#this isnt me saying it isnt going to be endgame
Feel like we’re too focused on our favourite ships and/ or the characters we have a crush on to realize that xo kitty isn’t just about love and what ship’s endgame, it’s about kitty learning about her background and discovering herself.
Kitty herself is trying to be her own individual and have her own journey/ adventure (she’s says so herself).
I think that’s why people think Kitty being bi is “random” (it really isn’t but if you wanna be dense that’s your issue). Too focused on who Kitty ends up with and not who she ends up as.
I also think this effects how people look at kitty as “just some white girl koreaboo looking for cute boys in Korea” and think she’s annoying cuz she’s not your perfect self insert (she’s a teenage girl she isn’t supposed to be).
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misfithive · 8 months
What I think Simon likes about Wille
I have seen some discussions about “why Simon even like Wille” (😔☹️💔) both here and elsewhere. I'm bored sooooo here is my list of what I think! I admit when I first watched I used to wonder sometimes why Simon liked him, mostly bc the back and forth hot and cold of season 1 could understandably be exhausting however once i thought about it I came up with many things. (some are hc ish ) :) I also think that if you love wilmon's relationship then you can see what they see in eachother. Two people (Wilmon) created that dynamic together both of them are loving/open/gentle with each other it is deeper than " i like that he sings and he is pretty"- they like how the other person makes them feel which is different I think than what is usually portrayed in teen relationships. People focus too much on their fights/angst sometimes and not their nice moments I think the good outweighs the bad. Also why i believe in endgame bc they have something deep and special.
1. I think Simon thinks Wille is adorable in a dorky way or finds him endearing. When Wille dropped the utensil after their first real convo Simon was blushing and giggling
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2. Wille actively seeks him out a lot and tries to help Simon when he can/ When someone is giving you that kind of attention it is flattering and shows how kind Wille is (the tip about tutoring, the rowing tips, the song on the piano). Thats a quality someone would find attractive
3. Similarly when they are together Wille’s attention and energy is solely focused on him / Wille smiling at him adoringly all the time. I think that would make anyone feel special and especially if you are like Simon and spend a lot of energy caring for/thinking about other people
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4. Wille is generally very gentle with Simon which is beautiful and also imagine someone being that gentle with u and holding u like that im sure u would fall in love too lmfao even tho simon is asleep I think he felt it and this isnt the only example I just like the picture hehe
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5. Wille wears his heart on his sleeve. Simon is more guarded with his feelings i think he could drawn to how open/expressive/ softhearted Wille is with him. “I didn't want to lose you” “you are beautiful” etc
6. Wille makes him sandwiches asks him how he is doing a lot etc sorry but no boys were making me sandwiches as a teenager a lot of small things like this are still a big deal
7. Wille is a prince and he could be a total arrogant a** hole like everyone else at that school and no one would think twice but he is not. It takes a certain type of person to actively not be like that when u are born into that level of privilege and everyone will let you get away with whatever. I think Simon likes that Wille is different than than the other people at school who ignore him and treat him bad.
8. Simon feels safe around Wille (maybe with the exception of the music room scene) but they have a safe space together its a strong contrast to the dynamic with marcus and i think everything with marcus serves to highlight how special the dynamic is with Wille.
9. Wille gives good hugs
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10. Wille is nice to Linda and tries to make her feel included Simon thought that was cute (it was very cute)
11. They can laugh together and see how silly (ridiculous) august/some of the antics of the other boys are
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12. I could go on okay but love is not always rational and cant be contained in a list, they are soulmates and thats that!!!!!!!!!
//Adding that i think Omar said in an interview that despite what Simon says in the locker room he thinks Simon likes that Wille accepts him for who he is. But if anyone can find the clip pls share I dont wanna misquote him! //
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livsmessydoodles · 1 year
thinking about this scene today
this scene alone convinces me that byler is endgame bc you cannot make will actively say that hes not gonna fall in love and then write a whole plotline abt him being in love with mike.... just for it to not be reciprocated???
will is the only party member who's completely unexperienced with romantic relationships, which of course has to do with the fact that he's gay in the 80's, but this is a TV show. all of this is fictional so they can take whatever route they want with these characters, and making will continue to stay alone and suffer through unrequited love would be awful storytelling, especially when people claim that will moving on from his feelings would bring character development and growth.
wills feelings for mike arent there just to "show his growth". weve seen this kid go through hell and back yet even with everything kicking him down he stays strong and kind. hes the most selfless character in the show and always puts others needs before his own. in s4, they put a lot of emphasis in these character traits of his, and they're always picturing his love for mike as something selfless and pure.
now if his feelings are not reciprocated, how does this teach will a lesson that leads to character growth?? he already doesn't expect anything. life has shown him time and time again that he always gets the short end of the stick, why would he think this is any different?? making him have feelings for his best friend just to get rejected would just be a nail in the coffin, reaffirming to him that no matter what hes not worthy of ever getting what he wishes. this isnt character growth at all.
but if his feelings ARE requited, that gives us a twist to the story we havent seen. we would get to see actual growth for will, him learning to give himself value and realize that he DOES deserve happiness!! instead of leading into the expected spiral of bad things keeping up the consistency with everything else that has happened to will so far, finally giving him one good thing leads to us seeing a shift in his whole nature, and wed see him dealing with things he hasnt dealt with before!!! GROWTH!!!
besides why would they make such an intricate complicated storyline.... just to lead to a rejection we all saw coming? the GA expects him to get rejected. his feelings not being reciprocated would not be any surprise. but twisting those expectations in a way to shock the GA AND give wills character the happiness he so deserves after being through so much..... now THAT would be world shattering and a satisfying ending to both the viewers and will himself!!
this scene establishes a clear subversion trope, making us aware of how will believes he's never finding love, just for the show to later on subvert expectations and reward will with the love he deserves and never thought hed get🫶
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stargirlie25 · 8 months
I once saw a pro elriel post where it said:
After every interaction with Gwyn, Azriel pleasured himself to fantasies of Elain
I can go forever on how that isnt a flex but let me just say,
After every interaction meeting up with Rhysand in the night court,Feyre went back to the Spring court to f*ck tamlin every night.
After the literal battlefield scene between nessian and every other interaction, Nesta went and f*cked half of velaris.
So at the end of the day, Feysand and Nessian are endgame and did Feyre ever think of wanting Tamlin after spending more time with Rhysand? No. After spending more time with cassian did Nesta care about those random men? No because she wanted cass as feyre wanted rhysand soon after.
