#this isn’t all the blogs i follow ;-; i wish i could tag all
m4tthewmurd0ck · 6 months
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── Azriel x Fem!Reader
(i try to be as non descriptive as possible but do use she / her, and mention reader being shorter than all the guys.)
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Ever since you were little, books have been your escape. Whether it was needing to get away from a bad day at school or an immature fight with a friend when you were a kid, or a rough day at work as you got older, reading allowed you to temporarily forget all of that.
You imagine what the characters might look like, you dream up scenarios for them that don’t happen in the books. And like so many others who do the exact same thing, you can’t help but wish characters were real so that they could sweep you off your feet. Ugh, what you wouldn’t give to have a certain one-armed super soldier call you doll.
You thought the MCU was where you wanted to exist the most… and then you were introduced to ACOTAR.
It didn’t take long at all for you to become another one of the many girls to fall for Azriel. You dreamt of what he might look like. And of course, knew he’d fall in love with you. Would you guys follow the enemies-to-lovers trope? Childhood best friends turned significant others? Or would it be a love-at-first sight moment for the shadowsinger, who would do everything in his power to get you to notice him? The answer depended on your mood, of course.
As much as you loved to fantasize, you also knew you had to be realistic. Azriel didn’t actually exist, at least not in your world.
One night, you even go so far as to convince yourself that all the hopeless dreaming had to stop. From that moment on, you’d still enjoy books, but you wanted to do your best to stop imagining a life for yourself in worlds you’d never get to visit.
It’s definitely easier said than done, but you go to bed that night confident that it’s the right thing to do.
Only, when you wake up the next morning… something is off. This isn’t your bedroom. The clothes you’re wearing, you’ve never seen before. And why does the man that has just entered your room look exactly like how you pictured Azriel?
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TAGLIST FOR THIS SERIES ONLY ── if you requested to be tagged and your name isn’t clickable, it means i wasn’t able to tag you! also sorry to anyone who might’ve gotten their hopes up thinking this tag mean i posted it, but i promise it’s coming sometime this week! this is just so i’m able to keep track of who asked to be tagged.
@namelesssav | @cinnamoodles | @orphicmeliora | @flowerprincezz | @blushingfawnsposts | @kylaisra | @princessbelleinthetardis | @msoldier | @ccacotartoglover | @vickykazuya | @thecourtofnightmaresanddreams | @mirandasidefics
@bakananya | @thisiskaylin | @saltedcoffeescotch | @melmo567 | @chelsiemp | @lilah-asteria | @r0sluvs | @imagoddessinmystories | @sandramalikstyles-blog | @minnieoo | @durgenyx
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE ADDED TO THIS SERIES TAGLIST, LET ME KNOW! (you can specify just this series, or all things Azriel)
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booksandabeer · 1 year
Stucky, Fandom Longevity, and "Primacy Bias"
There’s this post that's been floating around the past few days about how the Stucky fandom in its heyday produced fic and art masterpieces like they were all collectively possessed by an unprecedented spirit of creative insanity. It’s a good, fun post and I agree with the person who wrote it. (not rb'ing because I didn't want to hijack their post with something that's only tangentially related).
It was indeed a magical time and the creative output in both quantity and quality in the two-year period following the release of CA:TWS is—with perhaps a few exceptions—unmatched by anything that I’ve seen before and since. However, going through the notes on that post, I noticed something that left me a little irritated and quite frankly sad since it is in congruence with, and to a certain extent the confirmation of something that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately.
For one thing, there are so many people in the notes expressing sentiments along the lines of “it was such a wonderful time; I wish I could go back; I miss these fics; I want to read these fics again,” etc., etc., you get it. And it feels a little silly pointing this out, but…you can just do that? Almost all of these fics are still right there, waiting for you to be (re)read. Yes, a lot of people left the fandom after The Great Devastation of 2019, but their stories didn’t just disappear. It's not like there is now a big, black hole where the Steve/Bucky tag used to be on AO3. So, if you miss these fics and you want to revisit them—just do it. Chances are the authors will be delighted that people are still finding and enjoying their stories all these years later. And—since apparently this needs saying, too, judging from the notes on that post: A lot of people seem to be very concerned with losing ‘coolness points’ for openly admitting that they still miss the ship and often feel tempted to dip their toes back into the Stucky pool. I don’t know how to tell you this, but if someone tries to shame you for simply enjoying or missing something, they are an asshole. Not to mention that all this is happening on tumble.com—'coolness' doesn't exactly live here. And that is a good thing, to be clear. Fandom is not about being cool. It’s about being as enthusiastic, as silly, as absolutely fucking unhinged about the things you love as you want to be. So, stop caring what other people think and enjoy yourself.
The other thing is that there seems to be a pretty widespread misconception that the Stucky fandom hasn’t produced any good fanworks after 2016.
First, that is patently and demonstrably untrue. There is so much incredibly good fanfiction and fanart still out there. Not as much as back in the day, sure, but it still exists. And more is being posted every day! Even some of the OG Big Names are still around. One of the most beloved Stucky series that started all the way back in 2014 was updated as recently as December of last year. The artist, who I believe the op is referring to as creating ‘baroque’ paintings, posted their latest Stucky art not even two months ago.
Second, I find this “primacy bias” more than just a little insulting to the many hardworking and incredibly talented people who are still putting their blood, sweat, and tears into creating for this community. And it’s one thing if people who have long left the fandom believe or say something like this, but it’s frankly irritating when I see people who are still very much active—and therefore definitely should know better—feed into that same false myth. Yes, it sucks that the Stucky ship isn’t as big as it used to be, but that doesn't mean there isn't any 'fresh talent' to be found anymore. I’m also not saying we shouldn’t still celebrate and recommend older works—I do it all the time! And it sure as hell doesn't mean everyone has to reblog absolutely everything all the time, either. Your blog, your rules.
But maybe we should put a little more focus on the good things, on the creators and the community we have now, especially if we want that community to still exist in another ten years. I mean, imagine you’re a person who’s just gotten into the fandom (because yes, there are indeed still new people discovering Stucky all the time) and one of the first things you’re being told is “eh, nice that you're here, but you’re about 7 years late; the big party is already over.” Does that seem like a fun space to hang out in to you?
So. Let’s all—and I do not exclude myself from this because God knows, I love to complain—spend a little less time mourning the ‘good old days’ that are never coming back anyway, and instead focus our attention on enjoying and appreciating both the incredible treasure chest of an archive we have AND the wealth of high-quality art and fic that is still being created by this wonderful community every single day. With this in mind:
🥳🎊Happy Stucky Week 2023!!! 🎊🥳
*I want to make it very clear that this is a general thing that’s been on my mind lately and that I’m trying to work through here—probably not very coherently. I'm not trying to tell anybody 'how to do fandom' and I’m most definitely not vagueposting about any particular incident, person, or group in this fandom. This isn’t a callout post. It’s an I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about this and I don’t know what else do with them post.
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shdo-xplosion · 1 year
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02 <- ☼ -> 04
warnings: 1.6k, captivity, restraints, non-con, forced orgasms, forced lactation, fingering, exhibitionism/voyeurism, toys, fisting, gape, orgasm torture
notes: this one took me a while because i could not find a good place to write it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but here ya go! this is gross! (also i have zero experience with lactation, but this is sci-fi so let’s just pretend)
tags: @ssplague @makepastanotwar13 @kaidabakugou @kiarathace @kllrkitty @itachiwho @siempre-entre-dos-opciones-blog @clerdecat
let me know if you would (or would not) like to be tagged, but you must have your age somewhere visible on your blog!
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You don’t know how long it is before Kat returns, no way to tell when it’s day or night (or even if this planet has days and nights, how long they may last). A different alien had come in some time ago to clean you, or so you assume. It had spread some sort of gel over the exposed parts of your body, the substance tingling then drying by itself.
The creature had also given you something, held a gun shaped object to your thigh, aimed right at your femoral artery, and shot you with what you guess to be sustenance considering the way your appetite was suddenly satiated.
Despite not feeling as drained as before, headache and stomach cramps having subsided, your heart drops when you see Kat walk in followed by two others that you vaguely recognize from when your crew had first arrived.
He thinks their names before you have to ask, and the closest you can get is Deku and Kiri. Both are even larger than Kat, a fact that makes you swallow nervously. He had told you he would find better ways to stretch you. Is this how? Are they going to…?
No. They’re just here to watch.
Also scary but not as bad as it could be.
Kat fiddles with the panel behind you again, tightening restraints, spreading your legs, just like last time. You already know that any struggling is useless, so you focus more on your breathing. In through the nose, out through the mouth.
The device on your chest has been active for some time, and though Kat doesn’t adjust anything on that, he does uncoil two clear tubes—the ones you saw attached to Kendou, and connects them to the smaller ones that sit right over your nipples.
I’ve never been pregnant… you won’t be able to get anything from me, you try, knowing damn well that pregnancy isn’t the only way to induce lactation.
I’m sure we’ll get plenty, Kat thinks with a huff.
You feel the machine initiate a light suction that makes you bite your lip, and when Kat walks around you to take up his place between your legs, you can see the smirk on his face.
A new set of tools is brought out this time, similar balls and speculum but other items that vary in size. They look very similar to a certain kind of toy you used to pleasure yourself with at home, except you never tried to use anything as big as some of these. Two of the oblong shapes look doable, but after that they start to get… intimidating.
You tense at the first touch, fingers tracing up and down your folds.
You either relax now or I make you, he tells you. Threatens you, more like.
You don’t doubt him. He learned how to unravel you last time, and judging by the way his finger lightly circles your clit, he retained all that information.
He teases for a little while, speaking to his comrades in their native tongue. Part of you wishes you could understand what he’s saying while another part is glad you can’t. Who knows what he’s telling them about you and your pussy?
You want to cry when you feel yourself throb, know that Kat can feel your wetness when he pushes a finger into your heat.
Like I told you… relaxed. He must be referring to the way your legs stop trembling.
It doesn’t feel good, doesn’t feel good, you repeat more to yourself than to him. Natural reaction, biological response. You need these reminders. You need to know that it isn’t the alien who’s making your skin hot, making you want more.
Kat adds another finger, scissors them, pulls out only to stretch your hole with different digits. He grunts something and you hear heavy footsteps, the other two creatures coming closer in order to watch, to look inside of you.
You clench your muscles as if it’ll do anything to hide your intimacy, but all it does is make the first bit of slick leak out of you. All three aliens make curious noises, something more appreciative coming from Kat when he rubs a finger through your folds, gathering the liquid.
To your horror, he raises his finger to his face to sniff it, examining it for a moment before poking his forked tongue out and licking it.
Deku and Kiri are suddenly shouting at him in alarm. Maybe they think it’s poison, a defense mechanism. That’s an amusing idea.
Taste good, Kat thinks, and you’re horrified at the pleasure that rolls through you. You don’t want him to enjoy the taste. Fuck, what if it makes him want to eat you?
I just might. His mouth is lifted up on one side, the edge of a fang poking out.
He uses the speculum first, stretching you slowly, so slowly, until your hole is opened wide enough for him to slide one of the long shapes inside of you. There’s even room to spare, prompting him to switch the tool for a bigger one. You feel the speculum against your walls rather than the insert, but that changes when Kat removes both to replace them with the next size up.
You moan, eyes squeezed shut. This is all I can take, you think to yourself. I can’t fit anything bigger.
Yeah, you can.
Kat moves the tool in and out of you, fucking you with it as your noises rise in volume and pitch. Oh, it feels good. It feels too good, and it only gets better when he flicks your clit. Your arousal streams down your folds and ass followed by squirt when Kat begins moving faster.
“Fuck fuck fuck.” It comes out as a whisper. You don’t want any of them to hear. Not that it matters since they—or at least Kat—knows what you’re thinking.
Another, girthier tool (at this point you feel they’re more like toys) takes the other’s place, and tears prick your eyes as you feel your flesh stretch even more. You have no idea how wide your hole is at this point, but you do know you’ve never had something this big inside of you. You also know you’ve never experienced the sensation you’re feeling in your tits.
Kat has enough understanding to go slowly, keep working your muscles and not just shove into you. You’re embarrassingly wet, letting the toy slide in and out of you with ease, and soon you’re even trying to buck into it.
You’re close to an orgasm. You can feel it building inside of you. And then it disappears when Kat stops pumping, leaving the tool inside of you and watching as you whimper and clench around it.
Push it out, he commands. I wanna see your cunt work.
You whine out loud and sniffle, unable to mask your shameful thought: but I don’t want it out of me.
Push it out and I’ll make you cum.
Bearing down as best you can, you groan and push, again feeling how large the object is as it slowly slides out of you. When it falls between your legs you let out a sob, inhaling raggedly when Kat touches you again. Fingers delve inside of you but it’s only to open you up. No part of his hands are touching, and though you can’t see what he sees, you know you must be stretched obscenely wide.
The three aliens peer into your guts, and you’ve never felt more exposed. You’re morbidly curious at your state, what Kat has done to your pussy, and in a silent answer to your question he releases your folds and begins pushing fingers into you. Two… three… four… oh god, five… and you take another without issue. You must be gaping, loose enough to—Christ, he starts fisting you. His whole hand is inside of you, making squirt splash out of your cunt. The way your body greedily takes what he’s giving you is absurd, and the way it makes you climb closer to your peak is even more so.
Wanna feel you clench around me. Can you do that?
You nod, back arching. He’s literally bruising your insides, and you’re loving it.
When you cum, it’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced. Your hole opens wider as if begging for Kat to push further, and a geyser of fluid sprays from between your legs. At the same time, you feel a tightness in your nipples as milk is pushed from them. Your jaw drops open in awe as you watch the white droplets get sucked up the tubing attached to you. He was right. It actually worked.
Could play with your cunt all day, Kat thinks as you take a shuddering breath. I think I might.
You feel weak as you raise your head to look at him, your face sticky with drying tears. I don’t…
He wiggles his fingers inside of you, cutting off any argument you thought you had.
There’s no way to tell how long he’s there with you, long enough for Kiri and Deku to grow bored and leave, but Kat stays, making you cum again. And again. And again.
