cheemingwan1234 · 3 years
Kombatant Profile: Cure Yell (Mortal Kombat 11 x PreCure)
Here's the best mama of PreCure, Hana Nono/ Cure Yell of Hugtto! PreCure as a guest Kombatant in Mortal Kombat 11.
Hana Nono/ Cure Yell
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Note, her facial model is based off an aged down version of Tricia Helfer, Mortal Kombat X's Sonya Blade's voice actress who would voice her English voice lines. Appearance wise, she would still be the same with the addition of a waist holster at the left side of her waist to hold her Melody Sword
In her teen years, Hana Nono had a lot of adventures. Starting off with encountering Hariham Harry and Hugtan; survivors of a future frozen in time , she was thrust into the battles between the PreCures and Cirasu Corporation. Fighting as the Pretty Cure of High Spirts; Cure Yell, she led her team in the battles against Cirasu Corporation. In the battles that followed, she learnt about Hugtan's origin as Cure Tomorrow and her connection to both her and George Kurai ; the leader of Cirasu Corporation as her mother and his wife respectively . Eventually, they managed to restore the future that Hariham Harry and Hugtan came from and they returned to their normal lives.
It's been several years since the Hugtto! PreCures' battles and Hana Nono is living a normal life as an adult running a flower shop in Hagukumi City together with her husband; George Kurai and her daughter, Hagumi (aka Hugtan). All was well until one day, a mysterious woman appeared in her shop, identified herself as Kronika and kidnapped both her husband and her daughter and worse, turned her hometown into ruins . Hana was in despair until her Mirai Crystals and PreHeart shone brightly. Knowing that her daughter and husband were still alive, Hana inserted her transformation Mirai Crystal into her PreHeart and transformed into Cure Yell once more. Stowing away on a Special Forces expedition group, she travelled to Outworld to free her beloved from Kronika's grasp and restore her hometown.
Select Screen Animation: Cure Yell converts her cuffs into pom-poms then thrusts her arms into the air. She then converts them back into her cuffs and pulls out her Melody Sword from it's waist holster from the left side of her waist.
Gear: Melody Sword, Cuffs and Mirai Crystals.
Hooray! Hooray! (Focuses on hand to hand combat and heart blasts)
High-Spirited (Melody Sword focused).
Criasu's Assets (Gains the ability to summon an Oshimada as an assist)
Johnny Cage Announcer Nicknames: "Yell", "Hooray! Hooray!", "Cheerleader" , "Cure Mom" , "Pink-haired Sonya" and "Mechokku!"
Skins: Default (based on her appearance in Hugtto! PreCure), Cheerful (Based on her Cheerful Style), Schoolgirl (based on her school uniform) , Ex (Mortal Kombat X Sonya themed skin)
Cheering on Everyone: Cure Yell does her end of transformation pose.
Bitter Memories: Cure Yell looks at a photo of herself, George and Hagumi in happier times before putting it away.
Tact Inspection: Cure Yell inspects her Melody Sword before noticing the opponent.
Shopping List: Cure Yell inspects a long shopping list before noticing the opponent.
Hooray! Yell!: Cure Yell does a cheerleading routine, spelling out H, P and C in semaphore flag signalling with her pom-poms.
Heart For You! Cure Heart pulls out her PreHeart, then uses it together with her pom-poms to fire a blast to the camera.
Selfie: Cure Yell takes a selfie with her PreHeart.
Happy Memories: Cure Yell pulls out a photo from her PreHeart pouch and looks at a photo of herself in her younger years together with her team in her hands.
Hugyuu!: Cure Yell lifts and hugs the opponent in a bear hug powerful enough to break her opponent's spine. She then places the opponent back onto the ground, then punches them in the face to send the opponent sprawling onto the ground.
Yell In Your Face: Cure Yell grabs the opponent and performs Flower Shoot point blank in the opponent's face, knocking the opponent to the ground.
Fatal Blow: Pointy End Up.
Cure Yell fires off a blast using her Heart For You attack to stun the opponent, then executes a series of rapid fire punches on various parts of the opponent's body, bloodying and dazing them even further. She then removes her Melody Sword and places it on the ground such that the diamond tip is pointing up, then grabs and piledrives the opponent head-first onto her Melody Sword.
