#this is why he has a poser complex
wife-beam · 1 year
it is immensely funny to me that shen yuan gets criticized on the PIDW forum for not being ENOUGH of a hater
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patchwork-crow-writes · 5 months
I just realised something about Rouxls Kaard that's... kinda blown my mind a little.
It always struck me as so odd, how confident he was that we wouldn't be able to beat his "puzzles" in Chapter 1. You know, the ones where you push a block one or two spaces onto a switch. He seems so sure that he has thwarted the Fun Gang, and is genuinely flabbergasted when it's solved in a matter of seconds. The whole thing's set up like a joke - haha, look at how stupid this poser looks, thinking he's outsmarted us with such a basic puzzle we've seen thousands of times before. Honestly, I didn't give it much thought afterwards, aside from the odd titter.
But then I learned about the concept of the Magic Circle - the contract entered into by a game and its player(s) that binds them to follow the rules of that game in order to participate, and ultimately win or lose. For this to work, a set of rules need to be agreed upon beforehand, whether that's by the game telling you what they are, the players coming up with their own, or memorising them through repetition and familiarity.
Now, us gamers have seen block-pushing puzzles like these hundreds, if not thousands of times before, so we already know what the premise of RK's puzzle is - push the block onto the switch. We don't even have to think about it for more than one second before we've fully understood the terms of the "game" we've engaged with him, and trounce it with minimal effort.
So guess what we also don't think about? The fact that Rouxls Kaard does not ever explain what the puzzle actually IS, much less what the rules of the puzzle are. And this is why he seems so damn smug about his "Ultimate" puzzles - because he assumes that we don't know what those rules are, and so will flounder around at a complete loss, and at his complete mercy.
(he also doesn't account for trial-and-error, apparently...?)
Now, this establishes something terrifying - Rouxls is under absolutely NO obligation to tell the participants of his puzzles what the rules of those puzzles actually are. And that's fine when you're dealing with something as rudimentary and ubiquitous as a block-pushing puzzle, but scale up the complexity even slightly and this self-aggrandising Duke of Puzzles could very well become an absolute menace. Which makes me a little concerned about his appearances in future chapters.
And if he ends up becoming a secret boss... then God help us all.
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plusvanity · 1 day
Varg always gets very emotional when asked about Euronymous on twitter, basically always answers those questions while ignoring other "on-topic" questions. u can almost see where exactly he's lying by his reaction. it's funny how he claims that he doesn't care abt Euronymous anymore 😭
He had been obsessed about Øystein since the start.
I talked a bit about this in another ask. How Varg seems people is very simple. He practice something called 'splitting'. It's either all good or all bad. 'All good' people can turn to 'All bad' people and vice-versa in no time. Borderlines do the same.
At first, he admired Øystein (this is undeniable), and he wanted to be like him, so much so, that he quickly became envious and frustrated. He saw Øystein as a rival, a danger, someone that by merely breathing was rising Varg's anxiety and stress level, someone whom he had to eliminate one way or another. This is a very primitive mentality, but what else do you except really?
For a pathological narcissist (someone at the high end of the spectrum), everything is a competition, and fury is what fuels them.
You can't blame Øystein for sharing the animosity with Varg towards the end of their 'friendship' because you can tell by how he always presented himself, he was such an insufferable presence in the black metal scene. Incapable of making friends, hostile and a 'poser', he wanted Øystein's position of power, prestige and admiration.
Burning churches was satisfying for a very short while, but as his infantile frustration grew, other thoughts occurred.
Even after he took an innocent man's life, he was not pleased, and the reality is that he will never be. Even dead, even after decades, Øystein holds power over him. Why? Because Varg has a massive inferiority complex. He knows he will never be 'good enough' of a musician, of a men, of a father or of a husband. He hates himself. Deep down, he knows he ruined his life, but he refuses to be in touch with his shame. Why? Because he would collapse so badly, his fantasy about himself would crumble to the ground. Admitting who he really is (as a failure) is mental s*****e. He is miserable inside out (look at how he looks at his age).
He is very reactive and emotional when it comes to Øystein and it's because he knows he's still the dirt under Øystein's shoe.
He can tell he doesn't care as much as he wants to, but the reality is so painfully obvious, it's pathetic.
His biggest achievement is no achievement at all. It's a shame.
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cypherthesilliest · 2 months
Having been tagged by a fellow vampire lover, here poses the question:
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If all my characters had to fight eachother, which one would win?
Here’s the post I was tagged in from a Vampire lover
Right off the bat let’s start with Chomp. I feel like Chomp would want to jump into a fight, hesitate, and then Verdima would shove into them (with anger intent.) then the both of them would fight. Chomp doesn’t know why, but it’s kinda fun learning out to swing and CHOMP!
Next, Tem. Poor kid would fall into a pile of bones, far away but not out of the field. (I’m supposing it’s a large ass battle field they are fighting on??) He would kinda watch from afar, afraid, and not be suspected because oh! Pile of bones? Not sus at all! Second up,
Nebula. She wouldn’t want to fight, not at all. Fighting isn’t her nature. But when she sees the Vampire and the person with a mouth for a Head fighting, she kinda goes into referee mode and makes sure none of them get ‘dusted’. (Verdima and Chomp don’t know what that means, but they assume it means killed.) Because it’s a fight club, we have to have a referee! Although, Nebula is not refereeing that large ass fight between the three who are making the literal ground shake.
Now, Verdima! immediately she sees another.. thing.. with sharp teeth and wants to fight it (?) She’s the sharp teeth victor! This.. thing is just some poser! HURAAAAHHH OW FRICK IT BIT MY ARM- Halfway through the fight this tall shadow lady started bugging us about not.. dusting? Is that like some teenage slang term they use nowadays? She says she’s ‘going to referee this’ well, alright.
Golnar. Now, Golnar is in an extremely complicated, complex, and STUPID. FIGHT. Between the masked one, and the tall furry. But she herself is also an animal.. would that make her a furry? No time to question- she has to move now before she gets that hammer slammed down on her, but there is FUCKING MARBLES ALL OVER THE FLOOR. She’s a Hunter, a fighter, and badass so I would say she could easily rip out the spine of plenty beasts! If only the beasts weren’t a neon roller skater with the intent to put glitter in her hair, and a 10’2 purple demon furry thing with an oversized hammer!
Anomaly. They are having FUNNN. First of all, Golnars there! Yay! One of the enemies of one of their alternates! And second there’s an old.. project, of Cy’s in here, and He actually meets Anomaly’s expectations! As well as their power levels! Eventually Golnar will get knocked out, leaving Anomaly and.. what’s his name? Delta? To fight. This will be legendary!!!
Delta. “STUPID GREEN FLY GGRRAGGRRAA” .. yeah he’s not having the time of his life, anomaly keeps cramming googly eyes into his wires then disappearing at the speed of sound and then coming back just as fast to “bonk” at his ankles, which is just them crashing their metal bat into his feet. None of them can get a real hit on eachother. This battle will be agony!!!
In the end, Tem will win. Anomaly will get bored and leave once Delta is in pieces on the ground,crying because he got destroyed/defeated. Chomp and Verdima will exit, tired and with several bite marks on their arms and legs that are bleeding, Nebula will refuse to fight. Leaving Tem! The 7 year old kid who blended into the background!! HUZZZAHHHHHHH
I’m tagging @gyxtar0luvs and @caretaleandotherstuff because I’m curious! Yeah 👍 it’s an open tag btw!
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gaystan · 8 days
what are the mcau guys’ opinions on their haters and how does each hater differ from person to person
kyle: thinks he’s better and more intelligent and has a better ass than all of his dislikers. kyle haters think he’s a poser leftist who platforms nazis or just think he’s a loser with a superiority complex
cartman: “love me? great. hate me? better.” GLOBALLY hated, people have a million reasons and it’s not hard to guess why. every time you twitter search “eric cartman” every tweet is calling for his public hanging
kenny: less haters than the others because of his incredible charm and charisma, and most of his controversies are pretty funny. kenny haters are the “umm okay his twitter is fun but are we forgetting that he sneaks nineteen year old girls into bars??” having haters lowkey makes him sad but he doesn’t let himself think about it that much!
stan: barely aware of them, thinks he is beloved by all, until stylegate of course, but he thinks it’s a “all my haters are mad that i’m happy and in love but i don’t care” situation and not that he’s dating cohost of horrible evil podcast fireside
butters: somehow blissfully unaware. his haters think of him as an andrew tate wannabe and everything wrong with misogynists on the internet and they’re right but what they don’t know is irl he’s practically a tradwife. he sees someone hate and he’s like “aww why would they say that :(“ until kenny says “it’s okay they meant a different butters” and he says “okay that’s what i thought :)”
craig: does not give a fuck. does not give a fuck! has more haters than fans and just doesn’t care! lack of interest in haters makes him appear unbothered (which he is) and cool (which he isn’t)
wendy: haters think she’s a smug fake woke liberal, she also thinks she’s better than them but to a much lesser extent, somewhat pities them. not widely disliked, just often found somewhat obnoxious because of how much of a democrat she is
jimmy: most people like jimmy cause he’s funny friendly and charming but he gets a lot of heat for saying the r word a lot, which he just thinks is funny
everyone else is decently liked or only gets negativity from being associated with these people
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ludinusdaleth · 1 year
not to be a bitch, but after getting some annoying notes on my gifset of matt's own meta on his own character ludinus, im gonna say it: some of yall are absolutely incapable of viewing c3's villain as anything but popular fandom tropes and it is destroying how you're viewing c3's complexities in itself.
