#this is what it feels like to talk to ''''''empaths''''''
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thatgaytevinter · 3 days ago
THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS. page breaking bc i have to talk about my boy.
tldr: chis are so smart, and i love them. i will beat you with a stick if you think they have one brain cell that just yaps. im mourning one, so i kind of derailed in this, so im sorry this is long. feel free to skip.
i have 1 chihuahua at the moment, but I have had the opportunity and blessing to love 3 chihuahuas in my time.
chihuahuas. know. everything.
yes, they are alert dogs with big ears and yappy mouths. but they have a purpose, and they were bred for that, and they know.
Kunai, my current and only chihuahua right now is the best example of this ever. we say he is in the same situation as Salem from Sabrina. hes just WAY too intelligent.
kunai knows that a specific reflection bouncing off the wall from the little windows on my front door means someone is in the driveway. he even knows, now, that specific reflections mean different cars. he howls differently when my dad pulls up than when my mom does. he doesnt do his 'i love you bark' when he sees the reflection of my uncle's car. He stares at the wall the reflections bounce off now when someone isnt home or its around 3:30 (usually when other people pull up to the house).
he knows that when my mother puts River up, she is waking up my dad for work (which means he gets to go to bed soon), so he will direct all the other dogs and US to our places so he can get there faster. BUT he also has immense FOMO, so he will pretend to eat his food until we all say goodnight and depart to our respective rooms so that mom doesn't pick him up to take him to bed.
he is an actor. he loves a good dramatic and will play it up and in different ways to get what he wants.
my 2 other chis, Honey and Poco, were also very intelligent and loving. they were more empathic, though, if you understand the difference in what im saying about them and kunai. they weren't dumb. They knew perfectly what was going on, but they didn't have the patience to deal with it the way Kunai does. they knew when you didn't like a person or you were uncomfortable. they cared more for your emotions than their own at times to their own detriment.
Kunai is truly hard to explain without you seeing him in action in person, but he is a master manipulator. and i dont mean in the usual 'puppy dog eyes' way. i mean full production: swooning, gaslighting, Purposeful and Deliberate Shunning.
He's my little person in a little furry suit, and i treat him as such. everyone in the house does. he understands us, and it confounds people that we dont baby talk our chis. he knows what we're saying, and he WILL ARGUE if he doesn't think it's the correct action to take. He's much more sensible than most in my family, and im not being biased at all. he knows better than them.
i love chihuahuas. i will defend them to my dying breath. i miss their barks frequently and how they didn't listen to me. their hearts often can't take the amount of love they have for their people.
It fucks with me that dog intelligence is tested with obedience tests, so there's a significant bias towards compliant dog breeds. Dogs that are intelligent enough to understand what is being asked of them, but are too headstrong and/or independent to go through with it, get lumped up with the dogs that might want to do what people ask them to do, but are too stupid to understand the assignment.
And it fucks with me that chihuahuas are actually quite intelligent. They're not stressed and angry because they're too stupid to understand what's going on. They understand exactly what's going on, and that's why they're so angry and stressed.
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quackerofoatz · 2 days ago
Hannibal’s relationship with God ♱
[ Taglist 🏷️: @fromelysium @siffrin-enthusiast @buggaboorenegade @flowers-jn-her-hair @scar1ett-so1dier @gardenofearthlydelightss}
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As the show’s antagonist, Hannibal is a man from the get-go who is an unnerving and unique individual to the audience. We see how he interacts with characters and sees himself while doing so. We see the duality of this charismatic cannibal during the night, exposing what Hannibal is. He differs from most murderers/killers in the show; there’s more depth and uniqueness. 
In the first episode, Will introduces the idea of God to the audience, setting the show’s narrative. He challenges the concept of divinity to his students at Quantico and unconsciously to himself. He establishes the theme of divinity and judgment within the show, hinting at the differentiating opinions on this theme. By asking his students to consider why the victim in the case had been subjected to such an act of violence and if it was of God's will or not. He will hint at his moral compasses and opinion on divine judgment by asking his students this.
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Will: Everyone has thought about killing someone, one way or another, be it your hand or the hand of God. Now think about killing Mrs. Marlow. Why did she deserve this? Tell me your design. Tell me who you are. (Season 1 Episode 1)
Will is a unique asset in the Federal Bureau for his empathic mind and profiling skills. He is seen as unstable for his socializing behavior but also in curiosity for his rare, incredible perspective. As Hannibal says in the same episode, his ability to identify and think like killers is a heavy burden and a gift for him. He points to Will as they talk in Crawford’s office, which upsets him terribly. Hannibal is a respected and knowledgeable man in the psychology and medical field. He can analyze but not understand him because he is not predictable with his gift. This intrigues Hannibal, as he is used to scanning people and charming his way into their circles.
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Hannibal: What he has is pure empathy. He can assume your point of view, or mine, and maybe some other points of view that scare him. It's an uncomfortable gift, Jack.
Dr. Hannibal Lecter: I imagine what you see and learn touches everything else in your mind. Your values and decency are present yet shocked at your associations, appalled at your dreams. No forts in the bone arena of your skull for things you love. (Season 1 Episode 1)
With the theme of God in place and his empathy, Will is a tool for God to deal with judgment and punishment for those he catches. He sees killers and civilians alike as they are, with their thoughts and emotions. Despite not necessarily believing in God himself, Will's uncanny ability to understand and empathize with serial killers leads him to profile and put them into custody, as if he were fulfilling a divine purpose/civil duty. We see in the show his mental health takes a toll as he investigates; he doesn’t do these cases because he wants to but because it is morally right, which is at the heart of Will's ability. He can visualize the murders and get inside the minds of the killers, making him a valuable tool in solving crimes and preventing future deaths, as Jack Crawford mentions to him in persuasion.
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He fights back and forth with himself while dealing with other people's demands. He is a martyr in his duty to others, but no one feels this way for him. Until we get Hannibal, with all his knowledge and egotism, he sees this as an opportunity for manipulation and a start of companionship. He sees himself as a dark savior to Will and the one to offer him salvation and devotion.
He is like a Pompasettin peacock, so to speak, and a proud one. As the show goes on, episode by episode, we see a glimpse of Hannibal and his mind’s machinations at every therapy session with Will. He’s not just a complicated character but one who sees himself above others, especially concerning divinity, specifically Almighty God.
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Hannibal: Killing must feel good to God too. He does it all the time. And are we not created in his image?
Will: That depends who you ask. Hannibal: God’s terrific. He dropped a church roof on 34 of his worshippers last Wednesday night in Texas while they sang a hymn. Will: And did God feel good about that? Hannibal: He felt powerful. (Season 1 episode 2)
I have gone through the series for dialogue between Will and Hannibal regarding their ideas or feelings on the divinity of God. Of course, I have picked out the ones throughout the season that make the most sense, and we have a broader view of how each of their opinions evolves with their proximity. I may not have gone through all of them as I am one person. 
 Hannibal: A tumor can definitely affect brain function and even cause vivid hallucinations. However, what appears to be driving your angel maker to create heaven on earth is a simple issue of mortality.  Will: Can't beat God, become him? Hannibal: You said he was afraid. Will:He feels abandoned. Hannibal:Ever feel abandoned, Will?
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 Will and he argue the different sides of believing in divinity and being nonbelievers. He can say why people think or what they feel in the divinity, but Will himself is not one to feel the same. Even as Hannibal has a complicated relationship with God, Will almost seems detached from religion but attached to creation with empathy. Hannibal sees how divinity can be mirrored in humanity through our actions, specifically in the actions of Jack Crawford towards Will. He tries to press Will to find a new belief system to pledge his martyr cause. To exchange Jack for Will. He feels he is all-knowing and mighty about what WIll truly is and the beauty of his empathy disorder.   