So saying that Az touches himself does not worry me one bit darling.
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dreamsy990 · 4 months
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so it all comes to this.
to say i was excited to play 3 would be wrong. actually i was sort of dreading the game. i went in with expectations for the worst and was pleasantly surprised. which is not to say that its good. but its certainly a game! that i played! and now you get my thoughts. unfortunately a lot of my thoughts about the end of the game are kind of hard to separate so. if youre wondering where my thoughts on endgame stuff is. its at the end.
(also i havent played remind so theres no remind thoughts here. its all just base game kh3)
combat (with some other gameplay notes)
so. im not a big fan of the combat. to preface, i played the rest of the series on standard, but with kh3 i was told it was easy so i did proud! and yet it was still the easiest kh game.
kh3 is the first game in the series where i feel as though 'mash x to win' is a valid criticism <- thats not entirely true at the start, but later in the game it does feel a lot like that. almost every fight is mindless because of how easy it is. you can see it in the enemy health bars, theyre absurdly large because of how easy it is to take them down. they need to have that high of health so the fight isnt over in under a minute.
i dont think the base combat is bad. unsatisfying, maybe. But not bad. except for attraction commands.
attraction commands feel like part of a pattern in kh3, where they try to recreate what made the other games so good without understanding WHY it was good. what theyre recreating ofc being reaction commands. technically its the same as some reaction commands, sure, being a giant dramatic attack, but it doesnt work because theres no situational awareness in them.
attraction commands dont feel cool because theres nothing in them that requires use of your surroundings or that is tailored to the enemies youre fighting, since theres only a couple that can be used at any time. there's nothing strategic about using them either- reaction commands normally would give you a specific advantage, or could be used to avoid attacks, only sometimes dealing damage on their own. in kh3, all attractions do is deal damage. they are impersonal and often obtrusive- if youre like me and hate attractions, youll still often accidentally use one, since theres no way to disable them.
this is more abstract than anything, but something about attacking feels unsatisfying. the combat feels like it lacks any real sense of impact or weight to me. but thats all personal and not exactly good criticism so. i digress
also the bosses in 3 suck. you know its bad when the most memorable boss fight in your game is the tutorial. most of the boss fights in this game are so unmemorable that ive literally forgotten them. except of course demon tide. i despise demon tide. it was fine in 0.2 but not here. every time you fight it feels like a missed opportunity for something cooler.
i think flowmotion is worse now. i get that it was a bit too overpowered, but with how much it was limited i ended up hardly using it. i didnt like flowmotion because of the attacks, i liked it because of the movement. so to me, it ended up being a reminder of how kh3 failed instead of a fun feature.
also i know a lot of people like being able to switch keyblades in fights, but honestly i feel like it removes an element of strategy the other games had
the ui (and other visual things)
this isnt something i talked about in my other reviews. but in kh3 i must bring it up. if you follow me you may know my hatred for kh3s ui. so im going to talk about it again! this is the abridged version though. heres my whole rant if you want my full thoughts on it. but the short version is that i dont like it. i am someone with terrible vision and i can play every single kh game without glasses because the ui is just big enough that i can read it. most of the time i can read subtitles too. but in 3? i struggle even WITH glasses to read anything. the ui is too small to make out anything almost all the time. its really only by muscle memory that im able to play. my glasses broke while i was playing, and i literally couldnt play until i got new ones because i couldnt make out a single word on screen. its bad design.
im also upset that there ui art has been replaced with renders. its just a shame honestly. i loved the art in the older games. the renders feel bland in comparison.
and thats generally my take on the look of modern kh. sure its pretty, but its bland. kh has always had a certain cartoonish vibe to it thats starting to die out, and i think the shift to unreal engine was the first marker of that change. i like the look of old kh. its not too technically impressive but its incredibly charming. kh3 is anything but. the characters feel far less expressive, the worlds are realistically rendered, it feels unfitting for a series like kh. its hard for me to find kh3 as charming as the other games. the only word i can think of to really describe it is corporate.
i dont know if this is a rare take, but i think technically impressive visuals are far worse than distinct ones. kh used to have a unique look! now it just looks like every other semi-realistically rendered rpg.
story (featuring: more gameplay notes)
my problem with kh3's story was unavoidable really. dream drop distance set this game up for failure and so im not going to complain about dream drop distance. ANOTHER TIME ill talk about dream drop distance. i dont have time to make a post that long. i do have a lot of problems with the story that werent a result of ddd being terrible so i guess ill just bring up those.
one of my biggest issues with the game is how unimportant the roxas plot is. youre led to believe the game will revolve around it but then sora does nothing to further it. at all. at the start he CONSIDERS doing something, and then hes told by ienzo "no its fine ive got it. go do something else" and its barely ever mentioned again until the end.
this relates to my overarching problem with the plot: it feels aimless. in every kh game theres a REASON theyre going on a journey. soras looking for his friends, roxas is working a 9 to 5, the wayfinders are all following each other, etc. but in kh3 sora is looking for "the power of waking". what is the power of waking? i literally have no clue. thats how poorly defined it is. its an abstract goal, its not tangible or even really achievable. its just a macguffin. when the plot suddenly decides to happen at the end the whole journey feels pointless. you could skip every disney world past twilight town and you would probably be fine. it's not a journey, you're not exploring for a purpose, you're just killing time until other people handle the plot.
i also really hate the new organization (i refuse to call them the real organization. theyll never be the org). theyre painfully boring and poorly put together. the old org had structure, they had very specific goals, every member had a purpose. you knew how they worked and why they did what they did. the new org is just completely lacking in that. calling it an 'organization' is stupid because there's nothing organized about it. and even disregarding all that, the new organization also lacks any real personality. the members feel so boring, which sucks, because almost all of them are returning characters who used to be really fun. and why are most of them even there? no one except maybe xigbar seems to actually care about their mission. the old organization had a common goal and a reason everyone was there. they were nobodies, they wanted their hearts back. there's no reason for any of the new members to stick with xehanort. and if you say "well they were norted!" i then must ask. what exactly is norting? like really. it hasnt been possession since birth by sleep. norting is whatever nomura needs it to be in the moment. its not clearly defined, its just another macguffin.
also because i dont know where to put it, the battle of 10,000 heartless is just a terrible successor to the original fight. there's no stakes, no buildup, no friends fighting by your side, no reason to care. they just throw thousands of heartless with no ai at you. literally no ai, if you stand still they wont attack you. its a drag if anything, an homage to a better game done absolutely no justice.
back to what i was saying about the roxas plot, roxas' return is just such a nothing scene. theres nothing about it thats cathartic, his lines are impersonal and bland, theres nothing 'roxas' about it. roxas' defining feature has always been how emotional he is, and there's none of that here. its nothing. and then he does nothing afterwords. he has seven whole lines in this entire game, six of them are in this scene, and the last one is an inconsequential jab at sora at the very end. and then he fades into the background.
the writing in this game in general is actually weirdly worse than normal. it feels a lot less, idk, human? the older games were weird and absurdly cheesy but this is just. strange. look at the scenes with riku and mickey in the realm of darkness and youll see what i mean.
