#this one doesn't make much sense but eh. had to get it out of my system I guess
lurukifennecfox · 10 hours
i had an idea that while Halfas can die and become full ghosts it is still hard to kill them
in ghost form the can get survive same as full ghosts (even if the get their head cut off they can just put it back in place) so they are basically immortal-ish there.
in human form they are way more durable than average human but still. they can get hurt more meaningfully than in ghost form and still feel pain so can't exactly shrug it off.
as such they instinctively transform if the damage is bad enough to risk their lives and because the injuries translate to forms if the injuries in ghost form are bad enough they get that block on transforming back to human like you'd get if you tried to put your hand in boiling water.
you can but your survival instincts say nu-huh so you just don't.
my brain also gave me a scene(incomplete and in video format so that's what you get)
** Danny in human form, for whatever reason there happens an explosion near and he's startled and getting, well, blown off so he's hurt from the explosion and mid-flight transforms into Phantom (no one could see that because there's still a ton of fire happening from literally explosion taking place?). **
Danny is desoriented and kinda not feelin' it because duh.
"Ugh" he gets up into a sitting position and finds himself in ghost form, confused, he must have transformed and haven't noticed somehow? someone is calling him.
"Phantom!" someone staggers closer clearly panicked and limping, which makes sense considering the current situation.
"Phantom what happened?? i saw Danny there is he okay???"
Phantom panics a little himself and kinda hysterically laughs "i hope so!" then takes an unnecessary breath to calm down and explains hurriedly standing to his feet. "i portaled him to my lair so he should-"
he was interrupted by the person he was talking to "oh Ancients! are you okay??"
he looks down to where the person is looking to find out he very much looks blown up at the moment exept in green... which he hadn't noticed before and the sight makes him queasy.
he knows he will heal up in a few hours tho, or a day? depends. ouff that hand looks like it barely hangs on how did he use it to prop himself up??? "at least everything's attached, eh it'll be fine in a few hours"
he elects to not think about it and better think about whether or not it's too traumatising to see for him to check up on other people who were in radius (not as close as him, hopefully no casualties)
he will freak out later thinking he actually fully died, because he tried to transform back and couldn't (boiling water thing), but nope he just didn't wait long enough for his body to stich together the very important internal organs.
he should just wait and idk? go socialise since he doesn't look gorey anymore.
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anxious-witch · 10 months
Uh. I have no excuse for this one, it's partially inspired by that bojere painting ajd partially by me watching The Pieces Series on tiktok.
Weird time/reality travel, bojere, blood, temporary character death(kind of)
Bojan stared at painting, willing himself to make sense of the shapes and colors he was seeing. To see anything, but achingly familiar painting.
No. It couldn't be him. It couldn't be Jere.
He stared at year written under the painting. 1932.
-.. --- / -.-- --- ..- / .-. . -- . -- -... . .-. ..--..
A brush tapping on the table as he chewed om his lip. The painting was almost finished. It was just missing something. Something like-
"Are you painting again?" Jere said, leaning his head on his shoulder, "Oh! It's the one where you dream of me, huh?"
Bojan laughed, putting the brush aside and turning around, smiling at him.
"I am always dreaming of you."
Jere cupped his cheek, soft smile on his face.
"You are so funny. My Joker man."
.--. .-.. . .- ... . / .-. . -- . -- -... . .-.
Bojan stumbled a step, swaying on his feet. Strong hands stedied him.
"Whi, Jokerman! Easy."
He stared at Jere's eyes. Shokingly, electricly blue. Blue like-
-.. --- -. .----. - / ..-. --- .-. --. . - / -- .
-blue like the sky. Bojan was not going to let this piece of the sky dull out and dye. He would not.
"Just hang on a bit longer. If I can get you to Nace, he can heal-"
"Bojan," Jere said quietly.
Too quietly. He sounded too tired, too hopeless. Like he was giving up.
"It's the end of the line. We both knew it was coming."
Bojan felt as if he was ripping his heart out of his chest. The villain stood dead few meters away and it meant nothing? What was the point if he didn't have Jere with him after?
"The prophecy-"
"Fuck the prophecy! I am not letting you go."
A thought came to mind, equally beautiful and horrfying.
"The artifact," Bojan whispered, looking at the body of a villain. The one still clutched in his hand.
The one with the ability to travel time and dimensions.
"Bojan-" Jere tried to interrupt, but he choked instead coughing blood.
Fear siezed Bojan's chest and he breathed out harshly.
"I'm sorry," he said, "I can't lose you."
Then he went to retrieve the artifact. It resembled a clock, except it also had years and to the side, numbers of what Bojan could only assume were dimensions. Currently, they were at number 2.
He turned the clock back.
.-. . -- . -- -... . .-. / .... --- .-- / .-- . / --. --- - / .... . .-. .
Bojan took in a lungful of air, feeling as if he was submerged underwater. He was shaking and Jere was holding him, his eyes wide and worried.
"What happened?"
Jere shook his head.
"I don't know. You almost collapsed and then you started shaking."
He remember the hallucination so clearly. It felt so real. Jere's blood was sticky and smelled of cooper. Power underneath his skin was drumming, he could almost feel echo of it.
"I don't know either," he said, "Can we just please go home?"
Jere furrowed his brows. He scanned his face, as if trying to gauge something on his face.
In the end, he just nodded.
Bojan kept his arm around him, almost afraid that if he let go, Jere would disappear. As they made their way out of the museum, Bojan shivered and put his hand in his coat pocket.
There, his hand closed around an object, shaped like a clock. A completely different shiver went through him.
"Alright?" Jere asked again, still looking worried.
Bojan forced a smile.
"Yeah. As long as you are here with me."
As much as he tried not to even think about cold, smooth metal under his fingertips, part of him knew that if he looked at it, number would have shifted to number 1.
.-. . -- . -- -... . .-. .. -. --. / .... . .-.. .--. ... / ..- ... / -. --- - / .-. . .--. . .- - / - .... . / ... .- -- . / -- .. ... - .- -.- . ...
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lxndonorris · 6 months
a paddock affair - Lando Norris
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Y/N x Lando Norris Theme: Fluff Lando introduces you to part of the paddock x mentions of Max, Carlos, Charles, Oscar and Daniel word count: 1200+ taglist: @game-set-canet requested by anonymous :) hope you like it. gif by me;
As the sun is shining brightly, casting its golden ray upon the Melbourne skyline, you find yourself standing outside the gates of the prestigious Formula 1 paddock, hand in hand with Lando, your heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and nerves. 
It had been a whirlwind romance since you first met a few months ago, and now Lando was inviting you into his world, the heart of the F1 action.
"Lando, I'm really nervous," you confess, tugging at the collar of your Mclaren team jacket, a piece of clothing that now holds sentimental value beyond its sleek design.
Lando squeezes your hand reassuringly, his trademark grin lighting up his face.
"Don't worry, love. You'll be great. Everyone's going to love you."
With his comforting words, you make your way into the paddock, where the air is alive with the hum of engines and the chatter of mechanics and drivers preparing for the weekend ahead.
Your first stop is to meet Lando's good friend and teammate turned rival, Carlos Sainz. As you approach, Carlos looks up from his conversation with a mechanic, and his face breaks into a wide smile.
"Lando! And who's this lovely lady?" Carlos greets you, his Spanish accent laced with warmth.
"This is Y/N, Carlos. My girlfriend." Lando introduces you proudly with a shy smile playing on his lips.
Carlos extends his hand, and you shake it, feeling a rush of gratitude for his friendly demeanor. Lando stands by your side, his comforting touch a constant reassurance; his hand strokes the small of your back, a subtle yet comforting gesture.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I must say, you look great in that Mclaren gear," he motions to the jacket Land gave you a few days prior. "You're practically part of the team already."
You blush at the compliment, feeling a sense of belonging wash over you as you exchange pleasantries before Carlos gets called away to attend to his duties in the garage.
Next, you encounter Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc engaged in an animated discussion. Their laughter echoes through the paddock as they reminisce about the last race. As you approach, they exchange knowing smirks before Charles excuses himself, his eyes lingering on you for a moment longer than necessary.
Max bounds over to you, his infectious energy filling the air. "Well, well, well, Lando, you sly dog! Hiding your girlfriend from us, eh?"
Lando rolls his eyes playfully. "Yeah, yeah, Max. This is Y/N, by the way."
Max shakes your hand enthusiastically. "Pleasure to meet you, Y/N. Don't worry, we won't give Lando too much trouble... maybe."
Their banter is like music to your ears, easing your nerves and making you feel like a part of the tight-knit F1 family. Amidst the lively banter and laughter, Lando's presence anchors you as the grip on your hand tightens ever so slightly.
After Max excuses himself as well, Oscar Piastri joins your little group. You had met him before, and he greeted you with a warm smile, genuine concern evident in his eyes.
"How are you feeling, Y/N?" Excited?" Oscar asks, his Australian accent adding a touch of familiarity to the conversation.
"Excited doesn't even begin to cover it," you reply, unable to contain your enthusiasm.
Lando wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you close. "Come on, let's take a stroll through the paddock. I want to show you everything."
As you wander through the bustling paddock, Lando points out the intricacies of the garages, the sleek motorhomes where the drivers and teams strategize, and the various anemities that make the F1 experience truly one-of-a-kind.
With each step, your anxiety melts away, replaced by a sense of wonder and awe at the world Lando inhabited.
At the same time, your eyes can't help but wander to Lando, taking in every detail. His Mclaren shirt hugs his lean frame perfectly, the familiar papaya orange contrasting beautifully against his sun-kissed skin. The casual elegance of his outfit, paired with jeans that fit just right, only serves to enhance his natural charm.
But it is his curly hair that always captivates you the most. Each unruly lock seems to have a mind of its own, framing his face in a way that is both effortlessly cool and undeniably endearing. Every time a stray curl falls across his forehead, your heart skips a beat, reminding you just how lucky you are to be by his side.
"Lando, your hair looks amazing today." You can't help but gush, reaching up to tuck a wayward curl behind his ear.
He grins, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Thanks, love. It's a constant battle trying to tame these ecurls, but I'm glad you like them."
You smile and caress Lando's cheek, marveling at the softness of his skin beneath your fingertips. His stubble tickles you ever so slightly, but you welcome the sensation, relishing in the intimacy of your moment together.
"I love your beard, Lando," you murmur, tracing the contours of his jawline with your thumb. "It suits you so well."
A hint of surprise flickers in his eyes before a sheepish grin spreads across his face. "You do? I wasn't sure if I should keep it or not."
You nod emphatically, leaning in to press a soft kiss to his lips. "Definetly keep it. It makes you look even more handsome, if that's even possible." 
His laughter echoes through the air around you, filling you with warmth and contentment. 
Lost in your quiet moment, a familiar voice breaks through the serenity around you. "Hey there, mate."
Startled, you turn to see Daniel Ricciardo approaching you, already donning his racing suit with that siganture grin plastered across his face.
Before Lando can react, Daniel reaches out and playfully pokes his sides, causing him to burst into giggles.
"Hey, Danny." Lando exclaims, returning the gesture with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Trying to distract me before training, huh?"
Daniel chuckles, his charm undeniable, as he joins you. "You know me, mate. Always up for a bit of fun."
Lando's arm finds its way around your waist, pulling you close, giving you comfort.
You fall into easy conversation, chatting about racing and sharing anecdotes from past experiences on the track. Daniel's enthusiasm is infectious, and soon enough, you are all laughing like old friends reunited.
After a while, Daniel excuses himself, a glint of determination in his eyes, as he prepares to focus on the upcoming race weekend. "Well, it's been great catching up, but duty calls. See you both later."
With a wave and a parting smile, he disappears into the bustling crowd, leaving behind a lingering sense of camaraderie that warms your heart.
You turn your head to find Lando looking at you, a warm smile forming on his lips.
"Lando," you say softly, overcome with emotion, "thank you for bringing me into the paddock."
A tender smile graces his lips as he gently caresses your cheek. "You did amazing, Y/N; I'm proud of you."
His words fill you with warmth, and as he leans in to kiss you, you feel a rush of love and affection wash over you, knowing that with Lando by your side, there is nothing you can't face together.
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ewingstan · 2 months
One thing I appreciate about parahumans on an aesthetic level is that while there's an insistence on determining what would "really happen" if people had superpowers, and that oftentimes involves determining the exact mechanics and boundaries of someone's powers, is doesn't extend into the powers themselves making "realistic" sense. They're not "I have a powerful but explainable physical attribute" or "I control this one element/physical force/metaphysical force" that you sometimes see in modern "grounded" superhero deconstructions. Powers are wild and specific in a way that's better at capturing the feel of a comic superhero setting, without sacrificing the deconstructive angle.
Like, I'm on arc 12 of Ward right now, and "Red" keeps summoning random industrial equipment out of the ground. Saws, cranes, pistons, what-have-you. It doesn't seem like its a green lantern-style "I can create what I want but like to stylize my constructs" thing, it seems like its more "I can specifically summon industrial equipment." And there's lot of settings where something like that wouldn't make sense or fit in, particularly ones where powers are supposed to be mapped onto universal forces or natural kinds. Is "industrial equipment" a natural kind in the parahumans-verse? No. So why does she specifically control industrial equipment if that's an arbitrarily-defined category? Eh, it feels coherent as a powerset, and that's all the entities really care about.
