#this is... a lot of exposition ha
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steddie vegas au part 3
part 1; part 2
“YOU WHAT?” Robin shrieks, nearly smacking Steve in the shoulder with her water bottle as she whips around to face him. They’re about halfway through their morning hike, struggling uphill, and he’s impressed that she even has the energy for such an outburst. Steve is sweating like a pig and trying not to look like he’s gasping for breath.
He holds his hands up in surrender. “In my defense, I didn’t know who he was! And he looked kind of lost, and you know I have a tendency to adopt strays! He had these big, sad puppy eyes…”
“Eddie freaking Munson is not a stray, Steve! He’s a bona fide rockstar. Like, double platinum, Grammy-winning, cover of Rolling Stone rockstar. And you didn’t recognize him?!” Her voice is rising into a nearly inhuman register and Steve reaches out to try and calm her.
“Why would I recognize him, Robs? I never know who anyone famous is, and I like it that way. And, he seemed to kind of enjoy me not knowing. Like, his whole attitude changed once we walked past his billboard.”
Robin is gaping at him and Steve uses the opportunity to grab the water bottle out of her hand and take a swig. It’s a testament to her astonishment that she doesn’t even yell at him for it. He wipes his mouth with the neck of his t-shirt, and starts walking up the hill. He kind of regrets telling her about last night. After all, he had promised to keep Eddie’s secret. But telling Robin doesn’t really feel like telling another person. Just like having an internal conversation with the louder half of his brain.
“Besides,” he calls out over his shoulder, “it doesn’t matter anyway. He’s just another hotel guest. I’ll probably barely see him.”
Robin jogs to catch up and grabs the bottle back with a huff. “Steve. You escorted Eddie Munson to an AA meeting. That’s like, intimate.”
Steve shakes his head, “No, Rob, it wasn’t like that. I’m sure he just wants to forget about it. He probably flirts with everyone.”
“He was flirting with you?!” Robin is back to screeching.
“Well yeah, I think so,” he shrugs. “It was hard to tell, but he called me nicknames and complimented my arms.” Robin looks about ready to combust, and he tries to change the subject. “Did you see the photos of Max and Lucas from last night? I can’t believe how much she’s grown up.”
“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re trying to do! We’re not done here!” But Robin’s eyes are soft, and she nudges his shoulder, “did you go all papa bear on Lucas?”
Steve laughs. “No, if anything I was trying to encourage Max to go for it. She called me in hysterics freaking out about whether Lucas liked her. As if that boy hasn’t been in love with her for half a decade.”
They spend the rest of the hike going over every detail he knows of his daughter’s romantic life. Robin is equally invested despite having never met Max, and he loves her for it. Even if he can’t be there every day, being a dad is the most important thing in his life. And he can’t help it, he likes to indulge in a little gossip and teenage love lives are nothing if not dramatic.
As they say goodbye in the parking lot, Robin sternly meets his gaze. “Don’t let me down, dingus. If Eddie Munson is flirting with you, you better flirt back, or I swear to god I’ll come down there and do it myself.”
“And lose your gold star status?” he teases, and then dodges her halfhearted punch to his arm.
“Alright, alright, Robs. If he talks to me, and I really don’t think he will after last night so that’s a big if, I’ll pull out the Harrington charm.” Robin gags a little at that and waves him away. He gets into his car, eager for a shower and maybe even a little bit eager to go to work.
When he gets into work at 2 pm, the concierge desk is a shitshow. Some beauty influencer retreat is happening in the hotel, and the person on the morning shift is completely incompetent (they’re new, Steve tries to be generous, everyone is new at some point, but goddammit he’s pretty sure Max could do the job better than this Tammy person), and so Steve spends most of the afternoon canceling and rescheduling incorrectly made spa appointments while reassuring a seemingly endless parade of 19-year-old blonde girls that yes, absolutely, they will be able to accommodate the new time, and he’s so sorry for the misunderstanding. As if that’s not enough, they all seem to be trying to one-up each other for the title of Most Ridiculous Flirt, and if Steve hears “he’s such a daddy” stage-whispered across the lobby one more time, he’s going to pull out baby pictures of Max and start waving them around.
Of course it’s in the midst of this chaos that Eddie happens to show up, leaning over the counter, finger hovering over the bell.
“Don’t you dare,” Steve whispers to him with a glare that quickly dissolves into a grin. Eddie reaches out and boops his nose instead, and Steve can’t help but laugh as he swats him away.
The spell is broken by the loud pop of gum and a whispered “holy shit, is that-?” The girls swarm to their shiny new toy, asking for autographs and selfies. Steve bemusedly watches as Eddie handles it all with grace, posing for pictures and signing t-shirts.
He extricates himself with a slight bow and an “excuse me, darlings” that nearly causes several teenagers to go into cardiac arrest, and comes back to Steve’s counter.
“Hi,” he says.
“Hi,” Steve replies. “What can I help you with today?”
“The question, Steve-o, is what I can help you with.” Eddie looks mischievous and before Steve can clarify what he means, Eddie is asking when his break is.
Steve replies without thinking. “It was supposed to be at 5.”
“Well, sugar, it’s 5:30 so I think you’re overdue. Can I buy you a coffee?”
Eddie is definitely flirting, Steve is certain of it. He momentarily debates whether he should refuse, but he already broke any semblance of a boundary last night, and today Eddie looks, well, delicious. His hair is pulled up in a messy bun and he’s wearing a cardigan thrown over a tight black sleeveless undershirt and joggers and… studded crocs, Steve realizes. Eddie must catch him staring because he raises one eyebrow and gestures behind him, towards the food court. Steve puts his trusty “Be right back” sign on the desk and ponders flipping the bird at the group of teenagers still staring open-mouthed at them, but decides that he can afford to take the moral high ground.
They weave their way past slot machines and several bars before getting in line at Starbucks. “I know this is basic,” Eddie whispers, his breath hot on Steve’s cheek. “But nothing hypes me up on performance days more than their cold brew. It’s better than cocaine.”
He pulls away with a wink, and Steve isn’t sure he should be laughing at that joke coming from someone who attends daily AA meetings, but he can’t help letting out a giggle. And it’s worth it for the brief look of joyful surprise on Eddie’s face.
They order their coffee and take a seat. Eddie is attracting a few stares, Steve notices, but Vegas is a live and let live kind of place and so people mostly leave them alone. Their knees touch under the small table, and Steve finds himself mirroring Eddie, leaning in close to talk.
Eddie asks Steve about his job, about living in Vegas, about who he was talking to on the phone yesterday. He listens patiently while Steve regales him with stories about Mad Max. Tells Steve about touring, about songwriting, about Chrissy, his childhood best friend-turned-manager.
Steve finds himself smiling more than he has in months. Eddie is magnetic, equal parts charismatic and attentive. Steve hasn’t had a date (is he allowed to call this a date?) go this well in years and twinges with regret when he glances at his watch and realizes that they’ve been talking for way longer than his allotted break time and he needs to get back.
Eddie escorts him to the lobby, and once again leans over the counter, chin on one hand. Steve meets his eyes and blushes at the intensity there.
“Thank you,” he tells Eddie. “I had… a lot of fun.”
“The pleasure was mine, sugar,” Eddie replies softly. Steve tries to think of anything other than the heat that curls low in his belly at the pet name. Eddie starts to walk away, but Steve calls him back.
Eddie turns, something earnest and eager in his face.
“Good luck tonight. Or, er, break a leg.” Steve blushes fully at that, feeling awkward under Eddie’s gaze.
Eddie nods, smiles, and then treats Steve to yet another view of his ass, and Steve is on fire, jittery from what he tells himself is the caffeine.
Eddie’s pre-show routine has been pretty much the same for a decade. He chugs a giant coffee—today’s had been extra delicious with its side of hunk—throws on eyeliner, and puts on whatever outfit he imagines would horrify his homophobic high school principal the most. Today it’s low rise leather pants with lacing on each hip and an unbuttoned black cowboy shirt. He hairsprays the shit out of his hair, back-combs it a little to get that sex-mussed look, and voila, he’s done.
From there he normally goes and bugs all the other guys. As the frontman, Eddie gets his own dressing room, which can come in handy for post-show escapades but normally leaves him a little lonely. So he wanders down the green room hallway until he finds the rest of the band. Jeff and Gareth greet him with a fist bump, and he nods politely to their new bassist Ray, who’s drawing on terrifyingly huge eyeliner wings.