WHILE IM ON THAT SUBJECT. RIKUS KEYBLADE BREAKING IS BULLSHIT. remind me to rant about that another time though im not gonna go on a tangent about that here
also i would give my thoughts on the ending but i literally couldnt care less about xehanort. so i dont really have any! the final boss was alright though
i have more specific thoughts, but generally, the game feels aimless and underwhelming.
i love axel and kairi! theyre a fun duo and ill never shut up about their parallels so seeing them together is nice. i wish they did anything but thats BESIDES the point im being POSITIVE here
also. the music is great. i love the music sm. its nowhere near my favorite kh soundtrack, it feels a lot more grand which isnt my thing but its still some of yoko shimomuras best work. also hearts as one. its the PERFECT conclusion to roxas' theme and arc. the progression of it from melancholic (roxas) to desperate (the other promise) to triumphant (hearts as one) is just so good. i wish the rest of this scene was as good as the music so i could compliment it more wholeheartedly yknow?
its actually funny also! kh isnt the funniest series, most of the time when it IS funny its completely on accident. but kh3 is like days in the way that it just. actually has funny writing. the jokes intended DO land and its just a breath of fresh air.
oh also riku being well adjusted is the funniest possible conclusion to his character arc. 10/10 im so happy hes normal. never give that boy an emo arc again nomura
over all, kh3 is exactly like how my teachers described me in elementary school: it has a lot of potential, but doesnt apply itself. this couldve been a decent game but it simply doesnt do most things very well. i give it a 5.2 / 10. its not an actively bad game but its a game i have trouble enjoying. sidenote im retconning my opinion on bbs to say its 4.7 / 10 because a: my opinions have changed and b: i think 3 is better but i dont want to give it a very high score.
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rillils · 8 months
“You’re worth a lot more than this, Buck,”
he doesnt believe him, because if he really is worth a lot more than this, he thinks, then why did steve leave him
But of course, endgame isnt real
of COURSE endgame isn't real, sweetheart, you're absolutely right!!! and bucky means SO MUCH to steve!!!! in fact, i was gonna say--
Bucky can’t get drunk.
He discovered that new, unsavory reality pretty early on, by leading quite a few misery-fueled experiments on his own, whenever war granted him the respite and the solitude to do so. Eventually, he had no choice but to accept that, try as he might, the pleasant buzz and the grief-dulling fumes would no longer be accessible to him.
But when Steve makes love to him like this, the intoxicating warmth spreading low in Bucky’s belly feels all too familiar.
When Steve lays him out on their softest sheets, like a feast to be savored one generous mouthful at a time. When Steve holds his gaze as he sinks between Bucky’s thighs, graceful as a cat and hungry as a wolf, pleasure dancing in his eyes as his lips wrap red and shiny around Bucky’s cock, and he holds it on his tongue as though it were cotton candy melting against the roof of his mouth.
When he spends long, honey-gold forevers working Bucky open with skilled fingers, chasing Bucky’s sweet spot over and over until it’s Bucky himself, breathless and mad with pleasure, who reaches down for him and tugs him up by the underarms, pulling Steve’s gorgeous weight on top of him; his hips cinched between Bucky’s legs, where they ought to have been a whole, torturous eternity ago.
When Steve gives in, and slides home with a shuddering gasp, his mouth slack and his eyes half-lidded, and his name rises from Bucky’s lips with the helpless pitch of ecstasy.
It feels just like that. Like he remembers it feeling the last time he got nice and tipsy, enough so that the world had started to blur around the edges. That simmering heat curling in his belly and reaching out to his limbs, pouring into every nook and cranny of him, singing in his arms, in his legs, pulsing in the tips of his fingers like a heartbeat. Burning him up from within like a fever; flushing his cheeks, welling up in his glossy eyes, filling up the back of his throat.
That time, the last time he remembers getting drunk, Steve was with him.
Of course he was, Bucky thinks senselessly, his back arching off the rumpled sheets. Of course, of course, of course he was there. How else would they have explored the world and all its countless facts, if not by testing them all together?
Steve’s eyes seek him, devouring him inch by inch. His nose and his gasping mouth, and the cleft of his chin. The sweat beading over Bucky’s brow, darkening his hair at his temples, teasing it into damp curls.
Consumed, is how Bucky feels; eaten to the white of his bones, stripped clean of every part, and yet more whole than he’s ever been before.
“Do you know,” Steve pants, one hand planted on the mattress by Bucky’s metal shoulder, the other skating down along Bucky’s flank, searching, needy. “Do you know what you are to me?”
He thrusts in, slow and deep and full of purpose, and Bucky loses himself to the feeling for a moment, blind and deaf to anything that isn’t the slick press of Steve’s cock filling him, satiating him for a few precious seconds only to leave him hungry and wanting again, over and over.
“Steve,” he moans, gripping Steve’s shoulders almost blindly, desperate to find an anchor in this sweet, raging storm. “Please, please–”
Steve’s hand slips under him, fingers splayed as wide as they’ll go, lifting Bucky’s hips off the bed to press him closer.
“You’re my whole world,” Steve rasps, his voice hoarse, tight with passion, like a muscle pulled taut. Bucky can’t help but look up at him, soak up the sight of him.
Steve, moving above him, lovely and beautiful beyond words. His mouth bitten red with kisses, the apples of his cheeks burning pink above the dirty gold of his beard, hot under Bucky’s touch. His broad shoulders, boxing Bucky in. The sheen of sweat gleaming on his skin, dancing with his every move, catching the morning light with the flitting of Steve’s muscles, all grace and subtle power.