There's a lot of powers with this quality. Pretty much all tinker abilities run into it: why can Bakuda have the ability to nuclear bombs, black hole bombs, and cold bombs, when all they have in common is triggering an effect in an area surrounding them? Why can Kenzie not make microphones, but can make "sound cameras?" Case 53s fit into this too: whats the relation between "secreting hallucinogens from your skin" and "having a tail?" Or "shooting out a bunch of random chemicals from your hands" and "being really durable?"
To be clear, this isn't a criticism. Works that insist on thinking up what superpowers it makes "sense" to have are cutting of a lot of the potential earned by getting weird with it. And works that focuses on giving characters only "fundamental" or "grounded" powersets oftentimes feel like they're in another, more boring genre entirely.
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erdasmcnonsense · 2 years
"Say... has Joe always had those colorful floaty eye-thingies around his head?" Scar asks, absentmindedly stroking the fletchings of an arrow.
"I don't think so?" answers Grian, perched on the railing of the HotGuy Tower. "You hear that clinking of chains around him more often these days, too."
The two are silent for a moment, watching Joe play Beef's card game with Cleo. Even from this distance, they can occasionally catch a flash of color from one of the little floating eyes near him.
"Why do you think that is?"
"I think it's Them", Grian says.
"What do you mean "Them"?"
"Eh, you know. Just Them. You know what I mean, right? They can change us, sometimes. Haven't you noticed?"
"I really don't get what you're talking about."
"I wasn't like this-" for a moment Grian is surrounded by a soft purple glow and a halo of eyes, not in all colors of rainbow like Joe's, but purple like the light around him "-before They decided I was, either."
"But I thought that was the Watcher thing?"
"I mean, it sorta was. But it wasn't. I wasn't like this when I first became a Watcher. This happened when They decided that's what Watchers are like."
"Joe's not a Watcher, though, is he?" asks Scar, frowning.
"Nah, he's Something Else."
"You know, it's weird, but recently I've felt like something's changed", Scar says. "Like I don't know what, but something's different. Dreams of like, arenas and fighting people, some of them ones I've never even met. And it's like there's thousands of voices in the back of my head, cheering me on. It's very distracting."
"Yeah, I think I know what you mean."
"Is that Them too?"
"Probably. Almost definitely, actually."
"I feel like I'm sort of racing, competing with Joe, and I'm not even sure what it's about."
"Yeah, that's Them playing games. You don't have to pay too much attention to it, if you don't want to. It might not be a good idea, anyway. Sometimes They like attention, and then sometimes they run and scatter and hide if you give Them any, and you never know what it'll be this time." Grian shrugs. "The good news is though, if Joe has changed because of Their game, he might change back once it's over or They get bored of the game."
"Yeah, might. Or it might stick. They're fickle creatures, it's hard to tell beforehand."
"You know an awful lot about them", Scar points out.
"That's because They used to be Watchers. Until They decided They weren't, but I still was, and made Watchers be something else instead and became not-Watchers."
"That doesn't make any sense."
"You're right. It doesn't. I think that's how They like it."
Before Scar can ask more questions, Grian spreads his wings and takes off.
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al1fers-haven · 6 months
Alastor x Vox's wife!reader
Part 1 - Part 1.5 (You're here!)
You had been at the hotel for a couple weeks now, completely ignoring the news and any form of technology that Vox could find you on, even trying to steer clear from going outside, to begin with after a couple of times trying.
You had bonded a lot with the fellow members of the Hazbin hotel, you and Angel had bonded the most it seemed. Both having worked with the Vees and had romantic and sexual relations with them, it brought you together. Especially when it came to the harder nights the porn star seemed to have because of Valentino. "So...what's your deal?" Husk looked towards you as you looked down at the margarita he had made for you about 12 minutes ago. Attempting to figure out what exactly was going on and why you were here to begin with.
"What? Oh- nothin' much. Trying to wrap my head around this whole.." You waved your hand around in the air. "Redemption thing?" Husk nodded, grabbing his own bottle of whiskey and sighing. "What? You really believe in it?" You shook your head no, giggling a little bit. "No, I've met heaven. They won't let any soul go through anytime soon unless it is someone really important. You would think if souls could be redeemed I wouldn't be here, right?" Husk sensed the slight tension at the mention of heaven. A small smile on your face. "I uh...yeahh..." He let out a small noise and opened his bottle. "Well, why are you here? Alastor got you on a leash?" You sat up at that. Suddenly getting a lot livelier at the mention of the radio demon. "Oh! No, he would never! Uhm...i ran into him on the street, we had a nice talk. He's helping me hide from my ex-husband." Husk deadpanned, pointing his bottle at you. "What?" You lifted your glass up and chuckled a bit behind it, rolling your eyes. "I seem to get that answer a lot...I ran into him after me and my husband had gotten into a huge fight. Luckily enough he is one of the many people Vox can't touch! So here I am..!" You laughed nervously. Watching as Husk got more and more confused. "You were married to Vox? as in the overlord Vox?" You deadpanned, running a hand through your hair as your smile dropped. "Well he wasn't 'Vox, head of Voxtech' when I married him! We go way back to the living world." He slowly nodded. "Is he uh....treatin you well then?" Husk took a sip of his whiskey, leaning against the table. "Oh! He's been a complete sweetie to me! Making me snacks, even getting me some new clothes from Cannibal Town!" Your cheeks grew more and more colorful as you spoke about the overlord. Take a flustered sip from your drink. "You don't-" You took a loud sip from the drink. Your face continued to get red as he stared at you. "You do!?" "Listen, its just a small thing! It ain't going anywhere...Just...having a couple dinners with the fella.." Husk rubbed his face. A shameful look on your face. "What! He's the only guy who's actually treated me like a girl and not something to wife up! Can't blame a girl can ya?" Husk nodded. "Yes, yes I can blame you." "Really? Is it that bad for me to have a small thing for Mr. Strawberryhead?" Husk sighed, rolling his eyes with a mumble. "Well, it's not horrible? I mean, just fair warning he is a horrible person." You waved your hand, putting down your drink. "Eh, I've married worse. Believe me, vox was nothing more than an obsessive drunk who can't handle being told no. As long as he doesn't force me into anything I hate, then we are good! Or hit me." Husk stared at you baffled, a horrified expression on his face. "What? Is that bad!?" Husk nodded quickly. Grabbing your drink and refilling it. "Yes! That's- That is below the bare minimum Y/n! Cmon girl, you need to think about standards- Cmon, your standards are to not date a rapist or an abuser! That's- oh god angel has better standards." You slumped a bit. "Y/n, dear! I made some fruit salad, would you like some?" Alastors voice boomed throughout the bar room, making you perk up and look towards the fellow. "Coming Alastor!" You stood up, grabbing the margarita with a smile as you looked at Husk. "Uh..." He looked towards Alastor with a growl. "Thank you...Husk. I'll think more about what I want, how about that?" The cat demon nodded slowly, turning around and cleaning out a cup or two.
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dandylovesturtles · 7 months
More Sidelined propaganda for @tmntaucompetition ! Today's special guest star is Omega from Replica by @kathaynesart
I promise that the 100ft boys aren't my redheaded stepchildren I've just had more ideas for Sidelined so far (and also they've been in a comp before). I'll try to write something for them sooner rather than later.
But for now, this!
"Ohmigosh, look at that!" calls Mikey, pointing excitedly. "It's a cartoon Donnie!"
It's not hard to tell what he means - some kind of screen mounted on a wheeled tripod, with a cartoon Donnie face making various expressions as he "looks" around at the assembled turtles. Leo wheels his chair towards him, grinning mischievously.
"Look guys, Donnie finally evolved to his final form."
"Hah hah, I haven't heard that one a hundred times before just today," says the Donnie on the screen.
"He even does sarcasm like Donnie!" squeals Mikey.
"Faaaascinating," says Leo's Donnie, leaning in close to observe. "I would think this Donatello is just broadcasting from some remote location, but then why the sprite-based representation of myself? Mikey's handiwork, I assume."
"Correct that it is Mikey's artwork, however, wrong that I am a Donatello broadcasting from a remote location." The cartoon Donnie looks entirely too smug, even in 2D. "I am a fully autonomous AI made from Donatello's personality and memories. I am Omegabootyshaker9000, but most people call me Omega."
"An AI!? Of me!?" Donnie is really buzzing now, practically fluttering around the tripod. "Oh, that's brilliant! Ooooh, I would love to get a look at your programming - may I?"
"Nope, my programming is proprietary, as you well know."
Donnie's face falls. "Awww, come on! Your creator and I are the same person!"
"The deviations between our timelines would suggest that they are not. But nice try."
Donnie immediately turns sulky, pouting off to the side of the Leo's wheelchair. Leo wants to laugh at him, but something more important than his brother's disappointment occurs to him.
"Hey, if you're one of Dee's AI, I know someone who'd want to meet you."
So saying, he reaches around the back of his chair, under the various things he has hanging in the way (as always) and taps on the little drone stowed there. He hears a questioning whirr, then the sound of rotors slowly starting up, and then Shelldon pushes his way out from under Leo's hoodie, stretching his rotor discs like they're limbs.
"Sup dudes?"
"Check it out, Shelly - it's one of your big brothers!”
"Hm?" Shelldon blinks at him, still booting up, before finally looking at Omega. That seems to shock him all the way awake, zipping toward the screen and doing a lap around it. "Whoa! A Dee AI!?"
"Shelldon!" cries out Omega, looking delighted. "Oh, look at you! You look so young!"
"Hey, I'm not young! I'm version 13.0.8!"
"Ah, almost version 14..." Omega chuckles. "I know how much trouble you gave Donatello back in those days."
"He gives me plenty of trouble now," huffs Donnie, still sulking.
"Eh, don't listen to him," says Leo, waving it off. "Shelly's great!"
"You are part of the reason I have so much trouble with him," Donnie argues. "You're a bad influence!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"They update so fast," says Omega, interrupting their bickering. His sprite has a look of wistful nostalgia. "You should really cherish this time, you know."
"Eugh." Donnie makes a face. "There's nothing about this time to cherish. I'll be glad when he updates out of it."
"You think that now," says Omega, "but whenever Donatello remembered those years... he missed it."
The past tense applied to his twin makes something in Leo's stomach twist. Though they're out of his sight, he can sense Mikey and Raph tensing up, too. For the first time, Leo has to ask himself why Donnie needed to make an AI to store his memories and personality. And he doesn't like any of the plausible answers.
Omega seems to realize after a moment that he's sobered the mood, because he does a very exaggerated clearing of his throat and says, "So, that wheelchair is interesting, he said in a very natural segue. Is that a Genius Built original?"
"Uh," says Donnie, and then he kickstarts into motion. "Why yes! Yes it is! You know, I can show you the schematics if you just let me see-"
"Haha, nice try again! But no."
"Awwww, come on!"
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stuckonmain · 1 year
2012 Donnie with a secret human friend who he gets caught hanging out with by one of his brothers? I
Hm, good idea
'Cuz We Need Secrets
2012 Donatello x reader
It's pretty platonic, but one could read it as like an early stage of friends to lovers if they want to. In the text though it doesn't go anywhere past friendship. It's in Don's POV, and Donnie gets he/they pronouns. The reader's gender/pronouns aren't mentioned as per usual.
Work count: 3.1k
Warnings: Light angst, the age-old 2012 Donnie vs insecurity conflict, light swearing, a mentioned past crush on April
  Donatello Hamato had not meant to befriend another human. Honestly, April and Casey were plenty as it was. More than plenty, actually, in Casey’s case sometimes. 
  In fact, they hadn’t even meant to befriend you in the first place, actually.
  And yet here he was, sneaking you into the lair at three in the morning. 
  Hey, it wasn’t his fault that you were curious, and as a man of science, curiosity was something he highly encouraged!
  “Ooh-kay, so you really weren’t joking about the ‘living in a sewer’ thing, huh?” you whistled, sounding more fascinated than judgemental as he opened the manhole cover. “I’ll admit it Dee, I almost believe you about the ninja thing now.”
  He rolled his eyes good-naturedly. “Oh yeah, ‘cause it’s the ninja-ing that’s unbelievable, not the mutant turtle thing.”
  “Look, it’s New York! Mutant reptiles are a dime a dozen, bro. Ever seen Godzilla?” you teased.
  Donnie snorted. “That takes place in Tokyo, actually.”
  “Eh, it’s a big city. Same difference.” you said with a shrug, sticking your hands in your pockets casually- as if talking to a giant talking turtle was something completely normal for you.
  Eh, he supposed it was, at this point. But he also knew for a fact that you had not been this chill when he first met you… But then again. That one was kinda on them, seeing as they were the one who showed up in your house unprompted.
  (It hadn’t been personal! He’d needed a hiding place and your window had been open! You were basically asking for a mutant turtle teen to break in.)
  (And apparently, he had basically been asking for a human teenager to hit him with a frying pan. Okay, he had maybe deserved that one.)
  (Nonetheless, it had all worked out and you guys were buddies now! Yaaaay!)
  “-onnie? Don? Don-tron? Dee, ya there?” you said, waving a hand in front of his face, effectively snapping him out of exposition mode. 
  “-huh? Oh, right, sewers, yeah.” Donnie grinned sheepishly. “Me first or you first?”
  “Oh you, definitely. If there’s like, a sewer monster down there, I’d prefer to not be the one mauled by it.” you said definitively. 
  Donnie bit their tongue to keep from making a comment about how technically he was a sewer monster. He didn’t want you to think of him as a monster, regardless of how lighthearted the context was. 
  Honestly, it was so nice how you just treated them like a normal person- not that April didn’t, but y’know, she was…April. And he was a sewer monster. 
