#this turned into a tangent LOL
bas-rouge · 10 months
I wish I could pull off crunchy art but I just don't think I can. I could try I guess that's what the spirit of Dogcember is all about. Practice. Exploration. Etc.
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aroaceleovaldez · 3 months
do you think they borrow each other’s rogue names after they die
also as a rogue name for thalia, blue bolt? (blue eyes, ‘bolt from the blue’ being an idiom for unexpected and important news, and also meaning a lighting bolt far from the parent storm (this being because a charge of electricity was so strong that it wandered away from the parent storm)
blue bolt felt so deviantart oc-coded but hell yeah that’s the fun part
oh absolutely i think rogues would name themselves after each other. Even besides just adopting each other's names when one of them dies, but also like trading names. Best friend rogue duo whose rogue names are just each other's real names.
tbh Thalia and Luke would have deviantart oc-coded rogue names lol. Blue Bolt is definitely a cool fitting one! I was joking in the TA discord yesterday that Luke might lightheartedly call Thalia "Green Day" or "Hot Topic" just to tease her.
Still dunno what Thalia might call Luke though 🤔 Cause he's already a little jaded of the gods to begin with so he'd probably try to lean away from directly Hermes-related nicknames? But he's super emo so he'd probably try for something dramatic and edgy. And Thalia would probably tease him about it as much as he teases her.
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birdy-bird27 · 2 months
😭 man I’m trying to make my cool Alaska native oc and I just realized idk what everyday traditional clothing looks like I only know present day clothing trends I don’t want to misrepresent my own culture now
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falinscloaca · 3 months
people who characterize marcille as ‘oh that lesbian elf motivated so much by how she wants to bang her s/o’ literally don’t get it. a marcille who KNOWS shes a lesbian would be on a whole ‘nother level of “annoying about it.” insert joke about gay being a characters only trait level annoying. she still writes off her gay shit as gender envy, protectiveness, or solidarity. once she realizes , its all over. shes going to be getting into harmful intra/ter-community discourse on twitter before collapsing into a years-long disillusionment wreckage as all her online buddies either go entirely transmisogynistic or end up overcorrecting and becoming a different kinda queerscourse radical. she even takes the word ‘lesbian’ out of all her urls :-(. not because she isn’t one or its bad but bc its a painful reminder of a sense of pride that now exists only in memory. and eventually she changes it to FALINSC-💥
#these first notes were written before the massive tangent about the twitter lesbian torture tube:#this also applies if you headcanon her as bi & preferentially women-leaning#less so if still bi but not? but still there#anyways i’m a diehard lesbianmarciller but like not in a ‘oh the other interpretations suck shit’ wy#way#<- i say to myself trying to not turn into my own cartoonish self-charicature lmao#i mean straight marcille is. a choice. but even THAT isn’t. STRICTLY. Anti-canon. or anything. (why though….)#thats supposed to say ‘even’#EVEN straight marcie is a choice!#anyways my true enemies are people who hc falin as trans and marcie as cis. what the fuck. that sucks and i hate it.#if only one of them can be trans its obviously marcille do you honestly think falin would choose to be a woman and not nonbinary like her br#yknow what not even continuing that sentence it made me feel evil#just going along with the tag character limit there#‘his pronouns are they/them also you choose to be trans!!’ ass shit#reeling a bit from the debate (…. or rather my cool and good moms sad and bad retelling of it)#….the tangent about marcille get computer wasnt here originally. nor the joke about me projecting a chunk of personal shit on there#(which isn’t even really a statement to the cross-applicability -i’m more of a falin tgirl spiritually speaking - i just saw a shitton of#younger lesbians getting involved with a pretty horrendous cycle over the years so it ending up hiw MY experiences of those years went m’sel#self is fairly natural. mostly i just realized jaded 100something marcille would totally go for my url#more realistically marcie gets kicked out of her twitter sphere for having a contrapoints moment regarding her presentation and pronouns lol#i’m just saying words at this point
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ward-leon · 9 months
anyone else feeling very eepy this morning?
