#this was in Drafts for a while despite just being FACTS and CORRECT and so on
nostalgia-tblr · 6 months
thing about them Thor movies is that i reckon if you depose a king you've pretty much commited yourself to murdering him (preferrably via a method that doesn't look like murder, but either way that guy's toast) but nobody else seems to agree with me in this fandom and so i look like the weirdo fixated on regicide :'(
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dontbesoweirdkira · 2 months
Can we get some more dark Raiden 👉👈
(ignore this if it makes u uncomfy at all)
Like what is like with a darling who needs a wheelchair regularly, maybe the darling has a genetic malfunction with their legs idk
(based off of my legs but it's up to u)
A/N: Hii thank you so much for requesting! I absolutely do not mind writing this. We need that representation in the writing department. 😫🫶I’ve had this in my drafts for a while because I’m very cautious to hopefully not offend or make anyone uncomfortable with this. Please *respectfully* correct me if I got something wrong or may have accidentally used offensive language. I mean no harm to anyone and I want to be able to respectfully give representation for everyone!
That being said this focuses specifically on being disabled and the changes it makes in the relationship.
Warnings: Toxic and abusive behaviors, stalking, slight patronizing/ infantilization, over protectiveness, ect.
Requests: open 24/7
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I don’t really think that the relationship would change too much other than that I think sometimes Raiden would unintentionally be a bit patronizing. (But then again when is !dark¡ Raiden not???)
Raiden loves you a lot and he knows that you’re just as capable as the others despite your disability. Your resilience and intellect alone was enough to win his evil little heart buuuttt…that doesn’t change the fact that he’s still a bit flawed in his ways
We all know this dark side of him is extremely authoritarian so he can’t help but be a little too overbearing when it comes to you.
I want to start off with some of the good things first though.
!dark¡ Raiden is sweet in the ways that matter I think. If you’re having a flare up or in pain. He doesn’t mind dropping everything to come to your aide. Even if the medication isn’t working. He’d hold and massage you until you’re feeling better.
The other nice thing about Raiden is his thick skin. You don’t phase him even on your worst days, not even when you’re a bit snippy do to your pain and frustration. He won’t take it personally. Staying up with you all night also isn’t a hassle for him in the slightest. He actually appreciates that his darling yearns for him when they aren’t feeling too well.
If physical therapy is something that you partake in, he’s eager to learn and help you the best ways he can.
Secretly searching for ways to alleviate some aches you may face with your disability, even if that means going against the elders and seeking help from darker powers.
He’s also unapologetically obsessed with you, he feels no shame when you’re beside him. He wouldn’t wish for you to be any different from how you are now.
Raiden would be just as jealous and possessive over you as he would be with an abled body S/O.
Speaking of this, he has no issues with disposing of anyone who has anything disparaging to say about you.
Oh and he especially hates when someone touches you or your wheelchair. He knows how uncomfortable it makes you when people try to wheel you or lean/sit on it without your permission. This easily sets him off.
It doesn’t matter who it is that touches it, how dare they disrespect you like that? Have they have no manners?
“I fear that I did not hear y/n speak up and give you any kind of consent to touch their chair. Release your hands from it or I will do it for you..”
He’s 100% willing to be your advocate anytime you may need. I mean honestly you don’t even have to ask, he’s tussling the second he sniffs an ounce of disrespect towards you. Lol
Okay here is some of the more unfavorable headcanons. This touches on a bit of patronizing behavior and infantilization. I feel like Raiden would struggle with doing this a bit in the relationship.
Raiden doesn’t like when you go off or do things without telling him first. Yes, you are capable of protecting and providing for yourself. Even though he’s seen this capability first hand, he just can’t help thinking about if something were to go wrong. What if that day you’re too fatigued and you end up hurting yourself?…or worse…what if someone severely injures you? what then??
This is why he prefers to keep you couped up in his temple, right by his side. He even had things around there altered to perfectly suit you.
No more stress about the outside world and how frustrating it can be for a wheelchair user. Plus Raiden made arrangements so you can have 24/7 access to outworlds best doctors and remedies to help with any issues you may run into.
How could you even think of leaving when you got everything you need right here?!
Best of all, he knows exactly where you are at all times in the temple and it keeps his mind at ease that you’re okay.
He has a bad habit of immediately rushing to assist you with very mundane tasks and sometimes wheeling you even when you don’t need it. (Ironic because he hates when other people do it to you but because you’re his darling he thinks it’s automatically okay for him to.😭)
This has to do him worrying about your safety and trying to make your life easier but it instead makes things worse.
Raiden can also quite bossy with what he allows you to do and what he doesn’t. Sometimes this means speaking to you very sternly and even down to you. This often ending up in a back and forth with each other.
To him he’s just doing what’s best to help keep you safe and according to him these rules will ensure that. Raiden couldn’t live with himself if you got hurt, especially when he could easily prevent those things. This is his way of loving you, he genuinely doesn’t mean any harm to his darling by doing this.
You protest this behavior and tell him how hurtful this can be for you but I fear it might take a little while for him to fully realize what it is that he’s doing wrong. Just like a lot people in everyday life, he’s convinced he knows what’s best for you.
“I’m afraid I do not understand, Y/N. How is keeping you safe, hurtful? I can assure you I am only simply doing the duties as your lover.”
he’ll slowly give in by letting you go out and do things “without” him. Just know that he is always lurking behind each and every corner making sure that you’re safe.
And if he can’t, he’ll send a servant to hang around you and report back to him.
Yeahhhhh. I know. He’s so damn-
Just bear with him, he doesn’t process others feelings the same way as you and I. Empathy isn’t his strong suit but he will try his best to correct any errors, simply because he does truly love you.
Notice I said ‘try’. He’ll try but there are just some things he just won’t budge on. !dark¡ Raiden can be stubborn and rather selfish at times if he seriously believes in what he is doing is right.
For example you are absolutely not allowed to be anywhere near the tournament or Kombat in general. He doesn’t care that you may fight well. It’s far too dangerous for you. He will immediately shut down any conversation that has to do with it.
But I will say that I don’t think that this really has to do with the fact you’re in a wheelchair. I think he’d be against any of his darlings doing anything that could potentially harm them. He’s already lost so much, he refuses to let you go too.
I can also see him occasionally brushing you off when you offer to do certain tasks. He’ll immediately order someone else to do it even if you are the better fit.
(There he goes babying you again)
“I appreciate your willingness to help but your efforts will not be needed. Stay here and rest, Y/N. Liu Kang will handle this task instead.”
I guess one other change is that maybe he’s a bit more physically gentle with you?
I could see him being a bit more restrained when it comes to punishment? I think they’d be more among the lines of mental harm or emotional deprivation. (Locking you up, social isolation, food deprivation, avoiding affection ect.)
He’s cautious of man handling and weary of using his electricity too close to you because he’s afraid that it might conduct through the metal on your chair. No matter how angry he is with you, you’re the one person who Raiden would never turn against like that.
I think the only times he’ll get physical is when you’re being extremely defiant towards him when he’s trying to “protect”you.. He wouldn’t hit you but he’d pull you, carry and throw you down roughly. Worse he’d do is bruise you from his grip on you.
Ultimately though I feel like Raiden is just a bit more ignorant with some things. He really hadn’t spent time around humans on a deep emotional level so I think he’ll do unacceptable stuff sometimes. I don’t feel like Raiden would mind that you’re in a wheelchair or try to ever put you down because of it. He’s just so stuck in his ways at times he comes across a bit…::
Like I said I think He would be just as overprotective with any-other darling, only some thing’s slightly change.
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twig-tea · 11 months
Let's Talk about Cheum
I've had multiple Cheum posts in my drafts since at least episode 6, and the main reason why I haven't posted them is because I keep waiting for the show to give me more. There have been some great posts reflecting on her character this week, so I thought I'd give it a try anyway right before the finale this weekend.
@waitmyturtles laid out her thoughts on Cheum here and this was followed up on with some excellent context by @ctl-yuejie re: the split in the audience around their reception of Cheum.
@my-rose-tinted-glasses tied the way that folks seem to want to iterpret Cheum's character to the trailer, which was an interesting take I hadn't considered! I like it.
I've been pushing back on Cheum being the voice of the audience or the only character who has it together for the entire time we've been watching this show [one of the places I've done this most explicitly was in my scene-by-scene breakdown of ep6]. Nothing in the actual show, to me, encourages us to see Cheum as the one who 'has it together'. She gets sloppy drunk out of the gate in ep1; she's rude, she's catty, she seems like a party girl. She's kind of mean about her girlfriend's films behind her back, she constantly insults Boston, Ray, and Mew in subtle ways, she supports Top as a "good candidate" for Mew even when we all in the audience know that he's a player, and even after she knows he betrayed Mew's trust (we can debate over whether it was "cheating", this is how Mew saw it and how Top knew he would see it); she says she's tried to help Ray in the past but we only see her enable Ray's alcoholism--in other words, I have been baffled this entire time why anyone would see her character as the voice we're supposed to trust as a reliable narrator or moral voice of the show, when the audience has enough information to know she's very often wrong. I said after episode 10, in which Cheum accused Boston of assaulting her brother despite her knowledge of Boston's character and the fact that the photos did not support Atom's story, and with the audience knowing she's in the wrong, that I was so thankful this would have to be the nail in the coffin of the theory that Cheum is supposed to be the "voice of the audience" or the "correct" one in the show, and I am aghast that this still seems not to be the case.
In my post about Cheum after ep 10, I said:
When Cheum realizes that Atom lied, though, if she just shrugs it off the way she did Top sleeping with Boston or Ray bringing drugs to the hostel...my rage will be fierce. Part of unconditional belief is holding your sibling to account if they abuse that trust.
But of course I wrote that because I suspected she would, because that's how her character's been to date. So my own previous post is evidence that Cheum has actually been legibly and predictably written, at least to an extent.
And while I like @my-rose-tinted-glasses' theory that maybe folks are being influenced by their memory of the trailer (in their post linked above), I also suspect that a lot of that comes from the audience bringing their sexism to their viewing experience, and assuming that a female character has to be The Voice of Morality if they are not an Evil Seductress, and cannot simply be as messy and nuanced as the other characters. And also maybe from the assumption that SOMEone in this show must be right, when I think that's a faulty assumption to make.
To be fair to the audience, a lot of what's going on with her is subtle, because the show to date has not often explicitly called her out on her bullshit. I remember being so happy to get the confirmation that she knew Ray was in love with Mew this whole time (during the big blow-up at Yolo bar) for example, because it confirmed what I had thought: that she was not oblivious, she intentionally was not acknowledging the tension between them in order to keep harmony within the group. But I would not necessarily expect everyone watching to put that together, especially not as a reveal in the middle of that dramatic scene where so much else was going on.
Cheum is, like @wen-kexing-apologist said in the fantastic post about hypocrisy, just as young as her friends, and just as flawed. She's a bit of a nag, a bit of a party girl, a bit of a people-pleaser, and a bit of a selfish 20something. But so many viewers are refusing to see her that way, and I don't think that's all on the show. And none of this makes me hate her. She's actually the character I relate to most (I know I said I'd be mad at her for not holding Atom to account, and I am, but I don't hate her for it).
Knowing to pay more attention to the rudeness of her language has helped me with this too, because I was looking for a lovable personality trait, and I think @ctl-yuejie's point (linked above) is a great theory as to what's missing for the English-speaking audience. The difference between an asshole character I hate and an asshole character I love is often (a) intention and (b) eschewing social/societal expectations (as opposed to being an asshole in order to meet societal expectations). I don't think we are given enough about Cheum to tell much of the former (though she says she cares, and I do believe her to some extent, I just think she's also blind to how selfish she often is); but knowing she has been doing the latter helps me connect with her in ways I may have been struggling to before.
That being said, as I hinted at above, I do still agree with a lot of what folks have been saying, in that I think she has been under-written, because what I don't have for Cheum (in the same way that I don't have this for Top) is any sense of what motivates her, whether she really does love her girlfriend or she's just riding out the relationship she's in, how much work she's actually doing at the hostel (we see her work the party, but otherwise it's just implied that she's the one doing all the work on the ground, but we never get to see it and in a show full of unreliable narrators, it's hard to know what's true); and how much she really cares about these friends of hers, since most of what we see is her saying she's a good friend but not actually doing things that a good friend would do (or doing things a good friend would not do, like inviting the ex you're still mad at to the party, or yelling at her friend as he's being arrested, or listening to his explanation after he's been accused of a crime). We don't even really know why she wanted the hostel project to be a thing to begin with, or why she cares enough to keep working on it.
I'd like to give the show the benefit of the doubt and say that could be intentional; Cheum is a bit of a fringe member of the group; she doesn't hang out with them with her girlfriend that often, so she's not always around, and she's clearly not best friends with any of the three others. She's who people go to in order to vent and decompress after something happens, and so most of the time we see her, she's helping someone else process their emotions, usually with an eye to reconciliation--though again, the advice she gives is often not good lol. She gets the most mad when someone does something that disrupts the harmony of the group, which is one of the reasons why I read her as the peacekeeper in the group, or the "link" as her name means in Thai I think, that holds them together. Ironically it's her who severs the group in the way that's most permanent to date, by kicking Boston out of the project. But if this is what they were doing with her character, keeping her as the solder rather than a member of the chain (apologies for this belaboured metaphor), I don't know that it was successful; as always gotta wait to the end to be sure.
