#this is really just me playing around with and testing poses I have in my game lmao. Also the result of a CAS session.
morrigan-sims · 11 months
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An Urgent Message
Hooves pounded on the dirt road as the rider cantered towards the capital. With a silent apology to his horse, he dug his heels into her flank, urging her to go faster. He had to make it to the castle before nightfall.
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kozachenko · 2 months
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Finally decided to play around with my old lineless style again! Also figured out a way to draw Reimu that I actually really like!
Artist's Notes;
I've mentioned in a few earlier posts that I've been wanting to draw in my lineless style again for a while as a way to test what I've learnt from my previous style in regards to lighting. I did the face first and then for a while was thinking about doing a full body illustration of Reimu just to draw her outfit again. I'll talk about the face first since that's the first drawing I did in this batch.
For the longest time I really couldn't find a way to translate Reimu's face into my style. I was able to make her clothes work out well, just not really her face. I did like elements of how I drew her face a few other times, namely the tiny eyebrows and her pupils, but they didn't really feel like Reimu to me, or at least how I imagined her in my head. I then realized that it was less of a problem with the entire face and moreso the eyes, and it took me quite a bit of trial and error to make something that I was happy with. Also, as much as I thought the tiny eyebrows were cute, it didn't really make sense with her character. Like, from what I know about Japanese history, plucking your eyebrows was something that nobles (rich people) would do, and since Reimu is...neither of those things, I decided to just give her some thicker eyebrows instead (I will be saving the plucked eyebrows for another character though, so they will return). After I got to a face I was happy with, my next challenge was the hair. I did the front part first and liked that enough to continue, and then after more trial and error I realized that deep down I was a short-hair-Reimu-is-best-Reimu-truther this whole time because once I gave up on the long hair and gave her shorter hair something just clicked in my brain. And so, after drawing her outfit in again (this time without the yellow tie which is kinda sad but I'll find a way to incorperate it into future designs because it just was not making sense to me in context with the rest of the outfit) and finnicking around with the bow, I came to a version of Reimu's face that I actually liked. I thought that it made more sense for her character to have her cut it short, mainly because she's doing a bunch of Youkai extermination and she has to keep her hair out of her face somehow. I still wanted to make it kinda messy though, as Reimu is probably too lazy to clean it up herself. I think another reason I like it so much is because in Forbidden Scrollery, Moe Harukawa gave Reimu short hair and that really suited her, so I guess that was just a subconcious reason as to why I liked it so much. I also think that the shorter hair helps to separate her a lot from Marisa, as I think Marisa looks really good with longer hair. Speaking of, now I wanna do a drawing of her and Reimu together to really solidify how I draw them (unlike the previous version where it was just them standing). As much as I do like the face, I am concerned if she looks too much like how I drew Keiki now, but that might just be a product of the stylistic choices I made with her eyes and I might just be overthinking it. I am hyperaware of same face syndrome so that's probably the reason I'm so concerned about it lol.
Now for the fully body drawing. I was struggling to think of a good pose for her, so I just took a picture of myself and used that as a reference while still making slight adjustments for readability's sake. This is another case of, "I've looked at this too long and can spot every single issue with it" but this time I'm still happy with the final product mainly because this was a test drive for how I want to develop my lineless style in the future and for what it is I am more than pleased with the result. The main reason I deviated away from my lineless style was mainly because I was having a hard time with the lighting and making it interesting, and I am so glad that I've finally found a way to make it work! I'm especially happy with the clothes, as I think clothing folds are really fun to draw. I was somewhat inspired by the works of J.C. Lyendecker and the way he draws clothes, though admittedly it is not a one to one, since I mainly wanted to try implying the shading of the clothing folds with shapes (I do really want to do a study of his style one day as his art is incredible). So for the sleeves, I drew in a bunch of triangles where I wanted there to be a strong highlight, roughly coloured in the inside, and then blended them all so it looks like a more subtle. On both of these drawings, I also added in a noise filter to give it some texture (as that's what I used to often do with my drawings) and while I do like it, I might want to experiment with making it more subtle in the future, as it's pretty noticeable in both these drawings. Overall, I'm really happy with the lighting and colours of this drawing, and while I could nitpick several aspects of it (her hand holding the gohei looks too tense, I tried making her look like she was standing on the balls of her feet but the positioning of her Gohei's trail of papers ends up making it look weird, and I could've put more effort into the hair and bow and so many more things), this is more of a piece for me to experiment with my style again, and I'm excited for when I get a new idea for a piece, as I really wanna try some more stuff out with this style!
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minami-ff · 10 months
I Want My Kids to Have Your Eyes
Levi x Reader (fluff, sfw)
what a bold thing to say to your captain.
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Moonlight hung over the hill like a comforting blanket as you both reclined an arm’s length apart on the soft grass beneath, bodies sinking into the earth. The day had been relentless, a gruelling mission that tested every ounce of strength. Now, in the quiet aftermath, you two found solace gazing upward at the summit’s view, shimmering like scattered diamonds against the canvas of the night sky.
The shared stillness remained comfortable, before you posed a soft interruption to the quietude, "Captain, do you ever think about your future?"
Levi's eyes briefly left the constellations above, attention shifting to you. "Yes, it usually ranges from the next second to the next few months. Which area of land outside the walls to explore, how defensive operations should alter for the next month, which day certain intelligen-”
“Captain-” You interrupted, then hesitated, the vulnerability of the topic making your heart race. "I meant a peaceful future, like having a family, kids?"
Levi's brow furrowed slightly. The thought of it was unfamiliar, impossible. "In this war? That’s far-fetched," he remarked, gaze returning to the stars.
A subtle smile grew on your lips as scenarios played at the back of your mind. "I know, of course, but don’t you ever imagine it? A life after the war, a future where Titans are just stories we tell our children." Levi's expression softened, a fleeting hint of wistfulness in his eyes.
"Like sometimes I think if I had children, I’d take them to play by the oceans, make adorable lunch sets," you continued, "how beautiful they would look if they had your eyes…" Embarrassment started flushing up as you realised you rambled on way too far.
His eyes widened imperceptibly, caught completely off guard by your comment.
"WAIT, that didn’t come out right. I didn’t mean having them with YOU, of course... definitely not…" You trailed off, a splash of pink painfully obvious on your cheeks. Get yourself together y/n, what on earth are you saying to your captain?
“Ouch.” A flicker of disappointment crossed his features. Levi cleared his throat, seemingly caught in the unexpected turn of the conversation. "Well aren’t you very in objection to that idea." he snickered, hiding a trace of sorrow beneath his face.
“Nevermind, I’m sorry, please forget what I said." You apologised in the tense atmosphere.
But Levi didn't dismiss it. Instead, his mind seemingly remained lost in contemplation. "How will your children have my eyes, if they don't have my genetics?" Determined to disprove your faulty reasoning.
You chuckled nervously, "I just mean I hope they’ll be a pretty colour, and delicate shape, like yours."
Levi displayed a rare vulnerability in his expression. He had never given thought to the aesthetic of his eyes; they were simply a part of him, a feature he never considered noteworthy. This was the first time he had received a compliment about them, and it left him momentarily speechless.
"At this rate, my most optimistic guesstimate is that I’ll be slaying titans till I’m 60." You broke the awkwardness joking, "in that case I might not be able to have kids, doubt any man would still take my crinkled self on a date anyway."
"Why not?" Levi replied seriously, his voice a soft echo in the tranquil night. "I won't be even a tiny bit surprised if you're still this beautiful at 85."
A blood-bathed blush adorned your complexion, stomach filling with butterflies and warmth, brain connections zapping around - wondering if he really thought that way, or,
“you’re just saying that.”
Levi sighed, “in all your years of knowing me, when have I ever felt obliged to tell a white lie, Comrade?”
"Right…” You muttered, with all sorts of thoughts doing laps beneath your skull, trying to continue the conversation as level-headed as possible. “Perhaps I'll meet my first love at 99,” a giggle escaping your breath as you joked.
Unexpectedly, Levi's response carried a weight that belied the casual banter. "Well. I think people can be in love without being in a formal relationship. You could easily have your first love now."
Your gaze laid upon his side profile, slightly puzzled by his logic, "but how can you be in love with someone without holding hands, saying mushy things, and all that?"
His head turned towards you, a moment of silence filling the air with eyes drilling into yours, revealing a sincerity that tugged at your heart. "I definitely can."
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deadghosy · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel x Jeff the killer or BEN drowned reader.
SURE! I’ll do Jeff the killer as someone had requested I do BEN drowned! 🦆💗💗
prompt: after fighting with BEN drowned, Ben decided to send you into a show….
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You were asleep snoring as Ben snickered holding up a tv that was playing a title card saying “HAZBIN HOTEL” and with that. He smacked you having you go inside the tv with a devilish smirk. You hit the ground as your body did a whole fucking Peter griffen pose 😭
*metal sound* DAYUM!
You were screaming curses under your breath at Ben who just smirks at the tv and leaves whistling like a damn cartoon character. You dusted yourself off looking around this place.
“The fuck is this?….” You said with a scowl looking around…there’s a bunch of ruined buildings and fire everywhere. You walked around confused as some demons whistle at you. Literally catcalling you as one tried to grab you, when they tried to grab you. You stabbed their fucking hand smiling with that extended smile to your cheek.
“Fuck you think you trying to do huh?” You said with a crazed smile as they fall holding their hand to see you aren’t really a “girl” “YOU’RE A GUY??!” You rolled your eyes wanting to be sarcastic “No. Ima killer..Now. Go. To. Sleep.” You said lastly stabbing the demon in its head. You kept walking as the bystanders move out of your way.
Let’s just skip ahead, so you went to the hotel as you seen an advertisement about redeeming….tbh you didn’t give a fuck about redemption, you only needed a room.
Vaggie was definitely judging you by your looks as you had shaggy [idk if I wanna give you black hair or just your own color hair but you can imagine yourself as Jeff or nahh] hair and blood stained clothes. But soon later you turned out to be a chill person who helps their peers but also jokes around.
Alastor and you just stare at each other “smiling” at each other just waiting for the other to talk.
“…..so like..are you always this ugly or were you born that way…” “my smiley fellow, I was born for radio…” “no you were born to be ugly-”
Alastor immediately hates you after that but your boldness is entertaining. He might just take you as a guest for his broadcast.
Angel would love to play with your hair and braid it…as you relax at the touch of Angel’s hands in your hair. It reminded you of how Sally braided your hair when she was bored.
Angel had put pink bows in your hair saying “this is so coquette💗” and you just stood there looking at the hand mirror he gave you. “Angel wtf. >:/”
You woke up to get your laundry to see your white jacket IN FUCKIN PINK?!
“ANGELLLL! IMA CHOP OFF YOUR DI-” yeah angel hid in the bathroom as your anger was no match for any demon….
Lucifer will feel concern about your face as you don’t look…normal I suppose. He’ll be probably have a clear weirded out face
I feel like you and Lucifer would have a weird friend dynamic as you just roll with his hyperactive activities.
“How in the hell do you eat?” He says poking your open slit by your mouth. “I just eat. Simple as that.” You said at the king of hell.
Yeah I imagine Lucifer had put duck stickers on your jacket one time.
I imagine husk and JTK! Reader doing a drinking competition….you owed husk 20 hellbucks. 🥲
Husk will actually tolerate JTK! Reader as they don’t whine and don’t complain much until something actually bothers him.
Sir Pentious would be scared of you…I mean if a normal person saw you. They would be horrified.
You give off a depressed Starbucks worker vibes who don’t get paid for shit…..literally a sinner would test you as Charlie or someone will have to hold you back as you swing your knife. “LET ME AT THEM YOU LIL SHI-”
The crew had always noticed you seemed to look more like a human other than a sinner or hell born. But they never really asked. I mean shit Alastor wanted to ask but Charlie had to tell him to stop it.
The egg boiz were scared of you until you saved Frank from cracking as he tried to reach the damn cookie jar.
You used your body to soften his fall as you hit your head on the ground. “GAH DAMN-” *crash* and then minutes later it was found out sir Pentious was watching over your knocked out body as Frank was telling how cool you saved him.
You sometimes try to call Ben to pick you up and this is how it goes: “Ben…YOU SHORT STACK MOTHERFUCKA! YOU BETTA GET ME OUT OF HERE OR I WILL CUT YOUR LINK LOOKIN ASS-” he had you on voice mail as Ben was just chilling playing video games.
I headcannon you having to wear a fucking smiley mask to not scare off residents😭
“Hi welcome to the hazbin hotel….” You said in a dead tone flat. The sinner looked at you confused asking questions. “ Why are you wearing a mask? Is your nose too big? Do you have bad breath? Are you sick? Are you ugly under the mask?”