Mine, says the pulp of Bucky’s heart, beating frantically in his chest. Mine, and he’d scream it proudly from each rooftop, climb to the top of the world and above to scream it joyfully to the heavens, so that even the stars would know.
“You’re my everything,” Steve breathes out, leaning down until their bodies are flush together; his heaving chest pressed to Bucky’s own, and Bucky’s cock trapped, snug and aching, between their bellies. “D’ya hear that, honey? My everything,” Steve says, eyes never leaving Bucky’s face.
Bucky nods, out of breath. His heart will stop here and now, he’s sure of it. Stop, or burst into a thousand white-hot sparks inside his ribcage, the measure of his love too big for any heart to contain.
Steve’s mouth grazes his own, soft and wet.
“Tell me,” he all but gasps against Bucky’s lips, and the leisurely rocking of his hips picks up a new rhythm, more urgent now. “Tell me what you are to me, Buck.”
It’s like a fire, blazing with bright, vibrant pleasure up Bucky’s spine, blinding him.
They’re mouth to mouth, both parted; too slack to kiss, too desperate to stray any farther than that. The air is thick between them, damp with their hot breaths, and Bucky, Bucky’s not drunk, he knows now–
“Yours, I’m yours, your–”
–he’s in bliss, molten gold and sun-bright halo, gripped by an ecstasy that threatens to spill over with every stroke of Steve’s fevered cock inside him – that has him trembling at the notion of his own body, parting like soft butter for him, greedy for nothing but him.
“I’m your– your everything, your–”
And when it does spill over, pouring hotly between their bodies, and Steve’s whispering breathless praise against his lips, Bucky knows he wouldn’t need the kiss of alcohol even if he could get drunk, after all.
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narwhalandchill · 1 month
also mistake not my silence on the summer event story now that its all out for not paying attention bc. well firstly not going to be the subject of this post but seriously just the . Overall implications of the whole thing when it comes to teyvat and genshin as a whole? wild stuff like are they rly out there revealing the entire cosmology now 😭 (tho i kinda have. Mixed thoughts as well)
anyway secondly and most importantly because of course i have priorities (its ajax we all know) . soooo simulanka and names eh?
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well not that i was any doubter to begin with in that it like. meant something when hit game jenshin impact featuring guy already foreshadowed and being set up for some real curious world-overturning and celestia torching business etc etc etc coincidentally named. ajax. among other things. that the same game happening to Also begin introducing this whole other ajax/aias as an actual historical figure featured within the games lore and legends. would very much be just a massive fucking thing we Should be taking very seriously in terms of his future development but like thanks very much for confirming it too uwu
anyway let us look at my favorite french cultist scribbled note for no particular reason once more just to celebrate the occasion
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i mean what can i say man . truly the endgame relevance long term allegations continue undodged 😤😤
anyway whats kinda funny to me is the way a lot of ppls reaction to this name confirmation seems to be like. omg ajax is in trouble now bc irl mythology ajax died and ajax/aias of genshin also seems to have possibly had a shit fate by the end im so worried omg . when like. literally the second part to this whole "name = inheriting destiny" thing we see in simulanka is that . with the right circumstances . the one that inherits the name and destiny is not necessarily doomed to that exact same outcome as the original . like we all did see how we saved simulanka durin right?? and how the existence of mini durin may now open up the possibility of teyvats durin to receive a different outcome to his tale???? right??
like why do ppl have so little faith in childe im 😭 like if you ask me hes Already giving indication of defying his fate in a multitude of ways (vision malfunction being a big one) so personally i simply think we need to let him do his thing and see where he goes with it . i have faith in him like if Anyones abt to subvert the fate hes been set up with be it due to his name or any other reason . its gonna be him lmao
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like. its not even new stuff kwdwdjkdwjk
either way tho . even if this fucker straight up "dies" or goes MIA im not even that worried bc. ppl worrying about this "tragic fate" his namesake seems to be conferring to him by default with simulankas explicit confirmation of a names meaning . and its just are we straight up missing the fact that this historical ajax/aias is Literally connected to that rent free narzissenkreuz note that EXPLICITLY aligns this "tragedy" with the theme of REBIRTH. and becoming a descender straight up .
like maybe its just me but this Really isnt giving "omg childe is going to die due to mirroring the fate of ajax" its giving "childe is Literally being set up to become sth descender equivalent one way or another AND theyre doubling down on it now" im sorry 😭
like. even the implications of phrases like. "forsaking the self" to be reborn in the abyss just reminds me of this. weird panic people have around childes vision malfunction as if its like. vision is GOOD ambition and his GOOD ending and his GOOD characteristics and it malfunctioning means BAD EVIL SIN ambition and WRONG characteristics is taking over!!!!!!!11! hes being torn into two different directions and the abyss is bad and vision (=celestia) is good!!!!!1
and its like. say we even buy that (but like dang what a sustainer sponsored take to have in a. gnostic inspired lore environment JWSJKJKSF) . that his. "correct" and "healthy" destiny as vision wielder (that Every single recipient of a "gods EYE" gets like forcibly and irrevocably bound to by design and surely this isnt problematic at all) . is a part of that "self" that is being forsaken and twisted as his destiny pushes against celestias control and his connection to said vision falters . lets say we assume that is a "bad" thing for his "intended" path and destiny somehow .
(which YES it prolly is. but only within the bounds of a world order set up by the heavenly principles!!! of COURSE the HP would force people into destinies and paths that Only serve the continuity of its rule!!! and doesnt shake up the system!! like yes a vision likely represents and assigns to people a "Good" ambition but thats not from the recipients POV thats from celestias POV and at this point its just. fellas. we are not supposed to buy into that at face value lmao)
which like. again. i v much dont buy anyway i think every single time genshin calls something sin or forbidden it should be assessed v critically.
but even with that assumption we can still see how this very note is already implicating that "forsaking the self" is Literally a prerequisite . in this grand destiny featuring ajax/aias . for reaching True rebirth as a holy infant and a descender and all that . for defying the shackles of the heavens . for gaining a will that rivals the world . right???
