#this isn’t a continuation to the main story btw
sleeping-donkey · 9 months
[Redemption AU]
Adudu and Ejojo gets haunted, more at 11
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applecherry108 · 2 years
I know I’m just an old fart, but it really gets me seeing YouTube media critics under the age of 18 just…completely misinterpreting what a show’s message is. And not just that, but also assuming that the writers are constantly “walking back” earlier seasons as if the story wasn’t planned like this from the start.
Just because you didn’t like a story doesn’t make it a bad story.
#Tell me you’re a purity-culture child with zero life experience who doesn’t know what they’re talking about without tell me. 🙄#shocker u dingus the main character’s problem isn’t that their way of thinking is childish it’s that THEY *ARE* A CHILD WHO DOESNT KNOW THE#FULL STORY. THEY DONT HAVE ALL THE INFORMATION#pot? kettle? I know it’s too much to ask but maybe in a few years you’re going to look back at your cringe opinion and realize u done goofed#also. miss me with childrens’ media whose main character IS A CHILD who has an inherently optimistic view on war and violence#like yeah. they’re a child. I wouldn’t WANT them to be so traumatized that their reaction is to murder their enemies#the point is they HAVENT been disillusioned by death and war (yet) and that’s WHY their#positive and pacifisct outlook is such a boon to them#and those around them. they’re a reminder that it doesn’t HAVE to be this way. it doesn’t HAVE to be all murder and revenge#it’s infinitely harder to rehabilitate an enemy than it is to just kill them#btw dumbass do you not know what a martyr is? in your specific example had the enemy been killed their following would have gone on#a killing spree but bc the mc spared and rehabilitated the#them they were able to usher in a paradigm shift.#almost like…..hatred and violence…..isn’t always the answer….almost like…#showing kindness and compassion instead of continuing a cycle of violence CAN be a solution… 🤔🤔🤔#apple talks#to the tune of spam
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bookishdiplodocus · 6 months
A longread on writing comedy
This is what I do to research writing comedy:
What helped me most was analyzing a lot of jokes: "It's funny. Why is it funny? How does this joke work?" Usually it's something that subverses the expectations in a specific way or an unexpected collision of two things. (Like a pun is a collision of sound and meaning.) For my analysis, I wonder: "What is the expectation after the set-up? Why do I have this expectation? How does the pay-off subverse the expectation? Why does it still make sense in relation to the set-up?"
For example: I unleashed this kind of analysis on the movie George of the Jungle. It has a surprisingly high hit rate, I think around three jokes per minute in the first one third of the movie, and it still manages to get the story going and the characters introduced. I’ve mentioned this before, but I don’t think I gave examples, and you know I’m all about the teaching.
I found at least 17 types. Heads up, this is going to be a longread.
Type 1: Puns
Narrator: “When they finally beheld the mighty Ape Mountain…” [They see a mountain shaped like a gorilla head.] Narrator, cont’d: “… they reacted with awe.” All: “Aww.” Narrator: “I said ‘awe”. A-W-E.” All: “Ooh!” Narrator: “That’s better.”
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The pun lies in the fact that “awe” and “aww” sound the same.
There is a visual type of comedy as well that we can’t effectively reproduce in writing: the mountain is shaped like a gorilla head.
BTW: the narrator defies genre expectations by interacting with the characters, and the characters defy genre expectations by being able to hear the narrator.
Type 2: Tone of voice
Narrator, about the main characters: “Scraped and boo-booed, they searched high and low.
“Boo-booed” is a children’s word, not the tone you would use for a hero. Compare “tummy” and “stomach”.
Type 3: Defying genre expectations
[The guide falls off a rope bridge into a deep chasm.] Narrator: “Don’t worry—nobody dies in this story. They just get really big boo-boos.”
The narrator is breaking the fourth wall.
Again: tone of voice with the “boo-boos”.
Contrast between the boo-boo and the injuries one usually suffers after falling into a deep chasm.
Type 4: Not defying genre expectations
[A lion appears from the bushes. A baby monkey makes a sound like “uh-oh”.] [The baby monkey does the Tarzan call and bangs its chest.] [The lion flees.] [The monkey giggles.] [The monkey gives George a thumbs up.] [From the bushes, the lion winks at George. George winks back.]
Expectation: the lion is a danger to the baby monkey and George will need to fight it to save the monkey.
Defying expectations: the monkey and the lion are in on the plan.
Not defying genre expectations: George of the Jungle is clearly based on Tarzan. George doesn’t refer to that fact, but the monkey does, by doing the Tarzan call and banging its chest.
Improbable: monkeys who giggle and give thumbs up.
Impossible: lions who wink.
Type 5: Contrast
Narrator: “Meanwhile, 43 vines away, George’s kingdom is being threatened by a terrifying intruder.” [We see the adorable Leslie Mann, who plays Ursula, smiling and talking to the camera.] Ursula: “Hi! It’s me again!”
Contrast between what the narrator says and what we see.
The narrator isn’t lying. He refers to Lyle and the poachers who will be introduced in this scene.
There’s also humor in the phrase “43 vines away”, because of the overt specificity and because a vine is not a measure of distance.
Type 6: Oblivious character
[Lyle takes a Polaroid picture of one of the guides.] Lyle: “Do you like it? Magic picture. Yet another gift from America. Here you go. You’re welcome.” [The guide replies in Swahili. There is no translation in the subtitles.] [All the guides laugh.] [The guide continues in Swahili. Only the last few words are in English: “35 mm.” The guide takes his own camera and snaps a picture of Lyle.] [All the guides and Ursula laugh.] Lyle, not amused: “Translation, please.” Other guide: “He says he likes your magic pictures, but he prefers the resolution of the Leica 35 mm transparencies.” [Everyone but Lyle laughs.] Other guide, cont'd: “He also says your lens is dirty, but he has the equipment to clean it for you.”
Lyle doesn’t understand Swahili, while the guides understand everything Lyle says to them in English.
The fact that Ursula, Lyle's fianceé, understands Swahili and laughs along with the guides, is adds contrast to his obliviousness.
Lyle is the butt of the joke. He humiliates the guides and now he’s humiliated on his own turf while the guides don’t stoop down to his level.
This joke is threefold: 1. The set-up: Lyle is the arrogant asshole who thinks he’ll show the locals about technological development. 2. The guide is not only not impressed, he knows Polaroid and has a camera of his own, and is knowledgeable. 3. And he demonstrates his superiority in a (more or less) polite way.
Type 7: Slapstick
[George is swinging on the vines.] Narrator: “He is swift. He is strong. He is sure. He is smart.” [George hits a tree and falls.] Narrator, deadpan: “He is unconscious.”
Slapstick is another type of humor that barely translates to written fiction, when the actors behave silly, for example by falling over, hurting themselves, or others. It's often over the top. Laurel & Hardy is a well-known example of slapstick.
Type 8: Alliteration
Narrator: “The tired trekkers trudged on feverish footsies over perilous paths.”
If several words in each other’s vicinity start with the same letter, it’s called alliteration.
Note that "footsies" is another example of a contrast in tone of voice—it’s another children’s word.
Type 9: Improbable things
[George spins a lion over his head.] George: “George not even trying hard.”
While not impossible, spinning an actual lion over one’s head is improbable and thus goes against real-world expectations.
Type 10: Impossible things
[A gorilla called Ape enters George’s tree house and scares Ursula.] Ursula: “What does it want? What does it want?” Ape: [points at a big book] “It wants its Physician’s Desk Reference, if you don’t mind, unless you’d rather die of dengue fever, of course.” [Ursula faints again.]