Fatality 1: Heart Faced:
Cure Yell uses her Melody Sword to disembowel the opponent. As the opponent is trying to scoop his/her guts back in, Cure Yell gets behind the opponent and uses a point blank Heart For You! blast to blow off the opponent's face from the back of their head.
Fatality 2: Rip For You!:
Cure Yell uses Heart For You to fire off a blast right into the chest of the opponent, searing a heart shaped hole into the opponent's chest and exposing their spinal cord. She then grabs the opponent's spine and breaks it into two. She then hoists the opponent over her head. The opponent only has time to scream (usually word-lessely in horror, though Kollector would scream that he wants to hand in his resignation for his job), before Cure Yell uses the snapped-in-two spine as leverage to rip the opponent in half.
1: The Klassic: Cure Yell uppercuts the opponent's head off.
2: Heart-ache!: Cure Yell fires off a blast from Heart For You that blows a heart shaped hole in the opponents's torso.
3: Mother's Fury!: Cure Yell kicks the opponent to the ground , jumps on their chest, then proceeds to beat the ever-living shit out of the opponent. She then delivers a overhead two handed punch that explodes the opponent's head.*
*Secret Brutality Variation: Against Cetrion, Kronika (if edited to allow Brutalities to be performed onto her) and Geras, Cure Yell actually yells out obscenities and insults against them while beating their faces in such as "You fucker!" , "You asshole!", "You'll die for kidnapping George and Hagumi!" and "I'll make sure this leaves a mark on you in every timeline!". Why? Because Cure Yell knows that Kronika and her servants were responsible for kidnapping her husband and daughter, so she has a massive bone to pick against them.
4: Literal Minded Cure Yell : Cure Yell clears her throat and proceeds to let out a scream that scares the muscles off the opponent and causes it to run away, leaving behind the skin of the opponent which collapses into a heap.
5: Should Have Kept The PreCure Sword: Cure Yell stabs the opponent in the abdomen with the Melody Sword, causing them to kneel. She then rips out the Melody Sword then projects an energy blade from the Melody Sword and uses it to behead the opponent.
6: Traum's Kompliments: Cure Yell pulls out a Oshimaida doll (yes, it's the same doll that Dr. Traum uses to summon a Oshimaida) and presses the button of the doll to cause an Oshimaida to drop in from offscreen and eat the opponent.
7: Flower Splatter: Cure Yell uses Flower Shoot to hit the opponent with a delayed reaction that causes the opponent's upper torso to explode and a bouquet of flowers to grow from the opponent's lower torso and legs.
8: Pom and Brainless: Cure Yell punches open a hole in the top of the opponent's head, removes one of her cuffs and inserts it into the newly created hole. She then wills the pom-pom to expand to it's full size, exploding the head of the opponent.
9: Flower Shoot!: Cure Yell fires off Flower Shoot from her Melody Sword to take off the opponent's legs. As the opponent tries to crawl towards Cure Yell, Cure Yell stomps on their head, crushing the opponent's head with the heel of her boot.
Brutality Taunts:
Give Me an F, Give Me a U! : Cure Yell turns her cuffs into pom-poms, then uses her pom-poms to semaphore signal the letters F and U*.
* Yes, Cure Yell is saying the internet abbreviation for 'Fuck You' with her arm motions.
List Check: Cure Yell pulls out a shopping list and uses her PreHeart to check off the list.
Brutality/ Round Win Lines:
"Hagumi, George, I will find you!"
"Mama will find you, Hagumi!"
"You will not harm my family!"
"You will not freeze our futures."
"Harm my family and friends and you will die!"
"Retribution is long due for what you and Kronika did to my family!" (Against Geras or Cetrion)
"You will not stand in my way of my search!"
"Harm my family, and you will pay!"
"Ever heard of the term, 'mama bear'?"
Friendship: Flower Bouquet:
Cure Yell uses Flower Shoot to create a field of flowers on the ground. She then presents a bouquet of roses to the camera after pulling them out from her PreHeart pouch.
Sample Interaction Lines (With Scorpion, Sonya Blade and Sindel )
"I've heard your loved ones were kidnapped."
"Indeed. I'm looking for them."
"That's comforting for you, my loved ones are dead!"
"So, you're a mother?"
"Yes, but you don't have to deal with your daughter being regressed into a baby."
