#jikook live
kanmom51 · 2 months
Spot the differences (again)
*This one has been sitting in my drafts for a while now waiting for me to finalize it. Much water has passed under the bridge since, but I still think it is relevant, maybe even more so now that 'Are you sure?' is about to land and this is the type of rhetoric we will be hearing a lot.
This post is a public service for all those that love to nullify Jikook interactions. Those that ot7-fy them. "JM is such a sweetheart, he loves all his members" or "JM is always so happy to see the other members, remember when..."
So yeah, I actually do remember when. And that is why I decided to bring them here for you to judge.
Let's put these two under a magnifying glass side by side why don't we?
RM joining JM in his birthday live.
JK joining JM in his Docu live
Thanks to cr./@jimimn for their amazing gifs, some of which I will be using here.
Start, why don't you, with JM's initial reaction.
JM literally lights up when he notices JK. He stops the video and calls out his name.
He's not happy.
He is overjoyed.
His face literally lights up.
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His whole body is reacting.
He is down right giddy.
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That whole body movement when he calls out to Jaykay again. His shoulders literally dancing - that is what I call a little JM happy dance, exclusively for JK.
When RM walks in JM is happy he's there. Happy. Not giddy.
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And may I remind you that this is JM's birthday live. So RM is popping in to wish JM happy birthday while he's on live. And as expected JM is happy to see him.
Happy and laughing for a sec and then manages, with ease, to have a full on conversation with RM, setting up a chair for him by his side. Expecting RM to join his live.
Yes, JM set up a seat for RM to sit by his side, all while he shooed JK away telling him to take the chair with him.
JM's first question to JK: "why did you lose so much weight?"
All while not being able to keep his hands to himself and going in for his chestie besties.
From the second JK walked in JM could not keep his eyes off him. It's like we were non existent, and he knew that, he knows that is what happens when JK is around during a live, hence him not having one with JK even though he has been asked to do one by JK multiple times.
And that is exactly the reason why JM told him "you can go now".
JM needed to stay in focus. Watching the documentary and focusing on that and us, the audience watching him watch it.
This isn't a person he didn't want to have around.
This is a person that while around would render JM unable to focus on the documentary and us.
So best he not be there.
Even while watching the documentary when JK wasn't there anymore, even then, when the part with JK recording Letter came up, JM wasn't with us.
We always talk about the JM effect, but when it comes to JM and JK, there is definitley a JK effect to be talked about as well.
So, RM comes in to see JM, and JM gives him a stool to sit on and join him. RM wants to take a pic of JM, and JM tells him to "take a pic of this", which is an AI generated elf JM pic he had on screen and that he was showing us himself just a second earlier as RM just came in.
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With RM JM is clearly happy that he joined him. They talk about RM's hair, about having to get a drink together, about JM doing his dance clips. It's a short visit, less than 2 minutes long, and yet they manage to actually form full sentences and have a somewhat meaningful conversation.
And then you have JK's visit, more or less a minute long and all you get is "you've lost too much weight my chestie besties are disappearing" (the second half of the sentence is what he wanted to say, didn't say it out loud but his actions most definitely told us everything, lmao), and "get out of here before I jump your bones", more or less.
Nah, but seriously. They couldn't even have a back and forth conversation. JM shy and unable to talk as JK approached, leaning back for JK to come closer to his mic and JK (for reasons unknown to myself) leaning further down (JK, that's not where the mic is at). JK dumb-founded by JM's weight loss comment and chest fondling, so instead, recovering as quickly as he could, he addresses us. And then JM is "you can go"... going in for a hug and JK is all "I'm sorry".
Now what is he sorry about exactly? Interrupting JM's live? Causing JM to be a total mess (which he totally was)? Or, being a total mess himself (which again, he was as well)?
As JK is leaving he tells JM to have fun with army watching the documentary, and JM again: "hurry up and go" physically helping him to leave.