+ also if like. forsaking the self being mayhaps and perchance more of a GOOD thing in a world with preordained and unyielding destiny set up by false divinity wasnt already established enough
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welp thank you rene narzissenkreuz.
oh "excising the self" you say?? that sure sounds a bit like "forsaking the self" doesnt it ??? how curious that it would be considered less of a "death" and more of a "rebirth" indeed . and that a vision to a cultist very invested in the methods available to Defy a prophecy and fate is very much a bad thing to receive . like what a coincidence that we would have a note like this as an established character already tied to a note you wrote about acquiring a descenders will is experiencing vision compatibility issues its very funny indeed.
so like ig what im trying to say is just idk for me personally if ajax is out there forsaking his self by any metric im just gonna be cheering him on <3
but yeah jkqjkwdjkwdjkwd dont mind me im just kinda rent free with how its now just even more confirmed by hoyo that this insane ajax/aias note stuff is Not meant to be coincidental At All (even tho its very funny ppl doubted the signifance to begin with at all). but also i just dont get the panicking abt it being some bad thing lmao like this is just genuinely hype as fuck for him 😭😭😭
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crushedsweets · 8 months
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hi >.<
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this is so fucking sweet i remembered how happy i was when i first got my car. i cried everyday for a week straight because i was so happy. very glad yall got to watch me get my first car. i spend over an hour in her every day commuting now. LMFAOOO (i named her lindsay btw) ((after tdi lsinday)). im so sorry im late but thank you so much this meant sm !!! <3
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you asked me this in august im evil oh my god. anyway i aagree. but i am always inclined to forever think he's a midwest emo guy. twin sized mattress forever
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im immediately inclined to say clocky or toby the second i see time and fire mentions. so ticciwork. my clocky is often a bit messy so she'd be pissed and angry and upset over the sort of war she's found herself in, especially as she sees toby just falling deeper into it. 'my god, was i oblivious?' when she finally realizes toby will always, always put Slenderman before her. frustrating. 'hell stays hungry for a world so weak' natalie is hungry for a good world, but she thinks everyone is too weak for goodness, meanwhile toby is hungry for power so he can make everyone else seem weak. etc. 'they only want you to bleed' they being slendy, operator, zalgo, etc etc etc... power, being a pawn, fighting, using humans as toys in a battlefield, etc etc.. yeah
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i genuinely think nina is a really good influence on so many of the creeps. like theyre all assholes, traumatized, refuse to believe in the good in the world, etc etc. but nina is traumatized and still kickin. she comes in like ^_^ hello chat. and i think that, while its still important to feel the shitty feelings, it's really grounding to see someone whos just so .. able to be happy. idk. someone who SEEKS joy, rather than expects it to fall into their lap, and blames the world when it doesnt
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this si perfect idk why i forgot about bats for him. gotta get back into this idea
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AHHH OK I WILL DO MORE EVENTUALLY i just wanna say thank yewww i think theyre such a good sibling dynamic. like little brothers and big sisters and both being little assholes to eachother but would die for the other. idk. ugh. important to me.
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actually this sounds really sweet..... thats funny cuz i was JUST talking to a friend about who i would have EJ go endgame with if i had to, but i couldnt settle on anyone. but liu seems like a good fit for ej. i think they'd be super sweet
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AH THANK YOU!!! he reminds me of my little cousins HAHA theyre like 10-14 right now and theyre all cuties.... just playing roblox and being mischievous...
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THIS IS ABOUT THE BLUSHING NAT DRAWING ISNT IT AHAH OMG THANK YOU!!! i think shes so cute. i know she cant handle compliments. she's either deadpanned 'thanks' or just covers her face and says 'shut up' cuz she doesnt know what to do.
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GOOD NEWS THEN ive drawn her a handful of times since u sent this HAHA TYSM
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you sent like... natobina i think... ok tbh kinda slaps
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OK REAL but also when i read it i keep reading it as 'cochina' and i cannot bring myself to name the throuple that </3 HAHA
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i want jeff to ache in his loneliness
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i need to draw connie asap but also THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN FOR THE CAR CONGRATS I REALLY APPRECIATE IT IM SO HAPPY I LOVE MY CAR SO MUCH i gotta go vaccuum her..
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shes such a cat to me. feline. of sorts, if you will
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also good news for you anon, i have also drawn her an ungodly amount of times since youve sent this. LOL
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literally the second that people tell me i made them start to like clocky i am overwhelmed with joy. i feel so much ache when people aren't fond of her bc shes so fucking cool and such a good character and so much fun. so sad that 2015 era creepypasta fandom destroyed her. but im here to fix it...
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incredibly. happy. to do this to u.
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nope! im not too interested in the 2021 nina just cuz i feel like i've seen that character concept many times (not just in jane), BUT if i had to do my own intepretation of her, 2021 nina would be INCREDIBLY immature in like. not a childish way, but an entitled, angry-fueled adult who cannot comprehend anyone else's thoughts/feelings. and thus, would despise OG nina (although within reason, OG nina idolizes the person who killed her family) . but even if there wasnt a good reason to dislike OG nina, she'd be mean. and OG nina would be mad and bitch. and theyd theyd fight. HAHA
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I-IF...???????? ANON?
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the-inheritance-games · 7 months
Ok so I was watching some edits as I do, and all of a sudden I was like “wow she’s really beautiful” “she’s mommy” and then I was like “…. 😨….SHES MOMMY…..SHE COULD BE LYRA!!!”
And ever since I REALLY can’t unsee it, which kinda sucks bc as I’ve stated before I don’t want to set my mind on ANYONE as Lyra until after we get a full description BUT i just REALLY CANT UNSEE IT….
I was talking to @never-enough-novels but she hasn’t responded yet (sorry to shout you out like this lol 😭) and I also don’t think I can keep this to myself so…
This is your ⚠️WARNING⚠️ if you don’t want your perception to be altered and potentially be disappointed if I’m WAYYYY off on this then scroll away
Also if I’m wrong and you are disappointed (which even if I’m wrong I doubt we will be disappointed bc she’s for sure going to be GORGEOUS) you can always blame me for feeding you this idea in the first place, ok. Now without further adieu
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I know we said no redheads but she’s not ALWAYS a red head 😭
Just tell me that ISNT the SAME STANCE
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Also they are both (hopefully potentially) friends with a set of blonde and brunette faternal twins 😭
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Idk in my mind it’s just PERFECT I honestly kinda hate myself for even thinking about it bc if I’m totally wrong I might just be a little bit heartbroken because im a huge tvd/to fan (mostly to) and I LOVE Hope Andrea Mikaelson and Danielle rose Russell and like I can clearly picture her being the one to call Grayson demanding answers and calling him an asshole, as well as trauma dumping and also I just see HER being grays endgame too, like I'd even say that I WOULD also describe Danielle as having a voice like honey that's also a bit seductive and husky 😭
Like you don’t understand this potential fan cast is already KILLING ME and I’m sorry if it’s also killing you, so yeah there's that
Let me know what y'all think and again
I'm sorry 😭
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dizzybevvie · 2 months
what’s your favourite ships? :3c (for that ask game thingy)
oooo.... for like. everything??
