#this took me longer than i'd like to admit
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mist-desrosiers · 3 days ago
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The Sunny Flower Prince and his soft and gentle Butterfly King
Yet another Hualian drawing. This took me a lot longer than I'd like to admit, I was playing with new things and playing with the idea of "metallic" looking line art. I'll probably experiment with it more because I really liked the outcome.
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rirupadg · 2 years ago
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jinxedjay · 8 days ago
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been getting into lancer lately
is this the genghis experience
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ro-bee · 2 years ago
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Let's do the Time Warp again !!
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angelxd-3303 · 1 year ago
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iwikpines · 1 year ago
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statement ends
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invader376 · 1 year ago
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I had a thought and nothing could stop me
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kotwkawie · 1 year ago
every friend group has...
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charlie-the-ghost64 · 8 months ago
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Ooookay. There’s a few differences in my version of Mario from when he lived in Brooklyn and after he got settled in the Mushroom Kingdom.
I explain it more under the cut. Just didn’t want to force everyone to have to scroll past that list lol.
Pre-Mushroom Kingdom
When Mario and Luigi were just starting out in their own place, Mario was very obsessive when it came to the bills. To the point that he checked their bank account daily. He’d always be looking for a cheap trick to try and save a few extra dollars. Sometimes he used the wrong trick and ended up using more money.
Mario and Luigi tended to get into small arguments over these tricks. In Luigi’s mind, it would pay off in the end to spend a few extra bucks on something they needed rather than it breaking in a few weeks because it’s so cheap. Mario on the other hand refused to accept that they could afford good products, even if Luigi set aside money for whatever they were buying. Mario usually “won” these fights due to Luigi not being as stubborn as his brother.
Mario doesn’t like to talk about work with their family. He tries to keep conversations focused on everyone else. Mario didn’t want to admit just how much time he spends working and how much of his life it takes up. He especially avoids talking about it with Luigi.
Speaking of work, he does that far too much. It worried Luigi endlessly, to the point that he’s had nightmares of Mario not being able to drive home because he’s too exhausted. He tended to sneak back out after Luigi has fallen asleep to go work some late jobs around town. Most are in fairly dangerous parts of town, so he and Luigi keep a family tracker on their phones just in case. Due to working too much, he’ll also occasionally miss a meal. It’s a price you sometimes must pay when you won’t give yourself a break.
Mario has major anxiety. I feel it’s a given judging by what I’ve already said, but I wanted to be more specific. He primarily is worried about Luigi. His brother has really bad social anxiety, sometimes making it hard for him to speak to customers. Mario tries to stick with Luigi whenever his brother is also working.
Mario’s tells that something is wrong is: tapping his foot, constantly checking that Luigi is next to him, and crossing his arms over his chest. More subtle than Luigi’s stuttering and fidgeting.
Post Mushroom Kingdom
The first week or two of being in the Mushroom Kingdom was very chaotic and eye opening to both brothers. Both go through a lot of change, though Mario does the most of it. The most immediate change was learning that Luigi is not as helpless as he may seem.
Mario discovers just how good of a fighter he can really be, helping rid some of his anxiety when the two are apart. He knew now that Luigi is capable of protecting himself, and fairly good at it too. He also learns to trust him more with billing and tells him the truth about how poor off they’d been. The two end up having a very long talk about how they needed to be fully honest with each other about serious stuff if this was going to work. Luigi can’t help him stay rational unless he knows how bad it really is. Mario apologized for lying to him during this conversation. Luigi, of course, forgave him.
Since the two no longer have money issues (those toads pay surprisingly well for plumbing), Mario’s cut back on the cheap tricks. Sometimes Luigi will catch him, but as long as it isn’t anything big, he lets him get away with it. It didn’t hurt. The brother’s relationship has healed a lot around the month mark. Fights are a very rare thing, and even when they happen, the two are able to resolve those very quickly.
Mario tends to be quite the chatterbox when it comes to telling his family about the Mushroom Kingdom (especially Peach). Their family is always happy to listen, teasing him about how much he talks now compared to only a few weeks ago. He’ll always get embarrassed.
He’s also on a more stable work schedule. Given toads are willing to pay a lot more here, and they’re getting consistent jobs, Mario didn’t need to work overtime anymore. Due to that, he’s been getting proper sleep and no longer skips meals. He’s started a new habit with Luigi around this time where the two do a bunch of meal prep together. It’s a good way to ensure they’re both eating enough and to spend time together, something Luigi’s been wanting outside of work. Another bonus is he no longer felt exhausted all the time. It’s caused him to be more talkative.
His anxiety’s better than it used to be. He still has it of course, but he’s been considering going to therapy after Peach’s suggestion. He’ll have to give that Dr.Toad a call.
