#this thing got recommended to me 1 whole month later
sippin-n-watchin · 2 months
this goddamn adidas commercial where no one in spain nt can speak german properly so they have to hit up xabi 😭😭😭
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vinelark · 9 months
in return for the fic recs i got last month, here are a few fics i read recently that i want to absolutely yell about from the rooftops:
Iron, Fire, Mirror-Glass by PurpleSoot: an early batman days AU where, while slowly healing from a spine-shattering injury, bruce finds an old book about the fae. in a fit of desperation he attempts a Summoning to try to heal his spine. enter: robin.
this story is fantastic—the kind of longfic with a plot so good and satisfying that finishing it leaves you on a reading high for at least a week. one of the best early days bruce fics i’ve ever read, with honorable mentions to excellent alfred and clark and jim and selina characterizations—but robin (dick) really takes the cake here. the balance of chilling, otherworldly, not-quite-human vs. playful, earnest, Still Just a Child…chef’s kiss. the way robin’s character arc drags bruce kicking and screaming through his own emotional growth is so well-paced and well-wrought that i already want to reread just so i can experience it again. this is one of those god-tier longfics that i can’t believe i got to read for free on the internet.
mid-reading testimonial:
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The Lone Ranger Never Had to Deal with Bruce Wayne by @theskeptileptic: a tim-joins-the-family-early fic in which tim decides to do everyone (his parents) a solid by faking his own death and running away to canada, except his weirdo neighbor bruce wayne keeps butting in and messing up his plans.
this is one of the rare stories where tim doesn’t know batman’s identity yet, and even rarer stories where that somehow makes the whole thing even more compelling. this fic has two of my favorite things: small, lonely, moderately unhinged tim drake pov, and really good pangs—pangs that are expertly teased out through flashbacks that add context to the present action at exactly the right moments. also, a very fun cameo near the end. i had a blast reading this one, physically clutched my chest more than once, and am already looking forward to rereading.
mid-reading testimonial (feat. @cairoscene):
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equivalent exchange by scribblemetimbers (wip): an au set during tim’s robin days in which tim discovers 1) crossroads demons are a thing and 2) people can make deals with them. deals that include bringing people back from the dead, so long as you’re willing to pay the price with your own life.
this fic is so…🤌‼️ it feels like everything i want in a fic so far, down to two incredibly specific concepts i love (bruce, in his grief, saying something harsh to robin!tim with disastrous consequences later + tim making a big secret sacrifice gambit) which are both done so so well, within a larger plot that is also done so so well. the way this fic cuts in and out of scenes at the exact right moments for max tension feels like a masterclass in causing me to tear my hair out (in the best way), and instead of assorted pangs reading it is just one big Pang. it currently leaves off on an agonizing cliffhanger but, again, in the best way. highly recommend. (thank you again @owlbats for the rec!)
exchange between me and my friend after i sent the link, which about sums it up:
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and to cut this angst with some humor:
IRIS Log #1548 by @deadchannelradio: a night on patrol as recorded by the bats’ audio logs, centering around red hood getting flung into a ditch and everyone, eventually, getting home safe.
one of the top ten funniest things i’ve ever read—spiritually up there with send to all (and if you’ve seen my fic rec tag you’ll know what a compliment that is). this makes use of the audio log format SO well. the dialogue shines, the jokes land with excellent timing, and it moves at such a clip that it’s pretty much impossible to stop reading once you’ve started. every character shines in this, and i’ve randomly choked on laughter remembering the phrase ‘good god he got thrown like a corn hole beanbag’ like twenty times in the past few weeks.
mid-reading testimonial:
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corrodedbisexual · 2 years
The ultimate shadow ban survivor guide
I've seen multiple people I follow, or their mutuals affected by shadow bans lately (makes me wonder if it's @staff's attempts to fight bots going totally haywire). As someone who survived a 2-month-long shadow ban on my main this winter, I thought I'd make a post.
First step of being shadow banned: calm down and take a breath. A shadow ban is just a stupid glitch in tumblr's anti-spam system. You're not losing your blog. You're gonna need a whole lot of patience, and deal with inconveniences, but it's fixable.
Read the incredibly useful post All About Shadowban by @that-damn-girl. It outlines the symptoms quite well. The only thing I'd point out is "your original posts won’t be visible to your followers either" - afaik that doesn't happen. Everything you post and reblog will still be visible to your followers, and also they can interact with your posts - like them, reblog them, reply to them.
Just like the post says, contact support. I recommend using a different email than what your banned blog is registered to; not because your ticket won't go through (mine actually did, as I found out when they finally replied), but because you might not receive an email confirmation for your ticket (it's somehow tied to the anti-spam thing, I think), and you're going to worry and try to send more tickets, like I did.
Now wait. And wait, and wait, and wait. They are SLOW. I've seen some miraculous 1-day unbans in the #shadow ban tag, but most people, like me, wait around a month for support to reply. Those are the same guys going through thousands of bot reports every day in addition to user tickets.
If you're going to wait, might as well keep blogging. Now if this is your sideblog that's shadow banned, consider yourself lucky. Make a new temporary sideblog, use it to post your original stuff so it goes into tags (mind that it might take a few days for a new blog to start showing up in tags). Reblog everything to your shadow banned blog so you still have all content in one place and your followers see it. If it's your main that's banned, you can still do that, but there's the extra pain of not being able to reply to posts or send non-anon Asks, since that is only done from main. Might need to register a separate account for that.
Some more fun facts under readmore.
Fun fact #1
Trying to send support follow-up emails in the request confirmation email isn't going to do anything to speed up the process. But I did tweet at them using this tumblr support summoning picture by @cornmayor and offered a raccoon blood sacrifice to resolve my issue when it was like a month with no response. This is what they replied.
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3 hours later I got an email that my shadowban was lifted. I honestly don't know if it was a coincidence, but I mean, this is tumblr staff. Maybe they do accept blood sacrifices.
Fun fact #2
If you're wondering why my shadow ban lasted 2 months if I got a support reply after 1 month, well. It's hard to say exactly how their ban/unban system works bc support replies exclusively with pre-written template sentences, but basically they fucked up. The first time they told me my blog has been restored, I gained pretty much all functions back, except that my posts were still not appearing in tags. Which means probably that being hidden from tags is some kind of different flag on your blog that they forgot to remove. So I had to send a follow-up ticket and wait another month.
My advice is, when they tell you it's fixed, don't take that at face value, go and check all the functions you'd lost (replies, messaging, asks, tagging, appearing in notes, getting mentioned by others).
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bbraespam · 4 months
Raven said that it took her a whole year to stop hating Beast Boy? I mean do you suppose it means the team knew each other between the events on Go! and Nevermore? I mean in Raven’s mindscape she actually believed Beast Boy didn’t like her and vice versa.
Actually, I thought things went pretty well. Took me a year to stop hating Beast Boy. -Raven to Terra in Titan Rising
What happened between Go! and Divide and Conquer is a question that will live in my brain for all time, so let's talk about it!
So, my interpretation of Raven's line there is that it places Nevermore approximately a year after the events of Go!. (And I recommend taking a look through my Beast Boy vs Creepy tag for an idea of my thesis here. (mobile link))
In Go!, Raven and Beast Boy get along surprisingly well for how we see them by Divide and Conquer. What I think happened is this:
Beast Boy's discomfort over Raven's dark energy powers came up at least once again, probably more, and Raven interpreted this as Beast Boy rejecting her as creepy. So she started icing him out, and taking any of his attempts at humor towards her as him being fake. In return, Beast Boy got frustrated because he does tentatively like her as a person and has been trying to befriend her, but at the same time is unsettled by her powers that he doesn't understand (in that scene, if he was really truly scared of/didn't trust her, he wouldn't be literally reaching out).
That's why by Nevermore (about a year after they initially met) they're both operating under the erroneous assumption that the other one doesn't like them. I think Raven later framing that period as "hating Beast Boy" is a bit of a defense mechanism over how rejected she felt. After all, she was plenty nice to him whenever he was real with her and wasn't putting on that jokester front.
To answer the other part of your question, which sounds like it's about how long the Titans have been a team pre-Season 1? I'd put it at only a couple months since they've officially been in the tower and operating as a team. The early episodes of S1 feel like they've been a group for long enough to be mostly comfortable working together as an established team, but not long enough to really know each other on a personal level yet—Robin and Cyborg already have a coordinated move, but either the team's never gone out to pizza together or haven't yet gone enough that anyone knows each other's orders or Star's gotten a look at the menu.
(a couple extra thoughts under the cut)
For ideas about how the team formed:
After Go! they seem to be at least temporarily separating. It feels easy to assume that some of them started using that communicator to call each other up post-Go! once they ran into trouble they couldn't handle alone (was it Beast Boy, who was really hurting for friends and somewhere to belong? Cyborg, who wanted to keep his neighborhood safe? Star, who'd just gotten a taste of niceness and liked it? Raven, who wanted to do some good for the world before her father showed up? Robin... I think is least likely, despite him having a hand in making the communicators. He'd be there if asked in a heartbeat, but I see him having trouble admitting he needed help)
After a few times it becomes clear that not only could they do some real good together, but most of them could use some housing help. (After all, the only one who seems to be native to Jump City is Cyborg, and maybe even that is somewhere he moved away from his dad post-accident? Everyone else seems to have just drifted into town). So forming a team and moving in together is a perfect solution for everyone. (Maybe the city asks them formally to stick around? is there even a mayor here who's running this town shh not important)
Nevermore's narrative function
One interesting thing I didn't fully notice until just now looking at the episode list, but Season 1 uses the plot of character-disagrees-with-Raven-and-they-learn-to-understand-each-other as great excuses for displaying the characters of (almost*) each of the main cast, in Nevermore, Switched, and Car Trouble. (Notable because not every pair on the team gets an episode focused on their relationship, only sooort of BB & Star in Forces of Nature, and Cyborg & Robin in D&C, but those plots are much less focused on the characters opening up to each other than the Raven ones.)
(*Robin's the only one who doesn't get one, which I think is due to this being his season. Every "Robin" ep in S1 needs to advance the overarching plot, which doesn't really leave time for Robin-and-Raven-have-a-wacky-self-contained-adventure. It also just doesn't seem necessary, since he gets plenty of time for both his character and relationships in those episodes.)
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7grandmel · 5 months
Todays rip: 01/05/2024
super mario 64 but it's in the buddy holly soundfont
Season 8 No Album Release (Read More) super mario 64 but it's in the buddy holly soundfont
Ripper Unknown
So. It's been a month now. Has it all settled yet? Have we had the time to let SiIvaGunner's April Fools 2024 event sink in, 30 days later? Speaking personally, I don't believe I have yet. Visions of Gegagedigedagedago, Pomny (digital circus), Boykisser, Brainless Kitty and all of my other favorite memes continue to haunt me to this very day - I see one of the events' rips in my recommended, and in the blink of an eye five hours will have passed. I cannot be anything but amazed at the surgical precision that the SiIva team captured the phenomena of online internet brainrot with during this event, spanning the whole range of severity levels from bad to worse. super mario 64 but it's in the buddy holly soundfont was certainly not the worst it got - yet it embodies everything the event sought to achieve through it's title alone.