You had enough as your eye twitched grabbing the sinner by their collar. “How about I shove my foot up your-” “OKAYYY!” Charlie says seeing you about to give the sinner a piece of your mind as she grabs the sinner from your grasp. “How about we show you around the hotel…”
Yeah you don’t do the greeter job no more….
At least you get to give out food as husk serves drinks. That was at least a cool job as husk helped you serve out small little portions of the trays you used.
I headcannon niffty to make you a bug “flower” crown to show how she admires you.
I imagine Charlie would get you a metal shirt and you would be like. “oh thanks.” You smiled and took it.
You had a knife stash just incase you had to defend yourself. You love collecting knives when bored….
Keyword was HAD. Charlie found your knives and hid them from yourself as you had a sad puppy face at seeing your stash gone.
Imagine you just standin there and a Charlie had put stickers on your jacket saying, “good job for not killing!”
You’re such a good kid😄
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ktficworld · 5 months
Behind The Red Curtains
Pairing: soft dark! Steve Rogers x actress! reader
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Summary: You come to know that your success might not be solely because of your talent.
Warnings: 18+, dub-con, forced relationship, bondage, size kink, degradation + praise kink, choking, oral(f receiving ), unprotected sex( it's fiction, your life's not), dirty talk, explicit language, explicit sexual content.
(Let me know if I forgot something)
Prompt: Oral sex, overstimulation, praise, Mob au, Blackmail + Cum play + “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it? I think you even enjoyed it.”
A/N: So, this is my entry for the cum together extravaganza hosted by @labella420 and @stargazingfangirl18
I wanted to write this for a long time after the provocation by @biteofcherry 👀. I hope you all enjoy and this is my first time writing smut so, be gentle.
Divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
Main masterlist
Steve Rogers masterlist
“Johnny Storm was seen with the new sensation in the modelling industry yesterday night. Rumor has it-”
You pressed the switch-off button with more force than needed as the squeaky voice of the anchor finally died down. Throwing the remote across the bed, you groaned in agitation.
You were dating Johnny Storm. Everything was going well, the meeting was story worthy, he was handsome, charming and had some good qualities you were looking for. This was the first relationship you got into since entering the film industry. Because you may be a hopeless romantic, but you were also choosy.
You didn’t know what happened in the process that just torpedoed your budding relationship. One day you were walking out of a cafe hand-in-hand and the next day, he was fucking some modelling sensation. Maybe you got lost in translation.
Or maybe he was just a fucking asshole. No matter what happened it showed you his true colors. That or instead of coming to you to talk out his issues, he went around, fucking and ghosted you.
Oh, but that was not the problem. The real problem was that you were shooting a movie with him. A romantic movie, with sex scenes. And you have no idea how you would be able to show any affection or chemistry on the screen without being awkward as fuck. This would be the best test of your acting skills for sure.
“Why do you look like you regret being born?” your friend and manager, Wanda asked as she entered your room.
You glanced at her and rolled your eyes. She was trying to lighten your melancholic mood but, it was of no use. “You know damn well why.”
She sighed. “I know, but you’re a great actress. You could easily pull off a serial killer then a rom-com is nothing for you. Don’t get worked up about it. Just imagine your celebrity crush instead.”
You laughed at that. You worked with people whom the masses considered celebrity and if you had a crush, you’d simply ask them out. So, you’re stuck in that department.
“I appreciate your support and I’ll get over this. Just give me some time. Is that why you came here?”
Wanda shook her head with a smile. “No, actually the PR guy told me to tell you to go to partage restaurant. Someone wants to meet you.”
You frowned. “You know if I started giving time to ‘someones’ then I won’t even be able to breathe. I need the specifics.”
“He didn’t tell me. Said the person didn’t want to be known till you meet them. But he said you need to go or they’ll be pissed and it could pose a problem to your career.”
Some rich asshole again. You pinched your nose in frustration. People really glamorised a celeb’s life but if they knew that you all have to play rich people’s puppets, they wouldn’t be so enthusiastic about it. 
“Fine, I’ll go. What time and day?”
“8 p.m Sunday.”
“Great. Now get lost, I need my beauty sleep.”
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Your heels clicked on the floor as you stepped inside the restaurant to utter silence. 
The usually bustling restaurant was deserted. There was no violin swimming in the air, mingling with the chatter of the expensive people, the polished tables had no spilled drinks and the fine plates had no leftovers. The lobby had no sight of a reception and all the staff had evaporated out of existence. You were half doubting yourself that maybe you arrived at the wrong time or date. Maybe the restaurant was closed.
But all of them vanished when a prim and proper lady approached you. You had never seen her before but you didn’t care to ask if she was new.
“Good evening, ma’am, you may go to the VIP area upstairs. Sir is waiting for you there.” She said in a professional voice.
“Yeah, sure. But can I ask why the restaurant is empty?”
“He booked the entire restaurant.” She said like it was the most normal thing in the world. It was not like this place costed more than the top-paying actors in the Hollywood.
You thanked the woman with a polite smile you went upstairs to get to the VIP section.
The he made you shudder from inside. Another sleazy old man who thought that you would open your legs for him just because he was rich was awaiting you and judging by the stunt he pulled. You’d have to be more tactful.
Reaching the shiny golden doors with a lion emblem, separating the demi-gods from the gods, you knocked on the door of the VIP room.
“Come in.” A thick and deep voice called out, making you frown. How come an old man has such a great voice?
Oh, but how wrong you were. Because, as soon as you opened the door, in front of you, sat a man who was far from aged. He was pure muscles. His rings sparkled in the chandelier lights. Draped in the finest black suit with his blonde hair combed back, sat none other than Steve Rogers, the mafia lord of New York. The one who you have been trying to avoid your entire career. Who posed as a successful businessman but everyone was aware of how he earned his dollars. Just, they were too afraid to acknowledge it.
You couldn’t move an inch, frozen from fear and surprise. You had only met him once, during the premiere of your debut film and people had acted like he wasn’t someone who could wipe them off from the face of the earth without even blinking an eye. That night, his eyes were glued to you like Hades's gaze on Persephone. So intense and consuming that you never wanted to see him again.
And now, here you were.
“Sit down, darling.” He husked out, the sound of alcohol filling his glass reverberating through the walls.
Breaking out of your trance with a gulp. You pulled out the chair and sat down across from him while your heart was in your throat. “Good evening, Mr. Rogers. What brings me the pleasure of your company.’ You managed to get out without your voice cracking.
He smirked and leaned back on his chair. “It’s your beauty, your talent and your creativity that brings you here, sweetheart. I’m a big fan of art and beautiful things, you are both of them.”
“Thank you…” You drawl out, expecting him to continue.
“I liked you the moment I saw you. In your pink dress, you looked so innocent, so shy. Overwhelmed by the media attention. I knew you would do something big so I gave you the freedom to shine and shine you did. However, it looks like your freedom has got to your head.” The last sentence was said with a lower voice and an ominous smile.
Your hands became sweaty as they clamped down on the armrest. “I’m not getting what you are trying to say.” You whispered out. 
His chuckle only made your heartbeat faster as he leaned forward and his gaze bore into your soul. “Let me rephrase, I claimed you the moment I saw you. But I knew you had potential so I let you go but your little dance with Johnny Storm made me realise it was time you became mine.”
“What-what did you do?” You choked out but you weren’t sure if you wanted to know the answer.
You yelped as he yanked your chair closer towards him till your knees were touching. Your chest moved rapidly as he leaned closer, his hands covering yours on the armrest.
“Awww, don’t play stupid, honey. Johnny, he’s a himbo and you are mine,” He said as his left hand moved to caress your cheek as you flinched away from his touch. “So, I pulled some strings, fed some mouths with dollars and your cute little on-set romance came to an end.” Your eyes widened in horror as he was the one that ended your relationship with Johnny. 
He gripped your face in his big hand and turned your head so that his eyes burned through yours. “Trust me, honey, I was generous with him. I could have him disappear and no one would have given a shit.”
“No.” You whispered, wrenching his hands away. You suddenly stood up from your chair, effectively surprising him.
“That is not happening. I don’t want to be with you, I’m sorry.”  You stumbled back to the door but before you could touch the doorknob, you were whirled around and pushed against it.
“When did I tell you, you could say no?” Steve growled his hand wrapping around your throat. “If you think you can reject me then you are sorely mistaken, darling. Don’t forget that the production house you work with the most is mine.” 
You gasped. How could it be his? It was of Tony Stark, you scorched the earth and back and found no such connection. 
Steve noticed your reaction and tsked.“You didn’t know? Don’t worry, you are not stupid sweetheart. The public doesn’t know that Stark is nothing but my pawn.” His other hand snaked around to squeeze your ass through your jeans and you screwed your eyes shut as his touch sent tingles through your body and your breaths became shorter.
He tugged you closer to him with your neck, his breath fanning over your skin. “Now, do you still want to be stubborn?”
Now, you were no dumbo. If Steve can jeopardize your relations with his production then he can also ruin your entire career. Mob involvement in the film industry is an unsaid rule. However, you didn’t know their claws were so deep and sharp.
“And what if I leave? Leave this industry?” What could be more precious than your pride?
He gave you a lopsided grin. “Then you’ll just be the wife of Steve Rogers who was an actress. Remember princess, I’ll never leave you alone. If I held onto you for three years what makes you think I’ll not find you and drag you to my hell?” 
Tears threatened your waterline as you murmured. “You are really forcing me?” What a stupid question to be asking a mobster.
He let out a throaty chuckle and moved his hand from your neck to his pant pocket however he was still invading your private space as his lips were inches away from your lips. “I’m giving you options: either come willingly or I’ll force you. Your choice, darling.” 
He fished out a silver card from his pocket, tracing the sharp and cold edges of it on your face, meandering down your neck and stopping only when it reached the valley of your breast. You gasped harshly when he slid the card inside your bra, the chilled hard paper resting against your warm skin.
“My number, call me when you make a decision. You have one week.”  He whispered against your lips before sealing the unspoken vow with a kiss.
With that he slipped away from your body and took his seat again like dark clouds gilding away from the moon before shortly, engulfing it once again. He resumed sipping from his glass like nothing serious happened and said nonchalantly. “You can go now.” 
You ran to your car like you were burned. Which you were, your soul was burning. Burning from the choices you were given. Which was essentially choosing which cage you preferred better, golden or grey.
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“Did you like the dinner?” Steve asked in his deep voice as he sat across from you at the dining table.
Blinking your eyes away from the full moon that shone outside the dining room window, you glanced at Steve and nodded. “Yes, I liked it.” 
You did come to him willingly in the end, after all, what choice did you have? The moment you admitted your defeat and called Steve flashed in front of your eyes. His smug and triumphant words ringing in your ears.
“Nice choice, princess.”
“You seem to like the moon a lot,” Steve observed as his piercing gaze never left you, noting your every move and reaction.
You looked down at your hands, clasped in front of you. His presence still sent chills of fear down your spine. His imposing figure and intense gaze made your heart race. Not to mention the way his eyes sparkled with desire and lust whenever they laid upon you.
“Yes, the night is beautiful.” You replied softly.
“Do you want to go upstairs? In the balcony for a better view? I also have a very pretty garden.” Steve offered and you refrained from frowning. 
From the moment you accepted his advances, Steve has been acting like the perfect lover. Sending flowers, expensive gifts, wanting to have nice and deep conversations and supporting you in your work. But still, you couldn’t decipher if he was actually being nice or plain manipulative.
However, you had grown tired, sitting and chatting in the room, the walls suffocating you. “I would like that.”
Steve grinned and stood up from his chair, taking a few long strides he reached you and offered you his hand. “Let’s go.”
You gave him a tight-lipped smile, slipping your hand in his, you got up. You sucked a sharp breath when his hand tightened around your smaller one and his eyes grew darker. You ignored the building tension as he led you upstairs, to the balcony.
His mansion was spectacular, painted beige with marble murals. It resembled old French castles with intricate paintings from Greek mythology on walls to railing carved with various plant and flower motifs.
When he said he enjoyed beauty, he wasn’t bluffing.
Stepping on the top floor, there was a lounge area with a fireplace on the right and a couch on the left. In front was the glass door leading to the balcony. Steve opened the door and you had to hold back your gasp as the view was absolutely breathtaking. 
It had the same marble railing as before and also had a sitting space for two people with two chairs and one glass table, perfect for a cosy morning or evening. The balcony ran along the entire top floor, connected with all the rooms.
However, the main highlight was the enormous garden that stood before your eyes. Tall trees were perched vertically of all types, some bearing fruits, some flowers and some none. Speaking of flowers, bright, colourful flowers adorned the garden like jewels. Rose, jasmine, sunflower, etc scattered all over with moonlight pouring on them.
It was straight out of a princess movie and you could spend your entire life wandering inside it, reading books under the tree shade.
“It’s gorgeous.” You whispered to Steve as you stepped forward, leaning on the railing.