In the final episode, I would love to get a peek into the core of who Cheum is, or alternatively, Cheum herself saying she feels lost and unsure of who she is. I would also love for someone to point out Cheum's bullshit to her face so that more people understand that what she says is not the moral backbone of the show, though I'm trying to let go of that part of me that wants everyone to get it with this show because I know that's just not possible (and thanks to all of the excellent previous conversations we've had around that). It would be an exciting reversal, and very in character, if Cheum makes Atom's lie and her subsequent banishment of Boston all about her, and then someone calls her on that, for example. And I'd also like more Cheum and April together on screen because they are very aesthetically pleasing and I am a simple creature.
Also just to say, I am hesitant to chalk up Cheum's character having gaps as a 'men writing women' situation because Yo is given the grace to be a full character in fewer scenes than Cheum; also Top as a character suffers from the same problem. So I think this is uneven writing, rather than sexist writing. But I'm open to debating it (and it's not something that we'll ever necessarily know for sure).
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sev-on-kamino · 1 year
✨WIP Wednesday✨
thank you for the tag @wolffegirlsunite @deejadabbles @anxiouspineapple99 @dystopicjumpsuit @wings-and-beskar 💙💙
It’s coming along well, so here’s a lil sneak peak at the rough draft of:
In Pieces Ch. 2 - (Never Had A) Friend Like Me
pairings: Rex x fem!reader, Cody x fem!reader, Fox x fem!reader, Wolffe x fem!reader
warnings: suggestive af, MINORS DNI
They kept you in a haze of pleasure the rest of the night. Soft touches, lingering kisses, their lips against your ears, whispering to you, as they took you higher and higher.
“Don’t think I could ever get enough of you.”
“It’s so tempting to keep you, mesh’la.”
“You belong in my arms, just like this.”
“We fit together too well. Must have been made for me, cyare.”
Rex watched, fascinated, as you came down from your high.
“So good for us, aren’t you?” He asked softly.
You hummed affirmatively, pressing your face against his neck, while he listened to you working to catch your breath. He noticed your fingers were loosely tangled with Fox’s, while your free hand drew aimless little shapes against his skin. They’d made your body sing for them, and what a beautiful song it was. One Rex could listen to over and over again.
The spell that had bound the four of you was broken as Fox’s alarm went off. The real world was calling.
“Damn!” Fox swore, moving out of your reach, so he could get dressed.
He’d meant to leave a couple of hours ago, but you’d buried your fingers in his curls and pulled him in for another kiss. Instead of leaving he’d given in to your unspoken request, and coaxed another slow, sweet orgasm out of your blissed out body.
As he snapped on his armor, he realized you were a problem. The soft look on your face, as you watched him held so much affection. He hated that he couldn’t be the man you looked at like that every day. It would require time he didn’t have, and you deserved more than he could give.
You whined softly in protest, and Fox’s lips twitched toward a smile before he pulled on his helmet.
“Duty calls, mesh’la. I know you understand,” he explained, his voice firm, yet gentle like your hands had been against his skin.
He knew the brat in you would love nothing more than making him late, and part of him would enjoy it too. He knew the healer in you would relish in sending him off relaxed, and fully satisfied, but he couldn’t follow that train of thought. He couldn’t let himself linger in fantasies, no matter how sweet. He consoled himself with the fact it was a one-time thing, and he’d never be in this position with you again.
You nodded sleepily, before resting your face against Rex’s chest.
“You di’kut, why didn’t you tell us you were on duty today?” Wolffe asked, frowning at his brother.
“It wasn’t relevant,” Fox replied easily. “I’ve got enough caf to give a rancor a coronary. I’ll be fine. Make sure she gets some sleep.”
“Wasn’t relevant my ass,” Wolffe grumbled, rolling his eyes. He was completely unsurprised that Fox easily placed your well-being over his own despite the fact that you couldn’t have been in better hands. “We’ll make sure she gets rest. You worry about yourself.”
Fox opened his mouth to deliver a snarky reply, but he was cut off by your soft voice, “Bye, Fox. Thank you…”
Cody chuckled and gave your thigh a playful tap.
“Bye, Commander Fox. Thank you, sir,” you corrected with a giggle.
“Good girl,” Cody said, smiling at you.
“Bye, Stitches, thank you,” Fox said, saluting his brothers before he left Rex’s quarters.
“I think our gorgeous girl has had all she can take,” Cody said, catching your chin, pulling you close to press a kiss to your temple.
“Maybe,” you admitted, looking up at him.
“You took all of us so well last night. Let us enjoy you like we wanted,” Cody said, rubbing your back.
“And I’d do it again, Commander. Any time,” you yawned, covering your mouth like you could hide your exhaustion.
“I’m going to hold you to that, mesh’la,” Cody replied, leaning down to kiss your shoulder before he followed Fox’s lead and got dressed to head out.
“You know I will,” Wolffe said, drawing you close to kiss your face before getting dressed as well.
You beamed up at him, before relaxing once more. Warm and safe in Rex’s arms, you slipped into a peaceful sleep, your body finally reaching its limit.
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taglist: @secondaryrealm @iamburdened @sunshinesdaydream @dukeoftheblackstar @rexxdjarin @808tsuika @sleepingsun501 @starrylothcat @ladyzirkonia @pb-jellybeans @clio3kantarella @staycalmandhugaclone @stardusthuntress @idontgetanysleep
please also consider this my no pressure invite to share for WIP Wednesday, if you’re so inclined 🥰😌
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deadlygronkle · 14 days
Ancestors Legacy Chapter 18
The Desert: Chapter 8
word count: 7064
Ao3 Prev
Time was pacing back and forth in front of the small spring. It had been hours since Twilight and Warriors left on their hunt. Since they left the others had woken up and have been getting progressively impatient at the fact they were stuck in here.
To alleviate that boredom Four and Wind have taken to playing a game of tag, bouncing over the lying bodies of Wild and Hyrule. The latter two originally played with them but after nearly stepping on Four, it was quickly deemed that they couldn’t actively play with the otter and mouse.
Legend was near Time, drinking from the spring and watching Sky try to fly. It was going well for the most part, in the beginning it was a lot more falling than flying. Now however Sky could glide down from the top of the stairs to the spring with ease. Actually flying was another matter altogether given how there was no wind draft for Sky to practice with.
“You are doing remarkably well for someone who has only recently achieved this form,” The Great Fairy commented as Sky landed after his most recent attempt.
“Thanks! Training with Loftwings since I was young definitely helped,” Sky answered as he righted himself, out of breath, “I still can’t fly properly though,”
“All things take time,” The Great Fairy smiled softly, “Go and rest, you will need energy for the fights to come,”
Sky nodded, quickly getting a drink of water before hopping over to the other Links. He laid down in between Hyrule and Wild, his feathers puffing up slightly as he tried to nap. Wind and Four took to being extremely careful not to fall on him while they were jumping.
“Stop your pacing old man,” Legend grumped, hopping over to the wolf, “It isn’t doing anyone any good,”
“I am not pacing,” Time huffed, his ears going back.
“Sure you aren’t,” Legend rolled his eyes, “Just like Warriors isn’t causing any problems, and Wolfie is protecting him despite the problems he is causing,”
“That’s not what I’m worried about. Who knows what those ‘interlopers’ would do if they caught them? Especially since Warriors accidentally saved one of them,” Time’s good eye narrowed slightly at the pink rabbit.
“Like that overgrown mutt wouldn’t allow that to happen,” Legend scoffed, adjusting his small red tunic, “He could probably smell a needle out of a haystack if given the chance,”
“The interlopers have magic on their side,” Time argued, “Who knows what they are capable of?”
“Ok, you got me there, Although,“ Legend started to hop away, glancing over his shoulder, “You’ve been worrying too much. Who knows what kind of tricks that mutt has up his sleeves here?”
With that Legend went over to the others, watching as Four used him as a barrier from Wind. This didn’t work as intended as Wind barreled into Legend, knocking both of them to the floor. Wind and Four laughed as the rabbit shoved the otter off, complaining loudly as he did so.
Still, there was something nagging at the back of his head while he watched the others have fun. That poe was enraged at him for no reason he knew of. Did he do something in the future for that poe’s fate to be his fault? Why was it here in the Zone of all places?
“The pink rodent is correct, you worry so much,” The Great Fairy’s voice made him jump, “Why?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? There are just too many unknowns to not worry,” Time shook his head as he sat down, his head swarming with everything.
“Concerns like that are unnecessary. Worrying will not help you prevent what is to come or what could come. Only action can prevent it,” The Great fairy had her arms folded in front of her, watching the Links play.
Time sighed, “Easy to say, harder to do,”
“You are the Ancestor of this Era’s hero,” The Great Fairy’s eyes looked away at something Time couldn’t see, “Just because it was hard, never stopped you before. Even now it hasn’t,”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Time felt himself unconsciously bristle at her words.
Her words struck him as odd. She was talking to him, yes, but her words sounded like she was addressing someone else. It was like a threat, that she knew his fate, that she knew far more than anyone here could fathom.
The Great Fairy simply tilted her head and looked down at him, “You are the ancestor of the Hero of the era are you not? Or have I mistaken you for someone else?”
“Well- no that’s accurate- but that isn’t what I was referring to,” Time floundered slightly, his voice gaining a hint of frustration towards the end.
“I have been alive for many years, and seen many things in my time,” The Great Fairy responded in a gentle, calm tone, “Your allies will be entering soon,”
Almost as if on cue, Legend perked up, his pink ears swiveling. Time could hear light thumping as Warriors came into the view. He looked no worse than he did when he left, in fact he seemed a lot more chipper than when he left.
“I’m baaack!” Warriors called out, jumping down the stairs easily.
“Cap!” Wind squeaked, abandoning his game to skitter over to the lion, “What did you two find out there? Was it dangerous? Where is Wolfie?”
“Food. No, not really. And he is up stairs dragging the corpse down a flight or two of stairs,” Warriors answered, his ears flickering slightly.
As if on cue there was a loud crashing noise that came from above. Silence followed it before the crashing noise continued until it stopped suddenly . Warriors shook his head, almost in a fond way as they others looked at eachother with confusion.
“Okay back up,” Legend stood up, “What the hell did you bring, a bear? Also why are you so happy? Last I saw you you were ready to tear Wolfie apart,”
Warriors did his best to shrug, “Things change, now everyone get up there and eat. It took a while to find something for everyone,”
“And do you even know what floor it's on?” Four asked, scurrying up on Wild’s head.
“I left after we got it down to the second floor,” Warriors thought for a moment, “So probably the third floor if anywhere, you can’t exactly miss Wolfie,”
Everyone then began to make their way up the stairs to the next floor. Warriors lagged behind, and rather than leading the others up to Twilight, stared at Time, his expression a mix between grave and sadness. Time, in turn, froze, tilting his head with confusion.
The other seemingly didn’t see that this was happening behind them as they finished climbing the stairs. The sound of their talking slowly faded into the distance as the two continued to stare at each other.
“Do you need something Captain?” Time asked after a moment.
“I can’t believe I didn’t notice….” Warriors murmured, Time just being able to hear the words.
“What?” Time, letting out a small confused whine.
“Nothing,” Warriors sighed, giving the wolf a sad smile, “Say Time? Mind doing me a favor?”
“What is it?” Time padded over to where Warriors was in confusion, “Did something happen out there? Did you and T-Wolfie fight?”
“No nothing like that- well sort of,” Warriors winced a little bit, “Just… if you have any issues, or get any lingering regrets or whatever, mind telling me? I hear it’s better to talk about them rather than keeping it all buried,”
Time nodded along, “What brought this about exactly?”
“I just realized you're there for the others, but no one is there for you,” Warriors walked towards the stairs, “So just…. Let me know if you need to talk about something alright? Just like when you were apart of the war in my world,”
“That was decades ago for me Cap,” Time responded with an amused huff, “But ok, I’ll tell you if something is bothering me,”
Warriors looked back, letting out a relieved chuff, “Thanks. Now let’s go get food shall we?”
“Sure Cap,” Time let himself try and grin in his wolf form.
In reality, despite the smile he had on his face he was concerned. Just what happened out there to bring this up so suddenly. He didn’t like how Warriors was keeping something from him and the group. Maybe it wasn’t as serious as Time was thinking, and just his hungry brain making everything seem more serious.
The two walked up floor after floor, hearing the sound of the others get closer and closer. The two reached the fourth floor seeing the others surrounding a pile of plants and a giant boar. Time saw dried red sand clinging to the stringy hair of the best along the gaping holes on its neck.
Twilight, apparently hearing them enter, looked up from the other, smaller Links and croaked out, “Ah, looks like everyone is here. Now shall we dig in?”
Twilight looked a bit more worse for wear from the last Time saw him. His fur was a lighter color due to all the sand in it. The fur around his mouth and paws were stained a deep crimson, probably due to the giant boar that laid before him. Though he seemed in high spirits despite it.