But, right, the event - you'll have noticed right away that everything about the above-linked video's metadata is completely awry from typical SiIvaGunner videos. No attempt at a bait-and-switch, completely different video description, not even a thumbnail of the game used...and what the fuck is the "Buddy Holly Soundfont"???? What's going on here? Well, a lot of these traits may seem familiar to you if you've been on other corners of YouTube in the last few years - like I mentioned briefly back in we are number one but with outdated memes over it, there's been a trend in how non-SiIva audio edits are presented on YouTube as of late. There's an algorithm to appease now, after all - surprises and ambiguity only serve to ward off potential new listeners! After the explosive popularity of some of these, particularly during 2023 with videos like Nirvana's Nevermind but with the SM64 soundfont, they began feeling inescapable - often times sounding pretty low-effort to boot. I don't intend to shame anyone who's made these videos or anyone who enjoys them, of course, but...through how hard they aim to appease the algorithm that be, its difficult not to see these videos as attention-seeking first, and as creative endeavors second.
Which then brings us back to SiIvaGunner. Eight years in, and the channel's way of presenting its videos has remained thoroughly consistent, rain or shine - content in charting its own course. Narratively, this is actually playing to the channel's thematic core, something enforced all the way back in The Reboot story of Season 1, and that continues to be relevant over the years through rips like NIGHTMARESCAPE 〜Unrestrained HyperCam 2〜 (Final Boss Phase 2), and indeed through this very April Fools event. That core is simple: To never conform, to never restrict, to let the channel's team of artist continue doing what they love purely for love's sake, rather than to appease a crowd or a system. Throughout this April Fools day event, then, it was as if we were shown the twisted view on that core, the channel's rippers following the opposite creed - clickbaity titles and thumbnails, no core theme, often even lacking any regard for the tracks being remixed - several times the Wii Shop Channel theme was simply called "The Wii Theme", and of course the very notion of games having "soundfonts" is something that's woefully misinformed to begin with. Opening the entire event with Buddy Holly by Weezer but in the Mario 64 Soundfont set the stage perfectly - after all, what game more overused in "soundfont" edits than Super Mario 64, what album more trendy to playfully make fun of in 2024 than Weezer's Blue album, and what song from said album is more memed than its hit single, Buddy Holly?
Except, of course, this whole thing went one layer deeper. Throughout the four months that the season has been running for thus far, Season 8's running theme above all else has been pure silliness - everything from a Justin Bieber takeover, to an MLG day, to the currently-ongoing SpongeBob day embodies that theme perfectly. And at the helm of it all sits the Joke-Explainer 7000, the current in-universe manager of the channel. Her name doesn't lie: as we saw back in Joke-Explainer™ 7000 Fusion Collab, she do be Explaining the Jokes, and that was initially assumed to be the bit of this very April Fools bit, the titles like super mario 64 but it's in the buddy holly soundfont explaining the jokes of the event immediately. But forget not the point of April Fools as a holiday - to deceive. Indeed, though the titles suggest that the team are spending the day just explaining the joke of every rip uploaded, they're in reality just spoiling the supposed "premise". Listen to any one of them yourself, and you'll be given a bait-and-switch surprise which completely transforms the rip of choice. And as the day went on, these surprises only grew stranger and stranger...
SiIvaGunner's April Fools events have an incredible track record, as I've hopefully made clear in Our Sweet Parsley and Your Best Nightmario - but I think I can safely say this year's bit was at least the FUNNIEST one of them all. Every minute of the day felt like slipping deeper into insanity, made all the more clear the moment super mario 64 but it's in the buddy holly soundfont was uploaded - in a matter of hours, the event had gone from making fun of low-effort soundfont edits that very much DO exist on YouTube, to completely making up an entirely new tier of slop through the very idea of a "Buddy Holly Soundfont". In case it needs to be explained, "soundfonts" are used to refer to video games using sequenced music, wherein individual instruments are played note-by-note through data sent by the game, rather than being streamed from a recording - it is IMPOSSIBLE to derive a "soundfont" from songs like Buddy Holly, played on live instruments and saved as masters back in the 90s. That is the gag that super mario 64 but it's in the buddy holly soundfont is built on - the "instruments" used to recreate Bob-Omb Battlefield from Super Mario 64 are intentionally low-quality snippets taken from Buddy Holly, used just the same as Super Mario 64's sequenced instruments are used within soundfont edits.
The end result feels like getting splashed with cold water at every part of listening. Rivers' repeating "Whut" voiceline being used as the main melody for the first 40 seconds, for instance, is the kind of obviously "wrong" thing one would never seriously do in this sort of arrangement, yet it only serves to add to the joke here, of just how far we've fallen so deep into the event. The tinny guitar shredding, the low-effort thumbnail edit, the vocals suddenly being added onto the track, the bass being far deeper in the mix than it reasonably should be...it's an experience to behold, and just as you're letting it all sink in, the vocals are suddenly pitch-shifted to the quintessential SiIva meme, Grand Dad himself The Flintstones - its like the rip is poking fun at your misery, as to remind you that this IS indeed still SiIvaGunner, the bit is still going, you are merely along for SiIva's wild ride.
The entire event was RELENTLESSLY funny to see unfold from every angle. Be it experiencing every rip as it was uploaded, or seeing the comments' reactions to the gradual spiral of rot we were being taken on, or most importantly - realizing just how much fun the team must've still had finding ways to subvert expectations at every turn. Season 8 has been an absolute blast so far, and I cannot wait to see where its patented silliness takes us next - even if it'll be hard to surpass the shit we saw on this day, and the absolute state of things that super mario 64 but it's in the buddy holly soundfont represents. Truly one of the SiIvaGunner rips of all time.
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daintydoilypon · 3 months
So, I talked to my financial advisor, which I only have bc of my Inherited IRA. Even though I inherited various assets, I have a 2% CHANCE OF RETIRING at 67 if I have a job that pays less than 35k/year and only put $100/month into my new Roth IRA.
Even though I got a big leg up from those in my age bracket and below me, I'm STILL in red, to put that in perspective.
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Now, the stocks and things I invest into can accrue and that percentage will fluctuate, but, if they were to stay the same, it's a 2% chance. It went up to 3% this week, yeehaw, but until it hits like 75%, it's like a drop in the bucket. It can also change drastically if I were to get married because your retirement is also based on your spouse's assets. Like, my mom gets $800/month, but when my dad retires, it will go up to 1.2k. But I don't want to assume I'm gonna get married, I want to do things based on the worst case financial scenario.
I wanted to bring this up because a lot of my generation and younger aren't even being offered 401ks or pensions anymore, but you can start one yourself and put what you can in it. I do not pay my guy, he takes 1% of the gains from the IRA itself. It's actually less than that because my whole family is with him. I'm getting Silo in on it, so my whole family and him will get that deal. I can recommend my guy if you want in on the family/friends deal. It does NOT cost anything to start with him other than the initial amount you want to invest. I cannot say for other businesses, unfortunately.
But I really want to make sure y'all get a start on it because I'm considered late. They really recommend starting in your 20s since, if you start by your mid-30s, it gets significantly harder each year because you have to invest a higher percentage of your income into it. Thus why he recommended investing $500 / month for me because he projects the monthly costs for when I retire to be 4.5-6.5k/month. If you start earlier, you have a longer period of time for your investments to accrue, and you only have to put $100 or whatever you can. So, please, get at least a Roth IRA going. SPECIFICALLY A ROTH. It gets taxed going in, but when you take it out later in life when it's worth more, it won't be.
I cannot say for a brokerage, as I have not started that yet, but he does recommend one of those as well. Make sure to do your own research on that one.
I know some don't have the opportunity to talk to a Financial Advisor, because it may/may not cost money depending on who you go to, so I wanted to share what I was told. So, that's the general idea or scope of things, at least here in the States, so I hope this helps!
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samobservessonic · 11 months
Why do you want to read Sonic the Comic?
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The short answer is because it was my intro to the Sonic series as a whole, but I haven’t reread most of it since I was a kid. But I’ll go into a little more detail about that below the readmore, as well as outlining what I will and won’t be reading for this blog
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Sonic the Comic issue #80 rewired my brain and changed my life
Now, the first issue of StC that I bought as a kid was #80. I should add a disclaimer here that there was a kid I knew back then who recommended me the comics - she had issues #78 and #79, so I probably at least glimpsed those as well. But #80 was the first issue that I had for myself (and I still have my copy!), so that’s the one that gave me my first impression of Sonic
I’m sure StC fans will know why this issue was a big one and even Sonic fans who have a casual familiarity with StC will probably see Super Sonic on the cover and guess that a lot of stuff happens in this issue… and you’d be right! I’ll save the review for when I actually get to this issue in my reread, but the basic premise is that Sonic goes to visit his friend Porker Lewis on the Floating Island (later known as Angel Island in the games), where the chaos emeralds and master emerald are kept suspended above a giant… hole thing that holds their power (kid me didn’t ask questions, adult me still doesn’t). Sonic fell in this hole and got a full whack of their power, turning him into the evil Super Sonic who’s hellbent on destroying the last person who’d been on Sonic’s mind, who happened to be Amy Rose
The story ends on this cliffhanger and I can pin-point this single image as the reason I got into Sonic in the first place
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…Like, look at this!! The art is so cool! What’s going to happen to Amy Rose? Why has Sonic turned into a crazy powerful being who wants to kill her? I have to know more! I have to get the next issue and maybe devote my entire life to this series! Like, Super Sonic looks so powerful and Tails looks terrified of him! But Amy still looks quite calm and collected. Maybe she’s only just noticed Super Sonic zooming into the scene or maybe she’s just composed enough to not be as fearful of him as Tails is. Obviously, even without knowing anything about the series, I could tell that Amy is Sonic’s friend and I want her to be okay. But something about seeing her reaction in this panel made it seem like the “Next Issue: Amy vs Super Sonic!” advertised at the bottom of this page wouldn’t be as one-sided as some might expect it would be And that’s how, on (roughly) 21st June 1996, an 8-year-old who’d just spent their £1.20 pocket-money had their socks blown off by a Sonic comic (Out of curiosity, I looked up where Archie Sonic was at around this time and it was… issue #37! The Knuckles spin-off comics would also be released the month after this. But I wouldn’t know about the existence of either of these until later)
Now, 80 issues into an on-going series is obviously a late point to hop on, but I can honestly say that it never hindered me reading the comics as a kid. Every two weeks I’d get to see Sonic and his friends have adventures and sometimes they’d mention established lore that I might not have known, but it was easy just to write that off as something from an earlier issue and carry on Also, after a certain point, StC started to reprint older stories. Which was both a blessing and a curse, because on one hand it meant that I could catch up with older stories I hadn’t read before, but on the other hand it deprived the issues of newer stories, until the comic would eventually become entirely reprints from issue #185. Even so, I can confidently say that there are probably stories in the first 79 issues of the series that I’ve never read, so I’m looking forward to getting to those on my read-through So, will you stop reading at issue #184? While I intend to read from #1-184, the reprints issues do feature new covers from Richard Elson
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Many of which show newer takes on earlier stories, featuring the green-eyed Sonic of the modern era. So while it’s far away now, I’ll most-likely do a post about these covers to conclude my read-through. Although man, looking at #185’s cover in particular puts me right back into being there as a kid, expecting to see new stories, only to open the comic and get entirely reprints…
Will you be reading the non-Sonic stories?
