#this show has soared to the top of my favs list
therealjammy · 2 years
It’s finally here... My first long-ish oneshot for HOTD/Rhaenicent. This fic has been a Trip but I’m pleased to say I’m mostly satisfied with how it turned out! It won’t be the last one I write for these two; far from it. Posting here for the Tumblr crowd xx
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gloster · 5 years
So this was a fun post I did last year, inspired by the dozens of Favorite Books of 2018 by the booktubers I followed and I thought to myself: why not do a little something something for the fanfics that stood out to me, stuck me with throughout the year. 
Last year I read insanely amazing reads, and if you’re interested to see what were my favorite fanfics of 2018, here’s the link: past favs
For this year, I read sooooooo many incredible fanfics that it was hard to narrow it down to just 10. And the funny thing is, a good portion were from the same author, so it was insanely hard picking the top one. 
I implore all of you reading and following me to try the tag-and please tag me. Always on the hunt for fanfic recs. I also am curious to hear the favorites from the following people: @kila09, @sebbies, @bookstakeyoutootherworlds, @scarlet47, @fleetofshippyships, @eyelashesandentropy, @tired-luxis, @dreamydrarry, @mothermalfoy, @profoundfelicity & @goldentruth813
Without any further ado, here are my top 10 favorite fanfics for 2019:
1). Soup-pocalypse and The Great Curry Cataclysm by SqaudOfCats/ @norelationtoatticus (drarry)
Summary: Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
If the summary alone doesn’t get you to immediately click on the link and read, I don’t know what to say. But I can say this. SqaudofCats has become my new drarry favorite author period. I read all of her drarry stories, loved them all, and am hoping she does more. 
This story, in one word, was a GEM. A FUCKING GEM. It was so so so good.There were so many good elements: Veela Draco, Dad Harry raising Teddy, Draco learning how to cook, a strang but HILARIOUS courtship involving food that I didn’t realize how much I needed until this story. It was also a perfect blend of fluff with so many cute moments and angst, which thankfully didn’t involve the couple but had to do with Harry’s mental health and PTSD post-war. 
I read this story back in May and I still think about it. Have to stop myself from reading because I have so many fanfic tabs. But it is so good. It’s so addicting. Highly recommend. 
Honorable mentions from this writer:
*Gift for Draco
*Nearly Lost Things, Carefully Tended
2). Cinderfella by @goldentruth813 (sheith)
Summary: Takashi Shirogane is exactly the kind of man Keith likes; built like a brick house with a smile sweet enough to rot teeth and a heart of gold. Of course he’s also YouTube famous and worlds out of Keith’s league. The closest he can get to his pseudo-celebrity crush is when he watches Shiro’s videos from the safety of his bed. Or so he thinks.
This incredible bean of a human being, this incredible writer is the reason I was pulled into the sheith ship long before I finally got into the show-and then had me drag @kila09 into the incredible maddness that is Shiro and Keith and the crew....and the disappointing season 8 that I am still pissed about. But yes @goldentruth813 is the reason why I got pulled into this ship, and this fanfic is the story that sealed my love for sheith and made them my 3rd favorite ship of all time. 
This story is a fun, hilarious modern twist of Cinderella that obviously involves two guys, one is who a popular Youtuber and the other who is a hardcore super fan who meet in the most surprising circumstances and come back together in the most hilarious of ways. With our classic glass slipper being a beloved leather jacket. 
It’s so stinking cute. It’s so hilarious. And it’s so weird since, while I do appreciate the fairytale, Cinderella isn’t one of my favorites but I’m a sucker for a good retelling of it. And this was so good.
Honorable mention by this writer: 
*Safe Haven 
3). Burn the Witch by @lettersbyelise (drarry)
Summary:  When Harry Potter is sent in to investigate Draco Malfoy’s successful potions company, posing as Draco’s bodyguard, he doesn’t know the case will launch a series of events that will change his life — and Draco’s. A story about choices, scars, Chopin piano pieces, and finding all kinds of love in the most unexpected places.
Let’s be honest here. At this point, are we really surprise to see this story here , featured in a favorites/rec list? Are we honestly surprise? At this point, I feel every drarry-shipping reader has read it. Devoured it. And praised it. 