Will: Abandonment requires expectation. Hannibal: What were your expectations of Jack Crawford and the FBI? Will: Jack hasn't abandoned me. Hannibal: Not in any discernible way. Perhaps in this way, gods abandon their creations. So God has given this person insight into the souls of men. Will: God didn't give him insight; God gave him a tumor. He's just a man whose brain is playing tricks on him.  Hannibal: You are not unlike this k*ller. Will: My brain is playing tricks on me? Hannibal: You want to feel such sweet and easy peace. (Season 1, Episode 5)
Hannibal's view of the world is highly philosophical. He sees himself as both god and nonhuman, both omnipotent and fallen. He creates beautiful things but must destroy them. He is both a parent to his victims and a creator of art, yet he is also the destroyer of life. Hannibal's view of God is that God has abandoned us and given up on the gift of humanity, much like Hannibal has abandoned the goodness in himself and the gift of life. He tries to weave himself into Will’s subconscious, wanting to be the balm for his cursed gift.
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There is no God. Certainly not with that attitude. God gave you a purpose - Not only to create art but to become it. Why are you helping me? Your eye will now see God reflected. I will see you. If God is looking down at you, don't you want to be looking back at Him? (season 2 Episode 2)
Hannibal’s statement about this murder seals the deal that he believes in God, which stands out among most psychopaths and murderers in this show. Hannibal prompts every dialogue about divinity in the show. 
02x11 - Ko No Mono traditionally, during this meal, we are to place shrouds over our heads, hiding our faces from God. I don't hide from God. Bones and all? Bones and all. After my first ortolan, I was euphoric. A stimulating reminder of our power over life and death. Every creative act has its destructive consequence, Will.
He feels God is all-knowing, and we can reach him through our acts outside of religion. He feels there is no shame in acting within God’s gaze, but that is an act of worship. He feels God knows him and understands the actual makeup of Hannibal, The same way Hannibal does with his murderous tableau. He understands this better than anyone as he mirrors his victims of art to elevate them from their mortal flesh. As we see later on in Italy as Il Mostro, the victim we see is reflected as Primavera.
The Hindu god Shiva is a simultaneous destroyer and creator. Has God sacrificed? What god do you pray to? I don't pray. I have not been bothered by any considerations of deity, other than to recognize how my own modest actions pale beside those of God (02x11 - Ko No Mono)
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We see that Hannibal doesn't just have a Western understanding of divinity but a diverse one, with him mentioning this Hindu God. This shows he has accumulated a broad knowledge of gods of other cultures or religions to make his judgment. He says that he feels his acts of violence are minor compared to the smiteing that God or Gods do to mortals. 
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Nothing would thrill Hannibal more than to see this roof collapse mid-Mass, packed pews, choir singing... He would just love it. And he thinks God would love it, too. w: But he believes in God... intimately (SEASON 3 EPISODE  2 )
Hannibal enjoys the violent acts of Gods, which will be pointed out in the second episode of season three. When Will is standing in a church while tracking Hannibal in Italy. As we see through Will, Hannibal is only understood by him because Will was allowed to see sides of him. Well, with his empathy as well, he can also know Hannibal on a mental level. We see this on his adventure in Italy while talking to Abigail of his imagination and Detective Pazzi. 
What I believe is closer to science fiction than anything in the Bible?We all know it, but nobody ever says that G-dash-D won't do a G-dash-D-damned thing to answer anybody's prayers.God can't save any of us because it's inelegant.Elegance is more important than suffering. W: I think my prayers would feel constricted by the saints, apostles, and Jesus Pantocrator. (SEASON 3 EPISODE  2 )
As was established, Will never said he believed in God but had an idea of him. He doesn't understand praying through channels to get to god but going to the source directly. His understanding of God is not rooted in any religion but based on his knowledge with his empathy. It makes him even more special to Hannibal; he is not a believer but mirrors the violent principles of a T. He is the martyr to his cause and peers, but what exact role does he play?
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{ He is the Lamb }
That is the official title Hannibal gave him in the second-to-last episode of the last season.
Lest we forget the Lamb.
Will it be the Lamb of God?
Hide us from the wrath of the Lamb.
Who's "us"?
You, me and the Great Red Dragon.
The Lamb's wrath touches everyone who errs
(Season 3 Episode 12)
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Will has always been a selfless man without intending or prompting to be, even as people around him don't give the same for him. He gives without judgment, or malicious Hannibal sees Will as the sacrificial lamb due to Will's suffering for the sake of his fellow man. The lamb is used as a substitute to save a group from their sins and used as atonement. The lamb repeatedly passes off sins, as Hannibal sees Will doing his work as an FBI agent. Yet the lamb is a symbol to be scared of and not to be trifled with, as many scholars of the bible point out, and Hannibal seemingly so in this line—the lamb. Jack sees Will as someone who could do no wrong and is entirely innocent of the actions around him—even pardoning him from many murders and slips in the show, blaming it on coercion of his empathy and suffering from encephalitis. Hannibal sees him as a triumphant lamb who is partial to righteous wrath upon people of his choosing. 
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stellarfirmaquotes · 2 years ago
TREXEL : David, I’ve upset you. And for that, you are sorry.
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the-paris-of-people · 5 months ago
Also it's fucked up to yell at members of marginalized communities for acting within the two party system and not burning it all down when you don't have a plan. People are not your fucking sacrificial lambs to skewer and roast on a stick
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readandwritesilver · 20 days ago
wwdits spoilers
if u disagree that's okay and i see you and i hear you however i fully don't think being canon was ever nandermo's future. there were a few things about the finale that i didn't like generally but nandermo isn't one of them. both these characters are so complex and maybe if we're talking about how going back the last 2-3 seasons should have been strictured differently then yeah sure there are definitely ways the story could have been told where some kind of definitive romantic conclusion made sense but at some point we're just talking about a different show.
yes i thought the plotline with nandor and the guide was really weird. yes i wish last season and especially this season had the emotional intensity and serious moments/plots of seasons past. but even if both those things were true i still don't think oh look we confessed our love now we are kissing yayyyy was the ending they deserved😭😭 seeing people comparing it to like supernatural or whatever other [insert queerbait here] just. idk i feel the pain that is being expressed and i understand deeply the place that it is coming from but i think calling nandermo queerbait is very misguided. those characters are both explictly queer. and they explicitly care about eachother a lot. they are also both explicitly not in a place for that kind of ending to be a legitimately satisfying conclusion.
the whole point of the finale is that life is going to go on (literally) infinitely for these characters. all the vampires are going to be there for a very long time. guillermo has grown exponentially in the last six years and while he doesn't know exactly what he wants to do with himself, he has a much clearer picture of who he is in the first place and we can feel sure he's going to make descisions according to that. nandor literally says to him when they're leaving canon capital, you're not just a human anymore, you can't ever just go back to that life, and he's right. they are both going to live their lives, and sometimes they'll be together and sometimes they won't, and eventually maybe they'll figure out something that works between them and maybe they won't.
i love nandor and guillermo together. i have written i think around 40,000 words just on the subject and made countless more posts on here. this isn't about the quality of them as a pairing, it's about telling a story, and i just don't think that was the story wwdits needed to tell in order to have a good conclusion.
tldr i think season six had a lot of sloppy moments and there are a lot of things about the season as a whole that i found disappointing, however nandermo not going canon wasn't one of them
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skyeslittlecorner · 10 months ago
Can I request a Raphael x angel MC please 🥺
The Gabriel x Michelle and Lucifer x Michael were so good 😭😭
I'm stuck with you and your scenarios now 😠
You're welcome, dear~! I see my total eclipse of the brain bring some good after all. I hope I will be able to fulfill this request. Rafael is on the verge of being a character I dare write for, but let's try.
