#this was my first time trying out a bunch of stuff and the snow definitely turned out the best between all of them
daijoboob · 9 months
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Hey @cartoonistwannabe, I was your @lwasanta!! I hope you like this piece- I took your prompt and made up something of a uni au :)
(if you want the full quality version, just drop me a line!)
unblurred bg under the cut:
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livwritesstuff · 9 months
‘tis my birthday today (it’s gotta be one of the worst birthdays to have, we don’t need to talk about it) anyways that’s where this is coming from
(also i’m not trying to imply that jan 1 is eddie’s bday. i wouldn’t wish that on anybody. besides, he is def a weirdo february aquarius)
The second half of the calendar year is nothing short of pandemonium for Eddie and Steve and their three daughters.
Moe’s birthday in late July kicks it off, almost immediately followed by Steve’s birthday in early August, then Hazel’s in September. Robbie’s birthday comes mere days after Halloween, and from there they dive headfirst into the bedlam of the holiday season.
Much to Eddie's relief, they all made it to yet another New Year's Day, and while the girls are definitely feeling the end-of-winter-break blues, Eddie welcomes the reprieve in festivities, brief as it may be.
His own birthday is up next – though not for another month.
He’s really not a birthday kind of guy. Never had been.
He loves making birthdays exciting for Steve and their daughters (they have a whole slew of traditions and everything – there’s names spelled out in pancakes involved; it's a very big deal), but his own…not so much.
It managed to fly under the radar for the past few years, but since this year is the big Five-Oh, he knows Steve won’t let him get away with that again.
Eddie has a complicated relationship with his birthday. When he was younger and the weight of Birthday Importance was at its peak, he never really celebrated the way other kids got to, and now, as an adult, he doesn’t know how to feel the things you’re supposed to feel about your birthday. 
Steve does a good job, despite Eddie’s weirdness. 
His favorite, Eddie thinks, was the year Moe was born, when Steve had managed to catch him off guard by renting a tiny cottage up in Maine for a few days.
“Moe or no Moe,” Steve had asked, “I’ve got Rob and Nance on standby.”
(They’d taken Moe. She saw snow for the first time. It was amazing, and people who don't want to involve their kids in stuff are a bunch of fucking weirdos).
Steve gives him a letter every year – handwritten on notebook paper and folded into whatever cheesy card he picks out.
Eddie keeps most of the letters in a fireproof lockbox along with all their passports and social security cards and birth certificates (look – Eddie doesn’t fuck around with priceless shit), but he keeps the most recent one – the one Steve gave him for his forty-ninth birthday nearly a year ago – in the top drawer of his bedside table.
He has it pretty much memorized at this point.
It says:
Ed! (with an exclamation point and everything – god, does Eddie love him)
Holy shit we’re getting old.
Writing this is making me think about all the ones from the beginning, when I’d write about our future together even though we didn’t have a damn clue what we were working towards for a while.
I think we’re in it, man. Crazy, right?
(The ink color suddenly switches from blue to purple)
Sorry for the color change. Hazy decided she needed a blue pen immediately. Hope your vision hasn’t gone totally to shit and you can still read the purple.
Anyways, since I have you hostage reading this, I’m gonna take the opportunity to discuss you, because you don’t let me in real life most of the time.
You are gorgeous. Best looking face I’ve ever seen. I wonder how much time I’ve lost off my day just staring at you (actually, not a loss. I take that back)
You suck at puzzles – I know that sounds bad, but it’s great for me. I need that to rub off on Moe because she’s getting pretty good and that’s gonna be a problem for me.
You make me laugh so fucking hard every day. I’m praying the girls get your sense of “elevated” humor or whatever you like to call it
You’re so fucking smart, Eddie. I count myself lucky for it endlessly
You are completely 100% you all the time. I’m still working on that I think but I’m getting there because of you. I’m glad all that shit we went through didn’t take that away from you.
the BEST dad. Can’t believe I didn’t say that sooner. Not to brag but our kids are turning out pretty awesome (can’t go around saying that too much though it’ll go right to their heads and then any power we have left goes out the window)
You’re probably the best person I’ve ever known. Don’t think I’ll be forgetting what a catch you are any time soon, because I won't.
Thank you for loving me even all these years later. My life is better every day that I’m with you.
We’ll keep things quiet this year. Don’t get used to it though. Next year’s gonna be a rager.
Love you always!
- Steve :) ♡ ☆
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sorrinslays · 4 months
Please elaborate on all your sampo headcanons, I'm very interested!!
Hello!!!!!!!!! So, elaborating on my headcannons about our favorite conman business man, here's an elaboration on some of them:
Has multiple hideouts all across Belobog, all well hidden
So I believe that most of his hideouts are in dangerous areas since it's less likely to be found out. Like mentioned I believe that he has one far out in the snow plains, but I have thoughts on other locations as well.
He definitely has one in Rivet Town. He probably found an abandoned apartment complex with a great view of the town yet still well hidden when looking out the window so he's not worried about his safety. It's on the third floor to avoid the fragmentum getting to him. He would have a phonograph in that apartment and it's probably the one where he spends his tinkering with his bombs or other trinkets that interest him plus fake relics and other junk he sells.
If I had to find a vibe to describe his Rivet Town apartment, I would say it's where you go for a cup of wine as a slow song is playing on the phonograph like 'Losing My Mind' by Missio, 'April Fool' by Dean Fujioka or 'Out of Control' by She Wants Revenge. It's also where you go when you have a stab wound or something and don't want to bother Natasha, just sit there in the warmly lit living room as you stich yourself, listening to the soft buzzing of the lightbulbs.
He has an apartment in the Administrative District for his persona Madam Poisson (the only one his pays taxes for to avoid suspicion). It's very clean, with only artificial 'homey' stuff so nobody questions it at first glance (like when Silvermane Guards pass through to inform of new policies or asking about suspects like that wig accident). In general, it's the one he spends less time in, only to clean it up so it isn't dusty, to crash after a tiring trip/business venture, or where he invites people as Poisson.
Overall it's the most impersonal hideout, one that is only a front. He doesn't have anything incriminating there, not even wigs. It's the one he feels the least safe in which is why, if he can, he avoids it.
His other hideouts are pretty one note, just the food he needs, a bed, hygiene necessities and stuff like that scattered all over Belobog. He mostly uses them to hide from the Silvermane guards, make merchandise, ponder schemes and stuff like that.
2. He has a white pet snake called Apollo and it always is somewhere on his body
The snake itself is not from Belobog, it's from a planet he visited before coming to Jarillo VI. Actually, I headcannon that there are no snakes in Jarillo VI. I believe a lot of animals went extinct during the eternal freeze, so Belobogians haven't seen a lot of animals, like snakes, birds, bunnies, cats, dogs, etc. And that's why Gepard froze when he heard a hiss from Sampo's breast pocket. It's quite literally the first time he has heard that sound.
The reason Apollo is always on Sampo's person is because Sampo acts like a heat source for it so it doesn't freeze.
3. He's technically not human, he was created by Aha because THEY wanted to see what would happen if a person just spawned in a random planet
I like the idea of Sampo being a creation of Elation and not being a fan of that. The way he was 'born' was by Aha trying to replicate a human and shove a bunch of unused, unfinished scripts, confetti and music. Then, THEY gave Sampo the ability shapeshift and other shit like that and just left him on a random planet out of curiosity.
I imagine that he wasn't an Emanator at first, he was just a creation of an Aeon. There's a bit of my own thoughts on his backstory, something big happens and boom!, he understands the true meaning of Elation yet with his own twist to it and becomes and Emanator.
