#this is the best day EVER
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swrwlf · 2 months ago
vampires will never hurt you this, vampires will never hurt you that. what about the rest of the album guys? that is not the only song 💔💔
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div1n309 · 10 months ago
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miss-ute · 10 months ago
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wedding dress?????
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httpiastri · 4 months ago
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gnawgag · 2 years ago
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this is the best day ever by mcr // lucretia by guido reni
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baldintegra · 6 months ago
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TODAY WAS THE HAPPIEST EVER DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
i got to see kranks follow me IN REAL TIME, saw MC12 IN REAL TIME and i jumped around SO MUCH. IN REAL TIME. it was so worth it to stay up to 2 am. he liked my stuff a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel so great. thank you kranks. you made my day.
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ooriginal image that was supposed to be the drawing but i lost the file
and finnally
sanmos for your soul
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canciqer · 6 months ago
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my favorite song from album, I feel a lot of things because of it
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4t432 · 10 days ago
I love my chemical romance so much I love this is the best day ever I cant stop listening to it it is the BEST mcr song EVER hehe
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imabookloverandafangirl · 3 months ago
but am I the only one who thinks that the intro of these two songs are similar?
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ghostingkai · 2 months ago
Not me crying over the Q&A section of the guidebook— the stuff below is absolutely not everything, just the parts I enjoyed the most.
-Oh my god, there is an alignment chart for a bunch of the characters showing “Popular VS Unpopular, Receives lots of valentines VS Doesn’t receive many valentines”. Iori and MIkuni are the two most popular characters (with Lily in close third) but Mikuni is slightly more popular than Iori. Iori, however, receives more valentine gifts than Mikuni (but they are both extremely popular. That’s that trust fund money at work, baby.) Touma is very popular, but doesn’t seem to get many valentines lol
Other alignment charts:
-Housework skills and frequency of chores performed (Mahiru wins at this chart obviously lol. Yumi is second place after Mahiru.) Iori is apparently awful at house work and doesn’t do it often, I’m assuming he has a cleaning person. Touma is amazing at house work, but doesn’t do it much. Tsurugi does tons of house work… but is apparently terrible at it lmao.
-Muscle capability/strength and weight. Hugh and Misono are the lightest and “softest” fighters lol, while Tsurugi is very light but incredibly muscular/strong. Ildio is the heaviest/strongest fighter. Iori is fairly “light” and not very strong, and Touma is stronger/heavier than him by a fair bit. I’ve always wondered about that, so I’m happy to have this chart.
-A chart showing “high energy when drunk” versus “falls asleep” and also alcohol tolerance level lmao. So Nico is the one who gets the most smashed when drunk, but his alcohol tolerance is very high. Touma comes in second place, with Gear and Otogiri in third/fourth. Yumi has the lowest tolerance, but gets incredibly energetic when drunk. Mikuni has high tolerance, but gets really sleepy when he’s drunk. Iori has poor alcohol tolerance levels, but he gets sleepy when he’s drunk instead of wired. And I love that for him… I love that for myself 😭
That’s all for alignment charts!
-Tanaka confirms Iori receives the most valentines gifts, but pretty much all of them are obligatory. That makes me sad ;u;
-Iori plays the violin. Which is not shocking in any way, but it’s nice to have confirmation c:
-Mikuni and Tsurugi apparently have the most horrendous handwriting skills out of everyone by a long shot lol
-Mahiru dreamed of becoming a teacher when he first entered high school ;u;
-Mahiru was 7 years old when his mom died.
-Iori was the one Tooru was talking to on the phone when he and Mahiru met Tsubaki at the sushi restaurant. He was also the one on the phone with Tooru when he was bragging about Mahiru during that one flashback. Which isn’t really relevant to anything except I love how Tooru openly discussed Mahiru with Iori and Iori was just like, ah yes… Touma’s son… I mean, Tooru’s adorable nephew.
-Tanaka confirms Misono continues to grow taller as he becomes an adult lmao
-Misono was 9 when he made his contract with Lily.
-Tanaka talks about how Mikado loves Mikuni, but it doesn’t always seem that way because he was also afraid of how smart Mikuni is
-Mikado knew Mikuni had gone to C3 after running away, and specifically asked them to protect him. Mikuni was in C3 for about three years.
-Tsurugi was affected by “My Fair Lady” because even though he had only killed vampires up to that point, he carried the guilt of having killed someone. Mikuni looked shocked when Tsurugi began to choke because he didn’t think Tsurugi had actually killed anyone until then.
-Mikuni left C3 just before he turned 20, and opened his shop a year later.
-Mikuni and Tsurugi specifically don’t like being addressed by their family names, because… well, you can imagine lol. So they prefer to be called by their first names.
-Mikuni opened a shop because he wanted a place to store all of the magic items he had collected over his travels. He also wanted to put up a false smile in front of C3 to put them at ease about what he was getting up to.
-Mikuni was seven when he proposed to Hokaze 😭
-Mikuni loved Misono a lot and would stop to play with him whenever he wanted 😭 😭 STOP
-Oh my god, Mikuni would force Jeje to perform difficult jobs in order for them to get enough money to travel abroad, where they would then sell magic items to other magicians around the world. He’s such a prick, I love him so much.
-Apparently, Johan showed up one day in Mikuni’s shop and just started doing whatever he wanted and that’s how they met. Lmaooo.
-Jeje receives blood from Mikuni sometimes, but only after Mikuni himself has put it into a container.
-Tetsu’s other sister is a shogi player and her name is Kaoru (Oh, sure, SHE gets a name 😤 )
-Apparently Licht introduced Lawless to his parents as “the demon I purified” and his parents are just happy he’s found a friend ;u;
-Freya feels she gets along best with Lawless. Lawless apparently disagrees.
