avid party person, yet still social. As for Skitzo it's weird? Skitzo keeps to himself although is no stranger to being curious and seeing what others are doing, he outwardly peeps on other demons down in hell aswell. He's a weird middle ground.
Affection—as mentioned before Skitzo talks yet Oswald can't understand him this would mean he'd have to show all of his affection via actions. Oswald is a bit different with him being very lovey dovey and would constantly compliment Skitzo although as a byproduct of his time in the silent era he's more familiar with actions speak louder than words and goes out of his way to show love.
Confession—I don't think either of them would "confess" proper. Skitzo would demonstrate his love first and Oswald would reciprocate, Skitzo is more forward with his love though which is why I ranked him higher. I like to imagine one day Oswald just realizes they have been dating for a good while and goes "wait, are we a thing?" And Skitzo just shrugs as an answer.
Bugs—Oswald would in no way be scared of a bug although he's more inclined to gently let the bug go. Unless it's a roach or something, in that case he'd be all for killing it. Skitzo on the other hand is a trade marked psycho so he'd probably let the bug go, follow it to find the nest, and then proceed to massacre all of the bugs with his knife only.
Driving—Oswald can drive, it's how he met Ortensia originally and we see him several times drive cars. I do think Skitzo CAN drive a car, problem is letting a crazy demonic bear behind the steering wheel would likely lead to consequences so Oswald doesn't let him.
Cooking—Skitzo can cook, problem is his ingredients are still twitching when they're being cooked, because of this Oswald takes care of dinner usually and is a pretty good chef.
PDA—both are really keen on demonstrating their love in public for different reasons. Oswald just loves to show how much he loves Skitzo. Skitzo himself is just unaware of normal societal standards and him showing love to Oswald in public is just him doing what he likes. Because of his obliviousness Oswald has to teach Skitzo sometimes on what is and isn't okay to do in public, Skitzo would probably have troubles adjusting with how hell was and how earth is and the difference between their respective norms yet he makes an effort to learn.
Protectiveness—both of them worry about the other deeply, Skitzo is aware of the horrors of both earth and in hell and how hell denizens can occasionally come to earth so he's scared his presence would put Oswald in danger. He's also scared on if one day he'll lose control of his psychopathy and hurt Oswald, because of this Skitzo does his best to shield Ozzie from what goes on and considering his demonic powers he does a good job at scaring anyone who'd wanna hurt his boyfriend away. Oswald worries about Skitzo in the same way, his fears are less warranted and he isn't fully aware how messed up Skitzo can be, yet he still cares. Ozzie will also lash out on anybody who makes a negative comment on Skitzo's appearance and is hellbent on defending Skitzo, Skitzo finds this hilarious and let's the rabbit go off while sitting back and enjoying the show.
Experience—Oswald was in a relationship with Fanny, and also had a pretty solid marriage with Ortensia so his experience is pretty high and he knows exactly how to be a great partner. Skitzo has no real experience, he's more familiar with the concepts like lust and degeneracy then love and romance so he kinda just follows along and does his best to be the best boyfriend he can. His best is NOT perfect, yet he tries and Oswald is appreciative of that.
Oswald has been a hyper fixation of mine for a bit and at the same time I got into old cartoons I refound Skitzo who originally I thought was nothing more than a nightmare, come to find out nope! Skitzo's animations just traumatized me when I was younger and I repressed his existence. As a now lover of edgy things I've come to adore Skitzo and the entire lore of In The Dark and as a result this ship was created as a simple crossover between my two favorite characters. At first this ship was created by me as a stupid joke yet slowly I've created more and more for it to the point I even wrote a god awful fic about it that I look at in disgust every day (it still got like 3 kudos tho so I guess there's an audience for truly everything 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ). Skitzo as a character is a irredeemable monster, however interestingly enough there's moments in hisn animations demonstrating he doesn't wanna kill 100% of the time. Only 80% of the time. I found this aspect interesting enough to come up with the hypothetical idea "what if Skitzo did find someone he truly liked, and what if he lived in constant fear he'd accidentally lose control and hurt them?". This idea has some of that good angst I adore in any ship, the idea of Skitzo fighting against his inner wants to murder and desire for blood and death in order to live a normal life with Oswald is both sad and cute too me. Oswald would also be fully aware of the dangers that being with Skitzo would entail yet he stays with him out of love and belief Skitzo can be better. This belief is dead wrong and sadly murder is just built into the bear's primary function, yet he nonetheless tries to lessen Skitzo's murderous desires. I maybe one day wanna elaborate on an AU on these two being together and their dynamic yet I already have another AU that has Oswald in it I'm writing about.
