#this is. a really really personal ask im ngl it got away from me more than i thought it would
yawneon · 2 days
hcs for
percy jackson hcs for hogwarts color houses? (if you wanted to - maybe for reader too?)
(this has been marinating in my drafts for MONTHS)
- im a firm believer in percy being harry in another universe
- if harry wasnt a BBBBBITCH
- gryffindor prefect whether you like it or not. (turned head boy, lily and james situation over here.)
- 1/3 star trio (somehow percy’s in it)
- would and could beat the shit out of harry potter
- probably a seeker or a chaser but im getting off topic
- hes a prefect that all the first years look up to yk
- like those cool older students that you want to be when your fresh in high school.
- “percy is so cool!“ “i wanna be a prefect like percy!”
- loves the attention ngl
- sneaks around to ravenclaw table to sit with annabeth (or you) and then when he gets caught he goes “i was just asking her something!” when he knows damn well he was flirting with her.
- you can tell by the shit-eating grin on his face. ^
- definitely is in a organised wand fighting club
- most likely is a pain in the ass for the teachers but he gets good grades (thanks to his girlfriend) and he probably has saved the school from some sort of magical monster once or twice
- secretly avada kadavra’d a fly once (felt bad afterwards and held a funeral for the fly)
- ravenclaw head girl.
- 2/3 of the star trio
- everyone loves annabeth, shes like the star student.
- “ask annabeth she knows.” “annabeth can you help me with this question?”
- gods shes smart but shes more than that.
- she likes to hide away in one of the towers and she makes castles ans structures out of toothpicks she steals from the tables at breakfast, lunch and dinners.
- also a student alot of the first years look up to.
- but mainly the girls like annabeth.
- the ones who felt they weren’t ever going to be smart enough or were never going to amount to enough.
- annabeth would smile sweetly at them and remind them to believe in themselves.
- is the only person percy really listens to.
- percy could be messing around and not listening in a class and the moment annabeth even mutters a word starting with p hes sat on a chair, hands in his lap, posture straight and mouth SHUT.
- now i don’t want to stereotype… im not that type of girl.
- hufflepuff prefect
- he loves his house and takes so much pride in it
- i don’t think he’d like playing quidditch but he would be in the front row seats cheering on hufflepuff
- and if his house wasn’t playing he’s there cheering for percy
- 3/3 of the star trio.
- grover “my bf” underwood is a hufflepuff.
- alot of the younger kids look out for grover in a crowd
- especially the misbehaving gryffindor kids that are running away from clarrise
- if they can’t find percy they cower behind grover
- and grover being the big hearted boy he is he stands guard of the kids despite shitting his pants himself
- he loves his house.
- he loves comb care of magical beasts class
- all the new hufflepuff kids IN GENERAL always go to him for directions which makes him 1 too many times late to class. but im like so sure the teachers know and love him so they let him off with just a soft warning.
- “i’m so sorry professor! i was helping a first-“ “just sit down underwood.”
- to all those fans that watched fantastic beasts, grover is 100% using a tower like newt did with new beasts he finds.
- has probably accidentally wandered into the forbidden forest with annabeth and percy by chance. (he wanted to find a unicorn)
- some random slytherin kid picked on a hufflepuff first year and grover ripped the kid a new one. hes loyal to his house 💔
- he had to get a new wand once or twice because he used to chew on it in exams (when he got especially anxious)
- despite her being sometimes rude
- i do think she’d also be in gryffindor 😭
- kinda like an arrogant, “im better than you” gryffindor
- like how she is in the show and most of the books towards percy
- but underneath her hard exterior shes soft towards the ones she loves and is close to
- also a quidditch GOD
- the most exhilirating beater to watch in quidditch.
- alot of first year girls also admire clarrise
- more so the ones that want to be strong and join quidditch.
- “i think slytherin is co-“ “GRYFFINDOR IS THE BEST HOUSE SHUT UP”
- extremely prideful of her colours and her house
- a little bit too much sometimes
- when someone loses house points you better pack it up and run because miss girl is hunting for you (looking at you percy)
- erm
- slytherin head boy
- “luke is so cool!” “and hes hot..” “but percy’s better!”
- theres luke people and then theres percy people
- luke is alot more cunning in the sense that he openly does things to capture more hearts and beat percy in this ongoing war (he will be the hottest prefect.)
- probably descended from a line of gryffindors but then he popped out
- seeker in qudditch but also is a good chaser due to his build
- THE slytherin boy.
- he is so unbelievably good at quidditch and leads slytherin to most of their wins.
- another star student here
- “why can’t you be more like luke?”
- maybe has possibly been an inside spy for he who can not be named. (voldymort)
- definetly in that chamber of secrets fucking shit up
- such a helpful head boy.
- like he loves his house and will die in green
- this guy probably has every single passage in hogwarts mapped out perfectly like dimensions and all.
- may or may not be plotting something in the forbidden forest.
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weixuldo · 1 year
Enigma// ch 18
anakin x reader
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a/n: shit man, stuff is getting tough! i really didn’t think this fic was gonna b as long as it’s becoming hahaha/ ngl even if ppl r losing interest, im still gonna continue it for me heheh- i really like this story :)
The night gets worse and worse
warnings: cursing, cannon disabled character, insecurity, alcohol abuse, emtephobia (barf and stuff…), DONT DO WHAT ANAKIN DOES PLS LORD, ableist comments
As it does, time went by and you tried to move on.
When school ended you moved in with Ahsoka and split rent; it was nice having your best friend around whenever you needed it, plus the two of you shared groceries so the cost of living was much more affordable than if you had gotten your own place. 
As much as you tried to remove Anakin from your mind, he just wouldn’t seem to leave so you enlisted the help of a professional. 
You would go to therapy sessions twice a week; not solely because of Anakin but he definitely was part of it.
Mainly you went to try and deal with the reality of being such a young mother and work on letting your stress out in positive ways: though on occasion you would try to gain insight on your relationship with the older man.
When the therapist asked about him, you explained all he had been through and let her know you knew some of the reasons he acted the way he did; but your therapist assured you no matter the reasons, that didn’t negate the validity of your feelings. 
The first few times you went you were skeptical; how was talking to some random person supposed to help you feel relieved and emotionally stable?
But after a few sessions, you started to see a difference in your moods and outlook on things. 
It was a few days after Anakin’s results came in that Ash told you about the visit she paid Anakin; she recapped her argument with him, his relapse, and that she made him go to the clinic, she told you that she would relay his results to you as soon as she could. 
You worried that she would be upset that you didn’t tell her that he was the father or that the two of you were together, but she brushed it off, “I kinda had a feeling, ya know?”.
You felt bad that he relapsed and was all alone, but then you remembered he was alone on his own merit, his behavior pushed those who cared most away… it wasn’t your fault. 
You didn’t know how long fertility tests usually took, but you awaited the results anxiously.
Every day you woke up hoping that maybe he would reach out or that maybe he would show up at your door, but each time you only set yourself up for disappointment. 
It had been around a week after Ahsoka told you he got the test; sure these things took some time, but he should have the results by now.
You weighed the option of just asking him flat out because you were frankly over his asshole hermit bit. 
The weather was nice and you didn’t have any responsibilities today… ok, maybe you would pay him a visit. You rested a palm on your stomach as you bent over to grab your shoes from the shoe rack; you were definitely showing much more than you were during the first trimester. 
You were about to head out when your phone began to ring; it was Ahsoka.
“Hey Ash, what's up?” you asked as you searched for your keys. 
I finally got it
“Got what?”
It took a lot of coaxing, but I finally got the results
You stopped at the door and placed your keys back onto the counter top; maybe you wouldn’t have to see him. 
y/n…he’s viable.
A weight felt like it had been lifted from your chest, now he had undeniable proof you were telling the truth the whole time- everything he said was for nothing and you were vindicated. 
“That’s amazing news'' you exclaimed into the phone; surely your friend could hear the huge smile on your face just from your voice. 
Yea, but what are you going to do now? He’s the father and now he knows it… you aren’t just going to let him back in after all he did, right?
“No Ash, He knows the truth now and if he wants this or is mature enough, he will come to me and apologize. The ball is in his court” you explained.
Atta girl
You smiled at your friend’s support, “Thanks Ahsoka” 
The phone call ended and you went back to your room- hopefully you would be hearing an apology soon or at least hearing from him in general. 
Across town Anakin sat on his couch and absentmindedly flipped through the channels on his tv; he told Ahsoka the news this morning and it drained him to make the call.
Ahsoka thanked him for getting the test and asked how he felt about the news. He answered quickly and hung up. He knew she was going to tell you and that he should tell you himself and apologize. But what would that do?
It would just solidify that he was a complete asshole- you deserved so much better. Surely you would do the same that he did to you…shut you down completely and demand you leave. 
Maker, why was he such an arrogant shit?
His half drunk mind wasn’t operating at full capacity and he was making a lot of dumb rationalizations to his problems;
You already thought he was an asshole, so why even bother telling you the news himself? 
You deserved better so he should just disappear from your life and not weigh you down.
He really nothing going for him, so fuck it- he was gonna get shitfaced. 
Soon he had made his way back to the couch with a six pack of bud lite and he cracked the first one. Cheers to the pathetic joke that was his life. He gulped them down one by one and sooner than he thought, the pack was already gone. 
He had a good buzz going and went to fetch more but when he scanned his messy fridge for the tinted glass bottles he couldn’t find any. 
