#this may hurt your eyes
alienelvisobsession · 2 years
Elvis Paisley ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎
Warning: This may hurt your eyes
Which one is your favorite? Mine is the fourth, but the last one is also gorgeous. (The cherry blossom one doesn’t qualify as paisley for me.)
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vepaluiron · 2 months
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there's time to brood, even in the maw.
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vee-isaweirdartist · 1 month
TW for bright colors, may hurt your eyes!!
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I saw the trailer and I just
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vaxxman · 4 months
How good are Muji pencils actually? I don't have a Muji shop where I live but I keep seeing people using them and I'm considering ordering one.
Oh. I'm a bit of a bad person to ask this.
As in you activated my trap card, mechanical pencil trivia be upon you.
I know people will swear by Muji stationery, but I am picky about them. The Muji pencil in the previous picture is one that is extremely reminiscent of another pencil that is actually made by LAMY and specifically balanced for designers and architects. So that MUJI pencil that looks like it, I can recommend that one.
I rotate between that MUJI ABS Resin 0.5, a (vintage) ROTRING Tikky Special 0.5, a PENTEL Orenz Nero 0.5, and a FABER CASTELL GRIP 1345 0.5. That's 4 mechanical pencils I like using.
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who-needs-words · 7 months
[takes a deep breath]
I hope chester isn’t our Jon. I hope the person who emailed Sam isn’t our jon
[runs away before the fandom murders me]
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
What are your in depth thoughts about MK’s and Sun Wukong’s vs MK’s and Macaque’s relationships? Because lemme tell you I’ve got so many it’s essay worthy
i saved you for last <3 but i honestly don't know if i can talk about this coherently T^T
short answer: they are on different levels in 2 ways, MK's comfortability and in how they grow
long answer: *inhales*
so you see, there are many levels that are set between the two relationships. and by levels i mean power dynamics, casualness, formalities, respect, and idolization :)
MK and Sun Wukong
with MK and Sun Wukong their relationship began very formal. MK was simply Wukong's student (with a wish to one day be close friends with his mentor/idol), but then by around 1x09, there becomes this shift in their dynamic. in this episode, we do get insight into how far Wukong actually cares for MK because for about most of s1, the monkey keeps his distance while putting up a laid back attitude. but after MK admits to his desire of being "good enough, like [Wukong]," you will notice that Sun Wukong, slowly starts to pull down his walls for MK. he even invites MK to stay over with him for New Years (2x00), despite knowing that it was more likely for MK to leave and celebrate with his friends. (WHICH MK EVEN SAYS BECAUSE BY THIS POINT MK COMES TO REALIZE THAT THEIR RELATIONSHIP MIGHT NEVER BREACH INTO THE FRIENDSHIP HE ROMANTICIZED IN HIS HEAD. THUS SHOWING HOW THE TWO ARE DOING A REVERSE IN THEIR DYNAMIC AND- *gets dragged away to calm down*)
as i was saying.
in s2, Wukong ends up leaving to investigate a way to stop LBD before things blow over (which succeeds and fails bc it did, in fact, blow over). he didn't do it because he believed that it would hurt MK. personally, my assumption is that Sun Wukong didn't really see himself as that great of a mentor and that MK had been able to quickly pick up on new moves and techniques without much help from him, and with that thought, he believed that by leaving MK nothing but scrolls and a goal, MK would still be capable of mastering the new skills (which he did, thereby reinforcing that idea). but unfortunately, our beloved monkey king forgot that while MK is a very capable individual of incredible power, he's not confident in himself. he's simply "just loud" about himself and his prowess (which, if you noticed, MK grew even more quieter about this in seasons 2 & 3....fascinating).
so now there's this manufactured push to bring back their previous formality because Wukong is not completely ready to tell MK the truth despite how much he cares and trusts him (because, and this is my opinion, Wukong really wants to ensure that MK is not too involved in something as dangerous as LBD because she can get into your head and she can make matters worse for everybody). said manufactured push confuses MK because they had come so far from 1x01 and the distance they had before. sure, it's not as close as s3 and s4, but it definitely felt like they were at the cusp of something. this leaves MK sort of in his own limbo on where he stands with the Monkey King, and even if he sought advice about this with his friends, none of them have met the guy yet and can only make opinions based on their assumptions of what they feel like is going on (*cough, cough* Pigsy *cough, cough*).
and even after s2, in s3 Wukong is exhausted, a lot of his power depleted, and has to try and mingle civilly with MK's friends on a mission he originally planned to do alone (a suicidal mission to obtain the Samadhi Fire, if i might add). his reasoning for refusing at the beginning is because they are mortals, which MK misinterprets to mean that Wukong does not think MK can handle this mission and wants to prove himself.