This story pretty much took over the drarry community the way Red, White & Royal Blue took over the book world. There wasn’t a day when I didn’t see Burn the Witch featured in a drarry fanfic recs post, saw posts praising it. Fanart of it, edits for it, and several mood-boards. It was THAT STORY. And I am proud to say it was worth THE HYPE. 
Because it’s so well-known, I’m not going into too much detail but I can say it involves Daddy Draco and Scorpius who is precious, Harry in an undercover mission, and has one of the BEST post-war, slow-burn to the point of excruciating drarry relationship I’ve read all year. READ IT. 
Honorable mention by this writer:
*Draco Malfoy’s Stupendous Seduction Seminar
*Love Me (Four Times)
4). Evitative by Vichan (drarry)
Summary: In the summer before his fifth year at Hogwarts, Harry is drawn to a room in Grimmauld Place. Like the Gryffindor he is, he enters the room without fear. The room is a library, and Harry is surprised to find that he’s eager to learn.Then he gets the bad news: he’s been accidentally expelled from Hogwarts, and he needs to be sorted again. Everyone is confident that he’ll go straight back to Gryffindor, but with what he's been learning, Harry’s not so sure.
Out of all the stories I have in my list, this is the only one that is currently a WIP. I know some are hesitant with WIPs but this one is so worth it. Another hidden jewel found by chance. This story has to be one of the best slytherin-Harry ever and that shows the Slytherin House and the Slytherins in a positive light while still remaining true to their cunning ways. 
5). Up We Go by Oh_Hey_Tae (BTS: Taehyung x Jimin x Yoongi)
Summary: “If you’re a witch that works with plants, then why are all of yours dead? That can’t be good for business.”
The room dims again, and Jimin lifts a hand to flip off the ceiling. Taehyung knows he’s sad and that’s why the shop darkens and he shouldn’t find it funny—but he can’t help it. Because this is ridiculous. The good kind of ridiculous. The amazing kind.
(Or: Taehyung has a green thumb, Jimin runs a magical store, and Yoongi can kind of see dead people.)
Oh my goodness, where on earth do I even begin with this one? I am loss for words. It’s been months since I read it and I am still lost for words on how incredible it is. This story reads like a fairytale. Who am I kidding? This is a fairytale. A beautiful fairytale that is of loss, grief, friendship, family, love, and magic. And a beautiful fairytale that features a poly relationship
I was broken at the last word of the last chapter. Broken. Broken and put back together again.This story was so heartbreaking and heartwarming and I couldn’t think of anything else the whole damn week after I finished it. It was that good. 
Honorable mention by this writer:
* Tell Me Again
6). Silence by the Night by @parkkate (drarry)
Summary: After a spell goes horribly wrong, Harry has to deal with the loss of his eyesight. It’s such terrible timing, too, because how is he supposed to find out what Malfoy has been up to in the Room of Requirement? It’s not like he can ask the git, not only because it’s Malfoy, but also because the Slytherin has suddenly lost his voice. While they’re both trapped in the hospital wing, however, Harry discovers there’s so much he didn’t know about Malfoy, and it’s highly intriguing, but also a bit alarming. Where did all these confusing feelings come from all of a sudden? And what is Harry going to do about them?
See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil. That is the best way to sum up this story. The themes of it certainly tie with the story. This story....there is a certain chapter and @parkkate knows what I mean if she remembers my reviews that shattered me. That made me sit down with a gasp because the angst just cut through me in a way that no other drarry fanfic had do to me. @parkkate I hope you know what I mean. 
Funny thing is about this fanfic is that it took my lazy butt forever to read it, like months after it was done. And mind you, I’ve seen so much praise and incredible fanart for this fanfic as well. So yeah, I was cursing myself for not getting to it sooner. And it was so so so so damn good that I literally said to @parkkate THIS IS CANON. This is canon. This happened 6th year after the bathroom scene and no one can tell otherwise. 
7). You only Live Once by @dreaming-fireflies (viktuuri/victuuri)
Summary: It's when the man is soaring in mid-air under the full moon that Victor gets a good look at him: he's Japanese, with black hair slicked back in a styled look, and a lithe body covered in tight, tight, leather under a navy blue coat.
And when the man lands on the ground again, Victor sees the final piece that captures his heart absolutely and thoroughly – a pair of brilliant, golden eyes.