I have never seen someone who was that excited to see another when they showed up (JM when JK appears) try to get rid of said other as fast and as hard as JM did with JK.
And yes, JK was saying I love you to army (well, that's what we were supposed to understand), but this was JM as JK was leaving.
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Why you so giddy giggly JM?
Is it because you were overjoyed by JK showing up? Was it because you know you malfunctioned? Or was it just because it was JK? Cause that is the effect he has on you.
You know what it brings me back to? The BTB of JM's SMF pt. 2 rehearsals and JK visiting him.
Not only how heavily edited it was but also the fact, and I did mention this in my post at the time, that we didn't get to see them as JK showed up. Unlike other BTBs with other members showing up for JM and us being 'allowed' to see his initial reaction and their greetings, we were robbed of that when it came to JK's visit. I asked why in back then. Rhetorical question. I knew the answer. We basically saw it right here in this live.
And this was RM leaving.
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JM happy to see him, smiling as he was leaving, and back to business no fuss no muss, and definitley no lingering smile that he simply could not wipe off his face.
Look, you don't need a Master's degree in psychology or in the science of facial and body expression to see the difference between the two. And JM, well he's well aware of it. He knows that JK has a special effect on him. He knows that with JK around he can get lost in him. And when you have a live camera rolling at the same time, well that is something that he knows could be detrimental to his health, lol. It's about schedules not aligning for them to have a live together. It's about JM knowing that they cannot handle it (it's not just JM, we saw that very well with JK's deer caught in the headlights behavior in that live - man thought he could handle it and I think he found out that simply ain't the case).
So basically, to sum it all up, here is JM in each situation:
JM to RM:
"Hey mate, how you doing? Come, come, sit right next to me, join me in my live. How are things with you? New hair? We need to get together catch up over drinks? Oh, if you're taking a pic, take this one...here look at my screen. Ok, call me to make a date for drinks. See you..."
Not the exact dialogue, but pretty close I'd say, lol.
JM to JK:
"What are you doing here?" Wait. Chestie besties, gotta ask them how they are doing...Shit. Brain malfunction. "Get out of here before I jump your bones. And take that chair with you so there isn't even the slightest chance you sit here next to me, cause there is no way I will manage to continue this live if you stay".
Yep, those words did not pass his lips (barely any did), but his actions spoke volume.
Bottom line brings me right back to the start of my post.
You can't ot7-fy how JM and JK are with each other. You just can't. No matter how hard you try, the way they are with each other is unlike how they are with any other member, which they both love dearly, there is no question about that. Just not the same way that they love each other.
There is a reason why while dropping promos for "Are you sure?" their "chemistry" is mentioned. There is a reason why people that have seen only the trailer and/or their announcement have raised an eyebrow, the words boyfriends and honeymoon being mentioned (not by Jikookers btw). Because they, those two, their interactions are charged, they are different than with the others. We see it when the others are around as buffers, but we see it so much more when it's just the two of them.
I know that there are those that are waiting for something big to happen in the show, a big revealing scene or what not. I think they are going to be disappointed.
On the other hand there are those that think it's going to be so watered down that what we will be getting is two bros on a trip. I must say that I think they are wrong as well.
Jikook are Jikook. They can't hide what they are to each other. You don't need to see a loving couple making out to know that they are a loving couple. There are so many other tells. And those are things that you can't hide or water down. They are engrained in those two's interactions, facial expressions, tone of voice, and physical interactions or lack thereof as well. All of those can't be watered down or edited out completely. And they know it. Which is why, again, the word "chemistry" was used - they know they can't hide it so they try to give it a name, maybe disguise it a little. All while knowing we can't be fooled. Not really.
So yeah, I keep needing to tell myself this is actually happening. Because this is going to be huge. And it's going to be so much fun and chaotic and happy and just WOW!!
Three weeks to go!!!
And D-1 to Muse!!!
