#this little guy survived order 66
smeraldo-heart · 2 months
Cal Kestis as a padawan:
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What Cal would have really looked like at that age:
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trixree · 1 year
The brain worms are ON ONE tonight folks I am thinking about Cody/Maul/Obi-Wan post order 66 living on tattooine together
like what if Maul sought out Obi-Wan's Commander shortly after O66 to get obsessive freaky closure about how Obes died (feels robbed of the kill, generally mentally ill about it, etc.) and is like "he is useless to me with all this fucking Imperial programing in the way" and does Force Stuff to break Cody's chip and what if Cody Wakes Up and goes "I can use this fucked up little guy to get to my General, who I believe survived, and then I'll just kill him easy peasy and live happily ever after with my husband" so he tells Maul that Obi-Wan is probably alive, actually, and cue a really violent road trip of them retracing Obi-Wan's steps in the hours after O66 via Imperial intel and hyper competence on both of their parts and
OH NO WHAT IF THEY START TO FALL IN LOVE like the forced proximity of it all...LISTEN TO ME. the intimacy of fighting alongside someone and having a functional partnership that's turned Dependency on both of your part's because you were both Traumatized in surprisingly similar ways (raised as a tool of violence for someone else's purpose, same guy actually!) and also have a similar goal via your mutual obsession with this one guy and actually, he's not that bad for a sith/clone, and by the time they get wise to Luke's existence and gun it for Tatooine, Maul is like "if I kill Kenobi this is going to upset Cody. That is Unideal. Can i live with not killing Kenobi?" and Cody is like "I cannot kill him afterall, I like him too much, how the FUCK am I going to explain this to Obi let alone any of the mind control & sorry i tried to kill you shit"
and what if Obi-Wan kept Luke because Reasons and is just so goddamn thankful for some extra childcare help (Luke's in his terrible 2s and he's force sensitive -- Obi's more sleep deprived than he ever was during the clone wars) that he really doesn't give a shit at all that it's his ex that tried to kill him for some mystery reason and motherfucking Maul on his doorstep. help is help 🙏 and they bang and stuff of course okay I'm only human
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sollis-occasum · 2 months
there is a light that never goes out - anakin x queen!reader x sith!obi-wan (part 1 of 5)
summary: When your first love, Obi-Wan Kenobi, gave in to the temptations of the dark side and joined the Sith Order, you thought there was no hope for your people. However, a message from a friend you thought was dead would reignite the fire of rebellion in your heart.
warnings: angst, no use of y/n, unrequited love, blood, mentions of execution, mentions of death, mentions of biological weapons, reader is a corrupt politician (actually this is a little bit complicated)
word count: 4.2k
a/n: My story takes place in an alternative universe where Obi-Wan has turned to the dark side and Anakin has formed a resistance with the Jedi who survived Order 66 (I know Obi is a comfort character for most of us but sith!obi-wan is too attractive to not write about. What can i do? I'm just a girl) He will be in story in part 2. Also, as i said before, English is not my first language. I'm sure i made many mistakes. I hope you don't mind guys. I love you ♡
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If there was one thing your people and your friends in the Imperial Senate knew for sure about you, it was that you had no intention of wasting your precious time rebelling against Lord Sidious, perhaps the most evil being the galaxy had seen in thousands of years.
Of course, it wasn’t because you had sympathy for the ugly old man or supported his fascist ideas that favored the human race. In fact, even during those unfortunate times when thousands of senators from all over the galaxy were ready to worship the Chancellor and the Separatists were on the rise, you were secretly proud of yourself for not falling under his influence—something you would rather attribute to your own intelligence than to the other senators being fools blinded by their lust for power.
Yes, deep down you didn’t recognize Palpatine’s empire and still held onto your loyalty to the Republic, but in your situation it didn’t matter. As a queen, you were one of the best at understanding how dangerous a game politics is, and you played by the rules for the good of your people. Up until that day, you had given the Emperor everything he asked of you without even bargaining. You had allowed him to change your government and install his own men, accepting the heavy taxes he demanded, and allowing him to build the weapons factories and experimental laboratories he wanted, even if it meant destroying the entire ecosystem of your planet. You had made all the sacrifices expected of you, until there was nothing left to sacrifice.
You knew that when your people looked at you, they saw not their beloved queen but one of Palpatine's puppets. To them, you were nothing more than a traitor who had betrayed the great royal family and the glorious history of your planet for thousands of years. You ignored the misery of your people in order to protect your crown and continued your luxurious life in your palace.
If only they knew how wrong they were...
You never had the courage to oppose the emperor until that day because you knew what fate awaited the people who opposed Palpatine's rule. You had seen systems falling apart, planets being invaded, and senators being executed mercilessly in front of their people. You couldn't let the people under your protection face this fate! The Emperor might have carelessly destroyed everything beautiful on your planet, but he wouldn't be able to destroy your people.
For this purpose, you would play the role of the corrupted politician your people had assigned to you in the most professional way, and you would make all the sacrifices you had to make to protect your people from Lord Sidioud's wrath until the end of your life. You didn't have the luxury of playing revolutionist. At least, that was what you believed to be right at the time.
However, in dark times, people change, and so do beliefs. A message sent to you by someone you least expected, at a time you least expected, had also initiated this change.
Using the information in the message secretly delivered to you by an old and neglected droid, whichg you had no idea how he had entered your palace, you managed to open a communication channel, allowing a hologram very close to a human size to appear in front of you.
The man had wavy hair that almost reached his shoulders, and his shoulders were slumped as if he were crushed under the weight of carrying the responsibility of the entire galaxy. He was wearing an old cloak with blood stains on it. The parts of his body that you could see were also covered in blood and wounds. He stood determined and upright, but there were traces in his eyes that even the static hologram image could not hide. Traces of sadness and despair. The owner of this hologram was someone you knew very well: The man in front of you was your old friend Anakin Skywalker.
Thank God, the droid resisted opening the message on the holoprojector in your throne room. Otherwise, you had no idea how you would explain this reaction to those around you. You started to walk back slowly, as if there was an assassin ready to kill you, not a hologram in front of you, and eventually you tripped and fell in your seat. Even though you covered your mouth with your hand in terror, your eyes could not hide your fear and surprise. You took deep breaths as if they could comfort you, but no matter what you did, you could not slow down your rapidly beating heart.
"But how is that possible?" you muttered in a voice you could barely hear. "That's impossible! You-you were dead, Anakin. Obi-Wan killed you."
Anakin, who somehow managed to hear you, smiled sadly and protested, "No, your majesty." "As you can see, I'm still alive. I would love to tell you about my experiences, but..."
"Shut up!" you shouted with a deep anger that came from deep within you to stop the man in front of you. Deep down you knew you were being irrational, but wasn't this situation you were in already irrational enough? Besides, the fact that an old friend you had been mourning for years suddenly appeared before you as if nothing had happened should have given you the right to act however you wanted, at least for a short while.
"Shut up! You can't be real. I know that the real Anakin Skywalker was killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar. Padme Amidala couldn't have lied to me! Who are you and how dare you use Ani to play such a vile trick on me?"
Anakin opened his mouth to explain himself to you again, but you raised your hand to stop him. A light flickered in your eyes as if you had solved a great mystery.
“Of course,” you said sarcastically. “Who else but Palpatine would dare do such a thing? You are one of his men. This droid must belong to the Empire. How could I not have thought of that?”
You ignored the desperate sounds of the ambassador droid and Anakin’s objections as you walked towards your desk to grab the small blaster from the drawer.
“That old man knew I would accept the agreement he wanted anyway. Did he really need to play such a dirty trick on me? Besides, what did he think he was going to achieve by doing this? That I would give him everything he wanted without even holding a meeting? Couldn’t he have sent one of his incompetent ambassadors who is just as ugly as he is?”
You quickly turned the gun on the droid. The small, metal astromech tried to move back and forth in fear, but it couldn’t get very far from where it was, partly because of the hologram’s loyalty to its owner and partly because the metal parts that made it move had rusted.
You turned to the hologram one last time and said in a language unbecoming of a queen, “Now fuck off and tell your owner that I will accept the deal he is offering and that he doesn’t need to play such cheap games because when I am done with him, your stupid droid will not be able to do it.”
The astromech started to make hissing sounds of protest again, and Anakin’s voice joined his. He raised his hand as if he could stop you from where he was and shouted, “Don’t you dare do that.” There was no trace of the respect in his voice when you first started talking. “This is my only chance to talk to you. If you shoot the droid, it’s all over. And for God’s sake, are you so blind that you can’t even recognize Artoo?”
You looked at the astromech again with a jerk. You hadn't lowered your weapon yet, but it was a fact that the hologram's mention of Artoo aroused suspicion in your mind. Yes, you could tell with a single glance that the droid in front of you belonged to one of the older models of the R series, and its advanced intelligence, the sounds it made, and its hasty attitude were also the same as Artoo's. But how could you be sure that this droid, whose paint had peeled off, was not oiled, and was damaged in many places, belonged to your old friend? You turned your gaze to Anakin with an irritated expression.
"I have no reason to believe that this droid is Artoo. It could be any model of the R series. And let me tell you right now that you know about Artoo's existence doesn't mean anything to me. Your owner's pet Obi-Wan Kenobi may have also told you about Anakin's astromech."
Artoo let out a sad hiss as Anakin began to angrily ruffle his hair with his non-mechanical hand. "Is he my owner?" he asked, disgust evident in his voice. "Is Palpatine my owner? Don't you dare say that again. That scumbag is nothing to me. How can you think I'm working for him when I've lost everything and everyone I care about because of him!"
"Then prove it!" you cried. You could feel the anger and pain beginning to consume you. "I beg you," you muttered quietly as you sank to the ground in front of the holoprojector. "I'm not asking for you to give me a reason, I'm begging you to give me a reason." Maybe you needed to believe more than he needed to be believed.
"Convince me that Anakin Skywalker is still alive."
You could see Anakin smiling at you, though it was blurry from the tears welling up in your eyes. It was a warm, affectionate smile that he rarely showed to anyone, perhaps even a little embarrassed.