The table is drenched and so are you and so is he, your juices dripping down his chest and into his lap. You cry and beg him to stop, so lightheaded, so sore. Every orgasm is paired with lactation. The first couple climaxes only produce drops at a time, but eventually you’re spewing enough milk to coat the tubes. All you want to do is hold your tender breasts, cover your nipples and soothe them, but it’s not an option. Instead Kat just keeps making you cum, keeps milking you, until all that’s left for you to do is pass out.
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2023©️shdo-xplosion. please do not plagiarize or repost my work to any other platforms.
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mcmookiemeal · 1 year
With the mere existence of your blog I already adore you, I loved all your writings and I wanted to make a small request, how about DK with an s/o who loves mechanics (the kars scene drove me crazy with emotion) and speed? (extra points if she is a little sister of mario and luigi)
forgive my bad english! <3
Donkey Kong x Reader who likes cars
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You were the younger sister of Mario and Luigi, but you weren’t in their little plumbing business.
Unlike your brothers you had taken a little more interest in cars.
Your parents also weren’t to happy about your choice, but they knew you wouldn’t change your mind so they just let you do your own thing.
But with the three of you being seen as the “disappointments” of the family, you were always together.
You even tagged along for their plumber appointments just in case their van had any issues.
On the day Brooklyn was flooding and your brothers took it upon themselves to fix it, you decided to come along since you had nothing better to do.
But you really wished you stayed home because getting sucked into a sketchy green pipe was not on the bucket list.
You and Mario had the fortune of staying together but sadly, Luigi did not.
You were pretty freaked out upon landing in the Mushroom kingdom, you were in an unfamiliar place with talking mushrooms.
It was hard not to freak out.
But the little mushroom you met by the name of Toad agreed to help you find your brother by taking you to the princess.
When you entered the actual kingdom part you realized they didn’t seem to use cars around here, instead they used the kind of pipes that got you here in the first place.
Pretty cool.
Toad crawled inside the clear pipe and you watched him flow through at high speeds.
You were curious on how the pipe worked, was some kind of machinery operating it? or was it magic?
Well there was only one way to find out.
You followed behind Toad in the pipe, flying through it smoothly with intense speed.
“Isn’t this fun Mario?!” You giggled having the time of your life with this new way of transportation.
Things weren’t going as well for Mario as every turn he would roughly smash against the side of the pipe.
Eventually the three of you made it to the top of the hill, approaching the castle.
Toad had to distract the guards for you and Mario since the guards were trying to play with your mind and redirect you somewhere else.
But even inside the castle the guards caught onto you guys pretty quickly and began chasing you through the maze of hallways.
Running into the princess was…interesting.
She threw Mario to the ground and turned her attention to you, but before she could get you the guards had tackled you to the ground as well.
“Wait wait! Let them speak” The princess demanded and the guards let you and Mario free.
“Princess we need your help. I need your help to find our brother.” Mario explained.
After a little bit of talking with the princess you guys sorted out a deal.
If you and Mario helped her take down Bowser, Then your brother would be found.
But first, you had to train.
You and Mario were taken to a course with lots or crazy jumps and obstacles, but you were pretty confident in your skills so you decided to go first.
You finished first try, But poor Mario worked himself until the sun went down.
Next morning The princess along with Toad traveled with you and Mario to the Jungle kingdom.
You enjoyed the travel part. This place was so much than Brooklyn, you wished you could stay here forever.
The arrival to the Jungle Kingdom came up fast.
And you were excited.
You wondered what they were like in this kingdom. Was it more mushroom people? Humans? And did they drive fast cars?!
The residents of the Jungle Kingdom turned out to be gorillas, but much to your happiness they did in fact drive fast cars.
You pestered the gorilla who let you guys inside the kingdom to let you drive his cool car but he grumbled every time you opened your mouth.
You sat in the middle seat, between Mario and Peach.
What’s the point of a younger sibling if you can’t third wheel the two love birds?
The ride was unlike anything you’d felt before, no rollercoaster could compare to all the fun you had riding on the twisty roads at high speeds.
You were sad when it was over, cause after that you had to have a serious talk with the king of the apes.
Peach talked about forming an alliance with the army but the king wasn’t gonna let her have it just that easily.
Instead we would have to do it by winning some stupid fight.
“I’ll do it.” Mario offered
Long story short Mario ended up kicking Dk’s ass.
And Dk was not happy about it.
You honestly felt a little bit sorry for him as he felt his whole reputation was destroyed by a plumber.
So you decided to take some personal time with the gorilla to assure him that it’s okay to loose every once and a while, you used the plenty of street races you had lost in the past as an example.
“Wait you race?” He asks, interrupting your story.
“Uh yeah? I love cars!” You gushed.
He smiled at you and pulled off the ground, now seeming very eager to show you something.
He brought you to the huge workshop where all the karts around the Jungle Kingdom were made.
You looked around as you saw all the other gorillas working on karts and vehicles of all kinds.
“This way.” Dk said placing his large hand on your back to guide you around the place since it was easy to get lost in.
He brought you over to a wheel with different options for a car, wheels, and a parachute of some sort.
“Go ahead, take your pick.”
You looked at him with wide eyes and looked back at all the options for your car.
“This doesn’t cost anything right?” You asked wanting to make sure before designing your dream car.
“You’re with the almighty Dk, of course it’s free.” He smirked.
You nodded and looked through all the options, making sure to pick all the fastest things on the wheel.
After about 10 minutes of looking you finally decided on your karts final design.
It was pretty sick, It was your favorite color and It was supposed to be the fastest kart combo here in the Jungle Kingdom
You squealed excitedly as you watched your kart being made from behind the glass
“Pretty cool huh?”
“Its amazing! We don’t have this stuff where I’m from.” You said, sounding slightly disappointed at the end of your sentence.
Dk thought you were pretty cute, never had he seen someone so interested in cars.
You and Dk didn’t notice but while you two were caught up in your own conversation you didn’t notice Mario and the others enter the workshop.
When Mario laid his eyes on you and Dk laughing together he was pretty mad about it.
“Are you kidding me?! You’ve been with him this whole time?!” Mario exclaimed angrily at you.
“Yeah and he helped me get my kart ready!” You smiled at your brother and pointed to the now finished kart in the window behind you.
Dk and your brother scowled at each other while you were off in your own world, staring longingly at your kart.
“Make any moves on her and I wont hesitate to beat you again.” Mario threatened.
“I’d like to see you try plumber boy.”
“Oh oh! It’s finished c’mon let’s go!” You interrupted their little banter by pulling Dk with you to come pick up your Kart.
When everyone was done with their karts, they made their way to line up in front of the door that would lead them to the path of rainbow road.
You and Dk were next to each other while you waited for the doors to open.
“Is Rainbow road an actual rainbow?” You asked.
Dk chuckled at your question but answered nonetheless.
“Yes its an actual rainbow.”
When the doors opened you sped off in your kart, the wind violently whipping through your hair.
You enjoyed the scenery around you, the beautiful floating islands off in the distance and the waterfalls that seemed to go on for miles.
Dk pulled up next to you and matched your speed so he could watch you experience driving with your new custom kart for the first time.
He saw how happy you were and couldn’t help but smile.
“You know…I know a lot of roads with cool views like this.” Dk said still keeping his eyes on the road.
“Really?! I would love to see it!”
“How about after all this is over, we’ll go drive through them together?” He asked you.
He was asking you on a date.
You smiled at him and accepted his offer.
“Yeah I would like that a lot.”
A/N: Sorry it came out kind of late I was busy today!!
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Working on a fun cool FOP New Wish au ask blog! Lots of horror and fun silly stuff. There are two sides to the plot, A & B.
A plot is Peri, Dev and somehow Dale is here.
B plot is Hazel, Cosmo and Wanda.
This AU/Ask blog is going to be hosted on a separate blog, and have a recommended 16+ rating for dark horror content, slight suggestive content (With adult characters and no NSFW/Explicit content tho I promise!), triggering content and I’ll add warnings when needed. Any posts with darker content will have a warning banner and cut so that no one on the character tags sees it by accident. To be honest, my target audience is other adult horror likers who grew up with kid’s show inspired horror like in the MLP, Steven universe, Invader Zim fandoms etc- but I made it 16+ bc i think 18+ would imply this is something that this definitely isn’t.
Think darker 2019-2020 Steven Universe ask blogs kinda when it comes to what kind of content to expect. I’m not gonna hold back too much!
You can ask either Hazel, Cosmo, Dev or Peri questions, and if it’s a question directed at someone else they can relay that question to that character.
For example, you can ask Dev a question meant for Dale and he’ll answer it, or you could ask Hazel a question for Wanda and she could ask Wanda for an answer. You can ask questions directly targeted at any character, but Hazel, Cosmo, Dev and Peri will deliver your questions basically.
Hazel, Cosmo and Wanda, the B plot, are answering questions while trying to understand the consequences of [EVENT] and figuring out how this effects their magic.
Hazel got caught up in the same mess that Dale and Dev did, but didn’t get snatched up by Peri as she’s
A:Not his godkid and
B: Cosmo and Wanda protected her and got her to safety- though a little bit late (not as late as Dev tho- sob).
However, Hazel’s proximity to the [REDACTED] hasn’t left her without unusual symptoms. She just didn’t [REDACTED] like Dev. She’s definitely more in control on her end of the plot, unlike Dev and Dale who are pretty much following whatever Peri does at the moment.
Dale is literally only here because he was injured and dying and Dev freaked out so Peri just grabbed him. Lucky Dale? Maybe not. Peri is a little evil here, not really a villain- but definitely darker Peri here!
Anyways, back on earth, Hazel, Cosmo & Wanda have to navigate the effects of what happened after the battle. I’m being vague bc this all gets revealed through the ask blog and I don’t want to spoil anything before a I drop the plot.
Now here’s a little request for help, I’m watching some FOP lore vids and watching seasons 1 & 2 of FOP completely to refresh my memory, but I don’t have time to re-watch the series. If you know any good sources for FOP lore, and maybe something with a list of all the most important episodes to watch please let me know. I want this to line up with previous lore as much as possible, so I’m not dropping the AU until I’m confident that it’s pretty consistent!!!
Any help is appreciated!!!!
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Of Calm before the Storm
Author's Note: More of Ramiel in Husbandry AU. Thank you to @sleepyfan-blog for letting me borrow Cedric.
Summary: Ramiel and Cedric go to the Chaos base and are watched over by Karlsor.
Past =-= Next
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
Ramiel, Cedric and the others had gone quiet after the words that they had shared. Quiet for a moment before Cedric and Ramiel left for Hura’s base, with equipment and the slips of approval that was given to them by Apothecary Zariel who appeared a few minutes after they’d finished speaking for a while.
He’d given them all a scare, appearing as he had, he apologized for scaring them, with a gentle smile on his face. They accepted it, but didn’t believe him fully, not with the Teal that lurks beneath the ocean blue.
Part of him wonders why Apothecary ‘Zariel’ showed a touch of his teal to them. Not that they’d had a chance to tell Captain Ash’val about that. Or if they did, if he would listen to him. Or what would happen, should they do so, and what ‘Zariel’s’ likely reprisal for doing so would be.
For now, he seems to be helping them, for what reasons, they don’t know, and those reasons worry Ramiel. He wonders if the Alpha Legionnaire wanted something from them, and what the cost for his help is going to be.
Other than helping out at the Chaos Base from time to time, and the tidbits of information that they had given him, either with full cognizance, or in a terrified haze. Ramiel glances back at Cedric and gently squeezes his shoulder.
Part of him wishes that they could find armor for his brother. It would keep him safer, if he was fully armored, even better if he was also armed. But- the supply issues make it so that’s not possible, or so they have been told when they ask their First Born older brothers and cousins who run the Base.
Hura is near the entrance to the Chaos Base that they are headed to and heads over to them with a cheerful wave. Ramiel keeps his hands, carefully, deliberately, away from his weapons. Hura, for now, is an ally, and isn’t one that they want to piss off by being rude.
He’s seen what happens to people that upset this particular Chaos Marine, he’s heard the adage ‘don’t piss off the medics’ and he knows that’s true. He tries to obey their words, and due to knowing Cedric- and watching how Hura deals with recalcitrant patients… He does his best to not be a Bad Patient.
A Night Lord is slouching nearby with a pair of sunglasses on his face and a fearsome scowl on his face and Ramiel eyes the other. He notices that this particular Night Lord doesn’t seem to have any obvious Chaos Mutations or ‘gifts’.
“Cedric, Ramiel,” Hura trills at them, his voice is slow, deep rumbles out, “This is Karlsor, he’s going to be in charge of you for your time here. I have some tasks that I need to do- that I would prefer not to have Scout-lings around to watch me do.”
“Yes sir,” Cedric and Ramiel say.
Ramiel did not want to know what Hura meant by that. Those questions, which Hura might answer, would give him nightmares. Or worse, could potentially stain his soul with Chaos. And that is not something he wants to damn himself with.
The Night Lord is scowling but huffs out, “Fucking Scouts? Ugh, Alright, c’mon ya lil’ shits.”
The Night Lord gives a lazy salute to Hura and stomps back in the base, through a look over to the pair of them, “I ain’t movin’ slower ya giant babies. Follow or not. I don’t give a shit.”
Cedric and Ramiel blink at him and each other before following after him quickly. The First Born Night Lord’s temperament seemed. Grouchy. Still, despite his sour personality and ability to turn the air blue, with alarming regularity. Ramiel and Cedric were learning a lot of During-Heresy curses that had fallen out of use during the intervening ten-thousand years.
Despite his penchant for trying to jump scare them, and his growling, he hadn’t tried to hurt them. Which was… interesting. Then again, it was likely that Hura had spoken of why hurting them would be a bad idea.
Still… accidents could happen between Loyalists and Chaos Marines and fighting would boil over into turf wars that could end up with many wounded or dead and the need for Librarians and Alpha Legionaries to clean up the mess and have the humans forget what the Warp can’t hide.
