#this month has been hard for me mental health wise
objectbiologist · 10 months
im not dead btw
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justmossyaps · 6 days
i don’t want to jinx it but i think the flareup might actually be over :D
#i’ve felt better the past few days#obviously i don’t feel *good* lol that never happens but i don’t feel like throwing up and dying#which is definitely an improvement#it could be the emotional weight lifted off me since i finally told my mom everything that was going on with me health wise#it was scary and idk yet if im glad that i did but it’s definitely a relief to not be hiding it (as much) anymore#to be fair after last monday’s episode it was kinda hard to keep up the illusion that i was healthy 😅#anyways here’s hoping that the flare up is over and that i don’t have an episode tomorrow#because this has been the worst flare up so far it’s really taken a toll on me#and it’s lasted like two months#usually they only last like two weeks#ugh#it’s been awful i’m not gonna lie#my mental health isn’t pretty right now tbh#but i’m staying whimsical despite the horrors#my friends are having some struggles so im staying strong for them#hopefully these next few weeks (months? 🤞) will be better#plus drama is starting!!!!!!! i’m really excited for the show we’re doing it’s going to be so fun#and i’m going to have something to do with my time other than sit around in pain and falling asleep#i do hope the stress of drama doesn’t set me back again though 😬#anyways we’re not going to worry about that right now#praise be to god for helping me out of this even if it’s just briefly :]#being functional feels great#hope y’all are having a good month!!! <3
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Hi Sarah (or Sara? I remember you discussing the h but don't remember which way it's spelled). I hope you're doing well on your break and enjoying September. I have a question - how much schooling did you have to do to become a nurse? I'm considering becoming an elementary school teacher in Norway, which would require me to go back to school for 5 (additional) years. Seems like a long fucking time and i didnt do great the first run tbh. It would be free though. Investment in the future seems like it could pay off, so i guess im looking for inspiration from other ppl who have perhaps made a similar plunge
Hi, anon! I wish I could give you some straight up inspo. Instead, I navel-gazed for a while. Schooling-wise, I already had a (completely unrelated) bachelor's degree so I was able to do an accelerated nursing program after two semesters of community college doing the prereqs. I did struggle in nursing school. College has always been brutal on my mental health and nursing is a hard pivot from my original degree (double major history and english w a concentration in creative writing) (you cannot imagine how many books I read and essays I wrote). It took a little over two years in total.
You don't have to don't have to worry about student debt which is so so wonderful. I didn't have to either, and that's let me be way more adventurous with my life choices. The cost of your education would just ("just") be your time, energy, and the potential money that you could earn by focusing on work instead. I had to stick around in my hometown instead of going traveling with Cyrus. I worked a lot fewer hours than I would if I'd not been in school. I had to miss the live airing of the Jesus Christ Superstar on NBC in order to study for an anatomy test which was genuinely so distressing to me. 2018 was a hell of a year for me. (I aced that test btw. It was such an improvement over my previous test my teacher emailed me a congratulations note with twelve exclamation points.)
All of this while people were constantly talking about how shitty it is to be a nurse and how so many of them leave the field within six months. (Similar to teaching in that way, at least in America.) I was doing work I didn't enjoy for a job I might not stick with. There were a lot of times I resented nursing school for interfering with my life.
I'm still very glad I did it. My degree gave me a lot. On the very practical side, my degree has given me more financial freedom and a much higher earning potential. On the idealistic level, my degree has enabled me to do work that I find meaningful. The work touches a lot of things that I find interesting. My nursing degree has benefited my life, regardless of if I stay in nursing for the rest of my career or move on to something new. I didn't like getting my degree, but I don't regret that I got it.
Maybe it'll go way easier for you, maybe it won't be worth it. When I thought about becoming a nurse, it felt like my life plan clicked into place because it ticked every single need I had for a job. I didn't know if it would work out, but the rewards outweighed the risks. More than that, it was the first plan I had for my future that made me excited. I liked the life I pictured if I was a nurse. I've found that excitement to be rare and precious. If teaching gives you that, I'd strongly consider pursuing it.
Besides, you can always use my last-line defense against school despair: being like "fuck it I'm gonna drop out after this semester" and then keep not doing that. You can bail on stuff! It's rad.
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donna-rinascimentale · 5 months
i just KNOW den den tumblr would go hard
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🪝🔁 jolie-rouger reblogged westendgirl
🪝 jolie-rouger
ok i know we went through this months ago but i just found out overflowing sasaki has my birth month on the sexy pirate calendar this year and i just—
listen if having a pirate kink is wrong i don’t wanna be right LOL
🎠 westendgirl Follow
Please delete this. In my country, everyone knows someone who was killed by pirates. It breaks my heart that I can’t browse safely without people like you making light of my trauma.