Idk how to end this as that's really all I got for now, if you've read this entire thing uhh: sorry? Yeah that's an appropriate end. I'm sorry.
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enavant · 1 year
✿ for finn and aphrodite maybe
❥ @rimefiles : send me a  ✿  and i’ll fill out the template below. ━━ always accepting !!
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bold for things i could definitely see or want, italics for things i could see or am unsure of and striked out for things i don’t want or cannot see.
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other 
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other 
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i'm pretty down for anything ngl i adore finn from what i read on him n he's very interesting !! i do still need to reply to ur starter but !! modern verse things would be fun also !! she's pretty down to earth n friendly tbh as far as idols go, she likes to help out others n everything n network, she's just very social so i wouldn't put it past her to reach out at some point even at awards shows or concerts etc. or even they could run into each other n start talking from there perhaps or even if they were under a same label sort of thing :thonk: or even rival companies sort of things. i'm a big weakness for idol things n just cute scenarios that end in more if that's ur thing too or if ur interested in heading that way with them at any point
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cravingbro · 2 years
siblings drabbles au : 750 words — physical attacks, bunch of clingy interaction, love-hate relationship.
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My hands were shaking but I had to do this for the sake of my organization. So, I approached my brother and sneaked around his arms while he was playing mobile game.
"What?" he asked, still focusing his entire soul on the game.
"I need your help to—"
"I'm busy."
"When will you ... not busy?"
"I don't know."
I sighed, not knowing what else I could do beside waiting. The only thing I can do at that time was just staring on his screen while he groaned and yelled the whole time. Strangely, he never kicked me out even though I might covered half of his screen. Instead, he placed his jaw on the top of my head.
"What task?" he asked another question. He is so used with helping me finish my task. That is why a templated-question came out. But I did not have any task to do at the moment, so I did not reply except with a slow head-shake. "Nothing, it's just that our event ... need a model for totebag promotion on social med—"
"I'll take your picture later. Two more games, okay?" He cut my words with his offering, which I responded immediately. "No no no. It's not me. We need a man to wear it, so that it's not just women who'll buy our stuff," I uttered. My brother paused his game in instant then glared at me sharp. "You're not going to use me for that, right?"
"Please?" I practically begged in tiny voice, while he yelled his disagreement out loud.
"They knew you look good on camera, so they ask me if I could—"
"Why the fuck did you— Geez ... I can't do it," he yelled while raising both hands up as a surrender signal. I embraced his abdomen tight then whispered, "Should we eat sushi for dinner?"
"It's not about food negotiation. It's a matter of my face—"
"Actually you can look down! Or cover your face with hands! Make it something like ... shy, naturally-handsome prince wearing a minimalist totebag ...," I shouted in excitement. He frozed all of sudden, realizing what a monkey-like his sister had become when she is desperate.
"Please, they will yell at me if I fail." I put on a gloomy face, but he just blew my face jokingly.
"Louder than your teacher?" he teased with a question. "Even louder than you," I replied, mimicking his face when he is mad. He pinched both of my cheeks and shook my head like a toy. Then he said, "Salmon sushi for dinner and it's a deal."
"Salmon?! Hell yeah, my money's limited!" I yelled back, yet he just laughed out loud as he hugged me tight.