4. Has interacted with Robin once in a random planet
I like the idea that Sampo, for all his flashiness, likes to stay away from drama or the spotlight. And when he sees Robin try and do the same he helps her get away from the paparazzi and they spend some time on a random rooftop, talking about their beliefs and ideologies. He never tells her his name and she doesn't ask. They just talk and then part ways.
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goldenlaquer · 2 years
may i request Gintoki with a gn reader who just LOVES to spoil him and make him food but at some point just. stops and doesnt say why and while gintoki doesnt want to sound like "hey wheres my food☹️" he is lowkey wondering if they are mad at him and does a bunch of stuff to try make it up to them. rither like cooking himself or spending more time with them yknow?
but in reality its just that money got tight for a bit and they were embarrassed to say they were spending so much on gin lmao
sorry if thats like all over the place! love you lots professor💚
The way you always come as soon as I open requests, It's like you're in my walls 🥺🚓
Sakata Gintoki Headcanons:
Majority of his life, Gintoki been used to going without comforts, some way or the other. Warm clothes. Fresh underwear. Food. Good food, especially. And it ain't been all so bad since he started the Yorozuya. You can always catch a meal from behind Snack Otose's bar before the old lady catches you by the ear and tosses you out like a dirty mongrel. You can always dip your head in the fountain at the local park to gulp down some cold water. You can always get your 14-year old coworker to stand in a corner and beg for some spare change for your strawberry parfait at your favorite cheap family-style joint.
Point is, you put a street urchin anywhere, and he finds a way to survive.
So what actually does him in is meals, hot meals, three times a day, seven days a week. The dining table these days is actually creaking, heavily set with the weight of those little side dishes. Side dishes. Gintoki now is getting choices with his meals. And after a delicious meal, then comes dessert. Not just any dessert— strawberry parfait. A tall glass dish filled brim with his favorite sweet, pushed under his nose with a sweeter kiss to his temple before you're happily clearing the rest of the dishes to the sink.
Gintoki has gained ten pounds since loving you.
Until he's suddenly back to square one, ten pounds lighter, back to three-way chopstick fights over every rotten grain of rice, back to scavenging in Sadaharu's dog feed bag, back to harassing Otose's rice cooker, back to swishing fountain water through his teeth to line his never-quite-satisfied stomach.
It's not his first rodeo, but this time, hitting the ground is harder than he remembers.
It's not about the food. In the past few days, you haven't even been looking at him in the eyes, while ladling a fourth of the food that you usually serve into his chipped bowl. Have barely peeped a few words, except murmured thank you for the meal's before quietly eating your portion, smaller than everyone else's. You've kissed him less, hugged him less. The Yorozuya doesn't carry your scent anymore, you're hardly there.
You're ignoring him, he's concluded. Gintoki knows, knows he's pissed you off because Sakata Gintoki always pisses everyone off at some point. You're sick of a lazy, no-good guy like him, he knows it. He knows it.
Fuck, he hasn't missed any anniversaries. On your third month together, he pissed your name in the snow in front of the Yorozuya! If that isn't the most ardent declaration of love, he doesn't know what is! On your birthday, he gave you a DIY, a lovely sculpture! And told you to use it when he's gone! And his performance in bed— no, that definitely can't be it. He puts his back into it! His dicking is flawless. S-tier!
Shinpachi suggests gifting you the newest Otsuu-chan CD. An advice expected of a cherry boy, damn him.
Kagura is more helpful— she's seen it all before. Papi always swallowed his pride and kneeled in the dirt and begged.
And so, Gintoki kneels in the dirt and begs.
And he says something not worth repeating. Blah blah blah blah I miss you blah blah blah blah don't leave blah blah blah blah You don't have to do anything blah blah blah blah just stay blah blah blah blah I love you or whatever blah blah blah blah.
And you're wrapping your arms around his prostrated head, maybe in tears, saying something like money was running short, you were out looking for a job that's why you weren't at the Yorozuya more often, and something like you were embarrassed to face him— which is the most ridiculous bullshit he's ever heard because look at him while he's wiping your tears away with a rough hand, you idiot— you're dating the sorriest, the poorest bastard in Edo! Getcher ass home so we can eat dinner.
And dinner that night— even with four pairs of chopsticks and one paw fighting over the last shriveled dog kibble— has never tasted better.
Happily ever afterrrr
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umemiyan · 6 months
8 & 42 for tanjiro
11 & 23 for gumi
5 & 20 for both!
8) What happens if one of you gets sick?
if tanjiro gets sick, he's trying not to be a burden at first and is probably pretending he's alright until it starts hitting him harder. he's not too bad, but he's not likely to just lay down and pretend like he's dying right off the bat. he'll fight it a little bit at first, but then he'll be like… okay i need to chill.
i do my best to take care of him, but ngl i have pretty bad health anxiety and getting sick freaks me out a lot LOL so i'm kinda keeping my distance while making sure he gets what he needs. i'll cook, give him all the right meds, etc., just like he would for me even if he tells me some things are unnecessary! he really appreciates it tho. but unfortunately i'm not cuddling him or anything until he's past the point of being contagious lmfao. and he definitely doesn't want me to get sick either!
42) What’s their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
tanjiro's not picky, but he does love a good spring day where the sun is out but it's not too hot yet and there's a nice little breeze. and as long as my allergies are over with for the season, i very much enjoy it too lmao. i think it would be nice to take a walk somewhere quiet, maybe by a lake or something <3
11) Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
yes for both of us LOL but megumi is a little more prone to hiding feelings. once i'm comfy, i'm a bit more expressive, but i certainly have my moments where i keep shit to myself when i'm super upset and it's not just something little. but i can usually tell when he's upset because i'm rather good at picking up on such things. he's not quite at my level of observation, but he gets better with time.
23) Who’s more likely to convince the other to stay in bed come morning?
that would be me. megumi's better at the whole 'early riser' thing and is mostly ready to get up and go. i, however, will lay there for an extended period of time if i don't have to get up for something lol
5) Describe your cozy night in.
tanjiro — tbh i could kinda see us doing a bunch of diy projects?? like we're always tinkering and creating things to make stuff easier or more interesting. all while watching something on tv or listening to music and chatting!! it's just something fun to bring us together and also liven up our space!!
megumi — tbh megumi and i can just sit together in silence while watching a movie or doing different activities. we'll be reading separate things either cuddled up or just in the same space, enjoying each other's company until a conversation potentially sparks! as long as we're both in mutual understanding and one of us isn't like one-sided ignoring the other, things are fine lol (nothing pisses me off more than someone being like "let's watch a movie" or whatever and then they just get on their phone the whole time)
20) Choose one song that perfectly describes your relationship.
tanjiro — glitter in the air by p!nk
megumi — bloom by the paper kites
selfship asks
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Thinking about Thirteen
pretty sure this is the first time I write something Romantic on purpose (will still have my humour though), sorry if it´s OOC because I couldn´t really find anything about Thirteen and don´t really feel like re-reading the lessons
honestly after writing this it just turned out to be me fangirling over Thirteen
you will get roped into interesting… Dates? Hang outs?
sometimes you get to help her making traps
or you get used as bait so she can get Solomon
which once horribly backfired when Solomon invited you both to cook for you guys
or just help her prank some of the poor exchanges students or inhabitants of the Devildom
and sadly this will happen like 80% of the time
but! the other 20% are spent doing cute couples stuff
or as cute as it can get with you two
and to be fair pranking also counts as a couple activity for you two
but you also spend time baking (most of the time Thirteen is just there for sweets, she does occasionally help out though), making everyone jealous (mostly the Brothers because they can´t spend time with you), visiting some nice bakeries and other very sappy date ideas which I´m sure everyone reading this knows more about this than me
on some occasions she even let´s you do her hair
depending on your skills you make some really fancy hairstyles if not she just get´s a really nice braid or very nicely brushed hair
also you get cuddles!