This is going to be friggin' awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
To that one 'smart jikooker' in comments
1. Not just I-jikooker literally every other K-jikooker tweeted abt it
2. If it was set in 06.13 when he came live on Festa day you WILL see ot7s posting abt it with hit tweets, now that its Jkk they avoid it
3. Another country timezone won't work as this fit none of the countries timezones he may went publicly or privately
4. Live wasn't pre recorded either as he was responding to in real time comments, though it lagged a few times in middle of it.
5. This is not the only Patek Philip watch he has, which he started wearing around same time, He have 2 of it, if he wanted that iconic model they mentioned he could've bought just that one giving the same money of two. BOY IS CRAZY RICH.
6. I'm NOT the one who believes in number theories in general as they said, you can add and subtract anything to get the desired result but some things becomes obvious af to avoid. And this one is EXTREMELY obvious and you are just a dummy who's pretending to smart if you are finding excuses for this, sorry.
7. This, JK posting timestamp, them using 05.08 and 13.00, them using 58 and 13 jerseys, Jimin knowing extremely well to use anniversary calculator when rest boys didn't etc points to them indeed using numbers sometimes lol. It won't make sense to us but it's just a Korean thing
8. BTS had used these number based announcements multiple times, like trailers, concept pics, IU and Yoongi used it for EIGHT release, that one magazine who's whipped for Jimin (wkorea I think) posts Jimin related pics on 10.13 lol
9. Funny thing is, those who deny it are not able to give a strong reason as no excuse make sense lol. Unless it's thee biggest coincidence which is way too coincident to be just a coincidence or his watch stopped working, again was working perfectly fine during live, he purposefully did it.
10. No one is buying a watch worth $$$$ just to use it as accessory lol especially not Jimin. He even sets the time according to place he's traveling to.
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Anon came hella prepared. I would also like to quote @chimchiminie13 who said:
JM’s 1997 Aquanaut Steel Patek costs around $56k US. So he is not wearing the affordable kind. So even if it is not worn for a long time it will continue to tell the current time. It is not a coincidence in my opinion.
I think antis need to take a rest on this one. Period
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songrhia77 · 11 months
The most awaited Jikook live partially came true 🥹 Now just need a full fledged one!! But ohh am happy for now! 💜
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jimimn · 11 months
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give jikook two minutes and it's enough for them to act unhinged (cr. jung-koook, transl. cr. lovemazejikook)
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ggukminii · 1 year
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people who want jimin and jungkook to go live together: 1. jungkook 2. everyone else
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mariajmajesty · 22 days
Immature fans and trolls pretending to care about jikook's welfare, claiming Jungkook is a violent man, a dangerous, impulsive and aggressive person to be around (but only to one person! with other members the same behaviour is sweet and very boyfriend like)
Meanwhile Jimin:
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I am blocking jikookers everyday now ever since AYS aired. I don't care if someone wants to answer all the trolls, akgaes, ex-jikookers. Whatever, do what you want. But keep it on your blog and don't clog the jikook tag with all the bullshit. And for what? For a snarky remark as a reply? As if that actually puts the anons in place? They achieved their purpose, you gave a platform to trolls. Well done.
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mini-jiminie · 11 days
Jm’s 2021 Birthday Live
I’ve recently seen a couple of posts on jm’s birthday live from 2021 pop up on my tl. This live has also seemingly sparked some general discussion on 2021 jkk.
So, I’m gonna share my own experience🫶🏽
I remember watching this live in real-time. It started off with typical Jimin antics (which was literally just him exisiting and being the most adorable being on earth). It was his first solo live in a while so, understandably, he was feeling a little bit awkward. Nevertheless, he talked with us, answering some comments, reading birthday wishes and sharing some recent updates. It went on like this for a couple of minutes until he apparently couldn’t take the silence anymore😭
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About 10 minutes in, he suddenly goes:
“I’m gonna call someone to guest on this live with me, kay?”
