#this project was SO MUCH FUNNNN
traffrogers · 1 month
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Not @briefle, @terraglows and i making a comic for @hotguycomiczine???? surely????? with much help from @gingermaple
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nomaishuttle · 10 months
teehee what if i put all 3 of my 'oc' things 2gether. maximum autism,
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mangoposts · 9 months
omg ok so yk how Matt was saying on the pod that he was working on a project and no one has guessed it correctly yet? I genuinely believe that it is something to do with mental health like I don't know maybe a journal or like a website or something I'm not 100% sure I just know for a fact that has to do with mental health. and Nick's is lifestyle or photography like he's starting photography or smth more because there's already an account that he has that he uses for photography. also Matt said that he already introduced his second Instagram account but I have no idea what it is so can someone please tell me what the hell  that account is 
His second account is yesterdays.problem
I fully agree with you I feel like Matt might make his own solo podcastttt??? Addressing mental matters or like you said a journal of some sort. Another outlet for mental health guidance
And Nick is 100% photography i hope, i miss his photography content so much and i know he used to be really passionate about it so i hope it makes a bigger comeback this year and he’s able to have his own personal project that we could indulge in because ive been craving something solo from Nick for years
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crazy-lazy-elder-sims · 4 months
I really love the way im building forgotten hollow right now first im building all the shells normally so right now it all looks like massive historical vampire district gothic revival castls and manors then after im done with all the shells im gonna modernize it to make it looks like someone took over an old cathedral and refurbished it into a nightclub so its gonna look somthing like neo gothic revival or something lol
Its like going through the history of the world from vlads arrival hundreds of years ago to modern day where his spawns took over the place uunder his command 👀
Its a bit of a massive project but luckily i had already saved some stuff from other builders and also made some stuff myself for another rproject that i abandoned previously lol so it cut down on building time majorly i just gotta refine some stuff theme-ize each building to follow the story im making add the neon night club lights and do the interiors then i gotta make the actual vampire clan and redo vlad and the vatores hehehe so much funnnn
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daydadahlias · 2 years
this will be long so prepare cause i can't actually choose one favorite of yours.
Scene 14 -> they're idiots and i love them (i'll have to reread this one soon) and horsemint and lemonade
Fine print -> this is the one i've reread the most out of your works. i love glimpses of cake and their past relationship and how it affects present day luke and how in the end luke calls calum (out of respect i guess) to basically ask for his permission to date ash.
Coy Fish -> probably my favorite cashton fic (calum is all of us in this one :D), i also liked how you wrote muke here (their dynamics, and michael calling luke bambi)
Paint me -> i absolutely love the scene where they're all seeing ash for the first time in the painting class and the last scene where malum finds lashton in bed in the end
New -> great story and very hot, but what makes this one hilarious and stand out to me are your notes (aka hey guys, it's me pornbot jess)
and of course, the sexting ot4 fics simply because they're both so hilarious and i do hope you continue them
Bite Marks -> i know this one isn't finished yet, but i get very excited when you update so i hope you won't leave it unfinished (i am subscribed to your ao3 so i'll read it even if you finish it in 3 years)
i have a fave pairing when i'm reading fics (and it's obvious based on this list) but damn you have so many fics and i will read all of them asap.
Thank you for writing and sharing your stories with us :)
omg i love long asks
they're so impossibly stupid, how could you not love them?
i love that you brought up cake in FP! when writing, I considered it being an act of respect, yeah! because it's, like, here's someone you've built your entire life around and also, in a lot of ways, torn your life apart for and even though you're not with them anymore, there's still that inherent need to feel like you're doing right by them. and i dont necessarily think that Luke was asking permission bc if Cal had said "no, im not ok with that" (which he kind of was implying) i dont think that would have stopped luke from pursuing ashton. I think it just would have made it harder for him. i think he just wanted Cal to know. bc he felt like he owed it to him. i have lots of thoughts on Fine Print cake obviously lol.
a little projection from me to Cal in that one, I won't lie. ALSO i love that you brought up side muke!! and it's especially cute bc im writing a really long cashton fic rn with (very prevalent) side muke where michael calls luke bambi lol. i just think it's so cute!!
oo Paint Me was funnnn to write. she'll always have a special place in my heart <3 I dont love all my old stuff but PM definitely holds up.
WHAT !! AN OUTLIER !! a SURPRISE! this was a delightful little surprise. it's so funny, I was just thinking about New the other day for the first time in, like, two years. bc i like the premise of it but i Don't like the fic and i was considering rewriting it. also obsessed with the fact that u mentioned my author note. you read an author note and thought ugh Jess is just so funny and personable and you were right <3
I plan on continuing them! I'm just trying to pick a Setting for the next installment. maybe while they're in the studio, an interview, or the tour bus
I love BM and I really do plan on finishing it. I hate that I posted it before I was properly ready and I do not plan on ever doing that with a fic again. but i will finish it!! even if that, yeah... takes 3 years.
thank you so much for reading and all of your kind words! I loved reading this <3
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cheasegary · 2 years
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Little animation I made to announce IIIIII
started working at WBA as a storyboard revisionist! The project I’m on is sick as hell and I’m super excited to do the work. So much funnnn.