Still, it was almost a pleasant visit to the Chaos Base, helping with various tasks, more chores, and help with cleaning and maintenance of the base. Karlsor occasionally poked them with questions, wondering why they were temporarily transferred over to the Chaos Base.
Not that either one of them would say a word why. It’s not this Night Lord’s business, and besides, they really don’t know how he’d react and they don’t want to deal with his taunting about them being too weak to face someone who’d hurt them both so badly.
Cedric sends them a message a couple of weeks later, that Petras has left the Base and city. Also- about how he seemed to linger for a while. Waiting. For something or someone, but he’d had to move on with his Crusade of Black Templars.
Still, Ramiel tries not to feel the sting of guilt for his cowardice at avoiding his Mentor. Also his continued disrespect and rudeness by not going to his Mentor and greeting him proper. Cedric and his brother-cousins were extremely vocal on the subject of Ramiel meeting his… his Mentor. And that is for him not to unless circumstances changed that he had to.
His hearts warm, as Ramiel fondly remembers just how much his fellow Primaris Marines love and care for him, and each other. It’s good, despite all they have been through, that they still care.
‘Perhaps,’ Ramiel thinks to himself- and the thought catches him off guard and he almost drops something, but catches it at the last moment, ‘he has lost his compassion. Or his love of others.’
That seems. Oh dear, he’s going to have to go to his older brother Chaplains and request punishments for such an unkind thought in his head. He shouldn’t think such things about his fellow Chaplains, especially those who are so much older, wiser, and more knowledgeable than him.
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maliciouslove · 1 year
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NSFW, aged up characters (21+)
pairing // ghost!Baji Keisuke x medium!reader x Chifuyu Matsuno
summary // after his death Baji finds himself stuck in the realm of the living. he’s firmly decided to cockblock his best friend Chifuyu, that is until he decides to seek the help of a medium to figure out what the heck is happening.
alternatively: a threesome with a ghost????
word count // 7k 
tags // supernatural, inaccurate representation of a medium, light swearing, angst?, questionably happy ending?, threesome, oral (both m! and f! receiving), spitroasting, anal, double penetration, squirting, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, creampie, cum eating, spit, praise, multiple pet names (princess, kitten, good girl, pretty girl, etc.), not choking but gentle throat holding (idk), throat fucking, there is some baji x fuyu action, feelings
AN // hello people of the internet, I'm finally reposting my fics! hence why, if this fic seems familiar—do not be alarmed, it was first posted on my old blog :] posting this one first because it is the first one that I was actually really proud of, and because I'm still feral for baji. you can also find it here on ao3. cute mdni banner by @/cafekitsune
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What’s a spirit stuck in the realm of the living to do with all their free time? 
Take care of their friends, obviously. 
Baji Keisuke left the world of the living far too young. He wasn’t ready to leave, nor was he ready for the realization that he never really left. One moment there was darkness, and the next… he could see his own body, pale and bloodied, cradled by a crying Chifuyu. 
Dying was painful, but seeing this hurt more. 
Baji’s never been one to dwell too long on things; he kind of just accepted his new reality—he was a ghost. Stuck with his appearance as a 19 year old, he existed outside of everybody’s field of perception. Outside of anyone’s knowledge. 
So the best that he could do was to at least stay close to the ones he loved. To watch them from afar despite the fact that he was sitting right next to them. 
He’d watch over his mom: observe as she always left his favorite food by the altar each night. Watch as she flipped through old albums, smiling at his baby pictures. He’d listen to her talk to herself, sometimes even to him. He always found that rather funny, that she’d just randomly start talking to him, telling him all about her day, and finish off with a little “you’re not even here, are you?” as she smiles fondly at another old picture. 
He wished he could tell her, let her know. Hey mom, I’m right here! He’s tried many times, and each attempt ended with failure as his hands simply passed through her. 
Aside from keeping an eye out for his mother, he also took the time to check in on his friends. While his mother was more active during the day, his friends were more lively at night. He always felt relieved that, while a lot of things changed after his death, at least they didn’t spiral out of control. At least nobody left. At least nobody else got hurt. 
The two people he’d check on the most were Mikey, the leader of Toman and his childhood friend, and Chifuyu, his ex vice-captain and best friend. 
He followed Mikey around for a year, concerned about his mental state and the people he surrounded himself with, but luckily the rest of the gang were still there to take care of it. It was kind of nice to see Mikey finally admit he needs help, to admit he isn’t as invincible as everybody believed he was. So on that end, Baji was satisfied—he no longer felt the need to follow his every move. Mikey was in safe hands. And so were the rest of the gang—they’d all stick together through thick and thin and he loved that about them. 
But then there was the issue of Chifuyu. While his mental state was a tad more stable than Mikey’s (even though he did cry his eyes out for three months straight) and his physical strength and fighting ability were reassuring, Fuyu was always a little… lost. 
Having never been able to read people well, except for maybe Baji, Chifuyu was sometimes taken advantage of. While he may act tough, Baji knew he was kind and helpful, always giving too much of himself to others.
It was about 2 years after Baji’s death that Fuyu got into dating again, if you could even call it that. The green eyed boy was no longer blonde—instead his hair was now black (like Baji’s) and slicked back. He was a little taller, a little more muscle than before. He looked like a child no more, yet he still acted like a child sometimes, so how could Keisuke not worry about him?
The first girl Chifuyu ever decided to go out with was bad news, and Baji knew it at first glance. A stuck up, shallow, arrogant little girl that lived off of daddy’s money. Baji never wrapped his head around why she was interested in Fuyu, nor why he gave her the time of day, but the fact of the matter was that Baji didn’t like it. 
Oh, he hated her with a burning passion. Every time Chifuyu's phone would light up with her name on the caller ID, Baji would get so pissed that the room temperature would drop by five degrees. Every time she wraps her hands around Chifuyu’s neck Baji would glare at her so hard it would make the lights in the room flicker. 
His dissatisfaction with this girl grew more and more over time, and with each passing day he could notice the little things his anger caused. So he experimented with it, he focused his anger on objects, rather than dispersing it all around him, and it worked! He could move objects, little by little, and he could fuck with the lights and heating if he wanted to. 
So at some point, Baji became obsessed with chasing off girls he didn’t approve of. Under the pretense that his friend deserves better of course. He later dropped that pretense and faced the hard cold truth—if I can’t get my dick wet, neither can Fuyu. 
He’d scare off girl after girl by making objects rattle every time his best friend has his arm draped around a girl’s shoulder, swinging doors open left and right if they’re about to kiss, turning the lights on and off whenever things get spicier. It was all fun and games for the bored ghost boy, but Chifuyu was getting desperate. 
It’d been too long since he’d had a nice warm cunt wrapped around his cock. Too fucking long. And what the fuck was up with his house? He’d never been one to believe in ghosts or anything supernatural, but the weird shit was starting to get to him. 
So, incredibly desperate now, Chifuyu decided to seek help. What kind of help he wasn’t really sure, but he was angrily typing away at his laptop, trying to find exorcists or mediums or anyone who could fucking explain what the hell was happening under his roof.
The first two he had invited over were complete fakes: telling him they sensed a presence of some sort, chanting shit in a different language that Chifuyu could only presume to be Latin. They both said his house was “cleansed” now, but alas not even a week later when he had another girl ever in his apartment, the exact same things happened. 
He was losing hope until he got a ping on his phone, a reply from someone under one of his posts asking for help.
“Hey, I saw your post online that you’re experiencing some... Supernatural occurrences at home. I was wondering if I could maybe take a look myself? Free of charge if I find nothing and am unable to help you, of course.” 
He stared at his phone long and hard. Most people who answered his plea for help online started their conversation with their payment rate first, explicitly saying “no refunds,” but this person was offering help free of charge provided they are unable to help? That was new. Refreshing. Plus the idea of not paying was very appealing to him so he had nothing to lose—he immediately typed up a response, making an appointment with this medium and giving them his home address. 
And without a doubt, the following day at 6pm there’s a timid knock on his front door. He saunters over and opens the door to be greeted by the most blinding smile he’s ever laid eyes upon. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N, we spoke over text about your problem with possible supernatural activity in your home.” 
You extend your hand to him, and, nervously, he slots his hand in yours, shaking it lightly while introducing himself. He invites you in and awkwardly offers to take your coat. He wasn’t expecting a cute girl around his age, but he wasn’t complaining. 
Leading you down the hall into the living room, Chifuyu rambles on and on about the weird stuff that’s been happening, explaining how he’s already called multiple maintenance people to examine his pipes, heating, electrical wiring and so on and found absolutely nothing. 
Continuing his little rant, the green-eyed man didn't even notice that you had stopped by the door frame, staring right at the empty space on his couch. Well, to Chifuyu it looked empty, to you… it looked occupied by a slightly younger yet taller man with long dark hair and golden eyes that seemed to pierce through you. 
Without a doubt, there were all the telltale signs that he was, in fact, an apparition. He looked pale, almost translucent in the afternoon light flowing through the window behind him, a faint glow to him that made him look like a fallen angel. You could feel his aura all around you, too—the same skin prickling feeling you always had when in contact with a spirit. 
The long-haired man lazily yawns and scratches his butt, looking particularly bored as if this happens on a daily basis. He shifts on the couch, folding his hands in front of his chest and looking you up and down, as if evaluating you and deciding what course of action to take. 
“Hey, are you okay?” the Chifuyu’s voice brings you back to reality, and you tear your gaze away from the apparition across from you. 
“Um, hey, so… did you know anyone with, um, long, dark hair and bright yellow eyes? Kinda mean looking?” 
At this, Baji makes a face, half surprised she described him so well, half offended at the last part of her statement. 
Chifuyu’s eyes turn comically large. 
“How... How did you..?” 
He can’t even fully form the sentence, quickly glancing around the room to see if there are any pictures of his dead friend laying around. She can’t know about him, she’s a stranger, and he’s been gone for a few years now. So how? 
“Well, uh, he’s kind of chilling on your couch right now? Right, okay, I know this is weird, and you probably don’t believe me, I don’t blame you, most people don’t.” Your voice goes a little quieter at the end, a kind of sadness looming over you, but you shake it off quickly. “I’ve been able to see spirits since I was a child, I know, bonkers, I can’t explain how or why, but I do, and this guy is currently looking as surprised as you are.”
Chifuyu looks at the couch again, eyes glistening and full of longing, hands balled into fists at his side. But he couldn’t, so then why is he so intent on believing? Why is he so hopeful?
You don’t miss the little glint of wistfulness in his eyes, the desperation clinging onto his lips as he struggles to choose his next words. 
“Can you… talk to spirits?” 
“Yeah.. I can, provided they want to talk to me too.” 
You look at the man across from you again and smile weakly. You can’t always know if they’re malicious spirits or not; sometimes they could get real bad, but this one, despite looking feral, didn’t give off the impression he was malicious. 
“S’what, ya can see me? Hear me?” Baji spoke and the gruffness in his voice almost made you forget how to breathe. 
You don’t meet good-looking spirits often. You meet the ghosts of elderly men and women who want to look after their children and grandchildren a little longer, you meet young, fragile kids, still confused and not understanding what happened to them. But never before had you met a handsome young ghost that smirked at you as if he knew all your secrets. 
“Yea, I can see and hear you.” You smile at him, big and bright, and he feels blinded by it. Yet also so drawn to it, like some sort of heavenly light, a beacon calling him home. “Can I ask you for your name?”
“Why? Does my name give you, like, powers over me? Are ya gonna exorcise me or some shit?” 
He grins and stalks forward, closing the distance between you by simply walking through whatever objects stand in his way. Unconsciously you take a step back, not even noticing the bewildered look on Chifuyu’s face. 
“I can’t exorcise you, I’m not ordained. I can just… perceive you and talk to you.” 
You gulp and your visible nervousness makes something in Baji shift. He grins down at you, his larger frame towering over your much smaller one, and you feel so exposed under his gaze. Chifuyu’s voice is what drags you back down to Earth again.
“Wait, are you for real right now? What is happening?” He’s confused and concerned and so, so hopeful. You look at him and smile reassuringly. 
“Yeah, he just got a little closer than I expected, but I can hear and see him, hasn’t told me his name yet though. Kinda rude.” 
You arch a brow in the direction of the pale ghost again, and he fucking laughs. A whole-hearted, loud roar of a laugh, as if this is the most amusing thing that has happened to him in years. It probably is. 
“Baji Keisuke, what’s yer name sweetheart?” 
You repeat his name slowly, liking the way it rolls off your tongue and you give him your name. Meanwhile, Chifuyu is going crazy next to you, barely containing himself. 
“Baji? Did you say… Baji? Oh God, please tell me you’re not fucking with me, I swear to God..” 
You cut him off by placing a hand on his shoulder. You ask him to close his eyes, take a deep breath, and he obeys. He looks shaken: arms stiffly sitting by his sides. There’s a visible tremble in his hands, and you notice he’s not even daring to take a breath. 
The sight of him like this tugs at your heart, and your chest feels impossibly tight. Your fingers itch to touch him, to hold him close and soothe him, but the rational side of you tells you otherwise. Whatever his relationship to the other man is, he really, really misses him. The least you could do is try and give him a little glimpse. As tiring as it may be to maintain. 
You take a firm hold of his hand which feels icy compared to yours and you give him a light squeeze as you tell him to open his eyes again. And when he does… tears brim at the corner of his eyes at the sigh of his best friend. 
It’s a half whisper, half sob, and you have to hold his hand tighter so he doesn’t leap forward in an attempt to hug the spirit. 
“Can he… see me?” The spirit looks equally as hopeful as his friend, and you nod in confirmation, reveling in the fact that you were able to bring this small happiness to them.
“He should be able to hear you too.” 
And before you know it, they’re both crying. Sadness, relief, bewilderment or pure nostalgia—you don’t know, but you’re determined to give them all the time you can to catch up. 
They talk happily for hours, Baji goes on and on about how he just can’t seem to leave. Chifuyu just apologizes over and over about being too weak and unable to save him. The long-haired man just shrugs it off and offers a big fanged smile in return. They talk about so many things, and finally Chifuyu asks the question that actually led to this situation unfurling. 