Gorillas can’t talk, can’t read, and aren’t usually well-versed in curing tropical diseases.
Type 11: Breaking social norms
[Ursula is unconscious. George licks her face, clearly meaning well.]
In our society, it is not only considered impolite but also gross to lick the face of a stranger. The fact that George does this anyway, clearly not realizing he does something wrong, is a subversion of what we’d expect of social norms and behavior.
Type 12 and 13: Hyperbole and understatement
[Earlier, Ursula fainted when she saw Ape talk and do human things.] [Ape is reading when he sees Ursula look at him. He panics, throws the book away, starts grunting, and bangs his chest.] [Ursula faints again.] Ape: “Eh.”
Ursula fainting again is a hyperbole: a reaction that is stronger than expected.
Ape saying “Eh.” is an understatement: a reaction less strong than expected.
Type 14: Obvious repetitions
Ursula: “… And I didn’t want my fianc—Um, this guy I was with, to worry.” Narrator, a few moments later: “George and Ursula set out on a desperate search to find her fianc—Uh, that guy she was with.”
Type 15: Stating the obvious
[We see the guide’s hand, pointing at a really big footprint in the mud.] Narrator: “Meanwhile, back at the really big footprint in the mud, (...)”
Stating the obvious can be funny because the audience doesn’t expect you to do or say this because it is so very obvious.
Type 16: Adult humor
[George watches Ursula sleep.] George: “George having stirrings of special feelings right now.” Ape, drily: “I see.” George: “Good thing she same species, huh?”
Ape’s reply, “I see”, could be an innuendo, but it doesn’t come across as a joke (to me at least). Maybe it’s downplayed because it’s a children’s movie.
If this is an innuendo, it’s a play on words. “I see”, figuratively, for “I understand”, or literally for “Yes, I can tell from your erection.”
“Good thing she same species” because George shouldn’t have stirrings of special feelings for animals.
Type 17: Rhyme
[George is swinging on a vine.] George: “Look, like this!” Song: “He flies through the air with the greatest ease.” Song, cont’d: “Our daring young man on the flying trapeze.” [George hangs upside down from a vine.] George: “Look, no hands.” Song, cont’d: “His movements so grateful, all girls he could please.” Song, cont’d: “And with love he is swinging away…” [On the ground, gorillas frantically run back and forth with a safety net.] Song, cont’d: “He flies through the air with the greatest of ease.” Ursula: “George, watch out for that—” Song, cont’d while George yelps: “Our daring young man on the—” [Song stops abruptly.] [Thud] [George grunts.] Ursula: “… tree.”
When words end in the same sounds, we call it rhyme.
It’s physically impossible to hang from a vine with no hands.
The gorillas with the safety net imply that they expect George to fall.
Also, it’s improbable that gorillas would do this.
Slapstick: George hitting the tree.
Comedic timing: Ursula being just too late to warn George about the tree.
Song + Ursula: “Our daring young man on the—tree.” Because by then he is literally stuck to the tree.
Or throw everything at the audience, whatever.
[George has a pet elephant, Shep, who behaves like a happy doggy.] [Shep is chewing a humongous bone.] Narrator: “Later, they rested, while the tired tusker teethed on a… Wait a second, the dog bone is too much. Lose it.” [The dog bone disappears.] Narrator: “That’s better.” [Shep whines.]
Improbable: Pet elephant who behaves like a doggy.
Alliteration: “tired tusker teethed”
Fourth wall: the narrator comments on the story while it is going on, and edits it.
*** Here are some other funny situations from the movie. Try to analyze what’s going on. Usually you can spot several types.
Situation 1
Narrator: “Meanwhile, at a very big and expensive waterfall set, Ursula was amazed that she was lost in the wilderness with a jungle man.” Ursula: “And here I am, lost in the wilderness with a jungle man.”
Situation 2
Narrator: “The guides came dangerously close—” Narrator: “That is, dangerously close to shove a coconut up in Kyle’s—” Narrator: “Sleeping bag.”
Situation 3
Lyle: “I am the richest, handsomest, smartest guy here, so I get to go first!” [Lyle pushes past everyone, trips over a tree stump and lands face first in a steaming pile of elephant poop.] Lyle: “There’s an elephant here.” Guide, while looking straight into the camera: “Bad guy falls into poop. Classical element of physical comedy.” Guide, cont’d: “Now comes the element where we throw our heads back and laugh.” Guide, cont’d: “Ready?” Other guides, while also looking straight into the camera: “Ready!” [All the guides throw their heads back and laugh.] [Monkey laughs and points at Lyle.] [Off-screen, other animals make laughing sounds.] Lyle, spitting out poop: “Those are nowhere near properly digested.” Lyle, cont’d: “In case anyone is wondering, I’m okay.”
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Situation 4
[Cliffhanger: it looks like Lyle has shot George from up close.] Narrator: “Whew! Okay kids, let’s settle down and review the important information. Lyle is a big doofus. Poor George was actually shot but can’t die because, let’s face it, he’s the hero. So, the naturally concerned and preternaturally wealthy Ursula Stanhope whisked George away on a private jet bound for the country of his birth—” [George has a tiny band-aid on his forehead.] Narrator, cont’d: “—where he’s gonna get the finest medical treatment available!” Ursula: “I’m gonna get you the finest medical treatment available.”
Situation 5
Narrator: “Well, Ursula […] could use a best friend now.” Best friend: “Hi!” Ursula: “He’s in the shower.” Best friend, distracted: “Not anymore.” George, naked: “Bad waterfall. First, water get hot—” [A sexy saxophone plays] George, cont’d: “Then George slips on this strange yellow rock.” [Perspective: the camera looks at the two women, seen from between George’s legs. They are clearly ogling his crotch.] [Ursula swoons.] George, noticing the friend: “Hi! George of jungle.” Friend, eager: “Charmed, I’m sure.” [Ursula hands George objects that barely cover his crotch. The camera switches back to a frontal view of George. The friend is still ogling George.] Best friend, mumbling appreciatively: “I see why they made him king of the jungle.” *** I hope this was helpful. Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions, and happy writing!
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 8 months
the swan and her princess (part 1)
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summary: Swan Lake isn’t all beauty and grace, contrary to popular belief. And you experience firsthand that as you wage a one-sided war with your “rival” for the role of the Swan Princess, Odette.
pairing: Gwen Stacy (Spider-Woman) x fem!Ballerina!Reader
word count: 842
warnings: uses of Y/N, lots of ballet terms and references, the teacher displaying blatant favouritism ig?, mildly petty reader 💀
a/n: I finally got around to doing it! yay :D academic rivals to lovers ftw honestly
gearing up for my first official chapter-based fanfic WHOOOOOOOOO
dividers by me btw! it’s my first time doing dividers so any feedback would be appreciated <3
part 1 // part 2 (pending)
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Swan Lake: Swan Lake, Op. 20, is a ballet composed by Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in 1875–76. It is now one of the most popular ballets of all time. The ballet is based on a German fairy tale, and tells the story of a prince named Siegfried who falls in love with Odette, a princess who has been turned into a swan by an evil sorcerer
Odette: Odette is the main female protagonist in the ballet "Swan Lake," which is composed by Pyotr Tchaikovsky. She is the White Swan, also known as the Swan Princess/Swan Queen.