"Tuna tuna tuna," he bargained. "Fresh tuna. Raw and uncooked," he added as he smiled.
"Alright," I whispered. He then lifted me up, threw me back to the sofa, and stood up. Right before he walked, I kicked his butt yet he catched my feet and pulled it until I fell from the sofa.
"What shirt do I need to wear?" he asked as he covered his face from my potential-smashes. I stood up while catching my breath. I almost went all-out but he was giving me a gloomy face.
"Can you just ... go shirtless? It might sell more," I joked. He hissed and rolled his eyes before he pointed a middle finger on me. Later, he grabbed my shoulders, swung me, then pushed me while shouted, "Get out from the house!"
We continued throwing jokes and teasing each other until the sudden-amateur photoshoot was done and the sun set three hours later. As I promised, we ordered tuna sushi and ate afterward. However while we eat, I could saw his phone screen clearly and I saw him literally changed his social media's profile picture using the photo we just took.
"The fuck, man," I murmured. He burst out laughed although his mouth were full of rice. "Since I looked as good as you said," he replied and gave me wink out of nowhere. I choked immediately as I threw a punch to his shoulder.
"Stop doing that! I'm not your marketplace for that silly wink," I yelled. He chuckled and could not stop for a while.
For fuck's sake, that evening, I actually felt great that the totebag photoshoot went well. But the fact that I needed my brother to get it done definitely boiled my blood to the max. What a narcissistic ass he had became. He could not stop zooming in every photos and adore himself. Ew.
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OC Interview: Mickey and Abraham
based off of [this] amazing template by @marnie-mixs-meteors (please let me know if you want me to untag)
What would you put on your burger? 
Mickey: I’m a sucker for any good burger with an egg on it
Mickey: What?
Abraham: I- what?
Abraham: Why would you…ruin a perfectly good burger?
Mickey: Alright I know what we’re eating tonight.
Abraham: NO anyway, I like… I don’t know, normal stuff. Pickles?
Mickey: He’s my designated pickle eater.
Abraham: If it makes you happy, sure.
How much junk food do you eat? Has it affected your health? 
Abraham: Oh god, the amount of junk food Mickey eats is ridiculous!
Mickey: You say that as if you’re any better…
Abraham: Hey, I didn’t grow up on Earth, so I need to catch up on all the foods I never got to eat. Besides, I’m your guardian angel. I’ve got to make sure you stay alive, and you can’t exactly do that with cotton candy stuffing your arteries.
Mickey: Oh so that makes it okay for you, though?
How good are you at sharing? How do you share something if there's not enough supply? 
Abraham: Obviously!
Abraham: Mickey has the kindest heart of any creature I’ve ever met, hands down. And I know so many angels! But Mickey would bend over backwards to give everything to anyone around him.
Mickey: …Are you just saying that because you’ve got to keep up the perfect angel image?
Abraham: Oh, god no. That’s long gone. But I’m supposed to be taking care of you, and you’ve only taken care of me since day one. You gave me your spare bedroom and put up with my bullshit when I was at my lowest, and have been helping me ever since. 
Where do you work? How much are you paid, and would you prefer a different job? Why? 
Mickey: I have a job at the local library, I’ve been there for a couple years. It’s minimum wage, but I don’t mind cuz I enjoy the work I do.
Abraham: Well, usually you do...
Mickey: Obviously there’s awful customers everywhere. Bitchy moms who are so confused as to why I can’t loan a book out to their kid when we don’t even have the book in our system. But for the most part, everyone’s wonderful.
Abraham: People could stand to be nicer, though… I don’t see why I can’t just stay with you, make sure people are being nice.
Mickey: Because you’d scare them by pretending to knock them out over my shoulder! Besides, we need the extra income from the coffee shop.
Abraham: I work part-time at the coffee shop in the library and it’s alright. The owners are pretty nice, the pay is kinda garbage but I make tips, so that helps. But I’ll be honest, some customers are not helping my opinion of them when they come in looking for trouble. 