“So… all the lights flickering and the noises were all… from you? Why?”
“Ah.. heh, okay don’t be mad.” 
Baji speaks in between little chuckles, amused with himself and happy that as a ghost he can’t be touched. His eyes crinkle into little crescent moons as he chirps away his clumsy explanation, elaborating that at some point he just got pissy and decided that if he can’t fuck, his friend can’t eiether. 
“You’re… joking right?” 
Chifuyu looks like he’s about to rampage and yell, but he notices your head wobbling, eyes lidded and tired. You looked exhausted and pale so he shook you a little, worry painted on his face. 
“Hey? Are you okay?” 
“Yeah it’s just.. A little tiring. It’s fine though, please continue!” 
Baji shakes his head and speaks before Chifuyu can. “Ya need to rest, dollface. Breaks m’heart seeing you like this. It’ll be fine, I got to talk to my friend today, maybe this is what helps me cross over to the other side or whatever.” 
His smile is reassuring, but a part of you wants to give them more time. Unfortunately, your body disagrees with your heart, and you start feeling very faint. 
“Hey, why don’t you lay down for a bit, I don’t want to send you off like this. It’s fine, just rest your head a little until you feel better.” 
Chifuyu had let go of your hand, losing the ability to see his friend, and gently nudged you down on the couch, placing a soft pillow under your head. You shouldn’t be falling asleep like this at a stranger’s house, but your body gives out before you could argue with yourself. 
You stir and slowly blink the tiredness from your eyes. Rising a little, you take in the room and in pieces it all comes back to you. The job, the green-eyed cutie, his hot ghost friend: the entire ordeal. 
“Finally awake, princess?” 
Baji’s voice comes right behind you, and you almost fall off the couch in surprise. In absolute reflex Baji reaches over to grab you by the waist and prevent you from toppling over and it takes him a minute to realize.
He is, in fact, holding you right now. He squeezes at your waist a little, and you look equally as dumbfounded. 
“Am I?”
“You are.”
“Holy shit.” Chifuyu’s voice gets you both out of your daze as he stares wide-eyed at the both of you. Suddenly, he can see. Without even having to hold your hand.
After some thinking, you explain to them that this has never happened before, but it’s most likely some sort of side effect for keeping them able to see and talk to each other for so long, combined with the intensity of the feelings they all shared. You have no idea how long this will last, but you’re willing to stay over for the entire duration of it. 
It’s been established that Baji can touch you and you can feel him, the question is does the same apply to his friend? They both look nervous as they approach each other, holding out a single finger and they gasp when they feel the pads of their fingers collide. 
Before you know it, Chifuyu is being hurled into a tight bear hug and nearly spun around in the room. It’s cute to see how much they still care for each other. You spend the rest of the evening asking about their friendship, learning how they became friends, how they were both in a gang, how close they used to be. How devastating it was to lose each other. 
All the while you notice you’re not getting tired at all. Which is an unusual yet welcomed change. You really like these two, you like that they’re probably some of the first people to genuinely believe you when you say you can see ghosts and not just kick you to the curb because of it. You like how cheerful they are. You enjoy their refreshing energy, and you better not be lying to yourself by saying you don’t enjoy the little pet names Baji seems so intent on giving you. 
When two o’clock rolls around, the effect is still in full force, but Chifuyu feels awful for making you stay, so he offers to drive you home instead. You try to argue that you can drive yourself, but he insists. Quite frankly, he’s just hoping you have a reason to come by again, even if it’s just to pick up your car. But you exchange numbers and promise to talk again and hang out soon. 
“Hopefully Baji won’t chase me away like all the other girls.”
“Mm, don’t ya worry about it angel, I’ve taken quite the liking to you.” 
He smiles from the back seat of the car, and you all laugh. 
As you lay in bed that night, you really hope you could spend more time with them. 
As if your prayers have been heard, you do get to spend more time with them. Surprisingly and with no explanation at all, the side effects are still in full force, and you’re both still able to see and touch the handsome spirit. 
The longer the effects are in place, the closer the three of you seem to get. Seductive jokes are thrown around, and Chifuyu picks up his friend's habit of referring to you with cute little names. He’s particularly fond of kitten, and you’re particularly fond of the butterflies the title gives you. 
With all this flirting and teasing, it’s no surprise really when you end up on Chifuyu’s lap with your back pressed to his chest, Baji towering over you, his voice a few octaves lower than it usually is when he speaks to you.
“Aw, are we makin’ ya flustered, princess?” 
His index finger traces your jaw as his eyes are practically glued to your lips and the idea alone makes your thighs press together. Chifuyu’s hands boldly roam your lower half, one hand sliding on the inner side of your thigh.
“You know, all you have to do is say stop and we will.” 
Chifuyu’s breath ghosts over the side of your neck and honestly, you don’t want them to stop. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about this, imagined how their hands would feel on your skin while laying in bed late at night. Burying your fingers in your pussy until your thighs are shaking, wishing it was their cocks instead. 
So, when you feel Chifuyu’s hands softly squeeze your breasts and glide up to gently wrap around your throat, not squeezing but just holding you there, you can’t help the little whimper that escapes. 
All Baji can manage in response is a feral growl, and he’s sinking to his knees between your legs spread over his best friend’s. Chifuyu’s hand never leaves your throat, but his other free hand takes your chin ever so gently, turning you to face him. He’s looking at you with those big green eyes, silently asking permission to kiss you, but you’re impatient. You crash your lips onto his in a messy kiss, nipping at his bottom lip when he doesn’t give you access to his mouth fast enough. Eventually, though, he obliges, tongue meeting yours in a battle for dominance that you’re currently winning. That is, until you feel Baji lifting your skirt and pressing two fingers to your clothed slit, and you lose all your composure, moaning into Chifuyu’s mouth. 
Baji is holding your legs open, his icy hands gripping your plush thighs as he feasts at the sight of your panties dampening from his ministrations. All the while Chifuyu is holding your arms in place, kissing you like you’re all the oxygen he needs, like you’re life-saving water to a man lost in an endless desert. Stuck between these two men, any other thoughts have long since left you. All you know is you want more. 
Your neediness seeps out in the form of moans and your hips wiggling against Baji’s every touch, so he happily obliges and gives you exactly what you want. Hooking a finger over your panties, he rips them off of you in one swift motion, reveling in the beauty of the little squeal you give him in response. And your pussy is as pretty as he imagined it, all puffy and pink, so wet and needy for his touch. He licks his lips and gives you another look, waiting for permission to have his way with you and all you can manage is a weak nod. 
Wasting no more time he delves in, mouth latching on your sensitive clit, tongue flicking over it in a well practiced motion. Every lick sends a shiver down your spine and coaxes wanton moans out of you. Chifiyu doesn’t stay behind either, his much warmed hands sliding under your shirt and groping at your breasts, toying with the supple flesh, tweaking and tugging on your pert nipples. His mouth was now busy sucking purple bruises into the soft skin on your neck, and every little motion from the boys was driving you mad. 
The dedication and effort they give you, the affectionate praises they shower you in, combined with the pleasure they’re giving you it drives you closer and closer to your high. And they know. The way your body tenses, the uneven heave of your breasts, and your wimpers getting louder and louder: you’re so close. 
One of Chifuyu’s hands is wrapped around your throat, gently applying the tiniest of pressure, while his other hand slides down your stomach to rub thigh circles over your clit while Baji finally replaces his tongue with two thick fingers. He pushes them past your entrance, and your eyes roll to the back of your skull in ecstasy as he pumps them in and out of your cunt. Building faster and faster, your orgasm takes you by surprise when it finally comes. It washes over you in tidal waves, drowning you in pleasure and the two men in complete madness. In the need to have you. 
You don’t have time to come down from your high as you’re being placed on all fours, Chifuyu taking his place behind you, and Baji to your front tangling his hands in your hair. There’s no need for him to tell you what he wants; you’re already running your shaky hands over his hard length, gently squeezing through the fabric. You briefly struggle with the buttons on his pants, but finally you manage to pull the jeans down and free his cock. God, his dick is gorgeous. Thick and veiny, his tip now angry red from neglect with pearly beads of precum sliding down the shaft. 
Behind you Chifuyu is sliding his cock up and down your slit, taking his sweet time before slotting himself where you really need him. His cock is not as thick, but it’s long and slightly curved, pretty pink and eager to feel your walls clenching around it. Baji’s grip on your hair thightens when he notices you’re paying attention only to his friend. A little jealous and possessive, he taps the head of his cock against your plump lips. 
“Don’t forget m’here too angel, or I’ll assume the effects wore off, and I can’t have that now that I’ve had a taste of you.” 
You look up at him, begging him to stuff your mouth full with your eyes alone. You stick out your tongue for him, as if to show you haven’t forgotten about him at all. Simultaneously, Chifuyu finally sheathes his cock in you—all the way to the hilt, hips flush against your ass—and you moan, eyes crossing from the pleasure. You look obscene, and Baji takes the opportunity to fill your pretty mouth with his cock. 
Oh, and you can’t take all of him in, he’s so thick and heavy against your tongue. You moan around his length, and drool dribbles down your chin. They take you like that, Chifuyu thrusting his hips into your heat, marveling at the warmth and tightness of your cunt, praise dripping from his lips like honey. So good for me baby, just like that. God you take me so well, fuck. 
Baji lets you pick your pace on his length, and you make a mental note of the way his cock twitches every time you take him in deeper, the head of his cock bumping the back of your throat. You enjoy the way he looks like he’s about to crumble under the pleasure, so you do it again and again, taking him down your throat, the walls constricting around his length. Baji’s head falls back, eyes shut in pleasure as you coax him to the edge. 
“Fuck, princess you better fucking swallow, don’t let a drop fall out of your pretty lips, ‘kay?” 
He looks down at you almost lovingly: his pale near-translucent skin slightly flushed, cheeks dusted with pink, his pretty golden eyes now darkened by the lust clouding his mind. You want to confirm you understand him, but his large hands cup the back of your head and you’re no longer in control of the pace. Now he’s fucking into your pliant mouth, every thrust making you gag a little around his girth, tears brimming at the corner of your eyes. It hurts, but it also feels so fucking good—the pleasant sting causing pleasure to course through your veins like a drug. And you’re addicted to the feeling. 
Then you feel him twitch against your tongue, his eyes closing and muscles going rigid as he finally reaches his climax. Thick ropes of sticky sweet cum slide down your throat and you do your best to swallow it all. You don’t even bother thinking about how this is possible considering he’s a ghost, you don’t question it, you just greedily take everything he has to give you. His hand caresses your cheek and he whispers a quiet that’s my good girl before slumping down on the couch in front of you, simply observing as his friend rams his cock into you. 
Chifuyu had gone a little slower while Baji was fucking your throat but now that you mouth was free, he was hoping to hear your pretty little moans again. Now his hands cradle through your hair, and he pulls you up, angling you impossibly close to him, pistoning his hips just the right way so his long cock hits that spot that makes you see white. 
His pace picks up and the praise is replaced with curses. He’s so lost in the feeling of you he almost doesn't notice Baji closing the distance between them and slotting his lips against his. His hips falter for a second, his brain processing what’s happening but his lips respond before his brain can. One hand is holding your hip, as his hips slow down their movement, his other hand cupping his friend's cheek as he kisses him back with so much love, so many unsaid words finally making their way to Baji. 
You can’t see them, but you can hear Chifuyu moan into the taller man’s mouth. It’s shaky, and breathy, almost as if he’s tearing up. Baji’s name is like a mantra on his lips, a plea, a promise. You crave to turn your head and catch even just a glimpse, but you decide against it, not wanting to intrude on the raw and intimate moment between them. 
“I know. Me too.” 
That’s all the response Keisuke gives as he steals another kiss from his friend and gently nudges his hips in a hint to keep fucking you. So he does, hips gaining back their speed in no time, and you mewl under him, completely dazed from the pleasure. Warm hands sneak down your sides, and his deft fingers find your clit to once more rub tight circles against the sensitive nub, sending waves of pleasure over you. 
“Fuck I can’t move if you clamp around my dick like that, kitten, f-fuck… are you gonna cream all over my cock?” 
He’s bent forward, whispering in your ear each word punctuated with a grunt or a pant. He’s also close but he needs to make you cum first. He needs to feel you cream on him even if it’s the last thing he does. So he staves off his own orgasm in favor of yours, nibbling on your earlobe and whispering filth into your ear, practically begging you to let him feel you come undone for him. 
It doesn’t take long for the coil in your stomach to finally snap, a second orgasm crashing over you and bringing you to high heaven. He doesn’t stop moving, fucking you through your high and the sheer tightness of your cunt as your walls spasm around him is what pushed him over the finish line. With a loud groan his hips lose their rhythm and he paints your insides white with his hot seed, staying sheathed deep inside you in order to keep all of his cum in you. 
Fuck, you feel like you’re on cloud nine, basking in the glory of your orgasm but not for long. As soon as Chifuyu pulls out of you, Baji’s mouth is on your pussy again, lapping away at your folds. You squirm but he holds you tightly in place, dragging the cum from your pussy to your ass, tongue teasingly circling around your puckered hole. 
“B-Baji, no.. you can’t, not the—” 
You’re cut off by Chifuyu crouching down next to the couch and kissing you again. You don’t have time to protest, honestly maybe you don’t even want to protest because Baji’s tongue feels sinfully good against your ass. The green-eyed man barely gives you time to breathe, lips moving hungrily against yours. It’s sloppy, a mess of teeth clashing and tongues moving against each other. He swallows every sweet moan you have to offer while his fingers tweak and twist your nipples. Baji on the other hand is slowly working your ass open, first only with his tongue, the slick muscle pushing past the thigh hole, coating you with spit and cum mixed together. 
His tongue is now replaced by two thick fingers slowly pumping in and out of your ass, making your toes curl and your head spin. You can barely remember how to breathe but you manage to beg for more. To beg for him to go faster, to add more fingers. And he is fascinated by how wicked you are, how pliant and needy, how can he refuse you? He gives you more until you’re sufficiently prepped. 