I mean not all the time because getting Solomon´s soul is a tiny bit more important
but you still get a bunch of cuddles! and it´s really comfy too!
also if you have similar height you could swap clothes
and I mean who wouldn´t want to because they look really cool
WAIT I just thought about something else, sleepy cuddles
just cuddling up together, falling asleep
or just imaging her waking up before you and just lovingly watching you
gently caressing your face and waking you up with a kiss
or just a very sweet snow date
just both of you walking through the snow holding hands, enjoying the snow (and Thirteen definitely didn´t try to put snow in your shirt) or just generally having a good time curled up somewhere with a warm beverage enjoying time with each other
fun fact the original title I came up with was just “OP´s feeling very Gay today aka I want to write about being in a Relationship with Thirteen” and I changed it like twice after this because this is literally just me fangirling over Thirteen
it also isn´t really good but at least I tried
also writing this made realize I´m very attached to a character we barely see
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ithinkabouttzu · 8 months
Hi, I know you probably get a ton of these and that you’re probably really busy, but I was wondering if I could get a BOB and TP ship?
My pronouns are she/her. I’m 5’3, midsize/curvy girl with brown eyes and short, curly brown hair. My favorite fashion styles are alt, dark/grunge/chaotic/green academia, and cryptidcore.
I’m an INFP, HSP, and a Capricorn. Basically I’m really sensitive and empathetic. I love reading, writing, video games, animation, music, history, nature, and animals. I’m not a fan of conflict/fighting. I prefer to talk things out and find a more peaceful resolution. Another thing is that I’m an introvert and prefer more quiet and chill activities as opposed to loud and energetic ones. I need a fair amount of alone time in order to recharge.
A “hobby” of mine(if you can call it that) is over analyzing different characters, events, and worlds from different video games, movies, tv shows, books, etc. I also like hiking/nature walks, and self/skincare.
I would say my love language physical touch. I love to cuddle and I’m very affectionate. Like I said before I don’t like conflict or yelling, so an ideal partner would like to calmly communicate with me if we had any disagreements.
Anyway I hope this enough for you. Again I understand that you must be busy with all these requests so take your time. Love your work. Thank you.
Thank you for your request! Also i'm just going to do the BoB ship first. Just because I want to make sure it's perfect, but please send me your description in my asks and I will definitely do your TP ship separately!!
I ship you with…
Carwood Lipton!
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song recommendation: Everybody Loves Somebody - Dean Martin
Alright let me start off by saying that I think you guys would go along so well together. Like physically, but also emotionally you guys would really compliment each other.
You are so his type. So when he sees you he's sure it's love at first sight. Your curves, your pretty hair, You're so beautiful to him. He can't help but stare at you like a maniac because he's just in awe with you.
You aren't really short, but he thinks your height is so cute. Like he can just look down at you and completely melt. He definitely calls you his "fun sized gf" Lol
both of your styles are quite different, but I still think that you guys would look so nice with one another. He thinks all of your styles are super cool and stylish, he's pretty plain and simple about style so maybe you can give him some types on clothes shopping.
He understands your emotions really well actually. It doesn't matter if you're feeling really emotional that day, or if you are just feeling kind of down. It doesn't bother him at all. He's actually a really good boyfriend and would try to do anything to make you feel better. And the more that he dates you he understands what helps you better and some stuff that you don't like when you're having a bad day.
He's super thoughtful when it comes to you. He will always be thinking of you and how you feel at any inconvenience or even in general. What you think and what you like really matters to him. He loves you bunches and is willing to do anything to prove that to you.
Along with that with all of your hobbies and interests, he's of course supporting them by making sure you are completely spoiled with the things you need to enjoy your down time. For example, he'd definitely take you to the bookstore and tell you to get whatever you'd like. Just because seeing that cute smile on your face is totally worth it.
I think he'd see you play video games and become super interested in them. Like he would watch and be like, "how are your hands moving so fast?" and would be super fascinated with it. (he might even ask you if you can teach him how to play it) *cue the romantic montage music*
Okay now, you guys can really get along with both liking nature and animals. I mean he's really like a male snow white when it comes to animals, so getting a bunch of pets is a NECESSITY for the near future. And he'd love going on bunches of hikes or outside picnics. Even just taking a nice walk around if it's nice outside.
He's not a big fan of fighting with you either. He hates it every time you guys get into an argument and he hates seeing you get sad or mad because of something he did. If you guys do get into a conflict, he'll never raise his voice at you, he just can't do it. He prefers sitting down and talking about the situation maturely instead. And afterwards he always will apologize, ALWAYS!
Lip is the perfect person you can relax and enjoy quiet time with. He enjoys it almost as much as you do. So just staying cozy with one another inside is always preferred from you both, occasionally he'll ask you if you want to go out, but it honestly doesn't matter as long as he's spending time with you.
Whenever you need alone time or just some space away to recharge your social battery (which we all do sometimes) he'll always give you your space. He's super respective of your space and so if you need some time away he's willing to give it ofc.
Okay, idea, I think one night, before you guys go to bed, he'd see you doing your skincare and immediately want you to try it on him. He's a bit of an old school guy, meaning he just uses a bar of soap and water to wash his face. But when he sees you put so many extra products he finds it really interesting and will ask you if you can try it on him too lol.
HE ABSOLUTELY LOVES when you ask him for cuddles. It's his favorite thing ever. Just holding you and feeling you in his arms is so amazing. His favorite cuddle position would have to be whenever you lay your head on his chest. HE just loves holding you. Especially after the war because he has hard trouble going to sleep, but when you guys cuddle he can finally get the rest he needs.
But he loves whenever you're affectionate in any way possible. He's affectionate too. HE loves your curves so he'll always take any chance he can get *respectfully* to grab, hug, and kiss on you.
Overall, he's just a super sweetheart for you and is totally in love with you!!
Thank you again for your request lovely, I hope you enjoyed this, much love! <3333
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ctrsara · 2 years
Techless Wonder
Read on AO3
@Comfortember 2022 #16 - Shelter
“Let’s review: whose idea was it to take a tech-free camping trip, Pepper? Who insisted on it, actually?” 
Oh. Maybe that wasn’t the right thing to say, based on his wife’s murderous expression. 
“Well, I didn’t know there was going to be a freak thunderstorm rolling in the third night, now did I?” she growled at him, a frightening mix of angry and really stressed out. “The temperature has dropped at least 20º in the last hour, and that storm system is definitely full of at least rain, and maybe snow. I admit I was wrong; I admit defeat. Now would be a good time to use your tech, Tony. Call a suit or something. Get us out of here.”
“Pep, honey. I did my very best to do exactly what you asked. I honestly don’t have access to anything until Happy gets us at the pick up point tomorrow afternoon. No FRIDAY, no suit, no phone even. All we have is what’s right here,” he said, gesturing to their campsite. 
Pepper’s eyes widened as she realized how serious he was. She took a deep breath and visibly tried to relax. Because this trip was supposed to be all about relaxing. No tech, no communication, no being called back because there was an emergency with SI or with the Avengers. Her vice presidents could handle SI. Wilson and Barnes could handle the Avengers, with Rhodey as back-up. Peter and May had Morgan. This was just Pepper and Tony, being together, without any interruptions. 
What a crap idea. 