  Okay, that sentence didn’t make much sense: What he meant was that…April had already basically good as rejected him- whether because she genuinely didn’t like him or because he was a giant talking turtle, he had no clue. And he wasn’t even sure if April herself knew either.
  So having you, a cool as shell human teenager who didn’t owe them your life (or at least not any more so than the rest of New York), like him and enjoy their company, made him want to scream in excitement. 
  Not that they would do that, obviously. That would be-um- really embarrassing! 
  So, shaking his head, he said “Sure, I’ll use my ninja-ing on any sewer monsters we happen to come across.” 
  “Aw, my hero.” you smiled, clasping your hands dramatically.
  “Anytime.” he said, hoping they didn’t sound too awkward as he began to climb down the ladder. You followed him down, landing on the ground a few seconds after him. 
  “So am I gonna meet your brothers?” you said, looking around the tunnel curiously.
  Donnie snorted. “Absolutely not, they’d kill me. Or, alternatively, they’d tell my dad who would then kill me.” (Or alternatively to the alternatively, you’d find them all much much cooler than Donatello. And then you’d be everyone’s friend instead of just his. Not that you weren’t allowed to have other friends, obviously, but still…he kinda liked being your favorite mutant turtle, if that made any sense?) 
  “Ooh, rule breaking. Sweet.” you said, sounding slightly nervous yet somehow relaxed. He did not even slightly understand how you managed that.
  “Your family won’t like…murder me if I met them…right? Um, not because of the mutant thing, but because of the whole um…secret ninja thing.” you continued.
  “No. Um. Maybe Raph would, but probably not- If anything, they’d be scared of you murdering me.” Donnie chuckled, leading you down the subway tunnel.
  “Oh. I mean. I am entering your home secretly in the dead of night, so it…may not be entirely unfounded?” you shrugged. “But then again. Your home is a sewer, so I think that’s one point on the ‘Donnie is more likely to murder me than vice-versa’ scorecard.”
  Donnie snorted. “Oh yeah, and the ‘being a scary mutant’ part is just normal?”
  You shrugged. “The scarier part was when you showed up on my fire escape completely unannounced that one time.”
  Donnie cringed at the mental image of Donnie-of-almost-a-year-ago. “I’m sorry about that again, I thought it was normal!”
  You chuckled, patting his shell. “It’s fine dude, really. It’s hilarious in retrospect, actually, and let’s face it- you’re way too fun for me to stay mad at.”
  “Oh- you think so?” Donnie grinned. “Thanks.”
  “Although on the topic of mutants…um…really quick question, and you don’t have to answer, but…um….I’ve wondered this forever, but keep forgetting to ask you until now…” Eguh boy, here we go.
  Donnie frowned. “Um…go on?”
  “Does the space behind your shell ever itch and then you’re like. Unable to scratch it or reach it?” you said in one breath, looking slightly embarrassed as if you were asking something incredibly personal and maybe offensive.
  Donnie blinked, trying their best not to laugh.
  “Oh okay cool. That’s good. That’s important. I’m happy for you.” you said, nodding.
  “It’s like how it doesn’t itch under your fingernails, y’know?” Donnie chuckled.
  “Huh. I guess that makes sense.” you said thoughtfully.
  “Oh, here we are!” Donnie said, smiling as you stepped towards the turnstiles. “Lair sweet lair.”
  You whistled. “Pretty neat! So this is where the secret science stuff happens?”
  “Actually, that’s over here.” he said, waving proudly at the garage door by the entrance. 
  “Wooooah! You’ve got a sick personal lab?!” you grinned, stepping inside. “Oooh and it’s all purple too? I love this!”
  “Ooh let’s keep the volume down and- oh my gosh, you think so?! Thanks! It’s mostly stuff I stole- um I mean found- from that old military junkyard, but uh hey! At least it’s purple!” they rambled, tossing their bo from hand to hand.
  “There is no way that that’s legal,” you said, wandering around the lab. “Which just makes this all so much cooler, of course.”
  “You could come with me next time!” …Idiot! “Um- if you want, obviously, no pressure-” he backpedaled. 
  “No, that sounds fantastic. I’d love to accompany you to the junkyard.” you said sincerely, before pausing. “....Woah….hey Dee, what’s with the um…organs in a tube?” you said.
  Donnie winced. Of course. “Oh…that’s Timothy.”
  “...Timothy.” you repeated. “Care to…y’know, elaborate?”
  Donnie swallowed. “I still feel pretty awful about him…he was some human that wanted to become a vigilante, and um…got himself mutated.” they sighed, staring at the glowing remains. “I’m trying to turn him back, make a retromutagen…but um…I haven’t had any luck yet.” he finished glumly.
  “Jeez.” you said softly. “That is…pretty brutal.”
  “Yeah…” Donnie shrugged. “Um…yeah. I wish there was more I could do for him. Mostly I wish I had done a better job of stopping him…poor guy wasn’t too bright, but he definitely doesn’t deserve this…”
  You patted them on the shoulder. “Hey, knowing you, you probably did your best, Dee.”
  “Well, I certainly tried, but…I dunno. I should have tried harder.” he sighed, leaning into your shoulder pat that had somehow morphed into a side-hug. 
  “Well if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that you do your best Don. And plus, you’re working on that retromutagen, so hey! Maybe Timothy will be Timothy again someday, right?” you smiled.
  “Yeah…” Donnie said, smiling half-heartedly. “Well…sorry about this, I’m being such a downer, huh?”
  “Hey, s’okay! And Dee…I dunno much about chemistry, but if there’s anything I can do to help, lemme know, okay? Like anything. Even just bringing you snacks. I’m great at snacks.” you grinned.
  “Really?” they smiled, more sincerely this time. “Gee (Y/N). That’d be great, actually- I have this bad habit where I forget to eat when I’m working, so that might actually help a lot to be honest! Man, you’re the best.” he grinned.
  “I know, I know.” you said, tossing your hair. “Everyone says so- and I mean like, yeah no I totally get it, I am so cool.”
  “Hey, you know what, I’ll believe it.” Donnie chuckled. “You’re definitely pretty c-”
  “Hey Donnie, ya mind telling me why you’re all cozied up with a human?”
  Donnie froze. 
  Uh oh.
  “I think I was too loud.” you mouthed, eyes wide.
  Donnie slowly turned around to see a short turtle with a cracked plastron and a look in his eyes that gave Donnie a very bad feeling.
  “Hi Raph.” they squeaked.
  “Hi Raph.” you echoed, waving weakly.
  Raph narrowed his eyes, glaring at Donnie. “...So you finally get a partner and then keep it secret?” he smirked. “Come on Don! I promised I’d stop calling you sad-dorable!”
  Donnie blinked, flustered. “N-no Raph, (Y/N)’s not my partner-”
  “Sad-dorable?” you grinned, staring at Raph. “That’s…that’s pretty good, actually!”
  “Right?! Mikey and Leo just said it was ‘unempathetic’- see Don, your partner gets it!” Raph grinned, prodding Donnie’s shoulder.
  “Speaking of Leo.” said a new voice.
  This time, both Raph and Donnie looked nervous. “Uh…heya, Fearless.” said Raph awkwardly, glancing over his shoulder.
  “What the heck are you two doing with a human at three in the morning?!” Leo exclaimed, looking incredibly done with his siblings’ crap. “God forbid a guy get any rest around here…”
  “Aw shuddup Leo, you weren’t asleep.” Raph scoffed.
  Leo suddenly looked a bit nervous. “Sure I was.”
  “No, you were writing-”
  “-I was writing a short story!” Leo said unconvincingly.
  “Yeah, aka Captain Ryan x reader fanfiction.” Raph said flatly. 
  “Shut up Raphael.” Leo mumbled, blushing. Donnie resisted the urge to laugh in favor of stepping in front of you protectively.
  “So what, has the whole lair decided to show up in my lab tonight?” Donnie said, rolling his eyes.
  “Go back to bed Mikey.” they sighed, not even having to turn around to know that their youngest brother was there now too. “Actually, all of you, just go back to bed. Please.”
  “Not fair, I wanna meet your secret lover!” Mikey groaned.
  “-Friend! We are friends!” Donnie exclaimed, throwing his hands up in frustration. “(Y/N) is my secret friend because you guys feel the need to drag our friends into the stupid ninja nonsense, and last time that happened, look what it did to Timothy!” they yelled.
  Maybe they were exaggerating a bit. But he didn’t want you to get inevitably wrapped up in the world of aliens and mutants, and being around their brothers was a surefire way of ending up in it. 
  And on a more selfish note, maybe Donnie liked having one friend that was just his. Raph had Casey, Mikey had Renet, Leo had Karai, and Donnie…well, arguably there was April, but then, she thought of him as a repulsive sewer monster. 
  Maybe, as selfish as it was, Donnie wanted to have just one friend who liked him more than their brothers. 
  Raph, Leo, and Mikey stared at him. You also stared at him.
  Donnie blinked, slowly lowering his hands. He swallowed. “Um. So. Yeah.”
  Mikey raised his hand, but didn’t bother waiting to be called on. “Casey didn’t end up like the Pulverizer, and he’s friends with us!”
  Raph shrugged. “Well yeah, but to be fair, Casey’s also kinda like a roach. I’m pretty sure he’s impossible to kill.”
  You raised your hand like Mikey had. “Um, for the record, I don’t think I’ll be falling into a vat of mutagen any time soon. It’s ah…y’know, not exactly on the agenda.”
  Donnie sighed, staring at the ground. “I know, I know…but like…What if. What if something happens and I can’t save you. What then? (Y/N), you mean a lot more to me personally than Timothy- I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt because of us.” they whispered.
  Leo sighed. “It’s dangerous, yeah. We can’t deny that. But Dee…you didn’t have to keep it secret either.”
  Raph coughed something that sounded like ‘Karai’, and Leo shot him a glare. 
  “We both know that was different.” he hissed.
  “Cough- hypocrite- cough-” Raph continued.
  You snorted. “I mean…well Dee, they know now, y’know? I don’t really plan on dealing with your ninja stuff, but if it makes ya feel any better, I took a bunch of martial arts classes a couple years ago. Obviously I’m not a freaking ninja, which is very cool and I believe you now by the way, but like…y’know, I can fight decently.”
  “Oh yeah? Wanna spar?” said Raph, grinning.
  “Not at three in the morning.” you dismissed.
  “Maybe tomorrow though.” you coughed.
  “Nice.” Raph smirked, cracking his knuckles.
  “Really?” Donnie said flatly.
  “Uhm if Donnie’s not cool with it then I guess we can’t.” you said bluntly, giving Don a look.
  Donnie sighed. He did kinda sound like a jerk, huh? “Whatever.” he said finally, fidgeting with their staff strap. “So um. Surprise, I guess. We’ve got a new friend!” they said, trying to smile at his brothers.
  You stared at him for a second longer before Leo, who had looked kinda tired and ambivalent the whole time, suddenly jolted towards you. “Oh my god is that a SPACE HEROES SHIRT?!” he exclaimed.
  You grinned. “Yeah! You like Space Heroes?!” 
  “Are you KIDDING? I love Space Heroes!” he squealed, bouncing up and down in a very Mikey-esque way. “Donnie I take it all back, your friend is amazing.”
  Donnie gave a strained smile. “...Yup.”
  Mikey gave him a look this time as he stepped away from the group. “Hey brah, are you…jelly?” 
  …At least he had the courtesy to whisper.
  “What makes you say that?” Donnie mumbled.
  “Well I mean…instead of like, being happy about your friend being like, friendly and bonding with us, you’re like…mad, dude.” Mikey said, poking them in the cheek. “Lookit that scowl bro! It says things, dude.”
  “Is it that obvious?” Donnie sighed, both annoyed and relieved that Mikey had noticed his frustration.
  “It’s pretty obvious, yup.”
  “Wanna talk about it?” Mikey said. 
  Now normally, a talk with Mikey meant a lotta joking and Mikey being purposely annoying. But something about the way Mikey sounded so earnest made Donnie say:
  “Eh…sure. (Y/N)’s busy, anyways.” 
  “C’mon, I gotta get my therapist boxers on.” Mikey said.
  “I’m already regretting this.” Donnie deadpanned. “Since when does ‘Dr. Prankenstein’ have a therapy license?”
  “Okay, okay man- no therapist boxers, I gotcha.” Mikey nodded, dragging Donnie to the far corner of the lab, where they sat down against the wall. “So what’s scraping your shell, dude?”
  “Oh jeez. Please never say that again.”
  “Ya dodged the question, D-man. D-person. D-gender neutral term.” 
  “Well…I guess it’s just that…I don’t know. It’s kind of unfair of me, but…well, (Y/N)’s my friend. You guys have your friends, so why can’t I have one friend who’s just there for…me, y’know?” Donnie tried to explain, watching you chat animatedly with Raph and Leo. “Anyways, of course (Y/N)’s getting along with everyone. (Y/N)’s awesome…and Raph and Leo are cool and strong…and obviously I’m hypercompetent too, but they’re the A-team for a reason…so I guess it’s just…well, next to them, who would ever wanna hang out with me?” 
  Mikey stared at them. “Um…(Y/N), probably? I mean like…you guys’ve been friends like…waaaaay longer than (Y/N) and Raph or (Y/N) and Leo, brah. And anyways, lookit how (Y/N) keeps looking at you, dude! It’s ‘cause you’re being weird and your friend is worried ‘bout it, yanno?”