omg their relationship is so complicated and messy T^T i love it
anyway, MK's and Sun Wukong's relationship is a push and pull between both people wanting to uphold and prove their worth to the other (Wukong lying to keep MK ignorant of a danger the monkey plans to eradicate in secret VS MK pushing himself into becoming powerful in order to prove himself as someone swk sees as worthy to trust). also, their dynamic is literally a platonic slow burn that slowly brings them closer and closer with s4 beginning with them (swk mostly lol) trying to be more honest and upfront about their thoughts and feelings. and s4 ending with the two actually fighting for each other and protecting each other and fighting WITH each other and T^T it's so beautiful. but also because their dynamic is a slow burn, that provides ample time to seed in doubt and insecurities and wanting to bottle up your issues to keep the peace and-
ugh T^T them <3
(side note: the actual timeline of this show is a tad confusing to me. how long was s1? a month, a couple months, a week? how long was s2? how long is the gap between seasons???? idk and i've tried to find something feasible to work with but i'm mostly just taking an "academic" estimation)
but now onto Macky and MK's relationship!
Mackenzie and MK
this one despite how rocky it looks is not a slow burn dynamic. it's got a fun roller coaster of levels because it goes "secret mentor/student" to "enemies" to "frenemies?" to "morally dubious but is actually a softie" to "potential mentor 2.0???" and i love it.
so, MK and Macky's dynamic begins in 1x09 (the blessed episode) since that's Mackackle's introduction to the show and MK begins to train under him in secret because MK is frustrated with swk's teaching methods. through the brief montage of MK's training, i can't help but notice the words and phrasing Macky uses:
Mackarell: [sounding disappointed] Not bad...[chuckles] [in a mocking tone] don't get me wrong, but I was expecting a little more with someone of your power. MK: [is defensive] H-hey, I've got more- I can give way more than that! [sighs] I can do better. Macaroni: [bemused] Kay, maybe show me next time.
ok, honestly, i just wanna talk about this. because if you heard it without seeing Marconi's face and how they animated him, you could side-step the the fake disappointment and mocking tone. what he's saying on the surface, isn't anything malicious or cruel. he is acting like a mentor and it appears like he is trying to encourage MK so he can stop hesitating. but that's not what Mac's really doing.
he is acting disappointed in MK because MK has a need to prove himself. the scene before MK meets Macaque, he is with Wukong and is frustrated by how slow his training is. he knows he can do some pretty powerful moves if his mentor allowed him to, if only he can prove to him that he can level up from the "baby stuff", if only he could have someone see that potential and train him in something more his "style." how convenient that right after he vents his frustrations MK encounters exactly what he wants, but oh no, they're disappointed in his strength and prowess, he has to prove that wrong, he CAN prove that wrong.
see where i'm going? MK fell for Macky's web, hook-line-and-sinker because it was tailor made for him. BUT! this mentor/student dynamic does not last very long. and that's mostly because it never a long term relationship in the slightest. Macky always planned to use MK's powers for his own, so now the two are slotted into the enemies level. they were never on equal ground like MK thought, or even on a similar mentor/student level MK has with Wukong. Macaquack absolutely abused that dynamic for his own gain and MK lost his trust for it.
MK cannot trust Macky, why should he? in s2, MK and Macky's relationship is mostly antagonistic because Mk cannot trust Mac and Mac enjoys tormenting the guy by hanging his insecurities over him. they are not on equal ground. Mac only sees MK as some mortal child who is in over his head and thinks he can be a Wukong 2.0 while MK sees Mac as someone who betrayed his trust, tried to kill him and his mentor and it is very personal.
but then there's this interesting choice made by lmk. Mac warns MK of an upcoming danger. why does he do it? he had just proven that he is an enemy! but also, he ends up freeing MK's friends on the basis that it "wasn't fun anymore". why take pity (should we even call it pity) on MK enough to tell him that "big things are coming"?
why choose to give MK some (very vague) advice about what's to come? what caused Macky to decide to offer this information?
well, 1st it is clearly the writers' way of showing that there is more than meets the eye with Macky. this is a little indicator for the audience about "hey! keep an eye on him! he's more complex than you think! he's more than a stock villain!" 2nd, this is the very first push into Mac's more amiable relationship with MK.