With a slap to your ass Baji announces his work is done, and they once again switch with the other man. Chifuyu pulls you onto his lap, your back flush against his chest, and his cock, once again hard and ready for you, is prodding at your ass. Baji runs a finger through your folds, gathering your slick and cum and using it to lube Fuyu’s cock, stroking his length slowly, teasingly. Suddenly he spits into your cunt, and the obscenity of it all makes you clench around nothing. You want them, you want them so bad. 
His spit dribbles down your ass, and Fuyu spreads it against your tighter hole, slowly pushing past the muscle. All the prep you received wasn’t enough though, the stretch is burning and bringing tears to your eyes but you know it’ll feel good, you know they’ll make you feel so good, so you bear with it. Baji takes pity on you and bends down to give soft kitten licks to your puffy clit, teasing you and coaxing you to relax, and you do. 
Soon Chifuyu is fully sheathed inside your ass, his fingers leaving bruises on your hips from the tight grip he has on you. Now it was Baji’s turn and you already feel so full you have no idea how you’re going to fit Baji’s thick cock inside you too. As if he can read your mind, he speaks to you softly. 
“Don’t you worry pretty girl, you can take us both, I know you can.” 
He kisses you so fucking gently as his thick cockhead pushes past your entrance, you could just cry. His soft kisses distract you from the burn of the stretch, Chifuyu’s gentle voice in your ear reminding you how good you’re doing, how well you’re taking them.
Finally, finally they’re both inside you and you feel complete. They give you a little time to properly adjust before they both move in and out of you, somehow completely synchronized and in rhythm. God, it feels so fucking good. Your whole body is on fire and you can’t stop the loud moans coming from you, mixing in with theirs. Every time they move inside of you they can feel their cocks rub against each other between your fluttering walls. 
You’re spread open and speared down on both their cocks, now moving fast and hard out of you, and you feel like you’ll explode. Your orgasm approaches, but it feels different, more powerful. You barely have time to warn them, but they keep drilling their hips inside you, battering your insides and hitting all those good spots that make you forget your own name. It builds so fast inside you, the feeling consuming you, and you don’t remember how to breathe. 
Then it hits you. You cum so hard, spasming around their hard cocks and there’s liquid squirting out of your pretty cunt. They’re both stunned, the sight rendering them speechless and motionless. When the initial shock is over it turns them fucking feral. Both are now brutally fucking you, Baji’s practically fucking into your cervix, narrowing down on that spot that makes your eyes roll back, and Chifuyu is biting and marking you again, cock sliding in and out of your ass with no resistance. 
They both know what they want, they want to make you come undone like that one more fucking time. You’re so fucked out; if they weren’t holding you so tightly you would topple over them. You babble incoherently against their skin, begging without knowing what for, but they don’t disappoint, they give you everything. 
The two men kiss once again, hips not faltering once as they bring you to yet another Earth-shattering orgasm, and you squirt again. 
They both know you’re at your limit, so they chase their own orgasms, both cumming almost simultaneously and filling your holes with their seeds. When they pull out, a  copious amount of cum leaks out of your abused holes. Their eyes rake over your body, as if memorizing every curve and dip of your body, the way their cum is leaking down your thighs and soiling the cushions on the couch. 
You’re so spent and tired, you don’t even realize they’ve picked you up and brought you to the bathroom. You vaguely hear water running and assume they’re running a warm bath for you. You’re still in a daze when they wash you, gentle hands caressing your skin and massaging the sore muscles. You just let them take care of you, it’s not like you have the strength to protest anyway. 
They wrap you in blankets and kiss you every chance they get, on your cheeks, nose, lips, temples, everywhere. Someone’s hands are on you at all times, even as they struggle to get you dressed in some warm soft clothes, clumsily pulling the oversized sweater over your head. Then you’re carried back to the bed, where you find yourself between the two of them, tightly wrapped in a warm embrace and you finally allow yourself to really sleep as they quietly watch over you.
You stir in your sleep and feel a hand stroking your cheek. You blink slowly at Baji, who is slightly hunched over you, smiling lovingly. 
“Hey, what’s up? Where are you going?” you whisper.
“I think I’m ready…” 
The sentence knocks the air out of your lungs and suddenly you feel cold. You look up at him, pleading even though you know you don’t have the right to. 
“But, Ba-”
“Keisuke. Call me Keisuke. Plus, I already said my goodbye to him.” He looks over at Chifuyu’s sleeping frame and smiles, but there is a tinge of sadness behind his smile. “Take good care of him for me, yea? I trust you.” 
You’re graced by another one of his fanged smiles, but that doesn’t stop the tears from streaming down your face. His gentle voice doesn’t help with the feeling that’s piercing your chest, sitting in your heart like broken glass. 
“I can’t say goodbye to him again. So, I’m burdening you to tell him. Tell him I’ll be thinking of him wherever I end up. I’ll be thinking of you, too.” 
Another peck to your lips. Another tear rolling down your cheeks. 
You should be happy for him, that he’s able to go on. That he doesn’t have to be stuck here anymore, being nothing more than an observer as life passes by and his friends grow old. 
“Don’t cry sweetheart… You gave me such a precious gift, allowing me to say goodbye, to hug him one more time. To feel you, taste you. I’m the luckiest man alive... Or, wait. Luckiest ghost stuck in this plane of existence?” 
His little joke makes you give a watery laugh. You don’t dare speak because your voice will give out. 
“Don’t cry angel, no point in spilling tears over the dead.” 
As he speaks you notice he’s starting to fade away. You reach up to him, but you can’t touch him anymore, and the realization brings even more tears to your eyes. Your lips tremble, but no words come out as he reaches for you. 
All your life you’ve been in contact with lost spirits, and each time they passed through you it would feel devastatingly cold. But now it feels warm. 
The last thing you see is his smile.
Your crying is enough to wake Chifuyu. His arms quickly wrap around you and pull you close. You can hear the worry in his voice as he asks what happened, but you can’t reply. 
You can’t speak the words.
But he knows. He sighs deeply and kisses your temple, reassuring you that it’s okay. That he knew this was coming.
“He loves you.”
“I know.” 
He holds you close, fingers intertwined with yours. You listen to his heartbeat. He pets your hair and places butterfly kisses down your shoulder. 
“I’m glad I met you. I hope you’ll stay.” 
Every ending is a new beginning. 
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𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑! I do not own any of the characters or people mentioned in my work. these are works of pure fiction that do not reflect the views, opinions, or actions of any person, real or fictional. Furthermore, all characters I write for [thirsts, drabbles, fics, etc.] are aged up to 21 or older – they are adults with adult characteristics presented and written in adult contexts.
all rights reserved © by maliciouslove. my work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. all fanfics belong to me, please do not copy, translate nor repost the fics or files seen above as this is strictly prohibited.
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e-dubbc11 · 9 months
Happy 2024 My Lovelies!!
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I’ve successfully navigated (I hope) my second full year on this hellsite and I wanted to start this year with a winter themed sleepover! ❄️ ❄️❄️❄️❄️
But before I get to the rules and regulations, I’d like to wish all of my lovely friends and followers a Happy New Year. I hope whatever you set out to do this year, you kick it in the tail and if you don’t have anything in mind yet to accomplish this coming year, then that’s ok too. 🥂
Thank you to everyone who follows me, reads my fics, tags me in games, chats with me in private conversations, or throws a ♥️ in my direction every once in awhile. I see you and kiss you all on the forehead.
Rules will be under the cut…
I love doing this kind of thing for you all but I do need your help so please like and reblog this. (Also, please send something in! I don’t bite, I promise!)
Send in as many asks as you’d like
This isn’t limited to my followers, although I’d love it if you did
My muses are my love Billy Russo, Matt Murdock, Brock Rumlow, a little Donald Pierce. (I could be persuaded to try and write for Quinn McKenna and Dean Winchester…maybe 😆)
My offers for the sleepover are as follows…
Winter Activity Moodboards 🥶❄️☃️🏂🎿🛷 limited to mutuals only OR if you have commented/reblogged any of my fics. Send me a character and a winter activity and I’ll create a moodboard for you.
FMK or FMK Alternatives which can be found HERE I’ll do characters from MCU, Supernatural, Netflix Series (DD, Punisher, Defenders), Boyd Holbrook characters, Ben Barnes characters, and any others you can think of that I may be into.
Top 5 / Top 10 Anything
This or That?
Would You Rather?
Fics I should read or blogs I should follow
Send me thoughts, thots, and/or musings for characters I write for
Send me a character and a GIF, can be fluffy or smexy and I’ll try and write something based off of it.
Send me a scene from one of my fics and I’ll write it from the other persons POV
I also have two fics that I could be persuaded to write sequels for…Unforgiven (Matt Murdock x F! Reader) and Irreplaceable (Billy Russo x F! Reader)
Prompt Lists/Winter activity prompts/dialogue
I’ll leave some prompt/dialogue lists below and if something strikes your fancy, send it on over with one of my muses and I’ll see what I can do with it. Or if you have one in mind not on these lists, that’s absolutely fine also.
Winter is coming prompts
Fluffy Winter Holiday Prompts
Jealousy Prompts
More Jealousy Prompts
Protective Prompts
More Protective Prompts
I’ll Keep You Safe Prompts
An Assortment of Dialogue Prompts
And even though it’s not my wheelhouse, some smut prompts….
More Smut Prompts
I’ll keep this open until January 11, 2024 CLOSED
Again, Happy New Year my lovely friends. I hope 2024 is good to you all!
Tagging some of my friends/cheerleaders. I love you all and hope you’ll send some things in! ♥️💙
@munsonownsmyass @ilovewhiteroses @ruflirtingwithme @kayhi808 @k-marzolf @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @itwasthereaminuteago @music-indie-tv @qu1etwolf @wheresthesunshinesblog @danzer8705 @jvanilly @snowkestrel @fictional-hooman @fluffyprettykitty @mattmurdocksscars @matt-erialgirl @theradioactivespidergwen @skvatnavle @vaguekayla @wint3r-h3art @gijos @nutmeg17 @ittybxttykxttytxtty @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
26 - Playing the Game Now
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Part 27
The Lion Knight and Dragon Princess
Tags- just send an ask to be added @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @lover-of-books-and-tea
Jaime and I were escorted by Waters to a larger stone building that was concealed within the heavy forest tree line basically out of sight, especially if someone flew over on dragonback. Entering the large main room there was a stone table in the center that reminded me of the one back at Dragonstone. There were some burning flames underneath lighting up the entire stone table. “Quite a formal table for a simple discussion, Lord Waters. I’m used to having battle discussions mostly.”
“Please don’t call me a Lord. Aurane is perfectly acceptable to call me. How did you come to have battle experience, Lord Jaime?”
“I was formerly a member of Aerys II Targaryen’s kingsguard until Robert Baratheon removed me of my vows so I could marry. Speaking of swords, my lady wife is rather good with one herself.”
The two men shifted their gaze over to me while I simply ran my fingers over the rocky stone table just lost in my own thoughts. “Your Grace.” A guard outside called for my attention but I didn’t respond.
“Vaella.” Jaime called my name touching my shoulder where I raised my head up.
“Sorry, I was just thinking. What do you wish to tell me, Ser?”
A Lannister knight bowed his head standing between the two other men. “The other Lords are ready to give you counsel and for the meeting to begin.”
“Thank you for informing me, Ser. Now please keep an eye on my children. If any harm comes to them then we shall speak later.” I sent him a slight glare before he bowed, exiting the room with the other Valyria houses came through the large double doors and rounded the table.
Jayse Quherys lifted his eyes up at mine. “You told us we had things to discuss. Does that mean you’d like to lead us into war to get the throne rightfully back to your former house?”
“No. When I came across the Summer Sea that was never my intention.”
Garrel of House Macklyn raised a brow in my direction. “Why isn’t that your intention? You are a Targaryen. We all followed the dragon rulers.”
“I don’t want the throne, my lords. One of the main reasons I don’t want it is because in my experience everyone who goes after it turns the fight for it into a war.” I clasped my hands together in front of my chest feeling extremely nervous.m
Jaime glanced in my direction, keeping one hand resting on his Velaryon steel sword. “Your Grace, if you could sit back on the Iron Throne without using dragons would you become the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms?” Tymber Barlaeries tilted his head to the side, respecting what I was saying to them.
Nodding my head to the lord I answered his question as true to myself as I could. “Yes, my lord. One day I might make my own claim for the throne. But right now I want to be a mother to my children first and foremost.”
“Then our next business is giving you a title worthy of your name. Do any of you lot have any ideas?” Kavvin Valtigar questioned his fellow lords and that was the first time I truly wished I was more like Tyrion when it comes to judging people’s character.
“Let’s play a game. Do you enjoy games, princess?” Tyrion asked me sitting down a pitcher of wine he had just paid for to the tavern owner.
Laying my head on my arms that were laying on the round table we were sitting at. The wedding of Cersei Lannister and Robert Baraethon was soon to take place in the coming days and I wasn’t feeling myself anymore. “I’m not in the mood for games tonight.”
“Oh, come on. What shall a little wine hurt you. It could improve your mood in my opinion.” The dwarf asked, pouring me, his brother and himself a cup of wine and sliding them to each of us.
Jaime picked up his cup while taking a drink. “What do you suggest we do while drinking hmm?”
“Here’s how my game works. I make a statement about your past, I’m right you drink and if I’m wrong you drink. And no lying I’ll know if you’re lying.”
Playing with some strands of my hair I responded to him. “I’m intrigued and terrified by this game.”
“You shared your first kiss with my brother.” Tyrion began the game.
Hitting my hands on the table I wanted to throw my cup at his head, taking a drink from my cup. “You told him!”
“You once attempted to dress Viserys in a dress when he annoyed you growing up.” Jaime focuses his gaze on me.
Tyrion was taking a drink and he almost spit it in my face. “Are you serious? - go again brother.” I took a drink answering his question feeling my face slightly going red.
“Why is he going again?” I raised my hands in the air knowing he would keep making me drink rather than pick on his brother.
