#this one seems to be easier on my back
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crescentmoonrider · 4 months ago
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more vaguely animal crossing inspired designs for jjk characters, this time featuring shi-woo and higuruma
melanistic fox shi-woo idea courtesy of my good friend @duesternis
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karenandhenwilson · 2 months ago
I love how we have come up with half a dozen or more names for our ship.
This thought has been brought up by one of my fandom groups discussing all the different names we have for Buck and Tommy. It's fun to see them all and to talk about how they came to be. I think it really shows our excitement and joy and love for the ship. Wanna tell me in tags or reposts what ship name you like the most and the least and why and what you remember of the origins?
Also, I think it's really funny how a certain group of haters is so desperate in their obsession that they try to mock us about it but then also came up with their own version of a ship name just so they have a slur for it.
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thewalrusespublicist · 23 days ago
overthinking paul mccartney BUT it is my opinion that his no cuddles testimony is about how he feels about that time rather than what he thinks literally happened. like he feels like he held something back with john and george, like he was a little protective of his space and his ego and especially as things got bad didn't really want to put himself out there all the way and face yet more rejection, and it comes out like "we weren't cuddly" because it's a translation of how he feels being projected back across the whole relationship. and he's very old and has done a lot of drugs. but he's in his eighties so it's probably relatively easy to be like "god they were just babies we were all so young and dumb i should have just held them and told them i love them literally who cares if the dumb baby is mad at you and makes a face and says you're a loser you've gotta offer affection anyway." which yes repression but also is something that's really only possible in retrospect.
Hi anon!
Yeah you know what I agree with this. I think the whole 'non-affection' thing partially started from a lie, not-lie that kind of warped into a 'truth' over time. One reason for it was the aftermath of John's death where Paul's comments were all over the place because he was all over the place. There's some in the mid 80s where he was going 'yeah we weren't that close and didn't open up to each other because men but also we were the best of friends' (this was like in the same sentence btw). I know he told Julia later it was because he wanted to play down the relationship, which is a very Paul thing to inexplicably do. I think then that 'oh we weren't affectionate' thing stuck as part of his narrative.
The second was I believe as you said, some retroactive projecting on an emotional regret onto the landscape of the past. The thing about John's change and transition from the 60s to the 70s was it was clearly a bit baffling to Paul. He never understood John and Yoko in his own words and he never quite got why John turned on him. When you're as self-loathing as Paul and faced with that, if one of the criticisms you constantly face is that you're too aloof and closed off to let people in (we know George critiqued him for his 'pleasant insincerity'), you might cling to that as a reason for the whole shit-show. We know Paul regrets not putting his arms around John and saying listen when it comes to the break-up, suggesting that he sees physical affection as part of being open and openness as a potential solution that he didn't do. It's also weirdly self-soothing. If he blames the break-up on not being more emotionally available, he can also rationalise it and take some of the 'blame' off himself. He was a 'northern man', how else was he meant to behave? It's not on him if he couldn't open up.
God actually it just hit me, if Paul associates physical affection with being truly open and honest it does shed a whole new light on the fact that Paul keeps going back to physical affection when asked what he would do if John was alive. Ow.
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tuesdayscanons · 4 months ago
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Every now and then, I think about The Simpsons RPC and how there's an occasionally a spike of Simpsons muses that inevitably crumbles away and leaves me waiting for the next short lived Simpsons RPC Renaissance
#ooc tag#《 maybe there's still active Simpsons RPers out there and I'm not looking hard enough 》#《 but I'm surprised there's not more of a consistent/active community 》#《 even if the newer seasons are contentious‚ I'd at least expect people to have enough nostalgia for the old seasons to go off of that 》#《 part of me has always wanted to see if i could find an rp partner who could make Homer endearing to me again 》#《 I've been soured on him as a character for so long that finding someone who could make him tolerable is like finding a unicorn 》#《 especially when it seems like no one is interested in writing as him to begin with 》#《 The Simpsons is a big Special Interest of mine 》#《 i had an entire Simpsons RP blog before I gave up and migrated the muses back onto here 》#《 i miss writing my Simpsons muses 》#《 if there's any canon muses that come most naturally to me‚ it'd probably be the Simpsons ones 》#《 that and my Stardew Valley muses 》#《 it's easier to get me to play video games bc that's actively engaging me 》#《 and SDV is a big comfort game for me 》#《 i swear I'll get around to answering some drafts that are in purgatory rn 》#《 some of the replies are mostly done but I've stalled on them for whatever reason 》#《 there's less pressure with my Simpsons muses bc the characters have changed so much that it doesn't feel like i could be ooc 》#《 unless i deliberately tried to make them unlike anything they've ever been like in canon 》#《 and even then‚ there's probably an episode where they acted like that 》
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adore-gregor · 3 months ago
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I know I'm absolutely delulu 😭 but...
