#this was in my drafts i forgot to post this after watching the episode
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elephantlovemedleys ¡ 2 months ago
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yeah guys what the actual fuck
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bookscandlesnbts ¡ 11 months ago
Jikookery in the new Beyond the Story Doc
Don’t expect think pieces/summary posts from me on a regular basis because it’s only when I feel like I have something unique to say. I definitely agree with the majority of the opinions that I’ve read on the doc being sloppy timeline wise and not showing us much else new. This was in my drafts and I forgot about it, so I’m posting it.
But these last couple episodes were gems. And posed something interesting. I had seen the Jikook moments sprinkled on Twitter, but I had to wait to watch the episodes until I got off of work. In the context of the episodes, I think they mean sooo much more than how they can be perceived alone as snippets. Every other member besides Jin (who was with a non idol or celebrity friend group which warmed my heart so much honestly) was featured alone except Jikook. And I doubt all of them are truly alone as in they don’t have a significant other that they could have been seen relaxing with. And I think the answer is quite simple: because Jikook are always together and they have the power of plausible deniability because they are bandmates right?? That means they could never be together according to the court of homophobic public opinion and probably statistical data right??? I know everyone is freaking out about the date on the refrigerator when hunky bf JK cooks dinner at Mimi’s place but I think it’s actually very interesting that they chose that specific date to film them together. And it was the day before White Day too when they were also seen together. *sigh*
Maybe they thought it would be less weird for Jikook to be seen decompressing and hanging out right after a concert versus bringing a film crew in during their actual personal time that would expose them seeing each other outside of “work”. Jikook were very private too leading up to their companion enlistment. As much as JK went live even, we never saw the two of them together except for the minute where JK shows up on Jimin’s Face Documentary which was live, so I lied. I have no doubt that they saw each other all the time even if we didn’t see evidence of it. But that’s the point. They probably wanted to continue having their privacy. We don’t know what the date was when Jin with his friends but I would guess it probably wasn’t the day immediately after their last big concert in Korea. The other members I can’t say for sure but someone could probably analyze their hair or something and determine it was a later date. The point is that Jimin and Jungkook still wanted to be filmed hanging out together for the doc when none of the other members chose to film together. To me, that really speaks volumes to their bond and closeness.
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bullet-clubs-bitch ¡ 1 year ago
Can you do the MJF x reader opposites. With smut?
Ying and Yang
An: I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG TO GET BACK TO I had this post drafted since September but forgot to post it!
MJF X Fem Reader 18+ minors do not interact
Summary:  Max is a scumbag and everyone knows it, yet he has always had feelings for Y/n that he is struggling to keep to himself. Everyone adored Y/n and despised Max, maybe that’s what made them work.  Word count: 1645
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Max’s Pov
I stood backstage watching the group of people that surrounded Y/n. She wasn’t just one of the most popular wrestlers in AEW in the ring but she was also one of the most popular outside of the ring. I knew she acted like she loved all of the attention but deep down all she wanted was five minutes by herself. In a way I felt bad for her. Our co-workers attached themself to her like a leach, draining blood. They all wanted to be her friend but that didn’t mean she wanted to be friends with them. In a way, I feel that’s what made us a good pair. She was loved by all and I was hated. 
I could tell by her body language that she wanted to escape the conversation she found herself in. She had just successfully defended the AEW Women's Championship against Toni Storm on this week's episode on Dynamite. The two of them put on an amazing main event. The moment she entered backstage several wrestlers immediately crowded her. Praising her work, wanting nothing but to talk with Y/n. I found it pathetic. 
“It was nice talking with all of you but I have to get going” I heard Y/n say. It was almost like some of the people got offended that she left. Times like this I was glad no one liked me. 
I followed Y/n to her private locker room and watched as she collapsed on the small couch in the middle of the room. 
I sat down next to Y/n and started tracing circles along her exposed back. “Great match tonight” 
My words were true, it was a fantastic clean match, neither of them taking any bad falls. 
“I’m so tired” Y/n said as her face was buried into one of the cushions. “I just want to go home already!” The past few weeks were nothing but constant travel, unfortunately for us we would not be home for a while. 
“I know you're tired Y/n” I told her trying to drag her sweaty body off the couch but failing to do so. “Let me help you” Y/n looked shocked by my words. “Why are you acting so weird, you want to help me? Are you feeling ok? How would you even help?” she asked.
“Friends help each other out don’t they?” Friends, a word I hated. Y/n and I would never work, we were too different but somehow we had actually become good friends, selfishly I wanted more but I knew that would be pushing my luck. Instead I pushed all of that aside and watched from afar. Secretly waiting for the right moment to strike, this was that moment. 
“How would you be helping?” She asked, face still buried in the cushions 
“First off you need a shower, you are all sweaty and gross. Since you're so tired maybe I can help with that” I told her, as I toyed with the zipper of her ring gear. “Then maybe after that we can go back to the hotel and I can help get rid of some of that stress. Let me take care of you Y/n, I know you need this.” I could tell she was hesitant, she was in a vulnerable state. My words were soft, trying not to scare her but I think that made her more hesitant. 
“So, let me get this straight,” Y/n said, as she sat up. Back now pressed against the back of the couch. “You, Maxwell Jacob Friedman, want to ‘take care of me’?” 
“Yes, I do, is that so hard to believe?” 
“Yeah it is actually. But as much as I hate to admit you are right, I think I do need your help with this. I’m drained” 
As I helped Y/n out of her gear I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander. She was even more gorgeous than I had imagined. I lathered her body up with bubbles and gently massaged the tender muscles in her shoulders. “You need to relax, you are tense,” I told her.  “My everything is tense Max” She replied, with a slight annoyance in her voice. 
The water burned against my skin but was comforting.  Y/n then turned to face me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and held me in a tight embrace. My brain was trying to comprehend what was going on, somehow I couldn't believe this was actually happening. Y/n whispered a “Thank you” before placing a kiss on my collarbone and exiting the shower. 
Soon Y/n and I left the arena for the evening and got to the hotel, both of us exhausted. I grabbed my things and met Y/n at her hotel room. When she opened the door to let me in I could feel my breath get caught in my throat. She wore a thin tank top that ended right before her navel along with lace panties. I wasn’t sure why I got so flustered, her ring gear was more revealing than her current outfit, not to mention the fact that I just was naked in the shower with her. 
Y/n had a warm tired smile on her face as she greeted me, welcoming me inside her hotel room before going under the warm covers. I put my things down and cleaned up before joining her. 
“So, what are we going to do now?” Y/n asked 
“Whatever you want, I’m a simple man” I responded 
“Whatever I want, you say?” Y/n asked with a smirk on her face
I might regret saying ‘Whatever you want’
Everything happened so fast, I found Y/n on top of me, straddling my hips. “I want to ride you Max” I could feel myself grow hard at her words. She started to grind on me, both of us clothed still but still providing just the right amount of pressure. My hands traced her hips, outlining the curves of her perfect figure. After the crazy night, I had my senses were on fire, I needed her and I needed her now, there was no time for foreplay. 
I flipped us over so Y/n was underneath me. I could see the pout on her face, upset that I moved us. I quickly removed my clothing before turning to Y/n, removing her clothing slowly and carefully like she was a present I was unwrapping. Just then she pulled me close, kissing me passionately. We fought for dominance but in the end, I won, or so I thought. I had Y/n pinned on the bed, I held her hands together above her head in one hand and the other on her hips. I didn’t know how but she was able to free herself from my grasp, sliding out from under me. “This isn’t funny Y/n,” I told her with slight annoyance in my voice at the games she was playing. “You said whatever I want right?” Fuck, I knew that would bite me. “I mean I di-” “So Maxwell” Y/n said as she climbed back on the bed “Let me get what I want, let me take care of you,” She said, throwing the words I used earlier back at me. 