“Fuck” he muttered, that was his last case. 
He groaned and slammed the fridge door shut. There was nothing here to cure his itch for alcohol, so he decided tonight would be a great night to go out and get shitfaced in public, cause why the fuck not?
He got his phone out and grabbed one of the many styluses he had scattered through the house for his convenience. He called for an uber to pick him up.
As he waited he changed into pants, a long sleeve, and his gloves- it had been awhile since he had gone out and he forgot what a hassle it was to put all of that shit on. 
By the time he was dressed and collected his wallet, the uber was there. Anakin was an experienced drinker, so even though he already had six beers packed away, he could sober up if he needed to be able to get into the bar. 
The car he rode in was a nice sedan, it was silver and looked like a new model; the problem for Anakin was getting in. All of the cars he usually rode in (yours, Ahsoka’s, Ben’s, and his own) were bigger and sat higher up, so he wasn’t used to having to crouch down to get in. 
He sighed and placed a stiff hand on the roof of the car to steady himself as he lowered himself into the car; he sat with a thud and grunted.
The driver was probably only a few years his junior- he wore big circle glasses, a patterned button down and had a clean shaven face. He looked like a pushover.
Anakin winced at the overwhelming smell of eucalyptus that entered his senses; he wondered how this guy was driving for a job like this- how would he defend himself against a potential threat? By throwing his eucalyptus at them?
Ahh, what was he doing? He was being judgmental for no reason. 
“Are you alright sir?” the man asked.
“Yea, i’m fine,” Anakin said, crossing his arms. 
The man nodded and began to drive to the bar Anakin had entered into the app. 
The bar he wanted to go to was one in the heart of the city, he didn’t want to talk to anyone tonight, but he also didn’t want to be alone; this bar was perfect for that because there were always people doing some random shit that he could eavesdrop on. 
They pulled up to the curb and the driver parked the car. Anakin thanked the man and opened the door to exit. Maker, he was getting nauseous from that fucking air freshener. 
He swung one leg out of the car and pushed himself up with his opposite hand. He stood and grabbed onto the hood of the car with his hand; that was harder than it had to be… damn these prosthetics. 
Once he was standing he shut the door just as the driver was asking if he needed any assistance.
Groups of people crowded around the entrance of the establishment. Some were old regulars whose teeth looked like they were gonna fall out from all of the substances they abused and on the other side there were a group of younger kids who were trying to figure out who was going to try out their fake ID first. 
He scoffed as he pushed through both groups to get inside. The bar was warm and smelled of weed, smoke, and liquor- relief washed over the melancholic man, this is where he would be able to forget. 
An open barstool was soon occupied by him and a bartender quickly made her way down to his seat. 
“I’ll have some of that honey bourbon I've been hearing people rave about” he said, a $10 bill folded between his fingers. 
“Alright, hun, that’s commin’ right up” the busty lady on the other side of the counter said as she grabbed the 10 from his hand, her hand lingering longer than he liked. 
Anakin could tell she was trying to flirt to get a better tip; back before you, he would have gladly indulged her game and revel in every motion she would do to purposefully push up her breasts and flirt back 5 times harder than she was… but now, he had no desire.
All he could think of when she tried to flirt was how he’d much rather be having a quiet night with you, not some bartender who didn’t give a rat’s ass about his life.
His drink was placed in front of him and the woman smiled, “here you are handsome”.
Normally that wouldn’t bother him- she was just doing her job… But tonight he just couldn’t. 
Once he thanked her, she sauntered away; Anakin raised a judgey brow as she intentionally swayed her hips back and forth. When she was finally busy with another customer he called over one of the other bartenders.
“Hey man, you think you could serve me tonight, I don’t really appreciate all of her flirting” he said as blankly as he could. 
The man cleaning glasses on the other side of the mahogany surface chuckled and nodded, “haha, yes man, no problem. She does lay it on pretty hard sometimes, I get it”.
Anakin thanked the man and continued to down drinks. 
As it got later, more and more people began showing up and it became uncomfortably hot. The music started to give him a headache and the smoke was getting thicker; he knew it was time to go when he could hardly suppress his coughing (no thanks to his fucked up lungs). 
The cool evening air felt cleaner than it ever had before as Anakin stood a few yards down from the bar. He had gotten far enough out of the way that he could still hear and see the lights from inside but no line was around him.
He shoved his hands into his pockets and looked up at the sky; the city’s light pollution hid the stars; he still liked to imagine how they’d look. 
He had no idea how much he had in that bar, but he felt like it wasn’t enough- he needed to do something crazy- he needed to interact with people. He wasn’t completely gone yet, but he was pretty drunk (even if he wouldn’t admit it). 
He stumbled down the sidewalk as he made his way to another bar, not far from where he was, that was a “no-smoking” establishment; he wouldn’t have to worry about choking on air there.
The sidewalk seemed to move as he steadied himself by placing a hand on the wall of the buildings on the way to his destination. 
He was feeling pretty good; his problems were far from his mind, instead he was focusing on getting to the bar. He finally made it and attempted to sit on the barstool that just couldn’t seem to sit still. Eventually he caught a bartender’s attention and got set up there with a 20 oz draft beer. 
This bar was crowded too, but less head-pounding music and young adults. He sipped his drink peacefully as he watched the others in the bar; there were a few couples on dates, a group of guys playing pool, and another group throwing darts. 
He downed his beer and placed the glass on the bar as he waited for more- this was definitely one way to spend his army money. 
As he waited a brown haired woman came up behind him and placed a lingering hand on his shoulder.
“Hello, you look lonely tonight, anything I could help with?”.
The lady wore a dress that was way too short and it did not flatter her body at all. She smelled of overwhelming cheap perfume and beer. He was already over it. 
“Nah, I’m just fine,” he said, attempting to wave her off.
She caught one of his gloved hands and began taking off his covering as she asked, “ooh, you have very stiff hands, must be strong-lets see..”.
She managed to get the glove halfway up his palm before he snatched his hand to his chest; “what the fuck you think you’re doing?!” he hissed.
She laughed, “You’re like a robot or somethin’ haha, I’m sure I could please you better than that plastic could, and I only require a pack of cigs after, no monetary charge” she promoted proudly. 
“Not in a million years lady” Anakin mumbled as his cup was replaced with a full one. 
She scoffed and put her hands on her hips, “well that’s alright, I didn’t really want to fuck a cripple anyways”.
At that moment Anakin had the urge to grab her by that pathetic excuse of a dress and throw her against the nearest wall, but he knew he shouldn’t.
“Fuck off”
“No wonder you look lonely, with a personality like that you must be impossible to be around” she huffed before finding the next guy to latch on to. 
He was getting drunker and her words hit a little too close to home- he needed to be more wasted. He began to find random people who would do shots with him. Soon he was blacked out and drinking with everyone. 
“ and i-its its sooo fucked, ‘cause I… I really do love her, but she… I don’t think s-she… I don’t know, WHO WANTS TO DO MORE SHOTS?!” Anakin was everywhere.
He sat at the bar and did two hurricane shots right after another (where you drink it then get water thrown in your face then the bartender slaps you across the face). He was at the point that he couldn’t even feel that-he was gone. 
Though soon after, the shots began catching up with him and he started feeling nauseous. He laid his forehead down on the bar and puked in between his legs and the counter. Some people around offered to help and the bartender got him some water; he insisted he didn’t need it but the alcohol was definitely making him dehydrated. 
Through the middle of sounds he heard a staff member say, “someone needs to get him outta here, we can’t have him in the bar like this”. 
The fuck were they saying? He was completely fine. 
Before he could tell what was happening he was being carried out of the bar and was sitting on the curb outside. Fuck, what was going on?
Everything was blurry, he felt nauseous and all he could focus on was this sharp pain in his side and the pounding headache that was plaguing him.
Anakin had no idea where he was, but he knew he didn’t feel good. He sat up and puked.
He felt a hand on his back and was about to protest when another wave of nausea hit- when would it end?
More shit happened in a blur and he eventually made it into an Uber and headed home. 
————-about two hours earlier—————
After he was thrown out of the bar downtown he was picked up by a group of frat boys who thought it would be cool to challenge a random drunk guy to a drinking contest.
In his inebriated state, Anakin went with the men (even though they basically had to carry him to the club they were going to). 
No one in their right mind would still allow Anakin to consume drinks, he was visibly not well and clearly needed to be cut off; but that wouldn’t be any fun for the frat.
They took him to a club where they frequented so the staff allowed them to do whatever the fuck they wanted. 
Anakin continued to drink and drink… and drink. 
Once he started puking again, one of the relatively kinder boys took time to ask his address and got him an uber home.
And that's where Anakin was now. 
He rested his forehead against the back window of the sedan and the driver drove quickly; he was probably worried that Anakin was going to yak in the back of his car. They arrived at Anakin’s apartment in decent time and the driver asked Anakin to leave. 
Anakin nodded and tried to get up but he couldn’t quite get his footing; the driver huffed and helped him out of the car. 
The driver helped Anakin into the house and saw some cash lying on the end table; sure, he helped Anakin inside but that didn’t mean this guy was a saint. 
Anakin leaned against the wall for support the driver swiped the cash and dashed out of the door. He had no clue what happened or what was going on, all he knew was that he felt awful and he needed to get to bed. 
He headed that way but he tripped over himself and landed on the floor with a thud.