Do you know what day in 434 days is? February 13th 2026
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Do you know what event takes place at that time?
The winter olympics 2026 👀
Is Gregor planning to comeback?🥹
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Realistically I don't think so 💀 but he's just feeding my delusion at this point. 😭💔
I rather just think he did this on purpose to mess with us 😭
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istherewifiinhell · 8 months ago
were back to our (ir)regularly scheduled bullshit!
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[ID: Splash page with the issue title and creative credits. Megatron is bound up in cables, some plugged into him, effecting repairs. He speaks: Remind me to thank you when i get down from here, Shockwave. Meanwhile, resumption of my command must begin now. Shockwave: You don't seem to understand. These autobots you see lying dead on the ground are there because I put them there. The Decepticons you see barely clinging to life are in that operating mode because of you. Until I intervened, Autobot victory over us was assured.* The evidence says your leadership was faulty, Megatron. Logic says I must assume command of the Decepticons. Editor's Note: *as seen in issue 8 END]
back to the USmarvel, The New Order, issue no. 5! (22-23 UK reckoning) from feb 1985!
Script: Bob Budiansky Art: Alan Kupperberg Letters: Rick Parker Colour: Nel Yomtov Editor: Jim Owsley EiC: James Shooter Digital Re-master by Digikore Studios Limited. Collection Edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon. Editorial notes and assistance by Mark. W. Bellomo
now... welcome back digital re-master. just in time for me to rip you a new on... bare with my folks...
so this issue opens with new king bitch in town, shockwave, conducting research into humans via television. so uh.., they put honeymooners in my transformers comic?
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[ID: Both images of a Full page B&W illustration, two men stand behind a table, one asking "Whatsa matter Ralphie-boy?" Ralph, staring wide eyed, dead ahead, grips a chair saying "Homina-Homina-Homina!" A woman looks in through a window, with a scowl. 1. The illustration uses blocked inks, and half-tones for the characters, but the background and objects have mid and dark halftones added in an almost painterly fashion. 2. The art now with most of the tones and shading removed, everything left either black, midtone, or stark white. END]
surely. one of these images is higher definition. but which one looks BETTER? now its possible this is actually about which master copies they were working from. perhaps a rights issues? (the uk printing replaces this page with a different image) but i note here ALSO. they removed the artist, Kupperberg's, signature form the bottom left corner. a hateful affair all told.
though, this doesnt just piss me off to see an artist works edited, and made to SUCK! (tho boy does it...) my friends... comrades, fellow bloggers. lend me your eyes. DO they see this the way mine do? cause ill eat my fucking hat if that's not DUOSHADE paper. the infamous medium of many a B&W indie. not familiar? check out my previous blogging on the friendly neighbourhood martial reptiles. but i digress.
if this. this INSULT to my very being wasnt enough. they also recoloured shockwave from a perhaps accidentally stunning shade of magenta to a cool lavender... which i personally just found quite boring. well. most of the time
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[ID: 1. UK printing, Shockwave seated on throne like seat, coloured very warm toned purple. He listen to a sports broadcast and says "These humans are even more primitive than I thought." 2. Digital remaster, Shockwave's profile visible, coloured red, as he watches a news reporter. END]
the very first image of this post has another, red shockwave, btw. I suppose, they could be printing or colouring errors, but they could also be lighting/compositional choices by Yomtov (its not uncommon for his foreground characters to be done in monotone, particularly, purple) either way they corrected for it. and to me, this instance just comes of that whatever work flow being used, doesnt even flag the second figure AS shockwave, so a redwave remains...
i stress. i never blame any individual who does this work. its to them, just a job, and why should it not be? my ire is with IDW, and why they enact these "restorations" anyway, and why the fuck people ought to pay new money for old art that has been given so little respect...
anyway reading the print version meant a lot of tabbing between the us and uk printings. which is why i noticed this
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[ID: The crediting for the colourist, Nel Yomtov. In the US printing the say "Colors" and in the UK "Colour", the S removed, and a U added. END]
im just amused by the effort taken... surely the kids dont care that much? and yes apparently they do this every time.
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[ID: Shockwave watching the news, off panel dialogue Reporter: Ms. Beller, you have been called a computer genius even though you're only a few years out of high school. What is your role in this? Beller: It's true I designed the secondary and tertiary oil recovery systems Reveal of Beller, a very young looking woman in a jacket and a hard hat. She continues: --the semi-automated defense system, the refinery's non-polluting digitized micro-scrubbers. But I consider it all just a part of my job. END]
shockwave learns the alarming news that a new female character is being introduced!
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[ID: 2 page spread, the bodies of almost every single introduced Autobot are hanging from the ceiling, damaged and "bloodied". Shockwave scrolls under them, saying "Indeed" END]
also. check this shit out
anyway WHATS going on between shockwave and megs?
