#this is reverse addams family to me
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thebongcloudopening · 4 days ago
got accused of being too straight in my gay relationship
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gallowdancingmuck · 21 days ago
Analyzing W(e)yler: Part One
The first thing I would like to discuss is Tyler’s role in the whole story. While we can debate on whether he is the best love interest or not (I’ll get to that) I think it can be accepted that he is a foil to Wednesday. A foil is meant to act as a contrast to the protagonist and is not always necessarily the antagonist. The difference between foil and antagonist is that the antagonist opposes whilst the foil exposes essential beliefs and characteristics of the protagonist. Something often forgotten in terms of foils is that they are extremely similar to the protagonist, but a critical factor causes a ripple effect that diverts the foil’s path from the protagonist’s path.
Lets look at how exactly Tyler and Wednesday foil each other:
Grumpy x Sunshine
Tyler showcases a positive and soft side, but hides the darker aspects of his personality (Hyde, anger, sadness, resentment). Wednesday showcases her dark side proudly but is ashamed of the softer aspects of her personality (love, affection, loyalty, sympathy). If Tyler (and people around him) were more accepting of his darkness, Hyde would not be as easily manipulated and he would probably be able to leverage more emotional control. If Wednesday accepted her softness she would also be able to exert more control with her emotions. Her “getting in her own way” comes into play because she doesn’t reach out for help and when things go wrong she makes impulsive decisions that hurt her relationships (think about how Enid and her fought because Wednesday just didn’t ask for her help in an honest way). Raw emotions are hard for Wednesday but her care for other people is always used against her and her denial makes things 10x harder for her.
Family Dynamics
Tyler’s family is broken. His mother died and his father shut down, leaving Tyler with anger, sadness, and abandonment issues. The neglect from Donovan has caused Tyler to develop severe daddy issues and a mommy complex. Tyler is chasing affection, which is why he falls into Laurel’s grasp. Wednesday’s family on the other hand is pretty functional if not a little overly expressive, however she finds their constant affection suffocating and is running away from it. She has mommy issues in the fact that she looks at her mother as competition (which I hope the reasoning behind this is explored more because it really confuses me, what led to the riff between Morticia and Wednesday?)
Outcast Status
Tyler has been forced into outcast status. As a hyde he was already predetermined to be isolated, add onto it his family dynamic, Tyler is alone and he does not know how to deal with that. He wishes he was normal as seen through the way he interacts with other characters and in Jericho. Wednesday, while seen as strange by the world, is still accepted. I think it has been seen that as long as you are a pretty girl, you can be as weird as you like (Manic Pixie Dream Girl vibes) and with the Addams family wealth and status added, Wednesday truly will always have a place. She despises this. She wants to be an outcast, but as seen in the show, her assuredness is magnetizing, so people flock to her despite her best efforts.
Tyler comes from a working class family. While he may not be struggling to get by, a sheriff and barista’s salary is not much. The Addams family has so much money it's comical. This matters because when Tyler beat up Xavier he got sent to bootcamp. Wednesday maimed the swim team and got sent to a private school. Money affects circumstance and punishment. It begs the question of what would happen if the roles were reversed and Wednesday was a hyde? Wealth affects power, and the hyde is in constant danger of power dynamics being manipulated.
Faulkner’s diary points out how the hyde is an artist by nature, this relates to how they are actors, switching personalities or parts in society. Hydes are naturally manipulative because it is an adaptation to the tumultuous personality changes. For the most part, Tyler can act through social interactions and delight people. and that is why he successfully tricked Wednesday. He is able to save himself a lot of trouble. Wednesday on the other hand is honest to a fault. Brutal and straightforward, Wednesday scares people and causes herself a lot more trouble than she needs to.
Emotional Expression
Both Tyler and Wednesday have difficulty with emotional control. Tyler lets his emotions explode while Wednesday diminishes her’s. Moving forward I think Tyler is going to be going through therapy where he learns to not suppress the hyde, but regulate it and all the emotions that fuel it. Wednesday has been put through a lot of emotional wringers (Thing almost dying, Eugene being attacked, the attraction and betrayal with Tyler, Enid being Enid) that I think she is going to soon realize she has to manage rather than ignore them. I think learning to cope with this regulation will happen as Wednesday and Tyler reconcile and learn to work together again.
Due to the nature of the hyde and how it was unlocked, Tyler has never been in control. Even before that, he had no control in his family due to neglect and secrecy. His development is about gaining a sense of control and autonomy in his life. Learning to be alone but not being forced to be. His story I think has to revolve around choice and empowerment. Wednesday is a control freak. She hates emotions due to the unpredictable nature and she can’t handle relationships because you can’t healthily control another person. She needs to relinquish control because it stands in the way of her softer qualities and often gets her in trouble.
Tyler and Wednesday are the same, but the way they approach life is different and is linked to an overall theme of Wednesday (and the Addams Family in general). The Addams Family has always been a satire about how despite the family being macabre and gloomy, they love and support each other more than the average nuclear family. Never are we expected to understand the family but more so to accept and appreciate them. If we look at Tyler’s Hyde, this character is exactly what happens when we don’t do this. The filial bond is damaged because Francoise’s hyde was never accepted and it caused this generational trauma. The hyde I think is a representation of the things that haunt people and families when they are not addressed or accepted. Wednesday is just as much about the hyde as the Addams family, so with the tragedy surrounding the Galpin family and the state of the hyde as a species, I do think that Wednesday and Tyler will reconcile (maybe not romantically) and work to resolve the stigmatization of hydes.
Plus if Wednesday wants to be odd and outcasted she would refuse to be outdone by Tyler! Not for a second time.
