#this was good fun oof
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crazymecjc · 2 months ago
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every day’s great at your junes!
my piece for @p4zine ! this zine was such a fantastic experience, and I was so happy to be a part of it leftovers sales are open now, so get your copy while you still have a chance!!
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junewild · 8 months ago
Watching Sam & Brennan talk about the beauty of frivolity, of adults playing silly games just as seriously as they fight to survive, and... yeah. There are some things that keep us alive, and there are some things that make life worth living, and I think games are one of those things that fall into both categories. Games make our lives better and they make us better at being alive. I think that's pretty cool.
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jodefrostwallart · 1 month ago
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I finished AAI2 yesterday!
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heshemejoshi · 4 months ago
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was bored so drew wukong
plus some text practicing the look of rótulos in digital. i’ve always liked how it looks. if you’re mexican and like jttw dm me oh my god
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bleue-flora · 11 months ago
Ok, I recently wrote an essay [here] talking about the definition and duties of civil engineering as well as the ethics because of the brain rot @swordfright gave me with calling Dream Sam’s ultimate engineering project. So, because I actually am a civil engineer I took it upon myself to design the title and summary of quantities sheets just like I do at work for roads but with Dream as the project instead. And in honor of angst day sponsored by @sixteenth-day-event, I figured I’d share it because I feel like it kinda works for the prison of the mind prompt.
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“Sam’s “ultimate engineering project” he deemed too damaged like a bumpy road or crumbling building that wasn’t worthy of patching and filling in the cracks or reinforcing, that’s too eroded to be fixed and preserved. So, Sam strived to tear him down to the bedrock so he could remake, remold, and reengineer Dream according to his design for the common safety, public health and well-fair.”
{These are very similar to the actual sheets I make day to day, which I shall not share for the sake of doxing my location, but yea pretty much everything has a significance. Some of it doesn’t necessarily make sense but that was because I was more so taking inventory of what we see in lore (so you know I counted ;) lol)}
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midnight-mourning · 22 days ago
Valentine's is Over! What now?
Hello! This is a bit of an update post now that DCA Valentine's has finsihed up. Feel free to read what you want (though I suggest at least skimming all of it so you're aware of what's happening with me) and make sure to vote in the polls!
Starting first and foremost, thank you to everyone who submitted requests! They were all genuinely lots of fun and I hope the stories I wrote for them were enjoyable ^^ Couldn't have done the event without y'all so thank you for the lovely ideas
@rosescarletful @amarynthian-chronicles @dangerva @alynwrench
@luckyyyduckyyy @fishm0ther @juukai @divinit3a @zenkaiankoku
@starspindle @that-one-unknown-artist @milosmantis @pip-plz
Secondly, I want to give a MASSIVE thank you to the lovely wonderful amazing artists who volunteered to make doodles for the stories!! Everyone killed it and I'm so very appreciative of you taking the time to make things for my silly bits of writing shfkjsdkljflks Like seriously, it was so flattering to have people initially reach out/agree and then even more so to see the art you made as a results i just AHHHH I CANT SAY THANK YOU ENOUGH, appreciate you guys very much guhhhh <333333
@divinit3a @cozycitrus @soupdweller @juukai
HIGHLY reccommend everyone to go check out their blogs & content in general, everyone makes soooo cool art and oooo you wanna go give them some love soooo bad
Alright, with that, let's get into the meat of things; what's next?
put under the break bc there's several things happening, again skim if you want but make sure to do the poll though!
Gen writing update
I had a few requests come in after they closed (no worries to those who did so! I know it was a little confusing regarding such) so i'll be writing those when i get the chance and sending them out into the world, beyond that however, any request-based things are closed (for now) if I get any during this closed period I'm sorry but I'll have to ignore them/not do them. I'm too busy with life/other wips to add them to my list, sorry!