Although I wanted to argue I couldn’t deny how gorgeous she would look riding my cock. “Fine, whatever” I replied as I laid down on my back. I watched as she slowly straddled my hips, grinding painfully slow on my hard and now angry cock. As much as I needed her now, I couldn’t deny that this was turning me on. “Y/n-” I began to protest against her teasing but she silenced me with a kiss. “Hush” was all she said as she slowly began to sink down on me, taking a moment to compose herself before she began to ride me. She felt like heaven around me, the way her sweet moans filled the room as she began to flutter around me. All of a sudden I felt this jealousy that she had done this to men before but also some pride knowing I would be a part of that. I met her thrusts, adding to deeper penetration. I could feel my orgasm approaching, quicker than I wanted to but everything just felt so good. I toyed with her nipples as she rode me, playing with one as I sucked on the other, then switching to the other. “Fuck Max!” Y/n called out which just made me laugh. I could feel she was close by the way she fluttered around me and the way her thrusts got sloppier. “Fuck you feel so good” I praised, feeding into her growing orgasm. “If you keep saying stuff like that you are going to make me cum” Y/n told me, almost as a warning. “Good,” I told her as I held her close, using her body to fuck myself. Just then I felt her orgasm, which triggered my own. The two of us were a moaning mess as we rode out our highs, making a mess all over each other. 
For some reason, I found myself getting a bit emotional which is something I had never done. The number of one-night stands I had had over the years never affected me, the amount of people I had been with never made me feel this way. Was I that in love with Y/n? Was it the fact that this would probably be a one-time thing that made me so upset?
“Are you okay?” Y/n asked me carefully, holding my face in her hands 
“Yeah, I-..Uh- I think I just need some air” I told her as I quickly grabbed a towel and went outside to the balcony to compose myself.  
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ghostinthegallery ¡ 9 months ago
I can't believe The Silence and the Storm is over a year old! The first anniversary was May 27th (yes I missed my own fic's birthday in my defense I was traveling and forgot how time works).
I'm trying to compose my thoughts because this sure feels like a time a blog post would be fitting. However, my engrams are scrambled because...wow do I have too many feelings.
As some background, I've been a writer for a long time. And I've written 3-5 books (depends on how you count "completing" a book but it's 5 full drafts, 3 of which were heavily edited). I wanted to be a trade published writer (still do) and for a while I was feeling good about my chances! I got lucky and received some wonderful professional mentorship (and met one of my best friends during that program!). I took that guidance to query agents (a necessary step for access to most big/medium US publishers). I knew it would be hard and take time but...4 years later all I have to show are a few requests, hundreds of rejections, and one agent who asked me to rewrite my entire book only to reject me anyway (me, bitter? No not at all nooooo).
I'm a creative person and sharing my work feels like sharing a part of myself. Something that is not easy for me to do. After a while I just assumed I was missing something necessary. My work didn't resonate, but I didn't know how to fix it. I’d never reach anyone in the way I so desperately craved, and it was my fault for not being good enough. I felt broken.
During one of many major depressive episodes my spouse bought me a copy of The Infinite and the Divine. That book has changed my life. I was never much of a fanfic writer before. Either I thought the original work was too good and I didn't think I had anything to add or it was too bad so why would I bother with it when I could just go read/watch something better? 40k inspired me though. The ideas are incredible but underutilized enough that I felt like I had something to add.
So I started writing necron fic because why not? There wasn’t enough for me to read, and I needed more robot stories. Maybe I could rediscover my love of the craft, make some friends, make some robots kiss. Distract my mind from the horrors. So I posted a little OC fic and actually got some nice comments. Hey! Positive reinforcement! Hadn't had that in a while.
Emboldened, I continued in the most normal way possible. Going from a 7 chapter OC story to a giant civil war epic including every named necron character I could find with 6 (then 7...then 9) POVs. It was the type of grand space opera I've always wanted to write but never did because I didn’t think I had the skill and it's harder to sell. Luckily AO3 is free. Ain't no playing to the market there!
Now, a 40k necron civil war space opera is...niche. So I wasn't expecting much. I would have been happy with some kudos, some comments. Fan art felt like a pipe dream, but what are writers if not dreamers? The main goal was to enjoy myself. It was low pressure fun, I love the characters, what could go wrong?
Nothing, but I was wholely unprepared for things to go as right as they did. Y’all have been amazing. So many great comments and ideas exchanged, gorgeous art, fun asks, a lot of screaming (it’s fine probably don’t worry). I’ve never had such a strong outpouring of support for my work. It feels incredible. But also sometimes confusing. I’ve trained myself so well to handle rejection that I kind of forgot how to handle acceptance. Especially for something so personal. This is a weird story about undead space robots, there’s a lot of politics, sometimes the robots have sex. It’s got out there head canons, and 99% of the tyranid parts are pulled out of my ass because nobody knows how the space bugs work okay. My weirdness being embraced on this scale is one of the greatest feelings of my life. But it’s also new, and way out of my comfort zone. I’m being seen and adjusting to that.
Still, writing in this space has been one of the most consistently joyful things in my life for…well, over a year now! It’s changed how I view my art. I actually can create stories that touch people and make them feel things. I can take risks and have them pay off. I know not everyone will love this, but some people really seem to love it. That is mind blowing to me.
It’s making me reassess a lot about how I approach my art. Writing and other. I still plan to pursue publication. I want to get paid for my work, but this is making me consider alternate paths that might fit my style (and psyche) better. I don’t know what the future holds, but if you’d told me a year and a half ago that a big part of it would hinge on an AO3 gay robot skeleton space opera…I would have thought you were nuts, but also hoped you were right because that sounds rad as hell.
So in conclusion, thank you all so much for reading <3
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being-of-rain ¡ 1 year ago
I wasn’t really a big fan of The Giggle by the time I finished watching it, and I liked it less the more that I thought about it. Which is a real shame, because I think it was full of a lot of great ideas that were squandered with poor execution. I didn’t really want to just post pages of negativity, so I’ll quickly skim through a list of things I think could’ve been done better, and maybe I’ll expand on some of them later or if I’m asked about them. Still, this is your warning for negativity.
The whole 'screens are evil and making everyone think they're right' felt so shallow and cheap, especially because it was set up as the main obstacle and then largely ignored. A lot of the characters at UNIT really didn't do much (I totally forgot about The Vlinx after my first watchthrough) but I think that didn't bother me much while watching because I was used to Chibnall regularly ignoring characters like that. It was nice to see Mel again, but she didn’t really serve much purpose.
RTD’s take on the Toymaker is quite similar to his take on the Master, which was sometimes fun and sometimes annoying (specifically the German accent, which lost its appeal pretty quickly for me). But he felt pretty hollow and full of wasted potential beyond that, feeling like he was there just to give the episode a villain. Although speaking of the Master, his brief inclusion was hilarious and an easy way to write him back into the show later, nicely done.
The last third of the episode had some many intriguing and potentially awesome ideas behind it. The new Doctor turning up partway through a story? Cool! The Doctor defeating his final villain alongside the next star of the show? Fun! The Doctor getting self-care and words of wisdom from his next self? So heartwarming! One Doctor retiring to be happy while his next incarnation travels off to continue the adventures? A fun use of the show's format!