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prefer-to-be-vilified · 2 years ago
I know the curse that turned Pubert normal in Addams Family Values was reversed when Uncle Fester returned but in regards to Wednesday it would be so much funnier if it didn’t and the Addams just have this happy little curly haired blonde kid following them around because that would mean that both friends that Wednesday made at Nevermore remind her of one of her brothers. Eugene reminding her of Pugsley is already canon, but then next parents weekend everyone gets to see that Enid isn’t the only hyperactive blonde that Wednesday has a soft spot for when they see her playing with her little brother (she’s using him for target practice as he sprints around the quad but Puberts giggling and obvious admiration for his big sister makes the whole thing adorable anyway)
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They have the same energy you can’t convince me otherwise
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inazumaeleven-fanfiction · 5 months ago
I'm sorry for posting these 3-4 days late. I have no excuses for that. I'm reusing the same background as last year if you don't mind.
Good for fanfiction, fanart, and any other fanwork!!
Inatober 2024 Prompts
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The prompts in text form:
Food in the hospital / stranger danger...?
Lunch buddy / within the closet
Mountain / in another life...
Dystopian / favorite scary/horror-themed character
Blank / Role Reversal AU
Wonderland / favorite trio
Hauls / Hanahaki Disease
Gore / sentient avatar/keshin
Beast / Who run the world?!
Study table / Addams Family AU
Weremonsters / episode redraw/rewrite
Shield / proud soldiers
Bug/s / military experiment
Vulture / life in line
Resentment / stolen time
Despite these inflicted wounds I chased your cowering hand; you pulled me down with your weight over the cliff that spelled the end to your life and met my eyes with desperation and unsettling relief. // In that empty smile that at one time held my tomorrow, I saw my mistake... // My love... you are here no longer. // I loosened my palm; with knives in my constricting chest, hoped for the blood in your hands to take you... // And take you it did. // It was as if the skin of my bestfriend was peeled off and a smiling beast appeared in their stead. // You savagely yanked at my treasured bracelets. Given to me by my beloved whose eyes are now but a darkness with no end that taunted our precious memories. // You tugged down my arm with the force that severed all the good in you that I held onto. With the pieces of our treasure, and the imagined relief in your face; you let the abyss below swallow you.
Extracted / Poor groomed soul
Pressured / No man's treasure
Polycule / To love is to conquer
Dragons / opposite elements
Doomed yuri / villain female character
Found Family / someone's possession
Abandoned / Other sports AU
Golden hair / Doomed Siblings
Beers / bloody statue
Better half / Not even human
Robots / Friendship bracelet
Flowers / Glass heart
Graves / torn and scavenged
Sun Garden / favorite hissatsu
Bestfriends / limb from limb
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ghoclish · 4 months ago
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✧   𓂅   out   of   character   .
there's   quite   a   few   muses   i   have   that   i   would   either   like   more   threads   with   /   don't   have   threads   at   all   so   consider   this   a   reverse   starter   call   /   starter   call   !   if   you   don't   specify   a   muse   i'll   assume   you'd   like   me   to   go   through   your   opens   and   reply   to   some   there   with   a   random   muse   .   but   if   you   specify   below   you'll   get   a   starter   or   starters   from   those   muses   !   the   list   of   muses   i'd   like   things   for   /   will   be   replying   with   are   below   !
ADDAMS   ,   morticia   :   botanist   /   psychic   (   main   verse   )   .   botanist   (   modern   verse   )   .   /   the   addams   family   .
BOTERO   ,   kim   :   journalism   major   and   english   teaching   assistant   (   all   verses   )   .   /   edward   scissor   hands   .
DEETZ   ,   astrid   :   environmental   major   /   medium   (   main   verse   )   .   activist   .   supernatural   skeptic   .   (   modern   verse    )   .   /   beetlejuice   beetlejuice
DEETZ   ,   lydia   :   antique   owner   /   medium   (   main   verse   )   .   antique   owner   /   grief   counselor   (   modern   verse   )   .   /   beetlejuice   &   beetlejuice   beetlejuice
HALLIWELL   ,   piper   :   chef   or   bar   owner   /   charmed   one   ,   molecule   manipulator   (   main   verse   )   .   chef   or   bar   owner   (   modern   verse   )   .   /   charmed   (   1998   )
LEHANE   ,   faith   :   theater   usher   /   slayer   (   main   verse   )   .   burnout   (   modern   verse   )   .   /   buffy   the   vampire   slayer
OSBURNE   ,   oz   :   bartender   ,   werewolf   (   main   verse   )   .   musician   (   modern   verse   )   .   /   buffy   the   vampire   slayer
ROSENBERG   ,   willow   :   therapist   /   witch   (   main   verse   )   .   therapist   (   modern   verse   )   .   /   buffy   the   vampire   slayer
SCISSORHANDS   ,   edward   :   landscaper   (   all   verses   )   .   /   edward   scissorhands   .
UNKNOWN   ,   emily   :   ghost   of   arnos   vale   cemetery   (   main   verse   )   .   west   end   actress   (   modern   verse   )   .   /   the   corpse   bride   .
VAN   DORT   ,   Victor   :   composer   (   all   verses   )   .   /   the   corpse   bride
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ultravioletqueen · 5 months ago
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I wanted to show more Ford x Elin and let's say that @magicalbunbun Reverse Falls Ford inspired me quite a bit to draw Elin, Hector and Angie's version of Reverse Falls.
Elin in reverse falls is Ford's wife and Hector is his biological son. She is usually with Ford and his son at all times and if she is not with them she is probably at home taking care of Angie or painting some painting (a hobby that she started acquire to reduce her stress and anxiety).
Elin is a constant ball of nerves and is usually very skittish because her previous husband (Edgar) used the gun to erase memories on her as a test subject, which ended in her divorcing him after finding out about this, a few years after she met Ford and they ended up getting married.
Elin is a very loving wife and mother and devoted to her family, even if she recognizes Reverse Ford's bad actions, she turns a blind eye because of the love she has for him and that with him she feels safer than ever, he makes her happy and she makes him happy so why ruin that?
Ford definitely adores his wife and sees her as his queen, he spoils her and has her trust in everything, even leaving Will as company (thanks to this, Will is usually very close to Elin, especially if Ford is angry).