“I know, my mother made it. She wanted me to keep the garden big and flourishing. So, I put everything I could to keep it perfect.” Steve revealed and moved behind you, his body pressing against yours.
You were so engrossed in gazing at the garden that you missed his hand coming to cover yours and he laid a soft kiss on your cheek.
“What are you doing?” You questioned as you tried to step away from his grip but he had you trapped.
“Enjoying my view,” He said as he gripped your hips and pressed them against him, his semi-hard cock pressing against your ass. “See what you do to me?”
His lips trailed down, kissing and sucking on your neck. His left hand travelled from your hips to your breast, he squeezed the underside of your tities while grinding his erection against your bottom. Your breathing was getting heavy as he continued to massage your boobs and sucked on your neck, collarbone and shoulder.
You had to refrain from biting your lips. His strong body and demanding moves were making you unwillingly wet. But he forced you into a relationship you didn’t want, you didn’t want this, right?
“I don’t want to do it.” You whispered despite wanting nothing but his hands under your scarlet dress.
“No?” He chuckled. “Let’s check, shall we?” He whispered seductively in your ear.
Your eyes widened as you thrashed in his grip but he stopped all your attempts to deny the truth with a hand around your neck and a squeeze that made you go still. His other hand glided under your dress and found your panties damp.
“Your pussy proved you wrong, princess.” He said with a smug laugh. He sucked at your pulse point as his fingers moved your lace panties aside and caressed your folds. The suddenness made you let out a choked moan as your hold tightened on the railing.
His words embarrassed you but you couldn’t deny that his touch was making your body betray you. He played your body like an instrument.
His fingers ran along your petals, spreading your arousal and brushing your clit, his index finger teasing your entrance when he abruptly stopped.
You blinked, gasping and panting. You were about to glance at him in confusion when he bent you over, your head resting against the marble railing as he went down on his knees, bunching up your dress around your waist. He ripped off your panties, the sound heating your cheeks with humiliation.
“You deserve to be punished.” He said through gritted teeth as he slapped your clit, making you jerk at the delicious sting as he spread your legs wider for him so your pussy was on full display. Wet and ready.
“Spank your ass till it’s burning for going out with that pathetic excuse of a man Johnny or have Bucky watch you as I fuck you senseless. He’s also a fan after all." He spread your labia and sucked on your clit, making you moan out loud as your stomach flipped.
“But I can’t, because this pussy is too tempting of a distraction.” He lamented as his lips went down to your pussy and his tongue teased your cunt with slow yet precise strokes.
Your left hand moved to his hair and tugged on the blonde locks as his administration made your clit pulsate with need. You couldn’t decipher whether you wanted him to stop or continue.
He tutted on you pulling his hair. You whimpered at the loss of his mouth on your pussy when the clicking of his belt echoed in the empty space. He yanked both your hands behind your back and secured them in place with his belt, the grip firm but not harsh. 
“No.Touching.” He growled in your ear as his words were accentuated by a slap on each of your buttcheeks, making you whimper in pain and pleasure as you let your forehead rest against the cool marble and he knelt again.
He took your clit in his mouth again but with more ferocity as your pussy clenched around nothing, “Oh my god, Steve yes!” You mewled.
“Captain or I won’t let you cum.” He commanded as his fingers joined in and drew slow and teasing circles around your cunt.
“Captain, please.” You pleaded as your orgasm started to build up in your stomach.
“Good girl, that’s my good girl.” He finally eased his index finger inside of you, his thick and long finger filling your pussy and you were afraid as to how you were going to take his cock as his finger alone stretched your vagina.
He pumped his finger in and out of you all the while kissing and sucking your clit. When you bucked into his finger he added another one, exploring your velvety walls to find your spot that would make you sing. He curled his fingers when you dripped around his fingers and mouth.
“Mhmm, captain. Feels so good.” You cried out as your climax was approaching you faster, your skin glistening with sweat under the pale moonlight. It was so embarrassing, being this crying and moaning mess he had turned you into. His hands kneading your thighs and ass.
“Are you going to cum, princess?” Steve asked in a husky voice as he kept up his pace, replacing his mouth with his thumb to grow circles around the bundle of nerves,
Your skin was on ablaze, the coil tightening in your belly as you were tethering on the of falling apart. “Yes, Captain. Please let me cum.” You requested, spellbound. He didn’t need to ask you to beg, you were already sliding into your subspace. His finger found your g spot as he twisted his fingers, making you whimper as your breath shuddered.
He snickered, sending vibrations through your body. “I didn’t know you were so obedient, good to know.”His hand came down on your clit and it was the final straw that threw you over the edge. 
You came with a loud moan as the blinding pleasure brought tears to your eyes and you gushed around his lips and fingers, coating his chin. He lapped all your juice, his pace not halting as he drank your nectar greedily.
Your body was quivering from the force of your orgasm, your heart racing as you tried to collect yourself.
Steve got up on his feet and you almost collapsed when he wrapped a sturdy hand around your shaking body, pressing you against his chest. He jutted your chin up and grinned down at you. “Aw, you already look so fucked out darling but it’s just the beginning, we have the whole night.” He smashed his lips with yours, swallowing your tired whimpers and moans.
After devouring your mouth and leaving you breathless. He picked you up and started walking to his left. You were too dizzy to notice your surroundings till you were hitting silk bed sheet and plush mattress. You glanced at Steve through your hazy vision as he stood at the end of the bed.
He smirked down at you. “How about you return the favour, sweetheart? Strip.” He ordered and it was enough to clear your mind of any hangover.
Your hand snaked to your back and you slid down the zipper and pulled off your dress, your breast clad in red lace coming into view as you completely removed the dress and discarded it on the floor.
You then unclasped your bra, trepidation and anticipation mingling together as your boobs spilled out. Now, you were completely naked, your panties already torn and tossed away.
“On your hands and knees.” He commanded as he quickly unbuttoned his shirt, his abs and chest made your mouth water and you wanted to grab and touch him but shook away the thoughts.
You got on your hands and knees, clothes rustling till the bed dipped behind you. Steve ran his hand up your spine, sneaking underneath to grop your breast. You mewled as his thumb tweaked your pebbled nipples, twisting and flickering the buds till you were writhing under him.
His other hand smacked your ass, causing you to whimper. “Spread your legs more, I want to see that pussy.”
You spread your legs some more, displaying your glistening cunt to Steve’s hungry gaze. “You have such a pretty pussy.” He said as he played with you enough that you were whining before he rubbed the tip of his cock over your cunt, spreading your arousal and his pre cum.
You shuddered, you had an inclining that he was big but how much? That you didn’t know since you couldn’t see his dick from your position.
He slapped the head of his cock on your pussy and you visibly shuddered. He did it a few more times before you were dripping for him and was on the verge of sobbing in frustration. 
“Such a shame that it is about to get ruined by my big cock.” He declared and pushed the tip inside you. You moaned as you awaited your eventual mounting.
You clutched the silky sheets as he slowly bottomed out, your walls spasmed as they tried to accommodate his length. You were so full already and he was gracious enough to give you time to adjust. All the while he explored your body, kissing your spine, kneading and spanking your thighs, ass and breasts. His touch was electrifying and in no time, you were whimpering for him to move.
“Ah, someone is getting impatient.” Steve mocked but began moving out of your hot channel. He was slow and deliberate, his girth dragged through your walls and your pussy fluttered.
He hissed. “Don’t do that darling if you want to walk the next day.” He pulled out all the way, only the tip remained inside. Pushing your head further into the pillow as he slammed inside your cunt in one stroke, taking your breath away.
“Look at your pussy, pulling me in and clenching around me,” He grunted as his hold on your hips tightened. He looked where you two were connected and sighed in awe. “I didn’t know you were such a slut, you look so innocent. But look at you now, dripping around a man’s dick you barely know,” He pulled out again and thrusted back in with the same power. The slow yet rough pace he set made you cry out in pleasure as your climax started to stir in your lower belly again. “But I like how cockdrunk you are that you just don’t give a shit anymore.” He groaned and pulled out.
He changed his angle slightly and when he thrusted back again, he hit your g-spot and you screamed, flames of pleasure intensifying. He tugged you by the hair, pressing you against his toned chest. “Tell me that you are my slut.” He growled in my ear.
“I’m your slut, Captain!” you said breathlessly as his deep thrusts made you gasp.
His hand came to your clit and his thumb started drawing circles, making you tremble in his grip. “Yes, you are my slut. My fuck toy, who would let me do whatever I want and whenever I want with her because I own you now. Repeat what I have said.” He thrusted harder and if it wasn't for his strong grip, you would have fallen down. 
“I'm your fuck toy. You can do whatever you want and whenever you want with me because you own me now.” You cried. 
“Such a good obedient girl- Ahh, taking my cock so well. Now, you are going to ask me to make you cum.” He groaned his thumb sped up. Leaning down, he sucked on your pulse point, surely leaving a hickey, marking you as his.
“Please Captain, let me cum! Let me cum around your big cock.” You squealed out. Tilting your face upwards he kissed, hard and rough, you moaned against his lips as you tasted yourself on him.
“Good girl, now cum for me.” He demanded as fingers and thumb pinched your clit, his cock hitting your sweet spot in quick succession.
You shrieked ‘captain’ as you came around his girth, squirting on his dick. “Good, what a good little slut for your captain.” He moaned in satisfaction as he nibbled at your earlobe, fucking you through your release. 
He let go of you when your shaking died down. Your face fell on the pillow as you tried to catch your breath. Your fucked out mind didn’t register that he didn’t come till you were being flipped on your back. Coming face-to-face with his annoyingly handsome face.
“You didn’t think it was over, did you?” He rasped with a smirk as he plunged into your cunt once again, but this time with more fervour.
You instantly mewled but the overstimulation and coming two times had worn you out, you weren’t used to this. You attempted to scoot away from Steve. “I-I can’t, too much.” 
He pulled you back down on his cock, wrapping your legs around his waist. He restrained your hands over his head with one hand, leaving you unable to escape the pleasure he was giving you. “You can and you will. Get used to it, sweetheart. I’m being gentle right now,” He growled as he moved on top of you.
The pace was rough and fast, the bed rattling with each thrust, your boobs jiggled from the speed. He placed his hand on your lower stomach. “Do you feel me here?” He asked, the belly bulge sending shivers down your spine.
“Yes, I do, Captain.” You managed to choke out as he pounded in your pussy mercilessly.
“Then enjoy it, honey. Enjoy, writhing and moaning underneath me. My cock stretching your tight cunt, because that’s where you belong. Taking my cock like a good little fuck doll.” He husked as the force of his thrust increased with each passing second. The pain and pleasure mixing made tears fall from your eyes, the knot tightening yet again.
Steve leaned over you, kissing your tears, trailing down to your neck and then your boobs, groping and licking the plump area before taking your pebbled nipples into his hot mouth.
“Oh my god!” Your back arched, pleasure zapping through your body like thunder as his hot tongue sucked on your nipples and his hand massaged your other breast. All the while his thick cock rammed into you, his pubic areas brushing your clit.
Your hands jolted to touch him but he had your hands pinned above. You shut your eyes and enjoyed the unyielding pleasure he was bestowing upon you as pressure built up for the third time in your stomach. Your moans and his grunts bounced off the wall, so did the clapping sound of skin slapping against the skin.
Suddenly, his grasp loosened before coolness touched your ring finger. You looked up as he slid a beautiful sapphire ring into your finger, sealing your fate with his forever. You managed out a surprised gasp. He brought your hand down and pinned it to your side, giving you a proper view of the ring as it sparkled under the stark glowing moon.
“Imagine me, sweetheart,” Your breath caught in your throat as his speed grew frantic, his cock hitting the deepest part of your cunt as he chased his own release. “Imagine me when you have to romance on screen with some pitiful A-list actor.” He whispered in your ear, intertwining your hands with his as he kissed your lips. It was softer than the previous ones but no less demanding.
“Imagine me when you have to pretend to fuck someone on set. Because I know,” He whispered against your lips before lowering his hand to your clit and he drew fast circles on the bundle of nerves to help you fall apart. 
Steve cursed under his breath and thrusted faster when your walls clenched his dick. “Because I know that I have ruined you for any other man. Ruined this pussy for anyone except me. So, imagine me when you kiss a man and realize that he’ll never make you feel this good.” You nodded along his words as tears streamed down your cheeks, smearing your eyeliner and mascara but he paid no heed to it. Rather, enjoying your fucked out state.
The fullness of his dick inside your pussy and the overwhelming stimulation finally tipped you over the edge as you came the hardest and it hit you like a tsunami.
After some more brutal thrust, he came inside of you with a loud groan. His hot cum spilling inside your abused cunt as it milked him dry. He pumped into you a few more times, giving you every last drop of his seed and staying inside your warm channels till his cock softened.
He put his forehead against yours as he finally pulled out and you almost whined at the loss of dick but restrained yourself as his cum leaked out of your hole.