🪝 jolie-rouger
aren’t you the marine who got called out for spending work money on a PX5
#no but i was like. where have i heard that name before #and i snoogle it and see that’s THE westendgirl #never leaving this website. #rouge speaks
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🤖🔁 codepunk reblogged uminosora
❄️ uminosora Follow
hey im laine/stealth. 22 they/he. grand line (south side).
yes, this is a sora fanblog. i want to make it clear that i do NOT condone irl marines. AMAB. yes even your marine dad or sister or grandpa
minors dni im not a babysitter
i have an electrical engineering apprenticeship so PLEASE PLEASE talk to me about it ill love you forever
i’m an artist! i post my work under #my art !!
if we are mutuals please tw injections, wasps, and tra/fal/gar la/w (individually or with my catchall #laine don’t look or #stealth don’t look)
extended byf/dni under the cut
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#laine.txt #intro #sora warrior of the sea #umi no senshi sora #artists on tumblr
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👒 fuckyeahmugiwaras Follow
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XX0531 ♥
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The new CRIMINAL S/S 20XX collection is here.
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🍤 lia-writes Follow
SOOOO sorry for the slow updates guys! I live near the Newgate protests and my house got molotoved so I lost internet access for a few weeks BUT I’ve been writing the next chapter down on paper & just transferred it so here it is!!
Lift Me Away - Roku x Reader - Chapter 3
You find yourself trembling, not knowing what struck you. The man’s arms envelop you gently, knowing his strength, his presence otherworldly. He feels too perfect to be human—and yet he’s warm and he exhausts, the way he’s exhausted protecting you. He tilts you upright, careful of your weak knees, and looks you in the eye.
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#monkey ball #monkey ball roku #roku x reader #reader insert #female reader #fem reader #roku x fem reader
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🃏 meadowoftheroad Follow
“i don’t find sea kings cute” ok??? sometimes a little baby has 18 rows of teeth
#sea king mention #meadow rambles #i just want to take them home is that weird?? #little noodles #1k #5k #10k #50k
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🌁🔁 vanillacrypt reblogged 4kari
♾️ rokusbreastimplants Follow
daily reminder that it’s okay not to engage with what’s on the news lately. breathe. you’re not a bad person for feeling overwhelmed; you’ll be alright. if you’ve been scrolling for too long, go get up and take a walk/have a glass of water. the internet isn’t going anywhere; your mental health comes first.
🌁 vanillacrypt
wise words from rokusbreastimplants
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🎀 nanayagi Follow
#soul king #brook #soul king brook #soul brother #soul sister #soul king fandom
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🪃🔁  criminaldildo reblogged bone2beasoulsister
👤  dressrosan-dreamgirl-deactivated20xx0714
I usually don’t like to delve into drama, but I can’t stay silent any longer. Mod Hebi of @fuckyeahmugiwaras is an EXTREMELY predatory individual. I will not be disclosing any of my sources, for my safety and theirs, as she has an irl documented history of hostility towards her critics.
To start, Mod Hebi is inappropriately fond of Straw Hat Luffy (who she met irl when she was in her 30s and he was 17). I’ve been told she’s tried to flirt with him on several occasions, given him large gifts, and tried to guilt him into choosing time with her over his female crewmates.
Literally kicks kittens??? I shit you not they say they’ve seen her straight up BARRELING kittens across the floor.
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🦴  bone2beasoulsister  Follow
i believe it. the way she never updated about anyone else, only luffy, and left admin barto to do all the hard work… it was always off to me.
🪃  criminaldildo  Follow
where is this coming from??
yeahhh not going along with this until there’s ACTUAL proof. mod hebi is very much a solo stan but. kicking kittens… how are we supposed to take these cartoon villain allegations seriously 💀💀
🪃  criminaldildo  Follow
of course. deactivating when people question them.
#i know we stan criminals here but can we as a fandom please express some critical thinking for ONCE
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🏺🔁  00tsugi reblogged mad-gadfly
🎑  take-me-to-sea  Follow
scheduling my lobotomy at doskoi panda
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🌁🔁  vanillacrypt reblogged sailingacademic
🛳️  marines  Follow
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Pursue truth. Fight for justice.
Do you have what it takes to join the Marines? Learn more at gonavy.🐌.
👒  fuckyeahmugiwaras  Follow
🕊️  mad-gadfly  Follow
🏺  00tsugi  Follow
🦾  iron-hand  Follow
⚔️  godofdoom  Follow
💸  whitebaron  Follow
🤡  histrio1ne  Follow
🐭  zumuzumi  Follow
🌋  rogerscrackden
🪝  jolie-rougers 
🍇  mogaroanfacelift  Follow
🪩  worldeconyamynews  Follow
🍈  baddestinthesouth  Follow
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🥡  addtocatalogue  Follow
ppl in the “pirate fandom” who only orbit “safe” pirates like cavendish or boa hancock are WEAK. buddy if you saw the pirates i want to fuck you’d hurl.
#pirate fandom #pirates #if he’s eaten a fruit in the last week i do not want him
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💫🔁  sunsetsoveralabasta reblogged
💫  sunsetsoveralabasta  Follow
some homeless guy on horseback gave me a nice looking apple… im hungry and curious.