The dynamic between Ford and Elin in Reverse Falls is similar to that of Felix and Pepa (encanto) and gomez and Morticia (The Addams Family).
Hector in Reverse Falls is a shyer boy who has a friendship with Will, Hector loves his parents but recognizes that the things they do are wrong, so he usually helps Pacifica/Gideon whenever he can by giving them information.
Hector is still a mamma's boy but he is also super spoiled by Ford, seeing him as his successor and a child with a lot of potential (he probably gave him an pendant for this very reason).
Angie is still as cute as ever :)
Quise mostrar más ford x elin y digamos que el ford reverse falls de @magicalbunbun me inspiró bastante a dibujar la versión de reverse falls de elin, hector y angie.
Elin en reverse falls es la esposa de ford y hector es su hijo biológico, ella suele estar junto a ford y su hijo en todo momento y si no está con ellos probablemente esta en casa cuidando de angie o pintando algún cuadro(hobbie que empezó a adquirir para reducir su estrés y ansiedad).
Elin es una bola de nervios constante y suele ser muy asustadiza debido a que su anterior esposo(edgar) uso el arma borra recuerdos en ella como sujeto de prueba, lo que terminó en que ella se divorciara de él tras enterarse de esto, unos años después conoció a ford y terminaron casándose.
Elin es una esposa y madre muy amorosa y devota a su familia, incluso si reconoce las malas acciones de reverse ford ella hace un ojo ciego debido al amor que le tiene y que con el se siente más a salvo que nunca, el la hace feliz y ella lo hace feliz así que ¿porque arruinar eso?
Ford definitivamente adora a su esposa y la ve como su reina, la consiente y tiene su confianza para todo, llegando a incluso dejarle a will como compañía(gracias a esto will suele estar muy cerca de elin, sobretodo si ford esta enojado).
La dinámica entre ford y elin en reverse falls es similar a la de felix y pepa(encanto) y homero y morticia(los locos addams).
Hector en reverse falls es un niño más tímido que tiene una amistad con will, hector ama a sus padres pero reconoce que las cosas que hacen están mal, por lo que suele ayudar a pacífica/gideon cada que puede dándoles información.
Hector sigue siendo un niño de mamá pero también es super mimado por ford, siendo que lo ve como su sucesor y un niño con mucho potencial(probablemente le dio un pendiente por esto mismo).
Angie sigue igual de tierna que siempre :)
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years ago
thekatebridgerton 2022 Masterlist of aus
this post is going to be long, to be fair, I think I wrote out my favorite aus in 2022. it was a great year creativity wise. So lets take a look:
If Eloise had been closer to Marina her book probably would have been more like a genderbent WHWW pt 1
au If Eloise had met Phillip while he was Married to Marina pt2
Forced Marriage au Bridgerton men edition
Bridgerton couples There was only one bed trope
List of The Bridgerton as mental illnesses darker timeline au
The hoe and the monogamist trope (saint and sinner)
Crack Encanto au post pt1
Crack Encanto au post pt2
Crack Encanto au post pt3
Which Bridgerton is the most insomniac
The Bridgertons on a scale of 1 to 8 Royalty au edition
The Bridgertons as Star wars Characters pt1
Philoise almost meeting aus
Gregnelope crackship au idea
Kanthony first words soulmate au aesthetic
Bridgerton couples mafia au p1
Kate interviewing for the wife Position au
Wallflower Penelope has no suitors because…au
Violet Bridgerton time travel fix it, multicouple oneshot
Reverse TVWL What if Kate tried to go after Benedict au
Mafia au pt 2, the Kanthony drabble
Mafia au pt3 Polin edition
Bridgerton couples Star wars au pt2 the story
Philoise College professor x student au
She’s all that polin au
Colin vs the angry wallflower and the bored modiste oneshot
Masterlist of Birdgerton rom com ideas
Polin Made of Honor au (ft bluerosejuliet)
Bridgeton couples Criminal minds au
Polin Aesthetic prompt: Abduction to love
Polin Aesthetic prompt: Best friend brother + brother’s best friend
Polin Aesthetic prompt: Two person Love Triangle
Polin Aesthetic prompt: The one that got away
Polin Aesthetic prompt: Childhood marriage promise
Polin Aesthetic prompt: friends with benefits
Polin Aesthetic prompt: Fish out of water
Addams family au vignete
Polin Aesthetic prompt: Secret baby au
Polin Aesthetic prompts: Polin in Law enforcement
Sophie as Benedict’s mistress, comedy au
Polin Aesthetic prompts: Neighbours to lovers au
Bridgerton mafia au post #4
Bridgerton couples Yandere au part 1: the plot
Bridgerton reincarnated au pt1
Bridgerton Yandere au pt 2, how it may end eventually
Bridgerton yandere au pt3
Bridgerton yandere au post #3
Bridgerton Yandere au post #4, Gregory’s take
Philoise meet cute S2 au
Reincarnated au pt2 Franchesca version
Genderbent Felicity: Felix Featherington verse pt1
Ghost x Reincarnation au pt1
Kanthony as rival fashion designers au
Kanthony Medieval warlord au
Gaslight gatekeep girlboss OG post
Kanthony twisted Cinderella au
Bridgerton Couples, write on your skin soulmate au
Bridgerton couples professional Athletes au
Reincarnation au part 2
Reincarnation au pt3: the climax of the story
Bridgerton Reincarnation au pt4: the plot thickens
Ghost x Reincarnation au pt2
Genderbent Felicity: Felix Featherington verse pt2
Reincarnation au p4
Twisted Fairytale Full au pt2
Kanthony pirate-ish au
Penelope fake Dates Phillip, Polin au
Polin meet the Robinsons idea
Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss inspiration idea pt2
Bridgerton Ghost Whisper au pt1
Felix Featherington verse pt 3
Bridgerton couples Sherlock Holmes au
Reincarnation au pt5, Saphne edition
to the anon who asked which were my favorites, for the 2022 aus, its really hard to pick, I absolutely adored writing my Twisted Fairytales Bridgerton au and one of these days a will totally write a full fic about it, but also the Star Wars au and the Mafia au were so much fun!! I loved writing those. The reincarnation verse was also so good, and arghh I should have expanded on the Criminal minds au.