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jgvfhl · 3 years
can you indulge me with some Din calling me cyare 🥰
please and thank you 😘
HELLO YES I WILL INDULGE 💙💙💙 Din is a delight to write 😊 This one is kiiiiinda long compared to the other blurbs buuuut I think it's all worth it. Also I just couldn't keep away from Boba's vague older brother energy so yeah 👍
I'm going on vacation for a bit, so I won't be answering requests for a couple weeks (i know there's one in the inbox). But I'll be havin lots of funnnn 😋
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Perhaps it was the Powers That Be trying to send some message, but all Din had noticed was his ability to stumble into people who all got along with each other and took it upon themselves to take jabs at him. Ever since Grogu, a small collection of such people had sprung up around them. You were the most recent development. Din hadn’t really had friends outside of the Covert for so long, let alone anyone he might, maybe, possibly, yeah, probably did care for more strongly. He still didn’t quite know what to do about it, let alone how to tell if you had any interest in return. You weren’t Mandalorian. You were a mechanic. A damn good one, Din would admit, but he couldn’t exactly woo you with armor or sparring or hunting.
Slave I touched down behind the palace in the usual cloud of sand and dust. Unsurprisingly, Fett was waiting not too far off, probably making sure Din hadn’t wrecked his ship on his first solo hunt with her since Grogu had gone with the Jedi. (The famous Jedi. Apparently.) Maybe that’s why you were standing next to him--to make note of what needed fixing. He was pretty sure nothing needed fixing.
You were beaming at him as he approached, and it was making his stomach feel like he’d just left hyperspace without warning. You were just so… bright. Even now, when you’d clearly been working not long ago, your coveralls dusty and smeared with oil, and strands of hair sticking to your forehead.
Fett suddenly reached over and flicked the side of his helmet.
Din flinched back more from surprise than anything. “Hey! What?”
“I was thanking you for returning my ship in one piece, if you were listening.” His tone carried an amused smile that Din could read even through his visor.
“It was an easy job,” Din replied.
“Yeah, well,” you began, a small smirk on your face, “considering the number of times I patched up the Crest before, I think Boba had his reasons to be concerned.”
Din glanced between them. “When did you two get on a first-name basis?”
You shrugged. “Like two days ago, we were gossiping.”
“You were what?”
“Gossiping,” Fett repeated, like it was nothing.
Din blinked behind his visor, staring first at Fett’s impassive posture, then to you, and your slowly growing smile.
Suddenly, you perked up, stepping forward and grabbing his arm. “Oh! I wanna show you my new project!” You started dragging him towards one of the palace’s many hangars, and Din found he had no qualms letting you drag him, but Fett called your name. You stopped so abruptly, he stumbled trying not to run you over, only succeeding in bumping into you like an idiot, his hands finding your shoulders to steady you both. You just gripped his arm tighter and smiled up at him. He reminded himself to breathe.
“I have something I need to discuss with him,” Fett told you. “It won’t take long, you can go on ahead.”
You rolled your eyes a little. “Fiiiine.” Looking back up at him, you lowered your voice. “It’s a really cool project, just ditch him if you have to.” Din was sorely tempted. You slipped out of his hands and jogged off towards the hangar.
Din watched you until Fett appeared in his periphery. He turned his attention to the other hunter. “What did you want to discuss?”
“Do you know how much she talks about you?”
There was a beat of silence. “Uh… what?”
“It’s like you never left: ‘Din’s so good at this, Din took such-and-such a bounty, Din’s probably the handsomest man in the damn galaxy under all that metal--”
“She didn’t say that.”
Fett scoffed. “So what if she didn’t? You don’t want her thinking you’re handsome?”
Smug bastard. Din’s face was probably redder than Fett’s vambraces at this point, and Fett knew enough to know that. “Look--do you--can you just get to your point?” he huffed, shifting his feet and trying not to stare at your distant figure at work in the hangar.
“My point is she likes you.” Fett moved so he was facing Din. “Would you please,” he said, pressing his palms together, “do something about it? I know you’ve got eyes on her, I’m not stupid, Djarin.”
When Din didn’t respond right away, he went on.
“I even made your job easier: I taught her some Mando’a, I told her what I know about Mandalorian--” he gestured vaguely-- "stuff.”
“That--” Din mimicked the gesture-- “doesn’t fill me with confidence.”
Fett rolled his eyes, Din could tell from his posture. “She asked first, don’t kill the messenger, Djarin. Just do something about it, or I’ll turn it around and sic her on you.” With that, he turned away and started back towards the main body of the palace.
Din sighed, his gaze drifting back to you in the hangar. He really hated how often Fett was right. He shook his head, still feeling a residual blush on his cheeks--at least you wouldn’t see it--and began walking over to the hangar.
You turned another brilliant smile on him as soon as you caught sight of him. You pulled yourself out from under a land speeder. “Din! Lemme show you.” You gestured for him to sit next to you on the ground, which he did.
“Um--can I… ask you something first?”
You looked at him, and the brief silence was almost as oppressive as Tatooine’s heat. “Yeah, sure,” you nodded.
“Fett mentioned he’d taught you some Mando’a?”
“Oh, yeah!” He loved seeing your fact light up like that. “Yeah, I was… kinda curious, I guess. He only taught me a few words, though.”
“Did he, uh…” Din swallowed, flicking dust off his boots. “Did he teach you the word cyare?”
You repeated the word, and Din swore his heart nearly broke his ribs beating as hard as it was. But you shook your head, your brow scrunched. “No, I don’t remember that one. What is it?”
“It means… ‘beloved.’”