They shoot the shit for a while, Gareth telling them about a cute girl who was totally hitting on him at the bar and who was definitely not a hooker. Eddie and Jeff are understandably skeptical, but Gareth doubles down until their increasingly agitated debate is settled by Ray, who calmly states that the girl was indeed a hooker because she saw her counting cash in the bathroom.
When the opener goes on, Chrissy swoops in and they run through their set list one last time before huddling up together in a tight circle. This little ritual has been their good luck charm since their first ever set in their hometown dive bar.
Eddie starts them off: “Come! This is the hour we draw swords together!”
Gareth continues: “For glory!”
Jeff adds: “For death!”
“For the babes,” Ray adds, getting a chuckle out of them all.
And Eddie finishes, solemnly, “For Frodo.” They press their foreheads together and jump back with a holler before running down the hallway and into the wings. As they step out onstage and the familiar adrenaline rush fills Eddie’s veins, he can’t help but feel a twinge of sadness, like someone who should be in the audience isn’t there.
For the next few weeks, Eddie makes a point of stopping by the concierge desk every day. Sometimes he brings Steve coffee or takes him out during his breaks. Sometimes he just stands there and flirts over the counter, making more and more of a fool of himself just to see Steve blush. He learns that Steve has Mondays and Thursdays off. That he hates cinnamon gum. That he’s an expert at being just bitchy enough to shut people down but not so bitchy that people realize what he’s doing. Eddie gets a secret thrill of satisfaction when he watches Steve very firmly decline outrageous requests and people who think that full service means more than it does.
He finds himself looking forward to their daily conversations, unexpectedly captivated by how ordinary Steve’s life is. Because Steve loves to complain. But his complaints are about someone taking forever in line at the grocery store, or the Audi driver who cut him off in traffic, or how he can’t stand the stay-at-home moms who clog up the trailhead parking lots. All these benign moments that Eddie never gets to experience, instead worrying about ticket sales and tour dates and, in his darker moments, whether anyone actually wants to be close to him or if they just want to be close to the spotlight.
Eddie feels like they’re on the cusp of something, waiting to be pushed off the edge. This routine of flirting is fun, and it’s safe, and Eddie’s enjoying it. Steve is hot, and he treats Eddie like a real person, and their banter is sexy but harmless. They could be suspended in this mutual attraction without consequence until the end of Eddie’s residency and that would be that. But the little demon on Eddie’s shoulder that always wants, needs, begs for more tells him to take the plunge, consequences be damned.
He’s mulling this over during breakfast one morning, sipping coffee across from Chrissy.
“What’s on your mind, Didi?” she asks quietly, always observant.
He sighs dramatically and throws one hand over his forehead. “I pine, Chrissy! I yearn!”
She chuckles. “Steve? Again? Why don’t you just ask him out already?”
“I have been!” Eddie insists. “I’ve bought him, like, a hundred coffees.” At her exasperated look, he gets more serious. “Can I, Chrissy? I don’t–. I can’t afford to crash and burn again. What if I ask him out for real and the worst happens? What if it’s Adrian all over again?”
He tries to avoid her eyes, not wanting to see the pity there, but when he finally looks up she’s hiding a grin behind her hand.
“Chrissy!” he admonishes. “It’s not funny!”
“Alright, alright,” she concedes, still smiling. “It’s not funny, but Eddie, hon, you have to put yourself out there sometime if you want something real. And from everything you’ve told me about Steve, I think he’s a good bet.”
Eddie takes a moment to ponder this. Unlike most of the people he’s courted, Steve is markedly unfazed by the whole famous rockstar thing. He’s been meticulously checking his Instagram follow requests every day and hasn’t seen one from Steve so he’s pretty sure the guy’s not on social media. Plus he has that dorky dad vibe going for him, and Eddie is a sucker for a DILF.
“But what do I do next, Chris? I’ve already been flirting my little ass off, and sure he flirts back but it’s not like he’s made any moves to get more serious. Where do I go from here?”
“Leave that to me,” she tells him, and reaches for her phone. A minute later he gets a text notification.
“Chrissy, doll, why are you sending me backstage passes to my own show?” She just looks at him like he’s an idiot. “Oh. Oh. You think he’d really go?”
“Eddie. Think about it. How many people throw their underwear on stage during your performances? He’ll go crazy.” She comes to stand behind him and throws her arm around his neck. “Plus, I think it’s time he sees you at work instead of the other way around.”
Steve is in the midst of his Wednesday evening routine of making weekend dinner reservations at every upscale restaurant in Vegas, held under the hotel’s name at first so they can offer them to guests who call at the last minute. He’s just hanging up with Koi when he makes eye contact with Eddie across the lobby. Steve leans onto the counter and watches Eddie’s approach, lets his gaze trace the man from head (curly hair loose and slightly damp from a shower) to toe (the studded crocs, again), and everything in between (slim waist tapering into slinky hips, white t-shirt that clings deliciously, low slung plaid trousers). He knows Eddie can see him staring, and his cheeks heat slightly, but he looks anyway.
This tension between them has only escalated since that first night. He can’t get Eddie out of his head, he wants him so badly, and even more dangerous, he honest-to-god likes spending time with him. He’s funny, and insightful, and he seems to genuinely care when Steve tells him about Max, and not in that fake way of so many of his dates who were clearly just trying to get in his pants and had no interest in a family man.
Part of him wants to throw caution to the wind and ask Eddie out to dinner. But who is he to ask a world famous rockstar out. He’s nobody. Just a divorced guy ostracized from his hometown working in the service industry.
He’s torn out of this morose line of thought by the familiar greeting of, “Hey sugar,” this time followed by “I got something for you.”
Steve meets Eddie’s eyes, and is surprised to see uncertainty there. But Eddie is smiling as he extends his arm, phone in hand. “Here, put your number in.”
Steve does. Wants to make a joke about Eddie finally asking for his digits after the tenth date but stops himself when he sees Eddie’s telltale signs of nerves (rocking on the balls of his feet, chewing his hair). He hands the phone back and waits while Eddie does something with it.
“Okay, sugar, there you go.”
Steve checks his phone, clicks on a text from an unknown number. “What–. Eddie, what are these?”
“VIP tickets to my show tomorrow.” Steve meets Eddie’s expectant gaze with wide eyes. “Will you come?”
Steve takes in a breath. As if he would ever, ever turn this down with the way Eddie is looking at him as if he’s just placed his heart in Steve’s hands.
“Yes. Yes, of course I’ll come! I’ll bring Rob.” Steve sees Eddie’s face fall, looking every bit a wounded puppy, and Steve hurries to correct himself. “Robin. I’ll bring Robin. My lesbian best friend. She’s kind of my platonic soulmate. Crazy, but you’ll like her.”
Eddie’s face brightens at the word “lesbian” and Steve feels his cheeks warm, pleased that Eddie is pleased that he’s not bringing a man.
Eddie “oohs” dramatically. “A lesbian? I’ll have to introduce her to Chrissy. Christ knows that girl needs to get laid.” Suddenly he leans in close, right in Steve’s space, mouth close to his ear. Steve can feel goosebumps where Eddie’s breath hits his neck, and he blushes even deeper.
“Those tickets include backstage passes. I expect to see you there after the show, big boy.” With that, he smacks a wet kiss on Steve’s cheek, turns, and walks away.
Steve is left standing there, red-faced, awestruck, slightly horny, and full of anticipation.
continue to part 4.
read on ao3.
tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed!): @knightofthieves @exhibit-no-restraint @zerokrox-blog @nelotegreitic @samthemissfit @impeachy @mentallyundone @n0-1-important @xxbottlecapx @ameliajwho1993 @abstractnaturaldisaster @hellomynameismoo @epiclazershark @dogswithforks @i-less-than-three-you @aveys6 @anaibis @sofadofax @sunswathe
#steddie#stranger things#steddie vegas au#this is... a lot of exposition ha#i will try not to apologize for my gratuitous descriptions of eddies outfits#hes my barbie doll and im dressing him up#also i genuinely believe cc would have the cringiest pre show routine ever#theyre a bunch of nerds#this one is a combo of lotr book and movie lines#as always ur nice comments keep me going#also tumblr eats some of the tags sometime so if you see this and ur tag didnt go through im so sorry!#A writes
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Chapter 271 spoilers
So, a couple of interesting things about chapter 271, which is all from Rin's POV and mostly in flashbacks. The main reveal was about the Itoshi parents.

