#this one gives me SO MUCH gender envy
Tea what Jeff's picture am I? ✨
Blue!! hiii <3 you're this one!
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mj-thrush-gxn · 7 months
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The Lord of the Flies
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springypaws · 4 months
I’ve been hardcore hyper fixating on Disco Elysium so hard the last week and have been unable to do a nothing but play the game and draw silly doodles of them, so have some recent sketchy-midabbers
(newest -> oldest cause I had A LOT of trial and error figuring out how to draw them and I don’t wanna see the oldest ones most)
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I swear if anything happens to them or the Kineema before Harry can help Kim out in putting in those helium lights, I will explode, implode, and then figure out how to do both at once.
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alpacacare-archive · 1 year
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i bet that even as humans they still refer to themselves as skeletons
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pussyandpastries · 7 months
today is one of those days where my gender is that of a trans feminine person trapped in the flesh prison of a trans masculine person
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splanana-bitz · 16 days
*scrolling through tumblr and sees immaculate, mouth-watering art*
*it's of a toxic couple back when they were together/them being bitter exes in present time*
"Oh, these two aren't healthy in any way, shape, or form"
*likes it anyway*
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youngbuckisms · 1 year
Caring for Nick Jackson after a match; headcanon list
Warnings: small mention of blood
Notes: the lack of nick content makes me sad and I’m just here to spread the nick jackson love. there are a few of you two in the bath together, but it’s kept sfw! enjoy!! <3
— It wasn’t often that you had to take care of your boyfriend after a match. Sure, Nick could be sore after, but it was never anything too excessive that you had to do much besides hold him.
— Tonight was different though, because Nick described himself as feeling “like I got hit by a bus before getting hit by a train”
— So, here you are after dynamite, playing nurse and taking care of your (slightly dramatic — okay, very dramatic) young buck
— Backstage, you had cleaned up a bit of blood from a small cut on his head that wouldn’t even scar, hold an ice pack to his neck, and kiss away Nick’s pouting with small pecks
— Matt had teased his brother to death over it, claiming he was “getting treated like a princess,” but Nick just happily took the princess treatment and threw back a few remarks of his own occasionally — ‘you’re just jealous that you aren’t getting princess treatment’ and ‘remember that one time you had Kenny carry you to the hotel?’
— At the hotel, Nick would ask for a warm bath, pouting at you to continue pampering him from how sore he was — and of course, you didn’t have to, but Nick’s pouting is too damn cute to say no to
— And obviously, Nick wouldn’t let you leave the bathroom and even invited you into the tub too, as there was plenty of room for two people
— Helping wash his hair, scrubbing over his body, holding him close as possible in the warm water until it would turn cold
— Nick wouldn’t mind the cool water at all though, anything to not leave your side or move their sore body to bed
— Eventually, you did convince him to get out, listening to the soft hisses and groans from his achy body, the majority of this discomfort coming from the hips and back.
— With the two of you dressed and in bed, Nick would hold you by the waist and keep his face buried in the crook of your neck, muttering soft ‘thank you’s for taking care of him
— Nick would return the favor to you somehow, but for now he would happily just hold you and press little kisses all over your neck and shoulders
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i-may-be-an-emu · 11 months
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Gender Envy
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allonepiece · 1 year
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Ace from volume 46
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alexjcrowley · 6 months
New dad lore unlocked, what the fuck do you mean your friend knew Luca di Montezemolo so you did a test drive with a Ferrari once
#begging my dad to stop being so much cooler than me#me: I get into f1#dad: Have I ever told you about that time I drove a Ferrari on Circuito di Fiorano#f1#formula 1#ferrari#luca di montezemolo#I guess#my dad if I ever became religious: Have I told you about that time I met God#me at 21: maybe vroom vroom cars can bring me out of depression#my dad at (almost) 60: oh yes minor anectodote I met the guy Niki Lauda won two championship with#I can't stress enough how this is so fucking unreal my family does not come even close to the kind of money LdM makes#We are NOT the kind of people who would casually hang with a millionaire#Also I genuinely believe my dad's friend must have been sketchy to know LdM#I also feel like I can never read my two eye anymore like even the tag of an ao3 fic with Luca di Montezemolo#'Luca di Montezemolo/Niki Lauda' you mean my dad's friend's friend?????????#now I feel like I have a weird distant relationship with this guy#like I know I don't know him and maybe it's my problem that I think of old formula 1 people like that#but I sort of divorce mentally from the fact that old formula 1 grid are actual people they're like distant characters from a complex#mythology#and now I feel like if I was a paesant in ancient Greece and my dad just told me he partied with Dionysius once#does it make sense#rip LdM I don't feel comfortable watching your pictures from the 70s thinking slay twink anymore#I will miss saying you have American Next Top Model hips#do you think it's ethically correct to objectify some twink from the 70s if your dad met him#I know he is still alive now and he's old and stuff I don't care there ard two Luce di Montezemolo in my head one is the one still alive#and I don't give a fuck about him the other is still photogtaph from the 70s and gives me gender envy
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saltycharacters · 28 days
Me gripping my desk so hard the wood is cracking: I'm attached and invested in Apollo Justice (the character) a normal amount
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pulling-a-jowan · 1 month
I honestly love the American female voice in Inquisition. I love how it's like deeper yet it somehow fits my tiny Lavellan
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mangotelevision · 2 years
katelyn the fire-fist you will always be cool
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abrahamvanhelsings · 4 months
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did a reverse image search for my avatar bc i found and cropped it years ago and wanted to find the original. turns out the picture i used was never even the original! there was a whole other guy in there and i never knew! and given the text on the building, it must have been taken in new york once upon a time.
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casket-robin · 7 months
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I did my best
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every now and then i think about my one interpretation of emma as a deeply closeted trans man radfem with a ton of internalized transphobia and antimasculism, who takes her issues with her identity out on the people around her instead of unpacking them and accepting herself. and i think, i need to draw a comic about this
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