You smiled at him, resting your elbow on your knee to cup your chin with a hand. “Yeah?” There was a glint in your eyes, a subtle challenge.
“Why’d you choose that word?”
Din swallowed again, absolutely incapable of taking his eyes off you. “Can I… call you that?”
There was a smug look to your smile now. “Only if you mean it,” you told him.
“I mean it.” Maker, he really meant it. “Cyare.”
@darth-void @blsmjoon
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shikse · 3 years
Hiya, I'm Athena. How's the writing going? I hope you're well and I'm here if you ever wanna talk. What's been the most exciting part of writing for you?
hello!! nice to meet you :D
writing's going okay at the moment, i'm still a little burnt out after nanowrimo though. i'm working on my first novel, though i'm also taking some time to world build and write a prologue for a prequel that has been bouncing around my head! it's funny, because i'm unsure about the prologue for my actual writing project right now lol
so far, the most exciting part has been character dynamics and conflict. i can spend hours daydreaming about the little quirks and relationships, and how people interact with one another- its usually about the same characters, but its so fun to find different and complex relationships, too! as of now i'm obsessed with the god i wrote about in that piece and a potential lover of his, and how their relationship later crumbled :)
(i'm also in love with building theologies and languages at the moment too, it's so funnnn)
thank you for asking, and thank you for the kind words!! they're much appreciated <333
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justphilia · 4 years
More Claw!Teru, its all I've been thinking about for hours (Nap)
(ooohhhh I have italics and bold this is funnnn oh MAN focus focus okay here we GO)
Alright so Teru went with Claw when they first showed up - well and good, I like this, of course he would! His parents don’t want him and Claw thinks he’s special, worthy of joining their cause, so Teru’s got just. a massive ego, huge, astronomical ego. 
Something I thought of: Teru as a Scar. Muraki’s a Scar, right? It serves to reason that Teru would be too, which means he definitely picked a fight with the Boss, and I’ll touch on that later for sure
Where’s his specific scar, though? Teru is strong, he’s smart, but he’s got too much pride for his own good. He probably picked a fight with all the 7th Division Scars and, even as a kid (9-10yrs old? Not sure tbh anyway) I’m willing to bet that he outwitted several of the less experienced Scars. That’ll get him sent right up to the top, or even if it didn’t go down that way -
(let’s say that Touichiro made the rounds to all the Divisions, he stops at the 7th and wants to see the new “recruits”. Teru’s told that he’s the Boss, but surely if this guy’s the boss, and he’s already beat up the other adults, he’d be able to take him on too, right? 
I’d like to think he put up a good fight.) 
- Teru’s got a Scar that runs the length of his scalp, from his hairline, up and over, back down to the base of his skull. In canon, his hair getting shaved was covered up by a wig, and the same happens here. Naturally, its the exact same wig as canon (taller, perhaps? Claw certainly wouldn’t care) although I’m a bit fuzzy on how he loses it. (Reigen, maybe? After the power transfer, that would make sense) 
Skipping way ahead here, closer to Mogami and World Domination. 
Reigen’s taken Teru in, and he’s (reluctantly) sticking around. Reigen forces him to enroll in school, or else he’d have to stay and work at S&S all day. Teru adamantly refuses, only on the grounds of “the commoners don’t deserve my help, besides, they all stared at me the one time I stayed all day with you." 
But twist: Teru doesn’t live anywhere near Black Vinegar now (since he’s with Reigen) and ends up going to the same school as Shigeo. 
This works out, in a weird way, because Teru knows how strong Shigeo is. He fought him once and very nearly lost (cue big ramble abt how losing to Touichiro wouldn’t have humbled him in any way bc Claw literally runs on being a bunch of smug dorks and how it was losing to Reigen instead [Reigen had the full force of Shigeo’s 100%, and while not ???%, it certainly is quite a lot of power regardless] that kickstarted Teru’s humbling process) and the biggest question on his mind is the one that HQ’s little redhead lapdog brought up. 
Why didn’t Shigeo use his powers?
So Teru spends his time at school following Shigeo around, trying to understand. He’s decided to become his friend - if friend is even the word he can use.
He tutors the Awakening kids at Ritsu’s insistence (because for all of Ritsu’s own flaws, he recognizes when someone is stronger than him), because Ritsu was barely able to keep them safe on his own, and Teru intimately knows what Claw can do. Ritsu wants to make sure his friends can protect themselves, just in case. Teru uses it as an excuse to flex his powers a bit. 
Ritsu’s still bitter about the kidnapping, and it makes Teru feel a little guilty. He’s apologized, kinda, because Reigen’s been slowly knocking morals and ethics into his head and Teru does sorta feel bad for causing so many problems, but he’s still struggling with the empathy of it all. 
I want Teru to go with Reigen and Shigeo to confront Mogami. I don’t even know what that would entail, but he goes along because Reigen’s logic of "two psychics are better than one” has merit. Shit happens. The aftermath is that Teru is right there when Shigeo wakes up, and presses much harder than Reigen did to find out exactly what happened while Shigeo was stuck in Mogami-land.
Lots of vague plot bunnies later, Shigeo confides in Teru and somehow it finally clicks for Teru exactly why Shigeo is the way he is, and why Teru wasn’t really so different from Minori in the beginning (just in a different environment), and how badly he needs to change if he’s ever going to really become Shigeo’s friend. 