They're not particularly important figures in Rin's life, but apparently this is not due to neglect. The parents in this chapter seem conflicted in how to raise and guide their children, rather than actively harmful in their parenting. The worse you can say about them is that they seem hands off. Sae does the heavy lifting when it comes to consoling and advising Rin, not their mom or dad.
What's most interesting to me, in terms of Rin, is that they're never fully depicted. Rin's memory shows them in detail, but never with eyes. Compare this to how he recalls Sae, his kindergarten teacher and fellow kindergarteners. Even the bloody pigeons are well rendered in his memory—but not his parents.
Lastly, the body language of the parents speaks volumes. Rin and Sae's mom is somewhat present in their lives, or at least tries to be despite her own doubts. Their dad though? Really avoidant. His body language is evasive, and the only time he seems truly present is when he's comforting his wife.
As an aside, while their dad has dark hair, Sae looks just like him now that he's older. Their mom has lighter hair like Sae, but the way her hair sits looks like Rin's. She's also willowy and tall like Rin. Nice seeing how they both inherited different things from their parents.

Other than that? The panels of baby Rin trying to be a Kaiju are too damn cute. We're starting to get a sense of where he started, and how those natural instincts of his got twisted and repressed over time. I really liked this development, even if it refutes my theory about what his ego was.
The other thing that's really clear this chapter is how protective Sae is towards Rin. He steps in without a second thought to take his mother's reprimand about the broken toys—even though their mom seems to know he's lying about it. He's quick to suggest taking Rin out of the house for ice cream when he senses his little brother feeling bad.
Sae's aim seems to be to cushion Rin from every bad thing, whether or not it'd be ultimately beneficial for Rin to undergo that experience. Which makes you wonder—how does his outburst post-Spain fit into that agenda?
#itoshi lore dropping and it has me in my feelings 🩵#for such a cute chapter it sure says a lot without much actual exposition#really like the use of body language for the parents#i headcanon that neither mom or dad really wanted kids#but no grounds to support this in the manga as of yet#blue lock#bllk#blue lock leaks#blue lock spoilers#blue lock manga spoilers#itoshi rin#itoshi sae#itoshi family#bllk chp 271#mine#boinin talks bllk
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best vindication I’ve ever received is learning that Leonard Nimoy and I are of the same opinion that Amok Time is one of The best Star Trek episodes. this is so false but at least we are both delusional
#like it is objectively ridiculous in so many ways#and i definitely like it for more queer person reasons#but it doesn't matter#me and Leonard are besties#it has a lot of exposition for the basis of Vulcans as a culture#which is why he seemed to like it#especially because he created so many fundamental aspects of Vulcan culture#if i created a greeting that is widely used by a majority of the population i’d never stop talking about when i did it either#star trek#star trek the original series#star trek tos#spock#s’chn t’gai spock#leonard nimoy#tos spock#spock tos#mr spock#amok time
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Finished Wuwa's main campaign last night and after sitting on it for, well, the night, I felt compelled to talk about how fantastically they handled the atmosphere of the conflict. All of the playable characters in Jinzhou helping out? Seeing Yuanwu fight alongside Midnight Rangers, or Verina healing the injured soldiers huddled behind weapons and getting healing items from them -- Aalto and Encore seeing the escalating disaster and being like "Okay damn, we'd really love to stick around and help but we need to alert the rest of the world that we might have a global disaster on our hands", the way they used communicators to keep Jinshi, Mortefi and Baizhi in the loop without ever needing extraneous cutaways and decentering the conflict. There was a TON of environmental storytelling that I really appreciated -- Jiyan still seeing vivid phantoms in the Retroact Rain because he didn't take an antidote and is instead saving them for his troop + any unlucky person caught in it, the Midnight Rangers staying at their posts to combat the TDs even when they get super close, the amount of corpses everywhere like!! !!!! Yes!! This is it!!! This what I wanted!!! I love that it FELT like this is a city that's seen a shitton of wars and conflicts, everyone was on the ball and knew exactly where they needed to be and do!! This is how you do crisis situations in games!!! Oh my god yes!!!!
#ginger rambles#wuwa#wuthering waves#wuwa jiyan#I'm singling out Jiyan because I think he especially shined in this portion#The bit about him having vivid phantoms because he's saving his antidotes for those who truly need it and he has prior experience with them#so he can endure is so fucking mmMMM#This man is fantastic actually#Anyway Wuwa so good#Idk if I'll make a tag for it but I have a lot of WuWa thoughts and I think it's fantastic and also Act VI was great#Not perfect#not even particularly good if we're talking about overall technical writing because goddamn wuwa exposition#But it was great and super strong in terms of characterisation and storytelling and honestly I'm in love#defo gonna be talking about stuff from this for a while
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I've got big opinions on dream sequences in writing. Which is mostly that they really shouldn't be there like 90% of the time because they grind the narrative to a halt, but I think they CAN have value. It's just that they tend to be executed in a way that's kind of pointless.
It's mostly that a lot of writers have the sequences be literal 1:1 depictions of the character's anxieties or feelings, or otherwise the absolute most on the nose symbolism possible. And it's not like dreams are NEVER like that, but why bother stopping the narrative to include a full sequence that essentially just repeats information the reader already knows?
If it's established that Character A is scared that Character B will get murdered by Jeff the Killer, and then A has an entire dream sequence of B getting Jeff the Killed and A wakes up sweating like 'Noooooooooo I do not want that to happen noooooo' it's jsut like. Yeah I knew that already?
#I think (at least with realistic fiction) a solid way to do a dream sequence is to fully take advantage of what a dream really is#(ie the brain processing memories and anxieties) to tell you things about a characters psyche that would not otherwise explicitly#come up in the text#Like my dreams could tell you a lot about things that are important to me/things that motivate me/things that scare me#They're often set in significant places from my lifetime and a lot of the time it sort of has 'themes' that play out in absurd dream-logic#scenarios but have an underlying coherency (ie me either trying and failing to acquire something of value or me attempting#to flee from some sort of existential threat beyond my control)#Using that sort of model to construct a dream sequence while also tailoring it to be relevant to their specific plotline (rather than#just like a general info dump) can provide information about the character without exposition. Tie in their character arc to wider plot#elements. Set up/emphasize motifs/patterns/themes. Etc#(AM IN THE PROCESS OF REVISING A DREAM SEQUENCE FOR THE 10 BILLIONTH TIME AND TRYING TO JUSTIFY TO MYSELF THAT IT HAS A POINT)
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#(I'm back)#It was. Uhm. A chapter#First of all: I'm ENDLESSLY GRATEFUL to the person who sent me the translation basically as soon as the chapter came out.#I even did like 90% of typesetting but didn't finish it because I had to go out#(aka with my friends were literally knocking out at my room and I couldn't make it any more late lol)#Mixed feelings about it? Mostly because there's so much exposition... I'll need to reread it another three times before it sinks in#The color page is AMAZING 10000000000000/10 I love my sskks so much they're so cute I love them so much they're so cute.#Easily the best part of the chapter.#The color page was? Very very pretty too? Like a lot more than usual if you ask me! I can't wait for the volume cover 🥺🥺#It should come out soon shouldn't it? Usually color spreads / pages open the volume...#Akutagawa fake dying again is funny. Like it isssss but also. Idk it's a little lame how we're changing the pov from ss/kk again :/#I can't even tell if I'm being biased or if it's an actual storytelling critique. I don't care right now I just want to see Akutagawa–#being cool rather than. You know. Dead on the ground.#That said! It's also very funny and touches my sense of humor precisely.#Like yeah Akutagawa being like the second strongest pm member and overall one of the most powerful ability user in the world–#that everyone fears (and I know he is! He is indeed for real!)#And yet he always ends up face to the ground 😂😂😂 Like if we don't count the ss/kk fights he literally only ever won against Hawthorne.#And even then he failed to kill him and Mitchell. It's so funny to me. I love him. He's so pathetic#“Wow! Akutagawa is so cool and invincible now!” *ends up biting the dust not even two chapters later*#It's okay because I love him. He's very very powerful and he's also very very pathetic I love that for him#That said :/ I don't really care about Fukuzawa :/ Idk :/ Like :/#Don't get me wrong I LOVE Fukuzawa (I don't. I'm mostly neutral towards him) but this is the ss/kk moment man :/ Whatchu doin#That's about it. Let's see what the next chapter brings!#Everything accounted for I'm glad there wasn't like. A ss/kk kiss or any other big big ss/kk moment#(although Atsushi admiring Akutagawa and thinking about his eyes has its fair share of neatness to it!!)#Because with everything going on this evening I really would have been let down to miss it#But I keep hope for the next chapters!! Please...#random rambles#Had tons of fun typesetting! Even though I don't think there's a point in posting it now. But would love to do it again in the future!#bsd spoilers
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Bad news: I don't think I'm going to be able to write for ever day of TD horror week as I'd originally imagined.