💫  sunsetsoveralabasta  Follow
#in my defense the horse was very cute
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
July’s almost done and we are in the middle of what’s supposed to be the big draught post S4 PR. But tell you what – it does not feel so dry! So let me catch up real quick:
We have yet to see the big hard launch / kissing pics, right? Or did I miss them? What I’ve seen is a real life praying hands emoji sat on a table with an 🐜 at GQ, a swimming teacher in LA and continued swimming lessons in Italy. In all of which L’s expression reads like he has zoned out of his body and is in fact a robot. I get it, he is dating the 🐜 since god knows how many months. He obviously likes spending time with her, because why else would he take her anywhere he goes, except -maybe / no longer- the bathroom. To be fair, I haven’t seen her toilet-dancing in a while. But why does the man always look so miserable about it? Just put her out there, stuck your tongue down her throat, cuddle, press her to your burning loins, we don’t even care or pretend to be shocked at this point. And what’s with the face? Did you sign a “strictly no smiling or looking happy when with gf” policy?
On a more serious note, I am wondering how he is doing mental-health wise at the moment. He does not give sound vibes and despite me doing heavy-eye-rolling at his actions and being quite fed up with him frequently, I can’t help but feeling worried, when I look at him. That there is not a happy man.
Catch me up on his career / new projects? Anything going? His career besides BTON seems to be somewhat non-moving, I mean we don’t know what is in the pipeline but it feels like his big “leading man” moment and energy is slowly fading and career-things should have come out of it by now. Could be because of his messy private life but I doubt it plays that big a role. Why then, if not for that, is he seemingly not moving at all, career-wise? I won’t say “look at N”, because she is a different type entirely, but he seems to be just disappearing in to another HBS without even doing as much as a play. Should he not be thriving right now?
Same same as usual with the friends, right? This group is deeply worrying and I do not mean because of 🐜. They give seriously damaging vibes, maybe they just want to keep him close because of freeloading, maybe they don’t want him to be too successful because of jealousy, maybe they really are entangled in a weird way, the whole dynamic is just giving unhealthy vibes. And with this group of leeches hanging on, he will have to be very strong to disentangle.
I don’t even think about him with N right now. He is in no place where he could be in a grown-up relationship with his soulmate, he needs to sort out so many things before going there. Hopefully S4 filming will have some impact on that. It does seem however, that N is having a happy, quiet summer with her bunch of friends, filming etc. and I love that for her. Did I miss anything important on her? Dating allegations, except for her gay bestie JD?
Let’s see what fresh horrors August will bring – I’ve never been that ready for fall to come in my life!
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starving4thethrill · 16 days
My heart breaks when I come across a page like yours with an owner the age you are because I see myself a decade ago. I would genuinely give my life to stop young me from going down the road I did and it all began with a small ed account similar to yours. I was thirteen then, completely sure this would be something I’d do for a few months and then be done with it. I’m now twenty one. I’m relapsing again. It has never stopped for one second. The voice is always there. There hasn’t been a moment since I created that first account where I have had a healthy thought about food or my body. Over the years, my view of myself has become so distorted that I don’t trust the mirror. I look at myself and am always unsure if I actually look like that. Or if I’m fatter or skinnier. I haven’t worn tank tops or anything with spaghetti straps since I was thirteen. If I wear leggings, I have to wear shirts long enough to cover my thighs. I delete photos from my family’s photo album because I hate how I look. This disorder stemmed from a traumatic incident, but as time as passed and I’ve gotten therapy, I’ve gotten over it, but this disorder lingers on. It sticks on you and takes a mind of its own. I plan my outfits for fancy events weeks in advance. I hate my family’s tradition of taking pajama photos in Christmas because I think I look fat in pajamas. I hate how I dress. I wish I could dress how I want, but I hate myself so much in it that I settle for boring shit. It holds me back from being healthy, authentic, and free. When I first created my account, I too get messages from older people saying the same thing I’m telling you now. And I also ignored them. I didn’t care and thought I wouldn’t let it get “that bad.” But, spoiler alert, just THINKING about starving yourself is “that bad.” My heart aches as I know you are starting a vicious cycle that will steal so much happiness. I wish I listened when I was thirteen. My only regret in my entire life is this disorder. The only thing I wish I could change. It is impossible for me to convey how much it isn’t worth it. You’re young. Delete this account and reach out ASAP. You’re doing this for a deeper reason than just weight loss (probably control). You have time before you’re doomed like me. Because that’s what I am. Doomed. This will always haunt me. I know I’m lucky if you even consider what I’m saying right now and I understand if you respond with a little “thanks but I’m too fat anyway xoxo.” I know you because you are me in the same exact path I was. I look on your account and it’s word for word, post for post, picture for picture of what I did. You don’t realize how much of a kid you still are and it just is heartbreaking watching you suffer. Knowing first hand the pain you’re enduring. There is a way out, but I can’t force you to take it. I can tell you life will be way easier if you get out now, or you can learn the hard way. It’s up to you. But regardless, I am sending all of my love to you. You deserve so much more and I am so sorry for whatever brought you to this state. Please stay safe and please hang in there. You will see this through and it will get better. Keep living❤️
Oh wow, this is really touching (being fr) . Good news, I’m (kind of) in recovery! I’m still active on here and no one knows about my ed, but I haven’t been st@rving or anything. Plus, my mental health has been way better eating wise. I truly hope you fully recover one day. Dysmorphia sucks. Love you, random stranger on the internet
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littlemisspascal · 9 months
2023 & Me
Been thinking a lot these past few days about everything that's happened with me in 2023. Hard to believe it's coming to end--time seriously does fly 😮
There's been some heavy losses this year. Several family members passed away to illnesses and old age, including my grandfather who I had a strained relationship with to say the least. I also had a shocking family drama bomb dropped on me earlier this month that has had a huge ripple effect I'm still navigating, but fingers crossed things will find a way of working out for the best.