"Indeed, I don't want that to happen to Cassie."
(If Sonya has the Cure Yell costume equipped)
"I did not know you are a fan of Pretty Cure!"
"Every mother has her secrets."
"And you have the same taste in costumes as well."
" Such a foolish mother."
"Sindel, you should have the same feelings as me towards your own daughter!"
"Kitana is not worthy of my care, Hana!"
Tower Ending:
"With Kronika defeated, Geras and Cetrion were horrified at the goals of Kronika when I enlightened them on what Kronika's aims actually were . They offered to feed themselves to the Hourglass to give it the capacity to run itself and atone for their crimes. But I stopped them and provided themselves a more productive alternative. In exchange for them releasing George and Hagumi and working with the Elder Gods to defend Earthrealm , I used one of my Mirai Crystals to grant the Hourglass the capacity to run itself, restoring my hometown and the Elder Gods that Kronika ordered executed in the process. Geras and Cetrion departed on good terms with me and I was reunited with my family.
"However, this restoration had a side effect. Initially unknown to me, Quan Chi has returned from the dead. One day, he kidnapped Hagumi right in front of me. I was furious and heard of Hanzo 'Scorpion' Hasashi , the leader of the Shirai Ryu ninja clan who has suffered most from the machinations of Quan Chi . I assembled my PreCure team and teamed up with the Shirai Ryu to hunt Quan Chi down with our combined resources . What does Quan Chi want by kidnapping my daughter? I do not know. But when we corner him, I will show him that the Netherrealm hath no fury than a mother scorned!"
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cheemingwan1234 · 3 years
In the Beginning...... (Mortal Kombat x Suite Pretty Cure)
In the Beginning...... (Mortal Kombat x Suite Pretty Cure)
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(Scene of Sindel stabbing King Jerrod of Edenia with a smile as Shao Kahn watches with glee)
"In the beginning, I killed my husband, Jerrod for his weakness and married Shao Kahn willingly when he invaded Edenia."
"That's what the lackeys of Outworld believe in but it's not the truth."
"A lie that Shao Kahn told least he become a laughing stock amongst his warriors."
( The previous scene then shatters to reveal a scene of Sindel committing suicide with a dagger over the corpse of King Jerrod as Shao Kahn approaches Sindel with the intention to force her to marry him while a few Tarkatans  carry away a baby Kitana)
"The truth is, though a Majorlander by birth, I've always loved Edenia and viewed my husband; Jerrod as a wise and capable ruler who has earned the privilege to rule his kingdom . "
"My love for my kingdom and family was enough for me to go behind Shao Kahn's back and kill myself in a ritual to stall Shao Kahn's ambitions with a magic barrier that prevented Shao Kahn from stepping foot in the other realms when he conquered Edenia, murdered my husband and tried to force me to be his bride."
(Montage of Shao Kahn creating Ermac from the remains of King Jerrod, placing a child Kitana through harsh training/brainwashing and resurrecting Sindel with the aid of Quan Chi and Noob Saibot.)
"He remade us into servants of his will. He brought me back from the dead in a brainwashed state as his queen and so called 'bride' to bring down the barrier preventing him from stepping foot in the other realms and in an attempt to get the queen he shall never have . But, eventually we found our own inner strength to break away from Shao Kahn and flee from him."
( Scene of Ermac, Sindel and a now grown up Kitana fleeing from a furious pack of Tarkatans and Shokans send out by Shao Kahn and led by Baraka and Goro respectively.)
(Scene of Sindel meeting Hummy, a fairy from Major Land  and the current Songstress of Major Land accompanied by the Fairy Tones in the deserts of Outworld)
"During our travels, we managed to encounter Hummy, a fairy from my land of birth; Major Land and she told me about the calamity that befell Major Land while I, my husband and my daughter; Kitana were under the slavery of Shao Kahn. A tragedy of betrayal that caused my homeland to be invaded by Minor Land. I offered to help her in her quest to find the prized legendary score of the Melody Of Happiness and the Pretty Cures; the champions of Major Land in Earthrealm."
(Shot of Sindel, Ermac and Kitana arriving at Kanon Town together with Hummy and the Fairy Tones)
"Eventually, Hummy managed to find her PreCure candidates, a brash but musically talented jock who reminded me of my younger self; Hibiki Hojou and an aspiring pastry chef and former friend of Hibiki Hojou by the name of Kanade Minamino. While my husband; Jerrod and Kitana watched over them from the shadows and helped to train the Cures in Kombat...."