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forcebookish · 10 months
top deepening his voice when talking to mew's moms... gun speaking higher when talking to cher's mom... i love these choices
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faunandfloraas · 8 months
You make me want to listen to FNF every time but I hate that song it makes me SO sad
someones not catching uuuuuuh uhhhhh uhhhh upppppppp
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miutonium · 10 months
Aaaa hello!!! 💕👋
I’ve adored your art for such a long time!!! I was wondering if you might be able to share how you texture your art, and how you make lighting so warm and natural? /not forced
Your ship is everything to me btw!!!
-Pluto 🩵
Hi hi! I'm very honored that you liked my art and my ship 😭😭😭💕
Anyway, of course! Although I have to skip on the texture part because I don't feel comfortable sharing it rn (and also I had a hard time explaining my steps too zzzz) so perhaps I will open up about it one day
As for the lighting, I sat down for hours thinking of ways to explain it but i just dk how to explain it in English so I recorded the basic lighting I do most of the time:
You can get the shadow tree thing here on csp asset (although I bought it when it was cheaper I didn't know they raised it to 1000 clippy now 🤧) Another one that I use almost religiously is this one from creative market (my lect gave the file to us in class hhh I'm not insane enough to pay that much for an overlay). You don't need to pay at all though! I've seen tons of it in google for free its just a normal shadow overlay lol
I don't usually draw my own shadow and lighting and even for rim lights I just select the layer and use the shrink tool and gaussian blur the heck out of it. I think the last time I actually draw the shadow and lighting by hand is when I draw this one a few months ago (cw suggestive but link is here if you want to see the lighting)
Majority of the time I spend whenever I draw on my laptop is the lighting because it's mostly a trial and error process and it does takes time for me to figure out which one looks nice in the end. For the sake of time and simplicity of the video I just show the basic way of me doing the lighting but I did ended up working on the render more after I'm done with the video lol
Personally, I think doing color blocks and determining the overall tint of it (Like this one I set it to be like a warm pinkish tone) really helps you focus on what you want the end result to be and saves time on figuring out the color while you paint.
here's the sketch and the end result:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I wish this is helpful enough for your or anyone to understand and try out! :3
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therealv1ultrakill · 2 months
Honestly I will not make this a habit, but this place is in some sense my personal diary now so !
I am a bit upset? I do not shame or gatekeep others for having similar interests or being insanely passionate (i.e "number one fan of xyz"), but seeing someone in a server I am in was a bit of a jumpscare! But also in some sense good, I think. Wake-up call of sorts, and I don't say that just to cope or remove the feelings from it.
I really like this myth/lore/horror (whatever you'd like to call it, haha) game. And it wasn't unpopular before per se, but especially over the past month/since its full release, it has been EXTREMELY popular. We're talking double-digit thousands (10k, 20k, you get the point). And I saw someone who.. I don't really find myself using the word "lore" for people anymore, it feels kind of icky. At least, for more mundane or truly not like. TRAUMATIC traumatic situations. Do some of these things scar my mind? Yes. Most things in life do, in technicality, butterfly effect, unpredictable outcomes, whatever. I had to let this callus my mind. I still feel weak, worthless, pathetic, cruel, etc. But I know I am not those things, and again, in some very weird way the initial thing before the server-seeing event really helped me begin my progress on my backbone, and actually feel like I can truly believe in myself.