Victuuri supernatural AU in which Victor is a Western demon hunter and Yuuri is a Japanese half-youkai exterminator.A cross-cultural romantic comedy/drama, with Japanese mythology, shounen action, and slice of life elements.
Literally the summary itself said everything you needed to know, everything that should AND MUST intrigue you enough into reading, that I don’t know if I really have anything to add. But I’ll try to add some of my own input. 
Like the summary said, this is a Supernatural-au YOI story, infused with Japanese mythology. Two different shows that shouldn’t work together but somehow did, creating such a fantastic read. I loved it. From beginning to end. I even knew first chapter it was going to be an ultimate favorite of mine. This fanfic just reminded me of my great love for Vikor and Yuuri-and my need for a fucking season two. As well as reminded of the glorious prime days of Supernatural, which in my opinion were seasons 4 & 5. There was action, there was angst, there was mutual and insane pining from both sides, and so many incredible moments to put into words. Seriously, what more could you want?
@dreaming-fireflies, you seriously did the damn thing with this story. 
Honorable mentions by this writer: 
*Entwining Fates 
8). your sharp and glorious thorn by @arahir (sheith) 
Summary: To end the war they inherited, Keith marries the King he lead an army against.
“You know, we met once,” the king continues, voice closer, and Keith almost turns. They met many times on the field—but then the king clarifies with a single word. “Before.”
Before he was a king. Maybe before he was a general. Keith has traced his rise like the growth of a seed he planted in clay and never expected to see again for how poorly he sowed it. None of this would have been possible without Keith—not the war, not a line soldier's battlefield promotion, not the end of it all, tied up so neatly by all Keith’s best mistakes. Not the killing, either. The king is right about that much, at least.
This is an arranged-marriage AU story, a trope I don’t love too much unless it’s really well done, and had very strong Game of Thrones vibes. And please note when I said Game of Thrones, I mean Game of Thrones back in its incredible prime, not the shitty season 8 we all agree was a nightmare never to be thought of again. But yes, this story was so good. Arranged marriage, enemies-to-lovers, slowburn. Please read. 
9). Your Constellation Prize by rosegardenlake aka @whoalookingcooljoker (sheith)
Summary: Akira is Hollywood's biggest celebrity. He sings, he acts, he models, he does it all and he does it perfectly. That's what Shiro thinks at least, but what would he know? He's just a tired office worker whose dreams fell through years ago. ...But when he sees Akira, oh god, when he sees him - Shiro's world fills with light again.
When Shiro lands an interview to be an assistant at Akira's company, he has a hard time believing it's reality. Though Akira's rarely around, meeting everyone is like a dream. Especially meeting Keith, Akira's shy sweet dorky cousin (OR IS HE?!)
I didn’t realize how much I would liked-love in fact-or needed a celebrity-AU until I read this story.  And that’s about all I will say since I feel anything else will probably make things spoilery. But I will this say: these two can be such idiots, but they’re our lovable idiots and they’re so sweet, so soft. Also that this story definitely well-portrayed the dark side of fame.
10). That Old Black Magic by @bixgirl1 (drarry)
Summary: Centuries ago, marriage contracts were the norm — ready-made alliances between families, expected and complied with, without complaint. But norms have a way of changing, and when a long-dormant contract flares to life, Harry has to navigate an unexpected splintering of the path he'd thought would be easy after the war... with Draco Malfoy.
Least but certainly not least: an incredible, incredible drarry story done by the impeccable @bixgirl1. 
I know I said that I’m not the biggest fan of the arranged marriage trope since I’ve been let down by so stories that started out promising but disappointed in the end. However, there are a few authors who I can always count on to make this trope into a great story. Such as @beatitudinembty, and also @bixgirl1. 
This being is pretty much....I wanna say Sarah J Maas, one of my fav authors, in the drarry community. Everyone knows her. Everyone loves her. Everything she writes always turns into gold, and this latest story by hers was no except. Arranged marriage brings Harry and Draco together in the most infuriating, excruciating, incredibly-done slowburn. 
Honorable mentions that I seriously wanted to add to the list but this post is already lengthy. All amazing, all greats reads by various writers y’all should check out:
*Moon-Eyed by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (Veela Draco, werewolf Harry, done by another star in the drarry community 
*Expectant by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (drarry mpreg with Veela-Draco & werewolf-Harry)
*Where There is Tea by @bafflinghaze (drarry + bookstore+ tea=goodness)
*The Rules of Matchbreaking @nerdherderette ( drarry: match-maker Draco, oblivious Harry, what more could you want?)
