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lordsalemander · 7 months ago
Revisited the cooldown episode for c3e93 and for my own personal wellbeing I am choosing to believe that Laura also sees the Opal-Imogen connection.
Like just look at this reaction to confirmation that Opal is also gonna be fighting Predathos:
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Like you cannot tell me this news hasn’t opened something up to her. She is totally planning. She sees the story enhancing potential I just know it.
CR give me either:
1. Laura talking about/acknowledging the similarities between Opal and Imogen (stuff I’ve discussed in my last post) and/or talking about their potential dynamic on like a 4-sided dive or at a panel/convention
2. Opal and Imogen meeting in campaign 3 and having a discussion/moment(s) with just the two of them. Where they can actually connect/bond over these similarities and maybe even help each other.
Actually I lied I want both. And I would do anything to get even just a single mention from ANY of the cast on this.
The most passionate Imogen-Opal friendship truther
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lordsalemander · 7 months ago
Is anyone else still caught up on the parallels between Imogen and Opal?? Because I am.
I was revisiting my c3e92 and c3e93 live thoughts and came across two big points:
Firstly the parallel of Ted disappearing in order to protect Opal with Liliana disappearing to protect Imogen. And the contrast of Ted, who did so by becoming an inseparable part of Opal while Liliana tore herself away desperately trying to separate herself from Imogen. Both done out of a will to protect the other. (Fyi This was written during e92 before the Aevilux reveal)
Secondly, after the Aevilux reveal, this connection hit me: The locket Imogen got from Relvin (potentially carried by Liliana) carried her baby fingerprint and the words “The better halves make/become a better whole.” A sentiment that Imogen tries to use at the Malleus Key and on Ruidus to get through to her mom. And who is a near perfect literal manifestation of this? THE AEVILUX. The people who split their souls in two (or were born separate in Opal/Ted’s case) and live independently before reuniting again and becoming more powerful for it.
Now imagine Imogen and Opal were to meet (obviously possible as both are being pushed to fight Predathos/those trying to free it) and Imogen repeats the locket phrase and something about it sounds so familiar to Opal, but she just can’t remember it. The group realize that there are gaps in Opal’s memory. Eventually Imogen is able to restore Opal’s memories, living through them alongside Opal in the process (kind of like how she projected herself into Laudna’s head in e103). Then Opal helping Imogen get through to her mom in turn. Or even just them fighting side by side to prove how much stronger you can be if you stop running from your better half. That coming together is a way better way to protect someone than running away and fighting those battles alone.
TLDR: I need Imogen and Opal to meet and talk this instant. Please Mattholomew Mercer I would do anything.
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lordsalemander · 8 months ago
In case the insane length of the (ongoing) Imodna supercut hasn’t truly hit people, I bring to you a little list that should put it into perspective:
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Rambling/more info under the cut
So a couple months ago out of sheer boredom I looked up a bunch of duo/relationship Supercuts for CR (17 total) and compiled their lengths and put them in order by length. And even when I made it, Imodna was ahead by a LANDSLIDE, but the difference just keeps getting crazier and crazier with each new episode. And with their recent reconciliation I figured I might as well share it.
And as you can see the difference between First and Second place is insane. The Imodna supercut is nearly 4 TIMES the length of Callowpea which is holding firmly onto second place.
And yes I understand that there are a lot of confounding variables such as some Supercuts being incomplete or not fully updated, differing supercut compilers and their different ways of editing (the biggest example being the switch from LuOdara’s Imodna supercut vids to Izzylool’s in the calculation). One could also cite the Imodna supercut switching focus onto some group shenanigans during the split as a confounding variable. However with those two videos being two of the shortest in the whole playlist, adding up to a total of like an hour, it really doesn’t change much in the gran scheme of things.
Either way, this was always just a fun little project I originally made for myself, but thought I’d share today.
Additional stats/info:
- For the longest time I calculated this by mental math so I stuck to only adding minute and hours rather than seconds. But the exact time as done by a calculator is: 33 hours 13 minutes and 32 seconds, which is equal to 1993 minutes or 119,612 seconds. So the seconds I didn’t count ended up adding up to around 10 minutes.
- Callowpea’s exact time would be 10 hours 6 minutes and 57 seconds, equal to 606 minutes or 36,417 seconds.
-Beauyasha’s exact time would be 7 hours 42 minutes and 49 seconds, equal to 462 minutes or 27,769 seconds.
Final Notes
- I didn’t include every supercut on the list, but if anyone is curious about the rest/if a pairing is included let me know. Same goes for it anyone would be interested in an update in a couple months.
- A huge huge HUGE shoutout to every supercut creator, y’all are amazing and this post wouldn’t be anything without you. Huge respect for the effort and time you spend putting these videos together.
- And finally and most importantly: Please DO NOT use this post to hate on other people and their ships. Like I said this was just a fun little personal project that I thought was really interesting. Every single ship in this list is valid and good regardless of the length of their supercut. So as long as you enjoy them and the time they get, that’s all that matters.