Anywho, I struggle to stay on track, it's a very apparent thing with me that my mind has multiple railroad systems (hah! no pun intended though) going on at the same time. It scared me! I got a little nervous. I got anxious. And all the built-up positive energy (which was already a bit of an iffy thing) came down. Even now, I woke up feeling a bit of sorrow. But I do not hate myself, still. It does hurt, but I am finally at a point where I am doing my best to allow myself to feel these things and process this hurt while also not using my wishes (be it well or not), energy, mental rooming, etc. on these people involved, or anyone as a whole in my past who likely does not enjoy my continuing existence. I felt jealous, almost, for a second. But I do not think it was because of any posted art, but I think just as a whole. The concept of sharing something I love so deeply and devote a lot of time to. The thing that I want to be one of the number one fans of. I am still trying to accept though that there will always be a person better, more devoted, more obsessive, etc. at something than I likely will. Sure, I can become one of those. But I do not think it ought to be for this, especially since it has negatively impacted me a bit at times / controlled my emotions some (prior to this incident. They do not control me that much, my friends!).
Also, tbf… the creator + the currently morphing fandom are like. Really fucking foul at times. Like yeah dude can ban whoever he/they/? want but it's pretty damn wild that if you post chit-chat in the channel (granted they said not to) you get immediately banned. And see, that alone I wouldn't give really a rats backend about - it's the fact that the fandom and creator revel in it and so many people continued dog-piling and mocking people, I swear I've never seen the words "lacking media literacy/lack reading comprehension" be run into the ground so fast it looked like 65% of the channel was pure spam. Like… damn? I know the internet sucks (and someday I ought to go on a tangent about why the phrase/saying "it's just the internet, get used to it/get over it/why don't you expect it?" is stupid, harmful, and excusing bad behavior and denouncing any form of accountable and perpetuating people to get away, but I digress..)
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npdlangley · 1 year
am i actually disordered or am i fakng. time to find out! stay tuned!
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thawthebeez · 1 year
i wake up. i think about haikyuu. i have coffee. i think about catalyst. call this fanfic my day-job fr
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corpsoir · 2 years
really exhausted after thisd week already and its barely thursday
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sapphic-schizo · 2 years
trying to listen to this fucking youtube video but i swear this lady is gonna spend half the run time hedging like shuuuuut uuuuuppp!!!! like she's talking about this vintage tumblrina who went nuts and every sentence is like making a point and then backpedaling for a full minute about how she doesn't mean to imply so and so about such and such community like oh my fucking god just get to the point already!!!!!!! like a man would probably just say "i'm not imply anything about anyone she associated with, just stating the facts of the case," and then leave it at that and move on. ngl this type of speech really turns me off of content creators and it's almost always women who do it (or maybe i just don't notice as much when men do it idk).
like sarah z is another big example. her videos are so bloated and rambling because she has to qualify every statement with its own separate disclaimer and it makes it sound so wishy-washy. i'd be embarrassed if i handed in an essay written like that, but they call their videos video essays.
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also it's only just occurring to me that like, i presume and enjoy how Unfixed In Time (or at least without peak specific precision) gtmpota is, while based on a book published in & set in the '90s, and here i am noticing how there being a Leave A Message For Brooke Specifically recording in understudy buddy is Not ['90s] when like, even if a middle schooler had a phone in their room it'd be a landline that shares its number with that of the whole household, but it's also decidedly '90s esque in being like an answering machine recording with the Beep tone / sound quality and all, as well as of course definitely being a message left via phonecalls rather than tina ostensibly reading out a text or something
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erigold13261 · 2 years
I love everything you make and all the positive comment you leave on people’s works!
Changing topics, I really admire how you can make more mature and serious problems with so much representation of all kinds of people in your famworks! Since I’m inclined to make more crack HCs and write for funsies, it makes my stuff look childish and silly… so much so it feels like OOC content with AUs that make absolutely zero sense. And I think both of these ways of writing are very, VERY valid!!!
Stay awesome (but safe)
Thank you! I definitely have said this before, but when it comes to sharing other people's art I always try to say something nice in the tags because I LOVE it when I get nice tags so I make sure to spread that kindness to others!
And again, thank you! I really just love learning about all kinds of things, injustices and lack of representation included in that learning environment. Which makes me want to either bring up those injustices or add more representation to my work! It's all really fun and important to me which is why I just keep adding more stuff! It also helps motivate me to learn other cultures too!