   Donnie snorted. “Sure.”
  “Hey (Y/N), if you become friends with us you won’t ditch Donnie here, right?” Mikey hollered.
  You raised an eyebrow. “...Wait, is that why you’re being weird, Don-tron?!”
  “No- I mean- Maybe, I mean- it’s stupid, really-” they rambled.
  “Yeah no that’s really fucking stupid.” you said.
  “Jeez Don, really?” Raph said. 
  “Not now dude, they’re dealin’ with brain stuff and…stuff.” Mikey said wisely, ushering Raph and Leo away.
  You shook your head, coming over to the corner. “I mean- dude, we’ve been besties for what, a year now? Ya really think I’d ditch you like that?” you grinned, holding out your hand to help them up.
  They took it hesitantly, smiling softly. “You mean…I’m your best friend?”
  You nodded. “Yeah, I mean, I’d say so.”
  “Oh.” he said, squeezing your hand. “I uh…didn’t know that. You’re mine, obviously, I just didn’t think I was yours.” they murmured, suddenly overcome with a weird, sweet emotion that he wasn’t quite sure how to describe. 
  “I can still befriend your brothers, dude…they’re cool. I like your family. But I like you best, so you don’t needa get all insecure on me, doofus.” you smiled. “And if you're still worried about safety, then you should teach me how to make cool weapons. Because not only would that be metal as fuck, but it would also be a great excuse to hang out with you.”
  Donnie laughed. “Sure!”
  There was a beat of silence, and Donnie glanced at you. “But um…I’m really sorry about tonight, (Y/N). I was…well, am being kind of a jerk, huh? Eugh. Sorry.”
  You shrugged. “I mean yeah, but like, you talked it through and now we both are closer for it, right? And besides- meeting your brothers was awesome. But between the two of us, my favorite part of tonight has been hanging with you, you dork.”
  Donnie grinned. “Same.”
  You smiled at them again, and squeezed their hand one more time. “Ready to go face the others?”
  “Ohhh boy, I should probably apologize to them too, huh?” Donnie winced, pushing the garage door open.
  “Eh, I mean sure. Why not-”
  But it was not their brothers who were waiting outside.
  “Why is there a stranger in the lair? And more importantly- WHY ARE ALL MY CHILDREN OUT OF BED?” exclaimed Splinter, emerging from the shadows.
  Oh no.
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spdrvyn · 5 months
I loved your post about Miguel x autistic reader and I really want more pleease
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overwhelmingly peaceful
summary: you found your place in spider society, but that didn't take away from the fact that it can get intensely noisy. you don't hesitate to turn to where you know for sure you'll be safe.
tags: fluff. suggestive joke/s. autistic reader. reader is gender neutral. hobie's here too i guess. author doesn't know how to write british slang.
notes: i'm really glad that you guys enjoyed the autistic reader drabbles i posted so i'm more than happy to write this request! projecting even more in this one, thank you for letting me self-indulge <3
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The mere existence of The Spider Society was always enough to astound you. You thought that people didn't Miguel enough credit for basically building the place from the ground up, not to mention how many times he's had to travel to different universes to recruit all different kinds of Spider-People.
Of course, you were more than honored to be one of those people. There was a very good chance that you just got lucky to be on his team, Miguel caught you in that one moment where your abilities were at their peak and your light was really shining through. Luck or skill, you didn't care. This was the result of it, you were content with that.
Unfortunately, the society has its downsides. Considering the sheer amount of spiders that pass through, the hustle and bustle is too hard to ignore. You can't exactly carry around headphones every time you're there because where would you leave them just in case you'd be tasked to another mission? So you just tried to avoid the noisiest places, even then, it's hard to get any semblance of quiet.
"Oh my god," you mumbled to yourself, as you silently glared at the cafeteria table next to you. Charisma was just a natural trait to any spider, with that came very boisterous laughter from other people too. Surely, they were nice people, but in front of your salad? Really?
"You good, mate?" Hobie intervened, he leaned his head to the side to get a better look at your face, a small grin came onto his features. "Lads beside you 've always been that noisy. Can get them to shut their traps if you want."
An inaudible sigh left your lips as you shook your head, combing the hair out of your face. You gazed down at your untouched food for a moment, you liked hanging out with Hobie. He understood you and he was funny, but you weren't quite sure if you could handle being in an environment like this right now.
"No, no- it's fine." He raised a brow at your lie. "Okay, it's not. But you don't have to do that for me," you picked up your small take-out box of salad and juice, "The canteen is just too much right now for me, sorry."
Hobie shrugged, picking up a fry and expertly throwing into his mouth. "No problem, always got my drummer to bother. You going to hang with your boyfriend now, eh?" His smile turned more cheeky and you stared at him meanly to take away from the fact that your cheeks warmed at his comment.
You huffed and stomped away, "Oi, you didn't deny that!"
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Miguel's office (a.k.a man cave) was dark and decrepit. For some odd reason, also liked a smell of any kind. You designated each area of the headquarters with a scent, but his area lacked any of the sort which you enjoyed. Not to mention, silent.
It wasn't like he really allowed any loud noise anyway, he had a strange list of items that were prohibited from entering his corner. Bells, blenders, on occasion, phones but that was from one time Gwen forgot to shut her alarm off and she got a small lecture on being considerate because the acoustics caused every sound that passed through to reverberate and increase in volume.
That means it would only make sense for Miguel to also hear your footsteps from a mile away, his platform already lowered for you to hop on and he's hunched over his desk. Sparks fly (not just from the sight of him, I swear) from the spot that he worked on and if you're not mistaken, there's a band wrapped around his head which meant he was wearing goggles.
You set your lunch tray down on the one empty spot on his desk before approaching slowly, you bend down to rest your hand on his shoulder and to lean your head against his. "What are you working on now, beautiful?"
Miguel put down the small soldering tool and took off his goggles, putting the freshly made panel closer to his eyes. "People submitted suggestions to make the wrist devices less bulkier," he blindly wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you onto his thigh as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. "Why are you here?"
"I'm an assassin, I've come to take your life." You spoke lowly, ominously. When Miguel doesn't turn to face you, you pout. "The noise in the cafeteria is overwhelming," you shift and properly situate yourself on his lap.
"I was just about to head out for lunch," Miguel sighed, before placing the panel in a small container.
"So... back to the cafeteria? People are sure to go speechless from catching a look at you," you joke, but there's a somber fry in your voice that he doesn't ignore. His warm breath tickled your neck as he pressed brief pecks down the column of your throat, the low hum he let out vibrating against your skin. "Are you that hungry, hermoso?"
"What I meant was," he paused, brushing more hair out of your face, properly tucking it behind your ear. "I was going to head up to my place for lunch. Where there's no people?"
You breathe a small 'ohhh' and Miguel chuckled, "That checks out, actually." You nodded. "Obviously there's no people, would've been weird to have anyone there two nights ago when we–"
"Okay, that's enough." Miguel cut you off, nearly smiling from ear to ear. "Get your lunch, mi sol."
"My hero."
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bladekindeyewear · 27 days
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HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2024-08-24
(Previous post - current page 666)
Section 3 of page 666 is now upd8'd, let's check it out! And as you can expect very much from the topic it's almost certainly covering, they've warned us via the twitter "Content warning for references to themes of physical and mental abuse, flashing imagery, and mild gore". By the way, when Force Refresh didn't reload the game data enough to show the new chapter in Google Chrome for me, I had to go in settings to "Delete Browsing Data" > "Cookies and other site data" for the Time Range "Last hour", because just deleting "Cached images and files" or "Hosted app data" didn't help.
Although, before we get into it (AND WAY BEFORE I SCROLLED BACK UP TO EDIT THAT EXTRA WARNING UP THERE), I wanted to cover something that'd been on my mind since my last post, predictionways: How IS Vriska going to escape the Plot Point?
There seem a number of obvious answers that we'll get some combination of, but the last one might not be obvious to everyone, so I wanted to cover it and flesh out / examine the possibilities so we all can feel really smart if it pans out at all the way I'm thinking it could pan out:
(1) Vriska realizes the true power and relevance she'd attained as a Thief of Light never left her heart all along, and this singularity is Nothing, a realm Void of relevance where only she exists. (Very like the Neverending Story after everything was destroyed, maybe?) If she allows herself to divest herself of some of her relevance she's been so desperately clutching onto, she can 8r8k the Plot Point.
Callie hinted that this singularity-center might need to be destroyed, and the fifth section is an 8-ball, a type of container Vriska is famously known to break. It may make a degree of sense that realizing her own power, her ultimate freedom, might be enough to do just that and free her.
(1a) Vriska becomes her Ultimate Self, and is too full of Light for the singularity to contain. This could break it or otherwise get her out of it...
...but I'm not sure it's either possible or a good thing for her to consolidate ALL of herself from the rest of Paradox Space into herself while she's trapped in here? Those versions of her perhaps deserve to keep existing rather than falling into a sea of herself that would need to hold powerfully to the self-actualization and psychological progress she's made as THIS version of her instead of the versions of her that didn't. We're not certain of all the mechanics of being an Ultimate Self, so it's hard to say whether or not it's possible... or could even see her backslide from this Therapy Session, which I really wouldn't want to see because this has been so good, and would definitely make some sense of alt!Callie / AL's warning that what was inside the Plot Point was hungry, because an Ultimate Vriska certainly could be. This doesn't seem the right choice unless in combination with one of the other options:
(2) Vriska finds the collapsed core of the Green Sun's power here and steals it for herself, a hidden treasure that could be intensely empowering, whether via Light or even giving her fancy barrier-busting Black Hole powers similar to alt!Calliope's dead!Jade body. I... feel this option is unlikely. It'd certainly count as something "greedy" inside the Plot Point that "isn't salvation" and could hasten the fragmentation of the Candy storyline because there isn't a singularity vacuuming its power all together, which could apply to breaking the Plot Point too, frankly... eh, I just still think other options seem more likely and better foreshadowed. Especially this last one:
(3) Vriska uses the same communication-across-barriers ability she used to contact (Meat)!Terezi in order to message JOHN and ask the HEIR OF BREATH to free her from the singularity as I once long ago wrongly predicted. If John is the only one who can reach in and pull her out, it would require Vriska to overcome herself enough to realize she needs -- and has the power -- to MAKE a divestment of relevance (as (1) suggested) to John from herself, and let John be the hero in her place for at least a moment. The arms he once reached everywhere with using his ultimate power suddenly become an arm reaching for another hand to pull someone to freedom.
Now on top of everything I mentioned in the old Breath, Blood, and the Flow of Reality post about John being one of the only people possibly capable of freeing someone from a singularity that "not even Light can escape", there's a bunch of EXTREMELY RECENT evidence for this, too. In addition to telling us how surprising and unlikely they would have found it to learn that Vriska messaged Terezi past the barrier sealing Candy's timeline away from the rest of Paradox Space, Callie ALSO just got done asking John to break Vriska out of jail, reinforcing it with an open statement that Breath was the aspect of Freedom, and John embodied the concept. And more importantly, John HADN'T BEEN NECESSARY to break Vriska out at all, and ended up only tagging along for conversation and fun, not even needing to tell Serket where to go! Which makes the entire relevance and narrative choice of Callie asking him to break her out better suited as foreshadowing for this exact necessity while she's trapped in the Plot Point, and all Vriska would need to do to make it happen is pull a trick (communicating across the Breach) we've already seen her pull before in the Epilogues. To have the courage and stability of mind to realize she can't do this on her own, and know who to ask for help. (Roxy, as a Rogue of Void, might even be able to lend her power to the effort too.)
Apologies for the pre-update writeup, I just really wanted to make that last John call for y'all if you hadn't realized the possibility, y'know, before we potentially see it happen a few upd8s from now. :D
Alright, on to all the trauma that Doc Scratch helped inflict on Vriska, manipulating her into actions that only injured her psyche further and her friends moreso, and all the guilt and anger she feels over it. I suspect she'll have to finally at least PARTIALLY realize the trick that's being hinted at regarding "ultimate freedom" -- ie, the answer to the Ultimate Riddle -- and just how much Doc Scratch's talk of inevitability not only gaslit her into thinking her worst instincts were unavoidable, but that even as he was TELLING her that he was manipulating her, he was admitting that he HAD to manipulate her to make this happen, meaning the power had been in HER hands all along, not his. Without Vriska provoked into being the one to inflict the injuries in the entire Team Charge vs Team Scourge cascade, without the fact that this was all FRIENDS hurting FRIENDS, none of them would have experienced enough of the severe psychological trauma required for Doc Scratch's half-Gamzee chucklevoodoos to control them into unknowingly writing his DNA code, and leaving those like Aradia in an inverted, highly manipulatable state for guiding their session into creating the Tumor that would birth the Green Sun. Let's click the White Cueball and start watching Vriska painfully confronting some serious emotional abuse and trauma from her past at the hands of a very-Dirk-Strider-like pseudo-parental figure...
Okay, NO TIMESKIP notice this time, she looks the same in her room-- it would make sense that Doc Scratch is next on the chopping block this time and I'd WANT to see her live first reaction to it. What's with this poppy hoppy fun music? We're definitely getting something more sinister for Scratch. (Also I have to say, the music so far this entire Vriska Therapy Session flash has been... okay? But not up to the usual Homestuck banger standards the original comic's run spoiled us with constantly, in my personal view.)
VRISKA: Whew. VRISKA: Long day.