* Come For Me by Frayach (drarry; STEAMY STEAMY smut and disabled rep)
*I Want Your Touch (And I Want Your Love) by @awjiminie (yoonmin with bad boy Jimin, good boy yoongi. What more could you want?)
*Seasons of Love by mucha (BTS; Jimin x Tae x Yoongi; incredibly well-done poly relationship)
Lovely people, that concludes my favorites of 2019. So many fantastic fanfics that I could spend hours gushing over them. To the writers who created these incredible stories. I applaud you. I thank you for creating and sharing these wonderful stories. Anyone interested in doing the tag, please do. 
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bensonstablers · 4 years
What is your fav brio scene? . Also your fav good girl ep in general.
Ooo, I am a very indecisive person, haha, but this was actually a ton of fun to think about and has me excited for all the new content we could get! Also, before I hop into this, I just want to say thank you for asking but also feel free to share your faves with me! :)
So, for the episodes, I actually made this gifset of my top 3 episodes per season and I still stick by it. For this ask, I was going to rank them from least favourite to most favourite but it was too difficult lol
As for my fave brio scene, there’s so many! So, below, I’ve picked my top scenes per season :) I’ve put in bold what the scene actually is (and the episode it comes from) so if you want to skip the why you can see at a relatively quick glance what my faves are!
Season 1 (Most fave to least fave!):
Both park scenes from 1x06 but particularly the second one because of the whole “because you delivered” moment. Her smile afterwards makes my heart soar, haha. And also I love him saying that school isn’t in session but still getting up to talk anyway.
The scene in Beth’s car in 1x05. The whole conversation is wonderful but the way she stutters and trips over her words and Rio just grins gets me every time, haha.
The speech Beth gives to convince Rio not to kill her, Annie, and Ruby in 1x02. I just love the way she says it as well as how she holds herself and the way he looks at her and shifts his position slightly and that little shake of his head that he gives to Mick... Amazing.
Season 2 (Most fave to least fave!):
I couldn’t pick 3 like the other two seasons lol. There are just too many good moments :’)
All. Of. 2x09. Haha, but no, specifically the first bar scene. The honesty, the sadness, the looks they give, ugh, just everything about it.
The “are you going to kill me?” scene outside Beth’s house at the end of 2x02. It makes me feel a lot of things every time I watch it, particularly how open she is in that moment and he technically is as well and how they’re just alone on her street and it’s not long after she snaps and hits that stop sign. Ugh, so good.
The confrontation in Beth’s house at the end of 1x10/beginning of 2x01. (I do prefer the 2x01 version because there’s more to it!) It never gets old!!!! The dialogue, their expressions/body language, the touching!!!! The fact she gives him the gun and just stares at him after he pushes her hair out of her face and the way she visibly breaks when Dean is shot. I’m obsessed :’) (Also, the “this stuff’s medieval, darling” speech is possibly my favourite in the whole show?)
The first bar scene in 2x04 when Beth gives the key back to Rio. I mean, listen, I love the bathroom break like everyone else and I love how it was filmed but I do like the earlier scene a little more if I’m being honest.
Rio in Beth’s office trying to get his drugs back in 2x06. The energy radiating off Beth in that scene is just *chef’s kiss* and I love everything about it.
Season 3 (Most fave to least fave!):
3x04 bar scene!!! Brio and bars is like the ultimate otp and I’m pleased we’re getting more in season 4. I also love when they’re possibly a little flirty but mostly just sad and together like they are in this one, haha.
The “you, me, we... it’s just business” picnic table scene in, I think, 3x06? Is that right? Either way, amazing. Again, brio being sad and together, so of course I love it lol but I do really like how they’re positioned on the bench and him telling her she gets no say anymore after putting three slugs in him.
3x08 bar scene. Him sitting at the bar and her in a polka dot dress being similar to 2x04 and how, despite everything, she gets him to laugh and they’re just ridiculously cute in that scene :’)
Honorary mentions go to Beth opening the dubby in 2x07 and the 2x13 phone call (mostly honorary because Rio isn’t physically in them) :)
Every time she opens that package I know what’s inside and my brain and heart still goes !!!!!! when I see the pink of the blanket, haha. I mean, he didn’t know that was what was left in the car so regardless of why he went to the drug dealers (to warn/threaten them? to smooth things out? to be sure they didn’t have Jane?) he still took the dubby and sent it back to Beth and I’m obsessed.