Tyrion leaned forward on the table. “Cuz it’s my game.”
“You have rode a horse like a cowboy and not a side saddle.” Jaime spoke.
Shaking my head no he hit his hand on the table taking a drink since he was wrong. “My turn, Tyrion. You were married before I met you.”
“Drink,” Jaime poked him in the chest with his index finger.
Tyrion took a long drink, finishing the entire thing inside his cup and having to pour more into it. “Fine, fine. I’ll get you back for that later.”
“Oh yeah and how would you do that, Lannister?” I challenge him by sitting my cup down laying my hands down on the table.
He smirks back at me. “I know how to play the game, princess.”
“The game?” I wasn’t exactly following him.
His brother saw the confusion on my face. “Playing the game means him tricking others until you get what you want.”
“You need to know as many people as you can. You’ll never know which person can be valuable to you.” I really wished he would be there with me when I had to make those tough decisions. But he wouldn’t be so I’d have to do my best to be like Tyrion and know everyone.
Getting drawn out of my thoughts my husband was the one who had spoken up. “Queen Vaella Lannister, first of her name, formerly of House Targaryen, Lady of Casterly Rock, adventurer of the Summer Sea and Sothoryos, lady of The Dragon Island.” Whipping my head around I felt my shoulders. I heard Jaime deliver a new declaration of my name to the men in the room.
Playing with the fabric of my gown I closely watched my lover take something out of a crate that one of the Lannister men had brought inside at his request. “Jaime, what are you doing?”
“You can’t truly be a Queen without a crown upon your head.” He smirked proudly down at me, holding the crown that had been formed from Joffrey’s sword above my head.
I giggled not imagining him to bring it all the way from the Rock and across the sea with us. “Jaime..”
“My Queen.” He whispered, setting the crown upon my silver hair, lowering himself down on one knee causing the other Lords to do the same where all I could picture was my brother Rhaegar thinking I was always meant to be Queen.
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gvtted-ratz · 4 months
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- You can find all our works on AO3. Only registered users can view/comment.
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What Are These?
Martin Mathias x M!Reader
Last Edited: January 11, 2021 8:16 PM
TW: past self-harm, self-harm scars
Requested: No.
Word Count: 543
Dating Martin isn’t that bad, it’s actually pretty relaxing and nice. Martin is a nervous mess who always needs some reassurance. Despite that nervousness, you find him adorable. He’s always called you little bat and every now and then, you call him Count. He always gets flustered when you call him that. When anyone else does, he acts like it’s normal.
You honestly didn’t expect him to see your scars. You always made sure to keep them hidden. They were from your battle a long time ago; a battle you had won but not unscathed. Ever since you’ve been with Martin, you have not only felt better, but you’ve felt like nothing could ever bring you down. You had hoped Martin never found them in fear of thinking different of you. Of course, you knew that he wouldn’t but that irrational fear never went away.
You lay on the bed with Martin. He is curled up in your side with one of your arms wrapped around his shoulders, hugging him closer to you. His head lays on your shirtless chest; your chin rests on his head as he listens to your heartbeat. You both are in your boxers, enjoying the warmth and skin to skin contact. Martin has always enjoyed the skin to skin contact, so every time you both just want to relax or cuddle, you both strip down to your boxers and lay beside one another.
You feel Martin run one of his hands on your stomach, tracing every little mark he comes across. Every now and then, he traces one of the ribs he sees whenever he sees you take in a breath. You lay with Martin for a while, just enjoying your time with him. It takes a while before he is taking your other hand in his and turning it over, exposing your scars that you’ve hidden for so long. “ What Are These? ” He asks in a gentle voice, slowly tracing over them.
“Battle scars,” You tell him in an equally gentle tone. “No matter what I do, they never leave. They remind me of the battle I had a long time ago.”
“Did you win?” He asks, his voice full of hope. You let out a small chuckle and nod.
“Yeah. And now that I have you by my side, I know that I can win it again if I have to.” You shift slightly, getting a bit more comfortable.
“You’re still beautiful to me, Little Bat,” Martin says as he continues to trace them.
“Is that so? Well then, you’re just as beautiful, Count,” You tell him, letting out another laugh. The long irrational fear is gone, replaced with the comfort of knowing he would never leave. Knowing that he would always stay by your side, just like you would stay by his. You wait until Martin’s breathing goes slow and constant before kissing the top of his head. You hold him slightly tighter, grateful for his words. Any fear of him leaving you is gone and replaced with happiness. You let yourself drift off to sleep, happy to know Martin believes that you’re beautiful in his eyes, and possibly brave for winning your fight from long ago. At last, your mind is put at ease.
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jeannereames · 10 months
If you could change or insert one aspect of the common pop culture picture most people have in their heads when they think about ATG what would it be?
I'm going to jump this in the queue because I can answer it swiftly, but also because I have TWO things that are personal pet peeves.
FIRST: That "historians" keep insisting Alexander and Hephaistion were "just good friends" in the face of obvious evidence to the contrary.
SECOND: Alexander called Hephaistion his Patroklos (to his own Achilles), and they used this comparison frequently throughout their lives.
So, let’s take on the “Fake News,” shall we?
The notion that "historians" keep insisting Alexander and Hephaistion were "just good friends" in the face of what would seem clear evidence to the contrary is over 50 fucking years out of date.
Are there “historians” out there who say that? Sure. But they tend to come in two flavors: 1) people who aren’t specialists, Hellenists, or even historians,⸸ or 2) Greeks.* Since Badian, Green, Hamilton, and Schachermeyer (et al.) took over Macedonian/Alexander studies mid-century, few specialists claimed Alexander and Hephaistion couldn’t have been lovers, or Alexander couldn’t have been attracted to men. Even Hammond cagily acknowledged it.
Yet—TBH—I don't think those who repost that meme really care. They just want a convenient strawman/whipping horse to make them sound "smarter than the experts."
You don't. You sound as if you haven't read much about Alexander since about 1975. Historians who have died of old age by now said Alexander and Hephaistion were probably lovers.
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But that raises another problem: the implication that anybody who might argue they aren't lovers must be an old, white homophobic dude. Again, this is wrong.
The current discussion centers more on source problems, and separates Alexander having male lovers from Alexander and Hephaistion being lovers themselves (not the same thing, actually). Those making the best argument for caution are young, very much not homophobic (but absolutely brilliant) women (e.g., Sabine Müller). Follow the link to see a picture of Sabine, if you don’t believe me. I don't agree with her, but you can't shoot down her argument by screaming "Homophobe!" at the top of your lungs. The points she raises are all good ones and any responsible (and smart) historian will take them seriously.
As for the Alexander-Achilles/Hephaistion-Patroklos pastiche… yeah, sorry, no.
I realize this torques off folks, as it’s become a mainstay of queer culture surrounding Alexander as a gay icon and owes more than a little to Miller’s The Song of Achilles.
Busting it probably makes me sound like a Grinch.
BUT…the facts just don't support it. Yes, Alexander compared himself to Achilles--but not as much as to Herakles and Dionysos. Not even close.
How do I know? I COUNTED THEM. Facts ... not impressions.
After all, looking closely at what the sources (not impressions) actually say about Hephaistion is how I came to the conclusion the man was a lot more important than heretofore recognized. 😉
Again, as I’ve said elsewhere, Alexander did compare himself to Achilles. That’s not in dispute … it just wasn’t as frequent or common as modern fans like to pretend. And Hephaistion was compared to Patroklos only twice. There’s also a problem with WHO made those comparisons: chiefly Arrian. Again, I’ve talked about this elsewhere, so won’t go over it again.
Yes, I made the comparison myself in Dancing with the Lion: Becoming. But it concerned one circumstance near that book’s end (not giving spoilers), and isn’t something they harped on otherwise. That mirrors how it appears in our sources: it’s limited, and situational.
“Patroklos” was not Hephaistion’s nickname. Wish folks would stop claiming it was.
⸸ Just because somebody is tagged “historian” on a History Channel special—or his own private blog—doesn’t mean they actually have a PhD, or even a Master’s, much less one in ancient history, Classics, Classical archaeology, or ancient art history. The number of idiots on Tik-tok yapping about how Alexander thought this or did that—and clearly know jack shit—routinely stuns me…even while it doesn’t. Dunning-Kruger Effect all over the damn place.
* Greeks must often work within the confines of official narratives in order to secure jobs and funding, which can limit what they say on certain topics, from who’s buried in “Philip’s Tomb,” to the Greekness of the ancient Macedonians, to any possible homosexual “taint” staining Alexander’s greatness. This may swim against the current of academic discourse outside Greece, even by other Greeks. The Greek Ministry of Culture and Sport has softened on some of these topics in recent years, especially as LGBTQIA rights have gained better traction in Greece.
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gaysindistress · 1 year
When Night Comes - eight
Summary: Who would win in a staring contest? New York’s resident mob boss and master of the side eye Bucky Barnes or the daycare teacher who really wants to go home and smoke?
pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x reader
warnings: mob!Bucky, cursing, the feels, angst, mentions of past abuse (Alix is a terrible person)
word count: 4k
seven | masterlist
Tag list: @vickie5446 @cakesandtom  @buckybarnessimpp @hidden-treasures21​ @unaxv​ @mal-adaptive-dreams @elizacusi-blog
a/n: We’re jumping between 3 or 4 different scenes here so strap in and get ready. 
disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on Google/Pinterest
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The first thing that flashes through her mind when she wakes up is Yelena with the kiss quickly following suit. Pulling the covers over her head, she creates a bubble to ignore the world around her. What the actual fuck did she get herself into? 
She isn’t allowed much peace when her phone goes off. Jessica made sure that she had her own ringtone almost immediately after they met, claiming that she was just that special when it was really because she wanted to make sure Sunny always answered her calls. 
“Hey girl hey!” She cheers through the speaker phone. 
“Ouch, what crawled up your ass and died?” “It’s been a long night. What’s up?” Jessica stays silent for a few seconds, debating whether or not to reveal her secret, “Well remember how I said that I wasn’t going to get back with Peter?” “I swear to god if the next thing you say is ‘surprise, we’re back together’, I’ll literally lose my shit.”
“Ye have little faith. No I didn’t get back with Peter but you also didn’t let me finish. I’m going out with one of Yelena’s friends Friday and I would love if you could help me get ready for it.”
“Who is it?”
“You don’t know them.”
“No shit,” Sunny says while pushing the blankets off so she can breath fresh air, “What’s their name?”
“Natasha.” “Oh a girl? I thought you didn’t like girls.”
Shuffling is heard from the other side, no doubt as a result of Jessica flopping onto her stomach on her bed, “I said I wished that I was so I figured why not give it a try? What’s the worst that can happen?”
“You lead her on and she gets hurt.”
“I would never do such a thing. I���m always honest about my feelings even if it hurts a person which reminds me, why is Yelena sulking?” “I’m going to need more info than that,” she huffs when the woman in question appears on her fire escape. 
“She’s been such a downer lately and I have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with Mr. Sexy.”
“Why would I know the answer to that?”
“Because you’re like all she talks about.”
Sunny glances over at Yelena who is leaning against the window now, examining her nails and pretending that she can’t hear their conversation. 
“That’s interesting but no I don’t know and I have to go. Bye, love you.”
Jessica sputters in confusion at her quick hang up but manages to sneak in a “love you too bitch”. 
“I’m not sulking.” 
“I didn’t say that,” Sunny says, pulling her blanket back over her shoulders, “why are you here?”
“Ouch,” Yelena fakes being offended and drops herself onto the bed next to her, “You aren’t even a little bit excited to see me?”
“I didn’t mean it like that… It's been a long few days.”
“Want to talk about it?”
She shrugs her shoulders and lets out a long sigh, “Not really. You still haven’t told me why you’re here.”
“Checking on you, making sure you haven’t committed any crimes.”
“You’ll be the first person I call if I get arrested.”
“I’m honored that you’d call me before Bucky.”
“Well he would probably lose it on the entire police station so…”
“You could’ve just said “Yes Yelena. I would call you first because I like you a lot more than that douche bag.” I would’ve taken that.”
“Yes Yelena I would call you first because I like you WAY more than that man.”
Yelena’s face goes blank as she says, “Were you thinking about me when you kissed him?”
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Jessica groans as someone pounds on her apartment door. The smell of wet dog invades her living room as the pounding grows louder and the person responsible grows less patient. 
“Jessica open the fucking door!”
“What are you doing? Are you trying to get the cops called?” she hisses at Alix who is soaking wet from the heavy rainfall outside. Alix goes to reprimand her for speaking to her pack leader that way but Jessica yanks her inside. 
“Stay here. I don’t want water and wet dog all over everything,” she tells Alix as she disappears to find towels and extra clothes. 
The sound of wet clothes dropping onto her floor comes from the living room and as she walks back in, she finds Alix in just her tank top and underwear, her jeans and zip up on the ground around her. 
“Give me that,” she demands, snatching the towel out of Jessica’s hands and starts to dry off her body and braids, “What do you have on the Strigoi?”
“Nothing like I told you last night. Y/N isn’t saying anything and I can’t get close enough to anyone else.”
“What about Peter?”
“Ghosted me.”
Alix raises one eyebrow, “What did you do?”
“Why do you assume I did something?” “Because you always do.”
Jessica wrinkles her nose at the insult, “I may have slapped a girl he was kissing.”
Alix stops wringing out her braids and closes her eyes while taking a deep breath, “Your only job is to keep tabs on Bucky and his group. How the fuck did you manage to mess that up?”
“No no you said to watch Y/N and to TRY and keep tabs on the others. I am doing my job just not the side tasks.” A growl rings through the small apartment, “So help me God, Jessica. The more you act out, the more likely your cover is going to be blown. Speaking of which, who knows about you?” “Peter and Yelena obviously but Y/N doesn’t.”
“Has anyone brought it up?” “Peter did but only to ask if it’s true that I turn into a wolf every full moon. I don’t think Yelena cares and Bucky or Steve don’t come in enough to notice.”
“We both know that Yelena cares but is just waiting to see what happens. What about Peggy?”