He moved slowly and cautiously, as if you were a wounded convor who would run away if he frightened her. He reached into his cloak pocket and pulled out a delicate bracelet with a round, shiny stone in the center. Even the fact that it was reflected in a poorly-made hologram didn’t stop you from recognizing it at first sight.
“Do you remember this?” Anakin asked softly. “You gave me this bracelet ten years ago, on the edge of the Nara swamp. It was my last day before i left your planet, and we got into a fight over some stupid reason I can’t remember now. I think it was something about Aiwha rights. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Aiwha rights are stupid, I’m just saying it was stupid that we got into a fight over this on our last day.”
Even though you were in a crappy situation, you couldn’t help but curl your lips. You had always been very sensitive about the rights of non-sapient species (Tusken raiders were not among them, of course; they were a whole other story), and you found it funny that the man who was talking was afraid to upset you even after all these years. The times when you fought with all your might to defend the rights of other living beings seemed so distant to you. Especially now that you can barely protect the rights of your own people.
"You were so angry with me that I thought you wouldn't come to say goodbye before I returned to Crouscant, but you sent a note to me with help of Artoo asking us to meet at the edge of the Nara Swamp. You didn't want anyone to know about this meeting."
Artoo made a noise of agreement, glad that his part in the story hadn't been left out. Everything the man who claimed to be Anakin had told you so far was true, and the bracelet he showed was a great proof. You knew that your heart was starting to believe him, even if your brain resisted it, but you didn't let your guard down. Because if the man in front of you was really a liar, you knew that your heart would be shattered again and this time, unlike what you did in the past, you wouldn't be able to put the broken pieces back together. "Go ahead," you said coldly.
"We met at the place you wanted just before sunrise. At first, you were very quiet, no matter what I said, I couldn't convince you to talk. Then you suddenly started crying. In fact, I gave you the nickname softy back then. To be honest, even today, when the entire galaxy calls you queen and bows down to you, I'm proud to be the only one who can mock you like that. Anyway... Even though it had been a month since we met, that was the first time you told me about your past. You told me that you weren't very close with your family, that you were always taken care of by the maids and nannies in the palace, that you didn't have any friends growing up. You told me that I was your first and only friend, that no one could understand you like I did, and you asked me not to go, that I should stay on your planet with you."
"But you still left." you said in a low voice. While Anakin was verbally explaining, you were so immersed in replaying that memory in your mind that you hadn’t realized that by addressing him as “you,” you were indirectly acknowledging that he was Anakin Skywalker. “You knew I had to go,” he said with a sad smile, thinking of both of you, those two innocent children who were unaware of their unfortunate and painful future at the time.
"When I told you that I belonged in the Jedi Temple, and that I had to go, you asked me for a favor."
He took the bracelet in his hand and squeezed it as if he were drawing strength from it. "You asked me to come find you and give you this bracelet if you ever ascended to the throne and become one of those stupid, self-centered, incompetent politicians. You said it meant a lot to you and would bring you back to your senses."
The bracelet in Anakin's hands was truly precious to you because, ironically, there was nothing else that made it valuable. When expressed this way, it might seem contradictory, even a little absurd, but it had a very meaningful story for you. When you were only 15, when your people saw you not as a traitor but as their beautiful and elegant princess, you had left the palace to greet your people and tried to blend in with them as if you were a common citizen and not a member of the royal family. While you were deep in conversation with a little boy about his favorite snack, an old and poor woman had timidly approached you and tentatively handed you the bracelet. According to what she told you, the woman made her living by selling jewelry in her small shop, and the bracelet was the most expensive and valuable thing in that dilapidated shop.
"Even if it's not worthy of you, please take this, my noble princess," the woman said with an embarrassed face as if she had said something very rude. "I don't mean to disrespect you by giving you such a cheap bracelet, but it is the most valuable thing I have. I am a person who is devoted to the royal family with all my heart. You have no idea how honored i would be if you accept this little gift of mine and wear it."
To be honest, even the barrette in your poorest maid's hair was more expensive than that bracelet. It was not your style at all, and it didn't even match your clothes.
But that day, in front of that old shop, you had taken that bracelet from her wrinkled hands, put it on, and never taken it off until the day you gave it to Anakin. That bracelet was more than just a piece of chain and a small stone to you. That was a symbol of your loyalty to your people. One day, when you inherited the throne from your father, you would protect everyone who was disadvantaged, find a way to end income inequality. Now, those dreams you had as a little girl made you laugh.
You may not have been able to bring justice to your people, but you had managed to become the most hated member of the royal family in the thousands of years of your planet's history. Well, that was something, wasn't it? At least you knew that one day your name would not be buried in the dusty pages of history, but would continue to be in the history books for years to come. Even if you were to be remembered as a failed leader and a traitor...
You were so lost in memories of the distant past and self-criticism that it took Anakin's cough to bring you back to your senses. You didn't have to be a Jedi to know that he was getting impatient.
"From what I've heard, it's time to return this bracelet to you, but that's beside the point. Now, if I've convinced you that I'm Anakin Skywalker, can I get to the point?"
How could he dare to come back after all these years and criticize how you governed your people as if nothing had happened? On the other hand, speaking without thinking was so typical of Anakin that you couldn't even get angry. You shrugged your shoulders irritably.
"I can't say I believe it, but I decided to at least listen to what you have to say before I smash your droid. If you want to convince me, you have to explain where have you been and what have you been doing all these years. Padme told me before she was executed that you were killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar. If you were alive, why didn't you come to me all these years? Why didn't you let me help you?"
Actually, there were hundreds of things you wanted to ask. You wanted to know where he has been all this time, how he escaped from the Imperial soldiers, what did he do in order to survive? But you couldn’t do it because your voice had started to tremble. It was like that whenever you mentioned him. Your throat would tighten and your voice would shake. Obi-Wan Kenobi, the once Jedi Master and the ruthless Sith Lord of your time, or Darth Whatever. You couldn’t bear to say that dirty name given to him by the Emperor, or even think about it. The years had taught you to get used to everything, but you couldn’t get used to his new identity. He was the man who had once taught you love, mercy, and compassion. He was your first love and your first heartbreak. How could he have turned into such a hateful, savage beast? How could that wise man accept being Palpatine’s puppet?
After a few seconds of silence, Anakin spoke up again. “It’s actually a little hard to explain.” You could see he was having a hard time remembering and recounting the past. But you didn’t stop him. You wanted answers to your questions, and you were going to get them. Right away.
“It’s true that Obi-Wan and I fought a duel at Musatafar, and I lost. But contrary to what my former master thought, I didn’t die there. Padme saved me shortly before she was executed.” He pulled up the pants under his cloak to reveal his mechanical leg. “Here’s a souvenir from that duel. After being treated by Senator Organa’s personal doctors on Alderaan, I traveled to a planet I won’t name for security reasons, and met up with some allies I won’t name.”
“You’re turning into a droid, huh?” you asked, pointing to his leg. Even though there was sarcasm in your voice, your expression couldn't hide your true feelings. “You’ve always loved them.” You knew what he was talking about was extremely serious and traumatic, but you had to say something right then, and that was the first thing that came to mind, no matter how meaningless. And Artoo had made a more lively sound than he had since he had come to you. You had no idea what the little astromech had understood from what you had said, but he was clearly excited to imagine his master as a droid.
Anakin rolled his eyes, "How funny," he said, but you noticed that he was smiling.
"So why did you reach out to me now, Anakin, after all these years of disappearing? What do you want from me?"
"I haven't reached out to you all this time because I've seen the sacrifices you've made to protect your people. I know what Obi-Wan did to those he thought were organizing against Palpatine. And I learned from Senator Organa back then that the emperor was watching your every move. Knowing I was alive would bring nothing but destruction to you and your people. Frankly, I wouldn't be reaching out to you today if I didn't need your help so badly. One of our friends who has managed to infiltrate the Imperial engineers recently gave us some information that Palpatine is making moves to build a new weapon."
"A weapon? Is he trying to build a new one, as if he doesn't already have every weapon in the galaxy?"
"This is a different kind of weapon. Palpatine plans to use a parasite that lives on your planet and secretes its toxic substances to create a bioweapon. It's also much more deadly than any other bioweapon he has. By our calculations, just 10 grams of it released into the air would be enough to kill 2 million people, and up to 5 million for some life forms."
You put your hands to your mouth in horror. You could imagine what it would mean for Palpatine to have such a deadly weapon of mass destruction. And was he going to do it on your planet, using your resources? "B-but how is that possible?" you asked Anakin. "If something like that happened, i would definitely hear about it..."
Your words were cut short by the sudden realization. "Of course..." you mumbled to yourself. "How could I not have figured this out until now?" You were just beginning to understand why Palpatine was so insistent on setting up a lab on your planet. You were already aware that you didn't have the most reliable intelligence team in the galaxy, but you were trying very hard not to go and punch them all. How could they not have known about this beforehand and warned you? And you were angry with yourself. After being deceived and betrayed by Palpatine so many times, how could you have believed that the lab he had set up was for medical purposes? “Good God,” you said, as if seeking strength. Because only divine power could make you endure the horror of what you were hearing.
You turned to the droid next to you with a sudden decision. You would have plenty of time to be angry with yourself and the people under your command later. But right now, you had to be strong and find a solution as soon as possible. Just like a queen. "You have the coordinates to Anakin's location, don't you, Artoo?"
The astromech confirmed you with you. "Give them to me right away. I have to go to Anakin."
Your old friend raised his hand and reached for you as if he could stop you, but the hologram passed through your body. "Don't do something stupid like that," he objected. "If you get caught, they'll kill you."
"Then I won't get caught." you said with great determination. "I can't leave you there like that, Anakin. Besides, I don't think you're in a position to object to me. Your whole body is covered in blood."
"It's not my blood, actually."
"If you think that makes me feel better, Anakin, I'm sorry, but you're very wrong."
You slowly reached out to Anakin's face. This move had done nothing but scatter the hologram, but your emotions were so intense that you wanted to reach even his reflection.
"Wait for me, Anakin."
After you turned off the holoprojector, you called one of your loyal servants over and asked her to prepare your ship. "Make sure to oil this droid," you added as you lovingly patted Artoo's head. "You have no idea how smart and special this little one is."