Only heavy breaths echoed in the spacious room as both of you caught your breath. You were beyond regaining your previous strength as you couldn’t even move a muscle. However, Steve recovered shortly afterwards as he kissed your forehead and whispered smugly. “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it? I think you even enjoyed it.” 
You didn’t answer because he was right, you enjoyed every bit of it even if you didn’t want to. Before you could drown yourself in self-pity. Steve picked you up and took you to his bathroom to soak you in a nice, warm bath…
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luveline · 1 year
hey jade baby if you feel up for it, i'd love some good old fashioned eddie fluff. just him and r being so dumb and lovesick would heal me 😭
hope this is OK, thank u for requesting! fem!reader, 1k
It's not often you'll allow yourself the indulgence that comes with sitting on Eddie's lap. He'd been laying there with a book open on his chest for an hour or so, foot bobbing gently to music while you got ready for bed. 
He's a one and done kind of guy, scrubbing, brushing his teeth in the shower. You take things slower. It's nice to sit at the bottom of his bed with your toner and your moisturiser, hand occasionally straying to his calf as you apply. 
When you finish, you look him over with an unrushed affection, just thinking about him. Him and you, how he makes you so, so happy. How gentle he can be. How fun. 
You climb over his lap and sit down carefully. One leg on either side of him, weight on his lap. He looks up from his book, jaw soft, hair a damp mess of curls around his head. 
"Hey," he says, smiling. 
"You look very soft," he says. He raises a hand to test it out for himself, fingertips gliding down your cheek. "You are soft." 
You hum happily and lean down to rub your cheek against his. He closes his book, wrapping his arms around your back without ceremony but not without love. His arms feel strong. It's a cliche and it's true. His forearm stretched over your shoulder, his bicep muscle rigid against your side, he's steel-armed as he holds you to him, rubbing his cheek up into yours. 
"Nobody tells you about this part of getting a girlfriend." 
"Wrestling?" you joke. 
"The quiet nights. Why does nobody talk about how awesome it is to get to do nothing with someone?" 
"I guess doing nothing sounds boring." 
"We have all these photos of the places we've been but we spend way more time together. We should take a photo, could we?" 
"Yeah, we can take a photo. I think it's because we get to do this all the time, but the concerts and stuff are once in a blue moon," you say, "they're special. That's why we take loads of photos there." 
"This is special to me," he says.
You give him a soft kiss. "Me too."
"Where's the camera?" 
Eddie leans off the bed to search for the camera from the nightstand drawer. It's a kodak disposable he must've nearly filled with photos of you both together. You love getting them developed to see how many bad photos you've taken. Mistimed poses, ugly kisses, smiles in flashes so bright you can't see his nose. "You gonna kiss my cheek?" he asks. 
"I always kiss your cheek. You kiss mine," you suggest, sliding down next to him on the sheets to lay on your side. You look up at his arm as he raises the camera. 
"I like how it feels," he says. He presses his lips to your cheek. 
You try to smile nicely at the camera. Eddie presses the button. The flash blinks and blinds you, prompting a laugh as you turn your face to him and almost break his nose. 
Eddie gives you a second kiss for your bravery. "We need another one."
"What for?" 
"For me. 'Cos I want it."
You wrap a hand around his neck, smushing your cheeks together. "We do look nice together." 
Eddie readjusts his face by yours. You can feel the moment he smiles, his hair tickling your neck. His free hand looks for yours and you twine your fingers together. Like his arms, his hands are firm, strong. Smooth palms, callused fingertips from obsessive guitar playing for days at a time, his thumb the same, but always really gentle as he strokes over the ridges of your knuckles. He holds your hand and you know you're with someone who loves you.
"Say cheese," he says. 
You smile with teeth. Eddie does the same. 
"Ugly one?" he asks. 
"I think I just took one." 
He grabs your face and pulls it to his lips, nose tip bent and lips eager to put your statement to bed. "Never," he says, kissing the same spot, two, three times in a row. "You can't take an ugly photo. S'impossible." 
You relax into his touch and let yourself be kissed. "What are we gonna do for the ugly one?" you ask. 
"Finish big. Tongues out, for sure." 
He sticks out his tongue, you put up bunny ears behind his head, and you're having so much fun you don't realise the pages of his paperback getting crushed between you both until Eddie's trying to nose at your neck and a thick tearing sound rings like a bang. 
"Oh, shit," you say, trying to gauge his reaction.
"Can't be helped," he decides, grabbing the book and setting it on the nightstand with the camera, turning a blind eye to the cover as it flops onto the floor. "Come here, I haven't kissed you all day." 
"You kissed me ten seconds ago," you say, soft, knowing exactly what kind of stunt he's about to pull.
"It feels like days," he says, in the tone of someone who knows he's being cheesily romantic, rolling in bed so he can rest his chest on top of yours. 
His hair blocks the light, and his face takes up your entire view. Your hand climbs up his chest slowly, riding the curve of his shoulder to his neck, your index finger tapping his jaw. 
When you're with him like this, you feel just like he said he feels. All these quiet moments are special. More so when he drops down to give you a kiss, holding your face in two loving hands.
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walnuthillfarm · 5 months
Enhanced Horse Tail Slider
It's been a long time coming... the very first CC horse slider! This is a replacement for EA's tail slider.
This is an all-in-one slider which includes 4 sliders total.
Tail Height (up and down, left view)
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Tail Distance (left and right, left view)
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Tail Thickness (left and right, back view)
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Tail Length (up and down, back view)
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I've done very little testing outside of CAS with this, so please feel free to let me know of any issues you run into! Everything seems to work quite nicely with CAS poses, which is a good sign. The only little issue I've noticed with them is when the tail distance is extended, it can stick out a bit unnaturally. This might be fixable on my end in the future.
Should anyone else create a tail slider, this mod will NOT be compatible - you will have to decide between them.
Are you working on any other sliders? I have a whole list planned and in the works, however this was the easiest of them. Some of the other sliders I'm working on have had over 15 versions where I've just had to make constant tweaks. I'm open to suggestions below, but they're probably already on my to-do list.
Are you working on a height slider? I cannot for the life of me get this to work, likely because I (honestly) have no idea what I'm doing, but also potentially because MorphMaker isn't 100% yet for horses. This one may have to be left to the experts, however I am working on sliders that will affect height slightly.
Are you making head or body presets? The version of MorphMaker we currently have is experimental and therefore lots of things aren't working. I haven't been able to get the features I need for presets working yet, but I would like to make them in the future!
It can be difficult to grab the tail to use the sliders, especially when you're using certain tail styles. From my limited testing, you can usually grab it right at the base of the tail. You can slightly change the angle or swap to a different tail if need be.
When shortening the tail distance, it can distort the area it joins the horse's bum. I might be able to fix this in the future, but for now we'll just have to live with it.
When extending the tail length, the tail may clip into the ground if it's particularly long - have a play around with this, as sliders don't need to be used at their maximum!
Any other distortion is likely to do with the tail style you're using and not really the slider.
The GIFs help to demonstrate the angle you need to use these sliders, just like any EA ones.
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doberbutts · 1 month
I ask this because I’m genuinely curious as someone who has not trained a dog further than sit/stay/come… What is the purpose of bite sports? Is it just sort of a way to direct the energy of a dog that was bred for protection in a natural way?
It's just fun :]
The long answer is that many bite sports are a way to test and see a protective breed's ability to, you know, protect in a same and controlled environment. And, certainly, a way to prove that at least some level of protective ability is in there somewhere.
However I think the question becomes more complicated if we examine each of the protection sports and what they are trying to evaluate in each dog of each breed, because the answer can differ from dog-to-dog, breed-to-breed, sport-to-sport, and even club-to-club.
What I want to get out of bitesports is having fun with my dog. That's why I always phrase it as "dog bite simulator in real life", because for me it's a game and it's fun to play. And certainly at this point in his career, Fenris also thinks this is his favorite game. I can't really describe it well- there's something about watching a dog do what it was meant to do, watching it click in the dog's head as it performs its ancestral work for the first time, I love that feeling and I've been chasing that high ever since I first held the leash for The Dog That Almost Was, back before I got Creed but after I had Skoll.
I think it's a fun way to allow my dog to perform the behaviors that come naturally to him in a way that poses no danger to others. Someone reblogged one of my posts calling it "controlled violence" - I agree, I've often heard mondioring described as a martial arts sparring match between dog and decoy, a conversation of teeth and flesh, a mutual agreement to beat the shit out of each other but have no hard feelings. And I do think that is true of mondio, but not necessarily true of other sports.
And not always true of other dogs. I've been describing Fenris to my friends as a security guard that likes his job. He has a role to play that he is fairly good at and enjoys. It's nothing personal. If you do not aggress him, he will not strike. But if you cross that line, he will bite you. It's not about you. There's no hard feelings. But it's his job. And he'll do it, gladly, because that's what he's for. VS Creed, who I would liken more to a barely-contained bouncer or cage fighter. He was angry, it was personal, fuck you in particular, how dare you challenge him. He was going to ensure that he hurt you in every way he knew possible. He wanted to hurt you.
Both dogs were/are fairly safe to be around when neutral or friendly. But, come in hot? Both dogs also were/are going to bite you. But the reason for the bite and the mentality behind it is very different. Both of these dogs did some mondio training. Fenris is already farther than Creed ever got, in part because he has a better mentality for it, while Creed had a better mentality for IGP.
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
Distraction: David Hale x Reader (NSFW)
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @hatersaremymotivators @bennykk @kelpies-shed
Companion piece to Graffiti and Crime Wave
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David is a distraction.
A big one.
You can feel his gaze on you as you transition into warrior pose, arms stretched up above your head as you shift your weight to your left leg, the one that’s positioned in front of you.
Currently he’s sitting in your bed, the sheets pooling around his bare hips as his back comes to rest against the headboard. The newspaper he was reading rests in his lap, forgotten.
“You’re hard again aren’t you?” You murmur, the edges of your lips twitching up into a smile as you hold the pose for ten seconds.
“Maybe you should come over here and find out.” He suggests with mischievous look in his eyes.
“After I finish this routine.” You promise and he exhales audibly as you move into the dancer.
This is his favourite pose, the one that really gets him going and he shows you how much by wrapping his hand around his cock and stroking it slowly. Already you can feel the heat building between your legs, the seam of your leggings rubbing in just the right place.
“You aren’t playing fair.” You say as you hold your pose, counting down the seconds.
“Neither are you.” He comments, his voice a little rough as he thrusts up into his palm.
There’s a flush creeping up his neck already and fuck, it gets you off seeing him like this. He knows it too, it’s in the way his chin juts up as he meets your gaze, his teeth biting down on his lower lip.
It’s a test of wills, who breaks first.
His jaw clenches, his head tipping back against the wall as he watches you.
“Fuck, you see what you do to me?” He mutters as his cheeks turn pink. “Don’t even have to be touching you and I’m about to come all over myself.”
It’s those words that make you crack, the knowledge that you can do this to him, that he lets you. He smiles as you approach him, that shit eating grin that says he’s won and it isn’t until now that you realise just how much you’ve come to love it, how much you love him.
He has you on your back, his lips on yours before you’ve barely climbed on to the bed. Every one of his kisses feels like sunshine on your skin as his calloused palms chase over your body, undressing you until your naked underneath him. He grabs the base of his cock, guiding it to your moist core, the tip positioned in just the right place.
“Are you ready for me?” He whispers, his lips brushing over yours.
It always comes down to this, that moment where he asks because for David this is always about you,  your comfort, your pleasure.
“Always.” You murmur and he sinks in slowly, filling you until he’s buried all the way to the hilt. His mouth covers yours, stifling the moan that leaves your throat. Your fingers entwine as he begins to move in long, slow strokes, every single one raking over that deviant little sweet spot.
The ecstasy, it crashes through you in waves, each one washing over you, drowning you until the only thing you can focus on is the sensation of David inside you, loving you.
When the fall comes it’s all consuming, it steals away your breath, your sanity and everything else in between as your thighs tighten around David’s hips, drawing him deeper. He moans into your mouth, his release spilling inside of you as you grip him so fucking tightly it feels like he’s losing his mind.
His kisses are messy, languid, his hands caressing you every inch of you because he knows it’s intense when you’re with him, that you need to feel grounded in the aftermath.
The men before him, they never cared for you, they never loved you, not the way that he does. He tells you that as he lays there tangled up in you because he can’t hold back any longer. He can’t imagine a future without you in it.
“I love you.” He whispers, his thumb ghosting over your cheek as he looks into your eyes. “I have since the moment we met.”