But for me these ideas just didn’t work or didn’t fulfill their potential, and it’s mostly because there’s no narrative justification for them. No cause and effect. There’s no given reason for the Doctor to bigenerate, it just happens. There’s no particular reason that it was the Doctors rather than the Toymaker who won the game of catch to save the world, it just happens. Without any narrative reason the third act feels so unsatisfying, like spectacle for the sake of spectacle, and (I don’t say this lightly) incredibly lazily written.
That lack of story reason also undermines the ending, clearly the thing RTD was most interested in, by making it feel unearned. Like a first draft script that worked backwards to make it happen. The retirement ending itself I have mixed feelings about, which I’m not sure I can fully articulate. One thing I love to see is that RTD can actually do a genuinely happy ending rather than making every ending a tragedy. But said happy ending feels a little too ‘married-with-kids-and-a-white-picket-fence’ to me – though obviously I can’t stress enough how relieved I am that romance didn’t factor into it. It just felt like it wasn’t set up well enough. I’d probably like it a lot more if they made clear if Tennant’s Doctor was going to turn into Gatwa’s Doctor or if they’re just separate people now. It was sweet of RTD to try and bring a conclusion to the ‘Doctor is traumatised’ thing that he introduced to the show 18 years ago, but he did it poorly. At least it offers interesting new possibilities for the show going forward!
With all that said, in the end The Giggle felt to me like RTD retreading some of his biggest flaws as a writer, and throwing in a few borrowed from other showrunners for good measure. It was a disappointment both because of the good ideas just below the surface, and because it came after a very fun first episode and an incredible follow-up.
But like I said, I’m excited to see what the show does next! I saw talk that there’ll be lots of mythical and unnatural creatures turn up due to the Doctor’s salt thing, which is super cool. And obviously I’m excited for more Gatwa! I haven’t really felt a lot of reason to be excited about Ruby yet, but as always I’m ready to fall in love with the new companion quickly!
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felixisourayofsunshine ¡ 1 year ago
I realised that I had this in my drafts for quite some time. Appearantly I forgot to post it. I am gonna modify it and post it now cuz we NEED to talk about this...
Okay so i just watched the interview of the miraculous ladybug writers about the end of season 5............. and my god I am so annoyed right now....
what do you mean that Gabriel was a hero??? as much as i know about a hero, heroes donot go around destroying cities,fighing teenagers,taking advantage of people's vulnerability. That man physically and mentally tortured his own son for years, Yeeted him across Paris, forced his girlfriend to break up with him by emotionally blackmailing her, seperated his son from the girl he loves, and what not. I understand that he was in grief and sorrow due to his wife's death , ok you can turn into villain due to that but that doesn't give to the right to treat your son like this. So what? By sacrificing himself for the wish HE wanted to make he became a hero? What logic is that? Imagine making a statue of a fucking villain which is taller than the heroes'. And the lady in end of the episode was not Emilie but Amelie wtf huh? You are telling me that all those years of being an insignificant character she still remains insignificant? You want me to believe that the terrorist who destroyed not only Paris but traumatized them of life, destroyed teenagers' lives, enslaved his own son for years is a hero? NOT HAPPENING!!
Also they had planned from the beginning that Chat was not gonna be in the final fight with Hawkmoth... Great you proved that to you his character was useless from the start. You guys have been neglecting the poor boy since the very begging , y'all are just too biased towards ladybug. Why name the show Miraculous: Tales of ladybug and Chat Noir just remove his name from the title at his point. Believe me or not Adrien has much more potential as a main character than Mari. I am not hating on her or anything but my girl just doesn't know how to deal with pressure well, and again it's just the product of poor writing done on her. I just hate how biased they are towards Mari that they tend to turn a blind eye at Adrien at times.but you don't even give him enough screen time even though he is supposed to be the main character along with ladybug.
And about their poorly written character.... let's just take Chloe for example, my girl is the most inconsistent character in the show. Till this day they can't decide whether to make her good or bad. She starts as a bad person, then tries to become good, then turns bad again, also team up with Lila (and just WHY would you do that ) and in the end becomes bad again. Choose between good or bad, she is swinging between being good or bad, settle with one thing for goodness' sake.
Also while we are at it let's talk about the poor writing of the show. They just don't know how to execute ideas. Now they mostly rely on timelines all the time.They just think "Oh this idea seems nice but we don't wanna change the show much, ohh don't worry we'll just make it an alternate timeline!! Problem Solved!!!". This is not the right thing to do . They hype us up by showing us something and then in the end they just reverse the timeline.
And how on earth was it Mari's win? In what sense is it the hero's win if the villain reaches his goal? And let's just not talk about the trauma this all gave Mari. She just carries too much burden on her shoulders... Only she knows that the person they are now calling a hero is actually a villain.
And finally, 8 damn years, it's almost been a decade since the show started and we still ain't got no reveal? C'mon if you can't even let the reveal happen in five season then how much longer it will take to reveal themselves? are you even planning to let the damn reveal happen or will just end the show after I don't know how many more seasons without letting them reveal themselves?
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lady-of-the-spirit ¡ 2 months ago
Want to share more about Remedial Analysis of Interior Design (HOTD/asoiaf)?
Okay so. Have you watched Community? (if you post about it and I forgot I apologize 😂) in case you haven't or people reading haven't, there's an episode that's framed in the style of the Ken Burns Civil War documentary about a massive pillow fight that breaks out across the Greendale Community College campus after the two best friends of the series, Troy and Abed, have a friend break up after their pillow fort and blanket fort expand until both are in the other's way and neither will take their forts down because they're having a fight. it expands into all out pillow war between both forts. the episode is about their fight and the threat to their friendship.
and awhile ago I watched that episode in the middle of my HOTD phase and thought "but what if it was rhaenicent". and last night I opened up an ao3 draft to finally do something about those thoughts. (I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to come up with a title.)
I wanna hold off on doing more with it until I finish reading Fire & Blood but so far the idea is trying to write it in a historical text style rather than a documentary style, cut out all the complicated family relationships and just make the characters on team green and team black extended family or non-related friends instead (idk how we'll see), and Daemon Targaryen being Chang. also Viserys fucking up somehow because that's always canon to me no matter what universe it is. and Alicent being very easy to make cry and being incredibly ashamed of that.
yeah this was a fic idea that caters to no one but myself
wip tag game list
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uglyduckling339 ¡ 4 months ago
(spoilers ahead obvi) (this does NOT make sense without having played the episode or at least watched it) (it may also not make sense with the context. so.)
tutorial episode 1
Okay so lowkey i finished this chapter like a week and a half ago but forgot to make a luh review so😭😭 oopsies
I know it's probably just to easily cut between scenes but Max keeps lowkey dissociating after sum freaky shit happens. First chapter after her and Safi almost died, and then now after she universe-hops (?) #trauma_response
god i fucking HATE this buzzing. i miss rewind, that wasn't loud and annoying
"did the forecast call for massive nose bleeds?" GIGGLING umm blah blah blah the storm was because of max's powers and her powers are shown through nosebleeds joke goes here
wtf are these sketchy ass teachers planning bro. just call off and go visit ur kid?? why is this a big deal💀
uhm i think my game glitched or sum bc Safi and Safi's mom just left the turtles but I can hear them gossiping about drug usage? huh
whole-heartedly, this game is FAR too expensive for all these glitches
Maxine "Mary Poppins" Caulfield is back with her stupid ass bag logic
love her she just shoved a whole step ladder in there like it was nun
Vinh... honey shes like. very dead :(
UGHH life tip guys help the guy with the bathroom key BEFORE you talk to Amanda.
jesus my drafts are so hard to comprehend.. wtf does half this shit mean bro😭
Diamond's beef with Vinh is so interesting. It's lowkey like a more intense Rachel v. Victoria from LiS: BTS
i can't take the cat yet :( its in the bushes at the school hissing at me
Vinh needs Max so bad lowkey
I should've interrupted Lucas last chapter bc I don't see the issue with him? he seems like he's incredibly pretentious but not even like HALF as bad as most of Arcadia Bay and he's kinda nice when he's not yapping
i'm so serious what the hell was i saying in these drafts bro.