Time didn’t quite understand why Twilight chose to make his voice sound so forced and gravely. It hid his identity, yes, but it sounded painful to even speak like that. There could have been so many other voices Twilight could have chosen rather than sounding like he ate a mound of gravel and sand.
“Are we going to have to eat this raw?” Sky asked, a talon going to poke at the corpse.
“Yep,” Twilight confirmed, “No one here has opposable thumbs for a fire, and we are underground. Should be fine though, your bodies have digestive systems meant for this,”
“Should?” Sky’s feathers puffed out slightly, “What if it doesn’t work like that?”
“Then pray to the goddesses that The Great Fairy’s spring still has some healing properties,” Twilight retorted dryly, earning a small snort from Warriors.
Time looked over to the herbivores of the group. Legend was examining the plants on what appeared to be a torn up saddle with Hyrule standing over him. Four had accepted his fate and took a fruit, using his small claws to open it and ate the flesh inside. Four even offered some to Hyrule who very gently took it and awkwardly ate it.
“Where did you even find this?” Legend asked, his nose wrinkling as he sniffed some of the plants.
“With the Bullbo when we killed it. Finding plants is harder than meat out there,” Twilight responded.
“Took us a while to even find that beast,” Warriors added, walking over to the boar with Time in tow, “though how exactly are we supposed to eat it?”
“You just… eat it?” Twilight tilted his head, his ears flopping slightly, “Have you never dealt with an animal carcass before on what’s good and what isn’t?”
“No? Why would I?” Warriors asked in equal confusion.
“City boy over here has never needed to before,” Legend snorted from where he was eating the middle and not the ends of the plants, “Always had someone else to do it for him,”
“Oh like you are one to talk buck teeth,” Warriors tail flickered with mild annoyance, “I doubt you ever even cooked for yourself during your adventures,”
“Like you wou-” Legend started to retort.
“ENOUGH!” Time found himself barking it out, coughing, and looking to Twilight, “Humor us please,”
“Follow Wild’s lead: Grab a leg and go to town, mind the bones though,” Twilight nodded down to Wild.
Wild had already dove into the large bull, taking a front leg and ripping it off. Currently Wild was eating the meat from the leg a little away with practise ease. Honestly, Time would not be surprised if this wasn’t the first time he did something like this.
“....What?” Wild asked, looking up from the leg, a bit of meat hanging from his mouth.
“Nothing, just go back to eating,” Twilight spoke, managing a surprising amount of softness despite forcing his voice to be that gravely.
Once Wild did just that Twilight looked down at Wind- who was unsuccessfully doing just that- saying, “Not you, your teeth are much too small- just- here,”
With that Twilight went over to the back of the Bullbo, where claw marks made holes in the flesh, and took a large chunk out of it. With a sickening tearing sound, he tore it out and dropped it at Wind’s paws. The small otter looked surprised by the hunk of meat twice his size.
“There, the most tender piece of meat boars or pigs can have,” Twilight said after a moment, “You and Sky can share that, just let me know if you need more,”
Wind nodded, starting by taking a nibble, diving in eagerly afterwards. Sky did much the same thing, albeit a bit more composed. Perhaps it was the hunger, but Time found himself ripping out a hind leg and digging in. Warriors did the same after a moment of giving Twilight a look of slight confusion.
“Why aren’t you eating?” Warriors asked, everyone else already halfway through their meal, while Twilight hadn't even started his.
“I’ll eat once everyone else has their fill,” Twilight responded, not taking his eyes off of the exit to the upper floor.
“No,” Time side eyed the larger wolf, “You need to eat. Now,”
“I will wait until y’all have had your fill,” Twilight snapped, a small growl following it.
“Have you even eaten while in here Wolfs?” Wild joined in, noticeably frowning.
“Yes. The ‘night’ before I found you all,” Twilight answered snippily, “You all need it more,”
“You are bigger than anyone here-”
“I SAID I’M FINE!” Twilight snapped, snarling without a hint of remorse.
Everyone stopped eating, turning to look at Twilight with a shocked expression. Twilight, much less wolfie, never snapped at the others. Getting annoyed was common, but never full blown yelling at anyone. Even if they did know about how bitter he was after his journey.
It only took a moment for Twilight to realize what he did. His tail and ears went down, as his eyes widened. The gray wolf opened and closed his mouth before letting out an audible sigh.
“I- Sorry…” Twilight spoke slowly after another minute of complete silence, “I shouldn’t have snapped,”
“You’re good,” Wild almost unconsciously replied, “But like what was that? You’ve never done that before,”
Twilight’s ears were still flat against his head as he looked around the waiting Links. Time almost thought that Twilight would continue to be secretive. Though that was quickly pushed away as Twilight sat down with a deep sigh.
“... I heard the interlopers talking while they thought I was asleep. Part of the side effects of my larger form is being more ‘volatile’” Twilight finally managed to say, “That with enhanced senses, strength, and speed make for a dangerous combo,”
“Interesting,” Time tilted his head, “How long will you be like this?”
Interesting would not be a word Time would use alone, he was enraged. Twilight was captured and from the sounds of it, only recently escaped when they found him. No wonder the other wolf was blinded by rage and nearly harmed Warriors. It probably brought him back to the beginning of his journey, when he was forced into a cell.
Time found the manacle hard to not look at.
“Yeah, is there anything else with this curse we need to know?” Warriors added, pawing at the Bullbo leg he had.
“One of the interlopers said a week, and…” Twilight looked away, “...He told the others I will probably need more food than a typical wolf,,”
“Oh so you are just a dumbass then,” Legend groaned, “Why are you so determined to be a martyr?”
“You all need it more than I,” Twilight spoke, still looking away, “Transformations take a lot out of people, especially if you aren’t prepared,”
“All the more reason you should be eating,” Warrior coughed, “I mean- your body is now not only fighting the Zone’s corruption, but this spell and its’ side effects,”
As Twilight shot Warriors a slight glare, Time felt himself tense up. Did Warriors know Twilight’s secret? When did that happen, if ever? Twilight was decent about not slipping up, so how?
“Wait, what do you mean ‘corruption’?” Legend pointed out, now fully turned around.
“We saw a Bulbin corrupted by the Zone. According to Wolfie here it happens to all the monsters in the zone. We are protected because of our triforces, but he says it has never affected him,” Warriors explained, shooting a not so conspicuous stink-eye at Twilight, “That’s gotta use more energy than we do,”
“Animals aren’t affected by the Zones,” Twilight managed to growl out, “Not the cats in Castle Town, nor the chickens in Kakariko. I don’t know why, but that’s how it works,”
“Huh, well at least the triforce comes in handy for something,” Legend spoke sarcastically, raising a mock eyebrow while he looked at the pink paw that held his triforce, “That being said, you need to eat. We can’t have our guide passing out mid fight or something,”
“I said I would eat,” Twilight defended, “Just… after everyone else has their fill,”
“Nope, you gotta eat now,” Legend shrugged, “Everyone but you agree that you need to eat. So eat now, or we will tie you up and force you to,”
Twilight tilted his head, a small grin on his face, “Now how would you go and do that? Last I checked none of you are bigger than me,”
“Shouldn’t wolves know all about strength in numbers?” Warriors butted in, smirking, “Now fucking eat, or else the old man will butt in, and I know you- you do not want that,”
Twilight looked over to Time, his eyes wide and ears down. Time could not find it in himself to feel pity for the other wolf, not when he was purposely ignoring his own health. He needed to eat, just like the others said.
So, Time tilted his head slightly, giving Twilight a pointed look from where he sat across the Bulbo. Twilight huffed in defeat, and using his giant maw, Twilight took a chunk from the Bullbo’s shoulder.
Twilight flopped overdramatically a few feet from the corpse, the only noise coming from him was the noise of him eating the chunk of meat. The other Links went back to eating, the carnivores of the group going faster than the herbivores.
Time was finished quickly all things considered, looking up to see Warriors about done too. He needed to talk to Warriors about what he was saying earlier. Even if it leads to nowhere he needed to know.
“Captain,” Time spoke, waiting for Warriors to look up, “I need to speak to you. Alone.”
“Oooo,” Wind grinned, his tail wagging, “Cap is in trooouubbllleeee,”
Warriors scoffed, gently pushing Wind over, “Yeah right, I’ll be back in a minute,”
The two went down to the floor below them, the sound of the others talking fading into the background. Once on the lower floor, Time turned to look at Warriors, seeing the lion’s confused look on his face. Time held eye contact for as long as he could in this silent standoff.
“So why did you want to talk to me?” Warriors finally spoke, his head turning away from the staring contest.
“Do you know?” was all Time asked.
Warriors had a look of confusion before realization, “What- OH, yeah I know,”
“Know what exactly?” Time specified, hid nose wrinkling slightly.
“Probably more than you do,” Warriors walked up to Time, circling him teasingly, “Like how Twi’s a wolf in goat clothing, who exactly that Shade is, the magic that allows him to transform, and how CREEPY shadow Bulbins look,”
“What was that middle one?” Time asked, widening his one open eye.
“How he transforms? Yeah, it's that crystal that he wears on his neck. There is a whole traumatic story behind it. Though I have reason to suspect the stone gets lodged into his skull, cause of what Dusk did at the castle,” Warriors shrugged.
Time felt a headache coming along, “Not that- I already know how it works- You know who that poe is?”
“Oooohhhh yeahhh,” Warriors drawled out, his tail twinkling slightly as he came to the front of Time, “That was an interesting conversation- say did you know Twilight can actually hear the bastard when he talks? It was very confusing only hearing half of what was said between them,”
“Well who is it?” Time asked.
“Well, that’s the thing,” Warriors sighed, “You know I hate to lie to you, but Twi asked me to keep it a secret. Sorry squirt,”
Time let out a huff or irritation. So much for learning who that malicious spirit was to find out why it hates him so much. At the very least he now knew that Warriors actually knew Twilight’s secret. Though calling him by that nickname was unwarranted.
“So, we good? Or are you still going to put me through the ringer like the over protective wolf that you are?” Warriors teased, a grin showing off his large teeth present.
“I am not-” Time started.
A loud angry bark echoes through the chamber. It was followed by a loud pitched scream. A loud pitched human scream. The two Links shared a look, there was only one person that could make a bark that loud upstairs.
The wolf and the lion ran up the stairs, Warriors leading the way, and bounding up 4 stairs at a time. Time was close behind, trying his best to hear what was going on. The screaming had stopped but that didn’t mean whatever was going on stopped.
Once they were back in the chamber with the dead Bullbo, two things gained Time’s attention. First Twilight and Wild were gone, all that was left in their wake was cleaned off bones. Secondly there were crossbow bolts littering the floor, the only place being spared was the area underneath the stairs and the entrance.
“By the goddesses what happened here?!” Warrior yelled, his fur raising as he spoke.
“The interlopers came and started firing crossbow bolts,” Legend replied, hopping over from where he was hiding, “Wolfie drew their fire and chased those fuckers out. Wild went after him right before you two came back up,”
“Is everyone alright? Did anyone get hit?” Time demanded, his muscles tensing.
“We were all lucky,” Hyrule spoke up, sniffing an arrow as he got up, “Wolfie got nicked while distracting them, got real mad about it too,”
Time’s eye widened, smelling the air only confirmed what Hyrule said. The scent of blood was thick in the air, and as he looked around the room he saw the drying droplets on the stone floor leading up the stairs and out of sight.
Warriors saw the same thing, cursing as he asked, “What was the screaming about?”
“Wolfie got a hold of one of them on the upper floor,” Wind skittered in between Hyrule’s legs, only stopping because he ran into them, “He ran up those stairs faster than I’ve ever seen him move,”
“Like a bat out of hell,” Legend agreed, nodding as he stood on his hind legs, “Anyway, better go after the mutt before he does something he regrets. I’ll get the others down to the Great Fairy incase one of them comes back,”
“Good idea, but-” Warriors frowned, his ears pinned backwards, “How many did you see?”
“Two, a tall one and a short one,” Legend answered, “Don’t know where the third is, but I don’t think that matters at the current moment,”
“Right,” Warriors nodded, turning to Time, “Let’s go find him shall we?”
They were lost. A sandstorm had appeared so suddenly the wolf and lion had no chance to try and avoid it. The droplets of a bloody trail that they were following disappeared as the Sandstorm got worse. Neither could even smell the distinct iron scent that the blood had anymore, all of it lost to the wind.
“DO YOU SEE ANYTHING?” Warriors yelled, his voice quickly disappearing into the wind.
Time’s good eye squinted through the storm. He could barely see Warriors who was walking shoulder to shoulder with him, much less a foot away. That, paired with the darkness that the Zone was constantly in, made it nigh impossible to properly see anything.
It wasn’t like they could retreat back to the Cave of Ordeals if they wanted to anyway. All sense of direction was lost when they entered this sandstorm. Left and Right became foreign with how everything looked the same, even their pawprints disappeared soon after they were made.
“NO,” Time hollered at the top of his lungs, “LET’S GO STRAIGHT, MAYBE THEN WE CAN GET OUT OF THIS AND REGROUP,”
It was grueling in that sandstorm. It was like the wind was fighting them specifically, trying to keep them from getting out. Eventually though the sandstorm slowed down enough that Time and Warriors could escape.