Love David? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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reallyhatethiswebsite · 2 months
OK OK HEAR ME OUT, tav/reader/whatev and haarlep tormenting raphael.. bonus points if reader is his own warlock. and by "tormenting" i mean tying him up and double teaming him :3 what does he have horns for if not to be used as handlebars...also i think haarlep would enjoy oral from him if not just for the power dynamic. bc raphael only cares about his own pleasure so why would he give them oral.
bonus bonus points if aftercare cuddles!! being half human i think he would yearn for non sexual physical touch but in a sick and twisted and evil way. but he would be too embarrassed to ask for anything like that. he is like a cat. I want to see him give in to the dark side... (receive cuddles) (even tho he doesnt deserve it)
i imagined this as reader/tav having a wiener/strap and being nonbinary (toootally not my own tav haha whatttt) but id love to see what u decide to write if you want to make anything out of this idea!!
gn tav, he/him for haarlep
“So…what are we thinking?” The demon croons. He's a wicked creature. Tav can only dream about reaching that level of dark allure one day. Haarlep's claws drag ever so gently up Raphael’s thick, naked thigh as he circles the bed like a predator toying with its food. The muscles beneath Raphael's ribbed cherry-red skin are taut with tension. The devil's expression is molten, either with desire or burning rage – likely both. “He's been very well-behaved, but I still want to play a little more…”
On their haunches at the foot of the bed, Tav observes their Patron. Raphael is spread out across his own silk red sheets, infernal rope around his wrists and ankles. Sweat dampens his temples, broad hairy chest, and strong shoulders. His cock strains, stiff and weeping, between his legs. His tail thumps. This isn't the first time Tav has witnessed him debauched in such a way. Far from it, now that they've been included in the devil's naughty games. Raphael’s sexual appetite was a surprise, but not unwelcome.
Sometimes you just want to get fucked really hard, a wise man once said. Tav hopes Astarion is doing well.
“You've played enough,” Raphael growls. He tests the strength of the bonds holding him. It's mostly for show. He could easily free himself if he wanted to. That, Tav thinks, is part of the thrill. Raphael is a magnanimous and generous enough master to allow his pets their fun. That he receives worship and satisfaction in return is surely just a bonus.
“Oh, but we haven't,” says Haarlep, pouts his lips. He crawls onto the bed up near Raphael's head, trailing his hands down his borrowed bare body. Squeezes his borrowed cock. Raphael inhales sharply. The incubus in his shared skin smiles. “I'm all hot and bothered, you see. Your little mouse is, too. We want to enjoy ourselves.”
Haarlep isn't wrong. Tav's been aroused and aching since they started. Raphael always makes them feel wild and out of control of their body. Something the devil likes to take advantage of sometimes. Tav says nothing, though. They like Haarlep (a lot) but Raphael is the fount of their power, and Tav is a good, obedient little warlock. Mostly.
“Do not forget your place, Haarlep,” Raphael snaps. “You are to serve me, not the other way around.”
“I could hardly forget when you make me wear your skin all the time,” says Haarlep, airy, unconcerned. He absently rubs his hands over his own chest, plucking his nipples with a serene smile. Raphael hisses. His poor nipples are deliciously sore, overstimulated, fat and hard just like his cock where his pets have been toying with them. “But that does pose an interesting question for me. Since I’m in your form, and you’re the master of the house…doesn’t that make me the master, too?”
“That is not how this works and you know it,” Raphael scoffs, almost amused. Until Haarlep presses the pad of one clawed finger into his cock’s tiny slit, drawing forth a sticky string of precum. Tav hungrily watches the incubus rub that glob of cum between his fingers and thumb, then stick them in his mouth to lewdly suck them clean. Raphael watches, too, jaw clenched. Haarlep smiles. He adores attention.
“Oh, but I think it might,” he says, wetly smacking his lips. “I think, when you’re laid out like this, drenched in lust and desperate for release…you are in my domain, and I am absolutely the master here. Fitting that I wear your skin, I suppose, though I’d hardly need it to take you apart. Isn’t that right, Mousie?”
“Uh, well…” Tav fumbles, unprepared for being put on the spot. Haarlep laughs, a little cruelly.
“Not a thought in that sweet, empty head of yours, is there? I’d say it’s because you’re so loaded up on my venom, but we both know you don’t need it to start falling all over yourself for me. Ah, and for our true master, of course.” Though Tav squirms, they aren’t really ashamed. The incubus speaks the truth, and they’ve long-since learned to come to terms with it. Being in the Hells, being a warlock of Raphael specifically, has done wonders for their inner hedonist. Haarlep’s tail sways lazily to and fro. He’s clearly having a fantastic time. He doesn’t get to indulge like this too often.
“Haarlep,” Raphael barks. Tests the bonds again. Their infernal runes flare.
“Someone’s getting impatient,” Haarlep says to Tav, who grins. The demon leans down to catch Raphael’s mouth in a filthy kiss, forked tongues entwining. As they kiss, they bite and snarl like the hellish creatures they are, and Tav stares, mouth dry, heat pulsing between their thighs and in their belly.
Watching these two handsome fiends carnally feast on each other is one of the most erotic things they’ve ever seen. They crush their legs together, flush with desire. They think they might understand why Raphael enjoys watching his pets kiss and fondle each other the same way. Of course they know Haarlep is also doing this to load Raphael up on aphrodisiac. It makes their master much looser with his inhibitions, allowing him to deny culpability if pressed (the sex pollen made him do it!) He’s already been dosed, but Raphael’s tolerance for incubus spit is high. Tav knows when it hits him because they see the devil’s dick twitch, a fresh pearl of cum ooze from his little hole and dribble down his ribbed cock. Tav can’t resist; they crawl on hands and knees to lick up that hot, salty trickle of cum. Raphael’s cock is warm and unyielding under Tav’s tongue and he jerks his hips, groaning into the humid cavern of Haarlep’s mouth. Haarlep breaks their noisy, violent kiss to tut at Tav.
“Couldn’t help yourself, could you?” He coos, condescending. A thin ribbon of bloody saliva still connects his lips to Raphael’s, the devil looking wrecked already. Cheeks dark with blush, pupils wide. He pants for breath, fangs shining, expression stormy. Haarlep strokes one claw along the edge of Raphael’s harsh cheekbone, smirking at the way the devil unconsciously leaned into the touch. “That’s alright. I want to use his pretty mouth in other ways. What do you think, Mousie? Should I stuff my cock down his throat? Or should I make him put that silver tongue to use and lick my cunt until I come all over his face?”
Both are amazing possibilities. Which one should Tav choose?
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semisgroupie · 2 years
oct 17th: ichigo kurosaki
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ichigo kurosaki x fem. reader
wc: 3.1k
warnings: stepcest, daddy kink, slightly jealous ichigo, possessiveness, unprotected sex, creampie, fingering (f!receiving), multiple orgasms (f!receiving), grimmjow and ichigo tension, mentions of masturbation, ichigo’s kinda pervy here, mention of voyeurism, noncon photo taking (reader is asleep when he takes the picture)
synopsis: your sweet stepbrother shows you a different side to him
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Ichigo prides himself on being a great big brother, it has always been an easy feat for him but this is the first time he and his morals have ever been put to the test.
Your mother married Isshin when you were still in high school but Yuzu, Karin and Ichigo welcomed you to the family like you were always part of it, making it easy for you to adapt and made you feel safe. Ichigo was a year older than you so you clung to him when it came to adjusting into school and often stood with him whenever you wanted to hang out with someone. Then when it came to college and when he found out you got accepted into the same college he was attending, he didn’t give it a second thought to let you move in with him. He’s lived with you for a few years when you and the family were all together so what would stop him now?
He didn’t realize that things would be so different when he was alone with you, how even just sitting in the living room while watching a movie just felt suffocating. It was odd to him, he didn’t like the burning in his stomach whenever he saw you walking around in just a towel after your shower or walking around in a shirt you stole from him. He didn’t like the thoughts that he had whenever he was alone in the confines of his room. He didn’t like how his thoughts of you turning into ones filled with lust rather and pure.
Most of all, he hated that he needed to make you his.
His fist wasn’t enough anymore and you not only caught his attention you also caught the attention of other guys. He didn’t mind most of them, Keigo was harmless and always girl-crazy, the boys in your classes were harmless and never really posed a threat, but there was one person that he had to keep a close eye on, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez.
You met Grimmjow in your ethics in society course and from the moment he found out you were Ichigo’s step sister, he decided to make a move on you. It was little compliments that evolved to lingering touches which later grew to him asking you out on dates. You declined the offers due to pure nerves but the more persistent he was, the more you wanted to say yes. You never told Ichigo though, you knew there was tension between the two bright haired males and you didn’t want Ichigo to get mad.
It was Friday night and you were sitting with Ichigo on the couch while a movie of your choosing played on the TV. You paid no attention to the screen though, all your attention was on your phone. Grimmjow had been texting you the entire night, his flirting nature bleeding through the little text boxes. After a few giggles from your end of the couch, Ichigo grew curious, he turned his attention away from the TV and gave it all to you. He nudged your shoulder with his foot and raised an eyebrow, “who are you texting?”
You set your phone down on the couch, your bright screen still shining so he could quickly glance at the contact before looking into your eyes. “Just a guy from my ethics class.”
He sat up a bit and moved just a little closer to you, properly reading the contact before looking at you. “Grimmjow? What does he want from you? Is he fucking up in class?”
You giggled and shook your head, “nope, he’s asking if I’m free tomorrow to go out with him. He’s been asking me out for about a month now and I might just say yes. He is pretty cute.”
His eyes widened at your words, Grimmjow? Asking you on a date? You might say yes? His blood boiled and his jaw tensed, there was no fucking way he’d let someone as innocent and precious as you go into the den of a beast like Grimmjow. No fucking way, not even over his dead body. But it finally hit him, it all started to make sense. There were more taunts coming from Grimmjow whenever Ichigo saw him but he always just pushed them aside, just attributing it to Grimmjow being an asshole. There was still something that Grimmjow had said that still rings in his mind, even now, it was something that no matter how hard he tried to push it away, it kept coming back.
It was about a week ago and they saw each other in passing while on campus. Grimmjow passed Ichigo and muttered the words that are in the back of his mind. “Keep an eye on your precious little stepsister Kurosaki, don’t want her losing that innocence.” At the moment he just brushed it aside but the more he let it ruminate, the more it made his blood boil. Ichigo has never been the possessive type with anyone he was attracted to but with you he felt this need to make you his and keep it that way. Now that he knows that Grimmjow wanted you too, this need grew more and more and he had to satiate it. He wouldn’t know what else it could grow to and he needed to act on it now.
“Tell him no.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and turned to face him better, the shirt you stole from him rode up your thighs slightly and gave him a little peek of your cute shorts. “Why should I do that? Is there something wrong with him?”
He scoffed a little at your response, what wasn’t wrong with the brute? “I just don’t think someone like him is good for you, I’ve known him for a while and I know how he is. You deserve someone that’s better than him, someone who will cherish you and treat you like a princess, someone who is gentle and someone who cares about you more than anyone and anything else.”
His voice softened a bit and he reached over to grab your hands, taking them in his. Your heart pounded in your chest at the warm touch, you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t have a little thing for your stepbrother, he’s perfect. He’s everything you could ever want in a man, kind, strong, caring, intelligent, and sexy. There have been nights in the confines in your room where you whimpered out for him as your fingers dipped in and out of your soaking wet pussy. There were some nights where those whimpers grew louder and you should’ve been concerned about covering your mouth but there was that little sliver of hope that he would hear you and finally indulge you in your dark desires.
“W-Who would that person be? Who would treat me like that?” Your heart started pounding faster and harder and you could hear your heartbeat in your ears. He leaned closer and closer until his breath hit your lips.
“Me.” With that he closed the distance, pressing his lips against yours in a deep kiss. His hands moved around you and pulled you onto his lap as he deepened the kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth to lick over yours. You whimpered against his lips and your hands gripped his shirt tightly. His hands moved from your back to the curve of your ass, gripping the flesh before landing a spank on it. He groaned against your lips and broke the kiss slightly to let you both catch your breath, “my room or yours?”
“Don’t call me that” he groaned and stood up, heading to his room and holding you with ease. He leaned in and started kissing your neck, nipping and biting at the sensitive skin as he walked there, breathless moans and whimpers left your lips as you held onto him tighter. “You’re gonna call me daddy now okay? Not Ichigo, just daddy.” Your eyes widened slightly and you felt your cunt clench around nothing,
The distance from the living room to his room seemed like nothing and before you knew it the soft fabric of his comforter was against your back. He held himself over you as he leaned down and kissed you again, one of his hands moving up to caress the soft skin of your leg as it drifted up to touch you over your shorts. The fabric was extremely thin and he could feel every twitch of your pussy as his fingers traced over your folds. His slender fingers moved down to where your entrance was and he circled his fingers around the growing wet spot. He broke the kiss and started kissing down your jaw and neck, sucking the skin and biting down before licking over the indentations of his teeth.