my gifset was matt saying ludinus was one of the smartest & oldest people on exandria, and therefore was not hitching his hopes onto predathos on a whim. the tags? "haha! see! wizard hubris!"
how is that what he said?
part of why theres rifts in how folk view lud is because some of us are listening to matt in & out of game. when ludinus looked disdainfully at imogen saying power was enticing and replied that power was just a tool, when his eye twitched at caleb implying he wanted power, i dont think he was lying - thats a constant years-long thread. when ludinus said he planned (and therefore lived) for "a thousand years" twice at the key, i didnt think he was lying, because he was clearly emotional & feeling finality (confirmed by matt), and i noted that how dedicated he was to his cause indicated he was being more than just stupid hopeful about it (even if he could be strung along all this time, still; i dont trust predathos at present. but i havent known him for 300ish years (when we can assume lud contacted him whilst destroying molaesmyr)).
while some of us are leaping to attach tropes like "powerhungry mage" & "wizard hubris" & "classic evil for no reason villain" to him, when hes blatantly made opposite them. part of what makes ludinus interesting is he's a breakdown of these ideas fandom has seen in nearly every wizard before him. the problem is that fandom is convinced, for some reason, hes nothing but vecna 2.0. they assume every word he says is a lie, they assume hes a "poser" pretending to have survived the calamity, they assume he's never thought out his 1000 year plan before, because it's easier to do that than to think that maybe he's a character motivated by trauma & locked-away rage due to the gods, and that he, with a probably 29 or 30 intelligence, has some reason to trust the god on the moon as much as we have reason to believe in melora.
im sorry for such a long rant over a fandom, but.... i really care about ludinus. i want to bite his nose off as much as anyone but the least this fanbase could do is take time to understand that a villain is in fact not bound by the most reductive ideas possible, and it is not morally evil to ponder on why he is how he is. i knew he was going to be The Problem, The BBEG, the second we met him, years ago. yknow how i knew? i paid attention and didnt reduce him to the idea he was just a boring power hungry politician because it was easier than thinking.
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aithusarosekiller · 1 year
Unpopular opinions:
I think people who say that Sirius would pick or save Reg over James are crazy, I’m sorry 😭
Idk how unpopular this is but Remus would drive everyone else crazy by picking the longest, most pretentious prog rock ever for parties. Peter is the only one with good taste. James is tone deaf. Sirius is a complete poser who will pretend to be into bands he’s never heard.
I don’t think Reg has a big circle of close friends. I love the Skittles in AUs but they really don’t make sense to me in canon compliant stuff, especially if the writer is trying to push that none of them were into blood supremacy.
I really like Lily and Sirius in Jegulus fics: I feel like they’re given much more depth and complexity than they are in Jily/Wolfstar stuff.
People have a really hard time making Dorlene and Moonseeker interesting as actual dynamics I would like to read about and not aesthetic Twitter threads.
If James/Remus/Regulus ended up being a thing and I was Sirius, our friendship would be over. Especially if they kept it from me. Oh, wait… I’d get with Evan and Barty and then our friendship would be over. I am toxic and petty and a Sirius kin can you tell. Any fic where Sirius is cool with it is an unrealistic fic in my eyes. Jegulus and/or Moonseeker is already stretching it but both his best friends? Nah.
Actually leaping off from that, a lot of fics these days do a bad job establishing why James and/or Remus would care about Regulus and instantly be in love with him. Especially in universes where Sirius hates Reg and Reg/Reg’s friends hate Sirius. I feel like earlier Jegulus fics did a much better job before it became an assumed dynamic.
I don’t think you should be writing Regulus & Sirius dynamics in fics if you don’t have empathy for both and aren’t willing to show both of their POVs. A lot of times it comes across as victim blaming or really weird ideas about victims.
I will be back with more!
I disagree with that first one, mainly bc out of habit he'd jump to save him before thinking about the consequences and then realise after what he'd done
The second one is so true, I love Sirius so much but please the poser vibes are STRONG
I love lonely Reg 💀 I love the skittles as a big friend group but I sometimes miss the days where he was a lonely Emo boy or only friends with Pandora, those were the times.
Tbf I don't real jily or wolfstar so l just give a suppletive thumbs up 👍 I do love everything about Lily tho and Sirius is always good in Jegulus bc they can justify every single action he does and it feels more natural
Idk I think it depends if it's an au or not, in canon ABSOLUTELY NOT WE ARE NEVER SPEAKING AGAIN, but in some aus it makes more sense
I sort of get what you mean, I think it's become very accepted that James cares about Reg because of his large heart and he understands his abuse and manipulation but like...it's so accepted that it gets really rushed bc people just want to get to the fun bit (which like me too)
YES people who blame one of them, be it intentional or not, really annoy me bc it comes through in your writing, and I prefer Reg just as a character I write but THAT DOESN'T MEAN I BLAME SIRIUS FOR ALL THE SHIT THAT HAPPENED TO HIM it doesn't make for a cool plot point, it's just creepy. Honestly my whole page is on the treatment of the black family and dumbledore's ignorance towards it so I feel very strongly about this one, same goes for people who use Andy as a catalyst for Cissa to cry into Alice/Lucius/whoever's arms because they never treat her like an actual person
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sucaliaric · 2 years
Colorado by Night - 28 November Audio Journal by Elias
 While meeting in Mother's bar with the coterie, a female stranger with two hired muscles came in to accost Peter, the cute newcomer that has been spending time in the bar recently.  Obviously, some barbarous thugs come to cause trouble in the bar, we have to stand up to them.  The horrible woman failed to even acknowledge her poor taste!  Fortunately, Scott attracted her attention by teaching one of the hirelings some manners - after which the horrible woman issued a command that Scott failed to resist.  The message was right - Peter should be a very entertaining game in the current timeline.  With my manly efforts to show the disgusting intruders where their true place was, they fled like the craven cowards they are, tail between their legs.  We then escorted Peter home, where we examined his house and property for clues.  The clues were minimal, but I remained with Peter for the night anyway - to defend the poor fledgeling's honor, of course.  The following day, when the coterie picked us up Peter might have accidentally caused some minor damage to Todd's vehicle - unfortunate, but I am confident it will buff out.  I have, after all, seen it repaired and wrecked multiple times - or is this the time it gets totalled?  No, such a scratch could not possibly cause that level of damage.  After visiting an occult shop (a total waste of time, run by a complete poser who saw value in worthless books... books, of all things!), Todd insisted on getting lap dances at our next location to visit.  The strip club turns out to have been one of Peter's favorite hunting grounds - such poor taste, the fledgeling.  It had security cameras of some sort, but they were horribly complex and why bother?  Visions trapped in the web are so much more sensible.  Going to speak with Splinter only showed that he has less spine than a jellyfish, and is slightly more trustworthy than a pigeon on Ex-Lax... but the Nosferatu are interested in Peter as well.  I volunteered to stay with Peter for another night - he is absolutely adorable, especially in his innocence.  Aurora is used to my absence from the haven for several nights in a row, so will not be overly worried yet.
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prettyyoungandbored · 3 years
Texts [Bale!Bruce Wayne]
Pairing: Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne x OC
Summary: A series of text messages exchanged between Bruce and Demetria in one day while they dated. Prior to events in Becoming Mrs. Wayne.
Author’s Note: I’m trying to get back into writing this couple so I had this idea to get me back into writing these two.
Taglist: christianbalefanatic
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(Not my gif! Belongs to its rightful owner)
Texts from Demetria: Italicized
Texts from Bruce: Bold
7:00 a.m.
Good morning sweetheart
Good morning handsome! It felt weird not being in bed with you last night. 
I told you you should’ve stayed with me. Did you feel ok in your apartment?
Oh yeah! I kept it double locked. Plus, we have security sweeping the apartments for the next couple of weeks.
I wish you would just stay with me for a couple weeks
If things get really bad, I will. I promise you. 
How’s your day looking? 
Meeting after meeting after meeting. Nothing worth reporting. What about on your end? 
Oh, you know. Dealing with a boss who only aims to please himself and an anchor who thinks he’s God’s gift to women. My guess, it’s complex to hide the fact he has a micro penis. 
Who? Mike Engel?
Wouldn’t be surprised at all. 
Oh, you remembered to call your mom for her birthday, right? 
I was just about to! You remembered?!
I sent her flowers to her office from both of us. 
I love you and your sweet, thoughtful mind more than anything in this world. 
I think you’re the only person to call me “sweet” and “thoughtful”, but I love you too, Dem. 
By the way, I have a little surprise coming to you today. I hope you like it.
As intrigued as I am, you don’t need to send me anything, sweetheart. 
Hmm, I think you’ll love it. Trust me. 
I always do.
9:31 a.m.
That was the longest meeting of my life and now it’s about to be the longest day of my life because I have to call a bunch of Batman posers for a dumb segment Mike wants to do. 
No one wants to hear from those guys. 
That’s what I said! But my boss refuses to let me call anyone for any of the mafia stories even though I compiled the list. 
I’m going to side with him on this one. I don’t want those guys knowing you exist. 
So possessive. Kind of hot, not going to lie. 
10:12 a.m.
You are the best goddamn girlfriend in the world
Looks like you got my gift! Do you love it?  
I have it on right now. Where did you get this?
That’s my secret ;) Just enjoy it!
12:08 p.m.
What did he do?