And that should be it for this post! I’ll be making a Luigi one sometime in the future. If anyone has any constructive criticism, please share! It’s been a long time since I’ve done something like this and I appreciate any and all tips I can get to be a better writer! Thank you for reading!
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tsuru-yasunaga · 2 years ago
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Loveplague platonic bridal carrying✨
Nara kept getting called a porcelain doll guess I’m going for that vibe now. Here comes the bride
LB!Black @blackkatdraws hehe thank you for the gorgeous design:3 He’s so slayful
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writing-intheundercroft · 4 months ago
WIP: Happy birthday, Theo
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Sebastian looked down at the armchair, seeing two small leather gloves. He scooped them up, taking two steps at a time to catch Theo before she’d gone too far.  Luckily, her bountiful skirts and restrictive clothing had delayed her, and she was barely past the mermaid statue outside their common room. 
“You forgot your gloves.” Sebastian wheezed, putting his hands on his knees as he caught his breath.
Theo raised an eyebrow. “Well, you didn’t have to run.”
Sebastian gave her a flat lipped smile, cocking his hips. “You could say thank you, you know.”
Theo patted his cheek. “Thank you for saving me from a day of dreadfully cold hands.” She moved to turn back around, and up the steps.
Sebastian took a step down, looking up at her. She suddenly looked like a woman, staring down at him from above. “Tonight.  Meet me in the common room after lights out, and bring a bathing suit.”
“You didn’t,” Theo tilted her head. “How?”
Sebastian shook his head, turning away and walking back to the common room. “You’ll see!”
When We're Older, Chapter 9
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A little WIP of my fav gal, Theo Caulfield. A sagittarius queen, born December 5th, 1874. Thanks for inspiring me over this last year <3
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silly-inky · 1 year ago
Luigi's Hair
Booigi comic and Luigi headcanon!
Also Peach and Luigi being besites
(More details of post and headcanon at the end) ( I would have made seperate images for the first few slides, but tumblr only let's me have 10 slides 🥲)
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My headcanon for Luigi:
My headcanon in this post is the white streak's in Luigi's hair, this is because of Thunderhand. Since Luigi is human and comes from a world without magic, his body isn't built to properly hold it, so when he received thunderhand it took a long while for his body got used to it.
Luigi went overboard a few times with it while his body was adjusting to the new magic which caused a lot of harm, the scars on his hands and along his arms and the white streaks in his hair where caused by putting his body under a lot of stress from overusing the power. Like he was struck by lightning.
Luigi can live with the scars, they aren't his first and they probs won't be the last, but his hair was a bit more if a sensitive spot for him.
When it first happened Mario made a joke about how he looked like an old man with his hair and jittery hands (a short time side effect of thunderhand) and although it was meant as a joke, it really got to Luigi, so he dyed his hair for ages. Mario and Peach were the only two people that knew. Peach saw how it effected his already low self esteem, so she and Mario have been working hard on slowly building up his self confidence.
(What happens in the first few pannles) Luigi has just come back from a week long adventure with Mario, the next morning after they got back he got a shower and saw that his dye was fading and his roots had grown out. So he went to pay Peach a visit, it's here where Peach finally convinces Luigi to stop dying his hair as she doesn't think it's needed and that he actually suits it well.
Peach knew that Luigi would still be a bit nervous about washing it out completely and finally committing to the look, so in an effort to make him feel more comfortable in himself, she had him put on a new outfit that they had bought a few days before the adventure to help boost his confidence.
I realise that I haven't made a booigi post in a hot minute, and believe it or not I've been working on this one since the middle of September (I probs could have gotten done in a week but procrastination is a b) so I thought I would sneak some booigi in here
Anyways happy spooky month ( and Friday the 13th) and I hope you like it
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oceanicluvrboy · 11 months ago
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happy late luffy day to those who celebrate !
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cuervosolsticio · 1 year ago
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"Oh but darling! You're too soon, I haven't even started preparing our supper!
Please, sit down and take a glass, the wine is splendid."
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angelxd-3303 · 7 months ago
3+ hours later:
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Not entirely happy with it, but I am forcing myself to put it down before I lose my mind.
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cottoncandyclown123 · 2 years ago
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Don’t worry! He’s just teasing her! That’s how he shows he likes her (:
Like I promised, i am finally done with this second fanart! This is my JTTW oc (Tao Huwang) meeting @jttw-monkeybusiness JTTW oc (Sophie). Took me while to get done.. but I hope you like it! I loved drawing Sophie, she’s really fun to draw! But yeah this is my last fanart for now, but if you’re ever interested in more, don’t be afraid to tell me! i’d love to draw more shitpost of ours babies! :3
Have a nice day!
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