This was the message that lit a light in your heart 3 years ago, giving you hope that everything would change. Your old friend might have reached out to you for help. But he was the one who helped you by putting the broken pieces of your heart back together. Fate had brought you and Anakin Skywalker together once more, never to be separated again..
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tags: @circe143 @snowtargaryen
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tobytost · 1 year
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meet Aspera! my togruta OC
I've had him for some time now and he's pretty much a work in progress right now but here is some info about this little guy:
his name comes from latin saying "per aspera ad astram) which translates to "through great struggle to success" or something like that
i like how it translates to my native language better: "through the thorns to the stars"
so their name basically means "a great struggle"
lost one of his lekku in an incident involving his lightsaber
bites his other lek when nervous, that's why it's bandaged up
his saber is poorly constructed and barely works (sometimes it ignites on its own, or doesn't ignite at all, or its settings suddenly change from training to combat or something like that)
but they're stupidly attached to it (force brain worms) to go and change it
was 21 and at the temple when the order 66 happened
survived thanks to the defective clone that decided to risk his life to save Aspera
wasn't present for the many of the clone wars because he was deemed too unstable in the force to continue fighting
by unstable I mean he can't control the force really well
the force leaks out of him constantly and he can't control its stream
he often hurt his friends because of that
one wrong move and they were sent flying across the room, that's how Aspera developed an anxiety
poorly working saber doesn't help either
I have more thoughts but I can't form a coherent text for the life of me, I will be adding to this post later when I make my brain work properly haha
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hollyhomburg · 8 months
Before I Leave You (Pt.66)
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(Sneek peak)(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: Your track record with trying to survive is a checkered one. This is a red spot among the black and white.
Tags: Blood, Guns, violence, near death experiences, everyone lives nobody dies...but someone does die this chapter, horror, non-lethal injury, talks of death and dying, a bit of body horror, forced murder? Trans! tae, Tae is briefly dead named in this, implied/referenced intimate partner violence, flashbacks, brief suicidality.
W/c: 8.0k
A/N: ahhhhhh <3 we're finally ready for this part of the story <3 i wonder what your guys reactions will be, i'm really glad i decided to split this chapter into two peices! it's much cleaner this way. don't be 🥲 too mad at me.
Previous part - Masterlist - First part
Chapter 66: Go for the Throat
You hold your breath. Still peering around the corner, watching and waiting for the man to spot you.
But he doesn't, after a breath where his soft footsteps echo, you wait, but nothing happens. You peak back around the corner. 
You absorb and catalog the details as fast as you can; the black ski mask, covered by one of those traditional masks, wooden with red lacquer. This one is a little different than the one that Jimin had; this one is white with red splotch on the cheeks, not twisted with thick eyebrows in a snarl. Like a ghost sent down from above to rob you of your humanity.
The bulletproof vest stops at the collarbones. The gun itself is black and a generic model. The long end is extra bulbous with something that might be an attached silencer. Hands covered in black nitrile gloves, leathery at first glance. There is a knife at his waist along with a barrage of other small things. Rope and a knife, duct tape and handcuffs. His heavy boots look steel toed and reinforced.
The man (because it is a man you realize; tall, maybe taller than Namjoon) trains his gun at the landing on the top of the stairs. Pointing it in the direction of Hobi, Tae, and Jin’s hushed voices.
Hobi giggles and it sounds so bright. Echoing off the walls and filling the house.
There is a phone cord tangled in your hands, long and white. You grip it tight.
This man might be silent but you’re quieter as you slide your bare feet across the smooth floors. Your strides are so quiet, you take one step and then another until you're behind the man, mirroring him.
You remember when Yoongi redid the floors, it was one of the few things that he did right away- before the pack came to live here (to love here). It took him weeks and weeks of sanding before he got them to his liking. Days more of brown dark stain that colored his hands ruddy until the soft matte finish stuck. Every pass with the belt sander and dirty rag a movement of love, a meditation for it.
Yoongi made every inch of this house with the same loving intent; to make it a home for all of you. You won’t let it become a grave. You won’t let this person stay here and ruin it.
Most people get it wrong; In order to kill, it is not a matter of elegance or effort. There is no such thing as a perfect kill, emotionless and analytic. it being justified only gets you halfway. There is no way to do it perfectly or cleanly. People die just as they live, messy and hopeful and dirty.
Murder isn't a matter or wanting or wishing, It’s a matter of rage.
It’s always been this way. Rage has been chewing a hole through you from the moment that you pulled the trigger with Geumjae. From the moment you said ‘I do’. Rage that these violent things have been done to you, that they continue to happen, that you can’t just get away from all the hurt and trauma.
Rage has eaten you clean through to the bone. Only now you're the hungry one. Right now, only three words run through your head;
How dare she.
How dare she send this man into your house. How dare she point a gun at the upstairs, in the general direction of your nest and your packmates. The altar at which you so desperately cling to, for sweet dreams and sweet worship. How dare she even think about hurting the people you love.
There is no courage, no bravery, no thought in your head about how stupid it might be as you step closer behind the man. You are not a trained assassin. You’re just an omega.
The adrenaline rush is an old friend, you know how to use it. You grip the phone cord in your hands and take a quiet steadying breath. He doesn't see you, he doesn't hear you, he doesn't know that you're behind him.
Wolves always go for the throat, whether they’re cornered or hunting.
The assassin’s foot ascends the bottom step. You don’t let him get to the second before you’re moving, hurtling forward. Footsteps light as a butterfly’s wings. Your hands go over the man’s shoulders. The cord no more than a white flash across his vision before you draw it tight across his neck.
Coming Saturday February 3rd at 5pm EST (Time Zone Adjustments Below)
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jedimasterbailey · 5 months
Tales of the Empire Thoughts (Mostly About Barriss)
I know I’m a little late to the party in terms of laying out my thoughts on Tales of the Empire but honestly I needed a few days to process and digest what happened (not to mention being on vacation delayed that process as well). Obviously as a Barriss stan/fanfic writer/blogger y’all know that those episodes were the upmost priority for me and I will be rewatching those episodes on repeat like no other since it’s been far too long since Barriss has had her time to shine. 
The majority of this post will be centered around those specific episodes because I’m just gonna just go ahead and say that the Morgan Elsbeth episodes were boring and didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know about the character. Also the bullshit reasoning as to why Morgan doesn’t obviously look Dathomiran is so dumb in that my brain will malfunction if I think about it too much. If the “magic going away” thing was true then how do you explain Merrin and Ventress who still have power and retain their clear Dathomiran appearance? Either way, there is no way Darth Felonious could explain his “logic” to me there because it is all too clear that Morgan was never meant to be Dathomiran in the first place. She was just a bad lady with a spear and that’s that. Love the actress, but the character is just lame. Furthermore, it is so clear that the hat man knows absolutely nothing about Thrawn and I’m not even a Thrawn stan but why even if the guy involved if he just says a few words and leaves? Now before y’all come for me, yes I’m aware these episodes are shorts and the time is precious but to me they could have dedicated more time into explaining to me why Morgan is so loyal to Thrawn. Her reasoning for wanting to join the Empire is empty too in that the Separatists that annihilated her race is now the Empire so…to me that’s not enough reasoning for Morgan to be so dedicated. The only parts that had me engaged were the Grevious bits which were both beautiful and frightening at the same time.
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Now onto the meat which is the Barriss arc which has me both elated and frustrated at the same time. Let’s begin with the stuff I absolutely love.
1.) Barriss proving herself to not be committed to the Dark Side/Empire is a huge win for me and other Barriss super fans who have been preaching this for over a decade. We knew from the moment the trailer came out that Barriss was just going to do what it took to survive and even though she was forced into doing things she really did not want to do, she stayed true to herself and escaped before it was too late. The light in her never left nor did it ever leave her and I just know that Luminara would have been so proud of her. Barriss constantly questioning the Grand Inquisitor and the Fourth Sister had me smiling because that is just Barriss. She will always question things that seem off and will defend her beliefs and values no matter what the danger to herself may be. The line of reclaiming her position of a Jedi is my absolute favorite line and gave me all the feels I get whenever Luke tells Palpatine that he is a Jedi like his father. On a final note, I loved that she showed genuine concern/fear for what was happening to the Jedi when Order 66 was happening and demanded an answer. 
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2.) Barriss being a healer and a protector. It is so satisfying to see it canon on screen that Barriss remains to be a healer after years of being obsessed with the Legends Medstar lore. I absolutely loved that Barriss took off her mask to the terrified boy in the village and protected him against the Fourth Sister’s unnecessary wrath only to save the non-binary (yay representation!) Jedi from death later that day. It all just makes me so happy to get that validation that Barriss has always had a big heart which makes her stand out from other Jedi in my opinion. 
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3.) Barriss sporting that lesbian pixie cut with the adorable laugh/smile lines and being a healer in the mountains helping Force sensitive and the sick/injured just makes my day. It warms my heart to see Barriss be at peace and doing so much good after so much pain and trauma from her past. Though I do miss her hood and would like to see a head covering on her again. Also doing the math, Barriss should be in her thirties during the third episodes so why did they age her up so much? I’ve heard the theory of the Force healing taking her life force but damn Luminara was in her late thirties during the Clone Wars and she had like nothing 😅 One other note that makes me smile is that Barriss is referred to as a “wise mother” and that’s just everything.  Also she looks and acts like just like Luminara they truly could be mother and daughter it’s so sweet 💚💙
4.) Barriss defeating an Inquisitor without a weapon of her own and catching a blade with the Force is so fucking badass, I could re-watch that sequence on repeat forever. 
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5.)The vague Ahsoka mention had my Barrissoka heart exploding. I demand an animated Barrissoka show immediately. 
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Now here are the bits that have me frustrated and I demand that Darth Felonious fixes them later.
