#this post will be edited a bunch as the info updates!!!
yeahpapayaya · 1 day
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『'89, gnc, indigenous』
hiya i'm gen, currently looking for a part-time day job but freelancing full-time in the meantime!! you can find all of my important links here on my carrd: https://yeahpapayaya.carrd.co/
feel free to DM me or fill out my commission form
ᶜᵒᵐᵐⁱˢˢⁱᵒⁿˢ ˢᵗᵃʳᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵃᵗ ²⁵ᵁˢᴰ ᶠᵒʳ ᵇ&ʷ ˢᵏᵉᵗᶜʰᵉˢ
i offer a lot of different types of comms, if there's something you've had in mind to get a commission of feel free to contact me and we can figure it out together~ (i'm v chill and easy to talk to~)
x-mas is also coming up!!! i can draw portraits of your loved ones as a gift! peruse my tag portraits to see the range of styles i can work in~
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GOAL (for oct 1st): $0/$600
to pay for: rent, phone bill, new work shoes for my partner
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gootarts · 1 year
as of 8/3, the most recently updated version of this post is here (it's a reblog of this exact post with more info added)
as a lot of you know, limbus company recently fired its CG illustrator for being a feminist, at 11 pm, via phone call, after a bunch of misogynists walked into the office earlier that day and demanded she be fired. on top of this, as per korean fans, her firing went against labor laws---in korea, you must have your dismissal in writing.
the korean fandom on twitter is, understandably, going scorched earth on project moon due to this. there's a lot currently going on to protest the decision, so i'm posting a list here of what's going on for those who want to limit their time on elon musk's $44 billion midlife crisis impulse purchase website (if you are on twitter, domuk is a good person to follow, as they translate important updates to english). a lot of the links are in korean, but generally they play nicely with machine translators. this should be current as of 8/2.
Statements condemning the decision have been issued by The Gyeonggi Youth Union and IT Union.
A press conference at the Gyeonggido Assembly will occur on 8/3, with lawmakers of the Gyeonggi province (where Project Moon is based) in attendance. This appears driven by the leader of the Gyeonggi Youth Union.
The vice chairman of the IT union--who has a good amount of experience with labor negotiations like these--has expressed strong support for the artist and is working to get media coverage due to the ongoing feminist witch hunts in the gaming industry. Project Moon isn't union to my knowledge, but he's noted that he's taken on nonunion companies such as Netmarble (largest mobile game dev in South Korea) by getting the issue in front of the National Assembly (Korea's congress).
Articles on the incident published in The Daily Labor News, Korean Daily, multiple articles on Hankyoreh (one of which made it to the print edition), and other news outlets.
Segments about the termination on the MBN 7 o' clock news and MBC's morning news
Comments by Youth Union leaders about looking into a loan made to Project Moon via Devsisters Ventures, a venture capital firm. Tax money from Gyeonggi province was invested in Devsisters in 2017, and in 2021, Devsisters gave money to Project Moon. The Gyeonggi Youth Union is asking why hard-earned tax money was indirectly given to a company who violates ESG (environmental, social and governance) principles.
Almost nonstop signage truck protests outside Project Moon's physical office during business hours until 8/22 or the company makes a statement. This occurs alongside a coordinated hashtag campaign to get the issue trending on Twitter in Korea. The signage campaign was crowd-funded in about 3 hours.
A full boycott of the Limbus Company app, on both mobile and PC (steam) platforms. Overseas fans are highly encouraged to participate, regardless if whether they're F2P or not. Not opening the app at all is arguably the biggest thing any one person can do to protest the decision, as the app logs the number of accounts that log on daily. For a new gacha such as Limbus, a high number of F2P daily active users, but a small number of paying users is often preferable to having a smaller userbase but more paying users. If the company sees the number of daily users remain stable, they will likely decide to wait out any backlash rather than apologize.
Digging up verified reviews from previous employees regarding the company's poor management practices
Due to the firing, the Leviathan artist has posted about poor working conditions when making the story. As per a bilingual speaker, they were working on a storyboard revision, and thought 'if I ran into the street right now and got hit by a car and died, I wouldn't have to keep working.' They contacted Project Moon because they didn't want their work to be like that, and proposed changes to serialization/reduction in amount of work per picture/to build up a buffer of finished images (they did not have any buffer while working on Leviathan to my knowledge). They were shut out, and had to suck it up and accept the situation.
Hamhampangpang has a 'shrine' section of the restaurant for fans to leave fan-created merch and other items. They also allow the fans to take this merch back if they can prove it's theirs. Fans are now doing just that.
To boost all of the above, a large number of Korean fanartists with thousands of followers have deleted their works and/or converted their accounts from fanart accounts to accounts supporting the protests. Many of them are bilingual, and they're where I got the majority of this information.
[note 1: there's a targeted english-language disinformation campaign by the website that started the hate mob. i have read the artist's tweets with machine translation, and they're talked about in the second hankyoreh article linked above: nowhere does she express any transphobic or similarly awful beliefs. likewise, be wary of any claims that she supported anything whose description makes you raise eyebrows--those claims are likely in reference to megalia, a korean feminist movement. for information on that, i'd recommend the NPR/BBC articles below and this google drive link of english-language scholarly papers on them. for the love of god don't get your information about a feminist movement from guys going on witch hunts for feminists.]
[note 2: i've seen a couple people argue that the firing was for the physical safety of the employees, citing the kyoani incident in japan. as per this korean fan, most fans there strongly do not believe this was the case. we have english-translated transcripts of the meeting between the mob and project moon; the threats the mob was making were to......brand project moon as a feminist company online. yes, really. male korean gamers aren't normal about feminism, and there's been an ongoing witch hunt for feminists in the industry since about 2016, something you see noted in both the labor union statements. both NPR and the BBC this phenomenon to gamergate, and i'd say it's a pretty apt comparison.]
let me know if anything needs correction or if anything should be added.
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fortunelowtier · 3 months
I was gonna reblog my original post but I didn't wanna spam people with a long ass post (this post is already long enough) so instead I'll just link the previous post here and if yall wanna go look at it you can, but the short version is that a few days ago I made a post talking about HBs incredibly high turnover rate, and apparently within a few days it got enough traction to where it started spreading to the higher-ups of Spindlehorse, including Viv herself. I decided to make this update post just as a way to debunk what I can and as clearly as I can. 
First tweet:
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So for starters, they say this as if IMDB's numbers aren't publically available, it's not like I pulled these numbers out of my ass without merit, these are numbers I got off of IMDB. And I know some people might pull the high school English teacher card of “Anyone can edit that!!” and to be honest I dont feel like going into the semantics of one of the most non-arguments you can possibly use so all I’ll say is that the process of editing a Wikipedia or IMDB page is not as easy as your English teachers taught you to think it is. Sure you can edit it but it's another story if the edit will be saved. There's moderation, it's not a free-for-all.