That son of a bitch…he went to the complex to investigate the drug ring today and then went into MY apartment and into MY fridge and took a slice of MY grasshopper pie I got yesterday.
How did he even get into your apartment?
He has a key.
He does? Why?
We have keys to each other’s apartment in the event of an emergency. It’s always been that way.
I see. 
But he’s about to get it taken away for being a dick and stealing my pie.
Politicians are very corrupt people, sweetheart. 
Tis’ true. I’ll guilt trip him into giving me another pie.
That’s my girl.
How did you find out?
That son of a bitch told me himself.
That was very brave of him to do. 
1:12 p.m. 
So when were you going to tell me Wayne Enterprises was meeting with the Canadian Prime Minister today?! Everyone’s freaking out!
It was just a quick meeting. He complimented the watch by the way. 
Yeah, Mike is going ballistic trying to find it online. It’s hysterical watching him look for it online when I know where it’s from. 
And you’re still not gonna tell me where it’s from, right?
Gotta keep some mystery in the relationship going!
Also you look very handsome. 10 out 10. 
I aim to please you
3:07 p.m.
Hey, so my brother’s coming into town Friday night and I wanted to know if you wanted to meet him? 
Of course. Your place? 
Yeah! Are you sure you’re ok with that?
I’m looking forward to meeting him
Speaking of your family, your mother just called me to thank me for the flowers. Sounds like she’s having a good birthday 
She was so flattered and honored you did that. She really loves you and appreciates you 
I have a way with women
I almost choked my water you asshole
I thought you loved me
I still do
8:34 p.m. 
As Demetria climbed into bed, she heard her cell phone ring. She picked up her Blackberry and smiled at the caller ID. 
“Hello?” she answered. 
“I just wanted to thank you again for the watch,” Bruce said. 
“My pleasure. I’m glad you love it.” 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too. Talk to you tomorrow.” 
12:38 p.m.
If you don’t send a grasshopper pie to my office by 3 p.m. today, I will give my station the video of you singing drunk karaoke. 
Demetria, it was ONE slice!
You know better than to fuck around with my pie. What’s it going to be, Dent? 
3 pm. Got it. I’ll have my assistant place the order. 
I’m a woman of my word, Dent. 
You’re sick. You pull this crap with Bruce?
Bruce knows not to fuck with my pie. 
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bakugousbabygirl · 4 years
Toxic Aizawa Headcannons
genre: angst i guess?
pairings: aizawa x fem!reader
cw: || cheating || jealousy || cursing || manipulation || overall toxicity ||
A/N: this is kinda short, but i might do more of these and make them longer and add scenarios at the end. idk
• he's a scorpio.....that shit is toxic enough on it's own lmao
• but fr everyone seems to have this image he's a patient caring man and i mean he is, with his students
• but you? no
• you're an adult, you should just GET things but you don't which frustrates him beyond belief
• you're his partner, not his student he shouldnt have to baby you
• i also feel like aizawa has a thing for younger women, he's 31 and he likes his women in their early to mid 20's
• i feel like that isn't inherently toxic but the way he uses your younger age against you most definitely is
• when you get in an argument he throws it in you face calling you childish and stating how he should've just dated someone his own damn age
• shota definitely prioritizes his job over you, will stay out late at night patrolling. he will stand you up on dates to go to hero meeting and even be gone for weeks on missions without contacting you
• luckily toshinori and hizashi are nice men knowing how their colleague and friend is so they send you updates about him to keep your mind at ease
• this causes a lot of fights. he questions you on why you're talking to his friends, he wants you to stay out of his personal life. you try to rationalize with him that you are apart of his personal life and needs to start acting like it. if he's gonna be gone for long you tell him the least he could do is give you a heads up
• he argues back that you should just KNOW if he hasn't shown up he's gone for hero work and should be content with that. he tells you that you KNOW what you were signing up for when you started dating so why are you trippin now.
• he never yells but his tone becomes really harsh and his words cut like blades tearing you apart cutting you down until you feel so belittled that your argument isnt worth it anymore making you grow quiet
• he'll glare at you and make a few snide remarks before leaving like a upset father after scolding his daughter
• definitely avoids you afterwards, i mean he doesnt come home for a solid 2 weeks after and you dont get any updates from hizashi and toshinori because he told them to but out of his business
• when he comes back he pretends as if nothing ever happened, he already said what he had to say. why rehash it? and if you're really still hurt it's just gonna reinforce the fact he thinks you're childish and thinks he should've dated someone his own age
• speaking of people your own age if he catches you texting or hanging out with a guy your age he's gonna be pissed
• "what am i not good enough for you, you think i'm too old or something!?"
• like no bruh we were just having a friendly conversation what's your deal, PLEASE get over whatever complex you have dude
• I feel like aizawa would definitely judge the way you dress lmao
• with alternative fashion coming back in style you have a stab at it and start dressing like an e-girl because it's the easiest look to manage
• aizawa laughs his ass off at you saying how that isn't true alternative fashion and calls you a poser
• yeah yeah aizawa is a fuckin gate keeper, you can't tell me he wasn't emo back in the day
• tells you to change and never dress up like that again because it makes you look like some cheap cam girl
• if you ever try to walk away when hes scolding you he will use his scarf to tie you up making you sit down and admit you're wrong
• he's the type to stress that communication is key but doesn't communicate himself
• its more like he talks and you listen if you haven't gotten that by now
• he refuses to open up to you and keeps you 100% separated from his work and personal life
• probably makes fun of your trauma, nothing too fucked up like if your parents are dead or anything. hes not that much of a douche, but if its something like your sister use to lock you in the dark cold cellar at night and told you a monster was gonna get you he'd definitely laugh
• would even go as far as locking you in the basement closet to see how you'd react
• also gaslight you using your age against you saying how he knows more because he's older
• wanna start this off by saying aizawa is defo cheating on you with midnight lmao take that how you want but he is
• when you catch him he just says it's not that serious and it just happened because they have history together and shes more mature and experienced. he said it wont happen again so why cant you get over it, stop being so childish
• i have a feeling he'd probably complain about how annoying you are to her during pillow talk 😹😹
• he's the type to keep a straight face when you're giving him sloppy toppy to give the illusion that you're underperforming and can't satisfy him but in reality his toes are curling and he's doing his best to hold back his moans because your head game is out of this world
• definitely is the dominant one and he'd laugh in your face at even the slightest mention of you taking over ( he does let midnight dom him tho😒)
• it was this one time where you asked could you ride him so he allowed it, you got on top of him and just when you were getting into the groove of it he rolled his eyes flipped you over and growled in your ear saying to never waste his time like that again
• when you try to initiate sex with him laughs at your cute efforts of trying to seduce him saying he's too old for that stuff to be appealing to him
• he'd use sex to take out all his frustrations on you
• it seems hot but not the way he does it, he'll have you in his lap infront of a mirror as he pounds into you while degrading you
• it starts off cute and light with just calling you things like his pathetic kitten but then the insults start getting a little too real saying how he could go find a better girl with a cunt just as tight as yours who doesn't annoy him and how you're such a bitch and you can't nag at him now that you're stuffed with his cock
• yeah needless to say you start crying and hit his ass with the safe word making him stop and he just rolls his eyes and mutters to himself about how the younger generation is so sensitive and kinda just....leaves you there to mope
• also yeah theres never any aftercare even after particularly rough scenes like that he just showers then goes to bed and expects you to do the same
• and it's not like he doesn't know with aftercare is, i mean he's banging midnight our bdsm queen he knows what aftercare is but just doesn't see you as important enough to be that intimate with
• if you do something that turns him off during the middle of sex and kinda just pushes you off of him and goes to sleep on the couch and won't have sex with you for a while
• drags himself at all types of late nights and early mornings crawling into bed with you whole you're still sleep and kisses you're shoulder saying to himself outloud "i'll do right by you one day"
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k3p13r · 2 years
Who is Matthew?
I’m glad you asked:
He is a lanky guy with a frame that probably couldn't move a desk out of the way. His style tends to border on accent pieces capturing the focus of whoever is looking at him rather than full, extravagant outfits. His favorites of which are jean jackets over graphic t-shirts, an occasional chain on his belt loops, windbreakers, or any other form of sweater. Not much can be said about his collection of jeans, high-tops, and assorted vintage movie shirts. Being a bit of a poser, you could ask him about what he liked best about the Back To The Future shirt he is wearing and he would simply shrug. He has never seen it.
Matthew has wavy hair that conceals exactly how long it truly is. If one were to run a flat iron through it, the flattened curl would be drastically juxtaposed with the rest of his hair. That being said, they still reach the nape of his neck and his eyebrows. Matt's hair in itself is unruly and hard to tame, but the worst part is his refusal to put any sort of gel in it to try and tame any flyaways. He has a certain hatred to having his hair feel crunchy- he never has explained why.
An accident in the past caused the unfortunate loss of his eye-but after mourning over it, he decided it isn't the end of the world. He has been given the option to get a glass eye in its place, but his embarrassment over the loss of it in the first place leads to him just wearing eye coverings instead. Rarely will he show people the socket, but he will entertain the occasional child who asks him to do a pirate expression. Matt has become quite good at the accent.
With a surprisingly warm hazel eye contrasting against his rosy complexion, Matthew usually doesn't worry much about his skin. It is too oily or dry- yet it still breaks out occasionally due to a plethora of reasons.
Fun Facts:
- He enjoys synthpop, general 70's disco, and classical.