“Ugh.” She dropped down in a camp chair, her head in her hands. “What are the chances our tent can handle a storm like that? Or the temperatures tonight?” Then more rhetorically, “ Why did I think it was a good idea to hike a few hours away from civilization to set up camp?”
Tony wisely didn’t answer that last question. But he’d better address the others. “Hon, our tent is for summer camping. It’s really not made for it. Our sleeping bags are decent, especially zipped into one big bag, but they won’t work if they’re wet.” He looked disgruntled. “Why didn’t FRI see this storm as a possibility?” 
“Did you specifically ask?”
“I thought I did. I’m sure I would have… Maybe I didn’t.”
“Tony, what should we do? Is it worth trying to make a run for it?” She knew that last one wasn’t feasible. It would be dark in two hours, and they were unlikely to be able to outrun the storm. “ Can we do anything to make this better?”
Apparently that was the right thing to say. Tony started thinking, then quickly started doing. Pepper did her best to follow his instructions and fill his requests as he relocated and remade their campsite in a flurry of activity. He asked her to disassemble the tent while he walked in a big radius around their current campsite, found a giant set of boulders that made a bit of a windfall, and re-pitched the tent with them as two of its walls. He had packed an extra tarp and some rope, so he rigged a third wall-slash-extra-overhead-rain-protection to supplement the light fly on their tent. He had Pepper gathering a bunch of dead pine boughs that he made most of a 4th “wall” with using dental floss to tie it all together. (“Who brings dental floss camping, Tony?”) and he rigged a larger shovel-like hand tool (which was surprisingly effective) to dig a big trench around their tent to divert any running water.
As they stood back and looked at his creation as the first raindrops started to fall, Pepper was amazed. “Just… wow.”
“You can tell me all about how amazing I am, but let’s get in the tent while we’re still dry, first,” he said wryly.
As they squeezed past the boulder to enter their tiny haven, Pepper asked, “Tony, you don’t even like camping. When did you ever learn any of that stuff?”
“Wilderness Survival Class my freshman year at MIT,” he said. It sounded like an easy ‘A.’ It was not. But just because I don’t enjoy something doesn’t mean I don’t know anything about it. 
“What about things you do enjoy?” she said with a grin, snuggling closer and pulling him in for a kiss. 
“Oh, I know much more about those. You might even call me an expert.”
The surprising storm was one residents talked about for years. It dropped twice as many inches as they usually got that whole month, mixed with a little hail, even, and set a record low for July. But Tony and Pepper stayed warm and dry all night, courtesy of one random college course and a guy who was really good at problem-solving.
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jezabatlovesbats · 2 years
Day 26 of the Unitober challenge is a free day. So, here goes…
Back in the year of 2017, when the Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga remake was released and Minecraft: Story Mode was still pretty big, I was young and ambitious, and I wanted to be a video game developer. I took a computer class at my junior high school to learn the basics of it, but as the school year went by, I realized that I didn’t exactly have what it took. Coding wasn’t something I could easily learn.
And that’s okay. I found something better to be passionate about in life when this show first aired.
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The very first episode of Unikitty aired on October 27, 2017, right before Halloween. Right afterwards, in November and December, the second and third episodes aired. No Day Like Snow Day was my first episode; I watched it when it first came out. Later, on New Years’ Day 2018, the show officially premiered, and let me tell you what happened then.
I fell in love with the show, its characters, its wackiness, and pretty much everything else about it really quickly.
What exactly was the appeal? Well, earlier in my life, when I was about 9 or 10, I was into the Lego Movie. Who was my favorite character? Who do you think? OG Unikitty was the only LEGO Movie character I remember trying to draw. There was just something about her that made me feel sweet inside. I used to ship her with an “OC” (if you can even call it that) named “Horsepuppy,” which was basically just a horse-dog hybrid with no personality. Other “characters” from that time were “Pegabunny,” “Turtlebird” and “Geckofly”. They didn’t have personalities either.
So, that’s where that came from. A few days after the show dropped episodes 4-9, I started writing a dumb little fanfiction called “Broken and Frozen.” The very first draft began with an edgy, sad poem written by my first OC, Germafrost, as the prologue. That fanfiction has gone through many drafts and has morphed into an idea for a series. A week or so after I started writing it, I began to write random things in my notes app, pretending to have a Wattpad account because I didn’t have one yet but wanted it badly.
Unikitty was what I would write about 90% of the time, although I occasionally talked about Minecraft: Story Mode stuff and other things. As the months went by, I came up with more ideas and more OCs. I drew fanart, made not-so-cool memes (all but one), talked about other people’s fanarts, talked a bit about what went on in my life, and squealed over Foxodile. It took me a while to squeal over Frock as well, but I’m happy to say that I did! I also came up with a bunch of episode ideas, but I’m not all that serious about them. There are so many more things I wrote in my Notes out of my love for the show.
Eventually, I did get a Wattpad account and a DeviantArt account as well. You can find plenty of Unikitty-related posts and artwork there.
A lot of the ideas I thought up for my fanmade characters are still canon about them today. Other ideas, I’ve let go of. And there are a LOT of ideas I had to scrap.
I got the Sparkle Party DVD in September of 2018, and it’s now a personal treasure of mine.
Even though this show might be over now, I hope that people will still continue to talk about it. This show means the world to me and that is a fact. It’s inspired me to keep drawing to make my art skills the best they can be. It’s also inspired me to check out other cartoons, like Teen Titans and Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart. Though I’ve definitely hit some bumps along the way like anybody would (there are things I’ve done that I regret doing a LOT), I am feeling great about myself and my artistic abilities.
At times when I felt sad, angry, or doubtful of myself, I’d watch Unikitty to pick myself back up. I mean, the whole message of the show is to believe in yourself and stay positive, so it was there for me when I needed it.
Being in this show’s fandom has helped me grow into a better person, and watching this show has let me think about my outlook on life. Watching Unikitty and her friends spread happiness to other people when they need it and help each other gave me the thought that maybe the world didn’t need to be a miserable place. I didn’t have to live my life in sadness. I wanted to focus more on the things that brought me joy. And the more I did that, the more I felt better for it.
One of the best parts about the show that the characters are all perfectly happy being themselves. They have flaws, but they accept them and let nothing get in their way. The best part of it is that no one judges them for expressing themselves. Seeing this, I felt a little less self-conscious about the kind of person I was. I’ve always liked to post super weird stuff.
I love shows with deep messages, realistic character growth and an overarching story as much as the next guy, but sometimes, you just need to loosen up and laugh a little. That’s exactly what Unikitty wants us to do, and it’s great at making us laugh. I’ve surely done that.
This show has been with me since I was in 7th grade. I’m a high school senior now. There’s still a very special place in my heart for Unikitty. I still love it so very much.
In 2020, I drew this pic to give the show a big, grateful hug.
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And once more, I’d like to say:
Unikitty, thank you for brightening mine and practically everyone else’s days with bubbly happiness, fun adventures and lots and lots of sparkle matter. People like you are the kinds of friends that not everyone is so lucky to have. I’m grateful that you’re there for other people when you need to be and that you understand what makes them happy. The show wouldn’t be the same if you weren’t the star.
Puppycorn, thank you for being such an adorable and funny young pup. You sure are charming. You provided many hilarious moments that I enjoyed watching. If I met you, I’d ask, “Can I give you a hug?”
Dr. Fox, thank you for your smarts and your loyalty. You always come through for your friends, and when you and your friends are or could be in danger, you do your best to get out of it. The costume I wore for the school play back in 7th grade looked a lot like you, and because of that, you’re the character I’ve always wanted to cosplay. I’m finally doing it for Halloween this year! You’re also super “attractive in the form of endearment or charm,” which is called being “cute” in everyday speech.