Also, I find it interesting how this tweet was made (and subsequently deleted) mere days after their promotion to Animation Director, and if there's anything I've learned from Spindlehorse controversies it is that if someone is in any real position at the top of the companies proverbial food chain they shouldn't be allowed to speak for the experiences of employees lower on the ladder than them, especially when a lot of them seem to have a habit of denying certain claims despite the public availability of numerous pieces of evidence pointing toward the contrary
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It's like if you visited a bunch of former employees of a restaurant with a high turnover rate with proof that they had worked there and for exactly how long they worked there and then the manager comes along and tries to basically say “NUH UH” despite information proving the contrary being publicly available (maybe not the best analogy but you get what I mean)
Ok now onto the second one by Viv herself:
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There’s a lot to dissect here so I’m gonna break it down bit by bit.
"They’re listing every single credited person in EVERY art department"
So the way I got my numbers was by going to the Series Animation Department section of HB's IMDB, highlighting every name from the beginning of the section to the end, and then pasting them into this website which gave me the line count of 444. Was that the most optimal way of doing so? No, especially after I learned after the fact that there's a way to just see the numbers straight up, but that hardly matters considering the fact that there are allegedly more people in the animation dept who were uncredited, however, I'm still waiting on some more info from my source as to the validity and the scale of these claims (How many people were uncredited, how little were they paid for their work, etc etc) to make a proper post about it, so until then ill just leave it at that as to not make accusations without merit.
So, humoring Viv, I added up the total IMDB credits for the Art Dept and Visual Effects Dept, as well as the Sound Dept since I qualify sound as a form of art and because I wanted to give Viv as fair a chance as possible and actually tally the total credits of “every art department” as Viv claims I did, and it still only equals 155 total credits, a little over a third of the credits in the Animation Dept
“That includes the TC and Chaos credits”
So these are in reference to Toon City and Chaos Emporium, 2 companies known as a source for outsourcing animation, and just to humor Viv I decided to go onto IMDB and tally up all of the Chaos and TC credits since according to her that's where I got most of my final number.
After doing so, Chaos Emporium had a total of 15 credits, and Toon City had a total of 45
So Viv is making it seem like the TC and CE credits make up a large majority of them, which is why I got the number I did, when in reality when combined they only equal 60 credits. 14% of the total (technically it’s 13.5% but I’m rounding to the nearest whole for the sake of convenience)
“We dont even have 400 people. Simply Misinformation.”
You’re right Viv, you dont have 400 people, because I never said you did, nor did I imply you did. I said you've had 400. Of course you dont have 400 current employees, your company burns through them like paper because you underpay them while you go burning your Amazon and merch money on cruises and vacations and continuously post photos of you buying from zionist companies knowing full well that they're part of an active boycott.
So yeah, that's my 2 cents. Sorry if this sounded like some shit you'd see on a Twitlonger but after Viv was made aware of the posts I made about the turnover rate (and subsequently blocked me within the hour after seeing it) I knew that it wasn't gonna be long before I had people DMing me about how wrong I was because “Viv said it was wrong so it must be wrong”. 
One more thing I wanna add because I've gotten a lot of angry messages/asks about this, a lot of Viv stans seem to think I have this bizarre hate boner for Viv when I really don’t. I don’t hate Viv, I hate what she’s become. I hate how ever since the HH pilot she’s become a bully who can’t take criticism. And not just on the surface level of “criticism makes her upset”, because yea no shit, criticism makes everyone upset at least a little, and it's why I hate it when people see someone being upset at criticism and going “ERMM, CANT TAKE CRITICISM?”
When I say “Viv can’t take criticism” I mean she actively tries to shut down any convo about it without trying to learn from it. She blocks anyone who talks poorly about her or her company and makes baseless claims knowing full well her fans will follow her to the ends of Hell regardless of whether or not what she’s saying is even correct.
That’s all I got for now
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lordsalemander · 1 month
In case the insane length of the (ongoing) Imodna supercut hasn’t truly hit people, I bring to you a little list that should put it into perspective:
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Rambling/more info under the cut
So a couple months ago out of sheer boredom I looked up a bunch of duo/relationship Supercuts for CR (17 total) and compiled their lengths and put them in order by length. And even when I made it, Imodna was ahead by a LANDSLIDE, but the difference just keeps getting crazier and crazier with each new episode. And with their recent reconciliation I figured I might as well share it.
And as you can see the difference between First and Second place is insane. The Imodna supercut is nearly 4 TIMES the length of Callowpea which is holding firmly onto second place.
And yes I understand that there are a lot of confounding variables such as some Supercuts being incomplete or not fully updated, differing supercut compilers and their different ways of editing (the biggest example being the switch from LuOdara’s Imodna supercut vids to Izzylool’s in the calculation). One could also cite the Imodna supercut switching focus onto some group shenanigans during the split as a confounding variable. However with those two videos being two of the shortest in the whole playlist, adding up to a total of like an hour, it really doesn’t change much in the gran scheme of things.
Either way, this was always just a fun little project I originally made for myself, but thought I’d share today.
Additional stats/info:
- For the longest time I calculated this by mental math so I stuck to only adding minute and hours rather than seconds. But the exact time as done by a calculator is: 33 hours 13 minutes and 32 seconds, which is equal to 1993 minutes or 119,612 seconds. So the seconds I didn’t count ended up adding up to around 10 minutes.
- Callowpea’s exact time would be 10 hours 6 minutes and 57 seconds, equal to 606 minutes or 36,417 seconds.
-Beauyasha’s exact time would be 7 hours 42 minutes and 49 seconds, equal to 462 minutes or 27,769 seconds.
Final Notes
- I didn’t include every supercut on the list, but if anyone is curious about the rest/if a pairing is included let me know. Same goes for it anyone would be interested in an update in a couple months.
- A huge huge HUGE shoutout to every supercut creator, y’all are amazing and this post wouldn’t be anything without you. Huge respect for the effort and time you spend putting these videos together.
- And finally and most importantly: Please DO NOT use this post to hate on other people and their ships. Like I said this was just a fun little personal project that I thought was really interesting. Every single ship in this list is valid and good regardless of the length of their supercut. So as long as you enjoy them and the time they get, that’s all that matters.
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wafflureal · 27 days
Pure Vanilla Cookie's Wet Tingles Info !!!