A groan escaped him and his vision went black. 
a/n: more self destructive behavior… what’s new? lolll, srry the updates have been spaced out a bit, i’ve been doing a lot at work haha
taglist : @dnamht @sxoulohvn @angeelcoree @wtf-andys @httpeachesblog @katsukiswrld @jetiikote @poisonedsultana @imarimone12 @fallinlovewithevil
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chiquititaosita · 2 years
if you can, could you write op monster trio with a sick reader? (pre-chopper joining the team)
ive been sick for the past week and one piece has turned into my comfort anime, and i still have a lonv way to go haha
thank you in advance, hope you're having a nice day!
i got you my darling! im just recovering from being sick three weeks ago. (Sinus and chest congestion) please get some rest and remember to try and rest as much as possible. good luck (I’m still getting there with you :) )
Fluff, cute shit. And just vibing
Monster trio with a sick reader (pre- chopper joining)
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- don’t get me started 😭
- he’s going to want you to rest. Even if you’re feeling fine. He’s going to make sure you’re being taken care for by sanji (since luffy says his soups can help a cold)
-“ NO y/n.. rest.” he’ll say it in a stern like tone
- Out of the times he was serious outside OF FIGHTING
- he’s only harsh on you when you’re sick because he loves you that’s why.
-“I want you to rest! So you can get stronger!”
-“so when you’re strong enough ! I’ll be able to protect you.” He grins as he’s nuzzling your face.
- “hey y/n! how are you feeling?” He’ll walk in with a happiest grin on his face.
- if he doesn’t sleep in your quarters that night or during those nights. When he wakes up you’re the very first person on top of his brain.
-he’ll sometimes surprise you with drawings (I think he draws stick figures sometimes lol) “look what I made you!”-
-“see it’s you me and the treasure we found!”
-“what’ are those other people right there?” You pointed at that pft of the drawing.
-“oh that’s zoro with his swords and sanji smoking a cigarette, nami is there stealing the money. That’s ussopp shooting a cannon. Oh look that’s robin not giving a-“ you love how creative he is.
- when you get better he lets you do more tasks just to stimulate your brain.
- recovery is just him being excited because he knows you’re being loved and cared for
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-“woah you okay?”
- “y-yeah I’m fi-fine.” you replied in between coughs.
-ngl zoro will drop everything to protect you.
-“you have to rest.. dummy.” he’ll flick in your forehead because you’re a stubborn pendeja
-“noooo i Can get up..” you fell as he picked you up for almost fainting. It had been a few hours since you passed out, and zoro periodically checked up on you everyday. but today felt different.
-zoro went to go and see you. That was until he noticed a blonde male with curly eyebrows humming and holding a dish going into the same direction he’s going to.
-“what’s that for?” Zoro referred to the dish
-“oh this is for Y/n Chan! I heard she was sick, so I made her some soup to cheer her up” he mentioned, and asked why zoro was going to see you
-“I’m checking on her… that’s all.” He blushed lightly, looking away.
-“ you know ever since she came on the sunny. You’ve gotten soft.” Sanji snickered as he was keeping his laughter down.
“Why I outta—-“ he’s just going to argue with him usually but today he had no energy for that.
-“forget it. I guess you’re right I just really care about her you know .” The moss head huffed as he was given the dish.
- “shit I gotta finish dinner!- give this to y/n chwan will you?!” Sanji literally ran off to the kitchen just as zoro made it to your door.
“Oi, y/n Can I come in?” zoro poked his head out of the door.
-“ it’s open.” you mumbled as you were bundled into the blankets. You smelled the soup and poked your head out.
-“hey.. how are you feeling?” he placed the dish of soup down on the little table near you, and gazed upon you. Zoro had missed your face. He hated seeing you feeling unwell, and miserable.
-“I’m okay. Just bored…sick and out of my mind….what’s that for.?” You pointed at the soup
-“curly made you dinner and wanted you to eat first. He said he hopes you feel better.” He rolled his eyes over the words about a certain cook. You couldn’t help but chuckle
-“awe that’s sweet of him. But what about you?” You gestured him to come lay with you, and he plopped himself onto your warm body, clinging onto you like a little koala.
-“ why did you come back? I thought you were training.” you hugged him as he laid on top of you, he hadn’t thought about it like that. Zoro just missed hearing your voice motivating him to keep going, seeing your smile, hearing your voice, especially seeing you looking adorable when mad or yelling. Annoying him while training.
- Literally you were like his personal chihuahua. It just didn’t feel the same without your presence near him. Especially when y’all took naps together after training or if y’all just felt lazy.
-“i- well- um. I finished early. it was just..that I like- training with you more. It was annoying to not hear you yell my name ‘zoro this zoro that zoro can we take a break my boobs hurt?’ ‘Zoro carry me. Zo-Chan hold my hand. ‘“ he mocked your voice and it made you laugh as you nuzzled into it.
-“Awee so you did miss me..” you nuzzled him, as he pulled himself up to hug you in the bed.
-“don’t push it..” he rolled his eyes as he kissed the top of your head.
-“I love you.”
-“ I love you too you big goof.” You sighed happily as you knew you were the luckiest woman on earth.
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- now him HEHEHEHE OMG
- the minute he noticed you were sick, you missed breakfast and you never EVER MISS BREAKFAST! You get up around the same time as sanji.
- “y/n- my loveee! It’s time to get up!!” He sang as he tried to wake you up from you quarters.
-“ really? It’s too early .” you coughed into your fist. You sounded very congested, and your eyes looked so puffy. Your natural bed head with your textured mane, all over the place. he was in awe of how beautiful you sounded in the morning!!
-Sanji immediately gasped as he heard your voice. “Oh no! My Angel! You’re sick!! please lay down to rest! Your prince is going to take care of you!!” he kissed the top of your head, placing your tea near the night stand.
“S-sanji i’m f-fine!!” You tried to push him off your shoulders that was until you ran to the bathroom. acid reflux! or even food poisoning DUN DUN DUN. You must’ve felt like your guts were being rearranged and not the good kind. Luckily it was not sanjis cooking. Because he would’ve been crushed. It was someone else’s leftovers from the previous island you brought in.
-he immediately ran after you, patting your back. “It’s okay, darling. Let it out. you’ll be okay.” He’ll gently pull away your hair out of your face. when you finished throwing up you began to wash up. You went to the kitchen to see if you could put up your cup of tea and wash it.
-that was originally the plan until your blonde man put his hand over your hand, disposing his cigarette immediately after seeing you in sweatpants and a big baggy tshirt. His eyes go into heart shapes.
- “You look adorable as ever.” He coos and pinches your cheeks. you rolled your eyes at him.
-“oh hush your face babe. ..” you mumbled as he embraced you.
-“let me wash that cup for you. Go sit down I’ll make you a plate ” he kissed your cheeks, and booped your nose then forcing your stubborn ass to sit down, after taking your empty cup of tea away from you. you just loved how he shook his hips and sang a little song about you making your plate. it’s one of the reasons you fell in love with him.
-“are you singing [song name]??” You giggled
“Yup!!! Because it’s your fault! You got it stuck.in . My. Head.” He poked you jokingly and lovingly at the end of each syllable. Serving you a cup of fruits and sweets.
-“oh shut up you!! how was breakfast?” You asked him as you were tracing the table cloth, sitting in your seat. You’re not even used to the princess treatment that he’s been giving you.
-“ it was good, I already told everyone you weren’t feeling well, they went off the ship already to gather resources and meds to make sure you feel better” you smiled at him already as he made you some avocado toast, taking a bite of the dishes your face lit up, as you did a little happy dance.
- you know when the food is delicious when you do a happy dance when you eat.
- “Oh my how this is amazing.I’m so happy I can taste your food!” you smiled at him with a little sniffle
-“oh y/n merolineee! the way you compliments me takes me a few steps from ascending into heaven.”
- yes overall Sanji best boy to take care of you during pre chopper era.
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player1064 · 6 months
Loved your Jamie Carragher character thesis statement post! It actually made me think of a prompt or short story if you are still doing them. A 5+1 story of Gary making Jamie contradict how he acts/personality. Maybe from the viewpoints of others and the +1 can be Gary defending Jamie personality/character. Again love your drabbles and stories!
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im ngl i DID set out to do this as a 5+1 but I. ran out of steam a bit (bitches when their meds are out of stock etc). so instead have a 4+0 😅
Phil has abandoned the boardroom and is wandering around Hotel Football in search of snacks when he comes upon a small kitchenette where Jamie is busy swearing at a kettle.
He hadn't realised Jamie was here too, he and the other lads have been stuck in a meeting with Gary for hours now and there'd been no mention of it, but it's not that surprising when he thinks about it.
"Alright, Carra?" he greets, and Jamie turns to him with a muttered fuck.
"Hi, Phil," he says with an exasperated sigh. "Your twat of a brother asked me to fetch him some tea, and –”
He gestures hopelessly at the counter behind him, which is in such a state it looks as though a small bomb has gone off.
"Oh," says Phil. "Tea is really difficult, to be fair. Can't you find one of the staff members to help you?"
"No, I –” Jamie runs a hand through his hair, frustrated. "He asked me."  
Jamie sees it moments before it happens, in excruciating slow motion – like when a gun goes off in films. Gary’s hovering around Carra, trying unsuccessfully to get his attention, and when he gives up and reaches to jostle Carra’s shoulder Jamie waits for the inevitable snap.
Except, Carra doesn’t snap. He doesn’t jerk away, he looks at Gary and he beams. If it was any other person Jamie could’ve sworn he was leaning in to the touch, because Gary’s hand stays in place even while they talk.