- He has an irrational fear of getting his face dirty.
- His favorite fruit is strawberries, but he dislikes strawberry cake and ice cream.
- April teases him a lot about his inability to socialize too well, but he remains steadfast in his ways regardless.
- He cried watching Finding Nemo.
- His favorite eye covering is the default white eyepatch, but he will wear a pirate patch if prompted to.
- He once went to a concert for one of his favorite artists, but ended up at an alternative music festival instead.
- He wishes to live in a big city like New York City despite his fear of dirt.
- He is bisexual, just doesn't have much experience in either aspect.
- No, he hasn't heard of your anime character with an eyepatch.
- He tried to learn Spanish. It did not go well.
- He misses his cat a lot, but his apartment complex doesn't allow pets.
- His birthday is on June 23rd, 1999
-He is right handed
-He is 6’1 and 150 lbs
-His left eye is the one he lost, usually having it covered
Matt is and always will be relatively on the quiet side. His mind is always full of thoughts, be it regarding past issues or current annoyances; he will never stop thinking. However, this doesn’t render him antisocial - he just has a very low battery. This means he will be very decisive on who he wants to be around, and will make it clear when he does not want company. It’s never anymore fault, really, he just finds that if he isn’t assertive about it, they will never understand.
His upbringing, despite an eventual climb into the comfortable middle class, left him in a perpetual state of a scarcity response. An uncomfortable feeling fills him everytime he has no choice but to ask others for help, be it financially or materialistic; therefore, he rarely ever asks anyone for even a fry off their plate. This, and the loss of his eye make him a very self-conscious person with a tendency to self ridicule and criticize. It’s the main cause of his inner torment, though past trauma itself resides within him as well.
He is quite creative, finding the time to express himself through painting and writing. It isn’t often that he will buy himself new art supplies, but he sure does fill up the sketchbook he has to the absolute maximum before treating himself to a new one.
In regards to his relationships with people, he has figured out his sexuality. Though being bisexual doesn’t help much with his crippling fears of commitment and vulnerability. Not even he knows what prompted them to begin in the first place; what’s worse is that he is aware of their existence. He just needs help getting over them. Matt finds it hard to warm up to people, accidentally pushing them away time and time again. This isn’t because he is mean or rude to the people he encounters - he just seems indifferent. So they just decide to give up talking to him entirely instead of taking the time to figure him out. That is totally fine by him.
[Disclaimer: Matthew is still a heavy work in progress. His backstory is being tweaked regularly and this page itself may be removed from pinned eventually for a newer one]
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chaoticgearz · 4 years
Vongola Wonderland, Childhood Arc part 1 [Heartslabyul]
[Note: I'm not basing their flames off their Unique Magic, instead I'm using their personalities]
Riddle Rosehearts🌹
Has Pure Storm flames, which he can use to cancel anyone else's flames or their special ability
He lives in the more richer parts of Naminori's neighbourhood
His childhood with his mom is similar to canon but more harsher since they live in Naminori, where the expectations are much higher with the chances to be outed as an outcast is high
His mom had attempted to introduce Riddle to Kyoya despite being warned that her son might not be able to keep up with him
It ended in a disaster because Kyoya went feral when Riddle's mom didn't let him outside and tried to force him to talk to her son more
Met Tsuna when Trey and Che'nya came to whisk him away to enjoy himself
They did a lot of things like play croquet and eating sweets till they became full
Until his mom found out and forbid him from ever seeing them again, using psychological manipulation to keep him obedient
He was miserable and his dad noticed, which lead to a nasty arguement with his wife
When Riddle reached 6 years old, his dad managed to get a divorce with his mom, custody over him and a restraining order
Riddle didn't know how to deal with the sudden freedom but soon decided to just enter Trey's family bakery to see him
Then, they started hanging out with Tsuna and Che'nya again
Trey Clover ♣️
A Rain with a Storm secondary
He lives with his family, above their bakery which is very popular in Naminori
Acts like the mom of the group since he's used to taking care of others
Met Tsuna when he and Che'nya were being harassed by some kids his age while he was out for groceries
He quickly intervened when one of the kids started to twist Che'nya's arm while the boy in question screamed in pain
He managed to scare them off by using his height to make himself look intimidating
He pretty much dragged them to the bakery after that and cleaned the scarps on their knees
Tsuna and Che'nya has unofficially became Trey's new little brothers
Trey would mostly be found at his family's bakery, either helping out or just vibing with his freshly made cupcakes
He acts kinda strict to everyone in the group since everyone is likely to do something that'll get themselves killed
At the same time, he's absolutely weak to Tsuna and Riddle
Cater Diamond ♦️
A Storm with Mist Secondary
One of Naminori's most popular influencer
He's about a few streets down from Tsuna's house
Met Tsuna during his daily walks around Naminori's mall
Ace made Tsuna wear a sailor uniform as a dare which immediately caught Carer's attention and momentarily gave him a heart attack
Which led Cater to nyoom at Tsuna and ask for a selfie, then they swapped emails/numbers with one another before Tsuna could process what was happening
Cater doesn't really care about his popularity in Naminori since he's aiming for the whole world
Which is why he has no problem in being friends with Tsuna
He has a vast information network in the palm of his hands that he would use for blackmail
There are rumours about how Cater might be related to the Princess of Naminori, Kyoko
They both laugh at that rumour and would sometimes joke about it with Kyoko calling him Onii-chan while also roping Ryohei into it
Now he's known as the Sasagawa sibling's older brother, despite not even having the same last name
Ace Trappola ❤️
A Lightning with a Storm secondary cuz this dumbass attracts attention no matter where he goes
He's childhood best friend #1!
The first half of the braincell duo
Ace would definitely pick a fight with Gokudera a lot
He had known Tsuna when they were babies since their moms are friends from middle school and would often have playdates
Nana definitely keeps photos and maybe tapes of the two in their baby years
Ace and his older brother would definitely dote on Tsuna as if he was their little brother
Ace would be the first person to defend Tsuna if their classmates would pick on him
He's also the first person to try and pick a fight, even if he has no chances of winning
Tsuna would always carry him back home so he can get patched up
Tsuna pretty much learns a majority of his thieving skills from both Ace and his brother
Ace is constantly trying to get stronger with Tsuna since they need to strength to win every fight
Deuce Spade ♠️
A Storm with Lightning secondary and Cloud tertiary
The second half of the braincell duo
Deuce is like the nicer version of Kyoya
He won't hurt you as long as you don't give him a reason to in the first place
His lives with his mom in an apartment complex somewhere near but a bit far away from the bad parts of town
His fighting experience came more out of self defense than him actually instigating the fight
Met Tsuna when he was beating up some posers who tried to take him turf in groups
Tsuna was seperated from Ace and Che'nya by these guys and was beaten up till he was close to passing out
Deuce brought him home and got the medkit out while his mom got a bowl of water and then cleaned Tsuna's wounds with it
When Tsuna finally wakes up, Deuce had to calm him down because he was panicking
After that, Deuce started to hang around Tsuna while also expanding his territory a bit further
Of course he would get into fights with Ace, which would end up with both of them getting scolded by Tsuna
He did have a delinquent phase at one point since he thought it looked cool
Then his mom started to worry if he's been hanging around any bad influences so he went back to normal
Deuce would always tag along with whatever plans Ace has, especially if he drags Tsuna into it
He knows for a fact Tsuna could never say no to someone close to him
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feelsundefeated · 4 years
hi my name is poe ( they/them. 23. est ) ! and i’m very excited to be here <3 i can’t wait to write with all of you :3 this is my goblin eli and while i woke up late and don’t have a background written up or anything you can find an info dump ( plus some wanted connections ) under the cut which will hopefully give you some insight ! like this if you’d like to plot ! it’s easier to get a hold of me on d*scord : kangaroo court#6392 but ims are fine too ! :D
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✼:♡*゚✿ ↝  jeon jungkook . demi boy . he/they .  /  elijah “ eli ” kang is blasting are you bored yet? by wallows again … ugh , i swear they play that song every single day ! you’d think they’d learn how to pipe down . oh , you don’t know them ? they live in apartment 4b . i haven’t talked to them much , but i know that they’re twenty three years old , and that they’ve been living in the complex for three years . i always run into them when they’re coming back home from vinny’s vinyls , and they seem really gregarious and flighty . maybe you’ll have better luck with the aries than i do .
muse info :
he’s a typical american so getting used to canadian culture is still a thing for him. he can do a pretty good accent though ( in his opinion which means it actually sucks ).
he works at vinny’s vinyls and is obsessed with music. his favorite band is wallows but he has a soft spot for all those 2000s pop punk and emo bands. if he recommends fall out boy to you at the register just go with it and act like you’ve never heard of them.
his walls are covered in various records he’s collected some albums he really loves and some he just likes the look of ( ugh posers amirite ? ).
he really loves dogs and most animals in general. if you go through his tiktok fyp it’s filled with farmers and people who take care of animals most people wouldn’t have as a pet.
he’s known pretty much all his life that he’s nonbinary like the idea of being masculine never appealed to him so he just kinda vibes with it. if you ask him he’ll say gender is a myth and he’s never understood it. he’s obsessed with being a he/they like as soon as he found out what a demi boy was he just knew it fit.
also he’s bisexual so he’s just in love and wanting to sleep with everyone KFJDSHJFSD
due to his aries nature he tends to get crushes easily then stupidly admits to them but gets over them in two weeks and ghosts them :/
he’s really bad at committing like really really bad. he’s never had a relationship last longer than three months and he tends to leave people bitter about it because he doesn’t break up with them he just disappears. if your muse hates aries then he might be why.