1.) The lack of closure between Barriss and Ahsoka/Luminara. Barriss hurt a lot of people from her actions but at the very least it would be nice to see her repair the damage she inflicted on the people closest to her. We never saw anything in regards to Luminara’s reaction to the bombing and knowing what gruesome fate awaits her in Rebels, I was so hoping the two would meet again, make amends before Luminara inevitably sacrificed herself as a final act of love and forgiveness for her Padawan. As for Ahsoka…if the two are able to work together in the future, could we at least see how exactly that came to be? I’m personally growing tired of major developments happening off-screen and we as an audience are just expected to roll with it. Again I’m aware these are shorts, but why do they have to be shorts? Why can’t we just delete the boring Morgan episodes and get like a movie or limited series on this exact journey? 
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2.) The return of yet another ambiguous ending for Barriss. I am a firm believer that Barriss is alive granted that people seem to get stabbed all the time in Star Wars and they get to live so why not Barriss? I understand what they’re doing with Barriss getting through to the Fourth Sister to show us that Barriss has come full circle in her journey from dark to light, however since I’m forced to believe that Barriss had some sort of relationship with this random Inquisitor pre-Empire instead of someone who did have a significant relationship to her, it falls flat for me and it enrages me that if Barriss were to die from this….well I just don’t have words for that. So now I’m wondering if I’m going to have to wait another 10 years to get answers. Thank the Force for fanfic and fanart to get me through. 
3.) Does Barriss even know what the Empire did her Master? Because… I feel that’s another huge story thats being missed here. Ahsoka was able to get some closure with Anakin, why can’t Barriss have the same with Luminara? 
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4.) Never getting anything in terms of what pushed Barriss to bomb the Jedi temple in the first place. That’s my biggest beef with the original Clone Wars series since we see no development as to how Barriss goes from a kind gifted Padawan healer to mastermind of a terror plot. That could a book or show on its own. 
5.) Star Wars continuing to miss what a satisfying redemption arc is. Not only do we need to understand what got a character to do the crime(s) but we need to see the growth that comes from it. That’s what makes the Obi-Wan Kenobi show so good to me is that I now know how Obi-Wan grew from RotS to where we meet him in ANH. I would love to see the same for Barriss, because you just know she’s been on very spiritual/emotional journey to get to where she was at the end of the show. 
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6.) Why was Vader even in this? Given the history Barriss and Anakin share, it is incredible that nothing happened between them post ROTS. And this is like fresh Vader still full of grief and anger by what’s happened so I doubt seeing Barriss even as an Inquisitor initiate would be anymore soothing. I just don’t understand…what a waste. Something more epic and cathartic could have come out of that interaction.
Well I’m done ranting for now, I’m curious to know what your guy’s thoughts are. Otherwise my brain is buzzing with fanfic story ideas and I’ll be getting back on the writing horse as I re-Watch the Barriss episodes into oblivion. 
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zoeykallus · 11 months
Hi buddy. I have an idea. You can ignore it if you want to. Can you write the bad batch + rex as the reader's dad? Like how they treat their children, how many offspring they want. That's it. Thank you for your attention. See ya
Well, this is new 😁 Let me see what I can do for you 😊
The Dad Batch x Offspring!Reader HCs
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Warnings: None that I could think of. (Let Me know if I missed something)
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As soon as he realizes (after Order 66, presumably on Pabuu) that he now has the opportunity to lead a new life, and he finds the right partner, he really likes the idea of having children. In fact, he wants many children, at least four, preferably five or six. So you have a few siblings. Hunter is a very active Dad and likes to take his kids outdoors, camping, fishing, survival training and open fire barbecues. Boys and girls have to go, he makes no exception. For him, this is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with the kids and teach you something in the process. He is fair, he treats all his children equally, although he is always a little more worried about his daughters, which comes automatically and he probably doesn't even realize it. Hunter values his children being able to make their own decisions, within reason, of course. There are rules that you must not break, otherwise you will be punished. He is gentle but also strict when necessary. However, he would never hit his children, not under any circumstances. In his opinion, a parent who has to hit their children to get their point across has failed entirely at being a parent.
Hunter will always openly involve his partner in parenting issues, no one is the good guy or the bad guy here. You all spend a lot of time outdoors, in the woods or by the sea, Hunter hopes that he can pass on his love of nature to you
He hesitates for quite a while before he really thinks about starting a family. It is only on Pabuu that the thought occurs to him for the first time. Echo is not planning a large family, one child, maybe two. He wants to stay within his means. Children have to be looked after, everything costs credits, and he wants to be able to offer his offspring everything, not just what children like to have, but also what they urgently need. Medical care, education and so on. All of which costs credits and, given the circumstances, it is unlikely that Echo and his brothers will become particularly rich. Echo therefore remains rather sensible in his family planning. He's the Dad who's very good at telling stories, when you first ask him to do it he's unsure at first, but he quickly catches fire for it, disguising his voice to mimic the characters in the story. His evening readings before bedtime are a real highlight, and somehow bedtime isn't so stupid when Daddy Echo is there to read stories.
So you probably only have one sibling, and you are both very loved and well cared for. Echo is overprotective, though, especially when you are young. He keeps a very close eye on what you do, where you go, who you hang out with, what you consume and so on. He makes sure you eat a balanced nutrition and usually cooks for the whole family himself whenever he can. Children often tend to perceive such behavior as sabotage or restrictive, but Echo does it out of pure love and concern for his kids.
Children love him, and he loves children. He is the first of his brothers to think about family and children, even before Hunter. If he finds a partner who will go along with the whole thing, he will have up to twelve children. Some of them adopted. He would love to look after all the children in the world. The giant has a heart that is as big as it is soft. Wrecker is playful and approachable, he will always go out of his way to make time for all his children, play games and visit amusement parks. But he also makes time for serious things and always has an open ear. So you probably have a lot of siblings and things are probably often pretty chaotic, but in Wrecker's house there is not only chaos, but also love and team spirit. It's important to him that you all learn to look out for each other, stand up for each other, be decent and never let anyone treat you badly.
Among your siblings are many adopted children who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Wrecker wants to show all his children how good life can be, what there is to discover and learn and what is really important, that you are all loved, without exception.
You are most likely an only child. He is not only your father, but also your teacher. You're home-schooled, partly because of the Empire and the danger of being discovered. Besides, Tech is sure there is no better teacher than him.
Sometimes Tech has to be slowed down a little by his partner, every now, and then he tends to challenge you too much, but this balances out and Tech is very considerate and adaptable when you point this out to him.
Tech loves to tell stories, but also loves to listen. He is fascinated by seeing the world through your eyes, so he loves to listen to you talk and ask questions, describing things as you see them.
From a very early age, you have your own astromech on which Tech teaches you various things and which accompanies you everywhere. The astromech is practically like a pet and develops its own personality over time, evolving with you and your work on it over the years, so to speak.
Tech is a calm, level-headed representative, but also a protector. He will always look after you, no matter how old you are, you will always be his child and he will always be there when you need him.
You're an only child. Crosshair never really thought about having children, but at some point it happened. Don't worry, it may not have been planned, but Crosshair is getting to know a whole new side of himself through your existence. For him, being a father is like an instinct, his protective instinct, the caring, comes from deep within him. No matter how scared he was when you were born, he is a very proud father. Crosshair teaches you everything he knows, he cares, he protects you. He is very skeptical when you bring new friends home, he scrutinizes everyone and makes most of your friends a little nervous. But he's basically harmless as long as you're treated well. Crosshair likes to take you with him, teach you about things, listen to your stories. You'll hear him grumble now and again, but you'll also see him smirk. Every minute you spend with him is precious to him.
It is important to him that you never let yourself get down and that you don't bow your head to others and make yourself smaller than you are. You are something special, he tells you that again and again. Crosshair is sometimes stoic and can also be quite strict, but never to an exaggerated degree. Your safety is important to him, he doesn't compromise on that.
You probably have two or three siblings. Rex is as loving as he is strict. It's important to him that his children are decent, so he sets some rules, and he ensures that you follow them. Respect is important, but so is knowing that you have the same right to be treated with respect. Discipline and decency are just as important in his house as love and affection. Rex is an upright soldier, and this is also evident in his role as a father. Rex is not overly strict, but he insists on the rules he has laid down. This includes tidiness, so your rooms will rarely look like a bomb has gone off. Rex makes sure that you put your things away yourself and teaches you to treat your property and that of others with care. He likes to tell stories, makes the typical dad jokes and tries to make you laugh, no matter how often you tell him that his jokes are embarrassing. Rex just grins and already has the next joke on the tip of his tongue. Rex is a provider and a carer, it's in his nature. His children will never want for anything, he will see to that, no matter how difficult that may be at times.
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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tragedy-for-sale · 6 months
Bedrock Headcannons: Captain Rex
Bedrock headcannons are headcannons that I regard as a fact in the personality of a character I write about. They range from small details to a huge part of a character's backstory. These headcannons are a constant underlayer in all of my fics that involve these characters.
﹄『❝ Rex ❞』﹃
Rex is the clone that fell out of the gunship with Padme in AOTC and when Anakin found out, his fondness for Rex was instant.
Rex and Padme hang out regularly now. Padme invited Rex over for lunch countless times before Anakin even knew. The two were watching some holodrama talking shit about the characters when Anakin came in beyond confused to see Rex, because how did Rex not tell him this? Anakin panicked thinking he was gonna have to pull out an excuse but Rex just downed his apple juice and told him to sit down because he was blocking the TV.
Anakin was very surprised that Padme didn't tell him that she told HIS Captain they were married. And that Rex didn't bring it up. Anakin feels a little left out because the two of them have inside jokes and matching apple juice glasses.
Rex's favorite drink is apple juice and Padme always has some in her fridge for him.
He is not a loud emotions type of guy. He cannot handle it and wants to evaporate from the situation. He'd be teamed up with Ahsoka and maybe she'd start crying or get really mad and starts yelling. Rex doesn't know how to respond. Anakin will laugh loudly and pull Rex into a side hug and he just shuts down. He doesn't know what he'd say because he's so scared of saying the wrong thing.
Rex is a natural blond.
