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jamtartandsunshine · 2 months ago
Untitled Jamie sick fic?
Thank you! The untitled Jamie sick fic is my take on one of my favourite troupes! Basically Jamie gets sick at an away game during the Zava period and he tries to hide it. Below is a little snippet of Roy finding out ------------ "It's fine" Jamie croaks, looking more miserable by the second. "M' fine. I can play." "Fuck off" Roy scolds softly as he reaches out to lay a cool hand against Jamie's roasting forehead. Jamie doesn't even notice that he lets out a little whine as he leans into Roy's cool palm. "You're burning up" Roy frowns. "Why didn't you say anything you Muppet? You can't play when you're like this." Jamie shakes his head lightly against Roy's hand, and Roy can't help but to reach up and brush back the slightly sweaty hair hanging down over his forehead. "Can't" Jamie mutters quietly after a moment. "Can't. Gotta play. Gotta get better, fucking...fucking Zava jus' waiting for me to slip up." Jamie pulls back slightly to look at Roy with fever glazed eyes. "I have to play Roy. I have to. M' just one of eleven."
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altschmerzes · 3 months ago
Hello my friend. Do you have any of the word lock and/or boot by any chance? Perhaps in slow horses?
from 'drive the wedge' (explained here)
The lock on the outside of River’s bedroom door is still the only one that he has seen get any use in any part of the manor that he’s been allowed into. There’s a part of him that snarls up into a pissed-off animal ready to fight and scratch and claw at being caged every time he sees it. And then there’s the other part of him, the part that fears more than anything the day when that lock might be removed — when Frank might deem him obedient enough, housebroken enough to for it to no longer be necessary.
The Park won’t let them talk to her, anyway, which is infuriating. It’s apparently beyond the jurisdiction of Slough House, which is bullshit because River is the jurisdiction of Slough House and she is the last person who had any contact with him before he was dragged off and thrown in the boot of some poor hapless bastard’s car. Some poor hapless bastard who is now dead, thanks to Patrice and an abysmal case of wrong place, wrong time.
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thirteenemeraldcats · 10 months ago
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Roses for use whenever!
*kicks WIP pile under the bed* DON'T LOOK AT ME.
I haven't had access to any of my WIPs for over a week, so, what's a dumb-dumb to do? Start more!
Jamie whimpers again, the sound muffled from where his face is pressed tight against Roy’s abdomen, as the bus rocks slightly beneath them. Kenneth has been careful since Jamie first went down, cautiously easing the coach to a gentle brake rather than the somewhat haphazard way he usually approaches deceleration, but Kenneth's efforts and his Coaches’ careful hands still aren’t enough to protect Jamie right now. His player’s obvious distress raises a frantic sense of helplessness in Roy, and he has to tear his eyes away from the walnut-mist head he’s cradling in his lap. Instead he stares straight ahead, studying the uncharacteristically subdued Greyhounds scattered in front of him. Between their unfamiliar silence and the eerie glow of fluorescent red lights filtering in through the front window, cast from the traffic light that’s ceased their steady progress home, Roy doesn’t find the reassurance he was looking for. As that violent red glow changes to a vivid green and the bus again resumes it’s forward motion, Jamie doesn’t make any more noise. Roy wishes he could delude himself into thinking that means he isn’t in pain but his eyes have caught on the shaking of Jamie’s bloodless fingers where they’re curled into a claw, desperately digging into the meat of his side.  Jamie’s still hurting. Jamie’s trying to be quiet.
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jamiesfootball · 1 year ago
🥀 and 🍎 (fuck me up)
favorite angst quote from a published work
Roy dragged his bum knee up the stairs, counting every aggravated step. He wondered if maybe he wasn't Sisyphus but the goddamn boulder that kept pushing everyone down the hill.