Good news: The days I am going to be part of will be Cooking. I shan't spoil too much about it but one day already has 2.5K words and is only like a fourth of the way done.
#I will admit I'm not getting to that word count on my own#I have a little help ;)#It's equal and hard work to make the teenagers endure the horrors but someone's gotta do it#No elaborating for spoilers but I'm really excited about it#some of the days might end up just being exposition dumps as it was for Alenoah week#It's just what I've got the energy but for right now#But the ideas! They're happening!#I know I've been a lot less active in comparison to earlier this year with posting original fan content#Navigating between interacting a la Discord and still doing writing is hard#The ADHD prefers the quicker dopamine release that shorter conversations allow for#Plus RPing#RPing has also taken hold of me once more#And for those I am RPing with I love you dearly <3 /p#But I promise even with writing coming out a lot slower I'm giving it up never#The AUs demand completion and will get them one day#Oops this turned into quite a lengthy ramble in the tags#Point is I hope you're all as excited for horror week as I am#What I post will surprise you and me both#And also can't wait to see everyone else's submissions!#The Horrors. They shall overtake us all.#perp rambles#i am my own hype woman#i shall not apologize for this#We should all be our own hype people
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pt. ii | | series masterlist
focus on: muni sarang (diane meunier), choi san, & song deokhee word count: ~4.6k warnings: language, intermittent Lore Dumping™, mentions of violence, occasional graphic imagery, mentions of semi-main character death, Even More Gods Are Introduced and i think that is lovely
ᴛᴄᴅᴜ (ᴛᴏᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴠᴏʟᴜᴛᴇᴅ, ᴅɪᴅɴ'ᴛ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀꜱᴛᴀɴᴅ) ɪꜱ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇᴅ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ !
⌖ ๋࣭ ⭑♚₊🗡 ๋࣭
lilo's mic: still knee deep in history but with more character introductions! i think at some point i might do a character recap page where i can offer some quick stats about the character's strengths and role, but idk if it would be helpful or just another way that i Procrastinate™ — let me know your thoughts !
⌖ ๋࣭ ⭑♚₊🗡 ๋࣭
⌜ my girl pinched my hips to see if i still exist / i think not ⌟
ꜱᴇᴇ ɪꜰ ɪ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ᴇxɪꜱᴛ ๋࣭🗡₊♚⭑ ๋࣭⌖
— ʜᴀᴇᴍᴏ ᴘᴏʀᴛ was the main harbour of hoku city. home to the oldest and most robust working port on the island, the leeward side of the city was often referred to as haemopu side — an amalgamation of the names ʜᴀᴇᴍᴏꜱᴜ, the god of light and namesake of haemo port; and ᴋᴀᴘᴜ: sacred, taboo, forbidden. it was an unspoken rule that the shadows that danced on haemopu side were all puppets of that power known as serpens, and if you saw their strings or witnessed their plays, you would keep quiet, or your days were numbered — your gift from samgong through.
— still, haemo port was vast and wide, and business had to keep. it wasn't particularly bad luck to be a shop stationed near haemo port: there was so much foot traffic there, so many lives crossing back and forth, still hungry to survive; the best of money could be found for those who dared haemopu and kept their sight where it belonged — out of their eyes and in the open hands of hoku — or so the urban prayer went.
to the untrained eye, haemo port and ʜᴀᴇꜱᴜ ꜱᴛʀᴇᴇᴛ (the road that led to the devouring mouth of it) were the same as any other harbour on the island: only slightly more complicated than the sum of their intricately stacked, labyrinthine parts; bathed in light by enormous streetlamps so that when the sun went down, the majesty of ʀᴀᴋᴇᴛᴜ, night, couldn't be the refuge with which spirits attempted to thwart demons. but the fangs of some serpents still found their venomous purchase, and the storefronts along haesu street were often just that — fronts. legitimate stores, but facades for things still sinister, sliding their way through the waters, encircling your world, whole.
— on the furthest place inland haesu street ever went, there was an old business complex that had stood so long the original signage was lost and along with it, the precedent name. haemo complex, haesu park, haemo plaza, haemopu ether — old things have many names, and in legend, the many named becomes gods. inside the six story building, shops and establishments checked in and out like aimless souls in a graveyard: some lingered, some faded, some lasted the test of time.
on the first floor of haesu complex stood a taekwondo studio.
next to it, an indoor shooting range.
— we start this story with the taekwondo studio — the dojang, where mountains go to be edified and pupils to be fortified. eventually, we will open the door to see what is made with bullets and loose gunpowder, but for now, we take an abrupt turn right, through the third set of doors on the ground floor.
ᴄʜᴏɪ ᴊᴇᴏɴɢᴄʜᴇᴏʟ, father of one, was the owner of the modest studio: a stern man with a compassionate underbelly, a fourth dan black belt and the first sabeom — teacher — to enter the business complex. in the early days, when he was newly teaching and the world was more cruel and wanton than it ought, he orchestrated and ran illegal fights in the backmost part of his dojang. necessity begged it; life forced his unwavering hand. he'd never been proud, but he stood in his choices steadfast, and if you only saw the whole of him from an angle upturned and below, it seemed the might of him was his honor, unmarred.
dealing in entertainment and prestige, jeongcheol made ends meet in the evening to bring necessities and opportunity to his wife and newborn son at dawn, and by noon, instill dreams in the children that called him sabeom, center of their budding confidence.
when the serpens found out about his midnight habits, they paid a prompt price for front row tickets. by the end of the evening, jeongcheol's rental payments were moved to an account more reliable, and his small family moved out of the back office space and into one of the apartments that sat on the fifth and sixth floors. in exchange, the fights would persist on a grander scale at a more regular schedule ad infinitum, and the serpens would get their due cut.
jeongcheol always knew that this favor would amount to more debt, in the future, but for the security he was promised, in this blood oath? for the advantage and chance he could bestow upon his son? if it were shortsighted and misguided — this business deal with the serpent of the sky — then forgive him, but omniscience was simply the name of his city, not the power in his mind.
— and as san, his darling boy, grew from jeja to seonbae and in the course of time, sabeom all his own — a 3rd dan black belt and the pride of jeongcheol's world — the price of a demon's mercy became ever clearer, crystalizing into the certainty of future: law.
— it was in that very dojang, after all, that jeongcheol added to his myriad of students two young girls: diane and soyeon, dawn and dusk. jeja diane, a student named wisdom, took early to sparring with san, never minding that the younger always won, ever scheming to learn from a protégé's skill.
when san was chosen to be the demon heir's protector, it wasn't a matter of surprise or honor, simply that of providence.
and san was dignified by it, at any rate.
— only ever envisioning an inherited taekwondo studio for himself, a modest future but fulfilling dream, san's world expanded at the hands of diane — and his dojang, while still being the center of all his tethered existence, was a future now shared. ʏᴇᴏꜱᴀɴɢ, a pupil and friend, would aid him in handling the fights in the backmost part all of his father's hope and shame, an eternal rite, the sisyphean promise the choi family would never complete.
— jeongcheol had slowly backed away from the uglier side of his business as he aged into complacency and fatigue, and san had taken up the mantle in his place. now, sin would beget sin and shackled to the serpens would be yet another soul.
yeo was clear that he didn't mind.
already one foot into corruption, what was one more leg?
— he'd been cleaning up bruises from betting fights and broken limbs from shadow duels for years. he'd sewn flesh together the way others might knit tenderness and virtue, goodness and love.
every dojang needed it's medic. and every medic needed his charge.