“Only I get to see you like this okay? No one else, especially not that blue haired freak Grimmjow, got it?” He pulled your shorts and panties down, barely moving them down your legs before he plunged his fingers inside you, you keened and moaned his name while his fingers pumped quickly inside you. It was like he knew everything you liked, like he was there with you every single time you pleasured yourself. Little did you know that each time you dove into your little world of pleasure, he would crack your door open and peek in to watch you. He heard every single whimper and cry for him and he wanted to go inside and fuck you, hear every cry and whimper for himself as his cock plunged in and out of your tight pussy. All he could do was stand at the doorway and pump his cock at the same pace you pumped your fingers in yourself, matching your movements until you both experienced that sweet release. Your poor little fingers could never compare to his cock and now he could finally give you what you so desperately desired, he could finally put out the flames of desire that was eating you both up.
His fingers pumped in and out of you at a quick pace and his thumb was pressed against your clit, rubbing quick circles. You were in complete bliss, your mind filling with him and the pleasure he was giving you. He was going to burn the association with him and pleasure into your head and he was going to do whatever it took to make sure you would never forget that, even if he had to fuck you for days straight, he would do it. But there was still something missing, he leaned down to your ear and groaned.
“I asked you a question earlier, didn't I? It’s very rude to not respond to a question that daddy asks you.”
Your mind wandered in circles to try to backtrack what he asked you in the first place. The look of pure pleasure on your face morphed into a look mixed with pleasure and slight confusion, he couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’ll remind you but next time you need to remember what daddy asks you, he’s not going to be so kind next time and repeat himself. I asked, if you understood that only I get to see you like this. No one else gets to see you like this, not any guy that tries to swoon you and definitely not that fucker Grimmjow. Do you understand, angel?”
His fingers pressed right against your g spot, pushing against the spongy spot that made your toes curl and made you cry out for him. “Cmon, I expect an answer. If I don’t get one then maybe I should just stop.”
Your eyes widened at the idea of him stopping and you fumbled over your thoughts, trying to find the most coherent one to answer him. He couldn’t stop, you couldn’t have him stop, not when you were right on the edge. “I-I understand daddy, I’m only yours and I only want you to see me like this. Please don’t stop daddy, I wanna cum.” You felt tears brim your eyes and with the combination of the sight of your desperate expression, your pitiful plea and the way your cunt clenched around his fingers, he pumped his fingers faster and soon you were crumbling underneath him. “Daddy! I’m cumming, thank you thank you!” Your thighs shook as the waves of your orgasm coursed through you and his fingers didn’t stop until you stopped clenching around them. He slowly pulled his fingers out and gazed at the translucent white that coated them, such a beautiful sight and all for him.
He brought his fingers to his lips and sucked them clean, he wanted to taste you properly but he needed to feel you around his cock. He needed to feel you clench around him the same way you clenched around his fingers. He quickly moved to strip himself of his shirt and pulled his shorts and boxers down to expose his cock. A small tuft of neatly trimmed orange hair leading down to his throbbing cock. He pulled your shorts and panties down further until they were hanging off one of your ankles and he positioned himself. He brought your legs over his shoulders and he slammed his cock inside you. Your back arched beautifully and your legs started shaking again as your cunt milked him for cum that wasn’t there…yet.
“So fucking beautiful, you’re so beautiful.” His hips slammed into yours as he moved based on pure instinct. The thoughtful and methodological Ichigo wasn’t in front of you anymore, this Ichigo was different. Like a feral beast out in the wild, he moved on pure instinct and desire. Seems like it was eating at him more than he thought and your cries and moans of “daddy” and “more” drove him further into this feral and deprived state. You needed to see it more, you needed more of it.
You looked so beautiful underneath him and it looked even better than you were still wearing his shirt, now crumpled and wrinkled from how hard he groped at your chest but it made no difference. You could only have the scraps of his clothes covering you but that still wouldn’t matter, as long as it was something of his then he would still have the same reaction. His thrusts grew heavier and harder as his cock twitched inside you, he knew from the moment he pushed his fingers inside you that once he got to fuck you he wouldn’t last long. “Cum with me angel, make a mess of my cock and I’ll make a mess of this pretty cunt. Make you mine entirely.” He brought his fingers back to your clit and rubbed it quickly, sending you headfirst into another orgasm and at the first clench of his cock you sent him into his orgasm. He dropped his head down and bit down on your neck harder than before, the action alone made you clench around him tighter and made your orgasm even more powerful.
There would probably be a complaint from the neighbors in the morning but that meant nothing, he finally had you and he could have a million noise complaints posted on the door. That just meant he was doing his job right. He licked over the bite and kissed up your neck to your lips, kissing you softly before pulling back. “Are you okay? Does anything hurt?”
You shook your head and looked at him with half lidded eyes. “‘M okay daddy, just feel really good and really warm.” He chuckled and pecked your lips before pulling out, he gently placed your legs down on the bed and stood. “I’ll get you some water and a rag to clean you off, don’t move.” You nodded and closed your eyes. Just as he was about to leave the room you weakly lifted your head, “I love you daddy.”
“I love you more, angel.” He left and quickly gathered everything, on his way back to the room your phone went off on the couch. He walked over and saw it was a message from Grimmjow that read, “come on, ditch Ichigo and spend the weekend with me. I can promise we’ll have more fun than you could ever have with him.” He scoffed at the message and an idea perked in his mind. He walked back into the room and you were sound asleep, your panties and shorts hanging on a limb off your left ankle and his cum leaking out of your swollen cunt. What a perfect sight. He set the water and the rag on his nightstand and opened up your phone, your password was easy to figure out and even if it wasn’t you would’ve told him if you asked. He moved to the foot of the bed and opened up your camera, he angled the phone to get the perfect view of you and your leaking cunt and once he got it he snapped the picture.
He gazed at it for a few moments, like an artist gazing at their finished painting. “Fuck, how are you so beautiful?” He muttered to himself and sent the picture to himself for his own safe keeping then sent the picture to Grimmjow. It only took a few seconds for a barrage of replies to fill the screen and all he could do was chuckle. He left the room and answered the incoming call. He moved the phone away while Grimmjow yelled on the other line and once he found the perfect opportunity to speak up he brought the phone back to his ear. “She’ll have to decline your little proposition from earlier, Jaegerjaquez, we’re going to have a very busy weekend. Good luck finding someone else though, I heard there’s some girls on campus that’ll love to have the chance to spend a night with you. Just let the photo I sent you serve as a reminder that Y/N is mine. Stay away from her but if anything I could just fuck her in front of you so you could get an up close and personal reminder. See ya around.”
He hung up the call and let out a small sigh, maybe that should be the next step. It was hard to keep Grimmjow at bay, he was a persistent guy but so was Ichigo. Well, that could be a plan for next time. Now, he had his sweet little stepsister to care for, everything that you two did was taboo but he just took his job as a big brother seriously. As a big brother it was his job to protect you from danger and creeps, if that meant he had to fuck you to sleep to do so then so be it.
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taglist: @xiao-tings @rubikenss @blueparadis @dangerouspursepeachbear @bubblepopneurotic-blog @brivetaroundtown @erenluvsrini @senjuasuna @caramelcandescence @dmwednesday @saneminx @akiella @celi-xxmoon @dxgrayson @tokyometronetwork
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arisaline73 · 8 months
AITA for ditching my soulmate?
About a year or two ago I (28m) entered this hunger games type of thing where we all battled to the death. We had like, three lives and each time we died we went down another color. The catch was that our lives were linked to another person, like a soulmate situation (we all ended up agreeing to call each other soulmates so I'm gonna keep using that throughout this post).
So, at the start of the game, we all went around looking for who our soulmate was. Any group I went into, we tested if they were my soulmate, and every time it was no. I did end up pairing with my friend who we'll call ZC (42f), but we weren't soulmates. I ended up getting really worried about how everyone else is getting paired up. But, I kinda thought that I would just stick with ZC anyways, unless they found her soulmate and wanted to stick with them.
Eventually me and ZC figured out who our soulmates would've been, P (27f) and M(33m). Both of them went to the nether and since everyone else had found their soulmates except us, we assumed they were our soulmates. I was just so upset, they had left everyone to go off into the nether, not even caring to try to find who they were soulmates with.
Then P and M came back to the overworld and called everyone who hadn't gotten a soulmate (which was only me and ZC) to a specific area. M had us play a game to figure out who's as who's soulmate, and when P jumped and I took damage, we already knew. But me and ZC had decided to just stick together since we were both upset about P and M leaving, so we both ditched them to live on our own.
Then a little later, I get news that M had left P and now she was posing as a red name, and people were calling her scarlet [name]. She would also force me to take damage by putting herself in snow or up to a cactus, and it was just torture to have to deal with her. It wasn't my fault that she couldn't care less about finding a soulmate!
We won the game in the end, and I let her win fully by blowing myself up. But I just still wonder, was I in the wrong for leaving her? She left me in the beginning, I was only letting her feel how I felt. I just worry that now I'M the bad guy for leaving her and making her become chaotic. AITA?
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9w1ft · 2 months
What is your personal interpretation of Happiness? I've seen ex Kaylors use it as the closure song between them, the ones who don't hate Karlie of course. But you said you don't really believe they broke up. So is it just a metaphor or actually fiction as more of a concept for what it feels to move on?
i have a really specific interpretation for it that has stood the test of time with what i’ve felt through midnights and ttpd, but as some may know i’ve been keeping it to myself for awhile now. i still think that im keeping it to myself unless a few things happen that would affirm my interpretation 🙂 but i thought id add a little more on to this answer for the fun of it, without fully showing my hand.
firstly, one broad thought i have about it is that people tend to ignore or not notice how the instrumental gets upbeat for the last section of the song, and her voice matches it. it’s sort of subtle but i think it’s important to understanding the emotions of the song.
in the fandom, the ‘are kaylor still together’ / ‘when did they break up’ questions are a not insignificant part of a lot of community discourse and so i think naturally a lot of people look to taylor’s songs for answers to these questions. but ultimately they are questions posed by us not her, and i feel like people never stop and think about if they’ve been asking the right questions. i think how did it end is a satirical take on this point actually. that there’s a thirst for answering our own questions that often disregards the people involved, because ultimately it’s about the thrill of knowing, the thrill of gossip, and the thrill of controlling the gossip. and in some cases, making a coin off of the gossip. but i digress.
i also think a lot of ex-kaylors, through no fault of their own, had that immediate ‘breakup’ reaction and interpretation for the song in the context of the time that it was released, winter 2020. people were very much looking around from october 2020 and thinking “what happened??” but now, we can go back and observe how things have played out since then, and with that new context i think it’s a bit easier to arrive to the interpretation i did
phrases like “i see it for what it is” or “leave it all behind” can sound quite negative when sung in a somber tone, but can also sound resolute or even positive when sang with more conviction. i think that so many of the lyrics in this song can come off sounding breakuppy but, and as people in long term committed relationships might help me attest, there are often disagreements or changes or moves that happen that were not what you had planned for and you can hold it against your partner and/or loved ones and you cling on to it, return to it, and harbored feelings can morph into something that looms larger for you over them than it should. and that state of mind often gets in the way of your happiness and everyone’s happiness. you are haunted by your strong feelings that something should have gone a particular way, the way you wanted it to and you had planned for. and maybe you realize that in pursuit of the very specific way you wanted things to go that you might have hurt people along the way, you may have made things harder or more complicated to proceed, and maybe you acknowledge that it’s just not worth it to be hung up on it anymore. maybe you acknowledge that happiness is something that has been built by everyone, and it’s here, and it’s within your reach. and from a birds eye view, you can see this reality and you can see that ultimately you’re not that far off from where you wanted to be and you can see the happiness on the horizon that extends from your history to beyond your lifetimes, and you could be happy with everyone if you just allow yourself to get over the particulars that you’re hung up on.
ultimately, taylor describes life as a willow, so i think we can guess how she proceeded. she didn’t break, she bent with the wind! and to me i see a little bit of the trademark wryness she kept with her through everything, we see it in songs like willow, and fortnight is another example of this, for me. to me, happiness is taylor working through feelings like i described above from within the existing relationship. and to me, especially knowing what we know now (and by knowing i mean, what anyone is able to see with their own eyes), the song doesn’t mean they have to have broken up. and i really think the song shows how they came out of it more unified than ever.
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messedupfan · 10 months
Benefits of Car Troubles | 7
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Summary: Y/n and Leigh go house hunting. The Shaws meet Y/n's father. And Leigh and Y/n decide to test run what it would be to live with each other
A/N: Heeeellloooo!! So, at this point I'm going to have to make a chapters page for this. UGGHH!! But anyway. Hope y'all enjoy. Also Imma do a poll for this story so be on the look out!