🍎 favorite angst quote from a wip
"I, um, had sex in Amsterdam when I was younger. Like really younger." Keeley's brow furrowed. That cold, sickly feeling that hadn't left her side since Brazil, it was churning now, threatening to become a storm. Roy braced for impact. "And it was my first time having sex," Jamie paused to taste the words on his mouth. He looked confused, like this was the first time he'd ever heard them. "It was my fourteenth birthday."
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babytarttdoodoo · 1 year ago
“Jamie walked home alone.”
Leave the first sentence of a fic in my askbox and I will write the next five.
The immediate sadness this prompt brought on :(
Jamie walked home alone. It wasn't the first time.
His dad had disappeared from the cluster of parents on the side-lines at some point during the second half, driven off by either the rain or Jamie's failed tackle on the sodden pitch. Not that it mattered - he wouldn't have let him sit in the car dripping with mud anyway.
Jamie pulled his trackie jacket tighter around himself as the wind picked up, sending another hail of water right into his face.
If he hurried, he could shower before his mum got home.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 1 month ago
Want to share more about Remedial Analysis of Interior Design (HOTD/asoiaf)?
Okay so. Have you watched Community? (if you post about it and I forgot I apologize 😂) in case you haven't or people reading haven't, there's an episode that's framed in the style of the Ken Burns Civil War documentary about a massive pillow fight that breaks out across the Greendale Community College campus after the two best friends of the series, Troy and Abed, have a friend break up after their pillow fort and blanket fort expand until both are in the other's way and neither will take their forts down because they're having a fight. it expands into all out pillow war between both forts. the episode is about their fight and the threat to their friendship.
and awhile ago I watched that episode in the middle of my HOTD phase and thought "but what if it was rhaenicent". and last night I opened up an ao3 draft to finally do something about those thoughts. (I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to come up with a title.)
I wanna hold off on doing more with it until I finish reading Fire & Blood but so far the idea is trying to write it in a historical text style rather than a documentary style, cut out all the complicated family relationships and just make the characters on team green and team black extended family or non-related friends instead (idk how we'll see), and Daemon Targaryen being Chang. also Viserys fucking up somehow because that's always canon to me no matter what universe it is. and Alicent being very easy to make cry and being incredibly ashamed of that.
yeah this was a fic idea that caters to no one but myself
wip tag game list
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set-phasers-to-whump · 4 months ago
Awww happy birthday!
ahh thank you so much!!!!
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whumptober · 4 months ago
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Completionists of 2024 - 3/4
@ahmoseinarus | Ahmose_Inarus on AO3
@jamietarttsnorthernattitude | Cartwrong on AO3
@mischamouse | Worried_Mouse on AO3
Eve | @e-v-e-l-l-e
Drunk Breadstick | @drunkbreadstick Masterlist | Drunk_Breadstick on AO3
Moni | @minu-moni | Advogada_do_huaisang on AO3
@crimsonlyinglilly | CrimsonLyingLilly on AO3
Taxi | @taxi-cab-to-slowtown | TaxiCabToOwTown on AO3 | BlueSky
@galaxymagitech | GalaxyOwl13 on AO3
JRourke | JRourke on AO3
Sevenlemen | @sevenlemen | sevenlemen on AO3
Kat/Server | @amood | ServerNotFound on AO3
@andthentheybow | andthentheybow on AO3
Kyanako | @kyanako5972
FartasticDurge | @fartasticdurge | FartasticDurge on AO3
Jaelijn | @jaelijn | jaelijn on AO3
Zaniida | Zaniida on AO3
Dashing_through_snow | @dashingsnow | Dashing_through_snow on AO3
Max | @kidzwitbugz | gardensofedenx on AO3 | Scarlettbutterfly622 on Wattpad
Orso | @perpetuallylatetothefandomparty | OrSomething23 on AO3
@machaonreads | Machaon_Wahnsinn on AO3 | Fanfiction.net
Nataliya | @natk2002 | NatK on AO3