Anna Pavlova: Anna Pavlovna Pavlova was a Russian prima ballerina of the late 19th and the early 20th centuries. She was a principal artist of the Imperial Russian Ballet and the Ballets Russes of Sergei Diaghilev. (basically, every ballerina’s idol)
first position: In the first position, the heels are together, with toes turned out until the feet are in a large, open V or a straight line.
relevé: Relevé is a French term meaning "raised up." It is one of the basic ballet moves. The dancer starts in a demi-plié (a move where the dancer bends their knees halfway while keeping their feet on the ground) and then rises up into demi-pointe (on the balls of the feet) or en pointe (on the toes), either on one foot or both feet.
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“Let’s take it from the top, Y/N. More turned out this time. And your ‘wings’ aren’t flowy enough. You are the very Swan Princess, not a struggling cygnet. You die gracefully.”
You blew air threw your nose a little more forcefully than you usually would, trying your best to follow your ballet teacher’s instructions.
“Ah, Gwendolyn! So nice of you to join us.”
That statement was usually used sarcastically in most settings. So why did your teacher’s voice take on a note of adoration? You resisted the urge to roll your eyes, not even looking at the new arrival. All she ever did was drop into class half an hour late - without even doing her hair in a proper bun - and get showered with praises for everything she did. Always Gwen this, Gwen that. You were so sick of it.
“Gwen, if you decide to try out, you would be a perfect fit for the White Swan,” Your teacher eagerly told her, and your ‘flowy feathers’ tightened into fists. Just brilliant. In her eyes, you had no chance at Odette, did you? Once again, Gwendolyn Stacy would swoop in and snatch up something you had worked so hard for, spending hours upon hours on late nights at the studio practising alone, all because the teacher thought she was the next Anna Pavlova. But every time, you bit your tongue and kept your head down. One day, you would show them. You would show them all how good you were. And little Gwendolyn Stacy, the number one teacher’s pet, would watch and weep.
You cleared your throat to jolt your teacher out of her rambling. “Miss? My audition?”
She blinked as if she were just noticing you. “Ah, right. Yes, you may continue.”
You were ready to hurl your pointe shoes at both of their annoying faces, but you focused on making yourself extra turned out and extra graceful. Oh, how the tables would turn when you got this role.
You risked a glance out of the corner of your eye and noticed with a smug satisfaction that Gwen was staring at you, eyes wide. Completely enthralled.
Ha-ha, Gwendolyn Stacy. Look upon actual, hard-earned talent and despair.
You finished the Dying Swan - the Swan Lake piece you were doing for your audition - and bowed, standing in first position with your head held high.
“Thank you, Y/N. That was very nice. Everyone, let’s get started. Get your shoes on and get into your positions at the barre, please.”
Ugh, the barre positions. Your arch-nemesis, apart from a certain Gwen Stacy. Well, maybe not apart from her, since your barre position was right in front of her.
“One, two, three, four - hold, two, three four…”
You tuned out the voice of your ballet teacher; the exercise was purely muscle memory to you by now, and her voice was only distracting you at the moment.
“Hey, Y/N.”
You were pulled out of your intense focus by the voice behind you. Once you realised who it was, you had to resist the urge to scoff. “What is it?”
“I, uh… I just wanted to say that you did amazing. It was very graceful. You’ll make a good White Swan.” That almost made you lose your balance in a relevé and twist your ankle, because what?
Gwen Stacy thought that you’d get the role?
Oh. That was new.
Or maybe it wasn’t, and you were just imagining the whole ‘undeserving slacker’ thing and painting her as the bad guy…?
You almost giggled at that. Nah. This was definitely some ploy to get you to relax a little, to stop practising almost obsessively. Yeah, she was just trying to ensure you weren’t a threat. The moment you let down your guard, she would snatch up the role of Odette. You just knew it. Well, she could try all she wanted; you would not make it easy for her.
“Oh, I know,” You replied coolly, ending the exercise with everyone else and turning to offer her a politely bored smile. “But thank you.”
Gwen’s smile dropped a little and her eyebrows scrunched together slightly, her piercings glinting in the studio’s warm light. “Okay, well… I’ll see you around, I guess.”
She reached down and grabbed her duffel bag, unceremoniously dropping her teal pointe shoes into the mess of clothes and who knows what else she kept in it.
You kept your eyes on her until she disappeared out the studio’s door after a quick goodbye to the teacher. She was like a ghost, always appearing and flickering out just as quickly as one. And somehow always getting away with it, every single time. Not to mention… she was also somehow really good. Despite missing classes and coming late.
“Remember, class. Now that I’ve seen all your auditions, the roles will be up next week. Don’t be late,” your teacher called as you all left the building.
You kissed your teeth in annoyance. Yeah, don’t be late. Unless you’re Gwen Stacy.
Good grief, that girl would be the death of you.
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peachburger · 1 year
Hey sorry if you already talked abt it so i probably just haven’t seen the post, but could you go more in depth with your AU? I just think it’s really interesting and would love to know more! The designs are AWESOME btw !!
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Strange Beginning AU(LMK)
Context: set in the Song Dynasty in China, humanity has never seen demons because they were in hiding to blend into the crowds of humans. However that changes when a certain demon monkey meets the monkey king and his warrior.
MK grew up in a small demon village, living with his adopted father Pigsy and his friend Sandy who supported him during his life. However MK was the only demon monkey in that demon village, that’s when he realized he must have been from The Monkey Kingdom in flower fruit mountain which he wasn’t fully aware of till he discovered the stories from Sandy and Pigsy. MK being quite adventurous attempted to travel all the way to The Monkey Kingdom.
During his travel, he’s met small human villages but knew a couple things of being hidden as he hid his tail and ears from them. It worked successfully and he managed to leave the villages and continue his journey- only to find the wrong location..The Bull Demon Fortress.
MK snuck inside only to meet Mei and Red Son. Who had caused the three to become startled by one another, the two royals were close friends- specifically only friends from being restricted by the outside world. Which makes them astonished to see a demon monkey in person, the two immediately started asking questions and giving MK a tour besides turning him in to their parents. After awhile, they let MK secretly stay for the night and find out MK was searching for The Monkey Kingdom. So the three had agreed to help each other.
The trip wasn’t long as MKs old trips before he met the two royals, and it was a relief for the young simian. As they inch closer to The Monkey Kingdom, they were ambushed by a group of simians who were in the lookout, startling everyone and preparing to fight. However during the fight it was cut off as Macaque had cornered the three down. MK was astonished by seeing many demon monkeys, specifically to Macaque by seeing his ears while Mei and Red Son were too busy trying to escape them.
Macaque had brought them in and informed the king about the three intruders, instead of them being taken to be punished. The king was quite immature than Macaque, laughing and joking towards the children- he was actually excited to see them and introduced himself as Sun Wukong.
Sun Wukong and Macaque had discussed with the three young demons, MKs main purpose was to find where had came from and lead him to travel here. It left the two simians confused as they had never been informed of a missing simian child from their kingdom. Leaving everyone concerned and confused, MK wasn’t originated from this kingdom and it left everyone wanting more answers. During the time, Wukong had decided to give the three children a tour around the kingdom since they never had guests at all. Macaque kept guard of him and Wukong kept teasing about it, MK had noticed their dynamic was strange but he didn’t know what it was.