I had some severe mental health depression episodes throughout the year, made me reevaluate priorities and also doubt pretty much every choice I've ever made in life, but I do truly believe I'm entering 2024 in a positive mindset so that's something to be happy about :) I'mma try this crazy concept called self-love and not think the worst about me, myself, and I.
My writing took a hit this year. Word count wise, kudos wise, engagement wise--but I also made progress on several wips and even finished a few which is a big accomplishment for a snail writer like me 😊 I want to enter 2024 not feeling guilty for being self-indulgent or trying new kinds of writing styles. I also want to shake off the belief a low note count equals it was a bad fic/waste of time -- I don't believe that for anyone else, yet my brain always uses it as a weapon of insecurity against myself and enough is enough brain 😠 no more I say!
On a more positive note, I was fortunate enough to attend several conventions this year and improve my cosplay skills (2024 Ahsoka is gonna be my best look yet I just know it 😁). I got to meet total sweethearts Jon Bernthal and Charlie Cox, Steve Burns my childhood hero, the dear Jodi Benson, the gorgeous Rosario Dawson and beautiful Ming-Na Wen, and of course I can't ever forget Andrew Garfield 😱💗 And most importantly of all I did each these cons with my sister and made some lifelong memories! (Also bought a heckin lot of stickers. A heckin lot 🥰)
And then of course the crown jewel of 2023 1000% hands down was attending the United States Formula 1 Grand Prix. Good lord y'all it was one of the best weekends of my entire life! If you had asked me a couple years ago if I'd care about a sport--any sport--I'd have laughed in your face but there's just something so addictive and captivating about the world of F1 and its cast of characters. And having the luck of getting Alex Albon and Daniel Ricciardo's autographs on my dumb lil frog bucket hat was just *muffled screaming* I literally was a shaking mess lemme tell ya--just ask @beecastle and @undercoverpena who were there with me on my phone every step of the way 💜 thanks for putting up with my addiction y'all! Much much love to you both!!
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There are so many people on here that made 2023 a bright and kind and fun one for me---@oonajaeadira @something-tofightfor @wheresarizona @trinkets01 @kyberblade @sofasoap @grogusmum @writeforfandoms @psychedelic-ink @kteague @prolix-yuy @wildemaven @the-blind-assassin-12 @practicalghost @gnpwdrnwhiskey @bishtrouille @nothoughtsjustmeds @kirsteng42 @miraclesabound @radiowallet @harriedandharassed @hopeamarsu and dozens dozens dozens more!
Thank you to everyone who's liked, reblogged, commented on my blog + sent me messages! I appreciate and love you all so much more than words can ever express 💜💗💙🧡
2024---let's bring it on! 🥳
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403tarot · 6 months
GENERAL: april will bring an opportunity for wooyoung to redefine his priorities and choose his battles more wisely moving forward. he's been striving for the wrong things, doing too much for others and too little for himself in a blind impulse to get some return that he may not even know what it is. being forced to put himself first for the first time in a while may come as a consequence of this month also to get a better understandment of what he should leave behind and what he should continue to invest his effort in.
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LOVE: i sense that someone is currently occupying wooyoung's heart, but they don't have something solid like a romantic relationship. asking about whether he's in a relationship, my island time oracle gave me cards saying "need time"/"friendship"/"time to heal," and my crystal ball oracle gave me "not the right time" and "no" as answers. combining all this with the tarot cards, it's clear that wooyoung has other priorities at the moment besides dedicating himself to a relationship, although he apparently likes someone. he's probably still in the phase of talking, showing interest in getting to know this person more and/or flirting and not necessarily ready to dive headfirst into a romantic relationship at this time.
MENTAL HEALTH: questionable. wooyoung tends to be very understanding of other people's problems and extremely insensitive when his own issues are at play. it's as if he doesn't want to admit to himself that something is wrong, that he's not always at his best, and that it's not shameful to make mistakes sometimes. currently, there's a toxic vibe of obsessive pursuit of perfection and for a strength that won't build itself if he continues to be so hard on himself.
PHYSICAL HEALTH: he is in good physical condition and currently very focused/enthusiastic about working more on his appearance, which seems his main goal.
PROFESSIONAL: wooyoung is very excited about his professional life; the team environment is harmonious, and i sense that he feels something very good is going to happen this month... i think this could be related to ATEEZ's performance at coachella, as if this were going to be the confirmation of a turning point in the career he has been waiting for. he is very nervous about something and what it could bring to him as an artist, so much of his effort is currently directed towards his professional endeavors. april will make him feel like he's in the best professional phase he's ever had so far.