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“Here is the master bedroom,” the real estate agent says as he leads you and Leigh through the house. It is much bigger than either of your current rooms. Even with it fully furnished. “I noticed that you are expecting so let me show you the nursery room that we have set up.” He draws the attention over to a room a little ways down the hall to show off the staged nursery. It's meant for a little girl which you and Leigh are almost positive that it's what she's carrying but the room makes you want to have a little girl someday. 
“This is so beautiful,” Leigh says with tears in her eyes as she imagines a smiling baby lying in the crib. She can see them having your eyes and her nose as they hold their little feet in the air and reach out to her with their tiny hands. She can't believe that image has the potential of being real. When Matt had told her his stance on children, she thought she would never get to experience her own children. She thought she was going to have to pretend to be a happy aunt when it happened for others. She hopes whoever he's with now doesn't want children. She hopes that he doesn't take that away from someone again. There are plenty of women that don't want to have kids, he told her in an argument once. Why are you making me out to be a villain? He'd asked when she posed the question why he waited until a year into their marriage to reveal this detail. I just want you! He had said when she told him that he could have been with anyone else. 
“Leigh,” you call softly as you wrap your body around her from behind. She melts against your chest. “What’s on your mind?” You lean down and rest your chin on her shoulder. 
“I’m just really grateful for you,” she says as she rubs your arms. You ask her why with a slight amusement, surprised about her sudden words of gratitude. “For making my dreams come true,” she admits as she leans back to catch your lips. The sweet kiss is interrupted by your phone going off to your ringtone for your father.  
“I’m sorry baby, I have to answer this,” you say as you pull away. “He probably just wants to make sure that we’re going to be there for dinner.” 
“Y/n, it’s okay to talk to your dad,” she says with a small laugh and you shake your head confused as to why you were so flustered about answering a phone call from your own father. 
“Right,” you say as you answer the call. While you walk off to talk to him privately, Leigh continues to walk around the home, imagining the two of you making it your own. At the other houses that the two of you toured throughout the week, they didn’t feel right. They were lovely homes but they didn’t feel like her home. However, this one she can see it all happening here. You chasing the kids down the hall just for fun. Her baking cookies from scratch with them in the kitchen. Catching the baby in her belly trying to sneak out of the house when he’s older and grounded. Having family movie nights in the living room. Playing board games on the dining table. She can see it all. 
“What do you think about the house?” The realtor startles her in the dining room and he apologizes. 
“It’s okay, I’m just lost in my head. I love it, but I’m going to discuss it with my partner before I say anything else,” she says, being cautious of the agent's sales tactics. He nods once and starts to give the age old speech of how it’s a popular house and that there are many offers already placed on it and Leigh nods along pretending to be concerned. She has done her research on each property and this one has been on the market for five years and has gone down in prices in the last couple of years. Standing in it she can’t imagine why it hasn’t sold, there wasn’t anything wrong with it that she could see and to her knowledge no one was murdered in it. 
You find Leigh when you’ve hung up and you listen to the real estate agent’s pitch as well. “I’ll keep that in mind and be in touch with you soon. But we have to go,” you take Leigh’s hand, “My dad wants us there a bit early for dinner. It was a pleasure to meet you and hopefully we’ll see you again soon.” You drop her off at her house to get ready so that you can grab something nice for yourself from your place. Then you return to her house to pick up Leigh and her family. Jules is coming along and you worry about what her behavior might be through the night as you warned your dad about her current condition. He swore to have all of his liquor locked up and you trust that he would but you worry that Jules might lose it without having a beverage or two. 
Arriving at your dad’s house, everyone is impressed with the size of the home and you feel a little embarrassed. “This is where you grew up?” Jules rolls down her widow to stick her head out. 
“No, I never live here. My dad got this a few years ago. The house I grew up in is closer to where I live now,” you explain as you find a spot in the large driveway to park. You look over at Leigh whose eyes are wide with fear. “You okay?” You ask as you take her hand in yours and begin to rub your thumb into her palm. 
“He is going to think I did this for money,” Leigh states. You shake your head as you try to tell her that’s not true. “How much does he know?” She looks at you alarmed. You had told her that you told your dad a version of how the two of you got together to make her feel better about meeting him. But that wasn’t true. 
You sigh as you admit, “I told him everything. Trust me, this isn’t going to go bad. He isn’t judgemental. He just wants to be included in this family.” 
Leigh nods as she starts to calm herself down. “Okay,” she says, “Okay, let's go before I lose it.” She spins in her seat to face her mom and sister, “The both of you better be on your best behavior.” 
Amy takes her daughter's hand and reassures her that everything is going to be okay. Leigh is nervous the entire walk to the door and you do your best to calm her but with the added hormonal imbalance that comes with pregnancy, it’s not an easy task. Your father greets everyone at the door with warm hugs as he invites them in. You compliment the house that you’ve only been to a handful of times since he purchased it. 
He offers to do a tour as dinner is being prepared and as you’re about to reject the offer, Leigh accepts and stays close to your father. She doesn’t know how she is going to get this man to see her as someone that loves you for you but she is certainly going to try her best. 
As your father shows everyone around the house he is certain to mention that it’s a house meant for family and that he hosts great holiday parties for all of the major holidays and that the Shaw family is welcome to join. “If you don’t mind my asking and please excuse my phrasing but do you have a father that you are in touch with?” Your dad asks Leigh who is continuously surprised by the man's politeness. As soon as she saw the house she was preparing herself for a narcissistic, judgmental, snob. But your father has so far presented himself as the exact opposite. 
“Yeah, I do,” Leigh says, “He’s been a great support in this, I can’t believe I completely forgot to invite him to this.” 
“It’s no worries, another time,” your father says with a smile. “He and whoever is important to him are welcomed here as well. My child isn’t always good at including people in their lives,” he leans close, “he gets that from his mother. But I am happy to extend the invitation.” 
You try not to think about the comment about your mother too much. You haven’t seen her since you were twelve years old. But even before that it was still just you and your dad. You haven't opened up about your mom to Leigh yet. She gives you a look of concern and you shrug it off as the tour continues. After seeing every room and amenity in the home your father is informed that dinner is ready and he ends the tour in the extravagant dining room. This house could fit the one you viewed today about fifty times and there’d still be room. You never understood the need to have a house so big. Especially for one person. 
“Oh my,” Leigh’s mouth waters at the meals displayed on the table. 
“I know how bad pregnancy can be sometimes, Y/n’s mother could hardly enjoy anything when she was pregnant so I asked Y/n about all of your trigger foods and all of your cravings. I hope they’ve been paying attention because if you have to run out of here, I’m not above grounding them,” your father jokes to Leigh.
She is shaking her head with tears in her eyes, “No, it’s perfect.” Everyone sits down to enjoy the meal together. Your father shares stories about memories the two of you shared together and Amy does the same for Leigh. Jules keeps quiet because all she can think about is embarrassing moments and how bad she wants a drink. The night goes well and when it’s over, Leigh is being sent home with more leftovers than she knows what to do with. Your dad gets the Shaw girls to promise to visit and Amy offers to host him next weekend. He enthusiastically accepts the invitation.  
On the way to the Shaw residence Amy and Leigh are asking about what meals your father likes and you assure them that you will handle the meal for them. “So why didn't you tell us that you were rich?” Jules asks. 
You laugh, “Your sister thought it was a pick up line so I didn't correct her.” Leigh rolls her eyes and tells Jules that it's not true over her shoulder. “Nah, I'm kidding. It's really not my money. It's my dad's. I don't make or have nearly as much money as he does.” You explain. “But, I do well for myself. Leigh and the baby will be taken care of,” you hold Leigh's hand in yours and she leans over and kisses you on the cheek. 
“What did you think about the house we saw today?” Leigh asks as she folds a shirt that she puts in a suitcase. She wants to trial run living together without her family around and without all of the comforts that she is used to. 
“I loved it, I think we should put in an offer,” you say as you set your phone down to give her your full attention. “It was weird, I could really see us living there,” you admit. “And it's more bedrooms than we need right now so you know what that means,” you wink at her as you bite your lip. 
Leigh shakes her head with a laugh, “Slow down. Let’s see how we are with one kid first.” You agree with her and continue to watch her pack her things. “I really liked it too by the way.” You hum in question of what she is talking about. “The house. I think we should put in an offer. Well, you should. I don’t think I can yet because Matt is dragging this divorce out.” 
“Does he know about everything?” You ask slowly just in case the question upsets her. 
“Yeah, unfortunately Estelle told him everything and so he has this lawyer trying to screw me over in the divorce,” she says with a frown. 
“If you need a better lawyer, Teddy’s brother is a pretty great one,” you suggest. 
“Teddy has a brother?” Leigh says surprised. 
You nod, “She has two brothers and a sister, all of them are a lot older than her so she wasn’t close with them when she was younger.” 
“Wow, I don’t know why but I didn’t picture her as someone with siblings,” Leigh says, still shocked by the information. “But no, I wouldn’t feel right asking for favors from a girl I’ve barely met.” 
“Well she owes me and he owes me too so it wouldn’t be wrong for me to call in some favors. Besides, she’s kind of part of my family and correct me if I'm wrong but you and I are building a family together.” You wait to see if she will correct you but she doesn’t and you smile. “Come on, we can set up a lunch and I won’t ask until after you meet them,” you try to convince Leigh to let you help her. 
“Okay, I would like to get to know Teddy better,” Leigh says, feeling a little bit jealous that you are confident in calling some other woman your family, whereas it's still a question with her. Sometimes she wishes you'd just be more direct in what you wanted from her instead of tiptoeing around the subject. Sometimes she wishes that you would stop asking her for permission for everything. Sometimes she fantasies that you storm in one day, grab her by the waist, and claim her as yours. 
But no, you continue to play it safe. “Leigh,” you call her name, causing her to look in your direction. “Something on your mind?” 
She puts on a fake smile and shakes her head, “No, I'm just um… I'm just a little nervous about spending the week with you. It's a big step for us.”
You shrug a little confused by the statement and stand from the bed, “I think we've taken bigger steps.” You walk around the furniture and stand behind her, wrapping your arms around her middle.
Leigh snorts, “We didn't take that step, we were pushed into it.” 
You smile and kiss the back of her neck, “I think there was a little bit more involved in that.” 
Shivers race down Leigh's spine as she leans into your chest. “Not here,” she whispers as her body heats up from your touch. You continue to kiss her neck and lightly trail your fingers down her stomach and slowly bunch up her dress in order to slip your fingers in her underwear. Unfortunately, a knock on Leigh’s bedroom door has you jumping away from her. You quickly sit on the bed and cover your lap with one of her decorative pillows. Leigh takes a few breaths to cool down as she opens the door. “Jules, is everything okay?” She asks full of concern for her sister with tears coming down her face. You feel even more awkward now, but a little relieved that the tears have scared away the evidence of arousal. 
“Yeah,” she sniffs and wipes her face. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make everything about me but. Ugh, I don’t want you to have this baby,” her admission has you and Leigh looking at her with wide eyes. She is being a bit hysterical so you give her the benefit of the doubt. Plus the smell of alcohol is strong in her presence. Now neither of you has to wonder about a stash in her bedroom.
“Why’s that, Jules?” you ask with concern as you sit up more on the bed.
She shakes her head as she continues to cry. “No, I mean. I want you to have the baby. I just. I want to be sober when he or she or they get here. I don’t want to be like, like, like this!” She gestures to herself. You and Leigh are relieved to an extent. Jules wants help but you’re a little weary of the timing. You have offered her help many times before she came to your fathers home. Now she is ready for help? 
“Hey, hey,” Leigh holds her sister in her arms. “It’s okay, Jules. There’s still time to get you help. We’ll talk to mom and-” 
“No! I can’t put her through that again,” she says as she pulls out of Leigh’s arms. “She’s still paying off the last rehab. I can’t put her in more debt.” You sigh and rub your face. 
“Okay, we can look into some places,” Leigh promises. “Make some phone calls maybe, we could help you apply for one of those programs that are for people that don’t have a lot of money to get better.” 
Jules shakes her head, “No, I can’t go to one of those. That’s where my friend Mindy went. She met her heroin dealer there!” 
You sigh and stand up from the bed and pull out your wallet. You don’t carry cash often, but one of your best customers gave you a pretty hefty tip in cash. “Okay, how much do you want, Jules?” you ask with a coldness that Leigh has never seen in you before. She doesn’t want help. She wants money. You’ve dealt with this behavior before. Leigh scowls at you for accusing her sister of only asking for money when she was clearly here for help. That’s until she sees Jules' eyes dry up almost instantly. 
“Um, maybe a few hundred to a thousand. You know, for the down payment,” she says as she starts to scratch her wrist. You close your eyes, her habits have gone beyond alcohol. You clear your throat and pull the wad of cash out of your pocket and with a heavy heart, you start to count the cash. 