It was all your fault, that you make Raphael feel so special, then forget about it, and after all, you died. Lowly, pathetic human being. How dare you? Do you think he will forgive you for this? Tsk. Not only stupid, but naive, too. You are lucky that you chose to be reincarnated in heaven. Maybe there's still a chance for your pitiful soul.
And *maybe* you will repent if stop teasing him and start to suck.
Even though you were below him, licking his piercing and letting him tug at your hair, you knew who was boss. Poor, unaware angel. Blessing? Being the chosen one? Good joke. Only few strokes and his tip was already covered with whitish ooze. You raised an eyebrow and snickered.
“And who is the pathetic one?” 
He grabbed your hair harder. 
“Shut... up. Do your work.”
“Truly pathetic…” Your tongue stroked his trembling manhood. “Swayed so easily.”
As you opened your lips once more, he thrusted deep inside your mouth. Smiled vindictively as you chocked. He wanted you to lose your breath, to finally be quiet, and obediently end the act of his ascension. As cruelly, as holy. New madness hitted his insides as you murmured with a trickle of saliva ran down your chin.
“Better…” Those full cheeks, clenched throat and murderous intent in your eyes make you both dirty and perfect. Perfect to be used. Clouded with pleasure, he thought that he found his new favorite toy.
All Raphael stans! Let me redirect you to @livelaughlovesubs and her wonderful fics - here you got first and second part. I assume you've already seen it, if not, check it out~ She can write and catch his personality way better than me
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archipithecus · 3 days ago
hey, by now i've listened to all of the main feed, so here's the good What Ifs from Spring, Partizan, and Palisade (including Roads)
ART: What if the rock was shaped like a fish?
AUSTIN: ... what if Kermit could also make... his own choices.
AUSTIN: ...what if fire was made out of plastic or metal?
Art: Like a bouillon base, but what if there was no France.
Austin: What if you could get a croissant from like a twenty-five cent, like gacha machine?
Keith: Um, what if I made an animal out of mushroom?
JANINE: What if he fused with the flower fox? That’d be cool as hell.
Keith: Yeah. I mean, I definitely have thought of ‘what if I made a animal that kil- that just ate all the bad stuff.’ That definitely has crossed my mind.
Janine: What if we did a season of buff horse men and squatting frog people?
Janine: What if it’s like, a string of pearls that’s untied on one end?
Austin: What if in the core of the earth, someone was like, seeding the world? What if Johnny Appleseed was at the center of the earth with a hammer?
AUSTIN (overlapping): What if Family Feud but Jeopardy?
Austin: What if it Ric Flair had on platemail?
Austin: it’s built out of some material that almost looks like, ‘What if porcelain was metal?’
Jack: It’s like, ‘what if a branch crossed the Grand Canyon?’
Art: What if we had some sort of giant like, sap situation?
Dre: What if he’s Paul Bunyan?
ART: Yeah, business rain? Uhuh. [Austin laughs] [Art laughs] As we call it. Um, what if- what if that were made of pollen? And I think what that like, sort of, feels like, is- it’s like frozen orange juice? You know how like, you freeze orange juice-
JANINE: What if it’s just like a very smooth deer face but it’s just like skin?
ART: You know like a mood ring? [Agreement from Dre, understanding from Janine] Like, what if that was a hat?
Austin: Well, it should look like a mech first, right? So, maybe draw like a — I guess, again, is it a humanoid mech? Is it a — like a hypercat? Is it a four-legged giant mech? Like what if it’s a four-legged quad-leg mech, but the top of the mech is above the house? Do you know what I mean? Like, the four legs are the four columns are the four columns at the edges.
Art: Um, what if Memphis Longhand, in the style of Ricky Henderson, exclusively referred to himself in the third person?
SYLVIA: Like, like what if lasers were coming out of— like, what if there was a flamethrower but lasers? Like, four of those basically got Integrity.
AUSTIN: Yeah. What if you stretched a hexagon wide? What’s a wide hexagon called?
Austin: What if my gun had eyes or whatever?
Sylvia: Yeah! What if you could like be a dropout from your fucking supersoldier fascist regime?
Art: Yeah. They’re like… At one point they were very powerful, militarily. I said it’s like, “what if the archbishop of this monastic order was Genghis Khan?”
AUSTIN: Okay. Like a giant- Like what if a mech threw a flashbang. [Ali laughs] Okay.
AUSTIN: I love how much your mech is like what if Heat Signature was a game about mech theft.
Austin: Right, you are an empath, you have empathic abilities, and so this was like, what if the Library of Alexandria was alive, and then you were there when it burned.
Janine: What if a radio tower could climb a mountain? And talk to a telepath?
Janine: What if we just like...what’s that thing called when you have a skateboard and you grab the back of a truck and you risk dying?
Austin: Skitching? What if you skitch the train?
Janine: What if we just skitch the train in our mech? [chuckles]
AUSTIN: I got it, I got it, boom. So imagine this spider- six eyes, kind of like a- this is the one, there's one that I think is grosser and it's not that one- yeah it's not that one that I think is grosser. It's this much- very friendly looking, big mandibles, six eyes that almost look like two arrows pointed inwards in like a… what is that actual character on your keyboard called? You know what I'm talking about, the greater and lesser signs, but made of three dots? And Gur Sevraq is like that, but what if that was an EXO from Destiny.
AUSTIN: ...what if you could buy just the hood of a hoodie and put that on.
KEITH: And, like, The Hobbit is a book. And then Lord of the Rings is like, what if I wrote— and everything else he ever wrote was like, “What if I did Wookieepedia, but for my— that one book that I did that was good?” [Austin laughs]
AUSTIN: What if Michelle Rodriguez was a fancy, black waistcoat wearing, ribbon tie, butler with hair slicked back?
AUSTIN: It's like, what if you knew Bruce Wayne dressed up as a something and beat people up and you knew that he had like a batcave or he had like a cave where he kept a bunch of gadgets and shit. (Ali laughs) But you didn't give a fuck about like Batman. Right?
AUSTIN: ... what if the newsies from Newsies remained radicalized instead of taking whatever fucking compromise Hearst offered them.
AUSTIN: So, in this moment, in this like, all consuming white of your mind that fluctuates, it's as if, it's as if it's both um, nothingness, it's as if it's the white room of the Matrix, right? But what if white, what if, what if, y'know, brightness could have texture, could be fluctuating, not in color or intensity, but like a curtain in your mind.
AUSTIN: What if it's a sewing machine as big as like, a seven floor building, or an eight floor— you know what I mean?
ALI: Everyone is obsessed with that idea of like -- I talked about this in the bird Live at the Table where it was like, hot plates that you cook meat on. What if you did that but it was, like, a cake pan, and you put steak in the middle of it --
JANINE: I’m just saying, what if you put a steak and some potatoes in a feedbag, and then put it on a pizza? (...) what if instead of doing big deep dish steaks, they do, like, deep dish steak pies now.
JACK: Yeah, it’s like basically, “what if a corridor was a long weird room connected to a smaller, rectangular room.”
AUSTIN: It's like, what if the character from Journey was like a dope, sharp, sharpened cloth Divine.
Keith: And I’m thinking about the synovial fluid, which I know that I’ve used before, but what if we replaced it with goo and I would just— leaked goo!
AUSTIN: So mood- what if like the trim on this instead of being gold, is like the mood shit? So it changes based on how excited Leap is? What else? God. I love it- I’m in love with pirate Leap.
AUSTIN: Um, so they're kind of like… What if Scorpion was a cool knight mech [chuckling] and also had a sword under his left arm, right?
ART: Yeah, well, let’s just get a— We can— What if you were a big cloak?