OVERALL my favourite ever ship. tbh at this point in my life its probably Soriku. theyre EVERYTHING to me.
I like other Kingdom Hearts ships passively (namixi, Kailette, Roxner, Axel/Saix but idk whats going on w them just yet, even Sorikai to some degree?) but none of them scratch the same itch that Soriku does for me
TO BE HONEST a lot of my All Time Favourite Ships (TM) are queerbaiting. and I think that Soriku is actively healing that wound AKJNDKASDNKJASND
The closest to Soriku is Wrightworth aka Narumitsu from Ace Attorney. they are actually so soriku coded but like if they were 25 instead of 15 and also if magical key fighting was (checks notes) law
Oh!!! I actually really like Lucius with both Black Pete and Izzy in Our Flag Means Death. Im so serious when I say that when (spoilers lol) Izzy died in the season 2 finale among my first thoughts was "Lucius is never gonna fuck that old man :(" but Lucius + Pete are very very sweet and i love them.
DND!!1!1! OKOKOK uhmmm Beverly and Erlin from NADDPOD, wow i love them with everything i have, theyre so silly and messy and such an honest depiction of teen gay romance. i love them. UHMMMM Fig and Ayda from Fantasy High my fave girlies (Tbh i do not gaf about any of the other Bad Kid relationships im sorry. Gorgug/Maryanne is funny and thats it. Kristen/Tracker never really had much even in the beginning. Kristen/Gertie isnt fair on gertie lol. and Mazey is 100% my favourite Junior Year NPC but her becoming Fabians gf was so disappointing to me, like he never acted like he liked her back even once. Fig/Ayda youre the light of my life and i love you).
i do NOT like Evan and Dream from Misfits and Magic. i do like uhmmmmmm KP Hobb and Rue from ACOFAF. this section is over now.
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captain-hen · 1 month
genuinely all of s7 buddie is insane/evil if the goal isnt buddie canon. eddie explicitly asking buck to parent chris multiple times, especially in a season where shannon is heavily involved in the narrative, all of the coming out scenes, bucks actions in 7x04, tommy being like That, doing bi buck in the first place, knowing there was a plan for queer eddie at some point, whatever that scene was in 7x07 that was framed as eddie cheating on buck and marisol with kim. its all so crazy and they would have to back pedal HARD to retcon all of that for buck and eddie having different endgames. the only thing that makes me a tiny bit hesitant is the general "we dont care what the shippers think/say we are just going to do and say what makes sense for the characters" vibe from oliver/tim in early s7. but then I see a gifset highlighting all the insanity and Im like no theyre doing it. or at least they should be
yes, and well, if you've been following my blog for a while now, you'll know that before s7, i'd always been vehemently against calling what the show was doing queer-baiting. and to be clear, i still don't think it is, but it's starting to edge dangerously close in that direction. everything, from the promo, to the framing of buck's entire bi realization—it definitely feels like baiting of some kind. they really, really didn't have to do all of that. and they did anyway, so...
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paintingformike · 2 years
ik this is gonna be another lengthy post of me explaining basic storytelling and the way they established the painting plotline in s4 but anyways...
the way to prove byler endgame isnt just to make people look deep into subtext, its to make them realize that its a pretty basic (and somewhat cliche if you’re going to ask me but the twist is...its gay!) narrative and storyline with an inevitable direction that can’t really be unwritten anymore.
so how exactly did they write this love triangle?
they gave mike and el’s relationship a major conflict this season. mike can’t tell her he loves her, el feels like mike doesn’t love her for who she wants to be: a regular girl, not a superhero.
mike and el are then separated for the rest of the season, will is brought into the picture and offers needed reassurance to mike and he starts looking the happiest and relaxed he’s ever looked since the first episode.
mike and will are glued together for the entire season with their relationship pretty much given extra care and attention since they were isolated from the supernatural plot just to focus on developing it.
mike and will are given continuous one-on-one scenes and heart-to-hearts together throughout the season with their scenes being intentionally coded romantically through the interruption trope. and this isnt just subtext or wishful thinking because they’ve done this with CANON COUPLES in the show before as a way of building up romantic tension between the characters, its right there on screen, its obvious that it’s what’s happening. this is exactly how they’ve always built up the other couples in the show, making them work as a team or unit in some way or another and forming a deeper connection between the characters by making them have intimate conversations alone (except st4ncy that ultimately ended up failing and mileven being the most similar to them...well)
they put emphasis on the fact that mike can open up and express his deeper thoughts and feelings with the second love interest, but not with his actual girlfriend. their scenes together were a way of showing compatibility between will and mike. will can offer mike the comfort and reassurance he needs in a way that el can’t really fulfill. and this could’ve only been about showing how good of a best friend will is, if not for the fact that he’s literally in love with mike and that context puts him into the role of a potential love interest. lets be honest, if you picture el in will’s place in all of byler’s intimate conversations it feels out of place because mike just doesn’t feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable with her as he is with will.
there’s a truth that mike can’t admit to el for fear that she’s not gonna like it and he’d lose her once he does tell her. because really, what else could be the reason why he nodded to will in deep thought and reflection when will talked about being truthful to people they care about the most, other than the fact that he really doesn’t love her the way she wants him to?
mike opens up about his insecurities stemming from his relationship, and will is able to immediately dispel that. mike seemingly doesn’t feel valued or important in his relationship and dating el has made him dislike the genuine parts of himself and feel inferior around her (saying that hes just some “random nerd”, thinking he cant be childish around her). but will proves him wrong and makes him feel valued and loved through the painting, calling him the leader and the heart that guides and inspires the party. this contrasts him with el, because will can give mike the kind of love he wants and makes him feel valued, while being with el has only made him think less of himself.