When they’re setting up to film, Gary shifts his chair closer to Carra’s so that their knees are touching, and Carra doesn’t roll his eyes or move away. When Carra tells a joke that’s got Gary doubled over with laughter, Gary spreads a hand between Carra’s shoulder blades and nothing happens.
The whole day is full of things like that, tiny casual touches which should be normal, which are normal for anyone other than Carra. Jamie, worried that he’s gone mad and misremembered a fundamental fact about Carra, even tries an experiment once or twice: he claps a hand on Carra’s back, or he throws an arm around his shoulders in a friendly side hug. Carra twitches at the contact every single time, a miniscule reaction honed out of years of needing to be polite, and he carefully shifts away from Jamie’s touch with a suspicious side-eye.
When they’re leaving the studio that evening to go to the pub, Gary slaps Carra’s bum as he walks through the doorway and all Carra does is grin.
“Who the fuck are you texting?”
“Huh?” Jamie blinks, looks up at Stevie over his glasses like he’d forgotten he was there. “Oh, just Gary.”
“Didn’t yous see ‘im earlier today?”
“Yeah, why?”
Stevie is lucky if he gets one text a month from Jamie, even luckier if he sees him in person more than twice a year. It’s never bothered him much, he knows what Jamie’s like, knows that anyone not sat directly in front of him is prone to being dismissed as a distraction. There aren’t really friends in Jamie’s world, just allies and enemies.
So he’s not really sure what to do with this version of Jamie, the one who leaves Gary Neville’s company (and Gary Neville, really?) only to immediately open his phone and start texting Gary Neville.
Every time his phone pings he opens it up and does a stupid little snicker at whatever Gary’s sent him, never mind that he’s meant to be mid-conversation with Stevie. Every bloody anecdote seems to start with ‘so me and Gary were –’, or ‘Gary was saying –’. Even the stories that aren’t about work – as far as Stevie can figure out, there’s rarely a moment that Jamie’s not with Gary, or talking to Gary, or thinking about Gary.
It's weird. It’s almost like how he used to be about football.
Micah can’t believe what he’s seeing. It’s time for Sky’s yearly ‘film Neville and Carragher making fools of themselves racing each other in a thinly-veiled attempt to rack up more views’, and Jamie is losing.
Jamie’s a runner, he runs. Gary does fuck all cardio beyond the occasional group fitness class, he should not be a full pace ahead of Jamie at the halfway point, and yet. Gary can’t seem to believe it either, because when he glances back at Jamie he grins and picks up his pace with a gleeful little laugh.
Jamie rolls his eyes for the sake of the cameras, but there’s a moment where Micah could’ve sworn he saw him skip, like he was deliberately trying to slow himself down. Which is impossible, because Jamie would happily out-sprint a child if someone told him it was a competition.
And yet.
When Gary wins he grabs onto Jamie’s arm to support himself while his whole body shakes with laughter, squawking out insults every time he’s able to catch his breath. Jamie laughs along, makes up some poor excuse about his hamstring going, but when he catches Micah’s eye he winks as if they’re both in on the same joke.
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
Can’t Keep My Eyes Off You.
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Synopsis: It started in highschool, Shuuji’s simple crush on you. But since school was over, you figured you would never see eachother again. One night, your business has a huge party, and who will you see there? A/N: Ngl this took a WHILE to brew up but… enjoy! Pairing: Hanma Shuuji x Fem!Reader
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WARNINGS: suggestive but w no smut cause im mean, tw drinking, tw drunkness, tw mentions of pills (tylonol and advil)
GENRE: fluff
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It was a silly crush. One that, whenever you passed eachother in the hallways, Shuuji would whistle teasingly just because he knew it ticked you off. But it never progressed more than that, and as you were handed your diploma, it came crashing down on you that you were now alone in this world.
He wouldn’t be there every morning with a goofy grin plastered on his face to tease you at your locker, like two love-sick puppies playing with eachother. You had to go out now, to get a real job, to get a big education just like you had always bragged to him about.
You walked through the big double doors of your job, adjusting the uncomfortable skirt given to you with an awkward smile as you stopped at the front desk.
“Uh, hi. Can you direct me to the boss’s office, please?” you ask the front desk lady, her eyes darting up in surprise.
“Did he request a meeting with you?”
“Well.. no. But I have a concern-“
“Talk to your manager about it.” she says quickly, looking around you to help the next person as you frowned.
Sighing to yourself, you walk to the elevator with your things and click the button to go to the fourth floor, leaning against the wall and looking up at the pale ceiling tiles above. You counted each of them for a while, looking down in surprise as you noticed the marble design coating the floor.
The boss was never spoken of. Everyone thought highly of him, but even he hadn’t interviewed you. No one really sees him except for the higher ups and his assistant.
The door dings open and you walk out onto the floor, shivering from the sudden cold that floods over you. You glance around awkwardly as you look for your desk, an awkward aura clouding over you as a few workers looked over at you.
“Hey! Y/N, right?” someone calls out, pulling you out of your thoughts as you looked down the hall, your manager waving you over with a comfortable smile. You walk over to him rather quickly, twirling your hair as a nervous habit as his smile falters.
“Don’t worry, you will fit right in and do amazing.” he says, patting you on the shoulder as he points to a desk, “That one is yours, next to one of the haitanis. But don’t worry about him, he’s mostly out of the office and rarely at his desk, they pratically live in Han- er, the boss’s office.”
You glance up at your manager, the half-name catching your attention before you nod, walking over to your desk. You set your things down, a small chill running down your spine as you felt someone behind you.
Awkwardly turning around, you find Ran Haitani behind you. He looks you up and down before a toothy smile forms in his lips, “Hi doll.”
You scoff at the nickname, he had a reputation to call everyone that, as you turn back around and set your things up.
“A bit harsh to be as new as you. You got a boyfriend or som’thin?” he asks, leaning on your desk beside you as you sigh.
“No, I don’t. I just know that this is a routine for you and that I won’t get anything out of this that will benefit me.” you reply, shooting him a small glare between your lashes as you click on your computer.
“Damn, sorry princess. Just know I can get you fired, might not wanna’ always have an attitude with me.” he says, grinning as your eyes went wide.
“Just because I won’t play your games like every other woman? Please.” you huff, ushering him away with a small push on his chest as you sit down.
He scoffs, a small chuckle leaving his chest as he walks off, a small smile forming on your lips from the win. First day, and you already have met your wonderful deskmate. Great.
Time passed by; Ran wasn’t much of a problem ultimately, and everone began to like your great work ethic. You became really popular really quickly, even though you didn’t love the attention, and soon enough, the higher-up were catching up with you in the hallways to talk, which they did with no one else.
You had a few sour apples here and there, other co-workers that called you a ‘bottom feeder’ and an ‘attention whore’, but you couldn’t help but to laugh because you were popular because you were good at your work, which obviously they weren’t.
You glanced over your paper, reading through it one last time. It had been years since you had started, moving up the ranks to replace your manager when he left. It was a lot easier now for you, but you missed the chaos. But, if you wanted a job, you better keep this one.
That wasn’t what was making you nervous, though. It was the big party being thrown downstairs tonight. You had no clue what to wear, and what your friends had suggested was far too out of your comfort zone. But, as a managar, you were expected to look nice, at least, nicer than others.
And as you slipped on your dress, as much as you hated to say it, you loved it. You had never been into this style much in prior years, but you were totally rocking it. And your shoes with a little sparkle to them matched your elegant necklace; it was perfect.
You sighed as you glanced at the time from your phone, becoming irritated with yourself for leaving so late. You only had 15 minutes to get there and you were stuck in traffic. You took a sip of your coffee, pressing your head up against the headrest as you look up towards the roof of your car. For the office to only be 3 blocks away, it seemed as though it would take forever to even get there.
Arriving late was not your forte, but here you were, arriving 14 minutes late as you rushed inside. Your friends crouded around you instantly as they questioned you about where you had been, your answer being sheepishly answered with “traffic.”
They laughed and walked off towards the bar, the tension of the aura easing a bit with their departure. Glancing around the party, your eyes landed on a familiar looking face. Their hair was nothing like you had ever seen before, multicolored with golden and black, yet their face looked so familiar. You couldn’t put a name to the face, and even though you wished to continue looking at him to figure it out, he had already looked your way and had seen you staring.
You looked away quickly, a small blush forming on your face from embarrassment, but moments later soft footsteps were heard from behind you.
“I’ve heard great things about you, y/n. Glad to see you tonight.”
Your eyes darted up to his face as your eyes went wide, the pieces clicking together as you placed the voice with the name.
“Are you seriously the secret boss, Shuuji?” you finally bring yourself to say, shock still coursing through you as you studied his now much propper and more sophisticated figure.
“ ‘Secret boss’ is a rather odd nickname, don’t you think?” he asks, glancing around at people who were looking your way as he places his hand on the small of your back, guiding you to a more private area to talk in private.
“You’ve grown up.” you say, looking away awkwardly. He seemed like so much more than he had been in highschool. He had gone from a teen fool to a full on businessman.
“I could say the same thing for you.” he says, sitting down with a yawn. You sigh as you sit down next to him, rubbing your temple with a frown.
“Was it you? The one leaving small flirtatious notes on my desk for me to find every morning?”
He tenses and pauses for a moment, almost as if he was pondering which way to answer before slowly nodding.
“Yeah, you caught me.”