-Tanaka gives a scale of “mental degradation due to magic abuse” stages.
Stage 1: You can hear people but can’t make out what they’re saying.
Stage 2: You start to hallucinate faceless people.
Stage 3: More hallucinations and memory confusion.
Stage 4: Retirement
She also notes that during stages 1-3, a magician can recover over time if they don’t use their magic. I’m assuming stage 4 this isn’t possible, and I’m pretty sure that’s what stage Iori is at now, since he even mentions retiring in the final chapter. But that’s not explicitly stated.
-Tsurugi’s mom hid the fact she had a child. She left Tsurugi behind after she found another man and ran off with him.
-MIKUNI, APPARENTLY, DOES NOT PROTEST THE SIGHT OF TSURUGI. He is fine with how Tsurugi looks. It’s only when Tsurugi is speaking that Mikuni wants to fling himself into the dark void.
-Someone asked how Akira and Touma got close, but Tanaka only says to leave it up to everyone’s imagination
-Confirmation that Touma had feelings for Akira, and wasn’t the kind of person who would date someone for the sole purpose of hurting someone else (like Tooru.)
-Touma’s scarf is a magic item that makes his invisibility magic stronger apparently
-Touma was angry that Iori saved his life and he owed a debt to someone he deemed the worst type of person. But while he was crashing at Iori’s apartment, he was free to use anything he wanted apparently. Don’t know if that’s info I needed, but I’m happy to have it now.
-When Gear and Touma were staring at each other in that one popularity poll page, Touma was apparently thinking “So this is the werewolf Tsurugi is related to…” While Gear is thinking, “So this is Tsurugi’s brother… that makes him my grandson, too.” PLEASE. GEAR, TRY CALLING TOUMA YOUR GRANDSON. I would die to see that played out lmao.
-Confirmation that when Touma said, “I’ll drag him down!” In that one flashback, he WAS talking about Iori. I knew he was, but it’s nice to have the cold hard proof lol.
-Touma took on Tsurugi’s debts, and Tsurugi pays him back.
-Touma became the vice president at 33. At 33?!?! Holy frick I didn’t realize his promotion from the combat team happened so recently compared to the series timeline. That’s wild. Iori took fifteen years to convince his mother Touma was right for the position (/jk on that last sentence)
-Yumi quit the archery team in high school because he felt he was following the path forced on him by his parents and older brother.
-Miyako and Kei met during a flight. Miyako was really worn down, and Kei’s kindness touched her heart and she quickly fell in love, so from that moment on, she pursued Kei with a lot of passion. I can’t believe we actually got an answer to that question 😭
-Miyako knew about Iori’s real plan the entire time. Which was pretty obvious, but confirmation is still nice.
-All of the Tsukimitsu kids cross dress when they’re drunk 😭 😭 But Iori is careful not to get blackout drunk in front of other people. Bless you for this little nugget of sustainment.
-A C3 agent who moved overseas couldn’t take their hamsters with them, which was how Iori ended up with them, and he just decided to keep them.
-Iori suspected Mikuni could be working alongside Tsubaki when he met him in the control room, but he didn’t know for sure yet.
-Shirayuki met her husband through an arranged marriage and he joined her family. He left C3 early on so he could better support Shirayuki’s schedule. So that pretty much confirms he was a househusband, yes? I think so 😌 (BUT HE WASN’T GIVEN A NAME, AAAAAAAAA—)
-Mikuni didn’t go to college. Shuhei did, and Touma went to college with Iori and Tooru. I love knowing that. I am so happy to know that ;u;
-Iori met Tooru in their third year of elementary school and they became friends after Tooru spoke to him. Tooru would try to talk to Touma in middle school, but Touma ignored him. Iori used to avoid Touma because he knew about Touma’s home life, but after seeing how much Tooru wanted to be friends with him and how hostile Touma was to them, he started becoming interested in him. (Bless Iori for being brave enough to admit his crush started when Touma was the first person to tell him to fuck off.)
-The three of them became friends because Touma was already on the combat team at 15, and when they joined C3 at 17, they wanted to get on the combat team as well. So they all ended up connecting in that manner.
-Working at C3 while a student was easy thanks to flexible scheduling, so the three of them were able to work at C3 and attend university at the same time.
-Iori and Tooru would compete in cross dressing competitions in high school, just like Yumi and Tsurugi 😭 bless
-They don’t typically drink so much that they get drunk. They know the party is over once Iori starts getting sleepy ;u; because he has low tolerance… adorable.
-Tooru likes simple soy sauce ramen, Touma likes tonkotsu, and Iori likes shio ramen.
-Iori, Miyako, and Yumi are all really good at singing ;w; Thank you, that’s good to know.
-In addition to Gear and Yotarou completing odd jobs, Yotarou has an online store where he sells magic clothes and items that he makes.
-Gear rescued a woman (one of Tsurugi’s ancestors) he had become friends with by using his powers to help heal her/bring her back to life. He was afraid what people would do to her/them if they found out about it, so he ran off before the woman woke up and found out what had happened. It sounds possible she had no idea she had been given werewolf genes in order to survive.
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babyleostuff · 1 year ago
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fucking step on me or whatever
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sugurumybelovedd · 1 month ago
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ianthewife · 2 months ago
the latest red valley episode is EVERYTHING to me oh god im fucking OBSESSED with their crazy insane radiation-level toxic bonkers balls to the walls dynamic
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cl0wnzzy · 2 months ago
working on a mini comic based off of lyrics from 'this is the best day ever' uhhhh...
does anyone have tips on how to like make comics.
or does anyone have procreate brush packs that are free :0 i'm in need....
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mimefish · 4 months ago
*talking to my younger self* hey. don't cry. arcane season two and wild life release on the same day. it gets better
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faer1efire · 1 year ago
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