@emerald-hobbit | Emerald_Hobbit on AO3
Jayce | @fantasyismyonlyrealescape | wrestlinginjeans on AO3
@nagisreader | nagisreader on AO3
@geelizzzie | geelizzzie on AO3
@doctordiscord123 | Doctor_Discord on AO3
Quietlyimplode | @quietlyimplode | Quietlyimplode on AO3
Val | @ifitmeanslosingyouthenno | ifitmeanslosingyou on AO3
@ronilani | LaniAhava on AO3
@2day4u-2morrow4me | 2day4u_2morrow4me on AO3
Freckles | @sylvanfreckles | sylvanfreckles on AO3
DaFlangstLairde | @daflangstlairde-art | DaFlangstLairde on AO3
CorpseBrigadier | @corpsebrigadier | CorpseBrigadier on AO3 | NeoCities
VHS_Scientist on AO3
@astralpenguin | astralpenguin on AO3
Teddog | @teddog | Teddog on AO3
NWA Creative Completionists | Creative Completionists AO3 Collection
Phase | @set-phasers-to-whump | escapsimandsharpobjects on AO3
SciFiMedic | @scifimedic | SciFiMedic on AO3
@musewrangler | Wishfulthinking1979 on AO3
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jamietarttsnorthernattitude · 2 months ago
For the Holiday gift thing, if it's not too late, I would love to read the first chapter of your Copenhagen fic or the next chapter of False confidence 💚❤️💚😊 But! No pressure at all! I love everything you write and I considered myself very lucky that you share your writing with us!
For one of the most supportive, kindest, wonderful people on this site <3333 I hope this brings you a small percentage of the joy you spread to others
After spending the night in Copenhagen, Jamie gets on the bus with a black eye and a cheeky “Roy said to tell you he didn't hit me” Only problem is no one believes him.
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@badthingshappenbingo - black eye
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fanficfanattic · 2 months ago
Merry Mini-Fic-Mas @jamietarttsnorthernattitude
It happened after the Boxing Day match. The Greyhounds had won, and celebrations were in order, but it was so c o l d. Mae agreed to kick out all but her regulars so the team could celebrate without having to go far.
Roy should never have given Jamie what he called A Christmas Miracle—he let Jamie have a drink.
“Only one, Tartt!”
But with his tolerance so low…a tipsy Jamie had wandered off. Roy blamed himself for letting him drink and for missing that the muppet wasn’t with the group anymore.
But as for Jamie? He was no chicken but he did think that he needed to cross the road. He didn’t see the car coming down the street. The driver didn’t see a tipsy footballer approaching. Only Bumbercatch could have done the math on which left at what time, and could use it to pinpoint precisely when the inevitable collision would occur!
Roy Kent is here, there, and every fucking where. Including stopping the second idiot he knows from stepping straight into a car. With this second Christmas Miracle performed, he must be on his way to sainthood.
See the rest of the gift fics!
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thirteenemeraldcats · 11 months ago
So what are working on now? 👀
Can I tempt you to share with any roses 🌹 🌹🌹?
An extended snip from the spoils of yesterday's sprints :)
Jamie’s good at following instructions. Roy tells him to jump, he jumps. Roy tells him to run suicide sprints until he pukes, he runs (he pukes). Roy tells him to stay still so Roy can tie him to a bike and use him as a mush-dog for a morning, he does.  (Roy wasn’t expecting that last one to work if he’s being honest. It was only once he’d watched Jamie wrap the rope around his own waist, then blink at him in earnest expectation while he stood frozen in bemused perplexity, did he realise the depth of the hole he’d dug.) So Roy had thought that following the simple instructions of, oh say, a recipe book, would be well within the little prick’s range of ability.  Jokes on him. “You measure the chocolate chips with your heart man.” Roy has his hand locked around Jamie’s forearm, forcefully preventing him from emptying the entire bag into the mixer. He knows that if Jamie actually wanted to break his grip he could do so with ease, so it says something about his higher-order thinking that he just pouts at Roy instead. “No, Muppet, you measure them with a fucking measuring cup. It’s right there in the name and all.”