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lordsalemander · 1 year ago
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Back in the critrole mines
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lordsalemander · 2 years ago
When I tell you I have wanted Laura and Aimee in a campaign/one-shot together for months, I mean it. And the Queen by Midnight stream only turns that want into a need
They are just both so chaotic and funny, and this back and forth is enough to tell me their energy in rp would be incredible
And I know Aimee has already been a guest on C3 as Deni$e, but I desperately want Imogen and Opal interactions. Like two young adults plagued by a plethora of voices and unwanted responsibilities.
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lordsalemander · 2 years ago
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In honor of Imogen and Laudna co-parenting in e71
This idea slapped me across the face and I was helpless to do anything but bring it into the world
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lordsalemander · 2 years ago
“Tell me every terrible you thing you ever did, and let me love you anyway.” -Edgar Allan Poe
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“You’re not a bad person” - Imogen Temult
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lordsalemander · 2 years ago
The talk of ghost pirates and ships this episode got me thinking…
What if Bells Hells were pirates?
Here’s the roles I came up with (my knowledge of ship roles is very limited)
Captain: Imogen (mainly cause I love seeing Imogen take leadership roles, but she’s weathered many storms—hah, get it—so she’d be able to handle herself)
Quartermaster: Ashton (hooked on Ashton and Imogen’s dynamic recently plus he’d make sure everyone stays in line)
Sailing Master/Lookout: Orym (his perception is insane, plus it’s funny imagining him climbing up to the crow’s nest and barely being able to see over the railing)
Gunner: Fearne (letting Fearne handle the firearms is a great idea)
Powder Monkey: Mister (it’s perfect not only because it has monkey in the name but also because it’s kind of a helper role to the gunner)
Boatswain/Cooper: Chetney (makes sure the boat is in tip top shape cause he’s great at woodworking, and makes the barrels too)
Carpenter: Laudna (answers to Chetney cause he’s the woodworking master but her mending allows her to fix up the boat as well. She also handles the interior design obviously)
Doctors: mainly FCG with Fearne helping a bit (cleric, FCG also acts as the ship therapist of course)
Cook: FCG (he’s like the only one who has mentioned cooking/baking I believe)
Musician/Entertainment: Pâté (he’s great at singing—if you ask Laudna. Others might disagree—and he’s sometimes used as a kite when the winds are just right as well as other games that the crew makes up to entertain themselves)
As for the ship, I can see it maybe being called Bell’s Hell, and maybe the crew itself would be called Bell’s hellish pirates(?) I’d say it’s Bertrand’s ship and he brings the whole crew together akin to the start of campaign 3. Due to that I could see the figurehead being some dramatized figure of himself
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lordsalemander · 2 years ago
Y’all what if the reason Imogen looked so enchanted by Jirana is because she gets to have a quiet and quaint life inside a turtle and she isn’t plagued by problems apart from broken jars
Like that’s what Imogen wants and to see someone who not only has that but has it in such a dark and scary place is so nice for her.
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lordsalemander · 2 years ago
Laudna and Imogen are co-parenting Pate
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lordsalemander · 2 years ago
Laudna and Imogen parenting Pate and telling him what to do and what not to do before sending him off ahead is so adorable
And Imogen telling him not to sing this time…she knows her step-son so well
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lordsalemander · 2 years ago
i have no idea if you actually write or anything but if you wrote modern bookstore imodna fic like you were talking about in your tags I would actually kiss you on your mouth. btw.
I do write and I have actually started planning out a small sitcom-esque multi-chapter fic for the idea! However, it’s coming along at a snail’s pace at the moment.
Hoping the 4SD tonight will help get my writing gears turning again
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lordsalemander · 2 years ago
I don't know if I can physically handle a BBEG fight with Vox + M9 + Bell's Hells.
Could you even IMAGINE the dynamics??? How absolutely unhinged and chaotic omg.
Level whatever the heck Percy and his weapons watching Mister in action with the fire shit gun he made for him
All of the spell casters trying to one up each other in the most flirtatious battle mage way
The femme magic lesbians and the butch melee lesbians fighting alongside one another
Pike a cleric AND baker- meeting Jester Lavore baked good enthusiast AND cleric meeting FCG now certified OVEN and cleric
Orym and Yasha bonding over battle, soft spoken conversations, and loss
Laudna and Fjord getting one another immediately after the first ELDRITCH BLAAAST
Kingsley meeting Chetney another blood hunter with respect BUT THEN seeing him shift mid battle and -
Fearne and Nott - the sticky finger bandits - clashing while they try to steal the same thing at the same time and Vex fixing the hot mess they created
Ashton's entire existence gaining so much respect from the fighters but so much intrigue from the wizards
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lordsalemander · 2 years ago
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You do not understand the extent to which this image has taken over my brain
​All I have been able to think about all day is a modern bookstore Imodna AU. It has consumed my soul
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lordsalemander · 2 years ago
Starting my official Critical Role journey today. I finally have the brainwidth to challenge myself to watch all of Vox Machina -> Mighty Nein -> Bells Hells
Purposely starting this on the first day back to school so I can see which takes longer…finishing a school year or catching up on Critical Role (Bonus points if I can get through all the one shots and mini-series stuff too)
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lordsalemander · 2 years ago
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From Critical Role C3EP66
Witches be bitches this episode.
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lordsalemander · 2 years ago
«'Til our fingers decompose, keep my hand in yours» 💜🖤
(i'm on episode 41, no spoilers please!!)
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