And with the 2x13 phone call, I genuinely think it’s one of the most in-character scenes on the show regarding Beth and Rio. The dialogue is superb and both  Christina and Manny’s delivery is amazing (especially with the latter being voice only) and I loved the way Christina/Beth moved around the space and her body language as she spoke. If I was to add this to the list (and not just as an honorary mention), it might be my fave brio scene overall :) — And also, I actually quite love the two scenes that show the confrontation in Rio’s apartment. It’s not properly listed here though because I don’t like it as a whole, but just snippets of it :’)
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smoochews · 6 years
what are your favorite writers and your top favorite works from them?? like a top ten
I saw this ask in the middle of work and I wanted to scream aksldfjalks I’m gonna tell you rn that I got really overwhelmed with the amount of authors that have earned a spot in my top favs that I actually cut this to just the authors that I have most recently visited (this counts as returning multiple times to reread a certain fic… which happens… a lot)
@arckook Ria is one of the first authors I ever read from for k-pop fanfiction. Until Ria, I was just highkey on that Haikyuu volleyball gays/imagines and I’d like to believe that she was one of the main reasons why I began to invest myself heavily into the kpop fandom. I’m always amazed with each piece she releases. Her style is so unique and hypnotizing. There’s a big section in my heart reserved just for Ria that I don’t have enough words to convey. plz support. plz love. she’s the best
- To The Stars (Jungkook, BTS): Zombie Apocalypse AU, Enemies to Lovers AU, series, violence, angst, drama
This read is not for the light hearted. You have been warned. You will sob hysterically. You will feel rage seep into your bones. You will punch a hole in your screen. MC is an entire badass, but so broken and vulnerable; somehow she manages to keep herself together and carry on. Even when she hates Jungkook with every cell in her body, she makes sure to keep him alive, watch his six, just as he does for her. There’s only a handful of works that have kept me as heavily invested and on my toes every step of the way. And that list begins with To The Stars
 @brokeandjetlagged I cannot tell you how many times I’ve made a fool out of myself in public while reading Bailey’s work…. like lord help me I can’t stay in my chair…
- We Take A Shot (Baekhyun, EXO): Office AU, boss!Baekhyun, one-shot, fluff
Even after re-reading it 2-3 times, I cannot help the obnoxious laughter escaping my mouth….sounding something along the lines of a screeching seagull. Dorky Baekhyun trying to be Mr. Businessman really killed me. LIKE PLZ THE HOVER BOARD asdfjsj I’m laughing just thinking about it
- Hurt Me, Heal Me (Yixing, EXO): Hospital AU, nurse!Yixing, one-shot, fluff
Honestly, I would pay to be Baekhyun in that moment. Someone kick me in the face if that meant I could spend some time with nurse Yixing. He’s so adorable and I highly relate to MC being a mess when he thinks that she’s Baek’s girlfriend. Overall, this fic makes my heart go kyuu~
- Bromance .2 (Minseok, EXO) : College AU, frat!Minseok, enemies to lovers AU, series (ish), fluff, smut, drama
enemies to lovers…. honestly I’m not entirely sure of what to say other than that you should read it
@sehun-smut ngl. one of the reasons, besides me passing out, that this rec list took so long to make is bc I stopped to re-read both of these fics…. no ragrats… I don’t think you’ll understand until you read all of their work… so like… you know what to do…
- Business in the Front (Baekhyun,EXO): Restaurant AU (ish), one-shot, smut
Older Baekhyun is a kink okay. I’ve never wanted to call someone daddy more in my life than while reading this fic… and like to begin with it’s hard for me to imagine Baek being zaddy, so that should say A LOT.
- Deceitful (Chanyeol, EXO) - Mafia AU, series, smut, violence
I think this is the first honeytrapper fic I’ve ever read in my life. I mean I was aware of the job description but not the actual title. I must say I’m thoroughly aroused and equally terrified.