DRE: Okay. What if in addition to the back of the drill, it's just a U-Haul truck. [pausing] [laughing]
AUSTIN: … it is very easy to imagine everything is happening at Hitman level. But what if Hitman— What if Agent 47 was 12 feet tall? How would that change… [Dre laughing] [chuckling] How would it… How would it be hard to hide him… sometimes?
Janine: What if -- what if it’s just Splatoon now. This is just Splatoon. With a truck.
JACK: So I thought to myself, “What if Dave Batista was a massive birdman who takes down mechs on foot.”
AUSTIN: And the Branched were like, Yo does the principality have God on its side, we should find out we should genuinely find out, because what if there is, what if there is a God and that God is against us?
AUSTIN: But what if someone wants to be a sun? And you’ve activated their normal mode and now they’re the sun? And that actually is not as good for you.
Jack: The big inspiration for Kalar is, like, what if Dave Bautista at the beginning of Blade Runner was a bird person. Just a huge—
AUSTIN: ...it's like a long, um, rectangular, main holem thin, almost like a ruler. And then what if a ruler had a bunch of, um, like, uh, s- not like- disks basically attached to it on the left and the right? gigantic huge.
AUSTIN: What if you, and only you, switch the “g” to a “j”?
JACK: Well, we know what it looks like when Hidetaka Miyazaki and his team make mechs, that’s Armored Core. But this is like what if him and his team made mechs while they were making Bloodborne or Dark Souls, right?
AUSTIN: “what if an executioner was a giant robot,”
Art: I mean, what if, what if the thing is just worse? We can just, what if we just keep dialing up the knob that says religious fanaticism, until...
AUSTIN: This for me is like: “What if Ocean's Eleven had mechs?”
AUSTIN: What if the way it works is that it has to go to the center of the galaxy to take a picture of the galaxy?
AUSTIN: It's a… I’m looking at my shock mount for my microphone, currently. What if that was as big as… a country…
AUSTIN: It's like what if you took all of the lines of a triangle or a pyramid, and kept drawing them for, like, [chuckling] twice as long as the pyramid is.
AUSTIN: What if there was a steel rubber? You know? Rubberized metal. [overlapping] And…
AUSTIN: [overlapping, half-chucklin] It is pretty cool! Don’t get me wrong! But it’s like what if a particular thing happened and then the way it got remembered was just like the moment in Bad Boys where [half-chuckling] Martin Lawrence and Will Smith their big guns up in the air…?
Art: Yeah, like, what if those little broom things in front of a street sweeper were little hover things?
AUSTIN: ... what if you built cyborgs out of statuary, you know?
Austin: But what if it was filled with really beautiful liquid?
Janine: I mean, listen, when Austin first pitched the idea of like, glass aristocrats, my first thought was like, what if a powdered wig was made of solid glass, and so everyone was just walking around shaved bald, wearing these glass lumps on their head? But we've gone in a direction —
Art: I do, I feel like, I feel like there's a little bit of — okay, this wouldn't work, but come with me on a little journey. What if you could like, attach a plow to the back of a motorcycle?
KEITH: Oh, but what if I did something really cool?
AUSTIN: I think the Fudgie the Whale does like a little frown face. It's like a, it's like what if Fudgie — y'all know who Fudgie the Whale is, right?
AUSTIN: We've got sort of, what if someone gave Scyther four legs, and a radar unit.
Jack: Um, but this is the Brink's answer to like "what if we had Siri, who knew everything and answered all our questions?"
KEITH: “what if we made fashion that could kill you?”
AUSTIN: I’m making it… I’m— “What if fashion could kill?”
Austin: Our ship, the ship we’re on, shakes and creaks as if it's like…it's like turbulence, but what if instead of feeling like turbulence, it feels like you've gone from being like a plane in the sky to like a submarine.
Austin: ... what if Kurt Angle became Jon Moxley, right? What if Kurt Angle went to the Olympics, and then when he got to the WWE, was like, “That's, I'm — because I didn't win in the Olympics, fuck pro wrestling — or, fuck professional, fuck Olympic wrestling.”
Jack: God, yeah, what if we do space LA
Austin: Yeah. What if an English garden had a French garden inside of it? [chuckling]
Austin: ... in my mind, March is like, what if a Motorola Razr was a Columnar, right? Uh, a slick flip phone of a guy, you know?
Austin: Uh, and I haven't fully placed Guilford, but I think she's like, what if — she's like, what if one of those old telephones from the 1920s was a Columnar. You know, right, the handset —
Keith: But what if the person that dumps you is Jamie Foxx? Or that you were dumping was Jamie Foxx.
Austin: It's like, what if the largest, lowest canyon you've ever seen has been taken over by a mall, or a high-scale hotel, or a kind of extremely arrogant, you know, architectural project, like the sort of like... hey, what if we built a city that goes across our entire country? Maybe that's a real thing that's happening somewhere in the world right now, who could say?
Austin: And opposite your hill, on the other side of the village, on a different hill, there is a group of 4 Bilateral mechs, the ones that you felt, coming down that hill towards the village, while fighting what I can only describe as... what if a knife was a dragon?
Keith: Sorry, what if a — if a knife was a dragon?
Austin: Yeah, what if a knife were a dragon? What if there was a knife
Austin: Well, you know, it could also be, what if a dragon was a bunch of knives, right?
Austin: ...a Gueridon is literally like, what if a side table was a siege tower?
Austin: It’s like a Brian Eno UI sound. You know what I mean? It’s like a Windows 95—it’s not like the bump! It’s like, what if you could make a nice sound—I know that Brian Eno literally made that sound, but what if you could make an error sound that’s a little calmer than that? That’s a little like, ‘an error is happening right now.’ You know? And I think it says, ‘Memory limit reached.’
Austin: Like, what if Canada was a volcano, you know?
Jack: What if the top of earth, that is to say, the ice that's up there, could be popped off —
Austin: Wobbly person, uh, my, my note here to Annie for the art: what if a mummy could be a mech, shawled and wrapped and deteriorating?
Austin: Uh, to which, Jack, you said — I don't know if you have this open, you said, “oh my god, lol. What if a city was a city?”
Austin: Yeah, yeah, yeah. But a, but a, yeah, gotcha. What if 7-Eleven made a chalice?
Art: What if 7-Eleven made a chalice.
AUSTIN: ... what if Nostradamus was basing all of his prophecies and predictions on the Divine Past/Crystal Palace’s last big, you know, transmission, basically?
DRE: Sure. It’s ‘what if god was one of us?’
AUSTIN: What if god was one of us and looked kind of tired, you know?
AUSTIN: So it’s like, you know, what if My Bloody Valentine was doing string quart—like, the op—you know how like, string quartet albums exist, and are miserable, and are just like, ‘what if a string quartet played this Radiohead song?’ This is the opposite, which is like, what if My Bloody Valentine was playing classical music, but like, had all the most fucked up pedals you’ve ever heard in your life?
AUSTIN: What if an idea could be undead and then you put it in a coffin and then you shipped it across the world to another person who’s undead, the Witch in Glass? I guess the Witch in Glass isn’t technically undead, but she kind of is. Perennial did just bring her back, right?
AUSTIN: They could be ‘what if Eugene Levy is a Columnar?’
AUSTIN: I think—but what if it has the ridge of a Triceratops?
AUSTIN: What if it’s a Triceratops minotaur? it’s important that it has three horns for lore reasons.
ART: Yeah, this is really ‘what if Wes Anderson made Ocean’s Eleven’? And—
JACK: Also, what if there were Tricerataurs?
Austin: What if a flower were a speedboat, you know?
Austin: “what if a Triceratops was a minotaur”.
Austin: What if Phrygian was a rise and grind TikToker? TM.