Jessica shrugs, “I don’t answer the door so I’m assuming not.”
Alix rolls her eyes before tossing the towel back at Jessica and brushes past her to raid her closet for dry clothes. 
“How close are you to going through with the plan?” she calls out. 
Jessica hums for a second, thinking about her progress, “It’s going to take longer than I thought. Y/N isn’t telling me anything so I can’t tell what’s going on with Bucky or Yelena.”
“But she’s close enough to them though?”
“Kinda. Juliette, that dumbass, had a meeting with him and Steve at the restaurant that we were at and she saw, assumed they were a couple, and dipped. She did go out with Yelena but I don’t think she’s going to give him the time of day again.”
Alix comes back out wearing some of Sunny’s clothes that she had left behind during late nights. She takes a seat on the couch, fully leaning back into the plush cushions, “I don’t really care who she gets close to as long as it’s one of them. All we need is an opening to take out the Rogers and Bucky so we can get her back to Fresno where she belongs.”
“Do you really think that’s going to work?” Alix’s eyes flash gold like they usually do when she’s angry, “Of course it is. She belongs to me. Taking out those bloodsuckers, who mind you have been trying to kill me for years, is just a welcomed side effect of bringing her home.”
Jessica rolls her eyes while taking her phone out to scroll aimlessly on tiktok. 
“Did you send the text that I asked?”
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Sunny goes still under her blanket and feels Yelena watching her every move, awaiting her answer. 
“How did you know?” “Aside from the fact that I can smell him everywhere, especially on you, a little birdy told me.”
“I’m sorry.”
Yelena scoffs and shakes her head in disbelief, “I should’ve known better honestly. He always does this.”
Sunny pushes off her blanket and sits up, “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean for it to happen, it just did.” “I don’t want to hear it. It happened and you can’t take it back,” Yelena sighs as she stands and puts distance between them, “I hate to do this but I feel like I don’t have a choice; him or me.”
“You obviously.”
“See I don’t believe you.”
“I promise, it’s you. Whatever I need to do to prove that it’s you, I’ll do it”
Yelena backs away as Sunny stands and tries to get closer. They give each other hurt looks as the other continues to damage the relationship. 
“I don’t believe you or trust him for that matter. Nothing could make me believe that Bucky wouldn’t try and pull something. I won’t be put through that. I’m sorry but I’ll get Bucky to find someone else to watch over you,” Yelena says over her shoulder before slipping back out the window and leaving Sunny fuming.
She wants to scream at the top of her lungs but she can’t risk her neighbors calling the cops so she settles for screaming into her pillow. Her phone distracts her and she’s scrambling to answer it but freezes when she sees that it’s Bucky. 
“Bucky what the fuck?” she growls into her phone. 
“Well hello gorgeous, how are you?”
“Fuck off what did you do?”
“You’re going to have to be more specific, what are you talking about?” “You told Yelena that we kissed.”
“No I definitely did not.” “Don’t lie to me.”
“I swear draga, I’m not lying. I haven’t talked to her since yesterday but she’s supposed to be meeting with me in,” he pauses, “half an hour. I’ll talk to her then, but I promise I wouldn’t have told her without first calling you.”
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“Give me your phone.”
“I was just starting to actually like Y/N, did I really need to do that?” Jessica groans as she tosses her phone over to Alix. 
“I don’t care what you want to do” Alix mumbles while reading the messages between Jessica and Yelena, “Good job. Any internal conflict we can cause amongst their ranks, the better.”
She hands back the phone as she asks the question that’s been on her mind for hours, “Did she look like she enjoyed it?”
“It’s not like I had a front row seat. I was on the fire escape, how do you expect me to know that?” “I don’t remember asking for any attitude or did you forget who you’re talking to?”
Jessica lets out an over dramatic sigh, “No I didn’t. I’m sorry for giving you attitude.”
Alix smiles to herself at Jessica’s submission, “Good girl.”
Jessica bites her tongue to keep from saying something that will get her kicked out of the pack or worse, given how moody Alix has been lately. 
“I think she was high and you know how the saying goes.”
“Come on,” Alix says unimpressed with Jessica’s read of the situation.
“What? It wouldn’t be a saying if it wasn’t true.” “Drunk actions are sober thoughts? Don’t even try and convince me that her being high was the only reason why she kissed him. She kissed him because she wanted to.” “Alix I really don’t think she has any interest in him.”
Alix growls her warning to stop talking before it gets worse and reclines further into the couch. Regardless of what Sunny may have been feeling when she kissed Bucky, she still did it and that’s far worse of a betrayal to Alix than anything else. During their relationship, Alix had to constantly remind Sunny that she was hers even when that meant leaving bruises and marks.  Sometimes the physical reminders of her place were the only thing Alix to get to work. On numerous occasions, they were the only thing that kept Sunny from leaving the house and kept her out of trouble. 
“Just do what I ask and don’t question me. I am your leader, Jessica, and I’m done with reminding you.”
Jessica scoffs and takes her phone back, “You’re done? I’m the one who’s had to slum it with humans and Strigoi for the last few years.” “And you do it because I told you to. Quit with the complaining. I don’t want to hear it anymore.”
“Or what? You’ll send me back to California and then what? You’ll have no one here who is as close to Y/N as I am and you’ll be back at square one or even worse since I’m sure she’s going to find out that you’re here soon enough.”
Within seconds, Alix is off of the couch and has Jessica pinned against a wall, “What did you just say?” “I’m your only shot at getting her back.”
Alix’s hand comes up to grip Jessica’s neck and squeezes hard enough that she starts to gasp for air.
“I don’t need you for anything,” she growls with a deep anger, “I could care less about what happens to you so there is nothing stopping me from exposing who you are to Y/N or the Strigoi and leaving you to fend for yourself. Barnes and Rogers won’t like knowing that an rival spy has been working with that filthy demon spawn of theirs. Do you really want to test me right now?”
With the hand clasped tightly on her throat, she can’t say anything but barely nods and whimpers, something that Alix finds great pleasure in. 
“Good,” she loosens her grip just enough for Jessica to get the air she desperately needs, “Don’t fucking do that again or I won’t be so nice.”
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Yelena and Bucky sit across from each other, both waiting for the other to speak first. When she arrived, she made an effort to not say a single word and to maintain her stoic face no matter how piercing his gaze may be. She figured based on his matching behavior that Sunny had called him to tell him that their kiss was no longer a secret. Steve had given them questioning looks when she came in but left nonetheless even if he was concerned for either of their safeties. 
“You know.”
Yelena scoffs, shaking her head as she glances around the room, “Obviously.” “Good then we can be adults about this.”
“Says the one who pouted and threw a tantrum when he found out that we went on a date.”
“I didn’t do either of those things.”
She settles her eyes on him for the first time since she sat down, “So what do you call dragging her into your office and then going to her apartment?” “The first thing is called a conversation and the second is called being a gentleman. I was checking on her.”
“With your tongue down her throat.”
“You did the same thing. I’d say you were throwing a tantrum by bringing her to MY club and kissing her 10 feet away from me.”
“She willingly went out with you, I can’t say the same about you. Also, why did you text me off of a burner?”
Bucky’s brows furrow in confusion, “I didn’t.”
She takes her phone out to show him the text that informed her of the kiss, “Yes you did.”
Bucky takes his own out to prove that he never sent her that text; she kissed me.
“Why would I text you from a burner phone?”
Before Yelena can say anything smart back, the door to his office bursts open. A fuming Steve throws the door open and all but slams his phone down on the table. 
“Jessica knows Alix.”
On it is an old picture of Jessica hugging Alix, both smiling like little kids.
Yelena squints at the image, “Where did you get this?” “Peggy found it. I’m not sure where but she just sent it to me. We need to get Sunny to a safe house immediately.”
They look to Bucky who is already half way out of the door. The one person he trusted outside of his people has proven to be the most dangerous person he could imagine. 
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marco-polar-klepsky · 2 months
Hello and welcome to Marco’s brand new sparklecriticism blog!!!!
Hello there friends, the name’s Marco (though I also go by Chem, Berry, Cyn, Polaris, Siri, Frosty, Brigh, Kiki, and SugarRush. Though Marco is more preferred currently), I go by a shitton of pronouns but He/It/Wolf/Moon/Comet/Byte are the ones I’ll go by mainly here.
I am a Genderqueer Nonbinary trans man who’s ace and Omnigay, autistic and full of disordered anxiety, and very much fictionkin of several Sparklecare/Cometcare/Darkermatters (but not really that much for DM) characters. I am also a minor and I really don’t wanna link anywhere back to my main blog (probably could be obvious to some who kinda know me but y’know)
This whole blog isn’t to attack KC or anyone on the staff or anyone who likes the comic, Sparklecare was a huge hyperfixation of mine and still is. I just wish to talk about my own issues with the comic and the aus for the comic, though most sparklecrit blogs have already done well on things I wanna speak about. So this blog will probably be for anyone who wants to rant about anything Sparklecare, and I’ll do my best to give my own thoughts
Also this might be a place where I feel safe to talk about my own fictionkin stuff and shit, as currently I might’ve accidentally gotten myself in a Marco kinshift and a bunch of other things but this will primarily be a crit blog I prommy.
Anyways anon and tags under the cut because idk seems like something I should do:
Tags (more will be added once I actually get shit figured out lmao):
#Marcotalks- Just any post where I talk and shit lmao
#Marcoreblogs- self explanatory, it’s for reblogs
#Marcodraws- just for any art I make and feel like posting, just for the funsies
#MarcoSparkleposting- Stuff specifically about Sparklecare (nonfictionkin)
#MarcoCometposting- Stuff specifically about Cometcare (nonfictionkin)
#RatfoxVSKittycorn- Stuff specifically talking about KC (idk I thought it was a funny name)
#RatfoxVSFandom- Stuff specifically talking about the Sparklecare fandom
#Marcomemories- Anything to do with fictionkin stuff
#Mysparklebeloveds- fictionkin shit that’s specifically about my partners
#Cometpast- Fictionkin stuff specifically about Cometcare
#Sparklepast- Fictionkin stuff specifically about Sparklecare
Characters will get specific tags I’m just kinda lazy rn to make all of them
Anons: Dr. Habit Anon
extra edit down here but my blog isn’t a safe space for prosh!ppers and the like, I probably don’t have any good reason to clarify this but I’d rather not have any follow me or interact with me cuz you all make me extremely uncomfortable
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jitterbugjive · 10 months
So, some people may have noticed this but I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to bring attention to it and I wanted people to just assume it was someone theorizing. But it appears someone from my ex friend circle whom I had trusted with certain details of how Discord Whooves would end decided to stoop to a lower than low level and ruin the ending for anyone who stumbled on their posts that had been made on a blog made specifically to post spoilers and tag them with common tags Discord Whooves uses. I’m sure it was out of sheer spite towards me and the people who dared to support my work.
Saying bad things about me and things I’ve done and said, okay that’s justifiable. But going out of their way to take something I once trusted them with because I thought we were close friends, and then throwing it out for the world to see out of revenge against me and anyone following me? That’s just petty, immature, and a really low blow to make. Even if I really hated someone, I would never reveal their harmless secrets to the world just to get back at them. There’s a chance to be the better person, and at least have some code of ethics to know when it’s going too far. I deserved to be called out. I didn’t deserve to have my 12 years of work undermined by a vindictive person who can’t move forward, and my fans didn’t deserve it either because they are not even involved in this drama.
There is a point where revenge goes too far and one crosses over into just being villainously cruel.
It’s sad, and really pathetic that someone thinks they have to do everything in their power to screw me over in some way instead of trying to actually recover and get past the point of obsession over wanting to get back at me all the time.
I’m sorry the whole world isn’t against me like you want it to be. I’m sorry a lot of people believe in recovery and the fact that I feel terrible enough already about my shitty actions in the past and am doing everything in my power to avoid anything like that happening ever again. I’m sorry I’m not being bombarded by hoards of angry people calling me names and telling me to kill myself. I’m sorry my feeling horrible isn’t enough to satiate you and all you want is to see me suffer.
It’s been years now. YEARS. For the sake of your own mental well being, just cut me out of your life completely and stop obsessing over me. You already won. I am constantly in a state of panic thinking of this shit and how else it’s going to come and bite me in the ass. I lost the comic website I depended on, I’ve lost a huge chunk of my readership and no longer really have my ‘popular’ status. (very rarely get fan art, not being bombarded by asks constantly, no longer receive fan mail, original projects aren’t catching on very well) Selling commissions has gotten increasingly more difficult. My insomnia is worse than ever and I have to take heavy duty sedatives just to sleep because my mind won’t stop spiraling about this stuff. I cannot go a single day without feeling guilt, regret, self hatred, and doubt and wishing hopelessly that I just never did those things. I have severe trust issues and have almost no one I can feel comfortable enough sharing anything personal or story related with which was just made even WORSE by these recent actions, and I haven’t been able to form new bonds with anyone in years either.
I know I hurt you badly, I know what I did was incredibly wrong and irresponsible, and I don’t know how it’s affected you over the years but this rage and anger is not good for anyone. I don’t hate you. I just want you to be able to move on and learn to be healthy and happy and no longer stuck thinking about me and how much you hate me and want me to fall. I don’t want to be hurting you by just existing and trying to move on with my own life, and I wish there was something- ANYTHING I could do to bring you peace.
But the only one who can ultimately bring you peace is yourself. So you can keep on trying to claw and bite and drag me down with you, or you could be the better person and try to just move forward and put the past in the past where it belongs.
I’m not mad. I’m just incredibly disappointed. I would have thought you were better than this, but I was wrong. I was wrong to ever even trust you as a friend, and I wish we were never friends to begin with, or even ever met, and I’m sure you feel the same way.