Max watering Gwen's plant like it's Lisa :( RIP
I was SO prepared for Gwen to walk in ngl
Max :( no :( i like lucas :( I wanna hear abt the book expo :(
i'm so cooked bro i love literally every character in this game so much. none of them killed her theres no way
"dare i channel my... inner chloe" OH MY GOD
No clue what "TRAIN TRACKS????? REFERENCE WHILE FLIRTING WITH A MAN?? MAXINE??" means but i like the vibes so i'm adding it here
i should just post some of these so yall can see the weird ahh shit i got in my drafts lmfao
bye i forgot which universe i was in and drank w/ Vinh instead of pursuing the objective
OH SHIT. don't forget which universe ur in😭 the dialogue almost messed me up fr
also there is SO MUCH repeating dialogue.
max has the milennial curse of forgetting that she can use google istg
Reggie !!! my fav !!!
Authority Figure Max is so fine oml i need her
also !! chloe and victoria's trauma posting is actually so important to me and idc how much yall hate it
one of these drafts just says the sentence "like the fanfic!!"... what was i yappin abt bro
GWEN I WAS EXPLORING. i was coming to you AFTER !!
I can make this SO EMO if yall let me (max smoking a joint)
wait okay so i'm slow but is Gwen trans?
The true essense of LiS is saying "fuck it, it's just a video game" and screwing every character over bc of it
highkey I still hate Loretta but she's kinda nice in this part.
and if i say loretta murdered her what would yall do. (/joke, /theory)
oh okay mr. detective ! thats racism !
so i spent 5 drafts yapping about needing to avoid the tree so it doesn't make a sound just to realize that in Dead World! the tree isn't decorated 😭
giggling and another 4 drafts complaining bc my game crashed (luckily it saved first)
Listen I was bad at the David Madsen swim scene in LiS ep 3, and that had rewind. I'm cooked
PAUSE was rhat a glitch or did she just get caught and rewind time?????
max's overusing her powers again.. girl did we not learn from the NIGHTMARE in LiS
that feeling when you alter the universes and combine them together (absolutely nothing bad will happen from this for sure)
i have a whole paragraph yapping about my love for Vinh in my drafts lmfao
ALSO theorecially could you romance Vinh in one world and Amanda in another....
IRIS 🖤🖤🖤
anyways i wonder why Living World! Max hasn't been home in days
also how is that guitar here. isn't it like incredibly destroyed from the storm
"Grief flings open all the doors we thought we'd shut forever" okayyyy lucas i see u
great job max. glad we stayed calm😭😭
i've been repeating this line for over a week now ngl
"it-it's photoshop !😰😰 a deepfake🧐 idunno!!! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️"
i miss the ads at the end of the episodes soo badly its not even funny
And that was it! alot more glitching in episode 2, but overall it was still hella fun (and the CAT. OH MY GOD !!)
I won't be able to play the new chapters until Wednesday at LEAST bc i'm hella busy but I wanted to get this out for my adoring fans (2 mutuals who like the posts i make)
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anulithots ¡ 1 year ago
"Weather you like it or not" Philodendron. Episode one.
The tumblr houseplant series: Growing a garden of houseplants based off this weird thing called existence, "planted" by others from tumblr.
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Funnily enough, someone said something along the lines of "all your characters have achievement issues." and "Your characters all sound a bit like you". Just passing comments, nothing major.
Insert a little crisis where I was wondering if I should rewrite this. Even though part of the reason I started the tumblr houseplant series was to not plan/stress too much over writing anything "good" and just enjoy the process.
Anywho, to say I relate to this seed is an understatement, and I really really (that's two reallys) appreciate @rainisawriter for sending this one in so we can explore this weirdly painful experience together <3
A tumblr houseplant story from @rainisawriter
Seed post here
Note - this is still a first draft, any feedback is much appreciated <3
TRIGGER WARNING - slight self-deprecation.
Philo loved the ever-changing sky, the wind swaying the trees, clouds, the sun and rain, stars dancing across the sky, dawn and sunset bathing the outside world in drowsy pinkish-orange light.
Philo loved the weather
And what did they not have in the garden?
Well, Philo was set on changing that.
Fae spent days that turned to weeks - that turned to months -watching the outside, soaking in the comfort of the moonlight, the whispers of the clouds. The dance of the rain, the gentle caressing of the sunlight. Fae remembered all of it. Fae remembered the patterns of rain and sunshine. Fae remembered cloud formations and wind directions. All of it was accurately stored and kept. Fae didn't forget anything.. how could fae possibly forget anything?
To Philo, this was faer greatest feat, something to take pride in. Bringing weather and its wonders to the garden with faer remarkable memory. All the plants would surely rejoice over this, and not a single one would disagree. No more watching dust particles do the same dance over and over and ove-
"Would you like a dust cleaning?" Philo blinked and turned to meet the pollywiggin. Dottie.
Philo tilted faer head "Cleaning?"
Dottie fluffed out faer wings. "Yes! The other plants, er - Rose & Puddles & Venus- really really liked being dust free & maybe you would- I mean, if you want to... I'm just trying this out since my littles are more occupied now, Venus is really good at... wait a minute I've been talking too long oh no I.-.."
Dottie took a deep breath. "Dust free from Dottie... ta da ."
Philo paused. This might be the perfect opportunity to let the others know. Philo had enough observations and was finally ready to unveil the idea. To think, it would be more magical to have a day of weather rather than all faer window watching. Finally. After all these months.
Philo angled faer wings, keeping them still despite the barely contained, excited jitters "Well... imagine if you never had to worry about dusting again."
"Umm.... .. did I miss something?"
"The greatest of 'things', weather!"
" .... I'm lost. "
Philo faltered, the prior momentum coming to a grinding halt, like a stone tumbling down a hill before crumbling at the bottom. Fae forgot this part... to think fae had great memory? Preposterous. Fae couldn't even explain this properly.... Wait no... ignore.
Philo gritted faer beak. Fae can't have come this far only to crumble now . Fae can't.
Philo flicked faer tail "Weather? You know... it's weather. Absolutely splendiferous, for it contains all the changing seasons and conditions."
Dottie blinked. "So... no to the dust cleaning?"
Philo held faerself together... barely. "I mean... I shall bring weather to the garden and our lives will be that much richer, you'll love it. -.
"You'll bring weather... inside? How will that work?"
Philo blinked.
Stopped short.
And crumbled into a thousand pieces.
Fae must be the dumbest fairy alive. All this so called 'preparation- with no way to execute it? And Philo thought fae was ready to share it? Fae was dumb enough to think fae could share it?
Sheets of stinging rain washed over Philo. Fae felt their pinpricks behind faer eyes, the building distress in faer throat. Fae couldn't start crying and shouting out of nowhere. That would make it worse, not agian, fae couldn't.....
All faer time, faer memories, Philo faerself, it all meant nothing.
Philo ran to a secluded corner beside the window.
And cried as silently as fae could.
Apparently sensitivity comes with a lot of.... side effects.
Reblog this with one kind statement to "water" Philo, let's spread some wonder to this convoluted place <3
And spread the word to anyone else who would like to add their houseplant to the garden, perhaps we can fill tumblr with houseplants.