I decided I would make a post here explaining wet tingles to everyone who might be confused
Wet Tingles Origin
It all started when i had a dream on November 1st, 2023, where I got a new costume for Pure Vanilla Cookie called "Wet Tingles." I woke up, and it was on my mind all day, so i decided to make an edited sprite of what it looked like
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I posted it to Reddit, where it got pretty popular pretty quickly, but it ended about a week later. Then, fast forward to April 2024, suddenly it's everywhere on Twitter. People were making fanart of him, they were making fan costumes of their favorite cookies, and it even made it to the cookie run kingdom discord server.
September 18th 2024 Update:
A few nights ago i had ANOTHER DREAM OF HIM !! There was this one person on Etsy selling homemade CRK plushies and while i was going through their listings, I saw one with the name "Wet Tingles". This wasn't the same original Wet Tingles we all know and love, this one had a complete redesign with actual clothes this time, he had a cream colored long sleeve shirt with a collar with the top button unbuttoned with a brown diamond pattern pullover and the MyCookie pants but it was the same color as his notorious green towel. He had a mohawk and a few face markings, and a confident lookings pose. Funny enough, the cover art for this listing looked like it was drawn by one of my friends, @cortlandkaard, so I had asked it to draw him and we dubbed him "Awakened Wet Tingles". Basically Pure Vanilla Cookie when you awaken him with soulprisms but if you had the wet tingles costume equipped, the costume would change too. Here's the amazing art made by it ! :D
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Wet Tingles Story
The story behind wet tingles is rather long. It takes place during Cookie Odyssey Chapter II. Clotted Cream Cookie invited Pure Vanilla Cookie, GingerBrave, Black Raisin Cookie, and Burnt Cheese Cookie to the Creme Republic to discuss the expedition to Beast Yeast. He sent a hot air balloon to the Vanilla Kingdom to transport them. After arriving in the Republic, they go to the council hall and have a meeting with Clotted Cream Cookie in the Council Hall. He tells them to relax for now and enjoy what the Republic has to offer. He grants them a royal credit card that has infinite uses, almost like in Amphibia. The GingerGang (GingerBrave, Black Raisin Cookie, and Burnt Cheese Cookie) are ecstatic and rush through the Republic, using the credit card on everything they can. Pure Vanilla Cookie, however, is having trouble keeping up with them. They notice and tell him to relax at the Creme Republic Spa. He is reluctant, but they force him to relax there. The lobby of the spa only had a reception table with an unknown character as the receptionist. The GingerGang leave him there and continue on their adventures through the republic, exploring the place and buying more things. Some time goes by, and Financier Cookie shows up and informs them that Clotted Cream Cookie summoned them back to the council hall. They rush to the spa and past reception to get Pure Vanilla Cookie. The actual spa area was a rather big locker room size area with a singular hot tub in the center of it. It was almost like a Japanese sentō, so yes, they were naked in the hot tub. There were a bunch of other INCREDIBLY BUFF cookies with white towels around their waists conversing with each other. Inside the hot tub, however, is Pure Vanilla Cookie with two other INCREDIBLY BUFF cookies. He seemed to be rather flustered being in there with them but is still enjoying himself and conversing with them about the glory days of the Pure Vanilla Kingdom. He spots the GingerGang, and they tell him they're needed in the council hall. He gets out of the tub (GingerGang looks away) and ties that notorious green towel around his waist. They leave the spa quickly, and Pure Vanilla Cookie keeps the towel on the for the rest of the day, even during the meeting with Clotted Cream Cookie.
(NOTE: Pure Vanilla Cookie is the only one with a green towel, and only INCREDIBLY BUFF cookies can have white ones)
Future of Wet Tingles?
I have already drawn Pure Vanilla Cookie's Wet Tingles, but I plan to draw all of the ancients with a Wet Tingles costume (Golden Cheese will have her girlies out)
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My original plan with Wet Tingles since the beginning was to have it a real costume for Pure Vanilla Cookie in the game, and i believe together we can pressure the devs hard enough to add it
I never expected a simple dream I had to turn out to be this big within the community, and low-key do so much for gender equality in the community (Twitter oomf's words not mine). I am eternally grateful for everyone who partook in the trend back in April and for those who are still fans of the costume
YES!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE !!!!!! When posting your absolutely fucking awesome wet tingles fanart, please use "#wet tingles" and tag me. There are no limitations to what you may or may not draw, draw OG Wet Tingles, draw your OC in wet tingles, draw your favorite cookie in wet tingles, have the characters do anything you want !!
Here are some fanarts I've gathered through the year :3
- @cortlandkaard
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- @original-oz-soda and @mein-schatz
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- @rxhouse and @thelosers-club
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(thank you to @toneinaflat for finding the first two videos!)
0. Beta Testing
i don't know what introduction (if any) was used during beta testing! (beta testing happened from ~march 2010 (closed beta) to september 8, 2010). i think it's probably the introduction shown in #1, but if you have any more info, please let me know!
1. Liza in Jamaa Township (original)
video posted october 1, 2011
started: either beta testing (march 2010-early september 2010) or the official release of the game on september 9, 2010
ended: some time between october 18, 2012 and december 14, 2012 (likely closer to december 14)
this is the original intro to animal jam! it shows liza around the mira statue in jamaa township, where she explains some background lore of jamaa (about mira especially), and some in game functions: moving, changing animal colors, getting achievements, and checking your gems. it's the earliest version of the lore, where "alphas" are called "shamans".
2. 3d Liza in Jamaa Township (update)
video posted december 14, 2012
started: some time between october 18, 2012 and december 14, 2012 (likely closer to december 14)
ended: february 6, 2014
this is an edited version of the original intro. it uses a new, jarringly 3d looking, model for liza, and has an updated introduction to the lore. liza's beginning explanation of mira is replaced with the "return of the alphas" cutscene also shown in the blue heron intro, and the "shamans" were renamed to "alphas". otherwise, this intro is identical to the previous
3. The Blue Heron
video posted february 6, 2014
started: february 6, 2014 (jamaa journal announcing it released on this date)
ended: january 23, 2015
this is the first major change in introduction! the player spawns in on a ship named the blue heron, that is modeled after mira. liza is piloting the ship, and gives you an introduction to jamaa. she introduces you to some in game functions: moving, changing color, checking your gems, and buying from shops. she also gives the option to "Learn about Jamaa's history", via watching the "return of the alphas" cutscene. at the end, the boat pulls in front of jamaa township.
fun fact: this was the only introduction that you could access without making a new account! when this introduction was released, they added an option in the settings to do this tutorial! (shown in the video, i actually couldn't find a video of this tutorial that started from the create an account screen). this option was removed an unknown amount of time later
4. Peck Intro
video posted january 23, 2015
started: january 23, 2015
ended: never 👍 (this is the current intro)
this intro changes the alpha greeting you from liza to peck. the player spawns into a long, forest-y room, and is greeted by peck. she takes you over a bridge to see a bunch of randomly generated animals that are spamming emotes and bubble chat phrases. she introduces you to some in game features: moving, changing color, using emotes, and checking your gems.