he loved the idea of living alone because at home he’s the youngest of five siblings and being stuck in a house ( shared bedrooms forever since as the youngest he got the short end of the stick ) with them made him crave alone time. but now he gets lonely a lot and regrets not having a roommate. so whoever he’s friends with he comes in and crashes on their couch a lot for no reason other than he wants to. so you might have to kick this bum out personally
that being said he loves his family a lot and facetimes with his parents and the siblings he can get a hold of at least once a week. they drive him nuts though but in like the best way possible.
he tends to stay up way too late and for some reason that’s when the act up urges hit so if you hear somebody else blaring at 3 am he’s fine i promise ( maybe ).
he never drinks water and suffers from constant headaches but refuses to drink it. his fridge is filled with various flavors of monster blue powerade and mountain dew. he hates the taste of coffee and alcohol ( he still drinks the latter though ).
he really likes video games so if he randomly invites your muse over to play mario kart on the switch it’s either to brag or he’s just trying to hit on you. he’s a shyguy main btw.
talk to him about video games and he’ll get lost in the convo for hours. he loves open world games the best i.e. skyrim breath of the wild red dead redemption 2. but he also likes rpgs and nintendo games.
he runs cold most of the time so he always has a hoody on.
he loves anime so talk to him about anime ( especially my hero academia ) and he has figurines of his favorite character bakugo.
he has a lot of badly done tattoos on his hand and arm just because he gets bored then goes and gets something done.
he wears five earrings in each ear and used to have them gauged but they grew back and he’s too lazy to get them done again. he also has his hair done in an undercut currently and he loves putting it up in ponytails or buns.
if you make him a playlist he’ll fall in love with you immediately.
he’s really good at binging tv shows. he rewatched hannibal in three days and gets done with most new netflix series in a day.
he’s allergic to peanut butter but sometimes he eats uncrustables to see if he’s gotten over thinking he can just build up an immunity to it.
wanted connections:
exes ( any gender. i’m really wanting multiple plots of like people that eli’s strung along and left in the dust. )
hookups / fwbs ( any gender. singular experiences or regular type things )
i haven’t decided where he’s from so hmu for childhood plots. i’m a sucker for childhood besties, first kisses and crushes.
be his infatuation of the week ( this can be multiple plots but i want eli confessing his feelings then getting over them and ghosting leaving your muse confused. i want the awkward run ins and confrontations ! )
you come into vinny’s vinyls and ask him for recs but he just goes on about how good mcr is.
you nag him to please drink some water because he’s clearly dying of dehydration.
come play mario kart with him. he’ll say he’s gonna win but more than likely he’ll lose.
you check up on him because he’s listening to fleetwood mac’s rumours at 4 in the morning and you’re wondering if he’s ok and also you just wanna sleep.
tinder date ( it can go well or not )
he’s eaten peanut butter again and you’re the one who has to drag his stupid ass to the hospital.
you’re the friend whose couch he crashes on constantly. maybe one night you’re trying to bring someone home and he won’t leave and you’re trying to nicely make him get the hint but he refuses so you have to be mean about it.
literally anything you can think of i’m probably down for it !
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monkey-network · 4 years
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So I watch this Jojo vid by Cosmonaut because a) I love JOJO & b) he can be laughably stupid. And you know what? It's a laughably stupid video but not without good points. Same time I'm not giving credit for making simple-minded agreeable takes which is the best this video has. It’s like
I can see where part 3 has its roughness, looking back it can be stale in setting the groundwork for the stories. But it's pretty unfair to say all of part 3 amounted to either the stoic badass or the funny coward; like me saying all DBZ amounts to are sidekicks & Goku reskins. Like I don't know how you can say static characters can work yet boil Polnareff, Fugo, my boy Narancia down to basic archetypes like the “Funny coward” or the “Cool badass”? It was when this guy talked about part 5 was where most of his points got insultingly disingenuous. This dude becomes the legit “Part 5 sucks“ stereotype.
"Fugo getting kicked out the story is stupid." Yeah, if you ignore who Fugo is, why he wouldn't join, & why Araki wouldn't bring him back. That'd probably would be actually complicated for ya Marcus.
"Giorno has little to no character" Yeah, because if he ain't like Luke Skywalker or the boisterous cape heroes, he couldn't possibly have any traits beyond stoicism. Could never appear pragmatic & ruthless to you because the obvious characteristics aren't sucking you off from the screen.
"Diavolo comes in so late in the story" He appears halfway in like Kira cuz why the fuck would Diavolo need to be revealed off the bat? It's called building it up, ya fucknut, & you really missed the point of Diavolo if you're bitching about how far his debut is. I don't know how any of Diavolo's debut & the previous mentions of him flew past you beyond you're incapable of processing legit complexity unless it's immediately coming at you with anything & everything off the bat anyways.
I can see why part 5's final battle didn't work for you when part 3 apparently did, it's because it feels so comfortably basic for you. Circumstances my ass, you couldn't give a shit & I don't think you ever wanted to with this series unless it spoonfed you.
I love part 4, it is up there with part 7 as a favorite, hell I don't like part 2 that much myself nowadays but I've come to appreciate the intricacies of part 5 because unlike you, I've come to give more of a shit about it. I looked into what made part 5 function and I can clearly see why people who loved part five do.
"The fans are annoying and made me not continue it." I loathe everyone who thinks the Watchmen HBO series is a masterpiece, my mother included, but that does never meant my investment in the original dipped because of it. This rhetoric has become a pet peeve of mine. Because it’s never that the fans don’t explain why the show or game is great, it’s apparently a turn off because the fans are passionately persistent about them to the point of gag annoyance. I can rarely get how the fandom can ruin shit unless I've dive headfirst into all the bullshit myself like with Steven Universe, but even then I still like SU in spite of the fandom's lunacy. You can not like something, but have a backbone, you paper sandwich pussy. I get that it can be annoying with JOJO fans & posers going on & on about it now that it reached the mainstream, but that has never diluted the love & thoughts I had with this series, and I became a fan 4 years ago. I didn't grow up with JOJO, but I still love it despite it all.
I'm not "upset" cuz he doesn't like JOJO or that he think it's imperfect, I'm "upset" cuz this video tells me he never really gave a shit. And really, I wouldn't want him anymore to if he thought like this towards it. If he read SBR, he'd probably still bitch his face off. Again, I figured this vid would be laughably stupid, but it really just says to me that Marcus is as much a nerd as he sometimes is a poser. He can dislike it, I won't stop him, doesn't mean he isn't full of shit.
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lifeoflitposts · 4 years
African Literature
African literature, the body of traditional oral and written literatures in Afro-Asiatic and African languages along with works written by Africans in European languages. Traditional written literature, which is proscribed to a smaller region than is oral literature, is most characteristic of these sub-Saharan cultures that have participated within the cultures of the Mediterranean. specifically, there are written literatures in both Hausa and Arabic, created by the students of what's now northern Nigeria, and therefore the Somali people have produced a standard written literature. There also are works written in Geʿez (Ethiopic) and Amharic, two of the languages of Ethiopia, which is that the one a part of Africa where Christianity has been practiced long enough to be considered traditional. Works written in European languages date primarily from the 20th century onward. The literature of African nation in English and Afrikaans is additionally covered during a separate article, South African literature. confer African theatre.
The relationship between oral and written traditions and particularly between oral and modern written literatures is one in every of great complexity and not a matter of straightforward evolution. Modern African literatures were born within the educational systems imposed by colonialism, with models drawn from Europe instead of existing African traditions. But the African oral traditions exerted their own influence on these literatures.
Oral Traditions
- the nature of storytelling 
The narrator talks, time breakdowns, and the individuals from the crowd are within the sight of history. It is a period of veils. Reality, the present, is here, yet with dangerous passionate pictures giving it a specific situation. This is the narrator's craft: to cover the past, making it secretive, apparently unavailable. Be that as it may, it is blocked off just to one's current mind; it is consistently accessible to one's central core, one's feelings. The narrator consolidates the crowd's current waking state and its previous state of semi awareness, thus the crowd strolls again ever, joining its ancestors. Also, history, in every case in excess of a scholarly subject, becomes for the crowd a falling of time. History turns into the crowd's memory and a methods for remembering of an uncertain and profoundly dark past.
The Riddle 
In the riddle, two things are compared differently, and sometimes unlikely. The obvious thing that happens during this analogy is that the problem is resolved and then solved. But there is something more important here, concerning the riddle as a figurative form: the riddle is composed of two sets and during the riddling process, the elements of each set are transferred to the other. On the surface, the riddle seems to be largely an analytical rather than a poetic practice.  But through its imagery and the tension between the two sets, the imagination of the audience is also engaged. As they seek the solution to the riddle, the audience itself becomes a part of the images and therefore—and most significantly—of the metaphorical transformation.