Hawkodile, thank you for being such a trustworthy bodyguard and a radical action hero, as you call yourself. You’re always there for the gang when they need you, and you try your best to overcome your fears. You’re such a sweet and selfless guy.
Richard, thank you for keeping the castle and the Unikingdom as a whole from falling apart. You are pretty boring by most people’s standards, but if it weren’t for you, the kingdom would be a destroyed cesspool of chaos by now. Unikitty and her friends are lucky to have you. Come what may, but I’ll support you no matter what.
Master Frown, thank you for being such an amazing and very hilarious villain. I love watching you make mischief anywhere you could. As Unikitty told you, you might be a huge grumpy-grouch, but that’s cool with me. Besides, it’s one of the things that make you who I know and love. 
Brock, thank you for your lovable nature and how you’re such a good friend. You make me happy with how funny you can also be. You and Master Frown have a very healthy relationship, and it’s pleasing to see because of how good you guys are at working through problems. I also like you because of your easygoing nature and your lenience. I’d totally try one of your cookies, too.
I would also like to thank all of the other villains, heroes and characters in the show for being awesome and the people who worked on the show for making them so awesome. They all played a part in entertaining 12-year-old to present me, and I’m the most grateful I possibly can be for that. 
This show has taught me things about happiness, life and self-expression. My heart goes out to Lynn, to Ed, to Aaron, Phil, Christopher, Dan, Roy, Jill and Sam. I would also like to give my heart’s deepest thanks to @careeningle, to Brock, Casey, Bill, Adriel, Neil, Andrea and Anna for their hard work. A very special thanks to the incredible voice talents of Tara, Grey, Kate, Roger, Eric, Michael, Keith, and all of the other talented VAs who lent their voices to the show. Finally, a very, VERY special thanks to every single other person who was involved with Unikitty and made it as fantastic as it is. You each poured thousands of hours into something amazing.
I would also like to send my love to all my fellow Unikitty fans. Thank you guys as well! You all are so awesome, and you can reblog this post and explain why you love Unikitty if you want to. We’ve all gotta celebrate if we feel we should.
I wish you all bright futures and nothing but the best. Stay positive. 💖
All my love,
Jezabat 🦇
(Hailey W.)
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sunnysheep · 2 years
played around with a stick and puck for the first time ever today!!
so i checked out a new rink (as one does), and the open skate ended up being a few older guys who like to shoot pucks around and stuff. they bring out a net and those cool bumper pass things and some cones and pucks, and so i was like puck!! puck!! puck!! and was kicking around a puck in the corner having the time of my life, and this one guy was like "hey, do you want to try my stick?" and i was like omg yes pls
so then i tried his stick and i was like this is so cool and so he went found me a stick from the lost and founds (wayy too short like it was definitely made for kids) and!! it was amazing!!
dudebro chatted with me about stickhandling and taught me how to pass - so cool!! like i can't say how excited i was!! these men were so friendly and so nice and inclusive and i loved it!! like it was apparently a pretty tightly-knit group without many newcomers and they were so welcoming!
i've been on the fence about trying out playng hockey because it's such a big investment to get all the gear to even try having a puck and stick in hand (all the rinks ive been to require full equipment to even be on the ice with a puck so ive never gotten the chance before). But! now i have gotten a taste of the wonders of hockey!!!
and now a few things i noticed as a complete newbie stickhandler:
it is very hard to even do a crossover while still keeping control of a puck. like you think, "oh i can do crossovers with my eyes closed, this will be easy." No. No it will not. my hand-eye coordination is absolute shit so it was a struggle to do any type of sharp turn without losing the puck entirely despite my pretty decent skating skills
it is also not easy to just kick a puck around. pucks are wild little beasts that just want to go everytery where you are not. my respect and awe of players who use thier skates to bounce the puck onto their stick has increased tenfold
two (2) guys asked me very seriously how i hold the shovel when i shovel snow. do you know how hard it is to visualize your own grip on a snow shovel out of hte blue? i have shoveled snow. i have shoveled snow Recently. and yet i completely blanked like idk man i just shovel it. Anyways, this is apparently a the way you determine if you are a righty or lefty for stickhandling (i think i am a righty but idk)
i did not know that sticks had a curve on the blade.. i mean objectively i knew that different sticks were different but i never made the connection until i was staring at a bunch of sticks up close
you don't have to know jack shit about what you are doing!! i had an absolute blast just shoving pucks around! you won't see me doing any sort of wild puck handling moves (or even skating very fast with a puck lol), BUT you will see me having an absolute blast!!
All in all, it was an amazing experience, and i felt like i needed to document it somewhere bc i am nothing if not a sucker for looking back on first impressions!
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April 16: Some Shauna and Jackie Thoughts
Okay, finished Yellowjackets Season 1 and now I just need to CHILL OUT and not think about it too obsessively because I need to go to work and accomplish things and, like, move on with my life. Start trying to get back to doing the stuff I was going to do this weekend but whatever.
Two thoughts about the show after having just binged S1 once, and then read a couple long reddit threads:
First: I think Jackie's death was really well done. I knew she died and was really dead from S2 spoilers but I also thought it was pretty obvious from the first season itself. Like it's weird to think that people were actively theorizing ways she could still be alive and stuff--that just didn't seem to be in the cards in any way from the text, either on a plot level (the way her parents treat Shauna) or on a thematic level (Jackie as the civilized world dying etc.). So then it's just a question of if her death is satisfying or not. I definitely think it was.
On the one hand, it was totally stupid and could have easily been avoided--something frustrating and random and chaotic--and on the other hand, it immediately followed an obviously climactic moment for Jackie and Shauna specifically, and the group as a whole to a lesser extent--something fitting and well-timed to the plot. This is the moment when Shauna and Jackie confront each other and stop being passive aggressive. It's the moment when the cult starts forming, and one person tries to stop it, and cannot. It's the moment that was foreshadowed: "cold as in you fall asleep and don't wake up," the inevitable coming winter. It's the team disintegrating and reforming: "freezing out" another member, this time the captain, this time their most obvious tie to the old world and the old ways. It's the moment that Jackie devised for herself: she's so ill-adapted to the wilderness that she can't even start a fire. It's also perfectly devised to create the most guilt possible for Shauna, coming after their fight, and because that fight created a situation where only one of them could stay, and she determined that Jackie would be the one who left.
I read some reactions along the lines of, it was unconscionable for them not to bring Jackie back in, or stupid for Jackie not to come in to save herself. I don't think so. This is late September/early October at the earliest. It's fall. That's a very early and unpredictable (supernatural?) snow, even for that area probably but especially from the POV of Jersey girls. I mean a bunch of them slept outside in flimsy dresses just the night before! They could not see this coming. Further, as others mentioned, this is THE most appropriate petty-high-school-fight way for a teenager to die, thus believable for that reason.
The final fight was also so satisfying because you could see both of their sides. I definitely think Jackie was misunderstood to an extent. I think she was a selfish mean girl more because she was 17 than because she was actively, consciously, trying to be selfish and mean. Had she lived, she would have grown out of it, imo. She had moments of real kindness, like doing Misty's makeup, and most of her mean behavior in the wilderness came from being just so terribly unsuited to it and also a bit naive, and a bit...unaware of her appearance to others. I don't think she was aware of the deep fissures in her relationship with Shauna. She was really hearing them for the first time in that argument, and that's partly because SHAUNA never shared them. Jackie saw her as "the sidekick" but she also deeply loved her, and time and again looked out for her and put her safety and well being first. She was also objectively right about the recent behavior of the girls: she must have felt really gaslit, being the only person who both knew about the bacchanal and didn't condone it. On the other hand, Shauna's long-term simmering resentments were fair. And I can't blame her for not saying them aloud before. She's only a kid, too, and that's hard stuff to say, especially in the context of that kind of lifelong attached-at-the-hip girl-friendship. The way that she and Jackie are is something she's known her whole life.