Long Story short, it's really hard to pick which was my favorite au to write in 2022, but the ones I listed above always make me grin like a maniac, even when I'm busy and sleep deprived.
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typingdyslexiaisathing · 6 months ago
Okay hear me out. I want someone in the fandom to do something with this idea for "Obey Me!"
An MC that gets into different types of goth fashion. Like cyberpunk one week, then Addams Family next week. All while into the good music like Evanescence and Falling In Reverse and Smash Into Pieces.
I just want to have the brothers either asking what the heck happened to their human or totally joining in. Like how Asmodeus would definitely be crushing the new looks on Devilgram. Leviathan would get in on it with the excuse of, "It's just another form of cosplay." Thirteen just adores the switch up styles to occasionally join in.
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steviestits · 11 months ago
WIP Wednesday - Fic Naming
So, this was supposed to be posted last Wednesday, but well, you guys saw the anon. Anyway, I know it's usually you give me a title and I make up a story to go with it, but I suck at thinking up cool titles, so I thought I'd do a reverse of that game. I'll describe my fics, and you guys send in a title that you think will fit it. Or you can just send words of encouragement if you're as stumped as me.
All of these are ones that have their first chapters finished or are close to being finished. I thought I'd maybe attempt to post a bunch after my birthday. I think I might be slightly less busy then? Though, i feel like I'm jinxing myself by saying that.
And before I forget, WARNING! Dark shit is listed below! Expand the post only if you're into that sort of thing!
Addams Family Values AU - Everything that happened in the Addams Family Values movie happened exactly the same way except that Debbie/Steve lives and it's set in the omegaverse. Argyle is Eddie's adoptive brother and is married to Jonathan. El and Will are Wednesday and Pugsley. The Party are a combination of Joel. While Hopper and Joyce are Lurch and Granny. Eddie is a bit worried that his relationship with his mate will go stale if Steve keeps up these passionate murder attempts, so Argyle helps him think of a way to get him to settle down, which is to get Steve pregnant.
Canon Real DnD - Basically, anything that Eddie makes happen in his campaign happens in real life. It takes place pre-s4 then moves on through s4, but instead of Vecna, Eddie is using his author stand-in as the main villain and in turn grows more powerful. He, of course, abuses this power to make Steve into a blushing virgin who wants Eddie to fuck him and at one point, Eddie proceeds to feminize Steve. I want Steve to get pregnant at some point because of the campaign, I think, but right now, it's just something that's in the planning stages of the later chapters.
Cyberpunk Bitching Drugs - This one is one of the fantasy prompts that I'm expanding on. The cyber network in it isn't science-based and instead runs on magitech (my favorite kind of tech). In this, Eddie runs a pharmaceutical company that produces drugs/potions to help with omega and alpha medical problems. Eddie tricks his intern Dustin into giving Steve something that is supposed to help with his worsening ruts but in reality bitches Steve then Eddie gets him pregnant. There's also some light brainwashing as Eddie uses subliminal messages to manipulate Steve into thinking that he needs help with his ruts in the first place. Going try to get this to go through Steve's pregnancy, so it won't be a one-shot like System Hacked was.
Dark God Cult AU - When he was a kid, Steve was kidnapped and brought up in a cult where he was to be with Eddie (the reincarnation of a dark forest god) before the cops found him and brought him back to this parents. Years later, Steve goes on a camping trip with a couple of friends near where the cult compound used to be and one by one those on the camping trip start being ritualistically murdered. While the murders are happening, Steve begins having visions of himself as a pregnant goddess who makes love with an eldritch abomination aka Eddie. Heavily inspired by the Blair Witch Project, though there are some other horror movies in the mix, too. This one will definitely have a murder husbands vibe by the end of it.
Lost Boys Mermaid AU - The movie Lost Boys, except with mermaids. Steve is brought with his parents when they go out of town for business then they promptly ignore him and go to do their work. As he's wandering around, Steve comes across a supposed metal band, Corroded Coffin, and their lead singer, Eddie, becomes particularly enthralled with Steve, so much so that he begins turning Steve into a mer and his mate. Though, it does branch off from the movie in that, unlike David, Eddie succeeds in making Steve his mermaid bride and bringing him into his murderous pod.
Mummy (1999) AU - Based on the movie The Mummy (obviously) and has Steve as a former archeologist, who tanked his career after returning scarred from the horrors he saw when he was drafted into the Great War (WWI) and now more focuses on drowning himself to forget while attempting to help boost Robin's, his adoptive sister's, career. Nicknamed "King Steve" by some of the bars he frequently visits. Eddie is a Medjai warrior, who let a French Foreign Legion soldier go, not expecting her to survive the harsh desert. Nancy defied his expectations, and now Eddie must fix his mistake before the mummy that his people have guarded for centuries is released. There's also a small soulmates au plotline buried in it between Eddie and Steve due to me working the events of the Mummy Returns into the plot.
Omega Transmigration - Loosely, and I mean LOOSELY based on the show Outlander (which I've never seen). Omega Steve gets sent back through time and space to a medieval world where magic is real and elves are rebelling against their human oppressors. After helping an Elven boy with his modern day medical techniques, due to him being an EMT, Steve is brought directly into the stronghold of the elves. The leader there, Wayne, doesn't believe that Steve's intentions were altruistic and wants to have Steve hanged as a spy regardless. Eddie steps in and claims Steve is his true mate. Steve then goes through a process that turns him into a beautiful Elven omega and directly ties his fate to that of the Elven clan's. This one probably won't be that dark and will more follow Steve's struggle to fit in with the clan along with the war with the humans itself.