Anakin had explained to Rex he'd never have a padawan, Rex very much agreed. The battlefield wasn't a place for a child. But then Ahsoka came and at first, Rex resented this grubby little kid who kept asking him for his snacks. But then they'd be on the bridge watching blaster fire and she'd grab his hand, scared of getting hurt. Ahsoka started waking up in the middle of the night and find Rex because unlike Obi-Wan and Anakin, he wouldn't tell her that everything was okay, he'd just sit with her in the dark so she knew she was safe. He didn't know when he started considering Ahsoka his little sister, but she'd always considered him her brother.
Rex has a crush on Anakin that he thinks is quite inconvenient because he thinks Anakin is ugly. But then Anakin will make him laugh or smile at him and Rex feels like his heart is going to stop.
After Ahsoka left the order, Rex reached out countless times. He wanted to talk to her, give her credits he borrowed from Anakin's wallet, tell her to go crash at Padme's because she has a really nice guest bedroom, he wanted to give her hug and tell her that she'd always be his little sister. But she never answered him, she never reached out, she never even said goodbye.
Rex was the first person Padme told that she was pregnant, so for nine months, Rex couldn't say anything to Anakin. Rex thought he might explode. They'd already lost Ahsoka, but in nine months maybe Anakin wouldn't be so unhappy? Maybe his heart wouldn't be so broken? Maybe Ahsoka would come back and they'd be a family again- In nine months, Rex knew everything would change.
Everything did change. Ahsoka came back, but Rex never saw Anakin again and there was no Padme, there was no babies. Their family never healed, it only fell apart.
After Order 66, Rex broke. He didn't have anything left within him. He clawed at the dirt and debris in desperate search for his brothers until his fingers were smashed. He'd search for days and Ahsoka would find him often passed out from dehydration and exhaustion. If he managed to sleep, he'd wake up screaming, he didn't want to scare Ahsoka more than he already had been, so he tried to stop sleeping. But that only scared her more, she couldn't lose him too, she wouldn't survive it. Rex didn't speak, he always had a distant look on his face, he was paralyzed by grief. For weeks, Rex was unable to do anything but sit silently in his grief because if he spoke then he'd yell and he didn't want to yell because then it'd all come out. "Why'd you take my chip out? Why didn't you just kill me?"
﹄『❝ Rex ❞』﹃
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silvertws · 6 months
"Hermit craft" and other ccs because they are cool. STAR WARS AU (I think imma do different ones depending on like Prequels, Sequels, and Present or whatever it's called yk, droids, Vader and Kylo)...? Unsure I'm just doing Vader now.
*Cries in the amount of research I'm going to have to do*
Xiuma and Mumbo -> def mechanics, ships repairing, Mumbo never drove any of his fucking ships, he would suck as a pilot, Xiuma is good at it tho!
Grian -> one of the best, if not the best pilot in the galaxy -> does bro have the force? Yuh, does he know or use it? Nuh uh also Pearl's sibling, they got separated when little.
Scar -> co-pilot of Grian, has a motored wheelchair, he's the most curious one out of the two. He is the one that tells Grian to do something and join the rebellion.
Doc ->maybe some imperial scientist of some kind???? He scares me.
Scott... You scare me but! Leader potential? Scavenging with Cleo, Scott -> the brain, Cleo -> them muscles, she's a skilled blaster fighter, possibly Mandalorian..? We're there mandalorians of that species....?????Cleo is a Togruta def.
Pearl -> definitely started off as a Padawan, sister of Grian -> = older (aka, yes the gist of "mf is too old to be trained, but his sister ain't, YOINK"), yeah he was not pleased. Pearl basic doesn't remember him, like, she knows she has a brother somewhere, but yk. Yeah so, Master dies, obviously 🙄, cause you know order 66, still debating who that should be... Uhhhhh Maybe Impulse? Yes you're dying boi. Be sad. Someone has to. So yeah, she escapes, and then I'm going to presume she's going in hiding... With another surviving Padawan... Maybe Gem, yeah. Yeah shiny duo why not. So they go into hiding, they survive by themselves, somehow, a bit of thievery never hurt anyone... Oh wait.
Anyway happiness doesn't last.
Bye bye Pearl, to get captured and become a sith you gooo.
Sorry Gem <\3 you'll see each other again.
While Pearl is "busy" turning to the Darkside and Just not having s good time, Gem joins the rebels, not revealing her past, he's lightsaber was broken during her qnd Pearl's escape after all. She does still have her Kyber cristal (green..? They focus more on defending to my knowledge, plus healing? Something like that) Pearl's used to be blue.
So yeah, Gem joins the rebels, where she does missions here and there and meets people like Tango.
Tango -> Pilot, and one of the leaders of a small squad that usually does ambushes to the Empire. (This is due to how fucking mental this guy was with EVERYTHING last season, he deserves to have a leading and planning spot)
Etho is a spy for the rebels. No questions asked. He is. Why? Don't exactly know...? He gives me spy vibes. Mf works for the Empire but is a double agent.
Joel and Lizzie have a bar where they try to keep it neutral, they don't enjoy the empire but don't want to risk loosing what they have to actively fight. They do hide rebels from time to time and share some rations. They know Tango, since he's the one who usually contacts them and also hid there a couple of times. They also know Etho since he goes there whenever he's dispatched to the planet.
Yes. The "Etho stop being obsessed with me" joke lives on.
Now... Owen. You sir. Terrify me. You're very scary as a villain but very adorable as a hero which you know what that means.
oh this mf is playing the rebels like fools!
Nobody suspects the nice mechanic and co-pilot to be an imperial spy... Definitely didn't install a tracker on the ship AND the droid.
Grian and scar + Cleo and Scott + Etho, Gem, Owen all know each other.
Cleo and Scott do not care to join the rebellion and probably never will.
Scar convinces Grian to help.
Etho squad and Scott team have often had fights because of one stealing stuff before the other.
Joey is a pirate with Sausage, Skizz and Martyn. The often had fights with literally all of the other teams.
Ren -> imperial general.
Jimmy -> you know what..? Bounty hunter. And you may think. Jimmy..? A bounty hunter? Bro u cray cray, Nuh uh. Listen. Listen. He's not HORRIBLE at his job, he's not super great either. But he does get enough cash to survive.
Now. Who has a bounty on them..?
Literally everyone I mentioned tbh-
But for plot, and because you guys love flower husbands, I'm gonna go with Scott.
So yeah goofy bounty hunter×the one mf who keeps on slipping away.
And yes, he does go to Joel bar to complain and Joel keeps on taunting him about it.
Ok now.
We did flower husbands.
So I think it's time for the Nature wives.
Shelby is indeed a force user... Or maybe a Witch from Dathomir??? Or maybe.. ok.
Let's say.
She goes to Dathomir.
And like, I remember basically nothing about that so please don't come for me for inaccuracies.
If I remember, from Star wars fallen order (I have not played survivor yet.), the witches are dead. Except one yk, our beloved girlypop, so idk if I should do Shubble being the last one, and meeting Katherine as she crashed down on her planet. Or idk.
Also Katherine is a princess 100%
Think about her like Leia, cool, badass, and fights, I'm thinking for her to be a Mandalorian, because fighting you know. Wither that or she's just the princess of idek. My memory of the planets and systems is very limited ok? I'm very bad with names...
So yeah, maybe a bit of a black lightsaber situation could happen? Idek.
BigB and B-Dubs... I again have no idea.
I don't watch these two- they could be bounty hunters...? Merchants...???? Mercenaries....???? No clue- I mean, I have basically 0 villains planned but I don't think either of them could be an inquisitor or a general/commander of some kind- and I don't know how I wanna do the stormtroopers so... They could be Jedi masters? Maybe one died and the other didn't? Maybe they both died to protect the Padawans? Maybe they're both alive..???? Ughhhhhh ToT
I definitely need to put more villains-
But I don't wannaaaa ToT like sure, the pirate gang, sure, bounty hunter Jimmy.
But the inquisitors brooo.
Like other than Pearl idkkk
She slays so hard she doesn't need other inquisitors-
Like idek know who to make the BBEG
cause like... Scott could definitely be Vader ok. I know. I Know........ And Cleo be an inquisitor??? But I like Jimmy and Scott possible dynamic as bounty hunter×that one mf-
Likeeee arghhhhh
Ren is just too Goofy to be plays as a BBEG
Owen just has to betray someone ok? He needs the switch up.
Literally idek-
Do I randomly put Kier and Dev into this???
Philza and Tommy could definitely be Jedi Master and young Padawan...
Like Ranboo is not giving villain.
Technoblade definitely would but, I don't want to put him in... In case I get yelled at TwT
Niki could be an inquisitor- definitely giving "the Jedi are corrupted at and so I decided to kill them all as revenge for taking away my childhood and my right of choice". So yeah.. definitely a "Padawan indoctrinated by the Darkside becomes inquisitor". Kinda like Pearl? But she didn't get tortured- it was kinda her choice sooooo. I guess I'm putting Niki in
FableSMP members???? Do I just put Fable as the BBEG????He could be more like Palpatine than Vader tho, since the manipulation and being well, powerful as fu- like, he works...Ok now I have ideas for FableSMP characters... Enderian would def be a witch of Datomir, my only issu with that is that I don't exactly know how that would work with Centross.
But. For what does work.
Wolf/Fenris??? Idk how it's written.
Used to be an imperial general, betrayed Fable. When he realized his kingdom was not safe even if he stayed with him.
Rae -> in this universe Enderian is out of the picture, like not even mentioned, sorry girly.
Rae is the child of Isla, who was the queen of whatever because again, this is just me writing down dumb ideas. So, Rae and Icarus were sent away when he was little by Isla, who wanted to keep him away from the empire's arms due to his connection to the force.
Icarus -> older sibling to Rae, has no connection to the force, (no Quixis, you're not doing shit this time >:(), when them and Rae were sent away, they didn't understand why fully. As he got older they resented Rae because they felt like if Rae didn't have a connection to the force then they'd be able to be a family. But that resentment soon moved to the force itself, the stores about the Jedis, the sith, all that chaos. They don't know exactly how to help Rae, all they can do is try to protect him from the empire. (I'm giving Rae and Icarus a good-ish relationship ok? We all need that)
Momboo and Ocie -> are sisters, both use the force and both were trained by the Jedis, needless to say they are not like 20 yo, I think imma make them around 35/40..? (Safe to say Icarus and Momboo won't have a relationship.No.)