In other words, I think Jackie was right in that moment and about the more specific stuff, though she phrased her opinions badly, or chose a bad time to talk about them (re: Jeff) and Shauna was right or at least had understandable grief with Jackie in the long term, but she also picked a bad time to bring up all of this, like, 17 years' worth of slow-simmer interpersonal issues.
Second: I'm intrigued by the debate over the anachronistic journals. There were people getting big mad about the mistakes on reddit. And yet to hear the creators say so simply, no, they were never intended to be written by Jackie, really made me so much more curious abut them than I'd been either while watching or while reading the reddit debates. When I watched the ep myself, and saw the journal, my first thought was 'Jackie kept a journal? LOL OOC.' and my second was 'oh it's blank, that makes sense' and my third was 'oh it's not blank, okay, cute girl journal whatever.' And then I just took it as Shauna looking at her friend's stuff and feeling her frozen in time. Then when I read about the inaccuracies I just figured it was a prop error whatever.
But if they were not at all intended to be Jackie's...and of course, they're not, they have a lot of late 90s and early 2000s stuff in them... My assumption is it had to be Shauna who wrote them. That Shauna keeps a journal is one of my favorite things about her because I think there is always something mysterious and intriguing about a person's private thoughts written down (I say as someone who does a lot of that lol). We also know that she writes creatively, and that at some point, at least, this writing (both fiction and non-) was a big part of her self-identity. It figures prominently in her fantasies about Brown: she'd date the editor of the literary magazine, he'd fall in love with her over her stories, etc. And finally, we know that Jackie is a part of her, that she's been trying to connect with her, be her, be close to her, consume her since even before the crash.
It does not surprise me at all, then, that she tried to keep Jackie alive after returning home by writing in her voice, taking on the persona of her to create artifacts in her name--artifacts that she doesn't keep with her but deposits like museum items in the bubble-wrapped, well-preserved Teen Girl Room where Jackie used to live. It's not just the grieving parents who treat Shauna as a surrogate-daughter. It's Shauna herself who, at least at one time, inhabits Jackie to keep her alive in at least this one sense: a personality who can create objects reflecting her thoughts and feelings. A process of creation that Shauna does all the time as herself, that is a Shauna-thing, now distorted to match Jackie: her voice, her thoughts, her opinions. Then the artifact remains, 20 years later, as if Jackie had lived longer than she had. It's not evidence of her friend frozen in time, it's evidence of her own grief, and of their once-entwined selves, frozen in time.
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cielwells · 4 months
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April 2024 Update
At the end in the "Failed Experiment" heading I'll leave that failed experiment. At the start of April I planned on doing a daily update and posting the result as month's end for my monthly update. On day 86 or so I lost track. Only to realize on day 108.
Looking at April in hindsight, what do I think I can learn or what I learned?
I see where I started trying to branch out into multi-day works instead of sticking to a single day and moving on.
Day 65: Was a failed attempt at it.
Day 71 and 72 was the Nek-sliver.
Day 89 and 90 were Pekora Vegetta.
Looking at the naming convention I use, surprisingly Frieren (I have three 76s and she's 2) wasn't one of them. 89 and 80B, paper bag guy, also weren't.
I suppose towards the end of the month I started stretching myself more with fanart.
The Failed Experiment
Monthly Format, yo!
Yo! Not sure what will be here at month's end, but I decided to try this for April, 2024. I don't want to spam daily with my draw something a day project, but I definitely want to make sure I'm reflecting on this stuff to some degree.
Then I had a thought. Doesn't Tumblr have a draft feature?
*returns a day later to see everyone beyond that is missing despite attempts to save*
I hope, hoped, to use the draft to keep a daily reflection written, formatted, etc. while avoiding a daily spam of drawings that I don't feel merit their own posts. Since my plan is, was, will be, to release a collage monthly... well, this seemed a way to kill two bids at once.
Daily Logs
Day 63 - One of the Lost
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One of the lost entries. This will be brief unless I come back to rewrite it when I'm in a better headspace.
Primary Goal: Explore CSP's brushes some.
I feel I accomplished that.
Day 64 - One of the Lost
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The primary goal of this one was to play around with a certain style's coloring technique some. Maybe even use it as a template for this purpose going into the future so I could jump straight into the coloring section.
I "ran out of time" partway through practicing inking. Looks like I still have an issue with relative brush sizes.
Since I forgot to mark it, no reference used.
Day 65
*Returns to this on day 76, and coughs up a lung* Vacation and illness arc ahead.
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Was going to use this over a few days to practice different shading and coloring techniques, but I ended up dropping it due to travel.
Day 66
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Quick sketch due to traveling.
Day 67
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Another quick sketch. A borderline abstract sketch of my time in Tennessee.
Day 68
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Sad frog in the snow.
Day 69
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Random quick sketches.
Day 70
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Incomplete sketch of an idea. A Sliver in a circular shape. First attempt was coiling it up.
Day 71
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A second attempt. The head is circular with the tail and arm blades making the expression.
Day 72
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Probably inspired by Albert from "The Girl From the Other Side". I had finished the series a few days beforehand.
Day 73
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My most blatant cheat image.
Day 74
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Sickness fulling kicking in.
Day 75
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Stupid sick sketch. Random doodle became an "Amogus". Then I did a reflected jump scare in the visor.
Day 76
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Starting to feel better. Streak tracking app didn't save my things from yesterday so I thought it was day 75 still when I started. Then I got a "there is already a save by this name!" when I tried to save it as day 75.
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After the "proper 76" I continued sketching a bit in the style that feels more "right". The eyes are clearly off. I can feel I'm getting a better sense of hair chunk flows. Granted, at my basic skill "better" is relative.
I'm calling this here. With more time I could do more with it. Maybe another day I will, but it is late and I nearing my limit of trying to put off taking my next dose of cold medicine.
Frieren is the subject.
The next day I ended up doing more work on it.
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Day 77
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Gave a night landscape a try again.
Day 78
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A bunch of random shapes and quick practice. I forget what triggered my desire to go back to working on the basicer basics.
Day 79
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Maybe inspired by Albert from "Girl on the Other Side". The horn shape was the primary object of my focus on this day.
Day 80
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The goal this day was perspective playing. You can still somewhat see where I kept redrawing the eyes, repositioning them, to get the perspective I wanted.
Day 81
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Day 81 proper was just a sketch of The Durge from Baldur's Gate 3.
The warmup was inspired by Pikat's Partner's 30 Day Video.
Day 82
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Inspired by a meme, maybe a YouTube short? It was a four frame dealio where each layer was improving your "level". Flat image of water in a glass. Then shading it. Then two more of the red water slurping around the glass.
Day 83
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Was in a rush between chores, friends, getting my other X times a week things done. A Haro on adult Gon Freecs' body. The left arm really needs more work. At least the forearm.
Day 84
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Got a bug in my ear to try a technique for shirts.
Day 85
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Wanted to give cold weather clothes a try.
Day 86
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Was a second attempt at a sweater. Turned into randomness.
Day... bleh
At some point I lost track of this. Keeping a daily log just ended up being too much for me right now, I guess.