MK has stayed in the kingdom for quite some time, having permission for Pigsy and Sandy to visit at any time. It was later announced that MK would be trained by Macaque to fight much better, seeing that he was a poor fighter in general. But as the two train more and more, MK learns a lot of things about the royal guard. Revealing that macaque isn’t a regular demon monkey but instead a celestial like wukong. Along with a possession of a strange ability that manipulates shadows. The two had kept it secret till it was the right time to tell the others.
Besides the demons point of view. humans were inching closer into finding out about their kind and beginning a uprising of killing all of them. A couple of demon monkeys were found and tortured as well as being held in captivity. Causing the monkey kingdom to grow worry as they noticed a couple of their friends and families going missing.
During that time, macaque and MK went out of the kingdom to start their routine, but while they head to their spot they found a human village near the kingdom. But what had caught MKs eyes were cages of bloody corpses of familar simians, MK informed macaque immediately and without macaques permission, he had went out to try and help a few escape. It was successful but unfortunately the two were caught and had begun running back to the kingdom, sadly the humans were inching closer to them and Macaque had decided to hold them back to let MK and the other simians to escape easier. Only for the dark furred simian to be struck in the eye by an arrow as he was too distracted fighting with many humans.
MK made it back to the kingdom and informed Sun wukong, seeing the king become pale and shock had startled MK of seeing his cheerful expression disappear.
Sun Wukong went out to save his companion, Macaque, only to see his beloved friend injured and bleeding out on the floor. However he wasn’t dead due to his immortality but he felt regular pain regardless. It had angered the monkey king and left him into a frenzy.
The Monkey Kingdom
Set in flower fruit mountain, this kingdom is filled with many primates from Large to Small. The main temple/castle is hidden behind the curtains of a waterfall and their emperor is none other than The Monkey king AKA Sun Wukong.
The kingdom is quite far and hidden, but they are known to be a good asset of strength and agility. However, they’ve never interacted with other kingdoms in the last century.
Besides their emperor, they have a second command and also the royal guard who protects Him, The Six Eared macaque.
They celebrate a lot and have many festivals with foods and drinks, known for their tropical fruits.
Sun Wukong wasn’t the original founder of the mountain but instead was the third (and permanent from being immortal)
The Bull Demon Fortress
It’s the second strongest kingdom in China, known for their manipulation of power and flames
The kingdom associates with the dragon kingdom making them close allies (which is why Mei and red son are friends)
Despite their brute force, they have exotic foods as well but mostly meat and spices which they sell and gain more wealth.
The Demon Bull King hates the monkey kingdom because the last time he visit wasn’t a warm welcome (so the relationship of these two kingdoms isn’t good but they keep their distance towards each other)
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Hii I absolutely love your bakk ajr series so much!! I love reading fics where bokuto has adhd and you write it with so much care and love. Your fic series is so beautiful and the hurt/comfort is so good!!
I'm sunshinebokuto btw, this is a sideblog so I didn't want it to get confusing since tumblr doesn't let you send send asks from sideblogs hence the anon ajdhdkd I just wanted to say that I saw your tags on my bokuto post and went "wait bakk ajr series?? I remember that!!" ajdhdj it was a nice surprise and it'd be so exciting if you decide to write that in the series!! No pressure or anything at all I just thought I'd let you know that I really love your series <3
OMG wait, you’re one of my readers? That is so cool, what a weird little bit of serendipity that I stumbled across your post!! (Though it does make sense as a fellow Bokuto lover)
Thank you so much for the kind words about my writing in that series, it’s one that specifically holds a very dear place in my heart as a neurodivergent person!
I have been meaning to continue working on the series, I already have multiple WIPs going even, but the reason I haven’t gotten to upload another part to it is because I’ve been running into a couple roadblocks that I can’t seem to figure out, largely due to continuity.
(You don’t necessarily have to read this next paragraph, it’s partially me voicing my thoughts out loud as I ruminate on things, though if anyone has some input on it, I’d love to hear what y’all think) The main one is that I realized about a year and a half ago that alongside being ADHD, I’m also autistic, and it occurred to me that I’ve unknowingly also been writing Bokuto as autistic as a result, but I haven’t included anything about him being autistic in the narrative and introspection of the stories. With the timeline of the main events of the series, he’s already established in his career, but what made me realize that I’m autistic is how much I was struggling with the massive change in routine of living away from home for my last two years of university. Maybe I’m overthinking this and just getting in my own head about it and it really isn’t that complicated but part of me is wondering if it’s too late to incorporate him being autistic??? I want to have his realization be due to the same circumstances but even though I’ve included things into the other stories that allude to him also being autistic, I don’t know if it’d mess with the continuity. Granted, most of the neurodivergent-specific things I’ve touched on in the series have been ADHD-related but Idk if there’s an organic way to just slot in him being autistic too
Either way, I do hope to get to writing more for the series and there’s already a couple I can think of where I could include that little detail you mentioned in your post, so that’s absolutely going to be in the series if I have anything to say about it (And I do, because I’m the author :D)! Thank you once again for the sweet comments, I love hearing from the people who read and enjoy my stories!!
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skyland2703 · 2 months
AU where I swap Ollie and Javi’s intros in Dino Fury: Headcanons
This obviously means Javi becomes blue ranger and Ollie becomes black ranger. But uh. Let’s avoid that thought for the moment.
Javi is the one who gets stuck in Amelia's ghost net.
His character is still into music and was actually riding his bike to run away from his dad, the warden, who disapproves of his music in the forest.
He’s wearing the poncho.
When Amelia tells him she thought he was a ghost, he doesn't belittle her interests, instead, agrees to go along, something along the lines of, "whoa! You're hunting ghosts?? Can I join??"
Izzy is still Javi’s sister, and Zayto’s role is the same.
Add some sibling angst in eps 3/4 where Javi is a ranger but has to hide it from Izzy.
Ollie, on the other hand, is Izzy’s college friend/senior.
Additional plot of Javi having to hide he’s a ranger from his sister for 4 episodes. Fun!
In episode 4, it’s Ollie’s mom who is having an interview with Jane about that orb thingie, and he's just waiting outside her office, when Amelia along with the Javi and Zayto comes up to talk to Jane about the job thing.
When Javi, Amelia and Zayto meet Ollie, he still outrightly calls out Amelia’s ghost hunting obsession as bullshit and Javi backs Amelia up when Ollie taunts her on it.
Javi applies for the Buzzblast job— gets it by chipping into Amelia’s story on DinoHenge.
Zayto also applied for it but withdrew after he met Dr. Akana who offered him an internship.
They’re still desk mates + now Javi regularly accompanied her on ghost hunting expeditions.
Ollie still annoys Amelia every now and then but it’s not that much of an issue because :D they’re not the main romance of the season TYSM.
The Amelia and Javi romance progresses much like Tyler and Shelby’s. And Amelia does help him hide his musical equipment from his dad. EVERYTHING that Dino fury season 1 promised us for Javelia but didn’t follow up on :(
Not much changes after this. Ollie is still the techie guy, which is fun for once if it’s the black ranger??
Javi just permanently has a crush on Amelia. He’s just simping for her no matter what :3
AND Amelia confides in Javi about her parents situation just before season 1 finale and he tells her “we’ll find them. One day. I promise you.” Because he definitely has her trust and she feels safe confiding in him. She breaks down and they have a little moment.
In season two, Ollie and Amelia do have a “reconciliation” episode as they did in canon— and you just have Javi going green with envy in the background with Izzy going “it’s okay bro it’s okay.”
And at the end of that episode we see Javi working on a new song. When asked what it is, he just smiles and doesn’t respond.
The massage scene stays the same btw.