Warriors and Time, now that they were no longer in the sandstorm, took to searching the endless twilight looking for their lost companions. They weren’t having much luck however. The trail of blood and paw indents in the sand had long since disappeared thanks to that storm. Nor could either hear anything over the howling wind.
It wasn’t like the two could go back to the cave and wait for Twilight and wind to come back either. They were just as lost as Twilight and Wild were to them. With no prior experience in this desert, everything looked the same. Even the small amount of cacti that could be seen all seemed to merge together.
That sandstorm ruined any and all trace that Twilight and Wild left in their wake. For the same reason they couldn’t even go back to the Cave of Ordeals to wait it out. Time couldn’t even track their scents, granted he was wildly inexperienced in such things, but that didn’t bode well for either of the links.
What Time would give for Twilight to start glowing again.
“Man, wouldn’t it be incredible if Rancher had a bell on him?” Warriors huffed, his tail twinkling as he surveyed the area, “The noise would help us find him at the very least, and then we could use his nose to find Wild,”
“Like Wild would leave Twilight’s side,” Time shook his head, a puff of sand leaving his coat, “Still can’t believe you found out his identity,”
“I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to put everything together,” Warriors sighed, his eyes squeezing shut for a moment, “It should’ve been so obvious. When one leaves, the other appears,”
“It does help that he had a few others covering him,” Time nodded, looking out, “That hardly matters now though. We either need to find them, or get back to the Cave. Either is extremely difficult without someone who knows this place,”
“Knows this place?” Warriors' eyes widened as he bared his teeth in lieu of a smile, “I have an idea, Come on!”
“What is it?” Time trotted after Warriors, tilting his head as they went to the top of a nearby sand dune.
“So do you know about the guy who taught Twilight all his fancy sword moves?” Warriors asked, looking around the top of the dune.
“Yes, the Hero’s Shade. But how do you know of him?” Time asked, his ears flicking as the sand picked up.
“Never mind that,” Warriors turned to look at him, his blue eyes bright with excitement, “Turns out that prick of a poe? Yeah that’s Shade, and being such a hardened old bastard, he HAS to know where those two are!”
Time blinked with confusion, “Why would he know that?”
“Think about it old man,” Warriors used one his paws to gesture to the desert expanse, “That bastard has been following us around for ages now. Twilight specifically, but he knew exactly where we were in comparison to Twilight and pointed us there. Therefore it stands to reason that he knows where Twilight is and where we are!”
Once again, Time was left wondering what exactly did Warriors see on his hunt out with Twilight. It made sense, but yet there was an odd look lingering in Warriors’ eyes. A knowing look that was muted just enough so that Time couldn’t understand why he looked at him like that.
It had been happening far too often for his tastes.
“That is a stretch by all standards Captain,” Time did his best to raise an ‘eyebrow,’ “How do you know that this will work?”
The lion had a somber look on his face a brief second before he went back to grinning, “Well you're here aren’t you? From your last encounter we know he HATES you with as much hate as his undead self can! So he might just do it out of spite or something,”
“Yup! Don’t think too much about it right now!” Warriors cleared his throat before letting out a loud roar.
Time winced, leaning away as he heard Warriors roar out:
Silence overcame the two as they waited to see if anything would happen. Nothing did, but the air held an expectant note to it. Honestly it wouldn’t surprise Time if that poe was just waiting for Warriors to say please. It’s what he would do in this situation.
“.....Please?” Warriors added once the silence became too much.
Like clockwork, a soft glow appeared in the distance. It was the same golden color that radiated off of the poe before, but was much softer than what came off of Twilight during his rampage. It wasn’t too far away, but far enough that Warriors and Time would’ve taken ages without the soft beacon.
“See? Told ya,” Warriors looked smug, his tail twitching, showing just how smug he was, “Come on before Shade gets tired of waiting!”
Time shook his head, following at a slower pace over to the light. It was somewhat difficult for him to gain footing on the sand, he slipped every couple of feet. Eventually though he made it up to where Warriors was, and saw a peculiar sight.
Time could see Wild easily. The younger Link was pacing back and forth around a large hole that seemed oddly Twilight shaped. Time couldn’t see in the darkened hole from his position above it. From Wild occasionally sticking his head in the whole, Time assumed that’s where Twilight was.
The oddest thing was that across from Wild was a stag. An ancient one at that with unbelievably large antlers with vines and moss hanging from the end of each of the points. The fur was golden and white, it had a similar pattern to Time’s own fur, the difference being how the white on the stag was far more connected than it was on Time. Said fur was practically see through for Time, showing a hollow skeleton if he looked hard enough.
Time felt himself freeze as the Stag looked up at him and Warriors. It had one ‘good’ eye that glowed bright red as it looked at him, the other socket was completely black and hollow. It did not breathe, the only sign of life was its one eye that slowly filled with hate as it looked at him. It lifted up one of its cracked hooves, stomping it harshly against the ground.
The sand didn’t even stir at this movement.
Time’s hackles raised slightly. This was the shell of a man that Twilight was afraid of disappointing? A thing that Time has only seen with hate in its eyes, someone who used to be his descendant before Twilight? What a stain on the title of Hero that it bore even in death.
Blue met red as the two had this silent staring staring contest. The deer’s ear ever so slightly twitching at the sound of Wild’s voice. Out of the corner of his eye Time could see Warriors watching this with a frown, looking in between the two. Captain, after a moment, loudly sighed, shaking his head as he looked on with pity.
Wild’s ears perked up, turning around and looking up at the two, “Hey! When did you two get here?”
Warriors started to slide down, saying “We just got here a minute ago, say what’s with the hole?”
Time slowly followed, his eye never leaving Shade. He didn’t feel dread pooling in his gut this time but rather a feeling of uneasiness overcame him. During their last encounter he had never gotten so close to it. Now though, as Time shivered slightly, something in him told him that this poe would do nothing, not while Wild, Warriors, and Twilight were nearby.
“No clue,” Wild bent down slightly to peer into the hole again, “Wolfie started to dig, told me to stay up here to keep watch. That’s when the ghostly deer over there showed up,”
“Have you even heard anything from that damned Goat lover?” Warriors asked pointedly ignoring how Wild went slack jaw in favor of also peering down into the hole, “That had to be a cavern before he dug his way down there. Wonder what's down there that made him go down,”
Wild looked frantically between Warriors and Time, his eyes wide. The stag, for this first time, huffed with amusement, the one glowing eye now looking at Wild. Time frowned at the deer before looking back at Wild.
“He knows Cub,” Time grunted, ignoring how the Stag’s eye slowly turned back to him.
“Really? How did you find out his secret?” Wild practically demanded, his attention fully turned to Warriors, his ears perked.
“Eh, something just clicked after seeing how Twi and ‘Wolfie’ reacted the same to stuff,” Warriors briefly glanced up at the Stag, “Have you heard anything from that guy?”
Time stared at Warriors. He was lying, or at least partially. He used that tone of voice in the war to lie to Artemis about his plans. Not to mention how Warriors immediately changed the subject to something else. Something that was usually connected to the truth, but how?
Wild shook his head, not picking up on the lie, “I’ve heard Twi say some things, But deer has uttered a word since it got here. It has just been standing there, staring,”
“I can believe that,” Time tilted his head slightly, “How long have you two been waiting?”
“Not too long,” Wild noticeably frowned, “In fact, this is the quietest he has been,”
“Should we go after him?” Time glanced down for a second before looking back up at Wild.
“I don’t think we should,”
Both Time and Wild turned towards Warriors. He was staring at the Stag, his head tilting ever so slightly. Shade, in return, tilted his head slightly, the red eye softening slightly. Time shook his head at the sight, it seemed like this ‘Hero’s Shade’ just hated him in particular.
“What?” Wild tilted his head, looking in between the two, “Why?”
Warriors flinched slightly, his head quickly turning to survey the area, “I mean- he told you to stay up here for a reason. And he might need us up here to help pull him out of there,”
Time took this chance to actually look into the hole. The entrance was straight down, a limestone like wall lined the side Shade was closest to. The other side had a well worn passage down, like it was carved specifically for travel. If Time had to guess, this tunnel was made back when the Gerudo were still around. But how or why did Twilight find it?
“How would we even do that?” Wild nodded to the hole, “We don’t have hands anymore to help drag him out. Not that he would exactly let us do that,”
“Well, maybe he will find something down there, like a rope or something,” Warriors’ fur bristled ever so slightly, glancing at the deer.
Before Time could reply, Twilight’s slightly distorted voice echoed up to them:
“Everything still good up there Wil- What the fuck?!”
Shade had actually moved, far too quickly for Time’s liking, at the sound at Twilight’s voice. Its antlers were far too large for the entrance, so the stag’s head was hovering just above the hole, looking down into it. It even went so far as to lower its front half down to properly look at Twilight.
“Shade?! How did you- Time and Warriors are up there? Also why are you- Ah, right. Still doesn’t answer why you are here,” Twilight paused for a moment, “I got distracted and lost them,”
Time watched as the stag was motionless as it looked down, not a peep was coming from the poe. So this is what Warriors meant when only Twilight could hear the poe. But if this was the case, what was that voice he heard before?
Wild spoke up, his ears going straight back, “You lost them?! They SHOT you, what could have distracted you after that??”
Twilight’s voice was defensive, “I just got nicked, but I found something far more important. Just… give me a second to get out of here and we can continue this conversation,”
Time could hear the scraping of claws against stone, the manacle rattling as Twilight cursed. A light thud could be heard before the manacle rattled against the stone, picking up pace as the sound of scraping continued. Shade briefly lifted its head out of the entrance, as Time saw Twilight’s ear reach the top before descending back down with a loud thud.
“Pup are you alright!?” Time almost ran to the hole, but was frozen by the glare Shade sent him.
Time growled at Shade, hackles fully raised. Yet he did not walk any closer. It was just a poe, just what could it do to help? Time had a better chance of helping that it did.
“Fuck- Yeah I’m fine! Looks like it's going to be harder to get out then I thought,” Twilight voice was a relief to Time’s ears, distracting him from glaring at the poe.
Time watched as Shade slowly tilted his head, carefully adjusting until a large antler went through the hole as far as the Stag could manage. Its head was still out of the hole though, staring silently at the group. Its hooves now made an imprint into the sand, shifting slightly like it was preparing for something.
“Are you sure about this?” Twilight asked, his voice shaking ever-so slightly, “Ok, ok- give me a second for a running start,”
The sound of Twilight’s manacle grew quiet before the sound grew louder and louder. The sound of the manacle quieted as Shade’s head jerked down abruptly, a loud thud and whine echoed. Shade snorted, slowly pulling his head back up, its hooves digging in the sand as it backed up.
Soon after Twilight’s ears slowly became visible, then the rest of his head. Twilight was biting down on the antler with intense focus as his front paws managed to find a grip in the sand, pulling the rest of him up. He didn’t let go of Shade’s antler until he was completely clear of the hole.
“Thanks,” Twilight spoke as Shade bent down to sniff at the top of his head, “Yeah, I’m fine, just got the air knocked out of me,”
“See what I mean,” Warriors whispered to Time, “Confusing to hear only one side of the conversation isn’t it?”
Time didn’t respond, but he couldn’t help but agree.
As Shade stood back up fully, Time was surprised by the tender look in Shade’s one red eye. Despite the gray wolf’s large size, he was still easily dwarfed by the stag, only barely reaching up to the base of its neck. Time could now see a healed cut on Twilight’s shoulder.
The Stag looked at everyone one more time (sending a bone chilling glare at Time) before running up over a nearby sand dune. The golden stag’s light disappeared as it went over the dune. Twilight shook his head, a small smile on his face as he looked at where it disappeared to.
“Well, what did you find?” Wild asked, making Twilight jump and look around.
“Where are they…” Twilight mumbled, going back to the edge of the hole.
Time felt himself bristle as he spoke, “What are you doing? Get back from it!”
“Give me a second,” Was Twilight’s response before his voice softened, “It’s safe to come out,”
A soft pink light emanated from the hole as two small fairies floated out from it. One dragging a tied up paper, and the other a shard of pottery. Twilight gently took the paper from the fairy, placing it on the ground in front of the other 3 links. The small fairy then floated over to the other, helping to lift the pottery shard onto Twilight’s back.
“So you got distracted with a pot?” Warriors shook his head, “Where would you even put the rupee?”
“No, I didn’t,” Twilight glared at the smirking lion as he pawed open the map, “I found one of the containers The Great Fairy’s power, some captive fairies, and this map of their hideouts in this Zone,”
“But you still broke it?” Warriors said smugly, “Sounds to me like you were still distracted by a pot,”
“Captain…” Twilight growled, his ears slowly going back.
“Rancher…” Warriors replied, sounding like he was about to start laughing.
“Enough you two,” Time warned, earning a huff from the lion and wolf simultaneously.
“How are you sure this map is the real deal?” Wild asked, staring down at the map.
“I don’t,” Twilight nodded to the map, “The Great Fairy might though. Let’s head back and regroup,”
“What will we do after that?” Wild asked, helping to roll the map back up with his paws, gently grabbing it with his maw.