(Scene of Ermac and Kitana training Cure Melody and Cure Rhythm, the PreCure forms of Hibiki and Kanade respectively in hand to hand combat)
"..... I assumed the guise of Utako, a music teacher in the school that the two PreCures attended to keep an eye on them and help Hibiki rediscover her love for music together with the aid of her father."
(Scene of Sindel in her Utako guise, helping out Hibiki's father; Dan Hojou with Hibiki's piano lessons in Private Aira Academy)
"I have personally went through many tragedies, the kingdom of my husband conquered by Shao Kahn, myself, my husband and my daughter; Kitana remade into his servants and my birth realm invaded by the betrayal of a slighted individual. But we promised Hummy, that we shall ensure that Earthrealm will not suffer the same fate of Edenia and Major Land!  I will use my second chance in life to protect my family and friends! "
(Scene of a battle between Ermac, Kitana, Sindel and Cure Melody and Cure Rhythm against a horde of Tarkatans, Shokans and Negatones that the former 5 seem to be winning so far. Ermac is slamming a Negatone against the ground with his telekinesis. Kitana decapitating two Tarkatans simultaneously  with a whirlwind of her fans, Sindel impaling a Tarkatan with both her hair and her Kwan Dao, Cure Melody literally screaming the face off a Shokan with her powers and Cure Rhythm firing her Music Rodo with her Fantastic Belltiers  point blank into a Negatone.)
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cheemingwan1234 · 5 years
Rainbow Six Siege-esque Precure game idea.
The 'Do prepare yourself' catchphrase  in Go Princess PreCure brings into my mind the Preparation Phase in the Rainbow Six games and inspired me to create this.If a Rainbow Six Siege-esque game was set in the Pretty Cure series ,what gadget would the Pretty Cures use? Here are my ideas for which Operator Gadget would the Pretty Cures use and the connection between them and the gadget/operator who uses the gadget in Rainbow Six Siege.Feel free to contribute with your own ideas.
(Now,why would the Cures use gadgets if they have magical powers.Well lets just say that in this scenario the Cure have weaker magical powers than in canon,hence they place a larger emphasis on tactics and teamwork to take down monsters and hence some Cures would bring gadgets to help their team and other Pretty Cures in addition to their powers.)
(The Cures have to transform first into their Cure forms before they can access their gadgets.When the Princess PreCures are in Mode Elegant,they cannot use their gadgets.)
(Yep,Rainbow Six Siege but in Pretty Cure.Both the Cures and the villains also have access to the gadgets used by attacking and defending operators including drones and breaching charges when they attack or wall/hatch reinforcements,barricades (yes,a PreCure whipping out a stapler gun and a rolled up mat of planks and using it to cover up a doorway or window),Nitro Cells and barbed wire when they need to defend (For the villains,they take hostages and other things that the villains do in a magical girl show.For the Cures,they defend a person that the villains have a interest in such as persons that fit the criteria needed for the villains to create a powerful monster from that person or items of interest to the villains. )
Cure Flora:Trax Stingers. Cure Flora is the Princess of Flowers and a deployed Trax Stinger can be likened to a field of flowers at full bloom....if said field of flowers are hexagonal spike mats ready to impale anyone who steps on them. (Cure Flora's version of the Trax Stingers are basically small (0.5 meters in diameter) flat disc-shaped bushes of beautiful roses instead of hexagonal shaped spike mats with thorns pointing up.The thorns retract if they sense a Pretty Cure,friendly or a civilian about to step on them reducing the effect of the Trax Stingers to just a slight prickly feeling on their feet when they step on it.When a servant of Dys Dark steps on them,the spikes shoot up into the foot of that servant,harming them.The 'grenade' that Cure Flora uses to deploy the Trax Stingers differs in appearance in that it has ornate flower engravings instead of the caution stripes of Gridlock's Trax Stingers.) Cure Mermaid: Gryo Cam Mk 2 'Black Eye' Throwable Sticky Cameras. The user of the 'Black Eye' camera in Rainbow Six Siege is Valkyrie who is a Navy SEAL and