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*trigger warning* For those not in the headspace to see about grief and pets just skip this one.
Isis has been declining health-wise over the last year or so, more severely the past couple of months. I honestly wasn't sure she was going to make it into the new year or her birthday (a week ago). The only reason she's even been eating the last few months is because I've been making her chicken and eggs with toast and cheese twice a day. Occasionally she'll be hungry enough to eat a little dog food, but it has been rare. But the fact that she still wants to eat a majority of the time gave me solace.
Her mobility has also gotten worse. Specifically her back end. She struggles to get up on the couch... and stay on the couch when she lays down too close to the edge (she just slides off onto the floor if I don't manually move her over). Our walks are really slow going (30-45mins/mile). The last couple of days she's really been struggling and has been pretty agitated too. Just walking in circles. Yesterday I think she was doing that outside and she fell off our little patio into a small garden plot. She couldn't get herself up alone. I gave her trazodone Monday night because she was so agitated. For some reason this kills her mobility, so I had to carry her up the stairs to go potty even in the morning.
I don't mind doing all of these things for her (I haven't even mentioned the amount of indoor potty accidents I've had to clean up... which also sometimes include a bath) because I love her. But I don't think she's even remotely having a good time anymore. I thought when she stopped eating, I'd know. Or when she wouldn't go for walks, I'd know. People have been telling me that I'd know when it was time. She's still eating and going for walks, but she's so agitated at night (sometimes during the day) and just seems like she's not having a good time.
So I think it's time. Time to let her go. Which is hurting my heart so much to even think about. I know it is an act of love to stop her suffering, but to suddenly be without my only constant companion of almost 16 years is going to be so hard. I know it is selfish to be thinking of my own comfort in this situation, though I doubt it is all that unique of me.
I emailed my vet last night about the situation and they replied this morning asking me when I'd like to come in. I've been crying and torturing myself about the decision for the last two hours. To think that this time Friday or Saturday she'll be gone depending on my decision. I considered maybe we could just wait until after I finish my work week. But that means the earliest we'd probably do it would be Thursday of next week. Would it be fair to Isis to make her suffer for another week just for me? I don't think she's in any considerable physical pain, but mentally she's doesn't seem great. Like her doggy dementia is also getting worse. I considered maybe she had another UTI, but she doesn't have any other symptoms.
If I'm honest, I think in the back of my mind I'm hoping that if I wait maybe she'll just pass on her own and I won't have to make the decision. I've been back and forth between emailing the vet to set a date and emailing to say I want to wait until next week. I don't know what to do.
This venting/trauma dump has gone on way longer than I had planned. No decision has been made, but I've cried many more tears.
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lamortwrites · 1 month
Hit a nice round scary big number of kudos on ao3 so I'm gonna be sappy for a min. I fucking loved writing as a kid -- I wanted to be an author, bc ofc I did -- and I wrote ceaselessly, hundreds of thousands of words, both fanfic and original stuff. I would cram folded bits of plain paper in my pockets and write in tiny tiny handwriting on each side (bc you can fit so much more on the available space that way!) and I'd type in the shitty notes app of my cheap shitty smartphone once I got one and I went through countless notebooks and refill pads and what have you. Sixth form was very bad for me mental health wise and I burnt out really hard, and for a very very long time after I thought that was it. I couldn't get more than a handful of paragraphs done on something, at best, and I wasn't really happy with anything I was doing.
And then I played through a video game as a murderous demigod overflowing with religious guilt and, well, here we are. According to ao3 I have published 37.2k words in the past eight months -- not a whole lot, esp by other people's standards, but for me that is a staggering amount, esp for someone who has struggled a lot w writing anything at all for the past eight years.
I've never really been active in a fandom before (not that I really am now, I stay in my lil corner and you cannot make me leave) but I have made so many incredible friends over the past few months and I am so, so grateful to know you all.