The Lyric 
People were those who Broke for me the string. Therefore, The place became like this to me, On account of it, Because the string was that which broke for me. Therefore, The place does not feel to me, As the place used to feel to me, On account of it. For, The place feels as if it stood open before me, Because the string has broken for me. Therefore, The place does not feel pleasant to me, On account of it. (a San poem, from W.H.I. Bleek and L.C. Lloyd, Specimens of Bushman Folklore [1911])
The images in African lyric act in dynamic fashion, establishing nonliteral relationships among the literary composition, then it's that riddling is that the motor of the lyric. And, as in riddles, therefore additionally in lyric: trope often involves and invokes contradiction in terms. within the lyric, it's as if the singer were handicraft a group of riddles into one richly rough literary composition, the series of riddling connections accountable for the final word expertise of the literary composition. The singer organizes and controls the emotions of the audience as he consistently works his manner through the degree of the literary composition, rigorously establishing the connective threads that bring the separate nonliteral sets into the poem’s totality. None of the separate riddling relationships exists unmarried from those others that compose the literary composition. As these riddling relationships act and weave, the writer brings the audience to a detailed, intense sense of the that means of the literary composition. every riddling relationship provides associate degree emotional clue to the style of the literary composition. any clues to that means square measure discovered by the audience within the metric aspects of the literary composition, the manner the writer organizes the photographs, the riddling organization itself, and also the sound of the singer’s voice similarly because the movement of the singer’s body. As within the riddle, everything within the lyric is directed to the revelation of trope.Grammar Check
The Proverb 
The African proverb seems initially to be a hackneyed expression, a trite leftover repeated until it loses all force. But proverb is also performance, it is also metaphor, and it is in its performance and metaphorical aspects that it achieves its power. In one sense, the experience of a proverb is similar to that of a riddle and a lyric poem: different images are brought into a relationship that is novel, that provides insight. When one experiences proverbs in appropriate contexts, rather than in isolation, they come to life. In the riddle the poser provides the two sides of the metaphor. In lyric poetry the two sides are present in the poem but in a complex way; the members of the audience derive their aesthetic experience from comprehending that complexity. The words of the proverb are by themselves only one part of the metaphorical experience. The other side of the riddle is not to be found in the same way it is in the riddle and the lyric. The proverb establishes ties with its metaphorical equivalent in the real life of the members of the audience or with the wisdom of the past. The words of the proverb are a riddle waiting to happen. And when it happens, the African proverb ceases to be a grouping of tired words.
The Tale 
The riddle, lyric, and proverb are the substances which might be on the dynamic centre of the story. The riddle incorporates inside it the opportunities of metaphor; and the proverb elaborates the metaphorical opportunities while the snap shots of the story are made lyrical—this is, while they may be rhythmically organized. Such snap shots are drawn mainly from repertories: from the modern world (those are the sensible snap shots) and from the historical tradition (those are the myth snap shots). These diverse snap shots are introduced collectively all through a storytelling overall performance via way of means of their rhythmic employer. Because the myth snap shots have the potential to elicit sturdy emotional reactions from individuals of the target target market, those feelings are the uncooked cloth this is woven into the photo employer via way of means of the patterning. The target target market thereby turns into an integral a part of the tale via way of means of turning into part of the metaphorical system that movements to meaning. And meaning, therefore, is a whole lot extra complicated than an apparent homily that can be without problems to be had at the floor of the story.
Heroic Poetry 
Hero who surpasses other heroes! Swallow that disappears in the clouds, Others disappearing into the heavens! Son of Menzi! Viper of Ndaba! Erect, ready to strike, It strikes the shields of men! Father of the cock! Why did it disappear over the mountains? It annihilated men! That is Shaka, Son of Senzangakhona, Of whom it is said, Bayede! You are an elephant! (from a heroic poem dedicated to the Zulu chief Shaka)
It is in heroic poetry, or panegyric, that lyric and picture come into their maximum apparent union. As withinside the story and as withinside the lyric, riddle, and proverb, the essence of panegyric is metaphor, even though the metaphorical connections are occasionally rather obscure. History is extra sincerely obtrusive in panegyric, however it stays fragmented records, rejoined in line with the poetic intentions of the bard. Obvious metaphorical connections are regularly made among ancient personages or occasions and pictures of animals, for example. The fable factors of this type of poetry are to be determined in its construction, withinside the merging of the actual and the animal in metaphorical ways. It is inside this metaphorical context that the hero is defined and assessed. As in other kinds of oral tradition, feelings related to each ancient and non historical pictures are on the coronary heart of that means in panegyric. It is the lyrical rhythm of panegyric that works such feelings into form. In the process, records is reprocessed and given new that means withinside the context of current experience. It is a twin activity: records is thereby redefined on the identical time that it shapes reviews of the present.
The Epic 
In the epic may be observed the merging of diverse often unrelated tales, the metaphorical apparatus, the controlling mechanism observed withinside the riddle and lyric, the proverb, and heroic poetry to shape a bigger narrative. All of this centres at the man or woman of the hero and a sluggish revelation of his frailty, uncertainties, and torments; he regularly dies, or is deeply troubled, withinside the method of bringing the way of life into a brand new dispensation regularly prefigured in his resurrection or his entering knowledge. The legendary transformation as a result of the author gods and way of life heroes is reproduced exactly withinside the acts and the cyclical, tortured actions of the hero.
An epic can be constructed round a genealogical system, with components of it evolved and decorated right into a story. The epic, just like the heroic poem, incorporates historic references together with place-names and events; withinside the heroic poem those aren't substantially evolved. When they're evolved in an epic, they're constructed now no longer round records however round a fictional story. The fictional story ties the historic episode, person, or place-call to the cultural records of the people. In an oral society, oral genres consist of records (the heroic poem) and imaginative story (the story). The epic combines the two, linking the historic episode to the imaginative story. Sometimes, fantasy is likewise part of epic, with emphasis on origins. The story, the heroic poem, records, and fantasy are mixed with inside the epic. In an echo of the story—in which the emphasis is typically on a vital however continually nonhistorical man or woman—a unmarried historic or nonhistorical man or woman is the centre of the epic. And on the center of the epic is that equal engine composed of the riddle, the lyric, and the proverb.
Oral Traditions And The Written Word
Oral and written storytelling traditions have had a parallel development, and in lots of approaches they have got stimulated every different. Ancient Egyptian scribes, early Hausa and Swahili copyists and memorizers, and cutting-edge writers of famous novellas were the apparent and important transitional figures withinside the motion from oral to literary traditions. What came about many of the Hausa and Swahili turned into happening some place else in Africa—many of the Fulani, in northern Ghana many of the Guang, in Senegal many of the Tukulor and Wolof, and in Madagascar and Somalia.
The linkage between oral tradition and the written phrase is most manifestly visible in pulp literature: the Onitsha marketplace literature of Nigeria; the famous fiction of Accra, Ghana; the famous love and detective literature of Nairobi; the visualizing of tale withinside the complicated comedian strips bought in stores in Cape Town. But the linkage is likewise a important feature of more-critical and more-complicated fiction. One can not completely respect the works of Chinua Achebe or Ousmane Sembene without putting them into the context of Africa’s classical period, its oral tradition. To be sure, the Arabic, English, French, and Portuguese literary traditions together with Christianity and Islam and different consequences of colonialism in Africa additionally had a dynamic effect on African literature, however African writers tailored the ones alien traditions and made them their very own with the aid of using putting them into those African classical frames.
History and Myth
As is the case with the oral tradition, written literature is a mixture of the actual and the fantastic. It combines, on the only hand, the actual (the present day international) and records (the sensible international of the past) and, at the other, myth and hero, with metaphor being the agent of transformation. This is the alchemy of the literary experience. Literature is atomized, fragmented records. Transformation is the critical pastime of the tale, its dynamic movement. The author is inspecting the connection of the reader with the sector and with records. In the manner of this examination, the author invents characters and occasions that correspond to records however aren't records. At the centre of the tale is myth, the delusion element, a individual or occasion that actions past reality, even though it's far constantly rooted withinside the actual. In the oral story that is actually the delusion individual; so it's far, in a complex, refracted way, in written literature.
The influence of oral traditions on modern writers
Themes withinside the literary traditions of current Africa are labored out often in the strictures laid down with the aid of using the imported religions Christianity and Islam and in the conflict among conventional and modern, among rural and newly city, among genders, and among generations. The oral tradition is truly obvious withinside the popular literature of the market and the important city centres, created with the aid of using literary storytellers who're manipulating the unique substances a lot as oral storytellers do, on the identical time closing devoted to the tradition. Some of the early writers sharpened their writing talents with the aid of using translating works into African languages; others amassed oral tradition; maximum skilled their apprenticeships in a single manner or every other in the contexts of residing oral traditions.
Literatures In African Languages
Ethiopian literatures are composed in numerous languages: Geʿez, Amharic, Tigrinya, Tigré, Oromo, and Harari. Most of the literature in Ethiopia has been in Geʿez and Amharic. The classical language is Geʿez, however through the years Geʿez literature have become the area of a small part of the population. The extra common spoken language, Amharic, have become great while it became used for political and spiritual functions to attain a bigger a part of the population.
The first novels written in Hausa had been the end result of a opposition released in 1933 via way of means of the Translation Bureau in northern Nigeria. One year later the bureau published Muhammadu Bello’s Gandoki, wherein its hero, Gandoki, struggles towards the British colonial regime. Bello does in Gandoki what many writers had been doing in different components of Africa for the duration of this period: he experiments with shape and content. His novel blends the Hausa oral lifestyle and the novel, ensuing in a tale patterned at the heroic cycle; it additionally introduces a robust thread of Islamic history. Didactic elements, however, are awkwardly interposed and seriously dilute Gandoki’s aesthetic content (as frequently took place in different in addition experimental African novels). But Bello’s efforts might finally provide upward push to a extra state-of-the-art lifestyle of novel writing in Hausa. His experimentation might additionally discover its maximum a success expression in Amos Tutola’s English-language novel The Palm-Wine Drinkard (1952).
