#this took way longer than it should have to answer
punkshort · 2 days
Birthday Wishes
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Pairing: (Hallmark) Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: It's Joel's birthday and he only has one wish.
Warnings: language, hallmark style fluff, smut (18+ MDNI), unprotected piv sex, food and alcohol consumption, anxiety
WC: 5K
Series Masterlist
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Today was the day.
He was really going to do it this time.
He chickened out countless times already but this time, he was going to go through with it.
He was going to ask you to marry him.
The ring had a permanent home in his pocket by now, always waiting for the 'perfect time', for 'the right moment', and so many passed him by with his fingertips brushing up against the smooth gold deep in his pocket. Like the time he took you to a baseball game and you made it on the kiss cam. Or when you rented a lake house for a weekend getaway and you watched the sunset together from the front porch with a shared blanket draped over your knees.
Goddamnit, he was so nervous it was making him sick. What was he so worried for? He didn't think you would say no, although you haven't even been together even a year yet. Maybe it was too soon for you. He could have asked you two weeks after meeting you and it wouldn't have made a difference to him, he knew right away. But maybe it was different for you.
But on Father's Day, you did admit to wanting kids with him one day. So you must have been thinking about your future together, even a little. Right?
He should just do it right now. Just get it over with and slide the ring on your finger while you slept so peacefully next to him. It wasn't a half bad idea, but he always envisioned his proposal being a little more meaningful, and it felt like taking the easy way out if he just put it on your finger while you were asleep.
You deserved better than that. You deserved a whole speech on why you're so fucking perfect and how much you've changed his and Sarah's lives. And everyone should know it, not just the two of you. Everyone should hear how incredible you are and how happy you were together. If he could, despite his nerves, he would broadcast it on national television.
Then, right as you stirred, the perfect idea hit him like a ton of bricks.
"What're you smiling about?" you yawned when you peered up at him from your pillow.
"Nothin'," he said before slinking back down into bed to wrap his arms around you. You tucked your face into his neck and wedged one of your legs between both of his and it was fucking heaven the way your body fit perfectly against him. Then, you practically jumped awake when you remembered what day it was.
"Happy birthday!" you exclaimed, tipping your head back with a huge smile.
"Thank you, baby," he murmured, pinching your chin and tugging you closer so he could press your lips together.
"Feeling your age yet, Miller?" you teased with a wiggle of your eyebrows, and he laughed, pushing his hips against you underneath the covers. When you felt the growing erection in his sweatpants, you giggled and squirmed away. "Guess that answers that question," you said, tossing the covers off you so you could stand. Joel frowned and reached out for you.
"Where you goin'?"
"I have laundry to do and a whole house to clean, not to mention food to make for your party later," you reminded him. You tugged your shirt over your head so you could put on a bra and clean shirt and Joel groaned from his spot in bed when he caught a glimpse of your bare chest.
"Can't give me twenty minutes 'fore you start all that?"
You had just clasped your bra and held your shirt in your hand when you turned back around, on the verge of telling him you really didn't have the time to spare because you both knew he would take longer than twenty minutes, but then you saw how fucking breathtakingly handsome he looked all shrouded with sleep, hair tousled and voice rough, and you couldn't resist. It was his birthday, after all. With a sigh and a smirk, you jumped back into bed, straddling his lap and laughing when his eyes lit up with delight.
"Twenty minutes - I'm holding you to it."
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Thank goodness for Sarah. She helped you clean the house, move the laundry, and then hung all the decorations while you checked on the cake in the oven and began to marinate the burgers, chicken and steaks.
Joel offered to help countless times but you kept refusing. Instead, you pushed him outside to relax in the sun while you worked away in the kitchen. You had the foresight to make two pasta salads the day before but you still needed to cook up the yams, get the dough for the biscuits ready, and chop up vegetables for a green salad.
Luckily your gift, two tickets for really good seats to a basketball game, was small enough to just shove into a card, one which you already wrote a sappy little love letter to him on the inside.
"Alright, living room's all set. What else?" Sarah asked when she breezed into the room. You glanced at the time before looking out the window.
"Can you start setting up the tables and chairs in the yard? The tablecloths are right there," you said, pointing to the pile on the counter which also consisted of paper plates and napkins.
"You got it," she said, but before she jogged outside, you called after her, "You're a lifesaver!"
"I know!" she shouted back, then the sliding door shut, leaving you all alone in the kitchen. You had enough time, you just needed to keep moving, but you did pause long enough to connect your phone to a speaker so you could listen to some music while you worked.
About thirty minutes later, some movement caught your eye through the window over the sink that looked out onto the backyard. You smiled when you saw Tommy and Maria climb the deck stairs to give Joel matching hugs and a small blue gift bag. Maria stepped back when the two men began laughing after Tommy made an old man joke and she caught your eye in the window. She gave you an excited wave and jogged into the house, sliding the door shut behind her and tossing her purse on the table.
"Hey!" she sang out, pulling her hair back. "Give me something to do."
You immediately put her in charge of the salad and the yams while you got all the appetizers ready, eternally grateful for her help. And she worked fast, too. Before you knew it, you had all the appetizers out on the counter ready to be taken outside but guests didn't arrive for another forty five minutes.
"I think we've earned a couple drinks of our own," Maria said, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand and jutting her chin towards the glass door where Joel and Tommy sat, beers in hand and feet kicked up, relaxing in the sun.
"Hell, yeah," you replied, swiveling around to yank a bottle of wine from the fridge. "White wine good with you?"
"Absolutely," she said, reaching on her tip toes to grab a couple wine glasses from the top shelf of your cupboard.
"Oh, my god, did Joel do these?" she asked when she closed the door and saw the intricate designs carved into the wood. You turned around and nodded fondly.
"Aren't they amazing?"
"Shit, I didn't know he was so creative," Maria said in awe, fingertips dragging over a cluster of little birds.
"He did them in my parents' house, too," you told her as you carefully poured two glasses of wine. "I told him he would make so much money if he advertised that skill a little more, but he said he doesn't want to. Said it would suck all the fun out of it."
Maria rolled her eyes in disbelief before clinking your glasses together and taking a sip.
"Is your family coming tonight?"
You nodded and rushed over to the oven to turn off a timer. "Yep. My parents, my sister, her husband and my niece."
"Anna, right? How old is she now?"
You sighed and took another sip of your wine. "Six months, can you believe it? Cassie's already begging Josh for another one, she's absolutely insane."
"Speaking of," Maria said, nodding out the window. You turned to see your family climbing the stairs of the deck, loudly wishing Joel happy birthday and giving him hugs and slaps on the back.
"Shit, maybe we should take some of these outside," you said, pointing to the appetizers.
"Let's take the cold ones out and leave the warm ones in the oven til more people arrive."
Maria and Sarah were unbelievably helpful the entire party. Sarah made sure everyone had drinks and knew where the coolers were while Maria was constantly picking up after everyone. Tommy even volunteered to grill so you could spend some time catching up with your family.
"Buck, where's Joel?" Cassie asked, looking around the crowded yard. You peered through the throngs of people until your brow relaxed and you smiled, pointing to the corner of the lawn.
"Looks like he's playing cornhole with some guys from work."
"How're things goin' with him, honey?" your father asked. You swirled around and frowned at the term of endearment.
"'Honey'?" you repeated, the word sounding vile on your tongue. "You never call me that. You only ever call me Bucky."
Your dad shook his head and took a sip of beer. "Not true. I call you all sorts'a things."
"No," Cassie said, one hand on her hip and the other cradling Anna. "You don't, Dad."
He rolled his eyes and looked to your mom for help.
"I think Dad's just wondering if things with you and Joel are still going good. He just worries about you," your mom explained, wrapping an arm around your dad's sizable waist. "You know, since moving in together. It's a big step and-"
"And we were thinkin' you might've gotten a new piece of jewelry by now, is all," you dad finished for her.
"Dad!" you exclaimed, face instantly growing hot. Thank fuck Joel wasn't around to hear that. The last thing you wanted to do was pressure him but still, the image of a small velvet box you saw tucked into his underwear drawer when you first moved in danced across your vision. "We are extremely happy, thank you very much. I'm begging you, please don't say something like that in front of him."
"Don't worry, Buck, I won't let him," Cassie promised. "Dad! You can't pressure them like that! Joel's probably just taking his time and not rushing anything because of the whole Will fiasco."
You cringed and looked away at the mention of your ex-fiancé who cheated on you with your ex-best friend back in New York City.
"It hasn't even been a year yet," you grumbled, "I'm happy, he's happy, can we please change the subject now?"
"Of course we can, Buck," your mom said, then patted your dad on his belly. "Did you tell the girls about Auntie Carolyn?"
You breathed a sigh of relief when your dad launched into a story about his sister meeting some guy at church and what a big deal it was for her as it was the first date she had been on since her husband passed away almost twenty years ago. At some point near the end of the story, Joel had sidled up next to you. His arm snaked around your middle and he pressed his lips lovingly against the side of your head, murmuring so only you could hear about what a great party it was and how he was having a fantastic time. You leaned into him, tuning your mom and dad out when the conversation began to dwindle into some dumb argument over which month your uncle died.
"Did you eat?" he asked you, looking down at you like you were the only two people on earth, his deep brown eyes sparkling brightly as they drifted over your face.
"I did, did you?"
"Mhm, ate too much. Everythin' was so perfect, baby, thank you," he said before capturing your lips with his. His mouth lingered a moment too long and if you hadn't already tasted the beer from his kiss, his delayed reaction pulling away would have been your next clue.
"How much did you have to drink?" you giggled, your family now completely ignored. It wasn't your fault. It was the effect Joel had on you, and you wouldn't change it for anything.
"Not that much," he replied, and you scoffed before rolling your eyes. "No, I'm serious. Only had, ah, three, I think. I ain't drunk."
"It's okay if you are, it's your birthday-"
"No, listen to me. I ain't drunk," he repeated, staring you dead in the eye so you could see his vision was as clear as his mind. He couldn't have you thinking he would be proposing to you drunk.
"O-okay," you said slowly, giving him a confused smile before taking his hand. "We should do cake and gifts in case people want to take off soon."
Joel nodded, following as you led him through the crowd to the deck, his free hand raking anxiously through his hair as he tried to remember his speech.
He stood by your side as you gathered everybody around the cake you made, smiling when Sarah had to shout to get everyone's attention while you lit the candles and he tried not to bring attention to the fact his hands were shaking and his breath was growing shallow.
You clapped your hands together loudly, then sang out the first note to Happy Birthday, his friends and family following suit and holding up their phones, snapping pictures and videos when he tugged you into one side, Sarah into the other and kissed the top of your heads. He made eye contact with Tommy and his brother gave him a subtle nod, holding up his phone and making sure he had the clearest angle for when he blew out his candles.
Fuck, he was really going to do this.
When the song ended, he took a deep breath, looking at you once before blowing out the candles. He vaguely heard everyone clapping and cheering, their voices stirring up old conversations again, but he could hardly process any of it through his nerves.
"Here, why don't you let me do that," Maria said slyly, taking the knife from your hand before you could begin to cut the cake. You quirked an eyebrow at her but gave her the knife anyway.
"What'd you wish for, Dad?" Sarah asked loudly, commanding most of the guests' attention. She was giving him a playful smirk, eyes darting back and forth between you while she rocked excitedly on her heels.
It was around that point when you sensed something was going on. The entire moment felt like it was moving in slow motion but in reality it had probably only been a handful of seconds. You looked over at your family, huddled together and smiling and you narrowed your eyes at Cassie, trying to read her mind to no avail.