Mickey: They’re probably tired, you do serve coffee after all…
Abraham: No excuse to be yelling at service workers at 8am.
What's your favorite flavor of edible thing (e.g., strawberry)? 
Abraham: Vanilla, Mickey thinks it’s a basic bitch choice, but I like it.
Mickey: I never said that! I just think that salted caramel is better, that’s all.
How do you compose yourself in stressful situations? 
Abraham: Is “I don’t” an answer?
Mickey: You know, you’d think for someone whose purpose is to protect others, you’d be better at keeping your cool in situations.
Abraham: I must’ve missed that class in school.
Mickey: That’s alright, I’ve got enough cool for both of us.
Abraham: God help us if you’re the cool one in this relationship…
What is your biggest flaw? How do you deal with it? Do you deal with it? 
Abraham: Ha, bold of you to assume I have flaws!
Abraham: Alright you didn’t have to say that, dude. 
Mickey: …Yeah alright, Mr “you could never comprehend what I’m going through”
Mickey: Don’t “dude” me, bro!
Abraham: Don’t “bro” me, dude! In my defense, that conversation we had was really eye-opening, and I’ve been working on my selfish tendencies a lot since then. 
Mickey: Wait, what’s my biggest flaw…. 
Abraham: Probably that you suck dick or something.
Mickey: You’re right, that must be it.
Abraham: And you deal with it by suc-
Mickey: And on to the next question!
Do you prefer things simple or extravagant? 
Mickey: I prefer simple things, extravagant stuff is just too much usually.
Abraham: I’m gonna have to agree. I always thought I wanted big grand things, but I think that’s just what my uncle wanted for me. I’m happier with the smaller stuff in life.
How do you celebrate your birthday? With who, and where? 
Abraham: Angels actually don’t have birthdays, or at least they’re not kept track of like humans. 
Mickey: Which I still think is so weird…
Abraham: I think I had been living with Mickey for a month already before he asked. So he took it upon himself to come up with my birthday for me.
Mickey: It’s important to me! What kind of awful friend would I be if I didn’t know your birthday? 
Abraham: Not an awful friend, on account of I don’t even have a birthday to know!
Mickey: Anyway, my birthday is April 30th, and Abraham’s honorary birthday is January 29th.
Abraham: Isn’t that….
Mickey: The day you fell from the sky? Yeah, that was intentional.
Abraham: How have I never noticed that before…
How does your partner change as you get to know them? 
Mickey: Delicious character development in this one.
Abraham: Gross, don’t ever say that again.
Mickey: Scrumptious.
Abraham: Ew.
Mickey: Abraham’s gotten a lot more accustomed to life here, and also has just become a more adjusted person living in the real world.
Abraham: Just because I can’t go back home doesn’t mean it’s not real….
Mickey: Hmm, I'm gonna need some proof there.
Abraham: Mickey hasn’t changed much, except that he feels more outgoing now. Maybe I just didn’t see this side of him though.
Mickey: No, you’re right. I was definitely way more reserved before you came crashing into my life like a bull in a china shop. For as much chaos as you’ve caused me, it’s been good chaos.
Abraham: Ew don’t be sweet about it, go back to your gross adjectives. 
If you had to describe your partner using flavors, how would you (e.g., 'they're very sweet')? 
Abraham: …Vanilla.
Mickey: I can’t tell if you mean that you love me like you love vanilla, or that you think I’m a basic bitch.
Abraham: Who’s to say!
Mickey: Alright then, well I think he’s like a sour patch kid.
Abraham: Salty, sweet, gone?
Mickey: Wrong commercial.
What's the longest journey you have gone on? What was it for? Did you succeed? 
Abraham: I mean, leaving my home and coming to Earth, though it didn’t feel like that long of a journey…
Mickey: Maybe the journey was the friends you made along the way.