Leigh can’t believe what she is seeing and she puts her hand over yours to stop you. “Jules, it’s okay. You don’t need to make the arrangements yourself. I will do it for you.” You feel bad for your girlfriend because you can see that she has hope that she can save her sister from herself. Part of you hopes that she can, so that she doesn’t have to deal with the heartbreak of finding out that she can’t. 
Jules looks at her sister and then to the money in your hand. You don’t know what has gotten into Leigh's sister, and you want to help prevent her from getting worse but it was up to her. And if she needed money, you’d rather be the one to give it to her than to have her find other ways to earn the money. You follow Leigh’s lead and give her the chance to choose, the money or her sobriety. Leigh is desperately hoping her sister makes the right decision. Her hand grips yours tightly in anticipation. 
“Jules, whatever you’re going to use this money on isn’t worth it,” you say, letting her know that she has been caught. She looks at you in shock, she thought her act was working. “We’re here for you, let us help you.” Jules locks her eyes on the money in your hands and licks her lips. The craving is so much stronger than she is. You can see her losing her battle. 
“Jules,” Leigh says in a strong tone with tears filling her eyes. “If you take this money, I don’t think I could have you in my baby’s life.” She tries to bring out the sister that was promising Leigh months ago that if she kept the baby then she would help her every day and night with feedings and diaper changes and watching the baby whenever Leigh needed her to. When she was sober, she wanted it all. She can’t believe she doesn’t recognize the woman in front of her. 
“Okay,” Jules says as she steps back. She clears her throat. “I’m um I’m so embarrassed. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done this. I just. I just, I need to get out of here.” She says as she starts to leave the room. Leigh starts shouting for her mom to come to her room and Amy arrives, concerned and a little annoyed. 
“What is with all of the shouting?” She asks as she enters the room. You and Leigh waste no time in explaining to her mother the concerns the both of you have for her daughter. The both of you suggest staying at the house longer in order to help monitor Jules but Amy doesn’t agree to the idea. “No, I won’t allow it. You two need to start focusing on the baby and starting your lives together. Okay? You already have enough to worry about. Jules is my baby and it’s my job to care for her. I appreciate the offer but no. I have to take matters into my own hands here.” She states confidently. Leigh can’t believe that her mother is being so stubborn about allowing her to help her sister. But Amy has put her foot down on the situation. You try to offer to help with paying for Jules' rehab stay but Amy declines. “No, we’re not doing that again. I think I’m going to handle this differently. Besides, the two of you need to buy that house. You will have a child of your own to worry about soon enough. You don’t need debts from something like this.” 
You nod and rub Leigh’s back in comfort, “I understand. Please let us know if we can do anything if you ever find that you need help.” Leigh concurs your statement and Amy hugs both you and her daughter as she thanks you. 
“Now hurry up with that packing,” Amy says as she points to the half empty suitcase. She leaves the two of you alone to go find Jules. Leigh no longer takes her time in packing, ready to be away from the drama for a bit. When she is ready to leave, she doesn’t say bye to her mom or her sister because she doesn’t get the chance to. The door to Jules’ room is locked and Amy is on the phone making arrangements to help her struggling daughter. 
The drive to your apartment is quieter than you anticipated it being. You wanted today to end on the good note that you and Leigh were committing to a life together. Not this. Unfortunately, stuff like this is a harsh reality. And if neither of you can handle it, then it might not be the perfect match you convinced yourselves of after all. Then again, when Leigh puts her hand on your thigh at the red light to grab your attention and she gives you that look that is so full of love and appreciation as she thanks you, you know that isn’t the case. You know that this is real and this will be a lasting connection. You love her and she loves you. Together, the two of you can brave any storm.
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiwritesfanfics @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby @alexawynters
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aheathen-conceivably · 3 months
1, 10, 12, and 25! - lgl
LGL always a joy in the inbox 😊
1. What’s the last screenshot you’ve taken for your story?
Trying to get them spoilers here, huh? 😜
The last screen I took was actually while testing some pose edits. It is a blessed photo, so please enjoy (and speculate)…
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10. Is your story fully planned or are you still working things out? is there a definitive end?
Kind of, definitely, and yes.
More specifically, I have a number of specific details planned out. I always like to ramble about how it’s like scaffolding being built toward the sky. The higher you go the less the structure is there, and you can see all the cracks and still need to figure out how to actually get to the next solid point, which is where the inspiration and flexibility comes in. But overall, yes, I have the final scene of the story written. Imma need a whole ass team if I’m ever gunna get there at this rate though 😅
12. Do you actually play the game or do you just use it as a storytelling medium?
Specifically in the Darlington save? Probably like 20/80 at this point. I play between story shoots to kind of mimic the arcs, so it’s more me just imitating my own story in gameplay vs. actually playing the game and letting it influence my writing at all.
25. What inspirations have you drawn on for your story?
Goodness, gracious. Everything? If that’s a fair answer? 😅
Movies I love, books I read, history I’ve studied, songs that hit, fellow storytellers, tropes that make my brain itch, personal experiences, the color of the sky sometimes, a single word my husband says. Honestly? Fun times out here when you’ve got the Darlington brain rot.
To narrow it down I think that the 1890s/1900s were more inspired by my own aesthetics and decades challenges in general, and things got a little more personal around 1910 (which is why I usually tell people that’s when I start to really like the story). Those years were heavily inspired by Downton Abbey and Titanic (of course). And as broad stroke inspiration, I’m sure y’all know I’m fond of the “it glitters so brightly you don’t even see the tragedy until it’s too late” vibes that Titanic has (cue my other favorite films Cabaret and Moulin Rouge).
The 20s are inspired by New Orleans, I cannot state it enough. By everything I felt in my years there and everything I learned during my MA. More specifically, it was heavily drawn from Mister Jelly Roll and Empire of Sin. We also have some Gatsby in there, of course 😉
Now in the 30s I’m really having a blast, because I feel like I’m pulling inspiration for all the previous decades (Gatsby references coming when?) as well as hinting toward future ones (a certain littlest heiress and her obsession with the Wizard of Oz comes to mind). Combined with that is so much rich inspiration for this decade itself, coming heavily from Route 66: A Cultural History and The Grapes of Wrath specifically , as well as broader ideas of Americana, country and blues music, and the symbolism/beauty of the desert.
This decade has also really made me realize just how much inspiration I draw from place, and how it not only influences my style of descriptive writing (which in and of itself is inspired by Anne Rice), but also makes me so interested in how a location and its history influences people and the path of the story. I feel like it grounds me not just in a time period, but how that time period may have been different in specific locations and how different characters react to those factors.
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 2 years
Quinn Hughes x photographer!reader
Snap Series Masterlist
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liked by Canucks, User643 & others
Y/NJohnson presenting some of your 23 Canucks - Prince Charming, The fancy frenchman, Papa bear & his cub Huggy Bear, Vape, Kool Kuz, Olly Elly, &  Debby Ryan circa Radio Rebel
Its team Photo Day!
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Barzal97 I remember when he looked at me like that
Y/NJohnson Mat buddy, you’ve got to let him go
Barzal97 But I don’t want to
Y/NJohnson be like Rose or Elsa
TitoBeauvi91 Rose?
Y/NJohnson She let jack go!! he could've fit on the door
_quinnhughes Please dont start
Canucks our favourite smiley boys!
User928 Quinn Smile!! We got a Quinn Smile!
User29 Vape? 
Y/NJohnson Thats Juulsen!
User29 because Juul? You’re so unserious I love it
User115 Girl the nicknames 💀
bboeser I dont understand the Prince Charming
Y/NJohnson Thats because youre uncultured & haven’t watched Shrek
User637 Boeser hasn’t watched Shrek?
Y/NJohnson I know. Ridiculous 
Kuzya_096 Me neither!
Y/NJohnson Movie Night? 
_eliaspetterson Movie night!
_quinnHughes Movie Night 
Podkol_ Movie Night!!
TitoBeauvi91 Movie Night at Quinns!!
_quinnhughes not my house!
Y/NJohnson of course it will be 
Lhughes_06 can I come?
_quinnhughes you’re in Jersey? 🤨
Y/NJohnson I can’t believe Shrek is older than Luke 
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liked by Elblue6, User63 & others
_quinnhughes Road trippin
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📌Y/NJohnson I’m bored so ask me/us questions!!
Y/NJohnson someone help me
_eliaspetterson you chose this life
Y/NJohnson Actually this life chose me
ElBlue6 see you soon!
_quinnhughes See you in a week mum
JackHughes if Y/n hasn’t killed him by then
Y/NJohnson I love him very much, I would never kill him
Lhughes_06 you literally just snapped me saying you were about to push him off a cliff
Y/NJohnson LUKE! I told you that in confidence
JackHughes Where are you now?
Y/NJohnson the middle of Buttfuck Nowhere 
JackHughes Do you seriously not know? 
Y/NJohnson Its flat jack, thats all I know. All I can see is fucking fields 
Y/NJohnson I’m here to look pretty & drink too much coffee 
Lhughes_06 What do you expect her to do, Navigate? Please
User2 Who has control of the aux?
Y/NJohnson Not Quinn. Never Quinn
User72 what kind of music do you like listening to?
Y/NJohnson Quinn likes country 🤮 & I like anything but country
OwenPower_ Don’t diss country!
Y/NJohnson Not you too Owen!!
KentJohnson.13 Favourite Brother?
Y/NJohnson Luke 
User63 how did you two meet?
User827 probably work dude
Y/NJohnson Yep! Through work 
User032 why photography?
Y/NJohnson  Kent wanted to be a model & made me take picture of him to send to an agency. I liked the behind the scenes part so kept messing around with it
KentJohnson.13 stop spreading lies
NBlanks.98 I can see it actually
Jacob_truscott20 Its the hair 
Sholtz_24 he doesn’t have the height for it though
brendanBrisson or the face
Y/NJohnson Hey! Leave him alone!!! Only I can make fun of him
kentJohnson.13 dont be nice now, you started this with your lies
Y/NJohnson I still have those photos Kent. Test me. I dare you
User737 Please share with the class
User23 Yeah, I need to see these now
BradyTkauck When the wedding? & where’s my invite?
Y/NJohnson Really? That how you’re going to play it? Because I have your RSVP 
User938 👀
Bboeser Favourite Canuck?
Y/NJohnson Thats like asking me to choose a favourite child (Demmer)
Bboeser excuse me?! 
Y/NJohnson stop coming to my house & eating all my chocolate & maybe I’ll reevaluate 
Kuzya_096 What about me? 
Y/NJohnson You’re my second favourite!
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liked by kentjohnson.13, Bboeser & others
Y/NJohnson Little bro wanted a feature 🙄 here you go Kenten
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Kentjohnson.13 wow thanks
Y/NJohnson beggars can’t be choosers Kenny boy
OwenPower_ What did I do to be included here?! 
Kentjohnson.13 at least you dont look terrible
Y/NJohnson You’re my honorary bro Owen, thats why
JackHughes he gets one but I dont 😩
Y/NJohnson I’m not related to you
_quinnHughes yet
Y/NJohnson right. Can I opt out of the Jack part of the marriage 
_quinnhughes Unfortunately not. I tried to return him before but Mum wouldn’t let me
lhughes_06  you tried to leave him in a Costco parking lot
_quinnhughes well Costco sells everything! I assumed that meant annoying little brothers too
JackHughes I was 5!
KentJohnson.13 y/n left me at the mall once so I understand your pain Jack
Y/NJohnson I was 20 minutes late to pick you up when you were 15. Let it go
kentJohnson.13 Never
Canucks is that a Blue Jackets jersey we see on your page? Admin is wounded y/n
Y/NJohnson Listen, it was post the pic or continue to have him annoy me over text. I chose my sanity
NBlanks.98 I mean it is the better looking jersey
Y/NJohnson Take that Back NICHOLAS!! I refuse to have Canucks slander on my page
Williamlockwood yeah, get lost Blanks!
User83 They’re one of the worst teams in the league 
Y/NJohnson you must have us confused with the Ducks!
TrevorZegras hey!
bboeser we can request a feature on your insta? Why am I only now finding this out
Y/NJohnson Brocko my boy, youre in more photos on here than anyone!
bboeser But I want a solo post!!!
Y/NJohnson No
_eliaspetterson I want one too!!
Y/NJohnson of course Petey!! Give me a few days?
bboeser 😦
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liked by JackHughes, Lhughes_06 & others
Y/NJohnson Two best friends! 
Some of my favourite Nucks vs Devils pics from the last few years. Happy Now Jacky?
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JackHughes very thanks
Y/NJohnson good. now get out of my DMs
_quinnHughes We’ll have to get one with luke next!!
lhughes_06 yes!!
JoshNorris can I get one?? 
Y/NJohnson send me $400 for the consultation & then we’ll talk
JoshNorris $400?? Hell no
Y/NJohnson please, I’ve seen your contract. You can afford it if you really wanted
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