 @exhoe-imagines I really adore Ruby and Jewels. Like, they’re so funny and interactive with their followers; and their content is always breath taking. highkey power couple energy
- Can’t Hold Back (Jongdae, EXO): Enemies to Lovers AU, one-shot, smut, drama, slight angst
You already know Jongdae is fucked the minute he sees MC’s bathing suit on the ground while she’s in the pool. You already know that when he went home that evening, his meat was begging for mercy by the end of the night. jfladskjf okay I’m gross, I know, but carrying on– the growth between Jongdae’s and MCs relationship is really heartwarming. Could not have asked for more from this fic
- Lucky (Baekhyun + Chanyeol, EXO): College AU, one-shot, smut
@yehet-me-up I will never not be in love with Sarah. Her Exodus Mall series really takes me back home. Often times when I’m feeling down and sick, I return to Sarah’s page and re-read that series. To say the least, I find home in Sarah’s writing.
- The Problem With Wanting (Kyungsoo, EXO): Mall AU, series, fluff, slight angst, smut
listen to this song and just take it in…. I think this was the first fic I read from the Exodus series and it will always hold a special place in my heart. This fic in particular is what I find myself coming back to again and again, time after time, and I always feel renewed. I feel youthful. More like… you know that feeling you get when you realize you’re falling in love with someone? That’s this. Please read. Please.
- Disqualified (Kyungsoo, EXO): Friends to Lovers AU, one-shot, angst, fluff
Imagine twisting a knife in your gut and slowly removing it through the opposite side of your body. That’s this fic. But like. With love. askdjflksjd I really love the way Sarah portrays Kyungsoo. Her descriptions of his thoughts, mannerisms and quirks make me feel like I’m watching a movie. Everything is so distinct and the atmosphere feels tangible. idk words. I just love Sarah.
@snakescript I don’t know too much about this author but I’m totally and completely enamored with their writings. 
- Make The Devil Cry (Taeyong, NCT) : College AU, one-shot, light angst, smut
I’m weak for the “playboy” tamer… and tbh I feel like this would be Taeyong irl. Hard and complex to the eyes of an observer, but a major softy and sweet pea to the eyes of a listener. I’m upset of how little attention this fic has bc the world is really missing out on a diamond.
- Face Like Thunder (Chanyeol, EXO): Mythology/Greek God AU, one-shot, light angst, fluff
I would like to file a complaint. My heart is crying and my love for Chanyeol is soaring and I’m ACHE FOR THE MAN. Lmao I’m not even a Chanyeol stan but this fic got me thinkin’
@johobi you can always count on Jo to make you cream your pants in the middle of Target (stay away from the baby section kids)
- Bloom / Snared (Yoonji/Yoongi, BTS): Mafia AU, smut
honestly, Yoonji can wipe the floor with my body, in pool of my own blood, and I would thank her. I really really love the way Jo depicts Yoonji here. I can just feel that fem fetal power and that in itself got me ruining my underwear.
- Tooth and Claw (Jungkook, BTS) : Werewolf AU, smut
I’ve never related to furry more in my life than while I read this fic. high key wanna be rawed and torn in half by his king kong schlong … idk how MC survived, but she’s my idol.
- Dig Deep + Interval (Yoongi, BTS): Space AU, smut
I’m ngl. I really went to Pornhub and looked up tentacle porn after reading this. Y’all can @ me, roast me if you like,,,, but you’re a got-damn liar if you say this doesn’t get your blood pumping. p sure I wrote this on my tags but i didn’t even know I liked tentacle porn until then…. I hate myself
 @bread-jinie idk where to start…. there are so many things I can say about Kat…… im tongue-tied…. 
- Wings (Chanyeol, EXO): Friends to Lovers AU, angst, fluff
I think this fic is my favorite work Kat has written so far. It’s like she knows the right words to tug the strings of my heart and play me like a puppet. A heartbroken but hopeful puppet. MC and Chanyeol always looking at each other but never at the same time breaks me; thankfully, the ending patches me back together.
Honorable mentions bc I’ve grown v tired and cannot continue with full details for info regarding everything, in addition to the fact that I’m inpatient and I want to post this ASAP:
@kollectionn GOD SENT. DO NOT PLAY AROUND. YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE. YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. THE WORLD WILL END AS YOU KNOW IT. THEN BE REBORN FROM THE ASHES AS C WILLS IT SO. (sorry for the all caps but I feel INTENSELY about C and her works of art; If I can recall correctly, I believe she said that she would begin to write her own non-fanfic when she finds the time. I think she has the power and ability to write best selling novels that would leave J.K. Rowling quaking in her boots. Plz go and love C. Don’t ask for updates. Just show her all the love she deserves and more; I haven’t been lately and I feel terrible for it; I hope she knows I love her!!!)