— this was merit enough, for the both of them. respect for san in being trusted with something on which the whole of the underworld revolved; prestige for yeosang in the power inherent of a ruling head of a domain long standing, and in it's ancience, revered.
and watching them both, once the hand that led them deep into the mouth of something ravenous, still, stood choi jeongcheol, left wondering when security was no longer security — a promise no longer words of honor.
ꜱᴇᴇ ɪꜰ ɪ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ᴇxɪꜱᴛ ๋࣭🗡₊♚⭑ ๋࣭⌖ ᴄᴏɴᴛ.
— diane had asked him to disappear, again.
— it was never an explicit demand, not since the first time, when she'd been following the tail of a banker and realized it would be so much easier to approach him if she were just a woman and not a daughter, held.
the nameless banker had decided he no longer wished to be a pigeon fed from an opened hand but a raven shot out of the sky, the shiny things he stole slipping from his traitor beak and landing back into the hand of the power that wielded the shotgun evermore.
— "you're intimidating, san." and it hadn't been her words or the command in her eye so much as it was a shift in her being — sarang to diane, veracity to something mutable and ever brewing. "i need to ensnare him..."
and he'd slipped away, taken her half-cue and was already gone.
— if the demon of hoku knew how often diane asked him to slip away, san was sure the mythic ernest would be none too pleased. it takes half a second for malignance to seize you in hoku city, and only a fraction of that if you're particularly inclined. of course, san was never far, and sarang more competent than what the wills of well meaning fathers offered her, but it would be more than just san's immortal soul on the line if something befell her and he were at all still breathing.
but it was always sarang's eyes that sought for the mercy of him, in the hairbreadth turn of her infinitesimal micro-expression, the graceful warp into something so unseen it were all but hidden to eyes that were any less devoted than his. and it was never a question because she would never need to ask; he'd learned to read the depths of her during sparring sessions in a dojang made of his youth and all his tomorrow. once, he'd crafted alongside her the armor that was so much a second skin, there were barely any joints or seams that one could rub the pad of their thumb along.
he'd seen her, then, and so he always knew.
— and that's how he found himself here, again. vanished from a spot he said he'd always defend: dematerialized, because bang chan had come to call.
— or so diane let the boy think. she'd found chan first, weeks before this encounter he'd name 'chance' or 'fate'. it had been simple to learn his routine and easier to insert herself in it. a coffee shop he always walked past. her new favorite window seat. a position so comfortable it looked as though it had always been.
and so they talked; this woman neither diane nor sarang, crafting a life by degrees of admission, chan warming to the gentle flame of her lies so that eventually, perhaps, knowledge of him would melt, secrets in him slip between them, in this place behind glass, warm between cups of untouched coffee.
not even san would hear the things chan would reveal in his adventurous, half-flirtatious speech. the thought often made the black belt's heart skid — his resolve stutter — but the bulk of him never wavered. he was a mountain and summits never crumbled; their might certainly never moved.
and that simple conflict of interest was something his friends never failed to entertain, and in mocking, enjoy.
— ᴅᴇᴏᴋʜᴇᴇ, twin sister of ᴡᴏᴏʏᴏᴜɴɢ and the one-minute younger half of their expert gunman team, was the one to first discover san's internal battle, having joked about his affection for diane from his sabeom days at the dojang. first, a true baseless joke, then overtime, a comfortable uncomfortability for san as it grew in truth and size.
san and his diane; no one loved their work the way san did; if san could marry duty he would.
— if he wasn't always looking at deokhee down the barrel of her sniper rifle, he just might knock some humility into her near prophetic teasing and her twin's identical shit eating grin.
but what was he to do when she was, in part, always right?
— sarang laughed at something chan said, and diane reached out to touch his shoulder with the soft of her hand. san turned his gaze, somehow half guilty, and that's when he saw the ephemera of a shadow he should not have.
what was kim hongjoong doing all the way here?
— first order of business would be to pull sarang from the place at which she stood. second would be to see just who the informant whisperer was that hongjoong strove to meet. third would be to evaluate just where that placed this puppet-master of secrets in the ever turbulent waters of organization and fealty — obeisance and axis.
— san was standing in front of her in the coffee shop before the shadow had ever truly dissipated — before any of the prior thoughts had fully formed in his mind.
sarang was good at smoothing her own confusion and concern, and playing the part of the innocent and sheltered. she huffed a convincing sigh and muttered something about a father that, overprotective, cut her time with this young officer short, and san caught the thrown word of 'cousin' like a fire-hot, thousand pound and ever-burning coal.
so that's how she'd explained his presence to chan.
— when she knew she'd almost been caught in the act by hongjoong, sarang swore.
— ʜᴏɴɢᴊᴏᴏɴɢ was a member of the serpens syndicate, and had, since the death of byeonghwa, been the watchful eye that extended past the confines of hoku city. loyal to the demon — a horkos made potent in the poignance of a blood debt — hongjoong was trusted... so far as anyone could be reliable, in this city that ate you whole, in these times that twisted the sinew of your very heart. at any rate, he was an informant of ernest, and while not one nearly as volatile as soyeon, still convoluted in intent.
he would be interested — perhaps even moreso curious than san, who daily burned all of his inquisition and steadfast resolve near through — as to what the demon heir was doing out here, in the pristine half of hoku city, talking with an officer that would just as soon as imprison her, if he knew even a fraction of the atrocities and moral impurities she ordered and aided, abetted and carried out.
— of course, even if hongjoong were to ask, sarang would never tell.
— not even with san, himself, did sarang reveal her true intentions in this business involving newly minted officer bang chan, a rookie at some few years post-graduation, an acquaintance turned friend from their first windfall encounter. not even with san, who knew the verity of sarang and had cherished her humanity from it's first appearance, did she let any information slip, a single hint pass.
he'd look into her eyes and unexpectedly, a wall was there — a guardedness of which he'd never known. she was no longer forthright about all possibilities with him. her thoughts were not so easily read, her want not so readily known.
— but that was not the worry that had the jaw with which to gnaw at san. not yet, anyway. not when hongjoong was surreptitiously on the same path as them, in a place where neither was colloquially seen (his informant hadn't been anyone of note, and so the consequence of his gained knowledge that day couldn't have been much, but one could never be complacent, if they wished to thrive).
— not when soyeon was unhappy, and sarang was the fool to not believe it.
— not when ernest, kingpin of terror, chessmaster of the underworld and ruler of hoku city, was mired in that slow changing-of-hands and place of gentle retreat where all of his speech was about the hand of iku, that terrify in the weight of dying.
the death of a demon was always a wounded threat that demanded first redress.
— it had started, in part, with the death of byeong-hwa. what was a king, after all, when his sworn shield had fallen? what menace was left in a monster, when his right hand was rotting, 6 feet below? the monsoon season would come, and a sickness would plague ernest along with the rain. jangma was the will of bada — the monsoon season the cursing volition of the sea. it was divine law, in some ways, that bada would claim her vengeance on hoku by taking it's epicenter and sweeping it's fortune and prosperity into her tumultuous seas, but it was still too soon, and thus, a secret well hidden.
no one in the serpens outside of the few remaining elders that sat at the demon's table, byeong-hwa's only daughter, his heir, and his warded nephew knew of the state of ernest's true mind.
the tides were swelling, the ground was saturating; bada was clambering toward the city, and at the time least affordable, the cracks between sarang and soyeon's friendship and intertwined lives deepened to a schism, with roots on either side, blooms torn apart, thorns tearing stem like gnashing teeth devouring flesh.
— when it rains, it pours, and in jangma, the storms were violent and unending; when bada raged, all the gods hovered close to witness her torrential price.
— "i'll tell ʏᴜɴʜᴏ." when they were haemopu side, diane turned to san, the silence between them broken, the confidence that always held in it's place perhaps worse for wear, if either of them had the resolve to mention it. "he'll have some clever way to spin hongjoong off our track - if he even saw anything in the first place."
— san nodded: just once, a jerky motion that left this world still buzzing, a dull, low whine.
yunho, sarang's cousin, was a close confidant of theirs. he moved into the serpens complex when he was 17. some commonplace tragedy left him with a want in the pit of his belly, and ever since the breaking down of all that tied sarang to soyeon and night to the dawining day, he had played the role of strategist and pragmatic advisor to his cousin — a safer, less volatile option for diane to pick, considering soyeon had always been her council, former.