You laughed as you shifted around, resting your head on his shoulder with a satisfied sigh. His hand wrapped around yours, rubbing small circles against the plush skin with a soft smile.
“I missed times like this.” he says, ruffling your hair with a laugh as you smacked his hand.
“We never used to do this, silly! You wish.” you tease.
A blanket of silence rang in the room, drowning out the party like it had never been there.
“Go on a date with me.” You sit up, taking your hand away from his in shock.
“Go on a date with me, y/n. You heard me.”
You rubbing your eyes, testing to see whether you were dreaming that he had just said this or not. But it was very real, his golden eyes watching your every move as he waited for an answer.
You laughed as you pressed a small kiss on his temple, waving him off as you clicked open the door.
“Find me later on and I will give you an answer, pretty boy.” you snicker, shutting the door behind you and walking over to the bar with a smile; tonight would be fun.
Your head was spinning, your legs a bit wobbly as you sat down in your car. Not expecting to go anywhere, just to sit and watch everything swirl around you as you continued to sober up. You lazily glanced out the window, watching a bird fly away into the dark night.
“You look offly drunk.” hanma’s voice rings through the silence, surprising you as you glanced at the passenger seat. You hadn’t realized you had left the car unlocked.
“I’m not drunk, shuuji. Just tipsy, that’s all.” you roll your eyes, grabbing the bottle of water in your cup holder before downing it, patting your cheeks as if you wake yourself up as you sighed.
“So, the answer?”
Dead silence rang through the car, its’ presence deafening as you gulped. You hadn’t really thought on much of an answer after you had left the room, too focused on finally getting a well-diserved break from work and life in general.
“I don’t want to go on a date with you, shuuji,” you say, your eyes following the wires connecting the power lines, “but maybe you could squeeze some time into your schedule to treat me some other way, yeah?” you finish with a small smile, brushing through your hair with your fingers as you looked away again.
“How about right now I treat you?” he asks with a smirk, placing his tattoed hand on your thigh with a small squeeze. Your groan as you tap your head, rolling your eyes with a smirk.
“You better be packing tylonol and advil then”
“Oh I’m packing somethin’ alright.”
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jihyoruri · 24 days
the angst would honestly work so well tho. never asked cause everyone had this happy vibe and i was SO scared of getting jumped.
i can imagine yn becoming aware of how close and comfortable she got with hanni, so she'd just start avoiding her without explanation. poor hanni on the other hand would reach out for the girl during the first days, trying her best to justify her actions, only to get to a point when she just can't do that anymore. hanni would be like a few steps away from depression. staying in her dorm room all day, eating the bare minimum, being too scared to open her socials or to go live, only talking with her friends through the locked door, she would genuinely be a mess. like she felt so good when she was with yn, she would melt all her stress & problems away, maybe they were young but if someone were to ask her she could definitely envision yn in her future. during music shows they would look at each other across the crowded rooms, yn looking at hanni like she just saw her worst nightmare and hanni looking at yn like it's their last day on this planet, both ignoring the people that are talking to them. fans would go crazy and constantly ask why hanni doesn't talk about paranoia anymore or put their songs on live, why her and yn don't get spotted anymore, why they haven't commented on each other's post in a long time, why they haven't interacted in so long in general, and hanni would fight back tears and end her livestreams as soon as the chat would get flooded by these types of questions. maybe i'm too much of a drama queen but i can't help it, i think that at some point hanni's sadness would turn into anger and she'd finally find the will to fight back, she'd try ANYTHING to face yn but the latter just kept avoiding her so hanni showed up in paranoia's dorms. before any of the three members could ask how hanni even knew where their dorms were, she'd ask yn a million questions, only to get always the same answers ("i never liked you", "there's someone else", "it meant nothing to me" all the bullshit like this you hear me?). hanni would grow progressively more impatient, AND HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE she'd slap yn SO GODDAMN HARD, to either hurt her fr or smack some sense into her, or maybe even both (hanni herself wasn't sure on why she did that) before storming out of their dorms. yn would stay still for a couple of minutes that surely felt like hours if not DAYS, not because of the pain, but because WHEN DID HANNI BECOME LIKE THIS)?????)???? but on a side note that would actually make her realize how far she went.
also i think that everyone is aware of yn's personality most of the people just thought about a redemption ark or some shit like that idk 🤔😭
honestly I feel like if hanni was ranting to yn about these things she wouldn’t be like “I never liked you” and stuff you said she would be more like “you knew what you were getting into, I don’t do relationship's.”
imma be so fr if hanni was to slap yn it would literally be an instinct for yn to slap her back ngl LIKE SORRY BUT the way yn wouldn’t hesitate and like she would even shock herself like it was just instinct, like living with boys has really changed her survival instinct and she’s swinging on instinct.
like after hanni leaves and everything the only thing running through yn’s mind is no way she just put her hands on me like let’s actually think about who paranoia!yn is she would def be thinking about that slap more than the reason of the slap like the guys would be like “why did you hit her back?!” and she would be like “because she hit me… really hard it was just instinct IM SORRY.”
honestly I don’t rlly get the redemption arc thing when it comes to paranoia!yn because what redemption does she need? she’s not like wow!yn who can be a complete asshole she’s just someone who’s not comfortable with relationships, you can soften her up but you can’t change who she is yk?
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i'm sure One Million Kazillion people have asked you this but if not Perpep for the ask game?
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Just one more! This is specifically for Beforan Perpep. Not Bard's Collage or Alternia. Perpep
favorite thing about them Playing her is so fun. She's just a little guy. She is just a little guy, yknow? I also love how she talks. Its not the best transcribed on my part but its just cute. Her intonation is cute.
least favorite thing about them Probably just my... like. Inability to keep up with her timescale... I decided all my ocs have some time distortion shit going on with them because of my executive dysfunction. There are. several things in her drafts that are there because i wanted to draw a picture for it and never did. There are... so many...
favorite line Ok so if youve been here for a while, she once was really mad at Raveri, the other Raveri, and wrote a whole rant about him. That was funny I liked that. I also liked the time she was talking about the horrorterrors and drew one of them with her text.
brOTP Uhhhhhh I still dont really get this im ngl. An otp but platonic, so either a qppr or like... just being good friends? buddies? Well that'd've probably also been old Raveri. They were sopor chess buddies. They did sopor slime and played chess.
OTP Uh... Hm... Yknow, again, I don't really ship Perpep. I guess her alt!self Oftcas has an 'otp' with (B!)Detheo. Their wierd fuckin biuniversal asses. Postgame she has a pitch thing going on with Somati, but her whole situation makes it kind of... I think her intimacy is pretty heavily wounded. Yknow... from being a human pet. Being without a relationship after so long of it being the default is hard though. Something that happens during the game that makes this part easier, but she does feel it really intensely. It's why she gets with Somati actually. Its technically pitch and she thinks of it that way even if it resembles a pale relationship a little more because of how Perpep is. It's not entirely NOT pale on somati's part, but it is pitch. Not the angry kind of pitch though, the like... theyre two individually really chill people who start fucking with shit to compete when theyre together. Mentos and coke ship.
nOTP Shrugs. You'd probably think I'd say Perpep and her culler, but thats narratively interesting to me. Uhhh I guess she would be really bad with Alpha Detheo. Like they wouldn't mix at all and their preconceptions about the other would clash so bad i think they might just kind of avoid eachother a little bit. Curiosity on both sides, with fear twinging Perpep's and logical guilt on Detheo's. Logical guilt being like... not guilt guilt but like. Ah a version of me hurt this person in a very sick way. This has added a level of morality to my self image that is troubling and I will have to consider deeply what went wrong in my other life to ensure something like that does not happen in this one. Also I should stay away from Perpep because she definitely doesn't want any more Detheo in her life. (Not entirely wrong on that last count but not right either)
random headcanon Perpep is the cuddliest motherfucker on the planet. During her session, about from the Entering when she loses track of Cinimon to her death during the Among Us conference between her, Miyers, Respit, and Sphinx, she's really fucking nervous and crabby because of touch starvation. Thats actually part of why she throws so much shade during that little meeting. She's not got a lot of emotional skill, so when she feels negatively, those emotions leech into her other emotions like dye in water. She has a hard time distinguishing between different stressors almost. Like if her emotional state was a body, and her stress was caused by a horsefly biting her on one side, she would project the same anger in every direction. She's new to this, yk.
unpopular opinion uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh My unpopular opinion is you should go on her blog and look at the posts under #captures and appreciate those drawings :-)
song i associate with them Ohoho. Hold on let me get the Perpeplaylist Taroko by August Greenwood Death by Melanie Martinez New Normal by Jack Stauber Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown I Can Talk by Two Door Cinema Club Otherside by the Red Hot Chilipeppers Sports by Beach Bunny (Voiceclaim also) Wreckingball specifically the cover by The Orion Experience In that order. LMK if you have any guesses on how her timeline fits to those. I feel like its pretty obvious but I am also the writer so yk.
favorite picture of them
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This is stil the funniest thing ive ever drawn i think. She flashbanged herself poor fishie.
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This one which is still way detailed. Im kinda sad no one ever asked about the collar, to get a closer look at the picture, the bullet, the rook, the tiny grub hons, the necklaces, the bident, or . any of that. I also planned to have it be more obvious that those are *somati's* clothes. If you look in captures you'll see his dad's dead body. Thats where she got the sgrub disks. College and Exec disorder got in the way of the pictures of Snapdad i planned for Somati to post... I might end up redoing that though. Shrug.