[next episode - "What a debut"]
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its-no-biggie ¡ 1 year ago
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[tags on my last post comparing trigun stampede to 98] um. so. i went back through my trigun tag to find the post i was referencing here and. turns out i never actually posted it and its been sitting in my drafts for 3 months (since july 25, to be exact). so here it is! its kinda unfinished but i dont wanna change it too much bc it was my interpretation while i was halfway through 98. anyway enjoy.
watching trigun 98 after stampede is so funny bc why is every character a completely different person. like its not just vash its every single member of the main cast. do you think stampede!meryl would have the balls to hold a gun up to vashs head. be so for real
ESPECIALLY wolfwood. stampede!wolfwood was extremely untrusting and untrustworthy right outta the gate. youre immediately like "whats up with this guy. is he gonna stab vash in the back or what". and his character just kinda stays like that the whole time. but 98!wolfwood is like. hes trying to scam people. hes giving food out to children. he manipulates vash into entering a quick-draw competition. hes very obviously hiding something, and unlike vash he doesnt wear his heart on his sleeve so you have NO idea how much of what youre seeing is fake. he and vash have both clocked that the other is hiding who/what they are but they havent addressed it and it adds SO MUCH FLAVOUR to their relationship. all that, and hes only been onscreen for 2 episodes! i can certainly see him becoming the wolfwood we see in stampede, or i can see the characteristics we see in stampede being introduced in 98 very naturally, but the other way around just. doesnt work.
i. realized as i was writing that last paragraph that wolfwood is introduced scamming people and feeding random children in stampede as well. but its. different? it feels very fake in stampede, like youre not supposed to trust him. like hes giving candy to the child specifically to get vash and co. on his side (which he is. we find out later that it was a setup). but in 98 it feels a lot more real. if its a trick, its one the viewer isnt meant to pick up on yet. and thats the difference- yeah, they may both be a ruse to trick vash, but waiting to reveal it to the viewer makes him seem a lot better at it. the characterization in stampede is "vash is naive for trusting wolfwood when hes so obviously untrustworthy" while in 98 its more like "wolfwood is pretending to be someone hes not and hes so good at it that even you, the all-knowing viewer, didnt know". the former isnt bad characterization, but it is redundant- thats like the one thing we know about vash.
and of course. the fact that they fully replaced milly. and they didnt even replace her with someone who fills the same role! they made meryl the rookie (which doesnt suit her at ALL) and replaced the long-suffering senior with some drunk guy who wasnt interesting and didnt do anything. was he even in the original?? - i just checked. he wasnt.
okay its present-biggie again. sorry for the awkward ending but like. i dont really wanna draw any conclusions here bc i dont remember what my original conclusion was gonna be. i usually figure out what point im trying to make while i write these and i think i got stuck here, put it in my drafts to come back to later, and forgot about it. but theres some good stuff in here so im just gonna post it as is :3
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cobra-creampuff ¡ 2 years ago
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[image description: a cropped photo of a bullet journal page showing four flags with a different symbol on each. every other flag is filled in orange or outlined orange, with the filled flags' icons in green gel pen and the outlined flags' icons in the same orange. the icons are a play button, a scene board, an open book, and a writing quill. by each flag is written something corresponding to the icon in a matching color. /end ID]
Media I Loved Last Week + Writing Progress Report
I forgot to post this on Monday and also yesterday, even though I had it done already on Sunday... :(
My favorite thing I listened to last week was Call It Like It Is by Bailen. Basically this folk-grass band made whatever the hell their version of disco is? And it slaps. 10/10
My favorite thing I watched last week is Game Changer on Dropout. Last week's episode was a surprise escape room featuring my beloved Brennan Lee Mulligan. 10/10
My favorite thing I read last week is Cavernous by @kjscottwrites! I'm super far behind re: beta'ing this because I'm super far behind on everything this month lmao. But so far I'm really liking it! The "establishing normal" stage has gone very well, with plenty of info but no dumping, some nice tongue-in-cheek foreshadowing, and intrigue enough to keep a (normal aksfjks) reader going. Docked a point - for now! - for some sentences I found strangely arranged (noted), but of course that's what beta'ing is for! 9/10
I wrote 3k last week, according to my last marked word count on my tracker. All of that went to Curse The Messenger, and it feels great to finally be working on it again after so long. My heckin' self-imposed deadline for this draft is July which is like... not not soon. I got about a week ahead on my current comish week before last, so I didn't worry about it last week. Needlessly stressing about both tbh, but overall satisfied with this progress.
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adultswim2021 ¡ 2 years ago
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Robot Chicken #53: “Ban on the Fun” | October 28, 2007, 2007 - 11:30PM | S03E11
Hello Kitty gets a hairball? Now I’ve seen everything! Folks, that was my favorite bit in the whole episode. Look at me, dismissing it out of hand.
What else does this episode have? A senseless runner where the main dude form 300 says “This. Is. ____! (something other than Sparta)”, a grotesque but just-plain silly parody of the final scene from Rocky, and a sorta-clever sketch that takes place immediately after the fade-out in Thelma and Louise. I didn’t mind any of them too much, but I did not laugh. There’s also a thing where two meth cookers conjure Crystar. I don’t know who that is and I don’t care to find out. Seems like nerd shit to me.
Also notable is the “Scientist Mad With Power” sketch, about the scientist who declared Pluto was no longer planet (then roughly topical) going crazy and also declaring that other things weren’t what they were supposed to be. I sorta liked this one, and feel like it’s maybe the most cohesive idea in the whole show. The punchline is satisfying enough. I didn’t hate this one!
There’s also the memorable “Home Life of the Maytag Repairman”, a take-off of the Maytag Repairman ad campaign. The joke in the ads is that he’s never busy because Maytags don’t break very often. The boredom has driven him to become so mad that he strikes his wife, who leaves him. He blows his brains out, which splatter all over a Maytag dishwasher. This one’s fairly well done as far as Robot Chicken goes, I guess. 
The final sketch is Laff-a-Munich, which is a parody of both Steven Spielberg’s Munich (which I’ve never seen; I’m honestly only faintly aware of the real-life events that it portrays) and Hanna Barbera’s Laff-A-Lympics. I grew up on the Hanna Barbera stuff to some degree (mostly by way of VHS best-of compilations), and I actually remember a brief period of time when I tuned in to Laff-A-Lympics repeats on USA Network in the afternoons. You’d think I’d be fonder of this sketch. 
I guess I’m either noting a mild improvement in the show, or that I’m a little more used to it. It rarely excites me or makes me laugh, but it doesn’t seem to make me angry like it used to. Even knowing what I know now, I still wouldn’t bother to watch it outside of this blog. There are often sketches on the show where the writing is all-over the place, with jokes that don’t really build on the premise but are just a collection of “funny” things happening. I think the excuse was that the show was meant to feel like a little kid with a short attention span smacking their different toys around in nonsensical scenarios. The show does seem to be a little more focused overall and have more solid sketches. I still mostly don’t like it, though.
Please forgive my scattered absences. I actually wrote this post and accidentally saved it as a draft and forgot to queue it. Also, I think daylight savings eve got skipped? No idea why, that one was tumblr’s fault, but if I thought of it I might have gone in and forced it to publish.
I played the new Ninja Turtles brawler game Shredder's Revenge and you can't play as Venus De Milo. You can play as April O'Neil though (the porn star, not the reporter)
April O’Neil does some terrific work. Anyway: I read that the one guy sold his share of the Ninja Turtles to the other guy, and the guy who holds the rights now HATED Venus, and deleted all mentions of her on the official website. There was even like, some blog thing that was meant to keep her in the canon and he DELETED it harshly. HBOMax much?? SEXIST MUCH???