To everyone who has liked my fics, thank you. To everyone who has commented, thank you. To everyone who has talked to me about my writing, about Labrys, about anything...I really cannot thank you enough. Things are still not great for me, honestly. But knowing that there people out there who enjoy my writing is wild, and I am so, so grateful to all of you. <3
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wangxianficrecs · 11 months
At the end of all things by Entityx
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At the end of all things
by Entityx
M, 6k, Wangxian
Part of the MDZS Mini Remix for Tired Adults™
Summary: Lan Wangji is aware that he is not the only one who is left haunted by constant bloodshed. Everyone has changed over the course of the Sunshot Campaign. However the one who underwent the most drastic change was undeniable. It's subtle- he's still friendly and boisterous with members of his sect. But he is not truly open anymore. Gone is the optimistic boy who radiated sincerity with every word. Instead he is replaced with a hollow imitation, with a smile cracked at the edges, and a laugh that is too hollow to fool anyone. Kay's comments: Sunshot Era Wangxian who are constantly at each other's throats has so much potential, especially if it escalates to them actually fighting and that ending up in a golden core reveal and this fic delivered on all of that and much more. The first half is incredibly dark and angsty, showing the reality of Lan Wangji's life in the war and the second half treats us to Wangxian first fighting and then slowly growing closer as the revelations hit. A really great story! Excerpt: Wei Ying grins, "Lan Zhan! Come, take a seat!" He shifts over on the log he had been sitting on, patting the empty space next to him. Briefly, Lan Wangji wonders how someone can have a smile so welcoming even whilst wearing robes stained with blood. He carefully seats himself beside Wei Ying, careful not to let his robes touch the mud. The slight contact of their shoulders brushing against each other puts him on edge; this is the closest he has physically been to the other man in a very long time. "Lan Zhan! What are you doing here? Don't tell me you missed me," Wei Ying teases. "I was walking nearby and I saw smoke. I thought there was trouble." He can't stop the frustration from seeping into his voice. I thought you were in danger. Wei Ying's smile falls, and he puts down the jar of wine he was cheerfully swinging just moments ago. "Ah, I didn't realize…" "Wei Ying, what were you thinking- starting a fire this close to enemy territory?" He is careful not to raise his voice- but it doesn't matter. The second the words leave his lips he realizes that they sound accusative, and he knows he's made a mistake. The other man's eyes flash red. "Fuck I forgot about the stupid rule okay? We were just trying to have fun." The other Jiang cultivators, even as drunk as they are- are beginning to look uncomfortable. They glance at each other uneasily, once, twice and ultimately walk away. Wisely, or perhaps rudely- they do not stick around to say goodbye to their senior.
pov lan wangji, canon divergence, sunshot campaign, angst and hurt/comfort, war, nightmares, mental health issues, wei wuxian has ptsd, wei wuxian's three months in the burial mounds, golden core reveal, miscommunication, unresolved romantic tension, hopefuly ending
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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spankedquail · 18 days
I envy him.
I feel you. Here's the thing. I know I'd find it hard to submit to a man that I didn't respect fully.
My husband definitely does put in the work. He's the most honest and deliberate man I know. He gives everything his full attention. He works extremely hard, and has a reputation for being reliable and wise.
He really takes care of his physical and mental health, too. He's been running half marathons twice a month, and trains with our shared fitness trainer (we go at different times) every other day.
Plus, he chased me and put a ring on it.
It's not easy to be the dominant partner because you have to be so considerate of everything that's going on in order to make the right calls for the relationship. I'm so proud to call him my husband.
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theallegedbird · 9 months
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2023 art summary but i try ridiculously hard to make it look like i haven't almost exclusively drawn tma since march
now for mandatory end of year reflection cheesiness <3
really proud of how far i’ve come this year, my arts got to a point i’m really happy with what i’m making, hoping i continue to learn and improve next year!!
also pretty proud of how far i’ve come in general, i haven’t exactly had the best track record when it comes to mental health and was in a really bad place when it came to my depression and anxiety last year and the start of this one, and while it’s had its struggles, including doing gcses and finishing high school as well as other personal matters, overall i’ve been well. a lot happier
i finally came out to my family after what like. two years, and while they still don’t really get it, they’re trying, and that’s a start. i went to a new school for many reasons, i’ve got new friends who share my same shitty taste of humour which is what has led to about 7+ pieces of questionable pale man fanart, i’m doing subjects i’m actually passionate about and for the first time since i was 10 i actually enjoy going to school. and for the last 2 months i’ve been cleaning, tidying and redecorating my room, which to me, many others i’m sure will understand, is a big deal, it’s something i’ve tried and failed to do for so long, and it felt great
sorry for rambling on what i’m trying to say is thank you, might seem dumb but this silly little podcast and its fandom has helped a lot, motivating me art wise especially
every single kind word and has meant the absolute world to me and your support has been phenomenal, i may be just a silly little guy drawing silly little gay people on the internet but i mean it truly
as of posting this it just turned midnight, happy new year!! :D
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yankthoudong · 4 months
ok so here's how i see artificial gemstones actually happening. hear me out, idk if CRWBY have the balls but i think there's a genuinely nonzero chance this could come real. also if anyone wants to write this fic be my guest, i'd love to read it
Despite Ascending and choosing herself, Ruby still pretty clearly has mental health issues going on due to being the most stressed 17 year old of all time, real or fiction. Ascension and her boba-talk with Yang will help, but she doesn't feel like she can or should sort out all her problems with just WBY - she needs to talk to someone else.
JNR have their reunions to get through and Jaune's problems to sort out - she doesn't feel like she can bother them even if she was 100% ready to forgive Jaune. Oscar and Ozpin have their whole deal happening and she's there for Oscar but definitely can't pile her problems on his plate. Qrow helps how he can, but he's older and less wise and she feels uncomfortable talking to him about the Penny aspects, not to mention how he's been attached at the hip to Best Bro Robyn for months now. But Ruby is genuinely trying to learn her lesson, and she needs to talk to someone.
So Ruby turns to the newest member of their group, the only one who's been through anywhere near as much shit as her, the girl she had a crush on those years ago at Beacon. She turns to Emerald.
Over the course of V10, we see them fighting together and talking through Atlas and Beacon and Penny and Cinder. Emerald can't stop apologizing for Beacon and Penny's first death at first, but Ruby has been as over that as she can get since Volume 4 and especially since Penny's resurrection. She forgives Emerald, and Em tries to take it in stride but it hits her harder than she wants to show. Ruby can tell.