mike didn’t feel like their relationship was gonna last and was talking himself through an inevitable breakup, and yet he could’ve only felt this way if he knew that he didn’t actually love her and knew that he’d never be able to say it to her. there was no reason for mike to be feeling so defeated and resigned in the van if his only problem was about verbalizing the love he truly felt for her, because he knew thats what she wanted from him. he even believed she’d let her be with him if he just told her he loved her (“maybe if i said that thing, she’d want me there with her.”) and yet he’s lamenting over el not needing him anymore? and he seemingly realized this right after their fight about mike not loving her? (“i saw it in her eyes, the last time we talked.”) this means that him not telling her he loved her or showing that he did was what he thought lead her to realize she didn’t need him anymore. if all he needed to do was reaffirm his love for her, why did he feel like their relationship was over? because he knew he wouldn’t be able to do that for her. he only started to believe otherwise when will showed him the painting and made el seem to give him love in all the right ways that he went a complete 180° all of a sudden.
mike feels loved and cherished through the painting and it moves him profoundly, but he was made to falsely believe the feelings that came with it were from el, therefore he thought he could finally love her the way she wanted him to. this is a really common and cliche romance plot that’s been done a million times before, literally the misattribution of feelings. a character is given some kind of gift/love offering and they think they’ve fallen in love with the person they thought made it for them, but once they learn the truth about who it really came from, they end up with them. mike only loved the version of el that will described for him (which was just will in disguise), not the real el, who doesn’t actually need him. and remember, this painting is what gave him security and made him feel motivated enough to salvage his relationship with el, will literally reminded him of it (“you’re the heart!”) before he delivered his monologue.
there was more emphasis put on mike and will's bond and relationship by the end of the season, with el distancing herself from mike and barely talking to him. whether people like it or not, byler’s relationship was prioritized over mileven’s the moment they were the ones given an onscreen one-one-one intimate conversation, with the both of them confiding in each other. it was also a choice for them to write in TEXT that will pointed out the oddity of el not talking to mike specifically, he thought it was weird that el wasn’t seeking mike’s comfort and reassurance that much because he knew she would’ve normally done so. the cabin scene couldve been a way to show how much stronger mike and el’s relationship has been since mike seemingly professed his love for her, and yet shes actively ignoring him and hes not choosing to stay by her side and looking indifferent about the whole situation? when his fears of her not needing him were literally playing out in real time?
will's arc can only be completed once mike learns the truth behind everything, including his feelings AND the painting. its also inevitable that mike WILL find out the truth behind the painting. if it just ends in mike rejecting will or them staying best homies...wouldnt this entire plotline be rendered pretty pointless and a waste of time? if they chose to make this so elaborate it means that they’re planning something major with it. and remember, it was a LIE that made mike feel motivated enough to confess to el. lies imply negative consequences in the show and nothing built on lies ever last that long. something will shift once the truth comes out, and it cant just end in mike brushing over the fact that it was all will’s feelings that made him feel so valued and loved in a way hes never felt before. it cant just end in an underwhelming “let’s stay friends” conclusion.
i’ve been starting to see takes that the duffers can choose to go the easy way out and make mileven endgame, but on the contrary, they’ve already written themselves in a corner through the painting. let’s be real, it’s a giant gaping hole and loose end if they choose to leave this unaddressed. the truth will NEED to be revealed. if people are confident that jonathan’s lie to nancy about college will be addressed and this will inevitably trigger a confrontation between them and would factor in how they resolve the steve/nancy/jonathan love triangle, then why wouldn’t they do the same thing with will and the painting lie? especially because its the main thing that made mike confess to el. this painting is interwoven in the el/mike/will love triangle too, and will’s lie to mike will be revealed in a way that would trigger a confrontation between the two of them. it could be the catalyst to mike learning about will’s feelings, instead of will outright making a move to confess. it’s not just gonna affect byler’s relationship, but mileven’s as well, which is why this lie is also going to be a huge factor on how they’re going to resolve the el/mike/will love triangle. and like i said, it would all be pointless if this ends up leading nowhere and mileven somehow just stays together after mike discovers that it was a lie that pushed him towards el. one way or another, it has to shift something in the narrative, and it would make complete sense if this would be the thing that brings mike and will together in the end.
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aemiron-main · 5 months
im not worried about the ga finding out about the gayness in st (ie byler endgame) at this point/them getting mad over it. what i AM worried (aka also excited about) is when the ga finds out about all of the trans/weird gender stuff in this show. esp with the matrix being confirmed inspo + the whole "henry creel isnt a chick" thing in tfs and patty vs patrick and the line "a boy like me" playing over a scene of karen wheeler putting on lipstick in s3 (lipstick that's the same colour as patty's lipstick in tfs that henry specifically points out). like im not saying patty karen etc are trans but i AM saying that theres some funky matrix-esque allegorical trans and twinner gender swap etc or smthn stuff going on here.
i can already see the headlines once people start to catch onto it- "WOKER THINGS?? MICHAELA WHEELER???? IS STRANGER THINGS MAKING YOUR KIDS TRANSGENDER? A Look Inside Netflix's Big Pharma Big Hit"
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askew-d · 2 months
Hello...Have you watched Haikyuu movies? It's great....And we got lots of Kuroken moments and "that"one Kagehina moment.... So, as Kagehina shipper, have you ever ship Hinata or Kageyama with other character? For me, I have read Kageyama with Oikawa fic (I enjoy it but not really into that ship, all the time thinking of Iwaoi) and Hinata with Atsumu fic (one of my friend love that ship, wrote a fic and asked me to read them). And as much as they're all good, my otp will always be Kagehina. Like they were made for each other and it has to be them...
Do you also have other ships that you love from MDZS and TGCF? Sorry, if you asked me this, I have at least 8 ships in total from those two series, all of them are non canon (Xuexiao, Xiyao, Zhuiling, Beafleaf, Fengqing, Quanyin, Peihuang, Xuyue)....