Holiday Spirit is going to be my writing focus for the next couple weeks! It's about halfway done and I'd like it finished so I can move on with things lol
Confused spirit is going to take a bit, as like i've said before I'm writing multiple chapters back to back for the purpose on ensuring proper flow/building my buffer back up, i know it's been a bit but believe me it's been on my mind guhh
In general i have some shorter form content/drabbles & oneshots I want to write, so be on the lookout for those >:)c
Speaking on all of the above, if you want to stay up to date with my writing, I highly reccommend joining the tag list i have! My things tend to get buried otherwise >-< Just tell me you'd like added and I'll include you :)
I've done requests now for December/holidays, and Valentine's now too. There's no major holidays coming up for a while, BUT there is an event, in May... specifically... So,
Additionally, since the art aspect of Valentine's went so well, I'll probably look for artists again to do some drawing and will run it pretty similar to this time, so if you're interested lmk :)c
Comments & Asks
While I won't be posting/active for a few weeks, I WILL be going through and answering comments, asks, and so on from people that have been collecting in my inbox oof
PLEASE know that if you've left a comment or sent me an ask that I've seen it and appreciate it very much!!! I just have not had the time to sit down and properly answer them yet, but i will during this break!
Going Dark
I was saving this for the end just because it sounds worse than it actually is.
I'm going to take a break from posting/tumblr/etc for about a week or two and spend some extra hours doing my research stuff. I'm not behind or anything (and def always put it and school first dw) but I kind of want to try and get ahead with it just because of how strict my timeline to finish is 😅
I also just want a bit of a break from constantly writing and maybe do some other hobbies when im not on the research grind. I'll be back at it (again more casually) in a few weeks tho!
by the time you see this I have already begun lol
Leftover things
Since you're here, here's the link to my writing masterpost that includes 99% of my writing stuff!
I also realized while writing this post that I don't have an actual writing tag for non-event related writing... so i'll be fixing that as well during my break
I've gotten a question or two regarding whether my stuff is commision-based or if I have a kofi (which i'll be replying to that ask directly dw whoever you are...) and my answer to that is not currently! BUT, i'll continue to think on it for those who might be interested, if it's something I do consider doing it'll be a bit from now, but I appreciate the thought from those who asked!
I think that's all, thank you again to the requestors and to the lovely lovely artists for this event, and also thank you to those who liked/reblogged my things during this event! It's very much appreciated and I'm glad people had fun ^^ Bye!
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killerandhealerqueen · 6 months ago
Finally watched Lap of Legends...and even though Williams fucked over Logan, this is something that they can never take away from him. Ever. This was his time to shine and boy he fucking did
Also...this was a cool ass shot
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ineffably-leech-art · 2 months ago
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zen from mystic messenger
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crazymecjc · 1 month ago
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always the pawn in someone else’s game. ♟️
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sunlaire · 4 months ago
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It's done
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sugarpasteltmnt · 9 months ago
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*kicking my feet giggling as i run away and hide*
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hehehe he looks like he's having fun THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE IT 🩵💘💗🩵💞💖!!!
and i'll have to give that album a listen! I do like Billie, but i haven't listened to her in a while. Thanks for the rec!!!
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themintman · 9 months ago
Something something that one Derry Girls scene
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Honestly horrified that I haven't seen anyone draw it with their OTP 😞
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riddle-me-fear · 2 months ago
A special riddle for a special man ;⁠)
Pillar of your character ,
Your ego holds me dear.
I'm your tongue's bayonet ,
And your mind's spear.
Who am I?
Edward Nygma | The Riddler
Aaaaw now would you look at that, a riddle! I do believe this one's for you, Jonathan.
Jonathan Crane | The Scarecrow
No. Nope. Nuh-uh. Absolutely not.
Edward Nygma | The Riddler
Oh come on, Jon, at least try, hmm? For me?
Jonathan Crane | The Scarecrow
Nnnnnope. No chance. I ain't playin' yo games.
Edward gets closer to Jon, whispering something into his ear for a little while, to which, in response, Jonathan appears visibly flustered.
Jonathan Crane | The Scarecrow
Ffffine. I'll give it a go. I fuckin' hate'chu, ya know that?