They both survived order 66 but got separated.
Now for the angsty part.
Momboo during her travels tried to find and protect kids gifted with the force. She would then proceed to die, leaving Jamie and Uhh fuck I don't remember their name, well, her other kid ok? With one message, to find Ocie, she could help them.
Ocie did not have as much maternal instincts as her sister, but, she picked along a small child, Oscar, a child made orphan by the empire. I'm figuring out the species still. She would settle down, she thought she was away from everything, that she could heal. Then Momboos kids came, and boom, training arc for those little shits. (/Sarcastic /not mean /please I'm not serious)
Centross -> now, I know in FableSMP he's not on Fable's side but Enderian's, the problem with that is that I think that the only thing that fits Enderian is a Dathomir's witch. And I don't exactly know how that could work. Like sure, let's make her a sith, but she's supposed to be like on Fable's power level, and she's definitely not a Jedi. So. For Centross, he could 100% be an inquisitor. 100% not even questioning it. This is based upon when he was violet reaper, yes yes, I am aware he was not on Fable's side, but I believe Fable is more fit as Palpatine than Enderian, sorry girlboss. Also sorry Centross, you're not getting a redemption arc.
Origin members..?????? (Except you know who ofc)
Do I just mix up some Steve Saga like- I CAN'T DO THAT YK.
Like so many but yet arghhhhh
So many possible heroessss.
Like the only ones I KNOW could be great villains for sure are Pearl, Scott, and Owen. And Scott and Owen are the only ones who I could see as the BBEG.
But again, you know... TwT
Can't use Scott, Owen is already a traitor, unsure if he should be using the force.
And Pearl is just- s c a r y but she will have a redemption arc so yk.
Like Gem could also have villain potential but likeeeeee
I will maybe get more ideas in the future once I've done more research.
Please this is just a draft so don't come for me and the inaccuracies. I'm not even sure I'll actually bother to write an actual storyline, this is for funzies. Also the ages of characters might vary from the originals because again, this is an AU.
Also if anyone sees this and knows how to write and for some reason does anything with this, cool! :DDD it's not gonna happen, but cool!
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casp1an-sea · 2 months
Guys what do you think should happen to my Clone OC Switch after he wakes up in a Corsocaunt hospital mid order 66 (having not revived the order himself due to being unconscious)
You can suggest whatever but he does survive and he doesn’t ever join the empire say any suggestions in replies or reblogs (or even asks Idrc)
@theosb0rnway @diabollicallyangelic @silly-little-goober-core @here-comes-the-moose @fives-ren
For added context if you want it at least 2 of his squadmates were KIA previously (a third unconfirmed) And another squad mates chip malfunctioned mid war causing him to kill another squad mate in which he was arrested by the republic and will join the empire after order 66. Making Switch the only remaining member of his squad.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 2 years
Round Three: Berthasaura vs Maip
Berthasaura leopoldinae
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Artwork by @i-draws-dinosaurs, written by @i-draws-dinosaurs
Name meaning: Bertha and Leopoldina’s reptile (in honour of naturalist and women’s rights activist Bertha Maria Júlia Lutz, and first Empress of Brazil and advocate for Brazilian independence Maria Leopoldina)
Time: Uncertain, likely ~121 to 75 million years ago (Aptian to Albian stages of the Early Creataceous) but may be younger
Location: Goio-Erê Formation, Brazil
Theropods are famously carnivorous dinosaurs, but many, many groups of theropods have decided “actually but what if I didn’t” and gone vegetarian, and yet it’s still wild when another one of those pops up every now and then. Even among them though, Berthasaura is special for being the only theropod that seems to have tried to just straight up turn itself into an ornithopod. The long spindly legs, the teeny little arms, and a big head with a toothless beak all come together to create an utterly bizarre little theropod that honestly nobody could have predicted.
Berthasaura is a noasaur, and those of you familiar will at this moment be saying “oh of course it’s a noasaur” because those guys were small ceratosaurs that were basically Theropod Wacky Experimental Phase 1.0. Within this group you’ve got wild sticky-outy teeth, a single weight-bearing toe on each foot in our fellow competitor Vespersaurus, and now multiple instances of beaks evolving independently. Theropods just love to evolve a beak, what can I say? Whatever the hell Berthasaura had going on, it must have been successful because as the basalmost noasaurid currently known its direct lineage has been surviving since at least the Late Jurassic!
Maip macrothorax
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Artwork by @i-draws-dinosaurs, written by @zygodactylus
Name Meaning: Long-chested Shadow of Death 
Time: 72 to 66 million years ago (Maastrichtian stage of the Late Cretaceous) 
Location: Chorrillo Formation, Patagonia, Argentina 
Megaraptors, a group not even really understood a few decades ago, just keep having more and more interesting members added to this group - Maip, a recent addition known from many bones of the trunk and tail, help fill out more of this picture with remains not known from other Megaraptors, and als having the most complete Megaraptor skeleton known. Maip was also interesting in having a very long, thick torso, leading to its specific name. It probably reached 9 to 10 meters in length in life, making it the largest Megaraptor known (literally reaching carcharodontosaurid size), and it may indicate that megaraptors rose to high-level predator status as other top predators went extinct in the region. It had a respiratory system similar to modern birds, with unidirectional air flow, much like other Saurischian dinosaurs. Living in southernmost South America, Maip would have had to deal with a variety of harsh climates, and may have been covered in feathers in order to keep warm. In addition to mosasaurs, snakes, turtles, mammals, fish, and frogs, Maip lived with other dinosaurs such as Nullotitan, Kookne, Yatenavis, and Isasicursor. 
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jun-hyungs · 8 months
so I've been wondering about this for a while, but couldn't find a post on your blog rly talking abt it (excpet the one where you mention my star wars blog). What did Order 66 look like for Spoons ? And also, what did the poor baby have to endure after-
i've had some ideas thought out for a while, just never drawn or written anything out haha. spoons had really good relationships with his jedi so order 66 really took a lot out of him ;; when tapal and cal were trying to escape the albedo brave after the order was issued, spoons was one of the troopers in the front line whose barrage of blaster fire eventually killed tapal. this would be something he'd never forgive himself for as long as he lived, even if he didn't feel like himself when it happened. he wouldn't know about the chips implanted in their heads - who would, out of his battalion? - and he wouldn't doubt that even if cal did survive, he would never trust spoons or any other clone ever again.
spoons would fight against the chip's influence the whole time, even if it did little to change his actions. it just didn't make sense to him, why the jedi he grew to love so much could become traitors punishable by death - especially cal, who was just a child. he would hesitate to fire at him as cal made his escape, but he'd still fire nonetheless. spoons was made to fight wars, but nothing would prepare him to fight against his own mind. that day would continue to give him nightmares for the years to follow, it was like his mind's way of telling him he should never forget what he did.
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there weren't supposed to be any survivors after the albedo brave exploded, but among the broken pieces that crashed onto bracca, spoons had only barely managed to get away. maybe the impact shook the chip loose or maybe it was the guilt that made him flee to the farthest, most remote planet he could manage to find instead of reporting to the nearest authorities and probably be turned into a mindless soldier like he was always meant to be. of course, he'd never get anywhere with his armour so he sold every piece as soon as he could, replaced it with a disguise so no one would look too closely at his face. eventually, he'd find work on a distant planet on a shipyard like on bracca. he wouldn't just allow himself to die because he believes he doesn't even deserve that, after what he's done. he believes he should suffer the rest of his days knowing he ultimately failed his jedi, the most important people in his life.
as if he couldn't punish himself enough, spoons would abandon the hobbies he used to take comfort in. just to make sure of it, he thought he'd take away even the temptation of it, make sure he could never create anything again. working at a shipyard meant having access to power tools, and he could pass off an intrusive impulse as a workplace accident. prosthetics were cheap, after all. cheaper than losing a worker, at least.
it isn't all that bad, though. some of the workers' kids like to explore the broken down ships before they're scrapped, and sometimes the guy with the robot arms is nice enough to buy them treats. the jawa kid should really stop trying to dismantle said guy's robot arms for parts, though.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: “Spark of Rebellion”
With the Ahsoka show coming up here in August, I have just enough time for a full refresher so, you know, I Might As Well.
This is going to be different from my normal liveblogs, obviously, less real-time reactions and more commentary and meta analysis, though you’ll probably still get some incoherent nerdery and feelings spew here and there.
All right, let’s get into it.
You know with the benefit of hindsight, Vader’s speech to the Grand Inquisitor here is actually a perfect encapsulation and summary of the premise of the show.
“Hey so the Jedi are dead and the Empire reigns but the Emperor is still worried about threats to his rule, so your job is to hunt down and kill anyone a little bit too Force Sensitive and also anyone Order 66 managed to miss.”
It’s an interesting choice of phrase too.
“The Children of the Force”
Emphasizes the villainy of our bad guys in that they’re hunting down literal children and also seems to suggest some kind of protectiveness from the Force here; these are its children, people born into its “family”, so to speak.
The show opens with the “boy who was lost” and closes with the “girl who was broken”, Sabine’s move into more narrative prominence S3 onward was not a writing mistake, it was purposeful, it was deliberate, the show is their coming-of-age arc, they are co-protagonists, they are each other’s Most Important Person and have so much influence on each other’s character development and it’s reflected so perfectly in that seventy-something episodes later we’re going to see Sabine standing right here where Ezra’s standing now.
Okay I’m good.
Right here is also when we hear our first classic Star Wars leitmotif, as the Imperial March blares out with obnoxious brassy flair.
Followed almost immediately by the short excerpt of the Rebel Alliance theme that functions as our stinger.
(I’m going to be talking about the score A LOT this time around, better get used to it lol.)
Ugh, there was this one stupid post that was like, “What’s so bad about the Empire regulating commerce anyway?  Controlling food safety is a good thing!”  REGULATIONS ARE A TOOL OF THE STATE TO CONTROL ITS PEOPLE SHARON, you notice they harass this vendor specifically because he hasn’t asked permission from the oh-so-benevolent Empire to make a couple credits selling a single basket of fruit, as if that’s something the Empire needs to control, and when he dares to complain about it they immediately want to toss him in prison.  That’s the epitome of petty state authoritarianism.