in s3, Macky is under LBD's command and has to follow her orders or else she might send him back to the Diyu either by ripping his soul from his body, or encasing him in ice/bone. he is only on her side to survive. he doesn't even plan to stay. instead, it really looks like Mac wants to escape from her hold (which he eventually plans out after learning about the gang's mission to find the Rings of Samadhi).
when it comes to MK, Mac is very antagonistic. @shadowpeachyuri made a really great analysis on Macky's antagonistic behavior in s3. especially in 3x04 where he taunts and mocks MK for his self worth and powers, but he's also stalling from his own mission in retrieving MK for LBD. most of s3 is him stalling and picking fights with people rather than do his own job. not to mention, that he purposefully separated MK and Wukong believing it would be easier to retrieve them. but why all the stalling and hesitation? because he's upset with his circumstances, and wants to take out on everyone? yeah, that's definitely part of it.
still in s3 Mac is not trying to befriend MK, he's not trying to help him either, but he also isn't truly trying to catch him. his main objective is getting out of dodge, escaping and finding somewhere that is far from here. yet, he can't help but challenge MK into using his powers, offer some (very biased and skewed) advice on who the guy should trust. and it's not until "Embrace Your Destiny" when his on-again and off-again mood finally gets to MK because he saved MK, he brought MK to Mei and he gave them the Not-Mayor guy for information.
just...this whole exchange T^T
Mackardy: Look, I brought you the Lady Bone Demon's lapdog, but I'm not up for being a hero, kid.
here lies, Macky trying to tell MK that he is not on his side. he has been constantly antagonistic and while LBD is also his enemy, he was planning to just give MK and his gang enough help for them to plan out how to defeat her.
MK: We don't need you to beat him. We just need you to keep him busy. As long as he's [Monkey King] under her control the Mech's vulnerable. We can do this! You can do this.
enter MK, looking at Macky with such optimism and arguing back at Macky with the guy's own logic. it won't be a battle to try and defeat Wukong, Macky just has to "keep him busy". Stall, like he's been doing for all of s3. and he sprinkles in a bit more optimism and encouragement to sweeten the deal.
Macaroon: Nice speech, kid but it's not gonna- MK: [frustrated growl] STOP! You keep playing at being this bad guy, acting like you're just in it for you! But I know deep, deep down: you're not that guy. Help us. Make it right. Macadoodle: I'm not a hero, bud MK: Then be a warrior!
personally, i feel like this is the moment where the two's new dynamic begins. also, Macky and MK's relationship feels a but more on equal footing. neither of them hold a pedestal or an image of who they are. MK is able to figure out that a lot of Macky's outward appearance is just that, an appearance. and Macky is able to see that MK isn't some Wukong 2.0 he imagined up in his head in s1. MK is the Monkey King's successor but he is also his own person who will and has made different decisions than Wukong.
after s3, their dynamic is very similar to mentor/student in 4x10, but not in the same way as in 1x09. Macky isn't trying to be manipulative or play with double meanings, he's actually trying to help and figured a video game rpg would be the best bet since MK likes video games. MK is able to snap back at Macky and isn't afraid of showing the monkey his worries and fears (something he's struggling to with Wukong and vice versa) because Macky has seen that side of him already.
idk it's fascinating. i feel like i'm repeating myself a lot, but my main takeaway is that MK and Wukong have a slow burn friendship that began with formalities and over the seasons, they gradually grew closer and more comfortable with admitting that they care about each other (mostly Wukong needed this help but it's ok). and MK and Macky's relationship though began as enemies, grew into 2 characters who view each other as equals by the end and respect ach other loads.