The Spotlight episode, the reason Javi isn’t able to write a brand new song for the competition but on Zayto’s insistence, he brings out one incomplete song, which he gives to Zayto for review, who goes “dude this is heartbreaking! I love it!” But in the end they decide to not use another song and go with the remix version of spotlight like they did in series.
Episode 13 is Javi and Amelia getting together. But instead of Javi arguing with Amelia like ollie did, he actually writes her a song and at the last moment chickens out to give it to her. He tosses it in trash along with the flowers and goes away embarrassed, Amelia wondering what’s up with him.
Izzy figured out the feelings her brother had for Amelia and decides to talk to Amelia. The remainder of the plot for the episode stays the same because haaaahahh it would’ve definitely made more sense if it had been like this XD
Canon scene 👇🏻
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The episode ends in Javi and Amelia reconciling and Amelia asking Javi to play her the song for her, “because I love to hear your voice.”
The plot with Amelia’s parents and the voids continues as it does.
Episode 16-17 are connected. When they make wishes, in episode 16, most of it follows normally until the very end when Javi’s wish comes true, and so does everyone else’s but Amelia’s doesn’t, and she feels the resentment. Ollie tries to keep her spirits up, but Javi sees it from stage realising she has no interest in his concert, and he feels hurt.
This follows into the episode 17 where instead of the entire Ollie-Amelia-Dr. Akana drama, we’ve got Ollie and Aiyon drama where Aiyon goes to Japan because Ollie and his mom are having sone issues and blah blah I didn’t think too much about this, but Javi and Amelia’s bickering continues because he’s annoyed that she doesn’t value him and she’s already pissed off from the events of the last episode.
This episode ofc served as their “problem after they got together” episode, so I think this would be a nice direction to take it.
They finally come to a compromise by the end of it, after talking and communicating 🫶🏻 and they realise they’ve started to love each other very much. And Javi apologies for not being with her when he needed and Amelia apologises for acting selfishly.
Remainder of the episodes follow the same way~
these two scenes are also canon now btw 👇🏻
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I just feel like a LOT of things would’ve made more sense if the show was written like this >.<
Anyway, thanks for coming to my ted talk XD
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Recommended Stories
Just a compilation of whump stories by other writers that I’ve enjoyed. No, no one asked for this, but here it is anyway. Since I’m always looking for new stuff to read, I imagine that this list is going to grow. But for now…
(this isn’t in any particular order and they’re all SFW as far as I’m aware)
Our Man Flint by @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night
Poetic prose that lures you into the story. A vampire hunter is forced to face (quite literally) his worst nightmare.
Erebus & Terror by @brutal-nemesis
There’s a gradual loss of humanity as the prince of a fallen kingdom is turned into a science experiment. Gore, suffering, and a protagonist you love to hurt.
Diamonds to Dust by @kira-the-whump-enthusiast
Some fantastic villain whump, with a sprinkling of angst. Family dynamics involve a distraught brother as a caretaker.
Jane’s Pets by @another-whump-sideblog
Nasty captivity and heavy torture featuring an immortal twelve year old whumper and her human pets. A very relatable protagonist and cast of characters.
Ongoing Untitled Story by @verkja
Fantasy adventure whump with some cool worldbuilding and three morally grey main characters. Oh and btw? The world is ending.
Kane & Jim by @whumpsday
Whumper turned whumpee and whumpee turned caretaker. Vampire whump and some truly horrible torture methods. It’s fantastic.
Seven Series by @whump-queen
Objectification and pet whump, hoo boy. A roller coaster of BBU suffering and a sad whumpee who’s in way over his head.
Waking Dreamer by @painsandconfusion
An intriguing magic system with a very whumpy plot that only gets worse and well developed characters.
Sunlight and Embers by @whither-wander-whump
Fantasy setting and a rebellion in the making. A prisoner is recruited from the dungeons to be used as a pawn in the rebellion and the plot continues to thicken.
Betrayed by @suspicious-whumping-egg
Hero and Villain whump. A hero is betrayed by their team and left at the mercies of the opposing side.
Hero and Villain Story: Behind the Masks by @whumpering-heights
Hero and Villain whump, but with a villian who does not deserve what he’s been put through. There’s an unlikely bit of mercy from someone you’d least expect. As the kids say, it’s right in the feels.
Weapons Don’t Weep by @wolfeyedwitch
A human weapon in a dystopian setting is rescued by a team of rebels. Dehumanization and angst with hopes for a recovery arc.
The Second Wave by @there-will-always-be-blood
Whumper turned whumpee and is furious about it. A morally-grey (she’s more than happy to commit murder) type of protagonist and an antagonist you want dead.
Liliholm and Page by @yet-another-heathen
Vigilante whump with a cinematic feel and characters who are vividly human, whether whumper or whumpee. God-tier whump will have you gripping your screen.
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scremogirl · 11 months
𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐒𝐂𝐏
GN! Reader. ⚠︎︎warning. Threesome. NOT EDITED OR PROOF READ!
I can clearly see how much you all love Takenya so here’s a small little story about him (plus a surprise guest). Btw this isn’t connected for the main storyline it’s just a thought that popped into my head. READ THE NOTE AT THE END PLS.
“And just where do you think you’re going?” This kid again? Ugh! Why is he always following you around?! I mean, does he not have anything better to do?
“Didn’t I tell you that you need to meet me for our weekly study session? It is Friday, is it not?”
“It is. School is over though. I tried looking for you at lunch but you weren’t there,” damn… you’re right. He didn’t mean for the council meeting to run over time, but duty calls.
“Hmm, you’re right. I’m… sorry,” a soft chuckle erupts from behind you.
“I don’t think they heard you, Kenya… or should I say president. Mind speaking up a little bit?” Fists tighten and his jaw clenches; why you little-
“Oh c’mon,” he says dragging out the last syllable
“Don’t tell me the great Takenya Matsumoto, student council president, head of more than three clubs, son of a CEO, is having trouble saying a five letter word,” you turn your head a little to the side with a disapproving look, seriously Micah? All you get in return is an “innocent” smile. Sighing, you turn back to your would be tutor.
“Ignore him. How about I just shoot by tomorrow; it’s the weekend after all,” Finally! This is the first time you two have been alone in weeks; the warmth you provided has started to fade from memory, he defined can’t have that.
“Wha-What! (Y/n), I thought you said you’d come to my house for a sleepover!” Oh. That’s right. You did say you’d be over today, maybe next time.
“Oh right. Sorry, Takenya. Maybe next time,”
“If there ever is a next time,” Micah adds under his breath. Grrrr! Who does this jerk think he is!?
“Wa-Wait!” You don’t make it very far before turning around, questioning what was the reason for the small outburst. With a grumble, Takenya explains himself.
“He… he can come too,” hm? Huh? It’s rare for those two to even breathe the same air let alone inviting each other over. Even if it’s unexpected, you're here now. Sandwiched between two men in a king sized bed, talk about personal space.
“Agh, fuck… you like that baby? Yea I know, just like old times,” Micah lets out a small chuckle as his hips continue to snap into you from behind. He sneaks a hand from where it previously was around your waist to your throat, using it as leverage for his brutal pace.
“Look at ‘em, angel. So sloppy, he can’t make you feel the way I do right?” Takenya scoffs but is soon replaced with a groan. The friction from Micah’s dick rubbing against his as you clamp down on him almost makes him cum right there . They’re both using your home as a battle ground at his point, trying their best to make you scream their name.