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[ID: Shockwave pointing to the still bound Megatron: You will explain now how you permitted our position to deteriorate so drastically, Megatron. Megatron, mostly off panel: As… Commander… it is your right to demand anything of me. It is my privilege to oblige. END]
OH. its like that huh?
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[ID: Shockwave offpanel "--Should logic so dictate." A close on Megatron, he thinks "Talk, Shockwave..." A close on his repairing hand twitching "...talk while you still can!" END]
well maybe not for long...
anyway... turns out the WAS a reason we saw ratchet helping those EMT's
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[ID: Ratchet driving into the hospital parking lot. Buster calls out "Ratchet!!" who responds "Greetings, Buster Witwicky how nice to see your carbon-based face again!" Buster asks "Ratchet, where've you been?" END]
I hope your all ready to become extremely endeared by ratchet, or else just put up with it. cause...
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[ID: Buster and Ratchet, still in alt mode, continue to speak, while EMTs are searching for the source of this mysterious voice. Buster: If they attacked the Autobots they should all be broken-down junk-heaps by now! Ratchet: Wonderful! I knew your father was a human we could trust EMT 1: I'll look behind the grill, Mel! EMT 2: I'll check under the seat cushion, Gus! Four people react in shock as Ratchet shouts: Do you organic creatures mind? I don't go poking around your mouths to see how you talk, do I? END
my beloved....
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[ID: Ratchet on the road, stopped at a red light, as Buster rides inside. Ratchet: Listen, friend traffic signal, we're in a hurry, so if you could please turn green… Buster: It doesn't hear you, Ratchet, it's only a machine. Ratchet: I'm a machine, and I hear you, Buster! Buster: Yes, but you're different, you're-- Inside view as the light turns green. Ratchet: Ahh, he changed! Thank you, friend traffic signal. May the rest of the day find you in proper working order. You see, Buster, you have to learn how to talk to people. Buster: I… I'll try to keep that in mind, Ratchet. END]
this is so charming can we get corey burton and uh. well rest in peace don messick.., so just corey burton twice will do, to record his.
oh and anyone interest in timeline of when tf lore gets introduced (me... thats... mainly just me)
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[ID: Shockwave points to Megatron: As always, you underestimate Optimus Prime, Megatron. No, he will not be cut up into wires and microchips. His value is far greater to us if we keep him functional, for it is logical to assume that an Autobot of his stature contains within him--The Creation Matrix! Megatron thinking: By the divine weld! The Creation Matrix is the computer program that allows its possessor to construct new transformer life! Its power is the stuff of legends! Shockwave continues: It is said once every ten millenia a new Autobot leader is chosen and encoded with The Matrix. END]
MATRIX MENTION? everyone have their lore bibles out? someone WRITE THAT DOWN.
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[ID: Buster stumbling through the Ark in shock, "N-no… it can't be true! There must be some explanation! There must be! Wait a second… I didn't see Optimus in there…there's still optimus… there has to be--" He walks into a room with Optimus Prime's severed head, plugged into grand machinery. Buster yells "--Optimus!" Prime, weakly: Buster Witwicky… You must help me… you are… the Autobots… last hope…" End card-- Next: Oil Rig Assault! END]
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nimeve · 20 days ago
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blyszczopies · 1 year ago
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using one of the goofiest photos of pusia as a reference image
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thetangibleghost · 4 months ago
I think we might have trauma tied to the literal feeling of falling asleep/waking up. Like we get nightmares that are just. The feeling of changing concousness but drawn out + adrenaline + terror
#this may be from sleep paralysis? because we also get that sometimes#also sometimes when falling asleep we get like a rush of adrenaline and if we're far enough along well get shot into sleep paralysis or#start half dreaming about being woken up from a coma or dying.#which like 99% of the time is what we want? but then these things hapoen and its like. huh. maybe i DO have a will to live#it feels less like me or another alter and more like the body literally things its dying.#this happens both sober and intoxicated but doesn't seems to happen more frequently when intoxicated which is interesting#if anything its usually easier to push through#but one time we were like super fucking stoned with my ex and i started flipping my shit because im chill like thag#and so he took me out to the car vecasue i was like ��i cant be in the house snymore its not safe i cant be here”#and he leaves to go get something and im like terrified to fall asleep#it gets worse when im scared sometimes. like a certain type of fear its like horror feeling.#anyways so im trying ot to pass out and im convince if i do ill never come back and my ex enters the car and i start screaming. like bloody#murder. and then HE screams. so then were both screaming. and eventually one of us stops screaming. and i dont remember which one. and i was#like :( im sorry that was really embarrassing but also im still so scared im sorry#and he was like 'its chill.' and then he goes to get another thing later and hes like Dont. Scream. When i get back. Dont Scream.#and i was like . okay 👍🏼.#and then he got back and i screamed. but it was easier to stop that time#and then his mom drove us around the neighborhood and i convinced my self that the whole world was just a figment of her imagination#and that really helped for somereason#so.#this kinda got away from me but basically i had one of those drawn out consciousness change night mares last night#dream log
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fortunemars · 1 year ago
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(this is a garrencemau post)
(also I'm so sorry I accidentally cropped out the username of the Instagram I grabbed this from!!!!! I'm sorry!!!!!)