Edward Nygma | The Riddler
Duly noted.
Edward smiles brightly with mischievous undertones, watching Jon trying to solve the riddle like a ray of sunshine.
Jonathan Crane | The Scarecrow
Ughh, right, uhh... "Pillar of your character", the fuck's that even s'pposed ta mean?
Edward breaks out into amused laughter in the background.
Is it like, in general, or specific'lly you? I'mma go with you in partic'lar, cuz I'm already stumped. 'N you enjoy solvin' this shit?
Edward lifts his glasses to wipe away a tear, still giggling to himself a little.
Edward Nygma | The Riddler
Aah, ahah, I sure do, yes. Ahum, ghmm, ahem. Try synonyms, word associations, things that simply come to mind, and go from there. And if you're stuck just go to the next line and come back later.
Jonathan Crane | The Scarecrow
Fer fuck's sake... Aight uhm... Pillar... like foundation? Somethin' that supports. What could support your character...? As in personality? So like, what makes ya to who ya are, maybe? Pff, I dunno, a narcissistic asshole?
Nygma starts chuckling again, extremely delighted by this whole situation.
Whateva, next! "Your ego holds me dear"... The fuck does yer ego like? Bein' the smartest person in tha room? Thinkin' yer better than everybody else? Beatin' riddles, fuckin' 'ell, man.
Edward Nygma | The Riddler
You are getting quite close.
Jonathan Crane | The Scarecrow
Well thanks, I feel like I'm gettin' to shit fuckin' nowhere. "I'm your tongue's bayonet" Ok nah, what the actual fuck, ya gotta admit, that shit makes zero sense.
Edward Nygma | The Riddler
Ahahaha! Oh, but it does- Hahohoho! Ahah! Ahahaahh...!
Jonathan Crane | The Scarecrow
Haa-Haa. Yeah, great, glad yer enjoyin' yerself. Only doin' this bullshit cuz o' yer dang promise. Fuck ma life, I'll get'cha fo this. Aight, next line. "And your mind's spear" That's jus' as stopid as tha last one!
Edward is absolutely losing his shit in the background, holding his belly which has started to ache from all the laughing.
Can you shut up?! I'm tryin' ta think! I'm yer tongue's bayonet an' yer mind's spear... Weapon o' speech, weapon o' mind... What's both yer weapon when speakin' AND when thinkin'? Insults? But that don't make sense fo' mind, does it? ... Maaan I dunno, I'm dun, I ain't good at this shit.
Edward Nygma | The Riddler
Nnnng! You're so damn close, though! Let me give you some assistance, you've got a brilliant mind, Crane, you can solve this.
Jonathan Crane | The Scarecrow
Now yer jus' suckin' up to me, do ya get sum kinda kick outta this?
Edward Nygma | The Riddler
Let's sum up your answers. "Pillar to your character", you said "narcissistic asshole".
Jonathan Crane | The Scarecrow
Ye can't be serious.
Edward Nygma | The Riddler
"Your ego holds me dear", you answered "being the smartest person in the room, thinking I'm better than everyone else, and beating riddles".
Jonathan Crane | The Scarecrow
He's fuckin' serious.
Edward Nygma | The Riddler
And your answer to the two last lines "I'm your tongue's bayonet and your mind's spear" was "insults". Now, what do all of these have in common?
Jonathan Crane | The Scarecrow
Fuck if I know!
Edward Nygma | The Riddler
Tsk tsk, ever so stubborn. Perhaps if I rephrase your answers, you'll come to a conclusion. The pillar to my character is narcissism, my ego tells me I'm the smartest person in the room, my tongue insults those I deem lesser than myself, and I believe my mind to be the greatest weapon of all, because of my...?
Jonathan Crane | The Scarecrow
... Pride...! Cuz of yer... pride...
Edward's eyes light up, as he grabs Jonathan's face, pressing his lips tightly upon the surprised Crane's.
Mmmmwa! See?! I knew you could solve it! Hnnnn! I'm so proud of you for getting one of the possible answers!