there be my thoughts *jazz hands*
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thecampbellclub · 3 months
i need some drunk sad hughie on the edge of the gun after robins death for morale boost
#hughie campbell#he would be standing there in a haze holding her arms#for hours because he won’t let anyone take them#he won’t say what happened because he can’t comprehend it#his favorite hero as a kid just killed his future wife and his mind is shattered#the ambulance is called for hughie and his father comes#hugh is the only one who can get through to his son#but even then#hughie won’t let go of her arms until his dad physically tears them from his hands#and hughie collapses and his dad scoops him up#they take him to the hospital but he’s clealyy in severe shock#so he’s not speaking at all besides small whispers and sobs that are intelligible#when hugh takes him home he just wants to go to bed but hugh is concerned hughie may hurt himself#which isn’t incorrect#he leaves the door open and in the middle of the night sort of comes to#and he can’t handle it#he can feel her blood under his fingernails#even though they’d practically scrubbed him clean at the hospital#so he raids the liquor cabinet#like he’s a child sneaking booze from his parents#his dad finds him the next morning still hammered beyond belief and sick over a bowl he dragged from the kitchen cabinets#hugh isn’t sure how to help so he just sits by his son and rubs his back as he’s sick#because what are you meant to do when that happens to your son?#hughie clings onto his dad and scream sobs until he finally finally begins to feel the claws of exhaustion weighing on him#he sleeps on the sofa for the forserable future because everything reminds him of her#and hugh feels safer knowing hughie is in eyesight and not behind a door in the hallway where it’s less obvious to know if hughie is safe#hugh takes to sleeping in the love seat by the sofa to keep an eye on him#hughie knows what he’s doing and appreciates it but he can’t help but feel like a burden#i’m gonna perhaps write this
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seventeendeer · 1 year
adventure time, baby, I'm going to keep it real with you: you had the perfect meta setup (a spinoff of a children's cartoon made for adults who grew up with said cartoon) for a story about two characters desperate to return to simpler times (fionna longing for the subconscious memory of a fantasy land where nothing is complex and she won't have to face the trials of young adulthood in her now-mundane world, simon longing to lose his mind again so he won't have to remember his grief) coming to realize that the "simpler times" they remember were never as straightforward as their idealized memories (fionna realizing that her black-and-white worldview was actually just deeply biased and ultimately harmful, simon realizing that ice king was just as miserable as simon himself and simply lacked the tools to parse his own emotions), the idealized past they want to return to was never real, and in order to move forward, they have to face the painful realities they've been trying to avoid, mature as people, and learn to see beauty and value in their own respective lives, even if they're not the lives they'd hoped for
and then that didn't happen. there was a perfect metaphor for the false allure of nostalgia using THE "whimsical at first glance/shockingly grim under the surface" children's cartoon RIGHT THERE. How Did You Fuck That Up
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honestly it bugs me a little how 99% of the comments on the these are the days of our lives music video, one of my personal favorite queen mvs for pure aesthetics and mood, are people calling it "heartbreaking" and hand-wringing about how SICK and PALE and CLOSE TO DEATH freddie mercury looks. like. wooow the dying man looks like he's dying? really? well done, nancy drew! have a gold star! yes aids is an awful fucking disease and yes hiv positive people shouldn't be reduced to washed-out portraits of the words "inspirational" and "strong" by the media and they should have their pain acknowledged but guys. freddie, by all accounts, very much Did Not Want To Dwell On It. he told his friends he had aids and then immediately was like but i don't want to talk about it. i just want to spend the rest of my time making as much music as i can. and his bandmates accepted that and supported him! he wanted to spend the time he had doing what he loved with people he loved and who loved him and he did. he had, by all accounts, a great last year. that one person who took the days of our lives bts color footage and edited Sad Piano Music TM over the entire thing and intercut interviews with the rest of the band also with Sad Piano Music TM and made it so we could barely hear freddie even say anything... it makes my blood boil like he's literally just. like it's literally just footage of him walking and discussing a take with the director and standing waiting for the take to start like. normal video filming stuff. and all anyone can see is a tragedy because he's walking stiffly or whatever
#imagine you're dying and you just want to spend your last days making music that you love and that other people love#and you're in so much pain all the time but you make the effort to go into work#and record even though your voice is getting weaker by the day#and film a video. even though you have to spend hours in makeup so people don't realize you're sick#and it hurts to STAND but you do it anyway#and you request that certain takes be redone because you still want to make the video the best it can be! you don't care that you're hurtin#you really want to make something you're proud of that people will love#because you know it might well be your last video#and you want it to be a fitting sendoff#so that you avoid being remembered for your disease#and then thirty years later no one talks about the actual video#they're not like 'what an epic kimono!' or 'this pared-down set is so nice and really fits the song!'#or 'wow roger taylor's wearing one hell of a shirt!' or 'this is some of john deacon's best bass work!'#they do exactly what you did not want. they focus on how sick you look.#i literally saw a comment that was like 'you can see the sadness in roger and john's eyes🥺'#bitch no the fuck you can't. shut up. you have the benefit of hindsight. you KNOW freddie was sick at the time#but if you didn't know that i know you wouldn't suspect a thing#fuck off. you're making that up! they literally don't look sad they look fine#because this may come as a shock to you but they were also doing something they loved#and yes undoubtedly the mood was dampened by freddie's condition. but do you think they didn't enjoy it at all?#you can literally see roger smiling in a couple shots. please just appreciate the band's hard work. it's a really good fucking song#and a really good fucking video.#sorry. lot of tags. i just have strong feelings on this lol
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pineapple-frenzy · 1 year
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Hoshi but I gave him sharp teeth becauseeeee i think they're neat :>>
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mad-hunts · 15 days
no, but have i talked about this on here before? because i don't think i have yet. though i was just thinking about all of the different people that barton has been interested in romantically, and one of them that definitely stands out to me is auriel. because even he doesn't really know what it is, but in the main story for barton, she's been missing for quite some time. i'm talking like ever since his final year of undergrad. so, it's been more than a decade since barton has seen her and yet, he still checks whether anyone with her physical description has suddenly shown up again in gotham.