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randomshipperhere ¡ 5 months ago
!!🧹CLEANING OUT DRAFTS WRITTEN IN LIKE 2022. Posted as is last written🧹!!
Okay but fr
I know stereotypes are a thing for a reason and people who are like in the same kind of space like similar things but-
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I kinda forgot this man already came out and I just went “omg I am too!!!” and seeing his tweet about Jaiden made me :) (and though I don’t gush about it often on tumblr dot com I am very much into musicals as well)
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Him loving Tick Tick Boom with all his little nerd heart. I was obsessed with that and Andrew for like the entirety of January.
I’m still desperately waiting for that Tick Tick Boom video though (there might be a chance considering his vague posting about an outline of videos coming out with November having a “T?”)
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Liking an episode which I thought was already well-recieved by the fandom (I was part of the GF fandom but never went in the deep end. I literally joined when the show ended and in the middle pf all the Bill Cipher statue world wide hunt that happened. It was a cool. I may have missed out on a lot but being there when it happened was just a phenomenal experience that can’t be compared)
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And seeing his tumblr sexyman ranking made me actually burst out laughing in our living room. (most of my faves are in B tier and by most there’s like 3 but Bill deserves S spot)
What brought this about? I rewatched a lot of his ranking + dreamworks movie essay videos because I felt nostalgic and went on a little deep dive.
Like God I made a joke on how he seems to be a tumblr girl considering his reaction to the Onceler in his Illumination ranking vid and how I felt a kinship towards him (I literally learned how he made a tumblr sexyman tier list just a couple of minutes ago and this thing I said as a joke was actually a thing he did was the reason why I laughed so hard at his tier list).
Then y’know how much he liked the Heathers musical and even put JD’s Meant to be yours as his top 6 villain song and I just adore that musical to death. (He made a poll on twt and never made that Heathers video. Please Schaff-)
And I don’t really know where I’m going with this but outside of how rewatchable and how much I adore his videos, learning more about the nerdy man behind it just gave me a different perspective? I guess? Well I’m just happy about it all and of course I don’t agree with everything he says (Howl deserves a better ranking but I forgive you) but I guess it’s that odd thing about being happy that someone like you is popular and all that jazz.
Like Jaiden coming out made me happy because she was this popular animation channel and seeing something I like + someone whom I semi-regularly watch and also like being someone similar to me gives me that bouncy happy feeling. Knowing Schaff is a essayist who just feels so passionate about certain things and even making people rethink what they thought about a movie (ex. Shrek Forever After) and as someone who hyperfixates (and I’m not assuming anything until I actually get properly medically diagnosed) and just overexplains all the nitty gritty details about the things I love and what makes them so great and special it just makes me giddy. I guess its what people would refer to as “representation”. That empowering feeling that hey someone like me can be successful kinda feeling. IDK man. Don’t mind the ramblings of an anon on tumblr. I’ll just enjoy his vids in peace and this is the first and last you’ll ever hear of him from my blog again.
But seriously all those commenters on the Illumination ranking video saying he should watch all the Barbie films you guys are brilliant.
(Still waiting on the Tick Tick Boom, Heathers, HTTYD 1, and KFP 2 videos and maybe something about how he likes The Lorax 2012 in the same way he enjoys Shark Tale. I’d love to hear all about it)
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lilnasxvevo ¡ 10 months ago
I had that draft open on my phone for more than an hour and forgot to post it. Now I’m on episode 397 and I fucking love Law and Kid(d?) SO MUCH. The fact that they and the crew members they have with them stick around after everyone else flees without even needing to confer with each other. This situation is dangerous as fuck and they have absolutely no skin in the game but Kidd wants to see how crazy Luffy is and the only established personality trait Law has so far is that he likes watching other people fight.
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vtori73 ¡ 2 years ago
Hey, it turns out I didn't lose the original post I wrote & at first decided to save it as a draft at first because I figured it probably wasn't that good but I might want to read it later to see if I forgot anything and honestly? I like this one better so I'm sharing it but I'm going to update it with some stuff I like from the other one later and delete that one eventually & also this one wasn't finished anyway so just keep in mind it's still being worked on for anyone who might possibly be reading this, lol.
Alright so I've finished up to season 4 of Daria and before this I never really had a problem with how the show was written besides the queerphobia in one of the movies and a fatphobic caricature, the whole thing with Tom never actually bothered or phased me well... except maybe the fact that they kissed which felt a little out of place for Daria character but otherwise I didn't necessarily object to it. However, after watching the season again and reading some light praise/criticism of the character I have to admit I agree more with criticisms of him and how the show decided to go about him & their relationships.
My main thing is why EXACTLY is it a love interest/guy that has to push here boundaries or out her comfort zone and why is written in a way that makes it seem like it necessary for her to grow? I do have to admit the show wrote this stuff very well, too well, because they do a good job of sweeping under the rug that Tom CHEATED on Jane, sure the relation wasn't in a good place but well... you break up, you don't go to make out with your ur girlfriends best friend. Now look, I get it, teens make mistakes and are messy BUT well... that doesn't mean it shouldn't be pointed out for what it is. Not to mention the show tries to paint Tom as nothing more than a good guy who is just pushing Daria to get out of her comfort zone a bit with no one REALLY pointing out what happened out and what he did (WITHOUT making excuses). Tom was in the wrong and should have faced some sort of consequences for it eventually but instead we get him written like he's a decent guy still who hasn't actually anything THAT wrong and is just some decent guy. What makes it worse though is with the way the interactions are written you wouldn't notice just how... unbalanced Daria & Tom's relationship really is, you would have to think outside of what the show lays down for us the viewer as being okay.
I mean think about it, Daria is in a vulnerable more lonely state with Jane splitting time between her and Tom. Daria has told us the viewers that Jane is her only friend and we are shown in an episode that being without Jane isn't exactly easy on her and then out of nowhere Tom decided to start interacting with HER more while ALONE, without Jane. Eventually alone he kisses Daria and we are made to believe this is also her fault and that she is just making mistakes as a teen. The problem with that though is that it ignores the reality of the situation, Daria wasn't exactly one in control here & possibly was even taken advantage of because WOULD she have done these things if she hadn't been vulnerable due to being more separated from Jane? Would she even have felt the desire to date Tom if she wasn't feeling lonely from her and Jane's strained relationship? Daria is also much less experienced than Jane and Tom which also leads to power imbalance, this is even pointed out in an episode by Trent where Daria doesn't realize Tom seems to be into her but because she is new to relationship and flirting and such she wasn't really aware what was happening. Calm her naive or whatever, but either way it doesn't make much sense to fault Daria in much of this and most of the blame should have been put on Tom because if we decided to analyse all this 100% honestly and truthfully Tom doesn't come out looking well and would and should be categorized as a jerk at the very least. I mean " a guy who was dating girl B starts spending time and flirting with girl A who is lonely from their one & only friend drifting away and then kisses girl A when he was fighting and 'getting bored' with girl B and THEN after breaking immediately starts getting friendly/dating girl A" ...I mean, it sounds like something you would find on the AITA forum and EVERYONE would agree the guy was in the wrong and when we put out plainly like that it can almost seem like Tom kind of threw away Jane after getting bored and moved on to the next best thing not to mention even though I haven't watched the episode yet but later on Tom is shown further disregarding (he disregards her boundaries in the very beginning but it explained away as Daria just being prickly due to her being upset with him taking Jane away) Darias boundaries by doing things she didn't want and making decisions for her that he doesn't see or feel are a big deal which... is a red flag, no? Regardless of if he does respect some boundaries at times (like sex, which I also haven't rewatched yet) it just shows the writers really weren't intending for him to be a jerk or bad guy just someone to push Daria BUT that's a problem because even if that's not what they intended that is what ends up coming off to us if we think deeper to their relationship. Not to mention he is also IS also the one who downplays the whole thing with Jane because Jane at first is VERY mad at him but then after he talks to her smooths things over by pointing out they were going to break up any day anyway which she aggress which after looking at everything else this comes off more as him snaking his way out of taking responsibility for his actions and after words Jane is okay and seems to really only harbor ill will towards Daria.