With your head still turned, you heard a handful of soft gasps and squeaks. Your gaze was still locked on Cassie and in a split second, you saw her eyes drop to somewhere behind you. Her face crumpled and her hand flew up to cover her mouth and you slowly tilted your head to the side. She was happy. Those were happy tears.
Your eyes widened when everyone fell eerily silent and you felt more than saw their eyes on you. Your heart began to beat faster, mind racing and adrenaline shooting through your body when you finally twisted back around.
"Oh, my god!" you exclaimed, voice already breaking when you made eye contact with Joel, who had dropped to one knee while holding a diamond ring with shaky fingers. You slapped both palms over your mouth and you squeezed your eyes shut but the tears still leaked out and trickled down your cheeks. It was actually happening.
Then, you opened your eyes. His mouth was curved into a nervous smile and his eyes were glassy as he gazed up at you from the wood floor of the deck. The blood in your veins was moving so goddamn fast you could hear it rushing in your ears, so you took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm down. You wanted to make sure you remembered every single second and every single word.
"Hey, baby," he said. His tone was so soft, you almost forgot anyone else was around. It felt like, in that moment, it was just the two of you. You laughed lightly through your tears, unable to keep the smile from your face, so certain it would never, ever fade. He reached up to you with his free hand and you flicked away a couple tears before tucking your hand inside his.
"When we first met," he began, voice trembling a bit, "I know we said we would keep things casual, but, uh... I lied."
A ripple of laughter swept through the crowd and you grinned, unwilling to look away from him.
"I knew the night of our first date we'd end up right here, one way or another. You know why?"
You shook your head, tears clouding your vision, so you blinked them away.
"'Cause I never felt the way I felt that night with anyone else," he told you, his lower lip quivering as his smile slowly began to slip. "It was like... my heart knew 'fore my head I couldn't ever live without you."
"Me, too," you wept. His eyes sparkled and you saw his throat bob before he took a steadying breath.
"You changed my life. You changed my daughter's life, and for that-" he cut himself off, throat closing up and voice growing thick as he took a moment to collect himself. But when you saw two tears trickle down his cheeks, disappearing into his beard, you fell to your knees with him and cupped his face. "I can't thank you enough, baby," he finally whispered. You dragged your thumbs over his damp cheeks, tears streaming down your own face, too, but you didn't care. Joel pressed his forehead against yours for a moment, just a quick second to ground himself before inhaling sharply and leaning back. He held the diamond ring between you, eyes flickering to it briefly, then swallowed nervously before saying your full name, followed by, "Will you marry me?"
You nodded so fast you thought your neck would snap.
"Yes!" you cried out, throwing your arms around him and burying your face into his shoulder. His muscles sagged with relief right before his arms circled you, tugging you closer. Everyone around you was laughing and cheering so you couldn't hear Joel, but you could feel the way his shoulders moved and his chest heaved. Then he shifted so his mouth was next to your ear and you heard his laughter mixed with choked sobs, mimicking your own.
"I love you," you sobbed before finding his lips. "I love you so much," you said while repeatedly planting kisses all over his face. He chuckled and tilted his head back so he could give you one more searing kiss before sitting back on his heels and holding out his hand. You swiped your tears away with the back of your hand, staring at him until it dawned on you what he wanted.
"Oh!" you exclaimed, shakily presenting your left hand to him. He slid the ring on with ease and hummed his approval under his breath when you flicked your wrist around, catching the diamond in the light.
"I love it," you breathed, locking eyes with him. He had the biggest smile on his face, the kind that made the wrinkles next to his eyes scrunch up in the most adorable way. You were about to say more when Sarah tackled him out of nowhere right as your sister hugged you from behind and practically screeched in your ear.
The rest of the party was a blur after that.
The men ended up somehow finding cigars and surrounding themselves with clouds of thick smoke in the backyard while encouraging Joel to take a couple shots of tequila with them.
"Hey, go easy on him! He's old now and he's gotta celebrate later," Tommy joked. Joel whipped around, fucking praying Sarah or your father weren't around to hear that, then shoved his brother in the shoulder, muttering watch it under his breath.
Meanwhile, your family had you cornered in the living room. Your mom had been on the verge of tears since Joel proposed, your sister had passed Anna off onto your brother-in-law so she could admire your ring while already lecturing you on color schemes, band or DJ, and suggesting a few banquet halls in the vicinity that were beautiful but book up fast.
"I've been engaged for an hour, Cas! Give me a break!" you laughed before turning to your dad. "Did you know? Earlier when you were-"
"Nope!" he immediately said, his face all red from the excitement. "Well, I didn't know he was gonna do it tonight but... I knew. Asked my permission the night little Annie was born."
April? Joel had been thinking about proposing to you since April? The love you had for that man was insurmountable.
"Excuse us!" Sarah yelled out, racing through the living room with two of her friends, their phones clutched in their hands and giggling as they headed for the door.
"Uh, where are you going?" you asked when you saw her put on shoes.
She glanced up at you and grinned.
"The school football team's playing a home game, we were gonna try to catch the last quarter so Katy could give Paulie heart eyes from the bleachers," Sarah laughed when Katy shoved her shoulder, her face turning pink.
"Does your dad know?"
"Listen to Buck, already sounding like a stepmom," Cassie whispered to your parents.
"Yeah, he said it was cool. I'll be home by midnight," she replied, then right when she turned towards the door she stopped, swiveling back around and rushing over to you. She threw her arms around your shoulders, squeezing you tight.
"I love you, Bucky."
You kissed the top of her messy curls with a smile before she let you go.
"Love you, too. Be safe."
After Sarah left, a dam broke and other guests began to gather their things to leave, finding each of you to thank you for the party and congratulate you one more time until all that remained were Tommy and Maria helping Joel clean up the yard while you practically pushed your family out the door, insisting they didn't need to help and that Anna needed to get to bed.
When the house was finally silent, you tiredly strolled into the kitchen and leaned against the doorframe, looking around at the empty cups, plates, half filled bottles of beer and uncovered trays of food. A Happy Birthday banner hung loosely from above your head where someone had drunkenly scrawled congrats! in black sharpie underneath. Crumpled bags of potato chips and spilled drinks littered your counters, but you were happy. You were so stupidly, unbelievably happy that no amount of cleaning up could ever take that away from you.
And surprisingly, it didn't take very long. Maybe it was due to your unwavering good mood every time you tied up a garbage bag or ripped off a piece of foil and saw your beautiful engagement ring sparkling on your hand, but regardless of the reason, you had gotten the kitchen into decent enough shape by ten thirty, just as the sliding door opened.
"Alright. Yard's as good as we're gonna get it," Tommy yawned when he stepped inside, followed closely by Joel and Maria.
"Thank you both so much," you said, giving them each tight hugs before finding your spot next to Joel. He tucked you under his arm and glanced around the kitchen.
"You did all this by yourself?"
"It went fast," you assured him.
He looked down at you and shook his head in disbelief. "Everythin' was perfect, sweetheart," he said. "Don't know what I did to deserve you."
Tommy shrugged on his leather jacket while Maria draped the strap of her purse over her shoulder. "Alright, lovebirds. We're gonna hit it. Congrats again and happy birthday, big brother," he said before tugging Joel into a bear hug while Maria gave you another kiss on your cheek. The pair of you walked them to the door, laughing about how drunk one of their buddies from work got and taking bets on whether he would be calling in on Monday. Then they jogged down the porch and the door finally swung shut, leaving the two of you alone for the first time since that morning.
You immediately spun around and snaked your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a deep kiss.
"I love you," you murmured, and he grinned before slipping his tongue past your lips. Your squeal was muffled when he lifted you off the ground and headed for the stairs. You slapped his shoulders, giggling and squirming until he put you down.
"You'll kill us both if you try to carry me up there," you told him breathlessly. He gazed down at you, dark eyes sparkling and smile stretched so wide, it almost hurt.
"See? That's why I'm marryin' you. You're so damn smart, baby."
You laughed and playfully pushed him away, then carefully walked backwards up a couple steps. "And why am I marrying you?" you teased, lifting an eyebrow.
He made a noise in the back of his throat, following after you with a devious smirk and a predatory look in his eye.
"Get to bed and I'll show you."
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Joel couldn't imagine what his life would be like without you. You've blended into their lives so perfectly, it felt like you were always there. He was obsessed with you and he didn't even try to deny it if anyone caught him staring at you from across the room. The way you toss your head back when you laugh, the way your nose scrunches up when you take a sip of something bubbly, the sleepy way you snuggle into him early in the morning when his alarm goes off. All of it. Every single thing.
And, sure, the way his name sounds falling from your lips when he buries himself deep inside you is pretty incredible, too.
"Thought you'd gotten your fill this morning," you whispered in his ear, fingers combing through the curls on the back of his head, pressing him closer so your mouth could drag along his cheek.
"Never," he whispered back, and at the same time plunged into you once again. A deep groan rumbled in his chest, utterly consumed by the way your cunt stretched and pulsed around him, something that's happened countless times by now but never lost its allure.
"You... you feel so good," you moaned, head limply falling back into the sheets as his hips steadily rocked into you, building you up just to tear you back down. You gazed up at him, swollen lips parted, eyes half open, mesmerized by the fact he was going to be your husband. This beautiful man who looked at you like you held the meaning of life in your hands. Who loved you, cared for you, stood by your side through laughter and tears. Who taught you what it meant to be truly loved after your heart was shattered.
This was the man who was meant just for you, you never felt more sure about anything in your life.
"I love you," you whimpered when his hips began to grind into you, giving your clit that extra stimulation you needed to feel your orgasm swell low in your belly, your jaw dropping and your breath quickening with each forceful thrust.
"Love you," he replied, his own focus growing hazy. He nipped at your jaw, kissed your throat, licked into your mouth, needing to taste and feel you everywhere. It was never enough. "Y'so beautiful, so perfect..." he mumbled in between sloppy kisses and sharp gasps. "Y'make make me so happy. I'll never stop lovin' you... shit," he groaned, eyes squeezing shut. You were close. He could tell by the way you trembled underneath him and clenched tightly around his cock.
He let his head fall to your shoulder, driving into you over and over until your legs shook and your nails dug into his back and you cried out his name. His mouth covered yours instantly, swallowing down your moans and whimpers, headboard knocking rhythmically against the wall until his own body jolted forward, stilling and pumping you full of his seed while he whispered brokenly against your lips how much he loved you.
"Fuck," he breathed, pressing his sticky forehead against yours, rolling it back and forth as you each fought for air. You occasionally pecked little kisses at his lips but you were too tired to do much else. You felt like you were melting into the bed, every single muscle loose and relaxed, eyelids heavy and sliding closed.
"I wear you out, baby?" Joel teased when he slipped out of you with a soft grunt. You nodded, breathing in deep when the mattress shifted and the heat from his body disappeared. A moment later you felt him gently spread your still shaky legs to wipe a wet washcloth between your thighs, giving your stomach a quick kiss before heading back to the bathroom. You vaguely heard the sink running, then the familiar sound of him brushing his teeth before the light switch flicked off and he joined you back in bed.
"I'll get up in a minute," you mumbled, turning to bury your face against his bare chest, left hand snaking around his waist, the cool metal of your ring pressing against his skin. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you close.
"Did you get everything you wanted for your birthday?" you asked with a yawn. He smiled and closed his eyes, blindly bringing your left hand up to his lips.
"Sure did."
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595 notes · View notes
leahrintarou · 3 days
✩₊˚.⋆ OFFICE HOURS ONLY - kento nanami
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CW: afab!reader, stimulation/penetration, cunnilingus, pet name used is "sweetheart", unprotected sex, gojo mentioned as y/n's fuck buddy, female anatomy.