“Shut- ugh… Shut up Lemitzki,” he’s a mess right now. Long hair that was previously tied back falls around his shoulders, strands sticking to his forehead. Heaving and panting like a dog and sweat falling down his pale skin. He’s about to say more but he pauses before smirking.
“The only sloppy thing here will be them once I finish pumping them full of my cum,” his gaze shifts to you before leaning down and giving you a deep kiss.
“You want that, love? You want me to fill you up?” You nod your head so fast you honk your about to give yourself whiplash. He chuckles while bucking into you further, trying to forget the man under the both of you.
“Yea right, pretty boy; like I’ll let that happen. C’mon, pretty, let’s show him how I make you feel,”
No work was done
This was ASS like I’m not even confident in this and I might delete it if I see y’all ain’t rockin wit it. The smut part made me wanna skydive into a volcano. I’ve had no motivation because of this busy week. #finnashootthisbitchup. BUT I do have a Halloween special in the works and it finna BANG trust 🤞🏾. @constesplanetarium I can’t wait to go to ihop bruh.
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lea-sbian · 10 months
Okay, so, I don’t know how but I’m not seeing a lot of discussion about gender and gender identity when talking about Blue Eyed samurai. Like, the main character, Mizu, is shown to have an AFAB body early on in the show, and the immediate thought is “oh, they probably hide this just due to the historical situation, like mulan. She’s just hiding the truth of her womanhood so she can have more freedom” but then as the show goes on there are scenes and themes that heavily hint to mizu not seeing themselves as just a woman or a man (btw big spoilers for Blue Eyed Samurai here)
Like, in the puppet show that’s used as a framing device throughout episode 5, mizu is represented as both the ronin, a man who swore revenge on an entire clan (mirroring mizu’s own revenge plot), and also the bride, who turns into an onryō at the end of the story, mirroring mizus own journey of revenge after being mistreated.
Plus there’s the brothel scene, this is where me and my sister kind of realized “oh yeah, this bitch queer coded, and also definitely probably trans.” While being showed the different ways people enjoy the brothel, Mizu seems completely uninterested in anything that doesn’t get them further to their goal, except when they see a man having a threesome with a man and a woman, AND while watching this man be intimate with another man in the brothel, mizu immediately thinks of their ‘enemies to lovers’ boyfriend Taigen. This could be another indication of how Mizu doesn’t feel like either, or like both genders or could even be an indication of them being a trans masculine character.
And there’s just so many themes of social acceptance based on how they are born, how people perceive them once they truly know Mizu, and their fear of telling people who they truly are. And I know there’s a lot of media where people out main characters due to cultural taboos (like mizus mixed race identity) that isn’t necessarily about being trans, but at the same time there are soooo many moments where gender plays such an important role for these characters, which makes sense given the context and time period but I can’t help but feel the way Mizu represents themselves is more than just a survival tactic.
Even Ringo continues to use he/him pronouns for Mizu throughout the show despite finding out about Mizus ‘secret’ pretty early on (although this could also just be to not give away their secret). And the only other characters that know about their sex either tries to force them into a woman’s gender role in society (such as their mother and husband) or use it to mock them (like Fowler in the final episode).
I dunno man. Either way though I’m simping fuckin HARD for this character.
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hollowknightinsanity · 11 months
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sorry this took so long i was procrastinating
rambles under the cut! as usual
So. Eclipse. The Eclipsed God. The God of Dreams and Darkness. The bitch that shouldn’t exist.
Yeah they should not be an alive, but we’ll get into that later.
They’re 10’4” (giant), fluffy, and fucking crazy. Body count in the hundreds.
Radi/Sun is usually in control of Eclipse, but sometimes thk/Moon does take over, and even more rarely than that, they both end up in control at the same time. That is a very rare occurrence, though, and when it does happen it’s either because Moon is trying their damndest to shove Sun down and she’s fighting back, or both of them are dead set on doing something specific.
Their personality depends on who’s currently in control of the body. Sun is more outgoing and loud, meanwhile Moon is super quiet and stays inside whenever they can.
As seen in the ref sheet, they have two sets of arms. One is just regular arms, and the other is made up mostly of Void. Those arms can only be controlled by Moon. Because of that, Sun usually has them do the fighting, since they can control both pairs of arms while she can only control the regular pair.
Their halo is based off a full solar eclipse. I thought it was fitting, and also, it looks sick as hell.
The marks on their forehead, legs, and wings are Void, btw. Technically they’re scars from the fusion, since the Void really isn’t too big a fan of Radi, but they formed in a symmetrical pattern and react to Moon’s presence, which causes those extra four eyes to open.
And continuing on with that note from the beginning, yeah, Eclipse shouldn’t exist. They came to be through a force-fusion between two beings with wildly different power levels that literally hate each other. It’s insane that the fusion process actually worked, taking that into consideration.
Moon is so much weaker than Sun, by a long shot. Even attempting to fuse with her should have killed them.
But it didn’t! And now they have to deal with all the wild shit that goes on in the main story, none of which I can actually tell you bc spoilers.
Ok I’m done now. Enjoy the bitch 👍
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web-novel-recs · 6 months
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Thoughts, Chapters 101-150
“–She isn’t the person I remember. I knew it. Still, I wanted to believe for a moment that the woman in my memories was still alive. I wanted to be with her again.”  - Yoo Joonghyuk about Lee Seolhwa, Chapter 82
The establishment of Yoo Joonghyuk’s belief in his companions (41st regression Shin Yoosung) and difficulty ignoring the past rounds. Yoo Joonghyuk feels tired as a character, and I think questioning whether he will actually improve if he regresses enough connects with going through the motions and giving up too soon. 
It’s also shown how quickly he trusts those he shouldn’t - Lee Seolhwa and Disaster Shin Yoosung - due to his past regressions. He isn’t seeing things as they are now, which almost killed him, and regression isn’t always useful. 
The way ORV has set up the invasion of privacy - selling one’s story like how Lee Sookyung sold her/Kim Dokja’s story - as almost an act of violence or a betrayal. I think it was a brilliant decision to reveal this part right before the Peace Land arc, especially how we see the desperation of the constellation from a small planet as not only desperation but being rebuked by Kim Dokja for the monetization of people’s lives, if only for 10 coins. It also ties in to how Asuka Ren’s story was used as an act of violence itself, going directly against her own ideas of Peace Land. 
Speaking of…The Peace Land arc!!! Kyrgios Rodgaim is a fascinating character that I want to study under a microscope, but ORV managed to really show how ordinary people & victims become the victimizers. A lot of drama revolving around “having to make a hard decision” usually involves someone important to the person making the decision, but the people of Peace Land are complete strangers! They’re literally small and insignificant, and it would be pitifully easy to defeat them. The constellation from a small planet themself can only donate a measly 10 coins compared to the 200,000 coin compensation for [Main Scenario #6 - Abandoned World]. They have no emotional connection to the main characters. There isn’t a character or plotline highlighted to show their humanity: it’s just immediately assumed. 
It would be so easy for a lesser story to show the main character’s brutality or self-righteousness when they first appear, but Kim Dokja’s narration focuses on the people of Peace Land themselves. Chapter 121 focuses on the lives of the people of Peace Land and the brutality of the Japanese incarnations almost equally, and we see how a small person managing to inflict the smallest wound on one of the Japanese incarnations brings hope, only to be crushed by the dokkaebi Ganul almost immediately. And it’s not just Ganul being a villain - the constellations themselves are enjoying and encouraging the bloodshed. Ganul is simply giving them a story they want, similarly to how Paul forcibly turned the 41st regression Shin Yoosung “evil” to continue the scenario.