Omega Rehab - Uses a Victorian Clockwork Punk setting where Steve's parents are traditionalists. After getting into a few fights with alpha and running out of etiquette schools, Steve's parents convince him to try one last place before they leave him alone for the rest of his life, which is the Munson Omega Rehabilitation Center. Steve goes, believing that it will be more of the same, but the Munson Center has a different, more "scientific" way of rehabilitating the omegas that are sent to them. Eddie, of course, personally takes charge of Steve's training to turn him into the perfect little omega, who will happily carry the pups of his alpha without complaint. This one includes Steve training with mechanical sex dolls like in HoLN.
Pet Succubus AU - Steve comes from a family of witches who used demons to power their way of life. The higher up demons finally caught onto their schemes and slaughtered most of the family. Eddie took Steve as a pet, transforming him to have a woman's body before training him by way of fucking machine to become a sex addict. Once Steve is trained, Eddie turns Steve into a succubus and shows off his pretty little pet every chance he gets, keeping the new demoness stuffed full and satisfied. There isn't a lot of plot to this one, just more of an excuse to write extended scenes of Steve being trained by a machine as Eddie watches.
Royal Hypnotism AU - Someone called me a sick fuck over the original prompt, so I decided to make this one worthy of the name-calling. Set in a futuristic magitech society, King Eddie comes across Steve's small village and falls for him. He secretly buys Steve from his family and takes him with him to the summit where he's meeting his friends and fellow kings to discuss what's going on in their kingdoms. In Gareth's kingdom, where they're meeting, there's been some small rebellions, but Gareth stopped them by kidnapping the leaders and putting them through a feminization facility/factory and hypnotizing them in order to rewrite their memories. He proposes to send Steve through with the next batch and turn him into Grant's sister. Eddie agrees, and Steve is turned into a princess.
Time Travel AU - Redoing this one slightly, but I'm going to put it on the list anyway. What's different from when I first posted the snippet is that Steve is going to be feminized due to the portal that sends him back to the 80's. One, to make it more understandable why Steve doesn't recognize himself before he goes to the past. Then two, so that Eddie can get him pregnant, because I like getting Steve pregnant. Plot is the same though, Dustin sends Steve back in time to be the big sibling he always wanted and Eddie seduces Steve so that he marries him and stays in the past as a woman to become his wife and the mother of his children. Eddie might go a little darker than simply seducing Steve, but we'll see how it goes as I get through more chapters of the story.
Upside Down Transformation - In this one, everything that happened in s4 happened, only difference is that Eddie survived and Vecna is perma dead. They all return to their normal lives when Eddie notices that he's slowly changing, getting taller and stronger. His dick is getting bigger and thicker, too. He notices, also, that Steve is changing, too, but doesn't realize that it's to a different extent. Steve is humiliated to find out that he's going through the opposite kind of transformation, becoming more feminized. He tries to isolate himself, but Eddie barges in on him and catches Steve masturbating with his new pussy. The two fuck. They're basically the equivalent of alphas and omegas because of their bat bites and are the only ones in the world. I kind of plan to make it just a porny one-shot, but then because it's set in canon, my brain wants the government to capture them and experiment on them. So, it'll probably be a series, maybe, if this one receives positive feedback once it's posted.
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runningw-thewolves · 11 months ago
List of Random Crap I Associate with Loki
Sequel to the random crap I associate with Sigyn
- Horror Movies, especially those in the slasher genre (Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream, Friday the 13th, Child’s Play, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, American Psycho, Psycho etc)
- On that note; Ice Nine Kills Songs (including “Stabbing in the Dark”, “Rainy Day”, “Enjoy Your Slay”, “IT Is The End”, “Farewell II Flesh”, “A Grave Mistake”, “The American Nightmare” etc)
- Random bursts of chaos when with friends (e.g. that one time I started a “penis war” with my mate Jaco)
- Every single time Billy says “Hello. I want to play a game.”
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- Gomez Addams (if Sigyn is Morticia, then logical conclusion is Loki is Gomez.)
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- That Scene thing of “I’m the randomest XD Rawr! Tacos!”
- Cards Against Humanity (I’ve long been considering writing a fanfic of the family playing CAH cause it’s such a funny image to me)
- Talking for 90 hours about my special interests (e.g. Sonic, Saw, Ice Nine Kills, Stray Kids)
- Those K-Pop compilations of the idols forgetting they are idols and being chaotic little shits <3
- Jumping genres in music at break neck speed
- Long story but; I have a horror movie themed oracle set and it has a card for IT called “The Trickster”. It’s basically “You are being tricked” and then when reversed “Are you really being tricked, or are you just being told that you are?” THAT. That specific card. Loki. ‘Nough said.
- Being so happy I start stimming
- Memes. Just… Memes. Do I need to say anymore?
- That fucking “Heavy is Dead” Video. Peak Loki humour.
- TV shows that are random for the sake of it (e.g. Amazing World of Gumball, Adventure Time, Regular Show)
- “Eh, fuck it.” Yes. Just that phrase. Any time you say “Fuck it”.
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kukuandkookie · 1 year ago
wip titles meme
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @crimsonrainseekingflower! 💕💕💕
Thank you for the welcome surprise—another one I finally discovered once I looked at my notifications and stuff! Fortunately this time I’m remembering to make my own post haha. 😆
I hope you don’t mind if I also divide by fandom, and these only vaguely include a couple art wips!:
Grave Matters
Cinderella III: A Twist in Time AU!?
Just a Dream (is this unfortunately a lame-ass title 😔)
Haunting You
Singles’ Day
Bingqiu White Snake (animated movie) AU
Waiting for the Tree Branches to Bloom Again
Safe from the Storm
I See in Both Your Eyes (Something Indigo)
AU: The Lion King II??