Word Count: 3.7k
Author's Note: HI GUYZ! this was a collab written by myself and my pookie: @satorusluvrgirl . we worked really hard on this and we're so incredibly proud on how it turned out. i hope you enjoy reading! leave a like and reblog to show support.
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WORKING hours and hours at the most famous company really had you fucking drained to the fullest. Getting up at 6 am to be at work at 8 and then going home at 11 pm. Your schedule was mostly full of just work on work on work. But the pay was good at least. And it’s not like you totally hated your job, there was one thing you really looked forward to every morning.
Which was Nanami Kento. The man who would always greet you when you would walk in the office, his “good morning, miss” would always hit the spot, making you look forward to the day. The man who welcomed you on your first day and took you out to get a coffee, little did you know he remembered it, taking you your coffee everyday. The man who would always try to make small talk with you in the break room and ask you little questions.
You knew since the first day you had a huge crush on Nanami. After all he was handsome, well put together, and very well dressed. The suits he had on which made him look so sexy in, they were always top designer suits. Which was understandable since he’s been working longer in this company than you and making more. You wanted Nanami. But the more you thought about him, it just made you more curious about him. is he married? does he have kids? what are his hobbies? but you never made your move. You put the thought in your head that a man like him was most likely married and probably had kids, oh but how you were so wrong.
Nanami was single. A hard working single man who was always working 24/7 and practically had no life other than this job. He never really thought of love. He was always stressed and had no time for anything. He wished he could find someone to relate to his problems. Someone who can probably help him and relieve all this stress he has in him. And he will.
NOW it was 9:30 pm on a Friday, you were working on a big project your boss assigned you, it wasn’t too bad but the first section you were done with. It was just the second section you had a struggle with. You had been working on this project for days, you even had to stay overtime. You set your pencil down and sighed, leaning on your chair. Since you were going to be extending your stay at the office tonight, you thought you should get coffee, italian coffee of course. You grabbed your mug, making your way to the break room which was not too far from your office.
But of course Nanami was in there, He turned his head over to you and flashed a smile. “hello y/n”. you smiled back at him, “hi nanami” you said softly, your voice ringing in his ears. You walked in the room making your way to the coffee machine and pouring it in your mug, your back faced to Nanami. “How’s your project coming along? I see you’re staying overtime to finish it?” he leaned over the counter, taking a sip out of his mug.
you let out a chuckle, “yeah I am.. I got done with the first section of it.. it’s just the second part. i’m just so stressed” you sighed. “i’m sorry about that.. but you know I can always give you a helping hand” nanami offered to you. Maybe this could be your chance to get to know him better, but you knew how stressful it could be so you didn’t want him to help you. “uhm no nanami it’s okay really.. I really appreciate the offer though” you nodded. “I don’t take no for an answer, y/n” he said in a serious tone.
“are you really sure?” you looked at him sincere. “yes of course” he nodded, you sighed. “fine, uhm i’ll go over to your office once everyone starts heading out.” he put his coffee mug down to add more creamer, “sure thing”, you smiled and started walking out, “alright thanks nanami! i’ll see you later” you said before leaving the room.
You let out a breath you held in while talking to him, as you got to your office you squealed lowly to yourself in excitement. It was finally your time with Nanami alone. Just you two, no one else in the office.
AS the time passed you grew impatient, you wanted to be with Nanami, and finally the time came. You fixed up yourself in the bathroom mirror. Lifting up your skirt and fixing your blazer, along with your hair. You also fixed up your makeup since you had your bag with you, you added more of your lipstick and gloss on your lips. You got your perfume and sprayed all over your body.
Looking in the mirror you fixed up a little more. You left the bathroom and gathered your things, heading to Nanamis office. You took a deep breath and knocked on his door which you heard him say “Come in!” you slowly opened the door and slid in. “hi” you said with a small wave making Nanami smile. “here come take a seat” he patted the seat next to him by his desk. you took your seat, you opened up your computer and pulled out the section you had to work on for the project. Nanami pulled your chair closer to him making you widened your eyes.
“Sorry I couldn’t see your screen” he said. You nervously chuckled, “i’m sorry about that”. You turned your computer to him. “It’s fine, let’s get to work shall we?” you smiled and nodded. “yes, let’s do it..”
An hour had past by, you and nanami quickly opened up to each other. Just like how you hoped for. He was telling you everything you wanted to know, To his hobbies, to his favorite ice cream color. You were admired by him, the way he talked about his passions with you. It just made you fall for him even more.
Nanami wasn’t really the type to open up quickly or even talk, but with y/n it was different. She was different. She was a breath of fresh air and that’s something Nanami needed in his life. Y/n made him feel at ease. He felt like he could talk to her without being judge, vice versa with her as well. Not only that Nanami always noticed y/n. She was very hot. But he thought she had a boyfriend, a girl like her was probably in a relationship. he was wrong like how you were.
“Alright I think that’s the last of it” Nanami typed the final words in and sent in an email to the boss. “thank you nanami I really appre-” you got cut off by a notification on your phone, making you both look down as your phone was placed in between you both. Giving Nanami access to see your phone clearly and so did you.
GOJO: haven’t seen you in a while, angel. can I see you tonight?
“boyfriend?” Nanami looked away from the phone to you. You looked at him at the same time, “no he’s just a friend”. Nanami raised his brow at you, he wasn’t convinced. “friends send each other those kin-” once again your phone rang and it was gojo again…
GOJO: [attachment image] (dick pic)
“Friends send each other those type of messages and pictures?” Nanami teased. You turned off your phone, “it’s not like that..” you sighed. “you’re not going to reply?” you shakes your head no, of course not why would you reply when your with the man who you’ve been dying to spend time with.
“I'm just too stressed to be dealing with him right now” you closed your computer. “I could help with that.” Nanami smirked and put his hands on your thighs “h-huh?” you stuttered in disbelief but as you turned your head a bit, all that you saw was the genuine expression on his features.
Although you weren't too familiar with Nanami all that well, you couldn’t help but feel sure that he wasn’t the type to play games. His serious demeanor combined with that smirk hinted at a depth you found irresistible.
“Y-You could help?” you echoed, your heart racing as his hand lingered on your thigh. It was a bold move, and you were torn between excitement and nerves.
“Just a little stress relief,” he said, his voice low, leaning slightly closer. “Sometimes we need more than just coffee to unwind.”
You swallowed hard, searching his eyes for any hint of insincerity. But all you saw was a desire that mirrored your own. “What do you have in mind?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Nanami chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Well, we could start by talking about what you really want,” he replied, brushing his thumb gently against your skin.
The heat radiating from his touch sent shivers down your spine. “I... I want to know you better,” you admitted, your heart pounding. “But I don’t want to complicate things.”
He leaned back slightly, giving you a searching look. “Complication can lead to something beautiful,” he said, his tone earnest. “And right now, I think we both need a break from this endless cycle of work.”
"I guess you could say that."
Nanami hummed at your word, his hand sliding a bit more up your thigh. you heart thumped against your chest and you were sure that if you released your body from it's tense state, it would beat right through your chest. "now," he began, making you look up at him, your eyes locked on each others.
"tell me your answer to my previous question, y/n."
"what i want?" you question. it seemed like you were making sure that you understood what he meant, but in actuality, you already knew. you just needed some kind of excuse to give yourself time to think and answer the question properly without making a complete fool of yourself. he nodded, sitting up properly in his seat.
"i just need a break from this project. that's all." you finally confessed. although it was the truth, it wasn't the entirety of it. "then lets take one. I'm sure thirty minutes won't hurt."
"just thirty?" you questioned, eyes widening at his next word. "what? you think it'll take longer for me to get you to feel good?" his fingertips finally grazed your clothed sex with a careful motion. your body jolted just barely, but with the way Nanami's gaze was on you, he of course noticed it.
"relax for me, sweetheart. this is supposed to help you feel better." he twisted his wrist slightly, allowing the pads of his middle and ring finger to press against your clothed bud. you let out a shaky breath and as he applied more pressure, the feeling only increased. "you know, there's a few people down the hall." he muttered, using his freehand to turn your chair so that you'd face him. "all had the same idea as us to stay after hours and finish up some work."
Nanami mentioned this on purpose. he knew where he wanted to get with this and you began to pick up on it too when he began massaging circular motions against your sensitive bud. "as much as i want to hear the beautiful sounds you make, you have to be quiet, okay?" he features softened and you so badly wanted to feel relaxed by it, but the more he continued, the harder you'd bite down on your bottom lip to suppress the slipping whimper.
you shook your head, holding his gaze and moving your hand to grip his wrist. "Nanami-" he only sped up his movements, and this time you couldn't help but let out an audible moan. the fabric of your panties only gave you more friction. his hands were skillful and heavy in a way that you couldn't even begin to explain. "that's going to be a problem, y/n." he spoke, his voice snapping you out of your small daze along with the fact that he stopped his movements.
"what is?" you asked, uneasy not just by his words, but his tone as well. he couldn't have just played you and decided against you guys' dangerous idea, right? that wasn't like Nanami, but when you thought deeper, you realized that maybe it was. afterall, you didn't know him all that well. "oh, don't sound so heartbroken sweetheart." he said, a small frown on his lips at your despairing expression.
"i-i'm sorry." you quickly said, shifting a bit to get out of his grasp, but he stopped you with a hand against the arm of your chair. "that's not it. you've got the wrong idea, y/n. i meant that you can't make such sounds. so loudly, at that."
confusion struck you just as hard as the realization. you weren't thinking straight at all. call it the stress, fatigue, or lust, but it was all scrambling your train of thought and it was obvious since you hadn't even noticed the fact that Nanami was guiding you to stand as he still sat. he pulled you closer to him, one of his knees making its way between your parted legs. "take a seat, sweetheart. I've got a solution to that vocal mouth of yours."
you followed his words and took a seat right on his thigh, your legs straddling either side. Nanami admired you deeply and lustfully, yet he was able to keep his composure. you on the other hand, couldn't help but grind down just a bit at the lack of attention that you needed in certain areas. Nanami quirked an eyebrow at your actions, and while you wanted to feel regret for your impatience, you couldn't.
it simply felt too good.
"please touch me again, Nanami." you muttered, the feeling of yearn coming to you when you glanced at his hand that rested against your thigh. he only lifted your skirt, pushing the item further up to reveal your clothed sex. "let's keep you quiet for a bit, okay?" he muttered, his freehand meeting with your nape to pull your face down closer to his. your lips met after a small pause and Nanami pulled you in in mere seconds.
this new position allowed you to press your bud against his thigh and for Nanami to use his other hand to reach around you and pulling your panties to the side. the tips of his digits traced up and down your slit, making you moan into his mouth. he retreated his fingers just as swiftly and planted both of his hands on your waist, firmly gripping your flesh as a sigh fell onto your tongue.
you parted your lips as his tongue slid against your own. he griding your sex against his thigh, using your hips to control your body. a whimper escaped from you but he devoured it just in time for it to only be muffled. "I've needed you for so long, y/n."
this caught you off guard. you could've never imagined that Nanami would think such a thing and better yet say it to you. "everyday you show up to work, i can't help but drive myself insane just by thinking about you." he groaned, firmly holding your hips in place as he pulled back to look down at his slacks.
the dampened area just beneath your sex sent a wave of embarrassment over you and Nanami only let out a strained groan as he adjusted the growing tent of his lap. "stay quiet and make a mess for me, yeah?" you nodded to his words. "can you use your fingers again, Nanami?" the question was laced with impatience. you missed the feeling of his digits and he knew that. he motioned with your panties, lifting you with ease to remove the now bothersome article of clothing.