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Early on in its run, StC featured stories from other SEGA titles of the time, before committing to being entirely about Sonic. While not to diminish the merits of these stories, I just don’t have the same familiarity with most of their source material that I do for Sonic, so I won’t be reading them. The exceptions being probably the Ecco stories (because I did play Ecco as a kid) and Decap Attack, because Decap Attack was still running after I started reading the comic and I remember enjoying it. But I won’t be blogging about either of these in the same way that I will be the Sonic comics themselves, so you won’t have to skim past posts about loads of other series to get to the Sonic stuff
What about the Sonic spin-offs?
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I will absolutely be reading these once I find or make a good reading-order that slots them into their proper place. The above summer ‘96 special was also one of my first StC issues and I remember it fondly
What about the Captain Plunder stories?
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Yep! Captain Plunder exists in Sonic’s universe and I enjoyed his standalone stories as a kid, so I’ll be including him in my reread Anything else?
For a time, StC included game reviews and ofc they also had a fanmail and fan art section, like Archie and IDW. For the most part, I’ll only be including small bits of these that I find interesting or relevant, but I won’t be talking about them wholesale. Though I’m sure that a Sonic comic’s reviews of Sonic games will be worth a look at
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motomamita · 2 years
Blood, Sweat and Ice. Part 2.
Part. 1
Pairing: Dark!Eddie Munson x Female!IceSkater!Reader
Summary: When eddie thought he had everything under control, the past returns putting everything at risk.
Warnings: smut, +18, manipulation, unprotected sex, creampie, breeding kink, pregnancy kink, mentions of depression, cursing, idk sis.
Do not translate or copy this!
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6 months later.
The summer sun was beating down with all its heat that afternoon in Hawkins. For that reason, almost all of the citizens were inside the StarCourt enjoying the air conditioning and the various varieties of food to enjoy the heat.
Eddie Munson was no exception. Sitting in one of the comfortable seats at Scoops Ahoy, he directed his gaze to the clock on the wall and the entrance to the premises. She would have to be arriving at any moment, and so she was.
(Y/n) was present at the premises when the clock reached 15:30 in the afternoon. She was wearing a white tank top that perfectly matched her torso. Eddie had seen her wearing that same garment a few days ago when he saw her leave class. She entered the place head down and trying to make as little eye contact as possible with the people who were there. To the rest she was invisible, but to Eddie she had become his whole world.
He continued to observe her clothing, surprised to see her wearing Bermuda shorts that reached above her knees. It was the first time in the last 6 months that she wore something that showed her legs, or at least a large part of them. Eddie knew this very well because he had been following her ever since. However, that garment seemed not to be to her liking because she was wearing a summer kimono that reached her ankles, hiding the multiple and visible scars. The summer heat had forced her to wear something cooler, but the insecurity on her legs led her to try to hide it as much as possible.
Eddie couldn't help but pout in saddnes. He adored her legs, and it seemed sad to see how hidden she was because of her insecurity. After all, those marks were for him a memory of the first contact with her.
(Y/n) approached the counter and hugged herself, hiding her legs with the long garment and admiring the variety of flavors. Robin Buckley wasted no time in approaching her to take her order. Eddie got up quickly from his place and walked up to them, standing next to (y/n) at a good distance.
"I recommend the lemon one. It is usually the most requested in this hot season." Robin spoke, looking up and meeting Eddie's watchful gaze.
"It's true, the lemon one is my favourite." Eddie commented placing one of his hands in the back pocket of his pants.
The attention of both girls went directly to him, especially that of (y/n) who had not noticed his presence near her. There was a silence that was interrupted by Steve Harrington, who had been watching a restless Eddie for half an hour.
"I'll take care of her, go to the cash register Robin." He ordered with a serious expression on his face, he didn't like Eddie's presence there. Much less close to (y/n) because he, like the whole group, knew what Eddie had done.
Robin didn't refuse and walked away, leaving the 3 of them in a tense silence.
"I think…I think I'll go for the lemon one." She timidly talked, puzzled by the whole situation. Steve nodded and began to assemble the ice cream.
"I want the same thing as this beauty." Eddie spoke, wobbling in place and then giving a flirtatious wink to the girl, who constantly flushed.
"I want the same thing as this beauty." Eddie spoke, wobbling in place and then giving a flirtatious wink to the girl, who instantly blushed.
"We don't do charity here, Munson. You have to pay to order." Harrington replied curtly.
"Who said I had no money, huh?" He asked amused as he took out a 2 for 1 coupon from one of the pockets of his leather jacket. "I'm going to pay for her ice cream, and you're going to give me mine for free."
"No need, I can pay for it myself..." (y/n) was interrupted by Eddie's voice.
"My treat, it's not every day you see girls as pretty as you, sweetheart." Eddie stroked her hair lovingly as she whispered 'thank you', surprised by his words. "Hurry up Big Boy, I don't want our sundaes to melt."
Steve tightened his grip on the spoon and bit down on her inner cheek, grudgingly complying.
And so, they both sat at one of the tables alone and began to get to know each other. Well, rather, Eddie reviewed almost all of (y/n)'s life as she told him about it, believing that this was new to him. The fact was that Eddie knew everything about her, or at least most of the events in her life since the last 6 months. He knew it was Billy Hargrove who found her in the locker room bleeding until she fell unconscious. He knew that the attack was the topic of conversation in all of Hawkins for at least the next 3 months. Billy had been singled out by the main culprit in the early days because of his reputation until evidence to the contrary was proven. Hargrove was released and it didn't take him long to accompany (y/n) for the first few weeks until he walked away from her, stating that he no longer felt the same way.
For her part, (y/n) had spent weeks in intensive care due to the severity of the cuts. Eddie had come to hurt part of her tendons, questioning whether she would be able to walk once she recovered. Miraculously, (y/n) was able to walk normally despite the discouraging initial diagnosis. However, her legs no longer had the strength of before, and that led her to never be able to ice skate again. Eddie knew that the news caused (y/n) to fall into a severe depression that led her to attend therapy every Thursday afternoon. There were also consequences due to the notable scars on her legs and the insecurity that showed them to the world. And finally there was the fear that this attacker would hurt her again. Because yes, the police never found a culprit despite having a lot of evidence and witnesses in front of their noses. So that incident had been forgotten by most, and that was in Eddie's favor.
Munson did not rest in those last months. Since that fateful night in the locker room, he had not stopped thinking about that girl. On her lips, her body and everything that had to do with her. He not only wanted to know more, but he also wanted to have her again. He wanted to be able to be a part of her life because she, without knowing it, was already a part of his. For that same reason, he investigated and followed her until he was finally able to approach her again. And this time, he would never let her go.
1 year later.
"Why are you in such a rush, Eds? I couldn't finish eating my birthday cake!" (y/n) groaned laughing as Eddie led her by the hand jogging back to his truck, away from the restaurant.
"Don't worry about it, I have a present at home that you will love!"
Eddie had accomplished his mission; now (y/n) was his girlfriend. Since that afternoon at Scoops Ahoy they had become inseparable and it wasn't long before they formalized a serious relationship. Eddie had managed to gain her absolute trust, and she had decided to give this boy a chance, who seemed to be everything she needed. Eddie adapted so that he could provide her with everything she needed, while she was more surprised every day by how right he seemed to be for her. He left substance and drug abuse behind, changing it to a total obsession with (y/n). He got a job as a guitar teacher in a school for children with different needs, and thus managed to earn a good reputation not only with the citizens but also with the parents of (y/n). She, for her part, was in her last year of high school and was preparing to teach as well, being an ice skating teacher for the younger children. Everything seemed to be going well, if not for Eddie's 'friends'.
Eddie drove to (y/n's) house. Once they got out of the truck, he covered her eyes with his bandana and helped her walk into the house. Laughing and stumbling they reached the living room, he removed the bandana from her eyes and the lights in the room came on.
"Surprise!" They yelled in unison.
There were Eddie's 'friends', who soon became friends with (y/n) after the two started dating. There were balloons everywhere and colored garlands were falling from the ceiling. Nancy Wheeler held a birthday cake in her hands with several candles burning and waiting to be blown out. (Y/n) didn't take long to approach and turn them off, she was still surprised by the presence of all her friends there. Robin Buckley was quick to put a birthday hat on (y/n), who laughed as Eddie struggled with his own hair to get into his own. Jonathan Byers wasted no time in helping Nancy with the cake, bringing plates and silverware to start cutting it.
Soon, everyone made themselves comfortable in the armchairs and tasted the cake while chatting calmly. (Y/n) was listening intently to Nancy talking about her upcoming skating competition. After the incident, the competition was postponed until weeks later, where Nancy won first place and began her winning streak until today.
"Well, well, well. We're tired of hearing how you win all the competitions, Nancy. We already know how talented you are." Eddie applauded drawing everyone's attention and winking mischievously at the one with curlers. "I think it's time for my girl to say a few words." He ran his hand over the bare thighs of (y/n), who had decided to put on a dress that showed much of her legs. "Come on, say something." He cheer her up
She put the plate on the table and quickly looked at everyone, looking for the words to start talking.
"Well, first of all I want to thank you guys for this beautiful surprise that you prepared for me. Seriously, I didn't expect it..."
"It was my idea." Eddie reported proud of how well all his preparations went. (Y/n) smiled at him and kept talking.
"This last year was one of the best of my life, counting this birthday." She couldn't hide her smile. "I never thought I would meet such wonderful people in my life, I am lucky to have them by my side."
Eddie reached out with one of his hands and smoothed (y/n's) hair, drawing his full attention.
"And Eddie...I really don't know where my life would be without you." Those present looked at each other out of the corner of their eyes, uncomfortable. "After what happened to me I thought no one would ever love me or accept me again. But you did and I am grateful to you."
"Oh my girl..." Eddie whispered with a small smile on his face.
"I am sure that destiny brought us together to never separate us. I am very happy with you." (y/n) smiled embarrassed at how cheesy her speech had become.
Eddie laughed and soon hugged her tight, hiding her head on his chest. Nancy and Jonathan smiled awkwardly, while Robin played with one of the goblins to avoid making visual contact with Eddie.
"I think it's time for everyone to go home." Steve Harrington spoke for the first time, tired of all the charade Eddie had gotten them into.
"So early? I wanted you to stay and open my presents." (y/n) pouted and got up from her place, imitating her friends who began to collect their jackets and bags.
"For next year it will be." Robin spoke walking towards the entrance.
"Besides, I'm sure the two of you will have a lot to do while your parents are away, (y/n)." Nancy commented mischievously, playfully tapping her friend's shoulder.
"That's right. Now, go, go, go!" Eddie pushed them slightly out of the house while the others said goodbye.