fun fact: from november 2016 to march 30, 2017, completing this tutorial would send you to the welcome party, an edited version of the jam session party that has other new jammers whose accounts were just created (if there were any online then....). this party had a singular clothing shop, the same "Clothing Shop" (literally its name) as the one on the blue heron. the end of peck's dialog in the main room is slightly changed to reference this party
after almost all of these intros, you spawn in jamaa township.
at first, completing the original intro would just spawn you in the middle of jamaa township and open up the jamaa journal and daily spin
but then, sometime before october 18, 2012*, the ending was somewhat changed. now it showed the avatar walking from the mira statue area to the middle of the town, and then the player was given this screen:
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* why this date specifically? because this video of someone being mean to liza during the intro shows this new ending, and was posted on that date
however, i am almost certain that this was actually implemented on march 1, 2012; because that was the date that the loading screens were changed to their new (and current) format (date gotten from the animal jam wiki)
this end screen stayed for a while, but was minorly changed for the blue heron intro, and stayed that way for the first few years of the peck intro— "explore jamaa" was changed to "go on an adventure":
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also, in the blue heron intro you're seen running up from the bottom of jamaa township (from the body of water where the boat dropped you off!). this is kept for the peck intro, although that direction doesn't make as much sense from that one.
when the welcome party existed from november 2016 to march 2017, the peck intro would lead to that party, but then the party had a path leading to jamaa township, in this same fashion. (video of this)
however, once the welcome party left on march 30, 2017, it seems this screen did too. because now, after the tutorial, the player automatically spawns in their den, where peck's den tutorial starts... guess our choice is made for us! (video of this). this date also marked the change in the items that a new jammer has from the get-go: originally new jammers got a sturdy table and a blue rug, but past 3/30/2017, new jammers get a rug, table, small window, chair, couch, lamp, and houseplant
speaking of den tutorials, a brief note:
ever since the peck intro, peck has always done the den tutorial. but i did read somewhere in my research that liza did the den tutorial beforehand— but i haven't found any pictures or videos on it, so you'll just have to take my word on that (if any of you have any pictures or videos of the liza den tutorial, or even a post talking about it, please send it to me!)
this has been information on every animal jam intro, thanks for reading 👍
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lafeeverte-sims · 1 year
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💐 4t2 florist set 💐
i've been wanting to get an (ideally 4t2) alternative for the flower arranging station for a while now, and the newest kit gave me the final kick i needed. i wanted something that would maybe look less out of place in an average sim's shed, so maybe just a potting table and a shelf instead of a fridge? and then i decided i might as well make something for more professional florists, so i separated some clutter from the mws flower truck (including the little flower bags that i just realized i instead call 'baskets' throughout the entire post and in the files, just ignore that). it didn't really have any recolors except for 3 different frames for the chalkboard thingy, so i made some quick recolors for some of the items too (i sort of picked the colors at random, not following any wood system or anything, feel free to recolor whatever you want).
more info and pics under the cut! lmk if there are any issues!
🌷 download: 🌷 merged [SFS] 🌷 unmerged [SFS] 🌷
credits: ea
edit: @tvickiesims updated the flower arranging station to be compatible with @picknmixsims’ crafting skills mod, you can get the updated file here. thanks, @tvickiesims!
first of all the workbench:
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two subsets (shelf and table), all the original ts4 swatches which i didn't include here bc im lazy; hobby>misc $875. requires OFB!
i went for an empty shelf so you can put whatever you want there with omsps (it doesnt have slots), or, if you don't feel like arranging a bunch of flowers or whatever but dont want an empty shelf, i rearranged the original ts2 flowers and included them so you can just put them over (or under, as they act like a rug) the shelf. they're also in hobby>misc, $10.
unlike the original ts2 version it doesn't have a door to open, so the animation gets a bit wonky:
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tbh it's not something i particularly care about so, eh.
then there's some bouquets to put on top of counters (or wherever else); only one swatch as it didn't have recolors and i didn't feel like making any for this, deco>misc $250:
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next, wall deco, i put everything on a single tile even if some of this stuff is bigger than that, hopefully this works better for people who have to use omsps!
there's a shop sign and some display bouquets, again with no recolors, both in deco>wall &250:
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some boards with ribbons, single subset and 6 swatches (one ts4 original + some quick custom ones by me), deco>wall $250:
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next, flower baskets either as a single copy or a set of four, deco>wall, the single one is $60 and the set is $240. both versions have two subsets (flowers and basket) and 6 swatches of the baskets, but the single also has 6 colors of flowers, while the set only has two (a mixed colorful swatch and a fully white one).
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and finally, some chalkboard + plant deco that i didn't know what to name, deco>wall $250; two subsets (frame and plant) and 5 recolors each (3 ea ones for the frame and the rest is custom)
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scarapanna · 2 months
[WIP] Some more updates!!!
I've been quiet recently, but got a bunch of stuff in the works for y'all!!
I'm still working on those paper puppets for a little project regarding intertwined opposites (Possibly one of the most ambitious things I've ever worked on so far) and found a proper way to introduce that new au I'm working on!!
Here are two more paper puppets for the big pmv
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And a few sneak peaks for the new au!!
(Doodles+notes alongside a silly little meme with a sprite edit of pewpaw)
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I'm working on an info post for it, progress has been slow however since I wanna prioritize the pmv again (Started it on june, stagnated a long period, and went back to work on it. I'm dead set on finishing it this summer AND stubborn/silly).
[Personal reminder: Beetle stop starting wips when you're already busy/silly]
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Image Descriptions and Accessibility in General on Tumblr for New Users
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On tumblr, alt text is currently available on web by clicking on the alt button (or via new xkit - accesskit - move alt text to captions below image). On mobile, alt text is available in some versions of the app through clicking on the alt text button. Image descriptions are visible on all posts, although if you put them under a read-more, that makes them less accessible. (Thanks to @911described for helping with this section)
How to Make Image Descriptions
Awhile ago I made this general guide. I learned from examples, so here are descriptions made by a bunch of different people. I've also made templates for a lot of common images you'll see on Tumblr.
Other Concerns
Gradient or all caps text make most screen readers read out the word one letter at a time. In addition, these plus text that is bold/italicized/underlined, in colors other than black, or in weird/fancy fonts are difficult for many people to read.
How Filtering Works
You can filter out both words/phrases and tags in the filtering section under the general section in the settings. When filtering out words from a post, it will look at both the text of the post/reblog chain and at the url of op and the rebloggers. When filtering out tags it will look at the tags of the specific post on your dash, and at the tags of the original post.