"anything you need, sweetheart. the purpose of this is to take some of that stress off of you afterall." Nanami wasted no time to guide his fingers to your sex, slowly inserting his fingers as you leaned forward to let out a moan into his shoulder. he withdrew them once before inserting them again. each time felt better than the last and you couldn't help but wrap your arms around him as he pleased you better than you could even imagine.
you had a strong attraction to Nanami and it's lasted for weeks now. you'd always have theses fantasies about him whether you wanted to or not and neither of them could beat the standard that he was setting. "can't wait to feel you around me, sweetheart." his voice was low, rugged, and you could tell that his patience was slipping. if yours could be slipping and you were the center of his attention, you couldn't imagine how much he was holding back right now.
you saw the strain of his slacks. the way the material showed no mercy to hide the outline of his erection. "we don't have to wait." you finally spoke, pushing yourself up to hold his gaze. "please." you pled, using your hand to cup his jaw. he tried to read your expression, but the lust overpowered everything else.
you reached for his belt, undoing it and following that by unpinning the button of his slacks. in a swift movement, you pulled away his pants and his briefs, the last drop of patience leaving your being at the sight of him. you shifted when Nanami removed his fingers from your sex and in an attempt to finally get what you both wanted, you were stopped by Nanami as he grabbed your hand that was reaching for his length. "patience, sweetheart. take it slow. i don't want to hurt you."
"i can take it. please, Nanami." you couldn't count how many times that word had left your mouth tonight. Nanami gave you everything you asked for, yet you couldn't help but want more. all of him. despite your words, he knew that lust could be blinding so he shook his head, tone stern now. "slowly, y/n." he said.
a small pout was on you lips and he reached his hand up to your face, using his thump to swipe away your messed lip-gloss. "don't give me that look, sweetheart. i know you can take it. I'm not going anywhere until you feel satisfied so there's no rush." you nodded at his reassurance and he placed a supported hand underneath your thigh, helping you balance a bit better.
you kept yourself up on your knees as he gripped his length in a fist, holding your gaze as his tip prodded your entrance. he gently released your thigh just a bit, allowing you to sink down to engulf him with your warmth. he let out a moan through panting breaths, the thought of the people just down the hall leaving both of you guys' mind.
you let out a swear at the entirely new feeling and Nanami gently gripped your jaw so that you'd face him and hold his lustful gaze. he lowered you to sink down on him, both his and your lips parting as you let out a moan of pleasure. "you're so perfect like this, sweetheart." he managed to get out, his eyes admiring the way all of his length disappeared into your sex. he felt pure bliss and you clearly felt the same, given the way that your loudening whimpers began to heighten.
"yeah, you're handling it so well." he groaned as she tightened around him. Nanami help her hips, aiding her in riding him since she was too overstimulated to continue on her own. "so much." you mumbled as you leaned in to place a kiss to his jawline. he sighed from the action of affection and y/n began letting out smooth moans as he slowly lifted you from his length before your skin met with his lap once again.
"make a mess for me, sweetheart. i want to see how good I'm making you feel." he encouraged. you used whatever remains of energy you had to grind against him as you slick began to pool at the base of his erection. he gave you more, and like you have been when it comes to Nanami, all you could think was more. he knew this. he felt it in the way your movements sped up and heightened in incoordination.
he allowed it to happen for a period of time, but immediately stopped you when your moans grew. the whine that left your mouth came straight from your chest, making Nanami feel guilt immediately. "Nanami, why'd you stop? please don't stop." you whined, voice sounding like a broken cry. "i have to, sweetheart. you'll cum if i keep going and i can't have that because i want to taste you when you do."
with that, he quickly lifted you both from his seat and placed you to take his pace instead. he groaned as his length left the warmth of your sex. before you could retaliates, his knees met with the office's carpet and he wrapped both of his arms around your thighs, keeping your legs parted before he leaned in, his lips wrapping around your bud in seconds. a pleasureful whine escaped from your chest and his tongue gathered your arousal, the sweet taste urging him to grip his length with a desperate fist. he groaned into your sex and he placed a stripe of your own arousal against your bud.
his lips latched around the sensitive area as his tongue showed you no messy despite your cries and pleas. you were getting what you wanted which was more.
"Nanami i-i'm-" your breath hitched in your throat. your legs threated to close around his head but he was firm with his grip, holding you in place. "close?" he finished your sentence. "i know. cum on my tongue, sweetheart. please."
without another beat, you did just that, your arousal coating his tongue in just mere seconds. your body jolted and shivered against him and Nanami continued past your limits. your moans filled the room and Nanami released an arm form around your thigh and used his hand to grip his length, moaning as he brought himself to his own high. his cum spurted onto the fabric of his slacks and onto his thigh.
your panting breaths were in quiet harmony with one another and you glanced at Nanami with a dazed expression. he stood up, checking the watch on his wrist before leaning down to your face.
"we made good time, sweetheart. thirty minute break was well spent."
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all credits go to @leahrintarou & @satorusluvrgirl :D
Taglist: @nemoo888 @delicatexmoonchild @flowerpjimin @tedcruzumakii @sugacor3 @selysixn @mitsuyas-version @matchaismylove @cyberrthegreat @ivydoesit23 @riririntaro @ilovechickfilasauce @sincerelyzee @daydreamteardrop @satorusluvrgirl @tired-jaz
126 notes · View notes
satorusluvrgirl · 3 days
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synopsis in which y/n works alongside nanami in a huge project, only to find herself getting the stress fucked out of her
warnings female anatomy, she/her pronouns, stimulation/penetration, oral sex, pet name used is "sweetheart", unpotected sex, gojo mentioned as a fuck buddy,
author’s note this is my first collab with @leahrintarou! thank you for collaborating with me lele! <3 please be nice and no hate comments tolerated! enjoy reading <3
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WORKING hours and hours at the most famous company really had you fucking drained to the fullest. Getting up at 6 am to be at work at 8 and then going home at 11 pm. Your schedule was mostly full of just work on work on work. But the pay was good at least. And it’s not like you totally hated your job, there was one thing you really looked forward to every morning.
Which was Nanami Kento. The man who would always greet you when you would walk in the office, his “good morning, miss” would always hit the spot, making you look forward to the day. The man who welcomed you on your first day and took you out to get a coffee, little did you know he remembered it, taking you your coffee everyday. The man who would always try to make small talk with you in the break room and ask you little questions.
You knew since the first day you had a huge crush on Nanami. After all he was handsome, well put together, and very well dressed. The suits he had on which made him look so sexy in, they were always top designer suits. Which was understandable since he’s been working longer in this company than you and making more. You wanted Nanami. But the more you thought about him, it just made you more curious about him. is he married? does he have kids? what are his hobbies? but you never made your move. You put the thought in your head that a man like him was most likely married and probably had kids, oh but how you were so wrong.
Nanami was single. A hard working single man who was always working 24/7 and practically had no life other than this job. He never really thought of love. He was always stressed and had no time for anything. He wished he could find someone to relate to his problems. Someone who can probably help him and relieve all this stress he has in him. And he will.
NOW it was 9:30 pm on a Friday, you were working on a big project your boss assigned you, it wasn’t too bad but the first section you were done with. It was just the second section you had a struggle with. You had been working on this project for days, you even had to stay overtime. You set your pencil down and sighed, leaning on your chair. Since you were going to be extending your stay at the office tonight, you thought you should get coffee, italian coffee of course. You grabbed your mug, making your way to the break room which was not too far from your office.
But of course Nanami was in there, He turned his head over to you and flashed a smile. “hello y/n”. you smiled back at him, “hi nanami” you said softly, your voice ringing in his ears. You walked in the room making your way to the coffee machine and pouring it in your mug, your back faced to Nanami. “How’s your project coming along? I see you’re staying overtime to finish it?” he leaned over the counter, taking a sip out of his mug.
you let out a chuckle, “yeah I am.. I got done with the first section of it.. it’s just the second part. i’m just so stressed” you sighed. “i’m sorry about that.. but you know I can always give you a helping hand” nanami offered to you. Maybe this could be your chance to get to know him better, but you knew how stressful it could be so you didn’t want him to help you. “uhm no nanami it’s okay really.. I really appreciate the offer though” you nodded. “I don’t take no for an answer, y/n” he said in a serious tone.
“are you really sure?” you looked at him sincere. “yes of course” he nodded, you sighed. “fine, uhm i’ll go over to your office once everyone starts heading out.” he put his coffee mug down to add more creamer, “sure thing”, you smiled and started walking out, “alright thanks nanami! i’ll see you later” you said before leaving the room.
You let out a breath you held in while talking to him, as you got to your office you squealed lowly to yourself in excitement. It was finally your time with Nanami alone. Just you two, no one else in the office.
AS the time passed you grew impatient, you wanted to be with Nanami, and finally the time came. You fixed up yourself in the bathroom mirror. Lifting up your skirt and fixing your blazer, along with your hair. You also fixed up your makeup since you had your bag with you, you added more of your lipstick and gloss on your lips. You got your perfume and sprayed all over your body.
Looking in the mirror you fixed up a little more. You left the bathroom and gathered your things, heading to Nanamis office. You took a deep breath and knocked on his door which you heard him say “Come in!” you slowly opened the door and slid in. “hi” you said with a small wave making Nanami smile. “here come take a seat” he patted the seat next to him by his desk. you took your seat, you opened up your computer and pulled out the section you had to work on for the project. Nanami pulled your chair closer to him making you widened your eyes.
“Sorry I couldn’t see your screen” he said. You nervously chuckled, “i’m sorry about that”. You turned your computer to him. “It’s fine, let’s get to work shall we?” you smiled and nodded. “yes, let’s do it..”
An hour had past by, you and nanami quickly opened up to each other. Just like how you hoped for. He was telling you everything you wanted to know, To his hobbies, to his favorite ice cream color. You were admired by him, the way he talked about his passions with you. It just made you fall for him even more.
Nanami wasn’t really the type to open up quickly or even talk, but with y/n it was different. She was different. She was a breath of fresh air and that’s something Nanami needed in his life. Y/n made him feel at ease. He felt like he could talk to her without being judge, vice versa with her as well. Not only that Nanami always noticed y/n. She was very hot. But he thought she had a boyfriend, a girl like her was probably in a relationship. he was wrong like how you were.
“Alright I think that’s the last of it” Nanami typed the final words in and sent in an email to the boss. “thank you nanami I really appre-” you got cut off by a notification on your phone, making you both look down as your phone was placed in between you both. Giving Nanami access to see your phone clearly and so did you.
GOJO: haven’t seen you in a while, angel. can I see you tonight?
“boyfriend?” Nanami looked away from the phone to you. You looked at him at the same time, “no he’s just a friend”. Nanami raised his brow at you, he wasn’t convinced. “friends send each other those kin-” once again your phone rang and it was gojo again…
GOJO: [attachment image] (dick pic)
“Friends send each other those type of messages and pictures?” Nanami teased. You turned off your phone, “it’s not like that..” you sighed. “you’re not going to reply?” you shakes your head no, of course not why would you reply when your with the man who you’ve been dying to spend time with.
“I'm just too stressed to be dealing with him right now” you closed your computer. “I could help with that.” Nanami smirked and put his hands on your thighs “h-huh?” you stuttered in disbelief but as you turned your head a bit, all that you saw was the genuine expression on his features.