Sorry for this random and long ask, hope you don't mind....
hello, anon!! sorry i am late for this, hope you understand. life has been crazy, haha. anyway, let us go: i did watch the haikyuu films and recently in was at the cinema with a friend watching the dumpster battle, let me tell you i was OVERJOYED!!! heavens, i could not control my anxiety. though my friend also likes the anime, she isnt as obsessed as me and didnt even finish the last season when we talked about watching the brand new release, so i had the OUTSTANDING experience of rewatching it with her so we could buy the tickets after!! i lost count of how many times i watched it and how many times i made other friends try it out (at some point, i recommended it to even one of my students during a totally unrelated discourse, hahahaha, hope he shares his opinions once this winter break finishes).
since i watched haikyuu about... five years ago? i must have rewatched some seasons more than ten times. its my comfort show! love every film also. about the ships, kagehina is my endgame, but i definitely love kuroken, iwaoi, bokuaka and sakuatsu (though i consume kagehina content much more). of course every ship is valid, i cannot judge anyone, however, i personally cant see hinata or kageyama with anyone else and do not read stories too focused on other relationships :) i can comprehend why fans see something with oikawa and kageyama, or even oikawa and hinata (considering their interaction in rio), but i do not settle with it in my heart. its just profiles and options, anyway! dont mind, dont mind.
i agree with you. for me, they are soulmates through and through. perfect for each other. one is the promise, the other is the anchor. they might be one of the couples i have seen anywhere that matches each other's vibe the best.
about mxtxt works, my favorite side ships are moshang and beefleaf. i can see the appeals in each one you mentioned, but i just never quite got interested to the point of reading about it, sorry!! some of them maybe its because they did not have a finale extra shot, or at least they were not as spoken/seen together as they were individually. for fengqing, though i like them as a side couple in hualian fanfics, i never quite got engaged in their story together, many times they just annoyed me (god, im scared of saying that and people coming at me, but there you go). but i know they have their values and some interactions i could almost forget my light, petty resentment for their actions and laugh along. beefleaf though? mobei-jun and his creator shang qinghua? heavens, i wanted to see more of them.
so, this is it! do not worry about asking whatever and whenever you want to ask. i love coming here to answer them when i have the time. thank you!! hope you can spot a nice sunset and take a relaxing shower today.
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thecapricunt1616 · 3 months
luca was serving more for me this season than carmy was and frankly, as much as it hurts my sydcarmy heart to say this, i would fine if luca and sydney ended up together
obviously i'm still holding out for sydcarmy but i genuinely don't know what storer has in store (haha pun intended) anymore considering the way he framed their relationship
but idk, what are your thoughts?
Ohhhhhhh anon - DO I HAVE THOUGHTS FOR YOU!!! Luca became the LOML this season, He is so calm and - what was that BS that Carmy said about Claire? Ohhh yes!! LUCA is Peace :))) As well as Marcus, I would love to be friends with Marcus. He is WAY too well adjusted for that kitchen thats for sure.
I am holding out for SydCarmy until the show is literally over because this season feels like it could be one of a few things more btc
A: (most likely what happened) This show was never meant to be a romance. But, after S1- and all the fans being like 'wow, idk if its just the actors butttt...Syd&Carmy are cute! And would be a great couple!!' and in the writers room , Chris said- that is it. This is endgame for the show, we will work it in to the 3 seasons we already have outlined. So come season 2 , sydcarmy is ITTTT it is it. Like - we all know this, sydcarmy is IT, everyone goes NUTS and loves it and Storer wasnt ready to see just how much we pay attention to the symbolism that isnt blatant (since with basically any other show out there people dont look as deep into it for symbology as the bear fans do because storer films it a certain way it attracts a certain crowd) - he got mad. he literally got mad that we figured him out. so like a baby he went "NO. WWWAAAHHH I WANTED IT TO BE A SUPRISE LIKE IT WAS MY IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE!" and shit all over it. Hm. Someone who has something great going for them, and then as soon as it starts actually going great - they SHIT ON IT AND RUIN IT FOR THEMSELF who does this sound like? Someone I think they go by...bear?
B: Second most likely, WILLFUL MISDIRECTION!!!! This was supposed to happen. I kinda knew things would get worse before they got better, but I didn't know THAT much worse. The more I think about it, Carmy wasnt OOC this season - EVERYONE ELSE WAS except for maybe Marcus? Which is CRAZY because the only one that SHOULD be OOC right now IS MARCUS BECAUSE HIS MOTHER DIED!!!! Carmy is turning into his old boss. Point blank period. So his behavior if anything is a tad bit tame. The smoking thing was out of left field I'm still trying to understand that one, but yea. This was purposeful misdirection, because syd needs to be broken down so she can realize why she really isnt leaving (hint- she feels something for carmy past platonic) carmy is still trying to romantisize claire in his head which is why were always seeing them make out. his family keeps bugging him about it and telling him that he needs to be with her so hes trying to make himself see it (he cant he tried in the freezer and can't see her that way.)
C: (least likely) they have 0 idea what theyre doing. sydcarmy isnt romantic, every writer in that room is on drugs or simply stupid, and claire and carmy are somehow meant to be????? when he literally doesnt like her and its so clear.
anywho im going down with this ship. i prefer my blue lotus fic storyline where carmy goes to therapy before this point and doesn't spiral and ruin everything :))) and admits his feelings to syd!!!
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doesn't placido's route literally have you kill yusei in front of aki and then he taunts her for it like "now you know how it is to lose the one you love"?? THAT WAS SO FUCKED
like. the Three Emperors arent even like Tier-1 characters in TF6, they dont get unique story routes like the core cast, they dont get a unique endroute picture like in Tag Force 5, they just get plugged into the same WRGP team ups for all of their heart events. it's actually extremely hard to find adequate archiving of their events cuz, again, theyre not 'main' characters in this game. BUT FORTUNATELY. I AM UNWELL. AND I PLAYED ALL THREE OF THEIR ROUTES. AND ARCHIVED ALL THE ENDINGS. I assumed the three of them were gonna have some kind of generic endgame due to this. AND BOY WAS I. GREATLY INCORRECT.
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and then as if that wasn't enough, IMMEDIATELY after that the Ark Cradle descends and you have to hop on over there with Primo. And then you get there and he basically tells you how Relieved and Excited He Is To Die, and You Should Be Too.
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^this fucks me up so much. that little smile. guy who is SO excited to give his life for a cause that doesn't give a shit about him. also sorry about my deck name JDFJGDF
Anyway he also talks to you about being created from despair and being made to act as God's vessel of punishment and how the people of this timeline should accept the fate God ("""God""") has decreed for them and it's honestly i think it's all one of my absolute favorite Tag Force conversations, it says SO much about Primo's character and it deserves a dedicated post of its own sometime.
And then it ends with him being like "that woman is going to come here and she's going to be pissed and it's our job to guard the Ark Cradle now" which just presents, such an amazing and haunting concept in that regard. This idea of Akiza leading the charge of the Signers to avenge Yusei's death. my GOD.
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it's so fucked. it makes me cuckoo bananas. why did they go so hard on this story route that isnt even for one of TF6's main characters. Bad Guy Wins AU REAL!!
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