#this is what i deal with on a daily basis
teaboot · 2 days
Hi, teaboot, sorry. Do you have any ideas about what to do if teachers are making you uncomfortable? I have a friend who is alone at new school across the country and two teachers she sees on a daily basis (one to one, too) are calling her ‘sweetie’ and making her eat with them in the cafeteria and inviting her to hangout on the weekend. She’s already tried asking them to stop with the nickname but they’re ignoring it. And according to her these teachers (male and female) are seemingly close friends, too.
I told her to maybe try to ignore her teacher’s non-learning related texts to make her disinterest clear, but with the other stuff I’m really stumped. She doesn’t know any adult or has any friends there that she’s comfortable about confiding in.
Whoa, yo, what the fuck??
Shit bud that's a talk to the principal type deal if it's college and they're similar ages and stuff that's one thing but anything grade 12 and under and that's MAJOR stranger danger, it's possible they just think your friend is a cute fun kid or whatever but TEXTS? Invites to other locations??? Nah bud that's unprofessional at minimum, I'd speak to a counselor, screenshot any texts and emails and write down anything that happens IRL with the time and date. Stick with a buddy and keep to crowded or otherwise public spaces with plenty of people around.
If you're looking for validation though then yeah, no, that's not normal. If it's not creepy as hell then it is at minimum a wild violation of professional boundaries
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heebambilee · 3 days
I've seen what some C-engenes are saying on weverse about hoy Enha look tired and unhappy and all that stuff when they go to China, and that they spend a lot of money on them just for Enha to treat them "bad" and calling them all kind of stuff, asking for them to apologize and give them a "special" treatment like they do with i-engenes and asking for gifts and that at this point Enha should know chinese cause they're tired of speaking in another language and blablabla..I just want to say fuck you all. If you want the same "treatment" as i-engenes stop being fucking weird and let them breath, they can't even let Enha have their own fucking personal space when they arrive at the airport ¿what are they expecting? ¿For them to be happy about that? No fucking way. And i know that not all the c-engenes behave this way but i'm so tired of this.
Maybe if they stopped being weird and making them feel uncomfortable even at fanmeetings, they wouldn't have to be so cautious when going to China and maybe if they were able to treat them like HUMANS then Enha would seem "happier" but every time they land they take a bad memory from them.
I'm a latin american engene, I don't even have the chance to buy a photocard because of the unstable situation in my country and I don't have enough money to do so. They haven't even set foot in my country and I really doubt they will anytime soon. I'm not lucky enough to go to a store and see Enhypen albums for sale because they just don't make it to where I live. And I'm sure there are many more engenes in the same situation as me. Do they see me taking it out on them for that? Demanding things from them as if I have any right to do so? No. So if I were them I would be happy that, despite the bad times they're going through when they land in China, they keep coming back (not that they have other option tho, that would probably only cause more serious problems). Some of us keep watching them through a screen all the time.
Just leave them alone, they have enough to deal with on a daily basis without having to put up with this. It's not that hard to understand, it's all common sense.
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silly-skater-butch · 5 months
How the creepy guy at work looks at you after you report him to HR.
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Just a casual reminder for the BSD fandom
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themgfujoshi · 5 months
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News flash: local clown get chased and threatened romantic advances By emo and goth warlords
Said clown that night:
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cross-d-a · 4 months
Jecki Lon: Yord put the tits away
Yord Fandar: 😢😢😢
Jecki Lon: Don’t make me tell you again
Yord Fandar: *quietly and very sadly slips his cloak back on*
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kim-kitsuragi1908 · 3 months
Hey Kim what kind of stats does that bomb-ass bomber jacket give you?
I had to ask the detective what you meant by “stats” here, citizen, but he said that the… “bomb-ass bomber jacket” gives ‘+2 Composure and +1 Espirit de Corps’, whatever that means. He also laughed and mumbled something to himself about ‘-1 Perception’, but he waved me off and said it wasn’t important when I asked what he meant by that part.
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thecatspasta · 5 months
Im just going to start headcanoning that empaths hate narcissists bc they can use their epic empath powers to sense the mix of our extreme self hatred and our superiority complexes and they got so intimidated by the sheer power that is this weird emotional cocktail any bone that supports mental health became magnetically attracted to the narcissist and then flew out of their body and attached itself to us
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chaos-in-one · 4 months
Why have I now had 2 different people try to suggest that me not feeling like the 1a or 1b terms for OSDD fit me (don't feel alters are indistinct and have heavy amnesia) means I might have one of the other 3 forms of OSDD
OSDD-1 is the only one of the 4 with alters as a symptom. And the one I was diagnosed with because I have that symptom. Please look up what the criteria for OSDD 2, 3, and 4 are before suggesting things like that I beg
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for some reason im really feeling the Queer Euphoria in this chilis tonight, specifically: being so ambiguous its hilarious. there is No label to describe my orientation/gender. like yeah i use nonbinary bc technically it fits but also bc the flag Fucks. if asked, my only correct answer would be "Wildcard, Motherfucker!"