AND THEN, I find myself watching, absolutely stunned, as the man ducks out of frame and crawls (??) under the table to make his call.
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At this point, we were just watching the abandoned wheely chair while jm is talking in the softest, most baby tone to whoever is on the other end of the line. I really wanna emphasise his tone cause I’d never heard him talk like that before. Anyways, he continues asking that person to join him on the live and I remember thinking ‘hah it’s probably jk’🤪 (cause literally who else does he speak to like that?)
Jm finally emerges from the depths of the table, asking the other person if he can put him on speaker. Of course, turns out it was jk.
So, jk abandons his work out session with the bros to come keep jm company on his live (someone did the maths💀 and apparently he travelled 15 storeys or something from the hybe gym to get to jm in under 2 minutes). Bro dropped everything as soon as that phone call ended.
(Honestly, I would too if jm was asking so sweetly.)
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^^that screencap TAKES ME OUT HAHAHHAHA
Jk shows up and obviously, those two have me cheesing the whole time. Jm slaps a tiddie, soju is brought onto the premises and even hobi comes by.
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Now, Hobi’s little visit was interesting. Interesting cause he asks jm “why are you in jk’s studio?😋🤨”.
Now, I didn’t really pay any heed to that. It could’ve just been a genuine question BUT, jm has this reaction that had me raising a brow. He ducks his head and smiles shyly?? Here I was thinking that little offhand comment wasn’t too deep but, apparently it was. He even chokes on his water a little when hobi keeps teasing. Considering jk’s head is out of frame, we don’t know what his reaction was (let’s assume he was smiling. he’s a smiley guy after all:)).
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Anyway, they continue until jk has to leave. Cue jm begging him not to and jk replying back with the most indulgent tone abjabsjsjjs. It was so cute.
Anyway, it is as the allegations state, they were insufferable in 2021. The tannies were holding the ptd concerts and, afterwards, those two would always be hanging out together in their hotel rooms (jms words not mine). They were really stuck at the hip and yes, jm went through this seemingly random phase of being uber-shy and bashful around jk.
It was a fun year for us jokers!
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andy-wm · 10 months
Everything you need to know, revealed in a single minute.
1. Jimin and Jungkook are fucking.
2. Jimin thinks it's a secret. Or he thinks it should be a secret, because decorum.
3. Joonie and Tae don't care that it's a secret, or forgot it's a secret, or forgot they're all supposed to pretend its a secret.
4. Jungkook knows damn well it's not a secret... because he's literally told everyone he meets. He LOVES that it's not a secret. He wants to hold up a big ass banner. But he pretends it's a secret because Jimin, and because it's funny as shit to pretend it's a secret.
1. Joonie is adorably good natured but doesn't quite grasp the social intricacies of 'a secret'.
2. Tae is the most literal and direct person in existence.
3. Jimin drops hints the size of bombs and thinks he's being subtle.
4. Jungkook is just here to have fun.
Find the clip here:
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kanmom51 · 10 months
Hi! I am super new to jikook (your blog rly helped tho) but see posts floating around about a time when jk was ?not doing too well without Jimin ?missing Jimin and watching a ton of videos about him? Sorry if you've already done a post about this before! Was just wondering about the context behind this if or when it happened and what you think about it
Thank you for your time <3
Welcome @kiru-ii.
I think you will find your answers here:
Hope this helps.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Jimin and his shifty eyes when talking about Jungkooks birthday. Like sir just look straight into the phone why are your eyes moving all over the place. Also I feel like we are seeing him miss jk the way jk was missing him.
Oh God. Oh! Ouch! Anon. So angsty for what?
Also I feel like we are seeing him miss jk the way jk was missing him
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That's just painful anon 😪
This part though
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It's the sad smile at the end for me
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Tweet (thanks @magicshop-pjm1)
Okay hold on. Lets work this out. Why would Jimin be sad when recounting how busy JK has been? I'm inclined to agree he, much like JK in March, isn't seeing as much of his man as he'd like. I will agree with u on that anon.