The fundamental Shona creator of novels at some stage in the twentieth century was Patrick Chakaipa. His Karikoga gumiremiseve (1958; “Karikoga and His Ten Arrows”) is a mix of fantasy (it's miles primarily based totally on a story from the Shona oral way of life) and history, a love tale that specialize in conflicts among Shona and Ndebele peoples. Pfumo reropa (1961; “The Spear of Blood”) depicts the risks of the misuse of energy in conventional times: a chief, Ndyire, manipulates the conventional machine to his personal egocentric advantage. This novel resembles the Nyanga epic Mwindo: a son of the chief, Tanganeropa, escapes his father’s murderous wrath to go back later and conquer the tyrant. Christianity will become a subject in Chakaipa 1/3 novel, Rudo ibofu (1962; “Love Is Blind”), having to do with the battle among way of life and Christianity: Rowesai is crushed with the aid of using her father whilst she makes a decision to turn out to be a nun. She is later mauled with the aid of using a leopard. At a dramatic and climactic movement, she returns domestic as a nun, and her father converts to Christianity. Garandichauya (1963; “I Shall Return”) and Dzasukwa mwana-asina-hembe (1967; “Dzasukwa Beer-for-Sale”) attention on cutting-edge city lifestyles and its vicissitudes. In the former, Matamba, a boy from the country, falls into the clutches of a prostitute, Muchaneta. When he returns to his rural domestic, having been rendered moneyless with the aid of using Muchaneta and blinded with the aid of using her male friends, he reveals his spouse anticipating him. In the latter, the corrosive consequences of colonialism on Shona way of life are dramatized.
Hikmad Soomaali (“Somali Wisdom”), a collection of traditional stories in the Somali language recorded by Muuse Xaaji Ismaaciil Galaal, was published in 1956. Shire Jaamac Axmed published materials from the Somali oral tradition as Gabayo, maahmaah, iyo sheekooyin yaryar (1965; “Poems, Proverbs, and Short Stories”). He also edited a literary journal, Iftiinka aqoonta (“Light of Education”), and published two short novels in 1973: Halgankiii nolosha (“Life Struggle”), dealing with the traditional past in negative terms, and Rooxaan (“The Spirits”). Further stories from the oral tradition were written down and published in Cabdulqaadir F. Bootaan’s Murti iyo sheekooyin (1973; “Traditional Wisdom and Stories”) and Muuse Cumar Islaam’s Sheekooyin Soomaaliyeed (1973; “Somali Stories”).
Poetry is a major form of expression in the Somali oral tradition. Its different types include the gabay, usually chanted, the jiifto, also chanted and usually moody, the geeraar, short and dealing with war, the buraambur, composed by women, the heello, or balwo, made up of short love poems and popular on the radio, and the hees, popular poetry. Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan (Mohammed Abdullah Hassan) created poetry as a weapon, mainly in the oral tradition. Farah Nuur, Qamaan Bulhan, and Salaan Arrabey were also well-known poets. Abdillahi Muuse created didactic poems; Ismaaʿiil Mire and Sheikh Aqib Abdullah Jama composed religious poetry. Ilmi Bowndheri wrote love poetry.
Southern Sotho 
Southern Sotho is one of the reliable languages of South Africa and is a member of the Bantu/Nguni own circle of relatives of languages. It is spoken via way of means of approximately five million human beings in Lesotho, Botswana, South Africa, Namibia and Zambia.
Southern Sotho is likewise called Sotho, Sesotho or Southern Sesotho. The local call of the language is seSotho [sɪ̀sʊ́tʰʊ̀], which means "language of the Sotho human beings", who name themselves Basotho.
The first written shape of Southern Sotho changed into devised via way of means of Thomas Arbousset, Eugene Casalis and Constant Gosselin, French missionaries of the Paris Evangelical Mission, who arrived in Lesotho in 1833. The first grammar book, Etudes sur los angeles Langue Sechuana via way of means of Casalis, changed into posted in 1841.
The call Swahili comes from the Arabic word سَوَاحِل (sawāḥil), the plural of سَاحِل‏ (sāḥil - boundary, coast) and means "coastal dwellers". The prefix ki- is connected to nouns withinside the noun elegance that consists of languages, so Kiswahili means "coastal language".
Swahili consists of pretty a piece of vocabulary of Arabic foundation due to touch with Arabic-speakme buyers and and population of the Swahili Coast - the coastal vicinity of Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique, and islands which includes Zanzibar and Comoros. There also are phrases of German, Portuguese, English, Hindi and French foundation in Swahili because of touch with buyers, slavers and colonial officials.
The earliest recognised portions of writing, withinside the Arabic script, in Swahili are letters courting from 1711, and the earliest recognised manuscript, a poetic epic entitled Utendi wa Tambuka (The History of Tambuka), dates from 1728. During the the nineteenth century Swahili changed into used as the principle language of management through the European colonial powers in East Africa and below their impact the Latin alphabet changed into an increasing number of used to jot down it. The first Swahili newspaper, Habari ya Mwezi, changed into posted through missionaries in 1895.
The first piece of Xhosa writing become a hymn written withinside the early nineteenth century via way of means of Ntsikana. The Bible become translated among the 1820s and 1859. Lovedale Press become set up withinside the nineteenth century via way of means of the London Missionary Society. In 1837 the Wesleyans posted a journal, Umshumayeli Indaba (“The Preacher’s News”), which ran to 1841. Lovedale, the Scots mission, become the centre of early Xhosa writing. Ikhwezi become produced throughout the years 1844 and 1845. The Wesleyan missionaries began out a mag in 1850, Isithunywa Senyanga (“The Monthly Messenger”); its book become interrupted via way of means of one of the frontier wars. A month-to-month in each Xhosa and English, Indaba (“The News”), edited via way of means of William Govan, ran from 1862 till 1865; it become succeeded via way of means of The Kaffir Express in 1876, to get replaced via way of means of Isigidimi samaXhosa (“The Xhosa Messenger”), in Xhosa only. John Tengo Jabavu and William Gqoba had been its editors. It ceased book with Gqoba’s loss of life in 1888. Imvo Zabantsundu (“Opinions of the Africans”) become a newspaper edited via way of means of Jabavu, who become assisted via way of means of John Knox Bokwe. Izwi Labantu (“The Voice of the People”) started out book in 1897 with Nathaniel Cyril Mhala as its editor; it become financially assisted via way of means of Cecil Rhodes, who had resigned as high minister of Cape Colony in 1896. Much early Xhosa prose and poetry regarded in those periodicals.
In a tale from the Yoruba oral tradition, a boy actions farther and farther far far from home. With the help of a myth person, a fox, the boy is capable of meet the demanding situations set through ominous oba (kings) in 3 kingdoms, every a extra distance from the boy’s home. The fox turns into the storyteller’s approach of exposing the growing knowledge of the boy, who gradually loses his innocence and actions to manhood. This oral story is the framework for the best-recognized paintings in Yoruba and the maximum substantial contribution of the Yoruba language to fiction: D.O. Fagunwa’s Ogboju ode ninu igbo irunmale (1938; The Forest of a Thousand Daemons), which includes myth and practical pics alongside non secular didacticism and Bunyanesque allegory, all positioned inside a body tale that echoes that of The Thousand and One Nights. The novel very correctly combines the literary and oral forces at paintings amongst Yoruba artists of the time. Its significant person is Akara-ogun. He actions right into a woodland 3 times, whenever confronting myth characters and whenever concerned in a hard task. In the end, he and his fans visit a smart guy who well-known shows to them the gathered knowledge in their adventures. The paintings changed into a hit and changed into accompanied through others, all written in a comparable way: Igbo olodumare (1949; “The Jungle of the Almighty”), Ireke-Onibudo (1949), and Irinkerindo ninu Igbo Elegbeje (1954; “Irinkerindo the Hunter withinside the Town of Igbo Elegbeje”; Eng. trans. Expedition to the Mount of Thought), all wealthy combos of Yoruba and Western pics and influences. Fagunwa’s very last novel, Adiitu olodumare (1961; “God’s Mystery-Knot”), positioned a greater present day tale into the acquainted myth framework: which will assist his poverty-afflicted dad and mom, the significant person, Adiitu, trips right into a woodland, struggles with creatures of the woodland, and unearths his dad and mom useless whilst he returns home. He actions into heaven in a dream, wherein he encounters his dad and mom. He falls in love with Iyunade, and they're marooned on an island, wherein he saves her. When they get to their home, a chum of Adiitu tries to spoil the relationship, however ultimately they're married. Realism is confronted with myth withinside the shape of the tale, withinside the characters, and withinside the events. This aggregate of a folktale with a sensible body found out new opportunities to Yoruba writers.
Like maximum different African literatures, Zulu literature of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries falls into awesome categories, one involved with traditional (Zulu) existence and customs, the opposite with Christianity. These wide regions of early literary interest blended withinside the Thirties in an creative literature that centered on a war that profoundly preoccupied southern African writers for decades—the war among the urban, Christian, Westernized milieu and the traditional, in large part rural African past.