Jonathan Crane | The Scarecrow
... Ya kno, at this point I'd shout at you, if I weren't so damn exhausted from that whole thang. 'N somehow I can't say I'm surprised. Aight, Eddie, give us the other answers, b'fore ya burst from keepin' 'em in.
Edward Nygma | The Riddler
Words, or language itself. It's a more generalized answer, if the riddle isn't aimed at my person specifically. Words or language is the foundation to everyone's character, as they vocalize expression, even non-verbal aspects, such as body language. The ego holds words and language dear, as they provide one with the tools to express their ego outwardly. They are the tongue's bayonet, as words can be used as weapons, and the mind's spear, as ultimately, it is the mind that first formulates the words in the language they shall be used in to cause harm. But, of course, if this riddle is directed at any other person than myself, its meaning changes entirely. In your case, for example, the answer would be fear. It is your foundation, you pride yourself on it, you utilize it verbally, and it is constantly on your mind to use as a weapon against others. Another example, hmm, the Batman. His entire shtick is justice, as he keeps shoving in everyone's faces. He feeds his ego with the lies that his actions are justified, uses justice as an excuse for all his actions, and has his mind consumed by those childish notions. Come to think of it, the answer could also be "lies". Hm.
Jonathan Crane | The Scarecrow
... I'mma'na have sum coffee an' a smoke. Or two.
Edward Nygma | The Riddler
Hahaha, that exhausted, hmm? Alright, well this was delightful, I hope one of those are the answer to your, mind I say, quite wonderful riddle, dear anon, I very much enjoyed it. If none of the answers we gave were what you had in mind, worry not, I most definitely thought of it, there are just too many possibilities to list them all, here, now. Surely, I could write them all down, buuuut it's simply not worth my time. Plus, I've got a promise to keep. Have a good one!
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thetomorrowshow · 5 months ago
Whumptober 6 - Not Realizing They're Injured
title: exit 73
fandom: limited life smp
cw: blood and injury
Jimmy whoops, high-pitched and birdlike, as they run, their feet pounding against the asphalt. “We killed that one! Those Clockers didn’t know what hit ‘em!”
“Stop talking and just run,” Grian hisses, his words choppy. “We’re not out yet.”
They'd parked the van another block down, cleverly disguised as a plumber’s van���and if anyone opened it up, a plumber’s van is all they’d find. They’d spent a good bit of money outfitting it with drain snakes and wrenches and other tools, just in case anyone decided to find their van suspicious.
Right now, they’ve just got to make it there without getting caught.
Are they being followed? Probably not, they wove through some confusing alleys that Grian had somehow known his way through, they should be in the clear. Joel doesn’t look behind himself. He just keeps running.
They round another bend, and another, and Joel tries to keep himself pretty fit, but the stitch in his side is already burning and shouldn’t they have found the van yet?
“Where is that plumbing van?” he mutters angrily. Grian shushes him; Joel scoffs. “We lost ‘em ages ago, calm down,” he tells Grian, slowing just a bit to try and relax the stitch’s pain. “Where’d we park it?”
“Two more streets down,” Jimmy calls back—because of course he’s taken the lead, with his stupidly long legs. “I can see it, just over the hill.”
Great. Two more streets.
It’s kind of embarrassing that he’s already so out of breath. He swears he works out—it’s just been a long hit. He’s been hiding out at the cargo bay for hours, wedged behind some boxes, waiting for the moment that the Clockers showed up to sign for their contraband. Then it had been some quick moments of adrenaline—a fight, flashes of knives and fists—before Grian had the papers and they ran, the sudden energy still pumping through Joel’s veins.
He’d managed to grab Bdubs’s (one of the top Clockers that was overseeing the operation) famed pocket watch off the man himself, and that should sell for a pretty penny. It was plated gold with crystal glass, so the rumor went, and Joel couldn’t wait to have a jeweler test it.
Oh, that tiny man has got to be so furious right now. . . .