This is also such a wonderful character establishing moment for Ezra, because as much as he says he’s only out for himself and doesn’t stick his neck out for people the very first thing we see him doing in the show is surreptitiously sticking up for this harassed vendor.
We learn three main things here: 1. He’s clever and agile, 2. He’s a street kid trying to survive, 3. He actually really does care about people.  All in less than a minute.  Very tight writing.
I love the sound effect they use to signify Force use.  It’s very pretty.
Aaaaand of course accompanying it, the quiet string prelude to the classic Force theme.  An immediate auditory clue cueing us into the fact that Ezra is also Force Sensitive.  So unconsciously, we’re already primed to expect that.
Snrk, I still love how casually Sabine tosses the grenade onto the speeder.
There’s a strechiness and elasticity to the character models here that I think they lose later, as the tone evens out into being more serious, but it’s very Disney-esque.
Actually hilarious and kind of fascinating that instead of stopping Ezra, Sabine lets him keep part of the shipment and have a fair shot at escaping.
She definitely sounds like she likes his gumption.
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If no supposed to ship, why let Tiya say the line so playfully here?
Zeb’s resigned thumbs up always cracks me up.
It bears repeating but the animation?  Very Disney-esque.  The whole way characters move, their design, how they emote and express.
I was always particularly impressed by the hair.
Look at it.
It’s always shifting softly around Ezra’s face and blowing in the wind and reacting to his movement shafkjghkajh.
SO much better than early Clone Wars.
No, shut up, go back and watch those awkward early episodes.
The faces don’t emote.
Kanan’s fond little smile. :)  He already loves that kid so much.
Again with the animation being very 2D Disney hand-drawn inspired in the way Kanan sloughs his shoulders here replying to Hera.
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Hgnnnglllll the little shine in Ezra’s irises shifts like it’s an anime sparkle, I love this animation I love it I love it your Clone Wars could never.
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If no supposed to ship, literally why have this moment with the classic Sees Her In Sparklevision trope?  (Okay so I added the actual sparkles but still.)
Seriously Filoni.  “I think there’s an automatic instinct to ship them.”  WELL WITH THIS COMING DAY ONE EPISODE ONE WHAT DID YOU THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN?!
Hi Kallus!
Right so after this sequence where Ezra feels inexplicably guilty for not doing more to help the people of Tarkintown despite him literally only finding out they existed two minutes ago there was pretty much no way I wasn’t going to love him.
I think my brain subconsciously recognized, “Oh, he has a Hero Complex.” annnnd yep, yep, that did it, he’s my son now.
Interestingly, this is also I believe the first time we hear Ezra’s leitmotif, which like Luke’s theme is primarily in brass but in a minor key, slower, more somber, more introspective, almost a thematic foil to the adventurous bold excitement of Luke’s theme.
Luke’s theme, AKA the Star Wars Main Title theme, by the way, is primarily used throughout Rebels to denote heroism.  Typically it comes in whenever we have a Gunship Rescue from the Ghost or some other kind of Big Damn Heroes moment.
Side note appreciating the animation again, the storyboarding and blocking is very cinematic.  The camera moves as it might on a modern Hollywood production instead of a weekly TV serial, which I think helps makes Rebels feel closer to the Original Trilogy.
And here the full Force theme breaks through. :)
Note: At this point, behind the scenes, Hera and Kanan have already discussed Ezra’s potential Force Sensitivity, and agreed to test him.  I am still sorely in need of fanfics that cover that conversation.  Just saying.
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Like, there’s a reason why this conversation and footage is used in a million Sabezra amvs.
Ezra rubbing his hand on his neck, Sabine’s soft looks of concern at him, how warmly she finally reciprocates on telling him her name...
(Also notice how Ezra, empath that he is, immediately cottons onto the fact that Sabine considers the Ghost crew her family and discerns that something or other happened to her bio family.)
Gremlin child Ezra. <3
I’m sorry, I just noticed this:
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What is that look, Sabine?  Lolol.
Hera going into Mom Mode immediately.  Her cheeky look back at Kanan, lol, she knows exactly what she’s doing.
Edgy TWC bros complained so much about the humor in early Season One and I say they have no taste, “rare hairless Wookie” is hilarious.
Part Twooooooooo!
For all his bluster and his devil may care facade, Ezra had that Jedi compassion and drive in him from the very start, I will hear NO slander otherwise.
Something in this escape sequence I absolutely love?  Ezra clinging to Zeb’s back.  Just the way he grabs Zeb’s legs and climbs him like a feral cat.  And Zeb does not appreciate it lol.
Oh hey, we’re at The Scene That Basically Sealed Ezra As Tari’s New Favorite Whump Target.
Yeah, protip to all showrunners, you put an emotionally vulnerable young male protagonist in mortal peril and you basically guarantee that I will obsess and fixate on them forever.
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Hngl and you can hear him hyperventilating too ow my heart.
A brief excerpt of Ezra’s theme plays right here too, as if to compound Zeb’s guilt about the whole thing lol.
Like the score itself is saying, “HEY AREN’T YOU MISSING SOMEONE?!”
Sabine automatically assuming Zeb did something to Ezra. <3
Hera full-naming Zeb. <333333
A couple people pointed out before that Ezra flinches pretty noticably when Kallus reaches for him, and Kallus definitely marks that reaction with his eyes.  It’s such a quick little sequence but it’s fascinating in the layers it suggests.
I reiterate: The subtle facial animation is this show is fantastic.  The minute little emotions that you can pick up tell so much story.
Chopper voting with Hera to go back for Ezra. <333333333333333  The murder hobo does have a heart.
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I love the little sideglance these troopers give each other after Ezra seals them in.  You can’t even see their faces but you know they’re chagrined all, “Oh.  Ohhhh we’re in so much trouble.”
And the joke is even followed up on when Kallus demands to know how Ezra escaped and this poor dude just has all the notes of, “This is the worst day of my life.” in his voice lololol.
I gotta gives props to Taylor Gray, he pulls off Ezra’s impersonations really well.
So how much do you want to bet Kallus had unfortunate flashbacks every time one of Sabine’s bombs threw him?
“I’m sure your parents must be worried sick.”  “I don’t have parents.”
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(Also, same, Hera, same.)
Speaking of entire stories being told in the subtle expressions...
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Tangenting here a little bit, I’ve seen more than one bad faith reading chiding Kanan and especially Hera for “manipulating Ezra into being a child soldier” and hnnghghghgkjgdksh could you guys have any worse comprehension?
Ezra’s fate, narratively and meta-textually speaking, was sealed the moment he volunteered the information about the Wookies and actively took part in their rescue.  He didn’t have to do any of that.  He could have stayed quiet.  He didn’t.  He could have made Hera drop him off first.  He didn’t.  He could have stayed on the ship the whole rescue.  He didn’t.  And yeah, some of the reason why is because Hera told him it was better to fight for others than only for himself, but also have you considered that Ezra maybe is just that selfless at heart?
(See above where his Establishing Character Moment was saving that fruit vendor.)
ANYWAY, if he hadn’t done any of that, Kallus would have never seen him leap far higher than he was supposed to be able to, and would never have marked him as a Force Sensitive, would never have alerted the Inquisitor to him and basically marked him as a target.
Any time the local Lothal garrison spotted him, their impetus would be his capture and/or extermination.  Ditto for when news eventually reached the Inquisitorius.
The safest place for him was absolutely staying with the Ghost (where he could be trained to protect himself) and they even gave him the choice about it.
To say that he was manipulated or guilted by Hera into following instincts that were already inside him denies Ezra his narrative agency; he chose to become a Rebel and fight against the Empire.  Hera might have awakened his heroism but it was Ezra who Answered The Call.
All right, tangent over.
Oh ho man, you can tell they went into this with zero plans to redeem Kallus.
I mean, I’m glad that it happened, I definitely enjoy that aspect of his character.  But there was noooooo groundwork laid for it in these early episodes lol.
Writers got halfway in and realized, “Shit, we like him.” and then had to scramble to come up with something, which, I mean... I relate.
Ah, here’s what I mean when I say Luke’s theme is used primarily as a shorthand for the element of heroism.
And for an example of what I’m talking about re: cinematic camera motion, there’s the bit right where the crew charges out of the cargo hold onto the platform on Kessel.  The camera is behind our subjects and instead of immediately cutting to an exterior shot (which would be perfectly acceptable), instead it sort of rolls out behind them, pushing down and forward with them, for a more dynamic shot.
Add several tracking shots after that, that basically follow specific characters, and with that simple cinema magic, the action sequence feels more frenetic and energized.
Gosh, Ezra was so tiny back in Season One.
I do like this cue right here, when the Imperial ship drops in, don’t know if it’s generic action filler or it becomes a leitmotif later, will have to pay attention I guess.
With context from A New Dawn, we know that Kanan has not ignited his lightsaber since Order 66, though he apparently came pretty close it in that book.  I just find it rather beautiful and poetic that the Force tells him it’s time right when he has a padawan to protect. :)
And this reveal is still excellently done, fine candidate for my personal No Context Signature Scene Test (that being a scene which, when shown in isolation, showcases off the best of a movie or show and entices watchers to check out the rest, it must do a good job of selling the work, essentially).
POV shot as Kanan stands up out of cover, cut to in front of him, the action music drops out and fades into the Force Theme and Kanan just kind of... casually walks through shots, leaning around them, the sound gets muted slightly, we get the gunslinger shot of the lightsaber pieces clicking together and then the Force Theme gets a bass drum flare to emphasize the moment.  Awed looks from everyone.  A triumphant musical cue.
Even Kallus is unnerved for a second lol.
And I love the verbal hesitation when he says, “Focus your fire on... on the Jedi.” like he can’t even believe he’s saying that.
Is it any wonder why I love the whole Rebellion Era Jedi aesthetic?  It does such a good job of encapsulating pure eucatastrophe, the sudden happy turn for good, a beacon of light and hope breaking through the darkness and despair.