Tagging for Common Triggers
Don't sensor trigger warnings (for example don't tag suic!de) because then people who have them filtered will still see it.
Tagging for Flashing Lights
If you post a gif or video in a post that flashes, you should tag it with something like "flashing lights" and Not "tw epilepsy" because if any of the tags in the original post contains the world epilepsy it will show up in the epilepsy tag, which is dangerous. Check out this post from @photosensitive-despair for more info about tagging photosensitive content.
Tagging for Unreality vs Misinfo
Things that could trigger delusions/psychotic episodes/etc should be tagged with unreality. This includes:
content that has existential themes related to reality/things not existing (example: a philosophy such as solipsism, do not look up the term if unreality stuff is triggering for you)
extremely surreal content(example: sometimes content such as weirdcore/dreamcore aesthetics can fall under this umbrella but again this is very subjective)
content that reinforces or encourages common delusions(example: that one "im living in your walls" meme)
Things like rp blogs and fake/edited tweets should not be tagged with unreality, unless they contain triggering content. Consider tags like "fiction" or "misinfo." See this post for more info.
Addition from @mindflamer
You can look through the reblogs of a post to see if someone's already written a description. There is a button to see just comments vs. comments + tags which makes it easier. Scroll through looking for brackets [], ID, or Image Description. This is great to do if you can't write your own IDs for whatever reason, so that you can at least spread the version of the post that's described if there is one.
If you're not able to write IDs consistently, some is better than none. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. You can use the tag #undescribed to make it easy for those who need them to filter out those posts. Similarly, if you primarily tag triggers but can't for certain posts, you can use a separate tag on that to be filtered such as #untagged.
Please, if I forgot something, sound off in the notes and I'll update this post with it
402 notes · View notes
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
02/03-04 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Reminder! UK Launch! Wee John Monday!; Cast & Crew Sightings; Day Of Damien Recap; New Nominations; StewAsACrew; S1 Rewatch Party; Tumblr Posts; Articles; Save OFMD Crew Mascot Jeff; Hoist the Ads Followup; Poison Into Positivity with a huge Donation; Morale/LoveNotes/Daily Darby all wrapped up in a Cameo from Rhys Darby Courtesy of @adoptourcrew
Heyyyyyyyy I'm back! I had a great day off-- ty for all the lovely well wishes! Annnnnnnd holy moly did I miss some stuff only being gone ONE DAY. I'm trying to catch up so apologies if you've already heard this or if I'm missing anything! Thank you to @sgtblackbirdpie for keeping me up to date on some stuff while I was out!
= Reminders for Tomorrow! =
= UK Launch! =
Reminders from our lovely @lamentus1!
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We'll be tweeting #RewatchAsACrew #OurFlagBBC in addition to the usual #AdoptOurCrew #SaveOFMD
Season 2 will start at 10pm on Monday Feb 5, so that’s 5pm ET and 2pm PT. 
If you are outside the UK and want to help support the launch, you can connect with a VPN using these instructions also @reallygoodplants has a great post on how to do so here on tumblr as well
= Wee John Monday! =
EDIT: Important update! Time is at 2130 UK time for the first new Wee John Monday! This will be one time only to try and start up before the show airs. Thank you @atomicruinsperfection for this info!!
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Wee John Monday! Want to have your questions answered tomorrow during the show? You can go a few different places to do so: Discord / Twitter / Instagram
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= Cast & Crew Sightings =
Our lovely captain decided to put himself up for Cameos at $499 a pop. If you're flush with cash and interested, feel free to check out Rhys Darby's Cameo.
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I didn't put it here because it fits in the Moral/Love notes section--- but a fan GOT ONE OF THESE for themselves and all of us in the crew. Jump down to the very bottom for a love note from Rhys As well.
= Nathan Foad BTS =
Nathan Foad posted a bunch of new BTS in honor of s2 coming out in the UK tomorrow! Samba and Vico added a bunch of those to their IG stories as well. There were LOTS of pictures and videos, so many that I can't include them all. Here's a side post with a bunch of photos, but if you want to see them all, please visit Nathan Foad's IG Stories.
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=Day of Damien 02/03 =
Our lovely Damien Gerard really felt the love yesterday! Everyone sent love notes, gifts, and generally tried to celebrate our lovely friend on Day Of Damien and it made his night. He sent us lots of kitties pics and videos in return.
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Our Flag Means Death has been nominated for the 28th Art Director's Guild Awards for a Half-Hour Series!
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= Stew As A Crew / S1 Re-Watch party! =
Soooo many people came out for the S1 Re-Watch Party and also Stew As A Crew! Keeping that engagement going across all the platforms! I tried to highlight several but there were so many more!
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=S1 Rewatch Party=
Everybody came back out for the S1 Watch Party to help support S2 being aired for the first time tomorrow in the UK! Some highlights!
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== Tumblr Posts ==
Don't Stream on Max - by @iamadequate1 is absolutely a must read. They did some SERIOUSLY amazing analysis and data collecting on all the shows max has cancelled recently.
== Articles ==
TV guide: 12 of the best new shows to watch, beginning tonight
Save “Our Flag Means Death” – Another Great Gay Series On The Chopping Block - From Feb 2
==Save OFMD Crew==
Save OFMD Crew have announced their mascot/ambassador-- JEFF! As you've been seeing in all their social icons. Check out their post here.
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Hoist The Ads Follow Up
Since I keep seeing posts about hoist the ads being a scam again, I'm going to once again share the receipts for Hoist The Ads
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Tumblr / Twitter / Instagram
== Poison Into Positivity ==
So yesterday, a bunch of people started receiving what looked to be scam from group called entertainmintco. We got notified by @adoptourcrew and @saveofmdcrewmates of it earlier in the day:
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Warnings were sent out, and people from the leadership teams started getting serious with this group, but luckily it looks like it was a mistake that entertainmintco was willing to admit to.
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They then put out a statement explaining the situation, and donated $1000 to an LGBTQIA+ Supportive NonProfit: Rainbow Railroad for the trouble they'd caused.
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Annnd they also shared our petition!
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So overall, everything turned out okay! Definitely a weird one! But $1000 donation to supporting LGBTQIA+? Fantastic! Seriously poision into positivity. Thank you @AdoptOurCrew, @saveofmdcrewmates, and @LCWebsXOXO especially for turning that scam into splendor!
Post Note: There's been some questions on if there's a focus group actually going on-- I don't believe so but I'm asking and will get back to you!
== Morale / Love Notes / Daily Darby ==
Now, I'm sure most of you have seen this by now because it's exploding everywhere, but just in case not, I am going to highlight it as the last thing for today.
@meowzawowza_ went out and got one of Rhys' Cameos for themselves and the crew-- ty @adoptourcrew for sharing it with us. I recommend watching them where ever you can because when I say my hope is renewed, I sincerely mean it.