— diplomats need their advisors; conmen require their marks. diane had a necessity for yunho and a plan for bang chan, and of course, they would be dealt with first. san was just a bodyguard, and in this way, he'd always known his place. but favor had a way of lead to want, and if he tended to that fire, it could always lick its way past his defenses and consume him whole.
— sarang blinked, and the change pulled san from his thoughts the way it always would. born to serve, her movements were what he'd been shaped to read. "i guess i'll tell hermes that you stood him up for yunho again, when it's time for your 13:00 date and you don't show."
— sarang laughed at that, warm and clear, almost chasing away the mist that had gathered all through the day, at choice intervals and expected alleyways, thickening to the obscurity of fog. hermes was sarang's greyhound — the puppy she'd once found when younger but crowned wise. she never had taken him to the serpens complex, where he could be socialized with the dobermans she'd cared for most her life. instead, san took him in — an act of kindness she never stopped praising him for, never quite forthright about her reasoning but offering just enough to where he was satisfied.
"tell the twins when you see them i need to have a word."
ꜱᴇᴇ ɪꜰ ɪ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ᴇxɪꜱᴛ ๋࣭🗡₊♚⭑ ๋࣭⌖ ᴄᴏɴᴛ.
— the shop never had a name: just a wordless sign in the shape of a generic gun scope: the focus for an eye you'd never look into as you took your final, heaving breath.
the shooting range, the eye, akita's place, the final shop on the ground floor of haemo plaza.
— every child who'd ever touched a gun — any soul who had enough of some small mercy they had the fire to protect it in this heaving city — had, at some point, entered the shooting range that sat haemopu side. established longer than jeongcheol's dojang, but having changed hands at around the same time, the shooting range was owned by a woman named ᴀᴋɪᴛᴀ — ex-military but dishonorably discharged, a mother of twins, and simultaneously warm yet cold: distant, but always manning her station.
it was only natural that, sharpshooter of her squad, akita had taught her children to shoot from the moment their hands had the strength to thumb a trigger.
eyes bred to look at you through the barrel of a firearm, hearts trained to see the liberation at the end of a mission and none of the causalities between. akita took her twins, cradle of her future, and gave them all the skills she broke skin and bruised knuckle to hone. they would never have to struggle, because they would be born with skilled gift. they would have the freedom of honor, because no training would mar their resolve.
— at first, the shooting range was only that which sat within the four walls in the ground floor of that complex. but slowly it expanded: the back property, accessed through the side entrance, narrow but deep, for single sessions with moving targets; the abandoned lot near the docks that akita had come into possession of by chance and was appraising for sale until her daughter showed an aptitude for long range and a spark to pursue it.
before long, what was modest expanded, and with an open mouth, devoured until engorged. the shooting range was well known. beloved. conspicuous. exactly the sort of place one would expect to find a doorway into the depths of a now illegal, though still legitimate syndicate, and therefore, a place where they could never be found. in reverence and renown, akita secured a safe haven for her children, a place where they could rest without the fear of being poached.
two doors down, the serpens paid a lease, but here, in the four walls she maintained, they could never sink in their teeth.
but fate was the domain of samgong, and mischief the trait of hoku, and here, in a city where the presence of gods were only so strong because they were so ceaselessly revered, the two powers often conspired to thwart the dreams of those who dared trying, and those whose complacency masqueraded as crown.
— wooyoung, the older of the twins, was the impulsive to deokhee's passion. touched by caprice, drowning in compulsion — akita whispered into his ear as he grew up, tickling the soft skin hidden there, that he was born the same star sprite as hoku: before he became the omniscient eye, back when he was nameless, and his fervency was tried by the test of his father's tedium. in constant motion, neverending activity: "make no deals with iku, listen not to the obligation of horkos. you are a star, you belong to nothing but your own burn."
— deokhee, of course, was the fire burning her older brother brighter, still, the combustion in his path that kept him from apathy, that saw all his visions through. ᴇɴᴊɪ, her mother would call her, the fire god born into flesh. the ardor, the devotion, the commitment deepening to obsession, the dedication to wooyoung's whims, the conviction in her twin brother's mania. akita adored her daughter's fervency, fanned the flames of her exuberance never quenched. "shackle yourself to no one, my enji, you are not meant to be contained. never turn in on yourself; find a direction to incinerate: you are meant to set this world ablaze."
— avoiding flirtation with the fetters of the serpens was an unspoken request from akita, a desire never plainly raised. if she had been wiser (if she saw all too clearly the way serpents rise to challenge and adaptable, warp their venom to something honey-sweet) perhaps akita would have been more explicit in her demands, exact in all she envisioned and prayed to conspire. but it seemed an evident requirement, a moral anchored deep and in it's inevitability, made potent and strange.
"you are made for more," she had always told them.
but what can be done when your only framework of 'more' and 'greater' is the gunpowder residue of a superior weapon?
— once, akita built her children into crook of a firearm. ever after, they would know mostly it's bitter taste.
— none of this is to say, however, that the twins were a tragedy and their penchant something acrid, lead.
— deokhee was bottled excitement and effervescent joy in every task, and wooyoung the kind of gregarious that surrounded him with enthusiastic friendship and kindred brotherhood in every space he ventured to grace.
— and ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴜᴍɪɴᴀʀʏ was one of those third spaces that wooyoung and deokhee frequented most.
a serpens owned establishment: an electricity plant on the edge of town, with hidden rooms that opened into dark things that could only hide in the shadow of a generator as massive as that which fueled a never-blinking city. the luminary was one of the largest holes in the wall that the serpens ran. there, you could order any sin you could pay the ferryman to usher you to.
(so long as you were in the right room, of course. the serpens liked to keep their messes orderly.)
— the twins mostly frequented the rooms with standard bar fare. alcohol, dance, betting and games of chance, fisticuffs when more than just spirits hit you square in the jaw after one freedom too many. a common enough vice with a burgeoning sea of acquaintances and a militia of contacts and friends. it was here, in the pale of haemosu's light — all the glare they could harness but never reach — that the twin's sociability spun a web that was never meant to entrap them, but still made them the perfect players for a serpent game.
after all, it was in the luminary that the twins aligned themselves with the ꜱᴘɪɴᴇ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋᴇʀ ʙɪᴋᴇʀꜱ.
a group of criminals and delinquents that rode through ꜱᴋɪᴛ — the next door neighbor of hoku city, and the border at which the serpens let their needles halt. the serpens owned hoku, and every gang and group of would-be hopefuls that they'd long run out had taken up station in skit and brawled it out, there. a neighboring city was of no consequence to the serpens as long as they spilled blood on their rightful side of the fault line, and the spine breakers were a fairly established group that worked their own city and only occasionally crossed the borders of hoku — careful to always show their deference and pay their dues. they were a infrequent though to some familiar face in the luminary on nights when the moon hung low, mostly to work deals with the mercenaries for hire in the back, and always to chase a drink alongside the twins.
ᴊᴜɴɢᴋᴏᴏᴋ was their closest companion of the lot, and if his drink of choice was an expected usual, and his uninspired flirtation with deokhee an affectionate and comfortable aside, then the night would be warm and the luminary waitstaff would make better money in tips than they had all month.
— and it was precisely that friendship with jungkook (and perhaps their closeness with san, though why make complicated something already written by fate?), that brought the twins to the serpens those aging years ago.
it had been hongjoong, newly syndicate minted, that noticed these two sparrows who somehow seemed to know everyone he had been keeping his thousand eyes on, and dared to ask himself what use could come with knowing their names.
it had been simple, after, for seonghwa to convince him that wooyoung was the easier approach, and for soyeon to cast the die on his fate.
(but that had been years ago: before the breaking down of factions, before suspicion and envy cast shadows that demons new not how to play, before ties were cut like marionette strings, and seonghwa and soyeon became a duo, and hongjoong, far enough from the barrel to not yet choose how to align, had to keep his ideas in his breast pocket and his lies tucked beneath his tie.)
— in the end, the twins were brought into the serpens because their connections would open doors that had no keys. it was through wooyoung and deokhee that the serpens greedy left hand reached into the heart of skit and, with an emboldened and wanting jungkook, staged a coup and installed this friend as the spine breaker's acting head.
ever after, the bikers would be in debt of the might of hoku, and in perpetuity, there would be scouts and reinforcements should there be need of aid from a distance.