Ruby's problems are harder to talk through, of course, but Emerald is there for her, plain and simple. She can see through the crap when Ruby pretends she's all the way better - can't trick a trickster.
They heal together, slowly but surely, and they get close like Ruby wanted to back at school. Maybe they get together romantically in here at some point and maybe they don't, but it's pretty clearly on its way.
Then Amity finally lands. Thanks to Penny lifting it high into the atmosphere, it doesn't land near Vytal like Pietro's original calculations, but in the ocean off of Vacuo's coast, and they successfully rescue Pietro and Maria.
Pietro immediately starts working to bring his daughter back, of course. He can't save those last couple of days after the virus infected her, let alone after she was made human, but he can restore her memory and mind from her last hard backup before that. Maybe he sacrifices the last of his soul and dies to save her, maybe he doesn't go quite that far, but regardless it's not enough. Someone needs to give a bit of their soul to bring her back.
Everyone expects it to be Ruby who volunteers, and she would have, but Emerald's hand goes up first. This is how she can atone for her sins, she thinks, and finally gain the trust of people she doesn't realize she already has it from. She can help revive this girl who her (girl)friend has such intense feelings for, who was her worst victim what feels like a lifetime ago.
And so, Penny is brought back, missing a couple traumatic days worth of memories and with a piece of Emerald's soul. Her eyes open and there's a tiny spot of red in them. roll credits v10 finale
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witchhatproductions · 8 months
Witch Hat News #5 - In Sickness and in Health
by Tata Calthrop
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This is an archived version of our microfiction newsletter! You can read along on our tumblr, or subscribe here.
Hey there! It's been a few months since you last heard from us, hasn't it? How have you been? I'll go first: I've been bad! Let's talk about creativity and mental health.
I don't speak much about my mental health publicly, but let me summarise it for you; I was a very happy teenager who plummeted into clinical depression at about age nineteen and never fully recovered, and it sucks.
That said, the consequence of this is that I've been in therapy for years and read dozens of books about psychology for both patients and professionals, so even if I'm depressed, I'm also wise as all hell.
(I suspect if I weren't depressed, I would probably be completely zen.)
I have an excellent relationship with my creative craft, and my evidence for this is that I am both alive and still actively creating things. A lot of people never learn to manage the balance.
Many of the artists and writers I meet are weighed down heavily by the burden of not being good enough. "I'm an artist, but I get so anxious that I only draw once every few months, and then usually throw it away," my friends will tell me, ashamed. "I'm not good at it."
"I'm not really a writer," say the people I meet on discord. "I have this idea for a story that I've had for years, and I've written down some small things, but not anything I can show anyone – I'm not good enough yet."
On the other end of the scale are the creatives who push themselves through constant burnout, who neglect eating and sleeping in order to create as fast and voraciously as possible. A "successful career" may be built on five hours of sleep a day and constant, haunting guilt about keeping up engagement and output.
I think it's very easy to hide in hard work. You can have terrible self-care and self-awareness and be falling apart in every area, but if you work hard, and succeed, you never need to feel guilty about the other stuff. 
You know who can create constantly, yet never get tired? Artists and writers who can spend hours every day effortlessly making things, while also being entirely present in their own lives? Children.
Human beings are born with the constant urge to be creative. It's pretty well-studied that imaginative play and brain development are directly linked in small children. It's in their nature to engage in make-believe.
Very few four-year-olds freeze in front of a blank piece of paper, because they know how terrible it feels to be bad at drawing and don't know where to begin with the idea they had without failing utterly. That's a particular madness we learn as we grow up.
I'm biased, but I firmly believe that playfulness is what makes us human. What we describe as "intelligence" in other animals is often correlated with their adaptability – their ability to conceptualise and understand things they've never experienced before, and maybe didn't even know were possible.
This, too, correlates with playfulness. Dolphins, crows, octopuses, and great apes – all very different animals – play games. Despite all having taken wildly different evolutionary paths to get there, they have all separately developed play.
To be human is to create. To imagine is to be human. So that's my way of not worrying about my creative output – whether I'm making enough, whether I'm good enough. I do not create art in order to sell it, or to gain praise for making it, although I would welcome it if either of those things started happening to me regularly.
My art does not need to be good, or valuable. It has the same value and function as the paintings I made at preschool when I was four; it is the byproduct of my humanity.
Let go of the idea of being a "good artist". Nobody is a good artist. The only thing any of us is really good at is being human, which tends to get in the way of the other stuff.
"How do I create more, without letting anxiety or laziness get in the way?"
I'm here again, writing my newsletter. How long until another mental health break knocks me flat again, I don't know. But right now, I feel motivated to put words to paper (or words to mailing list, as it were), and I'm going to follow that feeling until it's gone.
My advice to you is to do the same. Joy is a very precious gift; to enjoy creating something is divine. You are human, and that is enough. Put aside your doubts. Create ambitiously, stupidly, passionately, in any way you can, as long as you're having fun; and once you learn to have fun, the trick of learning how to create more and better is a very simple one. 