“There it is!” Jimmy cheers, pointing ahead. Joel still doesn’t see it all that well through the dark, but he trusts that Jimmy knows what’s going on and just focuses on one foot in front of the other, in through his nose and out through his mouth.
Grian grabs his hand and pulls him forward, toward the van. He sees it now, with its crooked pipe art on the side, dimly illuminated by the starlight above.
Joel’s the driver, of course. The others poke fun at him for never letting anyone else drive, but he’s not going to go into or out of a mission with intense nausea, so he’s driving. He climbs up into the driver’s seat, shoves the keys in the ignition and starts driving before he even knows that Grian and Jimmy are in.
Judging by an annoyed shout, Jimmy wasn’t all the way in, but the door shuts and Jimmy rolls into the backseat, his annoyance clear in the darkened reflection of the rearview mirror.
Grian immediately reaches for the radio. Joel smacks his hand away. Jimmy leans forward, also reaching for the radio. They both smack his hand.
“No music,” Joel grits out. He’s usually high-strung after a mission like this, no real outlet for the energy flowing through him. Yet, despite knowing that he’ll be quick to anger, the others always manage to provoke him.
The no-music rule has been in place for as long as Joel’s been driver. Can’t the others stop being idiots for two seconds and let him drive in peace?
The van trundles along at thirty-five miles per hour, and Joel turns toward the on-ramp of the freeway, grimacing as that stitch in his side pulls when he presses on the gas. He can’t wait to get home and just sleep, once the adrenaline has run its course.
Grian beside him is shuffling through the pages, making a satisfied noise with every leaf he reads. “Yep. This is exactly what we were after. Good job, team.”
“They had a ton of weapon storage,” Jimmy pipes up. “They must’ve been storing stuff at their port.”
“Maybe we should put up some people to watch, see where they move it to,” muses Grian. “Now that we know it’s there, they’ll be in a hurry to pack it all up.”
“Especially now that we have the blackmail.”
“Mhm. Joel, how’d your side go?”
“Fine,” Joel says shortly. He keeps his eyes fixed on the road, even as the white lines in the darkness seem almost to float on water.
Never think that when you’re driving, his mom had told him once, when the eight-year-old Joel had pointed it out. It’ll make you sleepy.
How long was he at his post? Seven hours, maybe? That isn’t too bad. With the adrenaline still jolting through him, he shouldn’t be this tired.
“His seatbelt isn’t on,” Jimmy says, ignoring the fact that Joel is a bear that he shouldn’t be poking with a stick.
Grian clicks his tongue, leans over Joel’s entire body to grapple with his seatbelt. “Safety first,” he reprimands, dragging the belt over him. Joel cranes his neck to see around Grian.
He clicks it into place at Joel’s hip, then sits back, examining his fingers.
Which exit was it, again? 73? Well, that one’s 69. Maybe he should get off the freeway, take some backroads. He doesn’t think they’ve been followed, but there are more cameras on the freeway.
The freeway will get them back quicker, though. And it’s in the plans to go this way, he doesn’t want to change them right as the job’s wrapping up. Sudden changes in plan are the highest cause of casualties in this business.
“Joel,” Grian says slowly. “Is there blood on you?”
Joel glances over at him; Grian’s holding his hand up to the window, something dark shining on his fingers.
“Maybe,” he shrugs. “I broke Bdubs’s nose.”
“Did you get injured?”
“Here—I’ve got a flashlight—”
A light clicks on and Joel resists the urge to growl at Jimmy. No lights on in the car, first rule of driving, why is Joel the only one with a bit of sense—
Grian pulls at his shirt, lifting it (Joel tolerates it, as much as he wants to literally bite him).
A moment of tugging his shirt this way and that, of Joel’s teeth grinding as he stares at the road.
Then Grian gasps.
“Joel—shoot—someone got you—”
“Holy moly—that’s a lot of blood—”
It all catches up to Joel at once.
The anger, the exhaustion, the stitch in his side—
And Bdubs had had a knife, hadn’t he? A knife that Joel had lost track of after he’d nicked the watch.