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jamiesfootball · 1 year ago
Do you want more words? More words to use or save:
Team, save, Liverpool (or any other city) and/or tackle
I was very good about sticking to sentences and now I'm not. All of these are from the 5+1 sleepy Jamie pavlovian fic (yes, it still breathes)
Jamie Tartt was an expert in surviving humiliation. After all, it's not the first time his dad's embarrassed him in front of his friends. It's not even the first time his dad's embarrassed him in front of his team. It's definitely not the first time his dad's embarrassed him in front of his coaches. Not even the first time he'd embarrassed him in front of Lasso. It was just the first time Jamie embarrassed himself by having a fucking cry about it in the middle of the locker room.
Liverpool or another city Manchester
Richmond ruined him for Manchester.
Jamie's hair trickled wet onto his neck as he bent to pick up the towel he'd left on the floor. His ears felt like they were ringing, when his dad marched him back to the bathroom by the arm with a grip hard -- harder than that time he hit a rock on his bike and his arm landed on the upturned handle, harder than the time old bat's nephew through a fit at Jamie for nutmegging him and tackled him like they was playing rugby, knocking the air out of him as he stared up at the sky. Hard, like something he didn't know yet.
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set-phasers-to-whump · 4 months ago
💔? For the ask game :)
thank u for the ask!!
What prompt was the most difficult?
i think it was day 13 (familial curse). i wasn’t sure which prompt i was gonna use and then it was a bit difficult getting my ideas together and making it fit the prompt. but it didn’t turn out too terrible i don’t think!
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abubblingcandle · 2 months ago
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Seen people doing this again and I'm bored and need writing motivation for the beginning on January before work consumes me again so why not dust some things off again. Only doing the ones that are solid and that I wanna focus on rn :)
Ted Lasso
When You Get What You Want (not what you need)
There's No Place Like Home
A Treatment Room Doors Moment
Have You Noticed That You Are Breathing
Gonna Know My Name
Lemon to a Knife Fight
Stardust AU
Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks (nsfw)
Blue Peter Fic
School AU
Food Critic Roy
Pool Day
Carrot and Stick (nsfw)
The Lost City (nsfw)
Every Time We Touch
Frame Me Up On The Wall
Roll Call
Constant Vigilance
Star Player in a Twisted Game
Other Doors
Collateral Damage
Dutch Sky Blue
Fractured Soul
Soul Horses
Quick Repairs To Cope
Dead Weight
Not Getting Off So Easy
Strike Back
Ghost in the Machine
No way I'm tagging someone for every WIP so just a selection of folks @jamiesfootball @jamietarttsnorthernattitude @cartwrong @sighonaraa @altschmerzes @nativestarwrites @jamtartandsunshine @fanficfanattic
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jamietarttsnorthernattitude · 5 months ago
I present for you the 4000th Jamie Tartt fic on ao3
Jamie leaves Ted at the Crown & Anchor, rejected and dejected. He runs into two men who are looking for a fight, Jamie more than happy to give it to them.
Next chapter Ted visits and injured Jamie when he changes his mind about letting Jamie back on the team.
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fanficfanattic · 1 month ago
Tag game! List 5 songs you like to listen to, and then tag 10 of your favorite followers!
Tagged by @folkpunkbumbercatch! Gonna tag a random group of folks I like cause I never follow the rules. (If you’ve been previously tagged, skip or post 5 more. I’m not picky!)
1. Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Ray
2. The Study on Falling - Asaf Avidan
3. Sleeping in the Cold Below -Warframe OST
4. Simple Song - The Shins
5. Skinny Love - Birdie (Cover)
Tagging @jamietarttsnorthernattitude @readwing @andilikedyouforthat @yorkshire-rockchick @thewildballyntynesgrow @thetarttfuldickhead @thirteenemeraldcats @cobra-creampuff @goodmorninglovelies42
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