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And obviously this picture from her postgame band on Continua. LOOK At her. she is such a sweetie.
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bastionbibi · 5 months
Question if it’s okay to ask: what is it that made Akai one of your favourites? Or at least someone that’s cool in your book
Man.... This is like asking why I love soup.  Ok, I'm not sure if I can stay coherent but I'll try, 
Ive been reading detco on and off since I was a was a wee child and even back then he was already one of my favorites because I like mystery, and he was the definition of that. 
And this way before the revelation that he was a good guy too. There was this moment of 'yeah, okay, this is it, he's the one (that im not gonna be normal about)'. Specifically, I fell in love in that one scene where he met ran on a snowy night, something about that scene was just so striking, especially something about him that, despite how intimidating he sounded or looked, didn't set off any alarms in Ran, that was the point where I knew there's more to this character, and that I love him. 
On another lighter note. I like his shinigami aesthetic, his one liner and lack of facial expression, I like his lonewolf tendency, how weirdly dependable he is and yet, he's not, in any way shape or form, charming. 
Like that time where he confronted Gin for the first time, he could've told Jodie and Conan that he had a plan to elude the BO but he didn't, he acted alone, he's extremely slow to trust but when he does, he pledge to them his true loyalty. I mean, Conan was just a child in his eyes (even though now he knows him as Shinichi), and yet since he decided to trust him, he never dismissed his words or treat him like a liability despite his 'age'. 
When he trust people, he cherished them in his own ways, and that's what I find commendable. 
He's ANNOYING. An asshole 75% of the time, we never got more backstory about him and Akemi because I refuse to believe this man with the personality as hard to love as the taste of blue cheese could land not 1 but 2 amazing ladies like cmon now. I hate how he treated Jodie but I have no doubt he would take a bullet for her if need be, I guess that’s why Jodie still likes him too to a degree but he didnt deserve her tbh (<- says the girl who will still reblog redstarling fanart whenever it crosses my dash). 
The same can be applied to his ‘rivalry’ with Rei, it doesn't matter what his true reason was, he decided that night, when he was holding the bleeding gun of a man he failed to save, he would keep the truth away from Rei and he stick by that decision till now, Rei did everything in his power to literally hunt him down over a misunderstanding and he didn't care, come hell and high waters and he will still keep Rei away from the truth because that's what he decided to do and he keeps his promises, especially ones made to himself. 
I suppose I like him because outside of 'work', while he keeps people on a distance, you don't have to second guess on where you stand, there's a sort of ease in that. 
As the story progresses, we get to see reasons as to why he ended up this way and that was pretty entertaining, seeing how affectionate he can be to his siblings and what happened in his past to make him go the extreme lengths of being an agent to another country and infiltrating a deadly organization etc, it fleshes him out, it makes me excited to see where he'll end up next. 
Also, he looks kinda handsome ngl 
ON ANOTHER NOTE!! He's also just- Really weird?? 
Like ok, sure, he faked his death like one would do but he came back from the grave as a guy 5 years younger with pink hair that's taking his masters?? Hello???? Has he even been to college before like I legit wonder if he knows how hellish a masters program is AND, I know this is based on a situation that's out of his control, out of all the personalities he can embody, he chose to be a milfy malewife who's always ready to babysit others?? Dedication to the bit is unmatched. 
(Also bc i hc him as conans dad and made a whole series about it, thats fun!)
(Anyway if youre in the gc dont u dare call me a simp i am not . ) 
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tododeku-or-bust · 5 months
I read the ask you answered about being quiet/making noise in public spaces and the article you linked and I found it really interesting and I wanted to thank you for your insight, i am white and have grown up somewhere predominantly white and I still have the instinctual reaction of seeing people making noise as being rude, and I understand that a big part of that is racism, but another part that I genuinely wonder about is that when listening to music on your phone without headphones you take the option of quiet away, whilst when you're listening on your headphones you can still listen to music but others can have quiet. I feel like I'm really not getting the point here in why its preferable to listen without headphones when you could take others into account, like you can't play silence on headphones, you'd need noise cancelling expensive ones.
Im not talking about enforcing anything and people who call the cops on people for stuff like this is insane and dangerous. I don't think people are entitled to silence and endangering black people's lives over something like this is terrible. I'm asking more as a question of the cultural differences in thoughts about noise and existing in public, what is rude and what isn't. What is entitlement and what is considerate.
I'm sorry if Im being racist, it is not my intention but i understand that i can have biases that i haven't looked at closely enough that are harmful. That's also why i am asking this, to genuinely understand and get perspective
Lastly I just wanted to add that of course its not your job to educate me, i just noticed i wasn't getting further with this subject in my head, and if you want to i hoped you could offer your thoughts, they'd be much appreciated.
Some more explanation here
Ngl, I'm tired, so this answer may not be as full as you'd like.
No, I can't tell you why it's "preferable" to listen to music on a train without headphones. The reality is that the people who don't, likely just don't have any at that moment, otherwise they'd be using them. Yes, it's rude, no it's not dangerous, it's just a temporary inconvenience.
Also, ngl, people swear Bluetooth headphones are cheap but the ones I have, since adapters die easy ASF and I was constantly going through them for years, were about $189 at the cheapest (at least when I bought them). So I'm not sure where this "headphones are cheap" idea came from unless y'all got plugs I'm unaware about. Being poor is expensive, and I really wish people would do the reading to get that. Poverty and Eviction by Matthew Desmond are two good ones to start with.
Anyway, you're in the public- there's not going to be a full "silence" option, unfortunately. Not without policing, either from actual police, or from people themselves. And when people themselves start policing (as is often the case in white neighborhoods and white spaces, which is what that Silence is the Sound of Gentrification article was about) things are bound to get worse, specifically for people of color. Because what was an annoyance for you can become legitimate violence on our end. Because people clearly don't want to communicate their issues- they clearly don't want to say "hey can you turn that down". No, they feel like it should be Standard for things to happen the way that they want (which, is often a privilege for the White).
Perhaps that is something that you as a white person can start looking into and questioning amongst your own.
Well, you said it yourself- cultural differences. There is no one answer to this. Tbh, it would help a lot more of white people took the time themselves to be amongst people of color. To actually learn and listen and be in those communities. Having real friends of color. That's how you learn what standards those groups have, and what is enforced and what isn't. Because I get the feeling that if more white people did that, we'd have less of these conversations. There'd be an understanding of how your actions affected others far beyond the inconvenience of "music out loud".
Because we all know that it's not the silly tiktok playing white girls that people are really complaining about here to the point of aggravation. The entire argument is a dogwhistle and that's why I get so angry when "good white people" share it.
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brandogenius · 7 months
eating up the content as per usual ‼️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 i'm so excited ur getting into muna i got into them a few months ago and they're just so chaotic and funny, id say another way to get good insight in their personalities and speech patterns and whatnot is by listening to gayotic (their podcast!) i literally listen to gayotic to fall asleep sometimes LMFAOAO
okay now time for my thoughts on more barista!reader x jb:
question, what do you think the drink actually is that jb orders? like, in my opinion, i feel like its just one of those really popular sweet ice coffees that most people like but its bc they don't actually like coffee and julien is like about to eat a spoonful of salt to cut the sweetness bc how dare she not drink every drop of this ice coffee her pretty gorgeous cool amazing barista girl crush made for her
THE ANGST i love, that's so something that i would do ngl, i can imagine julien being like gutted that reader would think they were coming off weird and stopped doodling on her cup and reader like blushing and smiling at her reaction
speaking of angst can you imagine the dramatics of when reader finds out that jb doesn't actually like her order...in my mind it's not even something reader loves it's just popular and they overhears phoebe or lucy with julien making fun of her getting a drink she doesn't even like and reader doesn't mention it until like a week later because they've been analyzing jb getting her drink
im picturing julien coming in and being like "same as usual ☺️" and reader is like "are you sure?" and julien is confused like "uhh yeah i always get that wdym hahah" and reader explains what she overheard and julien is internally panicking like 'okay this is it she found out and she's gonna hate me and think im a pathological liar'
omg what if from then on reader makes her something new EVERY time until jb finds something that she really likes
julien coming in during a rush and reader frantically ranting to her about how stressed they are but julien is sitting there listening to them like this 😍 and reader can't help but notice and then they're like "sorry i didn't mean to ramble on like that..." and all embarrassed
one last thought, julien coming in and getting her drink but then sitting on the couch or window seat and reading a book or doing work on her laptop and reader is checking on her every 0.5 seconds and they keep making accidental eye contact and smiling but neither will actually talk to each other (classic wlw yearning from afar)
OKAY rant over 😊😊
tysm :D i’m definitely getting into muna!! funny enough i’ve gotten a few asks but i’m waiting to get more into them before i write them up!!