@dropsofletters lemme tell you somm’… this author is so talented and diverse in her work that I find myself scattered with the amounts of fandom’s she holds in her clutch. I’m so thankful to have found her page on this godforsaken website bc she caters so much to this world. Talented. Spectacular. Amazing. Blessing to Society. I don’t think I’ve found any multi-fandom writers that has spread out as far as she has. She’s one of those authors that has exactly what you’re looking for, even if you don’t know what it is. An Angel.
@layhyunnie beautiful. ethereal. whimsical. Inspiring. I mean literally inspiring. I wrote a few drabbles after reading Guardian bc I wanted to try and bring to life a world outside of our own, to step outside reality, just like I felt while reading their work. 
- Guardian (Yixing, EXO): Supernatural AU, series, fluff
Again… I’m v tired… so here’s a short list of authors I meant to add here, along with their fics/full details of why I love them:
@knockknocksoosthere / @underthejoon @marshmallow-phd @kpopfanfictrash @yeolology @yeolology @whimsical-ness @remembeo @lofiexo @nochugguk @noona-clock @noonachronicles @oilblotter @soobadnoonecanstopher
((If you would like to know more about my interests in the unfinished authors, or any authors above for that matter, then please leave me an ask!! I will answer them when I am no longer tired akjsjdf I cannot reply via chat as this is only a side blog))
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2m39cm · 7 years
Ideal top 11??? Obviously i think Jaehwan will be in yours so like, the additional top 10?
Sorry for making you wait! But I think I can finally answer your question!
I guess this list is a mixture of what I think the final lineup ranking will look like combined of course with my own personal preferences
DISCLAIMER: things that personally matter to me MOST in an idol group include: Overall group chemistry (no fake kindness, genuinely get along with others) Skills, Visuals,And in the case of PD101, A manly group NOT a boy group (none of that, “we are the Dream boys”….)
1. Kang DanielHe was eye catching since the beginning and we don’t even have to talk about how much his popularity has soared. If god forbid anything happen to Kim Jonghyun’s rank, he would be amazing leader potential. Daniel is skilled without question and i can still see him working hard to improve his singing and dancing skills on pd101. His ability to have a cute and manly personality is a bonus
2. Park JihoonHe won’t die in the hearts of Korean fans. And yes, I’m using his visual as my backup but that is also kind of the role of idols, to grab your attention and stand out. Being a very stable dancer and having a genuinely kind personality is a bonus. I think Jihoon is very hard working and he has an honest consideration for constantly pleasing his fans.
3. Kim Jonghyun Everyone knows he’s the best and maybe the only real candidate for leader. He’s most attractive quality is his hard working attitude. I think when you look at other kpop leaders in the industry, the best ones are always the ones that lead by pushing their members from the back. Moreover I think if this group were to ever get into any fights, Jonghyun would be a very neutral character and always keep a rational mind, making sure everyone was being appreciated and on good terms with each other
4. Ong SeongwooHe’s an all rounder. More importantly and rare, HES GOT SENSE. He has a playful variety personality that attracts people and makes them happy. Looks are a bonus and skills are dependable. Who cares if the group already has a large female fanbase but still, it’s good to know that Seongwoo has a solid group of male fans which means they probably won’t go for little boy concepts.
5. Hwang MinhyunAnother dependable member that adds unique vocal qualities. He also adds to creating a more manly and grown up group image. Despite being an idol for so long, I think Minhyun is ALWAYS showing signs of improvement. Like Seongwoo, I think he’s also a very valuable all rounder. Honestly I don’t think the country should choose the top 11, Minhyun should.
6. Kim JaehwanYes I’m very Kim jaehwan biased but I don’t wanna see him sitting at 11th. He deserves a rank around 6th. He’s skills are unbelievable. He’s works extremely hard despite never really dancing this much in his whole life and he’s super dependable. EVERY performance with him has been legendary. I’m sick of people arguing that he should be a singer not an idol… of course he wanted to be a singer, he’s tried so many times! But now hes come to his last resort, the one place where he can gain skills and still do what he loves, SINGING but as an idol.