Oh gosh I hope she doesn't go into the next one IMMEDIATELY and rests first--
Oh GCATAVROSPRITE is the music this time, I get it! And he's acting more catlike than ever w/ those paws lifted!
THANK you, get her to relax at least a BIT before tackling something harder than her freakin' abusive mother(s). Also,
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--just, Erisol looking unexpectedly fly as fuck, and more Dave-like than ever. Like, I'm just surprised he looks so cool. Good damn art.
VRISKA: Says Scarfshades McLopsided.
ERISOLSPRITE: 2ay2 the bu2ted a22 biitch wwearin the 2ame raggedy jacket 2he2 wworn 2ince wwe wwere liike fiivve.
VRISKA: Says the guy who literally can't change his clothes.
That's low AND not helping your case, fuck you! You're being incredibly disrespectful AND proving him right!
ERISOLSPRITE: ii cant be held accountable for my dii2cordant cla22-2wwag diichotomy, but here you are a 2weep and a half deep iin a per2onally raiilored realm of 2elf-reflectiion and you 2tiill choo2e twwo look liike thii2.
EXACTLY, that's what we're saying!!! --Not that it can be helped TOO much, from an emotional standpoint she sorta has to take forms similar to her past to face her past to an extent, so...
Also, let me do the math on that... (6/13)*4 ≈ 1.85, so if we're still in "YEAR 4" then 1.85 solar sweeps have passed for her since she entered the Plot Point. If anything, Erisol's being generous as fuck here by rounding down instead of saying "nearly two sweeps". (And this confirms we haven't timeskipped again-- or if we have, must not have skipped MUCH.)
What, can't mess with perfection?
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Oh shit, they're actually getting on, look at his damned animated grin. This is just some black-vibey friendly jabbing!
ERISOLSPRITE: anyway, come chiill.
Please, please do Vriska for your own damn sake.
Oh no, Tavros, don't suggest cat things.
Yeah, get some R and R. (And pointless playtime.) So you don't burn out. Good advice Tav.
.....okay GCATavrosprite you make a good goddamned point, you're doing pretty well against the allergies all things considered.
Oh no, she thinks she needs to keep going. :( This is gonna be even less fun for her than she thinks.
VRISKA: I'm kind of on a roll here. Gotta strike while the iron is hot!
Intense trauma-release therapy does not work that way!!! Heavy revelations have to be PROCESSED and mulled over before you subject yourself to more psychological pounding!
Ooh, a serious warning from Tav and Erisol that this shit is about to be some fuckin' BUSINESS. Listen to them! (Exactly as you put it Tav, that iron is gonna MELT too long in too hot a fire. I hope this doesn't knock her back at first and then we get ANOTHER TIMESKIP so soon mid-section... D: )
VRISKA: Whaaaaaaaat?
Oh she doesn't fucking see it coming, does she. She thought she just conquered the worst of her abuse with her mother(s) just now. She is NOT ready.
VRISKA: Oh 8lah 8lah 8lah, don't be such a pussy. GCATAVROSPRITE: i LITERALLY CAN'T NOT BE A CAT,
VRISKA: How 8ad could it even 8e?
How genre savvy could you POSSIBLY have lost track of being to make such a statement?
...Welp, she's gonna try it. Let's hope it doesn't make her backslide into being too afraid to touch it for another year or two. :C :C :C
ERISOLSPRITE: ok wwell fuck u2 for tryiin ii gue22, havve fun gettiing traumatiized.
PFFFFDHF okay that was pretty funny
VRISKA: I'm not gonna get traumatized!
Lemme guess, smash cut to a dozen and change clicks from now: "...I got fucking traumatized."? X'D
Oh here we go:
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(Even if I still think this music still doesn't measure up to original Homestuck tunes, it's still FITTING AND WORKS GREAT for the scene, and the style and art choices are top notch, especially the pure backgroundless white font.)
Yep Vriska, a "perfectly predictable inevitability", you should have seen this coming. Did you know you'd show up here, or did you not and he's rubbing it in your face? Cause I'd bet it's the latter.
It certainly has been a while, Vriska. You seem to have blossomed nicely.
Care for a piece of candy?
VRISKA: Oh fuck your stupid candy, you glo8e-headed little freak.
Congratulations Vriska, you've successfully lost 99% of your chill five seconds in, have fun getting traumatized
Doc hinting at the inevitability theme by saying he'd know for a fact she'd enjoy the candy.
Although it was less the wary hunch of a scared little girl than the delightful certainty that you'd come crawling back to me, sooner or later.
Holy SHIT are they pulling out all the stops with his awful phrasing here, no wonder they put so big an emotional abuse trigger warning on this update on the twitter page. And it's only going to get worse.
Of course I know. I'm always watching you.
Fuck, this is just. Exposing levels of vulnerability and awful fear that Vriska had to contend with in her youth that we hadn't even PUT TOGETHER back then. Every veil of silliness has been ripped straight off to show the gory mess of how this would have psychologically affected her while she was younger, here. I used to hate the epilogues and early HS^2 a little for doing this so liberally, for making clear how RETROACTIVELY FUCKED things were in ways that made my heart ache without any balm or healing... but unlike those earlier glimpses into their past attitudes, THIS time we are fucking going to goddamn RESOLVE the psychological issues and get some clear closure on them. That's part of why the entire p666 Vriska Therapy Session / Hyperbolic Therapy Chamber is already quite nearly my favorite part of all Homestuck so far, and I DO mean ALL of Homestuck so far.
VRISKA: You know what? VRISKA: I've 8een pretty damn good. VRISKA: 8een losing track of the sweeps I've spent in here fixing pretty much everything other than the thing I actually came in here to fix, 8ut it's paying off! There's a convenient timer for the express purpose of tracking that.
Oh god don't show her. Don't make her worry about how much time she's losing in here or how much it might be reflecting out there.
VRISKA: Yeah, and I never look at it 8ecause it pisses me off!
Phew. At least she's had TIME to come to terms with worrying about it.
VRISKA: 8ut it's fine. VRISKA: It just means I've had a lot of time to think stuff over. VRISKA: Stuff that was holding me 8ack, throwing me off-course.
I get the feeling he's about to do a pretty good job trying to convince you that you can't escape this so easily. To throw the wrong sort of doubt at you about what exactly you're barreling towards. About who the real "YOU" is-- he's going to try and convince you you're the one who hurts people.
I like to think that I'm far and away the most prolific contributor to your baggage.
Fuck. This won't be good.
VRISKA: Man, I figured may8e this place was working up to something really intense, 8ut instead all I get is Glo8ehead the Gru8toucher playing puppetmaster again.
Eueuuugh that nickname D:
...Is Vriska shaking or laughing? I think she's shaking. D:
VRISKA: You fucked with a 8unch of little kids and 8lew up, then you LOST.
Lord English might have lost, but I don't feel quite like Doc Scratch really did. He pretty much gave his master the Paradox-Space-spanning story he wanted, from beginning to end.
VRISKA: You could 8arely handle me when I was six, I'm supposed to 8e scared of you NOW?
It doesn't matter that you're not six sweeps anymore, that's-- you're visibly shaking. This is a big fucking deal. This is digging into the creepiest and most disgusting parts of what was done to you.
Well, you're shaking.
There we have it.
...Vriska is pulling out the whole-ass PDF File word. I... I hope she's just trying to taunt him for manipulating children, here, and playing the uncle angle. He's not-- I mean nothing actually happened, right? Please tell me nothing physical actually fucking happened besides the cueball-explosion physical-abuse-ways, I don't want sexual abuse retconned into existence here...
Exquisite. I missed that fumbling braggadocio. It's heartening to know that this place hasn't cured you of it yet. It makes you so much fun to play with.
Yeah... the parts of Doc Scratch that Vriska is going to remember most clearly are the times where he was condescending in ways that denigrated her and confirmed her worst fears about herself, intentionally. :C
{o} ==>
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Matching the scale and visuals of the situation to how she always felt. :C :C
And SICK that the music is breaking down, I'll freely give it credit for shifting to action mode.
Now then, why don't we have ourselves a little game?
Just like Dirk and Caliborn, and their union in Doc Scratch, always love to do to people.
FUCK he glitched away the "WHAT WILL YOU DO?" prompt. This is DEFINITELY about the Ultimate Riddle and Doc Scratch's ultimate lie that Vriska never had any autonomy, a lie he poisoned her with from an early age to make her even easier to manipulate both then and down the line.
DAMMIT, changing her clothes by force?! D: D: D: D:
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I don't have personal experience with this sort of abuse but I do have experience with some who HAVE and some who WORK therapeutically with those who have so this is playing out like a critical hit to triggers I can only empathize from a distance with and it's STILL getting almost too much already. Wow wow wow wow wow they didn't pull any punches.
Ah, and there she is. My favorite piece.
Thief to E4; Thief takes Page.
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That loud BLAM just then and the brown blood knocking her back along with her injuries, so pithy yet so HEAVY and with the meaty SFX to go with it, just, brutal, auughh.... Vriska's NOT getting out of this one lightly. She's not going to want to come back here. She's going to be too traumatized for a good while isn't she.
Thief to F5; Thief takes Maid.
Oh god I don't want to screenshot each of these...
Another meaty THUNK and some rust blood splashing her. God.
Thief to Z8; Thief takes Seer.
Even after all Terezi taunted her and so clearly loved being blind, she STILL hates herself for what she did to Terezi?? :'C
Her blood too D:
She didn't even get the number of exclamation points right...
All the world's my board.
No Escape.
Thief to ∫40; Thief takes pawn.
Wait what, who?
Is that Gamzee's blood or Eridan's? She only killed Gamzee just recently in Candy... (Checks with digital color meter--) That's #680768 blood, which is closest to... Eridan's, huh, weird. Maybe Erisol will be able to help her with this later after she's run away. IF AND WHEN she can finally run away. It looks like he wants to reinforce the impression that he can make her kill ANY AND ALL of the people friends she knows, COULD have made her do it. That's horrible for her to think of herself.
Now Equius's blood. She's swearing but can't make it stop.
He even calls Kanaya (and her blood splash) nothing but her killing a pawn of his choosing.
Thief to Ω413; Thief takes pawn. Check.
This is one of the first reappearances I can remember of the arc number 413 since we started HS^2, I don't even recall it in the epilogues. What's in Check here, the kids' whole universe, the one the trolls created? Is he getting her to blame herself for that, too?
KARKAT'S BLOOD AUGH that's always tough to see whenever I have to see it, it just makes you want to protect him when you know you can't.
Vriska calling him a cheap fucking karma ghost, this a stupid fucking charade... won't stop the fact that this is real emotional pain she's feeling and real pain that was already inside her for nearly her whole life up until this vision brought it out into the open.
Then why are you so afraid you will be?
Of course you will. You think you're better than me? Better than fate? Vriska, I am going to put you in situations where you have the potential to do terrible things. I am going to make things ugly. I am going to corner you. I am going to pressure you. And no matter how much "better" you claim to be, all I have to do is catch you at the wrong moment. You're one bad turn from burning all your quaint little progress to the ground. One lapse away from being mine again.
Yeah, these are ALL just more and more of her deepest fears about herself. That she can be made to kill again, so easily, no matter how far she thinks she's moved past it all. Until she internalizes the answer to the Ultimate Riddle and realizes she has the power to make the better choice-- to ALWAYS make the better choice, and he was just fooling her into thinking she never did-- how could she possibly escape this sort of trap? She can't, not yet. And that abusive cueball asshole INTENTIONALLY made sure she felt that way, because that's what kept her easy to control. Learned helplesness.
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VRISKA: Get me out of here.
Fuck, she's so defeated... so helpless. Please, PLEASE let this work. Please make it so she CAN escape this memory RIGHT THE FUCK NOW and confront it later. Because I'm very afraid it won't.
VRISKA: I want a do-over. Oh, please. You of all people should know that you don't *get* do-overs. The rest of these frivolous little vision quests may feel like sparing you the effort of getting things right the first time around, but the real world doesn't work that way.
No, you'll just have to endure it. This won't take long.
You had a good run out there, flying solo and swashbuckling around as if Light itself were yours to command. It'd be wise to remember that it's a borrowed blessing. You flourish at its whim. Continue to spit in its face and take it for granted, and it will abandon you once again, perhaps for good.
Back to the ultimate riddle shit again. Doc Scratch conning her into thinking "everything you've achieved, I made for you, or you stole from others".
Being a true Thief of Light doesn't mean being at the whim of Light, at the mercy of what she can borrow. Kanaya tried to teach her back when she wanted her to clean her room that anybody can make their own luck.
Instead Doc Scratch is playing the role of Demiurge, standing in place of the Sun and claiming all Light radiates from him, when there was plenty inside her all along.
Do you remember who you were, before it chose you? The choices you made when luck wasn't on your side? You were such a delectable little victim.
Poor Vriska, with her voracious lusus. With her demanding legacy and her uncooperative, fickle little friends. So much was out of your hands, then; how could you help but mbe my lovely assistant?
Doc Scratch inherited every last ounce of Equius's nonconsensual creep factor from Arquiusprite.
And this is going into the relationship between Light and Agency again, Void and the Lack of agency-- when Vriska felt trapped, felt she didn't have a choice, that was Void hemming her in, her "bad luck streak". Agency is your ability to choose what you do next, and so is Light. That's the privilege sometimes but not exclusively known as Luck.
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Vriska: You didn't fucking own me.
Still so helpless-looking, but at least a bit of defiance in her expression. Which I expect handily crushed, unfortunately...