Austin: You hear the laughter of…it sounds like what if there was a— what if you made a machine— oh, what if you made— you know when they do, like, hard drive music? You know what I'm talking about?
Austin: What if you did that and then made it do, like, the sound of a fox laughing?
Austin: ... what if you took a more medieval approach to, like, British foxhunting gear?
Austin: You know, what if a soldier was a robot is truly the vibe.
Art: What if something creepier?
Austin: Uh. Some questions. Go ahead, walk me through the tags. This is like, in Metal Gear Solid, what if Snake only had to get one key card?
Austin: They are…what if you— imagine an animal, but instead of muscle, you had something that looked like the enamel of teeth.
Austin: Uh, what I said before was: they’re like what if muscle was made of tooth enamel.
Austin: These are the ones who look like tortured saints. They are posed— these are the ones that look like what if St. Sebastian was a mech.
Austin: ... what if America lost all of its nuclear weapons overnight? You know, I mean it doesn’t exactly work the same— maybe all their nuclear submarines or something, you know?
Jack: Right, right. Eugene Levy, but what if he was an elevator…
Austin: That’s the what if dragon—a dragon was made of blades? Do you remember that? What if a dragon was made of knives?
Austin: The first one is “what if a mummy could be a mech, shawled and wrapped and deteriorating?” And the second one is “a slowly moving statue whose features are always fluctuating under a stone shroud.”
Art: Like, what if a hundred Needlers were fired at once?
Austin: Uh huh. What if, when you went through puberty, instead of your voice regular cracking, it went, like, muppet mode? [Ali and Keith laugh]
Austin: There’s a real lost dog quality, except what if the dog could grow until it’s the size of the ship.
Austin: Yeah. “Kurosawa did it right. But what if instead of a katana, it was a laser sword?”
Austin: Yeah. Uh huh, right, exactly. [Dre chuckles] They are— they are kind of— they look like they are robots made out of like, what if you made a kind of medieval knight’s armour— specifically kind of like a bulbous knight you know vibes, but the armour instead of being made from metal, was made from like really hard tooth enamel. That’s what these guys are like.
Keith: It is a later one, yeah. It’s like, what if Waking Life was an X-Files episode?
Art: [cross] Like, what if—what if Steve Urkel was scoring 80 points in an NBA game?
Art: Yeah, like what if…what if the coke vending machine looked like it would kill you?
Art: Oh. Okay, what if it’s the opposite? What if it looked like it was going to kill you but didn't? [Austin laughs]
Austin: Are there any other—I guess it’s like, what if the CIA was hosting the NBA All-Star game that day and also LeBron James was there in a mech?
Keith: What if the Superbowl was done, like, at Raytheon, but only for Raytheon executives?
Austin: Yeah. I don’t—yeah, ah, mm… No, I don’t think that there is that style of worker here. I think—but, you know, there might be a big—a tall Roomba. “What if a Roomba were tall” is what you actually get here.
Janine: What if instead of the cat face it’s the barrel of a shot gun.
Ali: My immediate thought was what if it was the Yoshi sounds to the lizard videos, but it sounded creepy, so that’s the best that I can explain it.
Austin: So it is—it’s not even just like the Bridge to Terabithia, it’s like what if you—what if Canada was Olympus, you know?
Sylvi: Yeah, what if Canada was sucked into the firmament? Like…
Jack: Hey, what if the sun was evil?
Jack: Sorry, Austin. What if the sun was evil?
Dre: [overlapping] It's like: “What if… What if you just cut the shirt part out of a cover-up?”
Keith: It might be the opposite. It might even be, like, disturbing to—I mean, to go from, like, to go from having your sort of Divine origins be abstract to being, like, confronted with [Austin: Right] you know, the, like… being a sliver of something else, being like Adam’s rib, is such a weird—like, what if you had to live your whole life as a rib?
Art: And I want everyone to hear the apprehension in my voice as I say this. But what if everything’s just like, spookier?
Art: Yeah, what if the vibes were just a little worse?
Austin: Yeah, this is a little “what if a dragon was entirely teeth,” you know? Was made of teeth.
Jack: There’s a real sort of, like, what if Ethan Hawke—no. Ethan Hunt—no. Which one is Tom Cruise?
Art: You know, like, what if a ferret was the size of a greyhound bus?
Austin: [laughing] What if we kissed at Point Banana?
Jack: Yeah, what if the spacing Guild was the actual ships? Which they kind of are, but you know what I mean.
Dre: If anything, I see this group as like, what if Robin Hood and the Merry Men also did like guerrilla warfare?
Austin: What if everybody was a DoorDasher? What if everybody was on Taskrabbit?
Janine: What if it’s a gun that shoots good and fast and right?
Keith: Oh, god. It’s like, what if the wild west took place in post-apocalyptic Middle Earth?
Austin: ... before you DM'ed someone, what if Windows was like, “Are you sure about this? Are you sure you want to try?” [Ali chuckles]
Keith: It’s like what if a pinecone was from Spongebob.
Friends at the Table is a podcast focused on critical worldbuilding, smart characterization, fun interaction between good friends, and asking "what if X was Y? what if W could do Z?"
anyways here's a non-comprehensive selection of some times FatT asked good hypotheticals
(spoilers for Autumn in Heiron, Marielda, Winter in Heiron, COUNTER/Weight, Twilight Mirage, Sangfielle, and some Bluff City i think) (i know Spring, Partizan, and Palisade must also have good "what if X was Y?" but i'm still catching up) (this got way long so i'm putting it behind a readmore) (shoutout to Search at the Table at https://curiosity.cat-girl.gay/ for letting me do this) (also to Transcripts at the Table for writing this all down in the first place)
KEITH: What if I was a snow...hawk… ART: What if you're like, a Dr. Seuss animal? KEITH: Yeah! What if I was a star-bellied sneetch?
KEITH: (laughing) What if the bird was a can opener!
AUSTIN (as Zaktrak): It's like, what if a, what if a factory or train or a windmill could read a book?
AUSTIN (CONT.): And then he, he looks up, he actually has like a very… his build is kind of like, angular and… not thin in terms of like, weak? But he has a sort of… androgynous character about him, in terms of his like, what you would think of as like his body structure. And… very beautiful blue eyes. He’s sort of like, what if David Bowie was super black.
AUSTIN: And that's kind of like, the picture you get of her, is like, What if Fero was like, 30% less hyperactive? Still way more hyperactive than everybody else in-- the world? (laughter) but like, just a little more in tune, with the world.
AUSTIN: What if fire was matte?
ART: What if a—what if a 90s after school special needed some graffiti
AUSTIN: Yeah. He asks you, um... watching what unfolds, and there's, there's, it's--and this is the fuckin' nerdiest thing I'm ever gonna say; it's like what if A-ha's Take On Me was an AMV? Was an anime music video?
AUSTIN: Ali’s character, how did she describe her character, “what if Han Solo used to be Beyonce?”
AUSTIN: It’s like, what if the American government was just another American company?
AUSTIN: It’s like what if holograms did gifs, basically?
ART: You how like Han Solo’s always talking to the Millenium Falcon, but what if the Millenium Falcon-- AUSTIN: Could talk back? ART: Had a chance of, yeah, of deciding he was angry.
SYLVIA: For example. Like just p - yeah, what if they have psychic assassins there. Oh! What if this planet’s an alien? What if this planet is a psychic assassin? Which is a great sentence I just said.
AUSTIN: Yeah, I should note that this is also like "What if the Super Bowl was attended by high fashion models?", right?
AUSTIN: We don’t get a lot of elderly non-binary people. And so Saint Auger is like, what if someone you knew from Portland was 82?
AUSTIN: It’s almost like, what if a crown could be a dunce cap?