(Joke’s on Teru - Shigeo’s considered him a friend for awhile. Teru gets along well with Tome, and helps him workout, and with his homework, and agrees that Captain Musashi is cool [Teru is still a helpless gay, let him have crushes], and is helping his Shishou with work - of course he’s his friend, what else would he be?) 
Teru’s at home (Reigen’s apartment) when Claw attacks. The biggest difference is that it’s a much bigger fight - instead of four, they sent a dozen, because they already knew (even moreso than before) what he’s capable of. 
I’m torn between Teru staying and fighting tooth-and-nail for this new life he’s created (because it’s so much better than Claw - he’s fed, has hobbies, he has real friends, a home, even a kinda-dad in Reigen) or the mess of Claw agents shows up, and Teru goes with them.
Teru knows how strong Touichiro is. He knows how strong the Ultimate 5 are. He fought them. So instead, we have a Teru who’s weighing his self-preservation (and fear of failure) against his anger towards these adults who thoroughly traumatized him. (I have ideas, but they’re scattered and would take awhile to make even remotely coherent) 
Long story short, at the end of it all, Teru kicks Shimazaki’s ass with minimal help, and it’s only when his pride catches up to him (because it does - that’s something Claw!Teru has a much harder time with) that he starts to lose the fight. He gets backup in the form of the 7th Division and Ritsu  (who’s lowkey begruding about it, but Teru’s protecting them, he can’t just not help) (OR instead Ritsu actually goes with Shou to confront his father because Teru’s got it under control - gimme that scenario, hit me with an instant 100% Shigeo because Ritsu got hurt again and this needs to stop now.) 
idk that’s all I got for now, thank u for listeninggggg time to go run errands and work on some hardcore angst that’s distracting me from all my other projects againnnn~~  ≿━━━━༺❀༻━━━━≾ Happy noises because look I can finally use a boarder.
(Side note: Apparently when you use the submit box, I can see your email, it won’t show when I post this but I just wanna drop a heads up)
Teru going back to Claw during World Dom would be a big OUCH if it happens, which gives me an idea; Teru going back to Claw so he can destroy it on the inside. He pretends he’s joining back but ends up betraying Claw.
So he’s told to keep watch at the front with Shimazaki right, and Ritsu’s there and Ritsu’s just: “TERU WE TRUSTED YOU.”
Plot twist, it’s okay, because right when Shima’s about punt my emo son, Teru immediately does his betrayal.
And when Shige comes over, for a moment, he thinks Teru’s back to being bad so he gets angsty until Teru looks up and he’s like; “You’re here!”
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
can you tell me about your friends? -C (you dont have to)
Ooh! Sure, C! No problem! Hmm, since it doesn’t really specify which ‘friends’ you’re talking about, I’m going to talk about IRL and online ones! XD 
This is gonna be a long one, but only because I love, appreciate, and care for my friends :) 
So let’s start with my... 
IRL friends ^-^
I won’t be using their ‘real names’ so... meh. 
First up we have Eggen! :) 
She’s such a joy to be around (no this is not sarcastic). She has this weird fluctuating emotions sometimes and it’s scary to deal with (but not as scary as Jessie-). Funny story about how we actually met was that we had this conjoining class in Ext. Maths and she was from another class. I was still a new student then, so I wasn’t really familiar with anyone and my friends from *my* class were in Ext. Maths too, and were friends with Eggen, hence we all had this weird group thingy at one portion of the classroom and we hung out together. 
Now see, here, we weren’t really *friends* then. More like acquaintances XD 
I texted her because I saw in her profile, that she was a *HUFFLEPUFF* (which is different now, because it didn’t fit anymore- She’s a slytherin now :)) and I texted her saying “OH MY GOSH! YOU’RE A HUFFLEPUFF TOO?!!” I was a dork. It was stupid. And she replied “Haha, yeah...” and lemme tell you, I’m surprised why she’s still my friend to this day XD 
She’s improved a lot since then, and I am honestly quite frankly really *really* proud of her. She’s grown a lot (literally, coz she’s short and metaphorically, coz she’s so talented and skilled and smart now! [Not that she wasn’t smart before, just saying, definitely you can see progress]) She’s talented in drawing, ballet, has great ideas, really hard working, productive, one of the most inspirational person I know :) I’m glad to call her my friend :D 
(Only I get to call her Eggen though 0-0 ANyONe else who dares, will get a smack from me-) ALSO did I mention she likes to torture people by throwing her erasers at them? It’s funnnn memories :’) 
Next up we haveeeee Lizze!!
Lizze now this one, I didn’t meet until like... at least a year after Eggen. Honestly. Don’t judge me, our school is biiggggggg. She had long hair then. At first I see her here and there, and it was pretty chill. Nothing too... ya know- friendsy just like oh yeah I recognize you. We were in the same scholarship program! So that was fun! :) 
We didn’t officially properly meet until like a year after though, and well let’s just say it was fun. She’s one of the only friends I was able to rope into watching Sanders Sides with me and is also a huge geek nerd XD  She’s ALSO REALLY REALLY HECKING TALENTED IN WRITING?! LIke WHAT?! WHo even?! 