“Simple,” Twilight grinned, it looking more like a snarl, “We take those bastards down,”
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anadorablekiwi · 9 months
The candle guttered in the draft coming through the open window. It’s frosty touch slithered and seeped across the back of Jean’s neck, and she shuddered a little at the chill. It was too early in the year to really have the window open, especially this late at night, but the trade reports had just come in. With winter beginning to settle in, it was important that Jean make sure all the proper imports were being made, the correct deals being sought and fulfilled, and all forms filled out to perfection, in order to ensure a safe and comfortable winter for all of Mondstat. However, the reports had all come in at once, and in a very intimidating pile at that, and jean had been working on them all day, after a week of shorter nights than Barbara would like to hear.
After a while, the dimness of the room, the long days and little sleep, and the warmth of the fire—they’d all began to slide together into a heavy weight attempting to drag down her eyelids.
So she’d opened the window, in hopes that a sharp, fresh breeze would keep her alert enough to—to—
Jean blinked heavily, pinching the bridge of her nose, striving to focus on the words on the paper, which had begun to waver and blur. The reality was that the air she let in was indeed cold, but it was also damp, and somehow seemed to add to the sleepiness instead of relieve it.
She leaned on one elbow, her fingers massaging her eyelids, trying to rub wakefulness back into them. Maybe if she kept them closed for a moment, they would reset and start working properly again… just for a moment, or two…
…or three…
The Darknight hero scowled up at the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. This was not for the reason one might expect—after all, it was clear that the Darknight Hero operated without the approval of the Knights, even to the layman. To those in the know (a select group of people, mainly consisting of the Traveler, Paimon, and the Cavalry Captain of the Knights, Kaeya), there might have been an even more obvious reason—that being that the man behind the mask, Diluc, had a distinct, ever-burning distaste for the Knights.
And yet, this, too, was not the reason for the Hero’s profound scowl.
It was the open window—a window, open, in the first fortnight of January—that belonged to the office of the Acting Grandmaster herself. What’s more, the faint yellow glow that could be seen within made it clear that the Acting Grandmaster was still within, working. As always.
At three in the blasted morning!
(Never mind the fact that Diluc himself was at work at three in the blasted morning. It was the principal of the thing, Barbatos take it, and the principal was that Jean was going to work herself into the sickbay at his rate, if not worse)
He shoved a hand through his hair, gritting his teeth and growling under his breath. “Just what am I going to do with you, Jean?”
The moment or three seemed to stretch into something syrupy and soft, warm and sweet as honey, and Jean slowly pulled herself out of it’s sticky warmth, blinking eyes open to—daylight?
Jean jolted in surprise, her elbobanging against the edgeo f her desk as she flopped and scrambled to orient herself.
She was at her office. The early morning sun was shining in, lying like ethereal blankets of liquid gold upon everything it touched. She… she… she must have fallen asleep at her desk last night, despite all her best efforts.
A hot prickle of shame danced up her spine. Some grandmaster she was, falling asleep on duty with a window open and candl—
With a candle lit!
She spun around in horror—how could she have slept all night with a candle burning and the window open, it was a miracle she hadn’t burned down the headquarters and it’d be a second one if she didn’t end up sick with a headcold—
The candle was extinguished, and yet it was not the hardened pile she expected from a candle that had been left to burn and melt overnight.
No, the candle was hardly shorter than she remembered it being last night.
Besides that… the window was closed.
Jean certainly didn’t remember closing it herself.
Neither did she remember sanding the ink on the forms she had been working on, before properly stacking them on the desk out of the way, her pen returned securely to it’s place. What’s more, one of the flags hanging on the wall had been taken down, folded neatly, and placed under where her head had lain like a makeshift pillow.
Most importantly of all, there was a note laid atop the neat stack of papers on her desk, with a simple message scrawled upon it.
“Go to bed next time, or you’ll catch a cold.”
Jean picked up the note, and after a closer inspection, she found exactly what she expected—a familiar handwriting. Dare she say it, a very familiar handwriting.
She knew exactly who had left that note—and if she knew who had left the note, Jean suspected she knew who had left the warm, thick cloak she had found draped over her shoulders.
She lifted the cloak to her nose and took a deep breath. It smelled… warm, like sunsoaked earth, sweet grapes, and a hint of smoke.
Jean allowed herself the indulgence of one more sniff before standing up and stretching the kinks out of her back. She removed the cloak slowly, in what an outside observer would think was a reluctant fashion, before folding it neatly and walking to the other table and setting down.
As she did, she paused. Her eyes widened, and a faint, rosy flush crawled across her cheeks.
Next to the omnipresent tea set that Jean kept always at hand (one never knew when one might require the restorative effects of a properly brewed cup), there lay a single stalk of lamp-grass, the blossom glowing faintly in the shadow cast by the teapot.
The flush deepened, and Jean lifted a hand to her mouth, though there was no one else to see what expression she made.
“Honestly,” she muttered, as her ears pinkened to match. “That man.”
Later that day, a package was delivered to the Dawn Winery. In it was one dark cloak, folded neatly and wrapped in paper to ensure safe travel—and a letter.
It was short, and read, “I shall promise to go to bed next time, but only as long as you promise to use my door next time.
If Diluc smiled as he read it, well... that, only the winds can tell.
Happy birthday 💖💜💖
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littlemissaddict · 1 year
Had this in my drafts since the Paris con? idk it's been a while so I figured it was time to share it 😅....
RPF so if it's not your thing please keep scrolling.
The sigh of relief left her lips as soon as she stepped through the door of the fancy hotel in the centre of Paris that she and Joe were staying at for the week while he was appearing at the comic con there. She could still hear the shouts and cries of the fans waiting for him to arrive, albeit they were now muffled by the glass door behind her but at least she was away from their prying eyes even though they had no idea who she was considering she and Joe had kept their relationship private especially since he'd shot into the public eye after playing Eddie Munson.
"Not a fan of crowds dear" a female voice came from a little way away from her and after a quick glance around she saw the kind face of an older lady watching her. The fact that she spotted her meant that she stood in the doorway far longer than any normal person and she shook her head as she made her way further into the lobby. “Must be hard especially with your boyfriend’s job” she commented, unaware of the panic that the unassuming words set off in her.
“Oh uh” she stuttered as she stumbled over her words, not wanting to correct this lady who clearly had very good perception skill but not also wanting to confirm her words in case it accidentally got around to the fans. She gave the lobby a quick glance and found it empty before she settled on the truth, “It can be but it’s easier that they don’t know about us” she admits, shyness creeping up on her as she spoke hers and Joe’s secret out loud.
“Don’t worry my lips are sealed” she smiled, her hands mimicking pulling a zip along them as if to prove a point. She doesn’t know why but it immediately puts her at ease and as she moves to ask the lady, Maria according to her name badge, it seems she could already tell what she was about to ask and answers her with a kind smile. “It’s in the eyes, you can see the love he holds for you in them everytime he looks at you and again when you look at him” then she shrugs as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Maybe it is but she doesn’t have long to ponder Maria’s words as she’s instead startled by the feeling of two arms wrapping around her from behind, though she soon relaxes against the familiar feeling of being in Joe’s arms.
“Hello love” he smiles in greeting even though she can’t see it but she can feel it when he presses a kiss to her cheek despite still being in full view of the doors and the waiting fans outside. He then turns his attention to Maria, making small talk and being his usual charming self before the both bid her goodbye as they turn towards the elevator. “Lovely lady” he comments as the elevator door closes behind them.
She nods in response, “Very perceptive too” she adds as Joe gives her a confused look, his head tilted to the right as a frown appears between his eyebrows, “well either that or we are just not as subtle as we think we are” she hums, her hand sliding up his chest until it meets the collar of his shirt where she rubs her thumb over the material as she looks up at him.
“Yeah that fits” he chuckles, the smile on his face is one of the ones that always seems to light up whatever room he’s in and as cliché as it sounds she knows exactly why his fans love him as much as they do, except with one little difference, she gets to know exactly what it feels to be loved by him as well. The thought has butterflies swarming in her tummy but then again that could just be because he’s right at that moment cupping her cheek in one of his hands and pulling her face close so that he can kiss her. It’s soft and sweet and stops the moment the elevator door dings signalling that they have reached their floor, she’s almost reluctant to let him go until she’s reminded of the fact that once the door to their room is closed they no longer have to hide their affections for each other and then she’s bounding away, pulling him along so that they reach their room quicker and she can shower him with affection.
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iceslasher · 2 years
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Oh I just realized I didn’t post this here. I wanted to draft up a few blurbs about my headcanons and how my Ice is pretty canon-divergent in some regards and very headcanon based after having him as a muse for a gazillion years.
I think I did a decent write up about these two in my doc but it’s always fun to reiterate that they are the same person whilst being two very different entities all at once.
 On “Soldier” and “Commander” the double A.I. inhabiting the same shell.
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     Typically what most associate as Ice Man himself; a childish, effeminate and sweet intelligence known for being a crybaby and attention-seeker. He has lazy tendencies; yearning to vacation often. This is his way of acting out in a sense as while exploring the vast arctics does well to sate his curiousity it leaves him lonely and homesick. Vacations are just an excuse for him to visit Light and his robots to recharge his extrovert battery.      Soldier is curious and easily influenced by those he considers cool (such as Roll or Elec Man); tending to look up to strong willed or leader types being as he’s more of a follower.       Highly emotional, physically affectionate and ready to release waterworks when happy or distressed, Soldier is somehow both very dependable and selfishly bratty.
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     Opposite to his neighboring A.I. in more ways than one. Completely mature and masculine, Commander is highly analytical, work oriented and fiercely bossy. His mannerisms are cold, matter of fact and snappy. When it comes to the science facet of exploration he is on top of his game and more than ready to engage in night long discussions with the human scientists on top of managerial duties and constant computations.      Though he might appear cruel to outsiders, he is quietly compassionate and patient to his other half. They experience emotions in tandem and are synched in this way but he knows Soldier wont get anything done without a little push... constantly.      Despite existing as long as Soldier, no one has ever gotten to know Commander. Whether it’s because Commander is withdrawn and disinterested or Soldier is just more personable and thus deemed more suitable for social interaction by Commander himself is a topic I’d love to explore more in rp.
Ice Man
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     Together they form the DLN we all know as a fashion loving, dedicated and utterly huggable bot. His two A.I. talk to each other so rapidly it leaves others confused whenever they vocalize their thoughts aloud, nowadays opting to communicate internally a good portion of the time. However their mannerisms are so distinctive it’s simple enough for those who are familiar with Ice to gauge who is interacting with them, even through posture and expression alone. 
     It is also worth noting that while these two have given each other the names of “Soldier” and “Commander” they both share the name Ice Man, especially to anyone that isn’t themselves. Never having been singled out, simply calling either by their codenames would comically confuse them. They talk to each other only, everyone else talks to Ice Man. (This is not a hard rule, I encourage any muses that actually get close enough to him to use his codenames more naturally. Or even perceptive muses who take notice of his swapping pov speech to curiously direct conversation to one AI or another.)
     Now it’s easy to assume that such stark personalities would clash. This assumption would be correct as one side is always fighting to play and goof off the other is pulling at his hair to get work done. Only a healthy mixture of their interest can bring any bout of equilibrium in their head.
And together they are never truly alone on the job.
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deepwithintheabyss · 11 months
trick or treat!
you get uhhhh... (clicks on the first wip I see) okay you get something from the wip titled "Slade" which was basically the very first idea I had with him, the full unedited first draft ':D
Allowing himself a small moment of unprofessionalism he cursed softly while he tried to evaluate the situation more clearly. Whatever had hit the alpha didn't seem to be impeding him in any way, if the loss of rationality was ignored. From what Red could see it didn't look like the drug would be leaving the alpha any time soon. If anything despite the enchanted mans fast metabolism it seemed like the drug was only settling deeper in his system and would at least take a few more hours to burn through his system. Hours that they clearly did not have if Red Robin wanted to stop the man from rampaging and killing anyone that stepped into his way. It was unclear how out of his mind the older man was, but Red could assume that by the fact that Deathstroke hadn't killed the man he was after yet, and instead chose to tear through everyone else very much unlike him, the answer was very.
If he wanted to prevent a massacre he knew he had to act soon, a way to distract Wilson that hopefully didn't end up with himself dead should have been hard to find and yet. And yet, Tim thought as he carefully raised his hand to the scent patch on his neck.
(mention name switch because what he's about to do is not Red Robin)
He knew that with his enchanted senses the alpha would be able to pick up Tim's scent, even if he was a building over, even if he just raised a small part of it and let a small trail of unmated, unclaimed Omega trail out. And with the way Deathstrokes head whipped to the side when a small breeze passed Tim and carried it over it became clear he had been correct.
He didn't wait to see if Slade had caught the bait, if he was caught before he reached his destination he was fucked. Tim allowed himself a small grimace in the safety of his mind, well more fucked than he would already be. Despite his best efforts at staying somewhat professional the prospect of an alpha hunting him with adrenaline pumping in his veins was taken as an invitation from his inner omega to grow exited. This time he allowed himself a small moment to cure his biology out.