There had been early translations of the Christian scriptures withinside the mid-nineteenth century. Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress became additionally translated and posted in parts (1868 and 1895). Magema kaMagwaza Fuze’s Abantu abamnyama lapha bavela ngakhona (“Where the Black People Came From”) became posted in 1922. Written works on Zulu customs additionally appeared, which include Petros Lamula’s Isabelo sikaZulu (1936; “Zulu Heritage”) and T.Z. Masondo’s Amasiko esiZulu (1940; “Zulu Customs”). R.H. Thembu’s story uMamazane (1947) consists of references to Zulu tradition. Cyril Lincoln Sibusiso Nyembezi and Otty Ezrom Howard Mandlakayise Nxumalo compiled Zulu customs, as did Leonhard L.J. Mncwango, Moses John Ngcobo, and M.A. Xaba. Violet Dube’s Woza nazo (1935; “Come with Stories”), Alan Hamilton S. Mbata and Garland Clement S. Mdhladhla’s uChakijana bogcololo umphephethi wezinduku zabafo (1927; “Chakijana the Clever One, the Medicator of the Men’s Fighting Sticks”), and F.L.A. Ntuli’s Izinganekwane nezindaba ezindala (1939; “Oral Narratives and Ancient Traditions”) are compilations of oral stories. Nyembezi accumulated and annotated Zulu and Swati heroic poems in Izibongo zamakhosi (1958; “Heroic Poems of the Chiefs”), and E.I.S. Mdhladhla’s uMgcogcoma (1947; “Here and There”) incorporates Zulu narratives.
Literatures In European And European-Derived Languages
Afrikaans literature in South Africa may be regarded withinside the context of Dutch literary tradition or South African literary tradition. Within an African context, Afrikaans literature may be for all time at the outside. As is the case with the language, it's far stuck in an identification disaster that changed into created irrevocably via way of means of the fiercely defended political and cultural identification of the Dutch settlers who arrived in South Africa in 1652 and whose descendants, collectively with English-talking whites, took over the authorities in 1948, and then the notorious device of apartheid changed into enshrined in legal guidelines that might be demolished most effective withinside the early 1990s. The conservative department of the Afrikaner human beings, usually the maximum severa and the maximum powerful, changed into in warfare at some stage in the 20th century with a skilled and developing institution of younger poets and novelists, such as C. Louis Leipoldt and Breyten Breytenbach, who sought to develop the confines of an an increasing number of constrained human beings and literature. The records of Afrikaans literature is the records of the Afrikaners, an alien human beings whose literature is a sworn statement to that nation of alienation.
Early works in English in western Africa encompass a Liberian novel, Love in Ebony: A West African Romance, posted in 1932 with the aid of using Charles Cooper (pseudonym Varfelli Karlee), in addition to such works of Ghanaian pulp literature as J. Benibengor Blay’s Emelia’s Promise and Fulfilment (1944). R.E. Obeng, a Ghanaian, wrote Eighteenpence (1941), an early paintings at the struggle among African and European cultures. Other early famous writers in Ghana encompass Asare Konadu, Efua Sutherland, and Kwesi Brew. The Nigerian Amos Tutuola wrote The Palm-Wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-Wine Tapster withinside the Deads’ Town (1952), its production revealing a clean linkage among the oral and literary traditions. In it the hero actions to Deads’ Town to convey his tapster lower back to the land of the living; the elixir that the hero brings lower back from the land of the dead, however, is an egg this is death-dealing as truly as it's miles life-giving. Tutuola is trustworthy to oral tradition, however he locations the conventional touring story into a totally cutting-edge framework.
In the paintings of the earliest African writers in French may be determined the issues that run thru this literature to the existing day. These issues need to do with African lifestyle, with French colonialism and the displacement of Africans each bodily and spiritually from their local lifestyle, with tries to mixture the French and the African traditions, and with post independence efforts to piece the shards of African lifestyle and the French colonial revel in into a brand new reality.
The literature in Portuguese of Cape Verde often focuses on the affinities and the strains between Portugal and Cape Verde. Escapism is a theme in some of the poetry. In the classical phase of Cape Verdean literature, from the late 19th century to the first half of the 20th, poets such as José Lopes da Silva (Saudades da pátria [1952; “Homesickness”]) emphasized Europe. Januário Leite (Poesias [1952]) and Mário Pinto (Ensaios poéticos [1911; “Poetic Essays”]) wrote nationalistic poetry. Other early poets include Pedro Monteiro Cardoso, who published Jardim das Hespérides in 1926, and Eugénio Tavares, who was among the first Cape Verdean writers to publish in Crioulo, the Portuguese creole language widely used on the islands. António Pedro wrote a book of exotic poems published in 1929. These early classical poets struggled with the tension between Europe and Africa and between the Portuguese language and Crioulo, the Portuguese creole used on the islands. Brazil was also to become a crucial theme.
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megashadowdragon · 4 years
i really don’t agree with a lot of fndm interpretation that makes her a ruby 1.0, i.e traits like being a wallflower, being socially anxious, etc. following on from that, i dislike her canon design. it’s very obviously just an older recolour of ruby much like the one in poser era & it’s just so lazy. they didn’t want to put anything more into summer than have her be an older ruby with a different coloured cape & dress. it’s just disappointing tbh.  —  owl.
A lot of people are very willing to ignore that she’s killed a lot of people and she’s responsible for countless people. She killed the spring maiden, implied to be a child, she destroyed an entire village. She used Vernal as a scapegoat and got her killed all while saving her own skin, knowing Vernal would be in danger. I don’t see half as many people defending other villain’s bad actions as they do with Raven.  —  luke.
i think that a lot of people are trying very hard to slap some form of disorder or sympathetic reasoning on raven to excuse why she left when canon has already spelt it out quite clearly, she left because her tribe meant more to her than her husband, child, brother or friend. a lot of people can’t deal with motherly characters that’re abusive & neglectful but raven is the perfect example of an abusive, neglectful daughter & the effect she’s left on yang shouldn’t be ignored or downplayed.  —  owl.
The DC comics did her so dirty. They took what was a compelling character, a neglectful alcoholic who still had very sympathetic traits and obviously cared for her children despite not being able to do very much to protect them and made her the stereotypical Stepford Wife trope who owns a literal zoo and is far more blatant and dramatizized in her abuse of Weiss, to the point of it not being realistic or redeemable to what we see her as in the show. The two iterations of Willow just don’t mesh together.  —  luke.
ironically for mine, i think the fndm plays down a lot of willow’s abuse, especially concerning her neglect of her kids. i get that she’s a victim of jacques abuse, but she had an inherent responsibility as the schneeblings mother to ensure their safety from their father, not just retreat into herself & leave them out in the cold. i wish that had been adressed more in the show.  —  owl.
I don’t find her that funny.  —  luke.
a lot of my dislike for kali stems from the fact that her’s and ghira’s inclusion in the story prompted a lot of problems for blake’s story, more than it’s worth & they were in the end, really a detriment. there were no meaningful scenes with blake & kali & when it was tried to be remedied in the comics, that was completely bollocksed up. also her design is again lazy, it’s older blake with a more japanese spin & her supposed allusion makes no fucking sense.  —  owl.
pyrrha’s mum.
I just wish that they confirmed that this woman was Pyrrha’s mum or not, I don’t get the need for there to be any mystery or secrecy around the topic.  —  luke.
ditto.  —  owl.
The fact that her last name is REN, because of how they changed Ren’s name. His name was introduced in the typical way for asian men and Ren itself is a Japanese first name. The fact that this was changed so now all of Ren’s friends are calling him by his Last Name, including Nora who’s known him for years, is aggravating and nonsensical.  —  luke.
i don’t have any complaints about an that hasn’t been said, she was done very well for the small role that she needed to serve.  —  owl.
terra & saphron.
I wish the fndm would stop ignoring the actual wlw ships like saphron & terra while crying for rep like, they’re Right There.  —  luke.
again, nothing to do with the actual canon but more the fndm jumping on two unspecified wlw to paint them as lesbians & only that, being rude or aggressive to others when the allusion for saphron, sappho, was bi. her bisexuality was erased & it’s annoying to see that continued in a fandom space.  —  owl.
No one has said anything about Salem being abusive to her children. Ignore Ozma for a moment, take him out of the equation ; this woman murdered her children. She also wanted to use them to repopulate remnant, probably ignoring  any of their own autonomy or wishes and it’s weirdly … not addressed.  —  luke.
the idea that salem’s endgame is her getting reunited with the souls of her husband & children, who she murdered via magic & burning alive, is honestly disgusting to me & i hate that this idea even exists in the fndm lmao. salem is going the way abusers do in rt, to her own death & ozma will finally be free of her.  —  owl.
atlesianic said: can i just personally say, as someone’s who’s been eternally uncomfortable when raven’s on screen because she mirrors one of my abusers, i agree that the fandom doesn’t take her abuse seriously. she’s not a good person, she hurt her family and abandoned her daughter, but people see her as just another hot anime MILF and that doesn’t matter anymore
fyrecrackeruwu said: I’ve had an abusive father (emotionally, verbally and mentally) and Ravens actions mirror alot of what he did Walking out on my mother and I for no reason. Manipulating me into thinking my Mother, family and friends were the ‘crazy’ or 'stupid’ ones and that he was the only one I could trust Any bad traits/traits he didn’t like of mine were 'from my Mother’, and any 'good’ traits I had came from him
fyrecrackeruwu said: Never being able to admit he was wrong, sorry or that he did wrong and because of that he would blame someone else or make out like he was the victim The ‘I’m strong’ complex It scares me how much Raven mirrors these traits and I don’t get why people sweep don’t acknowledge this.
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