At midnight, Eddie got ready to wash the dishes while (y/n) opened the gifts that were on the table one by one. There were several and each one had the name of whoever brought it. Nancy and Jonathan brought her an agenda so that (y/n) could organize herself with her first skating classes. Robin gave her a record by her favorite band, and Steve several Scoops Ahoys coupons. (Y/n) smiled and placed each gift lovingly to one side. There was only one letter left on the table. She grabbed it and noticed that it had no name of who had made it. She was about to yell at Eddie to ask if it was his but stopped when she heard him sing while he was still in the kitchen.
Carefully, she opened the letter, took out the paper inside, and began to read.
'Eddie was the one who attacked you in the locker room. Nancy paid him to do it so she could win the competition. Now he's obsessed with you. Everyone in the group knows but no one dares to tell you. Be careful with Eddie.'
Her mind went blank, trying to process what she had read. It wasn't until Eddie's voice pulled her out of the trance, startling her.
"I'm done cleaning, now I want my dessert.. What are you reading?"
(Y/n) moved her hand to prevent Eddie from grabbing the letter but he was quicker, taking it from her hands and reading it instantly. When Eddie looked back at his girlfriend, she was glassy-eyed and shaking with fear or rage, or maybe both. He tried to get closer but she jerked back.
"Love... I don't know who dared to write such an atrocity but I swear..." Eddie put his hands to his chest and put on his best face of innocence.
"Do you swear to me what? That you will find him and attack him like you did me?" She raised her voice annoyed at his hypocrisy. "Are you going to cut off his hands? His neck, huh? Tell me Eddie! Why did you do it?! Why?!" Tears fell from her eyes.
"I would never be capable of something like that, you know me..." Eddie took a few steps closer and crouched down, trying not to look threatening to her.
"No, the truth is that I don't know you at all." Quickly all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place in her mind.
"Of course you do know me..."
"No, I only know the version you created to get to me. The version you used to gain my trust, my love, my life!" Eddie shook his head slightly, trying to convince her that she was wrong. "My life, Eddie! How much did my life cost? My legs and my career? 100 bucks? 200? Or maybe a blowjob from Nancy?"
"God, no! What are you talking about!? I... I never..." Eddie stammered nervously.
"Tell me it wasn't you." She spoke stern. "Tell me you weren't the one who abused me and ruined my life that night. Tell me, Eddie."
A sepulchral silence formed in the room. (Y/n) heard the beating of her own heart at a thousand per hour. Eddie was trying to talk to himself that he could still deny everything and fix the situation. Lie.
"I... I didn't..." He whispered looking into her eyes but he couldn't make eye contact. He was screwed. "Shit, shit, shit." Eddie looked down and hit his head with the palm of his hand repeatedly.
(Y/n) sobbed when she saw that it was all true. She had been dating the attacker, the person who ruined her life forever. She took advantage of the moment that Eddie was still distracted to get out of there. She wanted to run, she wanted to escape from him. Walk away. She tried to go out the door but Eddie blocked her.
"Where do you think you are going?" His voice came out grim. "To take refuge with your friends?" Eddie clenched his fist angrily.
"Anywhere is better if I'm far from you." She muttered angrily, staring at him. Eddie's eyes were no longer sweet and tender, but cold and full of hate.
"Are you going to sleep with idiot Steve?" Eddie looked down, taking a better look at the girl who was trying to calm down.
"Maybe." She responded defiantly.
"I'm sure it was him who wrote that. Damn bastard." He bit his lips angrily and looked at a fixed point on the wall. "You're not going anywhere, you hear me?" He looked at her again.
(Y/n) took a breath and pushed Eddie hard, out of her way and heading towards the front door. She heard his hurried footsteps behind her until he took her arm, holding her in place.
"Without me you are nobody, (y/n)." She turned to look at him in surprise. "Everything you have is thanks to ME."
"It isn't true." Eddie gave a mocking laugh when he saw her hurt by his words.
"Your 'friends' were mine first. Without me you would not have found your passion for teaching skating either..."
"You cut off my legs!" She interrupted him now crying with rage.
"I know, I know! I was wrong, maybe, I don't know!" Eddie raised his voice even higher, scaring her. "But thanks to that now you're better with me. Or do you think that Hargrove would have dated you longer? He only saw you as a hole to discharge his sexual desires."
"Don't talk about Billy..." Tears fell from the girl's eyes.
"Look at him now! He left as soon as he saw your legs! He can't bear the thought of being with someone like you!" Eddie brought his other hand to the girl's cheek. "On the other hand, I loved you from the moment I saw you on the track. And even more after your recovery." He softened the tone of his voice, trying not to scare her further. "I really love you, (y/n). I was the one who helped you not to feel ashamed of who you are, but proud of being able to get out of a situation like this."
"You doomed me, Eddie." She cry.
"No, no, no. I didn't." Eddie knelt in front of her, bringing his hands to her waist and holding on tight. "I was responsible for us being together now, happy with each other. Don't you see, I adore you with all my damn soul. I was wrong, I admit it. But this is not the time to repent and look back, there is keep going."
(y/n) brought one of her hands to Eddie's cheek, caressing him. I was falling into his trap again. Falling before the king of manipulation that was Edwards Munson.
"What I want most now is a future with you and no one else. But I need you to trust me, that you know how to forgive me and accept that everything I did was because I love you." Eddie whispered as the first tears began to fall from his brown eyes. "Say it, love. Say you trust me."
(Y/n) closed her eyes, focusing on Eddie's caresses on her waist and on his sobs. She was not going to deny it, she loved him very much.
"I trust you." She finally spoke opening her eyes and looking at him. Eddie smiled happily, stopping crying.
"To show you how much I love you, I want to start over with you, (y/n). Hawkins is no longer safe for us." She shook her head slightly, according to his words. "There are a lot of people here who want to hurt us. Hurt you. And I'm not going to allow that."
"What will we do then?" She asked, totally swayed by him.
"We're getting the fuck out of this town. We're going to Houston." Eddie stated, still kneeling in front of her.
"I have money saved, we can buy the tickets and go together. I have some friends there who can give us a hand, until I get a job." Eddie already had everything planned for weeks. It was smelled that someone would end up telling the truth.
"And the skating?.."
"You can teach there. I know that there are many more opportunities there and several tracks need teachers. I want you to fulfill your dream." Eddie took one of his hands and put it on her belly, caressing it. "We can start a family. We can start now. I know how much you love children, and so do I. What do you say, is that what you want?" He looked at her with his doggy eyes, completely convincing her.
"Yes, Eddie. I want to start a family with you, far, far away from here."
"That's my girl." Eddie growled, picking her up in a bridal fashion and carrying her to her room.
Both undressed between kisses, caresses and praises. Eddie took the opportunity to offer special affection to her legs, biting them lightly and leaving a trail of kisses on her skin. No more was needed, she was ready.
Eddie plunged his eager cock into her, sighing in pleasure at the same time. He barely gave her a few seconds to adjust before moving his hips in a desperate rhythm, reaching deep inside her. He was anxious to make her his, to start a family and have her by his side forever.
"God, I can't imagine a life without you. Agh!" Eddie whimpered, burying his head in her neck. "You're perfect, perfect for me. And this pussy is too..."
The thrusting didn't stop, and neither did the moans. (Y/n) was so absorbed by the pleasure that she couldn't speak, barely understanding what Eddie whispered to her.
"Fuck Hargrove and Harrington. You're mine, all mine." Eddie got up and placed one of his hands on her waist, thrusting into her hard. "I will never let you go." He murmured, his voice cracking with pleasure.
"Ed...Eddie!" She moaned, bringing her hand to his wet curls, caressing him and keeping him as close as possible to her.
Eddie lowered the hand that was on her waist and rubbed in quick circles (y/n)'s swollen clit. He couldn't help but laugh when he saw her back arched and her eyes closed with pleasure.
"That's right, that's right. I'm going to cum inside you, my girl. I'm going to give you my children as many times as it takes." Eddie closed his eyes as he felt her contract around him. "You're going to give me some beautiful babies. So cute I won't stop until I have 10 mini Eddies running all over the house."
(Y/n) hugged him around the waist with her legs, pulling him closer and making the thrusts even deeper, hitting her cervix with his cock. That took her to the limit, coming hard even with Eddie fucking her.
"Good girl, that's it. You'll be the most beautiful mom all of Houston is ever going to see. All those bitches are going to be jealous of you and how adorable you'll look with my son in your belly." (y/n) nodded her head quickly, shaken by her orgasm. Eddie looked into her eyes, bringing his hand to her forehead, wiping away the beads of sweat.
"Give me your babies, Eddie! Please, please..." she moaned, gripping his hair tighter and pulling a loud moan from his mouth.
"I'm going to cum, I'm going to cum..." He repeated until his orgasm arrived.
A hoarse moan escaped Eddie's throat as his warm cum filled (y/n's) tight cunt. They both closed their eyes, enjoying the new sensation and the future together. Eddie joined their foreheads still breathing hard and still without coming out of it, he really wanted to make sure to get her pregnant.
Once they both managed to calm down, they lay in their arms around each other and stared at the ceiling. Silent until Eddie decided to speak.
"I have a present for you." He muttered with his hoarse voice. He slowly got out of bed under her watchful eye and approached until he took something out of one of the pockets of his jacket. "Here." He spread it out.
(Y/n) sat up and grabbed the small silver box in front of her. Without waiting any longer, she opened it anxiously to find a necklace of the same color. From it dangled a charm of a skate, along with a small 'E'.
"Do you like it?" Eddie asked with a smile on his face.
"I love it! It's beautiful, Eds!" she exclaimed excitedly. "Thanks thanks!"
"The best for my girl. Now, let me put it on you."
(Y/n) turned around and Eddie carefully placed the collar on her. Turning around, they both admired the gift in silence, still stunned by it all.
"I can't wait to start a new life with you, a better one." She murmured looking at him in love. Eddie smiled at her, caressing her lips and chin gently.
"Me neither, beautiful."
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myrtles-and-blood · 2 days
Hey 👋🏼
I'm not new to deity worship and deity work because I worship and work with two deities, but for a couple of weeks I've been really into reading about Lucifer. Honestly I had a fascination with him since I was little but through the Christian lenses (I would read and watch videos about his fall from Heaven and get into debates with friends about it lol). I wasn't raised as an avid Christian so I never really perceived him as all evil and scary as he is depicted.
Anyway, after stumbling my mind around him again I asked someone for a reading. I asked if he was trying to reach me, they said that it's another deity and that Lucifer said everything will be fine. That deity doesn't want to stick for long and doesn't want to have a place on the altar, so that's not the point here. The point is that I have some questions regarding Lucifer.
1. Do you have some sources about him? Idk if I'll be able to get into them but I'll try.
2. Does he send you any signs that he's reaching out to you or did you reach out to him? If you did, can I ask how?
3. How's your relationship with him and what divination tools you usually use to communicate with him?
I think these are the questions I have for now. I know that you can reach out to deities but I feel shy about it ig? I think I'm a bit intimidated by the idea of doing so and I have a lot of doubts about his reasons why he would reach out to me. I don't practice daily and I don't speak with my deities as much as I want to.