It didn't take long to reach his destination, Tim was all the more happy for it while Slade hadn't caught up to him yet he was sure it was because the man was toying with him, letting his prey run before he would go in for the kill, rather than Tim being able to outrun the alpha. It became apparent that he had been right to assume so, when the moment he stepped foot into the safehouse he suddenly found himself slammed into a wall. He hadn't even heard Slade enter, let alone be prepared for it.
He tried to buck the older man off to create some space between them but was ruthlessly crushed against the wall with no inch giving as the older man nosed at his loosened scent patch. Despite his best efforts his heart rate still picked up at having someone be so close to such a vulnerable point of himself. He did not want to think about the consequences that a bite from an alpha like Slade would bring. Instead he struggled to get a hand free and ripped at Slade's mask, trying to get free his eyes so he could check the mans pupils and try to use his scent to figure out what he had been hit with.
Rather than struggle and fight him the alpha helped him along in getting rid of the mask once he caught onto what the omega was trying to do. Free from the constricting of the mask the alpha took a deep clean breath before nosing once again at the glands at Tim's neck. Who once again was cursing the fact that he had ditched the restricting full helmet cowl for the more comfortable face mask that left him way too vulnerable.
A suck at his scent gland had his hips twitch involuntarily forward as he grounded their crotches together, driving a deep growl out of Slade's chest as he continued to mouth and lick at the pheromones Tim was letting off. He was only able to barely stifle the keen that wanted to rip out of him by biting his own tongue, he had to keep a clear head if he wanted to come out of this uninjured and alive.
Trying to get a mercenary almost double his size out of his costume while being crushed against a wall proved far more of a struggle for Tim than getting out of his own uniform with a broken arm and dislocated shoulder had been. It probably was because he was unfamiliar with the catches and traps embedded in the others uniform and thus he had to work his way around them slowly as the alpha tried his best to ensure Tim became one with the wall. At least he seemed rather content with marking up his neck and grounding their hips together for now instead of anything else.
If he hadn't foreseen that something like this would likely happen he would have been embarrassed by the way he got wetter with every brush of their groins together. And with how he could feel Slade's nostrils flaring he was sure the other man was aware of it, and with the way he rumbled when he got a gasp out of Tim, rather proud of it as well.
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sexcromancy · 4 months
when i first read notinlove several months ago I felt a) extremely personally targeted in ways i will not explain b) simultaneously thrilled and annoyed that ali had published a book that proved my analysis completely correct. like she just tweeted it out etc. i was reading it thinking, with horror, that she had made the subtext text, and even worse, it was fucking good. her books get so much better every time. i joked to my publishing industry friend that it seems like she doesnt even get her edits till she's drafting the next book and she was like, yeah, pretty much. anyway. how does she do that. how did she write an actually convincing and compelling narrative while navigating the knife edge between "these people need crazy therapy but its so hot" and "these people are too therapized and its so boring" that goodreads reviewers demand.
a good definition for a romance novel is: creating characters, dynamics, and circumstances that achieve and validate specific desires, fantasies, or kinks. eli notinlove is possessive, controlling, and ravenous in similar ways to rhysand, or jem carstairs, or the new adult dark romance of the week, but he's therapized about it so hes not as scary. this allows rue to explore her own desire, how much she likes what he wants from her, what she wants in return. my thesis, that ali "tweeted out" [sic] is that the story objectifies eli as a tool for rue to work out how she can enjoy sex more, and eventually find emotional fulfillment. eli doesnt really get an arc of his own, despite being ali's first dual pov man narrator. this is not, like, feminist literature; it's not groundbreaking or a new take for a romance novel. in fact, i'd say notinlove is more middle of the road typical than some of ali's earlier work. but i think, by working her way into this romance trope through the backdoor of the most extreme forms of literal heterosexuality, as in, opposites attract, as in, monsterfucking, as in, enemies to lovers.... i think she's managed to keep some of that heat and interest alive, not letting it get smoothed down. no one else makes putting women in locked rooms sexy like her. and thank god. notinlove is out everywhere june 11
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a-pale-azure-moon · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
It's done.
There will be revisions and tweaks to make between now and when I post it in a few days, but I have finished the final chapter of Someday We'll Shine Together. At long last, it is complete.
I'm struggling to distill all of my emotions into words at the moment. This fic has been a part of my life for about three years now. I'm feeling accomplished and proud of myself for really and truly finishing it despite the fact that when I first had the idea, I was convinced this was another of those fleeting inspirational flashes that would never go anywhere and would forever languish in my WIP folder. I got very attached to this story in the process of creating it, and I got even more attached to it when it was one of the things that helped see me through a very difficult time in my personal life. As such, I'm also grieving that it's over and that I now must let it go. Sure, it'll always exist for me to revisit whenever I want, but that feeling is never the same as the one derived from actively working on it.
While I'm still digesting all of these emotions, here's a rough timeline and some background of the fic's development, so you can all see how I finally got to this point. This is pretty personal too, because the two are irrevocably intertwined. (Content warning: death/grief)
Summer 2020: Initial inspiration hits after I rewatched Utena during COVID lockdown.
Fall 2020: Brainworms are on-and-off active, writing short blurbs in a Google doc when they come to me, but there's no true shape to the whole plot yet, it’s just random scenes. It's more or less still strictly a 3H-esque retelling of Utena, and I'm not expecting anything to actually come of these blurbs.
Winter 2020: More blurbs trickle in here and there. The story in my head is starting to divert more drastically from the show.
February 19, 2021: Draft of the pivotal scene at the end of Chapter 15 written. I remember the specific day for this because I wrote it the same day we put down our dog, Clancy. (Writing emotional scenes often helps me process my own emotions.)
April 11, 2021: Creation of my dedicated author's notes file to keep track of the various threads and ideas I'd come up with, especially the backstory about Faerghus and how Dimitri became the Lion Prince. I filled it in like an extended summary or wikipedia entry about the 'verse and the overall plot of the story. I jotted a lot of stuff down between April and June as the brainworms really got to work again.
Summer 2021: I'm starting to entertain the idea of actually seeing this project through. Chapters 1 and 2 are drafted over the summer months, but I hit a block and the self doubt comes roaring right in to deter me.  A LARGE part of my struggle with getting this fic out of development hell was me being unable to get out of my own way.  Every stumbling block I hit (especially early on) was an invitation for my inner critic to resume browbeating me into giving up this “stupid” idea.
September 2021: I finally make up my mind that I'm really going to do this, and I spend the next six weeks ironing out the bumps in the plot and making a chapter-by-chapter outline highlighting the key scenes/plot points/character beats within each one. I organized the various blurbs I had into chronological order and put them under the correct chapter headings. I also started thinking of the best way to get myself to see this project through, as well as what would be a realistic timetable for its completion. I estimated that the final length of the whole thing would be around 350 pages or roughly 150K words. (This is hilarious to me in hindsight.  I severely underestimated the scope of this fic!)
November 2021: I try to do the NaNoWriMo challenge (50K words in a month) to draft as much of the fic as I can. I "only" produce about 35K words in the end, but it was enough to draft Chapters 3 and 4 and write at least one decent-sized blurb within each of all of the remaining chapters.
December 2021: I took a short hiatus from working on SWST to finish Beneath the Ethereal Moon. When that's done, I went over my outline yet again to refine it further and then cleaned up my draft of Chapter 1 with an eye on posting it after right after New Year's. I determined that posting (and writing) one chapter per month should be doable, especially since I have a generous buffer to start with.
January 2022: I get a bad case of cold feet/anxiety and don't post Chapter 1. I'm having trouble getting a feel for Chapter 5 and fail to finish it before the end of the month. (This naturally doesn't help alleviate my self-doubt or silence my very loud inner critic.)
February 2022: Cold feet strike again and I fail to post Chapter 1 a second time. I'm still stuck on Chapter 5 (though I've at least made some progress), and while I'm extremely aware that I'm being my own worst enemy, that doesn't make it any easier to beat back old habits.
March 2, 2022: In the wee hours of the night (it was after midnight), I finally posted Chapter 1 and went straight to bed after. I slept terribly of course, haha.
I wish I could say "and you know the rest from here," but that's not true. Posting Chapter 1 was a huge mental hurdle cleared, but there were other things going on behind the scenes that almost derailed this project for good. The timing was such that if I were more prone to hubris, I'd think that the universe itself was testing my resolve. Or possibly mocking me.
On March 3, 2022 (yes, the day after I posted Chapter 1), my father was admitted to the hospital with a debilitating pain in his lower back. Initially, we thought it might be a flare up of his sciatica or maybe something like a kidney stone, but the truth was far worse. What he had was a spinal epidural abscess caused by a bacterial infection in his blood. He was transported to the ICU of a larger (further away) hospital once the severity of his condition was discovered, and he was pumped full of massive doses of antibiotics. Thanks to that, he stabilized, but what followed after was a long period of uncertainty as he would start to make gains only to suffer a setback. Even once the infection and his pain level were under control, he'd been so severely sick that the bacteria had ravaged his various body systems, leading to issues with his kidneys and his heart.
For 91 days, my family and I were stuck on a wretched rollercoaster of getting hopeful (he was transferred to a rehab facility three different times when it looked like he was improving) and then having our hopes dashed when something would happen that would see him sent back to the hospital (falling out of bed, chest pains, difficulty breathing). Hope began to fade in mid May when he was transferred back to the ICU due to diastolic heart failure, which caused his lungs to fill up with fluid. They tapped his lungs thrice, removing at least a liter of fluid each time, but they kept filling up again despite all the diuretics the doctors were giving him. Then his kidneys began to shut down too. We kept hoping right until the end, but he passed away on June 1, 2022, the day before what would've been his and my mother's 49th wedding anniversary.
(Proof that real life can be even crueler than fiction.)
I was only able to continue updating SWST while my father was sick because of that buffer I'd had, and I very nearly deleted the story from AO3 altogether after he died. I remember ruminating about how futile it was to continue with this project; I'd written almost nothing while he was sick, so my buffer was now gone and I questioned whether or not I'd be able to write, let alone write consistently, with the promised months of grief and general upheaval ahead. Even writing a story that I had, to that point, been passionate about felt utterly pointless.
It was strange though. I woke up on June 2nd thinking that maybe I should go ahead and post chapter 4 anyway, since it was already done and it was one of the chapters I particularly liked. So I did. And in the following days, we had my father's funeral and a part of me felt like I could breathe again. I was grieving yes, but the constant daily stress and uncertainty from his illness was gone, and I think that freed my creative drive to start working again. I remember the first day I sat back down at my computer with the intention to write and how much better I felt in general after I got some words onto the screen.
It's hella ironic that I planned SWST with grief and loss as major themes and it turned out I'd be processing such things myself while writing most of it. I know my own grief affected the story, though it's impossible to say to what degree; I get a lot of catharsis in general from writing emotional scenes, so I tend to go hard on them regardless. It didn't change the plot or direction of the story at all, since that was already planned, but it's certainly safe to say that I channeled a lot of my own feelings into some of the most intense moments. The ending of Chapter 9 stands out in particular as something that felt like it was coming straight out of my own heart.
Even on the hard days when I was feeling too overwhelmed and/or the words just weren’t coming, this story gave me a reason to keep going.  Just keeping the goal in mind and reasserting my resolve to be consistent and see this project through to the end helped me cope.  It both kept me grounded and helped me process what I was going through and it gave me something to look forward to when I uploaded each chapter and anxiously waited to see what the readers would think.
I started this fic as a means of testing myself: testing my commitment to writing consistently, to finishing a long-term project, and to getting over at least some of the many, MANY mental hurdles that have held me back from writing for way too long.  I knew that this story would always be near and dear to me if I managed to finish it, but it became even more precious than I ever could’ve imagined back in 2020.  It hurts that I must say goodbye to it, but…it’s forever mine.  I can say with my whole chest that I MADE THIS THING and I’m so very proud of it! <3
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catlokis-blog · 2 years
do you have any gubby scenarios i am DYING for old men in love and so far you are the only person in this fandom i have seen since 2020 have correct takes on them
im actually writing a vampire au fic right now featuring gubby and boomer ... but i wont bring that up until its closer to completion
(right now i have it roughly a third done before i do my final edits, but note that's because i just do basic planning, rough draft, and then final draft. its a pretty simple writing process and its why i dont write chaptered fics)
since you asked for gubby specifically ill focus on them especially considering theres a lot of boomer content out there but no love for the space man and the man who loves space.
read more and a headcanon dump time. you know how it is!
bubby almost DEFINITELY made the first moves to gman. i like to think it was encouraged by coomer after bubby was like btw im polyamorus and i also cant stop thinking about gman can i go ask him out. and then coomer became #1 hypeman and would try and force them into scenarios together LMFAO
gman isnt really ever forced into anything though? luckily for bubby he DID hold interest in the bastard and would go along with coomer very unsubtly trying to have them get some one-on-one time
during tommy's birthday party bubby almost definitely started flirting with gman. something about the atmosphere making even mister money bags space god start to relax and have fun a little was when he decided to make his first moves on the guy despite having eyes for him earlier
The train incident was his first attempt to talk but we all know how often gman cameos around in half life 1... bubby almost certainly took notice of black mesa's Latest Old Man Babe
gman probably barely knew how to process being flirted with at first because he's used to being treated with fear and such, and when he does get flirted with it's usually in a way that's like "oh, you're so above me", but bubby would approach it in the way you'll approach someone at a bar
as in shitty pick-up lines and very overt "you're hot as fuck, make out with me" comments. but the phrasing is more bubby's personality than bar etiquette - he's not exactly romeo.
eventually once gman gets used to bubby flirting with him after a while though the script WILL get flipped on him. because gman is no fool. in fact he is VERY observant. half of the time he spent listening to bubby's nonsense flirting (and, occasionally getting responses he didn't know he was even capable of, like an involuntary "oh my" and a blush when he said a particularly romantic line that was probably fed to him by bubby's personal cupid, dr. coomer) he would be picking up on what made bubby a little more nervous to say, a little more hopeful in how gman would respond, and what he seemed to like to hear from dr coomer
after constant passive reception of bubby's moves on him he'll fire back onto bubby with everything he had observed up to that point. even the little comments he'd whine to benrey, coomer, and even gordon when he was willing to listen to bubby. all those offhanded whiny things like "why can't he just x already" would come BITING HIM BACK.
at the end of the encounter bubby is probably rendered speechless and gman toys with him a little more through baby's first kiss from a god. he and coomer would have their own little mini celebration about this later
( and, a little bonus, despite coomer's encouragement, bubby would never actually ask gman out. he's very stubborn on waiting to be confessed to instead, which is why it took so long for him to get with coomer after literal years of flirting. gman ended up learning this too and had to research how the hell you ask someone out since he had literally never had to do that before - he was usually getting asked out and rejecting people because they were doing it for some kind of personal benefit / he doesn't have much interest in dating randoms in the first place. )
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kjack89 · 2 years
Coup de Foudre
For @themiserablesmonth Day 25: First Glance.