AUSTIN: It's like- what if there was a really enterprising twelve year old, who like, [laughs] made a physiology- uh, person- a physiology like, model, but with dirt and rocks and sticks. Also there's no face, the face is also just one of this solid black rock plates.
AUSTIN: And again, there’s just light streaming in through—I think this room is mostly, like, does not have a huge window, but it does have little eyelet windows at the top of the, towards the ceiling, that run horizontally along the room, and just like, bright—it’s almost like, what if colour could be shadow? Do you know what I mean? Like, what if instead of it being that a shadow crosses your face, it is this prismatic glow that moves across the group of you as this thing crawls around this space station.
AUSTIN: It’s like white and blue, there are stars, it- you know, I think that the- it’s, it looks like the way you might imagine like, what if the UN had spaceships?
AUSTIN: What if you mixed your- your selfhood, with the notion of wings. Or the notion of flight. Not just flying. That’s where we’re going.
AUSTIN: This giant battleship that’s like ‘what if a millipede instead of legs had guns and what if it was all around it’?
AUSTIN: This thing is like the size of like a major city. This thing is like, what if Manhattan was a battleship. And instead of buildings it had guns. Except now they’re made of weird black glass.
AUSTIN: The first time he showed up I described him as what if Canderous Ordo decided to have a robot body one day? And slowly began to replace it.
AUSTIN: There’s a little— Yes, it’s like what if a cow— what if Christian Slater was playing a cowboy from New Jersey, and also was Canderous Ordo. And also he eats through his hands.
AUSTIN: There is just this like… I think it’s just metal unfolding across space. Like, at some point Volition just kind of spat out a, a, almost, it looks like a cloud of ink but instead of ink, it’s metal. And it’s just unfolding indefinitely in space like a huge— like what if Akira, what if at the end of Akira when Tetsuo turns into a weird flesh monster? It was that but various types of metal, just like bubbling all over the place throughout space, and I don’t know how you deal with that! But suddenly in the middle of the Mirage there is just this, this ink splatter, this, this gaseous, you know, spread of metal.
AUSTIN: And it’s like — again, it’s like a pistol — it’s like what if a pistol was also like a curved sword, like almost like a scimitar or something?
JANINE: What if we do a live show, but the only live show we ever do is at Bakucon?
ART: Um, let me tell you, this is a nice coat, you guys. Um, I think it’s sort of like what if… What if a leather duster jacket was like an ephemeral idea.
AUSTIN: It’s like … I think the way I described it was, what if there was a Companion Cube that could have its corners pulled apart and in the middle is a weird glowing sphere?
AUSTIN: He has this dope, like, “What if the Millenium Falcon was a deep V?” Instead of just that little bit at the top, it goes really deep down. Or like, “What if Pacman was really long?” You know what I mean?
AUSTIN: Okay. You find him like, rolled under the bottom of his, uhh, or like on a, it’s not rolled under, he’s on like a little, like cart that has a pneumatic lift, or it’s like, it’s like a, it’s like a robot that walks around. It has like- it’s like a Boston Dynamics- like what if a Boston Dynamics, like four-legged robot was also a thing you laid on top of? Like one of those carts that goes underneath a car, to repair it. You know what I’m talking about?
AUSTIN (as Morning’s Observation): [exhales thoughtfully] Like what if milk was a solid.
AUSTIN: But it still has that ribbony-quality? [chuckles] It still has the sound of fabric rubbing on fabric? But is definitely amplified a great deal, probably? And also, we know it’s sharp, so there’s probably some… sharpness to it? You know… there’s probably, like… what if a ribbon could be a sword you pull out of a sheath?
AUSTIN: And also, Saint Sommer is a big lion man. Saint Sommer is, like… Skein. And is a big… a big… like, a big lion man. Not like Lion-o from Thundercats. Like… what if Scar could… had a big human body? Was, like… What if Scar was cut?
KEITH: And it sort of like, snap! Like, that, it's like… when we were talking about what the sound it makes, I was picturing… what if folding a blanket sounded like sheet metal?
AUSTIN: Yeah, yeah. I don’t know I think it’s like, I think this is very much like, what if the Venom symbiote was made of thread, right?
AUSTIN: So maybe it's like a- like imagine, what if a mop could just mop by itself.
AUSTIN: I won’t talk more about that stuff, but you already saw the big picture of “what if Connecticut was a space ocean,” so, you have at least some context there.
AUSTIN: It’s huge. It’s the size of a continent, right? It’s “What if South America was a big circle?” It’s “What if Europe and Eurasia was a big circle?”, constantly cast on this planet. And, you know, from space it kind of looks—not flat necessarily, right, because it’s a curved planet, it’s a sphere, or spherical, but, you know, it’s flat.
AUSTIN: It’s like what if Texas stood up.
AUSTIN (as Morning’s Observation): “What if cars brought things to you instead of bringing you to things?”
AUSTIN: It’s just like a very bright, colorful—like, what if Steven Universe did the Sailors of the Ark? What if that team did it? It’s very good.
AUSTIN: It’s like what if it’s a can opener that does that. Like a living can opener like. Grrrngaaah! I’m going fucking open holes in things! Grrngaah!
AUSTIN: Imagine that they're almost- in my mind they're like what if a martini shaker was a piston.
AUSTIN: It's like what if you could package a sunset, y'know? Into like a cube
AUSTIN: I can't believe we started this recording by looking at pies [KEITH and DRE laugh] that make me hurt and ended with ‘what if all foods could be jelly juice?’.
AUSTIN: I saw a big buffalo picture and I was like what if that was a person, that looks cool.
ART: But what if some of these skeletons are like, sick of this shit?
AUSTIN: I think I pitched this show as like: what if Ghost in the Shell but-but magic and witches instead of cyborgs and stuff?
JACK: So, out come this nascent organization who we’re calling Shapeknights. Who are -- I think the easiest way to say it is “cowboys for trains?” They are, like -- what if instead of the cowboy riding alongside the train on his horse, he was corralling the train? Or he was trying to understand the train, or was trying to --
ALI: I think Marn, herself is a little bit more like—like what if a capybara was a siamese cat?
KEITH: Yeah. So, I wholeheartedly recommend this movie, but if not, if you don't know what I'm talking about with the goggles, at least look at that. ‘Cause it's a good image. It's sort of like, what if you had a jeweler's loupe that had a jeweler's loupe that had a jeweler's loupe?
ART: It’s like, what if the antagonist won the Mummy movie right, this is what happens-
KEITH: What if instead of one, big, beautiful hat I have two small, beautiful hats?
KEITH: Like what if they made headphones just for being cool at a party?
KEITH: What if you make pizza by opening the box? That it was an empty box until you opened it.
AUSTIN: What if insects were made of teeth?
JACK: She’s the fuckin’ person of the train. She’s like what if a train could output a person.
KEITH: What if the train was a nice train?
ART: What if a Madame Tussauds came to life?
AUSTIN: What if fire could be a ghost?
AUSTIN: Looking through this here, sounds like what you wrote here was “What if a dolphin was like a velociraptor?”
AUSTIN: They’re hitched. Yeah, they've been hitched. Three of them have been hitched. And I said horse, but I want you to imagine is what if…what if a shrimp were a horse?
JACK: You sort of just like rise up the slope. It's a bit like what if a train was an escalator.
AUSTIN: What if Beyonce was Poison Ivy?
AUSTIN: All my cards on the table, Millennium Black is like what if Blade stopped being a vampire hunter and started being a casino owner.
AUSTIN: He's sort of like what if Alex Jones wasn't terrible
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theres-whump-in-that-nebula · 3 months ago
55-75 dollars an hour for being a therapist? And all this time I’ve been giving services to adults for free since I was 10.