Although you weren't too familiar with Nanami all that well, you couldn’t help but feel sure that he wasn’t the type to play games. His serious demeanor combined with that smirk hinted at a depth you found irresistible.
“Y-You could help?” you echoed, your heart racing as his hand lingered on your thigh. It was a bold move, and you were torn between excitement and nerves.
“Just a little stress relief,” he said, his voice low, leaning slightly closer. “Sometimes we need more than just coffee to unwind.”
You swallowed hard, searching his eyes for any hint of insincerity. But all you saw was a desire that mirrored your own. “What do you have in mind?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Nanami chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Well, we could start by talking about what you really want,” he replied, brushing his thumb gently against your skin.
The heat radiating from his touch sent shivers down your spine. “I... I want to know you better,” you admitted, your heart pounding. “But I don’t want to complicate things.”
He leaned back slightly, giving you a searching look. “Complication can lead to something beautiful,” he said, his tone earnest. “And right now, I think we both need a break from this endless cycle of work.”
"I guess you could say that."
Nanami hummed at your word, his hand sliding a bit more up your thigh. you heart thumped against your chest and you were sure that if you released your body from it's tense state, it would beat right through your chest. "now," he began, making you look up at him, your eyes locked on each others.
"tell me your answer to my previous question, y/n."
"what i want?" you question. it seemed like you were making sure that you understood what he meant, but in actuality, you already knew. you just needed some kind of excuse to give yourself time to think and answer the question properly without making a complete fool of yourself. he nodded, sitting up properly in his seat.
"i just need a break from this project. that's all." you finally confessed. although it was the truth, it wasn't the entirety of it. "then lets take one. I'm sure thirty minutes won't hurt."
"just thirty?" you questioned, eyes widening at his next word. "what? you think it'll take longer for me to get you to feel good?" his fingertips finally grazed your clothed sex with a careful motion. your body jolted just barely, but with the way Nanami's gaze was on you, he of course noticed it.
"relax for me, sweetheart. this is supposed to help you feel better." he twisted his wrist slightly, allowing the pads of his middle and ring finger to press against your clothed bud. you let out a shaky breath and as he applied more pressure, the feeling only increased. "you know, there's a few people down the hall." he muttered, using his freehand to turn your chair so that you'd face him. "all had the same idea as us to stay after hours and finish up some work."
Nanami mentioned this on purpose. he knew where he wanted to get with this and you began to pick up on it too when he began massaging circular motions against your sensitive bud. "as much as i want to hear the beautiful sounds you make, you have to be quiet, okay?" he features softened and you so badly wanted to feel relaxed by it, but the more he continued, the harder you'd bite down on your bottom lip to suppress the slipping whimper.
you shook your head, holding his gaze and moving your hand to grip his wrist. "Nanami-" he only sped up his movements, and this time you couldn't help but let out an audible moan. the fabric of your panties only gave you more friction. his hands were skillful and heavy in a way that you couldn't even begin to explain. "that's going to be a problem, y/n." he spoke, his voice snapping you out of your small daze along with the fact that he stopped his movements.
"what is?" you asked, uneasy not just by his words, but his tone as well. he couldn't have just played you and decided against you guys' dangerous idea, right? that wasn't like Nanami, but when you thought deeper, you realized that maybe it was. afterall, you didn't know him all that well. "oh, don't sound so heartbroken sweetheart." he said, a small frown on his lips at your despairing expression.
"i-i'm sorry." you quickly said, shifting a bit to get out of his grasp, but he stopped you with a hand against the arm of your chair. "that's not it. you've got the wrong idea, y/n. i meant that you can't make such sounds. so loudly, at that."
confusion struck you just as hard as the realization. you weren't thinking straight at all. call it the stress, fatigue, or lust, but it was all scrambling your train of thought and it was obvious since you hadn't even noticed the fact that Nanami was guiding you to stand as he still sat. he pulled you closer to him, one of his knees making its way between your parted legs. "take a seat, sweetheart. I've got a solution to that vocal mouth of yours."
you followed his words and took a seat right on his thigh, your legs straddling either side. Nanami admired you deeply and lustfully, yet he was able to keep his composure. you on the other hand, couldn't help but grind down just a bit at the lack of attention that you needed in certain areas. Nanami quirked an eyebrow at your actions, and while you wanted to feel regret for your impatience, you couldn't.
it simply felt too good.
"please touch me again, Nanami." you muttered, the feeling of yearn coming to you when you glanced at his hand that rested against your thigh. he only lifted your skirt, pushing the item further up to reveal your clothed sex. "let's keep you quiet for a bit, okay?" he muttered, his freehand meeting with your nape to pull your face down closer to his. your lips met after a small pause and Nanami pulled you in in mere seconds.
this new position allowed you to press your bud against his thigh and for Nanami to use his other hand to reach around you and pulling your panties to the side. the tips of his digits traced up and down your slit, making you moan into his mouth. he retreated his fingers just as swiftly and planted both of his hands on your waist, firmly gripping your flesh as a sigh fell onto your tongue.
you parted your lips as his tongue slid against your own. he griding your sex against his thigh, using your hips to control your body. a whimper escaped from you but he devoured it just in time for it to only be muffled. "I've needed you for so long, y/n."
this caught you off guard. you could've never imagined that Nanami would think such a thing and better yet say it to you. "everyday you show up to work, i can't help but drive myself insane just by thinking about you." he groaned, firmly holding your hips in place as he pulled back to look down at his slacks.
the dampened area just beneath your sex sent a wave of embarrassment over you and Nanami only let out a strained groan as he adjusted the growing tent of his lap. "stay quiet and make a mess for me, yeah?" you nodded to his words. "can you use your fingers again, Nanami?" the question was laced with impatience. you missed the feeling of his digits and he knew that. he motioned with your panties, lifting you with ease to remove the now bothersome article of clothing.
"anything you need, sweetheart. the purpose of this is to take some of that stress off of you afterall." Nanami wasted no time to guide his fingers to your sex, slowly inserting his fingers as you leaned forward to let out a moan into his shoulder. he withdrew them once before inserting them again. each time felt better than the last and you couldn't help but wrap your arms around him as he pleased you better than you could even imagine.
you had a strong attraction to Nanami and it's lasted for weeks now. you'd always have theses fantasies about him whether you wanted to or not and neither of them could beat the standard that he was setting. "can't wait to feel you around me, sweetheart." his voice was low, rugged, and you could tell that his patience was slipping. if yours could be slipping and you were the center of his attention, you couldn't imagine how much he was holding back right now.
you saw the strain of his slacks. the way the material showed no mercy to hide the outline of his erection. "we don't have to wait." you finally spoke, pushing yourself up to hold his gaze. "please." you pled, using your hand to cup his jaw. he tried to read your expression, but the lust overpowered everything else.
you reached for his belt, undoing it and following that by unpinning the button of his slacks. in a swift movement, you pulled away his pants and his briefs, the last drop of patience leaving your being at the sight of him. you shifted when Nanami removed his fingers from your sex and in an attempt to finally get what you both wanted, you were stopped by Nanami as he grabbed your hand that was reaching for his length. "patience, sweetheart. take it slow. i don't want to hurt you."
"i can take it. please, Nanami." you couldn't count how many times that word had left your mouth tonight. Nanami gave you everything you asked for, yet you couldn't help but want more. all of him. despite your words, he knew that lust could be blinding so he shook his head, tone stern now. "slowly, y/n." he said.
a small pout was on you lips and he reached his hand up to your face, using his thump to swipe away your messed lip-gloss. "don't give me that look, sweetheart. i know you can take it. I'm not going anywhere until you feel satisfied so there's no rush." you nodded at his reassurance and he placed a supported hand underneath your thigh, helping you balance a bit better.
you kept yourself up on your knees as he gripped his length in a fist, holding your gaze as his tip prodded your entrance. he gently released your thigh just a bit, allowing you to sink down to engulf him with your warmth. he let out a moan through panting breaths, the thought of the people just down the hall leaving both of you guys' mind.
you let out a swear at the entirely new feeling and Nanami gently gripped your jaw so that you'd face him and hold his lustful gaze. he lowered you to sink down on him, both his and your lips parting as you let out a moan of pleasure. "you're so perfect like this, sweetheart." he managed to get out, his eyes admiring the way all of his length disappeared into your sex. he felt pure bliss and you clearly felt the same, given the way that your loudening whimpers began to heighten.
"yeah, you're handling it so well." he groaned as she tightened around him. Nanami help her hips, aiding her in riding him since she was too overstimulated to continue on her own. "so much." you mumbled as you leaned in to place a kiss to his jawline. he sighed from the action of affection and y/n began letting out smooth moans as he slowly lifted you from his length before your skin met with his lap once again.
"make a mess for me, sweetheart. i want to see how good I'm making you feel." he encouraged. you used whatever remains of energy you had to grind against him as you slick began to pool at the base of his erection. he gave you more, and like you have been when it comes to Nanami, all you could think was more. he knew this. he felt it in the way your movements sped up and heightened in incoordination.
he allowed it to happen for a period of time, but immediately stopped you when your moans grew. the whine that left your mouth came straight from your chest, making Nanami feel guilt immediately. "Nanami, why'd you stop? please don't stop." you whined, voice sounding like a broken cry. "i have to, sweetheart. you'll cum if i keep going and i can't have that because i want to taste you when you do."
with that, he quickly lifted you both from his seat and placed you to take his pace instead. he groaned as his length left the warmth of your sex. before you could retaliates, his knees met with the office's carpet and he wrapped both of his arms around your thighs, keeping your legs parted before he leaned in, his lips wrapping around your bud in seconds. a pleasureful whine escaped from your chest and his tongue gathered your arousal, the sweet taste urging him to grip his length with a desperate fist. he groaned into your sex and he placed a stripe of your own arousal against your bud.
his lips latched around the sensitive area as his tongue showed you no messy despite your cries and pleas. you were getting what you wanted which was more.
"Nanami i-i'm-" your breath hitched in your throat. your legs threated to close around his head but he was firm with his grip, holding you in place. "close?" he finished your sentence. "i know. cum on my tongue, sweetheart. please."
without another beat, you did just that, your arousal coating his tongue in just mere seconds. your body jolted and shivered against him and Nanami continued past your limits. your moans filled the room and Nanami released an arm form around your thigh and used his hand to grip his length, moaning as he brought himself to his own high. his cum spurted onto the fabric of his slacks and onto his thigh.
your panting breaths were in quiet harmony with one another and you glanced at Nanami with a dazed expression. he stood up, checking the watch on his wrist before leaning down to your face.
"we made good time, sweetheart. thirty minute break was well spent."
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my request are open for everyone! go ahead and drop one! ;)
all work is done by @leahrintarou & @satorusluvrgirl
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A Tyrell in the Lion's Den (Part 3)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
Word count: 2.4k
Pairing: Tywin Lannister x Tyrell!reader
Summary: Y/n grapples with the precarious balance of power in her dangerous relationship with Tywin Lannister, questioning her role as a pawn or partner in his world while secretly desiring control over her own fate 
The air in King’s Landing felt different after Joffrey's death—tense and brittle, like a string pulled too tightly. Whispers filled the halls of the Red Keep, and every conversation seemed to carry a hidden meaning, a layer of subtext that only the most cunning could untangle. As I moved through the court, I felt the weight of Varys’ words pressing on me. His warning lingered in my mind: 
Tywin’s power is built on fear and manipulation. What happens when you’re no longer useful?