I do appreciate the instant willingness to kill a colonizer, btw. Zero justification needed; it very much felt like a “while we’re on the way to kill the snake” type thing, and I think we need more of that. I don’t even agree with punitive justice, but some stories are way to comfortable focusing on oppressors over the oppressed, and I respect ORV for not fucking with that
Han Sooyoung practically getting stereotypically isekaied to Peace Land via getting hit by a bus & Gong Pildu falling into a river. Convenient? Yes, probably. Funny? Most definitely.
Kim Dokja genuinely apologizing to Gong Pildu. It’s a small thing, but I’m personally just not a fan of stories that almost seem to justify treating certain people like shit just because they’re ALSO terrible people (which. I mean. ORV isn’t free of this sin so far, but it isn’t as bad as other similar action/genre stories I’ve read 💀 & I think it actually feeds into Kim Dokja’s characterization) 
The way the Salvation Church preached itself as “freedom from the scenarios” via the same ideas of power & “salvation” as the scenarios/constellations (stories & living in the “now”). 
Aughhh…. The way Kim Dokja being the strongest incarnation isn’t even a consideration for the rest of the cast despite being the truth… him going to Han Sooyoung of all people to kill him…
Nirvana in general was a pretty interesting character that I want to know more about, especially with the way they were compared with Kim Dokja. I think so far the swallowing of Nirvana, albeit abrupt, makes sense narratively with Kim Dokja’s own suicidal self-loathing regarding himself, but I do want to see more of Nirvana as a symbol of Kim  Dokja’s own desire to live within his desire to die. Getting real sick of Kim Dokja killing off people who remind him of himself- I’m trying to learn about you, boy /joking
Rebirthing the 41st regression Shin Yoosung as a dokkaebi. 
I know others have brought it up, but I hated the way Jung Heewon being forced to relive her trauma was framed almost solely as a method of “awakening” Lee Hyunsung. Lee Hyunsung’s awakening itself was very interesting and compelling by itself - the line about reaching another heart originally being difficult (Chapter 139) & Kim Dokja offering to carry part of LHS’s burden - but it was undercut by the complete lack of agency or emotional connection with Jung Heewon. He didn’t reach her “heart” as much as just give her a hug under extremely non-optimal conditions 
The weird Iris (from Russia) hate with no explanation… I don’t think it’s necessarily out-of-character, but why… let her be a brat… what does KDJ have against mean children…
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allthefoolishdreams · 9 months
hi! i hope you're well! for the ask game - 1, 10, 15, 18, 19, 21, 26 and 30? <33
(this is jeonghoneyss btw, i'm not sure if i mentioned before haha)
hi!! thank you, i am doing well, i hope you are as well!! <3
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again?
Something new I tried this year was non-linear narrative (in my minchan divorce fic), I've always loved non linear narratives since its an interesting way to tell a story. I think so far its turning out well! although it is based on a story so that did help make it easier. Either way, I would absolutely love to write more non linear narratives if I come up with an idea that it'll work best with
10. What fic made you feel the happiest to work on?
Honestly? I don't know! Out of the ones posted this year, I think maybe the superchan fic might have been my happiest to work on. I do know working on you are strange always makes me pretty happy as well (when i'm not hit with writer's block)
15. Rec a fic you wrote or posted in 2023
I have only posted 4 fics this year and I know you have read 2 of them, so I'll just rec the other two: chansung fic (which is angsty and about commitment issues and complex feelings regarding relationships but i enjoyed writing) and this minchan fic (which is a bob's burgers au and just overall a silly and fun time)
18. What was the hardest fic to title?
without a doubt it was my spidey minlix fic, I just didn't know what to call it even when I had the first chapter completed already which is unusual for me because by the time ive written that much I have title ideas already. I'm not sure if you read the author's note but i did almost title it "spider-boy (king of thieves)" which is a taylor swift lyric because it fits far too perfectly but i decided to search it on ao3 and saw that a lot of the fics using that as a title were spider-man aus which made me scrap the idea so fast. I ended up scrolling through Black Cat and Spider-Man panels + looking up Black Cat quotes for inspiration and decided that i really liked the line ""You are strange, my love. I guess that's why I find you so irresistible." and shortened it because I thought the quote would be such a fitting line for minlix considering they are both strange (affectionate) <3
19. Share your favorite opening line
if I keep it to fics I posted this year, I think my favorite would be from my chansung fic: At a young age, Jisung learns just how easy it is to pack up your life and leave it all behind.
I feel like it fully captures the main vibe of the fic
Also, here's one for fics I've written this year and not posted. I'm cheating here by giving several lines but here's the opening for my jilix songwriting fic because I really like the opening paragraph:
The first time Jisung meets Felix, he’s struck by how gentle and kind he is.  He’s mesmerized by his voice, like everyone else is; the deep, smooth tone and accent. The clumsy way he stumbles over his Korean in a way that makes it obvious he’s still learning. And he’s especially mesmerized when he starts to show off his vocal abilities, the range he’s capable of. It’s something else entirely. Perhaps, more importantly, he’s mesmerized by his bright grin despite how prickly Jisung is towards him, which isn’t necessarily anything personal, he’s prickly towards everyone. Unlike the others though, Felix brushes it off and continues to ask questions like he doesn’t genuinely mind how closed off Jisung is; he's never annoyed or scared of him. All while offering him bright smiles each time they interact. And it’s a beautiful smile.
21. Share your favorite piece of dialogue
I can't think of any off the top of my head. I do think a lot of my favorite dialogue I've written is from you are strange, especially the minho and felix conversations when they're bantering in their respective alter egos, it's always so fun for me to write. Their dialogue in their civilian life is very good to me too, but I don't think I can choose a favorite. I also remember enjoying the group discussion from chapter one when they're discussing Spider-Man since it was so fun to write
26. If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
I don't think I have any specific satisfying writing moment, but I guess seeing my word count on ao3 go up so much just within the year was pretty satisfying to me especially since like i mentioned i only posted 4 new fics
30. What’s something that you want to write in 2024?
I'm not gonna lie, my goal is just to finish all of my wips. But I do want to write the batman!chan fic thats been brewing, I havent started since I know it'll become a monster of a fic and I'm trying to prioritize finishing my current superhero aus before starting a new one lol. which reminds me, I have Thoughts on other superchan side stories, other than the felix one so thats also on the list, so far nobody has pointed out the Minho (or Hyunjin) name drops in chapter one of superchan which goes along with my thoughts regarding the au. Another thing I want to write is that seunglix christmas fic I mentioned before, I'm thinking of writing it out in advance for next december
Also, not going to lie, all the descendants talk makes me want to dabble into fic for it but im not sure yet. We shall see!
(thanks for the ask <3)
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enlighten3d · 6 months
(this might become a tradition lmao of me throwing oc lore at you while you’re probs alseep) okok so the main families in the story are the beckett’s (we know all about them), the biswar’s (janette’s family) and the rivera luzardo’s (carmela’s family)! there’s another one but their not as important to the story at the moment!