Ig that's all? It's fine if you don't feel comfortable answering some of these questions.
Hello! I'm happy you feel curious towards him. I felt the same for a long time. I always felt some kind of fascination for him and demons in general since I was a kid. But now, regarding your questions:
1) I myself am currently still learning about him. In my opinion, his Wikipedia is a really good place to start. It talks about the history behind him, as well as how he's related to Roman/Greek deities and planet Venus. I would also suggest looking into the etymology of his name and where his name is mentioned in the Bible, just to understand his background. If you want to focus your practice on Demonolatry, I'm reading "The complete book of Demonolatry" by S. Connolly and for now it is very interesting. It talks about demons in general, obviously, but to worship him as a demon, or any demon, I think it's important to read about the topic as a whole and then focus your practice on whatever feels right. I'd also suggest looking into depictions of him and the symbolism of the works. If anyone wants to, feel free to recommend any sources you find interesting about him (that'll help me too ;) ).
2) The story is interesting. I was not practicing anything at the moment, but for a small assignment I had to write a short story/poem/something nice. I really wanted to write something related to religion because I, obviously, find it really interesting. My idea was to write something about the resentment of Lucifer towards God, but it was late and the ideas weren't flowing. So my inexperienced silly head decided to call upon a literal demon to help me write it, and there was Lucifer. Nothing bad happened, but he was extremely scary. His energy in the environment was just very heavy, idk. The thing is I talked to him (I stuttered the whole time) and he helped me write one of the best things I've written, imo it was very good work, and I got a really good grade. After that I just thanked him and we never talked again, but I felt such fascination for him after our conversation that I had to reach out to him again months later, because the idea of worshipping him wouldn't leave my mind. I reached out and he told me "alright, do whatever you want but I don't think you'll last much, you'll get bored and walk away" (this is related to personal experiences that i won't get in depth with here), so I'm here out of spite (and love), but I think that's what he wanted. As for how I reached out, I just got tired of being obsessed with him and told him "Hey I really wanna work with you in [thing] and it's been like this for months can we please do that I think I'm going insane", a bit dramatic but he got the message. I have a small theory that he just wanted me to have initiative and talk to him, so thinking about him was The Big Sign.
3) I personally prefer to keep some details to myself, but he is very fatherly towards me. Usually if I don't know what to do in a situation I just ask him and he gives pretty good advice. Sometimes I start thinking and light his candle to talk about that though out loud to him. Sometimes he just listens, sometimes he gives counter points. Generally he just likes to hear what I think. For long answers I use tarot, for short ones I use a pendulum, but I usually get certain stuff through clairsenses. Small stuff, though. I can't have a full conversation through clairsenses.
Small piece of advice: Maybe you don't get why he wants to reach out, but he has his own reasons to do so. Maybe he likes your jam, maybe he can help you with something... Whatever it is, he is interested, and that's what matters. You don't have to be an exceptionally special human for a deity to be interested in you. It's like having a cat: maybe they're a bit ugly, a bit silly, a bit stupid, but you like them, with those quirks included.
The fact that you're interested in him is very much a sign that, in my humble opinion, you should reach out to him. He is scary, he is intimidating, but he can also be the sweetest. He won't get mad at you for wanting to worship him, if that concerns you.
He is very, very patient with me. So if you're respectful and a bit more organised than I am, I don't think you'll have any trouble lol. I hope I helped you in any way with my experience, even though it is very limited. We're all learning here and I make mistakes all the time, Lucifer knows that very well. 🙆🏻‍♀️
Much love 🫶🏻
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cagemasterfantasy · 2 months
3rd life Remastered Part 1 (Session 1)
Hello dear reader and welcome to 3rd life remastered a few things before you continue reading. First off it is highly recommended to read the prologue before this it will give you vital information about the rules of this book. Secondly the people portrayed in this story are real but are used in a fictional manner. None of what they say or deal is real this is all satire so do not go harrass the people in this book for it please. Third and this is the most important thing the main purpose of this story is to help raise awareness for those struggling with mental health and thus my warning. This story contains touchy topics of suicide and self-harm please do not read this if you are sensitive to that stuff if you aren't then please read with caution. This story is not for the faint of heart. With that said enjoy my first book
Grian says to everyone at spawn but me who is currently not there "Hello everyone and welcome to 3rd life remastered we have the whole crew here but where could our mystery player be?" I am currently running away from the group off of there camera as Grian says "That's right our mystery player is already in the server with us but he is hidden somewhere on this map stay tuned maybe you'll see who it is."
My name is TheFlyingSlime I run a Youtube channel by the same name and go by Slimer. I have been doing Youtube for the past 10 years and have 6.5 million subscribers and have no intentions of stopping anytime soon. I have collabed with everyone in the Life Series at least once (Mainly Grian as he lives 20 minutes away from me) and now I am finally a member of the Life Series. I am happy. I am fine. Nothing could go wrong..... at least that's what I want everyone to think but deep down there is a dark secret that I am hiding from everyone else. See I caught my wife Laura cheating on me 2 months ago and a few weeks later she divorced me right in front of Grian. What he doesn't know is that did a massive spike to my sanity. I lost almost everything. I am now stuck in a tiny apartment with not much but the one person (Grian aside) that I have left my 2 year old Golden Retriever Rylee. And I still got to keep my computer mic headphones and Camera. Aside from that. I am not not happy. I am not fine. Something could go wrong at any minute. I just don't want them finding out. Little did I know they were about to find out in the worst way possible. This is the day where it all began.
I find myself at the Cherry Blossom Biome after wandering a bit I find myself at an Ocean Biome. "Perfect" I say. "What's going on guys Slimer here and welcome to 3rd Life Remastered. That's right I'm the mystery player. And everyone who isn't subscribed doesn't know that yet. Now like always let's see how I unintentionally embarrass myself my slimelets (What I call my followers). And we found a Ocean Biome so-" "Hello is someone there?" "That better not be" I see Smajor1995 emerge from the Cherry Blossom with TangoTek behind him. "Eyyy my buddies" Scott: That's right guys our mystery player is none other than Slimer. The one I beat big time at Bedwars. TangoTek: And I lost miserably in that round. "Well you still beat me in TNT Run" TangoTek: I suppose that's true. So whatcha doin here? "I'm thinking of building a pirate ship here. Interested?" Scott: "Not a bad idea if you don't mind someone sneaking up and setting the whole thing on fire but I like it" I look happy "Great so let's set out for materials leave the trees close to the shore alone I have an idea for an alarm system" Tango: And what's that "I'm going to the Ancient City to set up Shulk Shriekers" Scott looks at me like I just turned into an Elephant Scott: Are you absolutely insane one mess up and you're dead "Look I just think that the Shriekers will alert us if someone approaches" A message then appears in everyone's chat saying the Boogeyman and partner are being chosen in 1 minute. "Hey if any of us get chosen can we make an agreement?" Tango: What is it? "If any of us is the Boogeyman or the Partner can we agree that we won't kill each other?" Scott: "Of course of course we won't- Hey there's a name coming from the trees." "Oh no it's Jimmy the loser" Jimmy: "HEY I am not a loser" The message 5....4.......3..........2...........1.............You are.......................................Not the Boogeyman or Partner
Everyone present breathes a sigh of relief simultaneously. "Anyway loser what are you doing here?" Jimmy: So our mystery player is Slimer eh btw I'm not the only one who's here. "Yeah Scott and Tango are with me too" Jimmy: And 2 other people. "Who?" I then hear 2 voices "Bdubs and Scar huh? HAHAHAHAHA WHAT'S GOOD" Scar: Hey there so you're our mystery player huh? Bdubs: What's going on Slimer? Hhahahahahah "My 2 favorite people" Scott and Tango simultaneously say "HEY WHAT ABOUT US?" "Hey I like you guys too hey everyone I was thinking of making a pirate ship called Pirate's Cove everyone in" Scar: Oooooh I like the sound of that Bdubs: I've always wanted to be a pirate I'm in Jimmy: Pirates eh? Can't say I haven't thought of that before. Eh why not? "Alright let's get our resources I meanwhile am heading to the Ancient City for Skulk Shriekers" Jimmy: Seems I'm not Jimmy the loser for long you're gonna die "No I won't I'm sneaky I'm stealthy and I know how to troll and use mods" Scar: "And unintentionally embarrass yourself I may add" Rylee lays down in my lap "Aww hi Ry Ry" Bdubs: Aww I wish I could have a fluffy puppy "Then go adopt a fluffy puppy" I say as I head to the ancient city after setting my spawn on the beach
I finally make it to the deep dark and water bucket clutch and sneak immediately whispering "ooooooh that was close look at how close I was to that" I then start to hear voices in my head "Your teamates don't care about you" They will just use your for your own gains" I put my hands on my head and grunt reaching for my inhaler as a panic attack starts and I'm breathing heavily "You should just give up you aren't fit for the Life Series" I put my inhaler in my mouth and see Etho's name Etho: "Hey Slimer *he says whispering* you ok? you sound out of breath" I don't respond right away Etho: "Slimer hey focus" I snap back into reality Me: Oh hey Etho *I accidentely trigger a Shrieker and whisper* Oh no that's strike 1 for me" Etho: Yeah be quiet less you want to get obliterated" Me: Ok ok *I say whispering* So why are you hear?" Etho: Trying to get some loot before everyone else you?" Me: Using the Shriekers as alarm systems for my base" Mumbo then suddenly falls from the ceiling and water bucket clutches Me: AHHHHHHHHHHHH *I activate another Shrieker* Etho: I told you to be quiet" Me: Excuse me for getting spooked by a falling mustache Mr.Ninja" Mumbo pulls out a spyglass and whispers Aha Me: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" strike 3 the Warden is summoned as we all scatter Etho follows me and I get an uneasy feeling Etho: Don't worry I have your back" After a few minutes Etho pulls out a iron sword and hits me with it Me: NOOO" The Warden who's nearby hears me and fires a sonic blast at me dealing a huge chunk of damage to me although I do manage to get away Etho is hot on my tail as soon as he sees Mumbo he shouts Etho: He's getting away get him" Mumbo then charges at me and criticals me I try to fight back but I'm on my last heart and Etho gets the kill as the message "TheFlyingSlime was slain by Ethoslab" appears and everyone of the players in the chat go wild.
I am in utter disbelief as I respawn at the now complete ship everyone in utter disbelief but still laughing a bit. Scar: You didn't you died to the Bogey huh?" Jimmy: WHO'S THE LOSER NOW" I am not there I am hearing the voices again "You should just give up you aren't going to win" "You're pathetic you're a big fat letdown who'll never be good at anything" *I hear mocking laughing as I snapped back into reality* Bdubs: Hey Earth to Slimer what happened?" I shake my head Me: Er right Etho was the Boogeyman and I'm NOW THE FIRST YELLOW NAME" Scott: Calm down alright it's not that big of a deal what happened?