#I have a feeling that if I went into therapy it would be ridiculously easy for me#(maybe not the emotional side; but the creative interpersonal part)#Hell I could probably be someone’s therapist right now without going to college (not that I’m the healthiest person SJDNDJ)#but do as I say not as I do#But I am SO good at coming up with solutions and talking to people in an authoritative but non-threatening way#I can bond with anyone if you give me enough time to work my magic#and once that happens I develop superhuman levels of being attuned to them#I notice microscopic details in situations… I can just pick up people’s vibes#I’m almost what could be called an “empath” but I’m not because all I do is analyze and interpret data all day long#It’s an obsession and I like doing it#And as a result I have needlepoint precision in how I execute plans and interact with others in a work setting#but oddly enough not in day-to-day life… in day-to-day life I do whatever the hell I want#and usually whatever the hell I want constitutes staying fifty feet away from everyone#What kind of hell do I live in that I am a people person but simultaneously introverted to the point of being asocial?#I guess I like being around people if I’m paid to do it? Because it’s in a controlled setting and I know I can go home at a set time#I am prepared to interact with people at work; if I am not prepared I can do fuck all with people socially#A lady tried to talk to me about where I worked while I was in line at the bakery#She was like “Your tag… you work at [school]?”#And I was like “No I work at [other school]… Autistic students.” Then promptly moved to the back of the line#If I am there to eat; I am there to eat. I am not there to talk. No offense. My brain just isn’t calibrated for speaking at this time
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theoreticalli · 5 days ago
I put 30 tags on that dear evan hansen post. for the love of god don't click to expand the tags I'm so fucking sorry I just hate that awful fucking show so fucking much. oh fuck I've done it again in the tags here oh god
#theo.txt#I just realized more fucked up bullshit in the show while I was typing is all#and then wasted like an hour checking lyrics to make sure I wasn't misreading#no they do have zoe immediately backtrack her assertion that she won't let her brother's death change her view of their relationship (bad)#even though death and especially suicide often leads to valorization of the deceased#but all it takes is Evan's little connor pov song about all the things he (connor(evan)) noticed about her.#which are all very cute and extremely romantically coded.#and she takes this at face value! despite many of the listed traits being extremely odd things for a sibling to notice!#especially one she had a volatile to abusive relationship with!!! what the fuck!!!!#like ig you could argue. she's hoping he did secretly care and Evan's a new perspective that's not her parents#or on a meta level it's arguing that teens acting violently or abusively often lack other emotional and communicative outlets#however. the song is not good enough to be attempting either </3#textually it seems like it's trying to do the former in that at no point does zoe see through Evan's premise and responds entirely genuinely#however. booo hiss that makes no sense evan is doing a horrible job of hiding his crush#and zoe either thinking connor was noticing her sexually or just not picking up on it?? for the sake of the duet?? either is bad.#in the former that only gives her more reason to shut off from him and from evan#and the latter just makes her and the writing worse lmfao#Alternatively if we're playing that connor was actually really sweet like evan and she (or we) could and should believe he'd say this#and he didn't know how to express his feelings (even these kind soft observant ones) except through violence#targeted at the objects of those feelings nonetheless!!!!! he cared for zoe but didn't know how to show it and so he harmed her!!!!#and therefore not only should we empathize with him but she should forgive him and immediately relinquish her anger after his death#because he was just so misunderstood and he cared :( never mind her experience directly affected by his actions#shit piss fuck take on humanizing people who abuse or do other violent acts. Dylan klebold apologia ass song#I'm not even like. God I'm all for trying to understand why people engage in destructive behaviors for the purpose of preventing them!#I'm for recognizing the personhood of every human including those who do terrible things. I think we have to.#NOT LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!#god. again. everyone who talked abt this show saving teen mental health owes me money for my 2016 experiences.#also they should have to watch next to normal.
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celestialmantdonna · 12 hours ago
Groot and Drax exchanged glances as Reks and the other guard started speaking. Drax, always humble, mistakenly assumed that Arvin was an admirer of his who wanted to say hello. Groot, on the other hand, initially thought he had gotten in trouble for chasing the lizards.
The more the two men spoke, though, the more questions the two Guardians had. Looking at each other, Drax and Groot shrugged simultaneously, neither of them knowing what Reks and Arvin were talking about. Apparently, the Guardians had uncovered a plot against the King and Prince of Dalmasca.
"We have?" Drax asked with both hands resting on his belt. But when he saw the look Groot gave him, he stood taller. "Yes, we have indeed."
"Why is everyone trying to kill everyone today?" Groot asked, though only Drax would understand him. He stood on Reks' shoulder carefully. "I don't get it... Why?!"
"Exactly!" Drax said with vehemence. "Why would anyone want to kill the Prince? He is beautiful!"
"Maybe someone's jealous of the way he looks and they think he has to die," Groot suggested innocently. It seemed like a perfectly logical explanation in his young mind, but saying it aloud made it appear all the more real, and he gasped audibly. "Oh no! What are we gonna do?"
"We do not know if that is certain," Drax replied. After a brief pause, he added, "But it seems plausible."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
Mantis smiled at the maid when she complimented her, before gesturing for Elin to follow her.
"Thank you! Elin... That's a pretty name! Come sit, please." She ushered the young woman to the sofa; it would help in case Elin needed to lay down due to the delicate nature of the topic at hand.
"Elin, as you can probably tell... I am not a human, or... hume, as you say. I possess certain... abilities," she began. "There is a reason why I wanted to speak to you privately. I am an empath. I am able to read others, and I can feel sources of energy. Life. Like the life sir Azelas attempted to take from me. So in return, I made him tell us his... um, tell us his secrets."
Mantis held out a hand so Elin could take it if she needed. "If there is anything I can help you with..."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
Gamora stood still and showed a blank expression as Raminas spoke with his son, though she nodded politely and offered a small smile when Caelen thanked her and said he would assist the Guardians as they needed.
"Just remember to get us the blade for my teammate and that will be enough repayment. It will make her smile." Her tone was a little more engaging and friendly this time, betraying the smallest hint of playfulness.
Moments later, Gamora was a bit surprised when Munoh reappeared, but it gladdened her to know that they brought word from Nabradia.
Apparently, Prince Rasler and Princes Eswynn would arrive sooner than intended; a formal dinner would take place. And Caelen wanted to... invite the Guardians? Gamora's eyes widened slightly, glancing and Munoh when they agreed with their chosen mortal.
"I will find my fellow teammates and tell them we have been invited. Thank you." She offered a polite nod. "Rest assured, we will not mention the invasion. I will inform my comrades of this as well."
With that, Gamora spun and left the throne room.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
Rocket and Quill were leaving the Benatar when they spotted Gamora from afar. Quill called her name, waving his arm with a big grin on his face.
"Gamora! Here!"
The woman saw them and approached the two Guardians. Her arms crossed over her chest.
"Any luck with the ship?"
"It's gonna take me a while to fix it, that much I can tell ya," Rocket replied. "Until then, I made somethin' to... uh... y'know, help improve Mantis' abilities."
"How?" Gamora asked.
"Uh, I dunno, remember that one time when she put a livin' planet to sleep? 'Cause you saw it, I saw it, we all saw it. The girl doesn't know how powerful she is, but I do. She's said before that she can't dull her powers. That means they can only grow. This will simply... dial 'em up to eleven. She'll be able to fuck shit up."
"I see." Gamora nodded and straightened. "I thought you said you didn't care about us."
"You know me, I love a little mayhem and she's got the power. There's a lotta potential for chaos there."
"In any case..." Gamora smirked and shook her head. "We have been invited to have dinner with the royal family tonight, as well as the Prince and Princess of Nabradia."
"Huh?" Rocket narrowed his eyes.
"It's a celebration," Gamora clarified.
"A celebration," Rocket repeated numbly. And then he broke into a fit of laughter.