Abraham: Maybe shut the fuck up.
What can't you ever quit? 
Abraham: I’ve been raised to protect a human, that is my life’s purpose; if I can’t protect my human, what good am I as a Guardian Angel? I must always stay vigilant, ready to protect Mickey at a moment’s notice.
Mickey: Alright all powerful guardian angel, where were you yesterday when I burned my hand on the toaster?
Abraham: I can’t protect against one’s own stupidity.
What would you like to receive for Valentine's Day/as a token of love? 
Mickey: A big old kiss!
Abraham: That’s so untrue, last time I tried to kiss you I thought you were gonna rip my lips off.
Mickey: Okay, maybe not at ass o’clock in the morning.
Abraham: What other time is there?
Abraham: I like cuddling, that’s all I want. Or comfy clothes.
Mickey: So many time…. Many other time….
Would you ever share food with someone? 
Mickey: What do you think I did when Abraham first moved in? You think I starved the guy?
Abraham: This is true, Mickey has never shared food in his life and I did in fact starve.
Mickey: Shut up, you ate so much of my food. You still eat so much of my food.
Abraham: Yeah, and I replenish it when I can!
Mickey: Getting me fresh coffee everyday doesn’t count as buying me food.
Abraham: What, you want me to stop?
Mickey: No! Please don’t take away my free coffee…
Expensive restaurants or cheap store-brand microwave meals? 
Mickey: Cheap microwave meals all the way!
Abraham: Hell yeah!
Mickey: And when we’re feeling bougie, we buy the branded shit too.
Abraham: Goodbye Kroger brand mac and cheese, hello Kraft!
Mickey: We don’t have the money for expensive restaurants, to be honest.
Abraham: Fanciest we get is Olive Garden. But by god are their breadsticks good… Who needs the expensive shit, honestly!
At what point does someone seem sickly sweet to you?
Abraham: Oh god, yeah no thanks. I don’t think I’ve met anyone like that so far? Maybe some of the angels I used to know, but I can’t hold it against them. 
Mickey: Anyone who acts fake, I guess? I’ve got a couple old coworkers who would pretend to be everyone’s friend just to shit talk them behind their back. I hated those girls…
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aparticularbandit · 1 month
Loaded God Complex (IV)
Summary: The problem with designing a Game that ends in your death during your most desperate hour is that sometimes things can get better.
…and then you still have to play a Game that ends in your death.
Or: The woman we know as Tsumugi has probably the best birthday of her life at what is probably the worst time to have it.
NOTE: Because this is pre-game, Tsumugi’s name is different. In this, she is primarily referred to as Tsukasa Yuki instead of Shirogane Tsumugi. Despite names you might recognize, every other character in this is an OC. Think of it as a reverse reference; Yuki seeded her scripts and games with references to people she knew and loved. We’re just seeing that in reverse.
Chapter Rating: T. Fic Rating: M for brief nudity.
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“Woof,” Ryoko puffs out as she collapses into one of her armchairs just after the last guest leaves.  (Miki, of course it’s Miki, a very drunk Miki who didn’t want to leave despite being slapped in the face and still having the shadow of it on her skin (the pricks from Yuki’s nails finally scabbed over), why wouldn’t it be Miki, honestly, no one else clings so desperately.)  She slides along the chair, sinks until she lands on the ground, but leaves her head tilted back in its seat.  “Now I remember why I hate throwing parties.  I’m exhausted.”
“You’re exhausted?” Yuki says as she wipes down another glass.  “I played bartender.  For four hours.  At my own birthday party.”
(And got into a fight with one of the guests, but she’s not about to bring that up.)
Ryoko sticks her tongue out at her.  “No one asked you to do that!” she whips with a grin.  “You did that all on your own!”
“It’s plain to me that the point of having a wet bar and all these lewd skillz is to use them.”  Yuki sets the last glass to dry with the others and walks over to Ryoko.
“I heard the z on those skills.”