Family Meal Goes “Wrong”
TLJ’s Lament
狗哥狗哥,你真了不得 (Gou-ge, Gou-ge…)
Slavic Vampires…
CNY Dumplings Competition
Enchanted (because we’re doing this now, I guess)
Limb Regeneration What If?? 🤔
Of Costumes and Candies (Something Orange)
Something Old, Something New, and… (Something Blue)
I Ship My Rival x Me AU
I Have to be a Great Villain AU
Happiness Just Out of Reach
Lost and Found
Words to Heart
Breathing Smoke Into the Lungs
HORRIBLE NEW IDEA: Maybe title: Just Enough. Just Enough for Me
Love Letters (that’s all I got so far *insert deepfried emote here*)
Daycare AU???
Hmmm. Prince x Princess AU?
Xi Yang Yang AU
Followers Milestone Celebration
Teacup scene
I Think My Uncle Ships Us Help
I’d Like to Try Staying Awake (for You)
Breaking the System (aka Fuck the System? Literally or—jk jk lmfao)
Bonuses include the latest chapters for I’d Rather Spend My Whole Life Asleep (With You) and To Tame a Beast, except the former doesn’t have a wip title. The latter does in the sense that the chapter title is Pixiu!
Putting the Musing in Amusement Park
This Venerable One Will Not Be Outdone
What You Left Behind/Do You Also Miss Me?
[The] Romance of Wolf/Husky and Haitang
Ghost Bride (Corpse Bride but Chinese?? And Reincarnation)
Fifteen Growing Up Flirty
Out of the Closet (and Into Your Arms)?
The Prince and the Pauper (but based on The Princess and the Pauper because I’m a criminal who hasn’t read the original 😂)
Wo Jia Dashixiong Naozi You Keng but with an Erha Twist
TW WARNING FOR THIS ONE but Passive suicide ideation fic
IDK WHAT TO WRITE FOR CWN’S BDAY… GOD SOMEONE SEND HELP GFGKDFHGKSDFHG (this one has a more polished but still wip version titled CWN Birthday Fic: Past, Present, or Future, I Want to Celebrate With You 😆)
Jiaoren CWN
Priest CWN & demon MR…hehehe (now a Dianran AU?)
More Than Just Puppy Love
Flower Shop…Redemption…Thingy?
From Wanton Wants to Wonton Wonders
A Taste of What Could Have Been
First Bow to Heaven and Earth
Hidden Love AU
Mo Ran pulls a Bing-ge
Mind(-Reading) Games
Stone Lion
Swallowed Flowers
Confessions (Role-Swap AU)
TXJ Week (help we’re way past that now 😔): De-Aged Fic
A Tear in My Heart aka Read You Like an Open Book aka To Leave a Piece/Page of Me in the Nooks and Crannies of You?
Shi Mei Jiaoren Fic: [I’m] Afraid to Live Without Breathing
I also have a lot of Erha and SVSSS fic ideas that are unfortunately just blurbs in my ideas document right now and not full-on wips so they don’t have any titles I can share. 😔
First Times, Second Chances, and Third Time’s the Charm…s (?) (Link Click)
Missing a You of Another Time (Link Click)
Danmei, xianxia-esque story (Link Click)
Call of the Wolves (specifically chapter 78)
Chuju the Chou
Papillon and Akuma’s Story
Papillon and Akuma Role Reversal AU Story
Circinus and Pyxis
Smoke & Mirrors
Dimension Hoppers
Take Me Back to Hell (All Saints Street)
I’ll Love You Until All the Stars Fall from the Sky (The Legend of Luo Xiaohei?)
Fengxi like Shade in Firewing (The Legend of Luo Xiaohei)
Mafia AU Xuanli x Laojun (The Legend of Luo Xiaohei)
Continuation of Falling for You (White Cat Legend)
How Could I Ever Ask You to Love Me? (White Cat Legend)
My Shadow It Follows Me
The Us of the Present Could Perhaps Be Just as Tender as the Us of the Past (Scissor Seven)
A Conversation With a Dead Man (MDZS)
Magical Girl AU (MDZS)
Xue Yang’s Regrets (MDZS)
Ao Bing and Nezha in a shoujo high school AU… That’s it. That’s the whole idea (Nezha 2019)
Surprising the Un-Surprise-Able (I Have to be a Great Villain)
Xianxia AU (Kiss the Abyss)
Breathing New Life (Kiss the Abyss)
I Will Chase You to the Ends of Time and Space (Kiss the Abyss)
A Family Outing (Beryl and Sapphire)
Just Some Gay Little Dudes (Beryl and Sapphire)
Steven Universe AU (Beryl and Sapphire)
Something as Sweet as You (I Ship My Adversary x Me)
A Present to be Cherished (I Ship My Adversary x Me)
I Ship My Adversary x Me and 严禁造谣 Crossover? AU Swap?
Additional misc wips I haven’t touched in forever are the latest chapters for The World Doesn’t Deserve You (MDZS) and Frostbite (All Saints Street). 😅
And as a bonus, these aren’t at all “official” yet but the more I read for some manhua the more I’m tempted to write fics for them… For example, a fic for Blemishing the Contaminated or My Lovely Troublemaker season 2 would be so cute, even if I don’t exactly have any clear or obvious ideas for them. 🥺
Phew, wow. I had way more wips than I expected AKFJSKFHSJS. Some are honestly just super half-baked documents tucked away in a folder with only a title and outline, but I hope something here was of interest to you guys. 😆💖
As for tagging…
I also don’t think I’m capable of tagging as many people as I have wips otl. So I hope you guys don’t mind if I tag just a few of you!
@ezrathesplit @levia-kun @yumichanhamano @softdekus @rongzhi @azunshi
(Of course, if you would rather not, feel free not to do this!)
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diudiudiu · 2 years ago
My AO3 Fanfics
Updates can be slow with what my adhdass brain decides to place focus on but rest assured I aim to complete all my fics. I'll try to keep this post up to date with where I'm at with them.
AO3 link for all of my works: @bogteats
Currently working on:
[2025-01-24] New year, new meds! Picked up oittb again after a looong time, prob halfway-ish through ch9 - will have to see if i need to split the chap if it grows oop. Still working through health stuff.