Canon era, developing E/R.
Read on AO3.
Enjolras’s tone was unusually sour as he led Courfeyrac into the backroom of the Musain. “All that I am saying,” he said loudly, in a tone that indicated he wished this particular argument to be over, “is that there is no such thing as love at first glance.”
Courfeyrac rolled his eyes in return. “And all that I am saying is that you are being quite boring about this,” he said, sounding particularly put out.
Enjolras looked as though he was barely managing to stop himself from also rolling his eyes in response, brightening when he saw Combeferre seated at the table, reading through the draft of a pamphlet. “Ah, Combeferre, talk some sense into Courfeyrac, would you?”
Combeferre glanced up at them, brow lifted in what might have been amusement. “I have yet to be able to thus far,” he said evenly. “But on which topic would you have me try?”
Courfeyrac huffed a sigh at being suddenly outnumbered as Enjolras said, “You do recall Courfeyrac’s idiot roommate?”
Combeferre blinked. “Marius?”
“The very one,” Enjolras said, his tone disapproving, as if the very concept of Courfeyrac’s roommate was something to be derided. “The twit has decided that he is in love.”
Combeferre uttered but the single syllable, which was perhaps for the best, as Enjolras did not seem to notice that he had spoken at all. “With a woman to whom he has never spoken, and whom he has seen, charitably, a handful of times. Am I correct?”
He directed this final question at Courfeyrac, who rolled his eyes a second time as he slumped into the chair next to Combeferre. “Certainly, when you say it like that and strip it of all romance,” he said, matching Enjolras’s sour tone, but when he turned to speak to Combeferre, his tone turned almost wistful. “It was the coup de foudre, Combeferre. I witnessed it with my own eyes.”
“And as I have long maintained, such a thing is but fantasy,” Enjolras interrupted loudly. He gestured to Combeferre. “So I leave it to you to attempt some semblance of reason, lest I despair that all logic is lost forever.”
Combeferre set his pen down, taking a moment to gather his thoughts before carefully pronouncing, “Physiologically speaking, Enjolras may very well be correct.” Courfeyrac made a disparaging noise, but Combeferre continued doggedly, “One day we may be able to parse the brain’s chemistry and demonstrate that the chemicals of infatuation are markedly different from the sustained bond of love and attachment.”
“Spoil sport,” Courfeyrac muttered, as Enjolras gave him a triumphant smile.
Combeferre cleared his throat. “And yet—”
Enjolras groaned, sitting on Courfeyrac’s other side.. “Could you not leave well enough alone?”
“Despite your insistence that you remain above such things,” Combeferre told him, “I prefer to think of the human experience as more than just a sum of chemical reactions.”
Enjolras scowled. “Meaning what, precisely?”
“Meaning that I do not believe the answer to your question is as simple as you think.” Now Combeferre sounded eager, as he was wont to when confronted with a philosophical question, even one not directly posed by either man in attendance. “And that it has a great deal to do with what one considers to be love.”
“Other than idiocy?” Enjolras muttered.
Courfeyrac smirked as he interjected, saccharine sweet, “If it is idiocy, then my roommate very well may have experienced it, by your own admission.”
Enjolras’s scowl deepened. “That is not what I meant, and you know it.”
Combeferre again cleared his throat. “The fact of the matter is, there are many kinds of love beyond simply infatuation or romantic love,” he said reasonably. “Think, after all, of how many words the Greeks used to describe love, from philautia to agape. So too it stands to reason that while you and I might consider pragma to be inconceivable at first glance, eros or even philia might be possible. And are not all of them types of love?”
Both Courfeyrac and Enjolras considered it for a moment, before Enjolras sighed and shook his head. “Far be it for me to argue with the Greeks about anything,” he said, in a tone that indicated he had and would continue to argue with the long dead Greeks about a great many things, “but I believe that to be a separate question of whether Marius Pontmercy has indeed fallen into the commonly understood notion of love at but a single glance.”
“And I believe all three of you are missing the point entirely,” a fourth voice stated, and all three turned as one to stare at Grantaire, slumped in the corner, wine bottle in front of him. “At first glance, at hundredth, at thousandth, even. It is all the same.”
Combeferre’s eyes narrowed. “Speak plainly, Wine Cask, if you are to speak at all.”
The corners of Grantaire’s lips twitched toward what may have been a smile – or a smirk. “Forgive me for daring to speak in the company of such esteemed wisdom,” he said, lifting his bottle in a mocking toast.
“Careful, Capital R—” Courfeyrac started warningly, but Enjolras laid a hand on his arm.
“No, I wish to hear what he has to say.” He fixed his eyes on Grantaire. “Say what you will, Grantaire,” he said. “I would hear your insight into this of all matters.”
Though his words were magnanimous, his tone indicated that he did not believe Grantaire capable of such insight. Perhaps it was for this reason that Grantaire flushed slightly, though when he spoke again, his voice was determined, and his eyes were locked unwaveringly on Enjolras’s. “You speak as though there are only two options. As if love at first glance can happen only the very first time two pairs of eyes meet across a crowded room.”
Combeferre frowned. “Is that not the definition of love at first sight?”
“No?” Courfeyrac repeated, almost amused.
Grantaire lifted his chin, just slightly, his eyes still on Enjolras. “No. In love, all is made new again, which is why it matters not if it is the first time eyes meet, or the hundredth.”
“Or the thousandth,” Enjolras finished, something strange in his tone.
Grantaire nodded. “Indeed. For when eyes meet in love, when one or both understands and realizes that who they are seeing is not merely a friend, an acquaintance, even a stranger, but someone who will irrevocably alter the course of their life, any glance made before that matters not at all.” He shrugged, something softening in his expression. “All love happens at a first glance, the first glance that starts something entirely new, the first glance that makes a heart call out in longing.”
Combeferre glanced sideways at Courfeyrac. “I will admit, I expected drunken rambling, not poetry,” he said in an undertone.
Courfeyrac just shook his head slowly. “Can there not be poetry even in drunken rambling?” he asked, equally quiet.
“And so too may man hope that one day, their beloved might look upon them with eyes finally clear, and know, just as they do, in a first glance of their own,” Grantaire said softly, something almost sad, or at the very least longing, underpinning his words. Then, as if realizing he had said more than he intended, his flush deepened, a mottled red. “That is…that is what I think,” he finished weakly, tearing his eyes away from Enjolras to find his bottle.
Combeferre cleared his throat. “Well, that is certainly an interesting counterpoint to our discussion, do you not think, Enjolras?” Enjolras said nothing, and Combeferre leaned forward to frown at him. “Enjolras?”
But Enjolras was still staring at Grantaire, a peculiar expression on his face. “I—” he started, before trying again. “That is to say, I, uh…”
He trailed off and Grantaire stood, taking his wine bottle with him. “Now that my piece has been said, I find myself in need of more libation,” he said, toasting them again, though somewhat less mockingly this time. “Gentlemen.”
As Grantaire strode to the door, Courfeyrac shook his head. “Well, now that we’ve seemingly settled the matter, let us turn to other things.”
But Combeferre stopped him. “Courfeyrac,” he said quietly.
Combeferre nodded toward Enjolras, who was still staring at the seat that Grantaire had vacated. “I think it best we give Enjolras a moment.”
Courfeyrac’s brow furrowed. “Why? What ails him?”
“Nothing,” Combeferre said, shaking his head. “Just—”
Realization struck Courfeyrac. “Surely you don’t think—” He broke off, unable to stop the small, delighted smile that stretched across his face. “A first glance.”
Combeferre shrugged, a little helplessly. “After the thousandth.”
Courfeyrac shook his head in wonder. “The coup de foudre.”
“Such as it were.”
Enjolras suddenly shook his head as if to clear it, blinking rapidly as he returned to himself. “My apologies,” he said. “What were we discussing?”
Combeferre and Courfeyrac exchanged knowing glances. “Love at first glance,” Courfeyrac said, still smiling. “And just when, exactly, that first glance may occur.”
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muchadorks · 2 years
M*A*S*H 4077 During Covid
Hawkeye is going stir-crazy being stuck and isolated. His contributions to the “socially distanced” movement include a long-range alcohol distiller that can dispense two drinks six feet apart, a card-dealing machine that can deal the cards from a safe distance (while also giving him an upper hand in what cards he wants, shh), and socially distanced pranks (sorry Frank)
Trapper gets so desperate that he makes a full-body condom complete with a filtered breathing hole to ensure no sickness. Nothing stands between this man and his favourite activity. Nothing.
BJ is writing home all the time to check how Peg and the kids are doing – he’s so concerned whenever one of them gets sick that Hawkeye has had to physically tied him to his bed to stop him from pacing around the Swamp
Frank is absolutely an antivaxxer and conspiracy theorist. Seriously, you can trick him into believing anything. He does, however, loves the new rules and regulations and enforces them whenever possible (though Hawkeye always gets under his skin enough to get Frank in trouble of almost breaking social distancing). When he gets the weakest possible case of Covid, he absolutely believes he is dying and begs Margaret to nurse him back to health
Margaret is stressed to the max – she is overworked, overtired, and somehow has decided that she needs to master 16 different lockdown hobbies before the new normal despite having even less time than before
Donald Penobscot claims to have gotten vaccinated before he comes to visit Margaret, but he’s deathly afraid of needles. When Margaret finds out about his lie, she finally has an excuse to stab him (for medical reasons only of course – not like she is taking out any emotional frustration…)
Winchester has read every single research paper on Covid and is quick to correct anyone who states a fact possible wrong. Seriously, this man insists on rewriting all of the rules every time a new research paper comes out. Hawkeye and BJ pretend to be conspiracy theorist for a while just to drive him mental
Colonel Potter believes that perhaps this lockdown and social distancing will finally allow him to get some peace and quiet. And then he remembers that he is a doctor. And now he apparently has to start locking the Ivermectin for his horse because some idiot is trying to steal it (or whatever the 1950 equivalent is since it was only invented in 1975)... He is currently considering telling Mildred that he will be retiring early
Henry Blake freaks out the moment he hears about the pandemic. He can’t even imagine all the paperwork that will need to be created (Radar’s already made copies and labelled them), the protocols that need to be put in place (Radar’s drafts are simply pending approval via Henry’s signature), and not to mention that his alcohol supply is already running terribly low (Radar has been hiding away some to ration Henry’s drinking, but thankfully he thought ahead to order more before the supply chain completely gave out)
Father Mulcahy is currently broadcasting Sunday mass over the PA system. It’s not his favourite medium for liturgy but at least it’s something. He is getting concerned about how he suddenly needs between locks for the ceremonial wine compared to usual though…
Klinger pulls schemes twice a day insisting that he has Covid – but not just any Covid! This strain is deadly, so deadly that the only cure can be found in Toledo, Ohio. When he does get Covid, he is asymptomatic and just stuck in insolation for two weeks (at least he has more time to work on his dresses…)
Radar is definitely freaking out. He’s not sure whether he should wear a hazmat suit or if his bear needs to be the one wearing it. He’s trying to keep the camp in order, but this is definitely not making things easier
Zale suggests every type of “Covid prevention” practice you can think of (he definitely tried to steal Colonel Potter’s Ivermectin). As for them working though, well… the doctors have requested someone watch his actions 24/7 because they are sick of seeing him and his new medical emergency
Colonel Flag is an antivaxxer. Actually, no, that’s just a cover for him to infiltrate the antivaxxer society and learn what their motives are (for what is anyone’s game, really). Except, no, he’s just trying to get chummy with the doctors and trick them into revealing what they are really putting the vaccines. Only, no, he’s actually…
Sidney is observing the madness from a distance, sighing, and stating that this is seems like a normal reaction for the M*A*S*H 4077 to be having
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storymaker14 · 1 year
Don't make my mistake, y'all.