Basically janette’s family’s deal/literally janette’s life story (so sorry this is so long akdhdl) is:
-Mum continued the family cult and roped janette’s dad/her husband into it
-When janette and her sister were born, janette’s dad up and left with janette’s sister Mary (name to be changed btw) and janette didn’t have contact with them until she was in her early 30’s
-Her mum made her life shit (its a cult what did you expect tbh/silly) meaning she was very reliant on her mum for most of her teenage years/early twenties
-Janette killed her best friend Huan Lin (cult reasons)
-Then her mum (who’s name is Diana) got really sick and was given a year left to live and janette,who was 25, was like ‘oh thank god i’m out of here’ and left before she could see her mum die
-And basically spent her late twenties running around the cities, trying to catch up on everything she’d missed in her very closeted life (music, alcohol, friends, work etc)
-Then her guilt caught up to her in the form of her best friend’s ghost and her mum’s ghost and went back home to the town that she was raised in to dismantle the cult
-that is basically where the main story starts but the dismantling of the cult isn’t going well (she’s basically started it up again)
YEAH SO. THATS HER LIFE? I was going to go into the other families but i will do that laterrr (janette was stuck in my head today) but yeah yeah as always any questions are welcomeee
yes this might and i am all for it, i love waking up to see Lore and eating it and replying to it like hours after ive seen it bcs i procrastinate too much
mary... why do i get the feeling that something Bad happened to her. its either that or she left and never heard anything abt this ever again and now lives happily on like... a fucking farm or some shite.
was janettes reunion w mary and her dad okay... were they Weird.. why didnt her dad take her too.. was it the courts. i bet it was the fucking courts.
okay but also DID JANETTES DAD (does he have a name? if not can i name him charles. /nf) K N O W ABT THE CULT STUFF?? HOW DID HE AND DIANA MEET?? DID HE FALL IN LOVE W THIS GIRL, GET MARRIED, EXPECT A HAPPY LIFE, AND BOOM, WEIRD CULT SHIT. SORRY BRO, YOUR SKINS BOUTTA BE STOLEN (yes ik that they (prolly) dont steal skin, its just funny to say it like that). or did he Know what he was getting into and think 'i can fix her'...... stares at him 👁️ What Is Up With You...
does mary know anything at ALL abt the cult......
.are the Cult Reasons the same reasons that carmela cut off ryans arm (i THINK those are the right names..). Are They. Are They.
the ghosts.. does everyone get a ghost ? or is it just the cults/ppl who got sacrificed for weird cult bullshit. can only ppl who are.. oh i cant think of the word so ill just say Attached to them see them? or it just everyone. or yeah, is it a sort of 'you knew this person + were instrumental in their death' thing.. (do ppl who died and then got resurrected (ahem, janette, ahem) get ghosts. do they see ghostly versions of themselves... (this is getting too close to the dsmp /silly) probably not, right. MORE OF A HEATHERS-STYLE THING YEAH?? GETTING TORMENTED??
bro the cult would have disappeared if you didnt Meddle........ oh well, L
does she get haunted by the ghosts to this day (i think she does?? you mentioned smth like that near the start i think)
damn janette. thats some shit indeed...
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starheirxero · 1 year
i want to hear you ramble about your au
In this au, I’ve decided 1) that I want to blend the fnaf sb canon as well as the tsams canon and Also my headcanons for both, 2) THAT EVERYONE IS ALIVE AND OKAY, 3) that the exploration and understanding of the kill code is a big focus!
It’s set in a post-Eclipse world where he no longer has the star and no longer continues his reign of terror because he just. doesn’t have enough anger to fuel him to keep going anymore. Eclipse bitterly gives the star back to Moon (who isn’t reset btw!) who either destroys it or keeps it real real locked away, I haven’t decided yet. I think the next several months would be everyone sort of putting their guards down and setting things aside for the sake of being like, “well. we can actually just live… normal lives. we can be like actual people now if we wanted. we don’t have to worry about a persistent, lurking threat… so. who wants to come make a barbie dreamhouse with me.” ya know AHSJABDD
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These are the main situations of everyone in the world right now !! I’m gunna elaborate a lil more on each bc uhmmm I have thoughts and feelings and I’m diseased about my own au. anyways more under the cut LOL
So! Due to a reason I haven’t fully decided on yet (either the pizzaplex is no longer inhabitable or it was shut down because of how much shady shit has happened), Sun and Moon no longer have the pizzaplex to work and stay at and didn’t rlly know what 2 do at that point. Earth says that running their own daycare without the influence of fazbear entertainment over their heads is a possibility, and since it’s mostly second nature to them now, they agreed. The building has an area in the back that is disguised as an “employees only” area but that’s just bc it’s where they have their bedrooms and living space stuff lol
Killcode had insisted it be alone after Eclipse stepped down, but Solar Flare’s base programming said that they must help Killcode at every turn. At this point, their sentience had further developed, and KC was like “dude. buddy. u don’t have to follow ur base code u know that right. u can do whatever u want forever.” and Solar Flare was just kinda like. “well. uhm. well what if i want to still stay with you. what if i just want to be around you, despite my primary objective of protecting you.” and KC was like “that’s. that’s really sweet actually okay if u insist” and now I have to just sort out what their living situation is LMAO
Lunar has their own place!!!! I think this was something I decided almost immediately because I don’t think they’d have a whole HOUSE for themselves, but I do think they’d want their own little one bedroom apartment yk?? So they can actually feel independent!! At the time of the story they haven’t had it long enough to be like, super decorated or anything, but it’s still their own home and they love it to death.
and Bloodmoon is the one who’s often at Lunar’s apartment!!! They visit often enough that Lunar has a little area in the living room for them to call their own, as well as a whole shelf in the fridge dedicated to keeping blood bags so they don’t go hungry when they visit. KC also has the same tho!! Except KC might have a whole room for them, depending on whether I make them settled or wanderers.
Eclipse chose where he lives himself. He knows it’s far, he knows it’s quiet, he knows it’s not really his element, but he knows what he’s done. He knows that most of the cast is still in the area where the pizzaplex was, and he doesn’t want to risk bumping into anyone on the off chance it’s someone who decides they should finish their plan to kill him. He isn’t really better, though. He sits and he stews in his own frustration until he can’t handle it anymore and either breaks something or obsessively buries himself in a project so he doesn’t have to think about his own emotions. A stray cat visits him every few days, though, and he thinks he’s starting to get attached.
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wond3er · 10 months
I keep seeing tiktok influencers talking shit about Fairy Tail 100yq but for the wrong —and worst reasons like at this point the biggest problem isn’t coherence but the weird kinks included for fanservice. I couldn’t care less about living dragons in a universe where they’re all meant to be dead I could live with that, I don’t care about new dragon slayers appearing out of nowhere I can accept that too, but GRAY literally EATS Juvia ? this should be your main concern, not the fact that Igneel has a whole ass son or that FT became Dragon tail we dgaf.
Story wise (minus the FS) it isn’t great but it’s not as bad as some other canon spin offs imo.
Like I can’t count how many times I sighed reading FT 100yq chapters but at the same time I believe we were given some good things like the Erza x Laxus fight or a bigger insight on Jellal’s past which was nice too. We also got some funny moments like Gajeel and Juvia (my fav dynamic btw) investigating the new FT member and Gray calling out a misogynist (this was definitely not on my FT bingo list). All of that to say I don’t get why people continue reading if they dislike it that much (and i’m not talking about FS bc most of the ppl complaining are men who don’t care about the fanservice and dislike it for other reasons.)
While I believe everyone is entitled to share their opinion on media, I think there’s only so much you can do by complaining about a piece that can only carry on thanks to the initial material. Like…if it brings you more despair than joy you should probably stop reading and move on.
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