I had always known the danger of my relationship with Tywin. It had started as a distraction, a game to break the monotony of court life. But over time, it had turned into something far more dangerous. Our secret meetings, the stolen moments of intimacy, had slowly given way to deeper conversations. Tywin was different with me than he was with others—still cold and calculating, but there was a vulnerability that he kept hidden from the world. I had seen glimpses of it, in the quiet moments when we were alone.
But now, with the political landscape shifting beneath my feet, I wasn’t sure where I stood with him. Was I merely a tool, a means to an end? Or had I become something more? And did I even want to know the answer?
A few nights after my encounter with Varys, I was summoned to Tywin’s chambers once more. The fire crackled warmly as I entered, but there was a chill in the air that made me pause. Tywin was seated at his desk, as always, his expression unreadable. His gaze flickered over me as I approached, and for a moment, I thought I saw something in his eyes—something softer, almost tender—but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared.
“Sit,” he said, his voice steady.
I took my seat, my heart pounding. We had shared so much over these past weeks, but tonight felt different. The political tension weighed heavily on us both, and I could sense a shift in Tywin. He was not a man prone to displays of emotion, but I had learned to read the subtle signs—the way his jaw tightened when he was agitated, the brief flicker of doubt in his eyes before he steeled himself once more.
“Have you gathered the information I requested?” he asked, breaking the silence.
“Yes,” I replied, handing him a small scroll. “There are murmurs of sympathy for Tyrion among some of the lesser lords. Nothing concrete, but enough to be wary of.”
Tywin unrolled the scroll and scanned it, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Good. This will be useful.”
I hesitated, the weight of Varys’ warning heavy on my tongue. Should I tell him? Would he dismiss my concerns, or would he see it as a betrayal that I had even listened to the spymaster? I had to choose my words carefully.
“There’s something else,” I said slowly, watching Tywin’s reaction.
He raised an eyebrow but remained silent, waiting for me to continue.
“Varys approached me,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. “He warned me that I don’t understand the game I’m playing. He said that those who stay too close to the Lannisters might be swept away when the winds of change come.”
Tywin’s expression remained unreadable, but I saw the way his fingers tightened slightly around the edge of the desk. For a long moment, he said nothing, and I could feel the tension building between us. Finally, he spoke, his voice low and dangerous.
“Varys is a master of manipulation. He thrives on sowing doubt and confusion. You would do well to remember that.”
I nodded, but his response did little to ease my growing unease. “And yet... what he said made me think. Am I truly playing the game, Tywin? Or am I just a pawn?”
Tywin leaned forward, his eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that made my breath catch. “You are far more than a pawn, Y/n. But the game we play is not for the faint-hearted. It is ruthless, and it requires more than loyalty. It demands cunning, patience, and an understanding of power that few possess.”
He paused, his gaze softening for the briefest moment. “You have that potential. But you must never waver.”
I swallowed, my throat suddenly dry. “And what if I do?”
Tywin’s expression hardened once more. “Then you will fall, like so many before you.”
His words sent a shiver down my spine, but they also stirred something inside me. For so long, I had been content to play my part quietly, to remain in the background, supporting Margaery and navigating the court without drawing too much attention. But now, I realized, I needed to be more. I needed to take control of my own destiny, rather than relying on the whims of others.
“I won’t fall,” I said, my voice steady.
Tywin regarded me for a moment, as if weighing my resolve. Then, unexpectedly, he reached across the desk and took my hand in his. His touch was firm, but there was a tenderness there that I hadn’t expected.
“Good,” he said softly, his thumb brushing lightly against my skin. “Because I cannot afford to lose you.”
The admission hung in the air between us, and for a moment, I wasn’t sure if I had imagined it. But the way his grip lingered, the way his eyes softened as they met mine, told me that it was real. Tywin Lannister, the most powerful man in Westeros, had just revealed a vulnerability that I hadn’t thought him capable of.
As the days passed, I found myself thinking more and more about Tywin’s words—and his touch. There was no denying the connection between us, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was dangerous, that it would lead to something neither of us could control.
I threw myself into my tasks, gathering more information, carefully navigating the dangerous waters of the court. But Varys’ warning lingered in the back of my mind. I began to be more cautious, more strategic in my conversations. I no longer trusted blindly, not even in my dealings with Tywin. I kept some of what I learned to myself, uncertain of how much to share with him, or if I should share it at all.
And yet, despite my growing wariness, I found myself drawn deeper into Tywin’s world. Our meetings grew more frequent, our conversations more intimate. He was careful not to reveal too much of himself, but there were moments—fleeting, but undeniable—where I saw the cracks in his armor. Moments where he allowed himself to be vulnerable with me, to let his guard down.
It was in those moments that I realized something dangerous: Tywin Lannister had started to care for me in a way that went beyond mere strategy or convenience. And I, in turn, had started to care for him.
But love, in King’s Landing, was as dangerous as any weapon. And I was beginning to wonder if, in playing the game of thrones, I had already lost.
The fire in Tywin's chambers was burning low, casting a warm, golden glow over the room as I lay beside him. We had just spent another night wrapped in each other’s arms, where the heavy burdens of court politics and the games we played were momentarily left behind. In these moments, Tywin became someone different. The hardened exterior of the man feared by kings and lords softened, and I, too, found myself unraveling—becoming something more vulnerable and honest than the sharp-tongued woman I was during the day.
His fingertips grazed my bare shoulder, absentmindedly tracing patterns on my skin. Neither of us spoke for a long time. We didn’t need to. Here, in the stillness of his bed, words were unnecessary. This was the only place where we could be ourselves, where the pressures of the court and the expectations of others couldn’t touch us.
But eventually, I broke the silence. “Do you ever think about what it would be like if we didn’t have to hide?”
Tywin’s hand stilled on my shoulder, and I turned my head to look at him. His eyes, always so guarded, flickered with something I couldn’t quite read. “In another life, perhaps,” he said quietly. “But we live in this one, and we must play the roles we’ve been given.”
I sighed softly, leaning into his touch. “You make it sound so simple.”
“It is not simple,” he admitted, his voice taking on a rare softness. “But it is necessary.”
I shifted in the bed, propping myself up on one elbow to look at him more closely. “And if we didn’t have to play those roles? If we could be just... us?”
Tywin’s gaze held mine for a long moment, and I could see the conflict there. He was not a man accustomed to letting his guard down, even in private. But with me, he had begun to show glimpses of the man beneath the armor. “I would choose that life,” he said finally, his voice barely above a whisper. “But we don’t live in a world that allows such choices.”
I nodded, though his words sent a pang through my chest. I had known, from the beginning, that this affair was dangerous—that it was built on fragile ground. But I hadn’t expected the pull between us to grow so strong, or for the emotions to become so tangled.
“What about you?” Tywin asked, his tone shifting slightly. “You’ve played this game longer than you realize, but you’ve never told me what you truly want. Not as a Tyrell. Not as someone bound to court. What do you want, Y/n?”
I hesitated. No one had ever asked me that before. Not my family, not Margaery, not the court. And certainly not Tywin. He had always been the one with the plans, the strategies. I had fallen into his orbit, drawn by the power and intrigue he exuded. But in this moment, stripped of all pretense, I realized something.
“I want power,” I said, my voice steady. “Not the kind that comes from sitting on a throne or wearing a crown. I want control over my own destiny. I want to stop playing the part of a pawn in other people’s games.”
Tywin’s eyes darkened with interest. “You’ve always had that potential. You just need to harness it.”
“And what if I don’t want to be bound by anyone?” I asked, my voice a little sharper than I intended. “Not even by you?”
Tywin’s lips curled into a faint smile. “I would never bind you. You’re too valuable to be controlled. But you must decide where your loyalty lies. In this game, alliances are everything.”
As the trial of Tyrion Lannister unfolded, the court buzzed with anticipation. Every word spoken in that courtroom carried weight, and every movement was watched with scrutiny. Tyrion, as always, defended himself with sharp wit and intelligence, but the evidence against him was overwhelming. The court was rigged, and we all knew it.
Margaery was restless. Though Joffrey’s death had been a blessing in disguise, it left her future uncertain. Tommen, the new king, was kind but weak, a boy easily swayed by those around him. Margaery’s ambition burned brighter than ever.
“I must marry Tommen,” she told me one afternoon, her voice filled with determination as we walked through the gardens. “It’s the only way to secure our position. The Lannisters hold too much power, and we cannot afford to lose our standing.”
“You’ve always wanted to be queen,” I said with a small smile.
“Of course,” she replied, her eyes glinting. “But not just a queen. The queen. I want to rule, Y/n, not just sit beside a king. And with Tommen, I will. He’s young, malleable. Cersei won’t know what hit her.”
I watched my sister closely, admiring the way she played her cards so carefully. She had always been the more charming of the two of us, the one who could disarm anyone with a smile. But I knew her well enough to see the ambition lurking just beneath the surface.
“And what about you?” she asked, turning the conversation back to me. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with Lord Tywin.”
I raised an eyebrow, feigning indifference. “I have my own ambitions.”
Margaery smiled knowingly. “You always were more cunning than the rest of us gave you credit for.”
I shrugged, not giving her more than that. Margaery was my sister, but even she didn’t know the full extent of my relationship with Tywin. She didn’t know how deeply I was embedded in the Lannisters’ world, or how much I had learned about playing the game in my time by Tywin’s side.
That night, in Tywin’s chambers, I decided to test my newfound resolve. As we lay together, our limbs entwined, I turned to him, my voice soft but clear.
“I want more than just to be a piece in this game, Tywin. I want to be part of the strategy. I want power, and I’m not afraid to take it.”
He turned to me, his expression unreadable in the flickering firelight. “And what do you propose?”
I smiled, a slow, deliberate smile. “You’re the most powerful man in Westeros. And I... I have access to places and people you can’t always reach. Together, we could control more than just the court. We could control everything.”
Tywin’s eyes narrowed, but there was a glint of intrigue there. “And what is your price?”
I leaned in closer, my lips brushing his ear as I whispered, “I want to stand beside you—not behind you. If we’re going to play this game, then we do it as equals.”
For a long moment, Tywin said nothing. Then, slowly, he nodded. “Very well,” he said, his voice low and measured. “But be careful what you wish for, Y/n. Once you step into the game fully, there is no turning back.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I replied.
In the days that followed, I threw myself into my new role, carefully gathering information and strengthening my position within the court. Tywin and I became partners in more than just secrecy—we became a formidable force, each using our unique strengths to maneuver through the treacherous waters of King’s Landing.
But as the trial continued, and Tyrion’s fate hung in the balance, I couldn’t help but wonder: How long could I play this dangerous game before it consumed me entirely? And would Tywin, for all his power, ever let me walk away?
The answer, I knew, lay in the game itself. And in King’s Landing, the game never truly ended.
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wiltedflowerpetals · 20 hours
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At first, you, Mrs. Price, thought that you had to go on a normal but dangerous mission. You only had to get some intel. Get in and out. Easy… right?
But getting captured was not on your to-do-list for this mission…
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Hi! Thanks for reading the third part, I wish you all a great day! Also a small reminder: I take requests for this series and all the fandoms I write for!
Words: 2217
Warning: angsty, no death so don’t worry, angry and worried John Price
Part 1: Wife Meets Friend | Part 2: Wife On A Mission
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You stirred, your body instinctively seeking out John’s warmth. His arm was draped protectively over your waist, and you smiled softly. For a few blissful seconds, you allowed yourself to forget about the dangerous world outside or the mission you went on yesterday.
John shifted beside you, his hand tightening around you as he woke up. “Morning.” He murmured, his voice deep and drowsy.
“Morning.” You replied, turning to face him. His hair was tousled, and his eyes were still heavy with sleep.