I take a deep breath and begin talking Me: I went down there and Etho was down there I forgot to whisper and accidentally activated a Shrieker that was strike 1. Strike 2 a mustache fell from the ceiling. and caused me to scream. Jimmy: MUMBO WAS THE PARTNER? Me: Yes but I didn't know right away but strike 3 he did that stupid AHA with the spyglass and he knows very well I hate that. So I shouted NOOOOOOOOO and that was strike 3. Got an uneasy feeling while Etho was following me he attacked me Warden sonic blasted me Mumbo criticaled me and you know what happens next. Scott: Well we sure aren't letting Etho or Mumbo near here we'll protect you until we turn Red that is our agreement" Bdubs: Yeah that wasn't cool what they did picking on the new guy. I could take both of them" Me: Honestly I could have taken them if Mumbo hadn't gotten a crit.
After some more building Pirates Cove is officially finished.
Tango: Hey since you are Yellow and you went through a lot down there you can be the captain" Bdubs: Hey why can't we be the captain?" I lean into my mic and do my best Bdubs impression Me: There's lava up here" Everyone but Bdubs bursts out laughing Bdubs: Stop bringing that up" Me: Then stop making your deaths so hilariously funny" Another death message appears "Bigbst4tz2 hit the ground too hard while trying to escape Grian" Scott: Are you kidding me not even an hour after this one dies you should stay in the captain's quarters and Not. Leave. The. Ship" "You don't need to tell me twice" Grian types in the chat No I am not the Bogey I was the Partner but I helped the Bogey get a kill and that Bogey was Tay. For the record it still counts if the Partner gets a kill so long as the Bogey also participated and gets a hit Me: I will keep that in mind"
I go into the Captains quarters and see Tnt Cannons as Tango comes back Tango: Got some more Redstone for the cannons." Scott: Our Captain Slimer is still holed up in there we aren't taking any chances losing our captain" Tango: Slimer you ok to talk? Me: Come on in Tango I trust you" Tango: Hey we made an agreement not to kill each other so long as we aren't red remember" Me: Enter then" Tango enters and goes to the cannons Tango: Made these myself ready to watch them fire off? Me: You know it" As Tango fires one off Cleo comes out from the treeline and narrowly avoids getting hit and everyone is laughing as Cleo storms over to the ship Cleo: WHICH ONE OF YOU BUFFOONS WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT" Me and Tango exit and see Cleo Cleo: Well well well Tango and Slimer what an absolute surprise Me: Tango was the one who fired the cannon" Tango: Nice going" Cleo: Are you absolutely mental? Me: To his credit we didn't expect you to be coming out of the treeline and almost get hit" Cleo: I actually came over to join you guys and see what you were up to and I almost get blown up and I see you have Jimmy with you that's a bad choice and Scar as well why am I not surprised" Scar: Hey back off we both lost pets this year and he feeds me with a ton of juicy Star Wars content and on top of that me and him are both medical buddies me having Neuromusclar disease and him having Asthma" Scott: Yeah he has Chronic Lung Cancer go a bit easy on him" Me: Scott thanks but please don't joke about that please it's not funny" Scott: I was being serious" I start to hear the voices again "Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? They don't care about you making jokes at your expense. They don't love you at all" Me: Not again Bdubs: What's wrong" Jimmy: Are you feeling ok?" Scar: Hey is your Asthma kicking in?" I start breathing little heavily "Just accept your fate you useless worm nobody will miss you" Bdubs: HEY EARTH TO SLIMER Cleo: Slimer why have you gone quiet?" I suddenly snap out of it Me: Oh uh sorry I was just thinking how funny it would have been if Cleo died and became yellow like me" Cleo: THAT IS NOT FUNNY" Jimmy: It is a little funny" Cleo: I'll show you funny" Me: Hey let's not fight on my ship please"
Grian then types in the chat end of session everyone to spawn
As we head to spawn Grian is there with Impulse and Pearl there
Grian: Explain to everyone why you're in the center and why" Impulse: I was the next Bogey and couldn't get a kill Pearl: I was the partner and couldn't help to get a kill Grian: So as punishment the server is going to be giving you a extremely hard task if you do not complete it by the end of next session you immediately become Red if you are not already. Me: Question? Grian: Yes? Me: What if you're Red and you don't complete the task Grian: Then you are immediately eliminated at the end of the session in front of everyone that still remains. Assuming you're still alive that is and believe me the Red tasks are brutal." Me: What about the Partner? Grian: The Partner doesn't get a task it's whoever the Bogey is. Oh and I know what you're going to ask and yes if you are a Red Name like in Secret Life you are allowed to sabotage the one with the task with one guess and immediately cause to fail should you guess right. However if someone that is yellow or green guesses it you are not counted as failing unless the task specifically says that you fail if someone calls you out. And finally yes you are only allowed to share what your task is to The Partner and nobody else unless the task says otherwise."
Purple swirls surround Impulse and a book appears in his hand Impulse: Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
The voices begin again as I am about to join the Discord and chat with the rest of the players in a group call but first I send my footage to my editor @doodl3 and tell her "Here's your footage go on and laugh if you want I embarrassed myself yet again like I always do" Then the voices pick up "Liar" "Deceiver"
End of part 1 next is the Irl segment part 1
Prologue Next
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handweavers · 1 year
kiran this is my uhh fourth? year of promising to sew myself a livable summer wardrobe pls pray with me that it’ll be my first year of Actually doing it <3 and also, as always... what are your fave summer patterns?
omg you can do it i believe in you!! i always find that the most difficult part is getting started, once you get into the groove of it and sewing things it becomes addictive to just keep popping out garments, it always happens to me i'll go months without touching my sewing machine and then i'll sit down to sew a pair of pants or a shirt and a few days later i've sewn 5 whole new garments and i don't even know how i got there lmfao.
my summer patterns are probably different than most because i can't wear shorts or short sleeved clothing outside in the heat or my skin explodes, but i have a set of patterns that i make in lightweight linen or cotton and even though they're long pants and long sleeves they're soooo comfortable even on the hottest days. i also run hot year round so i wear these in winter too just with extra layers lol
- the fremantle pants and the cornell shirt from elbe textiles. i think i've made the fremantle pants 6 times now and while i change a few things about the construction process to suit my preference (i prefer a different method for attaching the waistband) they're literally my favourite pants ever. cornell shirt is also fantastic, i like view 1 which has a button placket that goes halfway down the shirt but not fully. i like to sew it using lightweight cotton esp fabric i've gotten from india and that combo makes it function like a short modern kurti/traditional desi shirt pattern for me and i love it
- all well cardigan coat by all well workshop. the hacking guide for this is awesome, i've made several different versions of this coat in midweight linens and cottons and they are the perfect method of protecting my arms from the sun if i want to wear a short sleeved shirt that day as well as for layering, and i always make them long with huge pockets so they're so functional and comfy
- harper tunic by elizabeth suzann studio. another shirt i've made several times to the extent that i use this pattern as a base whenever i want to make a new shirt. i made the hem straight instead of asymmetrical and i removed the pocket, and shortened the length of the tunic and it makes an awesome basic woven tee pattern for me. i can whip out a hacked shirt in this pattern in like 4 hours, highly recommend
- cap sleeve shirt from the assembly line. this is a new-to-me pattern that i'm currently using for the first time to make a shirt, and its great. similar basic silhouette as the harper tunic but it has a button placket and standing straight collar so i like having that built into the pattern.
- morocco pants from the fabrics store. awesome simple pants that are very comfy, but they work extremely well when cut into shorts. i can't wear shorts outside during the day but i still like to wear them at home/inside in the summer esp for sleeping, and i always use my hacked version of this pattern for that. so simple, so perfect.
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menlove · 1 year
not sure how much traction this will get but! I just got top surgery friday and here's a short list of things I either wish I was told or wish was talked about more that might help some others!
you have to be so so so careful with what meds you take in the month/weeks leading up to surgery. I fucked up and got mine delayed by over a month because my adhd mixed up ibuprofen and tylenol. check the packet they give you a million times and if you're unsure about absolutely anything, ask. but in general: tylenol is the only pain med that's okay to take in the week leading up to surgery. be honest about alcohol/drug use because there's specific instructions for those as well.
a lot of insurances will need you to make sure it's coded as gender affirming surgery rather than plastic surgery or they won't cover as much of it. make sure you ask your insurance if there's anything like that that might screw you over later.
if you have a chronic condition like I do (type 1 diabetes) you and your surgeon might find it best if you stay overnight. if not, you'll likely be sent home day of so make sure you have a responsible adult that can drive you to and from your surgery.
if you are fat, that is totally okay and there's plenty of surgeons that will work with you. however, make sure your surgeon/hospital doesn't have a bmi/weight limit. it's bullshit and completely unfair, but you may have to look elsewhere (I'm lucky and my surgeon was amazing about that). besides, they probably aren't very good at their job if they have that and you'll find better care with another surgeon anyway
speaking of being fat and getting top surgery, ofc it's all personal preference, but I'd really recommend considering leaving some fat on your chest. fat cis men have some fat on their chests and it's easy for it to look concave if your surgeon removes all the fat. discuss some options w your surgeon and look up post op pics of other fat people that have had top surgery to find stuff similar to what you're going for!
they are going to put you on strong pain meds after, probably oxycodone. if you have a history of addiction or a family history, be aware of that and talk to your doctor about other options if you would rather not take it. if you've never taken oxy before, nausea is a super common symptom so you can totally ask your doctor to prescribe you an anti nausea medication to take alongside it. it doesn't always 100% help so I would also recommend making sure you don't take it on an empty stomach.
honestly, for me the pain hasn't reached above a 6. everyone is different ofc but it's a very dull achey sort of pain. the worst parts, according to me and others I've known who've gotten top surgery, are: nausea, itching, fatigue, constipation, the drainage tubes tugging (and if you don't have gauze under them like I do, chafing), and for me I've started to get back pain from having to sleep sitting up
have a ton of pillows on hand because you're going to have to sleep sitting almost the entire way up on your back. it sucks.
have easy to open and grab snacks piled up! even if you have someone around to help you, sometimes you won't have an appetite for a whole meal and it's always nice to still be independent
speaking of constipation, invest in some milk of magnesia or ask for medication to be prescribed to help you with it. the anasthesia and oxy are gonna work together to make you miserable on that front.
drink plenty of water! make it fun w packets if you have to but your body just went through major trauma and you're going to need it
every surgeon/hospital has different instructions. I see a lot of these posts and they'll list certain things as total fact that are completely contradictory to what I've been told and what my boyfriend was told when he got his. this isn't to say either one is correct, but in general take these posts with a grain of salt and go with whatever your surgeon/hospital instructs you to do. especially as far as exercise, arm movement, showering, etc is concerned.
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 4 months
Hello!!! :D Hope you've been having a nice day so far! 💖
For whe writers truth & dare ask game: 🍓🥤🦷🏜️🥐
hi!!!! you too!!!!! it's been pretty uneventful for me lol.
thanks for the ask!!
heres the ask game if anyone wants to see it.