But then why be sad if he saw JK on his birthday? 🤔 (this is not up for debate imo 🙌🏽 They spent JK's birthday together aint no way they didn't) Could it be that JK had to leave for work on said birthday and so Jimin didn't get to have him all day like he'd hoped? Kind of like the manilla fight theory? But this time its JK who had work? 🤔 or could it be that Jimin knew he only had JK for this short 24 hours and then JK will go back to being busy again?
Whatever the reason is, it honestly does seem like he was a tad sad here. And he repeated about JK being busy several times. I'm inclined to think it's not something he's happy about.
Like we've established; they are quite interdependent and prolonged absence of the other just isn't ideal. I can imagine every time this happens they can't help but think about the looming MS and how much they're running out of time.
Poor babies. I hope JK doesn't have long to go before he wraps things up. Then again isn't Jimin busy also?
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Oh man. I feel for them. I really do. Hope it all works itself out. It was good to see him smile though
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jimimn · 2 years
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jungkook’s mom made seaweed soup because it was jimin’s birthday 🥺 (transl. cr. btsinthemoment, miiniyoongs)
+ remember when 🥺
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jmdbjk · 3 months
Smeraldo Garden Marching Band
Is it pronounced Smeh-rall-doe or Smar-all-doe? Or even Smarl-doe?
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Ngl, soon as I saw kids in the MV I knew there would be no sexy in it... (me is a thirsty ho after all)... but Jiminie can't help being Jiminie in all his glory anyway.
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My very first impression was that it was NOT what I was expecting but when is it ever? Never. So now that I'm past that....
There's not enough skin, Jimin (slaps down my inner thirsty ho...go away, its not time).
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Jimin is singing live in the MV which is 3:46, the song itself is 3 minutes. He had a point to make and he made it clearly with a live vocal performance MV.
This song is very light, fun, romantic, flowers, butterflies, and Jimin playing Mr. Matchmaker... which I found interesting... after he sang the lyrics:
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As I write this, the SGMB MV is trending at #11 on Youtube for music.
And there's this:
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Yes, you read that right... 2.38 MILLION posts.
And this... the energy is energy-ing.
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And this:
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And this new selca:
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I wonder what went down in the barracks when the song and mv dropped. I just wonder what element JK latched on to and is endlessly repeating it every spare moment while waiting for the vat of tteokbokki to simmer.
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I saw the ratings review for it produced an "ineligible" result. There's nothing that seems like it would keep it from being shown anywhere, its so squeaky clean. Not sure what happened for the ratings to fail.
I love this reference to Jimin's Serendipity stage:
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He had said last year that when he was making the songs for Face, he had some difficulty dredging up the feelings he had that inspired some of those songs. He also said he was past all of that depressing stuff. And now we know he was working on this song and Closer Than This, amongst others, while simultaneously working on Face.
His outlook was positive and he was moving forward. What else happened last year? He and Jungkook were able to spend some time creating something together (that we've yet to see) before enlisting together. Something fun they said! I can't wait! They were so happy. They see their freedom at the end of the tunnel. I see it too.
Anyway, I love his happiness in the music he's creating. That's all that matters to me.
The all kills are happening, the #1's are happening, the dance challenges are dropping, the media is talking, trends are trending, let's keep it up for Jimin!
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
Anyway, today is the anniversary of jungkook's half-naked live where he begged jimin to hang out
That whole interaction was a fever dream
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Even crazier was knowing that he did ALL that
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Only like 2 weeks after they were together in Connecticut doing all THAT
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They really are something else huh? Fully attached at the hip constantly missing each other with ANY time apart 🥰🥰🥰
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sftk0o · 1 year
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gyukoo are so precious
like n reblog if saved 🫶
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andy-wm · 11 months
I have thoughts about the Watch with Jimin livestream...
How do i love thee? Let me count the ways...