i’ve been watching their gayotic podcasts, i started by watching lucy’s then julien’s and lemme tell you i love it. i’m someone who loves to take note of speech patterns and how people word things so it was interesting to learn more about them individually
as for barista! reader
hmmm. i feel like jb isn’t someone to order overly sweet things. like say fraps or something. black coffee or something 😭 a little bit of sugar like maybe a teaspoon is fine but overly sickening sweet nooo. she takes it though and doesn’t complain because at the end of the day reader made it and there was cute doodles on it and she doesn’t want to be like “aha hey… so i don’t actually like this”
she either chugs it down or splits it in half with one of the boys so she has less to drink. she wouldn’t put your hard work down the drain
reader finding out jb doesn’t even like the orders they make and they are like “YOU COULDVE TOLD ME”AND JBS LJKE “that’s true”
omg reader handing jb a new cup everydsy like “so this is peach ice tea” and the next day it’s like “so this is matcha tea” and maybe julien’s just extremely picky on her drinks but she’s yet to find something she likes
reader literally watching julien sit down and write lyrics or type away at her laptop and they make eye contact every so often but both are too scared to say anything so queue reader coming over with a slice of chocolate cake like “here you go” and jbs like “oh i didn’t offer it” and readers like “it’s on the house” and jbs like “oh.. thank you-“ and you stick your hand out like “i’m [name]” and she’s like “julien. i can’t believe we didn’t ask for each others names yet”
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literalite · 1 year
these r all the asks i got last night about the whole aesthetic discussion i'll answer in order of when i got them :p
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truth b told if i started simblr like. today and knew nothing about photoshop then i'd probably be pretty demoralised too but also thats exactly how it was starting simblr anyway i just worked on it until i was happy w my skills... no one gave me a cheat code i just put time and effort into it
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i agree with u im ngl like i do sincerely wish everyone had the opportunity to put hours and hours of their lives into learning how everything about this works if thats what they truly wanted. also if anything doing it solely by urself will make the process all the more time consuming but if u ask around for help people (including me! im down to help fr) will usually give it to u and that'll speed up the process more. being mad at me for having that is pointless what am i gna do go back in time and unlearn it all and for what? dsfghjk
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okay i did see this being said a lot and uhhhh i was trying to understand it but like. i also don't. like ok with cluttered aesthetic build shots or yknow the odd landscape with heavy bloom shader on it i guess if ur looking at it completely from that pov yeah i guess it looks like some posts that "blow up" r just sort of the same shit. but the fact remains that its also it's good shit like anyone can clutter a room and take a photo of it what really counts here in my opinion anyhow is shot composition. and there's literally preestablished rules for this sort of thing u can google cinematography basics and get it for free... there's a whole field of study looking into what draws the human eye. like maybe the core concepts behind what makes a popular post popular is the same but thats because it just works. if u wanna shy away from that entirely but then complain about ur posts not being as popular then that's very much a u problem it doesn't have anything to do with the rest of us
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amen these are my ocs wdym these are "sims" LOLLL these are the real people living in my head if i bust my ass making them look good then thats a choice i made
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u can call this an empathy problem and try explain it to me more but i dont see how other people feeling insecure about what their current ability scales up to is any fault of mine or my problem to bend backwards to try fix... or even how i could. like is the standard high now yeah honestly it is. the learning curve was steep as hell when i first started as well. no disagreements here. but what am i supposed to do about it LMAO like i didn't create the human proclivity to be drawn to beauty i just ride off of it.
idk why i'm the bad guy for being honest for my reasoning behind what i do and don't reblog? lots of other people have been saying they dont really care about aesthetics which is great but if i said that i'd literally just be lying to you. i'm not gonna apologise for not lying... i like being able to see the passion and energy poured into the same video game we're all playing it's only natural to appreciate that- if that reads as passive aggression and u don't understand my stance that's fine by me
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i would say for me personally try watch visual media that u can recognise as "beautiful" and not to shit on like. cw shows but i mean stuff that is marked by its cinematography being truly excellent. and just really examine how those set and lighting designers use angles and lighting and how the people filming and editing choose to frame their shots to achieve what works. hell looking at art helps with this too. look at other people's stuff on simblr analytically try to seriously work out why it appeals to people the way it does. ik u asked for editing tips but i think it really starts ingame you can have the most incredible editing style but it doesn't work if ur shot comp doesn't work then it'll won't hit as hard
take time to learn what most of the adjustment layers do on photoshop, and what all the blending layers look like, download other people's psds and play with them on top of ur shots to see what works! what u personally think looks good will be different from what i personally think looks good, i like dramatic lighting and muted colours and mid level contrast so not too strong but i can't speak for whether you will too. ALSO im a religious user of @/simmerstesia's psd set here i think a well chosen shot can be really elevated by using something like this to really give it that final polish
additionally if u have any like really specific questions or need some advice u can ask me on discord my dms are open like i can talk u thru it. promise it's not as daunting as it can look
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oexen · 4 months
cw hoarding + mentions of animal and child neglect
is it really gonna take me telling my mother its extremely concerning to have PILES of cat waste just. around. in the house
like i know shes going to flip the fuck out at me in some way or another, be very angry or sad or hurt or some secret other option and like. she misgenders and deadnames me as if i never shared the info with her, the crux of our relationship is financial and thats even pretty minimal. like yeah maybe its sincerely not my problem and i KNOW you cant help someone who doesnt want to be helped, but i dont want to inherit a cat piss soaked infested brick.... thing. no fucking way dude. that shit realistically probably has to be gutted ngl, its fucking awful. shes a hoarder and never really touched my old bedroom so i have some stuff there, stuff id actually like to take even, but the smell is literally pervasive to the point that books smell like it on the fucking inside.
like shes actually at the point her neckbeard nest doesnt register as a problem to her. even with... another person who is not me having to actually go inside of the house??? i like cannot fathom whats going on inside that god forsaken head of hers, she asked me why i was wearing a mask inside and turned around and walked away before i could even say anything, lmfao.
i couldnt spend more than one night in her house and had a mask on the whole time because it fucking blew so hard to be in there. this fucking idiot got 3 huge WORKING dogs (pyrenees and a burmese mtn dog) because its "in her life plan" (news to me lmao!) and tldr she impulse bought them because theyre cute. shes never fucking home, works 9-5 and theyre crated a lot of the time and its fucking horrible to see, i freaked the absolute fuck out on her when i first heard that she had new puppies like what 2 years ago? fucking neglecting the elderly dogs she already had in favor of getting these for some fucking reason, "no more dogs after this one dies" turns into 3 giant stupid fucking untrained, neglected mistakes. the singular saving grace is that they have a big yard to run around in, but that doesn't do a hell of a lot of good when it's hot and this idiot refuses to walk them when shes home anyway. couldn't possibly be because theyre untrained and will drag her stupid ass down the street fr. i think im going to literallt snail mail the next door neighbor or maybe even both of them because like.... what the actual fuck is she doing with these dogs. GET HELP.
ive been telling this absolute knob for YEARS she needs to chill out and do something else (like 3 of her closest blood relatives died in the past several years, 2 of which she was literally caretaking, and she still volunteers at a fucking hospice and has NEVER SOUGHT BEREAVEMENT COUNSELING, LET ALONE COUNSELING IN GENERAL), she keeps saying shes fucking fine and we have LITERALLY had the exchange where she says it to my face and i gesture around and say CLEARLY!!!!!
Anyway. the dogs. shes going to get worse and i know it and im just so disgusted by the prospect of having to like lay it all out probably because no one else will, and i guess i care because its literally affecting me, i sat and wrote all this because im cleaning stuff i took from her house like books and SEALED ITEMS THAT ALSO SMELL LIKE CAT PISS ON THE INSIDE OF THE PACKAGING????????? and got triggered. but whatever. this woman treated me like shit and neglected me for my entire childhood and turns it around and goes WHATDIEVERDOTOYOU if i so much as refuse a hug even this far down the line, its been nearly 10 years since ive lived with her, and like. holy fuck. and she doesnt have a single fucking clue lol like idk its also just like pathetic and sad to see a person go through this, even though she gives me mmmm essentially nothing but feelings of disgust when i really think about it. its just fucked and everyones dying or doesnt care or doesnt feel like they can say anything and im like. idk. i could literally bring this up to lots of people she knows, i could find a damn way, but like yaknow..... it fucking sucks so hard to have to do all this bc this woman is literally severely mentally ill and needs a fucking hand but it sure as shit isnt going to be mine, at least not physically. god.
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alexandraisyes · 6 months
Thanks for the ask! Turbo's answers under the cut! Here's where you can find the emojis for the ask game!
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Probably romance. I'm not a very romantic person but that's to be expected considering my, uh, psychological standing (sweats in ASPD). I've been told that the romantic and soft and family shit I write is really nice and feels real, but I'm just making shit up man, haha. I do a lot of self-projecting when I write sweet shit because I wanna give my characters what I can't have. ❤️Thankfully Turbo is here to make me brainrot and think about all of the sweet shit. Otherwise, the fics would be a lot darker than they already are.
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Like kill Sun's cats? OH YOU SAID PLAYFULLY-
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Any time Killcode acts like a feral cat I get a good laugh. He's just an oversized cat who acts like one too his lovers as well. Including play fighting them (much to Flare's dismay as he gets pulled away from tasks).
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
I do haha. My most popular nsfw fic is The Deal because that's the only one uploaded so far. TMiB is just the sequel to The Deal so it doesn't count.
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Oooh that's tricky. I would say The Deal except that's got uh. . . death. lol. Probably Erros in Resentment just because it's me projecting on Eclipse like all fuck and he gets the happy ending that I think he deserves. Without more suffering. It's kind of my love letter to my disorder (ASPD) since Eclipse and Ruin both have it. There's something beautiful in the absolute devotion a sociopath can have to someone, the unwavering loyalty, and that's often taken for granted because we don't love in the traditional sense of the word. It's meant to show that people with ASPD can still be happy, and change, and grow and improve and live meaningful lives without causing harm to people around them. Not even just ASPD, but all Cluster B disorders. That someone who is aromantic by nature can still find happiness with someone else, even if it's not a romantic companionship, but rather just a sense of belonging. Like I said, it's me self-projecting on Eclipse, and Ruin also having ASPD? That was just the cherry on top for me. I can't promise when it'll get updated, though.