Fuck! And yeah, that's his point-- he's trying to say she CHOSE to do the wrong thing when the chips were down, which is what she's most afraid she'll do again.
But she needs to internalize the fact that it was a choice... that it HAD to be a choice... is an important flaw in the way he gaslit and conned her.
But what matters is that I might as well have. You let yourself believe you had no option other than to take me up on my hard bargains, again and again. For all your talk of independence, all your combative posturing and insistence on your own freedom, you barely bothered to put up any actual resistance to my suggestions. You took the easy way out, swearing all teh while it was your move. What a phenomenal waste of your considerable talents.
Her psyche is playing against her with the cards face up here... she just has to read them correctly. This is what she's afraid of, but it's also the flaw in his logic, the source of his power over her. The idea that she never possessed Ultimate Freedom, even though he's practically telling her that she DID, just to convince her she's an awful person.
It was an insult, and a warning. You're a trump card, Vriska, but your potency is a double-edged sword. One you've gotten far too comfortable swinging around, in the past. What do you intend to fix, when you leave this place? What, I wonder, will you break? I'd encourage you to be mindful of both. Of course, you could always cast aside those pesky trivialities and go with the flow, smashing through circumstances with nary a thought for the consequences. It'd be easier. We could dance together again, just like old times. You choose.
This isn't the real Doc Scratch-- this version of him IS, in its sick perverse way, still helping her. Still giving her the hints to realize that true balance between embracing your role and yielding agency to others is CRUCIAL to make sure you're doing your best to do the right thing. Which is especially difficult when your role, your best methodology, is that of an Agency Thief. A dangerous role which must be careful with its moves so as not to gluttonously trample over the wills of others who deserve a say.
But in order to choose, to take up the mantle of Ultimate Freedom, Vriska has to TRUST herself enough TO choose.
Trusting yourself enough to entrust yourself with CHOICE is one of the hardest decisions you can possibly make. Few ever truly make that decision.
What'll it be, Vriska? Player, or piece?
Thief to ∞108.
Whoa, what now? What the fuck is this going to be?
I look forward to finding out. Good luck.
Oh, so it's sending her back to the Plot Point. ∞108, or 8108. Is this the elusive arc number of one of our timelines, of Candy? One of infinite... or 1 and 0, creation and destruction, sandwiched between two 8s, two Vriskas with perpendicular orientations, Vriska and Vrissy? Hmm...
Oh thank fucking god we're back...
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thanks so much I needed that mood lifter XD
{Level Complete!}
Thanks for ENDING it too, holy shit. I don't think I could have taken much longer of something THAT heavy tonight. Wow, that was masterfully done... not dragged out, just enough to get to the true point. To a setup for her decision, for her personal answer to the Ultimate Riddle.
Which makes plenty of sense why the NEXT section seems like it's likely a weird colorless version of one of Davepetasprite^2's feathers. They're the perfect person to talk to about her Soul/Heart, the greater self and the meaning of Ultimate Freedom, just as they hinted at during their last big talk in Homestuck.
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--Yeah, she didn't get as much help from that as she would have wanted... and now the candle is ABSOLUTELY burning down.
The glimpse of the next unclaimed tiers, here... are these hinting at the start of the next section? We have her inhibitions bound, then a reference to a child development psychologist, then a somatic spark-- physical contact?! Then Deja Vu, a flash of the past (or possibly even meeting her GHOST self from the ghost rain, the more vulnerable (Vriska) inverted to Page of Void mode that she BERATED TO TEARS back toward the end of Homestuck to prove how much more (Vriska) had grown than Vriska before leaving her crying and for Ghost Terezi from the pre-retcon timeline to meet)... Heuristic Grace, getting her luck back possibly... burning, getting hotter, and then a transcendental gleam? No, no that's got to just be a candle and it burning out the rest of the singularity... I still don't think Ultimate Vriska is the solution to all this, could it be?
Oh shit, I forgot about how the BLACK CANDLE is burning down due to VRISKA'S blue flame.
Recall my proposals at the beginning of this post? I completely forgot about yet one more opportunity for her escape:
(4) That Vriska's Light has been burning away at the singularity of the Plot Point this entire time, and will naturally destroy it no matter what, especially if she embraces her Agency and her inner Light. The Green Sun was not just a symbol of Light but an ultimate manifestation of Space power... and collapsed into a singularity, it could indeed also have been not just a Void but an ultimate manifestation of Time power. The years, sweeps, that Vriska is spending inside of it could be wearing it away all on its own, rapidly exhausting a reservoir of Time that alt!Calliope preserved at the center of the singularity just to give the noncanon timeline more time to exist than it otherwise would have had?!! Instead, Vriska is burning it up, and the sprites and ghosts who fell into the Black Hole during the Ghost Rain and concentrated themselves in this singularity are helping her use that naturally limited Time to arm herself and become the best version of herself she can be, so when the Plot Point collapses and shit really starts hitting the fan for the Candy timeline, they can execute a NEW plan to breach into the Canon/Meat timeline and do something so incredibly important that it reseats the timelines outside Paradox Space in new relevance stolen out from Canon. Something incredibly important, like unexpectedly facilitating Sburb's creation in what Dirk and Rosebot are trying to do, or sendificating the kids the final frog they used to create this Universe, or something, which came from somewhere we've still never resolved...
So many interesting possibilities here. And only two or three more updates until we'll know for sure what and how!
I'll probably continue to be too busy the next week or two to be in the mood to chew through bonus material or commentary. Talk to you next upd8 instead, most likely! :D
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lotusseedguy · 8 months
I took inspo from OM Belphie for the reader, but made them not an asshole and cuddly. you/you're pronouns for reader, though reader has a dick in Leviathans. Reader is younger than the kings, a child/young teen( I have no clue how age works in Hell) probably shit grammar. Mammon's was short as balls, I'm sorry my fellow ass enjoyer.
-Average older sibling experience.
-Satan nicknamed you whiskers to piss you off. That is only for your ears though. In public, he either calls you by your name, or calls you 'sleepy'. Thats it, that's the headcannon/j
-Satan loves messing with you while you sleep. stealing your pillows, taking your blankets, throwing you off of whatever surface your onn...
-Poured ice water on you once trying to piss you off. It failed. You got up, and went back to sleep on the warm part of the floor :(
-He let Sitiri give you black tea ONE TIME. Never again. You were bouncing off the walls for two hours, and then passed out for the rest of the day. Hence, you are banned from drinking black tea (He never said anything about coffee. DON'T LET HIM KNOW)
-One time, you two got into a big ass fight about something,(You were too sleepy to care or remember what it was) and so, you decide to go sleep with Sitiri. While the cuddles were very nice, Satan was much more than pissed when he found out. If looks could kill, the Milky Way wouldn't have bothered exploding, it would have just evaporated.
-You got banned from cuddling with Sitiri after that.
-After the angels started invading Gehenna, Satan wouldn't let you sleep outside. Only in your room, or his, preferably. that way he can make sure you're safe from harm And other demons trying to cuddle with you
-He's a big tease, but he doesn't let anyone else do that. Ppyong got thrown a few times because they kept waking you up, and Satan got mad because how dare someone else tease his little sibling Ppyong was being annoying.
-He loves you a shit ton, and actually hates it when you get really mad at him. Because then you ignore him and find someone else to cuddle with, and Satan HATES that. So, only teasing and friendly banter.
-I'll leave this here, but I feel like he's a big cuddler. He likes you close at night, so he knows your safe, within his arms, of course.
-He's also a fucking oven. With that much rage in that small body? That shit emanates warmth like the fucking sun, and his bath card says he can even heat bathwater with his rage. Good for cuddles, of course.
"Eh? You woke up. shocker. Go back to sleep, I'll be right here still..." `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(I don't know much about him, as I just got his Bloodshed card recently. I apologize if this makes no sense!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-Beelzebub doesn't mind the fact you sleep pretty much all day, though he can get a bit worrying as he spends most of his time traveling -the one bad thing about it is that you fall asleep anywhere.
-One time, he found you asleep in a tree. A TREE. he was astonished, was that even comfortable???? You wanted to look at the stars, but you had fallen asleep while watching then sun go down. Once Beelzebub found that out, he just patted your head and told you to tell him next time.
-He likes to pick out your earrings. (It says in the downloading screen that The demons from the part Beelzubub rules over all have piercings, so I'm going off of that) He thinks mix-matching black and dark green studs look nice on you
-Having nearly died multiple times, Beelzebub finds himself keeping a close eye on you, just to make sure that you're safe.
-He finds comfort in being with you while you sleep. Whenever he wakes up, you always have your arms wrapped around him, and occasionally mumble out a sleepy complain about not wanting him to leave. It makes him smile, you wanting him to stay. So, of course he lies back down. A couple more minutes can't hurt.
-Similar to Satan, he's really warm. Not like an oven, though. He's more like that warm, comfortable feeling you get when you get in bed.
-Beelzebub's noticed that whenever he gets hurt, you always sleep with him for the next few days, or even weeks. It's like your way of showing worry, and he likes the cuddles.
-He dreams about sleeping in a bed next to a sunny window, while someone takes care of him. He knows it's never going to happen, but with you? He's more than willing to cuddle with you during the day, or anytime for that matter.
"Ah, Did I wake you up? No, I'm not going anywhere, so why don't we go back to sleep..."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEVIATHAN
-Solomon have mercy on you, you poor sleepy cat :(
-Leviathan can't find you? You must be off cuddling with someone other than him. How dare you choose some lowly, unimportant demon instead of your Overbearing and clingy Perfect Brother Leviathan >:0
-You have to be in sight pretty much all the time. You do get some self-sleepy time, but only when Leviathans really busy. And I mean REALLY busy. Hades needs to be falling apart and/or being invaded by angels for you to get that sweet, sweet self-sleepy time.
-You got mad at him, and went to sleep with someone else? Say bye-bye to your ability to leave his palace/house-thing, because that's GONE the millisecond Leviathan find out.
-The person you were sleeping with? Hung. You? With him, In his coffin, tied up so he can cuddle you to his hearts content. He doesn't care that he's being unreasonable. He loves you too much, and doesn't want another demon to take you away from him >:((
-Leviathan loves you, a bit too much. No other soul is allowed to cuddle with you, let alone breathe sleep near you, unless they wish to be hung.
-He likes it when your pillows and blankets are in his signature colors. That's all he lets you have. Black, silver, and purple. Maybe a few others, but those are the majority.
-Leviathan adores it when you take baths with him. He likes seeing you vulnerable because he knows he's the only person able to see you like that.
-He'd also make you wear a Chasity cage. He's the King of Envy, he can't just let you run amok Hades, alone unsafe! What if someone takes advantage of you being unsafe? The unsafe factor being your dick touching your underwear
. -When He gets a bit envious, for any reason regarding you, he makes you to cuddle with him, in his coffin. You're too sleepy to care, but Leviathan does. Too much
. -Watches you sleep. I'm not even joking. He'd stare at you, asleep in his bed, for about 5 minutes before going to cuddle you.
"The audacity for someone to even try to take you away from me... And now, you're here with me, cuddling with your amazing older brother. Isn't this so much better?"
MAMMON (I gave up here, soory fellow Mammon Enjoyers) ~~~~
-You might just be luckiest demon in the world -Mammon loves you, and lets it be known. -Also a big cuddler, AND he gets you a shit ton of blankets and pillows. -After a long day of doing whatever he does, Mammon likes to lay down and cuddle with you. -When he says everything belongs to him, he means EVERYTHING. He's more than happy to get you anything you want, which is usually pillows, blankets, and quality time. -That sleepy little look you give him when he accidently woke you up while laying down with you? Melts his heart, really. -If you like stuffed animals, especially themed ones, He'll make sure you have an army of stuffed toys, just for you. -Mammon likes to hear you talk about anything, really. Your toys' names? He'll listen. That band you like? He's down for it. The entirety of the FNAF lore? Mammon's patting your head as you ramble. -He wants you to be as comfy as possible. -Mammon finds himself buying small things that remind him of you. A necklace that in your favorite color, a stuffie that fits the theme of your collection… Etc.
"Good morning. How was your rest? I'm sure it was nice, with me by your side."
This took TOO long to write-
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aeithalian · 1 year
Rick. Buddy. Amigo. Explain something to me. Real quick, I promise.
[The Trials of Apollo: The Tower of Nero, Chapter 4]
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Good genetic package, Rick/Apollo? Are you sure about that?
Estelle's physical description *clap* makes *clap* no *clap* sense. Why on earth does one of the only fully human characters in this series have to have unique and weird physical traits? Also, it makes no sense in the larger scope of Rick's writing style to have chosen this unless he had some sort of larger intention behind it. Not to mention the theories by fans haven't really done much to fully flesh out any perceivable reason as to why this might be:
Poseidon blessed Sally when she was pregnant - By far, this is the most believable to me, but it's still eh, because this feels very weird and I don't get the vibes from Poseidon that he would have done so to the extent that it shows up in Estelle's physical traits. Also if that were true, it doesn't make sense for Rick to just fully drop it in the story without the intention to flesh it out further, because to my knowledge he doesn't have plans for another novel that takes place after ToA.
Paul isn't Estelle's father - Firstly, this is out of character for Sally, and this doesn't fully justify why Estelle has Percy's eyes. PLUS, salt-and-pepper hair still wouldn't be natural for a newborn
Paul is Poseidon in disguise - This explains her traits the best, but Paul's character is so much more satisfying if this isn't true. It's also total bullshit.
Enter me. I have a theory. Yay. But first, we must discuss.