— it was simply providence that the twins would have use beyond their sociability and want. it was the work of that ever mischievous hoku that in a chance encounter and a single ploy, diane was gifted with the two best marksman the city could afford.
danger, of course, in the single-minded passion of deokhee and the brilliant, aimless apathy of wooyoung, but when combined together (and wooyoung under the threat of the only one he swore obeisance to: san), they were a power more than their arsenal, a weapon greater than their might and distant reach.
— when san found the two of them sitting on his couch, deokhee knuckle deep in affectionate rubs for hermes, wooyoung eating noodles out of the pot, on his pinky swinging the apartment's spare key ("for emergencies," san had said, and pointedly handed it to deokhee), there was less a reaction of disappointment or surprise, and more an acceptance that at least this way, the message would be easily delivered, in brevity, made sweet.
"diane's calling."
⌖ ๋࣭ ⭑♚₊🗡 ๋࣭ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ๋࣭🗡₊♚⭑ ๋࣭⌖ pt. ii | | series masterlist
ᴛᴄᴅᴜ (ᴛᴏᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴠᴏʟᴜᴛᴇᴅ, ᴅɪᴅɴ'ᴛ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀꜱᴛᴀɴᴅ) :
1 - jeongcheol, san's father, used to run a taekwondo studio. because times were hard, he ran illegal fights in the back of his dojang, and when the serpen's found out, they co-opted his business and expanded it. as he got older, he passed down his dojang to san, who now works as the bodyguard of diane. because of his busy schedule, he co-manages the dojang with yeosang, the medic of the taekwondo studio.
2 - the taekwondo studio is situated on haesu street in an unnamed work-live complex often referred to as haemo plaza. on the same floor as the dojang there is an unnamed shooting range, owned by akita, the mother of twin gunman for the serpens deokhee and wooyoung. akita does not know of her children's affiliation with the syndicate and would disapprove if she knew.
3 - san, deokhee, and wooyoung are all friends are are closely allied with diane. diane is also close allies with yunho, her cousin and strategist council after her falling out with soyeon has deepened in the past few years (there has been a vague multi-year time skip from pt. i to pt. ii).
4 - ernest, kingpin of the serpens, is currently dying. it is a well kept secret - but not from soyeon, who diane fears will use this knowledge opportunistically. recently, diane has been keeping many secrets from even her closest confidant, san, especially regarding her consistently visiting officer bang chan, trying to weasel from him secrets... but about what?
5 - hongjoong is a member of the serpens with many secrets and many informants. diane is unsure if, in the power vacuum created after ernest's death, if he will show loyalty towards her or soyeon, and so she is wary of what he knows, when he was in the area as she was meeting up with bang chan.
6 - hongjoong was the one to originally recruit twins deokhee and wooyoung, because they have many contacts in hoku and neighboring cities - notably jungkook, now leader of a biker gang in the neighboring city named skit.
7 - diane has a mission for deokhee and wooyoung heretofore lacking details or rhyme.
now onto pt. iii . . .
#lilo.writing#writing.otbka#another 'not been beta read: we die like men' entry in the tumblr void but if you love me you'll let that go#i'm sorry if this is still lacking a semblance of a plot because WOW there's like. a lot of history here to set up.#why did i choose to start where i did when i easily Could Not Have????#anyway so sorry mingi wasn't introduced this chapter like i was hoping i got carried away and didn't want to keep you past 5k#can you tell i love a dramatic set piece half of this upload was me waxing poetic about new locations and The Trap Of Poverty#IF YOU'RE WONDERING WHY YEOSANG IS HERE I THINK I'M RECANTING MY 'CRUMBS OF JONGHO AND KYUNG-AH' IN EXCHANGE FOR SOMETHING ELSE#also hey yunho's here! maybe in pt 3 or 4 mayari will show up so i can sprinkle in exposition for their romance (it's the soft one)#also yeah i know i originally said the first arc of this fic was going to be 3 parts but i lied#anyway pls pls pls annoy me about this i have THOUGHTS about itttttt#and reblog or at least reply to the post you cowards#like if you simply cannot do anything else but bro i just want to know if you even made it to the function.#not even requesting you tell me if you had a good time.#oh yeah; san in falling into his trap of: always being portrayed in fic as the tragic 2nd male lead#also can you guys guess who the owner of the luminary is. can you.#it will become plot important but the reveal isn't anything beyond silly silly stupid.#it rhymes with wackson jang.#YOU KNOW I HAD TO DO IT TO US.#oh! and yeah; i've conflated mythology and made diane an amalgamation of diana (artemis) and minerva (athena).#diane deserves the wisdom motif okay. it fits symbollically in the narrative.#also every csl girlie has a patron god or mystical force; if you guess what they are i will give you a virtual piece of haupia
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was kind of hoping g5 would explain where tf the rest of the pony population is, honestly. its hard to believe that every unicorn/pegasi/earth pony was compressed down into their respective towns/cities.
mym had a rough time juggling it's story so im not surprised this was never fleshed out more but--if they had the chance in a future series--i would love to see that. getting more into it below the cut (loosing it i fear):
back when we only had the movie i had a theory that there had been a major conflict that ultimately ended in the pony populations plummeting; and that ultimately fueling twilights decision to seal away their magic in the crystals--which would lead to the races separating after the fact. eventually, by some form or fashion, the crystals were separated (maybe stolen....?) between bridlewood, maretime bay, and zephyr heights.
however opaline being introduced in mym tripped up this theory to the point where it's pretty obvious that's not what happened--or at least not exactly. discord alludes to something too terrible to describe in the comics so there's that? (also "mane-ificent 7"??? lmfao)
not even mentioning how this page utterly destroys the "magic removal resulting in pony exodus" theory; because it seems unified-equestria was able to exist for a while longer after the crystals were created:
perhaps opaline instigated more conflict in the following years (after the mane 6 have died off...?) which ultimately resulted in magic failing the ponies. if not her, then im sure the hard work the of our g4 girlies slowly faded because the equestria became too comfortable, and perhaps stopped fighting for unity. (another point i remember appreciating when we only had the movie to go off of:)
if so, that then brings up the question of HOW DID THE CRYSTAL GET SPLIT BETWEEN THE RACES BEFORE THE MOVIE???
did argyle find the earth pony piece during a history excursion or was it passed down to him??? how did alphabittle get the respective unicorn piece??? the pegasus crystal was literally a part of queen haven's crown--was there a point where all pony types swiped the crystals following the failing of unity to PREVENT the other races from using it against them???
but then???? we had the whole thing with elder flower and her fuckass story about a bat and web and whatever tf that implies that the time passed between g4 and g5 is way shorter than i anticipated??? also "opaline was here the whole time guys we swear. dont you remember our good friend opaline??? the opaline who was CHILDHOOD FRIENDS with LUNA and CELESTIA in SKYROS???"
so maybe the equestria we've seen so far (as of chapter 6) is just a pocket of the current pony population, but if so, does that also imply that the other settlements are ALSO hostile towards other pony types? because wouldn't the unity crystals have been unrestricting magic to some extent (depending on how many ponies/creatures were collectively getting along)? the simplest answer is that the writers failed to think ahead but i wanna give them the chance to reveal a little more because there are still MAJOR things we dont understand.