[2024-11-01] Working on a new multi-chaptered fic that wouldn't leave my mind. Aiming to post when I'm nearly done with the whole thing. Working through health issues so may take some time.
[M] reverse the script [5/14] - Actor/Celeb AU
Or, in which, Enid is ecstatic when she manages to bag the coveted lead role for the highly-anticipated reboot TV show of The Abrams Family as dark and broody titular character, Winter Abrams. If only she didn’t butt heads so much with her on-screen roommate, but off-screen, rival-ish, co-star.
Going slow. But we will get there.
[M] sink your teeth into me (and i'll do the same) [1/7] - Vampire AU
Or, in which, Wednesday finds herself making a deal and living with a rather unconventional vampire roommate.
Bits of ch2 done. Have ideas where it will go but need to figure out rest of outline. Prolly 7-8 chapters.
[E] our immeasurable ties that bind [8/19] - ABO/Omegaverse AU
Or, in which, Enid’s new life under a hidden identity is disrupted when she’s reunited with her child’s uninformed sire.
Finally completed story outline with chapters and rest of planning. Prolly 19 chaps but who knows 🥴
[E] depravity leads to you [3/6] - Accidental Voyeurism
Or, in which, Wednesday hears a bit too much from her roommate. After that, everything descends into debauchery and madness.
I have a plan for the rest of the fic but unsure when I will be able to write this 👀
Upcoming (not posted yet)
[E] TBA (the nature of idiosyncrasies pt. 2) [0/1] - ABO/Omegaverse AU
One-shot set post pt. 1, or two-shot if it grows too long. Half-ish done. It is not half done at all lol.
[E] TBA (the nature of idiosyncrasies ABO swap AU retelling) [0/?] - ABO/Omegaverse AU
Plan is an absolute mess but it's vaguely there with a whole bunch of thoughts and ideas. Ch1 is nowhere near done.
Since I don't have a beta reader, all mistakes are mine and completed fics will undergo ongoing fixing of typos etc. whenever I spot them or have time.
[T] parce que toi et moi, ça fonctionne (même si ça ne devrait pas) [8/8] - Eurovision/Celeb AU
Or, in which, aspiring singer-songwriter, Enid Sinclair, tries to do more than win the biggest international song contest for the glory of France when she meets other front runner entry, Los Locos Addams, from Spain.
[E] the nature of idiosyncrasies [18/18] - ABO/Omegaverse AU
Or, in which, after Pugsley destroys a decent chunk of the Addams’ residence, they take this opportunity to do some redecorating. Upon recommendation by their mutual friend Eugene, Enid takes the project, not realizing it’s the home of her high school, kind-of, crush.
[E] hello there, it's me, the bull in a china shop [1/1] - 5+1 fic
Or, five times Enid tries to seduce Wednesday and the one time she doesn’t.
[T] what was i made for (and does it even matter) [7/7] - Christmas AU
Or, in which, Christmas elf Enid tries to win the ultimate promotion to Santa’s personal assistant by fulfilling one of the most difficult Christmas wishes: finding love for a human Grinch.
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bitbybitwrites · 2 years ago
Dancing In The Moonlight - Klaine/Addams Family ficlet
I'm still in the middle of writing an entry for the Reverse Bang, but I had to stop for a moment to write out this little ficlet . . is that the right term? Longer than a drabble but shorter than a short story?
Well, I saw this lovely picture drawn by @justgleekout and I couldn't help but be a bit inspired. She requested a fic about Morticia!Kurt and Gomez!Blaine and after seeing the artwork, I couldn't help but think of a scene from Addams Family Values - and well this sort of happened. :)
Story info below the pic!
(Thanks as always to @iris7124 who always makes lovely cover art for me!)
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Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandoms: Glee, Addams Family - All Media Types
Relationship: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson
Additional Tags: Spooky, Teasing, Flirting, Morticia!Kurt, Gomez!Blaine, Implied Sexual Content, Implied D/s relationship
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francesminos-tt · 1 year ago
Minos, usted que siempre tiene grandiosas ideas, no se como seguir el desarrollo de un one-shot Joffron, en donde Joff está enamorado de Daeron pero Daeron solo lo usa para su satisfacción carnal mientras está comprometido con Baela, Joff está tan enamorado de Daeron que sufre demasiado cuando anuncian el compromiso de Daeron y Baela, y descubre que está esperando un cachorro y Rhaenyra se entera de la situación de Joff pero no logra sacarle el nombre del responsable a lo que Joff se ve obligado a casarse con quienes sus padres decidan( un personaje que a ti te guste, yo aun no se a quien poner, si a Gwyne, Addam, Cregan o Jace), Daeron se entera y decide secuestrar a Joff el dia de su boda, sin embargo Daeron no quiere arriesgar su posición, lo que lo orilla a hacer su movimiento en silencio, no se separa de Baela, pero tampoco la toca o esta cerca de ella, pues Daeron tiene una oscura obsesión con Joff que lo hace mantener oculto a Joff, en un lugar donde solo el y su primo Lyonel saben, Daeron cuida a Joff durante todo el embarazo, y sigue usando a Joff para su beneficio pues lo sigue manipulado asegurándole que todos están su contra y que le quieren quitar su cachorro, todo esto para hacer que Joff no lo deje cuando sepa toda la verdad. El objetivo de Daeron es corromper la mente de Joff hasta dejarlo tan roto que el único pensamiento de Joff sea que Daeron es su salvador, protector y quien lo ama.
No se si explique bien mi idea, espero que se entienda, el ingles no es mi idioma nativo, asi que espero haber explicado bien mi idea,
Muchas gracias por leer mi mensaje.
Thank you for sending me an ask! I used Google translate to read your message and I think I managed to grab the main idea of the plot. Let me first say that it’s a great story! I already feel so much for Joff and want to kick Daeron in the balls.
