#not ief
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I'm sorry for posting these 3-4 days late. I have no excuses for that. I'm reusing the same background as last year if you don't mind.
Good for fanfiction, fanart, and any other fanwork!!
Inatober 2024 Prompts

The prompts in text form:
Food in the hospital / stranger danger...?
Lunch buddy / within the closet
Mountain / in another life...
Dystopian / favorite scary/horror-themed character
Blank / Role Reversal AU
Wonderland / favorite trio
Hauls / Hanahaki Disease
Gore / sentient avatar/keshin
Beast / Who run the world?!
Study table / Addams Family AU
Weremonsters / episode redraw/rewrite
Shield / proud soldiers
Bug/s / military experiment
Vulture / life in line
Resentment / stolen time
Despite these inflicted wounds I chased your cowering hand; you pulled me down with your weight over the cliff that spelled the end to your life and met my eyes with desperation and unsettling relief. // In that empty smile that at one time held my tomorrow, I saw my mistake... // My love... you are here no longer. // I loosened my palm; with knives in my constricting chest, hoped for the blood in your hands to take you... // And take you it did. // It was as if the skin of my bestfriend was peeled off and a smiling beast appeared in their stead. // You savagely yanked at my treasured bracelets. Given to me by my beloved whose eyes are now but a darkness with no end that taunted our precious memories. // You tugged down my arm with the force that severed all the good in you that I held onto. With the pieces of our treasure, and the imagined relief in your face; you let the abyss below swallow you.
Extracted / Poor groomed soul
Pressured / No man's treasure
Polycule / To love is to conquer
Dragons / opposite elements
Doomed yuri / villain female character
Found Family / someone's possession
Abandoned / Other sports AU
Golden hair / Doomed Siblings
Beers / bloody statue
Better half / Not even human
Robots / Friendship bracelet
Flowers / Glass heart
Graves / torn and scavenged
Sun Garden / favorite hissatsu
Bestfriends / limb from limb
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me: im fine :)
dreaming freedom: gives me such chief looks
#grabs her and shakes her#c h ief#;sir this is my emotional support cringefail gacha game protagonist. (ooc)
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I was like waaaohhh I'm gonna stay up im so energised I'm gonna drawww and play gamessss (falls asleep in the arms of my wusband spouse)
#THEY NEEDED CUDDLES TO SLEEP. WHO AM I BUT TO OBLIGE .#spouse tag#. take the last few days of my follicular phase and DO smrh with it before all i want is 2 get (redacted) and (redacted) . oh and of course#the terrors.#the neverending gre#iefs.#iyktyk 😜. ... 😭😭😭#its pmdd .#tmi for the moots :)
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Buca’nın arama kurtarma köpekleri Güven verdi.

Buca Belediyesi’nin arama kurtarma köpekleri Ramo ve Ateş’in İzmir Enternasyonal Fuarı’nda (İEF) sundukları gösteri konuklardan büyük alkış aldı. Bu yıl 93. kez kapılarını açan İEF’de yerini alan Buca Belediyesi, her akşam farklı etkinliklerle konuklarını ağırlıyor. Uzun Havuz Belediyeler Sokağı’nda yer alan stantta, Buca Belediyesi Arama Kurtarma Birimi’nin (BUCAKUT) üyesi kurtarma köpekleri Ramo ve Ateş, konuklara gösteri yaptı. Eğitmenler Gökşen Gök ve Tuğba Gök eşliğinde gerçekleştirilen gösteride, can dostları Ramo ve Ateş, çeviklik, yönlendirme ve itaat eğitimleri alanındaki hünerlerini sergiledi. İlgiyle izlenen gösteri, katılımcılara keyifli dakikalar yaşattı. Katılımcılar arasında yer alan Buca Belediye Başkanı Görkem Duman, can dostlarının gösterisini büyük beğeni ile izledi. https://youtu.be/ceM6LjRbRow “EN BÜYÜK KURTARICILARIMIZ” İktidar tarafından tüm tepkilere rağmen çıkarılan "sokak hayvanları kanununa" atıfta bulunan Buca Belediye Başkanı Görkem Duman, “Bugün burada bir kez daha can dostlarımızın bizlerin hayatında ne kadar değerli bir yere sahip olduğunu gördük. Hayatımızın önemli bir parçası olan dostlarımız, afet anlarında en büyük kurtarıcılarımız” diye konuştu. BUCA BELEDİYESİ BİNLERCE KONUĞU AĞIRLADI Öte yandan, Belediye Başkanı Görkem Duman, bu yıl kentin tarihi köşklerinden Pembe Köşk diğer adıyla Hacı Davut Fargoh Malikânesi maketinin süslediği stantlarında binlerce konuğu ağırladıklarını söyledi. Buca’nın tanıtımına büyük önem verdiklerini belirten Başkan Görkem Duman, yerel turizmi canlandırmak için çalışmalarına devam edeceklerini sözlerine ekledi. https://youtu.be/ceM6LjRbRow Read the full article
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Bono de Graduación de Enseñanza Media
Es un beneficio al cual no se postula, que forma parte del Ingreso Ético Familiar (IEF). Está destinado a personas de 24 años o más que obtengan su licencia de enseñanza media en una institución reconocida por el Ministerio de Educación.
Es un beneficio al cual no se postula, que forma parte del Subsistema de Seguridades y Oportunidades del Ingreso Ético Familiar (IEF). Está destinado a personas de 24 años o más que obtengan su licencia de enseñanza media en una institución reconocida por el Ministerio de Educación. El beneficio contempla un pago de $69.902 entregado por única vez en una cuota, reajustable en febrero de cada…
#ahorro#beneficios#bono#bono cuarto medio#bono de graduacion#Bonos#Subsidios y becas#chile#financiera#finanzas personales/ formacion#graduacion media#ief#ingreso etico#ingreso etico familiar#planificación
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Inatober Prompts!
Hi Inablr!!
I created some prompts for Inatober. You're free to use them for writing, art, or in any way you want!
If you missed it, I said I'll be back in this blog for October. I'll still be prioritizing the fanfiction that this blog is tagged in whether it's from the inatober prompts or not. I will also be reblogging various inatober works with priority to fanfiction!
You can share these outside of tumblr but please do not remove the credits!!