"What are we celebrating?" Quill asked.
"The wedding. Princess Ashelia is going to marry Prince Rasler. And I... I suspect it's an arrangement," Gamora said, remembering how anxious Ashelia seemed when she told Gamora and Mantis about the event.
"And why the fuck should we give a shit 'bout the wedding?" Rocket barked.
"Yeah, I don't get it either. Why would the King invite us?"
"The King didn't invite us. Caelen did," Gamora clarified.
"Ah, of course." Rocket rolled his eyes. "Of course Prince Charming's gonna take us under his wing, Mantis was able to get along with his invisible friend after all. Wonderful."
"Dude..." The Star-Lord's voice was a whisper. "Dinner means there will be food..."
The two stared at each other for a moment as Gamora's hands moved to rest on her hips.
"Okay, fine, we're goin', whatever," Rocket said.
"We must not mention the invasion in front of the Prince and Princess of Nabradia," Gamora explained. "King Raminas believes Prince Rasler might want to go defend his home which is... understandable. For his safety, we should refrain from bringing that up."
Another Time, Another Place (A Hollow Universe In Space) || closed with tarnishedxknight
@tarnishedxknight continued from here
The Guardians stood there, letting Captain Basch formally introduce them to King Raminas. They all then bowed respectfully except for Rocket, who only did so because Gamora pushed his head down. They trusted Basch for the most part, as he assured them no one would hurt them after telling them to leave their weapons at the ship. Quill and Gamora were the first ones to leave theirs; Drax didn't want to leave his knives, but did so after Mantis looked at him, while Rocket pulled a comical amount of retractable weapons from his pockets.
As they followed Basch, Mantis had stayed behind for a moment to approach Vossler. She felt much better after Munoh sent her some calm energy, and she smirked at the man. Suddenly, her hand was on his cheek, her antennae aglow. "Whenever you open your mouth to say something unkind, you will wail like a baby. Honestly, it might be more coherent than anything else you have said," she whispered. She patted his cheek twice as if to seal her whimsical behest, and hurried to follow the Guardians as Basch guided them through the palace of Rabanastre.
Quill straightened and cleared his throat to speak to the King. Mantis took his hand; Quill was a little confused, but he allowed it since he knew she wasn't feeling great.
"Your Majesty," he said, once again lowering his voice in an attempt to mirror Basch's formal tone and presence, hoping it would make the King like him more. "We come in peace. We thank you for your time, and we apologize for occupying one of your docks. I think I have–" He stopped talking rather suddenly, and swallowed. "Uh... I think... I have..."
What was happening was that Mantis was frantically reading his thoughts as he spoke, using her powers to interrupt him because he was going to say he had the perfect stuff to make up for it, wanting to show the King some Terran music with the Zune. While Terran music was excellent, Mantis knew not everyone would like it, nor find it an acceptable form of apology.
"I have no excuse," Quill said instead. "And I have to... shut up... now."
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years ago
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
Who’s better at comforting the other?
For any ship or selfship that you would like! :) <3
Well when left to my own devices today I'm just gonna do Mariocest because the movie has infected my brain. Thankyou very much for asking.
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4. Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
They were each other's first everything. They've always been together. I can't imagine either of them ever had another relationship. Maybe a handful of crushes, they both probably got asked out once or twice, but they're so much more important to each other than anyone else could ever be. They're each other's everything.
8. Who’s better at comforting the other?
I could see this going either way, because they know each other so well. Mario has more experience comforting Luigi, and Luigi has a better range of emotion than Mario. Does that make sense?
I'm gonna say Luigi's better at comforting Mario. Mario faces the problem head on, where as Luigi knows how to take a moment to be upset, let that feeling out, and calm back down first.
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zoekrystall · 2 years ago
Got to all the dragon tear memories and noooo whyyyy did my guess with zelda doing it had to be right. More than dragon tears were shed oh dear hylia. Idk if I am just more emotional lately or if that close up with her dragon form crying got to me. She looks absolutely radiant as a dragon but whyyyyyyyyy. Idk if I like or hate it. It is interesting but my emotions </3 Let me at least get close to her as a dragon. I will fail but I will absolutely try to speed after her now.
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olymphianblood · 5 months ago
ok guys its not funny anymore when is d&p hard lauching im starting to getting anxious /hj
#this is mostly in jest bc idk if they will and im okay with that they do what they feel comfortable and their life is none of my business#but if they plan to. can they do it faster. had a moment rewatching BIG where it got to me... wow... theyve had something REALLY special#for 15 years huh. dan is finally living his truth and a life happier than before but during this journey he had phil at a such important#point of his life. they endured so much. and probably fucked up in between bc we humans arent perfect and thats ok we make mistakes even if#they might hurt the person we love but hey. they persevered and now are thriving even more than before#and i got so emotional like... dudes... i want to tell you both thru the means where is possible for me that im so proud and so happy#for you both and you work and your journey and for experiencing pure queer joy that all queer people deserve#BUT LIKE AS MUCH AS ALL OF IT IS OBVIOUS AND SERIOUSLY DONT EVEN NEED A VERBAL CONFIRMATION ITS CLEARLY AS ITS PRESENTED#IDK I FEEL LIKE THEY HARDLAUNCHING WOULD GIVE LIKE. A SENSE OF PERMISSION FOR ME.#LIKE HEY WERE CHOOSING OURSELVES TO TELL YOU THIS INFORMATION ABOUT OUR PRIVATE LIFE#AND NOW YOURE FREE TO TALK ABOUT IT BECAUSE WE WANT TO HAVE A UPPERHAND ON THIS ON OUR PARASOCIAL RELATIONSHIP#SO ITS A BOUNDARY FOR US AND FOR YOU#AND ILL BE LIKE THANK YOU FOR THE PERMISSION. SO HAPPY FOR YOU MARRIAGE OF 15 YEARS#idk guys im weird i genuinely just like to treat celebrities like theyre just another human being i find while i go on about my day#it even took me a while to read phan rpf fics not bc i thought it was like OOOO PROBLEMATIQUE but bc i felt genuinely guilty even tho i#joined the phan bandwagon back in the day#i only let myself joke nowadays bc theyre more open and comfortable with it and such so like... i allowed myself for that and the jokes#but still. o|-< i get embarassed sometimes just bc theyve not publicaly disclosed what ARE they NOW (outside of all the soulmate metaphors)#its not a them problem tho its a me problem im too empathic for no reason#ANYWAYS SORRY FOR YAPPING ON THE TAGS CAN YOU TELL I MANAGED TO BUY MY ADHD MEDS AGAIN#j.txt
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confinesofmy · 1 year ago
my favourite thing about hannibal nbc is that will graham was already very traumatised when the show started. not yet from the gore or the abuse and gaslighting nor from the illness that nearly killed him, but from a lifetime of experience as an autistic person.
he's on-guard at all times, deeply aware that he's different from other people and that sometimes people find him so very interesting that they feel like their interest should outweigh his bodily autonomy. he meets othering from his coworkers with the grim acceptance of a man who fully understands the intricacies of how they are excluding him but also knows he can't stop them. you can see the miles of hurt in almost everything he does, every interaction he has. well, not so much with hannibal after he gets comfortable around him but that's a different post.
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practically-an-x-man · 11 months ago
my mom's diverticulitis is flaring up and it's really tough bc on the one hand I obviously empathize with her and i really don't want her to be in pain. but on the other hand she's even more difficult to be around when she's in discomfort because she literally does not stop talking about it
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temperate-rainforest · 1 year ago
I thought being an empath was where you can look at someone who has an injury and feel that injury on yourself, or be around someone whose physically sick and feel the same sickness, or something to that extent, but turns out that's just mirror-touch synesthesia and I have no idea what in the fuck you guys are actually on about
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