💖 What made you start writing?
I've always been writing! I just normally kept it to myself or roleplays. I've been writing short stories since I knew how to write, though.
Turbo's turn!
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
serious conversations? probably some heavy- really heavy shit i think
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
that one time me and alex hinted at a solar x lunar shit. But it was one sided
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Any scene where bloodmoon swore in the deal. it just hits different because he dosent swear so much in my ehes
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
A little snippet called "bloodmoon, eclipse, lunar, and burgers" 🥺 (its not found anywhere but on a discord server lel im too shy)
💖 What made you start writing?
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blair-the-juggalho · 2 years
im so happy ur getting more asks it makes me so happy to read ur writing!!! can i request a marlon x s/o who is scared of dogs? like really terrified pls and thank youuu <333
Awww me too tbh! And im so glad you like my writing!!
And of course my lovely I hope this will do love!
TWDG Marlon with an S/O who is terrified of dogs
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Ngl he was very upset at first!
Only because he couldn’t change the fact that you where so scared of dogs
And he was a dog person!
Sure he tried to get you to at least like Rosie but it just wouldn’t work
He’d be very bummed out about it :(
But at the end of the day this man loves you
And he’d do anything for you
So if that meant having to keep you and Rosie at a distance then so be it
He’d stop letting her sleep on your bed and he’d make her stay at least a good few meters away from you at all times
This one time, you where out hunting with Marlon, Louis, and Aasim.
Walkers appeared out of no where and everyone got separated
You managed to take out a few but unfortunately you dropped your knife and where now pushing a walkers face away from yours with your bare hands
You screamed out for help but no one was around
You managed to push the Walker down on the ground but you still couldn’t find any weapons to help you
Suddenly you heard a large growl and Rosie jumped out from a bush and crushed the walkers head in with her jaw
Now this sight didn’t help you calm down
It made it so much worse
Rosie came up to you (thinking that she did good and was trying to see if you were ok)
But you thought that she was going to attack you
Having no other options you just proceed to cry and scream for help
Marlon and the others soon found you and helped you out though
Marlon felt so bad, he should’ve never left you side!
He never leaves you side when you go outside of the school or when Rosie was around
He spends any free time he has training Rosie to be extra careful around you and trying to make her seem as least scary as possible
This man will do anything for you and sometimes your phobia of dogs can have slight strains on the relationship he loves you no matter what <<33
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justasimplesinner · 2 years
Trigger Warning Self Harm
Could I get a snippet of The Big Bois and Venom reaction to the following? After a lovely date, whatever that would entail for the character, their S/O begins to cry. The guys, heavily concerned, ask about it. The S/O grins sheepishly and says slowly, " You know that scar ( or those scars) I have ( a body part). Well it's been a year, a year. Since I've last done something to hurt myself like that Due largely to you just, being supportive."
I understand if this is too dark, if so I completely understand not writing this, I'm just asking this bc I have a few scars from my own relapses n I like to think about some big strong dude loving me regardless them n helping me love myself. Sry this is super self indulgent and embarrassed which is why I'm on anon okay bye thank you so much
ok hun i know im fucking late to the party, and personally i do not have such experiences as you did (im sorry you had to go through shit like this) so this might really not be what you wanted, but if i can in any way make you feel better with my horrendous writing, i will also, im fucking sorry, but imma go with just bane k? im trying to get back to writing and shit aint easy, so im hoping to take it one step at a time TRIGGER WARNING FOR MENTIONS OF SCARS AND SELF-HARM
Bane with a s/o that used to self-harm:
you two didn't go on dates that often. i mean yeah, he did spoil you, that he did, but he's more the type to do little things for you instead of taking you out on fancy dinners. what i mean is carrying you to bed and covering you with a blanket whenever you fall asleep in a place you definitely shouldn't sleep in, leaving your favourite snacks in places where you'll easily find them etc. however, whatever his darling wants, his darling gets, and if that's a dinner date at a nice restaurant, then so be it
it was also a nice way to celebrate your first anniversary, so he really had no way to refuse
he may not have taken you to the fanciest place out there, and yet you felt like royalty. it was a nice corner mexican joint, he knew the owners and they were one of the only people that served him without question, and he always offered them his protection. they set your table nicely, even pulled out fancy champagne flutes (yeah, there were plastic, but so what), put decorations on your table - to put it shortly, they did their best and also made the place feel very homey and comfortable
the evening was great. nice food, cheap but good alcohol, cozy atmosphere, conversations that stretched on for hours filled with laughter. that was exactly why you loved him. for his respect for you, for his care, for his protectiveness, for his dad-jokes and stupid, booming laugh that you swore made the walls tremble. he was the one, you knew it. you've never had someone you felt this comfy with, who made you feel so safe and loved, who never treated you like you were worth nothing, like you didn't deserve anything coming your way. but most importantly, you've never had someone that made you believe in your own strength and worth, that made you believe you deserved to be loved
you really didn't want to break down in front of him. things were going so well, you were trying to be strong - and he was really helping with that - but… it all came crashing down really. and it was a big, confusing mix of everything - of guilt, of shame, of pride, of happines, of love. you couldn't handle that
Bane got a little scared there ngl. i mean, you looked so happy, and then suddenly, you come home with him and start bawling your eyes out. he was a little confused, to say the least
and that's when the dam finally broke. you've never told anyone about this, about your own suffering, but he made you feel so safe and you wanted him to know. you wanted him to feel how grateful you were and only hoped that he wouldn't turn away from you after this
it took a lot of courage from you, he could feel it. you were practically trembling, your voice breaking as you clutched at his arm when you told him everything. about where those scars actually came from and how he helped you with that without even knowing, how there weren't any new ones since you two started your relationship
he's quiet most of the time, just holding you close, but he knows he has to say something less you'd think he hated you. that much he already learned, about the validation you needed from him. he doesn't throw any accusations at you, like how you could've told him sooner or if you were scared of telling him. i mean, of course you were fucking scared of saying that and that's what made him feel so special that you finally did
he will whisper simple, loving words of encouragement while he lightly rocks you both in a slow rythm. he will tell you how grateful he is that you've told him this, how proud he is of your progress, how happy he feels to be the one to help you through this. he wants you to know that your words mean a lot to him, that you mean a lot to him and he's going to love you no matter what
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lightlycareless · 8 months
hihi!! this is my first time writing an ask to anyone on tumblr you dont need to make a reply to this because this is just things i want to say to you theres this song called mascara by deftones that i came across on tiktok, and theres this one part that goes "you're married... to me." right before the beat drops and the way i literally GASPED because it reminded me of your fic and naoya and y/ns marriage 😭pls give it a listen if you have the time! its good i swear also even though im sure youve received a lot of compliments before, i just want to... genuinely thank you for just existing. youre such a wonderful person, in every one of your posts and replies youre so nice and understanding, and youre the most dedicated writer ive ever seen online. youve really made me so so happy with your writing and fic, and i just want you to know how amazing you are. thank you thank you thank you! i dont even realize when but my life went from "just got to make it to friday" to "just got to make it to the next first it hurts update" LOL anyway i hope everything in life goes well for you. once again, thank you. know that there are always people out there that appreciate you and love you!
First of all, thank you so much for your lovely words!! Like I still can't believe that after so many chapters after starting my story, I'd be getting the support I've had 😭❤️ and you,,,, ghjagjhagjhagka you saying those wonderful things about me just make it even harder to believe!
🥺 I'm a bit teary eyed, ngl... your words really moved me. 😭 thank you so much.
I'm really happy that my work is something you have been enjoying up until now, and while it might take me a while to get back to each reply/ask, I never forget about them and I appreciate them so so much—it's the least I could do after all this wonderful support! I will do my best to continue with my writing so you can keep enjoying it 😭❤️!!!!!! Hopefully the new chapter will be uploaded soon too 🤭 I also get excited when the update day is near hehe. ahhh!!!
Now, onto your song...
Omg… I listened to it and I immediately went to search for it’s meaning/interpretation because I was wow—if you think about it it’s really dark you know?
But going back to what it made me think about Naoya and Y/N—there's no denying it, the song covers the fact they're forced to be together. (or more like Naoya is forcing her, but he doesn't want to let go either, so...)
Highlighting the fact that no matter what the other does, or much they try to get away or act like it isn't happening, it's all for nothing because the papers are signed and they're officially bound to one another😭
That's not the only thing I got from the song though 👀
I also got the idea that it was kind of Naoya mockingly telling Y/N that she can continue fighting him, denying him, and so on... but it’s too bad because “you're [still] married to me.” jfc.
Or also, it could be referring to her longing for Naoaki and how Naoya is a hindrance to that. Damn. Bless you for sharing this song with me, it really gets the angst inspiration going on. And fortunately for us, there's still more to come in the main fic mwaahahahahahahha
Anyways 😏 thank you so much for sending in this lovely ask!! I went back to it here and there whenever I felt particularly down about my skills, or in general, so you don't know how much this meant for me 🥺❤️ I wish I could assertively express how much I appreciate you, your support, and your words 😭❤️ but I hope a thank you will be able to convey such sentiments.
Have a wonderful day, take care of yourself, and hope to see you soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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