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puckinghischier · 3 months
400 follower celebration!!
i’m absolutely floored that in the short amount of time i’ve been writing on here that somehow there’s 400 of you that enjoy what i write enough to follow me and keep coming back for more.
i didn’t do any celebrations for any other milestones because i wasn’t confident enough to commit to it at the time, but i know the only way to truly get over my fear of being a bad writer is to keep writing.
so, with that being said, i’m going to put this out there. if you want to, if you don’t want to, it’s up to you, but i’d absolutely love if you guys sent me requests for the prompts you want to read!!
if you want to send in a request, just send me the number and the person you want me to write it for!
as i get requests, i will be marking out the numbers that have already been requested, in order to avoid duplicates
i currently write for:
- Nico Hischier
- Luke Hughes
- Jack Hughes
the only other player i would consider writing for is Quinn, but i’ve never written for him before, just given him a few cameos in other fics. if you really just want a Quinn fic i’ll consider it and try, but no promises.
i just don’t feel like i have enough knowledge yet of other players and their personalities off the ice to commit to writing a fic about them.
i grabbed these from another blog, but I cannot find the post again for the life of me, so credit to whoever originally posted these. if i find the page i'll tag them here later
1. “All I’ve ever wanted is for you to see me.”
2. “Just please open your eyes.”
3. “Wake up. You have to wake up. Please. For me.”
4. “Just please, don’t leave me.”
5. “Why does everyone always leave?”
6. “It hurts so much. Why does it hurt so much? I just want it to stop.”
7. “Forget it. Just like you forget everything else.”
8. “I never ask for help because I’m not sure I know how.”
9. “It’s alright to feel broken every once and a while. And it’s alright to take time to heal.”
10. “What is it about me that isn’t good enough?”
11. “I wish I was brave.”
12. “You almost died and you’re making jokes?”
13. “I’m scared.”
14. “I don’t miss you. I miss us.”
15. “I can’t lose you.” “You already did.”
16. ‘“You weren’t there…why weren’t you there? I needed you! I needed you! And you weren’t there!”
17. “All I wanted was a happy ending.”
18. “You don’t have to hide your tears from me.”
19. “I’m not leaving you here.”
20. “You left without saying goodbye.”
21. “For once in your life, do what you want! Be selfish!”
22. “Being strong doesn’t mean never asking for help or admitting you’re in pain.”
23. “You said you wouldn’t leave, and then you did.”
24. “This is the third time you’ve broken a promise to me, I’m starting to think you are doing it on purpose.”
25. “Whatever you do, do not make a sound.”
26. “I just cant see myself ever living without you.”
27. “If there was ever anybody meant for me, it’s you.”
28. “The closest thing to love at first sight I’ve ever experienced happened when I first laid eyes on you.”
29. “I didn’t believe in soulmates until I met you.”
30. “Did you just tell the person I was gonna go out with that we’re dating?”
31. “You owe me a kiss.”
32. “Go with me?” “Only if you hold my hand.”
33. “I’d feel much better if you’d let me walk you home.”
34. “If I asked you to stay, would you?”
35. “You make me feel alive. For the first time ever, I feel like I can breathe.”
36. “I’ve never felt this way before, and truthfully it scares me. But, the idea of never trying scares me even more.”
37. “You’re telling me you believe in love at first sight?” “I’m starting to.”
38. “I promised to love you forever, and that is a promise I intend to keep.”
39. “Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?”
40. “You give me a reason to be better, to do better.”
41. "All I’ve ever wanted was a place to belong. Somewhere I could call home. And you gave me that. Because you are my home.”
42. “They don’t compare to you. No one does.”
43. “I thought I had the worst luck, until I met you.”
44. “I could see the worst parts of you and still think you are the most beautiful person I’ve met.”
45. “I think I’m in love with you.”
46. “You brought me breakfast?” “Well you said you always forget to eat before you go to work, so I thought I’d make sure you ate something.”
47. “Everything feels right when you are with me.”
48. “I don’t care what others say, I want to be with you and that’s all that matters to me.”
49. “You bought me flowers?” “Yeah, well I noticed you’d seemed kinda down, so I wanted to cheer you up.”
50. “I’ll be damned if anyone makes you feel like you aren’t worthy of being loved.”
51. “I wasn’t sure what love really felt like until I met you.”
52. “You owe me.” “I owe you $20 not a day of pretending to be your partner to get your parents off your back.”
53. “I can braid your hair for you- I mean, only if you want.”
54. “Maybe if you stopped staring at them and actually talked to them, you might have a chance.”
55. “You said you wouldn’t fall in love with me.” “I lied.”
56. “I want you. All of you, and not just halfheartedly, but wholly. And maybe that’s selfish, but I don’t care.”
57. “Can you stay? Just for tonight, please. I don’t want to be alone with my thoughts.” “'l’ll stay for as long as you need.”
58. “You are my family.”
59. “We’ve been by each other’s sides for years, you think I’m gonna leave now?”
60. “Take my jacket, I don’t want you catching a cold.”
61. “I’d wait a thousand lifetimes for you, because you are worth waiting for. So when you are ready. I’ll be right here.”
62. “I will never stop fighting for you. I will never stop protecting you.”
63. “I can’t stop thinking about you. No matter how hard I try, you’re always on my mind”
64. “Don’t go on that date.” “Why?” “You know why.” “Say it.”
65. “Can I kiss you?”
66. “I can’t remember the last time I laughed like this.”
67. “How long have you had this planned?” “Since the moment I fell in love with you.”
68. “You came all the way here for me?”
69. “Why are you staring at me?” “Because I think you’re beautiful.”
70. “I think I’m falling in love with you.” “I think I’m okay with that.”
71. “What are you doing here?” “I wanted to see if you were okay.”
72. “The world gets a little brighter when you’re around.”
73. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone screw something up that fast before.”
74. “I’ve never told you that before.”
75. “You come here often?” “Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’.”
76. “I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “Maybe I should start.”
77. “You couldn’t handle me even if i came with instructions.”
78. “Wake me up when it’s over.”
79. "Abort mission, I repeat abort mission.” “What? Abort what mission? All you were doing was introducing yourself to your neighbor?” “Yeah, and they’re too attractive. I can never speak to them again.”
80. “At least I kept my promise.”
81. “I saw you looking at it last time we were in the store together, so I got it for you.”
82. “…Did you just sniff me?”
83. “Of course I noticed, I notice everything about you.”
84. “Are you alright?” “Yeah, why?” “You look mad.” “That’s just my face…”
85. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
86. “You don’t actually have to like me, you just need to pretend you do.”
87. “Since when did you open a bakery in your house?” “Since I got bored.”
88. “You’re bleeding.” “No shit.”
89. “For the most part, I am, in fact, an idiot. But I fully admit to it, which should count for something.”
90. “Stop grumbling and just tell me where your medicine cabinet is.”
91. “Close your eyes and hold out your hand.”
92. “I hate that I let you convince me to do this”
93. “We really need to stop meeting like this. "Then stop breaking into my house!”
94. “Why are you creeping outside my bedroom window?!” “I thought it would be romantic if I climbed up here.” “You gave me a heart-attack!”
95. “What are you doing here?” “I got locked out of my house.” “Again?”
96. “Run.”
97. “I can’t stand you!” “Then sit down.”
98. “Where are we going?” “It’s a surprise.” “I hope the surprise involves food.”
99. “You wont regret it!” “Already am.”
100. “I am nothing if not consistent.” “Yeah, a consistent pain in my ass.”
101. “What happened?” “Do you want the long version or the short version?” “Uh, short?” “I made a mistake.” “Okay, long version.” “I made a very very big mistake.”
102. “What happened to your hand?” “I hit my hand on something.” “On what?” “Your ex’s face.”
103. “I heard that!” “You were supposed to!”
104. “I’ve been thinking-” “Uh-oh”
105. “If I survive this, I’m killing you.”
Scenario Prompts:
*For prompts with Characters A and B; you can choose who is who in your request (who is reader and/or character)
106. Huddled together to keep warm.
107. Fall asleep in same bed, on opposite sides, wake up in each others arms.
108. Character A comes to talk to Character B, pretending to be B’s s/o when a stranger is making B uncomfortable. Leads to them asking B out on an actual date.
109. Continuously running into one another for days after having a meet cute.
110. Hands brush as you stand next to each other, you think it’s on accident until their hands gentle wrap around yours.
111. Shielding the other with their body to save/protect them.
112. Caught staring too many times for it to be a coincidence.
113. Size difference hug; they engulf you.
114. You refuse to leave so they pick you up and throw you over their shoulder.
115. Character A can tell Character B is getting nervous in a big crowd, so A slips their hand into theirs to help them calm down.
116. Character A teaching B to ice skate/roller skate.
117. B taking care of A when they are sick.
118. Holding hands underneath the table.
119. Bandaging the other and then kissing the injury gently.
120. A surprises B with a picnic.
121. Getting stuck at the top of the Ferris Wheel.
122. B sitting/standing behind A and leaning into them as they show/teach them how to do something.
123. As you begin to fall asleep, you feel a gentle kiss pressed to your temple and a blanket draped over you.
124. B comforting A as they wake up from a nightmare.
125. A realizing that they have feelings for B when they see them with someone else.
126. B bringing A hand-picked flowers.
127. Thinking you are alone in the house but you hear a noise upstairs.
128. B buys A’s dream house and surprises them.
129. Sharing an umbrella.
130. Walking together and it starts to rain, so they grab your hand and you start running until you can find somewhere to escape getting wet.
131. Fake date to a wedding; leads to confession.
132. A game of 20 questions that ends with “Can I kiss you?”
133. There’s a big storm going on outside while A is at B’s house, so B insists they sleep over.
134. A hears that B got hurt and rushes over in a panic to see if they are okay.
135. B just moved to town and really only knows A (just met). B is being followed or is lost and calls A for help. Of course they come to help and it turns into a date of sorts.
136. A falling asleep while sitting next to B, as there head falls onto B’s shoulder, B stays as still as they can, afraid to wake A.
137. Cloudgazing or Stargazing together, as you lie next to each other, their hand slips into yours.
138. Looking around for the shirt you left at your s/o’s house; only to find it in a drawer with other clothes and items you’ve left.
139. B get’s so nervous about their dinner date with A that they accidentally make enough food to feed ten people.
140. A hand written love letter left at your doorstep.
141. B dancing to music as their cooking or cleaning, and as they spin around A suddenly appears, grabbing onto B and continuing to dance with them.
142. A grabs B’s hand instinctively out of surprise or fear, and continues to hold it.
143. B helping A step down from a high place by taking their hand, and then not letting go as they continue to walk.
144. Comparing hand sizes, then linking fingers together.
145. Dancing around the living room of the first home you’ve bought together.
146. A asking B on a date until they say yes.
147. B asking A to attend a wedding with them, to get out of going with someone their parents tried to set them up with.
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torushawty · 1 year
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⌗ dni if you’re a racist, a minor, homophobic, xenophobic, kinkshamer, fatphobic, sexist, cannot sperate fiction from reality, or just an asshole in general. we’re all here to be horny and read.
⌗ minors get an immediate block. please do not interact with me or my works if you aren’t 18 or older. i’m not your parent, so if you want to disrespect people’s boundaries, that’s your problem. i can’t control who views my work, but if i catch you, (a minor) lurking my blog, you’re getting blocked.
⌗ my blog = my rules / act nice and mature. i want my safe space to be safe for anyone else to indulge in at all times.
⌗ anonymous hate gets blocked and ignored. it’s a waste of my time and yours. grow up and take that somewhere else. i’m not gonna let some anonymous person disrespect me on my own personal space. lets act like adults and not wish death on people you don’t know in real life.
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⌗ do not spam like. spamming 5+ times excessively without a single reblog risks you the chance of getting blocked.
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⌗ under no circumstances will i allow my work to be: plagiarized, translated, modified, heavily edited, or recommend me onto other platforms. all written works are rightfully owned by kazushawty and/or torushawty
⌗ my wattpad is torushawty + tumblr is kazushawty. ao3 is also kazushawty. i fully claim those users unless it changes. works on any other platform by that user isn’t me. if you see my work anywhere, don’t be shy to reach out! i don’t play that shit.
⌗ since a lot of my stuff gets flagged by a musty stalker on my page, please make sure you change your settings to see my mature content. if your settings aren’t changed, whenever i reblog something that’s marked mature, you will not see it.
⌗ please filter the content & words you are uncomfortable with to avoid being triggered if i accidentally forget to tag a certain kink <3
⌗ please keep in mind i’m a human, not a machine !! i get overwhelmed very easily on this platform with the thousands of notifications i get per day. it may take a while to get to your ask/request. i have a life outside of this app. be patient pls :)
⌗ since i’m writing for sfw & angst as well, i don’t care who reads it if you stumble upon it in tags by chance. just do not indulge in my mature content if you are not of age. respect my boundaries please and thank you !!
⌗ please do not trauma dump in my inbox. i’m not your personal therapist and you could potentially trigger me. i’m happy to give you advice but please keep that in mind.
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⌗ all themes i create are handmade by myself. in the past, i allowed people to credit me for taking inspo but now, please don’t do that !! i’m always happy to help with editing but as of currently, do not steal my themes & layouts. if you see anyone using a previous or current theme or my layouts, don’t be shy to reach out ! x
⌗ i don’t allow criticism on my writing on my blog so please refrain from doing so! it will be deleted.
⌗ do not bring discourse or drama to my blog. especially about other writers. it will be deleted and ignored.
⌗ i joke and use mature language a lot. don’t take what i say on the dash seriously. all jokes.
⌗ if you don’t like my work, that’s fine! but don’t come into my inbox saying things of the sort. i understand my writing isn’t for everyone. block me. it‘s real simple.
⌗ i may come off as flirty with interactions, but it’s all platonic.
⌗ don‘t call me outside of my name. ( pet names for me are okay !! ) please address me as “karma.” “karmana” is fine too. i won’t tolerate someone calling me a “bitch” or “whore” unless we’re close moots + irls. i’d rather not get called derogatory names by random strangers on the internet.
⌗ i have the right to block any mutual. if you hard block me, i’ll hard block you back. if i block you on my end, it could be for a variety of reasons: (i’m uncomfy, spamming discourse on dash, spam liker, etc.) it‘s nothing personal at the end of the day, and we are all complete strangers on the internet.
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-> finished? head towards rules to see what i will/will not write.
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