I think one way to tell the story can be from Joff’s pov. Perhaps starting from where he is already heavily pregnant, he and Daeron share a sweet and intimate moment. He already worships Daeron and fears that his family would harm the baby. Daeron is very caring (manipulative), and readers can sense something off from Joff’s almost manic thoughts. Then you can reverse the timeline and write how Joff finds out about the pregnancy. Perhaps he faints in training? Or when riding Tyraxes, so Tyx has to fly him back. No one knows his affair with Daeron and Joff refuses to give Daeron’s name out because he thinks it’s a betrayal to Baela.
How about that?
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cauqhtz · 8 months ago
Romantic Rant
Why is the romance so recycled today? It's like everyone sticks to one mold when it comes to romance in any capacity. Whether its in writing or on screen.
Unless its gay romance but we'll get into that later.
There are so many tropes that are collecting cobwebs. COMPLETELY untouched. Hell barely even explored.
So many interesting tropes I'm ITCHING to see.
Why are there no romance pieces about a mc villian. Who's a villian for the hell of it. Not because they need an excuse like childhood trauma but because they want to. and the love interest could be a hero or a bystander. An important one. Whether its in strength or connections.
And they fall in love with eachother. and the hero slowly converts to a villian. WITHOUT THE VILLIAN HAVING TO SEDUCE THEM OR COHOARSE THEM. THEY DO IT BECAUSE THEY LOVE THE VILLIAN SO MUCH. Okay.
Maybe they hide it from the villian. in fear that the villian would not love them anymore since they fell inlove with the hero side of them. but the villian finds out and reassures them that they care.
Like for example Black Fire and Connor from Titans 2018. It was blackfires (villian) dream and plan to go back to her home planet and be queen, but connor (hero) didnt want her to leave him after they'd just agreed to be a duo. So he sabotages her ship and only way back home.
She doesn't scold him or shows any hint at anger towards him. In fact she defends him against star fire who was pissed at what connor just did.
(When I say hero and villian I dont mean in the literal sense with capes and super powers. Just in general a good and bad guy.)
What about a reverse stalker trope? Kinda like the tv series YOU.
Except the mc is a sweetheart. Cries when they step on a bug types. Easy going and soft hearted. hard to please but when they are pleased. they fall hard and get obsessive. To which they admit to, though no one takes it seriously.
Love interest comes into the picture. They could be a complete nobody. A emo. Someone who's easily forgotten in a crowd. A weirdo that people tend to stray away from. been accused of murder but other than that actually pretty normal... other than the fact they've been stalking the MC and slowly inserting themselves into their lives.
They fall in love. Yada yada yada. eventually the LI finds out that the MC is connected to the murders the LI was originally accused of. So they question the MC and the MC not trying to hide it admits to everything. THe murders and eventually admitting to being the stalker and kind of manipulating the LI into thinking they were the stalker. etc etc. the MC goes onto saying it's too late to have second thoughts. it's me or death. etc
I feel like that'd be such an interesting romance show. From romantic to straight thriller.
Why are there like ZERO femdomxsubmale romances? And I'm not talking about sexually. Strictly domesticated. Like A fem character with a dominate personality dating a nerdy frail guy. Like erica and stiles.
Or Wednesday and the guy she kissed at the camp in the the addams family movie!
Or like jade and beck from victorious. (Jade was the toxic one and I dont want to here shit abt it fr.)
I literally have an original story about a queen pin x rookie cop.
Why is it that the majority of the straight romance stories with fem MC... Write them as the biggest damn red flag ever.
Why is she physically, mentally, and verbally assaulting the male love interest with the excuse of daddy issues...
This is another reason why I didnt like the enemys to lovers trope until i realize that the ones that i read werent written correctly.
This is another reason why I dont like tashiki from one piece. One of the first things she said to zoro was unbelievably offensive and unacceptable. Not to mention the fact that she likes to excuse her being WEAK because she's a woman and they are men. Talk about offensive.
I have so many on screen couples/movies/tv shows I want to talk to people about! Like:
Interview with the vampire THE SERIES. NOT THE DAMN MOVIE.
Shameless. Specifically Ian and Mickey bc they are the greatest written couple in history and the most healthy believe it or not.
And shit talk how toxic tami and lip were.
Red, White, & Royal Blue.
And literally so many more! Dm me!
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uva-academy · 2 years ago
"Blasphemy? Before What god? A God repulsed by the miserable humanity He created in His own image?"
Simon/Wallace/Cosmo (Wallace pref. Simon if close) he/it, autistic , system osd1b seeking diagnosis, transmasc
splitroject of Simon Petrikov from Adventure Time/Fionna and Cake, Wallace from Pokemon RSEORAS, Hilbert from Pokemon BW, Apollo Justice from Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, and a singular Unovan Zoroark. Do NOT use she/her/they/them on me. You will be automatically be blocked. Don't Fakeclaim me. taken by the lovely @mrmarblee <3 our squimply
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Addams Family
Adventure Time / Fionna and Cake
Animal Crossing
Austin Powers
Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul
Clone High (original + reboot)
Dark Crystal
Disney Channel Original Movies
Disventure Camp
Family Guy
Heavy Metal
Little Shop of Horrors
Naked Gun
Pokemon (TCG , ANIME , GAMES)
Rain World
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Spiderverse (into + across)
Spongebob + Spongebob the Musical
The Amazing Digital Circus
The Lion King
Wayne's World
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Favorite Artists
Frank Sinatra
The Cranberries
Owl City
Glass Animals
Tyler, The Creator
"Weird Al" Yankovic
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Before You Interact / Do Not Interact
- we are a SYSTEM. We use singular and plural terms interchangeably.
- Never flirt with us, even jokingly. We are taken and VERY protective over our partner.
DNI if....
Basic DNI Criteria
Non-Traumagenic system
Against educated self diagnosing
Thinks reverse racism can exist
hate the chikorita line i am so serious about this i know this is hella polarizing compared to the above but it has to be said
anything on my bfs dni list
also im not sharing my discomforts/triggers here just ask or whatever
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Overall, it's nice to meet you!.. er stranger online looking at this post (also I apologize for the array of tags) eat bugs kick ass eat grass!
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