Yeah, such a great friend. She’s one of the people I go to when in need of any writing advice, or just advice in general! She really gives that second opinion and really takes things into account and I’m really just plain glad to call her my friend. I love her so much and like we would discuss and hang out sometimes on VC late into the night and it’d be funny watching her trying to navigate around her messy room :’) Ahh! Fun times XD 
Then we have... NICO!! :) 
Nico... was my first ever friend. Literally. In the new school. I’m gonna lay down the scenario XD
I walked into class on orientation day, not aa lot of students were there yet, I was early (for once). Nico was sitting on the left side of a table (we had two student tables) two rows from the back, near the windows. I walked in and was like Hm. Where should I sit? So I Decided that I wasn’t gonna be a wimp and decided to walk and sit next to Nico. He was also surprisingly a new student, so we kinda like related for a bit XD 
Flashforward and Nico is one of my close friends? I mean he’s there and he’s fun to hang out with XD (I don’t do labels, sorry XD) We would joke around, play around, and he’s just a great fella all around! It’s just sometimes people might make fun of him and he’d get insecure sometimes, which makes me sad and yeah! Favorite memories with him would always be in Ext. Math. We’ve landed in the same class (coz we switch around every year) like twice and everytime it’d be the same! And well every time in Math I would ‘show off’ my amazing math skills and he’d try to compete with me. It was fun every time. *dreamy sigh* 
I miss the competitions really. We’d compete to see who would finish first, who would do what part, and when either of us are confused we would annoy the other to get the answer XD I miss him :’) 
Then we get... JILL! :D 
Jill was another friend I met in my first year at the school. At first, she used to hang out with this other friend because they were stuck to each other since like primary, but slowly they drifted (which in my opinion might be for the best 😬) 
She’s an otaku. A pure bred otaku. I had to deal with her anime fanatic years for like... 3 years and counting now. Why. But she’s wonderful and drawing and would always have this bad habit of drawing on anything and literally whatever surface she finds. The desk, her notebooks, her test papers, her *SKIN*, *MY* skin, her WATER BOTTLE (like what THE HECK- JILL?!) but like, it’s endearing XD 
She’s great at complaining and hates hugs. She also hates mangoes- (If you remember what my catchphrase was? Yeah the, “GUESS WHAT? JILL HATES MANGOES” yeah it’s this Jill XD) I’m not joking. She’s great at complaining XD 
Funny story is that once we had to do this video project thing and we just had Jill complain about the amount of homework we had to like compare stuff and what not, and she did it. IN ONE BREATH. NO HESITATIONS. NO SCRIPT. ONE TAKE. WE were all DYING after that XDDD Coz she’s literally known as a complainer and she has great logic skills. She also really LOVES money... so... i mean... yeah. She’s really like... conservative with her money but isn’t afraid to use it to spoil others, but not herself XD 
Finally but not the last (I got more friends, but I don’t really... connect with them enough?) is BEEP! (no this is not her actual name, I just don’t really call her by her real name much) 
The OG friend from first day of school! Nico? YEah Step ASIDE BRO! XDD This gal is my go-to cuddle buddy. LIterally. Our moms are kinda like... besties? (*shrugs* it’s complicated) so we kinda do a lot of things together XD We go to gym together, go to places together, road trip together. She’s a joy to be around. She is like the cuddliest and well usually she does get teased about for being fluffy but like that’s the best part about her 🥺. Her mom is also really picky about her appearance which as her friends, we were pretty annoyed by it, but I love her the way she is :) 
First day of school and she walked by and asked to sit next to me. I said yes, without looking at her, coz I was *shy* (shush). Then we had an ice-breaker thing and LMAO guess what we bonded on- 
FRICKING HARRY STYLES AND WATTPAD- (look, if you’ve been on wattpad, you’d know that Harry Styles stories on there is never really... safe. in a sense.) SO, we’d immediately bonded over that and literally the rest of the day was history. We’d go through class everyday together and it would be a blast, OF COURSE she had other friends and I had mine, we weren’t really in the same ‘stereotypical’ group (like she has the more... *mean girls* kinda group [I’M NOT SAYING SHE’S MEAN! But, I’m saying that they have the popular group- yeah there that XD]) 
I had my own group but we hang anyways because it’s fun. She has the most beautiful laugh, like... literally the loudest and beautiful-est laugh ever XD We have so many inside jokes. She’d hold on to them and start laughing randomly XD She cries a lot when she laughs so that always spurs us to continue laughing, gosh damn it, I miss her. I’m smiling so hard writing this. 
Aight! That’s from my IRL friends! 
Next we have my online friends! :DDD
First up, we have YAWN! :D
Yawn is quite frankly, the first person I ever actually connected to on Tumblr here XD 
I’ve been through tens and hundreds of discord servers, jumped in tumblr group chats, and no where have I ever met anyone as wonderful as Yawn. Literally. 
I would say we pretty much clicked and when *she* (look I asked okay. they said yes to all pronouns so- >:3 I’m going to have fun with it XD) expressed xeir love for PUNS of all things, literally, I was shooketh. SO I LITERALLY SPAMMED HIM WITH ALL THE PUNS I COULD THINK OF- ANd then HE LITErally PropOSEd- XDDD I don’t know man. It’s amazing :’) I don’t know how I got this lucky. 