There's nothing I or anyone else could say that would equal the impact of Rhys' message. Our captain sends his advice and love.
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Tumblr / Twitter / Instagram For more on the unedited parts of the video, @meowzawowza_ gives more deets: @ofmd-ann has a thread you can view here
"Life keeps rock'n ... You can't have peaks without troughs...thank you so much for being you and being so supportive ... love you, bye crew"
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stelladess · 7 months
EDIT: I only now found there are more complete translations of the new lorebook, that may alter things here quite a bit depending on if it touches on relevant stuff. Ill probably write a more easy to follow and updated version of this post when I got less schoolwork anyway so yeah. Arknights Theory: The nature of the Lord of Fiends powers and the purpose of the black crown. IDK how to spoiler and non of what I find onlines helps with that so just know... spoilers ahead. I also wanna say that I havnt double checked a lot of this stuff, I did for some of it but id like to re-read a bunch of this when some of the CN only stuff has come to global anyway. So take with a grain of salt is all im saying that I remember right since I dont remember exactly where to find all of this info, altough I will mentioned where I thought I got it from for various evidence. So tl;dr here is that I think Amiya´s powers is actually about manipulating originium, the memory, emotion and energy blasts (also making a sword) is all extensions of that and NOT fully distinct powers like some believe, also the Lord of Fiends has to have oripathy. Also the black crown was made by Priestess to eventually facilitate her resurrection and the reason doctor convinced Theresa to transfer her powers to Amiya was part of that plan. Now, why do I think all this? Starting on Amiya´s powers. While dialogue indicates some skilled casters *can* learn multiple types of arts, Amiya is not a skilled caster. She is very powerful but not particularily skilled at it. Her powers are ALL derived from the originium arts her oripathy and Lord of Fiends nature grants her. She also had all these powers pretty much from moment 1 it seems so it seems unlikely she learned it trough practice to do many different things. So its likely one ability that is just very broad in its usage, similarily to how Rosmontis´s powers work (if I remember right Kal´tsit even says their powers are very similar in nature). Amiya can do energy blasts, view memories and sense emotions... according to Kal´tsit in chapter 7 the way sarkaz prophecies work is basically that thoughts are stored in originium allowing other sarkaz to tap into the memories in that originium to calculate a likely outcome with multiple people´s brains. So originium can store thoughts/minds. And by extension memory would be a part of that. There is also clearly stuff relating to the dead but ive heard several CN server events have gone into that more so I dont wanna speak about anything regarding dead souls until that comes to global because I do not wanna go reading very complicated lore stuff in a language I dont understand really, so ill adjust or drop this theory as nescesary based on future information of course. So, then the emotions and memory stuff is covered, making the sword is also simple, its just made of originium. So the energy blasts? Well the main way originium is used is as a power source and its required to cast arts for those without oripathy (who have originium inside them to channel arts anyway). Another piece of evidence here is that Manfred could disrupt Amiya´s arts with his own, which seem to revolve around detonating or manipulating the energy in originium, allowing him to harm Amiya when she tried to gather up energy from nearby originium. When she pushes herself extra hard she probably draws extra power from the originium in her own body, which is why it has such a negative effect on her physically even compared to other casters. This, and a bit from the new lorebook revealing the first Lord of Fiends was the first person with Oripathy, is why I think the Lord of Fiends HAS to have Oripathy.
So, with that established, why do I think the Black Crown is meant to resurrect Priestess? First of all, the Black Crown or Civilight Etherna, is tech from the advanced precursor civilization (it was not found by them but invented by them, its directly referenced as a different project to the AMa projects, which is part of what Kal´tsit is refered to by certain beings in the know about the previous civilization, the crown also resembles Mon3tr in appearance). Its stated in Amiya´s module that its purpose is to store information, memories and emotion. And we know for a fact that they were capable of brain uploading, as seen with Friston in Lonetrail. Its original purpose was as a historical record, but that doesnt mean it cant have been altered later. Priestess is stated by Friston to have created Originium, something we will likely learn more about in the Victoria arc on account of certain reveals in chapter 13. Since Originium is so closely linked to the crown, by virtue of the first infected being the first Lord of Fiends, originium was clearly created in relation to something to do with the Crown. And well.. when Priestess put the doctor into the sarcophagus she said they would be reunited and their love would outlast the stars. Despite her seeming convinced she would die.... Kal´tsit seems to have been either created or turned into what she is now by Priestess too, or well by their people at least. But for dramatic convenience I think Priestess makes the most sense. I think the crown getting linked to the sarkaz collective unconcious/dead souls (this is the part im most uncertain about because there is so little info on this on global especially) was NEVER part of the plan. Since it seems likely the previous civilization created the ancients (animal people) to drive the sarkaz away (and also be slave labour, this isnt like 100% confirmed but there is some hints for this) I suspect they saw the sarkaz as lower beings and had never considered the crown would link up with them. So I think the original purpose was that some sort of great calamity fell upon their people, Priestess tried to store her mind in the Black Crown in some process that led to the creation of Originium and because the first person to down the crown was a sarkaz made her unable to do what she originally intended, possessing a later wearer of the crown and reunite with the doctor. This part is of course pure speculation as well with very little evidence, but it does line up somewhat. And I think some of the concept trailers supports the idea the crown can let someone store their mind to take over a later host (altough not with Priestess specifically).
So, fast forward to Amiya... she was born in Rim Billiton a normal cautus girl, her family were miners and lived on a normal landship in Rim Billiton... but one day disaster struck and the ship got destroyed in a horrible disaster. This is all gone into more in To the Grinning Valley but was already implied beforehand. To the Grinning Valley is also interesting for several reasons to this theory, they explicitly call attention to how strange it is that the doctor would bring Amiya with them after finding her in the wreckage. Saving her is in line with their behavior, but why bring her along? Its common in Rim Billiton for miners to adopt other children. Why not leave here somewhere? Why bring her with them to Babel? And this isnt just Amiya wondering or an outside observer, we find out from Savage that Kal´tsit doesnt know why the doctor did what they did. And whats more, Kal´tsit believes the doctor convinced Theresa to transfer her powers to Amiya, and since no previous Lord of Fiends had done so directly, the crown picked a successor, I think the doctor also taught Theresa how she could directly move it, circumventing the dead souls of the sarkaz will being imposed on the crown´s choices. So, why Amiya? Kal´tsit either doesnt have any idea why or just didnt want to tell Savage, but it is clear that she NEVER agreed with the decision. We have some ideas why Theresa did it, Amiya not being a sarkaz would mean she would be less strongly influenced by the dead souls and the lords of kazdel would refuse to follow her. Or at least chapter 12 and 13 heavily implies this was her motive. But why did the doctor want that? In To the Grinning Valley the question of if the doctor always intended to use Amiya for that from the start and grew to care about her over time, or if they took her in with no ill intentions and then got the idea later out of desperation, is raised but left unanswered because the doctor cant remember, and no one else knows why.