#both change on a daily basis#gender depends on vibes. weather. A Cool Art Piece I Saw On Tumblr. a dream i had the night prior. what im doing at the moment. song playin#i use & prefer they/them but really anything is free game For The Bit. i am willing to play pretend and try on different hats!#orientation depends on who im looking at in the moment. like i consistently surprise myself with who i do/dont find attractive#it also happens.... less than id expect. but when it does happen its a very strong Ohhhhhh. Ohoho Hi Heyyyy<3 moment#BUT OH ITS SO FUN TO BE UNLABELABLE#thats not a word! except yes it is!#i take the boxes people try to put me in. i make a sickass fort outta them & add blankets and pillows & paint#there is a drawbridge and a moat. and origami dragons!#its so so fun#but also very annoying on the rare occasion im asked what i am#like! fuck if i know! this is my first time being alive! its none of my business! i have bigger omelets to burn!#its like....#'are you gay' yes but also no 'are you a lesbian' yes but also no 'are you bi' yes but also no 'are you-' Yes But Also No.#again: wildcard.#absolutely unprompted#its like... oh man if i wasnt so squeamish about syringes i could make my gender Soooo Me <3#bc i want a deeper voice but i like my body how it is. mostly. its literally just my voice that i dont like#& facial hair would be nice but also do i want to deal with the hassle that is shaving. no i do not <3#still i cherish the two hairs i have on my chin. theyre so neat#i wish skirts were comfortable. i need a better eyeliner pen. i need more tank tops and a good binder. i want to confuse people#and then like... women with deep voices and men who're all dolled up and ambiguous folks who are so visibly queer-#there is so much to love everywhere and i do not care for the generally excepted/used fences people keep putting up#im ripping up their signs and kicking over the fences. Let Us Roam Free Range#shoutout to all my fellow Idk What The Fuck I Am And I Like It That Way homies. we're so funky#and you're So fucking valid. you don't need a label and you don't need a description. you are so so so awesome and rad as hell
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hellishgayliath · 7 months
Helli hellooooo
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I wish to have my daughter back by trading you... well your son.
I lost him in the first 5 minutes to find him stuck in a trash can. I had to turn on the TV to get his attention (we watched Hilda). I decided to dress him up in some overalls and a striped shirt for fun. Not long after did he find my paint- it got in his nose and he got upset, so I gave him all the snacks he wanted- I spoiled the hell outta him. Made him a paper crown for good measure
Please accept this as my apology for yoinking your son, so that I may retrieve my own from you in return.
How did yall's night go?
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Active night for you too huh? I kinda had to wrestle or rather apprehend Luci for all my opossum plushies she tried to attack cuz they reminded her too much of Pico. So I had to nab her fox plush in hopes of it distracting her long enough for me to hide them away. Then I thought it be a cute idea to show her how to make little origami paper stars, and she did pick up on it fast(she really liked the green ones)! That is until I took my eyes off her for a sec and she somehow found my super glue and started sticking em everywhere. I know she’s into sci-fi (me not so much) so I went with the most basic thing I could think of putting on to watch, which was Back to The Future. Rest of the night was a hitch.
We also picked up some starbucks along the way in the morning and I got her a lil cake pop as a treat and whatever order you like to get and of course some peanut butter bars for Pico ❤️
Thank you for returning my boy, all is forgiven, even if he is covered in paint my dumb lil son
(Don’t mind the baby harness, she kept trying to fly away and I didn’t want to lose her >_> )
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antisocialgaycat · 7 months
Someday tumblr is going to be gone, or I will, and that's ok. It's sad, yes, but at least I will have known you. At least I'll still be able to quote terrible posts with my friends, at least I'll be able to look back and remember all these people who are closer to me than anyone I knew before. This site has gotten shit, but at least we've been here together. At least I met you.
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butchdykekondraki · 9 months
do any of the headmates selfship?
reese does, but he has maybe some of the worst taste in men ive ever seen
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diverbots · 1 year
Hoping in some circumstance that if they ever do have Ramattra speak to Max, that it’ll just be Max talking about how much capitalism factors into play into just about Anything and Ramattra’s just: “Hm okay. Sounds like a skill issue to me! Anyways.”
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glambots · 8 months
That flirty sun ask WOO, I would absolutely die if sun OR Monty started flirting with me, and it makes me consider, sun and Monty both have a crush on you and it becomes a full on competition LMAO.
Sun is So Passive-Aggressive and it All flies over Monty's Head.
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