#this took me 20 seconds
nic-coughlan · 2 months
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there we go, i fixed it
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willowcrowned · 3 months
no form of torture greater than watching the fantasy high cast slowly and unconfidently answer questions that you one hundred percent know the answer to
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fearandhatred · 4 months
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one day this project will be done. today is not that day but look i made them hold hands
panels 1, 2, 8, and 9 of panel 2. i think this one is panel 5. idk anymore
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veryaren · 3 months
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ibeewashere · 5 months
I genuinely cannot describe how deeply DEVASTATED I am about riz being the only one who can take stress tokens for the others. Yes fig is a protector and will fight endlessly for her friends and I love that about her but there is something about the way riz loves his friends. It’s a more subtle kind of love, but just as relentless and passionate and he will take any burden for the people he cares about and bear the weight of it on his shoulders so they don’t have to deal with it without any hesitation. I am ILL.
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Tula of the Red Warren
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“We’re all the Blue. The Blue’s in all of us.”
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omatoxin · 5 months
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doing it scared!! (birthday self portrait)
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eatingsomegreeneggos · 10 months
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Made a comic with my Snowrora AU! I know some of you wanted to learn more about the AU and while it’s not a lot I’m really happy to share this with you all 💖
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wendytestabrat · 3 months
kyle being jealous of cartman & butters’ relationship for 3 minutes straight
these kyle compilations give me the most clout so here u go
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op3ra · 4 months
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rusty roundup (pls pls pls click for quality)
design credits, left to right:
@honey-dont / @commander-spaceboy /@tabooiart / me! / @animatronathon / @nauticaltrainofthe80s / @green-planets
two more rusties + a starlight rusty under the cut! check them out!
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design credits, left to right:
@captainmvf / @savs-avvy / me!
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vylanka · 1 year
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chicken cadenza
extra: without bg and the original picture
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leemarkies · 9 months
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mark fact check mv
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picklesinabottle · 1 year
Legitimately just completely fuckin forgot about the fairies 
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Details I noticed in The Last Wish
During the bar fight in the beginning when Death has Puss cornered, Puss's pupils rapidly dilate/constrict as Death approaches
When team friendship is riding in the cart away from Jack's henchmen right after they steal the map, Kitty brings up Santa Coloma. The music then changes to the Santa Coloma theme (what they play during all the romantic scenes) and it works surprisingly well as chase music lol
Also during that sequence, Jack's henchmen are firing flaming arrows at them. The one hat hits the map also lights Perrito's head on fire
Kitty rolls her eyes when Puss dramatically throws all the money one the ground to block the way of the archers at the end of the chase. In the next scene when they unroll the map, Puss rolls his eyes when Kitty says that she knew the words were going to take a second to appear even though she was clearly lying. They get on each other's nerves <3
When they're going through the Pocket Full of Posies in the Dark Forest, the flowers bunch up thicker when Perrito tells his backstory. He just pauses and smells them between lines, and they dissipate but it would be really interesting if that was a test. They know he's recounting traumatic and scary memories so they're testing to see if he gets bogged down in it or violent or anything like that but he stays in the moment and appreciates life so they let him through
When the three bears crime family are in the illusion of their cabin, Mama holds up a bowl and says, "Look, Goldi, porridge! And it's made just the way you like it." Baby, who's in the back says, "No matter how you make it, she doesn't like it" and then walks away stuffing his face lol Peak sibling dynamic and a lovely little nod to the original fairytale
When the illusion/flashback of baby Goldi is coloring in her fairytale book at the table, she's humming the chorus' theme from Favorite Fearless Hero
When team friendship and the crime family are fighting over the map up in the air, Perrito launches himself on a pot of honey. It gets stuck on Goldi's head, with Perrito still on it, and as they fall out of the sky, he says, "Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!" Such a good boy
When Kitty confronts Puss at the Wishing Star, she says she was going to wish for someone she could trust. When she says, "I thought it was you" her eyes get glossy but she forces the tears away for the next lines
During the final battle, and the fight against the Posies too, Jack makes sound effects for all his weapons. "Pew, pew, pew!" "Die, die, die!" "Blow up already!" Lots of commentary from him lol
This next one isn't a specific moment bc it's prevalent throughout the whole movie, but all the characters are always 100% engaged. They're always reacting to what the other characters are doing/saying even if they're in the background, not involved in the conversation, or not a major character. No one is ever just standing there waiting for their turn to speak. It really makes the movie a lot more realistic and highlights the amount of thought, care, and detail that went into this movie
Part two, Part three, Part four, Part five
Perrito's head on fire:
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warpspeedchiic · 1 year
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yeah no i have no words for this
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become-a-robot · 6 months
I tried playing my Lincoln vinyl earlier, but it started skipping during "Mr. Me" so it just said "he ended up sad he ended up sad he ended up sad he ended up sad he ended up sad he ended up sad he ended up sad he ended up sa
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