hence a sailor.Cure Mermaid derives her name from mythological legends of mermaids told by sailors. (Here's how Cures access Cure Mermaid's Black Eye cameras,Cures that use a phone to transform with the exception of Cure Black,Cure White,Cure Bloom/Bright and Cure Egret/Windy would use their transformation devices to directly access the cameras.Other Pretty Cures would carry a phone with them to access the cameras.) Cure Twinkle:Candela Cluster Flashbang Grenades. Cure Twinkle is the Princess of Stars and a Candela going off in Rainbow Six Siege can be likened to twinkling stars that can cause you to go blind temporary if you look at them. Cure Scarlet:Exothermic Breaching Torch. The user of the Breaching Torch in Siege is Maverick who according to the game's lore was MIA for a long period of time.Similarly Towa (aka Cure Scarlet.) was missing from the Hope Kingdom for a long period of time,brainwashed into Dyspear's 'daughter', Twillight before she became Cure Scarlet. Cure Gelato:EE-ONE-D Aerial Surveillance Drone. Cure Gelato has a sonic roar which can stun enemies.Similarly the EE-ONE-D can stun enemies in a way when activated by forcing them to stay still or else their movements will be detected.Also note that Oliver Flament who uses the EE-ONE-D in Siege has the codename of 'Lion' and Cure Gelato is partially based of a lion in design. (The way the EE-ONE-D works is slightly different here.When Cure Gelato activates the scan function on the EE-ONE-D,information about movement activity are displayed on the transformation devices or cellphones of the Pretty Cures and the wrist display that Cure Gelato uses to monitor the functions of EE-ONE-D in the form of red dots displaying movement instead of a wallhack as seen in game) Cure Chocolat:Eyenox Model III Footprint Tracker. Cure Chocolat is partially based off a dog in design and dogs are known for their sense of smell which is used for tracking.The Eyenox tracks people in a similar way by scanning their footprints and pinging the owner of the footprints. Cure March:Airjab Grenades (Hand-thrown variant.). Cure March has powers over wind and a strong gust of wind can knock people off their feet if it's strong enough.Airjab Grenades in Siege do the exact same thing as well. Cure Peace: Crude Electrical Device-1/Shock Wires. Cure Peace has powers over electricity and the Shock Wires used by Bandit in Rainbow Six Siege electrify metallic gadgets.Also note that the operator,Bandit shares a similar colour scheme with Cure Peace's Bad End Kingdom counterpart;Bad End Peace. Shiny Luminous: G52 Flash Shield. Shiny Luminous has powers over light and often uses it to support her teammates,Cure Black and Cure White by creating barriers of light.Blitz in Rainbow Six Siege does the same thing by using the Flash Shield to absorb bullets and flashing enemies with the flashbangs on his flash shield. Cure Aqua:Electronics Detector (Built into Pinky Catch.). Cure Aqua is known as the Pretty Cure of Intelligence.The user of the Electronics Detector in Rainbow Six Siege is IQ who derives her codename from a measure of intelligence. Cure Lovely: Tactical Breaching Hammer. Cure Lovely is memetically known for her brutal fighting style.Similarly in Siege,Sledge is known for his equally brutal breaching method as he uses a sledgehammer to smash into unreinforced surfaces. Cure Melody:"Yokai" Hover Drone. Cure Melody's civillian identity's (Hibiki Hojo) given name means "Echo" in Japanese and the operator who uses the Yokai Drone in Rainbow Six Siege is codenamed Echo. (Cure Melody controls the Yokai using her Cure Module instead of a wrist display that Echo uses.)
Lines sometimes said by Pretty Cures when deploying/ activating their gadgets. Cure Flora: "Trax Stingers in full bloom!" Cure Mermaid: "New camera feed up and running!" Cure Twinkle: "Time to twinkle some eyes!" Cure Scarlet: "Torch is a-go." Cure Gelato: "EE-ONE-D scanning for prey!" Cure Chocolat: "You better start running." Cure March: "Airjab out!" Cure Peace: "Placed device!" Shiny Luminous: "Hearts of light and wills of light for them to become blind!" Cure Aqua: "Deploying Pinky Catch ! If it runs on batteries,I'll see it!" Cure Lovely: "Who needs explosives when you got the power of love and a hammer?" Cure Melody: "Yokai deployed and ready to give hostiles a performance!"
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