If you're going to print off a first draft that you intend to write a bunch of notes on... Don't single space to save paper and printing costs. 😬
I was looking forward to a certain line. It was probably my favorite couple of sentences I've ever written.
Still love it.
I dig the irony that, despite this being the longest spicy thing I've written, it's also the least spicy thing I've written by percentage (except my SFW stuff). A little bit of spice coming up, the spicy mistake later on, and then The Big Spicy Scene. Should make sure the last one's worth the wait 😁
Uck, this part. I expect this to be in serious need of rewriting, but we shall see.
Hmm. Not a lot of notes. Sign it's good, or sign it's not engaging?
I do feel like I want to rewrite a lot of it. It's sometimes a little obvious it was written in dribs and drabs, which isn't a bad thing, but now that I know the flow of the story, I can make it flow better.
The choice at the end of Act 1 was absolutely correct, though, both for character reasons and story reasons. So that stays, even after rewrite.
Now the part that I had nineteen kinds of trouble writing, saved for last, yadda. Let's see how I did.
It works. Whew. Still in the "I am going to rewrite all of this" mode, but the scene gets done what it needs to. And I love the next bit.
Yup, love that bit. Unfortunately I've just realized the sequence of events doesn't quite make sense behind the scenes, so I might have to putz with it. But that scene stays, I don't care what I have to do to keep it.
TMW despite being written weeks or months apart, the phrasing used to describe something in two different parts resonates well.
Just finished reading a particularly intense part, and realized I kinda got wrapped up in it. Dude, you wrote this. You know how it turns out.
Still, though, feels like a good sign 😁
Y'all. Act 2 is good. Like, not perfect, needs work, but it's good.
Onto Act 3; let's see how that went.
Fuck. Just realized the timeline really doesn't work. It should be an easy fix -- in fact, might even make one conversation work even better -- but I'm a math nerd ffs. I should have realized.
I was actually starting to worry about how few notes I had. Am I just gliding over it because I know it so well? But then I did manage to notice something that might need to be made more clear, or at least questioned, so I feel better.
Aaaaand the thing I noticed was already touched on. Should make it a tad more clear, maybe, but... it's there.
Okay, I've finished it. It needs adjustments, it needs work, large amounts of it need rewrites.
But it's good. Like, I like it.
What a relief that I haven't spent that much time writing and worrying about something I don't like.
I'll probably do another pass, say, tomorrow, see if anything else stands out. Especially in those bits where I didn't have a lot of notes. But... I feel much better.
Wish me luck.
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blametheeditor · 2 years
Can we have a child (or human) beat the ever loving crap out of a big animatronic and down an entire saltshaker’s worth of pure salt
This doesn’t have to be serious nor accepted I just need your version of unadulterated chaos
-chaos feddy
What's the saying? I failed successfully?
chaos feddy, I hope my offering appeases you. In my defense, I'm a very organized person, and I swear, there was no planning, or first drafts, or editing! I deserve half-credit!!
Contant Warnings: Mentions of body horror. Mentions of murder. Off-screen death, alluding to a death scene. Cursing. Slight gore. Dark themes.
It started with a phone call. 
He didn’t know what to expect. Maybe his boss demanding he come in sooner to help clean the restaurant due to someone calling out sick. Maybe a ‘coworker’ chewing him out before realizing they’re yelling at the wrong person and promptly hang up without an apology. 
“Schmidt, Freddy needs your help.” 
Right, he’s Mike this time around. He almost forgot. 
Well don’t leave poor Bonnie hanging.
...wait, that’s Bonnie on the other end? 
It takes Mike a moment to process everything that’s happened in the span of 5 seconds. Starting with a phone call from Fazbear’s, apparently with an animatronic who’s been trying to kill him nightly on the other end, who’s never spoke a single word to him, now asking for his help. 
“Who is this?” 
He knows it’s the towering purple bunny. Because despite never having been spoken to and only subjected to blank stares as he twitches in the hopes of spooking Mike enough to get slopy, Ennard’s correct on placing the familiar voice. 
But just because he has an endoskeleton inside him to help listen in on secret conversations between animatronics doesn’t mean he wants to reveal it. 
“A certain someone who promises an easy night if you help Freddy.” 
Ah, so they’re playing this game. “Can I at least know what I’m coming into Definitely Not My Boss?” 
The line goes silent. And while Mike would like to imagine what’s happening, he’s a bit in the dark. Especially considering Ennard’s withholding crucial conversation. 
You said you didn’t want to eavesdrop.
“I’m on my way.” 
The voice definitely not belonging to the animatronic named Bonnie now you’re just being petty sputters. “Really? Uh, hurry then! See you soon!” 
Mike quickly throws his uniform for the night shift on. Possibly a little worried about it currently being 9 o’clock. If his job has taught him anything, it’s that time flies. 
He’s heard enough conversations between the animatronics about the whole ‘hunt down the night guard’ being just a game to them. A justified game he can’t bring himself to get upset over despite his life being on the line. But a game means rules, and he’s safe as long as he follows them. 
If he looses track of time, hopefully Bonnie wasn’t lying having an easy night. 
It takes ten minutes to get to the restaurant. And maybe he’s blowing his cover a bit hesitating at the door, afraid of throwing them open with the knowledge murderous animatronics are already free-roaming and well aware he was on his way. But despite the fact Ennard’s proven he’s not killable, it’s still not pleasant. 
The first thing he’s aware of is Foxy wiping his eye with a hook as if he was crying, a small chuckle echoing through his voice box. The second is Bonnie trying his hardest not to allow a smile to slip. The third is Freddy looking distraught as he...dodges a little kid. 
Mike needs the context. 
”You’re doing good, Fred.” 
“I thought you said you called the night guard!” 
“I hope he’s taking his time, I’m kind of enjoying the show.” 
“Too late, Schmidt’s here.”
Said man tenses as Foxy’s words register for all of them. Three sets of eyes focus on him, though Freddy immediately looks down as his attacker shouts a war cry, and Chica finally joins the scene by peering out of the hallway. 
“Was starting to doubt you actually called him, Bonnie,” she smirks. 
“I was hoping he didn’t,” Foxy grins as he watches the brown bear continue to hop around. 
“We mean no harm,” Bonnie begins as his hands are raised in a sign of surrender. Mike pauses as it becomes clear he’s being addressed. The red eyes that always sent shivers down his spine finally holding something like respect rather an animosity. “As you can see, Freddy needs a little help.” 
“Call his parents already!” 
Mike finds a giant smile spreading across his face at the distress in Freddy’s voice. Toward the very person the bear has been trying to kill for about a month now. Unable to help himself because he never thought he’d see this side. At least, not as a night guard. 
Focus, Mike.
Right, right. He’s got a job to do. 
The kid running around Freddy’s feet hadn’t stopped his lunges, swings, or kicks despite someone having walked through the door. The look on the boy’s face who can’t be more than 10 years old shows a level of dedication Mike wishes he had. 
You haven’t forgotten the whole reason you’re here, have you?
“Alright, break it up. Can’t have Freddy in pieces.” 
Mike looks more confident than he feels approaching the kid and animatronic. Because he’s putting himself within grabbing distance of someone who will happily shove him into a suit. Leave Ennard to slowly piece him together and restart completely from square one. 
He knows how much the four adore kids. But who’s to say they won’t see him as a threat and simply shield the boy’s eyes as he’s taken care of. Cover his ears in the hopes it drowns out his pleading screams as he’s dragged backstage, his last moments recorded under Cam 5. 
That’s definitely a way to tell just how terrified he’s been of finally getting caught. 
They called you here. Bonnie promised no harm. 
Mike glances toward the bunny. Remembers the snippets of conversation via telepathy by electronics. Knows the purple animatronic is a well-known asshole. 
I’ll keep you safe.
Now that he can trust. 
“Hey kiddo,” the man begins. He stops a few feet away from the duel, crouching down to be on the same level as the kid not pulling any punches with the way he nearly stumbles after every swing. It takes all of Mike’s self control not to flinch whenever Freddy steps out of the way, worried he might get crushed by the 1,000 plus pound animatronic. “What are you beating poor Fredbear over?” 
Wrooooong name. 
“He has my brother!” makes everything come to a screeching halt, and Mike is trapped in wide, dark green eyes filled with desperation. 
And he’s no longer inside the restaurant afraid for his life. 
He’s standing inside another location. Similar. Different animatronics standing on the stage. 
An animatronic that’s malfunctioning. A tall figure rushing forward. To save- 
You’re not there anymore.
Mike blinks, watches as the scene in front of him melts away, back in front of a little boy currently ranting. 
“-and Jake is never wrong so Freddy has my brother, and I need to get him out!” 
What did he miss? 
”His friend is a Grade A asshole.” 
“He is, but you can’t deny the logic behind it.” 
“Freddy, maybe you should pick the poor kid up.” 
“The lad needs Schmidt, not us.”
He’s still lost. Great. 
...no? Ennard’s not going to help? 
Are you surprised?
“Okay, hold on,” Mike murmurs, his hands up in a motion for the kid to slow down, uncertain as tears threaten to fall as the small chest heaves in near hyperventilation. 
...what does he do? It’s been a while since he’s interacted with children. And the last time he did it did not end well His proof is the fact there’s a sentient machine living inside him. The worst part is how snarky it is. 
You enjoy it.
“So, Jake says the Fazbear ghost story deals with your brother?” 
The boy hesitates. Fists clenching up before his head tilts. “G-Ghost story?” 
“Oh yeah,” Mike continues. Glad he didn’t mess everything up taking a shot in the dark. “There was a rumor that started about spirits haunting the animatronics. Spooky, right? But I promise, that was from foreeeeever ago, before you were born.” 
“Really? So it’s an old story?” 
“Super old. I mean, look at me. I know it because I’m ancient.” 
The kid giggles, the tears from before disappear as a giant smile spreads across his face. “You are old.” 
Mike rolls his eyes as he ruffles the tufts of blond hair, potentially silently hoping he doesn’t truly look over 25 years old. Some things he can’t control ever since Ennard became a part of his life, and that’s not looking like a walking corpse. He’ll just say some days are better than others. Thank something he works the night shift. 
“I’m Mike by the way.” 
The man smiles at the complete turn from needing to beat Freddy up, to happily holding a conversation with the only other seemingly human person. “Well met, Daniel. Now, important question, is Freddy out of time-out?” 
The bear goes tense as the kid whirls around to size up the animatronic. “Do you promise to be nice to Mr. Night Guard?” 
Mike feels like he’s missing something. A big something. Especially when blue eyes look over at him as ears flatten. “You have my word, Mr. Smith.” 
”Nice to meet you, Mike!” a young man with strawberry hair smiles. Excited to have a ‘partner’ on the job. “Finally, I can get some sleep.”
...oh. Oh shit. 
No. No. Not right now. He just...he needs a moment. 
“How about you wait with them while I call your parents, then?” Mike breathes. Unable to speak above a whisper. He doesn’t even get a confirmation from the boy or the animatronics before he’s all but sprinting for the office. Gasps for air as he holds onto the desk for all that it’s worth. Stares at the crossed out name on the sheet for who works the night shifts. 
Fritz Smith having been ‘fired’ a while ago. 
“That was why you didn’t want to tell me?” 
We both know he’s-
“I swear if you use that bullshit excuse again, I’ll, I’ll...” 
Mike looks up at the spinning fan. Grabs the cupcake sitting beside it and hurls it into the hallway. Doesn’t blink an eye as it causes the unlucky broom closet door to splinter on impact. 
Out of all the kids, why did it have to be Fritz’s brother. 
“Bonnie, I’m about to turn you into scrap metal.” 
The bunny takes a step back into the hallway to give him some space. “I’m sorry I didn’t warn you.” 
Mike looks up in disbelief, not expecting an apology to come from the murderous animatronic who had wanted to kill his coworker. One that sounds genuine. 
And this, this is why he despises his role in all of this. Because he knows why the taller man had gotten killed. He knows why he’s hunted down relentlessly every night for weeks on end. He understands, and he can’t bring himself to hate them for it. 
But Fritz had a brother. Was clearly a good brother to the kid, because he’s been the only one who’s come searching for their lost family member. 
Mike just wasn’t quick enough. He’s always two steps behind. And no matter what he does, he’ll never get ahead at this rate. 
You know how to give him a second chance.
Because every Afton knows how to properly use remnant. 
“I still really want to turn you into scrap metal.” 
Bonnie gives him a look in the attempt to judge his mood. “I kind of doubt it, pipsqueak.” 
Mike flips through the contact info under Smith, quickly reassuring the frantic parents that their son is safe. The animatronics are happy to take their normal places at his request, not protesting as he sits in the main room with Daniel as they wait. And when a car finally pulls into the parking lot, he’s happy to show the kid out to reunite with his family. 
Then the man is walking down the hall. Sits in his chair. Glances once at the tablet once it strikes midnight. 
His mind is far from surviving the night, though. He’s focused on what Fritz thinks of his suggestion.
He says do it.
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