Grian’s hand presses down right on the stitch in his side, and Joel shouts behind his teeth, hands tightening on the wheel. That—that hurts—
“Pull over,” Grian commands. “Timmy can drive. Pull over.”
“Absolutely blummin’ not,” Joel says. His stomach is already roiling, there is no way he’s going to let someone else drive. “I can make it. How bad is it?”
More painful pawing at his side. Joel bites the inside of his cheek.
“It looks deep,” Grian says. “We should call ahead, get them ready for medical attention—Joel, seriously, pull over—”
“I’ll be fine. We’re almost there, anyways.”
Subtly, he taps a bit more on the gas. Now that he knows he’s been stabbed, apparently, he can barely think through the pain. It hurts quite a bit more than it did a minute ago—and his head is starting to feel woozy—
Jimmy’s talking on the phone behind him, and Grian is digging through the glovebox—Grian withdraws a bunched-up emergency blanket (it’s not in the little package anymore, he thinks Jimmy opened it up a while back because Joel wouldn’t turn off the air conditioning) and flicks open his pocket knife, cutting a long strip off the blanket.
Grian reaches around Joel, wriggling his arm behind Joel’s back. “This would be easier if you would pull over,” Grian grunts, threading the strip of the blanket between the seat and Joel’s back.
Joel stares ahead, sweat breaking out all over his body. He might be sick, regardless of—
White hot pain bursts through Joel’s side, radiates up and pounds on the confines of his brain, stealing his vision for a brief moment. He cries out, arms jerking without his input.
“Pull over—Joel, hit the brakes and pull over!”
Joel blinks rapidly, the road fuzzing back into sight. He’s driving between two lanes, his arms luckily dragging him more toward the middle of the road rather than the median. He straightens out as best he can with his stiff, lead-like arms.
Which exit are they on? 72. Great, so the next one. The next one, the next one, the next one—
“None of this will be worth it if you crash the van,” Grian’s saying in his ear, his voice echoing around Joel’s staticky brain. “Pull over!”
Next one, next one, next one—
Exit 72 B?
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Joel breathes, pressing even harder on the gas. They’re going ninety-five now, definitely too fast for this tired old van.
“They’ll be ready when we get there, I told them it was bad,” Jimmy says. Jimmy’s voice doesn’t echo quite like Grian’s, but it does sound funneled into his ear, almost like through a cardboard tube.
It isn’t bad, he wants to say. He can’t quite get his lips to move.
Exit 73.
He remembers to click on his turning signal, somehow. It seems important.
“Joel, slow down, slow down, brake brake brake—”
“Am braking, calm down,” Joel mumbles. He is, he thinks. He definitely moved his foot to the other pedal, even if he doesn’t dare look down at the odometer. He thinks if he turns his eyes down, they’ll shut.
He knows how to get back to the mansion from here, but Grian gives directions anyways. His hands are still on Joel, holding the strip of blanket tight around his gut. Joel doesn’t have the strength to argue.
Left here. Onto that country lane. Keep driving. Keep driving.
“Talk to me. Say something, Joel, stay awake.”
Joel groans. He doesn’t particularly want to talk to Grian, and right now he’s doing nothing but severely irritating him.
“’m fine,” he manages around his heavy tongue. “Stop worrying. Like my mom.”
Grian laughs, shrill and anxious. “I wouldn’t worry so much if you could put together a whole sentence! Or if you would pull over—”
“Jimmy,” breathe, “can drive—” breathe breathe breathe, “when I’m dead.”
“Might not be too far away, to be fair,” Jimmy says.
Is this what death feels like? Clammy and fuzzy and sweaty?
Joel had better not die, then, because that sounds like it would be downright hellish in more than small doses.
Geez, he’s tired. Can’t he just pass out? Wouldn’t that be nice?
Can’t close his eyes. He has to keep driving. Can’t close his eyes.
“Never been stabbed,” he says through numb lips. “Just got shot. Once.”