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
It was elementary school. 5th grade or so, but I was deeply invested in TMNT 2012 with a few of my friends. We would all talk about it, and at one point I wrote a little story in my notebook by hand without knowing what it was called about the show (its long since lost in a flood that happened years ago rip) but I found ff.net months later because I had two infatuations. TMNT 2012 and the original teen titans. I even remember reading fanfic on deviantart. I was really big into April and Donnie and Beast Boy and Raven. I didn't start posting anything until my Wattpad days around 14-16. That was about bandom, Pitch Perfect, then Citrus (I have made bad choices and I meme on myself now but I was JUST THAT STARVED for wlw ships.) Anyway wattpad account got deleted and there was a whole thing where my email got hacked and everything just is gone. (its really soulcrushing to lose work like that). But yeah!! I got back into fanfic during 2020 and the pandemic because I had watched a movie and just decided to write for it. I don't recommend reading anything of that era because it's cringe and just... no.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Can I give multiple fanfics I love though?? I can't add everyone due to time but I'll give a couple.
1.) learning how to be (with you by my side) by uniqueusernamegenerator (<- THIS is my favorite toh fanfic) 2.) I’ll Catch You by Black_Cat_Autumn 3.) all i got is my heart (and my pride) 4.) warm coffee, summer blues by uniqueusernamegenerator 5.) "I love you," ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? by kfaerie 6.) The Rest is History by amityadmirer for Shannon_shannon_shannon 7.) No Tip Necessary by Rohad 8.) i want you to be here (but please don’t come near) by stongrays 9.) Tallmity and Petite Luz future au by the_Shan_yousee 10.) You're My Rainbow in the Dark (HAITUS) by Underw0rld
Arcane: 1.)the oldest game by thehaakun 2.) the heart is a bullet by thehaakun 3.) The World Ends, Or Doesn't by Misthios 4.) how big, how blue (how beautiful) by panglosian
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Story sprints are a godsend. Also plotting helps alongside voice memos. I don't really have someone to bounce ideas off of but it helps me to verbalize what I'm thinking if I'm stuck so sometimes I talk through what I'm thinking aloud. Also making playlists or mood boards/collages of character outfits. Just giving you a more visual aspect of what you want to write.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Just genuine praise of my work feels nice. I don't get comments often. Sometimes they give me anxiety too. Maybe if you have any pointers of my fic to say something like that??
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
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makeste · 2 years
update part two: THE SPOILERING
I am, however, assuming that something like 90% of this blog's readership does, in fact, know exactly what this post is about, which is why we are going to TALK ABOUT IT right here and right now underneath this tidy read-more.
okay, so! gonna stick with the random imaginary Q&A format from my other post just to make things easier.
1. "wow makeste, way to randomly go on spoiler lockdown hiatus for NINE WHOLE MONTHS only to MAGNIFICENTLY DROP THE BALL by running smack dab into THE BIGGEST BNHA SPOILER OF ALL TIME."
I know right??
2. "so what do you have to say for yourself."
short version: I made the critical tactical error of existing as a human being in the general vicinity of the internet in early August 2022. very poor move on my part. rookie mistake.
long version: so there I was, minding my own business, watching the trailer for BnHA season 6, as one does. when out of nowhere, YouTube's algorithm decided to be all "OH? THIS PERSON LIKES MY HERO ACADEMIA? BOY DO I HAVE A RECOMMENDATION FOR THEM." next thing I know, I'm scrolling through my YT home page and ALL OF A SUDDEN THERE'S A DETAILED PICTURE OF MY SON'S MANGLED BLOODY CORPSE, RIGHT NEXT TO AN ALL-CAPS DESCRIPTION READING -- I SHIT YOU NOT -- "BAKUGOU REALLY JUST DIED!!! THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!"
seriously though. that is word-for-word verbatim what it said. the internet literally got right up in my face and said "OHOHO!! LOOKS LIKE SOMEBODY FORGOT TO DELETE LITERALLY ONE SINGLE MHA-RELATED VIDEO FROM THEIR WATCH HISTORY! TIME TO DESTROY HALF A YEAR'S WORTH OF PAINSTAKINGLY DILIGENT SPOILER AVOIDANCE IN ONE EARTH-SHATTERING BLOW!" and just like that, my miraculous fate-tempting seven month spoiler-free streak came to an end. the sequel to blah blah SIXQUIRKS. something something BAKUGOU DIED. JUST THOUGHT WE'D SHARE THAT LITTLE UPDATE WITH YOU. HAVE A GOOD ONE, AND DRIVE SAFE!
so naturally my first reaction was basically just. looooooool :) :) :) what the fuck.
here I am. a working mom. who left her seventeen-year-old fictional son in the care of a 36-year-old Japanese man for the better part of a year because HE SAID he would take good care of him. Jump Festa 2022!! quote unquote!! "I’ve said this to Okamoto [Nobuhiko]-kun in LINE, but Katsuki will be having his greatest scene in the manga in future developments. I hope people who like Katsuki and hate Katsuki will look forward to it." bruh. we have the receipts right here! "greatest scene," he said! oh, goody, I said! something to look forward to when I finally have the time to catch up! "yes," Horikoshi smiles evilly. "something to look forward to, indeed." this fucking guy. can you even believe.
and just to be clear, when I say that I was otherwise 100% not-spoiled up until this point, I mean it. one hundred percent. I had absolutely ZERO knowledge of anything past chapter 339. the last I saw of Bakugou, he was hanging out with the rest his class showing off his cool new moves to Deku and being blindsided by Aoyama's betrayal and stuff. then bam. seven months later, fate mails me a postcard of him lying on the ground with a bloody hole in his chest. like WOW, OKAY. ZERO CHILL. OF COURSE THIS WOULD HAPPEN THE ONE TIME I DECIDE TO GO ON HIATUS FOR TWO HUNDRED DAYS, SMDH.
anyway so that's my story.
3. "so exactly how spoiled are you?"
lol I'm not even sure. I guess my best answer would be, "SOMEWHAT?"
or, if you don't mind reading more words, I can tell you exactly how spoiled I am by summarizing the Things That I Do Know in a bullet list.
all of this apparently takes place between chapters 359 and 362, with 362 being the big "oh he DEAD dead" chapter. I think. based on all the fics that have since cropped up on AO3 with ominous chapter 362 spoiler tags.
I am pretty sure Bakugou was fighting either Tomura or AFO when it happened.
I have this vague idea that somehow his heart exploded or something?? like I don't really know the details, but that's what I've been able to glean.
apparently Jeanist and Edgeshot were involved in some sort of effort to save him?? but apparently that didn't work out too well I guess. OR DID IT? I actually do not know.
I have the vague impression Edgeshot may have also died, somehow, as a result of those heroic efforts. OR DID HE? again, I actually do not know at all. this is basically the knowledge equivalent of me overhearing half of a phone conversation between two people who were trying to recollect half of a phone conversation that they in turn overheard, several months earlier.
lastly, I know that Bakugou was apparently carrying around his All Might trading card from waaaay back in his chapter 118 flashbacks, in his pocket or something. because he's a giant fanboy nerd. who wanted All Might to sign it. but was too shy to ask I guess. "WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THIS SENSITIVE SIDE OF HIM COMING?? BAKUGOU CARES ABOUT THINGS??? HE REALLY DID LOOK UP TO ALL MIGHT JUST AS MUCH AS DEKU THE ENTIRE TIME??? WHAT A DEVASTATING REVEAL?!?" is how we were supposed to react to this, I'm guessing, lol. but I'll have you know that SOME of us have already written approximately 1200 essays on how much of a secretly sensitive All Might weeb Bakugou is, and so WERE ACTUALLY NOT SURPRISED AT ALL! yeah that's right! TAKE THAT HORIKOSHI. TRYING TO CATCH ME OFF GUARD AND MAKE ME CRY. WELL YOU WASTED YOUR GODDAMN TIME, because I would have cried anyway! and I did cry! and I will cry again!
anyway so yeah. and I think the card got blown up and/or otherwise destroyed somehow, just to add insult to injury. which, don't tell anyone, but between you and me, I'm not sure what he expected. "let me just take my precious limited edition All Might trading card, my most prized possession, along with me into the intense final battle with the final villain. for good luck or whatever. there's no way this could possibly end badly." did he even bother to put it in a zipper pocket. wtf were you thinking Katsuki. again I do not actually have the slightest idea since I have not actually read this chapter lol.
anyway! so that's everything I know! and let me just add to that a quick summary of things which I in turn do NOT know, the short version of which is: Literally Everything Other Than What I Just Typed Above. including but not limited to:
whether Bakugou actually was fighting Tomura, or AFO, or both. ??
who was fighting with him (except that for some reason or another Deku wasn't there, because I guess he fucked off to go do something else?? you and I fell into the exact same trap there, Deku. "surely Kacchan will be fine and dandy for the next five minutes or hours or days or however long while I go take care of this Other Important Business." yeah, you would think so, wouldn't you? BUT WE LEARNED OUR LESSON, DIDN'T WE.)
what Deku’s reaction was (but I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say: PISSED)
literally anything else about the context of this fight, including where, when, and why it took place.
literally everything else that has happened in the manga since chapter 339. for real you guys. I just have to stress again how utterly out of the blue this was for me. to read this spoiler completely without context. WHAT HAVE THESE CHILDREN BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST NINE MONTHS. I'm terrified to learn the answers lol.
anyways but moving on now to the most important section of this post, starting with the one question which I think is by far the most pressing and important, and which I can thankfully answer with a single sentence.
4. "so... do you think he actually is dead?"
no lol.
but since you insist, here is my list of Reasons Why I Don't Think Bakugou Is Actually Dead, based on my nonexistent knowledge of the events of the past 40 chapters, and the actual context and details of his death. and I guarantee there is not a single point here which has not already been discussed to death on thousands of other blogs, but dammit I've been stuck without an outlet for all these thoughts since August, so the hell with it:
so for starters, in my experience, characters whose older selves narrate the story From The Future ("in that moment, there were no thoughts in my head... my body just moved on its own") tend to be pretty immune from dying, overall. just throwing that out there.
from day one, the series has made it very clear that this is the story of how Izuku becomes "the greatest hero" (more recently retconned/updated to become a pluralized "this is the story of how we ALL became the greatest heroes").
also from day one, Katsuki's narrative arc has been set up as a (first contrasting, and then later evolving to be more complementary) parallel to Izuku's, down to them having the same goal.
as the series has progressed, that concept of "becoming the greatest hero" has been further defined as "becoming a hero who always wins no matter what, and always saves everyone no matter what."