I honestly do think the show wanted something easier to tackle such as teen drama with the added bonus of pushing the main character towards growth but there were and are better ways to do that. Sure Daria is a teen and teens make mistakes and it's important to show that but WE DO see that, we see Daria at different points in the series of her making mistakes before the kiss and easily could have her make more mistakes that don't make her out to be a homewrecker. And, even then though I'm not 100% against Daria making a mistake like that the problem is that Daria REALLY isn't the one at fault in this specific scenario and after we digest all that is written and laid out for us in the show... it really is all Tom's fault! But, due to what is probably misogyny we instead get girls blaming each other and fighting about and over a guy who really caused it all.
That said, I actually DO think Tom is actually something that should stay if there were to be a reboot of the show. One of the other complaints about Tom I've heard and have as well is that he isn't really all that fleshed out which I think also helps him not seem as jerky as he actually is to viewers and with a reboot they can easily still have Tom be someone who helps push Daria BUT not in the way they originally intended. I actually think his involvement in a reboot is NECESSARY but again not exactly in the way the writers initially meant him to be.
I'll share my idea under a read more of how I would go about him, Daria, & Jane's relationship in a reboot.
Okay so, most of Tom would be the same, a "nice" guy who comes from a rich family who hangs out with "common" people, we also get him fleshed out a bit more but mainly the big difference would be how this stuff plays out. Tom would be an example of the toxic (or maybe even abusive) "nice guy," and his actions would be painted to the viewer as questionable to gross such as him pushing Darias boundaries in the beginning and seeing her behind Jane's back, and him driving to her house by himself, lying about his intentions and KISSING HER. Events like Jane's brother would play out differently like instead of telling Daria to quit playing dumb about not noticing Tom's intentions he would (maybe) question Tom as a person to Daria like " hmm, you know what I said about Tom being a good guy? I'm starting to rethink that" with Daria going "what do you mean" and him replying "hmm... nevermind, just be careful Daria." And thats it, most other stuff plays out the same with Trent trying to cheer up his sister but maybe with added lines of him trying to get it through his sisters head that Trent is kind of a jerk and deserves the blame but in HIS way & with Jane not really wanting to hear him out or just doesn't get what he means until later. Anything more than that would be out of character for Trent, he isn't a knight in shining armor type and also isn't the type to "defend his sister's honor." He is very much like his parents in that he is very laid back and trusts that Jane can handle herself, although MAYBE if I wanted to have him improve as a character maybe he actually does take some initiative to help/look out for his sister and her friend later on when things start to get worse or outside help is needed as a sort of redemption for when he let them down for being unreliable and it would show that despite his negatives he sort of makes up for it by caring about those close to him and that he wants to at least be better than his parents who he has outright said he has problems with (very briefly, but still).
The difference also would be that in my version Daria isn't exactly cishetero &/or allo and isn't exactly all that into guys but due to heteronormativity thinks she is and is also dealing with some repressed feelings she has for her friend (in my version I think I specifically want her to be a lesbian who is also gray/demi).
Sorry, I got sidetracked by Trent, anyway moving back on to Tom we would also instead get more obvious hints of him being a bit manipulative what with how he talked things over with Jane and how he gets Daria to go out with him immediately after her and Jane broke up. One big difference that would happen is the conversation between Daria and her Mom who has shown to be very keen to notice what exactly is going on and call it out for what it is like her daughter since she is a lawyer and would be quick to point out to her daughter that what she did was technically wrong but she isn't as at fault as she thinks and Tom's the one who is really to blame. She would be a bit hesitant though to lay it out plainly & truthfully because she is worried she will misstep (like she did in one of the episodes in the show) but that results in not helping out Daria as much & still feels like she is too blame for what happened especially with how Jane is mad at her (maybe even add in that Jane 100% blames Daria because of something Tom said while smoothing things over with her or something helping to push them further apart which is something abusers do although I'm not 100% on whether I want him to actually be abusive or just toxic). Which leads her to seeking out Tom's attention/approval since she doesn't have Jane and they do get along and such and have some "chemistry." Maybe we have Daria's mom try to be more honest about what she thinks later on BUT it's been too long now & Daria is more involved with Tom now and because of that is more quick to defend him and even though she comes off and sounds level headed we the viewers and her Mom can tell she isn't seeing the whole picture for what it is and sort of also seems to be sort of punishing herself because of what she did to Jane. This instead of what happens originally in the show could better help to demonstrate to us that Daria like all teens make mistakes but also in a way that could be beneficial for teens to see because while there are teens that make that mistake... it's not really all that important tbh as compared to showing how toxic relationships can manifest and how they can look, etc. And, actually for various reasons she isn't REALLY interested in Tom but is dating him anyway and eventually we get to more of the boundary pushing issue of him making decisions for her and such and doing things morally she isn't really okay with it and then ends up dumping him.
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I Would Tell Them If I Could, But I Can't
Words: 1823
Warnings: angst, reference to reader and Spencer having previous relationship, probably poor writing and OOC characters but whatever
Criminal Minds Masterlist Main Masterlist Join My Taglist
Reader and Spencer had a relationship for about 2 years before they broke up and then they just kinda slept with one another after bad cases which lead to the reader getting pregnant. They kinda have a co-parenting lifestyle where reader is the "lead" parent and Spencer get's child (Avery) on weekends and some weekday
Only Hotch and Strauss and JJ and Emily know (Hotch because he's her boss, Strauss because she's Hotch's boss, JJ because she's Spencer best friend, and Emily because she's reader's best friend)
Takes place during JJ and Will's wedding/the end of Hit/Run (Yes, I am aware that Emily also left in this episode, it basically was a double whammy. Except the whole team knew about Emily but not about reader)
I literally forgot about this...it's been sitting in my drafts for about 1-2 weeks lol
This was originally written for my OC Abby (which will be posted on my other account @imnotobsessedwfictionalchracters later)
Anywho, enjoy
Love Z <3
Y/N stared at her friends laughing and dancing around in Rossi’s backyard. She watched as Avery chased Henry and Jack around with a stick. She watched as everyone was happy. And she could tell that they were truly happy. Happier than they had been since Emily’s “death”. She wanted to keep it that way, but she knew that soon it would change. They go into the office on Monday and see her desk cleared. She placed the papers on Hotch’s desk yesterday morning. Before they were called down to the bank. She had no idea if he had seen them. But it didn’t matter. She was changing to work with the CIA. It was a better job. Better hours. Not much of a better pay...but she would get to be home for Avery more.
So she felt like this was a good goodbye. Everyone smiling and happy for JJ and Will. No one had to know about her resignation. Not yet. She knew it was cruel, leaving that down to Hotch to tell them. But she thinks it would be easier for her. She already knew that she wouldn’t be able to handle Penny’s crying. The only person who knew was Spencer. And him trying to convince her to stay was hard enough. She knew that if she had everyone trying, she would give in and let them convince her to stay.