“Turn here,” Grian says. Joel blinks. He hadn’t realized they’d already reached another turn.
“There is so much blood we’re going to have to clean up, geez louise. . . .”
“Right, I’ll jus’ . . . stop,” snarks Joel back at Jimmy, “stop . . . bleedin’.”
“Eyes on the road,” says Grian. Joel’s eyes are on the road, though, he’s sure they are. He’s going to great lengths to keep them propped open and staring directly at the road.
“Joel, eyes open. Keep them open.”
“They are,” he insists. Grian squeezes his arm with the hand that isn’t holding the blanket, sticky and warm.
“More open than that. We’re almost there, okay?”
They are almost there. The driveway is just up ahead.
Joel squeezes the steering wheel. He’s got this. It wouldn’t be good to pass out right here, right before they make it.
He isn’t sure how he gets there, but he does. He stares straight ahead, more focusing on keeping his eyes open than he is on the road, and he pulls up in front of the doors, finally letting go of the wheel to shift into park.
It’s silent for a moment as Joel stares straight ahead, at the dark mansion ahead of them.
“Told you,” he manages, shooting what he hopes is a smirk in Grian’s direction.
Then the fuzziness coalesces into darkness entirely, and he slumps forward over the wheel and knows no more.
The mansion’s library was converted into something of a hospital, long ago. Joel had always disliked it—they hadn’t bothered to paint it white or anything, left the walls a deep red and surrounded by costly books and polished oak shelves and expensive wood flooring, so it just felt like some rich mad scientist’s pet project every time he walked in.
That was why he didn’t particularly enjoy waking up there.
He groans, blinks several times as the library’s ceiling comes into reluctant focus. His limbs ache, and there’s some kind of pain pulsing from his side, but it isn’t as sharp as he thinks it ought to be. Painkillers, probably.
Joel looks down, sees an IV in his arm. Yep. Painkillers.
“Are you actually awake, or just faking it?”
Joel glances over to his other side.
Grian’s sitting there, arms folded. His leather jacket lies discarded on the floor, the sleeves of his red shirt pushed up to his elbows. His sunglasses are stuck in his greasy hair, doing nothing to hide his disapproving raised eyebrow.
“Hey,” Joel croaks. Then, because his memory is a bit spotty, “We made it, right?”
Grian smacks his shoulder.
“Hey—ow! What—?”
“It’s for being a moron—both Jimmy and I are perfectly capable of driving—and why didn’t you say you were injured?”
Joel’s seen the two of them drive, and he would like to disagree on that point. The him being a moron, though . . . probably justified. “I didn’t know,” he says, in response to Grian’s question. “Really.”
Grian holds his gaze for a moment longer, irritation in every line of his face—and then his face softens, and he rolls his eyes.
“Just try not to die, okay?” he says, smacking his shoulder again (gentler, this time). “I don’t have time for a funeral.”
Joel scoffs. “I wasn’t going to die. I was fine!”
Grian doesn’t speak.
Was he—was he genuinely close?
“Well,” Joel says, deciding not to think about that. His hand not occupied by an IV fumbles into his jeans pocket, and just as he’d hoped, his fingers find cold metal. “I did grab . . . this.”
Grian’s jaw drops as he stares at the golden watch, glinting in the low light. “No way. No—you got a Clocker’s clock?”
“Better. Bdubs’s clock.”
“Oh, dear,” Grian chuckles, shaking his head. “You’re gonna be in for a lot more trouble than a pesky stab wound.”
Joel just smiles, drops his hand to his lap.
He could use another nap.
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kayvsworld · 6 months ago
tbh ur posts abt tony r giving me a new appreciation for the character i didn’t have before…….. like maybe ur converting me to mr stark standom………
!!!!!!! beautiful and wonderful to hear.....as someone who was recently converted to being a card carrying member of the bonky brigade.....take the second look it may surprise you...........