#i guess as of the secrets of starlight we have confirmation of more ponies existing outside of our usual setting#via the auroracorns#so yay#mlp#mlp g5#shummy screaming into the void#long post#actually after more to say about them but...i will save that for later#gonna be real we shouldve gotten some of this exposition through mym#like i only ever read the first 2 issues until a few weeks ago so IMAGINE my surprise#trying to figure out the lore of g5 only gets more confusing cause they barely scratched the surface of what actually matters???#we get spike in the last chapter#but he “cant remember what happened”!!! and only regurgitates what we already know#also opaline being some rando that celestia and luna failed to mention is. hilarious in a bad way.#btw i like g5 a lot but woah has the story been poorly delivered through mym alone
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Cole finally visits home only to realize that his father is interested in dating again, doesn’t catch the name becuase he’s a little busy lying (trying to win the fangblade) and then later when Garmadon is on the bounty annoying the heck out of the ninja by being evil they hear him calling someone on the phone being disgustingly sweet and then ONCE THE GREAT DEVOURER is released and Garmadon disappears, the camera man personally congratulates them and hugs both Cole and Lloyd saying that he just knew that their dads were proud of them before he walks off. WHAT IF
-stepdad anon
#ask zaz#garmlouvin au#asks that slaughter me on the spot#this implies that garmlouvin starts up before misako even arrives into the show#which like. my hc is that garm and misako divorced shortly after lloyd was born/before or just after garm was trapped in the underworld#but it's still fucking funny. misako finally shows up to drop exposition about the final battle#and lloyd already has THREE dads#one of which is COLE'S DAD#but also oughhhhh lou & vin having to watch garm go through the leadup to the final battle.... OUGHHH#but then they get silver fox sensei garm so like. lose some win lots <3
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working on the chapters about Morianon's archaeology work in the centaur territory, where the centaurs have set up some specific dig sites in locations they know were once urukai settlements (the urukai being the ancestors of orcs and gnomes). anyway, this one little snippet came to me in the shower, so i had to write it down quick!
and I've decided to share it before I finish the rest of these chapters lol. tiny context explanation: the grid mentioned here is made of thin rope wrapped around metal stakes, it's there for dig site organization and recording purposes.
Morianon stepped carefully over the grid and kicked the underbrush out of his way. He looked around the space and tried to piece the urukai village or camp together just from the surface view, squinting at the trees and the open spaces between them. To his left, an elf seemed to be doing the same routine, but they had stopped to stare deeper into the forest beyond the perimeter the centaurs had arranged. Their ear twitched and they turned, catching his gaze with a smile.
"Hey, come here." they waved him over and he eagerly hurried over to see what they'd found. They pointed out into the forest, towards a massive tree several orc-sized paces away. "Do you see it? There's a curse-bind on that tree. And I can't quite tell with the moss, but I think there are dents further up the trunk-"
"Like it grew around older curse-binds?" Morianon finished the thought, leaning forward to get a better look. The tree stood tall and wide, easily big enough for a multi-generational elvish home. Just on top of the thick layers of moss and lichens, one of the curse-binding ropes the centaurs had told them about was tied twice around the enormous trunk. Morianon's elvish coworker gave a low whistle at the sight of it.
"What do you think they put a curse-bind on a tree for?" they asked, tilting their head. Morianon blinked and his stomach went cold even as the answer fell from his lips.
"It's a blood tree, isn't it?" He stepped back and grimaced. The elf furrowed their brow.
"Blood tree?"
"Yeah." Morianon hummed and faced his coworker more directly. "You ever been hunting?"
"No." They looked between him and the tree, and Morianon could see the glimmer of realization coming into their eyes. He sighed, thinking back to the deer hunt he and K'arik had done before the new year.
"Blood tree's where a hunter strings up their kill and-" he ran a hand up his own belly, swallowing dryly. The elf's ears went back flat and they cast a nervous glance to the centaur guard at the corner of the dig site.
"Right," they muttered, "well, uh, we have work we should be doing." They nodded curtly and Morianon joined them as they turned away from the perimeter, stepping lightly through the grid as they returned to the entrance of the site.
#writeblr#mm excerpts#mm 1#snippet#mind u my exposition in previous excerpts has already told a lot of the info being implied here#but it's only a first draft and i think on revisions i will remove a lot of that exposition#because little descriptions like this feel much more impactful
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Watching Hunter and Wendi be so excited for a story at the start and watching them slowly wilt as the story descends into really Bad Writing is just. So good.
#creep cast#i think a lot of these stories just have problems landing their endings#the conclusions are always so weak#because the plot tends to set up so much stuff at the start#and it's like the author doesn't know how to wrap it all up#so they just go for an exposition dump#it's so disappointing#how many times has this happened to them now#like 3-4 times#it's so funny
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i caught up on jjk. favorite panels in the last few chapters, plus:
thematic catharsis coming around
#jjk manga#jjk spoilers#jjk manga spoilers#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#i really think fushiguro is more of a parallel to geto than he is to gojo#geto saved gojo first but gojo failed to save geto#fushiguro saved itadori first and itadori's going to save fushiguro#it's also propping up my theory that gojo is an unreliable narrator#and most important things he's said in the series are going to be proven wrong#1. love it the most twisted curse of all#it's actually the key#2. you can't save someone who isn't prepared to be saved#you can and he will#those are my thoughts#i don't think the manga has gotten as bad as people are saying it has#but it does have issues#and the style change and quality dip in the illustration is bugging me#and don't think characters being introduced and dying quickly is that bad either#the ones that matter are written well and their deaths are significant and well integrated#the main issues cropping up now are also the issues that have existed for much much longer than post-shibuya#villains motivations make no sense#random battles that don't have thematic significance abrupt the pacing in an annoying way#the magic system isn't always well integrated narratively and thematically#gege has too many ideas and not all of them needed to make it past editing#but a lot of problems are just typical shonen problems that jjk seemed above when the story was a little tighter#also i don't think the magic system is as smart and complicated as people are pretending it is#i don't think it will be hard to adapt in the anime#i think the weaknesses in pacing and the increase in exposition are going to be more exposed in the anime though#and more people will catch on to the basic rules of the magic system being inconsistent or underdeveloped
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I've just started to read 'Necromancer Survival' novel.
I've already read the manhwa so I've been wanting to read the novel for awhile.
I'm at chapter 12 and it's. Soooooo different from the manhwa. Like the novel really screams 'survival'. It's a horror alright.
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admittedly i am maybe only halfway into the game at this point (love having two jobs smh) but honestly i feel like dagna would've been a more appropriate choice for the story they seem to be setting up for harding??? tbh???
#i feel like it's harder for me to engage with lace going through what she is bc#i don't know if they've ever established fully her connection to dwarven culture/history AND magic#but you know who is a dwarf that has had two games worth of exposure#regarding her experiences with being a dwarf and her interest in magic and indepth study of lyrium and the fade?#DAGNA#idk it's character building i guess but it seems like such an odd direction to go in for harding#also fuck you bioware bring back sandal#again i am not even halfway through i was just reminded that they already did a lot of the exposition that could lead into this companion#quest -- but for dagna lmao#dragon age#veilguard#spoilers
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this afternoon i saw the closing show of nick dear's frankenstein at the seacoast repertory theatre in portsmouth nh and i had a glass of wine at intermission and being the rarely-drinks lightweight i am i definitely had a different.... attitude, towards the second half of the show. obviously. but i wasn't like that far gone that i wasn't paying attention or anything. and i don't think a lot about frankenstein all the time; i've read it twice (ten years ago in school and then reread it about five years ago). it's like not my favorite but i like it; it's just more of a philosophical novel than a oh-i-love-the-plot-and-characters sort of thing in my opinion. doesn't really matter that's just my two cents. i certainly have thoughts on the way it was adapted for the stage bc nick dear made some creative choices that i wouldn't have, but obviously that's all well and good.
but when the show ended and my wine was chugged and the lights went up i sat there in between my two friends for a second and we exchanged words i just said: "everyone always argues about who the 'real' monster in the story is, but victor frankenstein and the creation... belong together" and this lady walking in the aisle beside us said "i thought the same thing too." she's right too and i'm glad we're both right
#frankenstein and the creation should kiss and be gay#text post#mary shelley#the stage version opens up after the creation is already born and basically starts w him meeting de lancey and learning to write and read#again that was another interesting choice to me bc that part always felt very short to me rather than something that necessarily needed#to be focused on early. idk. i understand the choice#but anyway as a consequence. the relationship between frankenstein and elizabeth has like no backstory#frankenstein's character and family is very much reduced to its bare essentials#it suffers from clunky expositional dialogue a lot. like i get it but yeah#it flattens elizabeth's character (even though she's hardly what i would call a 'strong female character' anyway)#it's kind of attempted to be made up for by making elizabeth more longing for victor explicitly#both just to be around him and sort of just begging for him to marry her and make a baby w her#like the sexuality of elizabeth is definitely played up in this adaptation. idk it's not a wrong choice#but i think it's not necessarily like. fleshing her out like it seems to be trying to#it kind of if anything makes her feel more dependent on victor. to me#but i thought the make-me-a-bride suplot was pretty well handled#and since the stage version essentially destroys both victor and the creation's depth and relationship to their women#it's like just that much more obvious how much the creation really needs and loves victor. in his monstruous way#they should kiss and be gay they really should just kiss and be gay
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