“You slept well.” He noted, his thumb brushing gently over your cheek.
“I did.” You said, leaning into his touch. “Better than I have in a while.”
“Good.” John said with a smile. “You needed it.”
You two lay there for a while longer, enjoying the simple pleasure of each other’s company. You always treasured these moments - moments where you could enjoy your simple life with your lovely husband in bed. Eventually, you knew you had to get up.
“I’ll make breakfast.” You offered, slipping out of bed and heading towards the kitchen. John followed you a few minutes later, still in his pajamas, looking more relaxed than you’d seen him in days.
As you moved around the kitchen, preparing your usual breakfast, you stole glances at him. The way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, the sound of his low chuckle when you teased him about his bedhead - it was all so precious to you.
You could see that John was trying to enjoy the calm as much as you were, and you appreciated his effort to keep things light. But you could sense a lingering concern in his eyes. He hadn’t mentioned your odd behavior from the previous night, but you knew he was still worried.
When breakfast was over, John stood and started to clear the dishes. “I’ve got this.” He said, motioning for you to relax. “You should take it easy before you head to work.”
You smiled, appreciating the gesture. “Thanks, but I’m fine. I don’t want you doing all the work.”
He chuckled, shaking his head. “You work too hard, you know that?”
“I know...” You chuckled.
After breakfast, you headed upstairs to get ready for the day. As you dressed for your supposed office job, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. It was a subtle tension in the air, but you didn’t know what exactly was off.
Just as you were about to leave, your phone buzzed on the bedside table. You glanced at the screen and saw Kate’s name. You heart skipped a beat as you answered the call, praying that you didn’t had to lie to your husband again and could just relax with him today. “Kate.”
“Morning, (Y/N).” Kate greeted her, her tone all business. “I need you to meet me at the usual spot. We’ve got a situation.”
You sighed. “What’s going on?”
“We’ve got intel on a new target.” Kate explained. “This one’s sensitive. You’ll need to handle it alone.”
You nodded. You were used to working solo, and while you preferred it, the timing couldn’t be worse. “I’ll be there soon…”
“Good.” Kate said. “And (Y/N)… be careful. This one’s different.”
“Understood.” You replied, before ending the call.
You took a deep breath, steadying yourself. Whatever this mission was, it required your full attention. You finished getting ready, making sure your appearance was as normal as ever before heading downstairs. John was in the living room, flipping through the news on the television when you approached.
“I’ve got to head to work.” You said, leaning down to kiss him goodbye.
John looked up, a slight frown creasing his brow. “Another busy day?”
“Unfortunately.” You replied with a small pout. “I’ll see you tonight.”
“Be safe.” He said, his voice laced with that familiar concern.
“I always am.” You reassured him, before turning to leave.
Kate’s warning echoed in her mind, as you drove away. But you had a job to do, and you couldn’t afford to let your personal fears get in the way.
You met Kate at a discreet location on the outskirts of the city, where you could speak freely without the risk of being overheard. Kate’s expression was grim when you arrived, and she wasted no time getting to the point.
“The target is a man named Mikhailov.” Kate began, handing you a dossier. “He’s resurfaced after years of staying under the radar. We have reason to believe he’s planning something big, and we need to find out what it is.”
You flipped through the dossier, scanning the information. Mikhailov was a name you hadn’t heard before, but the details were troubling. He had connections to various criminal organizations, and his recent activities suggested he was gearing up for something major.
“You’re going in alone.” Kate continued. “We need you to gather intel, find out what he’s planning, and report back. But be careful - Mikhailov is dangerous, and he won’t hesitate to eliminate any threats.”
You nodded. “I’ll handle it.”
“I know you will.” Kate said, her tone serious. “But I need you to be extra cautious this time. Something about this doesn’t sit right with me.”
You met her gaze, seeing the concern in your friend’s eyes. “I will. You have my word.”
With that, you set off on the mission. The location you were heading to was an abandoned warehouse in Budapest - a perfect place for someone like Mikhailov to conduct shady business. You parked your car a few blocks away and made your way to the warehouse on foot.
The building was heavily guarded, but you were a master at slipping past security. You moved like a ghost, silently taking out any obstacles in your path. Inside, you found what you were looking for - Mikhailov was meeting with a group of men, discussing plans that were clearly meant to stay secret.
You listened carefully, gathering as much information as you could. But just as you were about to slip away, something went wrong. One of Mikhailov’s men spotted you, and before you could react, you were surrounded. They moved quickly, disarming you and forcing you to the ground.
“Look what we have here.” Mikhailov said, his voice dripping with malice as he approached you. “A little spy.”
You glared up at him. You had been in tight spots before, and you knew better than to panic. But this time, something felt different. Mikhailov’s cold eyes bored into your, and you realized that this was no ordinary capture.
“You’ve made a big mistake coming here.” Mikhailov continued, his voice low and menacing. “Did you really think you could sneak in and out without anyone noticing?”
You remained silent, knowing that anything you said could be used against you. You were outnumbered and outgunned, and there was no easy way out of this. Your thoughts flickered to John, wondering if you would ever see him again.
Mikhailov ordered his men to take you away, and you found yourself roughly shoved into a waiting van. They tied your hands behind your back and blindfolded you, so you couldn’t find out where they are going to bring you. As the van sped away, you realized that you were in serious trouble, and for the first time, you weren’t sure how you were going to get out of this damn situation.
Back at home, John spent the day going through his usual routine, but there was a weird feeling that he couldn’t shake off. As evening approached, he realized that you hadn’t returned yet. You hated being late and would always text or call him in case you truly were busy with work. Maybe that was the reason why John started to worry more than usually.
He tried calling you, but there was no answer. Anxiety gnawed at him as he paced the living room, his mind racing with possibilities. He tried to convince himself that you were just busy, that you would walk through the door any minute now with an apology for being late. Just like on many days before. But there was still no sign of you and his worry turned into full-blown fear.
Just as he was about to grab his keys and go out to try to find you, his phone rang. He snatched it up, hoping it was his sweet wife, but the number on the screen wasn’t yours.
“Kate?” He said, trying to keep his voice steady. “Make it quick. I need to get out-”
“(Y/N) has been kidnapped.”
His grip tightened on the phone. “What…?”
John’s breath caught in his throat. “Kidnapped? What the hell are you talking about, Kate? How could this happen?”
Kate’s tone was serious. “I don’t have all the details yet, but it appears that Mikhailov is behind this.”
“Mikhailov?” John repeated, the name triggering a flood of memories - dark memories he’d hoped to never think of ever again. Mikhailov was a ruthless terrorist and a ghost from his past. John had thought he’d killed the man years ago, but apparently, he’d survived. “I thought he was dead.”
“So did we at first…” Kate admitted. “But it seems he’s resurfaced, and he’s not done with whatever vendetta he’s holding. I’m sorry, John, I didn’t know how deep this ran.”
John’s mind raced. You had been taken by a man he thought he’d defeated, a man that killed every damn soldier in his previous team, before he became the captain of 141. The thought of Mikhailov getting his hands on you made his blood run cold.
“What does he want with her?” John demanded, his voice thick with worry and anger. “She’s not involved in any of this.”
Kate hesitated, and John’s heart sank further. “I don’t know yet…” She said carefully, choosing her words. “But Mikhailov has a long history of targeting people to get what he wants. He might know about your connection to her…”
John’s mind flashed with images of what Mikhailov did back then. All the blood John had to see on that damn day. “I’m going after her.” He said, his voice hard with determination. “I’m not letting that bastard take her.”
“I had a feeling you’d say that.” Kate replied, her tone softening slightly. “But, John, you need to be careful. Mikhailov is dangerous. Going after him alone isn’t a good idea.”
“I don’t care.” John snapped. “I’m not sitting around while she’s out there, God knows where, in the hands of that monster.”
Kate sighed. “I understand, but you’re not alone in this. You have people who can help. Your task force-”
“No.” John cut her off. The fear of history repeating itself weighed heavily on him. The last time he’d faced Mikhailov, good men had died. “I’m not putting them at risk. I’ll do this on my own.”
“John, listen to me.” Kate sighed. “You need to think this through. Mikhailov isn’t someone you can take down by yourself. You have a team for a reason. Let them help you.”
John hesitated, he wanted to protect his team, but also needed to save his wife. He knew Kate was right - going after Mikhailov alone would be suicide. But the thought of involving the 141-... God, no, he wouldn’t want to see them die as well…
“John.” Kate continued; her voice gentler now. “You can’t do this alone. I know you’re scared, but (Y/N) needs you to be smart about this. Don’t do this by yourself.”
John closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. She was right. He knew she was right. He thought of his team - Gaz, Ghost, Soap - all of them were capable and willing to risk everything for each other. They were his brothers-in-arms. If they asked for help, he would help them immediately…
“Alright.” John finally said. “I’ll call them in.”
Kate sounded relieved. “That’s the right call, John. I’ll do everything I can to support you from here. We’ll get her back.”
John hung up the phone and took a deep breath in. His thoughts were a mixture of fear, anger, and determination. He couldn’t lose you. Not now, not ever.
He quickly dialed the numbers of his team members. Each conversation was short, their responses immediate and unwavering. They’d be there, ready to help him get John’s wife back, no questions asked.
Within the hour, 141 gathered at a secure location, prepared for what was to come. John stood before them, his face a mask of grim determination.
“Thanks for coming.” He began, his voice steady and calm despite the fear inside. “I’m not going to lie to you - this is personal. (Y/N) has been taken by Mikhailov, a man I thought I killed years ago. He’s dangerous, ruthless, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get what he wants.”
The team listened intently; their expressions serious. They knew what was at stake. Your life.
“We’re going after him.” John continued, locking eyes with each of them. “But we do this smart. No unnecessary risks, no heroics. We get her out, and we take him down. This ends today.”
They nod. John smiled at them, grateful that they will help him. He wasn’t alone in this fight. Together, they will fight and bring the love of his life back. No matter the cost.
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© nanamisflowerfield/wiltedflowerpetals. Do not repost, rewrite, plagiarize my work.
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redbreastedbird · 2 days
Do all authors have to blitz through writing in the way that you do once they have a series? I really want to be an author but that part terrifies me!
Two answers to this one!
The first version is no, absolutely not. I got myself into a complete mess with my schedule because the puzzle book took much longer to write than I thought I would. What was supposed to be six months to write the first draft became four, then three, then two. Ideally I’d take about five months to write a first draft, researching as I go. That’s a much easier schedule, and slightly more normal.
The second answer is: despite best efforts it often turns out that way. I love writing, but writing to publish is hard. If you’re traditionally published you should probably be thinking about publishing one book a year. You can maybe push it a bit if you write for adults, but if you write for kids or teens this is fairly non-negotiable, because your readership will grow up!
So imagine you do take that five months for the first draft. Your editor will take about a month to edit it, then send it back to you for a second draft revision stage that takes maybe 2 months. Then you go again, maybe 2 weeks for your editor to look at it and a month for you to edit. Then you’re on to the copyedit and proofread stages - and you need to leave 2 months minimum between the time you print the book and the time it appears in stores. You will notice here that this is pretty much exactly a year. So if anything goes wrong - if the book needs another draft, or if you get sick, or if you take a long holiday, you’re going to have to be working on the end of one book while you plan and start to write the next book. And then maybe you get an idea for another book that you want to sell to another publisher so you’re writing that too, during the editing process for your first book … you can see how the schedule can get crunched and how you might end up tearing your hair out and trying to write a book in two months.