Thank you to those two friends of mine who gave feedback and added a few prompts!!
tropical fruit(s) / in your arms
contellations / darkness of space
vampires / crumbling skin
vacation / murk and mud
costume party / empty stares
storms / guided by trembling hands
reunion / the call of the void
ghost stories / nap time
riverbank / illness
i'll put your make-up and you'll put mine
mirror / hot springs
clean slate / thick walls, huge gates
ina11 x other fixation / across time
mythology / ails that only god(s) can hear
stay / gifted child
notebook / project, protect, pamper
gravestone / flower
invited / crowned guilty
zombie / envious stalker
seasons / school
offerings / fanged head turner
gift / the strength of the cornered
dance / my enemy's cold hands
ripped clothes / your life in my hands
hair / the attention of my rival
sharing homes / bitter and suspicious
obedience / dedication of a loser
first favorite character / joy of colors
merpeople / table manners
rock collection / charming selfies
trick or treat / the bigger person
#inazuma eleven#inatober prompts 2023#inatober 2023#not ief#ief mod announcements#inatober#inatober prompts#ief prompt of the month
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Central Bankers Stick To The Script At Jackson Hole https://www.invesco.com/us/en/insights/central-bank-jackson-hole-monetary-policy.html
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Opinion on gay
i hate joey drew if thats what youre asking
#asks#hey did you know that theres nothing wrong with dreaming wishing for the impossible is just human nature thats how i got started just a pen#il and a dream we all want everything without even having to life a finger they say you just have to believe belief can make you succeed be#ief can make you rich belief can make you powerful why with enough belief you can even cheat death itself now that...is a beautiful and pos#tively silly thought
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qwer;kpid0yc She looks good!
Ah uh... um... *Hands you this ref and runs*
I just really like your art adsiohgi. Don't worry about doing it though really.
Hope I drew her right
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there is no ask.
your design of doll is my favorite.
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maybeeeee nullradqueer? I feel like that sort of label would help to ease my guilt ief being an ex anti
— nullradqueer [ null-rad-queer ]
when an individual is radqueer but no longer wants to be / does not identify as being !

#nullradqueer#nullid#radqueer#radqueer community#radqueer 🍓🌈#radqueer please interact#pro radqueer#radqueer 🌈🍓#radqueer coining#rq safe#radqueers please interact#radqueer safe#pro transid#transid coining#transid#transid safe#transid community#transid flag#transid please interact#transid positivity#transid labels#transid pride#transids!#pro transx#pro radq#radq safe#rq 🍓🌈#pro rq 🌈🍓#anti rq dni#pro rq
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staying up till 2:30 to finish an Art History paper but now I'm in my 30s and staying up past bedtime might actually kill me
My ADHD has been so unmanageable lately. Trying hard not to berate myself over it, because most of the causes are things utterly beyond my control and hopefully most of those things are temporary (world events, too many classes, hormones, Winter is Coming)
I just wanted to whine about it.
Girl help, my executives are dysfunctioning!
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I'm Angel, im a queer puppy sub. Unowned but i do have a wonderful girlfriend @rose2469 and am not interested in anyone else, and likely wont be responsive to flirting or sexual talk aimed at me except under special circumstances. I'm genderfluid so any pronouns. This is a sideblog so if i interact itll show up as @ch********ief
DNI IF: you are a cishet man, any type of queerphobic, racist, abelist, kink shaming, pedo, or any other general crappy person things
This account is a safe space for queer people, kinky people, neurodivergent people, disabled people, POC
My paypal is angelicghost06, if u think im pretty enough any donations are appreciated as i am struggling financially, or if youd like to DM me and ask for something specific in exchange for you paying that is encouraged provided it is within my boundaries and limits (if not i will say so)
Kinks (in no particular order except for puppy play being my biggest and definitely not an extensive list) (ones with a question mark are ones i like in theory but never tried so not sure in practice):
👑 Puppy play
Impact play
Primal play
Overstim (?)
Exhibitionism (?)
Intox!! (With either weed or alcohol)
Power play
Knife play
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