I believe the doctor also wished to undermine the crown´s link to the sarkaz, and that the plan was to use Amiya as a vessel for resurrecting Priestess. And it is an interesting topic, its often brought up how much even pre amnesia doctor cared about Amiya... but in To the Grinning Valley we focus a bit on the insecurity and uncertainty Amiya and Savage have about *why*. Savage telling an anecdote about a friend who went bad after fame got to their head and admitting she doesnt know which is worse, if the doctor did love Amiya and their circumstances made them so willing to trample over what they loved that they would force the black crown on her, or if the doctor had always been intending to just use Amiya for that purpose. And Amiya admitting she never knew why doc would care for her so much. And here is an interesting thing... in anything post victoria arc, we have NEVER seen Amiya and the doctor interact so far. Amiya is in Arturia´s oprec but otherwise she hasnt been on screen post victoria arc. To the Grinning Valley is set before it. The doctor has been doing all manner of things all over Terra in that time period, but Amiya isnt there with them, she is still with Rhodes Island is clear though. So... does Amiya and the doctor still have a good relationship post Victoria arc? Doc clearly cares for Amiya still, when Rosmontis talks about missing Amiya in Lonetrail (she had been away for some weeks or months, unclear) doc agrees that they miss her too, but they dont really go into any detail and are talking about both Amiya and Logos. Depending on what we learn in the later chapters of the Victoria arc, I could see Amiya feeling rather betrayed by the doctor. Not to the point of completely cutting them out but that it might still make her a bit more distant to them. I think it would be interesting to see how Amiya would take it if she learned that the doctor had originally intended to use her for very selfish end goals. Surely the thought has crossed her mind and she just isnt willing to entertain it, but if she learns something in the climax of the Victoria arc that shakes her absolute confidence in the doctor? That could be a pretty big deal. We already know Amiya has a habit of rather then accepting people wronged her first try to look for excuses. What Theresa did to her Amiya refuses to admit is wrong even when directly pointed out to her how messed up it was (chapter 8 Rosmontis compares what Theresa did to Amiya with what Loken did to her). She isntead focuses on how she must be failing to live up to Theresa´s expectations, an idea NO ONE tried to put into her head as far as we can tell. Altough it is a little unclear because she gets VERY defensive about it when the Damazti Cluster suggests she was forced into her role at Rhodes and given too heavy responsibilities to carry. Will she do this this time as well? Look for excuses why what doctor did was "justified"? But in chapter 13 she also finds meaning in rejecting the legacy of the black crown and that she will use its powers purely for her own ideals and not worry about what its purpose is. With that in mind how would that color her perception of finding out an even older purpose for it that implicates the pre amnesia doctor?
72 notes · View notes
dreamgirledward · 1 month
AMVS for Palestine 🇵🇸 Fundraiser
Hello! I'll be participating in this project with a few editor friends. Here's all the info about how it works and the full list of editors that are involved.
If you're interested in getting an amv made by me, please send me via DM proof of donation to any of the vetted fundraisers from this list. Once you've done that, you can give me a prompt for what you'd like and we can go from there.
I'll have 2 slots available and will be updating this post if they get filled:
$5 donation for a 30 second edit $10 donation for a 1 minute edit
slot 1 (available) | slot 2 (available)
Media I edit: supernatural, interview with the vampire amc, lord of the rings, and our flag means death. You can find my amvs here <3
More info below:
To ensure you're happy with the end result, I have just a few terms!
I'm open to most prompts but would prefer no taylor swift, metal, or country music.
these edits will be uncaptioned, however if this is an issue for you we can definitely discuss that further
comb through my amvs^ to get a feel for what I tend to lean towards so that you know we're a good fit. you can request anything initially that we'll plan together, but there's a bunch of really talented editors participating who all have different cutting styles, so just keep that in mind :)
when requesting a song, please send me the full title and artist's name so I know exactly what you want.
i'll be starting a new job august 19th and will not be able to edit during the day! so I ask that you please be patient and I'll be giving you regular updates once you've filled a slot.
Thank you for reading all of this and I look forward to hearing from you 🤑
43 notes · View notes
enchanthings · 2 months
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note: my list of dividers have slowly been growing, so I've decided to move the list here! this list will be updated as required.
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please do not claim, do not repost, do not reupload, do not edit/alter any of my dividers. most of my dividers are hand-drawn and/or edited by me.
reblog/like the original post if you're using these dividers.
credits are very much appreciated!
I take requests for recolour, and occasionally for new designs (however I reserve the right to refuse as well).
if you're able & willing, support me with cup of ko-fi tyvm!!
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list below:
space dividers ( ! NEW )
watercolor waves dividers
bunch of light grey & white dividers / beige & brown version / black version
pastel cloud drop dividers
animated pixel dividers ( ! NEW )
animated starts dividers
animated hearts dividers
beige & brown swirly dividers
purple swirly dividers
b&w swirly dividers
purple & hearts dividers
pink & hearts dividers
december holiday dividers
halloween dividers + icons
pokemon sword & shield dividers
twilight dividers
26 notes · View notes
trashyandtiredsol · 1 year
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UPDATED: September 14th, 2024
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My Pinterest
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My Twitch
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My YouTube
ART FIGHT My Art Fight Profile
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Full Sona Picture Art Piece
Bust Up Sona Picture Art Piece
Updated Sona Reference Sheet
|REF RECS FOR WHUMP WRITERS (and something to come back to for my au)|
Reblogs On My Art Are Greatly Appreciated!
Please Do NOT Repost, Edit, Trace, Use, And/Or Sell My Art‼️
ASK For Anything Else Regarding My Art‼️
Life Death and Love - Master Post
-> |#Life Death and Love au|
|Art Requests Open!|
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Personal Info And Tags (Only Some That I Actually Remembered To Add :P) Under The Cut
Multi-Fandom Blog (Don't be surprised when you follow me for one thing then I post about another thing).
My name's Sol or Solstice! (On here that is, not my actual name, tho I wish it was sometimes :/)
17 (Birthday's May 2nd, 2007 !!)
🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 Demigirl and Queer! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Recently found the term demigirl and I quite like it for myself so- ye I'm adding it here :3
Pronouns are He/She/They (mainly She/They tho)
-> |#sol full of art| my art tag
-> |#she/they| the pronouns posts I've made for myself
-> |#pinned post| important stuff
-> |#my saved art tips|
-> |#my saved tips|
-> |#nice music| It's just music I've reblogged that I like and maybe you'll enjoy it too!!