The Wookies look at Kanan like a living legend has stepped out of the pages of their storybooks.
HNGH no one touch me.
And of course, Kanan stepping up immediately inspires Ezra to do the same, I love these two so much.
Wilhelm scream, lol.
See people, Kallus already associates Ezra with Kanan and has marked them as a master-padawan pair, there was no chance Ezra was going to just be able to keep his head down and live his life after this.
And again with the subtle expressions, there’s just a flash of sadness from Ezra here as he watches Kitwarr reunite with his dad, HAVE I MENTIONED I LOVE HOW UTTERLY EXPRESSIVE THE FACES ARE IN THIS SHOW?
I do kind of wonder what made Ezra decide to swipe Kanan’s lightsaber.
He had a thought to sell the holocron but honestly it seems like he wanted to keep the saber.  As a keepsake?  To use?
Honestly though I love it when writers have Force Sensitives just kind of compulsively drawn to Jedi artifacts and tools.  Like some part of them is called by the Force within the items.
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There’s a really cute, almost shy way that Sabine ducks into her shoulders here.  I see it in amvs all the time but no one ever really talks about it.
I mean, along with Chopper’s sad little moan I think it’s meant to convey that they’re already fond of him and regret him having to leave.
Chopper loved Ezra from the beginning and only gave him grief because that’s how he shows affection change my mind.
Ezra does not take Zeb’s playful hit well, flinches like he did with Kallus.  Of course later he’d get used to it but right now Ezra definitely does not associate roughhousing with affection.
Ezra gets so timid in his body language here.
I... I would really love to know how Kanan got up the tower.  Where exactly is the turbolift in this thing?  Is it in Ezra’s room?  How’d Kanan sneak past?
I know we’re meant to believe Kanan is physically there and just Batmans in and out but honestly I don’t blame the people with the wild theory that Ezra’s having a vision of Kanan in this moment.
Speaking of Ezra’s timid body language, have you noticed how often he crosses his arms, in an insecure kind of self-protective fashion?  This all but goes away in the later seasons as he grows up.
Aaaaaand we hear a snatch of Leia’s theme as Obi-Wan’s message plays again, a little musical Call Forward to the princess’s iconic plea for help perhaps?
Interestingly it fades into a very understated version of Luke’s theme, without the full orchestral accompaniment, just a single trumpet and then some quiet strings playing the notes.
I’m going to have to pay attention but I’m tentatively hypothesizing that Leia’s theme will primarily represent the aspect of hope in the series, to accompany Luke’s representing the idea of heroism.
Hope and heroism, two classic archthemes of Star Wars, lol.
Maybe it’s fitting that Ezra’s theme kind of blends the feel of both of the twins’.
On a completely different note, nice to see composer Kiner keeping in the tradition of assigning the Ominous Latin Chorus to the villains, lol.
I like Grand’s theme, it’s reminiscent of the Emperor’s, all bass male voices and dark minor chords in the strings.
I warned y’all I was gonna be talking about the soundtrack a lot in these.
And that’s the pilot premiere down.  Some people said they found it hard to get into the series at first, but I was never one of them, the pilot had me hooked from the get go.  Granted it was my birthday and I was a bit, ah... sloshed at the time.
Still, there was pretty much no way I wasn’t going to be into this show.  The classic Star Wars feel, the lovely animation, the fact that Ezra was basically exactly My Type... (Orphan, tragic backstory, Hero Complex, heartwarming relationship with (surrogate) father figure, this boy was ticking off boxes left and right lemme tell ya.)
Pilot still holds up.  Not every show’s first episode does but this one does.
This was a fun exercise.  I think I’m going to try to knock one of these out a day at a time until Ahsoka drops, maybe not as in-depth and rambly as this one, but we’ll see.
Until tomorrow then.
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eriexplosion · 7 months
Tribe! Another fun one off.
Honestly with all the stress and everything of TBB lately given the Wait for season 3, I'm just appreciating these one off adventures, I honestly wish we had more of them putting me at odds with a ton of the fandom.
God I love Tech insisting they do not need to check the chain codes because HE MADE THEM HIMSELF like bby they don't know you and also that is the MOST suspicious thing you could have said.
I feel like Echo is on guard duty because they had DISAGREEMENTS about delivering fake chain codes to whoever the hell. Also the way Omega doesn't even wait ten seconds after Echo goes inside to start wandering off because she just feels something is Wrong.
His reaction to clones is painful, it makes complete sense after Order 66 but still. My heart ;_;
The droid hearing "We have a situation" and immediately looking up at the batch like this has to be their fault.
"The cause of that blaster fire is either Echo or Omega..... most likely Omega." Tech is the funniest man in this show.
God Gungi with sad eyes is the SINGLE MOST HEARTBREAKING THING. BABY. I want to cherish and protect this carpet.
Echo and Hunter conferring is one of my favorite things still, they're really co-leaders at this point, even if the orders still come from Hunter.
"He's a Jedi, he's not safe anywhere" WAILING
I'm sorry Hunter calling it a laser sword like he's never worked with a jedi before is still SO funny.
Gungi only remembering Kashyyyk from his dreams is the kind of thing I will think about and then immediately get sad again that is the saddest possible thing to say ever.
The music when they arrive at the destroyed village is GREAT.
"The Empire destroyed our home too. Don't worry, we'll find your people." - this is something that's going to come back in season 3 I'm sure, when Pabu is destroyed. This is why I think that what will end up being irrevocably lost through the show isn't people, it's places, dealing with the loss of a place you Belong, and moving past that by having your People, your community and your family, with you. It permeates through Echo's focus on rescuing other clones, Omega's desire to keep the batch together and reunite everyone, Pabu as a city of refugees who found and support each other.
Ugh the destroying the carved stones, the importance of culture and how the Empire just destroys it without any care while Phee tries to restore and preserve it. But tying in with the previous - as long as the people survive, not everything is lost.
"Jedi or not, he's still a child. He needs his people." MORE THINGS THAT MAKE MY HEART HURT IN THE BEST WAY.
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Today on 'Cultural Sensitivity With Echo' we cover 'eating unknown foods'
"We'll stay and help you fight them. You don't have to do this alone." AGAIN, THEMES THAT ARE IMPORTANT.
I love how open and chill they are with 'the trees have a plan' like fuck why not, we're following the trees lead here.
Goddddd waking up the giant spiders to attack the Trandoshans, I love it.
The bad guy just being dragged away screaming. Don't want to see what happens to Venomor! Though to be fair, we don't see him die he might be fine. Still, dragged into the spider nest is generally considered Not Fun.
The cut between 'the fire is spreading too fast' and 'the fire is out never mind' is still AWFULLY ABRUPT.
Echo finally trying some soupdrink and proclaiming it Not Bad. See your extreme disgust was unnecessary.
"They're both just kids. But they don't get to be. Not in this galaxy." "When a young one leaves, the trees weep. But when they return, the trees sing. As this child has found his new home, perhaps one day we all will find a new path."
This episode I think also gets passed over as filler a lot but literally Tribe lays out the themes of the show SO explicitly. I think that it would feel a little less terrifying to think of season 3 if we remembered more about episodes like this.
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charmwasjess · 6 months
WIP Wednesday! Ask me anything about any of my ongoing fics. :D Please? They're just little guys. :) Rabbit Heart: Dooku has to rescue his best friend from a witch-hating cult while juggling his responsibilities as a new Master to Rael. Coming of age young Jedi Master story with some whump and eventual romance. The Thunder Answers Back: my most grim and serious salvage job of a post-Order 66 AU story. Jocasta Nu and her captive, a maimed and defeated Dooku, are in hiding together on Imperial Coruscant, attempting to survive without murdering each other. Twelve Months to Murder Count Dooku: a romance fix-it where Tales of the Jedi-era Dooku ends up running away with Sifo-Dyas instead of murdering him. But these two idiots don't know how to be normal people and Sidious isn't obliging them by going away. Things go badly. (warning for E-rating for sex.) Returning the Sword to the Stone: (coming early summer) the next part of my loosely-connected Burning Stars series following Master Dooku and Padawan Qui-Gon on all sorts of adventures. In this installment, some mercenaries capture the wrong heir from House Serenno and suddenly Dooku has to reckon with a past he'd tried to forget. Jocasta Nu and Sifo-Dyas guest star in this one, going undercover with Qui-Gon to help their friend. Because of course they do.
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rexscanonwife · 4 months
you already know exactly what my taste is....assign me a star war....simply because i'm curious....🌌 (@squips-ship)
LAURA MY FRIEND LAURA!! 🫶💖🫶💖🫶 I definitely do know your type, I've got a very strong option and I've also got a 'maybe you'd go for it' option for you!
I know you like guys who are moral, kind, a little sassy but carry a fair amount of sadness and pain with them, and ofc having long hair doesn't hurt either. 😂 That being said I'd definitely assign you to Kanan Jarrus, also known as Caleb Dume from Star Wars: Rebels!
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As a padawan he survived Order 66, losing his master in the process and now finds himself the leader and certified dad of his own little found family that form a rebel cell against the Empire about 5 years before the events of A New Hope! He's riddled with survivor's guilt and now must train a padawan of his own, so he learns as much as he teaches during the series! (Which I quite enjoy Rebels haters dni!!!!)
Star Wars Rebels is a 4 season 22-23 minute long episode series and a fairly easy watch imo!! All the characters are lovable and fun to watch, and I actually watched it BEFORE watching Clone Wars so it's a good way to ease in. You don't necessarily need to have a TON of star wars expertise to enjoy it but there's fun easter eggs and such for those who do!
Things to watch out for, in case ur bothered by canon love interests he does have one, though not a lot of focus is really put on it! And she really is a great character too, they function as the mom and dad of the group. And like many characters in Star Wars he is Doomed by the Narrative and I don't want you to be blindsided by that 😅 otherwise I think he's a great match for you if you ever had a mind for checking it out!
Now my other potential assignment to you would be Qui-Gon Jin, primarily for his appearance in The Phantom Menace, but he's mentioned and appeared in other spinoff media like comics and such! He's got long hair, isn't afraid to bend the rules a bit and use the force to do things like win a bet, and he loves plants!
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