(picture is of a curled up cat on old yellow bedding. Text in picture says "I don't know if I should continue to wait for you or just give up.")
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ceramicbeetle · 8 months ago
the thing about Aelwyn that I think about a lot is that there's a lot to the notion that she, to a certain extent, was so abrasive with Adaine because of how obstinate Adaine is with their parents. If you have based a chunk of your personality on the precept of "The only way to protect myself is to meet my parents' expectations and obey them at all costs", then every time Adaine pushes back against them, there is almost unquestionably a fear-response -- even if you aren't the one who set your parent off, their stress/frustration can fill a room to the point of becoming smothering anyway. And if you don't feel safe getting mad at your parents for being a source of stress/fear in your life, then invariably the only thing you can do is begin to resent the third-party who you perceive as setting them off for no reason instead of playing it safe, like you do.
#N posts stuff#NOT saying this in a 'oh poor aelwyn; adaine's such a Problematic Asshole' way lmfao -- that wouldn't make Any sense#but just sort of in an idle 'what Were Aelwyn's motivations and reasonings for her role in things?' musing#i think that Aelwyn was like. to an Extent was kind of drinking the kool-aid in a way that only really got destabilized after being torture#of like 'Adaine is treated badly bc she behaves badly. i am a good daughter so my parents treat me better' being completely shaken#when Aelwyn has been completely destroyed by torture - even if she doesn't remember the mental effects she's still Physically#affected - and her parents continue to push her and refuse to allow her to rest and blatantly could Not care less about her health#and that triggering an 'Oh. I wasn't Earning any real love/respect; I'm just an easier Tool to use than Adaine is' realization#but Brennan does also make it clear that Aelwyn was Afraid of their parents in a way that I'm not sure Adaine was#which is interesting to think about. Adaine blatantly Dislikes their parents and knows that she's being mistreated and resents that#but with how freely she talks back to them - I don't think they Scare her? at least up until her dad makes more overt attempts to harm her#and even then she seems to shift into 'well I just need to Defeat them then' mentality instead of a 'that's Scary' kind of feeling#i DO NOT think that Adaine is like. better off or better adjusted or anything; i think she's just dysfunctional in a different way#anyway i am just interested in the notion that Adaine and Aelwyn both kind of saw each other as 'Aggressor' and resented each other for it#until Aelwyn was able to have that final realization about the like. full-scope of their parents' cruelty and like.#was able to sever that cycle enough to See Adaine fully and allowed them to reach out to one another finally
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windowsandfeelings · 2 years ago
weirdly everyone else being so defeatist about the Nancy Drew finale is making me feel more optimistic about it?
At the end of the day this has been the "the plot sucks but the character work is excellent" show for 2 seasons now so why not go out that way?
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ladylynse · 2 years ago
Can you do another kangham with the words just go ill be right behind you
“Just go,” Debbie said as she shoved him towards the band room—or, perhaps more importantly, away from the very concerning billows of pink stank that he was trying to get her away from, because for all her years of reporting on stories at the school, she did not have half the idea of how bad this was as he did.
“You need to go, too!” Randy protested even though he’d have to ditch her in five seconds anyway because it was already past Ninja-o’-Clock if the honkin’ Sorceress had decided to show up now.
“I’ll be right behind you,” insisted Debbie, and even though he could see the lie in her face, he could see her stubbornness, too, so he knew he’d have a better chance of getting her out of this mess as the Ninja than he would as her boyfriend.
see more fics | more RC9GN fics
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theborzoiarebackintown · 2 years ago
Picking a sighthound:
Hi in the future I hope to own a sighthound. I want a fluffy dog and so the choice has been Borzoi but they’re huge! I wanted to know if you had opinions on Salukis vs Borzoi?
I mean borzoi will always be the superior choice!!! Altho I may be slightly bias….
I don’t have a ton of experience with Saluki, from what I’ve heard they’re not dissimilar to borzoi but are more primitive and cat like. I would highly suggest trying to spend time with both breeds to see if you have a preference for one!
If size is a major concern and you still go with a borzoi, I would suggest getting a bitch and letting the breeder know your preference! Margo is on the large side of medium for a bitch and there are plenty smaller than her! She’s about 70lbs and 28 inches at the wither’s.
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lisbonsteresa · 2 years ago
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spiraling again
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noviavampira · 1 year ago
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