“They’re the only skillz I’ve got!”  Yuki doesn’t think before she kisses Ryoko’s cheek as she sits down next to her.  Then she freezes, flinches.  “Sorry, sorry, I shouldn’t have—”
Ryoko reaches over and takes Yuki’s hand in hers again, interlacing their fingers.  “It’s okay,” she says.  “You’re fine.”  She runs her thumb gentle up and down Yuki’s skin.  “I miss this.”  She stares up at the ceiling, lips pressed together in a thin line.  “I miss us.”
You’re the one who kicked me out, Yuki wants to say but doesn’t.  Instead, her brain pulls up a Free Time Event set of responses to choose from – that line is one of them, but even a normie would know it’s the wrong choice.  That’s the sort of thing that starts a fight.  Or, in gaming speak, negative affection points.
(That thing with Miki earlier probably did enough of that for now, thank you very much.)
Not that…not that Yuki looks at her relationship as something out of a video game.  It’s just that using video games as a template helps her understand relationships better.  Not to manipulate people or drive up affection points or anything like that.  But to help put things into perspective.
There are things she can say that will make other people mad at her, and there are gifts she can give them that, yes, would still be gifts she meant out of the goodness of her heart but might be something they absolutely hate.  You don’t want to give someone a present that you know they won’t like; you want to give them something that aligns with their interests!  (It isn’t robophobic to give a robot the very specific brand of lube that he likes.  Sure, the Tin Man likes a good oil can, but you can’t assume that’s true of every robot.  Now that would be just plain robophobic!)
So instead of saying what comes to mind first, Yuki leans against Ryoko’s shoulder.  “I miss you, too,” she murmurs, giving Ryoko’s hand a gentle – encouraging? – squeeze.
(The thing about Free Time Events in video games is that there is usually a bad answer, an acceptable answer, and a right answer.  Sometimes there may not be an acceptable answer – just a bad answer and a right one – but the point is that there is always a right answer.  And the thing is that there are guides upon guides to tell you the right answer to pick – or the right gifts to give – to get the relationship the way you want with the character you want.
But real life isn’t like that.  There are no guides, no cheat codes, no scene skipping.  You can’t save scum; you can’t go back and redo an event if you get things wrong.  And that’s not just true for Yuki; that’s true for Ryoko as well.  It’s true for every character – every person – around them.  They’re not just single scripted NPCs with a small range of sentences programmed into them.
Yuki can’t know what Ryoko wants out of this conversation, so she can’t know what the right answer is – the answer that Ryoko is looking for.
Life would be easier if it was fiction.
(It’s better because it’s not.))
Ryoko brushes her fingers through Yuki’s long blue hair, scratching gently along her scalp, and as Yuki hums, leaning into the touch, she murmurs, “Why don’t you spend the night?”
For a moment, Yuki’s certain she didn’t hear that right – like when the background music in a visual novel plays louder than the voice acting, no matter how much she adjusts it.  “Hm?”
“Stay,” Ryoko croons, curling closer to Yuki, before humming in her ear, “the night,” then brushes her nose against Yuki’s, “with me.”  She meets Yuki’s eyes with that sparkle in her own that’s always been there (but can’t exist because eyes don’t sparkle) and then leans down to take Yuki’s lips lightly in her own.
Yuki responds immediately, without thinking, drawing up into the kiss like it’s all she’s ever wanted (because if she’s honest, for the past few months, it is), free hand going to Ryoko’s bare waist where it’s always just fit, fingers brushing against her skin as Ryoko purrs against her.
And then her brain comes stuttering back online.
“W-wait.”  Yuki pulls back (and she hates herself for pulling back) and searches Ryoko’s eyes and says the wrong dialogue option because her brain is still not fully back online.  “You…you told me to leave.  You wanted me to leave.  What are you doing?”
Ryoko stares down at her, eyes still sparkling the way that they really shouldn’t.  “It’s your birthday,” she murmurs.  “It’s your birthday, and it’s crunch time, and you should relax.”