I did in fact do some counting. I counted Jimin's blink rate during the almost two minutes he watched JK recording the back-up vocals for Letter to Army. And yes, it was a labour of love, especially since I don't enjoy numbers... they're tricksy squirmy little gremlins that do sneaky things like divide themslves in two, or become imaginary.
But for the sake of science and Jikookery, I counted how many times - and when - Jimin blinked during this sequence.
Overall, nothing unusual to report. The average number of times a person blinks in a minute is approximately 15. In the 1m55s of video I captured, Jimin blinked 33 times. Unremarkable.
The pattern of how much he blinked changed markedly depending on who was on screen.
When Jmin was watching himself, he blinked far more than when he was watching JK. Frequent blinking can be a sign of stress, and there were a number of other clues too, that Jimin wasn't all that comfortable watching himself: giggling, hiding his face, selfconsciously flicking his hair, playing with his hands etc etc.
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When JK was on screen Jimin sat still, his gaze fixed on JK. Often his mouth fell open just a little, his lips parted as though he was entranced. In fact, during the first 20 seconds of the footage when he's leaning forward staring intently at JK, he only blinks 4 times.
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And that's a clue to another factor at play here...
There's a phenomenon in the psychology of attraction called a COPULATORY GAZE. When someone stares intently at a person they find attractive, that's what it's called.
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So it's not just a minor fascination he has going on, or a bit of focused admiration.
Translated to the coloquial, I guess you could call it EYE FUCKING.
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Yes, eye fucking is a scientific phenomenon.
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But wait, there's more...
Towards the end of this segment of Watch With Jimin, when JK is done recording and he and Jimin are on screen together, something happens to our dear Jiminie on the livestream.
It involves a bit of eye fucking and lip licking (licking, tongue movement, swallowing, all necessary to deal with the saliva that accumulates in your mouth when you're aroused.) Yes, it seems our boy has a visceral response watching the doco, particularly when JK plays around with him on screen.
JK says he's going to feature in Jimin's concert, and he then moves towards Jimin and says (you can't make this stuff up istg) "I will do this behind you." Right, he's just talking about singing the back up vocals.
Jimin is absolutely transfixed though. He swallows with some difficulty. His chest is visibly rising and falling. He's breathing hard and I'm sure that's not all.
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Now realistically we've seen them flirt and tease each other so many times that what they're doing in that studio isn't even worth mentioning. And we know Jimin pushes JK's buttons on screen far more than this, apparently just for fun. So why is this little te-ta-te getting Jimin all hot and bothered (because there's no question, that is what's happening).
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There's only one thing i can think of.
It's because he's watching it on screen.
I cannot think of ANY other reason that this lukewarm bit of playfulness would make him literally breathless.
And ya know, because i'm a dirty boy with a wild imagination, this leads me to think of all those times they've flirted onscreen...
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Does Jimin go home and watch Bangtan TV clips and get all shook up?
Is he bookmarking all the YT complilations of him and JK doing questionable things, and using them for his own nefarious purposes?
I don't even want to think about the footage that gets deleted, the stuff that's too risque to put in a Bangtan Bomb. I picture Jimin scooping it up off the cutting room floor and stuffing down his shirt to smuggle home.
And what about all the on-stage shenanigans at concerts? Kitty Gang Jimin comes to mind immediately.
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Does he search for fancams - from LY Hong Kong maybe - and use them to cam his fan in the privacy of his bedroom?
Ok, I've reached that invisble line.... I'm going to stop RIGHT HERE.
You can decide for yourselves whether our mochi has a lil bit of an exhibitionist streak - whether the thought of doing questionable things in public with his buff boytoy revs his engine.
I'll leave you with this nugget of barely suppressed lust, and I'm not just talking about the goings-on on stage. The whole vibe of this concert is feral. I am forever sorry to have missed this one...
(The two women in the bottom right corner are amost as entertaining as the boys imo... pretty sure one of them drops their army bomb haha...)
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