Yawn is like that refreshing giddiness you have as a child when you see a new toy or something. Yeah that’s Yawn. Literally every time we text it’s just so damn wholesome and so fun and it’s great! We’d talk about the most random things ever and it’d be amazing :))
Hhhhhhhhhhh, I’m just so damn proud of zem. LIke. Literally. Xir has come so far, and like... we haven’t really met for long yet but I just care about xir sooooooooooooooo much. It has always been there for me and I’m just so appreciative of it. We have so many- *WHEEZE* inside jokes- XDDD 
One I can think of is literally “I run you, Shakespeare” and it’s HILARIou- XDDDDDDDDDDDD
I can’t- It’s beautiful XD 
I just can’t believe that our friendship literally started with me just sucking up my anxiety and just texting people stuff and I honestly don’t know how it continued from there- XD 
They are the most accepting person I know. Genuinely. I don’t know where I’d be without them :’) 
Next we have... VOMMY! :DDD Or C-Gal... We gotta bring that nickname back XD 
First of all, we met in a Fander Pride Meet Up server. VOmmy CAN SPEAK DUTCH and is SOO CREATIve and SO FRIckING Hard WOrking and such an inspiration. Always greets us and is always down for hugs and cuddles XD 
Such a great tea friend, and has like the best aesthetic ever- literally. So old and vintage like a vintage mom and always down to talk about stuff! Ze is soooooo smart as well! And would infodump sometimes when ze’s not busy about stuff that I absolutely adore and love to hear about! Honestly the best vommy ever and ze has PLANTS like- *Woooooooooo!* 
We met vommy and literally we can always geek out with zem. Sometimes life gets hard and we need to scream it out every now and then, and vommy would be there :))) 
I am so proud of zem and just so damn happy to call zem my friend uwu 
Then we haveeeeee... STARBURST! OR BOB THE BUILDER!
ANOTHER friendo we met in the Fander Pride Meet Up Server (seriously a lot of cool friendos there). One of the best advice givers and the most caring older sibling ever. Literally. Like I can’t stress this enough. He’s such a great cousin duck and just a great listener friendo ever. 
I’m literally so proud of him. It’s crazy. He’s always been there for us, all of us. And is there to provide hugs and arms to cry on. ALSO HAVE I EVER MENTIONED HOW BEAUTIFUL HE IS??! LIKE WHAT THE HECK- AHhhhhHHHHHH
Next we haveeeeeee- POPPY the POPTART! :D 
First time we met in the Fander Pride Meetup, I may of may not have offended them. 0-0 
I still feel really bad about that honestly. Uhhh, anyways, I won’t go too in depth on that. BUT ANYWAYS- 
THEy Have been such a WONDERFUL presence in my life. LIterally. LIke They have such an cheerful vibe ever and would never fail to make me laugh or like coo or like anything coz they are soooo ADORABLE! They are also like really great cuddler and hugger and sooooo sooooo sooooo handsome :DD
Sure there are rough patches in their lives, but I adore them and am sooo sooo soo proud of them for being able to go through it and still come out with their heads high and just so damn happy that they will not give up that easily. I really admire their strength, and we are always there to support if they need help :) 
Also, go check out @/poptartsaysurloved pinned post. See if anyone is willing or can help! :) 
Next we have... ATLAS! Or LAssie as I like to call him XD
He’s one of the screaming cereal that I most definitely did not meet in the Fander Pride Meet Up and instead in another server and I’m glad to have met him XD 
I don’t know the *exact* thing I texted him, but I definitely remember asking him about something in his status and I most definitely was satisfied with my answer and we just started talking in DMs for a bit, before I invited him in to the screaming cereal bowl server! :D 
ARSon kid can’t go a day without wanting to blow something up and frankly I’m concerned but such a great friendo
Provider of memes, jokes, laughs, hugs, cuddles, and fun time XD 
I can’t even, it’s crack head moments every time with that lassie XD 
She deals with my bull crap every day kind of and deals with a bunch of my mushy feelingsy moments! I can’t stress enough. Literally Shelly McScotty over here is like the most relatable person ever. Mood all the way and we have like SOO MANY SIMILAR INTERESTS 
IT’s CRAZY! When I first found out that she watches like Unus Annus, Winx Club (SHOOSH IT’S A GOOD SHOW SHUSH) Literally, I’m like this is the best person ever. She’s also knowledgeable in a lot of stuff and is literally like the best person to go to when you need to get like informational stuff
Literally. I would info dump on her and she’d be such a great listener. Fricking Disney and Potterhead GEEK of the decade. HOly heck this lady is the literal embodiment of a disney princess. FIRST OF ALL, PERSONALITY IS THERE. SECOND OF ALL, HER LOOKS! HAVE YOU SEEN? LITERALLY SO DROP DEAD GORGEOUS ON FLEEK MAKEUP! AHHHHHh
I can’t get enough of this dude. Gives great advice and insight on soooo many things and I’m just so glad to have met this gurl. I don’t know how exactly we met, but I’m glad we did. 