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I'm sorry, but why don't we talk about Witch Hunt more? Seriously, I think it might be my favorite DAO DLC. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the hell out of Awakening. Leliana's Song is good. The Golems of Amgarrak is... eh, bad. I didn't really like that one. The Warden's Keep, The Stone Prisoner, and Return to Ostagar are all amazing and I love them.
But Witch Hunt??? Y'all. I can't. I'm too emotional right now.
I have at least one dynamic from each game that I'm obsessed with. For DAO, it's the dynamic between romanced!Alistair, Tabris, and Morrigan. I've talked before about the dark ritual and stuff in this post, so let's just say that my Tabris, Rose, very much has unfinished business and a score to settle with Morrigan.
Tabris and Morrigan grew so close throughout the entire journey of DAO, y'know? Close enough that Morrigan claimed she thought of her as a sister, and Tabris felt the same way... and then in one single moment, it's just shattered.
There were signs that Tabris ignored, like the way Morrigan dismissed all the circle mages and claimed they should be left to their fates since they "allow themselves to be caged like cattle." Or how she disapproved every time Tabris wanted to help those down on their luck. Or, worst of all, when Morrigan disapproved when Tabris chose to kill the Tevinter slaver instead of making a deal with him to use the lives of the remaining elves to grant her more power... one of those caged elves being Tabris' father.
But she gave Morrigan the benefit of the doubt; she's sheltered and only had Flemeth as an influence and teacher, of course she's unempathetic and selfish, but there is good in Morrigan's heart. She can learn to be more empathetic and to care for others.
At least, Tabris believed that until Morrigan confessed that she's known about the ultimate sacrifice and the dark ritual from the beginning, that Flemeth sent her with the wardens with a purpose that Morrigan intends to follow through with. It's devastating and it broke Tabris' heart.
She just learned that a warden has to die to stop the blight, and that warden could be her or Alistair. Not only are they romantically involved, but they've been through all of this shit together, they're the only ones who fully understand what being a grey warden is like. They carry the burden on their shoulders, and they're probably going to lose each other to the archdemon.
And Morrigan waits until she's at her most vulnerable to ask that of her.
Again, I've gone into more detail about that before, but at this point Rose is done with people deceiving her. She's done with Morrigan... except she's not. It's the betrayal and knowing Morrigan got what she wanted that causes Rose to go searching for her.
To Morrigan's credit, she does give some answers. She claims she didn't thing the archdemon would show itself so soon, and she did what she had to because she didn't wish to see Tabris hurt or die. I believe her, and to an extent, Tabris believes her... but Morrigan still doesn't get WHY it's a betrayal.
Morrigan's right: She will never understand Tabris, and Tabris will never understand her. She can insist it's not a betrayal all she wants, but it absolutely is, and Tabris has never allowed anyone who crossed her to just walk away... except for Morrigan.
Until now.
Hearing that Morrigan manipulated her way into the trust of this Dalish clan so she could steal their book and run is just further evidence in Tabris' eye that she hasn't changed. Maybe it was always foolish to believe she could.
So... she stabbed Morrigan.
She didn't do it to kill her; Morrigan is the daughter of Flemeth and a powerful mage with healing magic, a mere stab isn't going to kill her.
No, it's about what the stab represents: "I am done with you."
And how the scene plays out? It's so dramatic and good, just the way everything slows down, the music, how they make eye contact as the stabbing happens just....
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I know it sounds really bad, and this is the part where I remind everyone that I ADORE Morrigan, but the stabbing ending is so satisfying from a story-telling standpoint for my playthrough.
It's so tragic and it hurts and I hate it.... but I love it, y'know?
I love Witch Hunt, like I haven't even talked about Ariane and Finn, or how the circle just has all these books on Dalish artifacts and translations of elvhen, or how other eluvians can be found with a shard from the broken one in the dalish origin.... like you're telling me that Merrill had a piece of the puzzle? If she had the knowledge, she could've found a working eluvian to study?? I'm going to gnaw my own leg off--
Listen, I could gush about this all day.
But now that I've completely finished DAO, it's time to replay DA2.
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