7. Lee DaehwiI didn’t think things were looking good for daehwi due to the hate he was receiving as being a “center that was lacking” but just thinking/imaging what an ‘idol’ is, daehwi is exactly that except he comes with SKILLS. The only concern is that he is still young so he would have trouble blending into a very manly image but NEVER has started proving me wrong. On a side note, he’s a very suitable maknae
8. Park WoojinHe has an insanely good rapping voice and he’s even better at dancing. I was afraid that he would have trouble getting along with the others but it’s seems he’s SO MUCH MORE comfortable with the Hyungs now. He has a beagle character for sure! What I think is most valuable about Woojin is that he can do cute and manly.
9. Lai GuanlinI feel like this is some idea from SM but you can’t have a perfect group. When you see members that are lacking in certain areas, thats when the skills of others are highlighted even more, because they help to fill each others weak points. I think Lai Guanlin has shown a lot of improvement even though he has a LONG WAY to go but Koreans kind of like that. Koreans have lots of emotion and sympathy, they like to see underdogs come through and watch how they grow which is why I think Guanlin has been so popular
10. Im YoungminYeah another rapper to add to this group but I think youngmin has been a consistently good performer whether it be rap or dance. He has a surprisingly large fanbase which are very dedicated so it is quite a possibility seeing him in the final lineup. Seeing him adapt and his positive attitude after leaving the NEVER group was very admirable, a quick learner indeed.
11. Yoon JisungYou all think I joke but for real. He would tie the entire group together. Jisung is a good singer, great expressions and very driven. I think he’s dancing needs improvement and by that I think he just needs MORE confidence. Honestly he would be a great mood maker and really help the whole group get along. I can already see him shining on variety shows. In the words of Daniel, “idols should be good at everything”, INCLUDING VARIETY.
It’s an odd combo I know… but I truly believe the chemistry between this group would be amazing.
I’ll now explain why popular candidates like dongho, Samuel, Bae jinyoung etc. missed out on this list, but THEY STILL HAVE A GOOD CHANCE OF BEING IN THE FINAL LINEUP
Dongho- I personally think Dongho is skilled for sure, but for me personally his entire image is very different to boys like daehwi and jihoon. I’m just not sure how he’d fit in. Also I think 3 nuest members will cause a lot more bad finger pointing at nuest and I also considered how Minki would feel if all of them got in except for him. It would feel AWFUL.
Bae Jinyoung - still mostly a visual but I think with more practice his vocals could be better. Every time I hear him sing it just feels like his struggling. BUT ASIDE ALL THAT, He needs CONFIDENCE. How can you be a performer if your not confident in your skills. Yes everyone is hating on haknyeon right now but he knows he’s lacking and yet, he’s still confident on stage. That’s something I think we need more of from jinyoung even though we’ve only seen tiny bits of it in Oh Little Girl
Kim Samuel - Samuel is a hard topic you see, I more than anyone else just wanna see his dreams come true but I don’t think he deserves to be buried in a group of 11 idol imaged boys. Samuel is unique, he should reach higher, solo is the way to go. However I completely respect if pd 101 is his way of gaining more attention before taking the next step as a solo artist
Yoo Seonho - I just don’t understand how he’s good at piano but lacks in the singing department haha. Seonho is great, he’s hardworking and I was suprised he picked up the choreography for Open It quickly. I think what puts him slightly behind Lai Guanlin is that he’s still unstable. I don’t think he’s really found HIS strength yet, although I think he’s leaning towards singing, it still has quite a way to go.
Ha Sungwoon - we all feel bad for him but I dunno anymore. I kinda resent him for giving up the role of main vocal in Downpour so easily. I wish he would’ve fought harder to be center then instead of being the one to suggest Jaehwan do it. But now it seems a little late. Sungwoo is overqualified for pd 101, but after mnet dedicated quite a bit of screen time to him, there’s nothing else they can do for his ranking. It’s ultimately up to the people and the only reason I can think of is that he doesn’t capture the attention of the majority? And I think that same statement goes for Noh Taehyun. Both skilled but unable to capture mass attention sometimes. It's just unpredictable with Sungwoon in general because his fanbase is also so unpredictable
So dats where I stand on my top 11, and if you read through all of that I honestly love you, leave a like so I know❤️
Just my personal opinions, please don’t be salty.
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