MIND YOU most of my friends are either from Tumblr or Discord so XD 
Welp! This was a fun! I definitely spent wayyyyyyyyy too long on this thing, but it’s worth it! XD 
Hope you have fun learning about my friends from like a freaking geeking out stand point Canon! :D 
I have a feeling you wouldn’t read through this entire thing, so well... AH! Hope you have a nice day and don’t sleep too late! Tell me about your friends as well! :))  
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bestboyharry · 8 years
I miss 1d concerts so much rip
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legobatjoker · 2 years
UM OMG ITS 3 AM AGAINN onece again told myself id b alseep at 2 at the latest and once got myself distracted w little projects <//3 yesterday it was a fun silly little vid i meant to post but even iwhen i finished it just. refused to render in the right aspect ratio so thts fun !! nd today it was. very bad first draft fanfic after watching the stolkhome ep today FHDGH listenn i have things in brain i had to get out or i wldnt have slep abyway DHDJHD anyway wanyway !! so sorry if this is short bc of tht but i rly do just wanna say that i love you so so much mx i rly do !! like omg i had sm fun vcing with you today it rly was so lovely i tihnk to tlak with you and watch cs together and hear ur voice and nd spend time tigether talking nd chatting with you it rly was so so fun and amazing i feel it rly was just like it always is spending time with you jsut like it is to know you myu bleoved becuase well you really are such a wonderful person to talk with and know and i really do feel so so greatfu that i get to know you and talk with you hear your thoughts on things and share stuff with you i really really do bc well it rly is so wonderful mx and just like to have a freind like you who is so incredible and just kind and sweet and caring to me really does mean the world to me mx and im just soso greatful for it and just !! i lvoe you so so much mx i rly do !! :'> i hope ur days been good nd tht the trip home tmrw goes well nd trht u sleep well tonight, ilusmm !! <3 💞💞💞💞🐞🦋💕💕🍊🍓🥭🌼💞💕💞🌼✨✨✨
OHHHH WAIT BOTH OF THOSE PROJECTS SOUND SOSOSOOOSO GOOD AND I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE THEM !!!!!!!! i think itse so epic that u are working on those mx !!!!!!!!!! and !! i agree that vcing was soo much funnnn as always of course and also as always you are just such a wonderful person to know peaches and i am sooo beyond goad u think the same of me bcuz i teuly do feel so lucky to know u and ur so amazing!! i love u sm gnighttt!! 💕💕💕❤️💕❤️💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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lycanthropthy · 4 years
so. um.
i have some things to say.
first of all. y'all know about the madlibs episode thomas did? yeah. uhmmmmm...
did you guys hear about the behind the scenes?
yeaaaaah. not. not good.
before you read this, i recommend you watch prince alex’s (one of the artists for the madlibs) video. he did a much better job explaining everything.
heres a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coklrfnrqMk&list=TLPQMTUxMjIwMjBrEB8Q10OfNg&index=3
anyway. lets continue on.
so basically. thomas first mentioned he was looking for artists in like... july. so he was like “hey, im doing cartoon madlibs and need artists, heres a business email,” yada yada, professional stuff. so people turned in their art, and if you were qualified, someone on the team would send you an email (in alex’s case it was quill, i dont know if they were the only one sending emails) and tell you that youre qualified, gave you a contract to sign, and there was also a discord for the artists. so people were given various amounts of seconds to animate. some got more, some get less. (alex got 19 seconds, but that was on the higher end.) you had two weeks to turn the animation in. sounds fine. people turned in their work.
they didnt hear anything about it unitl october.
some artists asked. no response.
come the day of the monthly supporters livestream.
patrons came from the livestream and were like “yay, the episode is coming out on friday!”
the artists weren’t told about that.
yep, you read that right. the patrons heard when the episode was coming out before the artists
thats kinda... kinda fucked up?
anyway, there was another discord for like, the aftermath of the project? i guess? so artists in the other discord were like “hey is anyone,, is anyone else kinda pissed about this?”
yeah. a lot of people were mad. (not everyone, because not all the artists were in the server, and not everyone in the server was online, but pretty much everyone who was talking about this at the time was mad.)
so they went to the official discord, where thomas and the team were and said “heyyyy uhhh,, any word on when the episode is coming out?” like, pretending they didnt know.
no. response.
but thomas did say that the video would be delayed and wouldnt come out on friday.
so while the artists were waiting, they started talking about other issues/sketchy things surrounding the project.
apparently, there was a lot of other issues to discuss.
first of all, the artists were told that they werent allowed to talk about being a creator for the video even after the video was up.
not talking about it before? fine. understandable.
but not being allowed to say that you did work for the video after it was up and people were aware of it?
big yikes.
second of all, the pay.
ohhh boy. strap yourselves in folks.
i feel like now is a good time to mention that most, if not all of the artists working on this were completely unexperienced. they had no idea what to expect.
so someone literally googled how much an artist should get per second of animation. the answer? $35. and thats the bare minimum.
guess what?
they were paid 1.22. per second.
lets let that sink in, yes?
a dollar. and twenty-two fucking cents.
that means that 19 seconds of animation rounds up to about $24.
as apposed to like, 600 dollars.
for two weeks of work.
some people (who animated less seconds) couldnt even walk to the corner store and get a week’s worth of groceries with the money they were given.
wow. thanks.
but there was nothing they could do. they signed a contract.
moving on.
the morning the video was dropped. saturday.
of course, no one told the artists. they had to find out for themselves. *sighs angrily* but anyway.
heres the thing. when the artists first signed up, and did the work and such, they were asked how they wanted to be credited. thats nice right? so people put their info like social media handles, and maybe their name if they wanted to.
the credits werent in the description of the video.
all there was was the artist names in tiny print in the corner of the end card.
so artists went to thomas’s twitter and were like “hey uhhh,,, fix this please?”
so... he did.
but at this point, 40,000 people had already watched it, and like, assuming everyone who watched the video afterwards even read the description, thats still not nearly as big a number.
so yeah. not funnnn.
i dont rly have the energy to write up a conclusion, so again, go watch prince alex’s video. but yeah.