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lostacelonnie · 6 months
Truly. School festival? Wild i dont think ive ever been to one of those. Not sure mine ever had them but im glad you had so much fun! Its not completely finished yet i get that done next week but its very cool i love it. I have like. 12 piercings now with still more i want. They were a slippery slope from getting two to all the ones i have & want but i hope you're able to get some in the future. I think i like my eyebrow & lip piercings best. Thats a wild difference damn. Its been sunny mostly cool days right now but we keep going from warmer days to rain/snow warnings here. Oh hell yeah congrats! Strange but positive is the best combination to have honestly. Id also love to check out carnivale if that still happens in italy or mardi gras over here down in louisiana if i had time. Just love the idea of big celebration with cool stuff. Oh sparkle is quantum support with action advance & crit damage (?) boost. She's real good for seele or many teams really. I got archeron! Just need to get her light cone but damn was she cool in the 2.1 story. Not gonna spoil if you havent played through yet. Congrats on your archeron pulls! I think i might save for topaz now & get adventurine later? I do like how he plays but ill grab him later i don't think i have use for him yet. Swarm is so annoying i gave up on it for now terrible fuckin enemies. Mood what set are you usin on archeron? I love her talent too just. Insta enemy kill what a time saver. Really did give her a great & interesting kit. Hm ill have to continue & see how complex she is. Been busy with other games & like. Cosmodyssey & the bartender event in star rail. Oh thats fun i love it keep doin that. Ohh congrats on the writing energy!
yeah school festivals are also pretty rare over here but [thanks to a complete coincidence, i didnt even Know we had those] i ended up in a school that actually organizes one JSDKFJG. would tell you what it is but i feel doxxing my school on tumblr.com is not a terribly good idea. AND HEY THATS AWESOME!!! also yeah i heard it Really Is Like That with piercings shdjfg all my friends said so at least. tbh the only reason i dont have any yet is bc when i was the age when everyone gets their first one [around 8-9 among my peers] i was very physically active and didnt wanna deal with the whole healing process while trying to not get the shit beaten out of me in aikido. so thanks!!! i REAAALLLY wanna get snake bites theyre So cool. AND FOR REAL LIKE???? can the weather Please decide what it wants to do with its life. it was literally raining the whole day today and yesterday i cannot keep dealing with this. esp since today was my first day back to school after the easter break so waiting for my bus was just. miserable. And my classbestie didnt come to school today so i guess i cant have nice things. Oh Well. and for real for real im actually so glad my school doesnt seem to have a single normal person in it because everything is just so much more. chill. and the gossip is Insane i tell you. ever since this year i befriended a bunch of cool alt girls my life had been so much more interesting because they know like everything about everyone. and oh good luck with all that!! i totally agree, tho i definitely have to be mentally prepared for such occasions. Due To The Autism. but yeah theyre SO fun. and oh that sounds like. a very good kit actually. might get her in the future but ahh i still cant quite decide who im gonna pull for next..... only time can tell i suppose. CONGRATS ON GETTING MEI #3!!!!! i maxed out her talents already [thank god for how little time that calyx takes] so i just need to get relics for her now. Auugghhhg. but i decided im just gonna wait for the triple drop event to save myself some sanity and am currently focusing on ruan mei's talents rn since i run her with acheron <- guy who has no welt and his pela is lvl 50 not built. ah thats understandable!!! i was initially Completely uninterested in aventurine but used his trial as a march replacement in my clara team and it all fits together so nicely. speaking of which i literally got clara TWICE yesterday, one pull apart, without pity on standard. the universe loves me i guess. so shes e4 now. FOR FUCKING REAL but at least using acheron in sim uni lets one skip the non boss battles so thats a massive timesaver and also makes dealing with the swarm a lot less problematic. since you only have to deal with the big guy at the end and not trouble yourself with the occasional encounter on the way. seriously tho acheron is so cracked in sim uni. she let me get the achievement for finishing every battle with all allies at 100% hp. im currently using band of sizzling thunder + inert salsotto [LOL] on her!!! as i said. scuffed but does the job for now. but im gonna get her pioneer diver of dead waters + izumo gensei and takama divine realm since i heard thats whats best on her. and yeah her kit is super fun!! and have fun with that!! honestly fair, tho im just stuck in my holy trinity of hi3 - hsr - noita. also i love the bartender event a lot both story and gameplay wise. very very cool. and thankies!!!!!!!
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terras-diary · 10 months
game review - final fantasy xiv heavensward
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story: i liked the setting of ishgard at first, i'm not going to lie it got a bit drab by the end. it was always so dark and snowy. which i mean i get from a story and tone setting perspective but i want to see my beloved baby girl aymeric in sunlight you know? let me get a good look at ya. while i liked the storyline, for whatever reason it felt a lot shorter than arr. i don't really know why? maybe because in arr it was a bunch of smaller questlines which made up the expansion, but for the most part it was a single storyline happening in heavensward? at least until the post game content at least. maybe that's just a me thing though. or maybe because i really felt the world was empty. it was for good reason i understand. but it still wasn't much fun exploring. it was either snow or dragons. sometimes both. gimme something different. and from a nostalgia perspective, when that old ass pope and the knights became the knights of the round summon from ff7? shit my pants fr. i was not expecting that at ALL. a very welcome surprise. characters: so the story did feel more engaging, which i think is because of the new characters you meet and their relationships to you. someone said that in arr the scions are like your work acquantinces and that is so true. you are not friends with those people in the least. strictly world saving activities going on there. but haurchefant + aymeric? aw lawd. your first friends in the game who actually like you. in fact i would even say they love you. and then hauchefaunt fucking dies…. my husband…. some of my favorite characters to come out of this expansion: ysalie + estinian. when they travel with you to dravania was probably one of my favorite story sections. i loved their bickering. ysayle why did you have to die……… sidenote: her shiva fight was so cool. when she clicked her heels and casted diamond dust? unmatched. was cool every time. another new favorite: haurchefant's brothers! i was not expecting them to ever like you at all. or their father for that matter. when it's revealed that haurchefant was a half child, i thought for sure they were going to treat him and you badly. but they really didn't. well maybe they didn't treat hauchefaunt equally but they certainly didn't hate him. it was a nice change of pace whenever they were included in the plot. emmanellain even grew up and took haurchefant's spot! odds and ends: everyone got fucking recasted. i mean it does sound better no doubt but in the back of my head i still hear the arr voices. and when at the end heavensward was haurchefant's fathers memoir? i definitely thought he was going to die but like he just didn't. a nice surprise though. conclusion: i really thought i'd have more to say. i think the charm has worn off a little? it's still fun though, but those sidequests are becoming a slog. i'm also not sure if i'm going to try out all the jobs like i once thought. i think i might just play stormbloods story and post game THEN work on the extra stuff. i feel like the flow of the story was stunted from me taking breaks to do other things.
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daisyvstheworld · 2 years
Day 16 - Jan 16 - Zurich/Grindelwald
I woke up super freaking early bc I was nervous that the train was gonna be late and I wasn’t gonna make it on time for my train from Zurich to Grindelwald. So I got up at 5:15am and packed up, checked out, and checked the status of the train which seemed like it was on time.
I went to the REWE grocery store at like 6:05am and bought HELLA gummies and pre packed food for the next few days bc I had like 25 euros left. Technically I still have 10 euros but I did want some extra cash on hand just in case for like lockers and stuff.
The train was there super early so I just hopped on and finished Love is Blind haha
Slept a bit but kept getting woken up by random people boarding.