Because sometimes the best matched pair is the one that picks the wrong dialogue options at the same time.
Yuki scoots back (and hates herself for scooting back – not just because it means not getting what she really, really wants, but because Ryoko’s looking at her like she hurt her.)  “We…we broke up,” she stutters out.  “This is….”  She wraps her arms around herself tight.  “This is just plain cruel.”
But as Yuki moves away from her, Ryoko follows.  “I’m sorry,” she says, making as though to wrap her arm around Yuki’s shoulders, as though to draw her against her again, and hesitates, stopping herself before she can.  “I just…I thought it’d be the best gift I could—”
“To wake up and have to leave?  Again?” Yuki hisses out, scooting even further away from her.
She should leave now.  Just get up and leave.  It’s not like Ryoko would stop her.  She didn’t last time.  She’d just let her—
“Or…or you don’t.”  Ryoko kneels in front of her, hands in her lap, and doesn’t look up.  “Maybe you don’t leave this time.”
Maybe I don’t leave this time, Yuki barely prevents herself from spitting out (this is the bad end in a video game; it is, and she may be racing towards the inevitable punishment that comes along with it, but at least her head is on straight enough again for her to bring up options as some sort of warning before she cuts her own throat), but she can’t stop herself from glaring daggers at Ryoko, can’t stop herself from continuing to hiss, “I thought you wanted me to leave.”
Ryoko still doesn’t look up, but she presses her lips together, and her head tilts, and it’s like she’s reading from a story where she knows the ending is coming but still doesn’t quite believe it, “I didn’t think you actually would.”  She digs her forefinger into her jean skirt.  “I thought…I thought you’d come back.”  Her head tilts even further, and the denim of that skirt is the only thing preventing her fingernail from piercing her own flesh.  “And then you…and then you didn’t.  You didn’t come back, and I—”
“I thought you wanted me to leave,” Yuki repeats, softer this time, peering at her curiously, as though saying it again would make any difference.  “I thought….”
“I did, but I didn’t think you would.”  Ryoko’s hands clench into fists, and her teeth grit together.  “I thought you would stay, and we would fight, and then we’d come to some sort of….  You’d stop working so fucking much because it was killing you, and it was killing me to see it killing you, and I couldn’t stand to see Kaede’s—”  She cuts herself off, corrects herself.  “Mitsuki’s—”
“Kaede,” Yuki whispers.  “Everyone at work – everyone who knew her – only refers to her as Mitsuki anymore, and she wasn’t Mitsuki, that was her character, and it’s like the person she was has been completely consumed by the character she played, and the only one who uses her name is Miki, and Miki didn’t know her—”
“She died, and you might as well have died with her because you weren’t here anymore.”  Ryoko looks up so sharply that her eyes would be daggers if Yuki was writing fanfiction (but eyes aren’t daggers, not in real life, and no matter how much a glare can feel like being stabbed through the heart, it’s not quite the same (she thinks, but she hasn’t been stabbed through the heart yet, and honestly, who has and also survived long enough to know that the metaphor was true)).  “Danganronpa is going to kill you, Yuki, and I couldn’t – I can’t – just sit by and let it happen, and I thought…I thought if we just fought about it, and got everything out, then it would be fine, and you’d…you’d back off, and we’d make up, and everything would be fine.  I didn’t think you would actually leave—”
As Ryoko speaks (and as it becomes plain that the anger Ryoko currently feels isn’t directed at her so much as it is at their situation, at the whole convoluted mess), Yuki slowly unwinds herself and moves closer to her.  She keeps a steady eye on Ryoko, but her girlfriend doesn’t seem to be paying attention to her so much as she needs to get this tirade out, like maybe she’s wanted to say this a thousand times but never had anyone to go through it with.  (Who would she?  Miki, maybe, who would have listened to all of it and then…and then what?  Been a comforting friend?  Tried to help Ryoko figure out what to do with this huge mess they’ve found themselves in?  Does it really even matter at this point?)