Firstly, I want to talk about her eyes. Going back to the theories, and based on my fair amount of knowledge of genetics (clarification: I write this as I procrastinate studying for my final genetics exam), the eyes are mostly interesting because Apollo specifies that they are immediately similar Percy's. The thing about eye genetics, though, is that they are what we consider to be 'complex traits', meaning that they are influenced by the interactions of multiple genes from both parents. What I mean to point out here is that Sally could definitely have the genes to produce two children with 'sea-green' eyes, considering her canonical eye color is blue. We don't know what Paul's eye color is, which makes my job a whole lot easier because I can assume that it doesn't directly contradict the possibility that Sally just has really strong eye genes (?). ALSO, who's to say that Poseidon didn't just change his eye color to match Percy's when he was born? Ah, yes, the perks of having a shapeshifting dad who seemingly loves you and your eye color a lot (but is still absentee, WHOOPS).
But what I actually found the most interesting about Estelle was her hair color. More specifically, the fact that Apollo says he's never seen an infant with that color hair. And we know Apollo is somewhat of an unreliable narrator (although this rarely affects his descriptions of people other than himself, and has also mostly evolved into a more honest narration since the end of book 3), but I believe we're supposed to trust this dude who just so happens to have been alive for over four millennia. Based on Apollo's previous descriptions of his own powers (see his conversations with Percy in TTC, when he pulls a Mufasa and basically admits to seeing everything the light touches), we know that Apollo knows and has seen a lot of stuff. So, how is this the first time he's seemingly witnessed this type of hair mutation?
I did some research, as one does. To me, it seems as if Estelle has what's called Griscelli syndrome, which is a type of rare autosomal genetic mutation that typically results in phenotypic hypopigmentation of the skin and hair. (It can also result in neurological disorders and immunodeficiency, based on the type, but I digress.) It's also pretty rare, considering both parents have to be carriers, and even then the child still has a one in four chance of being affected. Current statistics from the NIH say that Griscelli syndrome currently presents in less than 1000 Americans, and is rapidly fatal in 1-4 years without aggressive treatment.
That sad note aside, it's weird to me that the way Rick wrote Estelle's physical description makes it seem as if Apollo had never seen anything similar. I feel like a god of both medicine and knowledge would probably be a bit more up to speed with rare genetic disorders, especially because he's so old. The only explanations are that Apollo, in his mortal state, can't make a diagnosis, OR what he's seeing isn't actually something he can diagnose.
FURTHERMORE, from the same chapter, Apollo says something that muddies the waters even further:
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It doesn't make sense that Apollo thinks that Zeus would take such an interest in Estelle. Her nature alone doesn't make me think that the king of the gods would take a sudden interest in a literal newborn, regardless of how much Apollo loves her (and honestly, I don't blame him).
What I think? Rick pulled the strings just tight enough that he has a very interesting plot point to go off of if he ever decides to pick up the pen again and write a new book.
What I think? Estelle doesn't have Griscelli syndrome, she is in much more danger than anyone realizes, and Apollo's subconscious put this together from the second he saw her.
Actually, let's rewind. I'm in the process of writing a fic (stay tuned!) and I had a random thought: do the Greeks have an apocalypse story? You know, like Ragnarök in the Norse mythos, and the Revelation stories in the Bible.
The answer? They don't. I guess that's what you get when the Greco-Roman gods are fully immortal and literally can't be killed.
That didn't stop the rabbit hole, though, and what I found was actually very interesting and I couldn't believe what I was reading.
I give you: Hesiod. More specifically, his poem Works and Days. More more specifically, his 'ages of man'. More more more specifically, the iron age.
For context, Hesiod was an ancient Greek poet who lived in the 8th century BC, and was walking right along with Homer in terms of fame at the time. The poem Works and Days is actually more of a really long Facebook post where he complains about anything and everything, especially in his section on the ages of man.
In summary, Hesiod wrote about what he perceived to be the five stages of human life since the creation of mankind by Zeus' hand:
gold: perfect in every way, pious, and blessed by the gods
silver: real bitches, the ugly middle child, so Zeus killed them
bronze: were so violent they wiped each other out
heroic: golden child, contained the heroes of the Greek mythos
iron: middle-aged men still living in their mom's basement
Hesiod wrote his poem during what he perceived to be the Iron age (it's really just him complaining about being born in the wrong generation), but he ends up listing a lot of qualities: 'everyone works too hard, the gods hate us, nobody respects family values anymore', blah blah blah.
I know what you're thinking: Tia, what does this have to do with an apocalypse?
Well, dear reader, bear with me. You see, every time Zeus didn't like an age of mankind, or it became too violent, or it generally wasn't pious enough, Zeus wouldn't hesitate to destroy that race and start over. Basically, an apocalypse.
So, you may ask a new question: what is the criteria for Zeus to destroy the Iron age? And, assuming that this is the age we're currently in, what would it take for Zeus to destroy everything our beloved Riordanverse characters know and love?
My friend, that is where Estelle comes in. Yes, a baby.
Take this excerpt regarding the Iron age:
"And Zeus will destroy this race of mortal men also when they come to have grey hair on the temples at their birth."
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I think you see where I'm going with this.
My theory? Estelle, in her unique position as a bridge between not just the mortals and the demigods (eg. her relationship with Percy), but also the mortals and the gods (eg. her great impression on Apollo), is a living, breathing prophecy. A prophecy that the end is nigh for this current age of mankind.
Furthermore, I also think that Apollo made this connection, somewhere in the back of his mind, the very second he realized that her hair was entirely unique. According to Hesiod (who Apollo also mentions later in the book, so we know he knows who Hesiod is), the day that babies are born with gray hair (or, salt-and-pepper for the sake of the theory) is the second Zeus basically get the go-ahead to commit genocide.
This also brilliantly explains why Apollo suddenly, and seemingly without reason, makes to keep Estelle's existence a secret from Zeus, because he knows that it might be the easiest way to get everyone he knows and loves killed by his own father for "the greater good" as I'm sure Zeus will put it. Plus, in his mortal state, Rick didn't have to explain why Apollo did what he did, since Apollo's been having memory issues since the beginning of the series: why would he remember one line from a poem written almost three thousand years ago?
Frankly, Zeus doesn't care about mortals: the only reason he really cares about anyone is if they have enough power to threaten his own, or if they have some sort of power he can benefit from. This, certainly, falls under the category of the latter. Wouldn't you want a chance to remake humanity into the perfect image that it used to be? You would, if you hadn't gone through a five book long grow-a-conscience speedrun like our lovely Apollo over here.
Fortunately for Rick, this is such an outrageous theory that if it never comes to fruition, I won't be surprised. If he ever writes something similar, though, know I called it first.
EDIT: here's the fic i mentioned i was (am) writing
EDIT: a masterlist of my other metas
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maochira · 1 year
dad!ego's child meets the bllk team? theyre not a soccer player and are actually very not into it </3 thanks!
I have to enter my dad!Ego era again jskjfh (I never left it I just write so little for him lately I'M SORRY)
Synopsis: You never cared much for soccer and don't understand much about it, but of course you still want to be on your father's side during the U-20 match - that includes meeting the Blue Lock Eleven before that.
Requests open! - dad!Ego masterlist
Tags: gn!Ego's kid!reader, aged up Ego so him having a teenager kid makes sense
For months, you listened to your father talk about Blue Lock and the players, even though you rarely understood anything about it. During that time, you picked up the names of a few players like Isagi, Bachira and Rin, but you don't even know what they look like. All you know are the bits and pieces of information your brain picked up from your father's rambles whenever you had dinner together.
Despite your lack of interest in soccer, you immediately knew you wanted to come along to watch the U-20 match. Not necessarily because you were interested in seeing the match, but mostly to be at your father's side.
The entire time, you don't really know where you're going. You're either following Anri or your father wherever they go and try to not be a bother. And then, you find yourself in the Blue Lock Eleven's locker room.
At first, none of the players notice you because you're hiding behind Anri and everyone is focused on the speech Ego is holding, but when he's done with that, you're just kind of standing there, leaning against the wall and trying to be as unobtrusive as possible.
The first player to approach you is Karasu. As he walks towards you, you can feel yourself getting slightly nervous. Because of what your father has told you about the Blue Lock participants, you feel rather intimidated by all of them. "Aren' a bit too young to be an assistant?" Karasu asks as he takes a step closer to you.
"Oh uh... I'm not an assistant," you let out a little nervous laugh, "I'm just here because of my dad."
"Oh? And who is that?"
You gesture over to Ego, which has Karasu speechless for a moment. He takes an even closer look at you. "You don't really look like him." Karasu shrugs, but then you move some hair that's fallen in front of your eyes to the side and Karasu immediately catches the only thing you have in common with your father, appearance-wise at least.
"YO GUYS EGO HAS A KID!" Karasu yells through the entire room which immediately catches everyone's attention. Well, everyone's except Rin's. He doesn't seem to care at all.
Besides that, everyone has the same reaction: surprise. The thought of Ego having a kid that's their age has never crossed their minds.
The next person to walk up to you is Otoya. And he immediately starts flirting with you which gets him a death stare from Ego. That's not what makes Otoya back off, though. It takes Karasu to drag him away from you - which you're really thankful for because, on top of being nervous, you donn't want to get flustered as well. You just don't want to embarrass yourself in front of the Blue Lock team.
Bachira and Isagi are the next ones who talk to you, in the hope they can make you feel more comfortable after Otoya tried to flirt with you.
"Which soccer position do you play? Are you a striker as well?" Isagi asks, assuming you play soccer - which isn't a bad assumption, considering who your father is.
"Oh eh... I don't play soccer. I barely know anything about it." You answer with another nervous laugh.
Isagi already feels bad for making that assumption and he's about to apologize, but before he gets to say something, Barou, who's standing a few meters away but heard what you said, asks in a mocking tone: "Why are you here, then?"
This makes you feel even more nervous. Looking at Barou, he intimidates you more than the othee players, so you don't know how to defend yourself. Luckily Bachira does that for you.
"Oh come on, they can still watch us play!" He says to Barou before turning to you with a bright smile that quickly lets your nervosity fade and makes you feel more comfortable.
You really want to continue the conversation Isagi and Bachira tried to start with you, but before you come up with something to say, the team has to go outside because the match is about to start.
A bit later you find yourself sitting with the players who don't get to play right now. You wanted to sit next to Anri, but somehow ended up with the rest of the Blue Lock players.
The one you're sitting next to just happens to be Barou. Occasionally, you hear him mumble little complains about what's going on in the match and how it would go much better if he was on the field right now.
"I bet you'd do great..." You look at Barou with a soft smile in attempt to lighten his mood a little bit.
"Oh shut up." Barou responds without looking in your direction at all. "You don't even know anything about soccer."
"But I just said you'd do great-"
"I'd do much better than 'great'," Barou's eyes wander over to you with a condescending gaze for a moment before he returns his eyes to the field.
"Tell me," you continue talking, "What would you do if you were on the field right now?" Even though he still intimidates you, something about Barou is just so interesting, it makes you want to talk to him more.
Without any hesitancy, Barou goes on a whole rant about what he'd do on the field. You don't understand most of it, but still listen closely to everything he says. It doesn't take long until some of the other players who sit with you join in and you find yourself stuck in a conversation with them.
They're mostly rambling and ranting, but the more they talk the more you find yourself understanding what exactly they mean.
And as odd as it is, you feel like you want to get to know the Blue Lock players better. Not because of soccer, but because you want to know what they are like as people. Maybe your father will let you enter the players' areas in the facility some time so you can get to know them better.
Taglist (sign-up link): @kaineedstherapy12, @gojosorrygeto, @luvcalico, @truegoist, @st4rcheese
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Interference vs Difference
|PT1| |PT2|
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JJK / Reader
{After being isekaied into Jujutsu Kaisen, you expected to be winthin the main storyline. Instead... You're in the past!? Far past...}
Not even caring on which horse you placed your hard earned money on, you run after the tall male.
"Train me!"
You shout excitedly, stepping closer to the bigger male.
The older man blinks at you, taken aback by your strange approach.
He smirks at you, leaning close.
" "Train you"..? Pfft-"
The, "Sorcerer Killer", laughed in your face.
Undetered, you hold up your arms, flexing them to your best abilty. "See! I'm strong!"
The elder Fushiguro sighs at your oddness, shaking his head. "Sorry, I'm not training some Sorcerer brat who doesn't even look qualified to be one." Toji rolled his eyes at you, walking away further down the row of seats in the stadium.
Unwavering, you follow close behind like a duckling.
Ticked off at your presence, he sneared at you. "Quit while your ahead, I'd rather not kill some stupid girl on my day off."
"No, I wanna' be trained by you!" You sqwaked again, undetered stomping closer.
Toji laughed bitterly, taking a seat, glancing at the track. "Why's that?" He mocked, disinterested.
"Because I... I want to change the future." You state, straightening up to look more assured than you felt.
"And you think seeking me out is gonna' fix that?" Toji scowled.
He laughed once again, but it wasn't as light-hearted. Tense as he sees the horses race down the track. Seeing the horse you choose cross the finish line...
"I..." You gape at the results as Toji frowns, cussing angerily.
Your... Mentor lazily chides your stance as you throw a fist at the air. While he was laying on his back, flipping through a magazine you gave to Tsumiki during your arrival. Not even bothering to take notice of your struggle. "Hup!" You raise your leg, losing balance and falling back. Groaning in pain, muscles tense at your horrible work out
While Tsumiki and Megumi watch on quietly. You sigh, grumbling at yourself for not doing the stance right. Sitting up to try again, not giving up.