We finally got to Zurich after what felt like FOREVER and I got off, crossed the ENTIRE train station to get to the lockers and dropped off my bags. I started walking around and omg it’s freezing. I cannot wait for the 9 degree weather at Jungfrau 🙃
The city is really pretty! Kinda plain and not much to do but pretty! I wish I had time to visit the Swiss museum but I’ll save that for another time I guess. There are actually a bunch of museums here that I wanna visit but I couldn’t because they weren’t open on Mondays 😂
I bought some expensive ass chocolates for my mom and I think they’re a good souvenir! They’re in a tin box with a picture and the name Zurich engraved. I also bought 3 truffles/pralines to try. I had the pistachio praline - 4.5/5!! I’m usually not impressed by chocolates but this was good. The chili whiskey truffle thooughhhh - 2/5. It was fine.. just not that impressive. I definitely tasted waves of the chili and whiskey but it wasn’t anything amazing..
Anyways I got back to the station, found out which spot my train was, and found a migros grocery store and stepped in just to check. They had SMOKED SALMON RICE SANDWICHES!!! I was like omg RICE. They had onigiri and a bunch of other stuff too but I was like no I get this. Then I got bluebs. But tgod I bought my food in Munich bc this shit is 2x the price and in francs.
The train went by fairly quickly, I sat on the top level and fell asleep pretty instantly. We had 3 major stops before getting to the mountains. There was a guy in the first leg who was freaking composing music. I took a picture, pretending to take a pic of the background, because it was all very poetic. From there, the views were inSANE. The mountains, greenery, snow, bright blue lakes, cute mountain houses, ugh I DIE.
We arrived a little late but it was a quick walk to my hotel and took a bit to check in bc the there was another huge tourist group, but eventually I got in.
The room was freaking AMAZING - especially after backpacking for so long!! I immediately laid my stuff out and unpacked. I wanted to get to the infinity pool so I changed and put on the big ass robe and slippers. I think I pooped first which was also really nice.
The pool was SO nice, it was slightly heated at 50 degrees Celsius and had the most incredible view of the mountains. I took so many videos and pics.
I didn’t stay too long bc I wanted to walk around town before the sun set, so I wrapped up and quickly rinsed before walking around. It’s a small town so I finished pretty quickly but I stopped to pick up some local IPAs, a postcard, and I found ORANGINA HARIBOS. I’ve never seen those before!! I feel like they shmack so I bought 2 bags.. lol
Walked back and decompressed a bit. Tidied up and just cherished the privacy and space. I scrolled my phone and shit, drank my beer, then went back out to the infinity pool. I thought it might be pretty but it was so dark and the mountains were also cloudy.. but I took some pics nonetheless and then as I was heading back, I discovered the SPA IS OPEN FOR EVERYONE TO USE. So I sat in the hot tub, went through the ice shower, then discovered the sauna and forced myself to sit in the 85 degree CELSIUS sauna for 15 mins and then stood under the ice shower for like 15 seconds. The wet sauna was too much for me, so I just toweled off and went back to the room to shower. It was sooooo nice though. Truly felt like a pampering day - took a full shower, did my eyebrows, did a nose strip, sweat out all the gunk, ate a healthy dinner, and had a peaceful sleep. Since I messed up and accidentally booked it in December, this cost like $270 lmao but for the normal price of $138, TOTALLY worth it!
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Roommates AU Masterpost
Oh my god, they were roommates...
The perfect compilation of prompt lists for your next roommates story!
Roommates Prompts
There is a blackout in the whole building and now we stumble through our apartment, trying to find some candles.
We all want to save the planet, but maybe starting with recycling is a more reasonable idea than showering with your roommate to save water.
Game night is a very important event in our apartment and we just keep finding new ways to compete with each other.
We decided to deep-clean and declutter our entire apartment, can’t be too embarrassing what we find, right?
The landlord still hasn’t repaired the heater in our apartment and we’re already wearing several layers of clothes, we need to find other ways to keep warm.
Accidently ending a phone call with your roommate with a casual ‘I love you’ seems like a very good reason to move out.
I have work in the morning and I can’t sleep while you’re making music next door, composing love songs for your secret crush.
With a bunch of roommates, the mornings can really turn into HBO’s hit show Game of Toilets.
My alarm is loud enough so you can hear it through the wall, so when I don’t want to get up, you come over to turn it off and drag me out of bed.
The snow storm makes it impossible to go outside, so let’s build a blanket fort and spend the day in there.
Roommates AUs
We’re both moving into the same apartment with a mutual friend of ours but we didn’t know each other and it’s dislike at first sight, but now we’ve got to live together,
There was a spider in my room and yes, you rescued it by putting it outside, but I still won’t sleep in this room tonight!,
Starting a friends with benefits relationship with your roommate quickly blurs some lines…,
We support different sports teams and I think we might went a little overboard with our competitiveness before the big game,​
You got yourself stuck in the bathroom again, I told you we need to call the caretaker to fix the lock on the door, why do you never listen, but yes, I’m getting a screwdriver,
There are love letters coming in the mail but with nothing written on the outside, not even a name, so I always give them to you, because I just assume they’re for you because I think I’ve seen you holding one of the envelopes before and you’re the kind of person that has a secret admirer, definitely not me…,
We just moved into a shared apartment and I find out you like to sing while doing your chores and I really like your voice,
I like cats but no one should love their fur balls as much as you do, but now there’s a storm outside and the cat’s not at home and you’re devasted so now we run through the rain, screaming for your cat,
I have no problem with sharing my Netflix account with you, but if you change my watch list one more time…
Roommates to lovers - Spending time together
cooking at the same time, having to move around each other
having to meet up with the landlord you both dislike
seeing the other play a game and getting asked to join in
having to do some errands for the apartment that you have to do together
getting asked by the roommate’s friends to help throw a surprise party in your shared apartment
trying to not hit anything or each other, when there is a power outage and it’s way too dark
cleaning the apartment together and making a dance party out of it
helping the roommate with a clingy date who just doesn’t want to leave
realizing the other one is sick and bringing them tea and some food
painting the hallway together
doing laundry together or bringing it to a laundromat and waiting together
helping the roommate out by hiding some stuff their parents shouldn’t see, when they come by unannouncedthere is a defective smoke detector in the building and you have to leave the house until the fire department as cleared going back in as save
decorating the apartment together for a party or a holiday
making too much food and inviting the roommate to share it
one roommate locked themself out and now has to go to the other’s work place to get the key
Roommates to Lovers Prompts
Person A keeps ending up in Person B’s bed. It’s just a matter of time until “drunken mistake” is no longer a believable excuse.
As roommates they always play online multi-player games together. People who play with them regularly together just assume that they are a couple.
Person A has been living abroad for a year and now moves back into the apartment they already used to share with Person B before they left. The one year apart seems to change a lot between the roommates.
While caring for Person B, who’s been sick for some time now, Person A slowly starts to shift from the mindset of a roommate to that of a more romantic partner.
Person A wants to make a photo album for Person B’s birthday and realizes while looking through the pictures that over time, they seem to look more and more like a couple.
After a trip to Ikea to get new furniture for the apartment, they soon realise that after successfully assembling a shelf without killing each other, they are basically ready for marriage.
Person A has this habit of not wearing a lot (or anything at all) to bed and it’s getting really awkward for Person B when they both end up going to the bathroom at night.
Person C wants to have their “and they were roommates” moment and tries to get roommates Person A and Person B together.
Roommates Arguments
Things that roommates could argue about:
not doing the dishes
not caring enough for their pets
not repairing damage their pets did
about who can use the bathroom first in the morning
about the people they bring into the shared space
being too loud when they get in late or go out early
never going grocery shopping
eating all of their food
never doing their chores
music or TV is too loud
stealing the other person’s clothes
regularly burning the food they try to cook
not paying rent on time or other bills
about what they will watch for movie night
one being a night owl and the other being an early bird
their partner basically living with them without paying rent
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