Katsuki in particular has expanded on this idea to emphasize that the greatest heroes are the ones who save EVERYONE, no matter what. "I made a pledge! I will achieve absolute victory, every time! we're taking this 4-0, no casualties! the strong don't settle for anything less!" and more recently, "because to live up to those ideals and surpass All Might... we gotta save you, the civilians at U.A., and the people on the streets. because saving people is how we win."
therefore, any victory in which either Katsuki or Izuku dies in order to defeat AFO is not a perfect victory, and will not result in them becoming the greatest heroes.
this is also a flagship Shounen Jump manga and the spiritual successor to the Big Three, meaning this would basically be the equivalent of killing off Sasuke or Zoro or Rukia. a.k.a. not gonna happen ever lol.
on top of that, it's also Horikoshi's tribute to Western comics, particularly those produced by Marvel, a.k.a. the guys who practically invented the No One Ever Stays Dead trope.
and last (actually not last but this really is getting too long) but not least, the number one reason why Katsuki cannot and will not actually die: because AFO does not get to win. seriously. he just doesn't. he got to kill All Might's important person and be all smug and cruel about it. he killed Nana's family and was all smug and cruel about it. he's tormented generations of heroes by deliberately targeting the people they love most. and so even without me knowing the actual context or circumstances of Katsuki's supposed "death", I have no doubt that's why it happened, because that's what AFO does. and that's who Deku loves. and so of course AFO would try it, yet again. that's his fucking modus operandi
but, because he is the final villain, we know he is going to lose in the end. and so this, imo, is the biggest and simplest reason why Katsuki isn't dead: because if he is actually dead, then AFO wins. even if he himself dies in the end. he gets to go down knowing that he took a part of the hero with him. he gets to hold on to that one last triumph. even though he loses, he keeps the hero from winning and saving, and he gets to savor that.
so, since we know that he's NOT going to win, because this is a "good guys win" type of story and not an "evil prevails, sorry, it's called REAL LIFE, bitches, enjoy your tears" type of story, that means that Katsuki is not actually dead. or will not stay dead. either way. period.
anyway so yeah! that's basically the gist, though by no means are these all of my comprehensive thoughts, and I can safely promise you many more rants to come, especially as I prepare to take on the challenge of reading through 39 new BnHA chapters with the foreknowledge of my son's untimely not-death looming in the back of my mind the whole time! looking forward to that! both ironically and unironically! should be interesting to say the least lol.
so on that note, one final q&a before we conclude:
5. "is it cool to discuss other manga spoilers with you?"
I would prefer not to, mainly in the hopes of trying to preserve as much of the "pure" unspoiled liveblog experience as possible, both for myself and for anyone else who cares to actually read said liveblogs. I do already feel bad for depriving people of the experience of watching me naively frolic my way through the upcoming arc(s) all BLISSFULLY UNAWARES lol. instead you'll have to settle for watching me timidly cry my way through while yelling at every single character who blindly tempts fate with their stupid foreshadowing comments. and don't even try to tell me there won't be foreshadowing comments. I know what type of story I'm reading. and more importantly, I know exactly the type of person who's writing it. ~*~gReAtEsT sCeNe~*~. you son of a bitch. THIS ISN'T OVER, HORIKOSHI.
anyway, so basically I would prefer to be as spoiler-free as possible, same as always. but I also no longer have the time or frankly the will to police every potential spoiler out there, so at the end of the day I'm pretty much just going to leave it up to you guys! also because I figure that at this point, WHAT'S THE WORST THAT CAN HAPPEN lol. (but for real there's probably a ton of important stuff that could easily be ruined still, so yeah if you don't mind let's just try to steer clear of all that lol.)
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kebriones · 10 months
Hi! I am thinking of taking commissions. Any idea on how to get started?
Hi! :DD here's a list of things:
STARTING: -Choose 1 or 2 types of commissions you are confident you can do. (example: Just colored fullbodies and headshots, or just icons, or just uncolored sketches. Much easier to organise and advertise and potential customers won't have to go through a whole list of what you're offering) That's just if you're now beginning, later you can branch out.
-Set up your payment method (paypal, kofi? Getting direct bank transfers is not advised and most customers won't do that)
-Have good examples of the type of art you're offering at hand, and prefereably arrange them on a single image that will show what you're offering and the prices. Many people use carrd to list commissions but it's more complicated and if you're just starting out a menu-like image or two is fine.
-Figure out your Terms of Service. This includes what types of use you allow for your art (usually you'll mention that for commercial use of your art there will be an extra fee), how often you will give updates and how many updates of the process you'll give (usually you at least send a rough sketch for the customer to approve of and ask for changes before the final product), what methods of comunication you prefer, when you want the payment to be sent to you and things you do not feel comfortable drawing etc.
-Don't take too many commissions, in fact I would recommend starting with just one at a time.
-Don't undersell yourself, but also understand that if you're just starting out, maybe you won't be making as much as you would've liked. You can always slowly increase your prices. Also keep in mind an estimate of how long it takes you to finish a piece and price it somewhat accordingly.
Some tips on the overall process:
-If a potential customer asks for something that's beyond what you feel comfortable doing, say so. Do not take commissions you do not feel 100% sure you can handle. It's already stressful, don't make it even more so, it's gonna suck.
-this is kind of vague advice but be nice to your customers and build a good relationship with them. Not only are they more likely to treat you like a person and not a machine in return, but you also want the overall experience to be pleasant for both parties. You can have the best art in the world but people will be reluctant to commission you again if it was unpleasant to do so overall. It's like as if you're in a store, like a bakery, and you have to smile and say hi and thank you and all that to customers who come in.
-If you find yourself struggling to work on a commission and it's taking you a long time, don't leave your commissioner hanging. Simply sending a message of "hi, I was struggling/got busy but I am working on your piece, thank you so much for your patience!" Is enough to put them at ease that you haven't forgotten about them.
-This last one is maybe controversial, but I would recommend, especially if you're starting out, to not take payment in advance. This is going to make the people who commission you more confident, if you don't yet have many examples of already delivered commissions to put them at ease, and it's also going to motivate you to work quicker, because the "reward" is at the end. Send low-res files along the way, and ask for payment right before delivering the finished, high-resolution piece. It has worked for me for years and only once I had a person who due to irl emergencies couldn't pay me and delayed it for a couple months. Especially if you're not offering extremely expensive commissions, this works in my experience.
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Hello! I hope you’re doing well! I was wondering if you could give me some advice when it comes to furthering my language learning. I’ve been learning Norwegian on Duolingo for almost 5 years now but I feel like I’ve barely made any progress into actually learning the language. I’ve seen you mention that Duolingo isn’t the best way to learn a language, just on its own. What more can I be doing to actually learn Norwegian? I appreciate any insight you might be able to give. Thank you!
Hi there!
I actually think Norwegian Duo's not that bad, especially compared to other courses. It got me to A2 level without my really using any other resources! But of course, A2 is still only the top of beginner level, and from thereon out it's pretty ineffective on its own (although I still used it even at B2 level as a way to refresh vocab I'd forgotten or just do a little practice every day when I didn't have the time or energy to do anything else).
There are a lot of different ways you can study Norwegian. Here are some things I did (it's an essay lmao I'm so sorry):
1) Listen to Norwegian radio. You'll probably think I'm mad when you first try it because you'll probably understand very little other than the odd word here and there, but I promise it gets easier and you'll get used to the rhythm of the language in a way Duolingo doesn't prepare you for. Try to shadow the speakers (repeat what they say just after they say it. You don't have to know the words they're actually saying; just approximate the phonemes and the melody and the stress patterns. I promise you your pronunciation is gonna get SO good)
2) Take to Youtube. Check my resources list here for some links to channels that teach Norwegian.
3) Norwegian podcasts! I made a list of some beginner/intermediate-friendly ones (check the link in point 2). The plus with podcasts is you can slow the speed down to half-speed too. Again, don't be discouraged if it's difficult at first; just focus on the rhythm and stress of the language
4) Norwegian TV. You're gonna struggle at first but you need to struggle to improve, so don't be discouraged even if several months pass without you feeling like there's any improvement. Intermediate level sucks I'm afraid. Some shows I like that don't require a VPN (as of the time I'm posting this) are Fra bølle til bestevenn (it's got dogs in it), Hva feiler det deg (game show where normal people with internet compete against doctors to guess a patient's diagnosis), 113 (documentary following paramedics in Trondheim - try not to cry at the dialects), Klassequizen (quiz show with 10th graders, pretty A2/B1-friendly), Side Om Side (popular sitcom, sometimes the second-hand embarrassment kills me but mostly it's pretty funny) and Superkrim (did you know that crime stories around Easter time are a Thing in Norway? They make a new season of this one every year but it's accessible year-round, and the language is a lot simpler than a lot of shows, and it's pretty fun and a bit silly)
Note: subtitles are in Norwegian only, and half the time they match the nuance but not the actual words being said. I recommend trying to listen without them first, then listen with them, then listen without them again and see if you can catch a few more words.
5) Textbooks, if that's your jam. I recommend The Mystery Of Nils (you can jump straight to book 2: Mysteriet om Nils if you think you're ready. It's a bit of a jump but no point wasting money/time on something that you won't enjoy) and Norwegian Tutor (from the Teach Yourself series. The first few chapters will seem pretty basic but it's great at explaining nuances and prepositions in later chapters).
6) Read things in Norwegian. You can get short stories for beginner/intermediate level online, as well as read news articles (even if you can't read the whole article, just try the first paragraph). When I was about A2 level I would print things out and go through them just translating them, highlighting new words, words I'd encountered before but couldn't remember, words I could work out from context, particular grammar patterns and words I couldn't figure out and needed the help of a native speaker to work out.
7) Follow Norwegian accounts on social media. Here's a list I made earlier.
8) If you have some extra cash, investing in an italki tutor can be helpful. I've had lessons with a number of tutors so feel free to send me a message if you want help deciding which one to go with.
9) Keep a journal in Norwegian. Look up words you don't know and write them in a different colour. Maybe try to use words you learned that day and write them in a different colour too (even if by using them you're literally just writing "jeg lærte ordet «______» i dag. Det betyr ______")
10) You can also try creative writing. I started out by writing fiction largely in English but with Norwegian dialogue. I then moved on to writing short articles and then essays, then short stories and fan fiction.
11) You can try apps like HiNative and HelloTalk to find native speakers for language exchange. If you only know English though it might be difficult to find people because Norwegians typically speak really good English and aren't looking to learn/practice.
12) Listen to Norwegian music. Get on spotify and search "norsk (music genre of your choice)" and find some songs you like. Listen to them and pay attention to the lyrics. Then find the lyrics online and listen with the lyrics. Then try to translate the lyrics on your own. Finally, look up someone else's translation and see how close they are. Then try to learn the song and visualise meaning it with your whole heart as you sing along.
13) Practise speaking to yourself. It feels super awkward when you first start, but I always manage to get into the flow pretty quickly. You can have GT in front of you so you can look up things if you need to, or you can just write down words you don't know/couldn't think of as you go along, then look them up once you're done (I prefer this method; having GT in front of you encourages your brain to be lazy and not try to actively recall the information you need). Not sure what to write? Try my Speaking In 20 Challenge prompts.
14) Flashcards. I put this one last because really flashcards are only useful as a supplement to learning through other methods. They help to keep vocab fresh in your mind until you see it in context again (and it's the seeing words in context that's gonna cement the meaning in your brain. I've never heard anyone say "oh, I know that word because it was in my flashcard deck that I reviewed every night before bed", but I hear people say things like "oh, I know that obscure word because I watched cooking shows in my TL and the host said it aaaall the time" or "it's in a line from one of my favourite songs" a LOT).
Okay, that's it, essay over 😅 Hope I gave you some ideas! Best of luck with your Norwegian-learning journey!
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