So, here: Three things that spoke to me about the subject of mental illness, death, and the arts. Let's drink to our good health, eh?
So Sad Today: Personal Essays by Melissa Broder. A series of devastating essays about illness, addiction, dysfunction, and brutal, intimate, visceral emotion. I have few words for this one. I found it indescribably powerful.
Sawbones have an excellent episode about personal mental health stories. This one's much easier to listen to, but it's still quite personal, as these things tend to be. It spoke to me as someone who, at the time, kept a lot of my issues completely secret.  
To The Moon by Freedbird Games: At the dying wish of a old man, two scientists must navigate and rewrite his memories of life. A short, funny video game, with very charming characters and hilarious jokes and – genuinely – one of the most sad and beautiful character dramas I've ever experienced in video game form. 
Your project here. Do you make art of any kind - visual, written, performed? Are you starting a project or recruiting co-creators? We want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected].
That's it from me. I'll see you on the flip side, however far away that is. I'm not giving up! And neither should you!
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gloomyfilm · 1 year
/for full ambiant experience click on the audio before continuing\
I still can't believe two summers ago I decided to give This Is Us a try, fell in love and binge-watched the whole 5 seasons available.
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Every night, I would get to cooking in a very romanticized fashioned way à la Nancy Meyers main character, pour myself a nice fresh drink as people still enjoyed the warmth of the early evening hours.
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By the time dinner was ready, world would accordantly settle for peacefulness as I made my way to the couch to get all cozy and snuggly.
Here would begin, the events I was truly not prepared for..
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In just under 2 episodes, I was now finding myself unexpectedly and completely invested, all thanks to the writers for having done such a terrific job on the dialogues, cliffhangers and time traveling. For approximately the next two weeks following, my nights were paced up by This Is Us and driven by my own hunger to find out: what on earth happened to the Pearson family?
From the very first episode, --- which features one of the most beautiful closing scene I've seen on television along Labi Siffre's song "Watch Me" --- up to the last episode of season 1, emotions would come to the surface, hitting a specific spot within me...
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By episode 14 from season 2 it was clear, if not clear then, that the tissu box would be kept close by for the remaining time of the entire series.
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Imagine some stranger dropping on you some hard facts about life, death, society issues, love, mental health... to sum it up: YOURSELF.
precisely, accurately and totally out of the blue. 😃
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As the seasons went on, I was admiring how the flashbacks and foreshadowing started to merge all together into one. It would only get all the more brilliant with each new episode I was discovering.
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The show succeeded in giving its audience a range of life observations to think about. Therapy-wise, if you couldn't afford a therapist, This Is Us was there for you. I still rely on and appreciate many of the thoughtful and life inspiring excerpts.
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Moreover, it delivered the people with a brand new music playlist. Yes, another key element to all this greatness is the symbiosis between the storylines and the soundtrack. Hold my Spotify, to this day I still listen to the score in my bed, to meditate, to get dreamy. I've also come to discover wonderful artists and can hardly detach their songs from the show as it gave their melodies a new sense of clarity and depth.
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When having finished the fifth season, I was desperate for more but afraid to google the show and potentially find out it had been canceled.... which is NOT what happened of course because we're talking about thee show that has garnered over 17 million views in less than 3 days for its trailer alone. alright lovelies?
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And so just like that, comfortable in my bed and all up to date, the sixth and finale season of This Is Us was premiered in early 2022.
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Only couple of months after having cried an ocean over its past seasons, -- if reminder was needed --, I emotionally began this last chapter of what felt in some parts like my own life portrayed on screen. ✨hopes were high - tissu box storage ran low.✨
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Season 6 would open to a flashbacks filled episode echoing Season 1, already preparing us for closure and ultimately heartbreaks. Eventually some people were a bit disappointed by the simplicity of the final episode, but the last minute or so really brought it all up for me. It was ending, right there before our very eyes and it was beautifully executed. The ultimate disappointment would have been to not experience any shivers, but that never happened, the show always got in my feelings in one way or another.
The empty boxes of kleenex that I've been sitting on can testify, your honor.
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Last but not least, an aspect of the show that I've truly enjoyed is that all characters and actors were given dedicated moments to shine.
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The chemistry between them was real, felt and seen both on and off the big screen and that's precious. I miss this cast.
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This year, just a few weeks away from my birthday, there'll be no new Jack Pearson butt to be seen, no mothering singing Rebecca, no anxious Randall, no queen Beth, no indecisive Kevin, no self sabotaging Kate and oh do I miss them all. But I am so grateful for the people behind this project and their creative genius that bought us such a magnificent television program. I had low expectations, it now holds a special place in my heart like no other tv series.
This Is Us did not just narrate a story about some random family, it narrated life authentically at its worst and finest. With poetry and grace, it presented different storylines for each and every single one of us to identify, it offered us our very own reflection, and an opportunity to change, learn, heal or grow. This is the reason why so many of us worldwide described it as close to home,
because This Is Us.
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🎂 And a very happy (late) birthday to our boo Milo Ventimiglia (08/07/1977) 💘
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