As for the silly stuff. That is totally fine! Silly is great to have! Like someone said about my darker AUs being a palette cleanser for fluff, the same thing could be said for fluff being a palette cleanser for angst! It's great to have both!
One of the best fanfics I read in the NSR community was the one about 1010 vs the Raccoons (I don't remember the author, sorry)! It was so silly and lighthearted, but so much fun and a great read! And that's the main takeaway.
Creating is supposed to be fun, to some extent (of course like I use it for coping and serious stuff, sometimes it's not always fun, but there is still some kind of enjoyment). So having AUs with OOC characters is great to have! Let me tell you! I've definitely taken characters and made them so OOC I literally just made them into OCs lol!
Even now, though I don't post them often, I do have silly ideas and fluff in my head! Right now I have a silly AU where the NSR adults above 40 turn into teens (with their teen mindsets) around the other NSR characters and it's all just fun and chaos! Random bullshit I can't do if I tried to stick to a timeline or put logic into the situation.
Literally just have fun and enjoy what you are doing! You want to make a character OOC? Go for it! You want to create the silliest AU with no logic to it? Go for it! Want to create a super serious and intense story with huge stakes? Awesome! Do it!
Just remember to have fun and that cringe culture is dead! :D
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coquelicoq · 2 years
hugo's sentence structure is so much easier on me than that of dumas. sure he will also include behemoths that make me forget what we were talking about by the time i get to the period, but usually those are just lists. in the first 80 pages i've only noticed one OVS subordinate clause (and it was very short). this comes as a pleasant surprise, because the author's note on the very first page of the book is the following single sentence:
Tant qu'il existera, par le fait des lois et des moeurs, une damnation sociale créant artificiellement, en pleine civilisation, des enfers, et compliquant d'une fatalité humaine la destinée qui est divine ; tant que les trois problèmes du siècle, la dégradation de l'homme par le prolétariat, la déchéance de la femme par la faim, l'atrophie de l'enfant par la nuit, ne seront pas résolus ; tant que, dans de certaines régions, l'asphyxie sociale sera possible ; en d'autres termes, et à un point de vue plus étendu encore, tant qu'il y aura sur la terre ignorance et misère, des livres de la nature de celui-ci pourront ne pas être inutiles.
bit of a mouthful.
#at first blush it looks intimidating because it's so long but really it's just four tant que...clauses separated by semicolons#even the mid-clause asides are easy to parse because of all the commas#good lookin out vicky. i appreciate you#les mis#the sentence with the OVS subordinate clause is#'Cependant‚ comme la lune allait se lever et qu'il flottait encore au zénith un reste de clarté crépusculaire‚#ces nuages formaient au haut du ciel une sorte de voûte blanchâtre d'où tombait sur la terre une lueur.'#the subject noun phrase is only four words from the beginning of the clause. piece of cake after dumas#actually i guess that's not even OVS since it's intransitive. what do we call that? can u tell i'm 15 yrs out from my last syntax class lol#french#my posts#also enjoying lots of little turns of phrase that i always forget about until i see them in the wild and get a little frisson of pleasure#like ne savoir que trop in 'Les gens accablés ne regardent pas derrière eux. Ils ne savent que trop que le mauvais sort les suit.'#and plutôt que...ne in 'il se laissa tomber plutôt qu'il ne s'assit sur une pierre'#ALSO i am finding his authorial asides very charming. like the parenthetical in#'Le hasard faisait que le matin même il avait rencontré cet étranger de mauvaise mine#cheminant entre Bras d'Asse et... (j'ai oublié le nom. Je crois que c'est Escoublon).'#or the way that the second sentence of the book is 'let's go on a tangent' and then fully 67 pages later he opens a chapter with#'One last word.' and then writes ANOTHER three pages#it should be annoying but instead i am just endeared
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