What’s plain to see – from Yuki’s perspective, anyway – is that—
Yuki takes Ryoko’s hand, turns her palm over, and taps her forefinger like gentle Morse code onto her skin.
Ryoko flinches.  Her mouth shuts, and she turns to Yuki.  Then her hand turns again in Yuki’s, and she taps back her response – two small, soft, hesitant taps, with enough space between them that no one else would notice they were connected at all – before clasping their hands together.
For a moment, all Yuki can do is look at their hands tangled together, and when she looks up, she notices that Ryoko is doing the same thing.  Her heart breaks.  “Ryoko.”  She searches Ryoko’s eyes as her girlfriend’s head pops up.  The light overhead captures them, and they sparkle.
So that’s what it looks like.
Yuki doesn’t hesitate.  She leans forward and kisses her.
Ryoko tastes of pomegranates and plums and some sacred spice, brandy sweet and intoxicating, warm as mulled wine and cider, and she opens to her and her alone, and Yuki drinks her in like a sailor lost at sea looking at the salt water all around her and desperate for something – anything – to drink, Ryoko not the first drop but the only one she’s ever needed enough to matter.
“Bed,” she murmurs, drunk, against Ryoko’s lips.  “Now.”
“I thought we were fighting,” Ryoko whispers.
Yuki nods, brushing her nose against Ryoko’s.  “You don’t want me to leave.”
“I never want you to leave.”  Ryoko nips at the cherry of her lips – once, twice – as she pushes her hand through Yuki’s hair.  “Never.”
“Prove it.”  Yuki smiles against Ryoko’s lips.  “Make it plain to—”
“Quit saying that word.”  Ryoko’s fingers tighten in her hair, tight, tight.
Yuki just grins.  (She isn’t thinking.  She isn’t thinking.)  “Bed,” she says again, and this time, at her request, Ryoko lifts her and carries her away.
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im-suchanicegirl · 2 months
maybe you would have to consider it like a schizophrenia diagnosis where it requires a certain number of symptoms to persist for a specific length of time to be considered?
And I think there's a lot of overlap too right like "frequent thoughts" that transforms into "obsessive thoughts" or like spending money as compared to spending extreme amounts of money, like wheres the cut off line? Which makes it really subjective and hard to diagnose
we did a version of the test as a joke in class and I ended up entertainment social when I would put myself as intense personal, not that the test is accurate because it was made in like 1973 or something but doesn't that just mean again it lacks temporal validity bc it doesn't give the same results now it would've back then due to changing social norms of what's acceptable
And also there's loads of positives for parasocial relationships too with like behavioural modelling and stuff, especially because you tend to fixate on a role model that you deem similar to yourself (eg. gender/age/interests) like its been proven too that many young girls have parasocial relationships with women they find attractive and have their ideal body type because they idolise them and want to look/be like them but also personality wise with reflecting behaviour, it works massively for improving confidence and such
ALSO that it provides a safe outlet for relationships, it's to do with attachment types, I think originally they said secure is the least likely to form, insecure avoidant is the most likely and insecure resistant almost never form but that was later found out to have absolutely nothing to do with it lmao, just that it allows people who don't have great irl relationships or are maybe lacking something in a personal relationship to experience that without the fear of rejection and failure that accompanies a real relationship (also I believe can help improve their internal working model which is where your childhood relationships form a template for how your adult relationships should be!)
This is so good, thank you for putting in more input 😍 i hope i follow you when you’re off anon because you’re so interesting!
As you said, a lot of overlaps need to be happening to fall into a certain more… intense category. For example, for a while i came to my therapist with diagnosis i thought i had until he sat me down and said all my supposed symptoms were rooted in anxiety. Sometimes it’s also just something else.
Thank you for sharing all this, I truly enjoyed reading this ❤️❤️❤️
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