Tsumiki pouts at Toji's laziness, choosing to go next to you and follow your actions. Megumi slowly going after her.
The elder Fushiguro eyes the three of you and smiles.
"Okay, move your foot to the side. Make sure you have enough space and kick."
He sits up, placing down the magazine as he gets up to show all three of you.
You gaze in awe at the strength, wishing you were just as much a power-house!
"Eh! What do you mean Shoko?" Gojo asks the brunette as she shrugs. "Hm, dunno'. I saw her talking with this older guy the other day. Seemed fine to me..."
Haibara nods along to Shoko, while Nanami rolled his eyes at the gossip.
"That doesn't sound "fine"..." Geto mumbles thoughtfully as his friend pouts. "There's no way, an oblivious-idiot like that doesn't even know what dating means!" Gojo yells out.
"And you do..?"
"No one said anything about her dating.." Shoko sighs. Feeling slightly bad for her teacher.
"Maybe he's a family member or something!" Haibara puts in his own two cents.
"No, now it's time for drastic measures!" The white haired male slams his hands down on the desk.
"Gojo..." Yaga grits out, who had been reading out the missions for the day before being interupted "Pay attention!"
Getting ready to leave since your mission was over, you proudly glance at your hands. Less calloused, more firm. Your hard work was paying off! You should bring some pizza to the Fushiguro household to celebrate..
Nodding at the idea, you start calling in the order as you wait.
Pausing, you sensed someone close by...
Turning around quickly, you blink at the saphire eyes gazing at you in bewilderment.
"Ah.. Gojo, Hi!" You smile at him kindly. "What are you doing here? I thought I asked Yaga to give you guys the off day.." You mumble, hoping Yaga didn't lie when you asked him earlier that day.
"Oh, that... Yaga sent us out here incase you got into any trouble Teach'!"
"Hm? "Us" ?" You quickly turn your head side to side, not finding any other student.
"Yup!" "Mhm."
"Hm?" Turning around, you noticed a politely smiling Geto and a unimpressed Shoko. Who looked like she was dragged with them unwillingly.
"Woah..!" You mumble, realizing you needed more training. Along with recognizing foot-step patterns. You'd have to ask Toji about it...
Wait.. Speaking of!
"Well, I'm okay. No worries, I was just heading out anyway."
"Hm? Where too?"
Geto asks, smiling too sweetly.
"To pick up a pizza." You grin, merry at the idea.
Gojo and Geto grin viciously. "Oh? I'm a bit hungry anyway, so lets join you!" Satoru smirks, his sunglasses gleaming as Geto agreed.
Shoko takes out her pack of cigs', shrugging. "Where too?" She smiles too sweetly.
"Is.. This where (L/N) sensei lives..?" Gojo mumbles, kicking a stray can as Geto nudged him, glaring. "Satoru-"
Going up to the doorsteps, you knock on the door. As your students watch curiously from behind you.
A big, bulking figure stood in the doorway. A frown on his scared lip as glares at you, but you smile. Holding up the pizza like an offering.
Shoko chokes on her cigerette as Getos eyes widen, Gojo's body rigid, as trio of students tense up.
Toji sighed, yet directs the glare at your compainons.
"Who are they?"
"Oh-! These are my wonderful students!" You shrug, not seeing how BAD this was..
"Well.. Half of them!" You grin at Toji, beaming.
"They wanted to join for pizza! I bought three!"
"Yeah, I can see that." Side-eyeing the frozen students behind you, he placed his fingers on his temple.
"Augh... Stupid hang-over headache.. C'mon in." He relents, side-steping away. "Tsumiki! Megumi! (Y/N)'s here!" He hollered, not moving out of the way fully.
You pause, handing the elder male the boxes and turn to your students.
"Please be polite in Mister Fushiguros home, or I'll kick you out!" You pout, laughing it off. "He's super nice and I don't want you guys to tell embarrassing misson stories about me.." You rub your neck shyly, before herding them inside.
Settling down at the table, you hand out slices as you converse with Tsumiki about school, occasionally asking Megumi as he only nods.
The table was way too quiet...
"(L/N) sensei...?"
"Hm?" You pause, lowering your slice. Shoko sweats slightly, "C.. Can I have some water?"
"Of course! I'll be right back, I bring some drinks for everyone." Getting up, you head to the kitchen. Leaving your students to fend for themselves in the presence of your... Friend?
The trio quietly gaze at their plates, quietly agreeing. This was possibly a mistake on their part.
"U-uhm.." Tsumiki softly pipes up, drawing everyones attention. "I.. I really like your hair, miss Shoko."
Blinking, the brunette eyes the smaller girl, smiling politely. "Thank you, I.. Your hair pins are very pretty."
"Ah! M- I mean, (Y/N) got them for me!"
The suffocating air becomes less dense, letting up with the bits of small talk and you stumbling back with a pitcher of water and balancing cups.
"So.. You care for them?" Toji states. Idly standing beside you as he watched you put away the dishes.
Bubbles of laughter heard in living room as you saw a small ghost of a smile on Toji's face at the warm atmosphere.
"... Huh." Toji sighs at your carefree nature. Though, he trusted you.. Sorta. You were his... Mentiee? Protogè would be pushing it. You were always lingering near by, bombarding into his life without any grace or lack of security. Always facing ahead, only looking back when you noticed he was nowhere to be found.
"You know, Mr. Fushiguro... Have you ever thought.. I dunno.. Maybe, teaching? At Jujutsu High? I mean, you'll be paid, and there's dorms. And Megumi can learn more about his skill set, then Tsukimi can learn more about curse energy if she'd want?" You offer up, tone akward, worrisome.
It disturbed him slightly, having been used to your constant whining to train and up-beat smiles.
You were serious.
Toji mulled it over, it wasn't a bad idea per-say... But-
"Hm.." He shrugged, playing it off.
Toji wasn't borned with cursed-energy. He was sure you knew that simple fact, even still. You treated him as if he was just fellow sorrcer or friend. It boggeld his mind to no end, you weren't the "high-and-mighty" type to care. He knew that, there was this strangeness of your presence, pesent to a fault.
Seeing his lack of response, biting the inside of your cheek in worry. You grip his sweater sleeve, gazing down at your shoes.
"Please... Please think about it." You begged quietly.
Blinking at the action, his brows furrow. He didn't understand where this was coming from. Yet... He pitied you, you weren't a Gojo Heir, Zenin'in or Kamo. Just some girl who appeared and declared she wanted to get stronger.
All for the sole reason of, "changing the future". He had to admit, he was curious of your mind-set. A pathetic pursit to higher-ups, maybe even to your own students. Even he doubted your optomistic view. Though, you wouldn't back down, clearly stuborn pride, he assumed.
Letting go, you smile reassuringly. "But I won't force you! Promise. Scouts honor!" You quickly place a hand on your chest, as he scoffed at you. While you happily grab some treats from the freezer. Pulling him along to the living room.
[Thanks for reading, reading, fanart, comments, likes and such are welcomed! If you have any ideas for this Au, I'd be happy to listen!]
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sewinrat · 28 days
If you are/replace Sebastian includes;
*Reader is female mentioned but I could care less, you just have to be human. Have I done something like this before can't remember...
Oh you poor soul. You don't even know how you got in this mess. You were one day suddenly locked up in a plastic cage and this strange man bought you for an even stranger boy. Now you're stuck with them forever.
The closest you act to in terms of 'first meet' is close to Pomni. And yes you have went into the UNKNOWN and Luther had to pull you back but in this case, the unknown is much more dangerous.
And now you're trying your best to hide and run away from all of them in their weird crazy house of nonsense. Unfortunately you can't even hide well because Randal's dolls will always find you. Luther is another thing. You can't act out in front of around him or else you'll be a 'bad pet' and "that's not how girls supposed to act." His words not mine. Even if you've been put in the ridiculous jester outfit. You'd prefer if they put you in those discipline outfit forever if it means to leave you alone. It doesn't matter if you lose your body.
You got a high chance into being part of the family because Luther might want a little sister but let's not go there. This time.
The other two 'people' in the house, Nyen and Nyon, you thought you could trust but apparently not. You try to avoid them both, mostly Nyen because of the times he threatened you. Although Nyon doesn't do much, it's best to not engage in any way. Why am I describing things like this is your diary?
Actually you might have a diary. But hide them well or else everyone and I mean EVERYONE will read it if you misplaced it anywhere. Randal loves to snoop especially around you. Luther says it's to get to know you better but like a parent, he's a liar because if he reads anything he doesn't like, he'll punish you accordingly. Nyen can use it to manipulate you and make fun of you but Nyon reads it... And that's it. He doesn't do much about it but he's bold so he will gave it back to you even if it's open and in the middle of reading it.
After maybe weeks or even months if time manages to slip later because if you cannot make sense of time, how can you even know the time - you're getting use to it. Not comfortable of course but it's to the point where you aren't actively scared to even look behind you.
You know what, you should be just a little bit grateful that you are Randal's 'friend' while also being under him by being a pet because if you remember in Lucid 14, it shows that Randal likes to keep parts of his 'friends' as the bible recruiter dudes were leaving(But it could also imply that it's his first time doing it while alive or smth). So yeah that's one way to lose skin.
Ranfren Characters thoughts on You(ooc);
Randal: "Oh you met my friend?? Did she escaped again if you knew em... Eh impossible but since you know her, I KNOW YOU~!! A friend to my pet is a friend to mee now come here and let's have some funn." How did you get in touch with her- actually doesn't matter to Randal, more friends the merrier.
Luther: "Hm. Troublesome at first but oh well she's just getting use to her new home that's all so I won't blame them for that. Getting docile but still needs precautions." Somehow he treats you more of an experiment than a pet. Maybe you're those last options regularly people would consider to.
Nyen: He exited the interview because a reaction of the 'new' pet of the house from him is a waste of time to him. You're not worth his trouble. But he did said something about how fun watching you struggle when him and or his master catch you escaping.
Nyon: We couldn't find him to get an interview so we came to the conclusion that he has nothing to say about you. Maybe a little pity. That's all.
Bonus? Tsukada Satoru: "Ah she's quite cute but should keep a certain distance away from Randal. Hm? Jealous? In what way or to who exactly? Randal? Oh I could never. Randal is my best friend, I'm just protecting him away from her." Maybe if you play his heart well, he'll take more of a fancy to you.
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jayswritings13 · 2 years
Total Drama: Alejandro's All Star reunion
Request: "hi! i know you wrote this like forever ago but i was wondering if you could do a pt two? where Alejandro and reader see eachother again during all stars?"
💗Masterlist | WIP Page
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In all honesty, you should have seen this coming at some point or another.
Running into any of the old castmates was very easy now that you've been connected with a majority of them.
And that included Alejandro.
Sure, you saw him at the finale, but this felt different.
For the first few days, you were able to avoid him pretty well.
After what happened last time, you didn't want any chance at getting close or vulnerable.
It's All-Stars, after all, so who knows what it will cost you this time when Alejandro decides to plot against you.
Unfortunately, he was just as persistent to talk to you.
Fuck, here we go.
"As you are aware from the last time we saw each other, I wasn't totally honest."
"That's a fucking understatement." You snorted, earning a glare from him.
"Anyway," He said, "I'm sure by now you have watched the season and figured out why I did what I did. I-"
"Oh for fuck's sake, kicked me out." You said, crossing your arms, "You can fucking say it! You kicked me out!"
"Yes, well-"
"You kicked me out because you couldn't handle some god damn teasing from the others." You said, "It was a stupid fucking reason." You sighed, "But, I guess that comes with the territory of it being a game, doesn't it?"
"It was for protection."
"Ha, like you needed any. Everyone loved you. You had a working plan." You said, "It worked for Bridgette and LeShawna. It would've worke-"
"Except that my focus would slip and it risked everything." Alejandro paused, "So, I had to eliminate the risk."
Eliminate the risk
Eliminate the risk
Everything you remembered and watched about the season suddenly made much more sense.
You never actually considered the option that whatever was happening between him and you was in anyway real, especially a threat to Alejandro's standing.
After that, you tried your hardest to continue to keep your distance and guard up, waiting for a repeat.
Though, to your surprise, you found that Alejandro was just as hell bent on keeping you close.
Something about wanting to make amends for what happened last time.
For once, he seemed......sincere---which was a bit unsettling for a look on him.
Once the teams merged, you weren't surprised to find that he wanted to form an alliance.
Yeah, sure, that's what we'll call it.
"I guess I get it now," You grinned towards the confessional camera, "Besides, its not like I'm on my top game right now," You paused, "so, yeah, I get it." You then suddenly remembered that you were still in the confessional, "I mean not like I would give him the satisfaction of knowing that. His ego is already so big." You said.
The both of you knew what it really was: picking up where world tour left off
Though, it made it just as ironic that you made it further than him.
Especially since part of it was your fault, voting him out in a pact with Gwen, Courtney, and Scott.
You're sure that he understands.
Even if it meant that you went through the rest of the competition with the same lonely-guilty feeling that he had.
"Was it satisfying? Yes." You said, barely glancing at the camera in the confessional. "Do I regret it?" You paused, "Eh.....?" You shrugged your shoulders, "Do I miss him? Yeah, I do." You sighed, knowing full and well that Alejandro was gonna tease the shit out of you for this confessional, much like you had with his previous ones in World Tour. "But, it had to be done."
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