and he has actually made an effort to compile whatever evidence he could pertaining to auriel's disappearance, which... although there hasn't been anything new as to where his character is in the timeline of events right now? barton may be the only person in gotham who is actively looking for her anymore. plus, before auriel went missing, she had actually lent one of her coats to him and i swear to god... this man has never taken care of an article of clothing better than he's taken care of her coat. so, this kind of makes me wonder how barton's usual behavior could be so contrary compared to him doing something like this.
i mean, judging by how he behaves around most people (which is basically TERRIBLY, to put it simply jsjsj), i think that he must've felt like they had a deeper connection between each other somehow. though auriel herself is certainly not a villain. so i'm saying this in terms of barton perhaps trusting her enough to tell her things that he wouldn't normally tell a soul, like how he was (and still somewhat is) afraid of his bio father as a kid. but yeah — seeing as i know what had happened to her character, this hits especially hard for me 😭 because she may not be dead but auriel certainly hasn't been in a good spot for a longgg time
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adamworu · 1 year
The angels are basically frightened little children, but we never really seed an indeph look at them in comparison to the human children, such as Shinji or Asuka. There's...too much focus on the human side of things. Do you think so, too? Should this have been changed?
The series is viewed via a 'human' lens, seeing these creatures that don't look a thing like us as strange and unsettling. Despite this, Eva isn't strictly about the human condition. The occasional happiness and horror of realizing that the body has a will and that body is yours is universal. The series is about characters not just understanding themselves and their realities but understanding but that the initially foreign can be more like us than we think. Even then, this revelation sadly doesn't galvanize us into kindness for the other side. We hold the same fears of what comes next and desires to live. Familiarity is not your home, but ours. That's the sad state of boundaries, after all. An even sadder state is that history is written by its victors. More can and should be understood from the other side but it often isn't.
Empathy is seldom in history.
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blart-og · 1 year
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5 whole sinners now that's a team babey
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Ok so Hua Cheng always seems to be standing on xie lian's left side even though he is blind in his right eye.
And I saw soph on Twitter saying "it's perfectly logical as he has to turn his entire head towards xl to see him which proves to everyone else that doesn't care about them at all"
Like YESS soph! I literally see him walking around and other people trying to have a convo and he not moving a muscle in his neckk. And then Dianxia says "heh" or "mm"..or "oh?" Like the smollleest soud and this guy is whipping his head to pay the rapt attention like "you think so too Dianxia?" XDXDXD *cri*
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gongedtornado · 6 months
#can i rant abt something random for a second#i hate when people will comment on other videos of animals-#taking big cats in a sanctuary for example-#i love when the person in the video is touching the animal/giving it scritches and the specified big cat LOVES it#(cat body language)#and then people continuously comment ‘just wait til it turns your back on you’ or smth along those lines#IT DRIVES ME UP THE WALLS#people do the same thing on domestic fox videos#and its *insane* to me because its almost like these people are wishing for the owner/caretakers to get hurt by their animals??#like for one thing- cats have such unique body language and behavior#and if youre paying attention to it- you can understand them a lot better#i saw a video of a lady brushing out a siberian lynx (he was a rescue from a fur farm)#and some of the comments were just nasty#like- his tails not wagging for one / hes not growling / hes letting her touch and kiss and scratch him#at some point he does bite but its a playful bite and he ends up enjoying scritches from the camera person#leaning into it and closing his eyes n shit . he was ENJOYING THAT SCRITCH#‘that giant lynx may eat her face’ ‘she’ll learn her lesson one day’ oh my god shut upppp#literally any animal is capable of that. its only just because hes not a common household animal#ONCE AGAIN MENTIONING- THE LYNX WAS A RESCUE FROM A FUR FARM.#i should also mention he imprinted on humans. his name is marsel iirc#i dunno it just drives me up the walls when people say some of the nastiest shit like that#kazzy caws
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aroaceofthesea · 2 years
People hate on bianca but if i was given the chance of being immortal AND not having to be with my sister 24/7 i would absolutely take it some of you don't have any siblings and it shows
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