It’s hard! It’s really hard!! It’s particularly hard if you’re neurodivergent, which most authors are. It’s also hard because a lot of authors don’t know the world of publishing well. I do, because I used to be an editor, so I’m able to push back on some things that other authors wouldn’t know to. Sometimes I can’t, obviously, hence this schedule, but …
All of this to say, I don’t want this to put you off. I think writing is a vocation, in that if you need to do it you really need to do it, and doing anything else just isn’t the same. But I think it’s worth being honest that it is a grind, and it’s wise to know that going in, so you can think about ways to take care of yourself through that. The one thing that I think is absolutely CRUCIAL to remember is that your brain is where you create from, and if you burn out your brain you won’t be able to write a single word.
Which is why I am taking a small break after MUA 3 to work on some other projects without the stress of a deadline!
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wren-writes-things · 7 months
I mean personally for me I would appreciate at least 2 Sasha episodes in Season 3a to help flesh out her arc more cause I LOVE her but I feel more screentime around 3a (and maybe) a bit around Season 2, would have done wonders for her arc. It’s almost criminal how little we know of her bad homelife other than her parents are divorced.
What would you personally add to Sasha’s arc?
So my biggest issue on Sasha’s arc (and honestly most of season 3 aside from Andrias) is just how much is left unsaid. And a lot of that does come down to her family.
Everything we see regarding Sasha is her learning to turn a set of poor coping mechanisms (seeking control, aggression, etc), into something that could benefit those around her (being a leader). The problem is that there are just large chunks of that development that are missing, specifically the origin and most of her improvement. Which are both kind of important.
Now I will say I think these flaws stem from an aspect of the show that in some scenarios (namely True Colors) was incredibly important. And that was the use of Anne as the protagonist, and really the only character you ever see the POV of. What I mean by that is that unless a character directly explained their motivations on screen in front of Anne, you really don’t know it (even then you still got Sasha’s POV though so this isn’t a strict rule). The thing is though is that this doesn’t necessarily apply to season 3
Anyway yeah back on topic, like I said a big thing for me would be stating Sasha’s perspective on things back on earth. I’m not for suggesting a full backstory episode because I don’t see that flowing well with the overall show. However starting a Sasha centric episode with a final flashback to the day of the that they stole the music box (similar to Reunion and True Colors) I believe would work quite nicely to address Sasha’s dynamic with her parents and her friends. Additionally Anne speaking with the Waybrights and Wus (not Zeus autocorrect, no one wants to speak with Zeus ever) instead of writing a letter could allow an outside perspective on how both families were handling their missing daughters. This also avoids the issue of addressing this situation in Sasha’s apology to Anne (which seemed to be what the writers kept getting hung up on based on interviews).
That being said I’m not certain how exactly I would handle Sasha’s family dynamic. I don’t think it was necessarily healthy aside from the divorce based on her actions in The Third Temple flashback and throughout the show. But… I don’t think I’m necessarily qualified to handle that topic without a lot of research. Might come back to it though because I have at least a guess that I find interesting.
Anyway, I think my next big thing would be just making season 3 more Sasha centric. (And honestly if I were doing a full rewrite I would probably take tharrb’s approach and split S3 into two seasons, I think there just wasn’t enough time to address everything even if you took out the filler episodes especially with how large the main cast of the show is). Season 3a has a lot of potential ways that it could go but overall her arc was one of the most important ones to develop in that period.
Specifically I would want to show her developing a connection with the rebellion members and learning to lead the rebellion in a way that took all members concerns into account without endangering the group. And also her dealing with her feelings regarding Marcy and Anne. Which is a lot of aspects hence why I said you honestly would need to divide season 3 up.
My one additional point because I have opinions about it, is addressing the full reason why Sasha had her change of heart. Because I was reading on the topic and it just kind of bothered me.
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Like that is a pretty important aspect of the show to address and for some reason it just never is mentioned. Which is especially weird considering that she clearly had a change in perception by the season 3 finale and that is just such an interesting development that I want to see.
Anyway yeah, there’s a few other aspects to my overall take on Sasha. Like honestly I probably would have added another episode focusing on her in season 1 but my main issues with her arc are in season 3 so that’s most of what I addressed. Also this was very general so if you want further exploration of any topic I am always open to explaining it.
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sunshinem0ths · 8 months
trying to read harrow the ninth after spending the whole first book in the head of a jock who actively tuned out exposition and made "that's what she said" jokes
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murder-hobo · 6 months
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~)🤭No pressure
You might as well asked me to recite my family history and that would have been easier than this 😭 But thank you love! 😘
1. My wit. Whenever I actually use it that is x)
2. My curiosity. I always want to learn more
3. My tattoos. Every new piece makes me feel more like myself
4. My resilience. Wouldn't have made it this far without it
5. My butt 🍑
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skyward-floored · 9 months
Peggy your finger 😭😭😭😭
I KNOW it’s so dumb too i was literally just trying to stop my dad’s laptop from getting hit by a basketball 😭😭😭
And even worse I was explaining more of what exactly happened to my mom and she got this look on her face and then said “that’s almost exactly how I broke my finger back when except it was a football not a basketball”
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neo-shitty · 1 year
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Did really robespierre had sarcoidosis?
I really suspect that he had it from the symptoms that his doctor told about but idk.
Diagnosing people who are long dead is always a tricky affair, and it gets even harder when the disease in question wasn’t described until long after the death of the relevant person (sarcoidosis was for example first described in 1877, 83 years after Robespierre’s death)
An official article arguing Robespierre might have suffered from sarcoidosis was written in 2013 by Philippe Froesch and Philippe Charlier. It was however criticised by Peter McPhee, whose Robespierre biography Froesch and Charlier cited as a source. McPhee correctly pointed out that the evidence the two used to support the thesis is weak to say the least, beginning with the fact that Froesch and Charlier claimed the 2013 death mask of Robespierre as a source, a mask that has been accepted as fake. Besides that, the article only has descriptions of Robespierre’s apperence given by contemporaries that mention any sarcoidosis symptons to go on — for example facial twitchs (mentioned by Duperron in 1794, Montjoie in 1795 and Dumont in 1832), poor eye sight (mentioned by for example Montjoie, Fiévée in 1793 and Duperron in 1794) and having a varicole ulcer (mentioned by his doctor Joseph Souberbielle — I unfortunately don’t have access to the book in which he does so). While McPhee seems to identify the main problem as the majority of these descriptions coming from Robespierre enemies after his death I would personally say a bigger problem is that it’s still way too little to actually say something real concreate about his health and eventual disease.
So to return to the question ”did Robespierre have sarcoidosis?” my blunt answer would be ”impossible to say.” If he did, he was at least not aware of it, as the blending of the symptons into the term ”sarcoidosis” wouldn’t be coined until over 80 years after his death. I could continue rambling about this but there honestly already exists a fine blog post that does it for me, so I I’ll direct you to that for more discussion about Robespierre’s health and questioning of the above cited article.
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infinitethree · 1 year
(For Innit) Alright, we’ve tried soup, toast, cucumbers… what about popcorn???
A small, silvery, serpentine dragon uses their tiny clawed hands to enthusiastically shove popcorn into Innit’s mouth.
What had overflowed from those hands is only five…kernels, right? It thinks that's what a unit of popcorn is called.
It's definitely a more manageable taste than when its new friend was bigger and tried it with the cucumber…sideways.
Innit had decided that its confusion, sore mouth (though that part was a novel experience), the gross wet-and-crunchy texture, and perhaps the worst part of all, blandness, combined to make cucumbers the absolute worst of the food Innit has tried so far.
Toast had been far better. The properties of butter suddenly went from abstract bullet points about its uses to something more. It understood why butter and fat laden dishes are called rich.
It thoughtfully chews the kernels. When it swallows, it gives a thumbs-up of approval. The richness of butter, the tang of salt, the faint warmth like it had been freshly made, the lack of crumbs everywhere…yeah, popcorn is its favorite thus far.
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It can’t help but giggle when the silvery rat scrambles up its sweater to pop something new into its mouth.
The situation is so alien it feels surreal, but in the best possible way. It has gained new friends, new experiences, and new ways to pursue revenge. There are people who can talk directly to it– and can give it gifts, too!
They seem to find almost as much delight in giving those gifts as Innit feels in getting them. Most of those gifts are food, but…
Innit spent much of its existence quietly longing to be able to take part in the ritual of making and eating with others. It had helped Daz puzzle out the secrets of cooking while, itself, having no idea what it was like to taste or even smell most things.
During the years it spent locked in a cage with only a one-way mirror to look through, nothing had seemed more wonderful than being able to share a meal with a loved one. The thought would consume it, sometimes– how lovely, how precious, how important its loved ones would be. Almost moreso would be having a way to take care of them and a way to talk to them without a filter.
And now it has that. It lost everything, only to regain what it had and more through the most unexpected means.
It swallows, and tells the rat, “I like those–” before it can say more, another morsel gets put in.
The excitement from both the mouse and the dragon is visible and infectious. If it was able to both purr and eat, it would, but that doesn’t seem quite possible.
Instead, it lets its tail thump and swish happily on the ground.
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leofrith · 1 year
choosing violence: 1, 3. 7, 24?
1. the character everyone gets wrong
i don't want to say everyone gets them wrong, but there are some relatively widespread fanon characterizations of some of my faves that drive me up the wall, and it almost always has to do with people watering down a character's flaws or shaving off their rough edges until they're so boring and unrecognizable it makes me wonder if they even actually liked that character in the first place. or, in the inverse, clinging onto a single character trait to the point that there is zero nuance to be found. if that makes sense.
some crimes include: eivor being way more agreeable than she is when she's actually shown to be really abrasive around those she doesn't already know and trust; luke being a perfect cinnamon roll who can do no wrong when his whole arc in rotj is about whether he'll remain in the light or not; din being characterized as a complete idiot or a hypercompetent badass, with nothing in between. don't even get me started on anything that's been written about ahsoka post-rebels. you ruined a perfectly good character is what you did! look at her! she's boring. and being played by a transphobe.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
there have been so so many but i happen to have a screenshot handy of this take that has somehow stuck with me for months:
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what the actual fuck does this mean. this is word salad.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
the way a lot of fans of male e*vor and al*xios act makes me dislike them a lot. most people on here are fine though and to be fair, i don't think i'd feel nearly as strongly about them if they didn't come with the extra baggage of only existing as playable characters solely because ubi is too fucking gutless to make a game with a solo female protagonist. but alas.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
if i ever have to see another word of discourse about how din djarin's covert is actually a cult i will walk into the fucking ocean, never to be seen again. and i know i'm gonna be disappointed. list me the defining characteristics of a cult. quickly.
send me a number!
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chimckennoodlesoup · 1 year
Hey Myke, what're you drawing there? Also isn't it hard to handle things with that big unwieldy claw?
"Oh uh. Just myself. It's not anything special, really."
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"--And it was difficult at first, It's easy enough now that I've gotten used to it though."
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confuchan · 2 years
🌷💞✨ answer with 3 random facts about yourself, then send this to 10 other people 🌷💞✨
Right back at ya 😉😉
Alright, 3 more...probs better since i was very indecisive the first time lol
1. I went through what i call a 'hot topic' phase, lots of black or dark clothes, chokers, fall out boy, twenty-one pilots, panic! at the disco, etc. (tho some of it stuck with me)
2. I love drawing, oil pastels, crafty stuff, & even rainbow loom...but cant paint to save my life (& dont even get me started on how many times I've tried to learn to make those cute crotchet stuffed animals)
3. I used to be in cheer growing up (before it got expensive bc of competitions and such, & yes...it is a sport)
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