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byul-bit-arae · 7 years
11 Questions Tag
 Okay so I was tagged again for this (idk i feel so soft people actually tag me fbhfbjhrfbjfb) by the awesome @artist-aroha 
Here we go~
1. if you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for?? (no genies or more wishes cheeky)
 1/ World peace. please.  2/ To become a successful architect whose works shall change the world!!  3/ To have motivation 24/7 to write/ do what I want
2. if you had to pick out of: having the ability to be only 50% invisible or being able to fly only 0.5cm off the ground, which terrible superpower would you pick and why?
okay we gotta agree that they are both really terrible lmao but i’d choose being 50% invisible just because being able to fly for 0.5cm is really troublesome (like if you move your feet a bit downward you might hit the floor and fall lol). Also bc you’d look like a ghost it’ll be fun to mess around wth people :3
3. if you had to pick one astro member to be your older or younger brother who would it be and why?
what kind of cruel question is this I WANT THEM ALL;;; but if i had to choose it’d be minhyuk!! tbh having him as my younger brother would be so awesome and fun and we’d have this dance room in our house swsdwdsw how funnnn (and sanha would be his bff and he can come over and i’d bake them stuff yay :DD)
4. a kpop idol you think you would click with straight away or be absolute bffs with and why???
I don’t think I have said this enough in my life, but the day I don’t relate to Jackson Wang is the day I die. Even though i’m quite shy and reserved irl, my best friends are so loud and funny lmao and Jackson is such a social butterfly that I think we’ll click right away!! 5. tell me something about yourself that you dont usually tell someone when you first meet them
It’s that i have tumblr blogs haha or that I actually write in general, it’s something i like keeping to myself and i consider as my little comfort zone??
6. been proud of yourself recently?? tell me all about it!!
Honestly? I’ve been feeling so trashy lately bc it’s holidays and yet i have so much work but i didn’t start any of it and i feel guilty whenever i think about it :c But leaving that aside,I’m proud of how my sketching/drawing skills improved in such a short time (less than four months) and also how my classmates consider me a reference when it comes to creativty/colors/new ideas and all that (last time my teacher even ordered them to applaud me for bringing up the Semicolon Project sdwsdwsdws). Oh! and I’m focusing a lot more on helping/pleasing my parents lately (bc that matters hella lots to me tbh). and finally I got way better in baking/ making desserts that now i make my own changes in recipe :3 (that was so long omg i’m so sorry but then again thank you for this!!)
7. whats a kpop song that you keep in your heart very dearly???
it’s either SUJU’s BONAMANA or SHINee’s Ring Ding Dong. they remind me of that golden age of kpop and i consider them as legendary songs 8. whats a kpop song that you immediately dance/sing to the moment it’s played??
I thought about this for a minute and (i mean literally a minute but hey i got so many songs in mind!!) it’s GOT7 - Never Ever. i can’t help but dance weirdly even to the very first beats hahhahah 9. who was your first ever bias and are they still on your bias list??
Taemin!!! (2010) and yes he’s still there~
10. if you bumped into your ultimate bias in a café, what would you do??
Taehyung oh my god oh my god oh mygo Okay so considering I didn’t faint yet and i’m still in my best health conditions, and even though I’d reaaaallly want to go up to him, i think i’ll have to keep my cool and stay where i am seated. Because, honestly, i’ve always thought it was inconsiderate and even rude of fans to follow/jump on their idols and cause a fuss while they’re clearly trying to have some quality time for themselves and take a break from the chaos. so what would that make me?  If he randomly glances my way i’d just smile at him or something, and if i had my fanarts with me or something to write on (which i usually do) i’d write down a short encouraging letter filled with love and give it to him on my way out, while trying my best to not cause a fuss and be as quiet as possible.
11. finally, is there anyone youd love to get closer to or want to say something to on here?? heres your time to express your love!!
um honestly (challenge: take a shot for every time i said ‘honestly’ in this post) there isn’t a specific person i’d like to get closer to, but the fact that everyone here has their ‘squad’ (and my best friends don’t really use tumblr D:) and everyone is always happily chatting and tagging each other in funny pictures and stuff while i’m just there like, um, hi?? makes me feels kinda lonely. and i don’t have the courage to just go ahead and talk to people because i either think they’re too awesome for me or that i’ll just be bothering them. and this is probably why i appreciate all the few interactions i receive here bc it makes me feel like hey i’m actually accepted here or i’m actually good at something and people like what i do.
This post got even longer than the first one omg i’m so sorryyyy
thank you for tagging me and also thank you for the questions it really felt like opening up to psychologist hahah
so since i’m kind of lonely and i already tagged some people last time, i’ll leave this one free for everyone who wants to do it :))
Here are my questions!! excuse my inability to make up great qqs i am probably going to google ”random questions” swsdwdswds
1. Do you prefer towel drying, blow drying or natural dryin your hair?
2. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
3. What do you think you are famous for? Be it here or in real life.
4. What city do you think is more suitable for the title ‘City of love/lovers”: Venice or Paris? or do you have another suggestion?
5. You’re getting married to your idol, everything is great, but your parents don’t approve of your wedding. What would you do?
6. What’s your favorite smell? 
7. What kind of perfume do you like? Classy or natural(fruits/flowers)?
8. Parachuting, Parasailing, Skydiving, Bunjee Jumping. choose one!
9. Have you ever done something really unbelivable, only to have no one around to see it?
10. What’s the most embarassing thing you did?
11. Which foreign languages did you have to learn in school? can you speak them fluently now?
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