-> |#venting me| my vent tag, feel free to ignore!
-> |#answering asks|
-> |#nice convos!!| for conversations I have!! Kinda forget to tag this sometimes (a lot of times) and some of the conversations aren't really conversations either
-> /#absolutely/ plus some other word like fabulous or love it or lovely or gorgeous or stunning or love this concept or some other words I don't remember at the moment (Try searching absolutely in my blog and hopefully all the reblogs I did will show!)
-> |#saving!!| for some saved stuff I wanna look back on
-> |#sol full of texts| for my text posts
-> |#sol full of asks| for answered asks
-> |#tag chain|
-> |#picrew| for picrew's I do
-> |#sol's sona fanart| for were other's draw my sona!!! :D
-> |#ask game| for ask game reblogs
-> |#blum pirates| for the Blum Pirate Crew im a part of! All the info on that is in this tag
-> |#foodie au bluecrop blueberry| for my foodie au oc
-> |#tmnt foodie au| general tag for the foodie au
-> |#collabs| collabs I've done with others
-> |#art| art from reblogs and very occasionally my art if I add that tag to those art posts and is also a huge compilation of a whole bunch of art from different fandoms (you can click on other specific tags on most of those to find other related stuff I've reblogged)
-> |#Garfield Logan| and |#Beast Boy|
-> |#dtiysol💚| My DTIY's!
(70+ Follower DTIY) so far it's only Blue from the foodie au ( participant's: 01 ) Deadline: December 1st, 2023 (only adding a deadline so I don't end up forgetting about this after 2 months)
(100+ Follower DTIY) for my Life Death and Love au
( participant's: 00 ) Deadline: None
(Permanently Ongoing I Guess? )
41 notes · View notes
cmdonovann · 1 year
I'm running another Quantum Break fanwork challenge! And you (yes YOU) can join it, if you want!
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Fracture Day is coming up (the day that time breaks! hooray!) on October 8th/9th (weird canon discrepancies my beloved) and I wanted to do something fun for it! Sooooooo I'm running a BINGO challenge!
You can sign up to request a BINGO card anytime from Sept. 19th to Sept. 26th. I'll send everyone their cards on Sept. 27th, and then you'll have until Oct. 8th to finish your card! Winners will be announced on the 9th :3
*EDIT: The schedule and deadline have been updated! Since many participants in the QB Discord didn't have enough time to complete their prompts, the challenge has been extended to Friday, October 27th!
The sign-up form can be found here, and the rules (and other various info) can be found here! Basically, when you sign up, you'll get to add a bunch of Quantum Break-related prompts to your own custom BINGO card, and then you have a little over two weeks to try to write, draw, and create things to fill those prompts and get a BINGO!
I'll be playing too, obviously. As an example, here's my card:
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I've sorted the prompts into three categories: Characters, Ships, and Tropes (and other miscellaneous ideas). When you sign up and request a card, you can choose what kind of prompts you want, and pick a few specific ones too, if you like!
What counts as filling a prompt? Basically anything, as long as you post it somewhere that I can see it! :3c Fic, art, meta, edits, fanvids, cosplay, anything goes! Your fics can be short drabbles or long epics, your art can be just a doodle or a whole painting, doesn't matter to me! I just wanna see Quantum Break stuff! That's the whole point of this challenge!
Aaaand of course, this wouldn't be a challenge if I wasn't offering some kind of prize. Yup, the first people to get a BINGO or a full card blackout will win something! You can check the info document (linked above) for specifics, but basically, it's these:
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Alright, that's all I got for now! Good luck everyone, I'll see you on Fracture Day! ;3
(Bonus: if you wanna join the Quantum Break Discord Server to chat with people and get ideas, I now have a permanent invite link set up for it! You can join here!)
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recreatedgbbau · 9 months
Recreated Banban Au
(This is copy and pasted from my other account, i just wanted my Recreated Au all together in one thing, lol) This is a recreation of the whole janked up idea that is BanBan. Now I don't support the Euphoric brothers, and I myself think the game is a pile of flaming shit, but I want to revamp the characters and give them substance. Also autism won't let me be and so I'm making a whole Au/game idea for this piece of flaming dogshit game. Thank you for reading this info dump of a post. Also, this will be updated/ edited as I come up with more ideas.
Map Sections
The map is made differently from the normal game ( a big fucking improvement) It has different rooms that lead to different areas with characters that match the rooms theme. The rooms are:
Sign in (front room, first room seen when entering) down a hall with bathrooms on each side leads the player into the-
Grand Hall (a large room showcasing the different sections of the facility) were most of the rooms are shut off except the-
Forest Friends (room where Opila/Tartar and the babies, BonBon, Toadster, and Jumbo josh live. They have an outside access but its closed off for 'repairs'.
The characters that are seen in the first 'chapter are as follows:
Banban will be seen in the first 'chapter' but not 'seen' but heard for most of it. He'll be a voice explaining how things happen. Voice of the tutorial and all. He will drop some subtle lore. But before he can explain what happened he is seen being attacked by Opila bird before the player is meant to go into the Forest Friends section. He is seen being dragged by Tartar into another room while Opila waits for the player to approach and collect the eggs around the indoor playground.
Opila and Tartar Bird
(+ babies, but they don't really do much, just watch you collect their brethren)
While only Opila is seem attacking someone, Tartar Bird is still considered an enemy in the first chapter as he's seen helping Opila attack Banban and hide him.
Aside from only seeing Tartar, he's seen with a few scars (other than the surgical scars) telling he's capable of attacking and fighting as well.
Opila and Tartar seemingly calm down after Banban is 'disposed of' and only silently watch the player till all the eggs are collected and they disappear. There is a screw driver that the birds leave behind (while the two birds disappear, so do the eggs the player as collected and put into a nest, the eggs are replaced with a screwdriver and flash light)
The player
okay, so, why the hell are you here? I'll tell, don't worry. it cause you wanted to explore the old shut down MASSIVE daycare (Like mega pizzaplex size because that makes the BIG BUCKS) and find some cool shit to bring home. (also cause people disappeared and your curious ass wanted to know why)
So you sneak into the building through some old boarded up glass doors (looks like some other people did some exploring before you. Huh) It looks decades old, but it only shut down a few years ago. The Entrance looks like people would camp out there, a bunch of trash strewn about and the walls had layers of graffiti on them. Walking through the short hallway, bathrooms on each side of you, you could see only the main entrance was really explored because the doors inside the actual building had metal covers (Someone didn't want anyone getting in apparently{or out}) How are you supposed to explore more??
As you start searching for a way deeper inside, you notice a number pad on the wall near the door (First puzzle)
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