“Does anyone know?” She jumped slightly at her Unit Chief's voice. He let out a small chuckle, “Sorry, I should have announced myself. I know you aren’t in the space to not be startled by someone coming up beside you.”
“It’s fine Hotch.” She blew out a bit of air, “And except for you and Strauss, it’s Spencer.” She crossed her arms, “Figured I had to tell him since he’s taking Avery this weekend.”
“Oh yeah? Where is he taking her?”
She laughed, “God I wish I knew. He’s keeping it a secret.”
“So, the CIA?”
She nodded, “They’ve been trying to get me since before that talk you had with us a few months ago.” She looked at him, “About the budget cuts. I was going to talk to you about it that day, but you walked out so fast I never had the time. And then we just kept getting cases so I never had the time to breach the subject with you.”
He nodded, “So what made you decide to take it?”
She looked back at everyone, “Something JJ had said about her time at the Pentagon and something Strauss told me.”
“Which was?”
“JJ told me that while she missed us, she would never deny how happy it made her to get to see Henry more. And to not have to worry about being pulled out and away from him randomly. More stable hours. All of it.” She pushed some hair out of her face, “I talked to who would be my boss to see if that would be possible. They offered me a different position. One I could only get with Strauss’s permission. That was how she found out and I started on the papers.”
“And what did Strauss say?”
“To think of Avery. To think of what would be better for her. And I did. The job at the CIA provides more stability. It’s more of an executive role. I could be home at a more reasonable time. And it’s a closer drive than it is to Quantico. Plus, it is a promotion.” She laughed, “I actually was in disbelief of Strauss convincing me to take it.”
Hotch laughed with her, “That is a strange feat.” He sighed, “So today was your last day.” She nodded, “And you’re leaving the responsibility to tell the team to me, aren’t you?”
She sighed, “It’s not like it’s what I want to do, but it’s easier for me. I don’t think I could handle Penny’s crying.”
He nodded, “You know you’ll just have her showing up at your apartment in tears, correct?”
“Yes, but she’ll also show up with a container of cookies. So it’s more of a win than a loss.”
“I can’t deny that one.” Hotch turned to face her, “It’s been a pleasure to work with you these past 4 years. And if you ever wish to return, the BAU will be happy to have you back.”
She smiled at him, for once she wasn’t surprised to see a smile on his face. If there was one thing Y/N had to say about Hotch, it was that he could be predictable. And she knew that he was going for a handshake, the more professional option, but she wrapped her arms around him. While he could be a pain in her ass sometimes, she would never deny that he knew when she needed a break and forced her to take it. And she wouldn’t deny that sometimes she saw him more as a father than a boss, which she knew was what he wanted sometimes.
“Thank you for not getting upset and trying to convince me to stay, Hotch.”
“If I know anything, Y/N, it’s that sometimes you need to make the choice that would be better for your kid. It may not always be the easiest, but it’s the best.” He pulled away, “I’m going to head back to the party before anyone becomes too suspicious of us talking.”
She laughed, “They are profilers afterall, I think they got suspicious the second you smiled.”
He laughed as he walked away, “That much is true.”
And as he walked away, she saw Spencer was walking towards her with Avery on his hip. She gave them a soft smile as they neared.
“Someone here is getting tired.”
“Aw,” She took Avery from Spencer’s arms, “Is my little girl tired.” Avery nodded softly, “Okay, it is getting late. We’ll soon.” Avery nodded again and laid her head on Y/N's shoulder.
“So, did you tell him?” 
Y/N nodded, “Pretty sure it was reluctantly, but he approved my resignation letter. I start Monday.”
He sighed, “You know that the only reason I didn’t really fight you was because it’ll be better for Avery. Otherwise I would have argued with you. And won.”
She hummed, “Nah, I would definitely have won and not given in. Only Penny can out-argue me and I will accept defeat from.”
He laughed, “That’s understandable. Like, totally and completely understandable.”
“Well, I think that I am going to go on out, join me out front in about 10?”
He nodded, “You gonna get my keys from the bowl?”
She nodded, “Yep, I’ll get them and transfer the stuff to your car.” She sighed, “I’ll go tell everyone bye. And try to avoid promising to see them on Monday.”
He laughed, “That’s gonna be a hard one.”
“Shh,” She hushed me, “Let me dream.”
She followed Spencer down and saw as he went to talk with Emily and Rossi. So she started with Penelope and Derek. Derek saw her walking over to them and threw his signature smile at her. “Hey Pretty Girl, how can we help you?”
“Hey, I’m gonna head out. Avery here is all tired out. So I think I’ll see y’all later.”
Penelope gave her a goofy smile, “Yeaaaah. We’ll see you on Monday!”
Y/N's smile faltered slightly before she kept it up, “Yeah! Totally! See you later.” 
She blew a kiss at Penelope and brought Avery’s sleepy hand to wave at the two as she walked over to Emily and Rossi. She told them the same and soon enough she was walking over to Will and JJ. JJ shot her a happy, but tired smile.
“Hey, you heading out?”
Y/N nodded, “Yeah, Avery is all tuckered out so I’m gonna take her home.”
JJ raised an eyebrow, “You or...?”
Y/N laughed, “He is. But I’m leaving first to be able to switch everything over to his car.”
JJ laughed, “Alright. I’ll see you on Monday?”
Y/N froze for a brief moment. Thought that she should maybe tell her the truth. But she didn’t. She just smiled and nodded, “Yeah, I’ll see you Monday.” She waved at them both, didn’t even try to have Avery wave as the small girl was dead asleep. “Bye JJ. Bye Will. Tell Henry bye for me.”
Henry nodded, “We will.”
Avery walked away from them and then out to the front of the house. She grabbed both hers and Spencer's keys from the bowl on the table and walked out of the house. She walked down to her car and carefully opened it without waking Avery up. She was able to move everything from her car to Spencer’s without waking the small girl on her hip. Just as she was getting Avery ready to place in Spencer’s car, he walked out. 
He gave her a soft smile as he got closer. “Is she asleep?”
Y/N glanced at him as she was buckling Avery in. “Yeah, she fell asleep as I was talking with Emily and Rossi.” She kissed Avery’s temple before carefully shutting the door. “So, when will I learn what you are taking her to do this weekend?”
He hummed, “Never if I have anything to say about it.”
She smirked, “So evil Spencer Reid, oh so evil.” She sighed and leaned against his car door, “Are you really okay with me leaving?”
He crossed his arms, “If I’m going to be perfectly honest? Absolutely not. But I know that it is what’s best. For your mental health and for Avery.” He sighed, “You know that the team is going to be upset that you’re leaving without telling them.”
She nodded, “I know, Spence, I know. But as you said, it’s what’s best for me and for Avery. And besides, Hotch said that if I wanted to rejoin, I always could. So who knows,” She shrugged, “I could end up being JJ and coming back because I miss this all too much.”
He laughed, “Maybe I’ll hope for that.”
She rolled her eyes, “Yeah, maybe.” She said, “I’m gonna go now. I’ll see you later, alright?”
He nodded, “Yeah, I’ll see you later.”
Y/N walked away from Spencer and back to her car. And as she got into the front and started it, she smiled sadly as she listened to “This Year’s Love” by David Gray played through her speakers. As she drove home, she thought about the past nearly 5 years she lived on this team. All of the good and bad things that had happened in the past years. All of the good and bad memories that she had.
She knew she still had more to go through. More to learn. More to live. But she was happy to have lived this life the past years of her life.
“We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere.” ― Tim McGraw
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